#Beach Vacation
expulence · 2 months
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arttreyn · 26 days
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This so fuckin old 💔💔
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miss-what-a-d0ll · 1 month
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𝘤𝘰𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥
𓇼 🌊 🐚
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chasingrainbowsforever · 10 months
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Tropical Paradise
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mouseshouses · 1 year
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Wish you were here
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oldvintageglamour · 27 days
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Daytona Beach, Florida, 1956 😎🏖️😎🏖️😎
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Harry loved vacation.
He especially loved beach vacations. He loved the ocean, loved the sand, loved the sunshine. He loved the sound of waves crashing and cresting, the way the air felt thick and sweet around him, the way just being at the beach opened something in his chest and let him breathe easier.
But the thing he loved most about this beach vacation was that he hadn’t gone alone. Draco’d come with him, covering his skin in sun protectant spells, wearing his tiny, tight swim trunks, and spending the day lounging in a beach chair.
Like a siren’s call, Harry found himself drawn up from the ocean time and again to talk to him, to kiss him and tease him, to drip water over his body that shone with a faint sheen of sweat.
This time when he came back up the beach Draco was laying on his stomach, broad, muscular shoulders flowing into a tapered waist and narrow hips, tight black swim bottoms riding up to reveal the hint of his glorious arse cheeks. He collapsed into the sand next to him and Draco let out a sleepy hum.
Smiling, he looked down at his back and saw what he hadn’t been able to see before he’d gotten closer, Draco’s back was covered in a fine dusting of freckles. He blinked, he’d had no idea that Draco freckled in the sun, his skin was always the perfect, flawless, creamy white; and Harry was obsessed with the smattering of freckles across his back. Leaning over he trailed kisses between the freckles, connecting them like constellations in his mind.
Draco sighed and rolled over, shielding his eyes as he gazed up at Harry.
"Hi," Harry said, the warmth of a thousand suns radiating through his solar plexus.
"Hi," he replied, smiling up at him.
Harry was about to extol his freckles when Draco continued.
"I'm getting kind of hot," he said.
Harry chuckled and leaned down to kiss and lick his neck, licking the ocean-salty taste of the light sheen of sweat.
Draco let out a little gasp and wiggled away from his mouth, "hey," he murmured with a giggle.
"Hey," Harry said, voice soft and so full of affection that he was sure Draco was all but drowning in it. He nosed at the sensitive skin just behind his ear, laying kisses there.
Draco sighed, a lovely contented thing that Harry absolutely adored, and carded his fingers through Harry's curls. "Do you want to go back and get ready for dinner?"
He nodded, still not removing his face from Draco's neck.
"I want to shower first," he added.
Harry hummed, "what a coincidence, so do I."
"Mmm," Draco hummed, turning his head and catching Harry's lips in his, "Maybe we should shower together," he suggested.
"Yeah," he agreed, nibbling Draco's bottom lip and making him gasp, "save some time."
Draco nodded, "Save water."
"Definitely," he said, "Very ecologically responsible."
"That's us," Draco agreed, sitting up and pulling Harry up with him, dragging him up the beach and back to their little villa, and straight into the shower.
The rest of the day passed in the same easy affection, Harry was filled to the brim with Draco's sweetness, his love. And later, after dinner, and making out in the ocean under the moon. After finding their way back inside, tripping and laughing and kissing, into their bed where Draco took Harry apart and put him back together.
They laid sprawled out across the bed, Draco on his stomach, and Harry started mapping his freckles again, kissing lines between them.
Draco huffed a little laugh and turned his head to look at Harry, "What is it with you and my shoulders today?" he asked lightly, "Not that I'm complaining, but you don't usually-"
"Your freckles!" he protested.
Draco sat up so fast that Harry lost his balance and fell out of bed. "Freckles!" he hissed, going to the mirror and twisting to see them. "Circe's fucking tits." He held out a palm and summoned his wand, "I can't believe I missed that spell on my back. I-"
"Hey!" Harry said, standing up and knocking Draco's wand out of his hand, "Leave them."
"They're hideous," he insisted. "Imperfections-"
Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist and pressed kisses along his shoulders, "They're perfect."
He hummed and trailed his nose over Draco's petal soft skin, kissing lightly. "I love them. I love your freckles."
"You... love my freckles?" he asked, like Harry had said something ludicrous.
