flipomatic · 1 year
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thewhiteraven2020 · 1 year
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“Now I know I’m worthy of you”
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lintuwaterfall · 8 months
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soulmates in love
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radio-venom · 1 year
i respect rwby being higher on the trending list than trigun because gay. you’re right that is more important
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omegaverse-seinfeld · 2 years
“to dream a dream of spring” Update to yang fic I’m working on
to dream a dream of spring. 
Yang Xiao Long did not dream. Not of her mother or her sister or her father or her team. Not even of dark streets or Grimm hordes or broken bones or lost limbs. After the battle for Beacon, when she didn’t eat or sleep or laugh or train, her father once asked her about dreams. Do you want to talk about them, he had asked. Talk; it seemed the older she got the more her father wanted to talk. She wouldn’t have it, she decided. Taiyang Xiao Long was many things but a doting nanny was not one of them. So she told him she didn’t dream about her injury - no, Adam Taurus was a nightmare of the waking world and so in the waking world her thoughts of him would remain. 
When Yang thought about dreams and dreamers she thought of her sister. You don’t dream at all, like ever?! Ruby was scandalized, eyes wide and jaw dropped, the first time she asked Yang about dreams just weeks after they arrived at Beacon. It was funny, Yang grew up hearing Ruby’s fantastical retellings of her own dreams - full of monsters and heroes and family and planets made of chocolate and chewing gum - but people didn’t tend to ask Yang about her dreams. Ruby was more than enough dreamer for one family, she supposed. 
Her uncle Qrow seemed to be the only one who understood her dreamless existence. Just like your mother, he had once said. Summer Rose was her mother, Yang was quick to remind him. Regardless, according to Qrow, he and Raven both had never been ones for dreams or fantasies. Not much to dream about in the Tribe, he reasoned. Spending time in the world of what-ifs and maybes was a death sentence in the life of a raider and outlaw. Not much changed during their school years; Taiyang and Summer both tended to sleep well past what even the most idle teenager would call a reasonable hour but Qrow and his sister usually only slept the absolute minimum amount of time necessary to maintain bodily functions and awareness, and never at the same time. Even in the safety of Beacon’s walls, the Branwen twins would remain alert and ready for action. The life of  a spy was even less sympathetic to flights of fancy than an outlaw, he told her. Of course, he only told Yang all that after she had found out they were spies from the woman she met for the first time when she was already well on her way to being a woman grown, and not from either of the men who had taught her to fight and hunt. So much for trust. 
Whatever. Yang wasn’t angry at her uncle for hiding his identity from her for so long, not anymore. She couldn’t be, she’d had so many other things to be mad about over the years. 
Speaking of past baggage and resentments that were definitely conquered, Yang’s thoughts drifted to Blake. Her… teammate? Partner? Girlfriend? Words never seemed able to describe Yang and Blake. That was fine by Yang, she never was one to prefer words over actions. She told herself that, anyway, but couldn’t help the weight in her chest whenever Blake refused to define their relationship when Ruby or Weiss broached the topic. Bless their hearts, those two were romantics beyond help. 
All that to say while Yang may not have preferred words, Blake was outright terrible at them. She had to remember this when Blake broached that old, headache-inducing topic one cold Atlas night in their shared guest room at the Schnee Estate. 
“How come you never have nightmares?” Blake tilted her head, staring into Yang’s eyes, their faces inches apart on the bed. 
“How come I what?” Yang responded, her eyelids beginning to drop as sleep threatened to claim her. 
“Nightmares. I’ve just noticed you don’t seem to have them, despite everything that’s happened these few months,” Blake said, expression unmoving. 
“I don’t know how to answer that. I’ve never really had dreams or nightmares, even when I was a kid,” Yang replied, finally closing her eyes. 
“I can’t even imagine that.” Blake turned on her back, eyes glancing up at the black chandelier that seemed to consume the midnight blue walls surrounding them. “I’ve always had nightmares. I can’t seem to stop having them,” she finished, softly. 
“White Fang stuff?” Yang asked, her eyes still closed but sleep evading her for the moment. 
