candicealessia · 1 year
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You are not meant to put yourself in a box... ...and yet we do this ourselves all the time. In this week's podcast episode, I break down some of the common boxes we tend to put ourselves in within the self-help community and how this bad habit can be diminishing, limiting and, over time, dangerous. ⚠️ I break down some of the boxes I've put myself into over the years and how I got out of them. I also talk about why we put ourselves in these boxes in the first place, how to use various systems to our advantage (instead of letting them use us!) and how to finally break free from our own limitations! Are you even ready for this? Tune in to the latest episode wherever you enjoy your podcasts! And if you love this episode, it would mean so much if you could rate, share and subscribe! Love you guys so much! 💕 #wildfreewell #wildfreewellpodcast #breakingfree #freeyourself #freeyourmind https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnRx9bI388/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moorslivn · 2 years
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Others have steered your ship and told you what waters to navigate… look up… the sky’s the limit. Look around you… those are all the destinations at your disposal. Look below you… those are all the roads available to you to travel. Take control and make life what YOU desire! 💚💚💚🧚‍♀️ #quotestoliveby #quotesaboutlife #motivationalquotes #empowerment #breakingfree #notstandingforit #notstandingdown #hearmeroar #watchmegrow #memyselfandi #love #positivity #quote #tagafriend #quoteoftheday #comment #motivation #motivational #positivevibes @emmaleebunton https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce1m8z1P2cy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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readersmagnet · 21 hours
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Stories of Stigma is an empowering book against self-stigma and a profound exploration of the shadowy world of self-doubt and societal judgment. But it's not just about understanding these societal chains; it's about breaking free from them.
Grab a copy now at https://www.pegasusdigitalmedia.com/ and learn more about Greg Hitchcock and his other works.
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gifttiful · 5 days
Is This All There Is? Apathy vs. Anxiousness in the Face of Routine
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The monotony of the daily grind has a way of settling in like dust, slowly coating everything in a film of "blah." Wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat. It's a cycle that both comforts and suffocates me at the same time.
Part of me craves the stability, the predictability of routine. It's a safe haven, a shield against the unknown. But another, more restless part, writhes with a dull ache. Is this all there is? Is this the entirety of my existence, this predictable loop that stretches out into the hazy horizon of forever?
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The paradox coils within me. Security versus possibility. Comfort versus growth. I yearn for spontaneity, for experiences that splinter the monotony and leave me breathless with awe. Yet, the thought of stepping outside the lines, of venturing into the uncertain, sends a tremor of fear through me.
Are we sleepwalking through our lives? Or is it okay to break free, even if the path ahead is shrouded in mist? Perhaps the answer lies in embracing the paradox itself. Maybe stability isn't the antithesis of possibility, but the breeding ground for it. Maybe it's within the secure confines of routine that we cultivate the courage to break free.
This is my plea to myself, and maybe to you too, dear reader. Let's challenge the comfortable numbness. Let's inject our routines with small bursts of curiosity. Let's break free from the self-imposed shackles of fear and chase those hidden dreams, even if they scare us half to death. Because in the end, isn't it better to risk feeling passionately alive than to simply exist?
Có phải đây là tất cả?
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Sự đơn điệu của vòng lặp hàng ngày như màn sương mù bao lấy tâm trí tôi. Thức dậy, làm việc, ăn, ngủ, và lặp lại. Đó là một chu kỳ vừa giúp tôi thấy thoải mái, cũng vừa khiến tôi nghẹt thở.
Một phần trong tôi khao khát sự ổn định và những thói quen thường nhật. Đó là nơi trú ẩn an toàn để tôi có thể ngủ ngon mỗi ngày. Nhưng một phần khác lại đang chịu đau đớn với sự tẻ nhạt. Có phải đây là tât cả? Đây có phải là toàn bộ ý nghĩa của sự tồn tại?
