#But would you really notice the difference between the two
formulamoons · 2 days
Rich boy Lando is practically canon in my mind! Haha, I know this might not fit perfectly into an F3-school timeline, but bear with me here. If you have any thoughts on this concept or want to share anything else, please feel free to do so!
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Rich boy Lando would learn your entire class schedule and follow you around the school like a lost puppy. Even after you roll your eyes and let out an exasperated sigh every time you see him waiting outside your classroom, his smile only grows wider at the sight of your annoyance.
He would always get ahead of you in the few classes you shared, swooping in to take your books and notes from your desk the moment class ended. flashing you a flirtatious smile as he stepped out of the classroom.
"Norris, stop it! Give me my books back," you say, trying to catch up.
"Easy, gorgeous," he replies, effortlessly stopping your hand as you attempt to snatch the books away.
"I'm serious, I'm going to be late for class." You don't notice his grin until you realize he's led you into your math classroom.
“So, listen, one of my f3 friends is throwing a party next Friday” he says while sitting at your usual desk right in front of the classroom “come with me yeah?”
Lando Norris is relentless. Everyone knows that for the past six months; he's been persistently asking begging you to go out with him. All he wants is a chance to prove he’s not just another spoiled rich kid. He desperately wishes for you to laugh at his jokes the way you do with his other friends, to hold your beautiful face between his hands, and kiss you until the world fades away.
He's never chased anyone before, never really participated in the whole courtship thing. Usually, he's just fooling around with a different girl every week, uninterested in attachments. But with you, it's different. He'd follow you around forever if you asked him to. Ever since the old, grumpy English professor paired you two up for a project, he's craved more.
Even though you've rejected him every single time he asks, he still tries, his hopeful eyes fixed on yours. Sometimes, you feel like giving in, but you stop yourself, remembering that he's likely just interested in getting into your pants, relishing the excitement of the chase. Why else would Lando Norris, who couldn’t even remember your name six months ago, suddenly become so eager to go out with you?
“I can’t sorry I already have plans” you start to say not even trying to put together a good excuse. Lando pouts at your answer standing up from your desk and putting his hands into his pocket.
"Oh, okay, no problem," his voice loses some of its cheery tone, so he clears his throat, trying to conceal it. However, you notice the change. He stands in front of you for a moment before the rest of your classmates start to fill the room. "See you later, sweetheart," he whispers loud enough for you to hear him before stepping out of the classroom.
You swear that the last encounter has nothing to do with how you let Max drag you to Lando’s next race, you even smile when he waves at you from the podium.
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Formulamoons, please do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend my content outside of Tumblr.
notes.- inspired by a jjk au i read a while ago
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misserabella · 13 hours
two geniuses (playing love)
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synopsis; feelings flourish in between the two of you as you’re forced to act as a couple. could a kiss finally let the two of you understand what was really going on underneath your supposedly hatred? you’re scared to find out.
cw; +18 content! minors dni!!, guns, shots being fired, girls being bitches, bickering, lots of teasing, so much flufffffff, spencer and reader being confused, pining, neck kisses, making out (their first kiss!!), violence, guns, shots being fired, spencer gets flustered a lot, also gets a boner… (so much more that i probably can’t remember)…
“so what do we know about this unsub?” hotch asked, all of you were sitting on the police station around the table, trying to understand this killers motive.
“well, we know his killings evolve around y/n.” morgan stated the obvious, to what you sighed.
“stalkers may exhibit a range of psychological issues, including personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and delusional disorders like erotomania. stalking behaviors can also be influenced by insecure attachment styles rooted in childhood experiences.” spencer added, and you nodded.
“erotomania is a delusional disorder that makes a person believe the person of their infatuation hace reciprocated feelings or love and affection, when they don’t. it may even be a person they’ve never met. they might even be famous, like a politician or an actor. people with this disorder can be so sure of this love that they think they’re in a relationship with this person. they may not be able to accept facts that prove otherwise. it is also called de clérambault syndrome, and it’s rare. it can happen on its own. but it’s usually linked to another mental health condition, like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. it can last for weeks or years.” you recited as if you were reading it off of a book.
“you two are like an encyclopedia.” emily smiled, chuckling.
“so this killer will go to the extreme of killing for you if needed.” jj nodded.
“seems like it.” you answered.
“he also seems pretty possessive and protective of you. he seems to have noticed spencer too.” morgan pointed out.
“you think he might think we’re dating?” you inquired with disbelief.
“it would play to our favor. if our profile around him is right, he might not be able to control the need to stay quiet about it and take action.” gideon said, what made you scoff.
“so what now? we should hold hands and act like a happy couple? fuck no.”
“y/n.” hotch scolded you.
“i’m sorry but that’s not gonna work. if none of you have noticed, spencer and i don’t really get along.”
“shocker!” emily sarcastically said, to what you squinted your eyes at her.
“come on guys… i can’t be the only one who doesn’t see this working out.” you tried to make up their minds and spencer pitched in.
“yeah. and to be honest i don’t want to become the unsub’s new target.” spencer pointed out.
jj stepped in. “it's true that your relationship has been strained, but you're both intelligent individuals. i’m sure you can put aside your differences to sell this lie. it's not about whether or not you like each other; it's about stopping this unsub at all costs." you listened to her words, groaning. she was right. you needed to stop acting like children and work together to catch this unsub.
you looked at spencer, who was already looking at you, communicating with a nod.
“you’re right.” you sighed at jj. “i guess it’s the only way, huh?” you gave in.
hotch stepped in, a flicker of relief crossing his face. "good. now, let's think through the details. we need to create a plausible backstory for your relationship, make sure your body language and interactions are believable, and be prepared for any curveballs the unsub might throw at us. this isn't going to be easy, but I have faith in both of you, and I know you can make this work." you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“how should we… how should we act around each other?” you inquired, cringing internally.
rossi answered “for your relationship to appear authentic, you'll need to display a certain level of intimacy and affection.”
“holding hands, touching each other frequently, being in close proximity… you can't come across as distant or awkward, as that would immediately raise suspicions.”emily added.
“you need to convince the unsub that you're truly in love with each other." jj finished and you scoffed.
“well that’s gonna be easy…” you sarcastically said, bracing yourself for what’s about to come.
his hand is warm, big engulfing your own. and clammy. spencer is nervous, awkward, you can feel it as you two walk through the beach, the light breeze hitting your skin, the salt engulfing your lungs.
you two have not said one word since you’ve left the headquarters, not on the way back to the hotel, or when you moved your things into his room, or on the way to the beach…
silence. total and absolute silence.
this was your new reality. to play fantasy with the person you hated the most. to act as if only love was what stood between the two of you and not this immense hatred that gnawed at your insides.
“did you know that by the amount of germs a hand holds it’s actually safer to kiss?” he asks, and his voice sounds hoarse by the silence he has buried himself in.
you hummed. “does that mean you’d prefer me to kiss you instead or hold your hand?” you asked, and he choked.
“what? no! no, what i meant is… i just…” you chuckled.
“relax, reid. it was a joke. i want to kiss you as much as you want to kiss me.” you rolled your eyes. “you’re so tense that whoever saw you would think im holding you hostage and making you hold my hand.” he scoffs.
“sorry. it’s just… awkward.”
“tell me about it…” you sighed, leaving your beach bag down onto the sand. “i think this might be a good spot.”
“for what?” he inquired, letting go of your hand.
“we’re supposed to be on a date, reid. doing things a couple does. you know… watch the sunset, spend time together… all of that.”
“oh.” he muttered. “yeah. that makes sense.” he nodded, watching you take out a couple of towels to spread them across the sand.
“gonna help me or stand there watching?” you chuckled, and he quickly moved to help you, muttering a ‘right, sorry’ that made you laugh internally. who’d know spencer could act like this? embarrassed and coy in front of you?
then he sat, book in hand. of course. “seriously? you’re gonna read right now?” you inquired him and he looked up at you.
“why not? the beach is one of the most relaxing places to read.” he shrugged, and you shook your head, pulling from your beach dress to get it off, leaving yourself on a blue bikini.
his eyes trailed down your sun kissed skin, the sun was setting, giving you a golden hue that made you shine.
“come with me.” your words took him out of his mind, his eyebrows raising as you offered him your hand. “come on.” he seemed suspicious, but again, he had to trust you if this lie was gonna be bought. and so he took your hand and got up. he tried not to think about the fact that your body was mostly exposed, and about the feeling of your soft smaller hand on his bigger one.
you let him go once he was up on his feet, and he took off his shirt, leaving him on his swimwear.
“so i wasn’t actually hallucinating it the last time… where were you hiding that?” you teased him, looking at his soft but toned body. he rolled his eyes.
“stop looking at me.”
“why? does it make you nervous?” you rose your eyebrows. “do i make you nervous, spencer?” you leaned in and he took a step back.
“no. i just don’t like it.” his nose scrunched up and you hummed.
“yeah, right.” you rolled your eyes, giving him your back to start walking towards the shore.
“no. really.” he followed you with a frown, feet fast behind you.
“it’s okay, spencer. your little crush on me it’s cute.”
his eyes widened. “what?! i don’t have a crush on you!”
your feet met the water and you walked in. you heard his splashes behind you as the water met your knees. it was just the perfect temperature.
“you’re dumb.” you said while facing him once again. and he gave you an incredulous look.
“i’m not dumb! why would i be dumb?”
“because of this.” and with a quick movement you were maneuvering him into the water, leaving him splashing your thighs and tummy. you laughed at his glare and shocked expression, his pretty hair now mildly soaked. “god. reid. it’s the second time this happens to you. you don’t learn!”
“you think this is funny, do you?” he asks you, looking up at you.
“definitely.” you nodded, still chuckling, your chest heaving up and down with ragged breathing.
“yea-“ but before you could finish he was grabbing your hand and pulling you down into the water with him. you froze as you fell on his lap, water splashing around the two of you.
“well, check who’s in the water now, huh?” he was laughing at your shocked expression and damp face before he noticed the position in which the two of you were in, his laughter dying quickly enough.
his eyes met your body, wet in droplets that slid down your chest and navel towards your hips submerged in the water and on top of his. he swallowed at the feeling of your soft weight on him, the swell of your chest right in front of his face, centimeters away from his lips. the curve of your neck… your hair falling over it and down your collarbones… the warmth of your hands on his shoulders, the softness of the skin of your hip under his unconscious grip.
you looked down at him. at his messy hair that had started curling due to the salt, at his thin yet toned build, his heaving chest, his sharp jaw, his hazel puppy eyes, his long lashes… the way he was now looking at you…
“uhm…” he cleared his throat. and the spell in between the two of you broke. you shook your head.
“i should probably…” you pointed at your back, trying to gesture that you should get up, and he nodded, pulling his hands away from your body.
“yeah. yeah.” he nodded, and you used him for leverage to get back on your feet. it was awkward. the tension in between the two of you as he too got back on his feet, neither of you looking at each other. the sun was setting.
“i think i’m gonna… go read.” you nodded.
“yeah. okay. i’ll… i’ll meet you there.” he copied the shaking of your head, and after a couple of seconds in silence he staggered in turning around and getting out of the water. you only went in deeper, submerging your head under the waves, where there was no noise, and no thoughts clouding your head. no doubts. although you could still feel the vivid heartbeat of your heart, crashing harshly against your ribs.
spencer tried to focus on his book, but as much as he’d like to not admit it, his eyes were zeroed on you.
“okay…” you hummed. “ursa minor.” you pointed at the sky.
the sun was long gone, and yet, spencer and you still were on the beach, lying on your towels, admiring the map of stars above your heads.
spencer took his turn, pointing just a little bit far away from your constellation. “ursa mayor.”
“now that’s and easy one.” you rolled your eyes teasing him, and he couldn’t help but copy you.
“okay. what about… camelopardalis?” he pointed it out in the sky and you hummed.
“now you’re just showing off.” he groaned.
“oh, so now i’m showing off?” he smirked and you nodded.
“yeah, come on. you could have just pointed out draco. instead you chose camelopardalis? you’re a show off.” he chuckled.
“okay. maybe i just wanted to shut you up.” he shrugged and you laughed.
“now, that’s not easy.”
“tell me about it.” he mumbled. “hey look. it’s saturn.” he pointed it out, it shining more than a normal star.
“and mars.” you said, pointing it out as well.
“and dwarf planet 1 ceres.” he added and you looked at him with your eyebrows raising.
“you’re bluffing.”
“i’m not!”
“yes you are, reid. that planet can only be seen with binoculars. you wear glasses!”
“how do you know that?” you laughed.
“caught you!” he rolled his eyes.
“okay. maybe i memorized tonight’s sky map, so what?” you chuckled at his response.
“you’re a nerd.”
“yeah? well so are you. what’s your iq, 170?”
“177.” his eyes widened. “what?”
“i mean. i knew you were intelligent. but we almost share the same iq. that’s… that’s impressive.”
