#Create Google My Business Listing
thewebflying · 2 months
How to Get more Traffic to your Website for Free 2024
Top 15 Tips to Boost Website Traffic We’ll Cover Include: Optimize SEO using long-tail keywords, craft compelling educational content, leverage Google My Business, build backlinks, ensure site responsiveness, list on directories, utilize social media wisely, create targeted landing pages, invite guest bloggers, and employ email marketing. These tactics attract visitors and boost engagement…
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amikasoftwares · 3 months
Do you want to Discover the power of Google marketing tools? Then stay with us, here in this blog we will discuss more about how to create a Google Business Profile. In a short period, you can unlock the potential of Google My Business (Now Google Business Profile). This is to used platform and can be easy to set up. Google Business Profile can drive significant traffic to your website or store through Google Search and Maps.
Join us as we guide you through the process of creating your Google Business Profile. It takes a short time to set up, and we will help you optimize it to its fullest potential. We will share details on how to keep your profile updated and seamlessly integrate it into your marketing strategy.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Time for some tracts:
"How do we create jobs?" You raise the minimum wage, because if people don't need to work three jobs to make rent, those other two jobs will mysteriously open up.
"How do we support small businesses?" You raise the minimum wage, staggered to the biggest corporations first.
"How do we reduce homelessness?" You raise the minimum wage.
"How do we make sure raising the minimum wage doesn't negatively impact prices or--?"
Prices are already rising faster than wages are, this is playing catch up.
Put a cap on CEO salaries and bonuses, they can't earn more than 100 times more than their lowest paid workers. Current US ratio is 342, which is insane. (This list is mostly about the US.)
Hit corporations first, give small businesses time to adjust. McDonald's and Walmart can afford to raise wages to $20/hr before anyone else does, they have that income.
Drop the weekly hours required for insurance from thirty to fifteen. This will disincentivize employers having everyone work 29hrs a week, partly because working only 14hrs a week is a great way to have undertrained, underpracticed staff. Full time employment becomes the new rule.
Legalize salary transparency for all positions; NYC's new law is a good start.
Legislation that prevents companies from selling at American prices while paying American wages abroad. Did you know that McDonald's costs as much or more in Serbia, where the minimum wage is about $2/hr? Did you know that a lot of foreign products, like makeup, are a solid 20% more expensive? Did you know that Starbucks prices are equivalent? Did you know that these companies charge American prices while paying their employees local wages? At a more extreme example, luxury goods made in sweatshops are something we all know are a problem, from Apple iPhones to Forever 21 blouses, often involving child labor too. So a requirement to match the cost-to-wage ratio (either drop your prices or raise your wages when producing or selling abroad) would be great.
Not directly a minimum wage thing but still important:
Enact fees and caps on rent and housing. A good plan would probably be to have it in direct ratio to mortgage (or estimated building value, if it's already paid off), property tax, and estimated fees. This isn't going to work everywhere, since housing prices themselves are insanely high, but hey--people will be able to afford those difficult rent costs if they're earning more.
Trustbusting monopolies and megacorps like Amazon, Disney, Walmart, Google, Verizon, etc.
Tax the rich. I know this is incredibly basic but tax the fucking rich, please.
Fund the IRS to full power again. They are a skeleton crew that cannot audit the megarich due to lack of manpower, and that's where most of the taxes are being evaded.
Universal healthcare. This is so basic but oh my god we need universal healthcare. You can still have private practitioners and individual insurance! But a national healthcare system means people aren't going to die for a weird mole.
More government-funded college grants. One of the great issues in the US is the lack of healthcare workers. This has many elements, and while burnout is a big one, the massive financial costs of medical school and training are a major barrier to entry. While there are many industries where this is true, the medical field is one of the most impacted, and one of the most necessary to the success of a society. Lowering those financial barriers can only help the healthcare crisis by providing more medical professionals who are less prone to burnout because they don't need to work as many hours.
And even if those grants aren't total, guess what! That higher minimum wage we were talking about is a great way to ensure students have less debt coming out the other side if they're working their way through college.
Linda P requested something either really interesting or really silly and this is... definitely more of a tract on a topic of interest (the minimum wage and other ways business and government are both being impeded by corporate greed) than on a topic of Silly. Hope it's still good!
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femmefatalevibe · 8 months
Hello darling! I’ve tried several times to do time blocking and have my app calendar organised but it never works. I have adhd so it’s like I don’t know how to keep it up because I never found a method that it works for me. Can you share how you do it in case you do it? And some tips? I feel like it’ll help me to organise my life but I feel stuck every time I have to do it. Thank you <3
Hi love! Sharing my method below. Hope it's somewhat useful xx
To-Do List Planning:
Spend an hour or so on the weekend to list all of the important assignments/errands, etc. you need to complete during the week. Fill your calendar with your school/work/activity obligations first see an overview of how you will need to spend a considerable amount of time dedicated to each non-negotiable activity. Use this overview to help you map out the "free" time" you have and pre-schedule when you will do specific work projects, study for a particular exam, when you will run certain errands, engage in leisure activities, etc.
Before bed/dinner, use this weekly framework to finalize the next day – your agenda for the upcoming day. Determine the big 1-3 tasks you want to complete the following day and when throughout your day you will focus on these specific tasks. Giving yourself this pre-assigned schedule will eliminate decision fatigue and allow you to go into a more "autopilot" mode by completing the action you've already planned to take at any time of the day.
Important Date Reminders:
Utilize your Google Calendar and sync it to your iCloud (make sure it's private!) to allow you to write down any important dates available for viewing on your phone, computer, etc. at all times.
Create a color-coding system to organize your calendar (i.e. make any big projects due in blue, regular/smaller assignments to complete in red, important job reminders in yellow, errands tasks in green, family/friend obligations in purple, appointments in orange, etc.)
If you need to remember to submit certain paperwork, run an errand, etc., use your Reminders app to alert you at the time when you're able to complete this task before a deadline, going home, etc.
Use the location function or invite other participating members on a specific Google calendar event for any obligations where you need to be at a certain place at a specific time and/or are working on a group project, having a meeting, or need to be at a location with someone else.
I'm very into my "bookend" routines aka the rituals I do before I start my tasks for the day and how I wind down at night.
In the morning: Skincare, outfit, makeup, 2 big mugs of black coffee, reading articles & newsletters
In the evening: A long walk outside or a 15-30 minute YouTube workout/dance party session when the weather isn't optimal. Shower, skincare, get into sweats, make dinner, clean up around the house
To plan out my work week/days:
I use the 3-Month Productivity Planner by Intelligent Change (linked here). It's been my holy grail while building my business for the past 3-4 years. I also love having a physical "To-Do" list notepad next to me for tasks that come to mind or come up throughout the day that I want to organize/come back to later. (I always try to plan my week out on Sunday evenings and for the next day either before my evening routine or after dinner) I was gifted this one from The Daily Edited a few years ago and love it. Very much worth refilling the inserts.
For meetings: I use Google Calendar that's linked to my iCal. The notes section is essential for me.
For small tasks/bills/errands: I set scheduled Reminders for the day/time I need to pay a bill, write an email, schedule something for work or life, create a reminder for something I need to take before heading out to a meeting or appointment, something I need to buy at the pharmacy, etc.
As someone who in certain ways completely embodies the stereotypical "creative" type, my brain naturally goes in a million directions at once, so streamlining everything has become an important, deliberate habit and way of life for me. People think I'm naturally organized at this point in life, so I hope this system works for someone else out there too! x
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digi-lov · 5 months
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How to find local Digimon Card Game events near you!
First, you'll need the Bandai TCG + app. If you don't have it already, you'll need to create a Bandai Namco account.
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You pick the Card Game youre playing, in this case Digimon, and the region you're in.
Then, on the home screen, you can see current events. You can either click events directly or go to event search.
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It should apply a filter for your region automatically, but you can also freely edit and apply the search filters.
Then, you can look through the list of events and see if any place is close to you. You can preview the locations on google maps, if like me, location names alone don't tell you much.
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When you click on details, you can see date and time, the store and location, event regulations, and further information on the way the store manages the event, such as entry fee, capacity etc.
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From my experience, the stores take around 5 to 10 EUR (in Germany) for entry. Usually, this should guarantee a participation pack at the least, and more depending on how well you play.
But you will have to see these things for yourself, as it can differ from store to store, I would guess.
If you go to local events, try, if you can, to support the store, such as buying boosters or pre-ordering displays. I know they are cheaper to buy online, and no shame in that, but do not take online bought display boxes etc. and open them in the store.
(Yes we had this problem in our store, the owners felt very disrespected and almost decided to close the weekly Digimon events.)
Support small businesses. They have to pay for the location, for storage, for their employees, and have to earn a little more than just break even. They can not compete with online bulk buyers who have no physical store, etc. to pay for.
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elpulse · 5 months
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To all of my followers who followed me for Sun/moon content, I am sorry I haven’t made much updates on my fanfic series with my yandere reader au or any other content with the fandom. Life has been very busy for me with college right now. And some time during last year I lost my hyperfixation for a while and wanted to create art for my original characters. But what I can say is that I have been slowly working on my fic “You are my light, you are my star” in regard to brainstorming ideas for chapters in the story. I have a list for that on a doc. I really do want to keep working on it and share it with you guys. With much love I hope you like some of these silly doodles of y/n and sun/moon. (Including a special guest, my oc Victoria Liano featured in chapter 3/4) ❤️
Source images under cut:
I found these kabedon meme images on google that I used for reference:
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chaoticbindery · 9 months
Here's Looking at You Kid
By Messermoon(@sophsicle )
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world..."
George wanders into a bar. Nothing is ever the same.
Thanks to Soph for accepting a copy of this story. Apologies for the delay and ups being trash 💀
Thanks to @upthehillart for approving my use of their art for this fic.
Special thanks to the @renegadepublishing server for all your support, advice, and encouragement during the making of these books.
To ups, I hope you never feel the gentle touch of a woman, that your child never hugs you again, and that every time you enter a room, you forget the reason you are there.
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Below, I will discuss the process, which will include a lot of spoilers. (But also more pics 😈)
When I heard this story was set in the same universe as choices, I lost my shit a little and read it. Slowly, however, this story began to mean a lot more to me than I could put into words. George's grief over the lost of his soul mate, the struggle to find himself, and Blaise's love, passion, kindness, and confidence in himself resonated to me in such a way that I knew I needed to hold it in my greedy little hands.
