#imma put that in my pocket for a 7-themed character
meeshnut · 10 months
I got some blazed post about something or another and it used Septimus in the words and I’m racking my brain like ‘is this locked tomb or codex alera’ 👀
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nuwildcat · 5 months
10 QL people I want carnally aesthetically
Sooooo as your local ace, I couldn't complete the lovely tag from @sunshinesanctuary with carnally, cause....I don't think that way. BUT with a little chit chat in DMs with @luckydragon10 I was able to cobble together a list of aesthetically pleasing people from Queer Love series.
Cool I'm going to start with the two who lured me into Thai BL cause why not.
**note the following gifs will not be the most flattering, but instead the most hilarious ones I find on tumblr's atrocious gif search.
10. Tan (Max Nattapol) - Manner of Death
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What can I say, I like a good cheeky monkey who has no idea what to do with the pretty man that has just kissed him. He has his little shit face on here, and that's about all it takes to lure in my ace heart.
9. Bunn (Tul Pakorn) - Manner of Death
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What an orange cat of a man. Like, what were you thinking was going to happen (spoiler he was checking for a gun I think? sus little bean) but that is a horrible way to go about that. Charmed the shit out of me from the get go, he absolutely deserves to be on this list. Also that shirt is doin' werk.
8. Phupha (Earth Pirapat) - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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Right, so, as far as aesthetics go, this man is already pretty, but then they stuck him in a uniform, and I've always been a sucker for a uniform. He gives gremlin vibes this entire show, despite the serious face that is just stuck like that. (I am starting to sense a pattern...).
7. Prapai (Fort Thitipong) - Love in the Air
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What does this man do? Seemingly, nothing. He has way too much time on his hands and a clearly overworked secretary, but I will say the lack of brain cells and puppy dog eyes kinda worked for me. (not enough to finish the series, but I was digging him).
6. Jang Jae Young (Park Seo Ham) - Semantic Error
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I love how freakishly tall this man is. Once again I have found an absolute terror of a man (this one totally has a golden heart) and latched onto him instantly. The fact that he came with a built in size difference is just the icing on the cake.
5. Choi Yu Na (Song Ji Oh) - Semantic Error
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Ummm. Yeah Imma just let that gif speak for itself. Immaculate babe, just keep doing what you're doing.
OKAY from here on it's just KP I don't know what y'all were expecting otherwise.
4. Tay (Us Nititorn) - KinnPorsche the Series
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My love affair with Tay is long standing and undying. This is the best I could do to find a silly gif of him. Honestly I think that speaks to why he is so high on the aesthetic list. Poor man lost in a google coin toss to Big 😭
3. Big (Nodt Nutthasid) - KinnPorsche the Series
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That right there ladies and gentlemen, is peak bodyguard performance, losing your shit over the new kid. All jokes aside there's something about this man's face that makes me wanna stare at it from like every angle. Give this man another role so I can stare at him more, please.
2. Porsche (Apo Nattawin) - KinnPorsche the Series
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Ahhh Apo and his amazing faces. There is a unique ability to demonstrate just how little is going on in a character's head, and Apo has it DOWN. Porsche my darling, aesthetically your a freaking masterpiece, but baby if you think too hard you might hurt yourself. (Yes I am aware the theme is getting worse). THAT BEING SAID. Holy shit when you clean this boy up he is a force to recon with. That green suit??? it haunts me. Aesthetics on point with this brat.
Kinn (Mile Phakphum) - KinnPorsche
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Right so this last one was actually hard to pick between Porsche and Kinn, buuuuut if I'm going form a character aesthetic approach I have to give the #1 spot to Kinn. My man slays through the majority of this show with suits on point, and cocky faces galore. I kinda hate him a little bit for how long I had to scroll to find an unflattering gif. EVEN HERE HE LOOKS GOOD he just got his dick sucked too hard in a helicopter to pull off suave. *throws hands up in the air* I just wanna put him in my pocket and take him out and shake him every once and a while.
I am very late to this game but I am going to inflict this on a couple people I think who haven't been tagged and whose answers I would find amusing. @lady-guts @fairhairedkings @medievalraven @stoeptepel @dr-lemurr
Please feel no obligation to participate I just think y'all would have good hot-takes.
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sorbriquette · 6 years
Tagged by @basic-banshee Thank you Ban <3
1. How did you begin writing? I was writing from childhood. My primary school tutor was really encouraging so I started posting fanfic on FF.net illegally at like age 9. It was bad. When I was about 13 I started doing online RP and fell in with a group of brilliant people who helped me keep that up for YEARS and is kinda how I got into writing properly, not my shitty childhood fanfic. 
2. What was your first writing project? Tell us a little about it. Like I said, shitty childhood fanfic. First legit project though would probably be last years NaNoWriMo (where you write 50k in a month). I wrote the first draft of a high fantasy kinda thing I’m working on but like the entire plot of that has been scrapped and I’m starting from scratch this year so...
