#Caste discrimination news
castefiles · 3 months
'Don't Let Anyone Divide You. Fight Ignorance About Yourself' says African-American Network Stalwart Mama Dee at Castecon
Built on Slavery and Segregation, the History of America is Racial and Biracial
As part of the ‘Each One Teach One’ program that we teach, we teach about culture. We teach about appreciation of the differences that we have. We teach about customs and religions, and that they are not a threat to the United States of America because guess what, in 1619 and before that, Africans were brought to this country to build it. And in the process of building, you have what you call today “Biracial”. Many of us are biracial, right? I also have Islanders in my veins.
Read more - https://castefiles.com/dont-let-anyone-divide-you-fight-ignorance-about-yourself-says-african-american-network-stalwart-mama-dee-at-castecon
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atopvisenyashill · 11 days
i’m sorry that ewan mitchell single handedly made me stop caring about aemond but that’s where i’m at
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personal-blog243 · 8 months
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childofaura · 9 months
I know you talk about him a lot but what is your big opinion on Jamieson Price?
Ok so I have to apologize: I got sick yesterday with… SOMETHING, I don’t know what but it had hit me last Wednesday too. I was pretty passed out for the rest of the day so I’m finally getting to a few messages D:
Jamieson Price (or Taylor Henry as he goes by in FEH) has to be one of my favorite actors of all time (that isn’t a 4kids actor). Like… I don’t mean this in a creepy way but to say I love that guy’s voice is an understatement; I get super excited the moment I recognize it in any media. His voice was MADE for voice acting. I think the first time I really discovered who he was happened when I saw the Pokémon Origins series; I saw his name for Giovanni and thought his take was… interesting. Then I finally watched a playthrough of Nier: Gestalt (sadly never got to play it) and enjoyed his performance as Papa Nier, then played Fire Emblem Awakening and married Priam and it all kind of spiraled from there. In FEH, he plays Hawkeye, Virion, Priam, Nemesis, Rudolf, and Zephiel (both young and old). Definitely a pretty big cast of characters.
Man, his performance as all of these characters though! I’ll try to break them all down as best as I can because while I don’t use some of these characters (Hawkeye, Virion, and Zephiel) I do like his work on them and I like some of the characters regardless. Starting with Virion, because that’s his most unique role in FEH yet, he’s perfectly flashy and extravagant with Virion’s voice, having that interesting accent (which honestly I can’t pin down what it is, it could be completely made up though lol). It’s nice that he got some more Virion lines in Eleanora’s unit. As Hawkeye, his voice is quiet and serene, and pretty mesmerizing to listen to, especially his line “You want my attention? Friend, you have it”. Of course that changes when you hear Hawkeye’s critical quotes and the dude goes berserk. Adult Zephiel though, HOLY SHIT that performance almost scares me. He sounds absolutely paranoid and unhinged (as Zephiel is supposed to), his critical lines are practically SCREAMING sometimes. And that makes his Young Zephiel lines that much sadder, he was so polite and enthusiastic ;w; Nemesis is fantastic, he’s bloodthirsty and violent, and the voice filter really adds the unsettling quality to his voice. Rudolf is pretty standard, but the best part about his Valentine’s Rudolf lines is the one where he goes “IT’S A HOLIDAY, RELAX!!” The juxtaposition of Rudolf’s steely character and that line kills me. Finally, his Priam voice is hearty and cordial, he has the tone of Priam’s devotion to strength down perfectly. Just wish that FEH included his “For the Blue Flame” line.
Ok, so interestingly, I think he fits pretty much everyone… except for Young Zephiel. It’s not on him, FEH just keeps most of the same actors for younger versions of characters. But despite the great job he does at trying to change his tone for Zephiel, his voice is still just too naturally deep for how kind of baby-faced younger Zephiel looks.
I know people might argue with me on this one and I SWEAR it’s not (completely) biased, but YES Price does have range; it’s just hard to hear it because he tends to get typecasted for his regular voice. But Virion and young Zephiel do prove he has the range: hell, I didn’t even know he played Virion for a while. Like I said, I think he’s more casted for his iconic regular voice (the one for Priam, Nemesis, and Rudolf). But he has a pretty decent range; maybe not as crazy as Ben Diskin or Cam Clarke, but it’s there.
Overall, and to try not to be biased, I’ll give him a 9/10. But just know that in my personal opinion, he’s a 10/10. And his characters need WAY more alts. Like we need a Hawkeye/Igrene duo alt (like Halloween Hector where we have little Igrene), a proper Virion alt, and DEFINITELY a Harmonic Ike/Priam Hero alt (IS, EVEN IF HE’S THE CHEERLEADER UNIT. YOU PUT HIM IN AND I’LL PAY FOR HIM. I DON’T CARE IF THE IKE/SOREN SHIPPERS PUT UP A STINK, I’D LIKE MORE PRIAM CONTENT FOR HIS CHARACTER).