“was that a compliment, doctor reid?” you smirked.
he shook his head with a smile, scoffing. “no.”
“it was though.”
“it wasn’t.”
“it totally was.” your bickering caused him to laugh.
“you’re insufferable.” he groaned, and you smiled.
“i know.” you two rested in silence, looking at the sky. “this isn’t so bad…” he looked at you. “i mean, sure. i don’t like you. and acting as your girlfriend totally sucks, believe me. but i thought it would be worse.” he hummed.
“you have a way of complimenting someone and at the same time insulting them that is fascinating.” he said, and you chuckled. “by the way… what time is it?” you took your phone.
“almost one am.” you answered his question.
“we should probably get going.” he muttered and you rose your eyebrows.
“you want me back into your bed so soon, reid?” he scoffed.
“you really like to assume those kinds of things. in the end i’m gonna start thinking you’re the one who wants me in your bed.” your eyes widened.
“fuck no!” you said while getting up from the towel, and he smirked up at you.
“you sure?”
“of course i am.”
“then why are you avoiding my eyes?” he got up to stand beside you, a smirk on his face. you wanted to punch it out of him.
“i’m not.” you scoffed.
“but you are.” your skin rose in goosebumps as he stepped closer, your breath hitching when he took your chin and made you look up at him into his hazel eyes. the moonlight made them shine. and for a moment you forgot that he was teasing you, playing with you.
“i don’t want you in my bed.” you said, straight into his eyes, pushing away his touch. he smiled.
“okay. i’ll believe you.” you looked away from him as he started gathering his things and put on back his shirt. you wondered why your cheeks were burning. why your heart was racing.
he put your beach bag over his shoulder. “let’s go.” and even though your body jolted underneath his touch as he took your hand to guide you down the shore back to the hotel —and you reminded yourself that this was all part of the lie you were playing—, you let him.
“how are our lovebirds?” garcia asked through the phone and you rolled your eyes.
“would be better if you’d catch this guy now…” you said, and heard snickers from the other part of the line.
“he’s behaving, isn’t he?” morgan inquired and spencer frowned.
“what?! what do you mean behave?” you shushed him.
“he’s not being so bad… usual reid.” morgan laughed. “any news on the unsub?”
“actually, yeah.” jj said. “we caught him lurking on the beach you guys visited, but he was far from our reach. seemed pretty angry.”
“so he’s getting closer…” you nodded.
“he seemed to buy into the lie of the relationship.” spencer hummed and you nodded.
“you guys need to keep it up. if our profile is right he will not stand still and watch, he’ll confront the two of you soon.” hotch said.
“alright. we will.” you promised.
“we’ll keep in touch.” emily said before the line went dead and the two of you looked at each other.
“what should we do now?” he inquired.
“go to the pool.” you smiled and he groaned. “come on. he needs to see us.” you said while getting a bikini and entering the bathroom to get changed. once done you got out and found him with a pair of red trunks. “now that’s the spirit.” you smiled and he rolled his eyes. “come on, reid. the sun is up and shining for us. time to sunbathe!” he took some of his books and his sunglasses, following after you out of your room and though the hallways of the hotel until you two were met by happy squealing and laughter from the children enjoying their time in the pool, splashing each other.
you two took a sun lounge each, his umbrella staying open while yours stood shut as you applied tanning oil to your skin after getting rid of your shorts. spencer kept his summer sheer shirt, laying sat up straight in the sun lounge as he quickly went through the pages, reading 20.000 words per minute. you laid on your own, bathing in the warmth of the sun as it prickled your skin.
you were enjoying the tranquility until some shadows took over your sun. you peeked your eyes open to see three girls standing over the two of you, sweet smiles on their faces as they stared at your right. more like… at spencer.
“hey.” one of them caught his attention, and his hazel eyes pulled away from his book towards the blonde.
“what are you reading?” a brunette asked him next, and he stuttered just the slightest before answering.
“uhmm… anna karenina. it’s from leo tolstoy from 1878. it deals with themes of betrayal, faith, family, marriage, imperial russia, society, desire, and the differences between rural and urban life. it’s actually my second time reading it. this time in the original russian.” he spat out, babbling as the three girls listening. more like ate him up with their eyes.
“you’re cute.” the third and last girl, another blonde smiled, and spencer’s eyes widened.
“could i get your number?” the brunette inquired him and you sat up straight, slightly clearing your throat, what made them look at you. “and you are…?”
you smiled. “his girlfriend.” spencer looked at you scandalized, what almost made you laugh. “i mean i get you guys…” you said with a smirk, leaning over him, your chest pressing against his as your arms circled his neck. his breath hitched as you hummed, looking at him before looking back at the three girls that now stunned looked at you. “he’s just too cute, isn’t he?” you took his face with one of your hands, making his lips pout out. he looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and widened eyes. you smiled at him, his cheeks flushing at your words and the way your body just pushed closer against his. “but he’s mine.” you crooked your head towards the girls. “so if you don’t mind…”
“actually i do mind.” the brunette said. and your eyebrows rose. “i don’t see your name branded on him.” you slowly pulled away from spencer, getting on your feet.
you smiled softly at her. spencer didn’t like it one bit. you never smiled. not like that. “what’s your name?”
“ashley.” she answered, and you saw spencer getting up get beside your from the side of your eyes as you gave her a once over, your eyes landing on her pool heels. he was cautious, he knew something was wrong. sweet intelligent spencer…
“i like your shoes.” you started, simple, and she looked confused at you. “you gonna… be able to run in those?” you inquired.
“what?” and before she knew what was happening you were launching yourself towards her. good timing spencer was fast enough to catch you in between his arms as her friends pulled her away, running from you with ‘let’s go!’s.
“yeah, that’s more like it. see you, ashley!!!” you said while fighting spencer’s tight hold on you. “bitch…” you murmured when they got lost into the hotel. he let you go when you had seemingly calmed down and stared at you.
“what was that?”
“what? she was being a bitch.” you shrugged and got back to your sun lounge.
“no. i mean. what was that?”
“reid. i’m supposed to be your girlfriend… don’t you think that’s how a girlfriend would act?” you inquired him, and he looked around, scratching his nape.
“i mean, yeah but…” you cut him off.
“then it’s settled.” you said before closing your eyes and getting back with your sun.
he stared at you, still in shock and with flushed cheeks. his mind got filled with images and moments from the last days; you in the pool the night you’d thrown him in, how you had teased him, how your lips had almost touched his, last night at the beach when you had fallen on top of him… and now… seeing you that way, had done… things to him. things he didn’t want to accept. his whole body was tense, his heart was stuttering, his eyes whole face was red, and his stomach was feeling bubbly and… well. okay. no. enough.
he cleared his throat and sat down beside you, retrieving his book, trying to dismiss the knot in his throat. he looked at you. at your slowly tanning skin, the shine it had due to the oil you had bathed yourself in, your beautiful curves accentuated by the white bikini you’d gone for today, your soft features, your long lashes, your plump lips, your soft jaw, the soft skin of your neck, your…
when his eyes dropped too low he looked away, clearing his throat.
he tried to go back to the russian, but he was flustered. after minutes of trying to get back in focus, he gave up, getting up and pulling his shirt off, what caught your attention.
“where are you going?” you inquired.
“i was gonna go for a swim.” he pointed to the pool, and you sprung up.
“i’ll join you.” you smiled, and his heart stuttered at the recurring memories of that night in the pool. let it go, spencer.
following him into the water, you sigh at the fresh feeling of it engulfing you and making your overheated skin find solace.
spencer dampens his hair, pushing it backwards in a slick manner that exposes his strong cheek bones. but it’s when you finally stop staring at him that you notice it.
his breath hitched when your arms surrounded his neck, pulling him closer, your chest pressed against his as you spun in the water.
“what are you doing?” he inquired you, his hands subconsciously grabbing your hips. to push you away? to pull you closer? who knew…
“your twelve o’ clock. i think it’s our guy.” you muttered in his ear swiftly, smiling at him as if you were absolutely smitten, playing with his hair. spencer looked just for a moment. it was a white male, in his late thirties, wearing glasses and a cap, staring straight at the two of you with clenched fists.
“he surely doesn’t look happy.” he muttered to you, pulling you closer. “looks like it might be him.” you hummed. “what should we do?”
“well you should definitely act like you love me.” you smiled, cupping his cheek. “like this…” you looked straight into his eyes, and his breath hitched. if he didn’t knew better you’d have fooled him, ‘cause you were looking at him as if you craved nothing else, no one else but him.
you almost chocked when one of his hands found your hair, his breath pressing against your neck just before his lips did. “does this work?” he inquired you, pressing another chaste kiss on the sensitive skin.
you had to come and get back your trail of thought, ‘cause he had stolen it away just that easy. it was unnerving.
“you tell me. you’re the one facing him.” you whispered, and he hummed against your skin. you had to pretend as if it y didn’t send shivers down your spine.
“he’s just staring.” he stated.
“he wouldn’t dare do something with this much people around.” you figured.
“or maybe he just doesn’t want to taint his image before you. he wants to meet you in the perfect way, perfect place, perfect time.”
“what a romantic…” you rolled your eyes.
“he’s moving.” spencer announced.
“leaving?” you inquired and he nodded, his soft stubble scratching your neck and making you shudder in his arms.
“seems like it.” once out of sight he let you go, and you looked away from his eyes, the imprint of his hold on your hips still lingering on your skin, his kisses still burning your neck.
“he won’t be able to hold on for much longer...”
you nodded, fidgeting. “i’ll… i’ll go tell the team.”
“yeah. okay.” spencer copies your shake of head, and you got out of the pool, his eyes training on your back and down your body before he caught himself staring, quickly looking away and pushing his hair back anxiously. he could still feel the softness of your skin, smell the coconut tanning oil you’d lathered yourself in, remember how right you’d feel in between his arms, taking whatever he gave you…
he sighed. get it together reid.
but he had to spend a while in the water to properly calm down before making his way back to you. this was gonna end badly.
dinner with spencer was easy. it was a warm night. and he looked good. with a blue button up shirt and white pants along with his brown shoes. it was easy to talk to him, even easier to let him pay and let him walk you by his hand through the hotel and into the gardens of it. it was so easy to live this lovers lie that it terrified you. the moon and stars were shining bright above your heads, and the silence that filled the distance in between the two of you was as comfortable as it could get.
that was until he was breaking it to stutter about theories of the universe. theories you already knew. but for once you decided to keep quiet and listen to his rambling, enjoying the way his eyes sparkled with knowledge, the way his lips curled into a smile with every little fact that spilled from them…your heart was hammering inside your chest. it has been since the time in the pool. you were scared he could feel your heartbeat by how tight he was holding your hand. you’d come to understand that he wasn’t that bad. sure, he sometimes could get under your skin and make you lose your temper, but spencer reid could be as soft as a feather when he wanted to, and that made it all even worse. you were used to his narcissism, to his hatred, not to his ‘love’. was this how he really was or just another lie? just another façade? you were haunted by the feelings that this side of him flourished in your body.
“there’s someone following you.” since the spotting in the pool, the team had made sure to give you an earpiece each to communicate with you in case of emergency. jj’s voice made spencer’s waver, but to play along he just pulled you closer and continued with his theories. “seems like the man you told us about, y/n.”
you two slowly stopped walking, looking at each other as he kept talking, waiting for orders.
“he stopped. he’s just… watching.” emily announced and you inquired spencer and the team.
“what should we do? he’s not gonna come to us that easily…”
“reid, kiss her.” hotch ordered and his eyes widened, breath hitching and his hold on your hand hardening.
“what? no! i’m not going to kiss her!” he whispered-yelled, completely astonished.
“the physical contact will drive him to approach you both. we’ll be right there.” morgan chirped in, trying to convince his friend, soothe his anxiety. but spencer wasn’t scared of the unsub. he was scared of you. terrified. terrified by how good it felt to have you this close, to hold your hand, to see your smile, to share time with you… he wondered if this last thing would make him crack. would make him understand that it wasn’t hatred all along. he wasn’t sure he was ready to know the truth.
“there must be another way, i-“ he tried, but you groaned at his hesitation, taking the matter into your own hands.
“for the love of god, reid.” you grabbed at his curly hair, and in a tug, you pulled him down against your mouth. he froze at first, surprised, in shock at the soft feeling of your lips against his, at the feeling of your chest tightly pressed against him. but then it all completely changes, he can’t get enough. he cupped yor face in between his warm hands and pulled you closer, until there was no space between you two, something he must hate, but only finds himself enjoying. you gasp into his mouth and he takes the opportunity to push his tongue inside, pushing you against the wall of the hotel, devouring you as if he had been waiting years for this moment. you were air. and he was drowning.
“slow down…” you breathily moan against his lips, and he groans.
“i can’t.” he confessed.
the kiss that follows is just as desperate and harsh, your tongues dancing around the other as he kisses you like you’re everything he’s ever craved. you feel him press against you, and the feeling of a bulge on his crotch surprises you.
