#At Discovery Talent Strategies
discoverytalent · 2 years
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minami-ff · 7 months
Forbidden Tension
Captain Levi x Reader
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Levi tried very hard to dismiss his intrusive thoughts and behaviour. He struggled whenever you were around - from feeling instinctively drawn to stealing glances at you, to the way his heart inexplicably freezes when you’d face minor attacks from titans.
The more time he spent around you, the more he grew to admire you. He noticed the way you’d express your intellectual opinion in an authoritative yet gentle manner. Your swift and delicate hands when you sewed his wounds close. Not to mention how fast you picked up combat skills with a rare talent for it.
Levi felt an emotional connection growing strongly as well. Sometimes in the quiet moments after missions when it was just the two of you, casual conversations lingered. Your laughter resonating in the air, and Levi finding himself captivated by the genuine warmth in your smile. It frustrated his righteousness and responsibility as a captain when he realised how much he looked forward to having these conversations with you. He was never one to care about what anyone thought of him, except when it came to you. He’d sometimes wonder how you perceived him… not as a captain, but as a person.
As weeks passed, training sessions became a stage for unspoken tension. When you two spar, it’s always a walk in the park for his physical strength that surpasses that of anyone else. Levi’s movements were usually steadfast and precise, but this time his eyes held a fleeting vulnerability when they suddenly met your soft gaze. You instantly realised, using the opportunity to lock his knee and throw him to the ground. With your forearm pressing against his chest and thigh pinning his down, two pairs of nervous yet eager eyes locked for perhaps a reality of 3 seconds, which felt like an hour.
Oftentimes, when his eyes would make contact with yours, his would linger... longer than necessary. Everyone knew the stoic captain’s stare to hold a chill that cuts through the warmth of any gaze. But to you, when he’d look at you, it was like a subtle dance between the fading daylight and the impending night. Truth be told, you fancied him from the moment you joined his team. But aware of the implications, you always masked your burgeoning feelings behind a façade of professionalism.
Though the captain sensed an underlying tension between the two of you, he was determined to keep the thoughts he had about you hidden. Duty remained an ever-present shadow over the internal struggle of yearning for more. So he spoke to you, and about you, only when he had to.
By your second year on the team, it became significantly noticeable to the rest of the team and a popular hearsay. One night, you entered Levi’s dimly lit quarters upon his request, eager to share your mission discoveries. As you jumped straight into discussing battle strategies, his typically rigid demeanour softened for a moment, looking downwards as he said, "Your ideas are very valuable, y/n.” An uncomfortable pause filled the air, “but I called you here today to initiate a different conversation. One that I have been wrong to keep avoiding." His eyes shifting back to yours, “one about us.”
Your eyes widened, not ready for this conversation that inevitably had to occur. The weight of unexpressed emotions hung in the air. A flicker of something more bounced off the walls in this quiet corner. Levi hesitated, fingers tracing the edge of a map as he sought the right words. Then admitted, "This life is unpredictable. We can't afford distractions." You understood the weight of his words, but your heart still dropped, knowing that the moments you yearned for were forbidden.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
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Perzys se Rūkla (Fire and Flowers) - Chapter Five
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x original female character (Melessa Tyrell) Warnings: Mentions of infidelity, angst, strong language, mentions of pregnancy. Word count: ~2k
Chapter summary: Daemon deals with the fallout of Melessa's discovery. Series summary here.
Endless thanks and all the love to my absolute ride or die @em-writes-stuff-sometimes for cheerleading, beta'ing and just generally being the bestest fandom boo a gal could have.
Author's note: No gods, no masters, no tag lists. Only scabs community label fics. If you find yourself tempted to slap a label on this, please block me instead.
Header by the insanely talented @em-writes-stuff-sometimes
I love you. I love you. I love you.
The thought tempts Daemon to go after Melessa, pull her to him and demand that she forgive him. However, it is Rhaenyra’s coronation and it has been shrouded in enough uncertainty and controversy, without her uncle chasing his weeping wife through the Red Keep. The very last thing the beginning of his niece’s reign needed was more gossip.
He sighs, only realising when he looks over his shoulder that the serving girl he’d pulled from the feast is still in the alcove, pressed against the wall, wide eyed and disheveled. Pathetic. He is unsure whether it is a thought he directs towards himself or her.
“Fuck off,” he hisses, not bothering to watch as she smooths her skirts and scurries away.
Leaning against the cool stone of the corridor, Daemon sighs. He does not know how to put this right, apologies have never been his strong suit. He can put together battle strategies for entire armies, cleave his enemies in twain, and rain dragonfire down upon those who oppose him, but his problem solving does extend as far as opening his heart and admitting to his own wrongdoing.
The very thought of going to Melessa and placing himself at her mercy by pleading for her forgiveness terrifies him more than any battle ever could. He owes it to her, though; she has given up so much in his pursuit of her, even more so since they were wed, and in a single misjudged act of foolishness he has made it all seem worthless.
His footsteps feel heavy as he trudges his way up towards their shared quarters, turning over and over in his mind what he might say to her.
I’m sorry.
It was a mistake.
It won’t happen again.
None of it feels good enough. Daemon swallows thickly, his heart pounding, as he pushes open the door, preparing himself to be greeted by the sight of his wife’s mournful hysterics.
He is taken aback when he finds her seated by the window, staring out of it. She’d appear almost serene were it not for the fact that her eyes are rimmed red from crying. She doesn’t even acknowledge his presence.
Daemon shifts uncomfortably from one foot to the other, clasping his hands firmly behind his back. He bows his head, taking a breath, before looking up at Melessa and uttering the first thought that springs to mind.
“Forgive me,” he says softly, looking at her with genuine remorse.
“There is nothing to forgive,” she says flatly, her voice listless. “It was silly of me to assume our marriage was anything more than a political tool for you to ensure Rhaenyra’s place as Queen.”
A pit forms in Daemon’s stomach upon hearing this. He had expected her to scream at him, to be met with heartbroken tears and burning anger, he would have welcomed that. This beaten-down resignation is more than he can handle; surely she does not believe the things she says? He stands there silently, brow furrowed in disbelief.
“You’ve gotten what you needed from our union, and it is childish folly for me to expect you to not want to bed other women,” she continues. “But now you have gotten what you want, I wish to return to Highgarden.”
Bile rises in Daemon’s throat at her admission. He fights the urge to grab her, to shake her and demand that she be angry with him. He doesn’t recognise the broken husk of a woman seated before him. She is lacking in the spirited brightness he has come to adore from his wife. Had his carelessness really snuffed that out?
He opens his mouth to speak, but finds the words won’t come. She beats him to it, dull and monotonous sounding.
“Don’t let me keep you. We can make the necessary arrangements tomorrow. Go back to the celebrations. Give the Queen my apologies for my absence; I am not feeling especially jovial this evening.”
Not knowing what else to do, wordlessly Daemon turns and leaves. His mind races, fear swirling in his gut at how withdrawn Melessa is, unsure of how to coax her back out of the shell she’d retreated into. 
Irritation prickles at him as he strides through Maegor’s Holdfast, back towards the festivities. The very notion of playing at being Hand of the Queen for a feasting hall full of slack jawed halfwits, while his wife slips away from him, seems ridiculous. His jaw clenches as with every step the sounds of merriment get louder.
“There you are,” Rhaenyra calls out to him from across the courtyard.
“Shouldn’t you be entertaining your loyal subjects?” Daemon asks, walking to meet her.
“I needed some fresh air,” she says matter-of-factly. “Finished with that poor girl you dragged away earlier?”