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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indizombie · 1 year
Viewed by members of the other castes as “untouchables”, Dalits particularly struggle during disasters, when community members bar them from accessing shared water and sanitation facilities: Since the Hindu religious belief operates on strict lines of purity, there is a belief that a Dalit touching a common water source will “pollute it”. As climate change continues to bring worsening floods, droughts, cyclones and more to India, the government is being called upon to do more to protect against caste-based discrimination. A sweeping study released in September by the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights warned that “climate apartheid” was likely to hit Dalits and Adivasis the hardest, and outlined “systemic inadequacies and disregard in involving their participation in disaster/drought risk management.” “[Indian] society has its dysfunctionalities, and disaster or any kind of crisis just accelerates these dysfunctionalities,” Sarbjit Sarota, a disaster risk reduction specialist at UNICEF India, said.
Suprakash Majumdar, ‘How India’s caste system keeps Dalits from accessing disaster relief’, New Humanitarian
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
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jayblanc · 3 months
Chinese Censorship of the 2023 Hugo Award Nominations
Back before the 2023 Hugo Nominations were conducted, I noted that the Chengdu Worldcon Hugo committee had inserted a worrying clause indicating that local government officials could invalidate nominations for breaching the norms and standards of China. I suspected this would result in arbitrarily applied censorship to control the ballot. I am sad and unsurprised to discover I was correct.
The 2023 Hugo Nomination vote data has been published (https://www.thehugoawards.org/2024/01/2023-nominating-and-final-ballot-statistics-published/), and includes notation where nominations were excluded from the ballot. Those with normal reasons, such as being in the wrong category or not being published in 2022 are identified with their reasons for exclusion. This time there are a number of nominations that are merely marked at "Not eligible".
Here is the list of those nominations, that would otherwise have been placed on the final 2023 Hugo Award Ballot.
Babel - R.F. Kuang - Best Novel: Very likely excluded for referencing student revolution, and the use of language and translation as coercive tools of oppression. Color the World - Congyun "Mu Ming" Hu - Best Novellette : A story about perception of, aid of, and discrimination against disability. Congyun Hu has left China and now lives in New York. Fogong Temple Padoga - Hai Ya - Best Story : Either there is something in the original Chinese that was not translated, there's a taboo subject that elides my reading, or this otherwise innocent looking near future tale of cultural building restoration was written by the wrong person. The Art of Ghost of Tsushima: Dark Horse and Sucker Punch Games - Best Related Work : The video game Ghost of Tsushima was subject to directed social exclusion for it's depiction of the Mongol invasion of Japan. Sandman, Amazon Studios: Best Dramatic Presentation (Long and Short) - A diverse and divergent cast, includes subject matter and social issues that are currently taboo in China. Paul Weimer - Fan Writer: Publicly Critical of holding a Worldcon in China. Xiran Jay Zhao - Astounding Award: Qualifying work "Iron Widow" is reimagined story of Chinese Empress Wu during a fantasy/mechanical alien invasion.
This raises a lot of questions as to if this basically taints the process, and what can be done about it.
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kchadster · 1 year
Caste is not some ancient issue.
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physalian · 2 months
What No one Tells You about Writing Fantasy, #2!
I did this list about 7 annoyances about fantasy, but I write in this genre for a reason! Fantasy knows no bounds, it can encompass all other genres within it. You can write a fantastical murder mystery, fantasy horror, fantasy romance, political drama, slice-of-life, comedy, whatever you’d like!
Whether it’s urban or high fantasy, supernatural or scientific, here’s seven great benefits of writing in this genre:
1. No modern means of communication
Unless you’re writing a world with phones or phone-adjacent devices. Phones and instant communication seriously inhibits the plausibility of dramatic irony and tension when you have to keep coming up with reasons to keep your characters from calling or texting each other everything they know. It’s exhausting, I tell you, and such a relief when phones aren’t a factor.
With that said, without phones, you have complete freedom to design your own magical channels of supernatural FaceTime, as weird and zany as you want. But without instant connections? Your character who knew too much can’t pass on the intel before they die. Your hero team can’t call for backup in their darkest hour. Otherwise easily preventable tragedies and deadly miscommunications are now very real.
2. The Monster Allegory
Fantasy and sci-fi tend to overlap more than they’re set apart, and in that overlap sits the monster allegory. Everything from werewolves to vampires to witches, reapers, demons, angels, goblins, trolls, wraiths, fairies, mermaids, ghosts, to Eldritch horrors and your classic Hollywood cast of mummies, creatures from the black lagoon, and Frankenstein.
Most of the time, the monsters aren’t just monsters, they represent a monstrous aspect of society the author wants to challenge and caricaturize in a fun and entertaining way. Or, the monsters are the good guys and the humans are the real terrors. Or, you’ve got two kinds of monsters to allegory two human sides. Sometimes they represent metaphorical demons, like vampires often representing addiction and werewolves repressed identities.
What all of this boils down to is the hyperbolic nature of science fantasy that allows you to go over-the-top with your metaphor and allegory in a way that a book grounded in reality just can’t.
3. Magic Systems!
Do you love world building? Do you love filling pages upon pages with your cool and unique set of superpowers you want your characters to have? Do you dream about your fight scenes and dramatic slow-mo shots?
Then Fantasy is for you!
There are zero limits to how you want to define your magic system. You can go classic with the familiar archetypes of elemental magic, wizards, sorcerers, and witches. Or you can step off the beaten path and design a whole new funky system of power sets. Best part? Your readers will have an awesome time imagining themselves with those powers, and debating endlessly about how it works.