“you seem to be enjoying this a little bit too much, reid.” you said with a smirk as you felt his growing erection pushing against your thigh to find solace, some friction, anything to make him feel better. he’s losing control, he knows. but he looks into your dazed eyes and he knows you are falling just as hard. he hopes the fall doesn’t hurt as bad as his heart right now.
“i hate you.” he muttered against your lips.
“say it like you mean it.” and before he could kiss you again, the sound of a gun being loaded sounded.
“get away from her.” a male voice filled your ears and spencer stepped away from you, leaving you cold, confused and in need of more you thought you’d never crave. “get away!” he repeated pointing at him with the gun.
“okay, okay… calm down…” he softly said, taking a couple of steps away from you.
“how do you dare touch her?!” he screamed. he seemed scattered. “nobody should touch her. she’s mine!”
“no, she’s not.” spencer said just as morgan knocked the unsub to the ground, a shot being fired, the bulled burying itself inches away from you on the wall. he was quick to reach out for you as you looked down at yourself. “are you okay?” he inquired, taking your face, inspecting it.
“don’t touch her!” the man screamed again as you nodded.
“easy!” morgan yelled as he cuffed him up.
“yeah… i’m alright.” you muttered and spencer nodded, looking right into your eyes. you could still see his flushed cheeks, and his swollen wet lips, could see traces of you left behind. you wanted to taste him again. and again. and again. until the only thing you could remember was him and his lips, and the feeling of his body pressing against you.
that night. something changes. and it scares not only your bones, but your soul as well.
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steddieas-shegoes · 18 hours
He’s not sure why he even comes to these parties anymore. He used to sell at the frat houses, made his rounds until he was out of product, made more money than any minimum wage job he could find near campus.
But he hasn’t in a while. Months, at this point.
It’s just that every time he came to one of these idiotic showing of riches and popularity, the most beautiful man he’d ever seen was sitting in the corner of the kitchen watching with a faraway look in his eyes. Sometimes he stood in a group of people in the living room, but never contributed to the conversation. Once, Eddie saw him swinging his feet back and forth in the water of the hot tub on the back patio with three different couples making out inside it, completely zoned out.
Eddie needs to keep an eye on him. Hence, he attends the stupid parties.
And it’s stupid, to go through so much trouble for a guy he doesn’t even know, who probably doesn’t even notice him back. It’s stupid, but Eddie’s never claimed to be very bright.
Which is probably why he walks up to the guy when he’s about two seconds from punching Tommy Hagan, grabs his wrists, and tugs.
“The fuck are you?” He asks Eddie, reasonably confused and angry at being interrupted by a stranger.
Eddie could feel his pulse against his fingers, swore he could feel a spark of electricity flow between them.
“Eddie. Just leave him. Whatever he did isn’t worth it,” he said through clenched teeth.
His fingers tightened around Steve’s wrists as he considered trying to pick him up, throw him over his shoulder, and walk out of this party entirely.
“How the hell do you know?” Steve wasn’t trying to pull away.
Eddie didn’t let himself think about that too much.
“I just know nothing Hagan does is ever worth trouble for you. C’mon,” Eddie tugged on his wrists again, and this time, it seemed to catch the guy off guard.
“Didn’t know you were into freaks, Harrington,” Tommy said as they took a few steps away from him. “If you’re gonna be gay, you could at least have taste.”
Eddie froze.
The guy, Harrington, tried to pull his wrists loose, but Eddie didn’t let him.
He turned to Tommy, the guy who almost got him arrested for selling at his party only a few months ago, and smirked.
If he was gonna out someone to a stranger, Eddie had no problem doing the same right now.
“And you just sucked my dick because you wanted to add it to your résumé?” Eddie grinned at Tommy, who quickly looked around to make sure no one else heard.
“As if I would-“ he tried to say, but Harrington cut him off.
“You forget you say shit when you’re high. You told me about it already. I think your exact words were, ‘he had the best dick I’ve ever seen, Steve.’ Or am I mixing that up with another dick?” Steve pulled one arm loose from Eddie’s grip, brushed hair from his face, and let it relax at his side.
Eddie could let go now, he was sure if anyone would start something at this point it would be Tommy. But Steve wasn’t trying to pull his other wrist loose and Eddie liked the warmth of him in his hand.
“Whatever man, just go. You don’t even wanna be here,” Tommy turned and left before Steve could respond.
Eddie finally let go, but he didn’t like the immediate sense of loss that filled his chest.
“You always interrupt strangers before they fight?” Steve asked him, hands shoved into his pockets.
Eddie really looked at him, inspected him. He only ever saw him at these parties, so the lighting was shit, but he’d noticed the dark shadows under his eyes a while ago. He noticed that he held himself in a way that showed he was always ready for a fight. Steve’s hair had gone flat over the last month or so, not nearly as voluminous or shiny as it had been at the start of the year.
“Are you okay?” He asked instead of answering the question.
“I’m fine, dude.”
Eddie shook his head. “You don’t seem okay.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“Just seems like something is bothering you,” Eddie wouldn’t push more, not if Steve was actually gonna get mad. But something told him that nobody pushed Steve to talk enough.
Eddie had Wayne back home, and his friends in his band here, and a couple coworkers at the bar he worked at twice a week now that he could joke around with. Steve didn’t even seem to have the people he hung around with.
“Why does it matter to you if something is bothering me?”
That’s a fair question. Why does it matter to him?
“Maybe because I just wanted to help. That’s what people do, right?”
“Not for me, usually.”
Eddie stepped closer, barely leaving space between them. “Well, I am.”
Steve stared back at him, shoulders dropping and eyes losing that angry fire.
Eddie was an idiot sometimes, but he was able to read people pretty well. It’s what kept him safe for most of middle and high school, and made him friends in college.
He knew what it looked like to be lonely and depressed, and Steve had check marks next to both of those.
“You wanna get out of here?” Eddie asked, once again avoiding his question.
“And go where?”
“I’ll show you my favorite getting high spot.”
“I don’t really smoke with strangers,” Steve seemed nervous.
“You don’t have to smoke. I’m just gonna show you the place.”
He watched Steve think about it, noting the way his brows scrunched together, how he bit his bottom lip, how he looked at the ground instead of at Eddie.
“Fine. But if you murder me in the woods, my mom will have you hanged,” Steve finally said.
“Hanged? Do they even do that anymore?”
Steve giggled. “Probably not. But she’d find a way.”
“Well, I’ve got no interest in murdering you, big boy.”
The blush that filled Steve’s cheeks was stunning. A perfect pink dusting his skin, giving him a healthier glow than what he’d had for a while.
“What do you have interest in?”
Eddie could say any number of things to flirt, make his true intentions clear, maybe even go straight back to his single dorm instead of showing Steve anywhere.
But Eddie figured that’s all Steve was used to, or maybe he was always the one who had to put an effort into things.
Maybe he wasn’t used to getting treated like a human being.
“I’d like to get to know you. Parties like this aren’t really a good place to learn about someone’s favorite song or what they snack on when they wake up in the middle of the night.”
Steve seemed shocked by this answer, but his features quickly melted into a soft smile, one Eddie would want to see every single day.
“Fine. But it’s not a date,” Steve held out his hand, ready to be led.
Instead of lacing his fingers with Steve’s, or even just grabbing his hand in his palm, he wrapped his fingers around Steve’s wrist again.
“We’ll see.”
On graduation day, Steve and Eddie found their way back to their spot, one they’d probably never visit again.
Eddie’s fingers were curled around Steve’s wrist as they stood facing each other, close enough to feel each other’s breaths against their lips.
Nearly two years together, nearly 300 trips to this spot, and more than 500 dates that they never called dates.
And it was just the beginning.
Eddie leaned in to press his lips to Steve’s gently, keeping it soft so they wouldn’t get carried away.
They had to meet Wayne at the Italian restaurant in less than an hour and then Steve’s mom expected them back at Steve’s apartment for a wine and dessert celebration.
They wouldn’t be properly alone like this again for at least a couple days, but they didn’t have time to do much about it right now.
“I love you,” Eddie whispered as he rested his forehead against Steve’s.
“I love you, too,” Steve said back.
He didn’t have dark shadows under his eyes anymore, spending more nights sleeping in bed with Eddie than awake at parties he didn’t want to be at. His hair had most of its shine back. He’d put on a few pounds after joining the gym again, using it as an outlet for stress instead of hiding in corners at parties where he would drink just enough to get buzzed four times a week.
He made friends with Eddie’s friends, plus some of his own when he got a part time job at the coffee shop on campus.
Steve never spoke to Tommy again, at least as far as Eddie knew. He didn’t seem interested in being his friend again, and once he told Eddie more about their “friendship”, he couldn’t really blame him.
“You ready to go see Wayne?” Steve asked him, probably more excited than even Eddie was.
Wayne and Steve bonded quickly and they’d probably spend most of the lunch talking about sports and where they would go fishing this summer.
Eddie nodded, but he pulled something from his pocket before Steve could pull away and start walking back to the car they now shared.
“What’s that?” Steve asked, pointing towards the envelope in Eddie’s hand.
“It’s a gift from me to you. Well, I guess both of us, but I really got it for you.”
He handed it to Steve, who opened it quickly.
He pulled out the paper inside and Eddie watched his eyes fly across the words written there.
“You got us a trip to Italy? How the fuck did you get us a trip to Italy?” Steve was looking at him, eyes wet with tears.
“Doesn’t matter how. Wayne gave us some money for it, so did your mom. I’ve been saving for a year. Want us to have something special before we have to start working.” Eddie kissed his forehead. “Plus I want any excuse to see you in some of those see-through linen shorts.”
Steve’s lips were on his, his arms wrapped around Eddie’s neck. Eddie wrapped his arms around his waist to hold him there.
“I’ll wear them every day,” he gasped as he leaned in for another kiss.
Eddie laughed. “You won’t hear any complaints from me, sugar.”
“I can’t believe you did this. All I got you was a t-shirt.”
“You know I love t-shirts. I know you love Italy. It’s a win-win for both of us.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but kissed him again.
His eyes widened. “Oh my god. Are you gonna propose in Italy?”
Eddie snorted. “Why would I answer that question?”
“Because! I have to know!”
“So I can make sure I have a nice outfit for pictures, dumbass.”
“You’ll just have to wait and see. You look good in everything,” Eddie kissed the top of his head before he wrapped his fingers around Steve’s wrist and tugged on it once. “Let’s get to Wayne before he sends a search party.”
Eddie smiled to himself as they walked to the car, Steve’s rambling about what he wanted to do in Italy keeping his mind from wandering too far. He couldn’t help thinking about the ring he had stashed away in his guitar case, though.
Italy was the perfect place to propose.
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vsimp · 23 hours
he catches you writing smut (18+)
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pairing: Kamisato Ayato x F!Reader
genre: smut
wc: 2.6k
kink warning: a line or two about panty sniffing lol
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There was a pretty popular erotic novel currently published by the Yae Publishing House. Hundreds of copies so far have been sold in Inazuma. It was released by an anonymous author, a story telling the tale between a CEO and his secretary. Although the people weren’t too familiar with the concept of a corporation, people really did enjoy the little power dynamic between a dominant CEO and his submissive secretary. Smut had recently grown popular in Teyvat, and this erotic novel was the current driving force of it all.
Little did they know that you were the author, the current lady of the Kamisato Clan, and the Yashiro Commissioner's wife. You had based the male lead off of your own husband. Surely if you revealed your identity, the whole of Inazuma would be in uproar and you would soil the Kamisato Clan’s name. That was why it was your own dirty little secret, the fact that you were writing erotic fiction based on you and your husband, a little secret that only you and Yae Miko know.
What you didn’t expect was for the novel to reach the insides of the Estate. Housekeepers were gushing about it during their breaks, retainers were talking about how their partners wanted to try these different positions from the novel… You couldn’t help but be mortified, yet flattered, that so many people enjoyed your dirty novel.
It wasn’t until the news had reached your husband’s ears did you really, really get in trouble.
Kamisato Ayato called his wife to his study after a long day of duties for the both of them. Usually, he would invite her to tea if they had the time to talk about what they had for plans during the week.
You took a sip of your tea, relishing in the nice silence after a bustling day and the warmth that the tea brought.
“There’s this novel that has been the talk of the town lately,” Ayato said and you did everything you could not to choke on your tea.
“Ah, I heard the staff speaking about it this week. My, I wonder what had caught their attention like so…” You replied as casually as you could.
“Mm.” He replied briefly and took something out of his jacket. You tried not to tense up as you recognized the familiar pink book cover, of course graced with the illustration of the main couple that suspiciously had the same hair color as you and Ayato. “Ah, yes, let me read the title out loud. ‘The Nightly Trysts of Hayato and his Lover.’ Hm, a strange title indeed. This ‘Hayato’ character has a similar name and appearance to mine.”
