#Brunette replies
sailor-brunette · 6 months
Funny thing : both Cardia and Haruka are characters I love more than their love interest.
Yeah,funny how that happens. ^^;
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nosensedit · 11 months
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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cicadangel · 10 months
hello... i was away visiting w family ^_^ hmm um recent updates i read severance by ling ma and it was soooo good i rly loved its portrayal of the asian american experience it was so me... also i got the job i interviewed for last friday!!!! yayayay oh and also unfortunately i may have started liking that guy with the gf again oh shucks
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mzviella-archive · 2 years
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              ˙  ˖  ╱   ⊰           𝐌𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄  𝐶𝑂𝑁𝑁𝐸𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁𝑆 .        
ooc info: do lado da conexão está especificado os gêneros, por mais que sejam poucas exclusivas. sinta-se a vontade para sugerir mudanças ou alterações se você tiver alguma ideia! podemos sempre discutir mais detalhes se você preferir, da mesma forma que podemos também só fechar o plot e colocar os personagens para interagir para ver na prática como a dinâmica acontece.
001. something new ( f/m ) ─ completos opostos , é isso que maviella e muse são. na teoria, uma amizade entre eles não tem nada para dar certo. a realidade , no entanto , é totalmente diferente. talvez seja o fato de serem tão diferente que faz com que essa amizade dê certo , o que ninguém pode negar é que o par se completa e são sempre vistos juntos , perambulando para lá e para cá. ─ open +1 / @liatudo
002. party buddies ( m/f )  ─  sempre que muse está procurando algo pra fazer, é para maviella que elx liga. eles não se conhecem muito bem fora das festas, mas quando saem parecem melhores amigos. cuidam um do outro e nunca deixam ninguém para trás. a festa realmente não começa até que eles entrem. podem ter as melhores histórias juntxs, mas não sentem a necessidade de se misturar muito fora disso. ─ open (3).
003. slow burn ( f/m ) ─ batem de frente o tempo todo e não conseguem compartilhar o mesmo ambiente sem trocar provocações e xingamentos um com o outro. entretanto, eles têm uma enorme tensão sexual um pelo outro, o que é bastante óbvio para todos os outros menos para eles. vez ou outra, quando estão bêbados demais para raciocinarem direito, um acaba na cama do outro – mesmo que nunca admitam isso. ─ taken / @fantastictuberose
004. ruin the friendship ( m ) rock e muse sempre foram muito amigos, e sempre flertaram um com o outro quase como um hobby, mas nunca tiveram coragem de levar isso adiante. há pouco tempo, porém, em uma festa, os dois acabaram por beber demais e dormirem juntos, e desde então as coisas acabaram ficando estranhas entre eles, já que não sabem mais como agir estando na presença do outro. ─ taken / @pyratesbcware​
005. you look like trouble ( m )  ─  “ele é problema“, ”toma cuidado“, eram umas das muitas coisas que seus amigos falavam para a alertar sobre muse, mas aquilo parecia apenas atiçar sua curiosidade sobre o mesmo. ─  open.​
006. friends to foes ( f/m ) ─  muse e maviella eram inseparáveis. porém algo aconteceu (motivo a ser discutido), o que acabou com a amizade deles. por terem sido extremamente próximos antes, sabem coisas um do outro que definitivamente poderia ser usado como chantagem.  ─ open.
007. a dynamic duo ( f )  ─  todos sabem como rock e muse são próximas. vivem coladas uma na outra, e são assim desde há muitos anos, então fica claro que são melhores amigas. estão sempre lá uma pra outra, independente do que for. ─ taken / @ayferrou
008. you’re not so bad yourself ( m )  ─  ambos são extremamente próximos e íntimos ─ tanto que não veem problema em dormir na mesma cama e nem em andarem de braços cruzados um no outro nos corredores. para eles, a proximidade é normal e eles se veem quase como irmãos, nada mais. entretanto, quem os vê de fora consegue presumir muito fácil que eles namoram ou, pelo menos, têm sentimentos um pelo outro. ─ open.
009. down for whatever ( m )  ─  seguindo a linha de pensamento de “you look like trouble” / muse e maviella se “conheceram” em uma festa, na qual a garota estava extremamente bêbada. muse viu o seu estado, e decidiu ajudá-la, mas sabia que teria que fazer longe da multidão, então a levou para seu quarto, onde passou a noite com ela lá. depois disso eles acabaram virando grandes amigos, e apesar de ter ajudá-la a evitar um problema naquela noite, muse vive colocando rock em problemas, mas ela adora e sempre se diverte. ─ open.
010. just for fun ( f/m )  ─  começou com um one night stand, e acabou virando outro, e depois outro… quase como um ciclo. qualquer festa, eles já sabiam que no final da noite acabariam juntos. talvez tivesse algum sentimento no meio, mas ambos eram cabeça duras demais para admitirem. até que rock decidiu acabar tudo, deixando muse sem entender o porque. ─ open.
011. celebrity crush ( f/m )  ─ rock está mais do que acostumada com a vida sob os holofotes e precisou aprender a conviver com tablóides e mídia que não eram nada agradáveis por ela ser filha de vilã. entretanto, as más conversas não impediram muse de ter maviella como sua crush celebridade, o que não era um problema para ela também, que acha até a situação engraçada. ─ open.
012. who’s better? ( f/m ) ─ maviella tende a ser extremamente competitiva, e muse é igualmente competitivx, se não pior. costumam competir por absolutamente tudo e, mesmo que um não esteja interessado em algo, é só saber que o outro está para automaticamente querer o mesmo. ─ open +1 / @sistcmasolaris
013. ride or die ( f/m ) ─ rock e muse são a casa um do outro. se sentem completamente seguros e protegidos na presença do outro. juntos, eles são quem são, não há razão para fingir. dão o suporte que precisam para construir sobre o que já está dentro deles. muse e a grimhilde se fazem sorrir e rir deliberadamente, pois se sentem confortáveis o suficiente um com o outro para serem vulneráveis dessa forma. a relação que eles tem é extremamente especial. ─ taken / @alisnoball
014. secret friendship ( f/m - filhx de mocinho ) ─ por mais que maviella e muse sejam de “lados opostos”, eles escolheram deixar a rivalidade externa para trás e iniciar uma amizade. se encontrarem um ao outro na rua (ou quando estão com familiares/amigos), não se cumprimentarão e possivelmente farão algum comentário negativo para disfarçar. ─ taken / @atlasrella​
015. youngblood ( m ) ─ muse e maviella tiveram um relacionamento complicado. nunca foram assumidamente um casal, o que desencadeou vários desentendimentos por nenhum dos dois saber quais eram os limites da relação. brigas e ciúmes eram constantes, então os dois acharam melhor colocar um ponto final de uma vez no que mantinham. o que não deu muito certo, já que até hoje vivem tendo recaídas um com o outro e por vezes ainda brigam como antigamente. ─ open.