I started to think about what I wanted to do and how I wanted to bind this story. I struggle a lot from picking the font for the body text to picking the chapter titles. I finally, after fucking around with canva for more time than I'm willing to admit , I was able to come up with these:
(If you would like the files for anything I used, please dm me, and I will send them to you! I will eventually set up a google drive)
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In the story, there is this moment where Blaise casts a spell that creates a constellation, of which George got the inspiration to make a mood ring that created a little sky, and depending on your mood the sky changes to reflect how you feel. He gives it to Blaise, and they have a picnic under the sky, indoors, later at Blaise's party they have such a cute moment at night and so I wanted to implant the sky in some way.
I also wanted to use constellations in this bind. I didn't know how or where. I just knew I needed them in my life. So while i mop over my inability to impelent them, I took a break. So one day, I was reading a book with these very cute corners, and then it hit me. (No, I didn't finish the book i was reading. I was busy stalking the internet, trying to find the perfect image)
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After that, picking the page breaks was easy. I wanted something simple since I didn't want the typeset to look so busy that it took away from the most important element of the bind, aka the story. I added a few little things for me in Draco and Harry's 2 chapters because I'm weak, and that's for soph to find all on her own 👀
I will put this here, tho.
Lastly, because Tumblr won't let me post more pictures, here are the endpapers I used for 2 of the 3 books.
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As some of you may have notice, there are blues, pinks, and whites in this bind. It's a subtle yet very loud depiction of the Trans flag. It was very important to me to show that this story is of a Trans man that, as soph, puts it, saved himself.
I added all the chapter notes, trigger warnings, and more information about this bind on the typeset itself. Ultimately, to me, this is a form of archiving stories I think matter, and if for whatever reason, technology dies on us, this story will still live on.
The info that's only important to the binders 💀:
Materials list:
Bookcloth: Colibri in color Cornflower, this cloth has a silk like finish.
Htv: I used siser's htv easy weed vinyl with a bit of a pinkish undertone to it.
Endpapers: they are from paper tree nook in the uk
Endband: 2 mm 100% leather with blue viscous thread
Textblock: I used standard 20lbs cream color paper. I used toner to print. To sew the textblock, I use blue linen thread and remie bands gifted to me by my friend duranbinding. I painted the edges using golden acrylic paint, and the charm and ribbon are both from Michael's
(I will edit in this bit later since I made so many changes its hard to recall them all)
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gaysindistress · 1 year
Sad Girl - two
summary: James has an interesting new business proposal and one hell of a condition to deal with. 
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
warnings: cursing, guns, violence (it is a mob au after all), Bucky’s smartass 
word count: 1.5k
part one: 1 | series master list
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
Once she’s in her room, she slams the door and slides down it, sobs leaving her mouth. Her body shakes in effort to release all of the emotions she’s feeling. A hand clasps over her mouth in vain to keep her quiet but anyone within a 20 feet radius of her door would be able to hear her. Suddenly the necklaces that decorate her neck feel suffocating and she blindly claws at her neck. Her nails catch on the diamond “S” her dad gave her for her twentieth birthday and she rips it away from her body as if it’s burning her. It clatters on the floor, sliding across the room but it’s not enough. She stumbles to stand and stomps her heel down on the charm as hard as she can. Cracking and crunching combine with her sobs to create the saddest song she’s heard in a long time.
Finally satisfied that she’s destroyed the charm, she kicks the pile of ruined jewelry and drags herself to her closet. A black hard-shell suitcase is yanked off the top shelf and she begins to shove whatever clothes she can into it. The tears make it difficult for her to see what exactly she’s packing but a part of her knows that she’ll either buy new clothes or James will have all of her belongings brought over. She slams it closed and hauls to overpacked suitcase to her bed. In her haste, she doesn’t hear the knock at the door or the following sound of it opening. Rifling through her night stand drawers, the person who entered takes a seat in a corner chair she only keeps to throw clothes on when she’s trying to decide an outfit. 
“Fuck!” she yells to herself when she can’t find the pistol she keeps hidden in her nightstand. 
“You father said you’d go looking for that so I had his men take it,” the person says from the corner. 
She whips around to see James sitting with his ankle on his knee, that very pistol resting in his lap. 
“Glad to know you went through my panty drawer before agreeing to kidnap me.”
“First of all no one went through your panty drawer. Second you father had someone take it and lastly I’m not kidnapping you. You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to. The decision is yours.” 
“Yeah right. I stay here and my father risks losing his contract and god knowns what will happen to me. I go with you and I’ll be locked away in some bullshit cage for the rest of my life. Sounds like I have some real great options,” she mumbles as she pulls a safe from under her bed. 
“I never said that they were good choices, just that you had them,” James examines the safe, “A safe under the bed seems too predictable doesn’t it, Doll?”
She doesn’t answer him, only rolling her eyes and grabbing out the few documents and jewelry box that sit inside of her predictable safe. Shoving them into her overcoat pocket, she puts her blazer and overcoat back on. At this point, she isn’t sure what the hell else to pack and she doesn’t feel like thinking about it anymore. She grabs her phone charger and shoves that into the purse she left here before storming her father’s office. Next she goes to her own desk on the opposite side of the room from James. 
James tilts his head in observation, making an inventory of the things she’s grabbing:
A book that he makes a note to figure out the title
His list taking is broken by the sound of heels and rolling wheels coming his way. The woman stands in front of him, hand out stretched and asking for the gun he holds. Shaking his head, he stands and slips it into the back of his waistband. 
“I know you’re more than capable to handling your guns but I’m not giving you the chance to prove that,” he chuckles lowly and grabs the rolling suitcase from her. 
“After you, Doll.”
Descending down the stairs that lead into the house, James has a hand placed on the small of her back with her suitcase in his other hand. She keeps her head down, hair creating a barrier from the real world and the one she’s trying to construct in her head. Her father is standing at the bottom of the stairs and in the way of the car door. Steve is talking to him, keeping him occupied so James and her can get into the car quickly. James stops to hand the bag off to one of his men and gently nudges her away so she can slip in before her father stops her. 
“Where is my goodbye hug, darling?” Mr. Stark exclaims with his arms wide open, daring her to make a move. 
Sighing, she grabs the gun James tucked in his waistband earlier and points it at her father in one movement. 
“Fuck you,” she sneers, leveling the gun and her gaze in between his eyes. She is seconds away from squeezing the trigger but James wraps a hand around her wrist and pulls the gun away from her. 
“Don’t. It won’t make you feel better,” he says to her, passing the gun off to Steve and ushers her into the black SUV. 
The world is blur as she climbs into the middle seat, tears starting to well in her eyes again but she can’t let them see her cry again. James slides into the place next to her and muffled voices can be heard from around the vehicle. The truck opens and her suitcase is tossed in, the conversation becoming clear that Mr. Stark is less than pleased with her ‘goodbye’. Steve is the next to get in on her right side, saying something to James and then to the driver. She stares at her hands, rings staring back at her. Internally she’s hoping that her hair is providing enough cover that no one will notice her tears or the blank expression she’s wearing. 
A hand comes into her view, placing itself on her knee. She knows that it isn’t Steve’s because there isn’t a watch and the signet ring has a “B” engraved on it. She doesn’t hear what James is asking her because she’s too focused on his hand and whether or not she should push it off. It squeezes her knee and she barely steals a glance at him. 
“Do you want me to have someone pick up the rest of your stuff tomorrow?”
She nods. 
“When we get to my house, I’ll have Nat show you around and if you want, you can join us for dinner. You won’t offend me if you choose to just stay in your room.”
She nods again, staring at that “B” signet ring. 
The rest of the drive is silent aside from the occasional comment from one of the men in the car. She doesn’t say a single thing and the signet ring doesn’t leave her view.
“I’m not sure what you want to see today but this is the kitchen. Feel free to take whatever you want,” the red head explains pointing to her right as the two women make their way through the dark industrial house.
“Down there is his office. He has this door policy but he can explain all of that later. Your room is up here,” she leads the quiet woman up the stairs, “His room is over here and this is yours.”
They stop at double black doors and Natasha opens them into a rather simple bedroom. There is a bed centered along the back brick wall, a desk in front of the window with the closet next to the bathroom. There aren’t any decorations, leaving the brick and black walls bare. It feels sterile compared to her old room but she doesn’t believe she’ll be staying in here for much longer. 
“He wanted to leave it as simple as possible so you could change whatever you wanted. Tomorrow some of the guys will go get your stuff so you can make a list or they’ll just pack everything,” Natasha tells her, “he said he already told you but dinner will be at 7 so you can join us or I’ll have someone bring it up for you. He really does want you to feel comfortable given the circumstances.” 
She nods and sets her purse down on the desk. Tossing her suitcase on the bench in front of the bed, she turns to Natasha. 
“Thank you. I think I might just stay here for a while.” 
Natasha offers a sad smile and closes the doors, locking the fallen Stark daughter in her cage. 
She sinks to the floor and draws her knees into her chest as she finally lets out the sob that she’s been keeping in since her father’s house. 
From outside of the door, Natasha’s heart breaks at the sound of her sobs. Expensive shoes hit the stone stairs loudly and draws her attention away from the door. James appears at the top of the stairs, giving her a questioning look. She just shakes her head meeting him and leads him back down the stairs. 
“I would just leave her alone for the night. She isn’t in the mood to handle visitors. And yes I pointed out your office and room if she felt like seeing you,” Natasha answers before he can even ask. 
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So I'm trying to write a historical fanfiction, the plot revolving around the royals and servants living in the castle and I have their roles and some main plot elements, but I have trouble figuring out in which age this is set, the technological advancement and style of the world and the situation of the royalties with the political situation. (I've been thinking about the 19th century) Do you have any tips regarding any of these?
Writing a Historical Fan-Fiction Set in Castle
I'm a little confused by the notion of writing fan-fiction but not knowing the canon time period. Unless you mean that you're taking canon characters and moving them to a historical setting?
If you're having trouble figuring out the canon time period, you can Google "what year does ___canon title___ take place?" Or, "what year is ______ set during?" This will give you a year, or at the very least an era. From there, you can do specific research on that year/era in the location where your story will be set. (see: Researching an Historical Topic)
If you're moving canon characters to a new time and setting, and you're having trouble choosing an era, it honestly depends on the needs of your story.
The first thing it might help you to understand is that a palace is the official residence of a chief of state (such as a king and/or queen), and that castles are fortified palaces. Prior to the 1500s, kings and queens needed to live in fortified palaces (castles) so that they could be defended in case of attack. However, changes in weapons and warfare in the 1500s made the heavy fortification of castles less and less necessary. That is when we start to see the building of non-fortified palaces, such as St. James and Lambeth palaces in England, Versailles in France, and the Winter Palace in Russia. Having said that, royal castles tended to stay in royal hands and continued to be used as royal residences, and sometimes the king and/or queen would take up residence in a castle palace for a change of scenery or because they had business in that part of the kingdom.