Nodding, he caught Draco's eyes in the mirror, "I love your freckles."
His body went loose-limbed and soft in Harry's arms as he leaned back against him. "Really?" he whispered.
Harry nodded again, lips skimming over Draco's shoulder, "I love your freckles. Do you get them everywhere if you don't do the right charm?"
Draco nodded.
"On your chest?" he asked, trailing his fingers over Draco's pecs and clavicles.
He nodded, biting his lower lip as he watched Harry trace his skin in the mirror.
"Stomach?" he asked, fingers mapping his lightly-muscled abdomen.
Draco nodded again.
He kissed his neck, "On your cheeks and nose?"
"Yes," he whispered, closing his eyes.
"I love that," he sighed.
"Harry," he whispered, sounding small and a little broken.
"Hey," he murmured, turning Draco around and wrapping him in his arms, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids. "You're so lovely."
"You spoil me," he replied.
"I love you," he said, shrugging.
Draco leaned his forehead against Harry's, pressing their bodies together, "How can you love all of my imperfections?"
He thought about that for a moment, thought about the way that Draco presented himself to the outside world; cold, calculating, brilliant. And he thought about the Draco that he got to see; still passionate and clever, but also soft and warm, silly, tender. "I love all of the things that make you you," he confessed. "All of the things that I get to see that no one else does. You're so-" he shook his head, searching, "human. So beautiful and flawed, and I love all of you, but especially the bits that are only mine."
Draco kissed him, soft and tender, unbearably sweet and Harry lost himself in his lover's embrace, in their shared kiss. "Take me back to bed," he murmured.
So Harry did, paying more unrepentant attention to all of the freckles on the other man's shoulders as he made love to him again.
And if Draco left off the charm to keep his skin from freckling the next day, no one would get to know but Harry.
No one prompted this, but I just got the idea in my head and here we are.
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coasterqueencat · 6 days
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Catching some waves on my mighty steed at the beach today!
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spankysparkles · 2 months
Beach House-A Hero's Of Olympus Story- OUT NOW!
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Piper's dad has a cabin on the beach and allows her and her friends to visit for a couple weeks during summer break. In an attempt to "act like normal people", Piper decides no one is allowed to use their powers. Everyone struggles to follow this rule, and Percy and Jason have an additional struggle of trying to charm Nico into falling in love with them (which, unbeknownst to them, he already has). They all do vacation stuff like surfing, hiking, swimming, and board games, and there was an attempt to drink alcohol and party.
The 7 plus Nico Di Angelo vacation AU set in future (all characters are 18+). Somewhat canon compliant. Check it out on my wattpad here: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/360300414-beach-house-percy-jackson-heros-of-olympus And if you prefer reading on AO3, check out emonemo's (the co-author) account here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52995781/chapters/134067628
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 5 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
🔥🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
Want to be on the tag list? -> Comment with 'tag me!' Have an idea for next chapter or clicked the wrong option? -> Reblog about it! Check the bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is below the cut!🔥
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~King of the Dragonfish: Chapter 18~
Obi-Wan wakes himself up with a powerful sneeze. He groans, long and low. The sudden jerk of it sends a flash headache searing through his skull like a forest fire. As the pain fades, he realizes that everything aches, and his respiratory system feels scratchy from the back of his throat down into his chest.
Oh bother. He's caught a bug, one potent enough to overcome a jedi's natural immunity to illness. Or, equally likely, he's just that worn down.
The only good part of waking, relatively speaking, is that he's alone and somehow… on a mattress..?
Obi-Wan rolls his head to look at the situation. His vision lags behind the turn of his eyes, making him nauseous, and moving makes his scalp flare in warning. He closes his eyes and breathes for a moment, drawing the force to him in the same way a weaver might run their fingers through freshly sheared wool. It flows through him, and begins bolstering his body against the sickness.
Settled a bit, the jedi opens his eyes to try again. Carefully.
He is still in Maul's private chambers, but that doesn't change the fact that beneath him is a futon mattress, like he'd seen on daybeds in fancy guest rooms. It was thicker than his own pallet in the temple, and zipped up in a soft, removable cover. This is what he lays on.
Obi-Wan has the stray thought that it really needed proper sheets. He sets a hand on his face, and sighs at himself. No, wrong, what it needed was to go back where it came from, just like him.
