#All Stars Hair Coupon
driaswrld · 8 months
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cash in, cash out — gojo satoru and geto suguru.
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wc : 1.7k
summary : the one where the boys pick the kids up, satoru loses his wallet, megumi almost throws up, the twins argue color theory, tsumiki gets the aux and suguru has a coupon.
part of : the star paradox collection.
notes : this had me cackling a bit as i wrote it i love the family dynamics esp since this is when the trio is new to the kid thing (around 2009) ALSO yes, suguru has a love for y2k girl groups : pussycat dolls being one of em don't @ me gege told me it's canon.
other : fem!reader, rs label undefined so can be read as platonic or poly (they're lowk dating w/o knowing) mentions of unsafe (?) driving?? mentions of bribery and also tomfoolery and shenanigans
current casette : father stretch my hands pt.1 - kanye west
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“—now we do headcount.” Suguru turns in his seat as Satoru slows the car and shifts the gear stick to neutral. “If you’re hungry, say I!” Satoru raises a hand up, his knuckles smacking against the roof of the interior, and Suguru internally dies.
“You’re hopeless.” Tsumiki laughs to herself, rolling the window beside her down, leaning against the frame, spring breeze warming her cheeks.
“I…” Mimiko raises her tiny fist upwards, mimicking Satoru, all while Nanako unclicks their joint seatbelt and breathes a puff of air, exasperated and hair a mess.
Megumi grunts, giving a weak thumbs up. He almost looks like he’s about to throw up.
The car ride was… something to say the least—
“—buckle the seatbelt already, brat!”
“—swallow your spit before you talk, you pig.”
“Steer the car for me, Suguru.”
A click reverberates through the car as Satoru unclicks his seatbelt and turns, ready to dive out of the driver's seat and into the backseat of the car, with arms outstretched to grab ahold of six year old Megumi’s neck.
Suguru’s arm flails to the side as he steadies the abandoned steering wheel from the passenger seat.
“Why didn’t name pick us up?” Mimiko mumbles, clutching onto her strawberry colored doll to her chest.
Ignoring the repeated smacks of Megumi’s foot to the side of Satoru’s cheek, Tsumiki shrugs, gaze fixed outside the window at other cars passing by. “She had work, I think—”
“So we’re stuck with the idiots.” Megumi grunts, and Suguru’s head whips around, lips morphed into a thin line.
Pride, oh sweet pride. Nanako, busy typing away at some cute game on her tablet, looks up for a second and locks eyes with Suguru, who withers a little under her gaze.
“He called you an idiot, Geto-san.” She says, ever the little instigator.
“Take the wheel, Satoru.”
But anyways.
Satoru huffs, almost pouting as the car in front of them stalks forward into the KFC drive thru. “It wasn’t even that bad,” he murmurs as he shifts the gear stick once more, moving the car forward.
Suguru can only chuckle nervously. “Yeah, not too bad…”
Behind Satoru’s back, he gives the kids a funny look, and they all snicker quietly. Well, save for Megumi who’s bordering on car sickness from that messy car ride.
“Alright,” Satoru mumbles to himself before he pushes his sunglasses up to rest in his hair, one arm hanging out the window, looking over his shoulder for a brief moment to check everyone over. “What does everyone want off the menu?”
Honestly, he’s a little proud of himself and Suguru.
Usually, you’re the one who handles picking all the brats up after school, but somehow, the boys managed to do it.
Although, it did take a bit of crisscrossing with seatbelts shared in pairs of two— hey, at least they’re all in one piece, right!
“Twister!” Nanako exclaims with a grin and Mimiko nods along with her twin sister, setting her doll down in her lap with a smile that Suguru mirrors, something so small making him feel so… soft inside. “I want the one with the sweet flavored chicken inside—”
“I want the spicy one.” Nanako nods along, turning her attention back to her tablet, clicking away.