Daemon pinches the bridge of his nose, huffing in agitation. “You saw that?”
“You’d sat at the table like a petulant child for the entire feast. It was the first time I’d seen you move all evening.” She narrows her eyes at him. “Of course I saw.”
Daemon rolls his eyes. “Well, so did my wife.”
“Oh?” Rhaenyra raises her eyebrows at this.
“She wants to go back to Highgarden.”
“And you’re going to let her?”
“What choice do I have?” Daemon asks irritably. “I can’t very well chain her up and force her to stay here.”
“You fought so hard to get her. Is she not worth fighting to keep?”
“Of course she is!” he spits, temper flaring at the absurdity of such a question.
“Then show her that,” Rhaenyra responds softly. “Fight for her.”
“Your coronation feast—” he begins.
“—Is almost over,” she interrupts. “I need my Hand’s mind to not be preoccupied while fulfilling his duties. Fix this, so I may have your full attention tomorrow.”
Daemon nods gratefully, walking away with a renewed determination to win back the affections of Melessa.
She has moved from her seat by the window when Daemon returns. He spots her standing at the foot of the bed, folding dresses into a trunk and he cannot help the white hot fury that boils under his skin at the sight of it. She really means to leave him. He cannot bear the thought.
Storming through the apartment, he snatches a gown from her grasp, the fabric tearing audibly as he does so.
It is the first time all day—since she caught him with the serving girl, that is—that her face has shown any visible emotion. Her eyes widen in shock, quickly morphing to anger as she scowls.
“What are you doing?” she cries in an accusatory manner. 
“I could ask the same of you,” Daemon says darkly. “You aren’t going anywhere. Stop behaving like a child!”
“It is not me who is cavorting in hallways with servants. You cannot keep me here as your prisoner!” she shoots back. 
He can tell from the way her voice wobbles that she is about to cry again and his heart aches at the sound, immediately regretting how he has handled the situation.
“Petal,” he pleads, his voice softening, still holding her now ruined dress in his hands. “You are not my prisoner—you are my wife.”
She shakes her head sadly, eyes closing as tears fall from her waterline and roll heavily down her cheeks. “I was an infatuation for you, one that you have grown tired of. Just let me go. Please.”
“You aren’t; I haven’t; I can’t,” he implores desperately, letting the garment he holds drop to the floor to reach for her.
She backs away, sniffling. “You know,” she begins, voice thick and watery. “It is not the utter humiliation of what you did to me that hurts most. It is that I have spent the past half a year trying to be the perfect wife for you and still I am not enough.”
Daemon hates this. Why will she not allow him to touch her? He cannot comfort her, cannot mend the broken pieces if he can’t hold her. He aches to pull her to him, fingers flexing uselessly at his sides as stares at her filled with shame and regret.
“You are enough,” he whispers. “More than I deserve.”
“You never say it back,” Melessa croaks. “Do you love me?”
Daemon balks at this, opening his mouth before clamping it shut again. He’d never uttered those words to anyone, wasn’t even sure he knew what such an emotion was. All he knows is that over the last six months something has grown within him, something dark and urgent that drives him to be with her, as though an invisible string tied his heart to hers. To be by her side was a need, not a mere passing fancy. If that was what love was, then he did indeed feel that.
But he has no idea of how to articulate that to her, how to make her understand that in his own unique way all of his heart belongs to her. So he says nothing, watching as she hiccups a sob before walking to the opposite bedchamber, the one that has remained unoccupied since they arrived back in King’s Landing, and closes the door behind her.
The anger builds quickly in Daemon, his patience threadbare at his inability to speak his feelings coupled with frustration at having made no progress in earning his wife’s forgiveness. With a snarl of fury, he picks up a small wooden stool that has been left discarded by the bed and launches it towards the nearest wall. It breaks apart on impact, clattering noisily to the flagstone floor.
“Fuck!” he shouts, before dropping heavily onto the bed, placing his hands over his face in frustration.
The smell of her clings to the sheets, almond oil and rosewater, maddeningly sweet. For a moment he considers barging into the bedchamber she now occupies and simply taking her by force. She’d have no doubt of his want or love for her if he felt how passionately he needed her. He thinks better of it. If she didn’t wish for him to even take her by the hand, it is doubtful she’d appreciate him rutting into her like an untamed beast.
He sighs. He has everything he has ever wanted, and yet has managed to ruin it. He could never allow himself to just be happy. It reminds him of when he and Viserys were children. They had had family visiting from across the continent who’d brought each of the boys a gift. Daemon had received a wheeled wooden horse, which he’d taken great delight in dragging around the gardens. Viserys had been given a model of a castle. To Daemon, it had appeared that Viserys was having more fun playing with his castle than he was playing with his horse. He’d taken it upon himself to destroy both toys. If he couldn’t achieve that level of happiness, then no one else deserved to have it either. Is that what he’d done to his marriage? Shame wells fiery and acrid within him at the idea.
He doesn’t realise he has fallen asleep, exhausted by the events of the day, until he is awoken by the creaking of Melessa’s chamber door. He sits bolt upright, anticipating the sight of her exiting through the door, but is disappointed and surprised to see it is Maester Orwyle instead.
Daemon stands, blinking back sleep, and stalks towards him. “Why the fuck are you creeping out of my wife’s bedchamber in the middle of the night?” he growls irritably.
Orwyle bows his head apologetically, a hint of fear in his eyes as he regards Daemon, glowering and tightly wound. “Forgive me, your Highness—your lady wife was having trouble sleeping. She requested milk of the poppy to help soothe her. You need not worry; I kept the dosage small, considering her condition.”
“Her condition?” Daemon questions suspiciously, eyes narrowed.
Shrinking backwards with a gulp, visibly uncomfortable, Orwyle nods his head. “Y-yes, your Highness. She is with child.”
Daemon feels as though his heart skips a beat, a combination of shock and anger flashing through him in an instant that has him yanking the maester up by his robes. “She’s what?”
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music-ntproduction · 3 months
Discover the Benefits of Music Worx: A Comprehensive Guide
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Are you an artist or DJ looking to make waves in the music industry? Look no further than Music Worx! This comprehensive guide will unveil Music Worx's plethora of benefits, from boosting your music career to reaching a wider audience. Let's dive into how this powerful platform can take your music promotion game to the next level.
How Music Worx Can Benefit Artists And Djs
Music Worx provides a valuable platform for artists and DJs to showcase their work to a global audience. By utilizing this service, musicians can gain exposure and recognition in the industry, ultimately leading to increased opportunities for collaboration and performance.
One key benefit of Music Worx is its ability to connect artists with record labels, radio stations, and music influencers. This networking opportunity can open doors for artists looking to expand their reach and grow their fan base.
Moreover, Music Worx offers detailed analytics that allows users to track the performance of their releases. Artists and DJs can monitor metrics such as downloads, streams, and chart positions, enabling them to make informed decisions about their promotional strategies.
Music Worx is a powerful tool for emerging talents seeking to establish themselves in the competitive music landscape.
The Features Of Music Worx
Music Worx offers many features designed to streamline music promotion for artists and DJs. One standout feature is its user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and use even for those new to the platform.
With Music Worx, users can access a vast database of tracks across various genres, providing ample opportunities for discovery and collaboration. The platform allows artists to submit their music directly to record labels and industry professionals, increasing visibility and potential career opportunities.
Music Worx offers detailed analytics and feedback on-track performance, allowing users to make informed decisions about their promotional strategies. The ability to create personalized promo pools for specific audiences further enhances targeted marketing efforts.