You wanted to cringe at the entire name. Guuji Yae was the one who suggested such an embarrassing title. She said it would attract a more mature audience who enjoyed that sort of fantasy. Ayato maintained his relaxed smile despite reading all of that, and you didn’t like it one bit. It meant he was currently hiding something he knew, and you were too scared to delve into what exactly that was.
“Ah…” You had to keep your calm, even though you wanted to scream into your own pillow right now. If you showed any sort of discomfort or anxiety, your husband would recognize it right away. After all, nothing came past your husband with that sharp mind of his. “Perhaps it’s just a coincidence?”
“Hm, maybe so. Shall I read the summary?”
No. Please, archons, no.
He continued anyway, despite your inner thoughts pleading him not to. He read off the summary on the back of the book with his same laxed voice, detailing a CEO who was currently smitten by his secretary, who starts to avoid him at all costs once she sees him half naked on a business trip. The CEO, frustrated, chased after the secretary and had an erotic time with her in his office.
“It sounds interesting,” you forced a smile on your face.
“Doesn’t it? I started to skim through it whenever I had time off during the day.”
“Oh?” You wanted to cry at this point, a wide smile plastered on your face. He’s noticed. He’s definitely noticed. “Do you like it so far…?”
“It’s surely an interesting read. This male lead named Hayato… The way the author describes him, with light blue hair and light blue eyes and a small mole on his left lower lip…” Ayato’s smile remained the same, although the corner of his eyes crinkle a bit, indicating a more mischievous look. “He sure does sound like me.”
“Haha…” You let out a forced laugh. “Maybe someone is a fan of your appearance.”
“It appears so.” He flipped through the pages casually. “Such a detailed little novel. This author sure does have a penchant for writing erotic scenes.”
“They must be passionate about their work.” You felt like your smile could break your face at this point.
“Mm… The female lead sounds quite familiar as well. Her name is similar to yours.”
“I-is it?”
“Indeed. The same eye and hair color too.”
“Wow. What a huge coincidence!”
He chuckles softly. “My dear, there’s no need to play dumb anymore.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Your voice wavered a bit, but you were committed to it.
“You’re going to keep playing this game? Very well then.” He stood up and took your hand.
With one fellow swoop, he helped you to stand up. Before you knew it, he led you over to your bedroom, locking the door behind him and guided you to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Let me read out an excerpt I found interesting,” Ayato stated as he looked at the book, although he made small glances at you too while reading. “He pins her down to the bed and kisses her passionately. His blue and white sheets were softer than anything she’s ever felt, but that thought was soon taken away by the force of his lips upon her.” His usually relaxed smile soon morphed into a smirk. “My, I didn’t realize you were such a big fan of our blue and white sheets.”
Without a doubt, the bedsheets in the room you shared had always been blue and white for the last few years. Suddenly, he pinned you down against the sheet, his hand pushing your shoulder gently so you rested back against the bed, just as he had read from the book. And then he simply leaned down to kiss you, his soft lips meshing with yours as you felt yourself melt in his embrace. Your lips came together gently, although there was a playful bounce to his kisses that you did not expect, and soon, his tongue ended up pushing against yours.
He chuckled after he parted away from you, leaving you panting and breathless from the makeout session. “Cat got your tongue, my dear? Or will you finally admit the truth?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Your cheeks grew hotter as he tried to corner you into admitting that you were the author.
“Mm… Sure, you don’t.” His lips made their way to kiss your neck, his tongue hot as he bit and sucked on the skin there. “Did you really feel that lonely that you had to write erotica off of our experiences? Have I not shown you enough attention lately?”
“D-Don’t say that…!” Your voice grew weaker as he teased you, your resolve slowly crumbling the more he kissed you. “You know that’s not the case…!”
“Hehe,” he let out another small chuckle. “You’re so cute when you’re flustered. Tell me, y/n, do you just like our experiences so much that you put it into a novel?”
You gasped as his hands went under your robe, undoing your clothes and caressing your breast through your undergarments. His fingers tease your nipples through your bra, pinching the sensitive bud and flicking it around. You let out small whimpers from the teasing.
“Shall I reenact one of the scenes I was particularly fond of?”
“Please no…” you begged. 
“Why not?”
“I-it’s embarrassing.”
“I think it’s endearing that my lovely wife has such vivid fantasies.” He smiled down at you and then started to strip you naked of your clothes. “I could drown in the beauty of your body, my love.” He repeated a line from the novel as he kissed down your neck to your chest.
You let out soft pants as he unraveled your body, his eyes raking every inch as if he hadn’t memorized it all already. He gave your breasts another squeeze, pinching the bare nipple before he slowly dragged it down your rib cage to your lower abdomen before resting right in front of your aching core. It just sat there, his palm digging into your mound as your hips buckled, wanting more and more stimulation.
“Patience, love…” Ayato gave you a calculating smirk as he picked up the book once again and flipped to a bookmarked page. He read off another excerpt. “He buried his face into her pussy, panties on, sniffing and tasting her neediness that drenched through the soft fabric.” Ayato took a finger and ran it gently along your slit, and you did everything you could not to beg him for more despite your legs trembling slightly from anticipation. “My, I didn’t realize my wife had such fantasies about her panties like this. Such a pervert, wanting me to sniff her precious flower like a deranged animal .”
“Mm… n-no, t-that’s not true…” you tried to deny, but your flushed body and face were saying otherwise. 
“Such a lewd expression,” he chuckled and crawled down, taking a sniff of your core straight through your underwear. “You smell delightful,” his voice deepened, almost guttural, as his tongue dipped to languidly lick at your clit. 
You let out a soft cry, which was like music to his ears. Ayato wanted to laugh in amusement, his own mind twisting into pure sadistic pleasure. Who would’ve known that his own wife would be such a naughty little thing? He savored her taste, enjoying the way she writhed beneath him. With one fluid motion, he pulled her underwear off and sucked at her wet core, kissing and slurping all of her love juices. 
Your mind was all fuzzy as pleasure filled your lower region. Your legs wrapped around his head, hips buckling as he ate you out, dipping his tongue into your pussy as deep as he could before taking it out to swirl around your clit. It reminded you of the scene you wrote in the book, and you wonder how committed he was going to be to the scene.
Nevertheless, it seemed like he was going to tease you nonstop until you finally admit that you were the author.
He then pushed a finger into you, stretching out your walls and he admired the way your walls tensed around his digit, how your moans grew louder and louder. One, and then two, he started to pump his fingers, curling them to hit the spot you liked the most whilst his tongue continued flicking against your clit. Your hands made its way to his soft blue hair, and it wasn’t long before you came all over his fingers and lips. 
You panted as he took himself out of you, your eyes watching as he licked your juices off his fingers before he positioned his waist in between your legs.
“Are you ready, princess?” His hands undid his pants, taking out his cock as he rubbed the length against your sensitive slit. You just came, after all, so he was getting well lubricated with your juices.
You whined a bit as you needily stuck your arms out, and Ayato chuckled as he bent down to meet your lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer. He kissed you deeply and a bit more rough this time as you felt his cock grinding against your wet, warm pussy. He wanted you so bad, but he also wanted to stay committed to his teasing.
“Mm… Ayato, put it in already…” You scolded him as he continued to grind against you, occasionally slapping the tip of his rock hard cock gently against your clit. 
“I don’t think so…” He said after pulling away from your tongue, smirking down at you. He hissed a bit as he continued to rub his length up and down, his other hand making its way to squeeze your breast. “Not until you admit it.”
“Are you seriously still on that?!” You moaned in frustration, wiggling your hips in hopes that he’d just put it inside and fuck you relentlessly to dull the growing ache in your lower abdomen.
“Well, we are following the scene in the novel to the tea. I just want to confirm that you are truly one of the main characters.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You were so horny for anything that you didn’t care at this point.
“Fine! Fine, yes, I admit it. I wrote the book. Now hurry up!”
Your husband leaned forward, placing a hand beside your head to hold himself up as his other hand started to push his cock in just a bit.
“Hehe, so demanding.” You gasped as he pushed his entire length in you. “And yet, you’re such a good girl.”
His hips slammed into yours, his lips kissing and sucking the skin of your neck. You could only grip him tightly as he fucked you deeply and thoroughly with the only goal to draw out your sweet moans that he loved hearing so much. He grunted as he felt you squeeze around him, taking you over and over until you were crying out his name.
His lips slammed back onto yours, exploring your mouth as his cock pushed in and out. He wanted to leave you as a sputtering mess, until you can’t think of anything else but him and his long, aching hard member.
“You’re such a dirty girl, writing those lewd scenes about us.” He muttered in your ear, hissing as he felt you tightening every time he uttered some dirty words. “Is that your fantasy? Me fucking you hard in my office with my employees outside?” He chuckled as you were too caught up in pleasure to respond. “Hm? Or do you just like the idea of me fucking you wildly out in the open?”
He pushed your legs as far up as he could and he continued to slam down into you.
“Shit…” He cursed, so unlike his normally composed self. You were the only person in this world who could unravel him completely. You, and you alone. “You feel so good, princess…”
The sound of his skin slapping yours filled the room, coupled with your moans and his quiet grunts. He slid in and out of you with ease at this point, stretching you whole. He watched your breasts bounce to his movements and he didn't hesitate to squeeze and play with them as he wished.
He fucked you in different positions, bending you over the bed, on your side with your foot high up in the air and leg over his shoulder. He couldn’t get enough of you, making you cum over and over again before sputtering his own seed deep into your walls, enjoying how you clench and convulse from his cock alone.
“Mm…” He hummed as he kissed your shoulder tenderly, his cock still deep inside you as he finished cumming, drawing out small thrusts as he got the final load out. He could drown in the sound of your moans, and suddenly, he understood the appeal of your erotic novel.
Ayato took himself out of you before collapsing next to you, holding you closely in his arms. He kissed your forehead as you both panted from the heavy exertion before he looked at you with that mischievous smile.
“So was that enough for you to write a sequel?”
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meazalykov · 1 day
injury on two continents
lena oberdorf x reader (requested)
warnings: injury
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If someone were to tell you a few years ago that you’d be happy with your own girlfriend, you’d think that they’re lying. 
Throughout your career, you questioned if you’d ever have time for relationships. However, Lena came into your life unexpectedly when you joined Bayern Munich in 2021. 
She was your opponent during a game between your club and Wolfsburg. The German woman kept hitting on you and eventually, you fell for her. You guys have been happy together ever since. 
Now, it's June 2024, and as the international break begins, Lena is scheduled to play against Poland, while you prepare to face the Korea Republic. This break is particularly crucial for you, who is a key midfielder expected to be on the roster for the upcoming Olympic Games with the United States.
It's also the last game before you get a month-long break from soccer, so you’re eagerly looking forward to some downtime with your girlfriend on an upcoming Ibiza trip.
Due to the time difference between you two, you’re having breakfast with your closest teammates Sophia, Mallory, Trinity, and Tierna at a cozy coffee spot near your hotel– while Lena is playing a late-afternoon game against Poland. 
The atmosphere in the cafe you’re in is light and filled with laughter, but you look over to see Tierna's expression as you’re sipping on your iced latte. 
Your eyebrows knit together as you look at the Gotham player on her phone. Concerned, you ask what's wrong.
"Tierna, are you okay?" Y/N asks, raising an eyebrow.
Tierna looks up from the video on her phone, her eyes wide with worry as she notices that you asked her the question. "Y/N, you need to check your phone. Like, right now."
Puzzled, you pull out your phone and see numerous missed calls and messages. The other girls check their phones too out of curiosity. They didn’t see much which confuses them, but your heart races as you read a message from Lena’s mom: 
Lena's hurt. It's her leg. Call me whenever you have time.
"Oh my god," you whisper, your voice trembling. Injuries happen but the range could go from a simple blow to a full ACL injury. Maybe you’d know what was going on if you watched the game, but you promised your national teammates that you would spend time catching up with them. 
You tried calling Lena’s mom after seeing her message from 43 minutes ago, but it goes straight to voicemail. 
All of the girls at the cafe look ahead at you with worry. Your fingers go to dial Lea's number next. She is the second closest person to Lena after you, so that was your best option. 
After a couple of rings, Lea picks up.
"Lea, hey! What happened? Is Obi okay?" Y/N asks, her voice a mix of fear and urgency.
Lea's voice is calm but serious. "Hey, Y/N. She took a bad hit during the game. The doctors don’t think it's anything serious since she's walking on crutches now. But she told us to tell you not to worry, but I know that's impossible."
"Is she okay?" Y/N's voice cracks.
"She is honey. She really wants to talk to you, but her phone died."
Y/N takes a deep breath, steadying herself knowing that Lena’s injury wasn’t as serious as it could’ve been.
"Okay, thanks– wait is she around? Can you put her on FaceTime for a minute?"