016. frenemies ( f ) ─ é claro que a grimhilde carrega consigo inúmeras desavenças. com muse, entretanto, é diferente. apesar de rock irritá-la imensamente, elas não deixam de reconhecer que não conseguem, necessariamente, se odiar. quando se encontram em situações difíceis, são incapazes de demonstrar indiferença ou acrescentar aos problemas, e acabam por se ajudarem. em mais de uma situação, demonstraram suporte uma a outra mas não parecem capazes de manter uma boa convivência por muito tempo, e ambas parecem reconhecer que os comentários ácidos são parte de um costume adquirido e nada mais, algo que se limitam a esclarecer. ─ open.
017. be wild ( f/m ) ─ maviella é uma das pessoas que acham que muse precisa de um pouco de diversão e menos didática, sempre tentando convencê-lx a ir consigo até o castigo e ver o melhor do pior lugar. só que muse é arredia demais para ceder, sorte – ou azar – é que rock não tem cara de quem desiste fácil. ─ open.
018. family friends ( f/m - filhx de vilão ) ─ as famílias dos dois sempre foram muito próximas, e consequentemente, os dois se conhecem desde que se lembram. estavam sempre se encontrando pelo castigo e acabaram crescendo sendo bem acostumados com a presença alheia. ─ open (ilimited) / @zunbilandia​
019. curses ( f/m ) ─ claro que ser uma bruxa têm suas vantagens; todo mundo sabe o que uma varinha é capaz de fazer, com o auxílio de um livro de feitiços, então? maviella se aperfeiçoou como pôde ao longos dos anos, embora ainda esteja em fase de treinamento, como dito por merlin, mas ela vende, mesmo assim, feitiços em potes. muse é um de seus clientes assíduos, talvez tendo sido seu primeiro, que acabou por espalhar a palavra dos feitiços mais.. acessíveis aos legados. se estiver ao alcance da grimhilde, ela o faz. não precisa ser moralmente correto. ela se diverte sendo agente do caos. porém, não vá pensando que é fácil chegar em maviella. poucos sabem que é realmente ela por trás de tudo isso! e ela te faz esquecer depois, transformando em uma vaga lembrança de ter encontrado-a numa sala vazia depois da aula. para quê? não há brechas para perguntas. ─ open (ilimited).
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OKAY BUT YOU LOOK SO DIFFERENT TO HOW I PICTURED YOU WHAAAATTTT???like i know it's a picrew and I've never seen your face but-
Still cute tho <3
Okay now I’m super curious: how did you picture me?? What vibes do I give off??? I absolutely must know.
(but thank you for calling me cute! Your picrew is also adorable. <3)
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lesbiantahani · 10 months
I've been Very slowly watching Yellowjackets and I'm only partially through episode 3. Everything I know about the show has been learned thru memes, tiktok edits, and a friend. I only know the names+faces of the main main girls (Nat, misty, etc.) And while I know a lot of other names I don't know who's who. I also keep seeing new names and I'm not convinced the fans aren't just making people up. Like. Who the fuck are Callie and Melissa?
I also know who Lottie is but I think I keep confusing her with Gen and/or Mari?? Which isn't to say they look similar. I just do not know who anyone is. I should probably look up a cast list so I can put names to faces but I think blindly confusing everyone for each other is the best way to enjoy the show.
LMAOOO skdksdk this is so funny im so sorry this is ur plight anon. my advice is do exactly that just look up the imbd and have it while watching and i prommy you'll memorise them in no time <3
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angelicbabydolll · 1 year
What's your type?
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illusiolily · 1 year
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˙  ˖  ╱   ⊰⠀ 𝐿𝐼𝐿𝐼𝑇𝐻 𝐷𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑈𝑋 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒   ⊱   do lado da conexão está especificado os gêneros, por mais que sejam poucas exclusivas. sinta-se a vontade para sugerir mudanças ou alterações se você tiver alguma ideia! podemos sempre discutir mais detalhes se você preferir, da mesma forma que podemos também só fechar o plot e colocar os personagens para interagir para ver na prática como a dinâmica acontece.
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ՙ     001. SOMETHING NEW ( f/m ) ─ completos opostos , é isso que lilith e muse são. na teoria, uma amizade entre eles não tem nada para dar certo. a realidade , no entanto, é totalmente diferente. talvez seja o fato de serem tão diferente que faz com que essa amizade dê certo , o que ninguém pode negar é que o par se completa e são sempre vistos juntos , perambulando para lá e para cá. ─ OPEN +2
ՙ     002. PARTY BUDDIES ( m/f )  ─  sempre que muse está procurando algo pra fazer, é para lilith que elx liga. eles não se conhecem muito bem fora das festas, mas quando saem parecem melhores amigos. cuidam um do outro e nunca deixam ninguém para trás. a festa realmente não começa até que eles entrem. podem ter as melhores histórias juntxs, mas não sentem a necessidade de se misturar muito fora disso. ─ OPEN (3) / @szkalas​
ՙ     003. SLOW BURN ( f/m ) ─ batem de frente o tempo todo e não conseguem compartilhar o mesmo ambiente sem trocar provocações e xingamentos um com o outro. entretanto, eles têm uma enorme tensão sexual um pelo outro, o que é bastante óbvio para todos os outros menos para eles. vez ou outra, quando estão bêbados demais para raciocinarem direito, um acaba na cama do outro – mesmo que nunca admitam isso. ─ OPEN.​
ՙ     004. RUIN THE FRIENDSHIP ( m ) lily e muse sempre foram muito amigos, e sempre flertaram um com o outro quase como um hobby, mas nunca tiveram coragem de levar isso adiante. há pouco tempo, porém, em uma festa, os dois acabaram por beber demais e dormirem juntos, e desde então as coisas acabaram ficando estranhas entre eles, já que não sabem mais como agir estando na presença do outro. ─ OPEN.​​
ՙ     005. YOU LOOK LIKE TROUBLE ( m ) ─  “ele é problema“, ”toma cuidado“, eram umas das muitas coisas que seus amigos falavam para a alertar sobre muse, mas aquilo parecia apenas atiçar sua curiosidade sobre o mesmo. ─ OPEN.​
ՙ     006. FRIENDS TO FOES ( f/m ) ─  muse e lilith eram inseparáveis. porém algo aconteceu (motivo a ser discutido), o que acabou com a amizade deles. por terem sido extremamente próximos antes, sabem coisas um do outro que definitivamente poderia ser usado como chantagem.  ─ OPEN.
ՙ     007. A DYNAMIC DUO ( f )  ─  todos sabem como lily e muse são próximas. vivem coladas uma na outra, e são assim desde há muitos anos, então fica claro que são melhores amigas. estão sempre lá uma pra outra, independente do que for. ─ TAKEN / @beyzaminhaboca​
ՙ     008. YOU’RE NOT SO BAD YOURSELF ( m )  ─  ambos são extremamente próximos e íntimos ─ tanto que não veem problema em dormir na mesma cama e nem em andarem de braços cruzados um no outro nos corredores. para eles, a proximidade é normal e eles se veem quase como irmãos, nada mais. entretanto, quem os vê de fora consegue presumir muito fácil que eles namoram ou, pelo menos, têm sentimentos um pelo outro. ─ OPEN.