Music Worx is a comprehensive tool that empowers musicians to elevate their careers in the competitive music industry.
How To Use Music Worx Effectively For Music Promotion
Are you an artist or DJ looking to elevate your music promotion game? Music Worx is here to help you amplify your reach and connect with a broader audience.
Create a compelling profile on Music Worx that effectively showcases your brand and music style. This will grab the attention of potential listeners and industry professionals browsing the platform.
Utilize the platform's playlist submission feature to get your tracks in front of influential curators who can boost your visibility. Engage with other users by commenting on tracks, sharing feedback, and networking within the community.
Take advantage of Music Worx's analytics tools to track the performance of your releases and gain valuable insights into listener behavior. Use this data to refine your promotional strategies and tailor your content for maximum impact.
By leveraging all of Music Worx's powerful features, you can take control of your music promotion efforts and unlock new opportunities for success in the competitive music industry.
Tips For Maximizing The Benefits Of Music Worx
By following these tips and using Music Worx to its full potential, artists and DJs can maximize this powerful platform's benefits. From accessing new promotional tools to connecting with a global network of industry professionals, Music Worx offers unparalleled opportunities for advancing your music career. Embrace the features, engage with the community, and watch your music reach new heights with Music Worx. Start making waves in the music industry today!
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🌞🏝Sun and your purpose
Sun represents your inspiration and purpose. Things that inspire you and are close to you. Things that give you hope and light in life. Your great joy. Where do you enjoy yourself and in what way? It also represents the purpose you have. Where should you shine and where will you shine the most in life. Your bright ways and points. What drives you forward and what gives you light. You will find light where you have the sun! Follow the sun🌞🌊🦋
🌞Sun in 1st house- empowers a person with strong will and determination. They should be more knowledgeable of who they really are if they want a purposeful and meaningful life. Your journey is one of continual self-discovery. Along the way, you are likely to gain greatest recognition by forging your own path.
✨Sun in 2nd house- your purpose is to find your value, to enjoy beauty & beauty things. It’s important for these natives to appreciate the value of people and relationships, not only the one of wealth. You have to find a path that will have a balance between you and material things. Your challenge is to learn to trust the flow of resources available to you, knowing when to let go and when to share what you have gained.
🥝Sun in 3rd house- Your purpose is to tell people something, to leave a message. To put words into something meaningful. They are sharp yet upright and filled with a high sense of ambition and pride. The natives are also endowed with a stable strong will which makes them self-reliant. You may enjoy gathering data, ideas, information and facts, which you then disseminate freely. Your challenge is to learn to focus yourself on what is in front of you in order to develop your understanding.
🌟Sun in 4th house- You will find inspiration with your family and your goal is to make a comfortable life for yourself. They plan their life ahead and are great at developing strategies for themselves. They become better with age because their true self comes to display as they get older. You may find that your family life matters more to you than your professional world, and find yourself making choices that prioritise home. You may also be fascinated by heritage and history.
🥥Sun in 5th house- You will find your purpose and inspiration in things that are fun for you. Dancing and playing can bring you a lot of luck. Enjoying your own happiness. You will feel the best when you are spotlight. Sun here will also endow the natives with some special abilities. Presenting yourself and your talents is your purpose. Show who you are.
🌴Sun in 6th house- Your purpose is to serve others. You will be happiest when you help others. Animals can be very close to your heart and give you a lot of inspiration. Health will be important to you, following a healthy lifestyle and routine will fulfill your life. You may also be drawn to nutrition, health and healing. In time, you learn to teach others the art of refinement, self-improvement and organization.
🍰Sun in 7th house- relationship and marriage will be a big part of your life. Your purpose and inspiration is to find someone with whom you can share your happiness. Pursue romance and share romance with others. Justice is very important to you and proving the truth and sharing the truth with others is important to you.
🦋Sun in 8th house- The arena of power and transformation. With the Sun in the Eighth House you may find yourself driven to understand the depths of your own nature so that you come to terms with the power you hold within. Understanding the depth and following the depth of emotions is meaningful for you. You will feel the best in the depth of your emotions. The transformation will be great for you. You may also be fascinated by mysteries, psychology and magic. By facing the truth about yourself and others you teach transformation and the capacity to redefine challenging situations.
🏖Sun in 9th house- your purpose is to give something to the world, to understand the psychological aspect of life. Traveling can give you a lot of inspiration. Maybe you feel the best when you travel. Maybe you have a favorite place that you always want to go to. When you believe in something, it is like a meaning in your life. I think that these people are meant to live in foreign country because there they will find what they are looking for. You seeing life as a source of opportunities. You may be fascinated by travel and foreign places, seeking to discover what else exists in the world. Your challenge is to develop discernment about what you believe, and to accept present limitations.
🍹Sun in 10th house- You are gifted with an innate ability to manage or lead. You remind others of the need to be accountable through taking responsibility for yourself. Your purpose is to become something. Living the seen life. It’s like they’ve been born for nobility and for inspiring others to be greater people. You will find your inspiration through your career and audience.
🐚Sun in 11th house- makes for someone who is extremely open-minded, with a soft spot for underdogs and humanitarian efforts. They also likely value originality and being different and are interested in meeting all kinds of different people. Your inspiration are your friends. They will make you feel your best. It’s like their energy is obtained with the help of their friends, so the support of others is of utmost importance for them. Also couldn’t be happy with only one or two people around them.
🌊Sun in 12th house- Your purpose is to find the subconscious and confront it. Inspiration is found in spirituality. Having this special inner world makes them great artists. Your subconscious mind can help you understand yourself better. Maybe you will feel the best when you are alone, doing something that will bring you joy. Your purpose is to spend time alone. Anything related to astrology and spiritual things will give you greater joy. Maybe also something to do with water or ocean.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Eager for the Sky by @oknowkiss
Harry/Draco, minor Harry/Ron and Draco/Blaise (2022, Mature, 35k)
It was announced, just as the Triwizard Tournament had been, at the start of term feast. A year-long, international Quidditch varsity match — the inaugural Wizarding Academy Cup. In which Harry is Hogwarts' star Seeker, Draco is on the bench, and they both have a thing or two to learn about playing for the same team.
Draco hated that, the way Potter would sneak up on him, proving he’d been listening. He had always seemed to be caught up in his own head, never paying attention to anything or anyone but himself, but now that Draco was starting to know him, he was beginning to see the truth of Potter.
When I started this blog over two years ago, I’d write (smaller, but still) recs for every fic I liked. At some point I was reccing up to 3 fics a day and started bookmarking them all to keep track of my own recs - maybe that’s why I got more than 600 bookmarks lol - and it was really fun and fulfilling, but it also demanded A LOT of time and energy. As they both became scarce, I changed strategies and decided to only rec fics that touched me in a more personal way. These days I write recs mostly on a whim; it happens less and less because I’m not reading as much, sure, but also because it needs to be a frantic urge, almost like a trance, and it needs to hit me right after I’m finished a fic otherwise it won’t be fresh in my mind.
I’ve wanted to rec something from E for so long and after being left intrigued and impressed by any day now and licence to kill (two solid recs if you haven’t read those yet!) I couldn’t see what was holding me back. Now I ask myself if I had been waiting for Eager for the Sky. And not necessarily because it’s the perfect fit for my tastes - in fact, I barely read or care for 8th year fics nowadays - but because this fic found me at the moment I needed it the most. Coming back from a brief hiatus (that felt longer than life itself) right before Christmas last year, I can say that reading this was a refreshing and lovely experience, but also magical in many ways. And funnily enough, this rec has been sitting in my drafts, half-finished, since January. Once again, something I couldn’t figure out was holding me back until I saw this gorgeous binding post by @a-gay-old-time (go check it right now!!) and I accidentally found out that last week was E’s one year fandomversary! Perfect timing to wrap this up and post it as a humble homage to one of the authors whose talent I’ve enjoyed and admired the most in the past year. What a gift to have you in this fandom, and what a privilege to read this incredible 8th year romance!