So, if you're imagining an ancient castle with gloomy, austere interiors, torch lit passages, brazier-lit throne rooms, massive dining halls, and dismal dungeons, you'll probably want to set this story prior to the 1500s and maybe even as far back as the 1100s or 1200s. After the 1400s, castles are going to be secondary residences with a grand palace being the primary residence. You might find it helpful to think of a king and/or queen who fit into the era you're imagining. For example, if you're imagining something like Prince John in Robin Hood or something like Game of Thrones, you're looking at 1100s to maybe 1300s. If you want something more Henry VIII or Elizabeth I, you are looking at early 1500s to early 1600s. Or, if you're imagining something more like Queen Charlotte in Bridgerton or Queen Victoria in Victoria, you're looking at the early to late 1800s.
Once you know the time period/era it will be much easier to target the specific details of technology, politics, and world. Here are some other posts that might help:
“King” Doesn’t Mean “Husband of the Queen” Forms of Address for Royals and Nobility Guide: Writing About Fictional Royals Creating a Fictional Kingdom Setting Your Story in an Unfamiliar Place WQA’s Guide to Internet Research Writing About Difficult to Research Topics
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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grey-sides · 1 year
Harringrove for Turkey
Hello everyone! This fandom has come together multiple times before to help raise money for various worthy causes. I am hoping we can do so once again to raise money for Turkey.
Here are three causes specifically pointed out by @prettyboybillyhargrove who is from Turkey and can vouch that these charities are legit:
Disaster Tents Donations
Search and Rescue Association
Isbank of Turkey (I'm so sorry, I used Google translate for this because the site is in Turkish)
The White Helmets (This charity is also supporting the Syrian aid response)
Similar to Harringrove for Ukraine, I am not setting time limits on anyone. I know I am super busy right now, but still want to help. So if you, creators, think you'll have time in the next few months- maybe consider joining and negotiating with your donor about a timeframe!
To donate in exchange for content:
I will be reblogging this post at 4:30PM EST on Wednesday, February 15th with all the creators who have signed up. Please check back on this post to find the full list!
Send a donation to one of the organizations linked above and take a screenshot! (Make sure to reach out to your chosen creator FIRST)
Reach out to the content creator you would like to commission for this and work out a deadline expectation and what you will be receiving in exchange for your donation. We are working under a time constraint, please please be patient with your creator!
To create content for donations:
Send me a message to let me know! You can send it here or Discord, greysides#2310. I will add you to my reblog. Please get it to me before 4:30PM EST on Wednesday, February 15th!
Create a post detailing what you are offering! I do not have a specific template, but I recommend 100 words/$1 for writers. Please set your rates yourself, there is no need to overextend yourself! I will be making my own post about this, so feel free to take a look at that and work within my personal suggestions! (Also set a limit/ set one after you reach a comfortable number of donations for yourself!)
Negotiate with your donor about when you will get started on the piece/ how long you anticipate it to take. I hope we can all grant each other some patience and people will be willing to do something in a couple of weeks if given time.
As soon as you, the creator, have that screenshot please send it to me!
Get working on the creation! I can set up an AO3 collection for all completed works as well.
Make sure to tag all works with #harringroveforturkey. I am also active on Twitter and will be sharing this there for Twitter users.
Thank you all for your help! Please send any questions my way!
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thefallennightmare · 1 year
Moment of Weakness-nineteen
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*credit to whoever created the gif. found on google/Pinterest *
Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, affair, cheating, violence.
Summary: Reader is the assistant to New York's most feared mob boss, James Buchanan Barnes. He had the picture-perfect life: status in the mob, friends, and beautiful wife. So why can't he keep his mind and eyes off of reader?
Author's Note: I'm sorry for the typical, cliche story line but it's the only thing I could think of when creating ideas for this story. Last one for tonight so you will have to suffer until the next update. 😉
Tags(closed): @splendidreads @sebsgirl71479 @mdpplgtz03 @pattiemac1 @unaxv @alana4610 @broadwaybabe18 @themayzittcha @playboystark @raajali3 @ozwriterchick @ragamuffin285 @screamingdying @themorningsunshine @kenziekugler22 @calwitch @sebastianstansqueen @stanaddict @stucky-simp03 @sleyeveryday @loustan90 @lyra-black13 @valsworldofcreativity @cjand10 @tesseract69 @batprincess1013 @subwaysurf45 @arsonfrogger @yoruse @5moremin @lipstickandtanqueray @mandijo17 @joannaromanoff @justsebstan @winters1917 @elizacusi-blog @football1921
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I walked into the building, smiling bright as the morning sun, ready to finish this work day already. After he left last night, Bucky promised that when he would come by tonight, he would stay the night. He had planned on telling Natasha that he had to go out of town for something mob related. 
There was already a list of things I had planned; dinner at home, a movie cuddled together on my couch, and a warm bath to end the night. It was something that we had yet to do, a proper at home date. 
My body jumped with excitement every time I thought about it. 
A frown pulled at my lips when I noticed that Bucky’s door had been closed. He didn’t have any meetings planned so there was no need for it to be shut. Bucky also always took his phone calls with the door opened. 
I placed my things on my desk and softly knocked on the door, only to be met with silence. The thought of if he was coming in today or not crossed my mind so I sent him a quick text. 
Are you not coming in today? 
Some time would pass before I would even get a response. Three hours to be exact. 
By the time Bucky had decided to text back, it was nearing lunch hour and I was busying myself to run to the deli across the road to pick us all up something. Steve and Sam were playing a card game on the couch that sat across from my desk and Steve noticed the worried look on my face. 
“Everything alright?” 
By the mere tone in his voice, I could tell that the relationship we shared was not the same anymore. 
“Yeah,” I mumbled, not bothering to take my eyes away from the text on my phone. 
I’m held up in my office all day, sorry.
It was short, to the point. No sweet names or cringey emojis that Bucky had just found out of. This wasn’t like him, something being different; off. 
Steve stood to walk over to me. “Bucky?” 
I peered over his shoulder to make sure Sam wasn't paying attention and nodded. 
“Have you talked to him at all? I feel as if he’s avoiding me,” I said. 
He hesitated, unsure if he should even say anything. I could see it in the way he avoided my gaze, rubbing at the back of his neck. 
Steve was hiding something from me. 
“What do you know?” I asked. 
“I can’t be the one to tell you, Y/N. Bucky has too.” 
With a gentle squeeze on my shoulder, he went back to his previous spot on the couch. 
I gnawed on my bottom lip while gazing at the still shut door to Bucky’s office and decided to give it one more try, seeing if he would talk to me. 
“Bucky, can I come in?” I asked after my knuckles rapped against the door. 
There was quite a bit of shuffling behind it and my heart hammered when the door opened, revealing a very stressed Bucky. 
My voice lowered. “Are you okay?” 
He nodded. “I’m going to skip lunch today.”
The door shut just as fast as it opened and I was left staring at it, tears brimming in my eyes. 
“Y/N,” Steve’s soft voice called from behind me. 
I blinked a few times, tears splattering over my cheeks, and quickly grabbed my things to head to lunch.
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I don’t know what I did to make you so upset with me but I don’t appreciate the cold shoulder all day. I’m about to leave for the day and you’ve barely come out of your office.
I hit send on the text while walking back to my desk from the bathroom. The day went on at a slow pace, my eyes darting from my computer to Bucky’s still shut door, not once seeing him come out of his office. That was the third text I sent him all day and with yet no response, I decided that tonight was officially off the table. He would not be rewarded with spending the night with me after ghosting me all day. 
As I returned back to my desk, I noticed that the door was wide open, and my feet practically dragged me across the threshold. Until I stopped myself when I saw that he made no effort to look away from his phone when he heard me walk up. Not even a quick glance my way. 
“Asshole,” I grumbled, plopping into my chair. 
Six minutes. That’s all I had left of my workday and I could go home to wallow in self-pity in private. 
I used that time to scroll through Instagram, not having the chance to be on it all day. My thumb froze over one post, almost unsure to like it or not, because everything around me faded to black. Ears rang loudly with white noise and my heart dropped to the depths of my stomach as it shattered. The pain caused a sob to leave my lips. 
Cannot wait to meet you baby Barnes. Coming in six months. 
My vision blurred from the tears that spilled everywhere but I still could see the picture Natasha had posted announcing her pregnancy. It was a picture of a positive pregnancy test with her and Bucky’s vibranium hand holding it. 
With a broken gaze, I looked over to him and was shocked that Bucky was already watching me. His own eyes were broken, tears pooling in the corners of them. 
“I’m so sorry, doll,” he mouthed. 
No words were able to form, my mouth had run dry. I didn’t know what to say, to be honest. All I could do was gather my things and storm out of the office, the door slamming behind me shaking the walls. 
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The persistent knocking on my front door was becoming too hard to ignore, it going on for the last five minutes. In tangent with my phone ringing, not stopping for a second. I did my best to tune it all out, staring off into the void of my living room wall, wishing it would stop; wishing everything would stop. 
“Doll, please open up.” 
“Go away,” I yelled, the anger suddenly bubbling to life. 
“Please let me explain!” 
I scoffed while shaking my head, even if Bucky couldn’t see. “Explain?!” 
Everything I had been avoiding came rushing to the forefront when I heard him begging me to let him in, to explain his actions. 
My feet dragged me to the door and I opened it with such force, it created a small wind tunnel. Bucky didn’t bother waiting for me to let him in, he pushed himself past me. 
“I’m so sorr-.” 
His apology was cut off by a hard slap to his face, my palm already stung with redness. 
Bucky rubbed at the raw spot where I had hit him and his jaw tensed. “You hit me.” 
“Trust me, I want to do a lot more!” I seethed. 
“Can you calm down so I can explain?” He begged. 
“Calm down?!” My voice bellowed. “You get your wife pregnant, hide it from me, then come here to explain yourself? How the fuck can I calm down?!” 
My shoulder rammed into his as I walked past him and down the hall towards my bedroom. His footsteps that echoed down the hall told me that he was following me close behind. 
“I wanted to tell you, Y/N. All day I tried to come up with the best way,” Bucky said. 
I spun on my heels and pushed him hard in his chest, my actions doing nothing to deter him. 
“Fuck you, Barnes! You’re such a liar!” 
I began beating his chest with my fist, pure hatred fueling my momentum. And he stood there, taking every hit. 