“Sometimes, but it isn’t always. Sometimes I dream about my parents back in Menagerie being in danger. Sometimes I dream about our team being hurt. Sometimes it’s just fear.” Blake still couldn’t pry her eyes from the chandelier. “Anyway, it just seems crazy to me that you don’t have nightmares about stuff. Not even about Adam?” 
“Nightmares? No, but I do like to remember beating his ass when I’m awake, to be honest.” Could it be? Was that a giggle Yang heard coming from her partner’s lips?
“I just would have thought, considering, you know,” Blake said, her eyes reaching Yang’s bright yellow robotic appendage, as creaky and heavy as ever draped across her own midsection. 
“What? The sick ass metal arm?” Yang grinned, finally reopening her eyes. “Sure he did a real number on me, but whenever I start down that road I remember the little yelp he made when I hit him with the bike and I feel better.”
Blake glared at her and pouted, turning her eyes from the chandelier and back to her bedmate. “I’m trying to be serious with you, Yang. I just,” she said, her faunus ears dropping in a motion low enough that Yang was sure it should defy some law of nature. 
“So am I.” Yang held Blake’s eyes in her own, “I just don’t have dreams or nightmares. Part of living in the moment, you know. You’re safe Blake, and so am I. Whatever comes next, we face it together.” 
Yang placed a small kiss on Blake’s forehead and could swear she heard her purr. Not that she would ever say that out loud, of course. “Let’s get some rest. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.”
“If you say so,” Blake closed her eyes, but if Yang’s words really got through to her then it didn’t show on her face. “I love you.” 
“Love you too,” Yang replied, barely able to get the words out before losing consciousness. 
x x x
   That night, for the first time she could remember, Yang dreamed.
    When Yang opened her eyes, she immediately knew something was wrong. Her body was lighter than it should have been, and she was struck with the sudden realization that she was flying. That understanding came just as she happened to glance down and saw a vast dark whiteness, the kind of vastness you can’t help getting lost in.
    Fields of snow and wind sat beneath Yang’s elevated position, and pitch black cold attacked her from above. It reminded her of an old story Weiss had once told her, of a black and endless frozenness the heiress said an old Solitas myth claimed used to cover the entire continent. There was no life and no uniqueness in that time, she had claimed. A dead world unfit for human populations, home only to cold so severe it would snuff out any life stubborn enough to try to grow there, and winds so sharp they could cut steel like paper. A deadly combination that hid great and ancient secrets deep under the ice and snow, as the myth goes. 
    Yang had once asked Weiss whether she believed the myth. After all, Solitas - and Mantle and Atlas as a result - were certainly freezing and hostile but life had grown there. There had been enough life to birth the most technologically and financially sophisticated kingdom Remnant had ever seen, at least to hear Weiss tell it. If you were to ask Yang, she would say the only thing sophisticated about Atlas was its cruelty and ability to turn people into things - no more valuable than the commodities they could produce. She had a feeling Blake would agree with her, and that Weiss was beginning to as well, much as she wouldn’t admit yet. 
    Weiss had taken a long time to answer. Yang had always noticed her teammate took a long time to answer questions when they required her to give an opinion - weighing the advantages and disadvantages of her responses, sizing up her conversation partner as a potential enemy or spy. Not unlike her uncle Qrow, Yang often noted to herself. Regardless, Weiss did eventually answer. She had said that scientists knew Solitas had, at some point in the relatively-recent past (emphasis on relatively, Weiss had said; noting that she was talking about a period possibly as long ago as 60,000 years) experienced possibly the largest cooling of temperatures of anywhere on Remnant, courtesy of it having been completely covered by ice sheets and glaciers. What about those ancient secrets? Yang had asked, but Weiss had no answer and gave some half-assed comment about myth as just ancient peoples’ way of explaining natural phenomena. Yang decided to drop the topic, but she wasn’t blind to the long nights Weiss spent in her family’s personal library or of her newly-found obsession with the SDC’s Topographical Research Department, nor the newly-constant look of worry in her eyes. 