Vô vàn nghịch lý dâng trào. An toàn hay thử thách. Thoải mái hay phát triển. Tôi khao khát sự bộc phát cùng những trải nghiệm phá vỡ sự đơn điệu. Tuy nhiên, ý nghĩ bước ra ngoài lớp vỏ bọc, mạo hiểm bước vào những điều không chắc chắn, khiến tôi thấy sợ hãi.
Có phải chúng ta nên là những kẻ mộng du trong suốt phần đời của mình, nhắm mắt, và cứ thả trôi theo dòng chảy? Hay chúng ta nên tự giải thoát, ngay cả khi bản thân còn chẳng biết đi về đâu? Có lẽ câu trả lời nằm ở việc chấp nhận nghịch lý đó. Có lẽ sự ổn định không đồng nghĩa với chây ì, mà lại là nơi giúp ta nuôi dưỡng những hoài mộng nơi biển rộng trời cao. Có lẽ những giây phút thanh tịnh, lại là thời điểm để trái tim ta thực sự suy ngẫm về những ước mơ bay cao, bay xa…
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aryagold · 1 month
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Don't let financial crises dictate your life. Aarya Gold offers a lifeline by turning your gold into instant cash. Sail through challenges with ease.
call us: at 097035 00600
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tarot-duality-art · 1 month
XV. The Devil
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Medium: Charcoal on paper
Key Words: Addiction, Enslavement, Fears, Awareness, Breaking Free, Empowerment 
Description: We are all controlled by something in our lives, even if it’s just our emotions. There is this tangible sense of control that can wreck our lives and limit us. In trying to break free of these feelings, we often find ourselves fighting invisible forces. However, to resist what controls us is to reclaim power. The crossing of the man’s arms resembles the placement in a straight jacket, a device meant to prevent people from harming themselves. Both in falling victim to our additions and breaking away from them we can harm ourselves, but there is still something empowering about resisting. 
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thatmorningfix · 2 months
Breaking Free: Confronting Anxiety on the Path to Success
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In the pursuit of our dreams and goals, it's not uncommon to encounter roadblocks along the way. While external challenges certainly pose their own obstacles, often it's the internal battles that can prove most debilitating.  I vividly recall the moment when the seed of an idea sprouted within me—a fervent desire to establish a company dedicated to making a positive impact. Envisioning a venture where homemade jewelry could serve as a catalyst for change, I felt an electrifying sense of purpose. The notion of not just creating beautiful pieces, but using them as vehicles for philanthropy, resonated deeply with me. With each bead and string, I saw an opportunity to support causes close to my heart, to contribute meaningfully to the community, and to weave a tapestry of goodwill. Yet, as I gazed upon the horizon of possibilities, a flood of apprehensions surged within me. What if I failed? What if I encountered obstacles too daunting to overcome? These nagging doubts loomed larger with each passing moment, until eventually, they became barriers too formidable to surmount. It's a tale all too familiar – the paralysis induced by anxiety, preventing us from stepping boldly into the unknown, from realizing our full potential, and from chasing the dreams that stir our souls. Indeed, there is hope amidst the shadows of anxiety. Recognizing its hold over us is the crucial initial stride towards liberation. Understanding how anxiety can hinder our progress empowers us to confront it head-on, to dismantle its barriers, and to reclaim control over our lives, unlocking our full potential.
The Weight of Worry
Worry is like a heavy chain that binds us to our fears and uncertainties. It's the incessant voice in our heads that whispers tales of potential failure and disaster, convincing us that our dreams are out of reach. When we allow worry to dictate our actions, we become trapped in a cycle of inaction, unable to move forward toward our goals.
Anxiety: The Thief of Courage
Anxiety, on the other hand, robs us of the courage we need to pursue our dreams. It fills our minds with irrational fears and doubts, making even the smallest of tasks seem insurmountable. The fear of failure, rejection, or criticism becomes so overwhelming that it cripples our ability to take risks and step outside of our comfort zones.
