#But when people make being depressed or being and edge lord their personality is what gives me the ick
eunique · 1 month
If I had a dollar for everytime a cis man in their 20s I know made being depressed and/or an edge lord their personality, I'd have 2 dollars
Which isn't a lot but it's weird that its happened twice
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melit0n · 4 months
Hello my dear
Why do you like the Stephen Crane poem so much
Thank you for asking Kate <33
Overall, the poem takes to exploring the themes of isolation, existential contemplation, how self love improves love to others and the harshness of the natural world. When it comes to poetry, I'm a big fan of romantic poets (Walt Whitman, William Blake and Lord Byron) who tackle the power of humanity verses the power of nature. Crane does exactly this in In The Desert, but in a really self depricating way.
First off, desert symbolism! The desert serves as a metaphor for the harsh and barren aspects of life. It's a place of isolation and challenges, reflecting the difficulties and struggles individuals face in their existence. Therefore, the desert can be a metaphor for multiple things within context; depression, general self-isolation, a toxic relationship etc. In the desert, you don't really expect to meet anybody there, so, you act how you do when no one's watching; a time when a person is at their most vunerable, which links to why the creature is "naked". It represent vulnerability and or a state of raw, unguarded honesty. Stripped of societal constructs, the creature is exposed in its truest form. It is patient zero; Cain at ground level.
And then the heart. The heart is and will always be powerful symbol in literature, typically coming with a story of love. However! Crane does something different with it; his creature chews, bites and swallows it. The act of eating the heart symbolises someone confronting and consuming their own emotions or experiences; having The Human Experience.
Since the poem is in first person, it also puts the reader directly into it, meaning we are the ones to ask the creature if "it is good", addressing it like an old friend we haven't seen in a while. And the response we get is odd. You'd think a thing, hunched over in the sand eating its own heart would either be enjoying it to no extent or suffering, but the response is simply "bitter". The repeated emphasis on bitterness suggests a recognition of life's hardships and challenges. The creature acknowledges the bitterness of his own heart, and yet, there's a sense of acceptance or even appreciation for that bitterness. It's not enjoyment or absolute hatred; it's an acceptance.
Further, human flesh is known to have a bitter taste to it (along with the ever present taste of chicken that seems to follow ever meat ever lmao), including the heart. Humans are typically hard-wired against canabalism (which, here, becomes self destruction. It takes a lot to push a human over the edge to start harming themselves deliberately) because it makes us ill to the point death is conceivable. The creature knows this, but accepts it.
Lastly, the creature takes ownership of his bitter heart, stating But I like it / Beacuse it is bitter/ Because it is my heart." Now, the creature confirms enjoyment, and it signifies the acceptance of personal struggles and the acknowledgment that one's experiences, no matter how bitter, are an integral part of who they are.
When I talked about 'cannabalism as a metaphor for love' in my repost about this, I meant it for self-love, and how it's needed for things to get better.
Looking back on it all, I think, to actually answer your question Kate, is it reflects a lot of the stuff I struggle with internally. I find it hard to accept who and what I am and find the anger I have towards myself (and at my constant lack of sleep) being pushed onto other people, which leaves me isolated; In The Desert. I have issues sometimes with seeing myself as human, so, unironically, I relate to the creature a lot. Plus, it's interesting that Crane decided that a good presentation for humanity is a naked creature, sat, completely vunerable, in the middle of an isolated desert.
(@moonchild-in-blue, thank you both for asking and letting me ramble. I'm sorry if this was boring, I don't get to do this very often <3)
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xshimaeraxx · 3 months
being cupioromantic sucks dick, and here’s why (says i, a cupioromantic)
Before ya’ll shout at me in the tags n shit: i am, myself, cupioromantic. I am saying this bc this is how i, personally feel abt being cupioromantic, and why its so goddamned depressing (at least for me).
Being cupioromantic, for me, is like a constant battle of wills, almost. It contradicts itself, over and over and over, even though i know- logically, that being cupioromantic isnt a contradiction. It just sucks ass.
for anyone who doesnt know: cupioromantic is (quoting google here btw) “describ[ing] a person who wants a romantic relationship, but does not feel romantic attraction”. Which, um, FUCKING SUCKS.
bc i aint never gonna have a partner. The fact im aegosexual (or js ace or acespec in more simple terms) js makes that harder, bc i aint never gonna have sex, least not voluntarily. So i cant feel for my partner romantically, which is what like 80% of the world is looking for in a partner, and i cant have sex either, bc i js dont feel that way for ppl. And i never will. (Refering to both sexual attraction & romantic attraction here btw).
so that takes out all my options. Bc i can love people, yes, but not in the way that (most, nearly all) ppl want. But i dont wanna be alone til the end of my days, so where does that leave me?
bc, sure, ill have friends & family & hopefully a cat or two bc, yes, i am a crazy cat person. I actually currently have a cat rn, actually. (His names Bear, hes a black cat & i love him w/ all my heart, but still, my point stands). But i want a partner.
i want someone to kiss, and cuddle, and hug, and love. But bc of what i am, a afab human-person thing whos only social life & interaction other then my parents is via online spaces bc due to my lifestyle i js dont have any other options, an aroace who cant like-like some1 like that and who doesnt want to have sex and doesnt feel sexually for irl people and who never will
i js. I cant have it. Unless i luck out & meet a fellow aro, or ace, or aroace out in the wild, which is- extremely unlikely, tbqh, i wont ever have it. And thats not even the worst part, bc being cupioromantic is, believe it or not, a double-fucking-edged sword.
The few times ive tried to explain to my online friends what i want in a partner, ive constantly felt like im invalidating myself, and it fucking sucks. Bc what aro wants to kiss, and hug, and cuddle and what proper aro wants a romantic relationship??
i dont know how to explain it in words, tbqh, so ill do it via example.
so, fun fact! I only recently found out that im cupioromantic. Oh, i knew i was aro, certainly, but not cupioromantic bc i didnt know it was a thing. That like. Actually existed. (And by recently i mean last-fucking-night)
previously i hadnt thought abt it much tbqh. Then, my friend brought up the subject of love. I said, “i mean realistically no one will ever love me”. My friend responded w/ a gif that flashed the word “lie!” (LMFAO).
to summarise, what happened was i tried (and failed) to properly explain what i wanted in a partner w/o invalidating myself (and failed, im pretty sure). Then, my friend said “so cupioromantic?”
I looked it up, andddd went “oh. Oh fuck dear lord this is me. Well, im fucked.” Now i didnt say that, of course, but, yea, u get the gist of it lmao.
basically, the whole point of this example is that being cupioromantic and not invalidating urself bc u js dont think ur vaild is. Hard. Very very hard.
Now, i am in no way saying cupioromantic is not a vaild identity/romantic orientation, bc it completely is. This whole post is js me trying to deal w/ the fact i dont think im vaild when i know, logically that i am. My brain is js- having a hard time accepting that, ig.
ANYGAYS imma end this whole rant thingy now b4 this ends up being 2x longer then it already is. Gn ya’ll! (Yes i do know it is 7:35 am as i am writing this shut-)
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abracaxfuckxyou · 1 year
((Drabble for @dreamsofalife to go along with a current thread. Under read more for heavy topics dealing with substance abuse, depression, mental health, and suicide/suicide ideation. This is for rp purposes only, please do not reblog.))
It’s a wonder he made it here in his state as is. Running off in a panic like he had only added to the loss of time he’d felt. There had been endless tunnels, endless faces; some looking at him with confusion, some with concern. It was only when his mind cleared that he was aware of which Buttercream he’d come to.
It was the layer beneath Gutter City.
Of course it was. He’d heard rumor that if you needed a boost or something to take the edge off, this was the place to go. His only intention was to numb himself, make him forget the pain and terror of being completely under the spell of someone else. But the more he thought about it, the more he was leaning towards a far more drastic decision.
He couldn’t be placed under mind control if he was no longer around. He couldn’t hurt his friends if he simply vanished from this existence. It wasn’t quite as rash as a decision as it seemed. Although when you were shaken to your core as completely as he had been, it starts to seem like the only logical solution.
After asking around for a little bit, he came across a man named Lunchbox. As his name suggested, he did indeed have a lunchbox on his person. But it wasn’t exactly filled with food and snacks...
“So what can I interest you in? You look like you’re having a rough go of it. Need a little something to dull ya up?” the man asked.
Montrose shook his head, one arm crossed over his chest, the other rubbing the back of his neck. He swallowed thickly before answering. “No, I need something stronger... Something a bit more permanent, if you get what I mean...”
Lunchbox sighed. “Well, you aren’t the first person to ever ask me that. Before I even try to pitch anything to you, I always gotta ask; are you absolutely sure you want this?”
“Yes,” he replied with little hesitation. “More than anything. It’s the only way this nightmare will end...”
The man gave another sigh. “So what exactly are you looking for?”
“Ketamine, preferably cut with something,” he explained.
Lunchbox takes a moment to dig through his box, pulling something out. “This one will be the easiest on you. Peaceful and quite. Put you to sleep.”
“I’ll take it,” Montrose said, offering the man what coin he had on him.
“Gotta ask one more time... Are you sure?”
“Lord have mercy, yes, I’m sure,” he said, a little harsher than he meant. “S-Sorry...”
“Alright,” the man said, taking the coin and handing over the drugs. “I know a quiet spot. No one really goes there, nice and secluded. Should give you some peace while you, you know. I’ll come back there later, make sure you’re taken care of properly.” There was a small pause. “No one’s coming lookin’ for ya, are they?”
“After what I did... I’m not so sure. But it’s better they not find me...” Montrose added. Lunchbox shrugged in reply and motioned for him to follow. A few minutes later they arrived at a fairly unused space. It was far from any other people around here. He drew back a curtain to reveal a small room.
“You should be fine in here. I’ll be nearby in case you change your mind. Just holler for me if you do,” Lunchbox said before leaving him be.
Montrose moved into the small room, sitting against the opposite wall. He was shaking, but he was determined to go through with it. The prepping process was familiar but brought back unpleasant feelings and memories. He remembered what it was like before, being so numb that he’d hurt himself quite a bit, unable to feel any pain under its influence. But the peace it had brought him had made the horribleness of his life feel just that much more bearable. Soon it would bring complete peace...
“I’m sorry guys... I hope someday you can forgive me...” He said as the plunger of the syringe was pushed down. There was that old familiar sting. It wouldn’t take too much longer. For now he would sit quietly until it started to kick in.
As he slowly could feel his head getting fuzzy, he was starting to lose some of the feeling in his hands and feet. Though it was soft and slightly slurred he began to sing himself to sleep.
“I remember tears streaming down your face  When I said I'll never let you go...  When all those shadows... almost killed your light...  I remember you... said don't leave... me here alone...  But all... that's dead... and... gone and... passed tonight...  Just close your eyes... the sun is... going down  You'll be alright... no one can hurt... you now...  Come morning light... you... and I'll... be safe... and... sou-...”
As the last word stay unfinished, darkness swallowed his vision and mind... He could have sworn he heard the distant sound of his friends calling his name...
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chamomileeteaaa · 8 months
HEAVY VENT POST (also cringe lol) DNI
How do I make a cutoff? Lmao
I hate bothering all my friends with all my issues, so I'm going here, where I don't think anyone who knows me irl will look?? Idk man, I just don't want to bother them
I've lost all purpose in life. In reality, I never really had one. When I was little, I was abused, and my purpose was to please my abusers because I thought they loved me. When they left... well honestly, I lost a lot of my reason to be alive. I was eleven, but I already understood what it meant to have no faith anywhere. Most of my life past that point has been something along the lines of trying to chase the vigor that being afraid brings me.
That's what my childhood was: being afraid. My parents did nothing to me but yell and cuss me out here and there, but I feared them. I feared they would take the people who abused me away; yet, I feared them, too. I knew what I was doing was wrong, even though I was a child (below the age of a tween the entire time) and it wasn't my fault; I knew my parents would be mad if they found out (somehow, they were, like it was my fault); I knew the people I talked to were bad. Not really, it was a child's comprehension of "bad." I understood it was bad because it was taboo—maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much, even though I was still so afraid? Because it made me feel like an adult?
My childhood is defined by fear. You are what you grow up as, and I grew up a coward who put themself in danger's way to get a kick. I was a faithful servant to the Lord who let the devil whisper in her ear, let him push me to the edge of the road, and dodge cars on my tippy-toes. Licked the skin of an apple, felt the condensation moisten my chapped lips.
What is a coward without danger? What does one do when they lose their most primary characteristic?
I have spent every day trying to answer that, and I have ended every day even further from the answer. I eat and sleep and drink and study and joke because it feels mandatory, hardly ever because I enjoy it. I love the people I talk to. Every human is an amazing person, inherently blessèd. But I would be a liar if I were to say that all my hard work "towards the future" was simply because it was obligatory, a safety net. I don't care about college or grades or clothes or parties or health.
I don't even want to die, nor do I want to cease to be. I can't decide if I wish I had never existed, never been conceived in the womb or thought of as a possibility, or if I want to find a purpose with myself.
Happiness is a condition, not an existence. If there is an up, there is a down. Anything that brings me joy is bound to hurt me in the future. What purpose is there, then, to seek out good things? What purpose is there to be good to myself, if there is always an ideal Cami that I will never be able to reach? What purpose is there to even seek out bad things?
Why am I alive? What purpose is there to my existence? I don't bring joy, and any joy I do bring can be nullified by the fact that I will bring pain—anyone who loves me, if they saw this, would experience pain at my grief. I cannot improve upon the world, I'm starting to lose my feelings *about* the world I've been in this pit of depression so long.
I just can't think anymore. I don't exist.
I'm fine, though; like actually, I'm totally good. I feel way better getting these thoughts off my chest and putting them in a public space to feel heard yet not be seen. Sorry if you read this.
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hanzi83 · 11 months
This Blog is Probably the Rough Draft of a Better Version That I Will Write Later
I am just gonna warn from the get go, like always because my process in writing shit down is always to go with random thoughts I had covered on the podcast, but by the time I accumulate enough topics to talk about or write about, more shit comes out and then I am behind, but I need to write down thoughts even if it is not the best writing I will do. Luckily I am not a destination account or brand so only people who are consuming the stuff I write or podcast about, are normally people who have a hard on for me and want to use shit to weaponize against me. They know when I am feeling irrational or feeling really depressed, not from just my issues, which are supposed to officially be nonexistent, my mental trauma is not worthy of people giving a shit until it becomes convenient to do so. And sometimes with the world going further to the right, and people who are supposed to be “good” limiting narratives, it feels like this world is destined to go the way it goes and I don’t know if I belong on this planet because I really don’t want to regress and become a sophisticated version of a right winger, and this is why they define shit by the most transparent while letting fundamentalist bullshit sophisticate where everyone always becomes more susceptible this shit, and because going in that direction has become the new “cool” aesthetic, and if you want to be more socially conscious you get dirty looks, even from people you might know, because they think that shit is someone too afraid of being edgy and being pressured to be politically correct, when the regressive shit and the need for edge lord shit is what is politically correct for the people with white supremacist and fundamentalist ideology. So it is disheartening to see there is a funded movement of the new right funding different groups from different backgrounds to be anti LGBTQ, I never seen people who have always hated Muslims especially, and have used the “homophobic” excuse for why they need to bomb the shit out of everyone in different Muslim countries so you make it seem like you have some values, yet now when you have Muslims buying into that anti LGBTQ shit in this current day, the same Western fundamentalists suddenly are in favor for Muslims who are following this new age fundamentalist bullshit which has to be funded in my personal opinion. All these people from different backgrounds are being used as tools, and the conservatives see them as useful because they are pushing back against any kind of “wokeness” so they can play the tokens who act like claiming racism is the most ridiculous thing ever and the right wing will then use them as the “good ones who don’t have to claim racism” even though they wouldn’t support these different minorities if they were not there to white wash what is going on so this new right wing shit takes over. People go off about diversity and like I have said, there hasn’t been so much forced diversity than there has been with embracing white supremacist and fundamentalist ideology. My biggest worry is not knowing what people I know have embraced because I have been kept out of the loop for the last 13 years with what is going on and what people are associated with. It makes me lose hope because even if you oppose this shit, there will never be a complete honest conversation of how mafia like this world is and how there are different delegations within the system having faction warfare, and the rules we are seeing on the surface don’t really matter because literally everyone is breaking them, they have you arguing within limits so it constantly helps the more conservative leaning narrative, it is so powerful they make you think that “liberal minded” shit is what runs the narratives because the on surface and transparent establishment might have a positive message about social issues, where now other establishment types who make themselves the “anti establishment” can push back on the limited narrative and not to expose how it is all run, but to empower shit that is designed to go further to the right while disguising it with “progressive” because if people flat out admitted they are pivoting to the right, it would take their credibility or whatever is left of it so they have to pivot in that direction but they are so pussy they need another label for what they are doing so if anyone claims they are moving more to the right, they can constantly complain at the behest of the right wing, and go off about how they are the sane left and people on the left have gone more insane like it is even equatable compared to what the far right wing is doing with the laws being passed while also using celebrities for these storylines to manufacture consent so people start advocating for regressive conservative values in this modern era, because they make it seem like liberation or wokeness is going too far, like the right wing aren’t normalizing child marriage, taking away abortion rights from women, wanting to erase the racist history that exists, wanting to inspect children athletes genitals, wanting records of menstrual cycles, that never counts as “going too far” but you will fall for sensationalist shit that helps target people in marginalized communities. They use the celeb shit to help manufacture consent, and people who report in the media on some of the social media discourse storylines as an actual news story to help facilitate the pro fundamentalist side, they are the biggest pieces of shit and I wish they are haunted mentally for life and people they love walk out on them and when they are alone with all that “success” they will realize selling their souls to be part of the new regime will not be good enough in the long run, in fact a lot of people who have sold their souls to be aligned with their favorites in the system, even if it is exploiting their loved ones as guinea pigs, will not ever feel complete. If all those perks and what not were so fulfilling you would not have to monitor mentally ill cogs in the system, and work hard at gaslighting with manipulative abuse to keep people under your thumbs. The more you do that, the worse you will become. I get it you think if you can conceal your sociopathic ways and present your aesthetic, you think it will be enough so people will never know what kind of person you are, but there will be more effort every day being put in protecting your sociopathic ways, that any minor exposition of your motives, it will bring out an uglier side that will be more difficult to hide as your life continues. I know I will never be able to flourish the way I want, but seeing what it takes to have to flourish the way these people are doing it, I don’t want to be someone who uses my power to brainwash dumbed down people and get them to torment other people because I am so desperate in having my name in the discourse and selling my soul for the entertainment dollar, and this is what all this shit is now in the discourse, it is sports entertainment for the purpose of moving into a fascist world. That is why the writer and actor strikes are happening and I support the people in these strikes, but while this is going on, it feels like it is its own storyline, and even if Hollywood officially loses its quality with overproduced AI shit, the showbiz world is not just overproduced Hollywood shit, the showbiz world has expanded to social media storylines, streamers on these platform, the alt media, and in politics, and you can’t look at what is happening on the surface with all this theatrical bullshit and tell me this is not being written, like we are moving in a dangerous direction but all of this shit on the surface is gimmicked filler bullshit, until it takes us into on surface faction warfare, and even the people who are supposed to be educating you, are not really educating you because they will limit the narratives which always end up helping the right wing narrative be the dominant one, despite them claiming they are being suppressed. Everyone uses online shit to sports entertain right, so even people who are on the good side, they don’t want to admit that online shit is limited kayfabe bullshit, but doing that, helps the right wing take advantage to convince apolitical people, who don’t believe the world is what they say it is, that the right wing are the ones who are truth tellers because there might be some blind truths they put out there, but then a lot of what they say is propaganda to direct people into thinking more fundamentalist, this is why people on the left shouldn’t deny conspiracies blindly or put everyone who is into conspiracies in that right wing pile. There is a reason why the right wing are embracing the conspiratorial shit because if there are valid ones out there, they get credit, and the system is such a right wing trajectory system, that the “conspiracies” they are propping up will be designed to be true so then even bad faith “left” people will then start pivoting to the right wing 
Like right now, to help the right wing narrative of Covid, they are now putting out leaks and when things get “leaked” out and they claim that this was not supposed to be known, it is a complete and utter lie, like if the democrats really had all this control of the narratives and nothing else is there, we wouldn’t know about cocaine found in the white house, and by design they will say that they couldn’t find who it belonged to, it gives the impression cover ups are happening and there is favoritism to Hunter Biden, when literally no one from the right wing is paying for their consequences, they are supposedly being investigated, yet they are still allowed to go on podcasts and speak against this case and continue to spread their narrative, Trump can literally go and run for president again despite being twice impeached or whatever his crimes he committed, they give you the impression that the right wing are the ones who are targeted, and I know people on the left are not cheerleaders of the FBI etc, like they are happy about someone powerful facing some consequences, but dumbing down the narratives and your villains is not gonna help and it just makes people who are leaning right run the narrative that their side is targeted when it is working in their favor even if it looks like the system seems to be anti Trump when the system needs someone like Trump to exist, they need people like Tucker to exist. Their bases can keep repeating they are fighting the good fight despite being some of the shadiest people on the planet, if the right wing trajectory system is supposed to always go further to the right, they can use sports entertainment leaks to make it seem people oppose these cult of personalities and the people who want to blindly use anything to hate Trump will think it is an own to go “Oh look Tucker is being nice to Trump despite the texts saying he hates him” you ever think this shit is a storyline and they are using these leaks to kind of manipulate favor for their side and since we are supposed to hate Trump or Tucker etc, we are just happy that someone is transparently a hypocrite like that even means anything anymore, when people who support who they support are gonna justify why they are gonna support them. Denying conspiracies like a lab leak theory has been dangerous as well as these right wingers are using it to weaponize for their white supremacist agenda, but anyone who is apolitical, they are gonna suspect what is happening in this world and the direction we are moving has been by design, and it was like the establishment denied it and censored people for the purpose of when the information comes out that there could have been something where there was a lab leak, then those people feel vindicated and if I am of the belief that this pandemic was gonna go in the direction it went while also facilitating revolutionary or fascist world,  it would to me, imply a lot of world leaders knew the direction of this shit but they are just making it seem like China is where it all started at, when over the last decade, there were always reports time to time of stuff leaking out from US labs, and predictive programming from movies and television that there could be this life threatening pandemic going down, I always felt that something would end up happening in our lives, so while yes I think this pandemic is real etc, but giving the right wing the carte blanche to act like they are the only ones calling out this being planned and purposefully done, makes it seem like it is a liberal plot, but what if this was a right wing plot and the people who the right wing think are shady like Fauci, they might be guilty of some shit, but you can only call them out if it is weaponizes it against the left leaning narrative, but how do I know Fauci isn’t someone who is actually aligned with the new right? People who are democrat will blindly praise Fauci, even if he did or said some good shit but now that there are leaks that they didn’t want to put out that it could be a lab leak and they didn’t want to politicize this, by this being leaked out to show there was a cover up, it is being used for politicization. If we weren’t supposed to know about this suppression scientists had to face, we wouldn’t know about it, but we know about it because the people who are highly platformed and are leaning right wanted to get ahead of it and pretend they were the ones calling it out, and while calling it out they then added their anti vaccine propaganda. They had to have planned for this shit to come out, and because people on the liberal side don’t get conspiratorial even if they are liars, the people on the right get to be booked as people who were purposefully censored so they can brag about being right about the entire thing even if they probably had an insider script as well to know where the world was going. It feels in an overall sense, because on the surface the information is limited and no matter who is in charge, the stuff on the surface will transparently implode, it feels like the people who claim to be calling out know where it is going and they self preserve so they can act like they were chastised for their conspiracies while it is being designed for them to win. Like if it is revealed there was a leak, people will them boost up RFK Jr and claim his conspiracies are right, even though he is twisting it into an anti Asian and anti Jewish conspiracy about how they were spared while it was used as a bioweapon against other people etc, thing is if I believe this shit was planned, then yes maybe important people in these delegations are spared and they probably have access to the treatments and cures that most people would not be privy to, so if let’s say there are wealthy people who were spared from being really sick etc, and some of these wealthy people fit under the description of what RFK is saying, then his ilk will blindly think “specific races” were spared when it could be powerful and wealthy people from all backgrounds. Thing that also makes me think this shit was planned, because if the discourse over the last decade online was help building up trust of the transparent establishment, they were already setting the seeds of anti vaccine shit throughout the mid 2000’s to the 2010’s and while I never was a full anti vaccine guy etc, when I was really dumbed down, they had celebs like Jim Carey etc being propped up talking about there were dangers in some of these vaccines and no one seemed to have had a problem with it, it was being promoted in mainstream settings etc, so it was never that I was anti vaccine, but if you told me in some cases that something in them can do damage in certain cases, I could believe it, but I was never against vaccines as a whole, but now this discourse over the last 10 years now makes sense because they were planting narratives online, and when people think we are consuming info online in the last decade, me specifically thought I was getting secret information because the MSM and the establishment were not covering this shit, but it feels like they always knew the internet narratives would drive different countering narratives that would eventually become their own MSM establishment, if you don’t think social media and the internet are just as much the establishment than the MSM you claim to hate, then you are a fucking liar. When most shit has always been lies for the most part in our world, it has become easier for bad faith actors to take advantage of the lies the establishment tells, and then put their own twist on it. Anything that I write or say on a podcast, I don’t claim I am 100 percent right, but people who have witnessed my journey have known that when it comes to official information I never been the smartest person on the planet, I fully admit I am a dumbed down guy who never understood shit, which has probably been a reason why I have been susceptible to propaganda in a sophisticated way, especially if you consume entertainment to get the hot takes on the narratives in our world. Thing is RFK will say some anti Semitic shit and then praise Israel as a defense of why he can’t be anti Semitic, but being aligned with fundamentalists who support Apartheid doesn’t mean you give a shit about the innocent Jewish people that exist in the world, like why would someone like Ice Cube, who people claim with his dog whistles over the course of his career, is talking about the fundamentalists in the industry, but then he will be seen with someone like RFK who is into the fundamentalist shit that you have claimed to be against in your career, it is like some of these public figures who have controversy to their name during their careers will have enough truth that outweighs the negative, but as they are approaching this modern era, everyone who has always had propaganda spewed to some extent, will now be defined by that because they are all moving in that direction and that is why these celebs and public figures who take pictures with other far right wing public figures, they are signaling who they are gonna align with but in the middle of doing that, they will be chastised for it but they will also tell some truths in the middle of it, so people will think they are being canceled for telling the truth. I know I am all over the place, and if you feel this blog doesn’t make any sense, keep in mind, when I am writing this, I have had this in my system for the past week, there is so much more discourse coming out, and now I am kind of just going step by step with whatever notes I have, and I am just speeding through some of the points, so some of the shit I will write about won’t have the smooth segues, maybe it will, because when I write I don’t plan what I am going to write and sometimes that can work in my advantage but a lot of times it works to my disadvantage and guess what no one's gonna take me seriously as a writer, like they were going to take me serious anyways. My mind is too cluttered right now and at this point I was thinking about even bailing on this blog because I am not really feeling it and I don’t think I am expressing myself properly, not that I ever really do. Listen to the podcast and listen how much I fucking stammer my thoughts away. 