Way beyond the delight of watching Draco and Harry fall in love over the course of a (very cool and inventive) Quidditch championship, I was so touched by the amount of tenderness, youth and heart this story coveys. There is something unbearably sweet about an enemies to friends to lovers journey that explores the wonders of being young and free to flirt, experience and discover. I could feel the joy of falling in love all over again through every line here, through every knowing smile and surreptitious touch. The slow burn is masterfully done in a way that never feels empty, boring or dragged. Every little moment brings new discoveries about each other and is important to bring them together as friends, and then as lovers.
It’s worth mentioning that there’s a fair amount of longing, UST and some infuriating delicious cockblocking but somehow the way it’s written and the context it’s given make the experience even sweeter and more rewarding. I was in no rush to see this over and found it very charming that they saw value in wanting, teasing, flirting, chasing. Because I really ready young Drarry I had almost forgotten how fun a pining Draco can be in all his teenage complexity, capable of signaling confidence, vulnerability, inadequacy and tenderness all at once.
His emotions felt so very real I could feel a lump in my throat, and I was especially moved by his genuine response to Harry’s prior involvement with Ron (Be still my Rarry heart!!! For those wondering: this is a minor but significant plot point that made my heart ache and grow twice its size, I’m so soft for this brOTP! By the way - side Rarry & Blaco? A fic after my own heart!). Even more brilliant is the fact that E published Eager for the Sky and July Tree pretty much back to back and these two fantastic 8th year tales complement each other perfectly. They got a very different tone from her usual edgy “mature Drarry” which I also love - and maybe that’s why I was caught off guard by how fast I felt emotionally connected to this softer, more innocent brand of love. Not to mention that superb art by @upthehillart - killing me softly as per usual, with the ultimate teenage Drarry headcanon what a treat!!
This fic was exactly what I needed and it gave me the delicious catharsis I was looking for without really knowing. It pulled me back into the fandom with its light, easy, unpretentious young romance, sprinkled with some excellent dialogue and charming banter that will make you laugh out loud at their sass, plus a sweet and delightful mix of curious, inexperienced but extremely insightful and lovable characters. I’m so happy I found this fic and that I got to write a rec for it! Thank you E for sharing this beauty and so many other fantastic stories with us - I’m delighted to share this space with you and can’t wait to see what comes next 💜
Read on AO3
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isitalk · 1 year
Chronicles of Volantes
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Hello everyone, after a very long time I have taken to the pen again.
I decided to recycle an old idea of mine and write it as a cyoa WIP.
To play the demo, go here: Chronicles of Volantes (dashingdon.com)
Currently, I have only a ca. 10k snippet of the prologue/Act 1 done and wanted to upload what I have so far to see if there is any interest in the world so far.
Also I have never used tmblr before so I have no idea what I am doing and you are welcome to join me on this wild ride.
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The following will be rewritten once I am a little more in the story. It will be more concrete then
Welcome to the world of Ariagon, where flying dragons roam the skies and danger lurks around every corner. Join a diverse cast of characters on a journey of adventure and self-discovery as they explore the breathtaking flying mountains of Volantes. Bond with your very own dragon as you navigate through a world of politics, betrayal, and magic as the impending war on the continent binds you and rips open old wounds. Will you rise to the occasion, use your powers for your own gain or will you even become the villain? The choice is yours as you discover new friendships and perhaps even find romance in this dangerous world. Hold on tight and get ready for a wild ride in the world of Ariagon.
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Alexander/Alexandra Lapides [M/F] Alex is protective, confident, and ambitious in nature. They are two years your senior and have just always been around. They are heir to one of the most prestigious houses of your kingdom, they are basically your childhood best friend and very close to both you and your twin. A prodigy in all things weaponry and military they and Isaac are in a continuous inofficial contest for the top spot in military matters. Their father holds the position of Knight Commander of the Draco Alas a position that is not hereditary but has been filled by their family for 5 generations. They are expected to live up to their families’ expectations and take their fathers’ place.
Bonddragon: Tiamat
Selene von Flüge [F] Selene is the second in command of the Draco Alas. Her considerable talent in leadership and strategy makes her a formidable officer. She is the youngest in recent history to hold such a high-ranking position with the elite guards. Her amicable character has made her beloved by her subordinates and she is one of the few that can keep up with Alex and Isaac’s talent. Her weapon of choice is the Dragonbow and she has made it her hobby to instruct everyone who shows up once a week. Her lessons have a high return rate for her character more than her teaching methods.
Bonddragon: Cierca
Ciel von Thurn vie Scipio [M/] Ciel is calm, charming, intelligent, and calculating in nature. He spends half of his time with his father in the empire surrounded by the far more dangerous court affairs of Kushar and sometimes jokes that time in Volantes is like a vacation from trying not to be murdered. He has inherited the diplomatic talent from his mother and is very liked in the golden halls. He loves magic and has considerable talent for it, although messing with your soulbond may have not been his brightest idea. Even though he can play the role that is expected of him he is actually an introvert who finds most people quiet energy draining. There is a competition going around the golden halls where nobles try to seduce him [he hates it but strings them along to further his own goals]. For those that hold his affection, there is almost nothing he is not willing to do.
Bonddragon: Saris
Emperor Akin [M] Kushars emperor is either slandered as a warmonger or heralded as a reformer. The empire has tripled in size since he took the throne and is in almost constant conflict with its neighbors. He has 7 concubines, all heirs of conquered territories, but rumour has it he never visits any one of them. One can often find them walking freely around the golden halls, breaking tradition of isolation and for some even chastidy. His rise to the throne was unexpected and sudden and he compensated for the lacking support with force and suppression. The empire is thriving culturally and he is slowly implementing changes that would have been unthinkable under his father. He never talks about his childhood and every portrait and remembrance of his older siblings and the emperor was burned the moment he took his place in the golden halls. You will never see him show up in any of the typical revealing outfits of his court, there are many speculations about what he is hiding under the layers of silky fabric. He has few people close to him and tends to show very clearly who holds his favour and who does not.
Nuru Farouk [M/F] Nuru has been living in Volantes since your 15th birthday when they were sent to take on the role of Kushars diplomat. They are quite young and rumor has it that they were coerced into their role by their stepmother to make space for her own children to take over as the family’s heir. They are amicable and have integrated very well into Volantes Court affairs. Their manipulative nature makes it easy for them to gain allies in the normally quiet court. They seem quite content with their life in Volantes. They have always shown interest in you and you have developed a friendship over the years [you think]. They don’t really get along with Isaac as he can’t handle their manipulative nature. Nuru is a good ally to have and a bad enemy.
Lekani the Beauty [F] Lekani is charming, cunning, and intelligent some would also call her stubborn as she is determined when she set her mind to something she will do everything in her might to reach her goals. Lekani is known around the continent for being the epitome of beauty. Some describe her as almost godess-like. She benefits from her blood relation to the emperor and seems to enjoy more freedom than the average woman of Kushar. She is Akin’s younger sister and their relationship seems to be a close one. She is enamored with the idea of dragons and shows a very keen interest in everything to do with Volantes. Can you trust her or is she only after her own interests?