Lea nods and you hear footsteps on the other end of the phone. The scenery changes as Lena's face appears on the screen, looking tired but smiling anyways. "Hey baby!" Lena says softly.
"Lena! Are you okay?" Y/N's eyes are filled with worry.
"I'll be fine, Y/N. It hurts when I run, but the doctors are looking over me. You focus on your game later, alright?" Lena tries to reassure her.
"I can't stop thinking about you," Y/N admits.
"We will see each other in a few days, Meine Liebe. Just promise me you'll play your best and stay safe," Lena says, her voice gentle but firm.
"I promise," Y/N says. 
Later that day, during the intense match against South Korea, you dribbled the ball around a midfielder before passing to Alex Morgan. As the ball left your foot and you ran into open space, a Korean defender pushed you hard and you fell to the ground, spraining your ankle in the process.
To the observant people watching on TV, they can see your foot go in an awkward angle as your body hits the grass. The scene mirrors Lena's injury from hours before, except no player fell on top of your body afterwards. 
You had to be helped off the field, causing great concern among your teammates and fans. Your team needed you for the olympics, Emma Hayes knew she needed you for the olympics. 
Back in the hotel room in Poland, it's late at night. Lena and your fellow Bayern teammates, who are watching the game on TV, are worried and anxious when they see your body hit the ground as you clench onto your ankle afterwards.
"No, no, no," Lena mutters, her eyes glued to the screen. She stands up in concern as the other girls continue to sit on the couch with looks of worry. Some of her teammates, like Laura and Lea, try to comfort Lena as they watch the medics attend to you. Their TV was a few minutes behind so you were already off of the field by that point. 
“She will be okay.” Lea rubbed Lena’s shoulders as Laura patted on her back, looking at the medics holding Y/n while she walked off of the pitch. 
Laura, trying to lighten the mood, then says, "Looks like she got an injury on the same leg on the same day as you, Lena. Maybe you guys are soulmates?" 
Despite everything, Lena chuckles. "Maybe we are," she says softly, her worried eyes still fixed on the TV.
Back in America, the medics cared for you and did some x-rays. You had a grade 2 sprain which isn’t the worst or best sprain– but you could make it on the olympic roster if your recovery process goes smoothly.
An hour after the game, you call Lena back to update her, after seeing that she tried to call you three times within the hour. 
Despite the pain, you reassure Lena that it's likely a grade 2 sprain, meaning you should be able to recover in time for the Olympics.
"Lena, I might have a grade 2 sprain. The doctors said I should be good before July," Y/N says, her voice filled with both relief and exhaustion.
"Oh, thank god. I was so worried," Lena sighs, feeling a bit of the weight lift off her shoulders.
"Same here. We really need to stop getting hurt at the same time," Y/N jokes weakly. This was the first time where they’ve gotten injured at one time, but y/n felt the need to say that. 
"Right," Lena replies, smiling through the screen. "I can't wait to see you and hug you once we’re back in Germany."
"Me too. We have to move your stuff into my apartment too so take care of yourself, okay? I love you," Y/N says, her voice softening. The couple were excited throughout the last few months, Lena is transferring to Bayern Munich and will live with y/n finally. 
"I love you too, Y/N. Rest up," Lena responds.
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sjyuns · 18 hours
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written part below the cut!
You can’t believe he’s actually here.
Standing between you and Sunghoon.
Arms linked with the both of you.
And you can’t help but feel a heavy weight of regret mount on your shoulders. You should have known that Jake was one who took jokes seriously, and you shouldn’t have ever planted the sheer idea that he could join you if he found out which restaurant you and Sunghoon were going to — given Jake Sim is a man full of mystery.
You peer at your boyfriend (fake boyfriend), guiltily tuning out the chatter of the third wheel, sad to barely have the chance to talk to Sunghoon since the start of the date.
The all black outfit suited him perfectly, the glasses that was perched on the bridge of his nose complimenting the sharp features that adorned his face. And you can’t help but feel your heart exhilarate just by looking at your best friend.
You think that it’s a wonder how you’ve never seen him like this before. Having him as a boyfriend, albeit a fake one, showcased to you a different side of him — one that you have never noticed. The way he would constantly check in on you, accompany you throughout the night if you had trouble sleeping, feeding your wretched obsession with mario, and most of all bring you on incomparable dates. He was the perfect companion, and above all, he knew you like no one did.
“You okay, love?” Sunghoon’s voice breaking your train of thought, “you look tired today.”
You hum and nod you head in response, only to be cut off by a certain someone. “Wait y’all are actually dating?”
You give Jake an ominous glare, “we’re aren’t.”
“Then why did he just call you love? Or was he talking to me?” Jake questions, his head tilting as he looks at the both of you in suspicion. “I mean, it would make sense if you’re dating, cause the both of you always go out everyday. And, Sunghoon has had a crush on you since — OW!” Jake yelps, his flurry of worlds getting cut off by a loud slap on his back by Sunghoon.
You squint at the two of them, “i didn’t really catch the last part, what did you say?”
“Nothing important,” Sunghoon quickly answers, an innocent smile on his face as his friend continues to mutter a string of curse words under his breath.
You swear your ears weren’t tricking you — Jake just said that Sunghoon has had a crush on you…right? Since when? and you feel the apples of your cheek get warmer under the dim moonlight.
All you have to do now is get Jake Sim to spill.
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MIKAELA’S! it’s supposed to mean ‘THIS MAN IS DANGEROUS’☺️ but i love you too jake sim
SYNOPSIS! it’s the month of love, yet you only have one thing in mind — to get your crush to like you back. armed with a mission, you deploy your best friend Park Sunghoon as your fake boyfriend to make him jealous. one tiny problem, Sunghoon’s desperately in love with you and he can’t seem to keep his own jealousy at bay.
TAGLIST 1! @seongclb @jlheon @euncsace @aeuns @mirustardiary @beomgyusonlywife @thesunoosshining @makiswrld @imsiriuslyreal @mrchweeee @enha-stars @sakiimeo @enhaz1 @en-dream @jiaant11 @hoonven @strawberrysavi @semisemirin1i82 @firstclassjaylee @fakeuwus @dilrmma @eleanorheartschishiya @yizhoutv @nyuloverforeternity @woninluv @astrae4 @hexoolio @www-jungwon @pockyyasii @ilovemangograham @isoobie @lcv3lies @forlovvers @enhahah @yenqa @haechansbbg @strayy-kidz @sparklingsjy @jungwonsjellies @nyfwyeonjun @artstaeh @rikisly @delulu4-life (OPEN)
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thegoldencontracts · 3 days
Pocky Game
Malleus struggles to process his own feelings for you when you challenge him to a round of the Pocky game.
Notes: Flustered Malleus with like. No clue how he's feeling because he's never done this whole romance thing before sends me ahhhh
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Malleus felt quite an odd way towards you. He didn't know how to describe it, really. Your presence made him feel- odd. Overwhelmed, like his mouth was constantly running dry. You were unlike most humans. You appreciated his company. You hadn't grown up with fae relatives, either. Even odder. You were an entirely ordinary human, lacking even magic to distinguish yourself from others.
And yet, you were different. You made Malleus feel so odd. What was this feeling? A sickness, perhaps? He wasn't entirely sure. If this was an illness, though, it was an awfully pleasant one.
"Hey, Tsunotaro!" You said, drawing out the first syllable of that peculiar nickname is a teasing manner. "You're here earlier than usual."
Ah. He'd come across Ramshackle again. He'd kept coming earlier and earlier, it seemed.
"Hello, child of man," he said, noticing a small box in your hands. It was a slightly orange red, with a design of what vaguely resembled sticks in the middle. "May I inquire as to what that object in your hands is?"
You smiled.
"Pocky!" You said, holding up the box for him to see. The design in the center was of these thin, crispy biscuit sticks, coated in chocolate. It seemed rather appealing, Malleus had to admit.
"A snack for yourself? I understand. Nourishment is rather important, after all," he said.
You shook your head, gently opening up the box an pulling out a stick.
"Not quite." You held up the stick in front of him. "I wanted to play the Pocky game with you!"
The- Pocky game? What is exactly was that? Sensing his confusion, you explained, opening the door to let Malleus in.
"We put a piece of Pocky between the two of us, and bite from each end! Whoever pulls away from the Pocky first loses. Easy enough, right?" You said, gesturing for Malleus to sit across from you on the battered Ramshackle couch. "Soooo, wanna try?"
It seemed fascinating. That, and-
He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if neither of you pulled away. Would something happen last minute? Or would you both consume the last of the little candy, lips crashing into one another's?
"Indeed," he said, positioning the Pocky stick between the two of you. He started out with a bite. And then you bit it. He bit it again. Simple, wasn't it?
But somehow, before he knew it, you two had both eaten most of the Pocky, with only one bite left between the two of you.
You didn't seem nervous at all, though. You just looked at him with curiosity in your eyes, waiting to see if he'd close the gap between your lips. Malleus, too lost within his own confusion, did no such thing.
So you did.
It was pleasant yet overwhelming, more than anything-
Flustering. So that was the word Malleus had been forgetting this entire time. You flustered him. Your presence, in fact, left him uncomposed. Was that not the behavior of someone around their crush?
Malleus barely had any time to process the revelation when you pulled away with a smirk, leaving him to deal with his whirlwind of emotions.
"So," you said with a smirk. "Looks like I win."
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cheeeeseburger · 5 hours
Sweet like tiramisu, bitter like coffee Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
Lance Stroll x Reader, Lewis Hamilton x Reader
A/N: This was a Lance Stroll fic but it turned into a Lewis Hamilton fic at the end lmao. Oh well! This is the last part, enjoy! English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes!
“Mon sucre d’orge, you’re breaking my heart. But I’d rather you break mine a thousand times than to break yours.” Lawrence Stroll pulled you in a big hug. You sighed in relief.
You’ve always wanted to work in F1. Now that you had your master in engineering, the obvious way to go was to work for Aston Martin, since Lawrence Stroll was basically a father to you. After what happened with his son, though, it seemed like a bad idea. However, you hated to disappoint his dad.
Lance Stroll had nearly killed you a year ago. For two years, he tortured you and you tortured yourself. He used you and you were convinced that you liked it. You thought you were a doll, but really, you were a puppet, and he was a master puppeteer. He always did like that one Metallica song.
“Thank you for understanding, Lawrence. You know I wish things had been different.” He nodded.
“I do not know the extents of what happened between my son and you,” you blushed, and he continued, “But I do know that you’re worth your weight in gold, and even without my help, you would have landed yourself a job in F1.” You kissed his cheek.
That conversation happened over a year ago. You were now a proud Mercedes engineer, and you loved it. Lance knew you were working in F1, and he had tried to meet up with you on multiple occasions, but you always refused. You said hello to him when you saw him, and that was that.
Everything about your new job thrilled you. It seemed surreal to live your dream and for it to be exactly like you had hoped for and more.
“Hello darling,” Lewis surprised you with a hug from behind and a kiss on top of your head.
The job also had other advantages, like getting you a boyfriend. You and Lewis immediately hit it off when you first met. You both had the same interests, and you rapidly started talking outside of work. However, you wanted to keep things friendly but also professional, knowing your history with F1 drivers. It did not go as planned.
After ten painful months of stealing glances at each other, texting nonstop and him being jealous when you mentioned going on a date, you both confessed your feelings. It went a little something like this:
You were tapping your foot, playing with your hair, and biting your nails. In other words, you were clearly bothered by something, and Lewis noticed it.
“Darling, stop fidgeting. What’s the matter with you, love?” he asked playfully.
Surely, he knew how much you liked the nicknames he had for you. Surely, he knew your heart jumped inside your chest every time he used them.
“It’s nothing, really.” You tried to avoid answering.
“Awww, come on love, you can tell me. I won’t laugh, even if it’s something really embarrassing, I swear!” You tried to resist, but after a few minutes of him bothering you, you finally gave in.
“It’s just that I have a date tonight, and I’m nervous, that’s all,” you confessed, embarrassed. You tought he would laugh at you, but it was the opposite. He really, really, did not feel like laughing at that. In fact, he was pissed more than anything else.
“What? A date? With whom?” You were kind of insulted at the fact that he looked so surprised to know you had a date.
“What? Do I look like I can’t get a date or something? He’s just some guy that I met on Tinder anyway,” you answered defensively, with your arms crossed against your chest.
He looked even more mad to learn you were on a dating app.
“A guy from Tinder? Come on love, don’t tell me you’re on that!”
 You were starting to get pissed. “Yeah, I am. I’m also on Hinge, for your interest. Why does that matter? And why are you so concerned about my date?”
It was his turn to answer defensively. “I am not!”
“Okay, okay, okay! You asked about it though,” you rolled your eyes.
“I just think you’re too good for those stupid apps, and probably for that boy, too.” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“For you information, he happens to be a very good-looking guy, and he’s nice! He’s taking me to a great restaurant, and who knows, I might even go back to his place afterwards.”
“What?” He exclaimed after your last comment.