I can’t believe I live in a world where it is becoming real discourse that someone could be a clone. Like I have had a fun thinking of how advanced public figures are, whether they are clones, or transfer their consciousness into a new body etc, but even the cloning discourse has to be limited, like “They cloned this person and the real one died” like I could see that, but if there was cloning, why wouldn’t the real version still be alive and this serves as a convenience to get more work done with different gigs so you make even more money from it. I do think there is something going on and that Jamie Foxx conspiracy shit was designed for a marketing tool and they are finding gimmicked ways to have this kind of exposed, it will never really ever be exposed but it is like we are moving into a direction to show you there is more to what they say is going on but the people who are gonna lead the charge are anointed that duty so they can seem like they are the ones who are right, because most establishment people in the MSM will never entertain those kinds of conspiracies and since those people are automatically discredited to people who consume online shit, like that online shit isn’t also scripted or organized shit to present a new version of the establishment, it makes people who blindly take in the stuff they are taking in then just regurgitate, even if you think you are consuming the more enlightened narrative you will not really know how to explain shit, you will just regurgitate the talking points and I say this as someone who has done that through his lifetime, which is probably why I have been the perfect mark for someone to propagandize which is why I have jumped from mindset to mindset thinking that I am discovering this big truth that they don’t want you to know, but if it is out there and it is coming from people who are funded, then it is clearly they want you to know this exists, so I have been seeing more accumulative shit about cloning and different things happening with public figures in general. It is funny because the shit they show you on television and movies that is supposed to be grounded in reality comes off as being the fake shit, and all the movies dealing with AI and technology and superheroes etc, are somewhat telling you the truth in a gimmicked way. You have to extract the symbolism from it and see the overlaying message of where this world is going and it feels like since our world resembles the entertainment we consumed in the 90’s and early 2000’s, then I can only imagine what we will manifest from our entertainment in the next 20 years. I know immediately talking about cloning etc takes me out of the race of being credible and that is fine, but people who pretend to be thought leaders and educators in the sports entertainment political world, they might have a nicer aesthetic, but they are not telling you all the angles that exist, they limit the angles that exist so they end up conceding to the right wing to prove they are the sane leftist, so what they are spewing out is just as crazy as what my theories are, but at least I will use my “theories” not to regress, even if there is more profitability with dumbing yourself down and regressing. If my shitty theories help me not to regress then I think it is a win in this world. I can see many people transforming into the right when they do stories where right wing violence is prevalent and then to prove to their new right wing audience they are fair, they will equate left wing violence like there isn’t an overall right wing trajectory that is pushing people to the brink of insanity. They will even take the bait with obvious shit that is supposed to be sports entertainment, like I am noticing that in the 2010’s where it was becoming more socially conscious to push back against the systemic narratives of racism and even if the theatrics with public figures and sports entertainment felt a bit gimmicked, I knew it was to counter the already sports entertainment theatrics the right wing has made normalized, and then when they propped up certain Karen videos as being the gimmick, I knew it would be a formula of some of them being more to the story where maybe race might not be the issue, so now we have a plethora of sports entertainment viral shit that people report on as news to now push back on the idea that people who claim racism might be overdoing it, so the system is so racist that even when racism is discussed, it has to be limited so it makes the racist side actually come off better in sophisticated ways, that is why there are so many gimmick ways to discuss racism and other bigoted stuff so you don’t notice the sophistication of other normalized shit that will always seep in. They will do obvious shit like Tuberville where you end up giving him the benefit of the doubt because you are so far gone into the right wing direction, like the guy is admitting what their movement is while making it seem like if him and his ilk are gonna be called white nationalists for their patriotic beliefs then so be it. We know these people are racist and they are finding their gimmicked ways of establishing it all over the fucking media. That other person Eli Crane, this guy is already a racist and passing off racist amendment, and the thing people are focusing on are if the term colored people is racist or not, I saw more focus on debating that issue over the fact that yes a racist person who is trying to advocate for a bigoted and racist amendment did just say something racist, it is like the bare minimum of the racist shit he is doing is being focused on so jerkoffs like Matt Walsh can do videos about “Well actually here is why colored people is not a racist term” and then we have to talk in circles with more sports entertainment fascists about this, like is anyone surprised Charlie Kirk who uses his turning point shit into funding culture wars that advocate for bigoted and racist shit would say some racist shit, I am not saying you shouldn’t call them out but the worst part of their racism is already on display, and people online think by engaging in these nowhere to go discussions, they think they have woken up to the propaganda. They think because what was considered mainstream in the 90’s and 2000’s and they think that it is the same value now when that shit that would have value back then has been devalued in their influence because the online shit has replaced it, and maybe some of the alt media is not as big as the MSM in size but they have powerful people protecting them to spew more sophisticated right wing narratives that seem like it is opposite of what the system wants, if that were the case we wouldn’t be hearing about nonstop what the right wing are always bitching about. 
It is like we create these people who are gonna be problematic in the discourse, who are not playing by regular rules, it might look like it but it becomes a fucking new professional wrestling way of debuting people who are gonna be known in the background for a bit but then once they are canceled, that is when they get the new marketing and they end up flourishing. I never really knew of Colleen Ballinger, I may have seen some of her sketches time to time, I knew she was a Netflix person because I would see her but I didn’t know much about her but now I got a WWE promo package of all of her questionable material from the past to correlate into what her current controversy is which is grooming her kid audience, and we act shocked by each individual case about this, when there is an overall pattern with showbiz and politics where there are some fraternity like rules of doing some of this shitty stuff and this has always been going on but now people are becoming characters from it and nothing really happens other than internet scoffing but it feels like we live in such an exploitative world, that this world is such a game that each of us will be systematically abused mentally or physically so the system then vindicate us while making money off the trauma. We can keep promoting Andrew Tate and Nick Fuentes and act like condemning will be enough but these people exist for the discourse because this is where the exploitative entertainment world is going. It is sad that a bunch of people have to be abused and we continue to let the system do it only to then promote the troublemakers who are now method acting and playing the role. People think that guys like Crowder and Shapiro have failure of showbiz careers, because they didn’t make it in the traditional showbiz settings of comedy and Hollywood, but their showbiz careers have actually skyrocketed because their trajectory is where showbiz is going, it would be so entertaining if it wasn’t so fucking tragic, because horrible shit is happening and instead of focusing on the systemic issues of it, we have to deal with sports entertainers fascists who are advocating for right wing fundamentalism shit and presenting it with culture wars. You can expose these guys for being creeps and racists and pedos etc, but nothing is happening to any of them. If they were really going to be punished, they would’ve disappeared but they are still the talk of the town, there are definitely methods under  the table where people will profit off discourse, even if they have to be arrested and get their mugshot out there for viral shit, they will use relationship shit in showbiz world to now advocate for more fundamentalist beliefs of women going too far with this liberation shit and they make hypersexual and over the top on purpose so people can sophisticate their propaganda of advocating for more control of these people, and the celebs who don’t even really have these healthy relationships and most of it is probably arranged, they will have their followers judge these things like they are regular relationships because people love to live vicariously through their favorites whether they want to admit it or not. And I just feel all this fundamentalist shit is seeping into the entertainment world or it has for the longest time but they disguise it with other gimmicks and presentations. Like the discourse knows what is up when you have a rapper named Sexy Red go to a high school and it is like is meant for the discourse of “LIBERAL SHOWBIZ INDOCTRINATING YOUR KIDS IN THE SCHOOLS WHERE TRANS TEACHERS ARE BRAINWASHING THEM” even though from what it seems, Sexy Red just went there to give back and do charity. I don’t think she was performing, but the overall accumulation of presenting that narrative that the right wants you to believe. And then at the same time they will throw funding to right wing causes in the entertainment world like having billboards to promote Nick Fuentes making some podcast appearance, they will promote a hairdresser who has her own salon preemptively promote she is banning LGBTQ people from her store, and people who then promote this woman’s business in their “news show” then go “Hmm I don’t know if this person is a fundamentalist” well she went famous for this purpose and she will probably get support, so she isn’t some regular person, she got propped up because she probably made a deal with the devil to be a fucking bigot and her business would probably get more support because people will support bigoted causes because they view it as victory to push back on “woke agenda”, or you will have obvious villains that are supposed to be the culture vultures like an Adam 22 who is hated so he can capitalize off it and you think he looks like a chump for having a porn star fuck his girlfriend when these people probably have open relationships but since we apply regular rules to the aesthetic, and we are supposed to hate the guy, we think we are dunking on an L he took because regular people don’t necessarily do that shit with their spouse or significant others, like if it makes you feel good dunk on him, but this shit is just sports entertainment to me. I doubt he gives a shit who is girlfriend is fucking. This is the kind of entertainment you can expect with the strikes going on, it has already been brewing there for the last 10 years on the social media world, it is like the sports entertainment there will catch traction from other sports entertainment news personalities who think covering this is actually news and you are just giving us a kayfabed level storyline that is supposed to help manufacture consent with real issues but the real issues take the backseat because this sports entertainment takes precedence 
I know I am all over the fucking place, but I am just kind of doing a rough draft of another blog that will come out where I will try to explain my shitty theories in better ways. It has been a long fucking week. It is hard to keep up with discourse, which have become their own mini storylines and miniseries and it used to be a lot more easier to keep up with when I was scaling off kind of catching up with every movie or televisions show, because there is so much content, and now that they are doubling down with sports entertainment, while moving the world more towards a very far right wing fundamentalist direction, it is just too much to keep up with. Instead of just discussing about what corruption is going on a systemic level, it gets reduced to making a mini spy thriller with Hunter Biden being involved with Chinese spies and if it isn’t that, it is him fucking hookers while being high on crank, and then we compare politicians kids on who the bigger drug addict is, listen they are are with wealthy and powerful families, they are all probably on fucking drugs at some point. It is not a big deal, but it feels in the midst of all of that, it is just finger pointing at who is more corrupt and who committed crimes, and none of these people are gonna face any consequences for whatever they have fucking done, they promote it like they give you hope they will do something but they take you on twists and turns and the destination to piss you off even more is these people will not face any consequences. Thing is I don’t even know what exactly Hunter or Don Jr did, I know Don Jr’s way more transparent and it suffers from the MSM hammering home how bad the family is while promoting them all the time, so it feels like there is MSM targets on their family while the Hunter Biden shit feels like it is being “exposed” because we are “not supposed to know about it” even though highly platformed people with millions of listeners are hearing about it nonstop, and because you don’t view that shit as the “establishment” you think no one in the “establishment” is calling out Hunter Biden at all, and it used to work in the 2010’s because social media promotion was kind of new, even though it was a mainstream version of the chatrooms in the 90’s and early 2000’s, and now it has become even more of a promotional tool and maybe because people on the left have to partake in sports entertainment to counter the right wing shit, no one wants people to know that people are given incentive to promote shit online, but acting like we are not supposed to know when literally everything out there is meant for us to know. It’s just compromised alt media needs you to think we are not supposed to know so they get credit for being the ones to speak up, when that is what is in the script. They will still promote crime wave shit and won’t tell you how this crime could possibly be funded to happen, it is amazing people think that other shit can be funded for think tanks, but never ever do they think the violence and homeless crisis could be made to happen, and when you limit the possibilities, you will always have to eventually cave into the right wing think. 
They can keep saying they are going after Trump as much as they want. They can keep promoting indictments that will happen and the more this goes on and it seems like nothing might happen even as much as they are promoting, it feels like it is designed for him to overcome, whether it is proven that they set up him and his followers or whether they finally get concrete evidence that he fully instructed specifically for this to happen, it will give him and his base which are funded to basically run amok, that is why I don’t shit on the idea of the feds being involved in my personal opinion and just my theory, but to me it would not indicate they did this to set up the Trump supporters, but maybe these feds are on that side and this entire thing was just a testing ground and run through where a lot of money is being made for the coverage of all of this shit, and not even with regular currency, probably some social media currency that is very profitable, but they promote this shit and make it look like parts of it were comical because some guy with a viking costume rubbed his asshole on Pelosi’s stapler while you have evidence on the surface of this shit getting violent etc, but because the media in general had to give you not so layered presentation of how this happens, or what actually happened and the inconsistencies from all angles, they know that this was just a test for whatever is to come, which is guy that token Vivek can promote it under the guise of disgruntled people and then hammer home the culture war points etc, because they want another one to happen and they somehow prove that there were elements of this being planned, they will win the narratives, even though if it were planned, it would be planned for their benefit, to look like the victims. That is why a bunch of the alt media types who think because they dunk on democrats can confidently say that Ray Epps was a fed, and people on the left will think it is Trump people who did this but for some reason are not capable of thinking that maybe the feds are on their side, why because you think the feds are actually going after Trump, and because nothing is happening to him that really makes him face consequences, his followers think that he is so innocent and the attempts at going after him are not working so it must mean he is really innocent. I don’t know who Ray Epps is, but the videos you see online, he seemed like someone who is supposed to play a role, but because he denies being a fed and is suing Fox, suddenly they make him a character, because if he were just some regular random guy, he wouldn’t even be getting any attention at all, it feels like because the right wing is accusing him of being something against their side, the naive “baby faces” on the democratic side then start to make him some kind of hero who has been discredited by the Trump people. This is how sports entertainment works, they can get you to side with a piece of shit just based off them being better than the other piece of shit. You will buy into shit like Geraldo actually being anti MAGA so he can get a little babyface run from this shit, and because people on the anti Trump side are so desperate to hear someone who hates Trump in the bare minimum ways, they will fully embrace it because the MAGA people might become contentious toward that person. 
I am at the point of my blog where I have jotted down things to cross off to incorporate into this writing for some reason. I kind of want to stop because I am not feeling it as much as I thought, but I will still end up putting it out because I don’t mind publishing my mediocre works, sometimes I can do this properly, and other times I write and I leave my laptop for a bit, come back after a bit and then try to write down more shit that won’t segue properly nor will it even make sense. I am thinking I should’ve aligned some of the notes to put in different categories because now I am looking down it and there are some points that would’ve fit from the top where other shit was being discussed so now I have to find some fancy way to transition into this, the people monitoring me as I write this in private are probably howling with how disorganized my scattered thoughts are, but I am in the middle of writing and mid way, I am stopping and envisioning myself in future and past scenarios and it feels like I am experiencing it and then I break out and then my thoughts written down cannot convey that, and I have to find another way to bitch about the world going into a more right wing direction while tying professional wrestling into the whole thing. I noticed even within wrestling discourse, it feels the political shit is really seeping in and right now it is just problematic individuals, but if people knew the institutions are giving incentive to people, who are supposed to be social media and discourse characters, to say or do problematic shit, because their entire industry is tied to some fundamentalist shit, and it has become more obvious, like Rick Steiner getting canceled will give him his further push because if I believe WWE are kind of funding or giving incentive to fundamentalist beliefs since there seems to be a pipeline between then and right wing politics, again my theory and opinion, it is not surprising why someone they have signed to a legends deal, and somehow is on some school board will be in public making anti trans comments and we present it like someone out of touch who may or may not have made a mistake so we discuss if this person could grow, but if this person is a public figure and they are doing this currently, something tells me he is not gonna change and it will be beneficial to him because being bigoted might get you scoffed at on a social level, but nothing happens to you rarely because it will always be a way for them to proclaim that they defeated the woke mob and cancel culture. As much as I have enjoyed pro wrestling during my lifetime, it is difficult for me to accept the possibility of this industry being a mafia industry and sometimes I don’t know if my assessment is 100 percent correct, it is more of a reminder to me that their entire industry still has corruption and it is like fraternity with bump cards because as a public figure and being in this club, you gotta sacrifice years off your career and life, that is why if they are bringing up safety protocols and how to update shit, it could’ve been done before, but it is like everything has to go so far that there is no choice but to lay down the law and present it like wrestlers are their own worst enemy when they are booked in real life to be what they are, because once you become a public figure in this current day, everything about you is for sale, even the discussions of safety when these people who make it their entire personality trait to act like they are concerned to counter the ones who don’t seem to give a shit, it is like you are putting them as the target of being the worst of them all when those people are just cogs in the system playing a role. To me, these bump cards and invitations always existed, but now in this era, we are making discourse out of the discussion about it, because if shit is supposed to happen, it is gonna happen. That is why to stop my mental from being fucked from these possible exploitative rules, I tend to believe maybe they are going so hard with these stunts now because these guys will get advancements that will heal them from whatever injuries they have, or maybe they have a bunch of disposable clones hanging around. I can’t stomach the thought of someone’s health mentally and physically being damaged to help facilitate online discourse, does this new protocol even exist to reinforce shit or is it meant for more rules that are gonna be broken so it further cements these wrestlers are the problem, and not the exploitative mafia industry that have their self destruction rules. And if you get any benefit of the doubt, you will have to be a CM Punk, because if you think someone like Alicia Fox has been designed to get shit on because she never was the super credible talent, if she complains about issues or she goes through shit, she just becomes another cog that people will constantly undersell because she couldn’t flat out and say that being in the mafia industry and seeing the shit you see and shit you experience in a fraternity like way, it would explain why so many people end up having drug and alcohol issues, and some people will be helped and be okay and some people won;t be okay and even if WWE helps them and gives them a documentary or some shit, it will never be disclosed that the mafia industry controls the cogs by being addicts and being mentally ill because they can control these people. This again is just my theory, that is why when someone like Cornette who is clearly funded by some people to shit on people, like a mercenary podcast, people can request what narratives they can get him to put out there while also having valid critiques of things, can come out and get his cult to pile on hatred, thing is everyone in the system has their own mini cults, but Cornette is someone who has had booking power and been at the top of seeing how the game is run, so when he makes fun of a wrestler for being an addict etc, it is extra cold to me because you know industry higher ups design for these people to have the issues they have, but I guess because Cornette shits on WWE booking and dumbs Vince McMahon down to a cartoon villain, that means he is actually opposing WWE or for that matter TK, and maybe these companies get podcasters like him to shit on talent for the discourse, so you can’t talk about wanting to protect someone’s physical health and then blame it on them fully and not hold the mafia rules in the industry accountable. Again just a personal theory. I will always have that kind of feeling toward how the overall patterns operate, but it is obviously not official, but thinking that my assessment could be correct, it makes me feel like I regret being into this fandom or other fandoms that have a design to make people self-destruct. I keep thinking maybe there will be a grand change but it feels it is more profitable to debate if change is necessary and the change being talked about comes in a limited package. It doesn’t help matters pushing a fake brand vs brand rivalry so social climbers online can get their gigs they have been looking for, because you helped put other mentally ill cogs on front street but not talk about how the industry itself gives incentive or forces their  incentive in people method acting for social media discourse which will take a toll on their mental. These people don’t play by the regular rules and a lot of these celebrities, especially pro wrestlers now, are now using the online shit and the social climate that exists right now, and are using it for their online characters because there will be people who can fund that shit to happen where they will still be allowed to function. Does Kevin Kelly really support the sound of freedom movie, or is he being given incentive to have to promote it, it was like the final coffin for people to want him off commentary because before this reveal, they were getting at him for his commentary, and now they found a just reason to now shit on his commentary even more etc, but how do you know the people replacing him are not also Q Anon types, it wouldn’t just be an individual problem, it would be an industry problem. Sure we can get at the people who are going out of their way to be this characters, but it feels that is where the world is going and that is how they are recreating the attitude era, they can’t do it fully within their programming, so now this online shit is literally designed for it. And there is never anyone with a progressive message or a leftist message able to cross through because the conservative contingent without admitting it is political will shit on any type of diversity and inclusion, it is like they forced it so it could fail so they can justify why they need to regress a bit. There is also a reason why the last couple of years we have seen David Benoit pop up time to time, and it feels like they need someone related to the situation to just merely exist, because that case will turn into a true crime investigation of people wanting the case reopened because people don’t believe what happened on that day, and I notice some of the more prominent ones that are getting hits off this on youtube have also mixed in right wing shit with it, so on hand you don’t take it seriously but if there is something fishy about that, then it is another case of the right wing being “right” about something. It doesn’t feel like an accident over the years that David Benoit is seen and the reason I worry is because people think if he wants to get involved with wrestling, there is nothing wrong with it because he didn’t do what his dad did, but if you are going into the same industry as your father, in my opinion, they played a huge role in what he ended up becoming etc, so why would I want his son to be in this same industry and even though they say it is better now etc, there is still dirt you gotta do in a mafia system, there is no true well adjusted person in the industry. So yeah I worry. I know I am throwing away more credibility because I feel I can sense where a lot of these tragedies and discourse is designed to be put on front street in the future which is why they have these documentaries exist because it is fresh in everyone’s mind before a new narrative comes out and that becomes a fact. That is why people in the industry here and there will give their thoughts on more to the story and those people would not be going against what the system wants, because maybe it exists online so down the line it can be used in documentaries when newer narratives are set. I don’t necessarily buy into every conspiracy surrounding it, but even back then I always thought shit was weird and inconsistent about it, but gate keepers limited the convo on it. And I am not saying it is 100 percent true, but if I am looking from afar at the overall bad patterns that exist and what people have gotten away with and covered up and what powerful people they are tied to and no one really suffering any consequences, I can come to the conclusion this industry and the entire entertainment industry for that matter there are disturbing things that go on but whenever right wing conspiracy people talk about it, it has to be under the weaponization of showbiz being this great liberal evil, when most of it has always kind of leaned more to the right even if they have to look like it is socially more liberal from the aesthetic. Can you tell me we live in a fucking regular reality when you have Raka Khan suing many people in the industry plus home debut and police departments of some kidnapping shit, and this includes the Rock, and honestly it feels like for the last 10 years, everytime this story comes out, it is the same shit and it is just there to remind you and on the surface that seems so random to accuse all of these people are kidnapping etc because if we judge this industry like a mom and pop industry, how would the Rock have any connection to Raka Khan, she was just in Impact for a bit, and she was never heard of again, but isn’t that telling that maybe this industry is such a mafia that it has people from the underworld of their industry who do the foot soldier work and maybe sex work, who then become celebs for a bit and then they disappear, who is to say she is the only one this has happened to, I normally dismiss it because it just seems like one of those random stories that pop up here and there but we keep seeing more of it and I am wondering if there is more than meets the eye with it, is this the first of many claims going to be made about some kidnapping plots etc, like I legit don’t know but I think any conspiracy put out there anyways is always put out by the system, it isn’t some random thing that got created but in order for it to exist, it has to be considered some random conspiracy. It is not that I buy into every conspiracy but I do like to observe the narratives being planted online and looking back at how they would seep into the message board world and I really don’t think has been a mistake, I think the internet has been a tool from the beginning to have a certain underground vibe to it but it could be used a recruiting tool into different institutions and industries. Nothing about this world makes sense, it is like institutions or billionaires have control of an underworld and it feels like they are now becoming discourse, like there is someone who was a serial killer, who has been free and he was caught with a lot of guns and he had 92 legal permits to have them, and people will genuinely think these people slipped through the cracks and dumb the police down, but I feel this shit exists for that purpose to show you law enforcement or the feds let people operate and function even if they are aware of them, and nowadays you can then go after him and then they will make a documentary about the person and how crazy it is that this person slipped through the cracks, these people exist because powerful people have allowed them to exist. This is why I don’t trust the narratives with the crime wave because it feels like it could be funded and then present people not going to prison for their crimes and make it seem like it is because there is claims of systemic racism and that is the reason they got off on it, so not only are you weaponizing crime to scare citizens, but now you are making people think that the claims of racism is a reason why they are scared to lock someone up, these people literally kill minorities on tape, you think they would be scared to enforce a fucking law, to me it feels like if they didn’t go to prison for a violent crime and it is being used for fear mongering then I can theorize that maybe you are doing that on purpose so you make people think there needs be more funding to the police and also more reason for more vigilante justice. Again, just my theory. I can’t prove a lot of this rambling that probably doesn’t make much sense anyways. Even with people who are public figures, when they have to sports entertain and talk about racism they have to present it in a generalized way to talk about white people, and even though people who know what the system is can tell they are referring to people with the most power and privilege, to regular white people who might not be as educated on their privilege or systemic shit that goes on, and probably judge racism as any generalization, they could be lured in with the bad faith actors who want to recruit those kinds of white people to tell them they are never gonna be accepted and they will be hated for their skin, that is why when they promote those DEI conferences or meetings at these corporations and promote it on social media, it is always some sensationalist shit where they allowed a black woman to slap white workers and call them a Karen, and that gets the representation of what this DEI shit is and then people think the claims of racism are going too far, that is how racist the system is that even when it is being discussed or solutions being presented to the table, it has to be this kind of theatrical shit for social media so people can push back on claims of racism, it feels just like the early 2000’s again. I think generalizing in general leads to problems by design, and bad faith actors who become social climbers and sports entertainers have to exude it in some way even if their message is good, it always has to be obvious about the sports entertainment when it comes to pushing against the status quo narratives. Like I don’t understand this problem but now that TYT is pushing something that I see propped up by right wingers, I can see the patterns of at first entertaining decriminalizing drugs and now that some studies or some poll said that doing that in Portugal has backfired on them, since I am taking in the “alt media who are better than MSM” then I could buy into their sophisticated argument, but now seeing people kind of shit on the article that was put out and why it is just pro establishment propaganda, so by a news outlet who are supposed to be better than MSM, they have found a way to sophisticate an establishment narrative while pretending to have a progressive aesthetic over it, and it feels like these stories are just bowing down to right wing sports entertainers online who are gonna praise them for getting it right. Someone like Ana will go off on conspiracies but she is pushing establishment conspiracies to advocate for more right wing shit, she is normally the one who claims that people’s funded opinions cannot convince people to do horrible shit and it is just an idea, which is why she is going in the direction she is going because she is propping up more right wing shit and giving positive light to right wingers to basically manufacture consent that they are more sane and curable than the left that is calling her out for going the sensationalist route with the trans issue, whatever progressive audience is left is being manipulated by her propaganda that is essentially right wing talking points and now leaning into the “both sides” issue when the system is in favor of the right wing no matter how much it makes it look like the establishment is left leaning. If the system is like WWE, it is easy to shit on the establishment baby faces who are being booked by conservatives and then your viewpoint starts to always side with the heel who might make a valid point, but not disclosing what propaganda they are engaging with. If this were 10 years ago, I would’ve probably bought into Tucker Carlson speaking some truth about shit and thinking they are trying to censor him, and people who say they are against Tucker think that doing this stunt of a twitter show is hurting him when he is probably being allowed to do it even if they have a feud with Fox over it and that is just to give you the impression there is some in fighting going on which helps his cause because not only does he have the notion of him getting kicked off for “telling truth” people will dumb it down and think they got rid of him because of the Dominion lawsuit, when maybe the reality could be that the establishment media is not credible anymore and other alt right media is being funded under the table so it looks like Tucker is actually beating his old news network because he is more popular and you don’t think that is by design at all? You have to dumb this shit down and buy into the “leaked texts” that are facilitating this storyline and it is all filler until we get to the implosion of everything before it is revealed who is on whose side and they declare a takeover of this shit. I am not saying I am right, but I don’t like to dumb down the villains, and by doing that people can’t come up with the probabilities because we insist these people are not that smart because they come out and start acting like parodies. I think this blog is long enough. I am dreading going back and reading it, I like to make a habit of trying to vent out some thoughts to show how my mind operates and sometimes I can run this smoothly but other times I am jumping point from point and I know if people who are important take notice of this blog, it will make better writers who actually know how to articulate their thoughts more concise will get mad that someone as useless as me might be getting people interested so they feel threatened despite having the connections in the system and the access, I just come on here and try to articulate and get contaminated thoughts out of my head. I don’t claim to be right on anything I say and a lot of it is, unfortunately, just vibes that I go off and that is frowned upon in writing circles. I just need to vent at times and sometimes it might make sense, but I don’t even want to read this back, if you lasted this long you must be a fucking glutten for punishment. This is why I am mostly alone, read all of this and you wonder why most people don’t want to interact or talk with me on a regular basis. Maybe just this overall view of seeing this world come to an end and it all turns to shit and it scares me how we are using entertainment and comedy in this reality to levitate the reality of this world just coming to a complete end and all this tension and vitriol is leading to more chaos and violence, and I worry about the future. I thought I would’ve been dead 20 years ago because I knew back then I would not be able to handle this world and where it is going and that was when it was just the Iraq invasion, but the overall feeling I had made me wish I was not here and somehow I have lasted and I don’t know why. I will never understand why I have been chosen to live this long to see all of this just crumble and I become a nihilistic towards myself because I have missed out on celebrations, weddings, birthdays with people from my past and part of me is frustrated that it will always be put on me when it was because I was not in the inner circle of this mafia world and people instead used that time to kind of undermine me and make me feel less than at gatherings because Stern Show like people may have given them incentive since they are like a mafia that tries to destroy your life, so between missing out on shit and being isolated, and also not knowing what people I used to be cool with are up to as far as political beliefs and ideology and what mafia they are with, it makes me scared of what is to come. So I assume the worst and lash out because if this is it for me and I missed out on so much while people I know were able to make backdoor deals and use my Stern show status to help their climb up, it eats at me that this is what all that “fame” was for when I don’t think I got as much out of it but then if you think you are worth more, they think the powerful think you are entitled, when they are the ones who are entitled, when they think they can just intrude and manipulate people for their own benefit, just because they can, that sounds like entitlement to me. People who have to monitor my private thoughts, that sounds like entitlement to think you are owed to listen and watch over every part of my existence. Again that doesn’t exist because it is all in my head.