ՙ     009. DOWN FOR WHATEVER ( m )  ─  seguindo a linha de pensamento de “you look like trouble” / muse e lilith se “conheceram” em uma festa, na qual a garota estava extremamente bêbada. muse viu o seu estado, e decidiu ajudá-la, mas sabia que teria que fazer longe da multidão, então a levou para seu quarto, onde passou a noite com ela lá. depois disso eles acabaram virando grandes amigos, e apesar de ter ajudá-la a evitar um problema naquela noite, muse vive colocando lilith em problemas, mas ela adora e sempre se diverte. ─ TAKEN / @vomallnasprovas​
ՙ     010. JUST FOR FUN ( f/m )  ─  começou com um one night stand, e acabou virando outro, e depois outro… quase como um ciclo. qualquer festa, eles já sabiam que no final da noite acabariam juntos. talvez tivesse algum sentimento no meio, mas ambos eram cabeça duras demais para admitirem. até que lily decidiu acabar tudo, deixando muse sem entender o porque. ─ OPEN.
ՙ     011. NOTICE ME ( f/m )  ─ lilith jamais iria admitir que sente ou já sentiu algo por muse, que sempre foi alguém qual ela gostou muito de ter por perto. fazem muitas coisas juntos, viagens, passeios, brincadeiras e noites em claro. ela nunca arriscaria perder aquilo por conta dos seus sentimentos. ─ OPEN.
ՙ     012. WHO’S BETTER? ( f/m ) ─ lilith tende a ser extremamente competitiva, e muse é igualmente competitivx, se não pior. costumam competir por absolutamente tudo e, mesmo que um não esteja interessado em algo, é só saber que o outro está para automaticamente querer o mesmo. ─ OPEN +2.​
ՙ     013. RIDE OR DIE ( f/m ) ─ lilith e muse são a casa um do outro. se sentem completamente seguros e protegidos na presença do outro. juntos, eles são quem são, não há razão para fingir. dão o suporte que precisam para construir sobre o que já está dentro deles. muse e a deveraux se fazem sorrir e rir deliberadamente, pois se sentem confortáveis o suficiente um com o outro para serem vulneráveis dessa forma. a relação que eles tem é extremamente especial. ─ OPEN.​
ՙ     014. SECRET FRIENDSHIP ( f/m - nobreza ) ─ por mais que lilith e muse sejam de “lados opostos”, eles escolheram deixar a rivalidade externa para trás e iniciar uma amizade. se encontrarem um ao outro na rua (ou quando estão com familiares/amigos), não se cumprimentarão e possivelmente farão algum comentário negativo para disfarçar. ─ OPEN.​​
ՙ     015. YOUNGBLOOD ( m ) ─ muse e lilith tiveram um relacionamento complicado. nunca foram assumidamente um casal, o que desencadeou vários desentendimentos por nenhum dos dois saber quais eram os limites da relação. brigas e ciúmes eram constantes, então os dois acharam melhor colocar um ponto final de uma vez no que mantinham. o que não deu muito certo, já que até hoje vivem tendo recaídas um com o outro e por vezes ainda brigam como antigamente. ─ OPEN.
ՙ     016. FRENEMIES ( f ) ─ é claro que a deveraux carrega consigo inúmeras desavenças. com muse, entretanto, é diferente. apesar de lily irritá-la imensamente, elas não deixam de reconhecer que não conseguem, necessariamente, se odiar. quando se encontram em situações difíceis, são incapazes de demonstrar indiferença ou acrescentar aos problemas, e acabam por se ajudarem. em mais de uma situação, demonstraram suporte uma a outra mas não parecem capazes de manter uma boa convivência por muito tempo, e ambas parecem reconhecer que os comentários ácidos são parte de um costume adquirido e nada mais, algo que se limitam a esclarecer. ─ TAKEN / @saorvk​
ՙ     017. BE WILD ( f/m ) ─ lilith é uma das pessoas que acham que muse precisa de um pouco de diversão e menos didática, sempre tentando convencê-lx a ir consigo em aventuras perigosas e ver o melhor do pior lugar. só que muse é arredia demais para ceder, sorte – ou azar – é que lily não tem cara de quem desiste fácil. ─ TAKEN / @jolynejo​
ՙ     018. ATTRACTION ( f/m ) ─ a tensão entre ambos é quase palpável, mas nunca ficaram. talvez a mágica esteja muito mais no flerte do que no que vem a seguir, por isso nenhum dos dois nunca dá um passo à frente. ─ OPEN.
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felucians · 2 years
one day i will make the meta post about white women asking for more women led stories in star wars and using stories led by men of color as examples on how star wars isn't diverse but today is not that day.
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austerulous · 2 years
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Saint Adeline has joined the roster.  As a test muse, or so I’m telling myself abshdh.
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sailor-brunette · 6 months
I love your icon, Haruka Nanami is my favorite reverse harem heroine with Cardia
Thanks! The reverse harem/otome heroines don't get enough love!
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reenybopper · 6 months
Ever been blonde or thought of going blonde?
Hahaha nooo I haven’t! Probably one of the only hair colors I do not think I could pull off! I secretly don’t really care for blonde hair….
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bambiesfics · 2 months
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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗘𝗹𝘀’ 𝗖𝗼𝗰𝗸 — Ellie x Bimbo!reader
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𝜗𝜚 Author’s notes ✦ Butch/femme dynamics, Ellie’s butch, wears a strap. Refers to it as cock, dick etc. Reader’s a bimbo. Just a filthy, filthy description of how you have to cockwarm your butch girlfriend, Ellie. Slight aftercare at the end too for you, considering how much she just stretched your tiny hole.
𝜗𝜚 If you find yourself uncomfortable with the themes in this fic, maybe try educating yourself on Butch sexuality. This heartfelt post may give you a sense of Ellie’s headspace. And this
!!! [ Please help Palestine ] !!!
kisses u. ⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ˚⟡.
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You were restless and lonely. Ellie had spent the better part of the afternoon preoccupied with the LED modules shuffled in her laptop, attempting to receive her ServSafe certificate. The online test had been eating up all her time, and Ellie sometimes chastised you for being overly needy n’ pouty when she had her hands full with things to do. So you tried to not add to her plate by pressing for attention, or conversation today. No matter how much you wanted to chit-chat with her. You wanted to be good more than anything.
No one saw you and Ellie as a compatible match, if it wasn’t already made visually obvious, it was definitely made obvious the second you popped your pink lips open to speak, while the brunette butch brooded behind you. This was a chance to shush all those insecurities that crept over you and told you that Ellie could be with a smarter, more capable, more self-reliant girl. You wanted to be a good fit for her. So you distracted yourself by jumping through social media apps, flipping through old cosmo magazines, and touching up the corner of your acrylic toe set with some white polish you kept carefully placed in her desk. But none of that worked. You were bored with everything you’d tried. Worse, your girlfriend had been looking so handsome in her loose plaid button up and dad jeans, as she slumped in her kitchen stool. It was getting so hard to remain detached and unaffected by the pristine silence in the house when you would pass by to check up on her.