Cautious, slowly, the jedi master sits up and looks around. He is nonplussed to see his clothes are gone, and confused but interested to notice a literal bottle of water set beside the bed. What he does not see is a sith lord turned deep sea creature.
The memory of claws comes to him, deadly sharpness trailing down his back in the gentle touch of a prospective lover. Obi-Wan droops where he sits. Unfair. This is all utterly unfair.
Maul had become something out of a fantasy. The idea of him, deep under the sea, pining for years to take his revenge, only to change his mind at the sight of his mortal enemy, and instead kidnap them away to be lovers? It was a the plot of a one credit bodice ripper novella, and the force hasn't even seen fit to give him a bodice to wear while, apparently, living it.
Blast it, where are his clothes?
Obi-Wan stares down at his calloused fingers, each digit a little paler than usual. They're dry and cracked from repeated dunks in salt water. The texture of his own fingertips distracts him.
‘I might be disassociating a bit,’ the stewjoni thinks to himself while rubbing his thumbs and forefingers together. ‘I’ve stumbled into somewhere between nightmares and dreams, and my options to deal with it are so few.’
He sighs softly, being open and forgiving with himself.
‘I want to have sex with the man that killed Qui-Gon,’ he mulls wryly, ‘if I make it out of here alive, I think that merits a trip to the mind healers for a guided deep dive of my psyche.’
Obi-Wan chuckles a little, but stops quickly when even that makes a flash headache shred at his brain.
‘Indeed, a good long look. In the meantime… I…’
The jedi draws his knees up, feeling them tremble with fatigue, until he can set his head against the sailcloth over his thighs. He leans there, bonelessly.
Obi-Wan feels cold, but is he actually? Is it emotional cold, fever cold, brisk air on naked skin, or true chill?
Blast it, but he wants Maul to come back. And that is a terrible sign.
Obi-Wan shivers a bit where he sloughs against his legs, just accepting the fact that he wants to be held and petted and treasured and doted on by his own personal monster. It is, most likely, a completely normal reaction to being ill, to want those things. Yes, it really is, isn't it? He exhales heavily, and just lets the truth of it be.
Obi-Wan refuses to cross that line, to consummate this foolhardy preoccupation with his own jailor, but, these feelings are still valid and reasonable.
He feels better for acknowledging it.
Now onto matters of the physical.
Gingerly, the sick jedi eases himself over to get a hold on the water bottle, drawing back and cracking it open. He sniffs it, questioning the water's potability. It's stale, but clean tasting. To his scratchy throat it's a little painful, and a little soothing. He dearly wishes it was tea with honey and lemon.
The jedi drinks half, then recaps the bottle and sets it aside in favor of lowering himself back down onto the futon. If asked, Obi-Wan would swear that he merely closes his eyes for but a moment…
He blinks muzzily, and comes around to fingers carding through his hair. Claw tips slide back over his scalp, so gently it almost tickles.
“Kenobi,” the sith calls, soft and singsong, “Keno… bi~.”
“Mmnnnh,” he replies, feeling the length of Maul's tail pressed against him under the covers. He is dry, sleek scales like rounded glass. One of his pelvic fins rests on Obi-Wan's hip, lightly holding on to him, while the silky upper caudal fins that trail the sith are draped over his legs under the sail cloth and tarp. They're soft. Smooth. When Maul shifts they flutter against the skin of his ankles pleasantly.
Obi-Wan is, once again, wrapped up in the arms and fins of the very same ‘dragonfish king’ he was sent to kill. With an incredible amount of ‘fuck it’ energy, he noses forward under Maul's chin.
“I'm a bit sick,” he admits.
“Hnnn… your flushed cheeks and reddened eyes told me so already,” the other man says, still toying with his hair.
“I want tea,” he sighs, “with honey and lemon. My throat hurts.”
Maul makes this… incomprehensible noise. Not human, not zebrak. In the force he feels… pleased?
“Making wishes of me now?” the sith murmurs, “I suppose I could share one or two, seeing as I have three but do not need any of them.”
Obi-Wan pulls away to look at him with all the skepticism his dizzy self can muster. Maul smiles back, a cruel twist of lips framed by the most charming dimples imaginable.
He is stunned. This is Obi-Wan's excuse for why he doesn't move away when the sith captures his lips, biting oh so gently at him with his needle-like teeth, then licking his way across and inside.