Out of breath, I let my fists fall to my side, and felt my chest rise and fall each time I swallowed a large amount of air. 
“Feel better?” Bucky asked. 
My eyes narrowed. “Go fuck yourself. I never want to see you again.” 
His shoulders dropped. “You don’t mean that.” 
I nodded, even if I didn’t believe it myself. “Get out.” 
Bucky didn’t move so I pushed him harder in his chest. “Leave. Now!” 
I smacked him yet again, this time with so much force he stumbled back onto my bed. 
“You lost the right to call me that the second you put your dick in her, Bucky! I can’t believe I fell for your lies again.” 
I ran a shaking hand through my hair. “I allowed myself to ignore the red flags because I cared that much for you. I believed that you wanted me, wanted a future with me. I bet the divorce was a lie too.” 
Bucky vigorously shook his head. “I promise you. That was all true. Matt finished the papers this afternoon.” 
“When did it happen?” I abruptly asked. 
He hesitated, unsure how to answer. “A few months ago. It was the night I drove you home from work and we had sex in the back seat.” 
If my heart wasn’t in a million pieces before, it for sure was now. 
“You’re such a dick!” I screamed while pushing him down on my bed. “I knew you were still screwing her.” 
Bucky leaned his elbows onto his knees and held his head in his hands. “You don’t understand how terrible I feel, Y/N. I wish I could take it back.” 
I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand. “Are you still leaving her?” 
He gazed up at me, lips parting and eyes welling with tears. “I can’t. She’s having my child.” 
My eyes shut, his words giving me exactly what I needed to end this. 
I pointed towards the door. “We’re finished, Bucky. You need to leave.” 
He was fast on his feet to reach for me. “No, it doesn’t have either.” 
“Yes it does!” I wailed. “It’s one thing to break up a marriage but I refuse to break up a family.” 
Both of us were crying, not bothering to stop or hide the tears, and Bucky wanted to reach for me, fight for me, but knew that there was no changing my mind. 
“What about work?” He asked with a glimmer of hope. 
I gnawed on the inside of my cheek. “I can’t afford to quit. So I’ll see you next week. I need to take some time off.” 
Bucky nodded. “I didn’t want to hurt you, doll.” 
I grabbed my elbows, bringing my arms closer to my chest and avoiding his gaze, keeping my eyes trained to my feet. The only thing I could hear over his footsteps walking away from me was my broken cries, my body collapsing to the ground. 
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p-the-simmer · 2 months
Hi there! Sorry that I was (once again) MIA, I'm busy with college but also haven't really opened my game in quite a while. However, I've been working on something along with @syninplays and thought it was worth sharing it since many of you might benefit from it.
To further explain; we both enjoy building in the sims quite a lot, and often like to use real life references from house exteriors or plans, though certain pages (real state websites, mostly) delete the posts after the houses have been sold, which leaves us without that lovely reference we liked. And though we've been hoarding images from these websites for quite some time, we decided to put them to good use and share them with the community.
That being said, at the end of this post you can find a link to a dedicated page I created, with proper filters so you can search for the perfect house that suits your sim's families.
Houses can be sorted by number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms and by other facilities/extras such as having a garage (some houses have a dedicated space within the lot where a car can fit, but as it's not inside/an actual garage, we agreed to not consider those spaces as a garage), a pool and lastly if they're castles! We might eventually add more filters if we find it necessary, but the existing ones should do for now. We are very likely to add more houses too, though it depends on what we find and like enough to save/make an archive of.
Note that every single house posted in that page, if you click on the image, has a "preview" button which will take you to a Google Drive folder with the house's plans plus some other pictures; not every existing image of the house is included, as we only download those that we believe showcase the house's exterior/interior features best - aka no ugly interiors unless they somehow help understand the layout.
Last but not least, we don't take any credit from the house's pictures or the plans. Most pictures were taken from Savills or Inigo House, and you may be able to find the listings (if the house wasn't sold) if you search by image using the pics we shared.
Here you can see the tumblr page with filters (we strongly recommend you don't try to preview this from the app, as it won't work)!
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kentdreaming · 1 year
Ribs: A Roy Kent Story
Series: Ribs Pairing: Roy Kent x OC Summary: Natalia Forrest and Roy Kent grew up together, with both growing dealing with child stardom, they grew apart. But now, with Natalia being minority owner of AFC Richmond, will these two find each other again after all these years? A/N: I'm seeing a severe lack of Roy Kent fics across most platforms. I'm serving my boy JUSTICE. -Also I'm madly in love with @peterpparkrr ‘s Roy Kent story Banter, it's so incredibly written and I foam at the mouth for each update! || Series List ||
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(i got this gif off of google-- can't find credit!!)
Chapter 1
“Right then,” She said with a satisfied smirk, “I believe everything is squared away.”
The man in front of her, Rupert Mannion, held a smile, something patronizing and sinister lurking beneath, “Pleasure doing business with you, my dear.”
“I’m sorry, but I do believe your fiance is the one who was doing business with me,” The raven haired woman responded, quickly turning to the much younger woman to his right and shaking her hand, “It’s been a pleasure, my darling. Do take care of that precious little girl of yours!”
And with that, the woman slung her bag over her shoulder, and spun around, her curly locks flipping over her shoulder, “Toodles!” she sang as she swayed out of the room.
“I can’t believe I just sold my own share of a football club to Talia fucking Forrest.” 
— One year Prior —
Normally, Natalia wasn’t a nervous person. Rather, she was the type of woman to make others nervous. Yet here she was, clicking her heels across the hard floor of AFC Richmond’s clubhouse, her heart hammering in her chest. Rebecca Welton had sold her some shares of AFC Richmond right after her divorce to royal dickhead, Rupert Manion, making her a minority owner of the club; and as much as Natalia loved football and Rebecca, she was nervous about running into someone in particular. 
Her wavy black hair fluffed out around her face, her thick black sunglasses hiding her green eyes. She glanced around her as she made her way towards Rebecca’s office, the hallways buzzing with excitement and gawking glances as she would pass. God, can this walk take any longer, she thought as she ascended the stairs to Ms. Welton’s office, Finally. With a deep breath, Natalia gripped the handle and walked in, offering a small knock as she opened the door. As she opened the door to her office she was greeted with a seemingly very flustered Rebecca in a plush robe, an always frazzled Higgins, and a face she hadn’t yet seen before. Rebecca stepped to the side and lit up when Natalia entered. “God your tits are amazing,” Natalia blurted, eyes going directly to Rebecca’s chest. The gentlemen both cleared their throats and seemed to look anywhere but her chest. “Right, sorry.” “Talia Forrest,” Natalia introduced, reaching out her sharply manicured hand out to the stranger, “minority owner, semi-successful child star turned rock enthusiast and entrepreneur, pleasure.” “Well hi there, I’m Ted Lasso, fresh face on this side o’ the pond,” the man named Ted greeted, his American accent startled Natalia for a moment. The warmth of his voice melting right into her heart creating a soft comfort to her. “Rebecca, you smuggled an American over here?” Talia laughed, a light jab at the two of them. Rebecca laughed nervously, eyes shifting toward the men and back to Talia. “I’m fucking with you, love,” Natalia soothed, “But I do think it’s high time for you chaps to be off, toodles!” She ushered the men out of the door, closing it behind them.
“So,” Natalia sighed, flopping back into the cushions, arms draping over the back of the couch, “I guess this is what all my money has gone to. This gorgeous office and this wardrobe?”
Rebecca’s cheeks flooded with embarrassed blush fiddling with the rack of terribly expensive gowns. Natalia clicked her tongue and got up from her spot on the couch and walked over to Rebecca. She reached up and held onto Rebecca’s face. “You look at me, you tall, strong, impeccable woman,” Natalia said sternly, “You are fit and worthy, these dresses are bloody well lucky to be hugging that gorgeous body of yours. Now let's find the one, yeah?” Rebecca let out a shaky breath and nodded her head, “Thank you.” She whispered, before shaking it off and standing a bit straighter. “Do you want a drink, love?” Natalia asked, making herself comfortable at the minibar in Rebecca’s office. 
“A glass of wine, please,” Rebecca nodded, holding onto a golden dress. After pouring herself a whiskey, she handed the wine glass over to Rebecca. “That’s a gorgeous gown, but she’s wearing you, love. We can do better than that, yeah?” “God, why is this so difficult?” Rebecca sighed, a soft whine underneath. “Honestly, woman,” Natalia groaned, rolling her head back. “You’re right, I’m sorry– It’s just–” Rebecca rambled, “It’s just that Rupert–” Natalia got up from her spot after slamming her drink, and stomped her way towards the taller blonde woman.
“Rupert is a right slimy cock, Rebecca. It’s about time you knew it,” Talia said forcefully. “You no longer get to let him dictate your life. This is your event, and you deserve to be the goddess that you are.” She began to shift through the dresses on her own. “Here,” Natalia said matter of fact, “This one will blow everyone away, plus it shows off those sexy arms of yours.” 
Rebecca held the gown up to her, admiring the fabric. A sigh of relief and an emptying of a wine glass, and Rebecca seemed to be a whole new woman. A curt nod and she placed the dress in a garment bag. “Right,” Rebecca smiled, “I actually called you here to ask if you would like to be my plus one to the charity gala tonight?” Natalia growled, flinging her head back in exasperation, “Rebecca, you know I don’t–” “Please, Nat,” Rebecca begged, “It’s for the children…” Nat curled an eyebrow and crossed her arms, “Rebecca…” “Nat, this is my first time doing this without Rupert, and I’m just so bloody nervous! Plus, you’ve been a minority owner, it’s about time you show your face around here.” “You know I don’t fuck with the press,” Nat responded firmly, her brows furrowed deep over her eyes. She softened after a moment, “But… I will go to support another incredible woman.” Rebecca’s eyes lit up and she squeezed the smaller woman into a head-popping hug. “Thank you,” Rebecca sighed. “Suppose I need to pick a dress for the night, then,” Natalia quipped while shooting her a pointed look. 
Cameras. So many fucking cameras were flashing, Natalia hated it. She stepped out of the car behind Rebecca, leaving her big sunglasses on. Her hair was styled to look even more wild than natural. She wore a forest green off-the-shoulder gown with a slit up the skirt that went all the way up to her hip. Her tattoos and scattering of freckles covered her pale skin. She made her way towards the red carpet, following Rebecca. As she made her way toward the line for photographs, Natalia was shouldered rather hard by another person walking by. “Oi–” “Watch it!” The two voices barked in unison. Green eyes locked with brown. Natalia could have sworn her heart leaped into her throat and then directly plummeted into her lower belly. The man that towered before her, straightened up a little more. His all black suit caused him to look even larger than he was. “Hi, Roy.” 