    Her mind pulled back to the present, Yang’s eyes drifted back down to the ground far below her. Whiteness so vast it seemed completely still, despite the cutting of the winds into her body telling her it was absolutely not still. Speaking of her body, Yang realized something else felt wrong. Having been in Atlas with her team for a considerable time now, Yang was no longer a stranger to the feeling of the cold assaulting her - seemingly able to cut through her clothes and chill her to the bone regardless of layers. This felt… different. It was with that thought Yang realized she wasn’t wearing clothes, and couldn’t feel the familiar heft of her gauntlets. Glancing to her immediate left and right revealed honest-to-Gods wings. They had to each be at least four or five feet long, sprawled out in large feathers of crimson red and a wine-tinted purple. As soon as she realized that, Yang looked down again, this time taking care at her torso. Where there should have been her classic top she’d been wearing regularly since she first got it during an old shoplifting spree she went on with her uncle Qrow during her time at Signal, there were more feathers. What the fuck is going on, Yang thought to herself. 
    Yang could feel her throat close, her vision blacken, and she was hit with the sudden sensation of falling. This was different from the heavy kind of falling she felt when performing a trick with her motorcycle, or the thrillingly-quick but controlled descent she got when parachuting from the sky for missions or training. No, this was a straight line down, down, down, and she could feel those wings begin to seize and curl into her chest. Instinctively, without realizing it, she spread the wings out and found herself riding a gust of wind to cut through the sky to again soar higher than she could ever remember being in her life. Okay, she thought, calm down Yang. You’re a bird now. Just another Tuesday. 
    Exhaling a deep breath, Yang tried to focus her vision to the distance in front of her. Maybe she could calm down if she could center her vision on something, some sort of guidepost to make the cold and the wind seem not so supernatural and frightening? After scanning for entire minutes, she was able to spot something in the distance. It seemed to be some kind of dark structure, Yang wasn’t able to get anything more specific from it other than that it was large, and seemed to be tall. What really struck her about it was its shape - cylindrical and taller than she could see from her current elevation. With a huff, she readied her wings, and shot upwards to the sky. It was exhilarating - to feel the cut of the wind in her wings and her face and chest - if not concerning that somehow she knew how to control this new body like it was some hidden ancient knowledge.
    After blasting through a cloud so heavy and dark she thought she must have slammed into the very edge of the world, Yang found herself emerging into what could only be described as the Heavens, so high she couldn’t even see the snow on the ground. For the first time since awakening as whatever she was now, she could see distant sparkling stars in the sky, brighter and sharper than she had ever seen. 
    Finally, she could see her structure in more clarity. It seemed to be some sort of massive tower, larger than even the Beacon CCT. It was made of black stone, each one uniform in its shade and shape. There were no windows and no cracks, and the longer she looked at the tower, the more Yang could feel the weight of the wings at her side. Her body began to involuntarily turn around, in the exact opposite direction of the tower. Strange, so far this body had simply moved in the way she had wanted it to, automatically, but something in her screamed to stay away from the top of that tower. Fat chance in hell, she thought to herself.    
    Resolved to find some sort of answer to this, why she thought she’d find those answers at the tower she wasn’t aware of, she cut her wings through the sky propelling her towards her destination at a nauseating pace. To stop for even a moment would be to abandon her resolve completely, Yang knew. Eventually, she reached her goal. The top of the tower opened into a courtyard, laid with grass greener than she had ever seen - uniformly cut just as the stone it lay on top of. Not for the first time, Yang wondered if she had snuck a little too much of her uncle’s good stuff when she, Blake and Weiss had stolen some the night before. (Stolen was a generous description, she was sure Qrow knew and let them cut loose a bit as long as none of it ended up in Ruby’s hands) 
    Looking down at the courtyard, Yang noticed a figure staring up at her, and her uneasiness immediately reached new heights. It took everything in her not to immediately shoot off, far away from whatever the hell this was. The figure was tiny in stature, sitting cross-legged and perfectly still in a small wooden chair, somehow also in perfect condition despite the nightmarish conditions surrounding this open courtyard with nothing but black stone to protect it from from the wild winds, with not even that protecting it from the skys. 