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isaiahbie · 2 years
Roadblocks or Signposts?
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If we look more closely at each seeming roadblock to faith, like the three examples below, they turn out to be signposts to Christ.
1. Diversity
Christianity is an exclusivist faith. We claim Jesus is Lord, regardless of race or place or culture. But rather than pulling against diversity, as many assume, Christianity is the greatest movement for diversity in all of history. Jesus tore through the racial and cultural barriers of His day (John 4:5-29) and commanded His followers to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Two thousand years later, Christianity is not only the largest global worldview (and expected to remain so) but also the most racially and culturally mixed.
To be sure, Christians have sinned time and again in this respect, and turned the love-across-differences (to which Christ calls us) into hatred, racism, and xenophobia. But the New Testament texts and the global church are the two greatest rallying points for diversity in all of history. Indeed, far from stamping out diversity, Christianity insists on it.
2. Science
Christianity proclaims an all-powerful Creator God. But far from that belief pitting us against science, it aligns us with the very origins of the modern scientific method. The first empirical scientists believed that the God who created the universe is rational, and so they hypothesized that He built the universe according to rational laws. But they also believed this God is free, so the only way to find out what those laws are was to go and look. These two beliefs laid the foundation for empirical science, the project (in early astronomer Johannes Kepler’s words) of “thinking God’s thoughts after Him.”
To be sure, science can raise complex theological questions, but Christians have been at the forefront of science from the first, and today, there are Christians at the cutting edge of every scientific field that is thought to have discredited Christianity. Rather than conceding science to atheism, we should be thrilled to discover more about God’s world—not because we don’t believe in a Creator, but precisely because we do (Revelation 4:11).
3. Sexuality
Believing that sex belongs only in marriage between one man and one woman puts us at odds with unbelieving friends. Indeed, we may find ourselves accused of hatred and bigotry. Rather than being a tiny candle in the wind of progressive morality, however, biblical sexual ethics are well supported by the data around human flourishing.
For women in particular, increasing numbers of sexual partners correlates with more sadness, depression, and suicidal ideation, while for both sexes, stable marriage is measurably good for one’s mental and physical health. Polls show that married people have more and better sex than their unmarried peers!
When it comes to same-sex sexuality, we are utterly at odds with our immediate culture. But in this area as well, Christianity has more resources than most think. Some of the first Christians experienced same-sex attraction and came to Christ with homosexual histories (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). The same is true of the church today, as increasing numbers of same-sex attracted Christians are standing up for biblical sexual ethics on a costly platform of personal sacrifice.
The Bible calls us to firm boundaries around sex. But these are not hateful barriers designed to keep people out. Rather, they are marks on the playing field of human life, designed to create space for different kinds of love, each mirroring a different aspect of God’s love. In light of this, the Bible calls us to a particular model of marriage, a high view of singleness, and deep intimacy in friendships, where we are brothers and sisters (Matthew 12:50), one body (Romans 12:5), “knit together in love” (Colossians 2:2), and comrades in arms (Philippians 2:25). Indeed, Paul calls his friend Onesimus his “very heart” (Philemon 12) and tells the Thessalonians he was among them “as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children” (1 Thessalonians 2:7).
In true Christian community, no one is left out. So, our response to the secular mantra “Love is love” need not be hostility or defensiveness. Rather, it can be our single Savior’s radical claim: “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
In diversity, science, and sexuality, as in every other area of apologetics, Jesus lies at the heart of the answer. We believe in love across racial and cultural difference because one day people from every tribe and tongue and nation will worship Jesus in fellowship together (Revelation 7:9-10). We believe that the scientific method works because the universe is sustained by the all-powerful word of God (Hebrews 1:3). We believe that marriage is one man and one woman for life because it models Christ’s love for His church (Ephesians 5:22-33).
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Time Travel ft. Leia and Vader
(Helped by @atagotiak)
I was reading a bunch of different time travel fics, and my brain slotted in that one "Vader hands over the Empire to Leia and is now her most devoted sycophant" dynamic and mixed it with the "Luke and Vader time-travel and Vader does the right thing but only because it would make Luke sad if he didn't."
I landed on "Leia time travels to prequels era, but her least favorite family member has also traveled with her, though it takes him a few months to find her because he has less resources without the entire Imperial Navy, but he's still a scary Sith in all black with a breathing mask and intimidating cape."
"Tiny angry lady who wants to force democracy and her giant Sith father whom she hates but has resigned herself to pointing at threats like a tank who inexplicably loves her" is a delightful dynamic.
The first few months included a lot of concern about "why do you know so much about Sith if you're not trained or looking to be one" and then Vader shows up and calls her 'daughter' and she insults him and it's like "Oh. That explains it."
Council Member: We have a Sith in the Temple. Vader: Former Sith. Leia: Listen. He is your best chance against Sidious. Also, do you want Dooku dead? Vader can make him dead. Council Member: Your father i-- Leia, scrunching up her face: Don't call him that.
Like Leia is deep in conversation when the Temple starts panicking because Vader just. Showed up? He snuck in, somehow? So Palpatine wouldn't catch him on video entering through the front door? And people try to keep her away from the trouble, because there's an entire array of Jedi Masters to deal with this Surprise Sith, except she can sense exactly which Sith it is and once she shouts "oh you have got to be kidding me!" she just starts running and, well, it's Leia. Nobody can stop her.
(Leia does have less combat training, at least less force-assisted combat training, than the Jedi. But then the Jedi don’t want to hurt here here. She's not fighting her way down, either, she's just running really fast and all the best fighters already left. They had a head start. So Leia's mostly running past random padawans and the like.)
She shoves her way to the front of the group of Masters who. Well, they're certainly ready to attack. But Vader is just standing there. Doing nothing. Still intimidating as fuck but he's not doing anything.
And then Leia bursts onto the scene like "You motherfucker."
She hits her head on a clipboard and whines because UGH he's a walking WMD and they could REALLY use him against Palpatine but also. She hates him so much.
She tries to hand him off to the Jedi council but he insists that he will only take orders from Leia herself.
Jedi: Wait, what. Leia, completely ignoring them: Did you follow me here? Vader, through the mechanical wheezing: I have no loyalty to my master and no empire to serve. You are all that I have left. Leia: Me? Me? I'm all that you have left? You committed a genocide that killed all the family I had except for the twin brother you later mutilated! Jedi: Wait what Vader, going to one knee: I pledge my loyalty and blade to you and only you, daughter. Leia, ready to explode: I. I just. Jedi, some of whom really want to say things but are slowly realizing that they just accidentally acquired a Sith Lord by proxy: What. Leia: I hate you so much but I can't even get rid of you, you're too useful. Vader: I live to serve. Leia: Yeah. Got that. Fuck. Someone get him a full medical rundown, I don't know the last time that mess of a life support system was updated. Jedi, agitated again: WHAT Leia: Listen, I don't like him, but I'm not stupid enough to throw away the second most dangerous person in the universe when I can point him at the most dangerous person in the universe. Especially not if he's going to listen to me. Jedi: But... he's a Sith. Leia: Please trust me when I say this: you might be able to take him down eventually, but he will take dozens of you down with him, and right now he's... honestly, I'm pretty sure he's more depressed than malicious. Jedi: You hate him. I can feel it. Leia: Yes, but I can be professional about it. Vader: They have not yet d-- Leia: Nope! No talking! Not until I've had a chance to process this mess!
There is a whole lot of Leia snapping at Vader to stop it whenever he starts giving off vibes like he wants to take the most violent shortcut possible.
She is not the gentle hand that Luke would be.
Leia isn't a Jedi or working for them but she's wormed her way into being an ally. They don't 100% trust her, especially not with Vader just showing up and declaring her family but like
How do you say no to a WMD walking into your house and saying "I will fight the monster you cower from at night."
There's a lot of Leia snapping off an admonishment that sounds just a little too odd and then when questioned she just says "He knows what he did."
tbh I'm not sure how long it takes for them to tell anyone that Anakin is Vader. They might hold it off in hopes that Anakin can just retire to be Mr. Amidala after the war is over.
Well, Leia hopes. Vader just lets Leia make that call and then glowers at his younger self every time they're in the same room.
I do feel like Leia tells Obi-Wan the truth first
Imagine. Imagine a Vader who’s past still isn’t known. But has gotten somewhat comfortable around the Jedi (not really but the bar for what counts and comfortable for him is low). And Obi-Wan habitually banters with darksiders, right? If Vader’s guard is down for a moment and he, without thinking, references an inside joke...
Might be the most fun in terms of ways to tell Obi-Wan "We're time travelers and Vader is what happens if you let Palpatine drive Anakin off the edge"
If Vader has decided to pledge himself to her orders after destroying her planet, then fine. She can work with that. She's not going to be happy about it, but she can make it work.
The Jedi Temple hates having Vader anywhere nearby but he is actually very good at hiding himself from people, including Palpatine And for all that Leia seems perpetually irritated with her apparent bodyguard, he does seem to listen to her.
Jedi council: We still haven't figured out how to handle Dooku Leia: Do you know his location? Jedi council: Yes. Leia: [sigh] Leia: Vader, deal with it. Alive if possible.
(Leia does need to clarify an acceptable level of violence against the people protecting Dooku.) (She needs to clarify... many things.)
Leia always says "Vader" and one time a poor fool just asks why she doesn't call him dad and she snarls out "He is not the man that raised me, and I am glad for it."
Someone less foolish later prods more compassionately and she lets them know she was adopted and didn't properly meet Vader except in passing until she was nineteen.
"And then he tortured you." "And then he tortured me, yes." "Damn." "Didn't even find out we were related until a few years later when he chopped my brother's arm off." "You... wow." "I know."
At least one exchange that is L: You mean when you tortured me? A: He did what. V: I was not aware of our relation at that time. L: Not the point! I am fully aware of your interrogation methods and I refuse to let you be the one to acquire the evidence for-- A: Wait no go back he tortured you? L: Move on, please, we already have. A: That means I'm... oh Force, I'm going to torture my own daughter what in the actual fu-- L: We're moving on.
(“I end up torturing my own daughter” If Leia’s feeling especially spiteful I can see her saying “you mutilate your own son too”)
Concept: Leia is very free with traumatizing details of her past re:Vader and Anakin thinks that it sucks but doesn’t think much of it bc Sith. And then some time later he finds out...
(I love characters who use the traumatizing details of their past to shut down conversations.)
It's such a wonderfully horrifying concept for him to try to awkwardly comfort this girl he kind of knows because having a Sith for a dad sounds like it would suck and Leia seems nice, even if she's kind of weird and uncomfortable around Anakin, but he saw her flinch around a few other tall people wearing black robes the way she stiffens around Vader so maybe it's just that!
It is not.
Vader does get a significant amount of medical treatment. Including a bunch of "holy shit, that's a lot of drugs" and similar. There is so much lightning damage.
hnnng I'm just really in love with the image of Tiny Tiny Leia sitting behind a desk for some fancy negotiation, the picture of professionalism, while Vader just stands behind her shoulder, looming, glaring expressionless death at whoever came to speak with his baby girl.
Not that he would call her that, because she'd just hate him more and he's really not sure how to fix that problem, other than doing whatever she asks with no complaints and hoping she appreciates it.
Vader: [looks at children wandering by, has complicated emotions] Leia, tired of his shit: What now? Vader: I killed them, once. Leia, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath: And you're not going to do that again. No killing children. Vader: I know that. Leia: Great. I am... regretting asking. I am so very much regretting asking.
I do really like the idea of someone asking Leia once if she wants Jedi training and she says, no, actually, she's fully aware of the fact that she's angry little ball of hate sometimes, especially towards her bio father, and she'd like to refrain from putting herself in a position where she knows enough about the Force to Fall. She wouldn't Fall. But it does make people shut up.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Hades
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades
Well… this is awkward…
He’s actually met Hades multiple times for business reasons (Underworld-Devildom relations are amiable if not a little odd. Hades was something of an uncle figure to Diavolo as a wee demon lad, which should speak for itself really). He’s a gloomy fellow and not much for chit-chat, but he never thought they’d end up taking one of his kids by accident…
He had to send a formal apology letter to the Lord of the Underworld immediately, but thankfully he didn’t seem very concerned for his offspring - if anything he appeared to think the Devildom would suit them nicely which was… concerning.
And he was not wrong. The darkness, demons, ghouls, and frights of the Devildom hardly seemed to faze the MC, if anything they fit right in. He’d dare say they were thriving if not for one thing…
They were So. Damn. Bleak.
Getting a smile out of this one AT ALL was rare. For once he felt the need to check up on someone constantly just to be sure they were alright... They’d keep assuring the House that they’re not actually as sad as they look but it’s hard not to assume…
He was a little mortified at first when they first met Cerberus cause… well they called him “Cerbi” and the massive demonic guard dog rolled over for them like a Golden Retriever! 
Apparently he and the Cerberus that they knew are from the same litter and they must have smelt familiar... He would have probably limited their interactions just to keep his dog on his side but after seeing the MC smile for once while they played with the big oaf well…
Cerberus got a new playmate and the MC got a massive, three-headed therapy animal. Win-win. 😌
Do ya really gotta be such a downer all the time, MC…? 😔
He thinks they’re nice, like really nice. They’re always super concerned when his brothers attack him or when he gets injured, but he’s pretty sure it’s because they’ve seen people die before so…
At first, he had no idea why he had to be saddled with this depressing wisp of mortal but over time he started to understand that they weren’t all that sad. They had… Resting Gloom Face? Is that a thing? 
They also had a different way of seeing things. He could win the lottery and they’d tell him to stay inside so he wouldn’t get hit by lightning or if he pissed off the wrong people, they’d joke about him keeping his fingers and toes. Dark stuff, but not intended to be so… well morbid.
However, what he eventually found out that the REAL advantage to having a Hades kid in the Devildom was that nothing scared them. Literally nothing. Not even the ghosts - which to reiterate, are terrifying!
Cue Mammon getting dragged to horror movies nights with his brothers and pulling the MC along to be his personal security blanket. He’ll hold onto them for dear life as they just pat his head or something, watching and not even flinching at the jumpscares.
The first time the House had an unexpected power outage he clung onto the back of their shirt like a lost child while they calmly looked for the circuit-breaker...
If he could jump into their arms every time something scary happened like Scooby-Doo, he absolutely would. His brothers make fun of him, but after seeing the MC handle Cerberus like a puppy any time something frightens them they hide behind the mortal as well…
In some ways, he totally relates to their moodiness but come on! Who can still look so sad when watching The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl?? Ruri-chan can make anyone smile! 😠
When he first met the MC, he was a little confused about why they didn't find him intimidating at all. He even reverted to his demon form and showed his fangs but no dice! All they said was, "I've walked along the edge of Tartarus. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, buddy…" 
That was probably his first sign that the "human" wasn't normal…
After Mammon told him who their Dad was, things made a lot more sense. A child of Hades in the Devildom? That's ironic enough to be its own anime plot!! They certainly felt like an angsty protagonist at times. 🤷‍♀️
Truth be told, they could relate to each other in a lot of ways. You wouldn't think that an offspring of the Underworld and a demonic shut-in would have much in common but the one thing they share between them is that sense of never really fitting in.
Turns out that Hades kids are black sheep, even among other demigods, and Levi? Well, he's had trouble relating to others since his angel days. He and the mortal were like off-beat kindred spirits!
Which, I mean, you wouldn't get just by looking at them together. Levi being the impassioned super-otaku rambling their ear off while his somber companion would just go along with him quietly, but hey, there's more beneath the surface. Probably. 
Now if he could just get them to cosplay as the Lord of Emptiness with him… They'd be perfect! Perfect he says!!
Highly considered drugging their food with antidepressants for a while… 
This was before getting to know them better, of course, but for the first couple months he honestly couldn't shake the feeling that the mortal looked miserable! 
Now, he's one to particularly care for the comfort of strangers, but just looking at them like that every day would sour his own mood quite considerably. It was very irritating...
It was only on closer inspection that he realized there was something else at play, though.
The mortal was different - even for a demigod he imagined. They took to the Devildom easily and the realm almost accepted them right back!
The flora looked better in their presence, the hellish beasts that roamed the wilds would roll over for them, and they even seemed to be welcomed in by the never-ending shadows… 
It was fascinating. Like the effects of the Underworld were baked into their DNA and mingled with the environment around them… Two layers of darkness coexisting within one person.
I mean, what other creature - other than Lucifer - could ride Cerberus around like a pony??
Had they not been so kind, they'd probably scare him shit-less... Their potential power was too great to ignore. But after getting used to their gloom, at least they made for pleasant company. 🤷‍♀️
Satan likes them well enough, but even still he has to wonder just what they were capable of… you know?
Oh. My. WORD. What a buzzkill!!!
Really, the new mortal was no good at parties or pictures for that matter!
Not because they looked bad, or even because he couldn't get them to smile, but because GHOSTS would always photobomb any pictures they were in!! 😫
One time he got a selfie with them on the couch and a creepy ghost child could be seen hiding behind the cushions so NOPE. No more photos with the mortal around!!
Aside from that, he couldn't say the mortal was all bad or anything…They were pretty friendly, despite their general look and feel. 
Though, personally, he thought they wore far too much black... Even in the Devildom, there's normally a pop of color, you know? Was that just the Hades dress code?
And you want to know the weirdest thing? Despite everything about them screaming "Doom and Gloom," they're straaaangely popular among the RAD dating scene…
Like. Not as some heartthrob, "Love'em and Leave'em"-type, but he's found that there's a LOT of his demonic classmates who think they're cute or have a crush on them in some way…
Naturally, he can see the appeal of the mysterious, moody demigod with a dark, troubled past. It's just the demigod in question is completely oblivious to it! 🤷‍♀️
He tried to give them dating tips or play matchmaker from time to time but eventually gave up when it was clear they weren't interested. Alas, students of RAD, this is one forbidden fruit that refuses to be shared…! Such a tragedy… 😔
They remind him of Belphie… like. A lot.
The similarities were obvious. They had a similar feel, made similar jokes, and even the same somewhat dreary attitude about them...
If he were being honest, at the beginning there were times when he'd open up to them a lot more than he intended because he'd forget that he wasn't actually talking to Belphie…
Thankfully, he knew better than to try and treat them like his replacement or anything. They were two different people after all. But it didn't stop him from feeling extra protective around them for a while.
Besides, there was ONE thing that set them leagues apart from Belphie and that was the fact they were a shit cook. Not quite as bad as Solomon but uh… Actually no, that's a closer call than it has any right to be...
Apparently, Hades kids don't need to eat as much and when you hang out with shades and skeletons for most of your life, you don’t really worry about making food that's any better than… "Well, technically it's edible." 🤷‍♀️
Their food won't kill a person like Solomon's, but you WILL start seeing stuff you probably shouldn't. He tried their "soup" once and swore he saw the ghost of his mother… and he doesn't even have a mother!!!