Analysis Paralysis: Stuck in Overthinking
One of the most insidious effects of anxiety and worry is analysis paralysis – the state of being so consumed by overthinking and indecision that we become unable to make any progress at all. We find ourselves in a tangled web endlessly pondering every possible outcome and scenario, unable to commit to a course of action for fear of making the wrong choice.
The Curse of Perfectionism
Perfectionism, while often seen as a virtue, can be a double-edged sword that sabotages our efforts to pursue our goals. The relentless pursuit of flawlessness sets impossibly high standards that we can never hope to meet. Fear of falling short of these ideals can deter us from even starting, as we become fixated on avoiding mistakes rather than embracing the learning process inherent in any endeavor.
The Social Conundrum
Worrying about what others think is a burden that weighs heavily on our shoulders, stifling our creativity and authenticity. The fear of judgment and criticism can prevent us from pursuing our passions and expressing our true selves. We become so preoccupied with seeking validation and approval from others that we lose sight of our own desires and aspirations.
Procrastination: Time's Cunning Foe
Procrastination, perhaps the most insidious of all, steals precious moments from our lives as we put off taking action on our goals. We tell ourselves we'll start tomorrow, next week, or next month, but tomorrow never seems to come. The longer we delay, the more daunting our goals become, and the cycle perpetuates itself, trapping us in a state of perpetual procrastination.
Breaking Free: Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety
Practice Mindfulness: By bringing our attention to the present moment through mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing, we can quiet the noise of worry and anxiety in our minds. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Learn to identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that fuel anxiety. Replace them with more realistic and positive affirmations that empower and motivate you. Set Realistic Goals: Setting specific and achievable goals is crucial, and breaking them down into smaller tasks enhances motivation and focus, boosting your chances of success. Commit to consistent progress and celebrate every small victory, as they pave the way for larger accomplishments. By setting realistic goals, you lay a clear path to success, with achievable milestones guiding your journey. Practice Self-Compassion: Recognize that perfection is unattainable.  Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, acknowledging that it's okay to make mistakes and that failure is a natural part of growth and development. Seek Support: Don't be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for support. Talking about your worries and fears can help put them into perspective and provide you with the encouragement you need to move forward. Take Action: Finally, remember that the only way to overcome anxiety and worry is to take action despite them. Start small, but take that first step towards your goals. Each action you take will diminish the power of anxiety and bring you one step closer to realizing your dreams.
Action in Motion
While I never pursued my initial idea of starting a jewelry business, I've embarked on a new adventure—creating this website to spread positivity and inspire others to be the best version of themselves. As a physical therapist and healthcare leader, diving into web development felt like uncharted territory. Despite the uncertainties and occasional overwhelm, I push forward each day, driven by the belief that overcoming obstacles is essential for personal growth. With each challenge, I learn, grow, and inch closer to realizing my vision of making a positive impact on others' lives. Anxiety and worry may seem like insurmountable obstacles on the path to achieving our dreams, but they need not define our journey. By understanding their grip on us and employing strategies to overcome them, we can break free from their hold and pursue our goals with confidence and determination. Remember, the only limits that exist are the ones we impose upon ourselves. Liked this article? Read related articles. Creating Powerful Affirmations: A Beginner’s Guide 10 Powerful Affirmations to Start Your Morning Right Discover the Power of Diaphragmatic Breathing Disclaimer: Please take note that the information contained in this article is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as professional advice or guidance. It is imperative to understand that the information presented here is not intended to cure, treat, or replace any professional opinions or recommendations.  It is crucial to seek the advice of a qualified professional before implementing any of the strategies mentioned above. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and consulting with an expert can help you make informed decisions that are tailored to your specific needs.   Remember that your health and well-being are my utmost importance, and taking the time to do your research, taking necessary precautions, and seeking professional advice can ensure that you stay healthy and happy.  Read the full article
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ex-cogtfi · 2 months
February 18th, the birthday of COG-TFI’s late founder David Berg that doubles as the cult's self-appointed "birthday", has been a day of cultic rituals and forced declarations of devotion, but in 2002 it became a very different anniversary for second-generation COG-TFI survivor Whisper James ( Whisper Wind ). Instead of a day devoted to a cult that oppressed and abused the most vulnerable, it became the day that Whisper James found her freedom. In this post, she describes the many obstacles, psychological and physical, that she bravely overcame to gain freedom for herself and for her children. Despite the cult’s mechanism of forcing cult women into coerced reproduction and childrearing to keep them enslaved to the cult and its ideology, Whisper found the strength to become a Cycle-Breaker, taking herself and her children away from the cult’s clutches forever.