Every so often Ellie’s pretty face would cutely scrunch up whenever she was puzzled by a question, which made for very testing times. But not as testing as when Ellie did that thing where she yanked at and ruffled her scruffy wolf cut, when she was in deep concentration. It was the cutest little boyish tic. You had nearly broken your own resolve to go run to her arms and litter her cheeks in glossy kisses. Which all made it so hard to have her near, as handsome as she was, and have her not even look up at you once. Not even allowed to step in her embrace, held by her toned arms, her sweet cologne and that woodsy scented jacket.
You were moping, and that moping turned into whining, and whining turned into annoyed flashes from Ellie’s eyes every time you got too squeaky. Those flashes turned into scowls, and that led to Ellie groaning at you.
“Can I help you with something?”
Ellie’s face was unamused, and it made you straighten your spine.
“Great. Thanks.” She replied, her voice was just dripping in sarcasm. But that little flash of attention you had received filled your tummy with happy butterflies, until it went right back to her laptop.
You felt a twinge in your chest at how quickly she tuned you out. Did she not wanna talk to you at all? Ask about your day? Wanna know about the influencer gossip you found online? None of it?
“Meanie” you pouted while nudging your chin into your palm and clacking your acrylics on the granite. She didn’t have to say it so mean, she was usually sweeter n’ sillier. But today Ellie was a big meanie.
Ellie huffed and held back a massive eye roll. She stuck her head deeper into her laptop, she had to pretend you weren’t there. This test was important to her. You were too, but this seriously mattered more. Ellie needed more money. She needed to find a better apartment to rent, she needed to be able to support you the way she wanted too, and she needed a position with better hours so she could visit Joel's grave more regularly. You knew all that, so Ellie knew your whining wasn’t from ignorance, it was from childishness. She hated indulging you when you were childish. It was bad manners.
But she also knew if this went on long enough you might start silently crying in your pillow because you felt like your girlfriend hated you. You were clearly feeling neglected by Ellie, and coupled with her little sarcastic quip just a moment ago, Ellie wouldn’t put it past you to start sniffling within the next few hours. You were so pathetic. Ellie often joked that if you weren’t human you would’ve been the little runt abandoned by your pack for being so weak and whiny. And Ellie would’ve been a large reptile; a komodo dragon, who felt bad enough that instead of eating your tiny ass she would’ve raised you. Ellie had a weird little obsession with pliocene history, and because you were dumb, with a brain full of makeup and miniskirts, it went over your head 99% of the time. But Ellie knew you well, and she knew that more than outright being ignored, you hated the feeling that you made Els upset with you. It was your little runt nature, to always seek the validation of the large cold-blooded reptile in charge of your care that could still decide to eat you if you pissed her off enough. This relationship was almost ironically engineered.
Ellie understood you way too well.
Ellie tugged at her hair, because GOD you were such a piece of work. An adorable one, but still, a piece of fucking work!
“Okay.” Ellie breathed out. She ran her palms down her jeans, and spread her thighs farther apart. When Ellie manspread like that, you knew what it meant. But you still wanted her to say it. “Come here baby, come take a seat on me.”
“You sure?” you said hesitantly. Your gaze nervously flickered between her lap and floor.
“Need my baby girl right here,” Ellie said. She cocked her eyebrow and grabbed her bulge tightly. Enticing you.
Your eyes flew open. Your mouth opened and closed repeatedly, like a gaping fish. You wanted Ellie’s attention, maybe to perch on her lap while she worked, but that movement meant something else entirely.
Ellie continued on, enjoying the surprise on your face a little too much. “Since you can’t sit still, come sit on this.” Ellie pulled her zipper down slowly, and shoved her fist in the opening; to fish out her hard cock out of her boxers, and rest it on her thigh. You gulped.
Your eyes fluttered between looking at Ellie's long shaft, and at her face. You could tell from her expression that she wasn’t bluffing. She looked very amused, and very curious as to what you’d do next. “W-what about your test?” You quipped. She lifted the base of her cock, “don’t worry about that, just come take a quick seat on this until you feel better.” You went to her lap, and nervously kept looking back at the cock she expected you to sink onto as you backed up on Ellie’s thighs. Ellie whispered “Why are you nervous princess? You’ve taken this before.”
Which made your hole flutter from the teasing smugness in her voice.
You had taken Ellie’s cock before. But after some prep, after lots of kisses from her, and after your slick was coating your engorged pussy lips from intense arousal. Not by just sitting on it while she was busy attacking a server’s exam.
Your eyes were glossy, Ellie found them so sparkly. You bunched your babydoll camisole higher up your tummy, and spread your ass cheeks. It was a good thing you loved prancing around Ellie’s apartment with no panties, it made spontaneous poundings so much easier. You lined up your hole with Ellie’s cockhead. “Good, now just sink down.” She fisted the base of her dick towards your vagina to help you. You slowly sunk onto her cock, taking it inch by inch. “Nhng, Ellie! feels too big, too big!” You clamped up as another inch forcefully popped through that tight little entrance. Ellie shushed you softly, rubbing circles in your back as she fed you her cock, until she was buried only a few inches deep. You couldn’t take her all the way down, and somehow you were so full. It felt like Ellie’s cock was pressing deep into your tummy. You had to hold back from whining to her about how her cock was definitely in your stomach, probably poking around in there. She’d shushed you for that silly idea once before and teased you for being so airheaded. Not like Ellie had expected you to have any better than a ditzy girl's understanding of anatomy anyway.
But as you felt her cock stretch you open, it was starting to feel like that again, like her cock was in your womb. It felt like Ellie was taking up all the space inside of you. She stretched your plump walls around her like you were her fleshlight. A fleshlight that was stretched to mold around every vein and ridge in Ellie’s cock.
You flexed your ass cheeks, and clamped your cunt around her cock, you tested for how much give you had to bounce up and down. But you gave up almost as soon as you tried lifting off the first time. The base of her cock was just too thick. Ellie felt stuck inside you. Like a wedding band wrapped around a chubby finger. You whimpered at the way her cockhead bumped all those squishy places inside your cunt. Ellie reassured you “Shhh don’t worry about bouncing baby, I’m nearly splitting you open. Just stay right here and get used to this angle.” Ellie turned her gaze back towards her laptop, and picked up from the last module she left off at.
Meanwhile your lower lip was trembling because your girlfriend's cock was resting inside your vagina, it was poking your cervix and rubbing along your walls in ways that made your tummy feel funny. The soreness was starting to subside but the fullness didn’t, and you wanted to move around a little bit. “E-Ellie i-it’s hard to move. No room,” you pouted over your shoulder.
“You don’t have to move, baby. You’re in timeout. Just sit and get my cock nice n’ warm.” Ellie turned her gaze back to her laptop as her other fingers drew slow circles in your lower back. It was such a brazenly lazy attempt at support, but Ellie’s main goal was to distract you — not make you feel pampered.
But you’d get that after anyway.