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atxxzist · 1 year
broken | c.s (08)
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prev // next // series m.list
pairing: choi san x reader
word count: 7.7k
warning: i don't want to spoil the contents so pls go in with a guarded mind and stop reading immediately if anything makes you uncomfortable!!!
"lotte world! oh, and, we can finally visit cheonggyecheon!" mingi preaches excitedly from the other line, adding onto the ongoing list of never-ending things to do for the summer.
"yeah yeah, that sounds fun," you mumble, voice coming off disinterested because you've been circulating the small space of your room for the last five minutes looking for the only hair tie you have left.
you swear you had put it next to the nightstand.
"are you like not excited? we're gonna be free bitches for an entire summer!" his tone filled with disbelief, a scoff that accompanies it after.
"no, no. i am. just--ah!" you find the last survivor of the collection of hair ties on the floor just right next to your bed, picking it up to twirl it around your finger.
"are you literally having this conversation with me mid-orgasm?"
"pfft!" you blow, standing up on your toes to grab the comb on the bed before walking to the mirror on yuna's side of the room that has really come in handy. "i was looking for a hair tie to do my hair."
"oh, and what for? on this weekend after the semester ended and you have no work for the entire summer, huh?" his irritating and nosy voice vibrates the sheet of your bed where your phone is also at, you having to roll your eyes at the remark.
"so i can come up to your room and beat the living shit out of you for always sticking your nose in my business."
"ooohh!" he sings with exaggerated fear. "is this your way of saying you're gonna get laid tonight? a little end of the semester celebration? has the city finally changed you?"
"no," you answer, snapping your hair into a half ponytail before walking over to pick up your phone. "i'm gonna visit the cafe like a peasant. now before you make me late, create a google doc or something and i'll add to the list when i have something."
"fine. but we're doing it in comic sans, color-coded!"
you roll your eyes, muttering a "whatever" before cutting the line.
you catch yourself in yuna's mirror again after turning, and you honestly don't know why you're all this dressed up either. you've been to the place plenty of times before and you've definitely been there with yeosang as well.
the amount of coincidences still following you allowed for a run-in with him just the day before, having told him with eager lips about the exam score you got, later with an anticipated gaze about how this is going to work.
you suppose the cafe being the place of choice isn't a surprise.
he gets there before you, his hand that raises slightly when he sees you enter. it's a smaller table located in the center, and you begin making way to it, your sneakers gliding against the flooring.
"hey," you both exchange as you take the seat across him, a short lapse of silence after that is broken by him.
"want to order something?" he asks, eyes boring into yours.
"sure." you nod.
after picking your drinks and food of choice, yeosang offering to go up to the register, the silence reenters when he takes his seat. your gaze that tries to avoid his and his that tries to stir away from keeping them trained on you too long. he thinks you look nice.
in the half ponytail, white crop top tucked under a pink cardigan and sneakers with socks. he don't think he's ever seen in a skirt before, but it suits you. and if that's makeup you have on, he's not sure he's able to tell. you look about the same.
"so..." he starts again.
you shyly look up at him, clearing your throat before replying with the same aloofness of "so..." a quick second of nothing before you two burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation, your leg lightly brushing his under the table.
"sorry," he mumbles, a smile on his face.
"me too," you say, "just... still trying to get used to it."
still trying to get used to the new feeling when you're around him; one that's not so hostile but actually very welcoming and new--one you haven't gotten from anyone else but mingi and yunho.
he chuckles lightly and nod, the feeling being very much mutual after all.
"well, i'm glad you passed," he brings up, digging for anything to talk about and break the tension a little.
"yeah. it wasn't easy."
"but you did it. maybe you really do have it in you." his tone very lighthearted.
you brush it off with a scoff.
"not really. i just couldn't wait to be done with the damn semester so i'll never have to attend another session of that class."
he laughs a deep chuckle and you have to dismiss how smooth it sounds to ears; how comforting and familiar it's starting to become.
"geez, only first semester and you're already getting beat down? come on, you still have a semester and three more years."
"gosh, don't even remind me." you cross your arms and fall back onto the chair, yeosang releasing another laughter at the pure distaste in your voice at the topic.
"you don't look and sound like you enjoy the major very much. why not change it?"
something in you light up at that. change your major? you actually haven't thought of that, but the more the idea lingers, the more you question why you haven't thought of that.
it's a lesson learned that just because you're a little more techy than your friends since your parents practically neglected you (so you had to seek out any other source of entertainment), it doesn't mean you were destined to work in the field of technology or whatever. simply only having basic surface knowledge won't cut it.
it took a semester (maybe less) for you to come to terms with that. but better now than later.
"well, even if i change it, i wouldn't even know what to."
"you can always just take the core classes first and then decide after."
you hum out a low note and actually consider the possibility for a few seconds, until the person behind the counter calls yeosang's name and you're interrupted, watching as he stands to head to the front, you being slow to get up and follow behind him in case he needs help.
the entirety of you being here the past couple of months and you honestly didn't even know they served other smaller dishes like tteokbokki and even snacks you'd usually find at street food stalls.
but it's nice. just like this. you and yeosang sharing a drink and snack while carrying on small conversations that gets easier as the time pass. there's no pressure to please or entertain him, and he doesn't seem like he expects any. like he's doing all of this because he wants to, and you can't help but to let a small drop of tear prick your lower lash in hope he won't notice.
because you're not very used to anyone besides your friends, let alone a guy, who does something for you if not for his own benefit. you made that mistake not once, but twice.
not sure if you're even deserving of someone like yeosang who's been the victim of your lows and outbursts, but now the one to conjure up a rare, foreign feeling that brings out a small smile that settles on your lips.
yeosang sees the somewhat conflicted, hard-to-read expression on your face when he looks up from his food, asking in a quiet, concerned voice, "you okay?"
you chuckle lowly, a light clog in your throat and nod.
"i'm good."
"so, earlier, you mentioned possibly opting out of the current major but having no idea what you want to do after," yeosang is the first to speak as soon as you both leave the place, the orange tone painting the sky once again.
"yeah..." you reply.
"maybe think about other hobbies, or well... what do you like to do? what are you good at?"
you ponder the question; think back to your early teen years spent helping your aunt around the house, getting dragged into mingi's and yunho's shenanigans, play stupid pranks on one another and beat them at the occasional games when you paid mingi visits--and wow, what the fuck do you even like to do? what are you good at?
you don't even excel at anything specific, too, like yuna in art, or yeosang with computers. it's awful, the sinking realization that you are nothing special.
"i write? a little bit?" you answer, not the slightest confident in the answer. because who are you kidding. you're no hongjoong and you can barely even string a coherent sentence together.
you're not even consistent, unable to recall the last time you wrote in the journal, and it was started for all the wrong reasons.
yeosang nod, the both of your footsteps in sync.
"you can start there, then," he attempts, able to read the tone about just how unsure you are.
the air goes hushed and you fidget a little in spot before raising your voice again. "i don't know. i don't even think i'm good at it, and it's only been recent that i started writing. plus, it's not even like a story or whatever. i only write in a journal and honestly, i'm not even sure what the hell i've been writing."
he snickers, finding something so amusing about it. you shoot daggers at him.
"you said you only started recently so of course you're not gonna be great. it takes time and efforts to perfect a craft. if you like it, there's no reason for you to not consider it at least."
he continues, "take the next semester or even year to think about it. i'm sure you'll figure something out."
you scoff, even pout. that still takes time, too--kang yeosang actually sounding reasonable and like he doesn't hate your guts.
"i think i like it better when you just insult me and go on your day."
he laughs and shakes his head, your gaze lingering on the curve of his lips longer than you should. you think he has a really nice pretty smile.
"but we're way past that point now, right?" his voice raising in pitch as to exaggerate the overall friendliness.
"right," you reply, same energy and all, until it hits you again. "oh!"
he seems taken aback by the high volume and snaps to you, curiosity in his reaction.
"that thing we agreed on," you say, a little too excited for your own good, yeosang's chest deflating with disappointment in return that puts a frown on your lips.
"oh come now, you weren't hoping i would forget?"
he shrugs and keep his gaze ahead, muttering back in such a nonchalant tone, "that might've been the idea."
you frown even more, whipping your head around and letting yeosang take the next couple of steps by himself before attention landing on the bench facing the street just a few feet away.
you're fast to jog up and swoop him away by the arm, using it to drag his entire body until it plops down onto the bench with you, his doe eyes staring back, and it's only until then that you realize you're still holding on.
"sorry," you mumble, releasing the captive arm as it slips down to hit the empty space between you two.
"you're good," he assures, and even that sounds awkward, too. a short silence that hangs before you clear your throat and revert the topic back, even daring to scoot yourself a little closer. since you guys are kind of friends now, right?
"what i was saying was... are you ready to tell me now?"
he turns the other way to scoff. "oh, you really want to know, huh?"
"well..." you trail off your tongue, letting the word roll around long enough till continuing on, "you kind of promised me."
"well..." he mimics the way you did it, "technically--"
"--oh," you cut in, your voice full of that playfulness that is strange in the presence of yeosang. "or are you a coward?"
"tsk!" he dismiss, trying to bite back a snicker that wants out because you're being a bit over-the-top right now... in a somewhat endearing way, that is. so eager to hear about his story that he kind of loosely pledged to tell only after you fulfill the 'deal'.
not that he ever doubted you would do well; he just didn't think you'd actually be so passionate about the entire bargain, it even being the first thing to be brought up when he ran into you outside the dorm building.
"me? coward? never," he brushes off, a smug but lighthearted act that brings a giggle from you.
"okay, then... tell me." you perk up, lips curled and eyes blinking his direction, way too thrilled for this.
his gaze drop to your lips for a second and he has to detach immediately, shaking the thought off.
"it's just... i don't know." he tries laughing it off. "you're going to think it's stupid."
you squint, tilting your head and frowning.
"why would it be stupid? i mean, i'm not sure what it's gonna be about, but i'll listen. whether you think it's stupid or not."
but judging from how he's acting, it looks like it might be something more personal than you initially thought; now starting to feel the tiniest bit of guilt for bothering him so much about it.
“maybe we can compromise with something else,” you offer an alternative but he rejects with a shake of his head.
"i'll tell you. just--you don't make fun of me or anything."
you chuckle. "i won't."
it goes quiet as yeosang prep himself up and try to muster how to start such a tragic tale. he thinks it's tragic, at least on his end. he's never shared it with anyone before; only those who were once close to him knew.
and for some reason, he feels an odd sense of trust in you. enough for you to be the first person that he's considered actually opening up to, regarding the topic.