    Yang landed on the grass, which caused her to realize she used claws to touch the grass on the surface of the tower’s open top. Sure, I guess that makes sense, Yang thought to herself. She looked over at the figure she landed directly in front of, and the chair it sat in. The figure seemed to be a young girl, maybe half the age of Oscar. She shared his dark skin tone, and held Yang’s glance with dark green forest eyes, darker and fuller than any eyes she had ever seen. The girl had platinum white hair, cut sharply to the top of her shoulders, with short blunt bangs framing her eyes that burned into Yang. Atop her hair, layed a simple black and green headband that, along with her eyes, seemed to be unmoved by the cataclysmic winds still surrounding the tower. Funnily enough, Yang realized she no longer felt the cold or the winds, it was like weather simply ceased to exist. Continuing her examination of the girl, Yang noticed she wore an elegant yet simple dark green sleeveless dress with an opening in the front around her neck, displaying a blindingly white shirt that covered her neck and covered her shoulders, with the sleeves reaching maybe a quarter of the way towards her elbow. She also wore a golden pendant whose shape reminded Yang of a sunflower, and had simple brown shoes with a brass-buckled strap placed atop them. 
    “Hello friend,” the girl spoke in a soft voice so delicate Yang thought she might blow away into the now-non-existent winds. Yang tried to reply but only managed a throaty scraw, unable to form words. Great. 
    “Birds do not speak, I am afraid. Magick can do many things but it cannot truly transcend nature,” the girl spoke again, smiling at Yang. Yang scoffed, briefly refusing to return the girl’s glance.
    “Regardless, you can still understand me. I know this must be terrifying but you found me in record time, little one.” Who’s calling who little? Yang thought. “It takes most wanderers many moons to find my sanctuary, but you did it in mere hours.”
    Had Yang heard correctly? She had been in this place for hours? That felt both correct and wrong. What was this place?
    “I shouldn’t be surprised however,” the girl continued as she gave another small smile to Yang. “After all, I’ve never seen a wanderer traverse this place as a Phoenix. I thought such mythical birds held no place here, but it seems one truly never stops learning.” 
    Yang glared at the girl, feeling her claw’s fidgeting at the blandless of the conversation. “Ah, young ladies such as yourself always are in such a hurry. Very well,” the girl sighed. 
    “You have been called to the Dream Plains, Yang Xia Long.” The girl, placed her hands crossed on her lap, “Magick flows in your soul, now and forever more. Welcome.” 
    The girl then reached out her left hand, and Yang found herself instinctively laying the top of her head in the girl’s palm for her to gently scratch. “I know Magick has left your world, and I know you are confused and angry. I can see the conflict in your eyes; If there was any doubt in my mind you were Raven’s girl, it is gone now.” 
    Yang’s eyes snapped to the girl’s and she immediately removed her head from the girl’s palm. 
    “Ah, I see I have touched a nerve of some sort,” the girl commented, laying her hand upon her heart, “forgive me. I mean only that I see the resemblance, and I hope you are as strong of heart as she.” 
    “It is time I introduced myself and revealed your destiny, Yang Xiao Long,” the girl said, returning her hand from her heart to her lap once again. “My name in your world was Leah. I believe you know my father.”
    Yang knew it was Ozpin before Leah even mentioned her father. She wasn’t sure how, she just knew. 
    “My sisters and I are Wardens of the vanishing Magick in this world, Yang. You know this Magick as Maidenhood and you, young warrior, are the next Warden of Spring.” 
    Yang’s eyes shot open, and she found herself back in her bed next to Blake, with her metallic arm still drenched over her partner’s side. 
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silverlyndraws · 1 year
obsessed with the new rwby episode because ruby, jaune, and weiss are all in their own personal hell, meanwhile there’s a Category 5 Lesbian Moment happening in the clouds
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qu33rd0gs · 1 year
pls tell me no one has done this yet bc if someone has I will be v sad </3
this scene was literally made referencing this verse NO ONE CAN TELL ME THIS SONG ISNT CANON NOW, FORSHADOWING BUMBLBY KISS MOMENT???? crwby I could kiss you
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i-r-groot · 1 year
The If RWBY ship names followed conventional naming conventions polls summary
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Unsurprisingly the "winner" (aka the loser) was the one that included a body part.