Sefu the sword saint [N] Sefu is the bodyguard of Akin and the closest person the emperor has to a real friend. They know about his history and were there to pick the royal back up after one event or another. Their abilities with the sword are legendary. They hone it with a dedication that some may call obsession. They are very sceptical of you and never let you out of their sight for long.
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Your family Queen Helena of Volantes Your mother is a cunning woman. Some say she seduced your father only for the title of queen. That is not true as the woman hides her warm heart behind a composed front. She is a traditionalist and prefers for your kingdom to keep its neutral status. Is she on to something? She is known for her magic potency and passed her abilities onto you and your sister. She can be an affectionate mother but she also has high expectations. Her expectations have pushed Isaac away and so her focus rests mostly on you.
King Darius of Volantes Darius became king way too soon as his parents perished when he was 12. Darius had to grow up fast after that and people still gossip about how he kept his optimistic nature. He is calm, composed, and kind when reigning over your populace. His charisma makes him very liked by nobles and commoners alike.
Bonddragon: Balruch
Isaac of Volantes: Your beloved twin. You are blessed [or cursed] with your gods’ blessing of the soulbond. You and your twin are bound by magic so old no one knows exactly how it works anymore only that the bond is sacred as it is said to be the reason human and dragonkind found together. What you do know is that you and your dragons share more than just the normal bond. If he dies you die too and history is full of stories of soulbound twins and their dragon counterparts that ended in tragedy. Will you be able to keep each other safe? Isaac is the heir to the flying mountains of Volantes. He may seem like he doesn’t take his responsibilities seriously but those who know him know that he is dedicated and dutiful. His keen intellect hides behind his carefree and optimistic nature and even though he still struggles with sitting still he can if he makes up his mind. He is very athletic because of his preference for physical activities, he is known for being a prodigy with his weaponry and all things military. The relationship with your mother is a bit strained. He feels under pressure and never adequate as his nature contradicts what she expects from him as the heir.
Bonddragon: Vritra
Hannah Volantes Your younger sister is extremely introverted and shy. She only talks to you and Isaac really and prefers the company of books. Sometimes one can find her with the dragons just watching but not really interacting with them. Her intellect is well beyond her years. When she spends time with you and Isaac she is warm and affectionate and loves to cuddle. She loves falling asleep in your company. She has considerable musical talent and loves to play her harp for the dragons whenever they are willing to listen.
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Saris Saris is Ciels bond-dragon. He is mischievous, intelligent, playful, and curious. Due to his distance from Ciel, he is always looking for a connection. He shares a deep friendship with Falei. He is a pixy/salco dragon which means that he is part of the smallest family of dragons and he takes full advantage of his size to explore and cuddle whenever he can. Saris scales shimmer a rich golden color.
Tiamat Tiamat is proud and protective perfectly falling into his role as Alex’s partner. The Sky Dragon thrives on combat and is the fastest of his generation. He is however unbelievably shy and rarely talks to anyone apart from Alex. His scales are light blue and he is perfectly camouflaged against the sky.
Vritra Vritra is one of the dragon twins. She is bound to her brother like you are to yours. She is adventurous, friendly, and playful. Like Isaaac she prefers physical activities and she loves their rigorous training and combat exercises. As a celestial dragon, she proudly shows her iridescent pearly scales that are reminiscent of moonstone gems.
Balruch TBA
Falei Falei is your bonded dragon. He is the antithesis to his twin sister. Were she likes to stay active he likes to spend his time in calm dranquility, were she is extroverted and friendly he is introverted and prefers the presence of book over people and dragons. His protectiveness makes him a worrier and he likes to be prepared for everything. He shares your talent for magic and is a capable fighter if he has to. Faleis has dark iridescent scales that seem almost abyssmal dark reeling you in towards the nothing but in the sunlight your can watch the star-like patterns dance over his scales, painting pictures of fareaway galaxies.
Hanwa TBA Bahamut TBA Cierca TBA
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Codex in the works
To do
Finish this post
Add a save system.
figure out how to implement nb mc’s
Finish the Prologue/Act 1
figure out how to create Codex that makes sense
Add other important people
Am I in over my head … Yes, yes I am
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Tolna Tome-Monger of Sorcerous Sundries, I hope you are prepared for the absolute juggernaut of combined nerdery that is Hector and Gale coming to talk to you about magical history.
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"Literature department. Can I help you?"
She's whispering, which Hector immediately finds charming. Reminds him of the head librarian in the monastery, a wizened little old woman who happily listened to Hector chatter away about his latest discoveries in the ancient tomes he read through every day. He lowers his own voice accordingly.
"I'd be interested in any especially rare tomes you might have," he whispers back.
"Bold!" she says softly with a bright grin. "You might've heard that our library has a collection other shops would lack the skill to curate. Between us - even Master Lorroakan was reluctant to house them in his tower. The pen is mightier than the magic wand, apparently." She gestures around her dramatically. "They're locked away here for their and our customers' safety. Our finest reserve includes the 'Tharchiate Codex,' 'The Annals of Karsus: A Netherese Folly', 'Sights of the Seelie', and 'The Curriculum of Strategy.' Do any of those interest you?"
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Ultimately the one they're interested in is The Annals of Karsus, but Hector's curiosity about the others is immediately roused as well. He is definitely bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet as he asks about each - rather in the way Karlach did when she found out they could go to the circus. (She is standing watching this unfold with affectionate bemusement - but loving seeing him so excited about something.)
"The Tharchiate Codex," he says politely.
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Her eyes widen and she leans forward slightly. "Interesting choice..." she whispers. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you might have 'The Necromancy of Thay' in your possession... I'd advise tremendous care with the 'Tharchiate Codex.' The cost of unlocking its mysteries is... onerous."
(A/N: Oho! Hector does NOT have The Necromancy of Thay, as he smashed that book into tiny pieces back when we found it in the Blighted Village. (Gale was NOT happy, and even less so when a bunch of shadows emerged from the smashed book and one-shot him.) But I will have to keep this in mind for my other playthroughs where I kept it.)
Hector decides to let that pass for now, and asks next about 'Sights of the Seelie.'
"Its author was a spectacularly talented halfling," the bookseller says soberly. "She was, allegedly, able to establish contact with members of the Seelie Court. Can you even imagine what wonders the fey pantheon might've revealed? Incredible!"
What about 'The Curriculum of Strategy'?
"You've heard about the Red Knight, I trust?" she mutters intensely. "Devout strategist, made exarch of Tempus. This treaty is a compilation of her own design, kept here on the Material Plane for the benefit of us mortals. Quite rare."
Hector is listening to all of this with rapt attention, his eyes very wide. Finally he comes to the main point of their visit. 'The Annals of Karsus: A Netherese Folly.'
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"It is said," the woman intones softly, "to be written by Lord Karsus himself, the Netherese arcanist who attempted to replace the goddess Mystra, failed, and was banished for the attempt. Great magical knowledge lies within those pages - but not many can withstand it."
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"That's it," Gale hisses excitedly. "That's what I need."
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Narrator: The Annals of Karsus would no doubt have much to say about the crown's true nature - if only you could read them.
Well, Hector probably can't, but Gale certainly can.
"Sounds perfect," he whispers. "How much for me to buy it from you?"
She lifts her eyebrows, visibly startled. "Buy?" she says warily. "Books as temperamental as these are not on sale. They are secured in our vault, where none can harm them, nor can they do any harm. Consider yourself lucky to have learned of such a book's existence. And then forget about it - the Annals of Karsus are best left unread."