"well," he starts, your full attention already on the first word. "i grew up in a small neighborhood; everyone knowing everyone kind of thing."
you nod, even humming quietly to let him know he's good to go on.
"so you know, like... there wasn't a lot of other kids my age and it was hard to make friends. but a girl, a year older than me... we became friends or something, you could say."
and if the way your eyes swell doesn't give away how immersed you already are, you don't know what will. because you hadn't expect kang yeosang's 'sob story' as he said it, would be about a girl.
"and this is going to be cliche as hell, but indeed i was in love with her. for the longest time."
he has removed his gaze from yours a long time ago, settling to watch the busy cars maneuvering through the streets instead. as if the retelling of this story is something to be embarrassed of. but you would beg to differ.
"i grew up with her, went through a ton of shit with her--meaning i also watched her fall in love with so many guys. maybe it wasn't love, i don't fucking know. we were young and stupid. but i sure hell did wanted to be one of them."
he takes a short breather before going on, "and it came true. i was one of them. well, or i thought i was. beginning of my junior year, she, for some reason, finally gave me a chance. oh... i was so happy... the day we became 'official'. i can't even recall any other time i was happier."
"and it's stupid because, thinking back, it was obvious she only did it out of pity. and maybe that's not a good enough reason to hate her; heck, i even started feeling bad for a moment just thinking back because i was such a fucking simp and probably annoyed the living hell out of her. but what i do hate her for, is for completely ghosting me."
"i could give less shit about the fact that i only found out she broke up with me through a mutual, or that only a month after, she started going out with a friend who'd always talk the maddest shit about her and why we shouldn't be together. no. it's the fact i never got any closure. paid her family a visit and was told she left for seoul literally the day before. no notice. no nothing. not even a 'fuck you, don't you ever come into my life again'. and maybe i don't deserve a closure, i wasn't much better by any means. but i sure can be bitter about it, and i guess here's me being bitter."
he finally turns to you, taking in your expression and feeling like he has to clarify some points.
"i didn't come to seoul in hope of sweeping her by her feet again or whatever. i just wanted to get away from the old city and kind of just... i don't know, try to find myself?"
you nod in acknowledgement. "no, i totally understand. i'm sorry to hear, though. but it really does sound like she had a big impact on you."
yeosang chuckles dryly in return; a smaller, somewhat sad smile gracing his lips after.
"i wish i could say you're wrong, and i wish i would mean it when i say i hate her. but like i said before, i can't recall any other time i was happier. in some ways, she made me a better person. it's complicated. i feel like i'm contradicting myself at this point."
your snicker directed at the last comment, assuring him with a shake of your head.
"you're good. but honestly, i never would've pegged you for someone romantic."
a scoff is what leaves him; you raising a brow in turn of what he's going to say.
"i'm not romantic. just realistic, i think. if i were to open my heart to someone, i'd want them to treasure it; to do the same back. which is why i am a lot more wary nowadays. i'd want to get to know that person really well first."
but you definitely still think he's a little bit of a romantic, he might not even realize it.
"because there's a different kind of pain that comes from loving someone who's out of your reach."
the amusement on you drops, the corners of your mouth falling downward at such a statement that if you mope about it long enough, you will see just how awfully relatable it is. but clasping it shut for a few seconds too long, all you say is, "fair enough."
"yeah... but anyways. that's my story. now it's your turn."
you glare at him through the pinched brows and wrinkles on your forehead.
"i don't remember that being apart of the deal."
"oh, forget the deal!" he waves off. "let's just talk. give me something tragic."
tragic? where would you even start with that? you think the entirety of your life has been a series of unfortunate, tragic events one after another; beginning with your parents, then your aunt and uncle, your ex-boyfriend, and now even a boy who managed to fool you with his charm and handsome look.
"my first and only boyfriend cheated on me."
yeosang is taken by surprise, his facial like a deer caught in headlight, whether at how fast you answered, or at what you just said. but you just figured, you might as well offer your own tale of a failed relationship, if that will make him feel any better.
"oh..." his delivery is muted, as if still trying to recover from shock, you have to laugh off the stone expression on his face; act like the revealed fact didn't bother you all that much.
you speak again, "i wasn't in love with him, though. i don't think i was. i only gave him a chance because he liked me and i felt compelled to say yes when he asked me out."
"so... you did it out of pity?"
it's like he got you there, your attention batting to the streets in shame. you're starting to sound like the girl in yeosang's story; who, maybe, went out with a boy not because she liked him, but for another reason.
except, in your story, he was the one who had hurt you. said in your face you deserved whatever happened, and though you didn't love him, it did hurt. it still hurts. because it was another person you couldn't get to stay; another proof that possibly, you're just not meant to be loved.
"you know..." instead of answering his previous question, you divert the subject, because at the same time, maybe you can comfort him as well with what you're about to say. "you reminded me of him a lot at first."
his features twist, not amused in the slightest, and you don't blame him. why wouldn't he be offended being compared to your cheating ex?
"he was very blunt and sarcastic," you add on, "if he didn't like me doing something, he was gonna let me know. and you were just... you didn't have any filter at all."
whether it's guilt or embarrassment on yeosang's face, you're not able to tell. but implying he's an asshole is not your intention.
"but the more i got to know you and spent time with you, i realized i was very wrong. you're nothing like him. not even in the slightest."
he goes from being puzzled to the smallest of light that starts reflecting in his eyes at the genuine compliment that leaves you.
"i questioned for the longest time how mingi and yunho could ever like you, but i'm starting to get it now, i think. it's because you're a great friend. you do so many things for yunho simply just because he's a friend."
you don't even notice a smile has crept to your lips, but yeosang catches it and return an even bigger one, his heart folding in a way that is so pure and innocent because of your gesture.
"well, thanks. i am feeling very flattered right now," he finally says, and your giggle echoes faintly.
"just being honest," you respond. "so that's my lesson learned: that it's hard to judge someone based on first encounter, impression, or anything of that matter."
because the boy who you thought would be the bane of your existence turned out to be a wonderful surprise. on the other hand, the one person you used to look at through a rose-coloured glass and with heart eyes, turned out to be just one of the many things on the list that keep you awake at night thinking to yourself why you're not enough.
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san is sprawled on the couch, tired and ready to go to bed by the time there's a knock at his door, a bit dazed when he opens it to reveal a rather composed wooyoung with his hands buried inside the pockets of his jacket.
he wonders what his friend's doing here; at this time and in an outfit that doesn't look like it's for a regular event.
"here to use the bathroom," wooyoung clarifies, inviting himself in and not bothering to hear san's response considering the amount of times the boy himself used wooyoung's place to fulfill his own needs.
san doesn't say anything and only shut the door behind him, heading back to the position he was in before.
"we're going out tonight," wooyoung announces, stopping in front of the bathroom to turn to his friend; san snapping to him at the call. "an end of the semester nightout with a couple other people from campus. you thinking of coming along?"
"nah. think i'll sit this one out."
"alright," wooyoung mumble, disappearing into the other room.
san usually isn't one to reject an invitation like that, but just yesterday, the day before, and the days before that one, all he'd been doing is going to parties, getting drunk, and doing the one thing he came to those parties for.
it can start getting repetitive; even for someone like him.
"just to let you know, you're almost out of toilet papers."
wooyoung slams the door shut and begins making way to the front; san watching his movements carefully until wooyoung just stops midway, but he's already moving back to the tv screen at that point.
wooyoung debates for a moment whether he should tell san what he saw earlier. it's probably a bad idea knowing how his friend is and the extent he goes to when he has to have something, or when it doesn't go his way.
but realistically speaking, san's never gave a shit about any of the girls he messed or messes with. wooyoung picked that up through a lengthy history of constantly trying to rile him up by name dropping and mentioning any of the girls san saw and sees, in hope of one day finding a weak spot.
because san is a good friend... to wooyoung. but he's always had a problem with the way san views the world; love, relationship, women.
he also has a problem with the fact san never listens to him. everything in one ear and out the other. he didn't listen when wooyoung told him the girl he was fucking had a boyfriend and he was gonna get his ass beat (which he didn't, unfortunately, because san has a gift for getting out of trouble), so there's a very big chance he didn't listen either when wooyoung told him to leave you alone.
and really, above all, wooyoung is just petty. and because he is petty, he will take the opportunity to just annoy him, even if san doesn't give a shit.
"by the way, i saw y/n," he discloses nonchalantly, and the speed at which san twisted his neck to look at him would have wooyoung believing this is all a very vivid dream.
"where?" san asks, the tone very standard at first like it's just the littlest bit curious.
"near the cafe a couple blocks from the dorms. we passed it earlier. she was with someone. yeosang? i think that's his name."
the clockwork in san's mind starts as he tries to recall who this fucking yeosang guy is. name sounds familiar but nothing's clicking.
"the one we went out to dinner with last time," wooyoung adds, and that's when the light bulb goes off.
“sit down, sit down!” wooyoung hustles, pushing san down onto the seat, yeosang scooting to the wall to make space.
wooyoung plops himself down at the end, fidgeting in his spot.
“this is yeosang,” he starts; the two boys next to each other exchanging a small head bow.
"i think they might be a thing now. she looked really happy."
wooyoung's talking out of his ass, saying whatever just for the heck of it. you for sure looked happy, though. you conversed with yeosang with a smile on your face the entire time.
you guys being a 'thing' might be a bit over-the-top but it doesn't hurt anyone to exaggerate a little. san never cared so why would he now?
but wooyoung doesn't take notice of the way san's body tenses up and his grip on the arm of the couch gets tighter, wooyoung's mind completely elsewhere, focus on getting out now that he's done all he wanted to do.
"alright, well, i'm gonna head out now before i piss the other guys off."
and he's gone, leaving san to digest the new information as something churns in his stomach and his knuckles clenches. because now, it's starting to make sense.
the sudden silence from you and the unanswered message. you never even read his text from two days ago. it's all because you're too busy with yeosang.
he can still recall the small and subtle glances you guys would sometime exchange during dinner; the way your eyes would shoot to him, and he would try to cover the hidden laughter that wanted out because you did something endearing.
and san typically doesn't mull over the girls he hooks up with; who they slept with before or will sleep with after him. because most of them know what they're getting into. they don't expect anything from him after and he doesn't expect anything from them, either.
but over the course of seeing you, he's taken a rather big liking to you above any others. because out of all his conquests, you're the one who's always willing to go above and beyond for him.
you have feelings for him that are more than just simply fulfilling a need--you actually like him.
and in typical san fashion, because he's selfish, he uses that knowledge to hang over your head, knowing whatever he does, you're going to put up with it.
so how is he suppose to feel now, that you of all people is ignoring him, with someone else right by your doorstep ready to take his place.
well, it definitely doesn't feel good.
a fit of rage, jealousy, and possessiveness overtakes him completely, and before he knows it, he's up and with his car keys dangling around his finger. he has to talk to you.
even if he's on the verge of passing out right now and tired out of his mind. even if paying you a visit is quite possibly going to be the worst thing he can ever do to you.