Obi-Wan lets it happen, eyes drifting closed as he reciprocates slowly. Oh. Kissing makes his head feel better. Whatever chemistry that's about, it's working.
“That's it, jedi mine,” the sith croons to him, “taste me in return, and I will bring you tea.”
Well if it's for a good cause.
Tentatively, Obi-Wan licks at Maul's lips. They're thin but plush, utterly normal if wider than before his transformation. The other man hums, encouraging, the tip of that long pink tongue flicking playfully against his.
Obi-Wan chases it as the slick muscle recedes, finding the pointed tips of Maul's new teeth. He explores them with care, finding out which of his experiences with making out can and cannot apply.
He finds a good angle and pumps his tongue into that wet heat, slickness sliding against slickness. Obi-Wan's head twinges with the movement, but he's a bit too enthralled to care.
Maul makes, just, the sweetest little noise. Begging. Needful. Obi-Wan feels himself stiffening, his cock pressed to Maul's belly where skin fades to scale.
Oh dear. Now that is quite enough of that indulgence.
With one light kiss of the traditional sort, Obi-Wan pulls back and relaxes onto the mattress with a sigh. He watches yellow-green eyes blink open, pupils blown and slow to focus.
“Very good,” the sith tells him, trailing the backs of his fingers down Obi-Wan's face. “You will learn that I keep my promises, Kenobi.”
“If you bring me bread of some kind that hasn't been drowned in salt water, I'll do that again.”
Maul chuckles, sliding out from under the makeshift covers. “You see? Gifts are a good way to show favor.
The jedi would roll his eyes if he wasn't a hundred percent certain it would feel like an icepick in his brain to do so.
To be continued...
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@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals @icequeen8043 @moonsickvampire @maulish @obi1-kenobae @milkcioccolato @cyborg0109 @krazykupid @messy-sunbeam
New? Start from Chapter 1! 👇🏽
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thevioletcaptain · 2 years
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Toes in the Sand
11k | Explicit | DeanCas
Almost three weeks ago, Jack brought a newly-human Cas back from the Empty. Dean's been trying to get him alone ever since. Or;
A post-15.19 fix-it fic featuring human!Cas, kid!Jack, a whole lot of Dadstiel, and two doofuses continuing to take their sweet time even after Cas’ love confession.
The beach is buzzing with scantily-clad summer travelers, the sand golden-warm as the Gulf of Mexico stretches out forever under a bright blue sky, but Dean is barely aware of any of it. It could be storming for all he knows. There could be an escaped rhinoceros sprinting across the sand. He wouldn't notice, because every last fraction of his focus is trained on the middle-aged former angel sprawled out on a threadbare beach towel a couple dozen feet away.
He's gone a little gray at the temples. He's wearing gas-station sunglasses and a pair of candy-pink swim trunks printed with bananas. In Dean's humble opinion, he's the hottest thing that's ever been on this beach.
[keep reading on Ao3]
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arttreyn · 20 days
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I hate this man he tried to fuck my clone dad
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dress-this-way · 3 months
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Maxi Beach Dresses: A Fresh Update for Your Vacation Wardrobe -
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p-redux · 7 months
Hi P!
I think that Sam might have went alone.
It's possible. BUT the ONLY time Sam went on a BEACH vacation by himself was right after he and Abbie Salt broke up at the end of 2015. He went to Thailand and did a Muay Thai martial arts training there during Christmas and New Year's 2015/2016. All the other times, he was not alone. And there's concrete proof of it, so we know for sure that's the case. 🤷‍♀️
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pleasuremehere · 1 month
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comicalfont · 9 months
The final day of Sans x You Week is here! You're on a peaceful beach vacation with Sans and Papyrus, and when Papyrus goes on an adventure of his own one late night, you get some time by the water with Sans to reflect on lots of things and share just how much you mean to one another. So many thanks to @htsan for putting this great week together and to @simhuman for lending a hand at copyedits to keep the stories nice and cleaned up, and to everyone who's taken the time to read, whether just for one chapter or all of them! Be sure to check out the many other works for the week with #sansxyouweek2023 and at @sansxyouweek, there's so many talented creators out there sharing the Sans love. Enjoy the read, and I hope to see y'all around for more of my works!
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