You rolled your eyes at him once again. “Oh my gosh, you’re so dramatic! Don’t worry, I won’t be late to work tomorrow morning, geez.” You did not notice he had gotten so close to you, and you gasped when you heard him talk near your ear.
“Darling, I’m not worried about that. In fact, I want you to be late tomorrow morning, but because you spent the night at my place, and you woke up in my bed.” He pushed a few loose strands of hair behind your ear. You nearly choked at his touch and his words.
“What are you talking about?” Your heart was beating so damn fast.
“You heard me. I don’t want you to go on a date with another guy. Let me take you out instead.” He was playing with your hair, and thinking was difficult.
“Don’t play with me, Lewis. Another driver already ruined me, it won’t happen twice.” You didn’t want to be fooled again.
He knew all about you and Lance, and he was appalled when he learned how badly the Canadian driver had treated you. Canadians were supposed to be nice, no?
“Don’t worry, love. I would never do that to you. Let me teach you how it feels to be treated right.” You looked at him with eyes full of hope, and he had simply kissed you. Your date with that other guy was quickly cancelled.
Two months after your first date, you and Lewis were now officially a couple, but you kept things private. Nobody knew except you two.
“Hi, mon chéri,” you blushed when you felt Lewis kissing your neck.
“How are you today, love?” He loved asking you questions when you were distracted, especially when he was the one making you distracted. After a few seconds, you managed to answer.
“I’m good, what about you?” you tilted your head to the side to give him a wider access to your neck.
“I’m great, actually.” His touch felt too good, and you moaned way more loudly than you had intended to. Immediately, you gasped and pulled away from him. He laughed at you.
“Baby, this isn’t funny, someone could have heard us, or worse saw us!” He kept laughing at you.
“Darling, you sound like Hermione Granger.” You lightly smacked him on his arm.
“And you’re so British, it hurts.” You couldn’t help but smile at him. He gave you a quick kiss.
“One day, the whole world will know you’re mine.” He winked and left you standing there, smiling like you had just won the lottery. In fairness, you probably did, boyfriend wise.
It was Saturday of the Canadian GP. You always had a weird sense of déjà vu anytime you went back to Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve. It was yours and Lance’s home race, and it always took you back to that first tragic night you shared with Lance. It was also during this very GP that you ended things with him. It was bittersweet to be back home.
Thankfully, your boyfriend knew how to cheer you up. He managed to get pole position. Not only were you thrilled as his girlfriend, but as an engineer for the team too, since you had helped him get there. You were proud of him, and proud of you as well.
You and the entire Mercedes team were cheering when Lewis approached you. Everyone congratulated him, but he was too busy walking towards you to notice anyone else.
“What are you doing?” you asked, confused. He didn’t answer you, he started to kiss you instead. The crowd was in shock.
At first, you were too surprised to kiss him back, but you stopped daydreaming and got right back to the task. After a few seconds, Lewis pulled back and started at you.
“I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore.”
The crowd went wild. You could hear cameras flashing all around you. You were blushing like crazy, but you smiled at him. You two looked so lovesick, it hurt.
He put an arm on your shoulders, kissed the top of your head, and you two walked back to the paddock.
It was official, you loved (him) the Canadian GP. Watch out everyone, there's a new WAG in town.
It was two AM and you could not sleep. Like at all. It was way too weird to be sleeping in Montreal in a hotel room. The previous years, you always slept in your apartment, but you now considered this apartment cursed, even after many cleansing rituals. It was easier to just stop renting it.
Your phone buzzed. It was Lance. You two hadn’t talked in a hot minute. Once again, the déjà vu was strong with this one.
Since when are you dating Lewis Hamilton???
It has been 3 months now lol
I thought you didn’t want to date a driver? Or was this a special policy just for me?
We’ll it’s not like we dated anyway
I wanted to
Yeah, only after I said you couldn’t use me anymore
I really am sorry, kid. Are you ever gonna get over it?
Lol no.
I don’t think you should date him. He’s way older than you.
I actually think the age gap is hot tbh
You have no excuse, your dad is great
I don’t need an excuse, my bf is just really hot in general
And you work together too
Why are you so concerned?
I just care about you, kid.
Too bad you stopped caring for two whole years
Please, I said I was sorry
And you are forgiven. But your actions are not forgotten. That’s a very cheesy line lol
How can you joke when we’re having a serious discussion?
At this point our whole friendship/relationship/whatever is a joke dude
I wish it wasn’t
Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did -Taylor Swift
Good luck on the race tomorrow!
Honestly, you thought you handled that conversation pretty well. Nobody could ever say you weren't hilarious. You slept peacefully after.
The race went very well for Lewis, and not half bad for Lance. You were celebrating with Lewis when you spotted Lance looking at you. When he realized he was caught, he laughed a little, and you simply smiled back at him. It was one of those moments that you only see in movies, where the two main characters look at each other and see an ocean of possibilities, like in La La Land. During those few seconds of eye contact, you saw longing, sadness, and happiness at the same time. You suddenly felt a big wave of nostalgia hit you, and you got a lump in your throat. You got teary eyed. Lewis didn’t notice any part of this interaction.
You tried to chase the tears away by batting your eyelashes, but he still noticed you were crying, even from a distance. He mouthed the words “I’ll see you around”, which meant nothing and everything to you at the same time. You laughed and smiled at him through the tears. You both looked away.
In French, there’s a special idiom: “Avec des si, on mettrait Paris en bouteille.” This could be loosely translated to : “With what if, you could put Paris in a bottle”, meaning that if you could change the past or the parameters, anything is possible.
Avec des si, you and Lance Stroll could have had your happily ever after, together.
Even without si, with Lewis Hamilton, you already had your happily ever after.
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adrift-in-thyme · 15 hours
I saw your post about requesting things for your Fairy Time AU and have a question. Does this AU include any of the weaknesses the Fae have in real wild folklore (ex. Iron)?
Oh, maybe you could write a little snippet with Time/Hyrule debunking common fairy myths with the rest of the group?
First off I’m SO SO SORRY for the long wait!! My writing motivation flew out the window and didn’t return until today. Tysm for being patient <333
ALSO, this got unexpectedly angsty (though was it really unexpected? This is me we’re talking about XD). So sorry about that
CW for mentions of injury, specifically burn wounds, and mind control
Time expects questions. After all, it is only natural that in the face of the information they have managed to uncover, the heroes would wonder. A fairy is a mystical thing, mysterious even to those as closely acquainted as they. And to learn that blessed blood runs through two of their companions is no small thing.
But the queries that come, pelting like raindrops, are different than he anticipated.
“Magic,” Legend says when the sun is high and the heroes prepare for battle, “can it harm you in ways it doesn’t others? Mortals, I mean.”
“What about salt?” It is Wild who asks, when they have set up camp for the night. He peers at the rock salt in his hand as though it is liable to attack. “I’ve heard fairies don’t like it.”
“Can fairies die?” Wind asks with eyes so large, Time imagines he can see the Great Sea roiling within them. “In ways humans can’t?”
Iron, curses, traps to ensnare — they have heard of them all. And now, they wonder about them all.
It’s touching, Time decides as he and Hyrule respond to their queries. Or attempt to. It is difficult to reply to things that spear their deepest worries, their most intimate wounds. That dredge up memories long thought buried and fling them into the light of day.
But yes, this protective instinct, this reckless kindness is touching. Knowledge is power, especially where Hyrule’s saviors are concerned. Obtaining it can be the difference between success and defeat.
From anyone else, such queries would be little more than flaming arrows, flying towards the heart. And truthfully, Time must shove aside that soul-deep instinct to hold up his shield to stave them off. The words that usher from his lips, the answers he gives, could very well doom him.
They have — unspoken though they were — many times before.
“Iron is the fae’s greatest weakness,” he whispers, a secret that burns like the material he references. “However, spells, when properly cast, are just as dangerous.”
“Salt doesn’t harm us though,” Hyrule clarifies, his voice a summer’s day breeze. “And neither does your cooking, champion.”
Wild laughs at that, a sound like water singing over river stones.
Wind’s question is the hardest to answer, though. In a way, the reply is cloaked within the others, enveloped in the unveiling of their deepest frailties.
Iron will sear a fae’s skin clean off their bones, mangle their wings into masses of excruciating matter.
Spells will enslave them, transform them into monsters that devour their own kin. Or simply wipe their minds clean, enslave them to a purpose they can no longer remember to resist.
Yes, many things can kill a fairy. But the thing that truly does them in (the thing Time sometimes wonders about whether it will do him in) is not unique to fae-kind.
Fairies, like mortals, care deeply.
(Though, perhaps that care they hold inside goes further than even mortal capabilities. Perhaps, the protective instinct, the need to guard and heal and care for is unnatural. Perhaps, it always has been and Time has only failed to notice it.)
(Perhaps, the love he sees in Malon’s eyes when he wraps his arms around her waist and holds her close, the teasing affection in Warriors’ when he claps a hand on Time’s shoulder, the vulnerability in Twilight’s when Time admits his pride…perhaps, those are not quite the same stuff as the emotion in his own heart.)
(He will never know. He is content with that.)
Regardless, this love is the greatest danger fairies face. For when their loved ones are in danger, when evil threatens the people whose caring hands embrace their very souls, a fairy is helpless to stand back and do nothing.
The weaknesses that plague them — their small size and precious, fragile wings, these make a fairy vulnerable. But their willingness to lunge into the fire, that is what causes them to burn.
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valiantstarlights · 2 days
[Bluebeard Dream AU] Three Types of Flowers
Chapter 1
For Dreamling Week 2024 Day 2: Pirates / Hourglass / Flowers / Exhibitionism
In which letters are exchanged between siblings, a bouquet is sent, and something is published in the scandal sheet, The Starlight Observer, that would seriously impact Hob's reputation.
Not me continuing to further my 'Hob and Johanna are siblings' agenda in the year of our Lord 2024. 💃
CW: This fic is starting to look like it's going to be entirely in epistolary form, so heads up if that's not your cup of tea.
And also, welcome back to London. It would have been nice to receive a letter saying that you'd be arriving. And without El, too.
Your favorite sister,
Johanna II Constantine
My ONLY sister,
I apologize if I came back so abruptly without sending any notice. I simply couldn't be in India any longer. I shall tell you everything when we meet in person.
I assume your question marks refer to me being mentioned in the latest The Starlight Observer? If so, then I can only tell you that that anonymous gossip writer doesn't know what they're writing about. Lord Dream has been nothing but courteous to me at the ball hosted by the Riveras, and the debutantes were simply being welcoming. No one was being predatory at all. In fact, I must have been the least charming one there, as out of practice as I am in dealing with nobles in general.
I shall ride for home as soon as my return documents are in order. See you soon.
Your brother,
You're a fucking idiot.
But I will reserve the rest of my insults for when you arrive home, so that the message would really sink in.
The smarter sibling between the two of us,
Johanna II Constantine
If you're getting married again within the next few months, I'm not attending.
- 3
Rude. You could have at least asked if it's because Unity is close to giving birth and I want to be present when we welcome our first child into the world. And yes, that is the case, actually, so thanks for asking.
Despair says she has a good feeling about this Gadling fellow of yours. I think she's being sarcastic.
That was what I surmised. Please tell Unity that I am looking forward to meeting my niece and/or nephew. I hope they inherit most of their personality from her.
Lord Robert is not mine yet. But I welcome our sister's kind words, sarcastically meant or not.
- 3
The Starlight Observer
June 14, [year redacted]
...There is also much talk about two certain gentlemen whom we shall hide under the names Lord Dream Endless and Lord Robert Gadling, who were seen together in Madame Lucienne's bookshop, conversing for hours.
We cannot be certain if talking is all they did, or if they had engaged in a different kind of conversation behind the bookshelves altogether, as Madame Lucienne had closed the doors of her shop to other customers earlier than usual that day. To prevent others from witnessing something scandalous? Or perhaps to join the gentlemen in their 'conversations'?...
Your scandalized and thoroughly revolted sister,
Johanna II Constantine
For fuck's sake. Do people here do nothing else but read The Starlight Observer?
Lord Dream and I were only talking. And Madame Lucienne closed the bookshop early because she wasn't feeling well. The poor woman; she had been feeling nauseous all day. But perhaps that is good news, as Lord Dream told me that she and her wife Madame Gault have been trying for a child these past couple of years.
Now stop reading that scandal sheet and do something meaningful with your life.
Can you blame me? There is nothing else as regularly entertaining as reading gossip in The Starlight Observer.
I bet Madame Lucienne was just nauseous because you and Lord Dream were being disgusting.
A note attached to a bouquet:
I have been called a fool many times in my life, and I will undoubtedly continue to be labeled as such for the rest of it. But I would be the biggest fool of all if I remain silent about the feelings that have bloomed within me during the afternoon we spent together at Madame Lucienne's bookshop.