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"wait, so with that being established, could that mean you were being cautious around me because you were afraid of falling for me?" you tease yeosang through the elevator ride.
the chemistry has been so natural, the rest of the night spent in comfortable conversations that were full of sparks, and you have never felt so safe in the presence of anyone before.
he snickers. "oh would you let it go. i told you that like... an hour ago."
you return a giggle of your own, yeosang continuing on, "but i might've been a bit of an asshole to a couple other girls. maybe."
you roll your eyes playfully, at the same time stepping out of the elevator when the door open, about to make another remark when you catch a figure from the corner of your eye. standing in front of your room, head down and attention glued to his phone screen.
he finally looks up at the sound of the commotion, and you merely gasp in place when that familiar feeling of butterflies swoop your stomach at the sight of none other than san.
what the hell is he doing here? again.
you and yeosang are frozen in place, his questioning gaze lasering san's that stiffens upon seeing yeosang by your side, looking so in place and comfortable; that fit of rage, jealousy, and possessiveness making a comeback with even more vengeance.
silence consumes the thick air, you breaking it by shifting just enough so you're able to whisper to yeosang; thank him for making sure you arrive safely, and that he's good to return.
yeosang shoots san one last glance, the boy giving him all kinds of wrong signs, but it's also not his place to meddle. he nods and tells you a goodnight, shuffling his feet back into the elevator and you watch until the door closes on him.
now, it's just you and the person who has given you nothing but pain, showing up once again when you experience even an ounce of joy.
you walk to the door of your room with careful steps, stopping in front of him, everything about your body language is nervous and in defense mode, thinking that this is it.
this is where you cut off everything with him; the kisses, sex, months of being in each other's arms--this is where it will all end. you will tell him you no longer want anything to do with him because you can't agree to his conditions.
you're not made for a casual relationship without any budding feelings. it's just not who you are; therefore, you and him are not compatible.
"hey..." he's the one to start speaking, "i'm sorry i haven't been reaching out, i was--"
"--it's fine," you cut, not wanting to hear any more lies from him. the fact he doesn't even recall showing up drunk is enough to convince you there's no need to hear him out at all.
"oh," he simply says, and it's the most awkward silence after of you just standing there and he thinking of what else to say.
"i know you're probably upset, but--"
"--it's fine, san. i-i don't care anymore."
anymore. san thinks over the word more than he should, and the longer he lingers on it, the more he find himself hating everything about your tone and attitude.
but he's always been quite shameless, always testing the situation even if he feels a shitstorm coming.
"can i come in? for a little bit?"
come in. you know what that means, and how it will always end. you'll like to believe you're way past that now.
with a heavy sigh and striving a few steps forward, you pull out your key.
"i'm really tired." you unlock the frame, pushing it just slightly open. "i think it's best if you leave." your palms against it, slowly creeping yourself in; your voice unwelcoming because you're hoping he will get the hint and leave you the heck alone.
"and... i-i don't think we should see each other again after--"
your breath is whisked away, it all happening so fast. one second you were still in the hallway and the next, you're pushed into the room along with san shoving himself in, his grip around both your wrists and backing you into the wall.
"--all because of that fucking guy, right?" he taunts, a look on him so terrifying, you have never seen san angry like this before.
"what are you talking about?" you push him back by his chest, honestly amazed at the amount of sheer strength you hold when being cornered.
but that just might've been a mistake; he's able to catch his steps before stumbling completely and pins both his hands to the wall with a bang, trapping you inbetween his arms and hungry gaze.
you flinch a little.
"yeosang. the one that came with you. are you seeing him?"
your eyes squint--perplexed, only able to think, what about yeosang? and why of all times, now is when he's deciding to give a shit.
he's never cared about anything regarding you--what you do or who you hang out with--always leaving when he wants to, never bothering to call or text if not for his own benefits, and now he shows up (not drunk) after almost a month of silence to interrogate you against your will, shoving himself into your safe space like an intruder.
"and why does it matter whether i am or i'm not. you said it yourself, san... that we are just friends. i never even asked about any of the girls you see."
some of the rage on san's face dissipates, replaced by the conflict that runs through him--how and when you got this confident to even talk back when you were so tight-lipped the last time he saw you.
and it's true. you guys are just friends, and even friends doesn't sound right. it honestly is a very generous term actually, considering the extent of the relationship.
so yes, he doesn't have the rights to be concerned about who you're with or what you do with them. but again, he's selfish; maybe even rotten to the core. the thoughts of you ever being with someone else never proving to be a threat. not even jongho who really was just a nuisance.
but now, the threat is very much real, and he doesn't like it one bit.
he was the one who touched you first, claimed you first--so in terms, you belong to him. not yeosang or any other fucking guys. him.
and he's going to make sure you know that.
disregarding the veins practically popping on his forehead, you just want to establish a point at this rate, talking in your thin voice, "after this, i really do think it's best if we stop--"
his lips is on yours before you can finish the sentence. before you can make it known once and for all that you do not want to see him again after this.
despite his amazing sex drive and ability to make you cum, san isn't much of a tongue kisser. rarely, actually. but by how his tongue is moving against your protesting lips, you'd think this is his favorite thing in the world.
you're the one to break the kiss, pushing him back and trying to catch your breath after. it's when you see that familiar smirk on him that the fear creeps in to form a knot that travels down your throat.
"you were saying?" he cocks his head, so smug about the power he still has over you, so evident as it's displayed right in front of his face in all its glory.
but you haven't lost, yet. you still have the time to get rid of him and show that the effect he had on you is no more.
you clear your throat and straighten your posture, putting on an act of bravery.
"i said it's best if we stop seeing each other after this. our agreement or whatever it was, i don't want it anymore."
the smirk only widens, san honestly amused you still have some restraint.
"oh, really?"
an eyebrow is raised on him before you feel the cold sensation of his fingers crawling up one of your legs, slowly traveling to under your skirt.
you gulp.
"then stop me." he leans in to whisper, his breath felt on the tip of your skin, ghosting and sending a shiver down your spine--that sudden but recognizable itch in between your legs again begins coming into bloom--one that is truly going to be your downfall, you can already feel it.
"s-stop, san," you mutter with eyes glued on him. you don't even sound like you mean it; like you even want him to stop at all. and he knows; he knew.
that no matter how hard you fight, all he has to do is try just a little harder and you will fold.
he chuckles, whether at how cute you look or at your words, his hand stops in place and squeezes at your thigh, drawing closer and whispering in your ear using that deep tone that makes you shutter in excitement.
"do you really want me to?"
he pulls away after, face merely inches away and your gaze skips to his lips for a moment; lips that are on yours the next and comfortably taking you in this time because there's no more act or pretense that you don't want him.
because he still conjures up butterflies and still make you feel that something that is so unique only when in the proximity of him.
you still miss him when you know you shouldn't, and the taste of his lips still feels like home even though it's now only a forbidden flavor that serves as a reminder that in the end, you will be your own worst enemy.
your arms rest around his shoulders the way they usually do, replying back to the kiss and trying to meet his pace; at the same time, his fingers edging closer to the shorts under your skirt, stopping when he reaches the top, breaking away from the kiss to laser you a glare.
he scans your outfit swiftly before looking up again; something displeased already blossoming on his expression.
"did you wear this for yeosang?" the way he's able to flip flop emotions almost too scary, now currently showing the same frightening and much more menacing side once before that sparked fear in you.
you're about to answer but he cuts you off with a brief "fuck it." going back to resume the kiss that is a lot sloppier than the previous one, his lips moving against yours in frustration like he's trying to convey something.
you don't get a second to catch your breath when he abruptly swoops you from the behind--your arms still around his shoulders for support--and throws you down onto your bed, your back sinking into the sheet momentarily.
he situates himself and traps both your legs between his, and you think it's just going to be like any other times you both had sex.
he's probably going to eat you out or make you suck his cock, but san surprises you when he grabs your arm and flip you around just like that--your face right into the pillow.
the sound of his belt unbuckling is after, and you turn to look over your shoulder.
"san..." you call out, but he continues to leave you in astonishment when he hisses back instead.
"shut up."
he tosses the belt, and from the way it hits the wall on yuna's side before dropping to the floor means there was some force put into it.
"just... just shut up." and his cock is next, freeing itself from his pants.
it's when you feel the shorts underneath ripped from your skin, the cold air gushing right past it, that you release what sounds like a mixture of a gasp along with a moan.
he pushes your legs apart and scoots in, focus on the sight of your bare pussy that still needs some lubrication.
spitting on his fingers, you can only let your head fall onto the pillow as solace when he rubs over your entrance in preparation before inserting two digits in, a quiet groan escaping at the sensation you haven't felt in a while.
"look at you so fucking wet already, and you said you don't want to see me anymore." he chuckles a sinister, mocking laughter, bunching your skirt up to where he can see everything, gripping your hips firmly to line up with his hard-on.
"but truth is, you'll always come back for this cock."
the laughter intensifies and so does the knot in your stomach, barely able to get out, "d-do you have a cond--" before a curse leaves your mouth.
your eyes shut and you immediately grip at the sheet when he inserts his length in without any notice. without a fucking condom.
and san has never had sex without a condom before, but his jealousy has taken over completely, currently only focus on making sure you know you belong to him.
only he can fuck you like this and only he can feel your pussy as it hug around his length so nicely like it's made just for his cock.
his nails dig at your hips and you have to muffle the oncoming screams by burying your face into the pillow, san fucking you through the high at such an intense pace, you may never want to go back to slow and steady sex ever again.
"what were you doing with yeosang?" he asks through the grunts and lost breath.
lifting your head up to look over your shoulder again, you try forming an answer in hardship of the pleasure coursing your system.
"we were--oh fuck," you curse at that spot being hit so perfectly, "we were just hanging out."
he snaps into you a little harder at that, the hold you have on the sheet tightening.
"will you stop seeing him?" he asks again, his pace slowing down as he awaits your response.