4. Real-World Politics, who?
Amazon’s Rings of Power was twice-doomed when they only got the rights to adapt the appendices of The Silmarillion and when they decided to inject current political problems into a timeless story written purposefully to be divorced from those politics. You *can* write about human politics, but in fantasy, you don’t have to. You *can* interpret Lord of the Rings to be an allegory about the World Wars, but no matter how hard you argue, it wasn’t written with that intent.
Which means: Even if your story is set in the reality-adjacent fantasy version of 1543, you are free from the following: Racism, homophobia, sexism, religious bigotry, mental health bigotry, gender norms, anti-feminism, toxic masculinity, and more. “But that’s how it was-”
Nope. This is fantasy. You built this world, you decided to keep in the discrimination. Or… You can fill your fantasy world with a rainbow of gays, POCs in power, women in power, men unafraid to be compassionate and caring, a religion that doesn’t foster hate and division, the list goes on. You. Are. Free.
5. Nothing is too “unrealistic”
Both that you will always have people whining about how X would never happen so write the book you want to read, but also because fantasy is fake. Fairies aren’t real. Mermaids aren’t real. There are no rules for how they must be written and that’s how we have so much variety with so much room for interpretation by so many creators. Twilight made how much money writing about vampires that sparkle like diamonds in sunlight and crack like marble?
This is fantasy, it’s supposed to be unrealistic. Yes, your plot should make sense, but don’t be afraid to get weird. Write at least some of your story dependant on those fantasy elements. Write a story that can’t just be told in the real world minus the spectacle. Don’t be afraid to be sincerely fantastical and weird. People love weird. People love loving weird.
6. You are in complete control
But you do still need to research, unfortunately. Unless this is urban fantasy that depends at least a little on the human world, yours is completely your own to govern like a god tweezing weeds from their garden. You get to design your own geography and weather patterns and seasons. Your own countries and kingdoms and politicians. Your epic pre-canon fantasy war and the stakes that it was fought over. Your species, races, and ethnicities.
It’s a shame that a movie like Avatar (2009) set out to be this wholly unique take on aliens with music completely divorced from earthly bonds, new languages and a visually and culturally distinct alien species… and ended up a largely generic blue Pocahontas in space. It forgot that it was fantasy and didn’t go weird enough. They have horses, monkeys, wolves, rhinos, and deer just re-skinned with some extra limbs and colors. It’s pretty but it’s so, so shallow.
It could have become a cult classic like many a positively *weird* 80s off-beat fantasies, and now it just… exists. It makes a whole lot of money but its impact on the cultural zeitgeist is negligible. I’m the only person I know that can name every major character in the movie, and I’m no Avatar obsessor. They had complete creative control, and this is what they did with it. Don’t be Avatar. Take your creative freedom and run.
7. Even if it has been done before, do it again
You can say this about any genre, particularly romance, but fantasy and sci-fi, by the gatekeep-y nature of their fans, can be a lot less forgiving when it comes to claims of “unoriginality”. No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Fans of these genres can get… concerningly attached to their favorite stories (mostly because the people who like them had only their fictional heroes to protect them from very real bullies).
But Game of Thrones exists because the author likes Lord of the Rings and went “yes, but what if it was an R-rated parade of misery?” Dungeons and Dragons exists because people wanted to roleplay in an LotR-esque world. Legolas and Gimli single-handedly defined what a badass elf and dwarf looks like in high fantasy. And people still gobble up media ripping shamelessly, or even good-naturedly, from this one story.
So on my other list, I argued that the sum of your parts is still original, even if the components aren’t. On this list, I implore you this: It’s not stealing or appropriating to write another Legolas if you love Legolas. Everyone loves Legolas. How many generic buff action heroes do we have and love? How many Hallmark romances tread the same predictable path? Who gives a damn if it’s unoriginal? Just make it entertaining and have something fresh to say in the end (or don’t, that’s fine too), and people will read it.
And when people say “Oh, you mean like Legolas”, take it as a compliment, not an insult. Yes, exactly like Legolas. Here’s my new elf because I adore this other book, now watch him go on a new adventure that I wrote for him.
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CUT!!!!! Actor Wally x Stage Hand GN Reader
Pics are from frillsand on tiktok. I love their actor concept. Though I’m sad they stopping but it’s understandable. Anyway to keep with pics. Puppets are seen as lesser than humans by most. Ok love ya byyeeeee
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🎬 You are honestly tired of this. Every time one of your fellow employees seems to be awful to the other puppets besides Wally, he yells cut and then yells at them. You can understand his anger , you were angry too . These are actors making a show. They should be given respect. You even yelled at a fellow employee yourself because you were sick and tired of the discrimination against the puppets. They are alive and feel and should be treated better
🍎Wally started noticing you when he was about to yell at someone for being mean to Poppy when you threw down your clipboard and yelled at them instead saying how you felt and how they are alive and feel and should be treated better. The other employee ran scared cause you were red in the face and looked like you were about to punch them. Wally watched you straighten up your outfit and bend down to pick up the clipboard. He like you and how you stood up for the puppets. He called the manager over and told him to give you a raise and have you be in charge of all things related with the puppets.