You tried grinding her cock in you, just to put the pressure of her cockhead in other places and not directly kissing the roof of your cunt. Ellie’s eyes flickered to where you two were connected and she thumbed the sensitive skin there. Which made you pull off slightly, you mewled at the sensitization you felt from her ministrations. Your hole was throbbing everywhere.
Ellie moaned at the sight, “you’re stretched so thin here, how did I fit inside you?”
You kept up with your poor attempts to grind n’ gyrate, so Ellie’s gaze traveled up towards your hips. She palmed your squishy ass; then skirted her fingers over your asshole. Ellie sunk her thumb into your asshole, just stopping at the first knuckle where her metal ring rested and whispered in your back. “I told you to stay baby.”
“Ellie no! Don’t touch over there!” You cried from embarrassment, you got so hot when she did that.
She smiled into your back “Why you shy cause I’m thumbing you right here? After your tiny cunt just swallowed my entire length? Please” Ellie smiled into your back.
Ellie’s attention kept jumping between completing her modules and questions and groping some sensitive part of your body. She’d mutter “You’re so tiny, wish you could see how much you’re stretched around me, plugged you up good.” Just to watch the hairs on your nape rise and watch how your hole contracted around her length from her words. Ellie rolled her narrow hips in circular motions, letting you get some little relief from the fat cock bullying your hole, by giving you some friction. The friction felt amazing on her clit too, rubbing along the puffy nub in a way that made heat pool in her belly.
Soon enough Ellie was biting back her own horny grunts, pressure building in her own cunt from the press of the harness. She kept up a slow circular grind to make her little baby feel good, and not feel so stretched out. But Ellie really considered chasing a silent orgasm for herself, it felt delicious to be in you.
You were dizzy with sensations, cock bumping your spongy g-spot just right. Your neglected clit was angry and red, but you were drunk on Ellie’s grinding. You were slurring all whiny “love your fat cock s’much Ellie. S’much ahh, love your coo-ock ahnnng.” Ellie’s hands came up to grope and squeeze your fatty tits. Because FUCK YOU for nearly making her bust after saying that. She kept grinding until your sloppy hole was doing butterflies on her cock. Slick dripping past the seal where you were wrapped around her shaft. Your hole was squeezing and releasing, over and over again as your orgasm tipped you over the edge and your toes turned pointed straight. The bottom of your fingers and palms had turned pink and red from how tight your fist was.
Ellie slowed down the grinding, she was happy enough you got your orgasm. The grinding felt nice on her clit, but she was more grateful at the fact that you might get sleepy and tap out. And she’d actually get some work done for once.
Ellie pulled you off her cock, and onto her lap. She smoothed a hand down your back as you winced when she pulled out. Your cum dribbled out of your weeping little pussy, globs of stringy cum seeped into Ellie’s pants after being plugged up by her cock. It was a mess you frequently made on Ellie after sex. It was evidence of a job well done; and a satiated princess.
You sniffled as you turned in Ellie’s embrace. “You sleepy?” Ellie asked
“Mhmmm” you moaned in her shoulder.
“I got you, you little princess. C’mon hold onto my shirt” Ellie guided your trembling hand to the collar of her button up and shushed you with sweet words about how “well you took her.” Ellie rocked you softly as she went back to her test, by the time you’d knocked out she’d completed a good chunk of her modules. She rocked you until your sniffles had quieted and you were fast asleep on her lap. She tucked her cock haphazardly into her boxers. You could sink onto it again after you woke up from your short nap.
Ellie spanked your ass, and felt the recoil jiggle against her palm. She shushed you again as you stirred from the assault. She whispered “I deserve a little treat after dealing with this bratty ass all day. I’m joking… I got you baby.”
After 45 minutes of not a single distraction to pull her attention away, Ellie completed her test. A solid 93%, way above a passing grade. Good enough to get her ServSafe certificate, and definitely good enough to start serving at her restaurant, and get better pay and better tips.
Ellie kissed the top of your head,
“Did it, peach.”
“Did’itttt wedidi...” You slurred into her chest. She smelled like sweet cologne. Your dreams were so happy.
She smiled into your hair.
Mhm yeah. We both did it.
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navybrat817 · 1 month
Sergeant Snuggles
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky wants you to get some much needed rest. Word Count: Over 1.6k Warnings: Fluff, swearing, humor, reader is tired, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning and the best boyfriend, okay?). A/N: I'm tired. I want Bucky to fix my schedule. Again! ❤️Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You should’ve taken the afternoon off. You knew that. There was no reason for you to remain in the building beyond your earlier debriefing. The mission you completed was successful, but you hardly slept over the last few days because of it. Describing yourself as tired was an understatement.
But you had a tendency to stretch yourself thin at times and were stubborn, a trait Bucky both loved and fought you on.
The beautiful brunette you were lucky enough to call your boyfriend leaned over in his chair as you stifled a yawn. “That’s the fifth time you’ve done that in the last two minutes,” he whispered low enough to not draw attention.
“Glad you’re keeping count,” you whispered back, feeling his steel eyes linger on you as before he turned his focus back to Steve. At least he didn’t say he told you so after you turned down his suggestion this morning to call in.
You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye, the stubble on his strong jawline catching your attention. He hadn’t shaved in a few days. Hardly slept either. Still looked gorgeous.
How was that fair?
“Just take a break,” he urged, tucking a strand of his long hair behind his ear. “It’ll help.”
“No, I’m fine,” you argued, picking up your drink and downing the rest of it, as if it would give you a boost. “We have a busy day. I don’t have time to use one of the pods.”
S.H.I.E.L.D. had recently built a lounge area for agents to rest and recoup during the day and between missions. Some of the pods were large enough for two people to rest comfortably together. Why not cuddle with your soldier for a short time? As nice as it sounded, you had to get through a few more hours of work.
“I love you, but you’re about two seconds away from putting your head on the table,” Bucky whispered, your heart skipping a beat. It did that whenever he professed his love for you. But you were also feeling a bit grouchy, even though he was only trying to help
“And I love you, but I’m about two seconds away from flipping this table,” you hissed before Steve cleared his throat. “Sorry,” you added sheepishly. It wasn’t his fault the mission cost you precious sleep.
The blonde’s brow furrowed. Like Bucky, he knew you pushed yourself too hard some days. You had to though. You weren't a super soldier like they were. “It’s okay,” he said before he continued.
Exhaustion veiled your normally bright and attentive gaze. The Captain had a commanding presence, yet your eyelids drooped as he kept talking. You weren’t sure if you were able to fall asleep sitting up and you didn’t want to find out. With a shake of your head, you had to try and fight the waves of drowsiness that crashed in your mind and washed over your body.
It was a losing battle. You used to laugh at memes that talked about meetings that could’ve been done in an email, but it didn’t seem so humorous now that you were living it. Why didn't you just stay home?
You jolted when your boyfriend suddenly placed his hand on your thigh and you wished you could say you blamed it on his touch. “What? What happened?” You asked. Did you fall asleep or just zone out?
“The meeting’s over,” he replied, nodding to the now empty room. You hadn’t seen anyone walk out. That wasn’t good.