He swears that if he ever sees the MC and Solomon working together in the same kitchen he's skipping town… Whatever culinary abomination the two of them could create would probably gain sentience and eat HIM instead. He's always figured he'd go out with Death by Food, but not like that!! 😫
Ever meet someone who’s like looking in a mirror? Yeah, he’s getting those vibes…
He never expected the "human" to be so similar to him, it was kind of uncanny.
Upon first laying eyes on each other there was a pause… then a squint… and then… a nod.
Honestly, their combined dry wit, dark humor, and pessimistic outlook played off of each other surprisingly well. Too well for him to hate, really.
Not that it mattered because they didn’t believe him for a second when he tried to trick them (they had dealt with loads of lying monsters before). He hated to admit it, but they had a good head on their shoulders and knew better than to trust a locked up demon…
And yet, they seemed to stick around with him anyway. Because of the good conversation or just empathizing with his loneliness was anyone's guess. 🤷‍♀️
Sometimes they'd come up and sit outside the door in comfortable silence… Or they'd talk about whatever:
MC: *sitting out by the attic with their back against the door* So what happens to demons when they die…?
Belphie: *laying on the floor on the other side, staring at the ceiling* Depends on the kind. If I die, I'll just reform later.
MC: Like a reincarnation?
Belphie: Eh. *shrugs* Maybe. Haven't died yet.
MC: You could die in there, you know.
Belphie: *throws a side glare* Well thanks for bringing that up…
MC: *shrugs* What? It's true. But don't worry, I won't let you. *small-ish smile*
Belphie: *stares at them wide-eyed and pink-cheeked before turning on his side quickly* Ugh… whatever…
They did their word, somehow. They eventually got the door open and let him out, but by that time the anger was gone and he was just happy to finally talk to them face-to-face...
And good thing too, because apparently it's not smart to fight a death-child in what is essentially their element - as he saw when they summoned an army of skeletons to kick Levi's ass when he cheated them in Devil Cart...
He would not have lasted in that fight... Dodged a bullet there. 
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vampiregirl1797 · 3 years
The Starlight Stone
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GIF not mine.
Rhysand x Reader
Word Count: 4,898
Summary: Y/N comes from a different reality, where the characters and world she’s now living in, exist in a series of books. Rhysand takes her in, and she learns how to do something she’s never managed before… live.
Warnings: Can’t think of any? If I’ve missed anything, let me know.
Masterlist Here :)
Falling in love with new characters was as easy as breathing for me. In fact it was so easy, that before I realised it, I was only falling for them. Reading became an escape for me, a teenage girl without a shred of self-confidence, used to being the overlooked one in a group of friends, used to not attracting any kind of male attention. It was perfect, because the men I fell in love with always loved me back, never hurt me with the crushing pain of rejection, never thought I wasn’t pretty enough, or skinny enough. They loved me for me.  
I just never imagined I’d wake up in one of the fictional world’s I’d read about, and come face to face with the High Lord I’d most recently falling for. I’d arrived several months ago, and of course hadn’t been able to keep a thing from the High Lord of the Night Court who’d found me trespassing on his lands. He’d gone into my head, not too far, but far enough to assess whether I was a threat to him or his people. He discovered pretty quickly that I had absolutely no skill set to be a threat, and that I absolutely was not from his world.  
He’d found the concept of Prynthian being presented in a series of books both interesting and amusing, as well as him and his friends existing as characters within the novels. I was just glad he hadn’t gone far enough to find how invested I got in each of the books I read, and those who existed within them, him being one of those people. It would have been mortifying and I had wondered on more than one occasion what his reaction would be. But coming face to face with a man who had been fictional to me, and then become real overnight… it had thrown me into my insecurities. Into taking my feelings for the High Lord and shoving them down as far as I could.  
‘Y/N?’ I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cassian popping his head into my room. Rhys had offered me a room at his town house when I first got here, and I’d never left. He’d offered the money to buy my own place, but I hadn’t been comfortable with the idea of that at the time, and now I had a place on his court, along with a wage of my own, but this had become my home.  
‘Hey Cass, what’s up?’ I smiled, patting the empty space beside me on the enormous bed; in my world I’d never had bigger than a single, and this was about three singles put together.  
‘Not much, I was gonna go into town for a little while, do you want to come with?’ His hazel eyes studied me with warmth and kindness, which was probably what had made me comfortable around him so quickly. He’d never looked at me with the disinterest I was used to being on the receiving end of from men; he saw me as a person and I appreciated him for it.
‘Sure. Anything in particular you’re after?’ I wondered letting my hair down from the messy bun I’d pulled it up onto when I’d come to relax in my room.  
He shrugged, trying and failing to be nonchalant, ‘not really. Just felt like getting out.’
I sighed, shuffling to the edge of the bed to slip on my boots, ‘Rhys sent you to check up on me didn’t he? Let me guess, he thinks I’m becoming a depressed recluse?’  
Cass gave me a look that was a mixture of concern and exasperation, ‘Rhys worries about you because you never leave the house. He doesn’t think you’re depressed, but he worries you’re not living either. You lose yourself in books, and you barely speak to anyone, even me.’  
I turned away, pretending to busy myself with lacing up my shoes to hide the tear that slid down my cheek. Rhys was more observant than I gave him credit for. The truth was, since I’d gotten here, I’d basically been living the same as I had before; reading, sleeping, eating and more reading. I ate meals with everyone sometimes, but more often than not, I allowed the new fictional worlds offered to me here to consume me. I’d never been called out on it before. No one had ever cared enough to notice that I wasn’t just reading because I loved it, I was reading to escape the life I didn’t know how to live.  
‘I-I’ I stuttered, forcing myself to stop and take a breath.
‘Hey,’ Cassian’s voice softened and he shuffled beside me on the bed to sling a muscular arm over my shoulder. My head went to his chest, not even trying to hold back my tears anymore, it seemed pointless when he could probably scent them anyway, ‘I didn’t say this to upset you, just to let you know that you’re family to us now, Y/N, and we care about you. We want you to live and enjoy life, not to fall solely in love with fictional places.’  
‘This place was just a fictional place to me once.’ I murmured quietly.
‘And now you get to be here, and still choose to read yourself to death.’ He teased, chuckling softly.  
I smiled, wiping away the moisture from my cheeks, because he was right. Rhys was right. I had been blessed with the opportunity to live in a reality I’d once yearned for with all my heart, and I’d been wasting it. Why? Because I was afraid to face the feelings I had for a certain High Lord, feelings that had only blossomed since coming here, despite my best efforts to avoid him. I’d been throwing myself into reading because I wanted to live in the fantasy that he would return my feelings for a little longer. But that had to stop. I wasn’t immortal here—at least I didn’t think so, I didn’t have Fae characteristics and I didn’t have any powers—and it was time to stop squandering my life being a scaredy cat.  
‘You’re right. Rhys is right.’ I moved away from Cassian’s chest, wiping all evidence of my tears away, ‘lets go into Velaris. I’ve always wanted to stroll through the City and take everything in. It looks so beautiful from up here.’  
Cassian grinned, and allowed me to pull him from the bed, and just like that we left the town house and were swallowed by the life of Velaris.  
Six Months Later
‘I don’t think so.’ I shook my head, levelling the Shadowsinger with a no-nonsense glare, ‘it’s the Winter Solstice, which is the first one I’m spending here, it’s basically Christmas, and it’s a family holiday. You’re not flying off to wherever the heck you’re planning to go, with only your shadows for company.’  
His hazel eyes were blank but he visibly stiffened. I sighed, realising that telling Azriel what he could and couldn’t do was not my place, and it definitely wasn’t the best approach.  
‘I’m sorry, I don’t mean to act like I’m your keeper or anything.’ I stood from the couch where I’d been sitting, to move to where he stood in front of the fire. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and relaxed a little when he didn’t shrug me off, ‘it’s just… this means something to me. Back in my old reality, we had Christmas, which was something similar. We’d all gather, exchange presents, decorate a tree, hang decorations… but what made it special to me was the time spent with the people I loved. With the people I considered family. You’re my family now, Azriel. You, Cass, Ameren, Mor… and Rhys. Obviously it’s your choice, but if you could afford to, please don’t leave until after the holiday.’  
I thought his eyes had softened at my words, but honestly it was hard to tell with the Shadowsinger. I left him alone to think over my words, kissing his cheek as I made my way outside; I still had some things left to buy for everyone. I’d gone a little overboard, but I couldn’t help it. I’d pretty much finished Mor and Ameren, I had a few last things to pick up for Cassian and Azriel, and the majority I’d left to buy were for Rhys. I already knew what I was going to get him, and most were already purchased and wrapped at each store, I’d just waited until now to get them, because while Rhys was trusted with everyone else’s presents… well giving him his own gifts just didn’t seem right. It might just have been me, but I felt like it took away the surprise, at least a little bit.  
I smiled as I walked through the city, nodding in greeting to a few friendly people. Since that talk Cassian had with me six months ago, I’d started venturing out of the townhouse more and more. I still read, but it was for the fun of it now, rather than the escape from reality. I’d fallen in love with Velaris. The city was beautiful, and teeming with life and acceptance and peace… seeing it first hand really made me appreciate the efforts Rhys and everyone had gone through to protect this place, to make it a home.  
‘Hey girl!’ Ameren’s voice had me looking to my right, to see her running across the cobblestone street to catch up to me, ‘you wouldn’t be out to purchase my Winter Solstice presents now would you?’ she grinned, her silver eyes sparkling with more life than usual.
I playfully rolled my eyes, ‘even if I was, I wouldn’t tell you. Your otherworld intimidation doesn’t work on me, Ren.’  
She huffed, but I could see the amusement swirling in her silver irises, ‘fine. It amazes me sometimes though,’ she mused, going on to explain, ‘Cassian cracked like an egg in two seconds, told me what he’d got me straight away. But you’re immune to what makes me scary to people around here.’  
I chuckled, being able to picture Cassian folding perfectly, ‘I wouldn’t say I’m the only one. And Cassian doesn’t prove anything, he’s like a big kid with this stuff. I’ve had to actually shush him to keep him from telling me about my presents, I think the excitement just gets to him. Now if you told me you’d broken Azriel, I’d be impressed.’  
She huffed a laugh and tilted her head in acknowledgement of my words, ‘yeah, you might be right. He didn’t only tell me what he’d gotten me, he told me about everyone else’s too.’  
I rolled my eyes affectionately, ‘that boy.’  
‘Indeed.’ She shook her head, but when she met my eyes again the wicked glint in them made me brace myself slightly, ‘so what are you getting our High Lord?’  
‘I’m on my way to pick up Rhys’ presents now. You can come with me if you want, so long as you don’t spoil anything.’ I gave her a pointed look and grinned at her offended look.  
‘I’m not the gossip Cassian is, thank you very much, girl,’ she waved her hand dismissively, ‘anyway, I was just wondering if you were finally going to gift him with the truth.’
‘Who?’ I frowned, pulling open the door to the blacksmith’s—I’d requested a few specific weapons for Azriel, Cassian and Rhys, each custom made and fit to them specifically, ‘what truth?’
She opened her mouth to reply, but was had to wait until the blacksmith had handed over the three weapons he’d perfectly made for me. Azriel and Cassian had plenty of swords and knives and daggers, but their abundance in bows and arrows was clear. I’d seen them practice with the same one, and I doubted they had any specific for battle, which seemed a waste when they could both fly. So I’d asked the blacksmith to create some custom for them, and both now had their own bow, plenty of arrows and a quiver. Their names were engraved inside the buttery leather of their quivers, and each were made to be lightweight and able to be worn whilst flying without losing any arrows.
For Rhys I’d asked for a pair of daggers to be crafted. I’d seen him with a couple of swords, and I was sure he already had daggers too, but picking this particular weapon had just felt right, even if I knew it was likely he possessed some already. Each was pure silver, one held an amethyst stone at the hilt, while the other held an onyx stone. One for his eyes, the other for his court.  
It was when we exited the shop that Ameren decided to resume her train of thought that I’d almost forgotten about, ‘the truth that you are in love with Rhys.’
It took a lot of effort not to stumble from shock, ‘what?’
‘Don’t play dumb. It’s obvious. Has been for months,’ she smirked, ‘we have bets on when you’re going to tell him. I have over the Solstice, so if you could do a girl a favour and tell him already, the winnings will be mine.’
‘Not to put a damper on your betting habits,’ I pulled her hand towards another shop I needed to go into, ‘but I’ve not got any “truth” to reveal to Rhys.’  
She swore under her breath, ‘I knew I should have had spring, but there’s me being the optimist thinking you would have grown some balls and realised what we’ve all already seen by now.’
I frowned, ‘what the hell are you talking about Ameren?’
‘Rhys loves you just as much as you love him. Actually knowing him, he probably loves you even more, but he’s as much of a coward as you.’ She rolled her eyes, tucking her onyx hair behind her ear as I accepted another bag full of pre-wrapped presents for Rhys.
‘You can’t be serious.’ I didn’t know what else to say… the idea of him feeling a fraction of the love I had for him made my heart pound in my chest. I couldn’t fathom it.
‘Honestly, you’re both blind.’ She shook her head, but let the subject drop, and I was glad. Talking any more might have launched me into a full-blown panic attack.
I’d admitted to myself that fallen in love with the High Lord three months ago—for a long time I’d fought it, convincing myself I was just in love with the fictional version of him. But that theory had gone down the toilet when he’d laughed—really laughed—at a joke Cassian made, and I’d been powerless to stop myself from being overwhelmed with happiness at his happiness. It was then I accepted I was an idiot in love with a man I’d never have. But Ameren saying he did feel the same, well it made me panic because I’d never considered it a possibility before—I’d never had a man interested in me before, and the idea of it, the unfamiliarity, made me panic. So I forced it down and made myself focus on collecting the rest of my gifts.  
The morning of Winter Solstice saw me rising bright and early, eager as a kid on Christmas morning. I realised that we wouldn’t be exchanging presents until the evening, after we’d all eaten, but I couldn’t tamper my excitement. So after I’d showered and dressed in leggings and a white woolly jumper, I headed to the living room to put the finishing touches on the decorations. Everything was basically done, but Rhys had found an eight-foot pine tree; I’d been telling him about the traditions of Christmas in my old reality, and he’d surprised me yesterday with a real tree. I’d hugged him tightly for it, unable to hold back my tears of gratitude at his thoughtfulness, and declared we’d have to decorate it tomorrow, after it had time to settle in the room overnight. A part of me wondered if he’d remember, but my doubt floated away upon the sight of him standing in the living room, observing the tree like he was sizing up an opponent on the battlefield. The thought made me chuckle, and he looked up to me with a smile.  
‘Good morning.’ I murmured, coming over to join him, ‘is there a reason you seem to be sizing up this poor, defenceless tree?’  
He grinned, his violet eyes sparkling with mirth, ‘well, other than the fact that it’s bigger than me and has an unfair advantage size-wise,’ I missed his soft smile as I laughed again, ‘I was simply wondering exactly how we’re going to decorate it.’
I softened with understanding, ‘well, lucky for you, I’m ridiculously prepared.’ I moved to pull out the box I’d stored behind the tree last night, after retrieving it from one of the shops in the art district. Magic was such a blessing here, and after I’d explained what I’d needed, and demonstrated with some awful drawings, they’d had everything made within a few hours. I pulled a few ornaments out, marvelling at the craftsmen’s ship for a moment before hanging them on the tree; there was a mixture of circular shapes and stars, in amethyst, silver, blue and black. They’d also crafted a silver star to go on top of the tree, fashioned after the star that always shone the brightest in the night sky of Velaris on the first night of Winter Solstice. It was so well made, I’d been struck speechless by how realistic it looked; as if they had plucked the star straight from the sky.  
I nudged the box closer to Rhys with my foot, ‘just hang them however you want, like this.’ I gestured to the few I’d put on and smiled when he reached in and immediately followed instructions.  
‘You know, if I used my magic I could have this done in under a minute.’ He commented, looking at me from the corner of his eye as if he knew my reaction before I voiced it.
‘Absolutely not! Decorating by hand is part of the fun, and the tradition.’ I protested, flicking his shoulder when I noticed his smirk, ‘if you use a flicker of magic, then there will be no presents for you.’
I frowned at the look of surprise in his eyes and he must have noticed my confusion because he said, his voice soft, ‘I didn’t think you’d gotten me anything. I didn’t mind, of course, I’m just surprised.’  
‘Why would you think that?’ I turned to face him fully, ignoring the task of decorating for the moment.
‘Because you didn’t give them to me to hide.’ He shrugged, carefully placing another ornament onto the tree, ‘and I never expect gifts, from anyone regardless. I went a long time being consumed by disappointment after my mother and sister died, because my father never cared for the holiday before. But after their deaths, it bore a reminder of another year of them being gone. Then he and I enacted our revenge, and it was a while before Morrigan, Cassian and I were able to spend the Solstice together.’  
I pulled him into a hug, winding my arms around his neck and not flinching at the appearance of his wings. They didn’t often appear without purpose unless he was feeling a strong emotion, but I didn’t question it when they cocooned us, his warmth radiating all around me.  
‘I didn’t give you any to hide because I felt like it took away from the surprise of the holiday if I was asking you to keep your own presents.’ I murmured into his neck, missing the small shiver that passed through him, ‘I’m sorry, that you had to spend so many Solstice’s alone, Rhys. But you have a family now, one that would sooner die than leave you.’
He held me a little tighter, and I returned the gesture, burrowing further into his neck and wondering if I was imagining the increased heartbeat I could feel against my chest, or if I were perhaps mistaking it for my own.
I smiled from my seat in the armchair, enjoying the warmth emanating from the fire, and from the mug of hot chocolate I held in my hands. We had just had Winter Solstice dinner, and were taking it in turns to open our presents.  
Ameren had gone first, and was grinning so wide it was almost scary at all of the jewels everyone had bought for her. Cassian had mostly been gifted weapons from everyone but Mor and me—she’d given him a sweater in the brightest green I’d ever seen, and I’d also gifted him some of his favourite liquor, a box of chocolates that Rhys had mentioned his mother got the General every year for solstice, some new books on war strategy, a new set of Illyrian leathers, and the bow and arrows I’d gotten him.
Azriel had also gained an abundance of weapons, along with a startlingly bright pair of purple socks from Mor, and some of his favourite liquor, a series of books on adventure and war I had a feeling he would enjoy, and a new set of Illyrian leathers and his new bow and arrows, from me. Mor had been given high quality clothing from everyone, and some of her favourite chocolates, wine, bath foams and salts from me. Rhys had been given a set of old leather bound books from Ameren, a Hawaiian themed shirt from Mor—mother knew where she found that—, what looked like a six-pack of beer from Cassian that had Rhys shaking his head with a reluctant smile, and a new set of Illyrian leathers from Azriel. I’d given him his new set of daggers, some of the chocolates Cassian had mentioned his mother and sister gifted him every Solstice, a painting that captured the beauty of Velaris perfectly, and something else I hadn’t yet presented to him.  
I’d actually left the other gift in his room, on his pillow; it was a pendant that had caught my eye when I was buying Ameren’s Solstice gifts. The shop attendant had noticed my stare and pulled it out from beneath the glass—it wasn’t overly huge; about the size of a bottle cap. It was antique silver, with a stone at the centre that was so beautiful I’d been unable to look away from it. It reminded me of the night sky, to put it plainly. It was so blue I thought it was sapphire, but the flashes of pure light that I saw when I turned it reminded me of shooting stars. The attendant had explained it was a pendant often presented to a perspective partner as a way of showing your intentions—as a way of showing your love for them. It was often the step before the mating bond sparked, to acknowledge what you already felt for them. She mentioned that it was an out dated tradition, and many only bought the Starlight stone now purely because it was beautiful.  
I didn’t know what possessed me to buy it. Maybe it was the possibility that he wouldn’t even know what it meant, maybe it was because a part of me wanted to tell him, and this was the only way I could muster the courage to do it. Either way, I’d left the small wrapped present on his black silk pillow before I’d joined the party tonight. And I’d had knots in my stomach about it since. A part of me wanted to excuse myself and take it back, but I forced that anxious part of my brain to shut up, because as much as it terrified me… I had to tell Rhys how I felt somehow, even if it meant that he didn’t feel the same way.
After the events of the evening, I decided to have a bath before I went to bed; Cassian and Azriel had passed out in the living room, one on the floor, the other on the sofa, but both were snoring loudly. Mor had made it to her room on the first floor, and Ameren had returned to her apartment. Rhys had said something about flying over the city before he turned in, and I was too awake with nerves to just slip straight into bed. So I ran some warm water into the gigantic tub that looked as if it would overflow onto the mountain below, and added some of my favourite bath foams that scented of lavender and honey—a gift from Az. I forced myself to breathe and just not think, and when my eyes started to droop I climbed out of the cooling water to dry off. I changed into the new silk gown Mor had gifted me for Solstice, and entered my bedroom only to stop short.  
My heart stopped at the sight of Rhys sitting on the edge of my bed… and then picked up triple speed. He was wearing loose pyjama pants, and no shirt… and he was holding the gift box I’d left on his pillow. The lid was missing and he was staring at the pendant inside. I took a deep breath and crossed my arms over my chest to hide how my hands shook.
‘Hey.’ I bit my lip, unsure about what to do. Should I sit next to him? Stay standing in front of the fire about three feet away from him? Ask him if he liked the gift? Ask him if he knew what it meant?  
His violet eyes lifted to meet mine, and I felt a wave of uncertainty wash over me at the guarded look in them, ‘do you know what this stone means?’ he asked, his voice quiet as he carefully held up the box, as if its contents were precious to him, ‘are you aware of the tradition that exists in Velaris? About what it means when someone presents this stone to another person?’
I took a deep breath, my heart pounding even faster now, and I was pretty sure I was starting to sweat. I wished I could read him better, wished I could know if he was hoping I knew, or hoping I didn’t. But he was a master of hiding his emotions, so I decided to go with the truth.
‘Yes, I know what it means.’ I admitted quietly, and knew if he didn’t have advanced hearing he wouldn’t have been able to make out the words; I could barely hear myself say them.
‘No, tell me. Tell me why you gave this to me.’ His eyes were still guarded, but his voice held a tinge of desperation, a tone I couldn’t resist from him.
‘I gave you that stone because the attendant at the jewellery store told me that the Starlight stone is what you give to a perspective partner, to acknowledge what you already feel for them, before the mating bond has sparked.’ I could feel the wariness on my face as he stood from the edge of the bed, stopping right in front of me.  
He tilted my chin up to meet his eyes with his index finger and whispered, ‘and what is it you feel for me, Y/N?’
‘I love you Rhys.’ I admitted softly, missing the way his eyes softened as my gaze fell to his lips.
His hand caressed my cheek, his thumb moving back and forth across my cheekbone. I was powerless to stop myself melting into his touch, and felt my eyes sheen with tears when I saw the affectionate look in his eyes. I watched as the dark mist of his magic swirled around the pendant, and lifted it from the box to secure it around his neck. My hand went to rest against his chest, where the pendant lay against his skin.
‘I love you too, Y/N darling.’ He murmured, wiping away the tears that fell silently down my cheeks.  
I vaguely heard the gift box fall to the floor, his free hand now landing on my hip and pulling me flush against his body. My arms wound around his neck, my fingers going to his silky soft hair as his mouth covered mine.
One Year Later
‘I’m just saying, Cassian is a great name for a tiny warrior.’ Cass grinned from the sofa, across from where Rhys and I sat in the love seat he’d bought for us about a year ago.  
‘Absolutely not.’ Rhys drawled, his hand gently moving back and forth across my swollen belly.
‘Do you have names picked out?’ Mor asked, her face holding the beaming expression that was always present when we were talking about the baby.
‘We do,’ I murmured, Rhys and I shared a secret smile at Mor’s squeal of excitement.  
‘We’re not revealing anything until the baby is born.’ Rhys grinned at the sounds of disapproval from his cousin and Cassian.  
‘You’re boring.’ The war General grumbled.
We all chuckled at his childish behaviour and I felt my expression soften with affection when Rhys leaned over to kiss my baby bump, murmuring words about how his uncle Cassian would always be the biggest baby in the family. Cassian grumbled louder, much to our amusement. My hand fell to Rhys hair, idly playing with the strands. He kissed my forehead and my eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of contentment that washed over me.  
Home. This was home.
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asmo-ds · 3 years
I've seen alot of headcanons about Simeon turning into a demon, but how would everyone react if Luke managed to turn himself into a demon 🤔 Like maybe he didn't amount up to Celestial Standards (I headcanon the Celestial realm is kinda weird due to the events of the anelic event) and then he made some type of minor violation and they kicked him out of heaven to avoid the possibility of him growing up to be undesirable in the Celestial Realm
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When a Child Falls
Luke-centric ANGST & FLUFF
Warnings: Pain, falling from heaven, Luke hurting :(
Summary: After failing to live up to the standards of his superiors Luke is kicked out of the Celestial Realm and becomes a demon. Luckily for him the exchange program had given him so many new and old friends who wanted nothing but to help the poor child despite any bitter past they may have had with him
a/n: i was gonna do headcanons but then i was like what if i make a whole one shot about him falling and everyone helping him adjust to his new life and uh yea <3
Also this didn’t come out as angsty as I wanted it to but demon brothers comforting a fallen Luke >>>>>>>
He tugged on his own arm, begging for the elder angel to release him and give him a second chance, his once hopeful blue eyes filled with tears and terror. 
