#Codex Alera
ravelqueen · 18 days
Realising once again that it's just so relaxing and nice to read books with GODDAMN ADULTS as protagonists which is so extremely rare in fantasy so if you have any recs to throw my way it's appreciated
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magicaldogtoto · 3 months
I don't know much about Jim Butcher as a person--I barely even know much about him as a writer (I've read some of his Dresden Files short stories, though)--but I hope someone somewhere is archiving his old Livejournal because the essays he has on writing are very useful references.
I can't even count the number of times I've read and re-read them and applied what they say to the stuff I've written. His essay on how to wade through the middle of a story so it you can reach the end and not get bogged down by the stress of being stuck in the middle is literally the main thing that's helped me get through the mid-section of Parallel Worlds Record as I write it out (not to mention the mid-sections of other stuff I've written or are working on, both fanfic and original fic). It would be terrible if no one at least saved the information he provided to share with other writers.
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best-childhood-book · 2 months
May I add the to the fantasy list
Farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb
Merovingen Nights by CJ Cherryh
Riftwar saga by Raymond E Feist
Green Rider series by Kristain Britain
Rider at the Gate by CJ Cherryh
Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
Codex Alera by Jim Butcher
Everworld By KA Applegate
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba
Vows and Honor by Mercedes Lackey
Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McAffery
Wiz Series by Rick Cook
that's all I got for now without adding more series by the same authors (notably Cherryh and Lackey)
I love getting these mile long lists lmao it's the kind of thing I'd submit. I've added them all!
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(cw cartoon blood+gore) How I feel about this fandom:
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credit @thornshadowwolf​ 
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gemini-care-barr · 3 months
For Barry and Hal-
What fandoms or franchises do you think they are in or follow? Could be podcast related, Reddit forums they are a part of, movie sequels or trilogies or novels!
Definitely something that should be mentioned more in canon comics so let’s use this as a manifesting moment by detailing it out 🤭
Right off the bat, I have to make it clear to absolutely everyone that Barry is 100% a Trekkie and Hal is most likely a Star Wars fan. And while we’re on the most heated sci-fi debate, I’ll add that once Hal and Barry became friends and Barry learned more about the Green Lantern Corps he undoubtedly introduced Hal to Star Trek and successfully convinced him that it was the superior sci-fi franchise, we stan two Trekkies 😜
Now then, I don’t think Hal would be very into book series or fantasy in general but he’d definitely have a particular interest in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy and I think he’d try Game of Thrones and The Witcher because of everyone’s recommendations but would probably not like it very much. He’s the noble-type though and would be pretty easily convinced to read the Lord of the Rings books (including the Hobbit and Silmarillion) because of the nobility of the characters and story. Same reasoning goes for Donita K. Paul’s DragonSpell series. He’d also probably be into the writings of Henry David Thoreau, Ernest Hemingway, and Raymond Carver, not hugely into them necessarily but if he was super bored and he had access to their stuff he’d dig it haha. His favorite poem would also probably be Tennyson’s In Memoriam A.H.H.. I don’t see him being too into podcasts, but he’d definitely like rock bands like Foreigner and AC/DC. He’s also definitely into movies more so than tv shows and would love movies like The Right Stuff, Top Gun, Braveheart, The Patriot, John Wick, most blockbusters classics really, and probably anything with Bruce Lee haha. He’d probably think anime/manga was for nerds until someone pointed out that Dragon Ball Z was, in fact, an anime then he’d realize they can be pretty cool hahaha. And with video games, I’d say he absolutely doesn’t have the patience for long form RPGs but can probably be convinced to play some FPSs with friends like Call of Duty and Halo lol. Basically, this was a long way of saying that Hal is probably more sporty, not in an obsessive fan of sports way, mind you, just that he participated in mostly sports growing up and even as an adult probably prefers hanging out playing baseball with kids (Adams’ GL run has an adorable scene of just that) rather than watching/reading/listening to anything so essentially he’s just not very media-obsessed; he’s a doer! He also probably wouldn’t participate in the fandoms of any of the media he does consume because he cares more about engaging with the media itself rather than about others’ thoughts and feelings on it haha.