She's probably right, in the grand scheme of things - but they do need that book, which Hector is mildly glad of, because it means the correct thing to do here is to indulge his suddenly desperate curiosity to see that vault, which would be a thoroughly ill-advised choice in any other circumstance.
[PERSUASION] "Isn't it your job to share knowledge, not keep it locked away?" he asks earnestly. "At least tell me where the vault is..."
She tips her head to one side, studying him. Perhaps she sees a kindred spirit in him, the side of him that has been so buried under violence and pain of late, the boy from Silverlight Monastery who eagerly devoured every historical tome in the place and always hungered for more. But if she does - it is not enough to sway her from her implacable certainty that the books are not to be troubled. "Customers like you are why I prefer the company of books," she says wearily. "The only way to gain access to the vault is through my office. And before you ask - no, you are not allowed in there either."
Well, Hector and company have long since learned that locks are only a temporary annoyance if they really need to be somewhere. But as Hector prefers an honest solution if one can be found, he asks, "Surely there's some amount of gold that could convince you to part with the book?"
She narrows her eyes at him. "Psht. I already told you," she whispers fiercely. "It is locked in our vault. And with good reason. Imagine if a tome so dangerous were sold to someone with such poor comprehension."
Behind him, he hears Karlach swallow a snickering laugh, and resists the urge to grin himself.
"Thank you. I've learned more than enough," he says politely and turns away.
"You certainly has," the bookseller hisses at his back. "Even simple knowledge of these tomes is enough to stimulate most."
"That was cute, Hec," Karlach says with a wide grin as they walk away from the counter. "I don't think I've ever seen you that excited before."
"The collection of wisdom and knowledge that woman clearly has in her possession," Hector says. He's still visibly energized, his fingers twitching excitedly. "You were right, Gale. This place is incredible."
"I told you," Gale says with a soft chuckle. "A collection of magical lore with no equal on this plane of existence, I dare say - and certainly well worth our time to explore even in less dire circumstances. But... we will still be pursuing the Netherese book, yes? In spite of her objections."
"We will." Hector nods. "One way or another, I'll see to it that we find what you need."
"I might have to pick up a few books too," Karlach puts in.
Hector raises an eyebrow at her. "Sudden interest in magical lore?" he asks mildly.
She smiles playfully. "No, but I've got a very vested interest in anything that gets you excited. Or stimulated, as that woman put it."
Jaheira snorts. "Yes - it is well known that such books are tremendously romantic, is it not?" she says dryly. "Then again..." She shoots Hector a sideways look and then laughs. "I forgot who I was speaking of."
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satoshi-mochida · 3 months
PlayStation India Hero Project titles announced – Meteora: The Race Against Space Time, Fishbowl, Mukti, Requital: Gates of Blood, SURI: The Seventh Note
From Gematsu
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Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced the first five titles as part of its India Hero Project, a new initiative that aims to “unearth and empower India’s brightest game development talents to share their unique visions with gamers globally.”
Get the details on each game below.
Meteora: The Race Against Space Time
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation VR2, PC
Developer: Big Boot Games
Official Website: meteorathegame.com
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Shoot yourself into the nebula and join a race for survival. In this arcade combat racer, you’re not just a meteor but a force of nature. Cascade your way through a volatile universe of awe and wonder as you outmaneuver, pursue, and obliterate rival meteors in a dazzling display of strategy and skill. Harness the power of the cosmos, level up your abilities, and climb the leaderboard in an experience that’s as thrilling as it is unforgiving.
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PC
Developer: imissmyfriends.studio
Official Website: imissmyfriends.studio
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Fishbowl is a slice-of-life story that takes players on a journey of nostalgia and melancholy, exploring themes of grief, connection, and self-discovery, set in the cultural landscape of urban India. The world is filled with crafted pixel art and an original Lofi soundtrack that forms the backdrop of our game. Fishbowl weaves together a multigenerational narrative, following the aspirations of Alo as she embarks on her first job in a new city, although working from home. Your decisions throughout the game will shape Alo’s journey, leading to moments of reliving the past and coming to terms with the present through a month of challenges and discoveries with Alo. Prepare for Fishbowl’s robust storytelling and immersive gameplay.
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PC
Developer: underDOGS
Official Website: muktithegame.com
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Mukti is a first-person story exploration game set within the immersive environment of an Indian museum, delving deep into a critical social issue: human trafficking. In Mukti, players embark on a journey of discovery as they navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the museum, uncovering the harrowing truths and hidden narratives behind the scourge of human trafficking. Through rich storytelling and immersive gameplay mechanics, Mukti invites players to confront the realities that victims and survivors face, shedding light on this pressing global issue. Drawing inspiration from authentic narratives and meticulously researched historical contexts, Mukti aims to raise awareness, provoke thought, and inspire action. Each interaction within the game is designed to provoke empathy, spark dialogue, and ignite change. Mukti offers an impactful gaming experience that enlightens and empowers.
Requital: Gates of Blood
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PC
Developer: Holy Cow Productions
Official Website: requitalthegame.com
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Requital: Gates of Blood is a 2D side-scrolling action platformer inspired by Egyptian mythology set in the mystical underworld of Duat. Players assume the role of Zahrah, traversing the afterlife to defeat the mighty guardians of the Gates of Duat. Through a series of intense boss-rush-like encounters, players confront powerful gods, demons, and beasts. Embark on your journey of retribution from the celestial Nile, delving into the dark and twisted realms of the Duat. Engage in the immersive interactions with entirely hand-drawn characters and environments as you unravel the lore that permeates this enigmatic underworld. Traverse the Gates of Duat and forge a path through the afterlife.
SURI: The Seventh Note
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PC
Developer: Tathvamasi
Official Website: surithegame.com
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SURI: The Seventh Note is a 2D action exploration game set in the enchanting backdrop of mythical India. A world brimming with captivating Indian mythology-inspired narratives, vibrant characters, and mythical locales, from the floating temples in the Himalayas, the lost forts of Rajasthan, ancient jungles nestled in the Western Ghats, and many more. Platforming meets a unique musical dimension as the game’s world synchronizes seamlessly with an enigmatic beat. Uncover the connection between rhythm and the mystical realm of Ragamandala as you traverse its landscapes and unravel its secrets. This journey promises to transport players to a realm where every step is accompanied by the pulsating heartbeat of the game’s universe. Get ready to embark on this extraordinary adventure.
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books-pdf · 2 months
What's Right With Me
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"What's Right With Me: Positive Ways to Celebrate Your Strengths, Build Self-Esteem, and Reach Your Potential" is a self-help book by Barry Duncan and Helene Schneiderman. It focuses on empowering individuals to recognize and embrace their strengths, build self-esteem, and achieve their full potential. Through practical exercises and insights, the book guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
The authors begin by emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and self-acceptance. They encourage readers to identify their unique strengths and talents, rather than focusing on their weaknesses. By shifting the focus to what is right with oneself, individuals can cultivate a more positive self-image and develop greater confidence in their abilities.
Throughout the book, Duncan and Schneiderman explore various strategies for building self-esteem and overcoming obstacles. They emphasize the power of positive thinking, self-compassion, and resilience in the face of challenges. Additionally, they provide practical techniques for setting and achieving goals, managing stress, and cultivating healthy relationships.
One of the key themes of "What's Right With Me" is the importance of embracing authenticity and living in alignment with one's values. The authors argue that true fulfillment comes from being true to oneself and pursuing goals that are meaningful and fulfilling. They encourage readers to identify their core values and use them as a guide for making decisions and navigating life's challenges.