“Stop, I swear I just need more time, PLEASE!” Luke cried, punching the elder’s arm and attempting to pry his wrinkly hands from Luke’s small forearm. The elder yanked Luke’s arm harder, resulting in a distressed cry from the short blond.
Luke tried to steady his breathing as they approached the boundaries of the Celestial realm, where he was to be pushed off for his failure to earn his wings in a timely manner. The Celestial realm saw him as useless and decided they would be better off discarding a weak angel like himself.
“LET HIM GO, PLEASE! DON’T DO THIS!” Luke could hear Simeon’s breaking voice screaming at the elders who held him back from Luke to prevent any interference, “JUST LET ME SAY GOODBYE PLEASE,” he begged to which the elder finally agreed and the two embraced tightly. “Luke you listen to me, you get to the Devildom you go STRAIGHT to Lucifer, he helped his brothers and himself through his fall he can help you, please, trust him with at least getting you through the transition then you can hate them again or whatever you want, pl-”
“I get it, Simeon, I promise I won’t let you down,” Luke interrupted, tears falling from his eyes onto Simeon’s broad shoulders. 
“Times up. Luke come to the edge, stand here,” an elder guides him into position. 
Luke’s hearing starts ringing as his adrenaline kicks in, the fear of death and disappearing from existing overwhelming him. His breathing grew fast, and before he knew it, he felt a push and wind pounding against his skin as he fell, and fell, and fell, until he saw the Devildom soil and he tensed, preparing for the worst.
Instead of hitting the ground he hears a fwoosh and finds himself caught in strong arms.
“Luke! What happened, where is Simeon? A young angel like you shouldn’t be down here all al-” Lucifer starts questioning the angel, concerned to see the small boy falling from so high. He was interrupted by a cry of agony, Luke pushed away from Lucifer, doubling over and screaming as the pain began to set in.
Lucifer recognized the transition immediately and how badly it hurt his brothers, so he gently approached the young boy, who glared at him with teary pained eyes, and he murmured a spell, before darkness washed over Luke.
His innocent blue eyes fluttered open, not recognizing his surroundings, he sat up quickly, wincing and hissing as his back was suddenly filled with unbearable pain. 
Oh that’s right, I fell. They pushed me and now…His eyes snap open, remembering the feeling of falling, but nothing that happened afterward.
“I have… to find… Lucifer..” Luke spoke to himself, taking short breaks between every few words to take a painful breath, feeling his ribcage expand and contract as his wheezing continued.
“I’ve already found you, Luke, you’re in one of the bedrooms of the Demon Lord’s Castle. Please lay back and take off your shirt, your back is bound to be in a lot of pain, this serum will help.” The blond flinches as Lucifer rises from a chair next to the bed where he laid. 
Luke raises his arms and let Lucifer take off the shirt before laying on his stomach.
He hears Lucifer’s breath catch in his throat as he stares in horror at Luke’s back, where wings were starting to form, dark and mangled with feathers tangled and in need of a cleaning.
So like that, Lucifer kept Luke safe and took care of him whilst the other brothers prepared a room at the House of Lamentation for him to stay.
“Luke, I’ve brought you some tea and cake,” Barbatos walks into the bedroom carrying some snacks and drinks for the injured boy.
“Thank you Barbatos, I missed your cooking,” Luke smiles slightly before taking a big bite of cake and groaning. “Like, I really missed it-”
“Yes, Barbatos makes splendid food, which is why I keep him around!” Diavolo winks, nudging Barbatos with his elbow a bit.
“Actually sir, you only keep me around because no other demon has been able to keep up with your antics-”
“ANYWAY, Luke your wings look like they’re growing in nicely, and so do your horns,” Diavolo walks over to examine Luke’s new form. “You’ll probably be in a lot of pain for at least a few more days, but if you want to get situated into your new home we can let you go and just check in on you everyday.”
“Uh… I don’t want to intrude at the House of Lamentation, if it’s going to be any sort of burden to them-”
“Nonsense, my brothers and I are glad to take care of you and take you in, you experienced the same fate as us, albeit for different reasons, but still, we know your pain and we want to guide you so please, Luke, let us help you,” Lucifer places a reassuring hand on Luke’s shoulder as he says this.
“...Okay, BUT no calling me a chihuahua- GOT IT?!” Luke pokes Lucifer’s chest aggressively and earns a hearty chuckle from him.
“I agree not to call you a dog anymore,” Lucifer laughs out, “though I cannot speak for my brothers.”
“I can’t believe the chihuahua of all people got kicked out…” Mammon says, still in shock that the angel who had been so determined to make people smile just a year before during the exchange program had somehow managed to get himself thrown out of heaven.
“I remember when I almost didn���t earn my wings in time,” Asmodeus shudders at the memories of being threatened with exile and constantly pushing himself way too hard, “I got so many wrinkles from the stress.”
“Luke makes good food, I’m glad he’s staying with us.” Beel’s mouth was watering as he and Mammon moved a dresser, finally finishing getting Luke’s new room in order.
“Oi, try to be sympathetic when he gets here Beel. He may be a little annoying kid but he’s going through what we went through,” Mammon scolded his younger brother, an uncomfortable silence taking over the room as each and every one of them remembers the pain they were in as their bodies morphed into those of demons.
“God is such an asshole…” Belphegor mutters, getting extremely angry the more he thinks about it.
Luke had done nothing wrong, Lilith had done nothing wrong, so why? Why would he keep getting rid of the most determined of his angels over such insignificant things?
Suddenly all their phones go off with a text from Lucifer saying he and the boy would be arriving soon. They all gathered in the entrance hall, waiting for Luke to arrive. The front door creaked open, all of the brothers standing up straighter and nervous as Lucifer stepped through the entrance with Luke just behind him. 
The brothers all gasped quietly in shock at the state of Luke. He was pale and thin and the look of complete and utter despair in his formerly innocent eyes filling the room with a depressing atmosphere.
“H-hey there Fido- I mean- Luke, how’re you feeling?” Mammon tries to start up a welcoming conversation, getting a nasty look from Lucifer, who Luke was clinging to for dear life.
“Luke! As soon as you’re feeling able to, what do you say we bake something together?” Beel smiles sweetly, most of them getting nothing but nervous looks from Luke in response to their questions.
“I’m just going to help him get settled in. Satan you’re in charge of everything else around the house while I take care of Luke and my own paperwork.” Lucifer guides Luke up the stairs.
Satan rolls his eyes but mutters a small “fine,” before the two head upstairs to the attic, where they’d set up the room to look just like the dorm he stayed in at Purgatory Hall.
“Oh wow, it feels like I’m back in the exchange program,” Luke chuckles a little, clearly faking any sort of joy.
“Luke,” Lucifer kneels down, “you are one of my brothers now, you have nothing to fear, and Simeon will be able to visit at some point-” His attempt to ease Luke’s worries is interrupted by a loud sob.
“Don’t you get it?! Michael and Simeon will never look at me the same, ever again!” Luke wails, using his sleeves to wipe the tears that streamed down his face. “All I ever wanted was to impress them! To impress God and make humans happy and protect them! But now my natural instinct to hurt humans ruins any chance of me becoming the person I’d always thought I’d be!” Luke falls to his knees, sobbing and wheezing, his vision becoming blurry as a panic attack hits him like a truck. He can barely hear anything except for Lucifer calling out a name, and all he could make out was that it wasn’t his own name. A dark figure walks into the room and Luke hears muffled voices for a minute before he is suddenly extremely calm, his eyelids growing a bit heavy and he feels exhausted.
He then realizes someone was holding him and murmuring some sort of spell, causing him to panic once more, but this time he was perfectly aware and just jumped up ready to fight.
“Hey you dirty demon! Don’t use your dark magic on me or else I’ll-”
“Pfft hahaha,” Belphegor laughs hard, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, “you still look like a chihuahua when you get annoyed!” Belphie teases and Luke blushes, before running at Belphie and tackling him, leading to a wrestling match on the floor as Lucifer stands by and watches the two of them closely, to ensure nobody got hurt under his watch. 
Dinner was the worst, to be honest. Luke had asked Lucifer if he could cook to say thanks for taking him in, but now he sat awkwardly and all of the brothers remained quiet, watching his every move and watching him like he was an injured little puppy.
“I-is the food not good?” Luke questions looking around nervously.
“AH- no its great Fido- LUKE, ah jeez I’m getting a headache this is so hard to adjust to,” Mammon slams his head on the table, earning a glare from Asmo and Satan who he sat between.
“Anyways, I know you’ve been to the Devildom before and don’t really need a tour BUT you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg, there are so many more places to go!” Asmo smiles widely at Luke, “So let’s go together soon, okay?”
“Ooooh Luke, you have to tell me what Celestial Realm video games are like, GAH I wish we had waited to start a war until after the invention of video games. Anyway I got a new one so I can show you a Devildom game and-”
“Shut yer trap Levi,” Mammon leans over the table to attempt to cover Levi’s mouth.
“But let the GREAT Mammon show ya all the best spots in town~”
“NO-no do not take the child Gambling, Mammon,” Asmo smacks him.
“Asmo for all we know you’re gonna scar him and take him to a strip club,” Belphegor smirks, knowing he just started a war.
“I WOULD NEVER, COME HERE YOU BRAT,” both of them in demon forms chasing each other around the house and screaming.
Suddenly everyone hears a child’s laughter and looks at the blond who had barely even smiled since arriving.
“We can try to do everything you guys want to show me,” Luke smiles. Everyone lets out a sigh of relief seeing that Luke was feeling more comfortable around them. “Um, question though… how do I go in and out of my… demon form?” 
“HAH that’s easy, just relax and let the GREAT Mammon teach ya!”
“Mammon, not yet. Luke, I will teach you, but we need to wait a bit longer or else the pain of transforming will be unbearable for you,” Lucifer looked down at the disappointed boy.
“Oh, ok.”
“Don’t look so gloomy Fid-LUKE JEEZ LOUISE- there's a lot the GREAT Mammon can teach ya in the mean time!” Mammon stands up with a cocky smile, hands on his hips. “Think of me as ya new master and you are my apprentice!”
“NO do not think of him like that he will make you do his dirty work,” Satan says, hitting Mammon in the stomach.
“Thank you,” Luke looks at Lucifer, “thank you for taking me in, I-I know we don’t have the best past and I was super rude towards demons during the exchange program but-but I’m trying to change for you guys! Thank you!” Luke bows his head, tears falling down his cheeks. The knowledge that he can never go back to the way he was bringing on more tears, but they didn’t mind. They’d been through the same process. So silently they all comforted him and welcomed him into their home with  open arms.
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monstas1ut2 · 3 years
Hi just wanted to say I love your Diabolik Lovers scenarios, and I also wanted to ask if you would do “They see your beauty for the first time” for the Mukamis?
Diabolik Lovers x POC!Reader!
((Honestly, I have never wrote for them... I know this is not perfect, I hope you understand this won’t be perfect lmao uhm tho I tried, couldn’t say no to you~ because you said you liked my stuff~... thx btw💚 I also made random headers for them too, they aren’t that cute tho))
•Hints Of Steamy Acts
•May be terrible
"He Sees Your Beauty For The First Time" (Mukami Brothers Edition)
-Ruki Mukami
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This plan to him was quite odd and he honestly didn't see which route this man was going. Yes he chose to be in cahoots with this man but only to be free... Coming to America was probably the oddest thing he's ever done.. of course moving from home to here was simple, no commotion.. but he could tell his brothers were on edge.
Ruki, after the whole livestock-Yui- dying thing... He most definitely blamed it on the other brothers... I mean who wouldn't... Anyways, after that he didn't know what he was doing still following orders for Karlheinz. Did he have something planned or... did he just do this to cause some ruckus?
Ruki didn't see any issue with going to school here, especially since the blood smelt oddly amazing... but he doesn't have any interest in anyone here... he can say that the females here are quite expressive and they sort of have their own flow... though when his eyes gazed upon someone else.. his eyes widened..
The male didn't expect to see such beauty casted before his eyes. The sunlight was beaming off the darker skin of a girl. Her eyelashes long and her attire.. not so slutty, but enough to show off her curves. Ruki wasn't blind to American knowledge, and he knows you're a black woman obviously... Though he can't understand why he hasn't seen this in person.
"(Y/n) (L/n)... please answer question thirty five... just to see if you understand...?"
Ruki watched as your eyes glared the teacher, he could already tell from where he was sitting.. that you were a handful... though that only caused him to make up these scenarios in his mind... he wanted you to be his of course, he wanted to rip the attitude away from you... make you call him master... and in his way of thinking... he already knew of a way to get you hooked...
Let's just say, later on in the week... his body was in front of you... that nasty smirk casted on his face... listening to your loud beating heart.. he already had you under his control.. well.. mostly.
"A woman.. such as yourself would know how to properly cover that up..."
"Ruki you don't own me-..."
"Control your language when talking to your master, hm? Also, this..."
He hooked his finger under the tight collar that was around your neck. How did he get you to wear that you may ask? Because he's hot..
"This says otherwise..."
-Kou Mukami
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The only brother really taking it hard? Though not so much because he found out that he has actually more fans here than.... over at his old school. Reasons unknown... though he wasn't complaining.. especially with the millions of different toned females.. Kou had never seen such beauty...
Kou is used to the pale skin, he himself has pale skin... though seeing these other females who had brown skin, dark skin... his first thought was 'goddesses..?' But that wasn't the case. He also liked the different scents of blood. They were all oddly stronger than more paler people.. he just couldn't wait to sink his teeth into one of them... one of them would have to be fascinated with him.
The females in this school tend to be more on the sneaky side of things, Kou noticed that but his hearing is enhanced so he listens to conversations when he passes by... he may give the girl a flirty smile too... only to see her cover her mouth and look away in embarrassment.
Kou also noticed how many people had earbuds in, closing themselves from the outside world. But he was more interested in this one girl who was sitting alone at lunch. Her hair was so pretty to him, as well as the nails that happened to match her outfit.. he could tell people fawned over her.. considering the people staring at her.. though he couldn't help but realize that she didn't care... softly mumbling the most seductive words to a song with her glossy lips...
He wanted to see her under him, he wanted to see her moaning his name.. Let's just say he's pretty close to doing so... because it wasn't a week later until he had you interested in him.
"Kou, don't fuckin play with me..."
"If you'd like your phone back, kitty... you'll have to give me something in return~!"
"Damn Whatchu want? Not me because you... can't handle me..."
Kou loved your sass... to the point where he did things like this.. just to see you try to get rough with him..
"Kitty... that's where you're wrong.."
-Yuma Mukami
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Yuma wouldn't say... he didn't like this huge change.. he wouldn't say he liked it either.. he was in the firm middle. Obviously he has to plant new tomatoes in his new garden.. and he obviously has to get used to the new people.. they seemed aggressive like him so he actually found it funny...
He found himself being stared at most the time because well, he is tall.. but he also is quite fine. Yuma figured these girls were crazy, he wouldn't say he didn't have fangirls at his old school but they were mostly into his other brothers or the Sakamaki brothers.. but it seemed like he got the more attention now...
He even found himself being invited to watch a whole cheerleading practice.. in which Kou came along because he'd never seen a cheerleading team before.. their old school didn't allow it.
Anyways, Yuma figured he'd be bored about this whole thing but he ended up choking on a sugar cube when he saw one of the girls on the floor doing a dance routine that caused her thighs to jiggle like jello... and the way she moved... she did it fiercely... We all know Yuma likes rude females... so when he heard how loud you were, commanding the other girls to follow your lead... he felt his ears get red.
The dude was in such a trance, especially since your hair was in a cute puff/bun with braids/bun. He also couldn't help but stare at your skin, yeah everyone else had the same dark skin... different shade of course but yours mixed with your beauty was alluring.
He then noticed that the females stopped cheering and your (e/c) eyes were staring right at him when you walked up the bleachers... a smirk casting upon your face when you grabbed your bag that was right beside him...
Oh yeah, he wanted to see you in action... so to test your limit.. over the past weeks he's just been being such a child... but you were used to it at this point.
"Oi, get ya panties outta my Damn face"
You just rolled your eyes as you stood up straight from bending over, looking back at him.
"Shut the fuck up befo I chop yo Dick off... don't play with me..."
Yuma didn't know he loved aggressive girls until now.. like.. in his mind he was like 'please do'
"I wanna see ya try, dumbass..."
-Azusa Mukami
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Maybe this whole moving thing was a bit frustrating to him as well... but when arriving to America... he noticed a few things... there were people who didn't know how to stop staring but there were also people who tend to mind their business..
People would always criticize him but now it's like.. nobody was really bold enough to do so.. It made him feel more better about doing the things he does.. Though there was multiple teachers asking if he was alright.. and actually he couldn't really respond to them.. so they let him go most of the time.. right now he was in the nurses office... some teacher saw him with a deep cut...
Anyways, Azusa was sure his brothers were frantically looking for him.. considering when Azusa leaves a spot from them.. it's never alright or good..? They were also in a whole new area...
"I'll be with you in a moment (y/n).."
The deep and rich scent coming from around the corner made him slightly jolt. He wasn't expecting such a nice scent to burst into this room.. though when he saw your chocolate/caramel skin come through the door... he immediately forgotten that staring wasn't really something you shouldn't do in America. Though he couldn't stop, his eyes hazily looking up to the top of your head. He noticed that your eyelashes were pretty and long, your lips smelled like cherry, he could smell it from where he was sitting.. but he would compare you to a nice piece of chocolate.. even though he doesn't really.. eat.
Apparently you had a deep cut from a box... you were helping one of the teachers out and got punished for it? That was just rude of the box...
Anyways, your (e/c) eyes looked around before landing on Azusa. His eyes softly staring at you, and lord did he look sad.. his whole aura was depressing but also happy? You gave him a light smile and it made his stomach flutter... just smiling back slowly as he looked down at his hands in his lap... you were pretty to him.. and you had this sense of love coming from you... like a mother..
Over time, his brothers noticed him acting somewhat different? Eventually he'd gotten advice and now you were just so attached to him.
"Azusa, baby.. I know you can't help it but..." you couldn't say more, you just started wrapping up his wounds.
"I'm... sorry (y/n)....."
"I know... don't worry bout it.."
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
I am not sure if the request is open- fanfic or headcanon an angst of mc sacrificing her life to return Lilith to them and lilth come back so she told she's only here becuz the mc bought her back how would the demon brother cope with it- it is okay if you don’t want to write it :)
I haven’t written any angst yet on this blog so I don’t really know how this is going to turn out. I don’t know how MC would be able to bring Lilith back so I’ll just figure something out as I write along. It’s hard for me to write the brothers suffering help me-
I want to make it clear that I don’t know if it’s possible for a human to do something like this but for the sake of this request let’s roll with it. Lilith is back and MC sacrificed their life for that to happen. I really don’t think any of the brothers would react well because Lilith and MC aren’t the same person. They love both of them very much but they wouldn’t be able to make one suffer just to bring the other back. All the HCs are related, happening on the same day, in the same way. Lilith reuniting with her brothers one by one starting with Lucifer. Hopefully this makes sense but I don’t really have my way around words so——
This is obviously too long so I won’t be able to write for all the brothers in one post. Instead I’ll write about Lucifer, Mammon and Levi in this one and then continue this on another post. So this is part one. Thanks for the request!
Pt. 2
The Brothers Reacting to MC sacrificing themselves to bring Lilith back, Part 1:
-OK, realistically speaking, it should have been impossible for Lilith to be brought back. She lived as a human and died, that’s it, you can’t reverse something like that. But you really didn’t want to give up, seeing the way the brothers acted whenever the topic of their sister was brought up was too much for you to handle. So you kept looking and searching for spells, magical objects, anything you could get your hands on that could help. You even spoke to Solomon about it in secret, away from Lucifer’s prying ears. You were too determined to be swayed away from the task.
-Of course, after a long time of searching, you found exactly what you were looking for. And of course in order for Lilith to be brought back to life once again, you would have to give something in return; your life. It was a hard pillow to swallow but after hours of arguing back and forth with yourself, you decided to do it. For the sake of all the brothers and their happiness. It wasn’t the quickest of deaths but it definitely didn’t hurt nearly as much as it should have. And once your soul had officially been diminished, Lilith was given a tangible body and teleported to DevilDom. That also meant that she was completely aware as to why or how and she wasn’t exactly happy. It was an indescribable moment full of misery and despair for her. She was back and her descendant payed the price for it.
-Lucifer didn’t really believe his eyes when he first saw his long dead sister on their couch, supposedly staring at nothing. He first assumed that he was daydreaming which seemed like the most rational option at that point. Due to all the paperwork he had to finish by the end of the week, he had been rather sleep deprived and it made sense that he started hallucinating. After all, Lilith was on his mind quite a lot. But then she noticed him and she sprung into his arms before he could even get a word out. It always used to be like this. Her running straight into him just to show her affection back when they were both angels and happy.
-She was real, not a dream or a fiction of his mind and he didn’t know how to feel about it. He was torn, as if all of his emotions were threatening to come out at once and he didn’t know how to handle that. Lucifer uses logic for every situation he finds himself in, but this time, it was thrown out the window. It didn’t matter why or how or when. All that mattered was that she was here and he got to see her again after all these millenniums of dealing with the slow torture of having to carry the burden of her death by himself. He was ready to go get his brothers, the rest of his dysfunctional family and obviously MC had to come along too, them being just as important to him as everyone else. But Lilith grabbed his sleeve.
-His sister told him everything. Ranging from MC’s sacrifice to her waking up in DevilDom and to her wandering around until she found the House of Lamentation. His brain stopped working the moment the words registered with him as Lilith rambled on with her story. He almost wanted to ask her if she was joking but he knew her better than that; his little sister was never one to joke about something so grave.
-Lucifer always knew that their exchange student was a bit of a nutcase and definitely special in their own way. Considering how often they went to the extremes and overdid every little thing that had to be done. But this...this was something entirely different. They gave up their own life for them, for Lilith to come back and they did this because of him and his siblings. The second time MC had been ripped away from him, without even the satisfaction of saying goodbye because they were way too good for his family and for DevilDom in general. He wanted to scream and cry and curse his father even more so than usual for this cruel turn of events. Any more of this emotional suffering, and his heart may as well stop pulsating. MC died and he couldn’t help them in any way, he couldn’t stop them from making this mistake because he had just gotten over Lilith’s death and had begun to heal from the trauma. And now you left him as well.
-Lilith forced him to sit down and let him deal with his internal breakdown while she thought this out. At this rate her brother was either going to wind up in a blind rage and pop out another Satan or drown himself in depression and anguish. But Lucifer, despite the range of emotions conflicting him on the inside, tried remaining as calm on the outside as possible. Lilith was right there. He shouldn’t cry in front of his sister, he never did. He was always supposed to be the role model, be the strong protector that she could lean on if she needed help. With a single tear running down his cheek, which he quickly wiped away, he got up, abruptly much to the protest of Lilith and began walking toward the door.
-He had to tell his brothers. The news would break every single one of them and he couldn’t do anything about it. He had the responsibility of going to every single one of them and privately discuss this because god knows what chaos would ensue if they were all in a room together with Lilith. He would have to talk to Lord Diavolo, get another exchange student down there but...not yet. Not yet. He had to tell his siblings first. His younger brothers that he swore he would protect with all of his being since he couldn’t do so with Lilith. And now he had to go and break their hearts while his own lay shattered on the floor.
-But first, he was going to go and cry by himself, locked away in his room, so he can regain the power of speaking with everyone properly. And he would just have to accept the fact that MC will forever be stuck in his heart, with no means of getting them out.
-Who would have thought a human like you would stir up these feelings within me?
-It was his fault. It was always his fucking fault. Whenever something bad happened to you, the first person Mammon blamed was himself. How could he not? He was in charge of you after all, he was supposed to be your protector and guardian during your stay in DevilDom. Honestly, at first, he didn’t really care about you. Your whole existence and the fact he had to babysit you was irritating more than anything. But it didn’t take long for him to get attached to you, he fell and he fell fast. Soon enough, he was about ready to just dedicate his entire being to you (and money, we don’t forget about money). You were his human. So how did he fuck it all up?
-That day, he was supposed to be with you. At least one of the brothers had to be with you at all times, per Lucifer’s orders, to make sure you could circulate DevilDom without getting killed. He had one job to do. Follow you around until you got bored and wanted to go home. Then, since you were left with the rest of his brothers, he could go do his thing. But a modelling gig had come up rather abruptly and he had to go get ready for a few shots. Mammon, being a simp great companion and actually a lot smarter than people give him credit for, was really hesitant at first. He didn’t really want to leave you alone and offered to turn the job down. He would never admit it, but his human was way more important.
-However, you insisted it was fine, encouraging him to go and implying you would be alright for an hour by yourself. Besides, you had something to check and would probably be home in no time. He couldn’t really argue back so he reluctantly agreed and left you to your own devices.
-And that was the last time he saw you.
-After his shoot, he couldn’t find you anywhere. Not at home, not in Majolish, not at any of your favourite places. He wasn’t worried at first because he thought you were with one of his siblings. But half an hour later, he was getting panicky and pushing himself over the edge. Sitting alone in his room, pondering on where the fuck you could have been while also debating as to where he should look for you first. He really didn’t want to bring the subject up with Lucifer because he feared his reaction and the possibility he would forbid Mammon from helping him search for you.
