#Brooklyn prince
escapismthroughfilm · 2 years
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themosleyreview · 1 year
The Mosley Review: Cocaine Bear
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Films like these only have 2 options when executing the true life story. Option 1: The film can keep the 80's setting and play out like a true horror film that is dark, brutal and somewhat funny. Option 2: The film could keep that fun 80's style and go for the ridiculous nature of the story that is so tongue and cheek that it borders on parody while still somehow delivering a fun and somewhat heartfelt story. Well this film tried to take both of those options and slam them together into a cohesive and sometimes mildly funny and bloody horror comedy. Honestly, I don't even know if the director had any idea what type of film they want it to be. The tone was all over the place and the character dynamics don't really have any relevance to the majority of the plot or lack there of. This could've been a fun, brutal and thrilling twist on the real story, but it lacked any sense of empathy or parody that even the actors say for maybe a couple, knew what type of film they were in.
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Keri Russell was good in the film as a single mother nurse Sari. I liked that she did a decent job at being brave and determined to find her daughter. Brooklynn Prince was great as her daughter Dee Dee and I loved her playful and genuine excitement to go on an adventure in the woods. Christian Convery was great and hilarious as her bestfriend Henry. I would've loved if the film was all about them surviving in the woods as the bear hunts them down and Sari was trying to find them. O'Shea Jackson Jr. as Daveed was good as he plays the typcial thug sent alongside Alden Ehrenreich's overly emotional character Eddie. The two of them worked really well together, but felt like they were in a different film all together. The legendary Ray Liotta was perfect casting as their crime boss Syd. Ray can be in the most terrible film known to man and he will always deliver and he did that in this film. Margo Martindale is always a joy to see on screen and as Ranger Liz, she was delightful.
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The score by Mark Mothersbaugh was decent as the gore started to splash the screen, but after that it was just background noise. The film was stunning to look at and the visual effects used to bring the bear to life were good. This film truly had no idea what it wanted to be. I can't rightfully say that I wasn't amused at some moments, but all of the best moments were actually in the trailer and the trailer delivered the tone of what the film should've been! Honestly, this was just a mess of film that I can't rightfully recommend it even if you're drunk. If you liked the movie or my review of the film, let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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badflicks · 1 year
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Cocaine Bear (2023) 🍕🍕🍕🍕
Everything you can hope for and more.
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Welcome to the bear tips section of the podcast! We’ve all heard the adage “if it's brown, lay down. If it's black, fight back. If it's white, goodnight,” but what do you do if the bear is on coke?
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jonathanmoya1955 · 2 months
Little Wing:  Floating By on Wings and Prayers
Paramount Plus MOVIE INFO VIA ROTTEN TOMATOES: LITTLE WING follows Kaitlyn, a teen who is reeling from her parents’ divorce and the pending loss of her home. She and her best friend hope to solve her mother’s financial woes by stealing a valuable bird, but Kaitlyn, instead, forms a bond with the owner, that leads her to a new outlook on life. REVIEW: Paramount Plus Little Wing is the kind of…
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Cocaine Bear (2023) Elizabeth Banks
May 28th 2023
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This is one is definitely destined for cult film status! ^__^
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swampflix · 1 year
Cocaine Bear (2023)
I’m not sure how I didn’t recognize from promotional materials that Scott Seiss, best known online for his character of a retail employee who responds to F.A.C.s (that’s an acronym I just made up for “Frequent Asshole Comments”) the way that every retail employee wishes that they could, was the male paramedic in Cocaine Bear. He’s in pretty much every trailer! Further, I have no idea how I still…
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hughmanrights · 1 year
Cocaine Bear review
Elizabeth Banks
Main cast:
Keri Russell, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Christian Convery, Alden Ehrenreich, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Brooklyn Prince, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Kristofer Hivju, Margo Martindale and Ray Liotta.
Runtime: 95 minutes.
Does it pass the Bechdel test? Yes
Basic Plot:
A bear goes on a rampage in a small American town in 1985 after accidentally consuming cocaine. Inspired by real events.
Overall thoughts:
Cocaine Bear is a thrilling and funny film. The comedy and special effects are great. This film highlights the danger of cocaine use not only by humans but by wildlife:
Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars.
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hoperays-song · 11 months
Hear me out here, slow burn found family. 
Enemies turning into siblings, tired mentors turning into parents, the chaotic background character becoming that weird family member that shows up two hours late to everything with wine. 
All these characters going from “I’m a lone wolf, I don’t need anybody” to getting so used to the love and support of the others that they end up like “hello, I have 17 kids and 35 siblings and I’m sorry I’m late to the PTA meeting, I had to give my 23 parental figures a ride to the mall”.
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hoarder-of-dragons · 1 year
[Merlin struck by an arrow] Merlin: I'll need your assistance. You'll have to pull out the arrow and stitch up the wound. Arthur: All right. This is gonna hurt. But I'm gonna get you through it. Oh, God, I'm gonna throw up into your cut. Ahh, I saw inside of you. How are humans alive? Merlin: Okay, uh, I'll do the surgery, and, uh, you just breathe, okay? We'll get you through this. Hey talk about the new problem the court brought in Arthur: Umm okay?
[15 minutes later] Arthur: And the cow is still dead! What do the court want me to do! Reincarnate him! Ugh, what was that sound? I did not like that squish sound. Merlin: Just keep talking. And guess what? Arthur: What? Merlin: I'm done. I've sewn myself up. Arthur: Huh. Merlin: You did great, sire. I'm proud of you. Arthur: I can't believe I did it. I'm so strong.
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waterfire1848 · 28 days
Jason: You, Diana and Clark just need to bone. Dick: Oh, no. Bruce: What did you just say? Stephanie: Don’t say it again. Jason: I said you two need to bone. Bruce: How dare you, Jason! I am your superior! [ 5 minutes later. ] Bruce: Bone?! [ 10 minutes later. Half the kids are panicking in their chairs. ] Bruce: What happens in my bedroom, young man, is none of your business. [ 25 minutes later. ] Bruce: BONE?!?!? [ 45 minutes later. ] Bruce: Don’t ever speak to me like that again.
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svampira · 8 months
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vampire prophet
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versasfanficwastedump · 3 months
Post-reveal Billy Batson: Oh, hey, Batman. Did you get my report on the Finley murder?
Bruce: Yeah, I looked it over. Nice work.
Billy: Good. Thanks, dad.
Billy: Why is everyone staring at me?
Diana: You just called Batman "dad.” You said, "thanks, dad."
Billy: What? No, I didn't. I said, "thanks, man."
Bruce: Do you see me as a father figure, Captain?
Billy: No. If anything, I see you as a "bother" figure, 'cause you're always bothering me.
Clark: Hey! Show your father some respect!
Billy: I didn't call him dad!
Bruce: No, no, no, no, William. I take it as a compliment.
Oliver: It's not a big deal. I called Dinah "mom" once, and she's my fiancée.
Billy: Guys, jump on that! Green Arrow has psycho-sexual issues!
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seanchaidh7 · 8 months
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HRH Prince Dickhead 💩- Prints etc.
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project-along · 5 days
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