Onto Barry, honestly, Barry is kind of tougher for me to figure out purely because I feel like he and I are very similar so I’m inclined to list basically all my favorite things and my thought processes haha, but I’ll try to avoid doing that 😝. So, like I said, Barry is definitely a Trekkie, the Federation’s belief in preserving alien lives and lifestyles plus its dedication to exploration and science all appeals to his inner nerd. He probably loves the shows For All Mankind, The X-Files, and Bones because of their science-y natures (he definitely introduced Hal to For All Mankind and it’s one of the shows they watch together haha). We all know he’s a huge comic book fan (shout-out to Pre-Crisis that had him reading Golden Age Flash comics 😜), but I’ll also add that I think this love of Golden Age Flash, thanks to his mom, would have led to his own love of Greek and Roman mythology once he realized where the idea for Jay Garrick’s helmet and shoes came from! A love of mythology would eventually lead to a love of ancient western philosophy and writings then to Medieval romances like the Arthurian legends and the works of Chaucer. Old English stuff would’ve crept in there too starting with Beowulf. He was an old soul from a young age so all these things would’ve caught his eye on trips to the library and the old-fashioned romantic notions and chivalry has definitely stayed with him. All this appreciation for much older works would then slingshot back around to him loving and appreciating more modern works that took heavy inspiration from all this older literature like The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, the Percy Jackson series, the Harry Potter series, the Codex Alera, and the Dresden Files, oh and all the detective novels, just all, from Doyle, Christie, Poe, Hammett, etc. then when he found foreign detective fiction he’d go mental and just read them all haha. He’d also probably read the Remo Williams and Jack Reacher book series and convince Hal to do the same! I’d say he’s also into old movies and classic tv shows because they all make him feel good with their sweet morals and happy endings. He’s probably not much of a gamer except for the ones with good stories, he’s too interested in learning new things to just watch someone else play though, if a game’s story interests him then he’s definitely playing it himself. Mass Effect is probably one of his secret favorites. He’s super into podcasts, anything informational and/or scientific, probably conspiratorial and/or true crime stuff, too, if for nothing else than to help him get inspiration on how to approach his own cases, he may even try and solve some cold cases that he hears about (he’d probably stumble across Black Box Down then convince Hal to listen with him haha). He definitely grew up with both the Pokémon TCG and show and was actually aware that it was an anime so is likewise somewhat into other very popular anime/manga like Naruto. Music would be jazz (he’d try and fail to get Hal into it, too, see: New 52 Flash’s Annual #2), 60s rock like the Beatles and the Monkees, and probably 80s pop like the Culture Club, oh and Air Supply (which is also Hal’s guilty pleasure band hehe). He likes sports a lot, both playing and watching, but was still more likely to be found reading/watching/listening to something rather than playing; still, the same way Hal can be convinced to play a video game in order to hangout with friends, Barry can be easily convinced to join in some sporty endeavors if it’ll mean bonding with a friend or loved one. Finally, like Hal, I don’t see him engaging too much with fandoms, he’d probably try when he was younger but wouldn’t find too many people who were into the same things then when he did find people things would devolve into arguments instead of just joy for whatever the thing was so he eventually would resign himself to just enjoying the thing itself, our Barry is a soft boy 🥹. He likes discussion though so once he found people who were his safe space they wouldn’t be able to get him to shut up hahaha.
…I …I can’t believe I wrote this much ahahah 😅. I swear I wasn’t going to get this involved! I was just going to name a few popular franchises that each would be into, but then I started thinking about mediums and how they’d appreciate different ones and then… all this came out lmao 😅😂. I apologize for the long walls of text! Just remember: this is your fault 😜
(Note: forgot to say, Barry would 100% be into Jurassic Park (books and movies) and would convince Hal to read the books (he definitely already watched and loved the movies)!
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boooklover · 7 months
“It’s easy to see what choices one should have made after it is too late to go back.”
Jim Butcher, Cursor's Fury
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tothepayne · 6 months
My favorite scene in the entire Codex Alera is when Tavi learns that Varg renamed him the Canin equivalent of Wolverine. It just encapsulates their entire relationship.
Varg is showing Tavi respect and also warning all the other Canes this one can and will kill you if you're not respectful.
"Only a fool seeks a quarrel with a Tavar." Quoted like a proverb, after basically describing Tavi himself. And Tavi is just poleaxed. It's great, I love it.
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milfweiwuxian · 4 months
one day I hope to love someone as much as Jim Butcher loves the word "chitin"
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brongusthearcanist · 2 months
My TBR is very long, but Codex Alera by Jim Butcher is always an intriguing entry. I have heard some not great things about that make it sound like it would be hard for me to get through or maybe not worth it. How is book? Is better Pokemon not Pokemon High Fantasy book?
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ravelqueen · 20 days
One of the harshest things about the No Fandom situation in the codex alera world is that I actually NEED about 50 outsider pov stories about Tavi/Kitai like IT'S SO GOOD
Imagine what the soldiers in the camp must have thought when he was Scipio ?? The heads Kitai must have cracked to have people not just assume she's a whore or the captains kept woman or something
Or the court having to adjust to Empress Kitai and her casual disrespect of Octavian
Or when Tavi was still in the academy having this beautiful woman coming out of his room all the time
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nervousnighttragdies · 5 months
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And now she can fight sharks and taste sound
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jurakan · 9 months
New Jim Butcher interview!
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meeshnut · 9 months
I got some blazed post about something or another and it used Septimus in the words and I’m racking my brain like ‘is this locked tomb or codex alera’ 👀
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boooklover · 2 years
“You beg fate to make your fears into reality, Aleran. But for the moment, they are only fears. They may come. If so, then face them and overcome them. Until then, pay them no mind. You have enough to think on.”
Jim Butcher, Cursor's Fury
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"I wanted to speak with you, Tavi. It would seem that I am in your debt." Tavi swallowed. "I was just trying to get my sheep home, sir. That's all I meant to happen, I mean. After that, everything just sort of..." "Got complicated?" Gaius suggested.  Tavi flushed and nodded "Exactly." "That's how these things happen. I don't want to keep you up long, so I'll come to the point. I owe you. Name your reward, and you'll have it.
Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera: book 1) by Jim Butcher
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