-And just as he had conjured up a master plan, Lucifer walked in. With Lilith behind him like it was regular Tuesday night. Her presence wasn’t acknowledged for a few moments, he was too concentrated on Lucifer’s face, scared out of his wits that he found out you were missing and now he was about to face punishment. His older brother didn’t look angry though. Grave and sad, but mostly solemn, like he was holding back. Then it clicked that his loving sister, the one that was supposed to be dead, was standing next to him. Mammon jumped. Physically jumped backwards and fell off the bed in surprise. If there was one thing he disliked more than giving his money away, it would be thinking about Lilith. His memories with her brought him nothing but tears.
-Lilith smiled, in an honest and slightly upset way, seeing her brother’s antics after such a long time made her feel a sort of nolstagia she didn’t think she would miss. Mammon was still staring at her like he’s just been told he had to give all of his money to the witches. He kept switching his gaze between her and Lucifer, as if confirming with him that she wasn’t a ghost while he kept his eyes wide in horror.
-“Stop that Mammon. Your gawking is giving me a headache.” Lucifer snapped, more ferociously than usual which was odd. Mammon thought he looked more tense, rigid but he didn’t push the subject. He wanted to get up, walk up to Lilith and touch her, see if she was real. And then he wanted to hug the living daylights out of her. But he froze on the spot until Lucifer finally managed to spit out that Lilith was, indeed, back. And then Mammon sprinted straight into her arms like a fired bullet, not planning on letting go for a long time. His sister just smiled again, happy to see her needier brother again and to know that despite being a demon now, he hadn’t changed all that much. That moment was sort of euphoric and he grasped onto it for as long as he could.
-Then came the devastating news that would hit Mammon in the gut harder than a moving truck.
-MC was gone. Forever. Forever, forever. Never to be seen again. Gave her entire being up for Lilith to come back to life. Lucifer told him but his eyes and voice seemed to be elsewhere, as if he struggled to show emotion in his voice during his monologue because he was directing those emotions somewhere else. Lilith tightened her grip on him, preparing for a meltdown, or even an angry fit, anything could be expected from this brother of hers in particular.
-Oh there was a meltdown alright. His reaction was immediate. He started shaking, uncontrollable trembling that he couldn’t stop no matter how hard he tried to and his vision blurred and swayed as if he was drunk and his nails were digging into his palms hard enough to draw blood. Everything felt unstable and he couldn’t take MC’s face out of his mind, like their face was printed onto his brain for keeping purposes. His throat dried up and besides the stream of tears rolling down his face, Mammon started sweating. In the span of a minute, he’s gotten too immeasurably hot and now he was sweating even though he lives in hell and should already be used to this kind of warmth.
-He became unresponsive after that. Not even Lucifer could get through to him. He just sat there, like a broken shell. His brother was speaking to him about things, replacements and a bunch of shit he wasn’t interested in. He didn’t want to hear any of it. He just wanted his human back, even if it meant he had to serve the witches for the rest of eternity. After a while, both of them left. Lucifer giving his shoulder a squeeze, something he hasn’t done in forever but the gesture was somehow comforting. It showed that his older brother was suffering too and he could tell from his voice alone. Lilith hugged him one more time and pecked his cheek and he wanted to grab her hand and keep her there because even though she literally just came back, he needed his sister to stay with him as he went through this. Mammon let them leave.
-He’s more closed off than before. He still steals shit all the time but it’s out of pity for himself more than anything else. He also took a bunch of your belongings too, something to remind him that you existed once. That you had a presence and changed his life and his brothers for the better. Mammon breaks down at the most random of times whenever he’s reminded of you and these sometimes take hours before he finally calms down. Somehow Lilith is the only one who happens to have an effect on him. Her presence at least helps. But not by a lot.
-Stupid human, letting him be an idiot and allowing him to leave you all by yourself. Stupid Mammon for being such a moron and letting the one person that understood him beyond the surface of the Avatar of Greed and actually associated him with being more than just scum, die. Stupid MC, leaving him all alone...
-He just hopes you’ve made it to the Celestial Realm...but seeing as you died in DevilDom, he doubts it.
-Levi was sort of used to you showing up late to his gaming sessions. He didn’t blame you really, his brothers were sure to try and grab as much of your attention as possible so it makes sense you forgot about little old him. Except you never did. Sure you came by later than planned, but you always came no matter what so maybe he wasn’t giving you enough credit.
-Maybe he should have tried calling you, or even just texting you to see what you were up to. That’s why he had a D.D.D to begin with after all. But he didn’t. He assumed you were with Mammon or reading with Satan somewhere. Maybe sleeping with the twins. Levi reasoned with himself that you were probably fine and just got caught up on something on the way home. Yet the pit in his stomach kept growing with every minute that passed and before he knew it, he was pacing around the room.
-He heard Mammon having a breakdown from somewhere, and at first, he really had an overwhelming urge to check in with him and see what the problem was. Maybe something happened to MC. Maybe something happened to his older brother. Levi has a dislike for him sure, but he still wouldn’t want Mammon to suffer, no matter how much money he owes him. He didn’t leave his room. He assumed he was crying because the witches were at it again or maybe because he lost all of his money at the casino or even because Lucifer was punishing him for something.
-Then, a knock came on his door and he jumped to his feet faster than he had ever done so before. Password and all long forgotten, he opened the door to his room expecting to see you. Instead, he came face to face with his oldest brother, which disappointed him beyond measure. He was about to mumble something about MC and whether he had seen them at all that day but something stopped him. Behind Lucifer, just barely visible since she is slightly shorter than him, was Lilith. His reaction was definitely interesting.
-“Oh-I....holy crap, this is just like that anime where the protagonist’s dead sister comes back as ghost and starts talking to him. Oh shit, am I going insane or are ghosts are actually real? And not Lilith, Lilith doesn’t deserve to live the rest of eternity as a ghost-“
-“Shut up Levi.”
-Lilith slowly walked out him and hugged him, which debunked Levi’s theory. She wasn’t a ghost! She was real and she was hugging him! He missed her so much, he was actually still doubting the fact that she was back. Levi tried pushing her out of his mind so many times because it hurt too much to think of her and now she was right here in front of him.
-The moment didn’t last though. Lucifer had to interrupt. He himself was shaky, still processing a bunch of things and on top of all that, he had to break his brothers’ spirits. The words came out eventually and Levi’s reaction was a lot slower than Mammon’s. He couldn’t process it as well and it felt like his life was put on pause, like in one of his video games. Lilith was holding him, as a sort of support system but Levi just kind of drifted in another world.
-Sure, he missed his sister dearly. But that didn’t mean he wanted MC’s life to be exchanged with hers. It was such an unfair choice really, making him choose between two people he absolutely adores. Except he didn’t make that choice. You did. And it changed everything.
-Ever since you left, he hasn’t had as much energy in playing games or even watching anime. He can’t find himself sitting for too long, he always has be to pacing and chewing on his fingernails. Everything seemed pointless without you here. Nothing was right. Watching anime by himself wasn’t as enjoyable even though he used to do it for a long time before you even came to DevilDom. He doesn’t have the energy to participate in Ruri chan contests either, though sometimes he makes an effort to. In a way to satisfy himself knowing that you didn’t die for him to mope around all depressed.
-He just sort of lays in his room all day, speaking with Henry 2.0 occasionally or just trying to relax in his bathtub. But it never works. Your voice keeps ringing in his ears. He misses you terribly and his sleeping schedule probably worsened since he can’t sleep now at all, thanks to all the nightmares he gets every night, featuring you of course.
-Out of all the things the world could have taken away from him, it just had to be his Henry didn’t it? Maybe he was just cursed from ever finding a true friend like you....
Hey, yeah I’m not dead. Just been working on this for a while now. This is obviously too long already so I can’t write for all the brothers at once. I’ll do a second post continuing this ask soon but for now I’ve written and edited this for the eldest three. Sorry it took so long and that I only managed three of the brothers. I’m still working on the following four. Thanks for reading! Part 2 should done soon!
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Thank you so much @cheri-translates for translating Victor's SAND AND SEA DATE. You're an angel. 🥺🥺🥺
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Now I'm gonna start blabbering since I've many feels about this date LOL~ 🙃
⚠️Warning: There are some spoilers regarding Victor storyline from the main story chapters that haven't been released in EN yet.
From "I won't save you a second time" [CH 1] to "I don’t need you to save me a second time." [The date in discussion]-- LOL as hilarious as this is, the irony.💯
Ngl this date felt like, the writers thinking since, under the context of the theme, the physical pain of time travel & crossing countless of dimensions & timelines is not possible-- let's just nearly kill him by spilling blood & dehydration but still we gotta nearly kill this man cause he wants to be in love.🙃
Idk why I'm getting so emotional LOL but there are so many call-backs I can remember on top of my head right now--
[The lines & moments from the date are indented & in bold letters.]
MC: "Victor, I’m helping you look for a water source. Let go!"
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🌹 The sad broken cup scene from [CH 18-16], MC urging Victor to let go & him stubbornly refusing, until she gives in.
MC sacrificing herself to revive the river, part of it is to save Victor- other part of it is also for the greater good of the people in the city.
🌹 [CH 18-18] MC's monologue- "This time, put everything on my shoulder & let me be your hero one last time."
& sacrificing herself for the peace of the world even though it only made more chaos.
Victor releasing the hand that supported him at the edge & deciding to sacrifice himself with her. & the vow- "No matter what awaits you, I’ll be with you."
MC's monologue: "It turns out that no matter what the ending is, he’s willing to be with me."
[CH 18-28] Victor deciding to use the sundial watch one last time despite knowing that'd kill him for sure & might lead the world to perish as well. Dummy & Selfish in that moment. His final vow before MC disappeared, "No matter where you are, I'll always find you."
[CH 19-6 Dream World Victor route]
MC: "What if this really is a dream. Then what?"
Victor: "Then I'll turn it into reality."
[CH 25 phone call- In the Hospital]
"No matter what you are facing in other space-times...Wait for me."
[CH 36-10, after Victor returns from his 10K years time travel]
Victor: I thought you are never going to be afraid again?
His warm breath moistens my eyes. I inhale through my sore nose. Resisting the urge to bury my face in his chest, I look up, staring straight into his eyes-
MC: I will never be afraid again. Because you really came back. Victor is standing here before me like a treasure once lost and now found. What do I have to be afraid of?
Victor is stunned for a moment. The corners of his lips loosens a bit, while the contours of his face softened a lot. He raises his hand to wipe the wetness from the corner of my eyes.
Victor: It seems that this dummy has grown up a lot during this period. Listen carefully, I will never return to a world where you are not.
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[CH 37 PV line]
"Whatever choice you make, I'll always be here."
[CH 37 karma by-line]
"I will accompany you on the road leading to the future."--
Basically the eternal insistence of him having an internal MC GPS tracker LOL ALWAYS being by her side.
Kidnapping incident.
🌹...[CH 30-7 to 30-10] Agio Street underground gambling den mission- wants to say a hello.🙋‍♀️
Abandoning the honor & glory of leading a comfortable life as a feudal lord to restore the river & to find the fateful couple, probably hoping to find his love too, but won't admit cause even if it's AU, he be like- "I'm still Victor" LOL
[CH 11 karma by-line]
"I won't let go of you & the world."
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The physically-mentally painful exhausting wait & time travelling of 10K years, walking through endless dimensions & timelines, only to start from the very beginning every single time- hoping to find a way to save the world & protect the girl-- wants to say a hello too 🙋‍♀️
MC's monologue: Still, I want to have one more look at Victor… before leaving.
🌹 This specifically reminded me of a [CH 37-5 Victor split route] monologue from MC--
"It didn't matter what was waiting for me. I would face it with my head held high. Even so, I still wanted one last second...just one second. Let me call his name one more time...let me take a good look at him...just one last time..."
Victor: In that case, stay here. Stay by my side.
🌹 He has said the same sentence in different ways under various circumstances but one I can remember right now,
[CH 24-12 Black Cabin reunion]-- "But right now...Just stay by my side."
MC noting down how she always finds herself in his arms whenever she's fainting or getting in trouble. How Victor has been quietly taking care of her & protecting her. How the person before her walks in steady steps with forceful heartbeats.
When she was in her most depressing state [CH 18], he was there like the steady pillar of support, helping her in every way he could. He was pretty much the glue that kept her in one piece.
Again, in winter world, he stood by her side even as a stranger.
Not just these two incident, throughout the entire game, especially in the latter part of the story, they work together like partners, she learns to trust him with pretty much everything & they work through everything they can together.
Those few mentions in the date-- could be referred to how Victor has always been the constant source of warmth, encouragement, strength, support, protection in her life. No matter what world or when, he never really changes. He is still the same man. & His constant state IS choosing MC every single time.
Victor lies on the sand quietly, and it’s as though everything has returned to the beginning when we first met.
🌹 Indication towards how their storyline ALWAYS goes back to square one or comes in a full circle-- from Victor saving her from the car crash as a kid [& this being repeated many times afterwards, even in winter world], to the lightning incident [MC jumping in front of Victor both as a child & an adult], to both being in coma for week, staying in the hospital & taking care the entire time [MC in CH 11, Victor in CH 32], to stabbing each other countless times. [CH 18, CH 36-- & every other times Victor has seen those incidents happening before his eyes while time traveling.] *que tears*
I could possibly make a full blown essay which I already kinda have out of some other specific call-backs I can remember right now. Specifically the theme of the date being star-crossed lovers-
Legend tells of two lovers. Because of the pressures of their nations, they could not be together, and decided to drown themselves in a river for love.
Because of this, the River Goddess was enraged, and she cursed the land nourished by the river which was under her control. Since that day, the Socya River gradually dried up.
The Goddess left an exhortation-when the fateful couple reappears on this land, the river will be surge once again...
& This perfectly echoes the canon theme of Victor x MC storyline--
🌹 As in, Victor being someone who, objectively speaking, seemingly has everything & yet sacrificing practically everything--
[giving up over-seas university offers, staying in the city instead of moving abroad even though his business could be expanded more, relentless search of 17 years, appointing private detective for 6 years, building up Souvenir etc.]
--- to find MC & then in the mission of keeping her safe, even at the cost of his own existence. Trying everything beyond his limits to prevent the destined deaths of MC he has foreseen- from happening & it being doomed to no end every single time.
🌹 Every single time he had to give up the ONE thing he wanted to protect the most or wanted the most.
🌹 Both of them being so willing to put each other in the front line just to give each other happiness.
🌹 Another running theme of their storyline-- both of them keep losing each other countless times & then find each other again.
• Victor losing MC as a kid, finding her as an adult. Victor nearly losing her in CH 10.
• MC losing Victor due to the time rift in CH 14 & finding a way to contact each other through the sundial watch.
• Victor losing MC in CH 18 first-hand. MC leaving Victor behind in CH 19- dream world.
• CH 24 Black Cabin reunion & CH 27 OG timeline reunion
• MC nearly losing Victor in CH 32, due to him going to coma
• MC losing Victor in CH 34 due to Victor going on the time-travel journey of 10K years
• Final reunion in CH 36 [Then we have the journey to S2. But that's a whole new discussion.]
🌹So...both of them being able to truly be with each other is actually-- defying fate & writing their own destiny. *SOBS*
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🌹I wanna end my blabbering with two precious moments from [CH 36- Victor split route] that echoes this theme even more.
MC: "I've always chased after your silhouette and I was never afraid. Because I know you'll always be there waiting for me. Victor, if you really disappear... I will be with you, and we will both be forgotten by the world."
MC's monologue: "Victor, once we have crossed countless dimensions and futures, and returned to each other’s embrace. If everything has to disappear with time, as dust into the wind... Then, I'm glad that we have our final promise."
[She's referring to the promise she made of being forgotten by the world to be with him & the promise Victor made earlier to never leave her again.]
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panda-noosh · 3 years
lost in translation {draco malfoy x reader}
words: 11.8k 
summary: draco finds a notebook filled with beautiful, painful words. he keeps it for himself. he promises he’ll give it back to the rightful owner when he eventually finds them. 
genre: angst
notes: support my writing or ask about commissions! - masterlist - i literally don’t know what plot is any more okay. also i listened to i love you by billie eilish on loop whilst writing this so feel free to put that on if you want. 
    draco sees the words every time he closes his eyes.
   repeated stanzas, never leaving him alone. a mouthful of words no mind should ever be able to conjure. a haunting imagination capable of driving even the sanest people out of sanity.
   he found the book on a winters day at hogwarts. christmas time was just round the corner, meaning most of his friends had already fled the castle in favour of homes, somewhere out in the muggle world, where they could spend the holidays with families who cared for them as families often cared for each other.
   draco decided to stay at hogwarts.
   he didn’t want to - not really. his father was just being difficult, and he wanted to face the man even less than he wanted to spend the holidays with people like potter and teachers who didn’t like him because of his family name. 
    he is entirely on his own this holiday season, and it depresses him more than he would ever be willing to let on.
    because, you see, the thing with draco malfoy is, weakness has been a taboo subject amongst his family for as long as he can remember. his father drilled  into his conscience that malfoys always have their heads held high, that they must be able to cope entirely on their own in any circumstance, because that’s what strength is. needing no one. fending only for yourself. living life to get what you want without worrying about anybody else.
   this is why draco doesn’t sit with the other students during the christmas feast. instead, he finds himself traipsing through the library, poking at spines of books so old the writing has been smudged and worn, the contents made up of words once spoken in england, now lost to time.
    the place smells dusty. it makes him sneeze, and he grimaces when he pulls his finger away from a shelf to see it coated in a thick layer of dust which he hastily wipes on his already gravy-stained robes. his stomach grumbles with the reminder of the christmas feast waiting downstairs for him - all he needs to do is pull a chair up and dig in. none of the teachers will mind. the students might be a bit iffy, but when has draco ever cared about what they think?
    instead, he slumps against the wall, pulls a book into his lap and starts to read.
    he’s so engrossed in the old text that he doesn’t hear the library door opening. he doesn’t hear peeve’s taunting cackles until they’re right over his head, peeves pointed toes very nearly scraping his slicked back hair.
   draco’s head snaps up. above him, the poltergeist laughs, throwing his head back. 
    “peeves!” draco scrambles to his feet, swatting at the poltergeist. “oh, for christ’s sake, do you ever give it a rest?” 
    “all alone for christmas, are you, malfoy?” the poltergeist taunts. “surely daddy can afford you a way home with all that money the dark lord’s been shovelling into his pockets!”
   draco’s face burns. “go away, you annoying little roach, before i get the hoover!”
    peeves only laughs harder. “what a threat that was! wait till i tell the headmaster about that one.” and before draco can say anything else, peeves has grabbed a single, tiny book from the edge of a bookshelf and dropped it on draco’s head. 
    it crashes against the crown of his skull and bounces to the floor unceremoniously, flipping open upon the carpet. draco makes to yell, his fury bubbling over, but his voice is lost to the sudden emptiness of the room as peeves does what peeves does best and disappears.
   draco groans through gritted teeth, rubbing the spot the book bounced from. it aches a little bit, which is surprising considering the size of the book. not a textbook. not really anything any of his teachers would ask him to check out of the library. instead, it’s spiral bound, the words not typed, but handwritten in sloppy scrawl, like the author was in a rush when transferring their thoughts onto paper.
   draco frowns; why should a book such as this be in the schools library? 
    he picks it up by the corner, as if afraid the book might bite him - it certainly wouldn’t be the first time. the book, however, makes no strange movements. draco feels no strange, magical pull coming from the pages. in fact, if he were to use his common sense, he would believe the book to be straight from the muggle world.
   that alone should have been enough to deter him, but his father isn’t here, so he opens it and starts reading.
    the first few pages are awkward poetry. awkward essays, a person’s thoughts and opinions filtered with the fear of someone reading over their shoulder, perhaps. draco can tell the author was holding back, but the further he flips, the looser said author seems to become. they start using words. just words, so beautiful and magical and heartfelt that draco finds himself enraptured with every one. he struggles to put the book down, curling into his tiny corner in the library, enamoured by such language. he wonders for the brief moment he is able to take his eyes off the page if perhaps the book has been cast under a spell, if perhaps there is a spell in this world that puts heaven and hell into words and has transferred it to the very book he holds in his hands.
    draco has spent so long getting lost in the talents of wizards that he sometimes forgets muggles have talents and hobbies, too. there are creatives in the world who can create emotions from such small things. there are people outside the world of magic and wizardry who can do magical things, too.
    he has the evidence in his hand.
    he keeps the evidence in his hand all throughout the year. 
    he comes back to it after particularly stressful classes to remind himself that not all is bad; that’s the magic these poems and essays have on him. he could probably recite each one word for word, but he never does, because they belong to him now. he’s claimed them as a comfort blanket, something he needs to get through the day. he’s found an addiction within these words that he can’t let go of, not just yet, not until he figures out who wrote them.
    and that’s really all it boils down to - he wants to put a face to the mind that created the world he so desperately wants to share. 
    it’s a tuesday afternoon in feburary when blaise asks him about the book. 
    “are you ever gonna share what’s in that notebook you keep carrying around?”
   the question startles draco. he thought he was being so subtle. he hardly ever brings the notebook out to face the light of day, only ever reading it behind the curtains of his poster bed in the dorms.
    nonetheless, he doesn’t deny it’s existence. he doesn’t want to sound stupid. 
    he pokes at the vegetables on his plate and, without looking up, mumbles, “not really any of your business, is it?”
    blaise scoffs. “alright, be like that then. you carry that thing around like a little girl and her secret diary.”
    “are you trying to tease me, blaise? because you just sound stupid.”
    blaise rolls his eyes; he’s one of the few people that don’t get properly offended when malfoy fails to bite his tongue.
    “and anyway,” draco continues, “i don’t carry it around. it stays in my bed.”
   “oh, really?”
   “yes, and that’s where it’s staying.”
    “so is it yours, or did you take it from someone?”
    draco pauses. “it’s mine.”
    “i’ve never seen you write in a notebook before. not even in class.”
   draco shrugs; he hasn’t got a very good answer to that, because the statement is true. he tends to get others to write his notes for him when he can get away with it.
    blaise sighs. he leans back in his seat, folding his skinny arms across his chest. “so are you a poet now? some kind of shakespeare?”
   draco raises a brow. “some kind of what?”
   blaise waves a dismissive hand. “it’s a muggle thing. just answer the part you understood.”
    “i’m not a poet,” draco grumbles. “the poems in the book aren’t even mine. i found it when i was in the library a few months back, and thought it was interesting.” he shrugs like it’s no big deal, like this notebook has always just been a background prop in his everyday life. “it’s stupid, really. muggle stuff.”
   “so why are you so obsessed with it?”
   “i’m not obsessed!” draco’s grip tightens on the edge of his chair; he’s tired after a long day of quidditch practice, and honestly, he doesn’t want to deal with his friends bullshit any longer than he has to. “now, blaise, can you start minding your own business before we have some issues?”
   that shuts blaise right up. together, they eat the remainders of their dinners before draco excuses himself and leaves the table. his mind is reeling, heart thumping both with embarrassment and annoyance; he knows he’s popular amongst the slytherins. in a way, he asked to be centre of attention when he started mouthing off about the importance of the malfoy household all those years back, but it’s frustrating that he can’t even do a bit of light reading without getting asked about it. he thought he was being so subtle, keeping the curtains closed every time he read, never taking the notebook from the confines of the dorms, never uttering a word about it to-
    his shoulder crashes into yours.
   draco stumbles back, catching himself on the wall. he’s too dazed to say anything, but his anger is rising, and he’s prepared to start yelling-
   but then he opens his eyes and sees you there, fumbling with a pile of posters that have spilled across the glossy corridor floor. draco blinks, glancing from you to the posters and back again.
    “i’m so sorry,” you mumble. “so sorry. i knew the pile was too high, but hermione had to go to-”
    “why don’t you just-” draco flicks his wand. immediately, the posters gather in a whirlwind and fly into his outstretched arms, a neat little stack, good as new.
   you look up, dazed. your eyes are gorgeous, plagued with evidence of exhaustion, but riveting nonetheless. draco recognises you only vaguely, and the few memories he has of these quick glimpses have never left him dissatisfied.
    “oh,” you say after a moment. “right. spells. magic. i forgot about that.”
   draco narrows his eyes. 
   you stumble to your feet, wiping trembling hands on your robes. it leaves a streak of dirt against the black, and that’s when draco sees the red and gold lining of house gryffindor.
    “sorry,” you repeat. “i mean, thank you, for - like - helping me. i completely forgot i could just-” you swish your hands in a mock gesture of wand-movement before laughing awkwardly. “weird, right? that i would - uh - forget that in a school of magic. when i’m a wizard. ha ha.”
   draco nods, because he really has nothing to say. he can’t keep his eyes off you, your awkward movements, the way you don’t even flinch at the sight of him. most gryffindor’s would be hurling insults at him by now - hell, he would be hurling insults at the gryffindor’s, too, but his words are caught in his throat and he can’t even properly function.
   so he looks down at the pile of posters in his arms.
    you snatch the first poster off the pile as if that will stop draco from reading it. “it’s nothing. something stupid, really.”
   he looks at you again. “you like creative writing?”
   you shrug.