Overall, "What's Right With Me" offers a holistic approach to self-improvement, combining psychological principles with practical exercises and real-life examples. By celebrating their strengths, building self-esteem, and living authentically, readers can unlock their full potential and lead more fulfilling lives.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
Happy New Year 🎆🎇🎆
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Thankyou 🤍🤍🤍
2nd house in leo
entertainment, being a star, shining a light, pleasure
2nd house ruler in 3rd house
communication, travel, words, speech, writing, drawing, working with hands
you could def be someone who expresses themselves through the written word. the virgo stellium is showing an ability for detail and writing. also can create multiple ideas out of thin air, virgo is typically good at doing this.
jupiter in 3rd house in conjunction to sun
your happy go lucky expression can pull more people towards you. communication style can be expansive and magnetic. could also use your ideas of the world , beliefs to inspire people.
you could also be a rapper? or just using your voice.
i dont talk about jupiter in the 3rd being a multi talented source enough. but a lot of gifts are present here with jup, and the more you discovery within yourself the more you can produce wealth out of it.
the virgo stellium needs strategy. you need to formulate a blueprint for what you want. the design and exterior of the product that your selling (or maybe yourself) could possibly bring you dozens of dollars in the near future.
pluto aspecting sun/jup in 5th / trine venus
art, entertainment, hobbies are a focal point for how you can make money.
not only can ur presence (venus 1st) can attract money and fame (leo) but the passion and work ethnic you put in (5th house pluto) makes you an attractor for big wealth.
your voice holds a lot of power (pluto to 3rd house stellium) and it can be used to garner attention. if you are a writer, i'd work hard to get my stuff out to the world.
venus in 1st house oppose neptune
venus - art beauty pleasure, sensuality
u wanna be a movie star? lol you def should if you havent. theres a lot of sun/leo/5th house energy you're carrying.
how you make your money is through presentation, style, and giving off a fantasy (neptune)
neptune being in the 7th shows that partnerships will be how you produce more money in the future, but it is through your talent (leo) and the way you walk into the room (venus 1st) that bring in the partnerships.
your jovial, boastful attitude (sun/jupiter) is how you will attract more partnerships, followers, clientele but that first house venus shows you need to bring out the charm especially your personality. its the bread winner.
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dungeonmastertyrant · 5 months
Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace living in the world but not entirely part of it. They live in places of Ethereal beauty in the midst of ancient forests or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light where soft muisic drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze Elves love nature and magic art and artistry music and poetry and good things of the world. With their unearthly grace and fine features elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of other races. They are slightly shorter than humans on average 5 1/2 feet. They are more slender than humans weighing about 125 pounds Males and Females are about the same height and males are only marginally heavier than the females Elves coloration encompasses the normal human range and also includes skin in shades of copper bronze and almost bluish-white hair of green or blue and eyes like pools of liquid gold or silver Elves have no facial and little body hair They favor elegant clothing in bright colors and they enjoy simple yet lovely jewelry. Elevs on average live to be 750 giving them a broad perspective on events that might trouble the shorter lived races more deeply They are more often amused than excited and more likely to be curious than greedy They tend to remainaloof and unfazed by petty happenstance When pursuing a goal however whether adventuring on a mission or learning a new skill or art elves can be focused and relentless They are slow to make friends and enemies and even slower to forget them They reply to petty insults with disdain and to serious insults with vengence Like the branches of a young tree elves are flexible in the face of danger They trust in diplomacy and compromise to resolve differences before they escalate to violence They have been known to retreat from intusions into their woodland homes confident that they can simply wait the invaders out But when the need arises elves reveal a stern martial side demonstrating skill with sword bow and strategy Most elves dwell in small forest villages hidden among the trees Elves hunt game gather food and grow vegatables and their skill and magic allow them to support themselves withought the need for clearing and plowing land They are talented artisans crafting finely worked clothes and art objects Their contact with outsiders is usually limited though a few elves make a good living by trading crafted items for metals (Which they have no interest in mining) Elves encountered outside their own lands are commonly traveling minstrels artists or sages Human nobles compete for the services of elf instructors to teach swordplay or magic to their children Elves take up adventuring out of wanderlust Since they are so long lived the can enjoy centruies of exploration and discovery They dislike the pace of human society which is regimented from day to day but constantly changing over decades so they find careers that let them travel freely and set their own pace Elves also enjoy exercising their martial prowess or gaining greater magical power and adventuring allows them to do so. Some might join with rebels fighting against oppression and other might become champions of moral causes
Dexterity increases by 2 Elves love freedom variety and self expression so they lean strongly toward the gentler aspects of chaos. They value and protect others freedom as well as their own and they are more often good than not The drow are an exception their exile into the underdark has made them vicious and dangerous Drow are more often evil than not.
Elves are usually 5 1/2 feet and have slender builds your size is medium Your walking speed is 30 feet
Accustomed to teilit forests and the night sky you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light You can't discern color in darkness only shades of gray.
Keen senses: You have proficiency in the Perception Skill.
Fey ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charned and magic can't put you to sleep
Trance: Elves don't need to sleep Instead they meditate deeply reamining semiconscious for 4 hours a day While meditating you can dream after a fashion such dreams are actually mental excersises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way you gain the same benefit that a human has does from 8 hours of sleep.
Languages: You can speak read and write Common and Elvish. Elvish is fluid with subtle intonations and intricate grammer. Elven literature is rich and varied and their songs and poems are famous among other races. Many races learn their language so they can add Elvish ballads to their repitoires.
Subrace: Pick between High elf, Wood elf, or Drow (Consult with your dungeon master before picking Drow due to how rare they are on the surface) and Eladrin (Again consult with your dungeon master before playing Eladrin).
Source: Players Handbook.
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cooledtured · 9 months
Hayao Miyazaki’s Enigmatic Film: “The Boy and the Heron” Unveils Captivating Trailer
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In a world where movie marketing tends to bombard audiences with trailers, posters, and teasers, the legendary Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki has charted a distinct and unconventional course for his newest masterpiece, “The Boy and the Heron.” After a ten-year break since “The Wind Rises,” the excitement surrounding Miyazaki’s comeback to the film industry has been electrifying. The first glimpse of this enigmatic project arrived with the unveiling of its trailer.
A World of Striking Visuals
The film’s minute-long teaser is a breathtaking animation montage, inviting viewers to step into a world where striking visuals and profound storytelling intertwine seamlessly. From mesmerizing landscapes to a mysterious heron, the trailer showcases the film’s intricate layers and highlights Miyazaki’s unparalleled ability to blend fantastic beauty with deep, thought-provoking themes.
From “How Do You Live?” to “The Boy and the Heron”
Originally titled “How Do You Live?” In Japan, the film narrates the journey of Mahito Maki, a young boy navigating the tumultuous backdrop of World War II. His transformative odyssey of self-discovery unfolds against the backdrop of a family tragedy. This fantasy film showcases Miyazaki’s storytelling skills, exploring complex themes of life, death, and friendship.
A Revolutionary Marketing Approach
What truly sets “The Boy and the Heron” apart from conventional film releases is the deliberate absence of promotional materials preceding its Japanese premiere. Studio Ghibli, co-founded by Miyazaki, relied on artistic merit and Miyazaki’s track record rather than conventional marketing strategies to attract audiences. This bold gambit paid off remarkably well, as the film claimed the title of Studio Ghibli’s most significant opening in history.
A Grand North American Debut
Following its resounding success in Japan, the film made its North American debut at the Toronto International Film Festival, marking a momentous return to the director role for Miyazaki. It was here that Junichi Nishioka, Vice President of Studio Ghibli, claimed that this is not Miyazaki’s final film as it was previously believed.