"i-i don't know," you answer honestly, since you're actually starting to warm up to yeosang and he's nice to be around.
san's facial twists in red though you can't see it clearly because he's fucking you too good right now.
"i said," he almost growl, "will you stop seeing him?" picking up his speed again and nails digging even further into your flesh as he practically slams your cunt with the harsh thrusts.
"y-yes!" you give in, defeated instantly at the overwhelming sensation and pit that's starting to form. "i'll stop seeing him!" your face falling back into the pillow once more, the sheet in your grip, and only able to cry sounds of pleasure the rest of the session as he pounds into you over and over again.
you come hard and wet, unable to recall a time you ever came like this. san fucks you a few more time while you try catching your breath and pulls out.
there's no need for him to cum. he already accomplished exactly what he wanted.
"now that wasn't so hard, was it?" you feel the shift of his body weight as he stands on his knees again, and you're still panting with the side of your face stuck to the poor pillow.
it's when that high from what just happened is starting to die out and another feeling so familiar consisting of guilt and shame settles in again.
the commotion of san getting off the bed to go look for his belt competely ignored, you only staring into space at yuna's side of the room already imagining what mingi's and yunho's reactions will be like.
you have broken a promise. you went against your friends, and all for a boy who doesn't even like you.
a boy, who, will leave in the next few minutes; tell you he has somewhere to be, and will lie to you all over again the way he always does.
but before the end of the night, choi san surprises you just one more time.
he doesn't leave.
instead, he walks to where you're lying down and places a peck to your cheek that has you picking your head up to look at him.
he gives you that soft, handsome smile that shows those dimples you love dearly, and offers a hand.
"want to do something together?"
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164 notes · View notes
csuitebitches · 1 year
On your becoming more well read: what are some reliable somewhat accurate news apps you’d recommend? Also can you make a post on books to read?
The reality is that no media is fully reliable. There’s no such thing as fully accurate reporting. The best we can do is read everything with a pinch of salt.
The next bit could be a little controversial but it is something everyone needs to hear.
In order to form opinions, you must be able to read and consume all sides and spectrums.
That means reading left wing AND right wing news, no matter how aggravating either are.
You can’t tell good journalism from bad journalism unless and until you’ve experienced both. The same way, you cannot form opinions about a certain topic until you’ve seen all major sides to the topic.
Having said that:
* Annual Review (website) : academic articles, short academic articles, popular articles
* CNA Luxury (website) : all things lifestyle, luxury, fashion, food, living
* Fox News
* Medium (for personal opinions and weird reads)
* Bloomberg
* Wall Street journal
* Yahoo finance
* New York Times
* Google news app (great if you want to quickly consume news without spending too much time)
* The rest are specific to my native country and my native language
* Bloomberg open and close (markets and finance)
* Emerging tech brew (technology)
* Morningbrew
* CFO brew (because I’m interested in finance)
* Seedtable (this is the best newsletter you could subscribe to if you wanted to subscribe to just one. It’s business and entrepreneurship related but it’s very diverse- biotech, healthcare, money… it’s fabulous. A man called Gonz Sanchez sends the newsletter).
* A couple of others which are personal and selective because I belong to a certain HNI business organisation because of my family
Being well read doesn’t just meaning the act of reading in today’s world. You have to know things, people and communities.
Other methods:
I’m constantly on the look out for events, conferences and networking opportunities. Regardless of whether it’s virtual or in person (I appreciate both). The said organisation I’m a part of arranges some of the best, most influential personalities in the world to come and talk (I attended a business conference where Mona Kattan spoke; another one where Terry Crews spoke about failures; so you get my point about how big these things are).
If you don’t know where to start, I’d say start with asking your bank. Banks in my country tend to host events, lectures and conferences and as your account grows, your access to selective conferences gets stronger.
Another avenue is work; college; university, you know the usual. Ask your boss if they know of any work related conferences happening.
Look up online to see what’s happening as well in your city. Museums often host events too.
Try attending a wide range of events - art, classical music, finance, motivational speaking, history, religion - it will shape you up a lot.
Charity/ volunteer work is another solid way. You need to interact with a lot of people. Choose what you truly like - is it nature, animals, children, old people, education? Do what you gravitate to naturally. And do it because you genuinely want to help, not just for networking and brownie points.
And I’ll definitely make a reading list sometime :)
Edit: I’ve created a free newsletter with the intention of making you well-read with minimal effort on your side. Sign up here! Launch: 8th January 2023.
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netherworldpost · 1 year
Hi Atty! First, thank you for being a source of spooky, otherworldly joy in the world and on tumblr. Secondly, a while back (possibly quite a while back) you shared a link to some starting-a-small-business resources that (I think) you made. It was possibly a google doc? I had the link open in a tab for a very long time, but now that I’m about to finally start starting my own colorful business, I seem to have lost that particular tab, and tumblr’s search function is…well…it’s tumblr’s search function, and therefore less than functional. Am I correct in that recollection and/or what advice do you have for someone who has never done anything like this? I’m excited, but also a bit worried!
I cannot locate the document either, I'm afraid. I've been in multiple arguments discussions arguments (is correct) over the last several months as I've ventured into "Hey I have thoughts, maybe they are useful!" so I might have deleted it.
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I can sum some basics up
Keep your costs low, especially as you start out. You have to build an audience and this takes time (that's the bad news). Once you build an audience your audience helps you build a larger audience (that's the good news). The tipping points of scale are invisible and you won't know you've reached them until you're past. Just keep going.
If you aren't making a profit consistently, this is a hobby. There is no moral difference between a hobby and a business. It boils down to "am I making money on this, or am I spending money on this."
If running the thing makes you more You than not running it, keep going, even if it costs you money -- but, doubly so here, keep the costs to an enjoyable limit.
The point I want to express is a lot of people start a weird business, it costs them a small fortune because they attempt to spend their way to success, it collapses under the weight of said costs, and they feel a failure.
Unless money is no object (because of financial resources external to the business or you are creating something that does not have a production cost), failure fundamentally does not exist.
Making money is hard. The more you make, the harder it is to make more, so keep all of this in mind when you're designing your labor systems. "I can put a card in an envelope" is easy. "I can put 100 cards in 100 envelopes" is more than 100x harder.
This is not to dissuade you, it is to prepare a bed of moss for when the honeymoon cloud ends.
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Focus, tightly, why you're doing this.
If you want more money, a second job is going to give you more for less hours of work. If you want the world to be different, this is a great way to do it.
If you want both -- if you want this to be a solid source (if not your main source) of income -- that's great. I cannot stress this enough: prepare for the long haul. Decades -- not years, decades. I started in the mid 90s. I got successful in the mid 2010s.
The best news is you don't have to make that decision permanently, you can decide every day to do what you want, it's your shop.
When you get a lucky break and you think "did I deserve this lucky break" put that thought to bed. It doesn't matter.
When you get an unlucky break and you think "should I have done something different to prevent this" put that thought to bed. It doesn't matter.
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Your main competition is going to be people you post your things without crediting you -- 99/100 times without malice. Your competition is not the people who make similar things as you.
Once you reach a threshold, "giant corporations who steal from you" can be added to that list.
The point: worrying about another independent creator's work is not useful energy. Unless they are directly stealing from you, just keep going.
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This is a difficult set of tasks. Keep going. Every problem you have will have an industry built to solve it -- not a singular vendor, an entire industry. Find who you are comfortable with and can afford.
When you want to do ABC and you can't afford it, reduce scope. If you can't afford Extra Fancy Packaging then use something cheaper. If you can't afford Extra Fancy Project Production then reduce the fanciness.
If it drives up the retail price out of what your customers will pay, if it takes too long to assemble and put into an envelope to ship, if it's too complicated to handle efficiently -- reduce scope.
Listen to me very carefully. Get uncomfortably close to ensure you understand this.
This is not cheating.
This is business. This is how business works. You continuously measure "what is possible vs. what is sale-able vs. what is profitable." and then go with the center of this diagram.
If you don't want to reduce scope, if you want costs-be-damned-I-want-what-I-want: treat this as a hobby. That's fine. See above points.
I cannot begin to explain how many books I have built that were Massively God Damn Complicated Oh God Why WHY and the why was "so it exists in the world." That has been my hobby-stuff.
I cannot begin to explain how many books I have built that were "hm, I shall streamline this, I shall enjoy it, my audience will enjoy it." This is business-stuff.
Sometimes I'll take a business-stuff thing and make a single special edition with water color or gold leaf or a special box etc. as a gift or just to keep. That's a blend. Acceptable.
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Do not work for exposure.
Do not work for a large company that says "we'll give you so many business contacts if you just give us one for free."
Do not give free stuff to a social media influencer for a shout out on their channel.
The validity of these strategies is irrelevant until you have enough cash on hand and experience and an audience big enough to build an advertising campaign. If you cannot afford an advertising campaign, then you're in the realm of "reduce scope."
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Your logo set in Arial in a single color with default font settings is going to last until you can comfortably say "I want more" and then build more or hire someone to build more.
Your website in a free Shopify or Big Cartel (etc) theme) is going to last you until you can comfortably say "I want more" and then build more or hire someone to build more or buy a template.
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Last point.
Your brand is "I make X, it is of Y quality, it is available at Z-location" is 99% of branding.
You get to do this. You are doing this on purpose. You are doing this for a reason.
For a very long time, your profit levels will be less than the interest a high yield interest savings account would offer you for your investment cash. That is to say you could be making more money with 0 effort than you are with A Significant Amount of Effort.
I am talking about money a lot because it is the connection that links all businesses together.
This is your shop. Own it. Keep in mind, "This is my shop. I run it how i want."
If you are running out of resources, reduce scope. If it's not fun, reduce it to a hobby. If you're scared, reduce consequences of things not working out quickly. If people laugh or deride your work, block them.
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I love business. I love the weird, complicated problems it brings. It gives me a focus. I love coming to the office and bothering my best friend with my intense nonsense that somehow puts food on tables and roofs over heads.
My life would be so much more straight forward if I just made art and either put it into the world or held onto it in private. I would be making so much more art in if I went down this path.
But running a shop, running a business, makes me more me. The shop and the art are not two halves of a singular piece, they wound together on a molecular level.
As long as that exists in my core, I'll be making a business. If it ever does not, I'll make it a hobby.
Don't measure penalties or lost opportunities.
Measure wins, big and small, of things that went well because you're smart and capable, or your lucky and smart, or your lucky and capable, or you royally fucked up but it worked out anyway, or you learned a lesson because of a past failure, etc.
This isn't a competition. It's a thing that makes you You more You than if you weren't doing it, so you are, to the best of your ability + the limit of your desire.
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