   “that’s such a muggle hobby to have. where’s the fun in it?”
   and for the first time this entire meeting, you scowl. you hastily snatch the posters out of draco’s arms, struggling to keep them neat and tidy in your own, but when draco raises his wand to help you out a second time, you swat his hand away and say, “i don’t need your help.”
   “you’re going to drop them again-”
    you’re already backing away. “you don’t need to come, you know. me dropping these in front of you wasn’t a bloody invite.”
   draco blinks. “i didn’t mean it like-”
   you run a hand through your hair, nearly stumbling over your own shoes yet again. draco lunges forward in his attempts to catch you, but you yell something incoherent in his direction, apologise profusely to a first year you nearly elbow in the nose before you turn on your heel and head back the way you came.
    draco stares at your retreating form, unable to fully comprehend what he did wrong. he doesn’t think he said anything offensive, let alone anything that would prompt you to nearly wipe yourself out in your attempts to get away.
    but then again, he isn’t really sure why he cares.
    it’s weird how - after one brief meeting - you suddenly appear at every corner draco takes.
    he never noticed you in his potion’s class before, but now he can’t avoid you. you sit at the back, a pen lodged between your teeth, brows furrowed together; despite your eventful meeting with draco only a few days prior, you don’t seem to have nearly as much interest in his sudden presence as he has with yours. he keeps glancing at you, not-so-subtly turning in his chair every now and then just to make sure you’re not some kind of illusion. nobody in the classroom is acting like anything is out of place, so maybe you have been his classmate for a while, and he just never noticed.
   he finds that a little hard to believe, but he has to take reality as it comes to him, or else he’ll go insane.
    he doesn’t talk to you for nearly a week, because he’s a little afraid of what you’ll have to say. he’s a little afraid you’ll say nothing at all, that you might have forgotten who he is entirely. 
    it’s you who makes the first move.
   it startles draco nearly out of his skin. he’s packing up his stuff, ignoring goyle’s ramblings to his left, when you slip your hand in his robe pocket. he jumps, spinning around just enough to dislodge your grappling fingers, and he’s seconds away from whipping out his wand to hex you when he freezes, eyes meeting your own, heart immediately plummeting into his stomach.
    you smile, wide and polite. “hello, old friend.”
   “can you get out of my pockets?” draco hisses, swatting your hand away when you make another attempt to dive into his robes. “what do you want?”
    “a pen,” you reply. “i broke mine.”
   “i don’t have a pen.” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his quill. “i have a quill.”
   “aaaah, my bad.” you snatch the instrument from him before grabbing his hand. he yelps, stumbling a little bit. he beams bright red when the noise he just made actually registers in his head, and he makes a mental note to scold goyle for snickering behind him.
   “what are you doing?” draco demands. he tries not to get too flustered at the height difference between you - your head could very easily rest in the crook of his neck, and he hates that he kind of wants to experience what that feels like.
    you scribble words into his palm. “this is the time and place for the creative writing clubs first meeting.”
   draco blinks. “what?”
   “time and place for the-”
   “why do you want me to go?”
   you scowl, not once looking up from the jagged lines of draco’s palm. “i don’t, but hermione’s asked me to gather as many people as i can find, and i think you kind of owe me one after being so rude the other day in the hallway.”
   draco falters; so you remember.
   “i wasn’t being rude at all,” he grumbles. “you’re just sensitive.”
    “maybe.” you drop his palm and shove his quill back in his pocket. “if you want to come, be my guest; it’s going to be a lot of fun. lots of - uh - writing and stuff, i can assure you.”
   draco scowls. “i won’t be going.”
    “so this entire conversation was pointless.”
   you fold your arms over your chest, as if challenging him. “okay, draco. i’m not forcing you to come if you don’t want to, but - you know - i’ll save you a seat or whatever.”
   and draco doesn’t understand why that is the promise that tears him down, why that is the thing that makes his mind up for him. even as he gives you no solid answer, he knows he now has plans automatically built into his schedule to see you again, no matter how much he dreads the thought of it. 
    he looks down at the writing on his palm, and his heart stops.
   just for a second. a brief moment of death, before life is pushed back into him when his brain kicks into overdrive and he’s certain he’s going to pass away for real with how fast his heart is suddenly beating.
   he blinks rapidly. goyle is saying something, and the students are filtering out, but draco is lost, lost, spiralling as he recognises the messy scrawl, smudged even though it shouldn’t be, messy but coherent, familiar and amazing.
    he’s read heaven written in this exact same handwriting. he’s read heaven, and hell, and earth, and space, and the moon, and the stars, and he’s experienced an entire new existence written in this very handwriting. it’s the same handwriting that covers every single page of his sacred notebook, hidden in his pillow case back at the dorms. it’s the same handwriting that gives a form to the aches and pains and anxieties of the person who has just walked away from him, the person who’s brain draco has lived in since christmas.
   “you’re actually going?”
   “it’s the least i can do.” draco fixes the collar of his robes, ruffles his hair a little bit. “i did nearly wipe them out in the hallway a few days ago.”
    “that was an accident.” pansy throws herself across draco’s bed, as she often does when she wants the attention he has never given her. he simply glares at her reflection through the mirror, silently willing her to get up and leave so he can set off for the history of magic classroom in which the creative writing club is meeting tonight.
    pansy, however, doesn’t take the hint.
   “i just think this y/n person is trying to get in your head,” she continues. “your head, your bed, all of the above...”
    draco’s face warms. “you can think whatever you want, pansy, but i’m going whether you like it or not. in case you’ve forgotten, you have absolutely no say in the way i live my life.”
   pansy rolls onto her stomach, tugs on the back of draco’s robes. “oh, you’ve made that very clear, malfoy. don’t come running back to me when you show up to this stupid muggle club and get ostracised for being who you are.”
    draco clenches his jaw, stepping out of pansy’s reach all without turning round. he knows she’s right, of course - there is no doubt in his mind that he is going to show up tonight, only to be met by the usual hostile glares he gets from everybody outside the slytherin house. he brought it upon himself, and he knows that - but he’s trying to fix it. he’s trying to prove himself as a good person to you.
   to the world. not just you.
    he swallows and turns. pansy stares up at him, hands curled beneath her chin, that sleezy little smile on her face. draco grimaces, points to the door and says, “the girls dorms are up the other staircase.”
    pansy’s smile falls. she scowls, stands up and leaves without another word. draco doesn’t care that he’s pissed her off - pansy, in recent months, has become a little bit too much. he’s given her the most wiggle room he can provide, and she has done nothing but bombard him further.
    he shakes the thought of his friend from his mind as he walks over to his bed and digs around in his pillow case. inside, he finds the poetry book he so desperately cares for, flicking to a page he has marked; he’s highlighted a few passages, and he reads them over as he steadies his breathing. this is such new territory for him. if his father finds out what he’s up to right now, he’ll be getting a very stern speaking to, possibly even a back-hand to the face if his father is in a particularly bad mood.
   but then draco remembers your expression, your hand digging around in his pocket, your stumbled words that somehow manage to pull together so beautifully when you want to express yourself.
   he has to see you tonight, whether it’s in a creative writing club or not. he’ll take just running into you in the hallway again, but to reach that point, he has to actually leave the dorms.
   he stuffs the book back into his pillow case, flattens a particularly frustrating strand of hair, and walks out the door.
    the history of magic classroom is dimly lit. 
   draco has seen pictures of muggle poetry readings before; they kind of remind him a little bit of exorcisms, and the set-up he’s currently walking into is no exception. 
   there’s candles lit upon every desk, the lights dimmed to create some kind of ambience that draco doesn’t understand. people are sat in a circle - people in every colour of robe, though draco is the only slytherin, it seems. this makes him a little nervous, and he hovers in the doorway, eyes tracing the scene in desperate search of you.
   he spots you in a matter of seconds. you’re leaning over a candle, frowning into the flame like you can’t quite understand why it’s flickering like that.
   draco makes a b-line for you.
   you look up only when he’s by your side, and immediately your expression brightens. those eyes of yours widen a little bit, a smile adorning your face. you straighten up, grab draco’s arm, and he’s certain he’s going to explode.
   “you made it!” you exclaim. “i can’t believe you actually came, mate; full of surprises, you are.”
   draco frowns, feigning frustration, like this is something he went out of his way to attend. “why are you staring at the flame so intensely?”
    “i’m staring at the flame so intensely-” you put on a pompous british accent, just to tease him, and draco doesn’t mind, “-because apparently you can turn the flames a different colour with the right spell, but it’s not working for me. watch.” 
   you elbow draco in the side, prompting him to shuffle over and give you more room. draco folds his arms over his chest, watching as you kneel down until your cheek is very nearly pressed against the desk. you point your wand at the flames and wave it, just once, but nothing happens. the flames barely even flicker.
    you blow it out in frustration. “fuck that.”
    draco laughs. he doesn’t know where it comes from, but it’s bursting out of him at the sight of your furrowed brows, and your pouting lips. you scowl at him, and it startles him how unsurprised you are to hear such a noise escape a man like draco malfoy. 
    draco shakes his head and nudges you to the side. “watch.”
    you grab his wrist. “no. nope. absolutely not.”
   “what? i’m gonna-”
   “you’re gonna show me up, is what you’re gonna do, and i didn’t ask for it.” you pluck his wand from his fingers and stuff it back in his robes. draco has to fight the urge to shudder, your fingertips tracing across his ribcage as you fumble for his inside pocket. 
   you pull away then, shaking your head. “it doesn’t even matter, anyway; you show me up in every other class we have together.”
    draco scoffs. “and i can assume you’re going to show me up tonight, so we’re even.”
    you grin, because draco is right, and you both know he is right. 
   you make a bit more idle chat before the final people make an appearance, and you’re finally asked to sit down. draco is confused to see hermione granger being the leader of this group of creatives, as he’s almost certain he’s never read anything more beautiful than your work; surely you should be up at the front, guiding people through the craft of writing, a craft you have so brilliantly perfected.
    draco sits beside you and says nothing. he fiddles with his fingers, coughing into his fist, rolling his eyes anytime someone makes a stupid suggestion. honestly, granger can talk forever, and draco is starting to get bored within the first ten minutes. all he wants is to hear you recite something, or for you to just. . . say anything about any of your pieces; draco could probably do it for you if that didn’t look creepy and uncalled for. he could stand at the front of this group and recite whatever piece of poetry he wanted from the notebook he took so long ago, and then maybe you’d get the recognition you deserve. maybe then you’d be able to share your potential instead of just sitting by draco’s side in a circle of poet-wanna-be’s.
   finally, hermione turns her attention on you, however.
    “y/n,” granger chirps. you jump, fumble with your wand, let it drop on the floor to roll beneath draco’s chair. he rolls his eyes and picks it up for you as you struggle to respond to hermione’s summons. 
   “uh, y-yeah? yes? did you ask me something?”
   hermione’s brows furrow. “do you ever pay attention to anything i’m saying?”
   ��“sometimes,” you reply, sheepishly. “definitely sometimes.”
   hermione rolls her eyes. “anyway - i was just wondering if you’ve done any writing recently that you’d like to share.”
    draco tenses. he flicks his eyes to his left to see you awkwardly ringing your hands in your lap, biting your lower lip.
    “none?” hermione demands, eyes popping. “but i thought-”
   “i’ve been a bit busy,” you grumble. “it’s not that big of a bloody deal, hermione, goodness me.”
    “well, yes, i - i know that, but-” hermione gestures vaguely. “this is a creative writing club. i asked all of you to bring something with you. do you not even have an old piece of writing you could share with us?”
   draco’s heart leaps. “what?”
   and suddenly, all eyes are on him.
   he slouches in his seat, but keeps his gaze on you. you stare back at him, eyes wide, clearly shocked at his contribution. 
     “you’ve got nothing?” he prompts.
    you can’t even reply. you just stare, and draco knows he’s being confusing, is aware that maybe he should just shut his mouth. or, better yet, do everyone a favour and walk out before he says any more stupid things that will do nothing but embarrass both you and him.
    “okay,” he grumbles, folding his arms over his chest. “okay, fine. that’s fine.” he looks up, meets hermione’s eyes. “you know what, granger, i don’t think this little club is my cup of tea. i’m going to head back to bed.”
    hermione blinks. no one says anything when draco stands and walks out, but he expected nothing less. he wasn’t welcome there in the first place. he should never have even made an appearance. he should have stayed in bed and let his feelings fester until he fell asleep.
    feelings are stupid anyway.
   he ignores you.
   in fact, he starts treating you how he treats everybody else - like they’re beneath him. a habit he once wanted to escape from has yet again become his comfort blanket, the thing shielding him from talking to you. every time you try making conversation, he sneers and walks off, barely even giving you the time of day.
   in truth, he knows what happened is no big deal. everyone probably forgot about it as soon as he left the room, getting absorbed in their own works of poetry. however, draco knows you want to discuss it, that you probably want answers he is far too afraid to give you. if he starts explaining why he said what he said, he’ll have to talk about the notebook, and then you might ask for it back, and draco is selfish because he doesn’t think he can give it back just yet. it’s the only thing keeping him sane.
   and so, he just ignores you.
   he sits in potions and pretends you don’t exist. he walks past you at lunch and doesn’t even give you a smile. he looks over your head every time you stand to wave at him. he doesn’t want to risk any inkling of conversation trickling in between you.
    pansy notices this, of course, but draco isn’t surprised. with how closely pansy has taken to watching over you and him, it would be more surprising to think she hadn’t caught on to the situation.
    she sits beside him at lunch, slamming her tray of greens down just loud enough that a few heads turn - including your own. draco quickly snaps his eyes down to his plate, trying to pretend he wasn’t just staring at the back of your head.
    “so,” pansy begins.
   draco licks the stuffing from his fork.
   pansy leans in, elbow hitting against his. “so. how did it go?”
    “how did what go?”
    “your little date with y/n! you never updated me on it!”
    draco scowls. “that was days ago, pansy.”
    “exactly. so now that i’ve got you trapped, you can fill me in on all the details.” she leans even closer, if that is possible. draco can smell the old woman’s perfume wafting from her robes and has to take a glass of water to quell the itch it summons to his throat. “y/n doesn’t look too happy with you, i’ll say that much. i sit behind them in care of magical creatures, and they’ve been awfully quiet since the club meeting; care to explain?”
   “why is it any of your business?”
   pansy grins. “because i told you someone like y/n wasn’t worth the trouble; a gryffindor, draco, really? were the robes not a big enough red flag for you?”
    draco scowls. “first of all, pansy, y/n and i are just friends, and have always been just friends. i’m not doing anything to impress them.”
    pansy scoffs, finally moving away to start spearing at her dinner with her fork. “how stupid do you think i am? how stupid do you think we all are? goyle doesn’t keep your little infatuation a secret, you know. he told us all about how close you and y/n get in potions together.”
    draco’s grip tightens on his fork. “close isn’t really the right word.”
   “the bickering? the way they make you laugh? the way you help them with their potions when they’re struggling so snape won’t tell them off? that sounds awful close to me, draco.”
    he has no answer to that. his chest aches, memories of such delightful times flooding his mind and making him crave it all again. he remembers those times when he would glance over his shoulder to see you running your hands through your hair, struggling to comprehend what on earth snape has just ordered you to do; if it was anyone else, draco wouldn’t have given them the light of day, but seeing the fear in your eyes every time snape gave you even the briefest flicker of attention saw draco abandoning goyle to come save the day at your desk.
   “so what went wrong?” pansy continues. “a lovers tiff?”
    draco closes his eyes. “it was nothing, pansy; just me being an idiot again.”
   pansy gasps, eyebrows shooting up her forehead. “you? being an idiot? and you’re openly admitting to it! goodness me, y/n must be a lot more skilled at magic than they let on, huh?”
    “i don’t know what to do.”
    it’s a plea. draco knows it’s a plea. in his heart, the cracks are beginning to form, and he can’t pretend any longer. he watches the back of your head - has been watching the back of your head since the meeting, because that’s the only glimpse of you he will let himself have. it hurts to see you laughing, smiling, slapping ron weasley on the arm. it shows you’re healing, moving on from your attempts to get draco to listen. 
   he’s ruined everything.
    pansy leans forward. her voice is softer now, surprisingly kind. “draco, are you serious about this? i know i’ve been teasing, but do you actually like y/n in that way?” 
   draco bites the inside of his cheek. he remembers the times he had with you, how he used to laugh so freely with little care as to who heard. you teased him and made him feel normal, and he isn’t sure when his appreciation for you went past the poetry you wrote and emerged into you as a human being, but it’s happened, and he’s nodding to pansy’s question before he can think better of it.
   pansy draws back, letting out a shaky breath. “wow, okay. . . this is definitely new territory for me. for you. i’m not sure how to go about it.”
        “i took their notebook from them,” he mumbles. 
   pansy raises a brow. “their - their notebook?”
    “y/n writes,” he explains. “beautiful things. addictive things, and i found their notebook in the library over christmas and i kept it for myself. i only found out it was theirs a few days ago, but. . . i never told them i have it. i got scared to.”
   pansy pauses. draco’s never used that word in a sentence before. it sounds fake, like he’s made it up and just thrown it at the end of his sentence for the fun of it.
    “well, that would be a good place to start, i think.”
   his eyes snap up. “what?”
    “give them their notebook back.” she says this like it’s obvious, raising her brows. “it’s a good way to start a conversation, and once the conversation’s been breached, you can go on to explain everything else - it’s pretty simple when you get your head around it, draco.”
    he blinks. it does make sense, but again, there comes that burning protectiveness he can’t seem to shake. 
    selfish, selfish, selfish.
   he glances over at the gryffindor table. you’ve got your head thrown back again, laughing so loudly and so carefree that draco’s heart trembles because he isn’t the one making you laugh like that. it’s ron. it’s harry. it’s everyone who thinks he’s an awful human being, bringing joy to the one person who’s ever seen him as decent. they’ve probably told you a joke about how draco’s scum, how he’ll never amount of anything, how he claimed his spot at the top purely because of his father.
   fury pools in the pit of draco’s stomach. he spears his food with his fork, pushes away from the table and walks out of the dining hall before giving pansy an answer as to whether he simple plan is one he’ll actually take into consideration.
   but now that he’s storming through the halls towards the slytherin common room, he knows it’s not something he can just consider. he can never move on with you with your notebook stuffed in his pillow case. he needs to be honest, and he needs to apologise, and these are all things he struggles with greatly, but all things he needs to learn before he loses you for good.
    the notebook hasn’t seen the light of day past draco’s dorm since christmas.
    it feels weird carrying it so freely now, slowly making his way through the halls with it pressed against his chest, the spirals digging into his lower arm. people look at him, but nobody bats an eye at the notebook, and why would they? it’s not suspicious. most of them probably think it’s nothing more than a school notebook, used for taking notes in classes. 
    still, his anxiety runs at a million miles per hour. he wants to yell at anyone who even glimpses the tiny square peeking from over his arms. he wants to tell them it’s none of their business.
   but he doesn’t. he keeps walking until he’s reached the gryffindor common room.
   it’s just his luck that ron weasley is the one stood outside. the ginger lad spots draco immediately, and it’s reflex when draco scowls and says, “got nothing better to do, weasley?”
   ron glares. “what are you doing here, malfoy? the slytherin common room is back the way you came.”
    “good thing i’m not going to the slytherin common room.” he nods towards the portrait hole. “is y/n in there?”
   ron pauses. “what do you want with y/n?”
   “i need to talk to them.” he swallows before gently unravelling the notebook from his arms. “i accidentally grabbed this in potions - i need to give it to them.”
   “right, give it here then.” ron reaches for it, and draco stumbles back. he stumbles, not even bothering to swat ron’s hand away as pure panic seizes him. ron pulls back hastily, eyes widening at draco’s response.
   draco, through gritted teeth, says, “just go get y/n for me, will you?”
    ron stares at him a second longer before turning on his heel and walking back into the gryffindor common room. draco tries calming himself down in the minutes it takes for ron to reappear with you at his side.  
    the attempts are futile.
   the minute he lays eyes on you, his heart starts thundering in a way that confuses him to no ends; he shouldn’t feel like this over someone so ordinary, and in truth, that’s what you are. you’re a student, just like him, struggling through school life, just like him. you go about your day in almost the exact same way as he does, and yet he’s never before felt so intrigued by another individual.
   when your eyes meet his, you don’t smile. you don’t even look surprised. you grip the front of your night gown, glaring at him, not saying a word in greeting; draco’s mouth has gone dry, however, and saying anything is the absolute last thing on his mind when you’re standing in front of him, hair a mess, more beautiful and casual than he’s ever seen you.
   ron is the one who has to break the silence. “he said he’s got a notebook for you.”
    draco inhales sharply, suddenly remembering the artefact clutched in his hands. your eyes drift to it, and for a moment, you look puzzled. your eyebrows scrunch together, head tilting a little before you say, “that’s mine?”
    draco thrusts it in your direction. “please take it.” he turns to ron. “and you - please leave.”
   ron looks offended, looking at you for back-up, but your eyes are peeled on the notebook, not paying even the slightest bit of attention to ron. in the end, the weasley man rolls his eyes and stalks back into the gryffindor common room, leaving the corridor empty besides you and draco.
   and draco feels every sliver of tension like it’s been injected into his bone marrow. flashes of his behaviour play on loop in his brain, the way he ignored you, the amount of times he scowled at you every time you tried speaking to him; he never meant any of it, of course, considering you’re the most fascinating person he’s ever come across, but he did it anyway, and that’s what he has to patch up.
   somehow, he has to patch this up.
   he looks to the floor, tucking the notebook back against his chest when you don’t take it from his hands. the silence is crushing, but draco has absolutely no idea what to say to fill it in - pansy made this all sound so easy; he would hand you the notebook, and a conversation would immediately stem from that. 
    but no. draco’s mind has gone completely blank, and you still look furious, and neither of you are doing anything to resolve the mess he has made.
    finally, however, draco can’t take it any more. “i found your notebook.”
    “yeah. ron said.” you pluck it out of his arms. “where did you even find this? it’s so old.”
    “in the library.”
   “the library? what was it doing there?”
   draco shrugs. “how would i know that?”
   “considering you’re the one who stole it-”
   “i didn’t steal it. i just didn’t know who it belonged to.” a lie. he shouldn’t be lying. that’s a bad way to go about things. “i mean, i took it back to my dorm with me, kept it safe, but - like - i was of course going to give it back once i figured out who the owner was.”
    you hum. “i’m sure you were.” you flick open the pages, immediately spotting a passage draco has highlighted in bright orange pen. “you tabbed it?”
    he shrugs. “sometimes i read it when i got bored.”
   “i should be angry at you for that, you know - that’s a big invasion of privacy.”
   “yeah. you should be.” he looks up sheepishly. “are you?”
    you pause, eyes continuing to drift over the pages of your own work, work you haven’t seen or reread since at least christmas time. you don’t look impressed, or angry, or anything at all, really. you just read the lines and nod, as if taking inventory.
   then, you look up and say, “i’m more angry at the way you’ve been treating me this past week.”
   draco wilts. he knew it was coming, that this was the main source of hostility for the both of you, but he really thought the presence of the notebook would somehow buy him some time, maybe make this conversation a bit easier. 
   you snap the notebook closed, shoving it into the pocket of your night gown. “you didn’t even tell me what i did wrong!”
    “you didn’t do anything wrong!”
   “then why were you acting like that? why couldn’t you just talk to me?”
   draco squeezes his eyes closed, trails his hands through his hair, tries to calm down before he says something he’ll immediately regret. “you know, it’s a lot more complicated than you’re making it out to be.”
   you pull back, puzzled. “how is it complicated? you’re nearly eighteen years old, draco! it shouldn’t be complicated to talk to someone when you’re mad at them!”
   “ i wasn’t mad at you! i thought you were mad at me!”
   you throw your head back and laugh, and this is the very noise draco has been craving for days, but he doesn’t want to hear it now, not here, not in this context. you’re not taking him seriously. you’re not listening.
   “this is the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard,” you cackle. “is this about the fucking club meeting? you think i gave a shit about what you said?”
   draco shakes his head. “again, love, it’s not as simple as that.”
    “then explain it to me. explain to me what the hell was going through your head to make that switch flip so suddenly.”
    something inside draco snaps, a string he didn’t even realise was being pulled so taut.
   “do you wanna know what’s been going through my head recently?” his voice drops, your expression faltering. “it’s that fucking notebook of yours. it’s been all i can think about for weeks, because i can’t wrap my head around the idea of you being the author of those poems.”
    you blink. “w-what?”