You would be well within your rights to reject me. And I fully expect for you to do so. It is far too soon far too fast, and you are too discerning and sensible to bother with the likes of me.
Nevertheless, this bouquet spells out the words I didn't have the courage to say to you last Thursday, in between our discussion of Chaucer, Indian folk tales, and songs sung by the krakens of the deep to their slumbering gods.
I write to you at a time of great need. I have received a bouquet, and would like your help in deciphering its meaning. I have my own interpretation of it, of course, but I would be most grateful if you were to tell me your own interpretation.
Biting red tulips, white starburst carnations, and black witch's whip, held together by black oil paper of the highest quality and a red silk ribbon.
Please respond as soon as you can.
You are my favorite brother and I love you, but I do not appreciate Matthew alarming my staff and having them wake me up at two in the morning because you're 'in desperate need of my help.'
You made me think you had been cursed and were dying painfully, Dream!
No, do not scold Matthew. I know he is anxious by nature and that he is only following your orders to get a reply from me as soon as inhumanly possible.
As for the bouquet you received, it means exactly what you think it means.
Biting red tulips for barely restrained passion (and perhaps a nod to your ruby), white starburst carnations for new beginnings and purity of intent (as well as to mirror your eyes), and black witch's whip to convey that you have wholly captivated the sender and that they do not wish to be free of you.
The sender has also taken great care to incorporate your three favorite colors, and gone out of their way to find high-quality black oil paper, which is rare to find in Europe this time of year. And yes, perhaps they also mean to allude to the red string of fate by using a red silk ribbon.
Now tell me: is the sender of the bouquet Lord Robert Gadling? You know I personally don't read The Starlight Observer, but Jessamy is always up to date, and she has shown me all the relevant sections mentioning you and Lord Robert while Matthew paced outside the door of my study, tearing at his hair.
Do let me know if there are any updates. I prefer to hear news about you directly from you.
Your most patient (and now sleep-deprived) sister,
The Starlight Observer
June 21, [year redacted]
"What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals." This has been proven time and again every time Countess Marguerite Ichihara holds her annual wine-tasting event at her family's country seat.
And as per usual, this author has had a grand time fishing for truths as they surface from the depths of a wineglass.
To start with, let us talk about the hostess herself and her new matchmaking project this season...
...Of the Endless family, only Lady Death, Lord Destruction, and Lady Delirium are in attendance...
...with Lady Johanna Constantine claiming that her brother, Lord Robert Gadling, is indisposed, as he is still re-acclimating to the weather in London...
...And speaking of the forbidden, it is common knowledge among the immortal nobility that while we may tumble in bed with a mortal or two, marrying them as they are is considered beyond the pale.
This author can certainly remember the outrage sparked by the last issue of Argus, The Starlight Observer's predecessor, when it published a blind item that talked about a member of the immortal nobility marrying a human woman.
Well, dearest readers, it is now my solemn duty to inform you, that half a century after that article was published, the entire ton has once again been set abuzz when Mister William Shaxberd, twelfth son of Baron Shaxberd and a clergyman who used to be stationed a stone throw's away from Gretna Green, loudly proclaimed that he had witnessed such a couple be united under the light of the gods.
And if that claim isn't preposterous enough, he also insists that the nobleperson in question is Lord Robert Gadling, though he was married under the name Sir Robert Gadlen.
Is this only a severe misremembering on the part of a heavily intoxicated Mister Shaxberd, who at that point in time was barely able to stand up straight, let alone walk, or does his story ring of truth?
Have no fear, dearest readers. As always, this author shall investigate further.
I made up all three flowers mentioned in this chapter because I didn't have time to read through the lists of RL!flowers and their meanings. 🥲
The Starlight Observer doesn't know that the real reason Dream and Hob didn't attend the wine-tasting event is because they have their own...tasting event 😏
My brain: Shaxberd is the twelfth son because he wrote Twelfth Night. 😂👍
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sugar-grigri · 2 days
Yo! I wrote an analysis of 167 that you might be interested in. https://www.tumblr.com/lottimiqo/752646719530041344/when-are-people-going-to-start-noticing-that-denji
Thank you!!!!! I'm very flattered when people send me their analyses.
But I'd just like to make a few comments about what I've read!
It's vital to take each interpretation seriously, and I take yours seriously, as it explains Denji's initiative by analyzing his verbal behavior, which is a brilliant approach given that we're dealing with an almost silent chapter.
Just as you have to accept that I didn't read the chapter that way. And I think that our difference in reading can be explained by a crucial element, the fact that you rely on the second half of the chapter, deciding to base your analysis on a specific moment, whereas I always prefer to take a global view, sometimes even in an extreme way, by analyzing one chapter in relation to the others.
The 2 are equal, because a perfect understanding of an important moment is just as interesting when read as a whole. You'll prefer to clarify the analysis when I'll prefer to focus on the coherence of an entire work.
But to get back to the basics, there's something fundamental that I don't see taken into account very much in general: Denji doesn't know who he's kissing. What I mean is that even though the first kiss with Yoru was received positively and he undertook a second kiss, Denji thinks he has a relationship with Asa when he doesn't.
I know it's advisable to steer away from a literal reading when it comes to Asa / Yoru, and you're right to prefer a more metaphorical approach.
But even by a symbolic, metaphorical approach, the narrative consequence is completely different. For one wants to kill CSM, while the other wants to save him. Denji's embrace of the one who wishes to kill him is fundamentally strong in its contradiction. If it were Asa, the conclusion would be more logical and gentle.
Above all, you decide not to focus your analysis on the first part of the chapter, which I find fundamental. For the first chapter is expressly about Denji's desire to distance himself from his sexual appetite, and he has several non-verbal reactions.
Like placing his hand in front of his crotch!
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Just as it's vital that the chapter opens with Denji wanting to mutilate himself, not wanting to see his limb severed, but also taken out in such a place, just as touched. In short, Denji expresses a clear desire at the beginning of the chapter not to suffer.
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Just as Denji is anxious for the woman he thinks is Asa to see his dick, he's afraid of being mutilated. Intrusion and mutilation are placed on the same plane in this bubble.
Especially the first part gives a dimension of struggle between the two. The knife drops but Yoru violently grabs Denji's crotch. Yoru makes it explicit: I deny your feelings and the confrontation with CSM is all she's interested in.
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I don't know if Denji really initiated the kiss. He's not bent over to do it, he's bent over because he's constantly hunched over and literally has his dick on borrowed time. The questioning around the kiss is on Yoru's side. For me, she's the one who initiates it.
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She kisses him, pulls back abruptly as she realizes what she's done and looking back at Denji, feels like doing it again. She moves forward, backward and intensifies.
Just as we can analyze Denji's non-verbal behavior, his hands don't touch Yoru, he remains disturbed and overwhelmed by his sensations.
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That's why, for me, this chapter is profoundly noisy in its silence, in its violence. Denji wants to get rid of his sexual appetite but he doesn't want to be mutilated, but Yoru decides to force him into his patterns. Just as it's when Denji is abused that Yoru remembers his kiss with him.
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Because assaulting Denji pleases her. Perhaps because she has feelings for him through Asa, but also because she craves violence against Chainsaw Man.
The most logical conclusion to all this is sexual assault. A brutal compromise, reconciling hatred and unhealthy desire.
Denji never looks Yoru during the act, more often staring into space as if glued to the need to realize, but he's constantly caught short.
Denji is overwhelmed and his body no longer belongs to him. Yoru is hogging it. Just as Yoru is monopolizing Asa's.
Anyway, that's how I see it.
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some-little-infamy · 7 hours
You Are the Difference
(Read on AO3) (Written for @911actions, prompted by @daughterofscotland : What if Buck is Tommy's first serious boyfriend?)
Buck isn’t ashamed of being bisexual. He’s not. But not being ashamed and being 100% comfortable in public are two entirely different things. He’s seen the way people look at them when he’s out with Tommy. It isn’t everyone, it isn’t even every time they go out, but it does happen. It happens enough that Buck finds himself glancing around when he’s on a date with Tommy, clocking every person around them who shows any signs of being a potential problem.
Buck’s explained that he isn’t embarrassed, that he just feels better being aware, and Tommy’s accepted that much. It doesn’t stop Buck from holding his hand while they walk down the street, or giving him a quick kiss before they leave the restaurant, or leaning into the arm Tommy has wrapped around his waist while they wait in line for popcorn at the movies.
Tommy watches him do it, but he’s stopped commenting on it the way he used to. Instead of trying to reassure Buck he simply allows Buck to go through the motions that make him feel a little more comfortable. Tommy doesn’t seem to mind… but it’s something Buck overthinks every time he does it, especially after watching the way Tommy doesn’t seem to notice or react to any of it. Tommy only seems to notice Buck noticing.
“Does it get easier?” Buck asks one day, after clocking a serious side-eye from a woman in line behind them at the coffee shop. There’s so much happening around them, music being piped in through speakers, orders being called, the hiss of the espresso machine’s steamer, the chatter of other customers… but Buck can’t help but focus on the one thing he wishes he wouldn’t.
“Does what get easier?” Tommy asks, taking a sip of his latte. They’re sitting down at a table in the corner, and Buck glances past Tommy to the bustling cafe behind him. He debates not bringing it up at all, changing the subject to something else before he’s stuck admitting to more things that are probably just piling up until Tommy decides he’s had enough of Buck.
Still, Buck’s tried to be nothing but honest in this relationship, and it’s working out so far. Why stop now?
“Putting up with people being awful just because you exist,” Buck clarifies. “I mean, you’ve been doing this a lot longer than I have. How long did it take you to get used to it?”
Tommy considers the question for longer than Buck anticipates, to the point that Buck almost does change the subject.
“I don’t know,” Tommy says finally.
“What do you mean, you don’t know?” Buck asks, brows furrowed.
“I mean,” Tommy starts, hesitating before pushing forward. “I don’t know. I haven’t really dated before. Not seriously, at least.” The admission comes slowly, like Tommy’s debating taking the words back even as he says them. He doesn’t, though, and in the face of Buck’s surprised silence Tommy continues. “I usually just go out to bars before a hookup. Maybe a coffee date or two. But I haven’t been with anyone I liked enough to see more than a few times.” Tommy flushes slightly, looking back up into Buck’s eyes when he adds, “Before you, obviously.”
The silence that falls between them has a weight to it now. This shared first is so big that Buck’s afraid he might actually shed a tear over the wave of feelings he experiences at the realization, blindsided by a truth he never would’ve guessed on his own.
Buck doesn’t know what to say. He’s stunned, unable to fully process everything that Tommy just told him. All this time, Buck’s assumed that Tommy was so much more experienced at all of this… this dating other guys stuff. Of course Tommy would have years to practice being cool and collected in the public eye, because why wouldn’t he? Tommy is… well, amazing. He’s hot, and kind, and funny, and the idea that he’s been single for the entirety of the time he’s been out just feels… wrong.
“I’m your first boyfriend?” Buck asks incredulously. His eyes are wide, unable to hide a single ounce of his surprise.
“Yeah,” Tommy confirms. “Is that a problem?”
Tommy’s tone isn’t accusing or even challenging… there’s a vulnerability there, and just the slightest hint of worry. Buck could laugh - if it didn’t feel so wildly appropriate for the moment they’re having - over the idea that Tommy thinks there’s a universe in which Buck would be scared off by something like that.
“No, no, uh, of course not,” Buck reassures him. “It’s just… I mean, you’re so many firsts for me, and I just figured…” Buck trails off with a soft, fond smile crossing his features. “I never thought I’d get to be a first for you, too.” Buck shifts in his seat, his coffee forgotten in front of him. “How has this never come up before now?” It’s been weeks now. Months. Months of Buck thinking that this is just the life Tommy’s used to living, and that he’s the only one feeling out of his element here.
“You never asked,” Tommy says simply.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t exactly keen to go into all of, uh, this comparing myself to your exes,” Buck admits. “It felt safer not to ask.”
“Evan,” Tommy says, his tone so caring, so soft, that Buck nearly melts back into his seat from where he’d been growing more tense and alert with every word, quick to try and hop on the defensive.
“Sorry,” Buck’s quick to apologize.
“You don’t have to be sorry,” Tommy says. “But you should know that I’m not comparing you to anyone. Who you are, what we have? It’s… special. It’s different from anything I’ve had before.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” Buck agrees, smiling easier now. “I guess I just assumed I was just another boyfriend for you.”
“You’re not ‘just another’ anything, Evan. You’re important to me. Our relationship is important to me. I hope you know that.”
Lately Buck’s been worried whether he’s moving too fast or too slow, if he’s doing this dating thing all wrong in regards to Tommy. It turns out there is no ‘right’ way. There’s nothing Tommy’s used to that Buck might be messing up or not doing, nothing Tommy’s expecting.
Tommy chose Buck because, well, because he’s Buck, and that’s all he needs to be.
“So, you think I’m special?” Buck asks, a smirk slowly pulling up the corners of his lips.