🎬The director gave you a new job of working with the puppets and helping them in the work environment. He also gave you a raise which you were shocked about. But you had no complaints. It made you closer with the cast. Helping them with their lines. Making sure everyone got what they needed. Yelling at coworkers if they didn’t follow exact instructions and threatening to tell the higher ups. The one person who seemed to avoid you in the whole thing was the main star Wally. But you didn’t hold it against him. Everyone is their own person or puppet so they can do what they want.
🍎Wally was enamored by you. You are the only human to have stuck up for his friends and every time you came near butterflies were in his stomach. He had to leave whenever you were by. His friends noticed and asked him about it and he said it was nothing just didn’t want to be in the way is all. But he watched from afar and was happy he and his fellow actors are in good hands . Your really pretty hands. Wally pats his face when he thought that and just went back to work
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castefiles · 4 months
Bihar Caste Survey III - Breaching the Rubicon of Reservations
A controversial caste survey conducted by the Bihar Government triggers memories of the contentious Mandal era and the formation of new voting blocs. Just as Pew Research suggested, the Bihar Caste survey reveals that poverty in Bihar has no significant skews and is largely caste agnostic. This is the third in a series of explainers by Castefiles discusses how the data reveals more than what Social Justice Warriors bargained for. Read more - https://castefiles.com/Bihar-Caste-Survey-III-Breaching-the-Rubicon-of-Reservations
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ch3rry-wink · 3 months
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Pairing: Toji x f!reader
Summary: The new acquisition of the clan refuses to obey.
CW: Misogyny, smut (no explicit), discrimination, mention of abortion, Zenin clan is a warning
Author's note: in this house we hate clan Zenin
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The new acquisition of the Zenin clan was a pathetic girl of the same age, the daughter of a family who wanted to climb the social ladder, sold and bought at an exorbitant price to eventually become the honorable wife of someone in the near future.
At first glance, she didn't seem grotesque nor remarkable; she was just a girl whose spirit would be crushed by the clan to serve someone of higher rank, as everything here was based on power and traditions, centuries of history that remained untouched even in the modern world.
Everyone played a role; his was to be tormented by his relatives, and yours would be to be the wife and mother of someone, but for now, you would be trained to perfectly fulfill your role. If you were lucky, your children would be sorcerers, and if not, they would be a disgrace and would cost your husband his honor.
Toji focused a lot on you, on the clothes you wore, on your activities, on your drawings, and on how you sneaked into the gardens to cry; despite the status granted to you, Toji still thought of you as just an object; but a beautiful and important object placed on the top shelf.
He watched you come and go with the lady of the house, the first or second or third wife of the leader; he had lost count of how many there had been, but that wasn't important. What mattered was seeing you learn to be a Zenin.
You learned to give orders and mistreat people beneath you, to slap them when they looked at you or spoke when they shouldn't. He had even received a couple of slaps himself and was proud of you for getting used to it so quickly; it almost seemed like you were born into the clan.
In the future, you would be just like them, casting children into the pit of curses and raising your own to torment people like him; however, tonight, it didn't matter what you would become in the future; in the present, you were nothing more than his. In a secluded spot in the garden, in the moonlight with your dress half open as he fucked you mercilessly it was just you and him, here the Zenin clan didn't matter.
Toji watched as you writhed and cried out in pleasure, clutching your legs to his hips and your arms around his neck, he listened to you praise him about how perfect he was for you and how much you loved him. Maybe you pitied him, showed affection as to a stray puppy, or simply saw him as your boy toy. But no, the way you looked at him didn't allow him to doubt you, nor did the devotion you showed him; you risked your life every time you were alone together.
"What are you thinking about? You seem distant," you traced the scar on his lip.
"About us." Toji thought a lot about that, about you two. "The clan won't let us be together; they won't allow your technique and your cursed energy to be tainted by someone like me."
"I don't want to think about that." You pulled him in for a kiss. "I want to enjoy this night with you." Toji stopped just inches from your lips.
"So am I just that? A casual night of passion?" Perhaps his doubts were correct.
"No, you're more than that. But I don't want to think about the clan." Your voice faltered slightly, and a tear escaped.
"I want to be with you." It might sound like a silly lovestruck teenager, but he couldn't deny it; he was in love, and for the first time in his life, he was determined that it was time to leave the clan.
"Do you want to run away with me?" You had read his thoughts; you desired the same thing as him, freedom.
It sounded somewhat fantastical that they would do that; the clan wouldn't let you go, and if they did, life outside would be a complete hell.
"I'm getting married in a few days, I still don't know to whom," you confessed the truth you had been hiding all night, the reason you were determined not to mention the clan; the mere idea of not being with Toji made you miserable.
"We might die," you looked at him with teary eyes. "Maybe we'll have to kill." You hugged him, burying your face in his chest.
"I'd rather die than be without you." His heart started beating rapidly with your declaration; you mattered to him more than his own life. "I should go," you pulled away from the hug and began to walk alone through the garden.
Toji watched you take care of your duties; after all, in a few days, you would officially be a Zenin, and you would have to carry everything that entailed.