   “you’re so carefree. you’re so. . . so you, y/n, and it seems impossible to me - unfathomable! - that you could be thinking such harrowing thoughts and not a single person has picked up on it besides me - and i’ve only done so by complete accident.” he inhales, runs a hand through his hair. “i’ve read your poems a thousand times over, and even though i know they came from you, i still can’t put your face to the words. i still can’t figure out how on earth you and that notebook are related in any way, and it’s been driving me insane. i want to help you, and it’s driving me insane.”
    again, you blink. the corridor goes quiet. draco’s breathing slows, stabilises, and he has no idea what he’s just said, or if any of it makes sense, but there is a weight off his chest that provides such a great amount of relief he wants to cry.
   finally, you swallow. your knuckles protrude from your hand with how tight your grip on the notebook is. your eyes stray to the ground, throat bobbing, mouth opening for just a second before you seem to think better of it and go silent again.
    draco takes a step back. “look, you can have it back,” he says. “i don’t want it any more. i don’t - i don’t need it any more. but i just want you to know i’m sorry, and i never wanted to hurt your feelings. i was just. . . feeling things, and it wasn’t normal for me, and i got scared.” he raises his hands in mock surrender, taking another step back. “feel free to never talk to me again. i’ll understand.” 
   he waits for another second. hope springs to his chest, hope that you will tell him not to go, that you’ll forgive him on the spot and the two of you can live happily ever after, but it doesn’t work that way. you meet his eyes and nod, before turning on your heel and heading back into the gryffindor common room.
    “how did you mess that up again?”
   draco presses his knuckles into his eyes, as if pushing goyle’s words out of his brain. he should never have told the other slytherin about his encounter with you, but goyle was the first person on the scene, and malfoy just lost control; he needed to rant to someone. he needed to get it off his chest.
   and it seems now goyle has suddenly developed a perfect memory, as two days after the meeting in the corridor, he has not let the subject drop.
   the two sit together in defence against the dark arts; their teacher has long since left the classroom in search of some more work sheets for them to get cracking with, and the class has erupted into an expected chorus of conversations. draco wants nothing more than to put his head on the table and ignore the world, take this break as a chance to catch up on some of the sleep he has been robbed of these past few weeks, but goyle doesn’t let him go that easily.
    the bigger boy leans over and taps draco on the back of the head. “come on, man, talk to me. there’s got to be something we can do.”
    “there is nothing,” draco barks through gritted teeth. “and i’m sick of repeating myself, goyle, so shut your trap before i shut it for you.”
   goyle sighs, leaning back in his seat. “so y/n just. . . didn’t even say anything? they just walked off without a word?”
    “they did, which i took as a clear sign they never want to see me again.”
   “do you not think you might be looking too deeply into that reaction?”
    draco glares, eyes bloodshot, probably more terrifying than they have ever been. “tell me where on earth i could have looked too deeply.”
    goyle shrugs. “well, you did admit to spilling this massive, emotional speech over them in the middle of the night - maybe they just didn’t know what to say at the time. i bet if you go up to them now and ask for a follow-up conversation, they’d be more than willing to sit down and discuss everything.”
    “there’s nothing to discuss. i said everything i wanted to say, and y/n rejected me - i’m man enough to take it at face value and move on.”
   a lie, of course, but draco just wants goyle to shut up. he wants to continue sulking on his own, because that’s what he does best. he doesn’t need friends patting him on the back, trying to cheer him up. he knows he’s messed up, and he’s willing to suffer in solitude for his stupidity.
    “i’ve just never seen you act like this around anyone.”
   draco’s head snaps up. “what do you mean?”
   but he knows exactly what goyle means, because goyle is telling the truth. nobody has ever made draco this stupid. nobody has ever plagued his mind like this, and it’s driving him insane.
    goyle folds his beefy arms across his chest. “i’m not saying it’s a bad thing, draco; sometimes it’s nice to see you unravel a little bit. god knows you’ve had a stick rammed up your ass for long enough.”
   draco rolls his eyes. “well, there’s no point in dwelling on it; nothing is going to happen. whatever friendship y/n and i had is gone, and i’m just gonna have to accept it.”
    goyle scowls, but draco pays him no attention. instead, he goes back to idly tapping his pen against his bottom lip, trying desperately to put his own words into play. he just needs to get over you. he needs to go back to the cold hearted, uncaring wizard he was raised to be, because that was the only version of himself that never got hurt. he never let himself get hurt. it’s strange how you walk into his life, and suddenly that entire side of him is being stripped away, replaced by this oversensitive, overthinking, annoying piece of shit who suddenly relies on someone else to get them through the day.
    draco hates it, but he hates the idea of not having that even more.
   “so are you going to tell me why y/n won’t talk about you?”
   draco looks up, his scowl a reflex when he makes eye contact with ron weasley. he stands over him, arms folded over his chest, wearing a set of school robes with little burn marks pecked into the material; draco has half a mind to tease him for it, before finding he has absolutely no energy to do such a thing right now.
    instead, he leans back against the tree he has been sat under, gazing at the sky as mountains of homework piles up in his dormitory - piles of homework he has yet to touch, because every time he tries focusing his mind on a single task, it veers off and he can’t do anything.
    ron raises a brow at draco’s silence. “no? you’re both gonna keep your mouths shut?”
   “i don’t see how it’s any of your business.”
   “no, of course you don’t.” and then, ron does the most surprising thing - he slumps down next to draco, their shoulders clicking. “i’m gonna take a wild guess and say you fucked things up again.”
   draco swallows, closing his eyes. “again, none of your business, weasley.”
   “good answer. it makes perfect sense now.” ron nudges his arm. “what happened?”
   and draco knows it’s out of character. of all the people he could rant to, ron weasley should - and always has been - the absolute last on his list, but he looks at ron and he’s reminded that he is your friend, that ron makes you laugh, and he’s probably cheered you on during this uncomfortable time with draco. with that knowledge comes a sense of warmth, a gratefulness he’s never felt before, one he doesn’t completely understand.
   but he leans into it, because he’s too tired to fight it off. with his cheek pressed against his knees, he tells ron the whole story, from start to finish. he goes back as far as christmas, that god-forsaken day in the library when he wanted nothing more than to enjoy a nice bit of light reading whilst he ignored the rest of the students downstairs, how peeves had dropped that notebook on his head, and he’d grown attached to it, rereading the poems every day until the day he had to surrender it back to you.
    “sounds quite stalkerish,” ron comments.
   draco scoffs. “it does, doesn’t it?”
   ron sighs, shifting slightly. in the distance, a group of first years run screaming away from the whomping willow. a stone gargoyle shakes its winds atop the astronomy tower. such beautiful sights, and yet draco can’t feel a thing.
    “okay, look,” ron says. “don’t get any of this twisted, alright? i still hate you. more than i thought humanly possible.”
   “but, i care about y/n. a whole lot. they’re like family to me. they’ve been miserable these past few days, and it’s starting to take a toll on me. so, i’m here to give you a bit of advice.” he turns, leans in, lowers his voice. “don’t give up so easily.”
   draco jerks away. ron snickers, leaning back against the tree, gazing out at the green grass without a care in the world; draco, however, is stunned, heart racing though he doesn’t even know why. those words just hold so much hope, a hope he hasn’t let himself feel since it happened. he was slowly coming to terms with the idea of never talking to you again, and here ron weasley walks into the scene, ruining everything - like always.
   draco splutters, swallows, pulls himself together. “w-why do you say that?”
   “i thought it was obvious, mate,” ron replies. “y/n clearly has a soft spot for you. god only knows why, but that’s neither here nor there. all i care about right now is the fact they’ve been moping around for days, not even laughing at my jokes or anything. it’s getting exhausting when all you need to do is talk, and this entire thing could be resolved.”
    “it’s not as easy as that.”
   ron raises a brow. “oh? and why not?”
   draco opens his mouth to respond, because he’s certain he has one. however, when he thinks about it, there really isn’t a decent answer to that question; he’s young, dumb, embarrassed. he stole your notebook, gave it back, confessed his feelings and then fled the scene - the only reason he hasn’t spoken to you since that fateful day is because he doesn’t want to bring up his own embarrassing gestures ever again. the quicker he buries them, the better.
    but at the cost of you? maybe he should rethink it.
   ron laughs. he stares at the side of draco’s face, pure amusement dancing across his features. draco scowls, because that’s what draco always does when he sees even the slightest flicker of joy on the weasley boys face; it’s become routine by now, even if he doesn’t feel the same contempt he’s so used to.
    “it’s bizarre, isn’t it, that i’d be the one giving you relationship advice,” he says.
   “it’s bizarre you’re helping me out at all, to be honest.”
   “i’m not as heartless as you like to think i am, malfoy.” he stands, wiping his hands down his robes, smearing muck on the already dirty cloth. “if anyone asks, we were arguing and i won.”
   draco blinks. “thank you, weasley. i mean it.”
   ron rolls his eyes. “i’m sure you do. now never speak to me again.” he turns on his heel and strolls back down the hill without a second glance in draco’s direction. 
    draco’s heart is going to burst from his chest. 
   he’s been in this state far too often these past few weeks. he wants it to stop. he wants to go back to a life where he didn’t have a care in the world, where he owned this school, where he had the confidence that has carried his family name for decades.
   the only way he’s going to reach that point again is by sorting things out with you.
   or at least letting you know how he feels, because he can’t deny any of it any more. he can’t go around pretending you mean nothing to him. no, he still can’t explain where these feelings came from, if they started with the poetry and grew, or if they started that very day he laid eyes on you in first year and thought you were the prettiest one of his lousy classmates. he can’t explain any of it, but he doesn’t need to try. he doesn’t need to go as far back at that. all he needs to do is talk to you, let you know that you have changed him in very scary ways, and then he can move on. no matter your reaction, he can move on.   
   at least, that’s what he tells himself as he walks through the school corridors in search of you. it’s already getting dark, the january days lasting what seems like only a handful of minutes. students are flooding from their last classes of the day, and it’s only when draco spots a gryffindor bustling through the crowd does he stop.
   he grabs the unsuspecting student by the arm, not even surprised nor offended by his look of pure disgust. draco simply grins, because that’s reflex for him, before saying, “have you seen y/n l/n anywhere?”
   the boy furrows his brows. “i saw them talking to filch when i was walking to class. what do you want with them?”
   draco raises a brow; talking to filch? what could you possibly want with argus filch of all people?
   draco shoves the gryffindor away, thanking him with a nod before he turns and starts towards the caretakers office. he’s never been there before, mainly because he’s never wasted his time trying to hold a decent conversation with the caretaker, but he finds it in good enough time - an ordinary brown door, decorated only with the name ‘argus filch’ written across it in what looks like normal, muggle sharpie pen.
   draco racks his knuckles against it, uncertain if he’s doing any of this right. in all his years at hogwarts, he’s seen filch in his office only a handful of times, and even if he just happens to be in his office now, what will draco even ask him? what he was talking to you about? if he somehow knows where you went after the conversation was over? 
   he waits there, however, because he has no other leads, and he needs to talk to you. he needs to get this over with, or else he won’t be able to sleep, and he can’t afford to be groggy during quiddith practice; he’s been performing bad enough these past few weeks, and if he can just get this off his chest-
    the door swings open.
   it isn’t filch.
    “argus, i promise i’ll be done in-”
   you pause. your eyes widen. your mouth snaps closed, grip tightening on the door frame, and draco is certain he’s going to explode at any moment.
   your name is a whisper, barely audible over the sound of his racing heartbeat. he doesn’t even know if he said it, or maybe it was just a thought. at this moment in time, the two things are interchangeable. 
    “draco.” you swallow, shuffle awkwardly, look to the floor in a rare look of timidity. “w-what are you doing here?”
    “i was looking for you.” he speaks fast, like he’s running out of time, and maybe he is. maybe you’re only giving him a few seconds before the memories flood back and you slam the door on his face, ruining his chances once and for all. maybe you think his attempts are idiotic, embarrassing, and you’re only letting him talk out of pity. 
    but you don’t slam the door on his face. not at all. you stand there, looking more beautiful than draco has ever seen you, even though nothing has really changed. 
    draco swallows, curling his fingers into fists. “someone told me you - you were in here.”
    your eyes snap up. “i didn’t tell anyone where i was. that was kind of the whole point.”
    draco nods like he understands, because part of him kind of does - hiding away, pretending you are the only person to exist. it’s a comfort sometimes. 
    “what do you want, draco?”
    and just like that, everything he wanted to say is swept from his brain. 
    you fold your arms over your chest, one foot tapping rapidly against the floor. “d-did you have anything to say to me?”
    you almost sound hopeful.
    “ron told me not to give up so easily.”
    you pause.
   draco rushes on, because he knows he hasn’t done this right. he’s gone so far off script, and he hasn’t even got to the main point of his argument.
    “i don’t listen to weasley - ever. quite frankly, his advice is usually more detrimental than helpful, but - but he told me earlier to come find you. he told me you weren’t doing so good-”
  “and i don’t know if that’s true on your end, but it’s true for me.”
    you blink. 
   draco exhales shakily, running a ringed hand through his hair. “i’m not doing so good, y/n. i don’t like the way we left things. i don’t like the fact that we left things at all. i should have explained myself a bit better, or come to you sooner, but you know how i am. god, you know how i am better than anyone else in the world, so please, please understand that i’m trying so hard to put my dignity aside to let you know how much i care about you.”
       there is a silence. a silence so heavy that draco feels crippled beneath it, unable to do anything but wait in anticipation for a response he might not even deserve. he’s done so many things wrong - not just with you, but with life in general. he is a bad person, and he knows this, and he’s trying to change, because you don’t deserve a bad person. 
    you swallow. he watches your throat bob. 
    “i don’t know if i believe you.”
    your words are a whisper, but they shatter everything around him like they were screamed at the top of your lungs.
    he shakes his head dumbly, like that is answer enough. he wants to say something to argue his case, but his tongue feels heavy and a cloud has passed over his brain.
    “draco, i don’t know if i believe you,” you correct, sounding almost desperate. “y-you treated me like shit for no reason. you took my notebook and didn’t give it back. you’re a dick to my friends-”
    “i know,” he bursts through gritted teeth, like he is in physical pain. “y/n, i know. i know, and i’ve been beating myself up over it for weeks. but that’s what i do - that’s what i’ve always done. i play the victim card and blame everybody else for my wrongdoings, and it’s childish. i’m trying to stop. i’m really, really trying.”
    you open your mouth to respond, but draco takes one look at the tears in your eyes and barrels on, suddenly desperate to dig himself further into the dirt.
    “you know what? i don’t even know why i’m here. i’m sorry. i should just - i should just leave you alone and let you get on with your life. you and i were never meant to be together, and i just need to accept that and move on.” he can’t stop talking. he can’t stop hating himself. “i’m sorry, though. for everything i did to upset you. for every stupid thing i said or did - know i didn’t mean it. from the bottom of my heart, y/n, i would never hurt you. never. so that’s why i’m gonna go. i’m gonna leave you alone. i’m g-gonna support you in whatever you want to do in the future. as long as you’re happy.”
   he tries for a smile, because that’s the way you’re meant to end these things, isn’t it? you smile, and you shake their hand or something, but draco can’t bring himself to do that, so he turns on his heel instead. he turns away from you, knowing this will be the last time, that there is absolutely no going back, no matter what horrible advice ron weasley gives him. he needs to get over you. he needs to let you go once and- 
   you grab his wrist and he stumbles. he stumbles because of your grip, but he stumbles, too, because his name on your lips will never get old. it’s music to him, music he never listens to because his father always said it was a waste of time. he basks in it, spinning around to meet your eyes, and his heart crumbles at the tears now rolling down your cheeks.
   his own eyes widen. “y/n-”
   “you’re so stupid,” you sob. “so fucking stupid, do you know that?” you wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a desperate hug. you sob into his shoulder, and draco is frozen, hands hovering over the small of your back, unsure how to take this reaction. “you’re literally the most idiotic person i’ve ever met in my life. how is it you? how is it always you?”
   draco blinks. “how is what always me?”
   “everything!” you wail, hugging him tighter. “it’s just always you, draco. always.”
    and draco still has no idea what you mean, but he’s learning to understand that maybe he doesn’t need to know what you mean all the time. maybe he just needs to be there for you to yell and cry and make no sense, and that will be enough.
   he wraps his arms around your waist, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. he’s never been any good at hugs, but he’s melting into this one. 
    “idiot,” you whisper into his neck. “thinking i’m just gonna let you leave like that. . . thinking i don’t like you back. . . thinking i’ve stopped thinking about you for even a second these past few days. . .”
    draco holds you tighter. 
   you pull away after a moment, quickly swiping your hand beneath your eyes. they are puffy now, red-rimmed, and draco knows he will have to explain this to ron in some way or the other without giving ron the benefit of knowing his advice might have actually been beneficial for once.
   “i think we both messed up a little bit,” you mumble through sniffles, wiping your nose on your sleeve. “my reaction wasn’t exactly very helpful, was it?”
   “well. . . no, but-” draco exhales. “i meant what i said, y/n; i never meant to hurt you. i would never do that.”
   your smile trembles. draco has only a second to smile back before you’re throwing your arms around him again, pulling him in for a hug that he is getting strangely fond of.
    your pen scratches against the paper. draco can’t sleep; he doesn’t really want to sleep, despite the hours of classes and quiddith practice he has to endure in a few hours time.
   you never sleep. not really. draco is convinced you live entirely off caffeine and words, staying up into the early hours of the morning with that notebook of yours, your muggle pen darting back and forth over the pages. he scolds you for it sometimes, but he’s always smiling, and you always roll your eyes in response.
    now, however, he has one arm thrown over your shoulders, watching you work. it’s already three in the morning, but he’s too enamoured to bother falling asleep; he’d rather stay up and watch you work.
    “bic,” he says out of nowhere, shattering the hours of silence the two of you had collected.
   you pause, looking up. your eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot. draco smiles. 
    “bic.” he nods at the pen in your hand. “that’s the name of your fancy muggle quill, isn’t it?”
   you frown, taking another second to catch onto what he means, despite the clear explanation he has just given. however, it eventually dawns on you, and you frown even more.
   “oh, right. yeah. bic. that’s the brand name.” you place it in draco’s hand. he holds it close to his face, squinting to read the tiny letters written in the plastic. “the best pens in the world, i’d say; much more practical than those bloody quills we have to use in class.”
   “nothing wrong with our quills,” draco says, tilting the pen back and forth, examining every inch of it. “mine cost me a good lot of money.”
   you scoff, snatching the pen back. “i’m sure it did. waste of a good lot of money, too, when you could have just bought a pack of twelve bic pens for a fiver.”
   draco furrows his brows. “a fiver? what’s that in real money?”
   you roll your eyes, smiling fondly, and it’s that very smile that has draco leaning forward to peck you on the lips. it takes you out of your work, which he knows will frustrate you in the morning when you wake up to see you didn’t get as much done as you might have liked, but for now, he doesn’t really care. not when you’re melting against him, dropping your dumb bic pen into the crease of your notebook so you can cling to him with both hands. 
   there are some days when draco thinks you love him only out of pity. he was the boy who lost himself to his feelings for you. he was the boy who came crawling back, the boy who was lost when he didn’t have you by his side. some days, draco has to ask you if you really want to be part of this relationship.
   but then you go and kiss him like this, and he is left with no doubt that you’ve meant every single “i love you.” then you go and hold his hand at the gryffindor table, smile fondly at him as he bickers with your friends, and he knows this relationship is not a chore for you. maybe, if he lets himself hope, he can convince himself that you love him as much as he loves you. 
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slurrmp · 3 years
                                          sensory prompts : 41:  A door closing
well - hello ... it’s been well over six months since my last fic and i just feel so bad about that. so here is my attempt at TRYING to get back into the swing of the things since the teaser for season 13 dropped a couple of days ago. everyones favourite reader is back and she’s just as hungover and depressed as ever. i hope y’all still enjoy my content sjakdhsl. 
warnings: alcoholism, withdrawal symptoms. typical j!reader swearing
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it had been a whole year. a year and three days. a year, three days and four hours since you started traveling with the doctor and her friends. the adventures had been odd to say the least, but it was nothing that you couldn’t handle. hell, you had been handling cheating spouses and upset mothers for the past three years, a change of pace had been nice for a change. you hadn’t thought about home for the last six months, the idea that the world wasn’t your problem anymore seemed to lift the weight off your shoulders and you felt a lot better about your situation.
But when you had asked for a trip back to your apartment, to make sure that you had everything in order before you disappeared again, was of course the wrong thing you could have done. The Doc had said it’d been only a couple of weeks since you had left and the amount of mail shoved underneath your door almost caused you to panic slightly, apparently people still wanted your help with finding lost animals, children or catch their cheating husbands, wives in the act. The Time Lord was trailing behind you (Yaz and the others had decided to explore downtown New York.), she was rambling something about one of the times she was in New York. The Empire State Building had been over run by Daleks, wanting to make human hybrids or something like that - truly you had tuned out when she said that they had created pig humans. That was a little too much for this early in the morning, that’s when you reminded your self that you should grab some Red Bull before you disappeared again. It wasn’t until your were close enough, that you noticed your front door was cracked open slightly and your hand shot out behind you - waving around slightly, until your fingers gripped onto the sleeve of the Doctor’s coat.
Coming to a stand still, your head tilted to the side ever so slightly - you may not have super hearing but you did know your level of the apartment practically had no one living on it anymore - so the rustling and the slamming of cupboards had to be coming from your place. “Planning on having visitors?” The Doctor questioned and looked back at you, the excited expression she had been wearing earlier was gone and replaced with a much more serious look. You knew that she had better hearing than you did and you now had to rely on her to give you the go ahead to step foot inside your home.
“Not that I remember,” you mumbled back - fingers gripping on her sleeve a little tighter, until you pulled her to stand next to you. Letting go, you looked over at her. “Unless I planned an appointment while drunk.” Hazel eyes narrowed down at you and you couldn’t help but shrug your shoulders. “I need employees.” The sound of glass smashing coming from inside your home caused your heart to jump in your chest, it was time like these that you carried something other than your strength and fists. Shaking your head slightly, the pair of you made your way to the front door. A deep breath in and your eyes caught the Doctor’s one more time, before she nodded her head and you pushed the door open and the pair of you stepped inside.
You were certain that you hadn’t left it in such a terrible condition, even if your home was sparsely filled with furniture, you knew that you did take care of the few items you owned. “I remember it being tidier than this,” You mumbled mostly to yourself, but the Doctor hummed in agreement as she stepped out in front of you, the light buzzing of her sonic screwdriver filled your ears as she moved down the corridor, making her way down to the even sparser living room. You took a left and stepped inside the small kitchen, eyes automatically landing upon the empty bottles of booze that were spread across the counter. The crunching sound underneath your foot caused you to look down, well - there’s the broken glass. Your hand started to twitch at the loss of the booze, brows furrowing deep on your brow, as a whine escaped your lips. “Who the hell got rid of my booze!” You exclaimed picking up the empty whiskey bottle that was precariously leaning just over the edge of the counter. Your lip curled upward and you had to close your eyes for a second. The twitching of hand caused your cheeks to flush and press it into your stomach. It was a little sad that the thought of no alcohol in your house was triggering your withdrawal symptoms. Letting your eyes open, after taking a deep breath in, they wandered over the bench until they noticed a piece of paper to the left of the sink. The white paper, with thick black marker on it was damp in a few places (either the alcohol, or water) Shoving the rest of the bottles out the way (a couple falling off the bench and smashing to the floor as well), you picked it up and squinted - the writing was eerily familiar.
        humanity sucks and they don’t deserve saving. why don’t you                                        join me instead, detective?- O
your brows furrowed even deeper on your forehead but before you could even comprehend the note, the sudden slamming of door off to your right caught your attention, paper falling to the floor instantly as you turned on your heel. Whiskey bottle clattering into the sink as you made your way out of the kitchen. “Doctor!” You called out, looking down the corridor, you couldn’t see her signature lilac coat and it was suddenly quiet no whirring of the sonic screwdriver. “Doc?” You called once more, cursing under your breath when she didn’t reply again. Shaking your head, you squared your shoulders and made your way down the corridor, only to turn into the bathroom - which connected to your bedroom. It was only until you came to the opposite door inside your bathroom, that you heard voices. 
“And hear I thought you only chose pets with a pure heart.” The voice was deep and oddly familiar, like you had heard it somewhere before and your eyes narrowed, as you tried your best to remember where it is you had heard this voice before. “This one - well she could fall off the wagon any second now.”
“What are you doing in her home?” That was the Doctor and she didn’t sound too happy - more shuffling around your bedroom, a bed creaking and you had to stop yourself from barging in right then and there.“How did you even find her home?”
“It wasn’t exactly that hard,” the other person continued. Your name fell off his lips and a shiver ran down your spine, you didn’t like the way that he said your name. “...one of the most notorious private detectives in the Hell’s Kitchen and Manhattan area.” A whir of something, that sounded like the screwdriver but you weren’t too sure. “She’s got quiet the reputation around here and well, wasn’t exactly that hard to find.” You shoved passed clothes that were still strewn on the floor, pressing an ear against your bedroom door. “Well, that is until you decided to intervene and taken her away.”
“What do you want with her?” The Doctor questioned and there was a manic laugh and suddenly the door you were leaning against was no longer underneath you and you were falling forwards, your eyes snapped shut as you just acceptedthe fact that you were about to fall flat on your face.But when you didn’t hit the hardwood floors, your eyes snapped open and you were suddenly staring into dark brown eyes.
“You!” You gasped and had to fight to get out of the grip he had around your waist. His lips pulled into a manic grin and the laugh returned, you saw the Doctor shift in her position just behind the pair of you but she didn’t intervene - at least not yet.
“Me.” The Master stared down at you and your heart couldn’t stop itself from beating overdrive. “Oh this is going to be so much fun!”
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