“Oh my god,” Tommy says, a fond exasperation filling his tone. “I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?” “I hope not,” Buck says.
He hopes that there’s nothing but time for the two of them. Closing his eyes Buck imagines a future of other firsts - going on vacations together, moving in together, proposals and marriage and maybe even a kid or two. He imagines years, decades, a lifetime, with Tommy, and it feels good. It feels right.
“I plan to bring this up forever.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 16 hours
CRP characters crushing on the reader 2/2
Placeholder opening here, check part 1 for the other characters! i dont usually write for zalgo because my take on him is... so... yeah... and hard to write for him, but the idea of this intangible godlike entity that can warp realities falling for someone is horrifying
Characters: Jane, Jeff, Ticci Toby, Nina, Bloody Painter, Zalgo
Notes: reader is GN but post mainly focuses on the canon characters, admin uses any pronouns for nina so if you see the pronouns swapping that's why!, heavy hcs for Zalgo and his part isnt really open for "it gets better and you guys get together" no his part is just... horrifying
CWs: zalgo is zalgo; ie non human entity does not follow human morals and is kind of... toxic and horrifying
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I need you guys to bare with me because this blog has always been hc/au heavy with how I write characters but between all the main crps, Jane is probably the most likely to just.. be a normal person 90% of the time, so the chances of you and her meeting during a normal day is pretty high. She's closed off so you don't even notice that there's feelings developing on her end. If there is a difference it's just her being slightly more affectionate and open to you. She becomes even more protective of you, can you blame her? You've heard of the rumors about her family... She doesn't deny her feelings if you ask her, though, so it's a clean confession when the time comes instead of it just being spilled or forced out.
He's so full of himself that he approaches you without thinking anything through because he's so confident that you're going to just fall for him. Makes a lot of jokes with you, some darker than others. Flirts with you up front because once more, he's so confident that you're into him that he doesn't take a moment to consider that you would reject him. Probably takes rejection the worst, at least out of the characters on this list. And that's on being on the run since your mid teen years, he didn't interact with many people because of that. "Oh you dig me" as you slap his arm because he said something dumb.
Very similar to the other proxies, watches you from afar but he decides to interact with you sooner than the other two. He's wary, because he doesn't want to humiliate himself or screw anything up but he's so so so desperate to meet someone new who's in his age range so he's doing his best to appeal to you. Sometimes slips up because he's trying too hard. He can pester you and get on your nerves, but he doesn't mean anything wrong by it... usually.. You outright ask him if he has a crush on you and you can see him internally scrambling for something to say. It's actually a little sweet. Probably the most normal out of them all asides Jane, at least by Creepypasta standards.
Oh she is so upfront about her feelings for you! Makes you small trinkets and keepsakes with random stuff she finds. Very quick to approach you as well and make a friendship. Very chill if you don't end up returning their feelings, and more than happy to keep up a friendship with you if you want that. A yapper, too, so they have a habit of keeping you by keeping a conversation up and alive longer than others would. Custom kandi for you as well, with your favorite colors and some stuff they know you like! As an aside, Nina is a "cringe fandom enjoyer", so you guys can get into the same things and be cringe and free together! Not related to this post but have it as a bonus!
He finds himself drawing you more than he draws his other subjects, and honestly its a little frustrating. You start finding some of his papers laying around. He approaches you so he can try to get even more accurate with his art, having the real thing as a reference is much better than relying off of memories of you wandering around town. Once the initial tenseness dies down, you might be able to get a few words out of him while he's drawing. "Muse of an artist" trope, a lot of the things he makes are dedicated to you in one way or another. His art is the only real tip that there's something going on, because otherwise he's good about swallowing and hiding his emotions.
Bonus character, Zalgo would literally alter the universe if he could to ensure that you're there and his. He can manipulate media, and create creatures.. I mean in my au he's literally the reason half the creepypastas exist... I WAS going to make a joke that he makes a stand in to act for him, but he's so into you that he can't stand the idea of someone else being with you... doesnt matter if he was living vicariously through it. Genuine psychological horror elements here with him warping the world around you in an attempt to get your attention and to get you to come to him. Technical cosmic / otherworldly horror (?) because he's something that transcends just about everything in universe. Simultaneously everywhere at anytime all the time, there is no real way to get away from him. Horrifying stuff.
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astars-things · 3 hours
omg jack would have a daughter who is so shy and quiet and just clings to jack and everyone is so quick to notice how soft he is toward her, maybe she was before covid so none of his friends has really seen much interaction between them and are very surprised
Jack Hughes x Daughter!reader 
The drive to the lake house was quiet, save for the hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of Y/N turning the pages of her picture book. I glanced in the rearview mirror, watching her small frame bundled up in her car seat, completely absorbed in the vibrant illustrations. Her world was a cocoon of safety and quiet. 
Y/N was born just a few months before the pandemic hit, and as the world shut down, our lives cocooned together. Her mother and I parted ways shortly after her birth, and since then, it had been just the two of us. I had gotten used to her soft-spoken nature, the way she’d cling to my leg when meeting new people, her whispers only meant for my ears. 
Arriving at the lake house brought a wave of nostalgia. This place had been our summer retreat since I was a kid. Now, it would be the backdrop for Y/N’s first real foray into the larger world of my friends and family. I parked the car and turned to face her. “Ready to meet Uncle Quinn and everyone else?” I asked, trying to mask my own apprehension. She nodded, her big eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of nervousness
Quinn was the first to greet us, his surprise evident when he saw Y/N shyly peeking from behind my legs. “Jack, hey! And this must be Y/N,” he said, crouching to her level. She pressed closer to me, her little hand gripping my jeans. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” I murmured, lifting her into my arms. “This is Uncle Quinn. He’s really nice, I promise.”
Over the next few days, the house filled with laughter and noise as more friends arrived. Each one of them took turns trying to engage with Y/N, but she’d always retreat to the safety of my arms or hide behind me. The guys seemed taken aback by how gentle and patient I was with her, a side of me they weren’t used to seeing.
“Man, Jack, you’ve really got the dad thing down,” Trevor remarked one evening as we sat by the fire pit. Y/N was nestled in my lap, her head resting against my chest as she dozed off. “I’ve never seen you like this. It’s kind of incredible.”
I smiled, looking down at my sleeping daughter. “She’s my world, Trev. Everything I do is for her. It’s different, but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Y/N began to open up, little by little. She’d sit by the water’s edge with Quinn, watching him skip stones, or quietly hand over her stuffed bunny for Luke to play with. My friends were patient, giving her space while gently encouraging her to join in.
One afternoon, as the sun dipped low, we all gathered for a barbecue. Y/N, to everyone’s surprise, walked over to Trevor and handed him a flower she had picked. “For you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling fire. Trevor’s eyes widened, and he accepted the flower with a beaming smile. “Thank you, Y/N. This is beautiful.”
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Friends with Benefits
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Pairing: Steve x Reader Word count: 1,022 Request: Anonymous. Insecure Steve x Reader friends with benefits and Steve wants more but he’s so sure that reader wants a more ‘not boring’ guy
Read on AO3
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Pulling your shirt over your head, you didn’t see how Steve looked at you. Like you were the most beautiful woman in the world. As soon as your head was through, he schooled his features. “You know you can just stay here.” He reminded you. He told you that nearly every time you were in his room to hook up. Always hoping you’d agree. Just once.
You leaned over and pecked his cheek. “I like my bed.” You said playfully. “Besides, I think they would notice if I walked out of your room in the morning and not my own. Then they’re gonna think something entirely different.” The two of you had been friends with benefits for a few months now, and it was working well. “Do you really want our friends, and teammates, to think we’re dating?” You asked as you grabbed your pants. 
“No.” He lied easily, watching you pull on your jeans. Of course he wanted to date you! He just didn’t think you’d want him the same way. He felt he was too boring for you. You were so upbeat, always on the move, always looking for a new adventure. Which was how you came to live with them in the first place. Why would you want to date someone more laid back like him? 
“I’ll see you for movie night tomorrow night?” You asked once you were fully dressed. Steve was still in bed, the blanket up to his waist, leaning on his elbow, hair a mess. In short, you wanted to climb right back in that bed with him and go another round. “I think it’s Sam’s turn to pick.” You mused, wondering what he would pick. 
He wondered why he wouldn’t see you the rest of the day, but didn’t ask. “I’ll be there.” He smiled. “Have a good night.” 
“Night, Stevie.” You waved before heading out. Next time the two of you would likely meet up in your room. It worked out to take turns. Overnights weren’t something that you did in this arrangement. You had your fun, and went back to your own rooms. Sure, you would have enjoyed a night curled up with the handsome man, but you didn’t want to blur lines between what this was, and feelings. If you got too attached, you’d be the one hurt. You wanted to avoid that at all costs.
Hearing his door click shut, he sighed and rolled to his back. “Crap.” He groaned, putting his arm over his eyes. Could he do this much longer? The longer this went on, the harder he’d fall for you. The harder he fell, the more this would hurt when it ended.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later when the pair of you were on a mission together that things seemed to shift. “So, I hear you have a date with one of the agents?” You glanced at him, your tone betraying you. You’d heard people talking about it, and hated how that made you feel.
He raised an eyebrow at you. The two of you were packing up after everything was complete, and you’d be home in just under 12 hours. “Uh, yeah.” He shrugged. “Day after we get back. Had to reschedule it.” He told you honestly.
Licking your lips, you gave him a tight smile. “Well, I hope you have fun.” You half lied. You wanted him happy, you just wished it was with you. Zipping up your bag, you put it over your shoulder. You’d head to your room, take a hot shower, and then eat ice cream right out of the container.
“Why do I get the feeling that you don’t mean that?” He asked, gently grabbing your arm. “Talk to me.” He furrowed his brows, confused. What the two of you had was just sex. You were friends who happened to sleep together. Why did he get the impression you were pissed? He had every right to go on a date.
You shook your head. “Doesn’t matter.” You shrugged. “Let’s just get home. Okay?” You tried to tug your arm from him, but he held it tighter. “Steve...” You sighed, not looking at him.
His jaw clenched slightly. “I don’t like being lied to.” He said seriously. 
You shot him a weak glare. “I like you, okay?!” You snapped, finally wrenching free. “I like you as more than just a friend, but that’s all we’ll be. So, go on your stupid date with the stupid agent.” You muttered, trying to pull away again. “Just let me go to my room.”
Steve stared at you, in shock. “You like me?” He managed. His voice was full of surprise, like he couldn't believe what he’d just heard. 
“I just said that, didn’t I?” You rolled your eyes. “I get it, this is just a fuck-buddy situation, and now I just ruined that.” You let out a sigh. That was fun while it lasted. 
“I thought I’d be too ‘boring’ for you to like.” He blushed lightly, and you found it adorable. “I like you, too.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Can I take you out instead of that agent? I only agreed because Wanda insisted.” He admitted. “Said I needed to have some fun.” He explained. “That I should loosen up and start dating.” 
You giggled at that. “If she only knew how much fun we have.” There was a smirk on your face. “I guess we can start sleeping over.” You put your hands on his waist. “No more slipping away right afterwards.” 
He grinned. “Means I can wake you up in the middle of the night, too.” He flirted, voice low. It was clear what he was talking about. 
“And what if I want to wake you up?” You asked, already getting ideas. 
“I would not argue with that.” He chuckled, pulling you to him. “So, is this just going on a date, or are we dating?” Steve wanted to be on the same page. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck. “Steve Rogers, will you be my boyfriend?” You asked happily. 
“I’d be more than happy to.”
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tswwwit · 3 months
You're amazing and I love this world you've create. And I love overanalyzing your Bills through the details you've left in your stories. (I've anonymously sent the few theories that I was like 95% confident in and it brings me joy receiving author approval 🤗) This one I haven't figured out so I thought I'd just ask. How similar are other Bill and pre Dipper Bill? And at what point did they diverge?
That's a very interesting question!
Hmmm. At this point they're quite different Bills, but exactly when that started is a good question.
But it definitely goes back further than just Meeting Dipper.
For one, the whole 'world conquering' attempt on Our Bill's part failed miserably about, what, 40ish years ago? After which he had all those decades to sulk and stew in said faceplant of a plan. Meanwhile, Other Bill likely already had his conniving fingers in his own chosen terrestrial pie at that point. He wouldn't get ALL the way there for a while, but hey - he did get what he wanted!
So there's a period of time there where they were already starting to go different ways. What with Other Bill being successful in his plan, while Our Bill got Totally Exiled until an adorable accidental summon opened up a path - those different end states are the result of a million little different decisions they made. Whether they went to this party or that one, the ideas that they pursued on whims, the specifics they wanted for Earth, etc.
I'd guesstimate they started diverging anywhere from a hundred years back to a couple hundred. That's a minimum, though - it could be longer! Whatever it is, it's a quite a grip of time for humans - but not all that much for a Bill.
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