While the food came third, outpaced by whatever a Wuby is.
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Again no real suprise here as the silliest sounding alternative ship name has a hefty lead
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Probably the least surprising result where the two that are euphemisms for penis demolished the competition. (Despite the misspelling Of the 2nd place one I couldn't fix without resetting the poll)
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Our actual canon ship and the one with the most voters (nearly double the amount in the Whiterose poll) honestly I expected the sound effect to win but nope. Doubly surprised by Bellong ending up in second as we all know they Bellong together (budum)
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The lowest engagement poll simultaneously has the highest percentage of votes for the leader and the biggest gap between 1st and second
So overall I believe I speak for everyone when I say thank goodness that the FNDM is more creative with its ship names and hopefully that creativity spreads into other fandoms in the future
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It’s still so wild to me having watched this show since V1 going from, “I love bumblby, but I can’t imagine it ever being canon” to getting to see it made explicitly canon. I am still a bit in disbelief.
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tumblezwei · 1 year
Hey TZ, what’s your opinion on the claim that “Bumblby is being rushed/forced Bc it’s the most popular ship in the FNDM”?
As someone who’s been watching RWBY since Vol 3, I can’t help but feel like RTs original intent was for Blacksun, but around Vol6 they realized that BB was more popular and ditched BS in favor of the bees. I know it’s probably more complicated than that, I just wanted your opinion.
(Forgive me if this sounds like I’m trying to start shipping drama, that’s not my intention. I do love the Bees, they are very cute)
I'd have to disagree with that I think.
In my opinion, even if the bees weren't planned from the start, the very latest I'd say it was decided on was volume 3. Adam's lines were just too blatant given later context.
And honestly I've always thought that it doesn't really matter if they knew day 1 that BB would be a thing. vol 1-2 weren't exactly the most polished, and I can pick out plenty of things that were in them that just felt like the writers throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what stuck. If they had put Sun in with the vague intention of him being a love interest, but then realized BB would be more interesting to explore, then that sounds plausible and perfectly reasonable to me. If they knew all along that Sun was just a red herring, then that's fine too.
Because in the end this is where we're at. And I'm sorry to say to BS fans, but what we have with Blake and Yang is infinitely more interesting to me than whatever we could have gotten with BS. There's just a lot more complex stuff going on with BB that BS wasn't really set up to fulfill. Even if they did change it because it was popular (which I heavily doubt), it's a change I fucking support. Good, I'm glad they realized most of their fan base liked BB and decided to do it. It was for the better in almost every way.
As for the first part of the ask, it's not rushed. The only people who call it rushed are the ones who spent the past 10 years denying any romance between Blake and Yang and calling every single canon romantic interaction platonic. It's their own fault if they see this coming out of the blue. You can't ignore the dozens of "road closed ahead" signs along the route and then act all surprised when you get to the road and it's closed. BB may have started as sudden blushes and flirting for them, but for literally everyone else it started with Burning the Candle and "starting with her."
It's also not forced. If Sun is allowed to wink, once, and then do fingerguns, once, and have people say he was robbed of a relationship because of it, then Blake and Yang are allowed to have an incredibly slowburn romance that involves some blushing and some flirting. BB has basically double the number of volumes that BS had to develop, and some of those volumes have done it so subtly that nobody fucking believed it was real. But yeah, sure, Sun being an overt flirt and everyone just assuming they'd end up together because of it is somehow less forced.
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dragynkeep · 11 months
Miles fucking Luna just admitted on Cameo bumbleby was made canon soley because of its popularity with shippers and "would have toned down the Black Sun moments" had they known beforehand! Ais, please bully this beta looking crackhead on Twitter for me because I don't have an account and I refuse to get one
i watched the video & 1. why does he look like that & 2. why is he so goddamn close to the camera. back tf up on this cameo you've owed someone for ages, maybe try & be a little professional & not look like you're recording this on your smoke break.