He called in a couple of favors just to bring you tea which you ignored just to have him under you, you moved your hips up and down trying to take his entire length inside you, you were always discreet, never in broad daylight and least of all in your room, if anyone saw them you would be punished; but neither seemed to care so absorbed in your own pleasure, you didn't notice the concubine who witnessed your indiscretion.
The elder man held the katana close to Toji's neck, while the other man reprimanded her for her actions. You had your face buried in the tatami in a submissive manner, apologizing repeatedly and even pleading for his life.
"He must leave, and she must die," your voice was cold. "No one will know what happened in that room." The other woman didn't even have time to scream; her body fell lifeless before even opening the door.
"Thank you for remembering your worth," one of the elders smiled at seeing the use of the cursed technique for which she was bought.
"You should go, live your life, be happy for both of us, marry, have children, get away from this world." You didn't want to look him in the eye; he knew you were crying, your voice choked up. When he left the clan, he thought you would accompany him, not that you would have this bitter farewell where you didn't even want to see him in the eyes.
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"Are you here to kill me?" He had many jobs, and in none of them had he cared about the other person's life; but today was different—the special assignment was you.
"Something like that." The Zenin clan had grown tired of you, of not being able to carry a potential heir to term. You were a healthy woman who couldn't conceive, and they weren't going to tolerate your insubordination.
"It will be a pleasure to die by the hand of the man I once loved."
"That man is gone; he died in the garden where you abandoned me."
"You're a bit resentful, Fushiguro." It didn't surprise him that you knew his last name; the clan always kept tabs.
"I'm not here to socialize." He adjusted the sword.
"I was distracted, defenseless; you could have killed me and left without looking back, leaving my body in this wretched room and collecting the money from the intermediary."
"You're never vulnerable; I should hurry, the babysitter charges by the hour."
"How is Megumi? My condolences for his mother; I admit, I'm a bit envious—she lived with you everything I desired." You had become talkative.
"You could have done it, but you chose to stay."
"I did it for you; I wanted you to live the life you deserved, and yet here you are, a mercenary killing sorcerers."
"Enough." The sword's blade hovered inches from your neck.
"Kill me, I don't want to go back anymore; I'm tired of keeping my head down and walking three steps behind my husband." You moved calmly toward him.
"They want you back, dead or alive" you were so close to him; you caressed his chest and tiptoed to give him a kiss.
"I missed you." The sword fell with a metallic sound; his arms enveloped you, and both of you sank into the desperate passion that both felt for each other.
That passion that led you to be naked on the bed, you enjoying his thick cock and lustful kisses, the wet sound of skin against skin slapping and his hot seed spilling inside your body, securing another possible heir for the Zenin clan.
Toji was so proud, you were somewhat machiavellian organizing a whole plan at the cost of your own life just to have him, to have him fuck you as only he knew how and he was proud to be able to prove to the Zenin that he was always better.
He would have a great legacy, he would have the honor of putting them to shame, of everyone seeing how the children of a nobody like him became better and stronger, that everything the clan valued came from him.
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underdark-dreams · 24 days
The Elturian Tieflings: Act 1 Exposition
I don't know if you've ever investigated the room in Waukeen's Rest where Benryn is trapped, but there is this scroll:
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It's an interview transcript by the Flaming Fist with a survivor from the night of Elturel's descent into Avernus. Broken into 2 screenshots:
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Honestly, the first time I found this, I couldn't believe this info wasn't spelled out anywhere else in the game.
There are of course other dialogues that generally reference the racial discrimination Tieflings face (Aradin and others throwing around slurs, the early dialogue option with Rolan of "Baldur's Gate? Do they even welcome Tieflings there?" etc.)
But this little scroll informs you that the Flaming Fist are literally stationed all along the Risen Road to track and arrest anyone fleeing Elturgard. Essentially, every single one of the Elturian Tieflings. Not only were they cast out of Elturel, there's a large and powerful merc group literally hunting them down to imprison them for some indeterminate amount of time.
Of course, the game doesn't really specify how long Elturel was in Avernus. Perhaps just a month or two. Maybe by the time the city was returned to the surface and the Tieflings were exiled, the Fist wasn't rounding up any escapees anymore.
EXCEPT Waukeen's Rest is smack dab on the road from Elturel to Baldur's Gate. And it's teeming with the Flaming Fist. And there's also this lovely little note sitting in the very same room of the inn:
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If I'm reading this all correctly...that's insane?? And it really puts the Tieflings' plight into perspective. They're not only victims of discrimination; they are potentially in hiding and on the run from the law.
Like good god, no wonder Rolan is so dead-set on his apprenticeship no matter what anyone (Gale, a Baldurian Tav) tells him about Lorroakan. His station might just be the only thing keeping him & his family out of prison simply for existing. No wonder Ikaron snaps at you not to give his people any more grief. No wonder Asharak is spending his days teaching the kids how to hold a sword.
Anyway...I just re-encountered these notes in a new playthrough & felt compelled to make this post. I just love the Tiefs so much and they deserve the world 😭 Tief lovers let me know your thoughts!