“Shit.” You rubbed your temple, an ache building in your head. You’d have to apologize to Steve later because there was no way you retained anything he stated. “What time is it?”
Bucky checked his watch with a slight frown. “It’s 10:55.”
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.
“Yeah.” Bucky’s lip twitched in a smile when you realized you said that out loud. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.”
You huffed, your head cloudy again before you slumped in your chair. There was no way you’d make it through the day, as much as you wanted to try. You were useless in this condition. “Okay. I may need a nap,” you admitted.
He smiled softly as he pushed his chair back and held out his hand. “I had a feeling. That’s why I booked us one of the pods before we got here,” he said. It shouldn't have come as a surprise. He knew you better than you knew yourself. “Let's go.”
You pouted, but took his outstretched hand. “Are you sure I can't just try and suck it up?” You asked, covering your mouth with your other hand when you yawned yet again. “There’s still work to do.”
“And you're not going to finish it right this second,” he stated firmly, the drop in his voice making your throat go dry. He meant business when he used that tone. “You're going to let everyone else handle it, and they can handle it, and you are going to get some rest.”
You loved this man for putting up with and caring for you. “Yes, Sergeant, but I still don't want a nap,” you grumbled, wondering just how whiny you sounded.
He chuckled, the sound making you giggle. It was infectious. “Just twenty minutes. It’s all I'm asking for to start. You worked hard and deserve a nap,” he said, sneaking a soft kiss in when you pouted again. “If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for me? Please?”
Something vulnerable flashed in his eyes before he blinked it away. Nightmares still plagued him and you discovered that he rested easier with you beside him. Your presence didn’t always chase the horrors away, but it helped. Maybe he needed this nap just as much as you did.
What kind of partner would you be if you didn't help?
“Okay, Bucko. For you,” you smiled, leaning into his side as he guided you down the hall. You’d do anything for him. “You know, my caffeine let me down,” you added.
“I know, baby.”
“It’s a betrayal. It was supposed to stimulate me,” you mumbled.
“I know, baby,” he said again, going along with your tired rambling. “But we both know I stimulate better than that ever could.”
“Yeah, you do,” you smiled. He was very good at that. “And this is a good excuse for us to cuddle.”
“As long as you get some sleep, you can have all the cuddles you want,” he promised.
A tired smile touched your lips. “I should call you Sergeant Snuggles.”
It was at that moment that Sam walked by, the smirk on his face telling you that he at least caught the nickname you just came up with. Your gaze flickered to Bucky’s profile, catching the clench in his jaw as he stared at his colleague and friend. It was a sexy look, but now wasn’t the time to think about that. And Sam, the good man he was, didn't say a word. He nodded and went on his way.
Which likely meant he pocketed the nickname to bring up at a later time.
“Sorry,” you whispered, hoping you hadn’t embarrassed him.
Fondness took over Bucky's blue eyes when he swung his gaze back toward you. “Don't be sorry. You can call me whatever you want,” he assured you, taking you into the longue.
The low light created a peaceful atmosphere and you found yourself longing for relaxation as Bucky brought you to the pod furthest in the corner. He helped you in before he climbed in beside you, his massive frame making you feel safe and warm as he held you against him. His fingers moved along your back in a slow and soothing pattern and your breathing began to match his after a minute. It made it easy for your eyes to slip shut.
You still couldn’t believe that you had someone in your life like Bucky. The man did everything in his power to put your needs first and make sure he took care of you. Not because he didn’t think you were strong or capable enough to do so yourself, but because he recognized that you didn’t have to do everything alone. That was why he was your partner.
In work, in love, and in life.
“Thanks, Bucky,” you sighed, wishing you were awake enough to say how much you appreciated him. “Sorry for whining and bitching and being stubborn.”
“You don’t need to thank me and you didn’t whine or bitch. I’ll give you stubborn though,” he said, casually tossing a leg over you before you could move away. If you asked it of him, he’d lay on top of you like a blanket. “Just get some sleep and don’t push yourself today, please. I’ll feel a lot better if you relax.”
You’d feel a lot better, too. “One more question and I will.”
He hummed as he waited for you to speak.
“What's the policy on sex in the pods?” You asked, resting a hand on his chest and feeling his heart start to race. “For future us, for the record. I love you, but we’re not trying somnophilia here today.”
He exhaled a laugh against your forehead before he kissed it, warmth spreading like a balm through your head. “I love you, too,” he whispered. Dragging his lips down to yours. “And I’m sure we can find a way to make it work, but not until you rest, okay? Need you at one hundred percent for that.”
“Yes, Sergeant Snuggles,” you replied, feeling him hold you a little tighter before you finally got some much needed sleep.
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I hope this reads well. 🤣 I'm le tired. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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coryosbaby · 4 months
Mascara || T. Riddle
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Fandom: ‘Harry Potter’
Pairing: Young! Tom Riddle x fem! Ravenclaw! Reader
。.。 ♡ Content warning . Public sex, praise & degradation, cum play, sub! Reader, dom! Tom
Notes: set in modern day Hogwarts. I never thought i’d want to fuck Voldemort but here we are.
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Your feet patter softly against the tile floors of Hogwarts, a book clutched tightly in your arms as you make your way towards the school’s library. It’s a rainy night, incredibly quiet and empty. The other students are at dinner, and you’ve decided to skip out to study for your OWLs. When you open the big wooden doors to the library, the smell of printed ink and old pages invites you further in.
The first thing you notice, when you close the doors behind you and take sight of the room, is that the librarian, Madam Pince, is no where to be found. She must be on her break.
The second thing you notice is the boy sitting in the darkest corner of the room.
You know of the familiar brunette— of course you do. Who wouldn’t? Tom Riddle is a popular slytherin well known for his cunningness, his intelligence, his ability to speak native tongues— and sometimes, his temper. A ravenclaw yourself, you try to steer clear of him. Slytherins usually don’t take politely to anyone outside of their house. Not to mention the fact that you scored the top of your class, with him coming in close second. You suspect that he hates you for that.
He catches your gaze, brown eyes with the resemblance of a serpent. He looks back down at his book, seeming bored.
You let out a breath of air.
You slide your book into the return bin, timidly moving to the shelf about Potions. Snape has been really hassling you lately on your grades, and you really need to turn your B+ into a perfect A. Your fingertips skim over the leathered binds, reading title after title. A voice behind you makes you jump.
“If you’re studying for Snape’s final, I’d recommend ‘Advanced Potion Making’. It will tell you all you need to know.”
His voice is an angelic lilt, though you know that is not in any way what he resembles. The fact that he’s helping you stumps you into utter confusion, and heat creeps up your neck. You nod to him as you begin searching for the book.
To no avail. Your eyes search every bind, every word, but your focus has been diluted because of Tom speaking to you. He sighs, almost annoyed.
He appears beside you, much to your surprise. You nervously bite your lip as he finds the exact book he recommended and pushes it into your hands.
“Chapter nine. I would’ve thought a girl of your ranking in our class would know this already.”
Your brows furrow, embarrassment coursing through you as he sits back down and resumes his tasks. You nervously fumble with the book.