it's also interesting he doesn't mention why he had to turn cameo off for a bit when some of the last cameos he had included misusing the word genocide over a fictional character & then pimping out his own self insert as "bisexual" & having to walk it back when people, desperate for queer mlm representation in this homophobic ass show, were wondering if it was actually going to be canon when. nah. he just said it for money :))
"you asked if there was any behind the scenes info for bumblby, which is hard cause i don't think there's much to talk about" for a ship you've apparently had in the works for 10 years? since the beginning? kept so under wraps? whatever, miles.
ohhh my god miles bringing up that blake is the bisexual queen & "everyone wants to date her" as if he wasn't disgustingly biphobic & joked about getting off to women kissing in front of him as well as asking if bisexual women were "truly bisexual" or just "sipped from the fur cup" with his best friend who sexually harasses women.
it's also weird that this essentially confirms the reason she has the "blake harem" is because she's bisexual, as well as being "cute & pretty." which. fall into a hole, luna, you ugly fuck.
also positing sun & blake on their faunus relationship as the much smaller one while being deluded there was anything to yang & blake over the "much longer relationship" besides a shit ton of shared trauma & no in depth discussions, no romantic connection, nothing until the last two volumes where they were like "welp, better get this yuri train on the road" & invented moments for them out of nowhere that were out of character & did a disservice to their actual characters.
"they're finally in a place where they can admit their feelings to one another" but why? nothing has changed between them, they've actively ignored or pushed aside the so called "baggage & drama" that miles described them going through & in this volume they were essentially made by the environment to confess their feelings, not through any genuine connection. there was no reason that this confession couldn't have happened in all the life threatening situations last volume & i would've been spared yang fetishizing blake's racial features.
overall: this cameo just confirms the worst of what we knew about crwby in regards to sun / blake / yang. whatever was popular was going to be canon, they didn't care or understand their characters motivations & there is so much biphobia in their treatment of their main bisexual character in regards to both her love life & the confirmation of it only coming in a wlw relationship, downplaying all sides of her attraction.
they could've had blake be confirmed bisexual from day one. they could've done more with blake & yang in the early volumes instead of borderline pimping her out to the cast to have a harem because of said bisexuality & her "cuteness" when in what way does that fit the reserved & cautious blake we know?
this is five minutes of my time i'll never get back & i wish miles a very happy get [redacted] because your shitty voice sounds like razor blades in my ear, you unwashed biphobic fuck.
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
About you getting hate for liking the Freezerburn ship and then getting even more hate for politely asking to be left alone:
idk what the fndm's been drinking lately to get like this but it's kind of everywhere nowadays, which is one reason I no longer participate in things like the freezerburn ship week or stuff like that. It's become so popular to cyberbully people in this fandom, especially if they hold any opinion outside the extremely limited and strictly enforced one-way-only 'acceptable' opinion, and for some inexplicable reason, Freezerburn has been declared Unacceptable and Wrong and Bad, and that goes double for the shippers.
I once saw someone say that shipping Freezerburn was "homophobic."
A ship... between two female main characters... is "homophobic..."
The reason given as to why it was "homophobic" to ship those two characters was because the person making the declaration irrationally declared that every single Freezerburn shipper is also a BlackSun shipper and furthermore declared that the "only reason" anyone could ever possibly claim to like Freezerburn was if they were "pairing Yang off with a random girl so they could force Blake to belong to a man without being accused of homophobia"
I also once saw someone say that shipping Freezerburn was "disrespectful" and "egotistical" and "ungrateful" and - again - "homophobic" because Yang kisses Blake in canon and apparently that means that every viewer is legally obligated to praise the ship and make it the center of all their fics and fanart, because anything less is you "choosing to hate bumblby because you're a homophobe" and "failing to show the proper gratitude and reverence to the writers" and "stuck up and conceited and arrogant enough to think you could come up with better ideas than the writers" and "disrespecting all their hard work"
Aaaaand I've also seen people post lists of "rules" that every fic-writer or fan-artist is apparently required to follow, and if they don't then they get written off as "part of the HTDM" and they become a socially-acceptable target for cyberbullying and harassment, on the grounds that "the HTDM refuses to respect rwby, so why should we respect them?" And what'd'ya know, one of the many rules every fan is now expected to follow is literally "you must ship bumblby and you must make Blake and Yang get together, and you cannot pair either character with anyone else in the series."