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manoasha · 2 months
"Over Expectations Unbound: Breaking Free"
In the intricate tapestry of life, expectations from ourselves and others often weave a complex web that can be both suffocating and burdensome. The weight of meeting societal, familial, and personal expectations can create a profound sense of pressure, leading to negativity and emotional turmoil. How can we break free from this cycle and liberate ourselves from the burden of expectations? The…
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backershub · 3 months
Breaking Free: Overcoming Emotional Barriers and Embracing Your Full Potential
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otaviogilbert · 3 months
How Allie Casazza Broke Free From Her People-Pleasing Tendencies & Embraced Her Authentic Self
Discover the empowering story of Allie Casazza as she shares her journey of breaking free from people-pleasing tendencies and embracing her authentic self. In this video, Allie opens up about the transformative process of self-discovery, shedding the layers of external expectations to find true empowerment and authenticity
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gsmentalhealthwellnes · 4 months
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Stepping into a Brighter Tomorrow: Let's Embrace the Power of Letting Go
The past can hold us captive, hindering our ability to move forward and embrace the possibilities of a brighter tomorrow. But it doesn't have to be that way. By acknowledging our past challenges and learning from them, we can break free from the chains of regret and resentment.
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halfcrackedguru · 5 months
A Message from the Universe - The Tower
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A Message from the Universe - The Tower There's a time (often a few) in your life where the world as you know it crumbles around your head. This is your tower moment. It could be a devastating loss but sometimes it's just a realization that changes how you decide you'd like to live your life. Most of you reading this have had your tower moments somewhat recently and are struggling to rebuild. I want to warn you against trying to recreate what you have lost because it cannot be recreated. You cannot retrieve what was lost so you must build something new in its place. How you view yourself and the world is changing and it can be confusing as well as overwhelming. There are still beliefs, old habits, and ways of thinking that need to fall away. In short, you are in the process of un-learning all the things that were programmed into you since birth. It's a lot, I know, but perspective can be helpful here. This is a clean slate, an opportunity for you to create a life that aligns with who you are rather than what you thought you should be. Let the old crumble away as you emerge into your true self, the one that never seemed to fit the blueprint that family, friends, and society had drawn for you. Today's Deck: Read the full article
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odelia-i · 8 months
One day you finally knew what you had to do,
and began, though the voices around you
kept shouting their bad advice
— though the whole house began to tremble
and you felt the old tug at your ankles.
“Mend my life!” each voice cried.
But you didn’t stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried with its stiff fingers at the very foundations,
though their melancholy was terrible.
It was already late enough,
and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen branches and stones.
But little
by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper into the world,
determined to do the only thing you could do —
determined to save the only life you could save.
© 1986 Mary Oliver From Dream Work
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harmonyhaven-1922 · 8 months
Overcoming addiction through hypnotherapy
Introduction The prevalence of addiction in our society is a pressing concern, affecting millions of lives and causing significant health, social, and economic impacts. Addiction is not a choice or a sign of weakness, but a complex condition that can be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and personal experiences. It is a chronic disease that can be difficult to…
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ltgrise · 9 months
Power Of The Wife by L.T.G
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