The Journey Continues
“The Boy and the Heron” will first grace select theaters on November 22, followed by a nationwide rollout on December 8, including screenings in IMAX format.
There is evident hype surrounding Hayao Miyazaki’s return as “The Boy and the Heron” nears its eagerly anticipated debut. In Miyazaki’s style, the film promises a distinctive fusion of artistic talent and narrative depth, distinguished by its unconventional marketing strategy
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'What do a fashion doll and a physicist have in common? They are both protagonists of movies that explore different aspects of masculinity and how they cope with their insecurities and frustrations. Ken from The Barbie movie and Julius Oppenheimer from the Oppenheimer movie are two characters who represent contrasting examples of masculinity in their respective movies. They both have their own insecurities and frustrations, but they deal with them in very different ways. Their different coping strategies have different consequences for themselves and for others.
Ken: A Doll’s Journey to Self-Discovery
Ken is a fashion doll who lives in Barbie land, a feminist utopia where women are empowered, and men are supportive. He is in love with Barbie, the most popular and successful doll in Barbie land, but he feels insecure about his role and identity in their relationship. He wants to be more than just an accessory to Barbie, but he doesn’t know how to express his feelings or find his own purpose. All he can do is “Beach”. That doesn’t seem very productive or worthwhile does it?
He copes with his insecurities and frustrations by leaving Barbie land and discovering the real world, where men are dominant and powerful. He tries to emulate the stereotypes of masculinity that he sees in movies and media, such as wearing fur coats, riding horses, and building a Mojo Dojo Casa House. He also tries to impose his newfound authority on the other Kens, who follow him blindly.
However, he soon realizes that his actions are not making him happy or fulfilled, and that he is alienating Barbie and the other Barbies. He eventually learns to accept himself as he is, and to respect Barbie as an equal partner. He also discovers his own passions and talents, such as singing and dancing.
Ken’s journey is a satire of the traditional gender roles and expectations that society imposes on men and women. It also shows how men can be vulnerable and sensitive, and how they can overcome their insecurities by being true to themselves and by respecting others.
Oppenheimer: A Genius’s Struggle with His Creation
Oppenheimer is a physicist who leads the Manhattan Project, the secret program that developed the atomic bomb during World War II. He is a genius and a visionary, who believes that his work will end the war and advance science. He is also a complex and conflicted man, who has a troubled marriage, an affair with a communist sympathizer, and a history of depression.
He copes with his insecurities and frustrations by dedicating himself to his mission, by collaborating with other brilliant scientists, and by seeking guidance from his mentors. However, he also faces moral dilemmas, political pressures, and personal attacks from his enemies. He struggles with the consequences of his creation, which unleashes unprecedented destruction and changes the course of history. He eventually becomes a victim of the Cold War paranoia, which accuses him of being a traitor and strips him of his security clearance.
Oppenheimer’s story is a tragedy of the human condition and the ethical implications of scientific progress. It also shows how men can be ambitious and arrogant, and how they can face their insecurities by handling their actions and by accepting their fate.
Both of these movies are not only entertaining but also thought provoking, as they challenge the stereotypes of masculinity that are often portrayed in media and culture. They also invite us to reflect on our own identities and relationships, as well as on the social and ethical issues that affect our world.'
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trevorlifecoach · 10 months
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whipplefilter · 2 years
Just a question - how flexible do you think the Piston Cup was with car models that were allowed to join? Considering how they allowed Strip to continue racing and all despite NASCAR deeming the Superbird too dangerous and all. Does the Piston Cup draw the line at just American brands? Like do they allow other brands to race? Or just anyone fast enough to keep up- this has been bugging me for days lol-
Thanks! :D
EXTREMELY FLEXIBLE, lol. I mean, they straight let Cruz race and she didn't have a racing license, had never raced at any level in the Piston Cup, and is a bonafide STREET CAR and they let her race at Daytona without black flagging her instantly. And of course this is a long-standing precedent in the Piston Cup, which has compressed many very different eras of NASCAR racing into one simultaneous Piston Cup series. Cars like Strip would've been a LOT closer to street car than anything from Lightning's era.
But it's wild to think about, from a safety perspective. In our world, racecars do not wreck like street cars do--particularly the new composite bodies. They blow apart like piñatas, their batteries are located differently, they have roll cages. Even at local tier racing (heck, demo derbies) there are rules about what kind of car you bring on track, and it's all about safety.
Sure, the racers in the Piston Cup don't have meaty little humans inside of them, so notions of "safety" are a bit different, but I think if you're a car (and you feel pain), you still want a roll cage. You still want to know that the cars you're racing 200mph have the bonafides to race in a reasonably safe manner.
In addition to safety, there's also the question of parity, which the Piston Cup seems not to care a whole lot about--and given that, it's a miracle that the racing is any good at all. Of course, the Piston Cup also packed the houses for a 3-car race around a 2.0 mile oval, which in real life would be an extremely boring race no matter whether there was a championship on the line or not.
In NASCAR, cars are subject to inspection multiple times over the course of a race weekend. These inspections are extremely exacting-it's not just some dude kicking the tires, but an entire tunnel of doom with optical scanners that pick up any deviations from the rules package (which is a list of specs all the cars that race need to be within tolerance for). Here's an example of what that looks like:
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They put the white circles on the windshield because the scanner struggles with transparent surfaces, but I love them because they give the cars expressions of deep shock. O___O
Why all the hullabaloo over thousandths of inches? Parity. Part of the game of NASCAR takes place on the track, with driver talent, race strategy, pit road execution, and sheer luck, but the race starts back at the shop. The idea is that the cars are "stock" (well... lol), but even the tiniest things might give you an edge. The game is to find what those are, and which ones work for your team, while staying in spec.
...Or finding ways to cheat the system. One of my favorite recent inspection "scandals" was Rear Windowgate, where there were teams that found out that if they had a rear window that flexed concave during the race but held a normal shape when the car was not in motion, that gave it an edge (kind of like the dimples on a golf ball). NASCAR was not happy about this discovery, lol. Cameras caught it, reprimands were issued, and that was that.
But of course we see multiple eras of stock car racing all going at it together in both Cars 1 and 3. The Next Gens shop up with a wildly different body style and the Piston Cup just lets them.
So forget manufacturers--NASCAR currently has three: Chevy, Ford, and Toyota, so they’re not just American either--and forget any kind of... safety OR parity rules. If it's got wheels the Piston Cup would probably let it on the track lol. I want to say that they would draw the line at non-stockish cars, for safety reasons, but uh. The WGP clearly did not care about that. Open-wheel and fendered cars going at it at race speeds seems like a horrible idea, but I guess the WGP figured it could trust these all-stars not to kill each other. Then again, the entire WGP was based around a villainous megaplot that involved quite a bit of callous car death, so maybe that's not a good example of something a legitimate sanctioning body would want for itself. XD
I do think the Piston Cup must have some kind of rules package each year, though. I think it's a lot more lax, obviously, but at a bare minimum I imagine you need to be sober and have tires that can take the beating they're about to take on track.
tl;dr I've said this before on this blog, but I think there are elements of the Piston Cup as a sanctioning body that the racers and teams absolutely to not think about nearly enough. And it's probably innocent enough--like, the Piston Cup is not trying to be nefarious about it--but it's not thoughtful and is kind of a mess and the fact that no one's died on track, and the racing product is still good, is a stroke of luck rather than a sign of strong and conscientious management on the part of the Piston Cup.
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