3. What is your preferred medium for writing first drafts? Oh, I use ywriter 5 (link here) it’s like a free program that lets you write (without a spell check importantly so I don’t stop) and like add in like character and location and item tabs so you can keep track of what and who appears in the story and what each scene fulfills and shit. Imma shut up before this turns into an add but it’s really good and yall should check it out (even if I basically just use the POV system myself)
4. What rituals or habits do you have around writing? 
I don’t really have any I don’t think? For me it’s kinda just sit down and go for as long as I’ve got the motivation. Usually late at night admittedly but yeah there’s nothing particularly consistent about the way I write.
5. We all have a “type”– of character, plot, theme– what is yours? I feel called out. 
Probably wit though. Across all my characters RP, actual story, weves, I like the snarky asshole ones. I’m weak for that banter. 
Also kinda both theme/character: good characters bore the shit out of me. I like ‘em morally grey or immoral and as such I write a lot about the subjective nature of morality in my original shit.
6. Introduce us to one (or more!) of your OC’s. Right so my current original shit has 6 mains and asking me to choose between them is inhumane so you get the 4 starting ones and the other two will remain a mystery.
Ren --> Brings a knife to a gun fight because ‘you gotta live life on hard mode’, makes bad choices for fun, stupidly reckless, very loyal but issues with authority. Military deserter turned pirate. Unofficial leader of this band of misfits. 
Marcel --> Brings 2 knives to a gun fight because he is both a follower and coward. Just here for a laff and a taste of freedom. Prince of a country but does not want to rule. Falls in love with the first man who pays attention to him. Alignment is chaotic dumbass.
Kia --> Supposed to be the party thief but ‘it’s easier to loot a corpse than pick a pocket’. An actual proper coward, will leave everyone else to die if it saves her. Can’t take anything seriously. Tries to life-hack everything. Thinks murder is the solution to everything. 
Corvus --> Absolute pacifist regardless of the danger. RLLY into blackmail (and plants). Lowkey the token evil teammate. Perpetually rolling his eyes. Makes all the plans and then gets salty when no one follows them. Would sell you to Satan for one corn chip.
7. What’s your favorite genre to read? FANTASY! Which is why, despite only really writing fic for Carry On, I’ve not actually read any of Rainbow Rowell’s other work. Contemporary romance doesn’t really interest me.
Also I’m weak for anything featuring like crime, but the criminals doing the crime, not the crime solving. 
8. Your favorite genre to write? Fantasy again! Both high and low but with a preference for high because I like to world build. 
9. How do you conduct your authorial research? LMAO what?
Like I said I like to write high fantasy so I don’t so much research as like to perpetually learn and incorporating things I like in. 
10. What does your editing (gasp) process look like? So in 3. I said ywriter doesn’t have spell check? For fanfic I give it a cursory read over and fix anything glaring, then I copy it into word and use spellcheck and also grammarly. Then to the betas for the final round (I should do more but also?? Just fanfic)
My NaNo project tho? Never got edited at all. 
11. What are your favorite tropes? BRuh I love all the tropes. I am WEaK for tropes. So trimming down to the favs:
I have a weird thing for catagorising so I love me some Cast Calculus
I try but never quite succeed with Blue and Orange Morality
Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking barely counts but I love it
A comedic Rashomon  AKA that thing where everyone is being interrogated and they all tell completely different stories
I high key love a Magnificent Bastard in any form
And I mean a nice round five would have been good but how can one resist a Deadpan Snarker
Also I don’t think this is what I was meant to do for this segment but I enjoyed it so wevs
12. Show off your writing space. ABSOLUTELY NOT MY ROOM IS A MESS
13. What is the most useful piece of writing advice you’ve ever used? Don’t write for anyone but yourself. Write what you want to read. 
I know it’s been said a multitude of times but idk the first time it really resonated with me was when VE Schwab mentioned it. I can’t find the source but I think she was quoting someone, soz!
14. What is the least useful piece of writing advice you’ve ever ignored? Write what you know.
Like get fucked? What I know is fucking boring. Let me write what I can imagine. 
And though I don’t consider it real writing advice cause it was just 1 dumbass post on pinterest I saw one time “when writing a woman's pov make it more about emotions than a males. Her emotions, other peoples emotions’ etc. etc. Basically a load of shit. Don’t write a gender, write a fucking character. 
15. Your writing beverage/snack of choice? I drink a lot of tea but it usually goes cold. 
16. How do you compile your ideas? I don’t mostly, it’s a bad habit. Sometimes I drop stuff in my phone for fanfic or I have a couple of pocket sized leather note books I used to carry around for my original shit. 
But mainly it’s just left in my head to get forgotten :\
17. What are your controversial opinions ™ on the craft of writing? I’m about to get crucified but here goes:
Writing isn’t hard. 
Originally and concepts and stringing together a proper story? Yeah it’s a challenge. But just writing? Nah. not for me at least. If I’m sitting in front of a blank word document it’s because I have a problem with the scene. It doesn’t happen that often but when it does I find the best thing to do is go back and redo the sequence because going off no 13. It probably means I’m not interested in the scene. 
But that’s just my opinion so please extinguish your torches and put down the pitchforks.
Tagging: @mydamnsunshine @thatsbitchcraft and any of my mutals who write. Chances are if you haven’t been tagged I thought you already had so go ahead and consider urself tagged. 
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