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coralinnii · 1 year
Hi! I just wanna say I love your villain/ness au 😍 especially leonas part thank you for giving me this story as I was finding stories like this💕💕so I was wondering can I request about the tweel? Their my most favorite in twisted wonderland 🙏 it will be my outmost joy to see you write them!
and sorry if im wrong in writing this request because this is actually my first time writing a request 😅 so thank you for the understanding 😁
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Being Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy feat: Jade genre: drama note: set in the same universe as previous works (Azul’s ver specifically), no pronouns were used, villain/ess!reader is not a merfolk, roughly 2k word count 
series masterlist
I know there's someone missing but Jade's portion got longer than I expected so I cutting it into separate posts. Floyd's part will be released soon so in the meantime, enjoy as we welcome the fourth vice-housewarden to this surprisingly popular AU.
Sorry 3aemidnight, that this is slightly subverted from the request but Floyd's part has that aspect more played into
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You’re screwed. Absolutely screwed. Why did you end up in this situation?? You didn’t even read the webtoon! Your classmate was gushing over a popular webtoon and like a good friend, you lent an ear to her excited ramblings. Her favorite characters seem to be a pair of devilish merfolk brothers. It was that rambling that helped you realize where you were because you didn’t bother remembering the main cast but you couldn’t forget the name “Jade Leech” nor his partner, you. 
Or at least the character you possessed that your classmate kept wishing she could be. The lucky duck that became Jade’s betrothed but you couldn’t really agree with that sentiment when she mentioned how that same partner was left behind by the Leech heir and prosecuted as an accomplice to the Leech family’s underground activities. 
“What’s so great about the hopeless love trope?!” 
Unfortunately, the proceedings for your engagement to the suave marquis heir was set. Putting a wrench into the plans now would cause too many issues to both families. Still, you were determined to leave this crazy story unscathed no matter what. 
“Let’s make a contract” were your first words to your soon-to-be partner to which he responded with a curious quirk of his eyebrow. “a prenuptial to be precise” 
“But my dear,” a shiver ran down your spine when Jade used that supposedly endearing name, a superficial one of course. “What ever could have scared you to have such worries?” 
“Because I know what you and your family are trying to do” 
Oh, you have piqued Jade’s interest now.
Your listening skills have paid off as you remembered the plot of the Leech family. The brothers were working to extend their family’s power above the waters and to have an “organized system of connections” with the help of the newly appointed count Ashengrotto. With their intelligence and charm, they wanted to monopolize the marine market from local fishing rights to overseas trading. Unfortunately, the main leads stood in their way and forced the native merfolk to flee to their home, leaving those associated with them to answer for their crimes. 
You have no interest in being caught in the crossfire but becoming an enemy to the Leech family is not a favourable situation either. So your best option was… 
“I’ll help you” 
If you’re going to be accused as an accomplice, better be the best accomplice so neither of you get caught. 
The greatest challenge for merfolk on land was the discrimination that was still prevalent, even after the human-merfolk alliance. No matter how charming Jade was, it was hard for the merman to converse with the more narrow-minded noblemen. It was why the Leech heir agreed to the engagement as your family was beloved and highly respected in the kingdom. Your character was just an oblivious, lovestruck pawn to his plans. 
“I’ll play the perfect partner, give you the backing you need, the intel you want” you stated your terms, with no room for negotiation. “But, we’re publicly in an arranged engagement only, nothing else. We only meet when necessary and once your family secure the Triton ocean trade route, we’re breaking our engagement and never to speak to each other again” 
If the Leech family weren’t caught, they would have returned to their native home anyway and controlled the trading from the safety of the ocean. Either way, Jade would have been out of your life regardless, so you should at least escape prosecution. 
You weren’t falling for his gentleman facade, and you definitely refuse to be the one on the short end of the stick in his crazy family’s schemes. 
You and Jade were locked in a silent stare down, waiting for either one of you to break the silence. You kept your mouth shut, not letting your nerves talk yourself down. It was this or nothing. 
Your gamble paid off. Jade chuckled with a slight peek of his sharp teeth and extended his hand out, piercing your figure with a pair devilish eyes. 
“If that is what my dear wishes, how can I decline?” 
So sealed your deal with the devil your future ex-fiancé 
Some time passed since your agreement, you joined a soirée your family was invited to. As a newly engaged couple, it was expected for you to bring Jade to which he was happy to escort his precious person (you hid your scoff). True to your word, you agree to chat with some of the daughters and wives of certain families for certain intel that Jade needed. While the ladies were more tolerant of the merfolk, they held certain prejudices over them which would affect the conversation greatly should Jade attempt to speak with them. 
So off you go. 
It was surprisingly easy with the chatty ladies to gather what you needed to know. They were happy to brag about the wealth and connections their families had and the businesses they controlled. The number of employers, the unknowing dissatisfaction of their workers that went over their heads, the obvious limited knowledge over the sea routes…everything came loose from their lips and will inevitably be used against them later on. Once you mentally checked off what Jade requested you to find out, you were patiently waiting to take your leave when someone decided to steer the conversation to something else. 
“But enough about our families. How is your life as a newly betrothed, darling?” One of the wives brought the attention to you, which took you slightly by surprise. 