“Thank you.” You reply, because you had been taught proper manners. He scoffs, flicking through the pages of his book. You can’t read the title, though the cover is quite off put ish and dark. Perhaps he had snuck into the restricted section.
You frown, though your mind is peaking with curiosity. He seems rude, but he was trying to help you. Maybe there’s something nice under there, after all. Your body is stiff as you sit across from him at the table, silently pleading to God that the boy across from you won’t put a nasty hex on you.
“You don’t have to be rude, you know.”
It slips out of your lips, quiet and unsure. Tom’s eyes narrow at you.
“And as well as that, you don’t have to sit across from me.”
“Perhaps I want to. Perhaps you need a friend.”
“A friend?” He chuckles dryly, his gaze travelling down to your robes. You try to ignore the heat creeping between your legs. “We aren’t going to be friends.”
His insinuation is thick, dangerous. Your heart pounds out of your chest at this unexpected turn of your study hour. You gulp, looking down at the pages.
“Very well then. But since I’ve already sat down, I might as well continue my book here.”
“Or we could continue this conversation in my dorm room.”
He says it smoothly, with no fear or utmost insecurity.
“What?” You blanch, stuttering on your syllables. Tom smirks.
“A smart girl like you, and you can’t even comprehend a single sentence,” he says, his body beginning to move out of his chair. “‘S pathetic, really…”
You breath hitches as his tall form towers over you. Your fingertips grasp the sides of your chair as he leans in close.
“Tom,” you start, warningly. He quirks a brow.
“No?” He questions, and then after a moment, staring into your doe eyes, it dawns on him. His mouth forms into a grin. “Oh, you want it here, don’t you? You want it right here.”
His lips brush just inches over your pouty lips, and you wonder how in the hell you got into this situation and why this slytherin boy is making such a sudden move on you. But knowing Tom, it’s probably out of boredom. Out of the desire for a hook up.
You don’t mind it. Not really, not anymore, because all your protests are ripped away from you when he presses his lips to yours. It’s not tender or sweet, it’s full of sharp teeth and unfiltered lust. His hands rest on your chin, gripping your head so you can’t escape his kiss— can’t escape him.
Your tongue is about to graze his lips when he pulls away. His fingers grasp your shoulder and pull you up to your feet. You stumble, your legs shaky from just a couple of kisses. You gasp when he spins you around and presses your face against one of the nearest bookshelves. His big hands wrap around your wrists and hold them behind your back.
“I don’t want to hear any complaints from you. Do you understand me?” He whispers, his hands reaching down to lift up your robes. “If I do, I’ll leave you here drenched, your clothes gone, with your holes freshly fucked and on display for the entire school to see. Do you understand me?”
You nod instantly. You know that these aren’t empty threats; when Tom says he’s going to do something, he’ll do it.
When he pulls up your robes, taking in the sight of your pretty pink thong, he lets out a sharp breath.
“Prepared, weren’t you?”
You let out a whine, knowing that no, this wasn’t intentional. Tom just caught you on a specific type of day. But looking on it now, maybe the universe was being in your favor when you decided to pick out the flimsy undergarment.
Tom slips the hem of your robes into your hands.
“Hold it.” He commands, and you’re quick to comply.
His hardness presses against you, clothed still but his robes are lifted so he can rut against you in his briefs. It isn’t long before he’s pulling them down past his thighs, his cock sprinting up into the air as he places himself against you once again. You can’t help but drip with need, canting your hips back against him. His cock presses in between the seam of your ass, and you rub against him like a bitch in heat.
And just like a bitch in heat, you purr.
“Tommy..” you let out, and his grip on your hips tighten. “Please?”
He scoffs at the nickname, though his bottom lip is caught roughly between his teeth and he’s trying to contain himself. He wraps his hand around his awaiting length, parts your thighs with the other, and slides his dick up against your throughly aroused pussy.
He’s warm, sticky. You wish you could’ve seen him before this, seen that thing that feels oh so heavy between your legs, but it’ll have to wait. Hopefully, there will be a next time.
When he slides in, it stretches you obscenely. This isn’t your first time, but there’s a burning sensation as he enters you. He’s got the perfect amount of thickness and length to pull a moan deep from your throat.
He doesn’t start slow. His hips smack against yours at a rapid pace, small grunts leaving his silky lips as he uses you like a common whore. Your hands grip your robes and the bookshelf at the same time, trying to keep steady as Tom fills you to the brim. He noses along your jaw and leaves wet, open kisses there. You mewl when he bites down harshly and sucks a mark into your skin.
“Such a tight little cunt you have,” Tom breathes, his fingertips bruising your hips. “Look at you, such a slut for my cock. Does it feel good? Tell me, tell me how it feels.”
Your thighs squeeze him, your mouth gaping open in utter ecstasy. Your words are caught in your throat, but Tom is quick to force them out of you with a spank to your ass. You moan, your forehead pressing against the bookshelf’s wooden edge.
“Yes! Yes, it feels so good…” you slur, entranced by the spice of his cologne and the feeling of his girthy length splitting you open. He grunts, bucking his hips into you with vigor.
“And I bet it’s the best you’ve had, isn’t it? All those other boys can’t do it for you. I’m the only one that fucks you this good.”
It’s true, and when his cockhead hits a spot deep inside you that has you keening, your legs quiver and your brain turns to jelly. Tom’s fingers place themselves around your neck and squeeze so hard that your vision blurs at the edges, and you’re enthralled by the fear that courses through your veins. He’s playing your life in his hands like it’s a shiny new toy.
He fucks you like a madman as you gasp and beg for air. Tears spill out of your eyes, salty and wet and Tom takes notice.
“Crying?” He sneers, pounding you so hard that you’re sure the bookshelf will leave bruises as it presses against you. “You’re pathetic. A pathetic, filthy little girl.”
“Mmmhhh..” you cry out. Your eyes roll back as you utter incoherent sounds. He growls.
“Do you want me to cum inside you?” And then, with a harsh grip on your hair, “I want to hear you say it. Beg me. Beg me to fill you, whore.”
Your eyes shut tight, and your hands clasp around his wrists as he loosens his grip on your throat.
“Please,” your voice is a gasp as you finally get oxygen unto your system. “Please, Tom, f-fill me up. Cum inside me.”
A small, throaty groan escapes his lips, and with one last desperate thrust he’s spilling balls deep inside your drooling cunt. His cum spills over the cusp of your used entrance, and when he’s done fucking it into you he pulls out with a sharp exhale.
You can feel his cum spill out of your raw fucked hole, the creamy fluid dribbling down your thigh and dripping onto the carpet below. Your clit throbs mercilessly, still devoid of any attention, but Tom is quick to put a stop to that. He drops to his knees, then, and it’s a surprising gesture that you didn’t expect. He doesn’t seem like the type to get on his knees for anyone, let alone you. But his tongue lolls out of his mouth as he spreads your knees and catches his cum into his awaiting mouth. He licks up your hole, circling your clit with practiced precision. You let out a guttural sound when you hear the obscene noises of the cum spilling out of you, along with Tom’s mouth slurping at your cunt vigorously. He works at you over and over, and you clench when you feel yourself nearing your high. It’s almost embarrassingly quick, but you’ve been denied so long that you need to do it and you need to do it now.