I'll tell you what; the show claims to be about artistic expression, freedom of speech, and trusting love - but the biggest fans never got the memo.
No one is allowed to make art unless it is Canon-Compliant
No one is allowed to express an opinion unless it is a Glowing 5-Star 10/10 Two Thumbs Up monetizable recommendation
And no one will choose kindness if you break either of those two rules. Differences and Dissent are the enemies in this fndm, and if you get pronounced guilty of them, you become an acceptable target.
Because you ship two female main-characters with each other
Just not the ones that became canon
And the fndm seems unwilling to confront the fact that "doesn't ship bumblby" isn't included in the definition of Homophobia - but "attacking people and inciting hate against them through smearing their reputation and getting them branded as a toxic monster for no other reason than they posted content about a wlw ship on their tumblr" kind of is
Anyway Freezerburn is awesome
Ah. Yeah I've been out of the fandom for a minute, fell out around volume 4 and came back in with a recent rewatch so I was around when Shipping freezerburn was less controversial I guess. That and one of the only people in this fandom I've been following for the past decade is a multishipper who only posts postive content.
But this all does track. I did at one point ship Blacksun but it's been years since that happened and I find a lot of enjoyment in Blake and Sun's sibling/friend dynamic more than anything.
Even funnier since my post that started this mentioned that I support Yang having two girlfriends, but I have seen how serious rwby fans get about people criticizing the show even before I left. I remember when there were wars about posting in the rwde tag and fans who would start fights with bloggers for posting in it because they didn't think people were being nice enough in the rwde tag despite it being labeled that way for a reason.
I appreciate you taking the time to explain fandom history I missed out on to me.
Been a freezerburn shipper since volume 2, and surprisingly, that hasn't changed even after 6 years of being gone. If there's one thing I'll always support, it's Yang and her many suitors.
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werewolf-cuddles · 1 year
Dear obnoxious bumblby stans who insist that Yang is a canon lesbian (her sexuality is unconfirmed) and get angry whenever somebody headcanons her as bi
just admit you're biphobic and go.
We will respect you more if you stop beating around the bush and just say it outright.
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wildtornado-o · 1 month
Favorite RWBY ships?
Ohh I am so basic with this. I just like the canon ships mostly.
I like Fair Game, Arkos, Renora, Bumblby, and Raven x Tai x Summer intrigues me. AND CROSSHARES. I love lesbians.
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laserdog10 · 10 months
I've read some of your anti bumbleby post and now I'm suddenly worried for you, are you okay man?
I am most certainly not okay.
I watched the most awfully written, garbage, pandered to ship become canon, after 10 years of the most poorly handled, ham-fisted development all so CRWBY could take some of the heat of their awful business practices behind the scenes, and fucking try to save face and say "BuMbLbY wAs PlAnNeD tHe WHOOOOOOLE TIME, y'all just needed to take off your Heteronormative Lenses!" to our faces by Miles, Kerry, Barbara, and Arryn.
I literally have so much vitriol for CRWBY and the BB community it's not even funny. This single ship ruined a show, community, and in a way a company (but let's be real CRWBY was always a shit company, it just needed someone brave enough to expose the grime behind the scenes) down to its foundation.
It hurts, it genuinely fucking hurts and I really don't think I'll be over it anytime soon. If RWBY gets canceled and Volume 10 doesn't get greenlit, good, let the show die before CRWBY ruins it further.
If not, I'm only sticking around for Lancaster, and hopefully to see if a Bumblebullshit break up happens due to the massive amount of backlash from the fans and CRWBY switches gears to Black Sun, LIKE THEY FUCKING SHOULD HAVE FROM THE BEGINNING BECAUSE THAT WAS MONTY'S PLAN AND NOT THIS TRIPE SHIT, CRWBY, because that's the only way I can see RWBY being saved if at all.
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storm-of-feathers · 1 year
I know I shouldn't be such a sore winner about bumblby being canon bc it was always going to be and it was obvious but also its soooo good to see people just melt down and say the most insane shit like the blake that kissed yang is a shadow clone or blake is only using yang as a stand in for sun like cry cope seethe and mald lmao
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