“Well, our families were growing close so we decided a union would be beneficial” you smiled as convincing as you could. “While we were arranged, I’m sure it will be an amiable alliance” 
“Oh, how lucky you are” one of the younger daughters congratulated as convincingly as her eyelashes were. “To be engaged to someone as distinguished and exotic as Jade Leech, your family connections must have been more impressive than I realize. I knew how enamored you were with the young heir, but to think a frumpy wallflower such as yourself managed to capture him. Good for you” 
Any semblance of tolerance you had for these women had just been thrown out the window. Even if you were detached from your host character in every sense, you felt anger building in your body from their haughty words. You quickly glanced to where Jade was and he was standing but with his signature smile and charming eyes engaging in conversation with other attendees, so you assumed he couldn’t hear from where he stood.
It’s not good to hold in your anger… so you don’t. 
“Interesting…if I’m a frumpy wallflower as you say, what would you be?” You pondered aloud with innocent tone of voice “bottom feeders?” 
Gasps and stuttering replies were let out from the flushing women, flabbergasted by your undignified words, but they haven’t heard anything yet. 
“Before my engagement, I often chatted with the current Marquis Leech and he was telling me how he was flooded by persistent engagement proposals for his heir that there wasn’t a day that a messenger wouldn’t visit the Leech residence.” 
That was a bold-faced lie about your meetings with the Marquis head but you recalled your classmate’s words of the mountains of proposals the Leech brothers would get, proving their in-universe popularity despite being discriminated against. Well, it’s not as though anyone would question your source, you were engaged to a Leech afterall.
The wives may have been confused but the younger ladies were visibly shaking as they watched you with nervous eyes, either praying you didn’t know the families that proposed or if you did, you’d keep silent over it. 
But you offer no such salvation from their humiliation 
“Out of the countless proposals, I seem to have been chosen over the ones who reached out first. In fact, some of the interested ladies are here in attendance today, such as Lady-“ 
You paused abruptly as you quickly back away as one of the single daughters reached for a drink and prepared to throw it into your face in desperation to avoid being exposed. Seems like you pushed a line too far. You closed your eyes, braced for a rude splash…
but nothing came. 
Surprised muttering and gasps compelled you to reopen your eyes but you were met with a lean chest and tall looming figure blocking you from the women. You leaned to the side and was shocked to see a large wet spot on Jade's pristine suit jacket, his back and shoulder drenched in champagne. You peeked at Jade's face as he wore his signature smile, appearing calm but you could have swore his jaw seemed more tight and strained as though he’s fighting something internally. 
Maybe you’re just reading too much into it. 
Any semblance of annoyance you thought you saw disappeared the moment the eel merman turned to face the ladies before. He placed his gloved hand over his heart and smiled as usual. 
“I believe this conversation may have gone on too long. Everyone is getting a little too tired and reckless. Perhaps we should cut the night short tonight, do you agree?” Jade proceeded to rest his hand on your shoulder, looking at you with faux concern. “Shall we take our leave, my dear?” 
Stomping down the involuntary shiver, you nodded and turned to walk away without saying goodbye to the ladies or even waited for Jade to walk with you. At least Jade had some strength to offer a bow and a smile before joining you. However, you didn't notice the way the ladies silently flinched in fear when they saw the dangerous glint in the young merman's mismatched eyes.
“I never realized you had such a fiery tongue,” Jade commented as the two of you make your way to your carriage, to which you clicked your tongue in annoyance. 
“So you were able to hear everything” you chose to change the topic. “You better not say anything to your father about what I said today. I needed to use an excuse” 
“You needn’t worry, my dear. I’m simply impressed you knew about the proposal letters.” Jade ended his words there, but you knew he was curious to know your sources, especially since it pertains to the ongoings in the Leech residence. 
“I heard some things, that’s all I’ll say” you held your tongue beyond that, your eyes relaying to Jade not to prod further, which he conceded. 
“Of course. I would never want to upset you, my dear.” Jade smiled at the slight shiver in your shoulders. 
“Alright, my turn to ask questions” you stopped in your tracks, forcing Jade to do the same, enticing his curiosity as you always seem to. Your eyes stared at the stained jacket that hung over Jade's arm, having taken it off to avoid the rest of his attire getting dirty. A sense of guilt pinched your heart as you questioned him, “Why did you save me? Sure, I’ll be slightly humiliated but I can just play the victim and ruin them further” 
Jade silently stood in his spot, as though he was seriously contemplating his previous actions. But you doubt that because Jade Leech does not do things impulsively. He’s calculating, his movements always premeditated and intentional. 
Then, the ocean-haired man slowly walked closer to you. Carefully, he reached out his gloved hand towards your cheek and wiped a small drop of champagne from your hairline. A minuscule drop must have made its way to your face without your awareness. But Jade noticed. The cold leather glided from your forehead to your ear, to which he crept closer as he leaned down and whispered to you. 
“We made a deal, my dear” his smooth voice vibrated clearly into your head and your instinctive shiver came once more from his name for you. “I plan to make good use of you and I will not permit anyone from ruining you before I’m done” 
You sealed your fate with Jade, so you must commit to the end.
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h0c-if · 10 months
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HOUSE OF CARDS: THE CRIMSON COURT is a character driven romance interactive fiction set in a realm that resembles earth. The story follow you, a noble from the kingdom of Argonia sent to the kingdom of your enemies in an arranged marriage, all in the name of peace.