“I’m going to…” you gasp out, as he rubs circles into your clit. He lets out a loud grunt against you, his mouth working harder. “I’m cumming—god, I’m cumming!”
Your orgasm washes over you, hits you like a tidal wave in the middle of an incredibly large ocean. Tom works his tongue and lets you ride out your high, and he sighs and pulls away from your pussy when you come down.
He’s gathered enough arousal to fill his mouth generously, and he kisses you flat on the lips. His tongue slides against yours and you can taste your shared arousal on him. You whimper, licking desperately at his salty spend, and it’s messy and sloppy and absolutely depraved. His teeth nip at you as you swallow it all down.
You’re dizzy, on shaky legs. You turn around, finally getting to see Tom’s face coated in your slick and his cum. He grins at you, and something twists in your gut so primal you feel you might burst.
“Better get to studying, Miss Y/L/N,” he says. “It’d be a shame if this missed study session made you fail your OWLs.”
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chrissfawn · 9 days
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pairing ;; matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings ;; oral (fem receiving), fingering, praise, use of y/n, fluffy beginning and ending, softdom!matt, pet names (sweetheart n princess, etc), no actual p in v, lowercase intended !!
word count ;; 1.1k
a/n ;; this was based off a request!! had lots of fun writing this:) also sorry if this is bad im ovulating and im a little bit high
yk the basics .. pink is u , blue is matt !!
. . .
your pov
i stepped into my boyfriend’s house after a long shift at work. “hey chris.” i sigh, putting my bag down on the island. “hey y/n, matt wanted me to tell you that he was gonna be streaming when you got back.” the brunette boy spoke from the couch, sipping on a can of pepsi.
i nodded before making my way down the hall to matt’s room. i knocked softly on the door and a small “come in” was heard from inside. i slowly walk into the room with a light smile on my face. “alright guys ima go on mute real quick.” matt spoke into his mic, muting it then getting out of his seat.
“hey baby, how was work?” he asked me, bringing me into a hug. i let out a small mumble in reply as my arms wrapped around his neck. "could be better, my legs hurt so bad from running around all day. but i got a $100 tip from this guy since he said my ass was fat" i laugh, letting go of matt so i could take off my hooters uniform. matt was literally forgetting that he had been streaming the entire time.
“could you get me a shirt baby?” i ask matt, struggling to take off the tight white long sleeve uniform top. he nodded, tossing me one of his shirts that i missed terribly. we laughed about it quietly as i took off the extremely revealing shorts. i put on the pink hershey bear shirt, then body flopping down on his silk sheets. “im gonna lay down, my legs hurt so bad.” i pointed out as my body laid comfortably in his bed.
matt hummed, looking at his pc. he quickly walked over and sat down in his gaming chair. “hey guys, sorry ima have to end the stream a bit earlier. thanks for watching love you guys.” matt spoke into his mic after he unmuted. he clicked the red ‘end’ button before he stood up. “matt you didn’t have to end it” i smile, opening my arms for him. “eh its whatever, i was already streaming for a few hours so its okay.” he reassured as he laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
he kissed my temple softly, rubbing my lower back gently. “tell me about your day y/n/n.” he whispered into my skin. i let out a small sigh. “well, it was a bit stressful. a lot of guys asked for my number, got a lot of tips since i had good tits and ass…” i trail off, playing with matt’s hair. “i also fell, so that’s probably why my legs hurt.” i pout. he hummed quietly, figuring something that could help me. “i can give you a massage if you’d like.” the brunette boy suggested.
my eyes twinkle a little bit, “hm i’d like that a lot.” i giggle. matt rolled over to his nightstand and grabbed a small bottle of lavender scented lotion from his drawer. i sat up slightly, throwing the blanket to the side.
matt sat crisscrossed while squirting a bit of lotion into his hands. “is this the lavender one i bought you?” i ask with a small smile. he nodded, spreading the lotion evenly on my thighs and calfs. his thumbs kneeded into my skin, making sure every inch of my skin got touched.
his palms massaged every part of my leg. i let out a quiet shaky moan as matt soon neared his fingers close to my inner thighs. he looked up at me with slight doe eyes. “is this okay sweetheart?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. i nod slowly, allowing matt to give soft kisses on my thighs.
matt’s hands ran up and down the sides of my thighs with a bit of pressure, leaving goosebumps. “does this feel good princess?” matt whispered as his eyes shot through mine. i whine in agreement, the spot in between my legs starting to ache. his fingers continued to get closer to where i needed them to be. “matt, baby.” i whine. matt hummed quietly, looking back up at me. “hm? what is it sweetheart?” he whispered, spreading my legs apart. i blinked at him slowly, “mh, i need you.” i breath softly.
“awh my poor baby.” he teased, his thumb rubbing small circles on my clothed clit. my back arched off the bed just a bit. his fingers hooked around the waistband of my panties and he slowly pulled them down.
matt looked up at me, his hand sliding under my lower back. his fingers traced my entrance teasingly, making me let out soft moans. “i barely touched you sweetheart, and your already wet.” he laughed softly, allowing his fingers inside of me. “mgh, baby.” i whine to the slight burning sensation of matt stretching me out. his fingers slid in and out of me easily, sending me over the moon. “taking my fingers so well huh?” matt purred, his tongue soon flicking over my clit. his tongue started to work wonders on my cunt, it swirling around my bundle of nerves.
i whimper out quietly, my legs wrapping around his head slightly. my hands reached down to his hair, tugging on it gently. a string of curses left my mouth that was falling agape. “fuck fuck please keep going.” i moan out. “such a needy girl.” matt whispered softly with a cocky smile on his face. my breath quickened so fast as his fingers continued to thrust in and out of me, hitting my g-spot repeatedly.
matt was determined to continue eye contact with me as his mouth worked on me perfectly. “mmmm. matt please dont stop it feels so good.” i whimper out as the familiar knot started to form in my stomach. “oh yeah?” he teased, letting his fingers out of my pussy and replaced them with his tongue. my back completely arched off of the bed, moaning out to the sensation of his tongue starting to fuck me.
i continued to let out small whimpers while matt continued to fuck me faster with his tongue. my eyes roll to the back of my head as my hips jolt upwards into his face. “m-matt im gonna cum.” i whimper, my hands pushing his head closer to my cunt. ”cum for me angel.” matt whispered, making the knot in my stomach unknot. he lapped up anything that he could and his mouth detached from my pussy.
his slender fingers curled up into me a few more times before he kissed my clit softly one last time. matt let soft wet open mouthed kisses on my inner thighs. “lets finish giving you that massage, yeah?” he laughed, as if he didn’t just practically make out with my pussy. “yes, please.” i pant out with a lazy smile on my face. we both giggled about it for the next few minuetes of matt kneeding his fingers into my skin.
taglist ;; @cheetahmadi @sturniol0s @luverboychris @mattsluttywaist
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