This game depends and focus heavily on the component relationships, Complex Relationships, and choices.
MAIN-THEMES (GENRES): Court Intrigue, Romance, Historical Fiction, Drama.
SUB-THEMES: Family Saga, Revenge/Vengeance, Cultural Clash.
TAGS:  Betrayal, Manipulation, Assassinaution, Complex Family Relationship, Affairs, Arranged marriage, Discrimination.
War. The malevolent force that breeds corruption, inflicts pain, nurtures hate, and reaps death, casting a dark shadow upon all that is good. Can love find a way to bloom within its merciless grasp?
As fate would have it, you find yourself torn from familiar shores and thrust into the clutches of a kingdom that has long been embroiled in conflict with your homeland. And to further complicate matters, your partner in this arrangement is none other than the Commander of the enemy's fleets, a name that reverberates with terror throughout the land. Whispers of their ruthless prowess in the merciless ways they dismantles their foes, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake and etching a chilling image of their power.
As you journey towards your own path. Will you rise to the challenge and become a beacon of hope and peace, or will you succumb to the siren song of ambition and greed?
Only time will tell, as the fates of kingdoms hang in the balance.
Follow the story of the noble House Scion as they traverse the complex web of politics, alliances, and betrayals. Will they prove to be worthy, or will their own desires and flaws consume them, leading to the downfall of all they hold dear?
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Immerse yourself in a richly detailed world inspired by historical fiction, where court intrigue and political machinations shape the destiny of nations:
As an influential figure, what kind of reputation do you want to build for yourself? And as a character, what personality will you adopt? Play as the dove of peace, a brutal iron fist, a sly snake, or a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Romance three main characters, each with their own relationship dynamics. Plus; a possible secret Ro: Experience a captivating romance that defies societal boundaries, or would you rather find yourself entangled in a forbidden love that challenges loyalties and tests the limits of your own heart.
A diverse cast of characters to build and form relationships: Deepen or sever relationships with a number of important characters and; betray, befriend, antagonise or kill.
Your choices will impact both your personality and the game's story: Make choices that will have far-reaching consequences, shaping the course of the story and influencing the fates of both individuals and empires. Interact with the world and discover who you truly are. Will you be able to forge a new future for yourself and those around you in the midst of this chaos?
There are always hands playing in the shadows. Play their game or make your own: Navigate a world filled with people striving to feed their own agendas. Engage in strategic alliances and tactical decisions, as you use your wits and cunning to navigate the dangerous waters of war and diplomacy.
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ROMANCE TROPES: Love at First Sight. Fake relationship. Rebellious Love. Amour Fou (Mad Love). Domestic Affair OR Friends to lovers. Enemies to lovers. Forbidden Love.
Elisae is hailed as a war hero in Borgia. Born to the King's second sister, the Grand Duchess of the North, Elisae followed in their mother's footsteps and joined the war from a tender age. Their valor and strategic brilliance earned them numerous titles and led the kingdom to many victorious battles. They played a vital role in shaping Argonia's destiny.
[DESCRIPTION]: Elisae is a formidable presence with a commanding stature, standing tall at 6 feet. Their piercing grey eyes, sharp as steel, hold a depth of determination and wisdom. Their ebony hair, meticulously styled and slicked back, contrasting against their tanned skin.
Have you begun to devise a plan to melt the icy barrier encasing your spouse's heart? Or do you intend to shatter it into fragments?
Jade is a figure of grace and elegance. As the esteemed Duke/Duchess of House Winter, Jade's political stance differs from your spouse's, which created a strain in the relationship of the two childhood friends.
Renowned for their esteemed position among the nobles and loved for their charming and easygoing personality, Jade exudes an aura of refinement and unyielding confidence. Their presence commands attention, while their subtle gestures and expressions hint at a depth of emotions and hidden desires. With a captivating charm and an enigmatic aura, Jade leaves an indelible mark on those who cross their path.
[DESCRIPTION]: Jade's mesmerizing eyes, a striking melted honey color, exude an air of mystery and intelligence. Their ash hair, cascading in waves, complements their fair complexion, imbuing them with an ethereal allure.
But what does that flaming smile hide? Can you withstand the searing heat of their radiance and still dare to draw near?
[ABOUT]: Raine is a figure of quiet strength. With a quiet confidence and a sense of duty ingrained in their every action, Raine emanates an aura of reliability and protection.
Raine is assigned as your escort by the House of Delacroix upon your arrival in Borgia, Raine appears indifferent, showing little interest in anything. However, when it comes to protecting you and ensuring your safety, Raine is unwaveringly dedicated.
[DESCRIPTION]: Raine stands at an average height. Their piercing green eyes, sharp and discerning, hold an intensity that mirrors the depths of their soul. Their chestnut hair, tousled and windswept, adds a touch of ruggedness to their appearance. Raine's bronze skin bears the faint marks of battles fought and hardships endured. As a guard, they possess a lean and agile physique, honed through years of training and dedication.
Beneath the stoic facade lies a well-guarded heart. Can you unravel the secrets that lie within Raine's enigmatic gaze?
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