Satoru hums, turning his head a little to the side, and Tsumiki mumbles, “Maybe just a chicken sandwich… with some coleslaw too.” He looks to Megumi, who still has his mouth twisted into something between a frown and a pout, so cute—
“And what do you want, Megs?” Suguru asks before Satoru can, as the car treks forward in the drive thru line, drawing closer to the order speaker.
“Whatever Tsumiki gets, I’ll get that too.” Megumi shrugs a little and a smile stretches on Satoru’s face — though he hides it well, straining his head forward.
(Mimiko can see him through the side mirror but he doesn’t even remember that.)
After ordering and making it halfway down the length of the drive thru, there’s only two cars ahead until the pay window.
Suguru is helping Tsumiki plug the aux cord into her ipod touch — a birthday gift from Satoru.
“I don’t think the cord’ll fit,” Tsumiki mumbles, peering over his shoulder, head leaning against the headrest. “It’s probably too big or something.”
All while Mimiko and Nanako are arguing over a dress up game on their tablet.
“She looks better in purple—”
“But I like the yellow better—”
Megumi narrowly dodges Satoru’s elbow as he bends his arm to rummage through the storage compartment of the armrest.
“Don’t worry too much, Tsumiki—” He mumbles, haphazardly searching for another aux cable, and his wallet, because for some reason he didn’t feel it in his pocket just now. “Suguru’s good at making all kinds of things fit—”
A smack to the side of his head sends his sunglasses flying off his head into Nanako’s lap, and the twins share a look with each other. “We should try sunglasses on her—”
“I don’t want her to look like Gojo-san—”
Megumi snickers just as Suguru snatches the shorter aux cable from Satoru’s hand.
Tsumiki tilts her head to the side, a grin reaching her lips once Suguru finally gets the aux connected. “Hold on,” Satoru whispers to himself, shifting back in the driver’s seat and moving forward to take the place of the car that was just in front. “Suguru, I can’t find—”
“Check under your seat or something.” Suguru cuts him off, scrolling through the sheer ridiculous list of songs on Tsumiki’s ipod touch — most of which are Taylor Swift and a few J-Pop groups. “It’s not there.” Satoru huffs in defiance.
From where Megumi’s sitting slumped in the backseat, he can see the shadow of Satoru’s billfold laying under his seat.
Naturally, Megumi wants to watch him squirm a little. Afterall, Suguru told him to look there and he was too proud to, so…
Satoru’s phone vibrates from inside the open glove compartment where it’s charging.
“I’m sure I had it in my side pocket…” He mumbles to himself, and Suguru gives him a look of absolute defeat with a hint of nonchalance.
“Well I don’t have any money on me—” The timing couldn’t be worse really. “Of course you don’t. Because all of you freeload off me—”
Megumi rolls his eyes, “As if you don’t make six figures.”
The phone vibrates again, and it’s the least of Satoru’s problems, really.
“Is that all I am to you? Some bank?”
Because here he is, next in line to pay and he doesn’t have his card in his hand, Suguru is still flat broke as always, you aren’t here and it’s not like the brats in the back have a steady flow of income coming in.
Why didn’t he just set up his damn online accounts when you told him to?
“Maybe you should answer that,” Suguru shrugs, damn near unable to hide his little smile when he comes across a song by the Pussycat Dolls. He has half a mind to say out loud that he’s raising Tsumiki right.
The phone vibrates again.
“Jeez, fine, damn.” Satoru is shifting around in his seat like he’s possessed, patting down his pockets, all while the phone keeps vibrating.
He reaches over with a frown, yanking the charger out and answering the phone with a single tap and a curt, “I’m busy right now, what is it?" Putting it on speaker as he leans over in his seat again to search his pants.
“Hello to you too, sunshine.” Your voice echoes through the phone and Satoru winces, pink tinging the tip of his ears. “Sorry name, I just—”
“He lost his wallet and we’re going to starve.”
Megumi leans forward, sticking his head out and leaning against the passenger seat.
Tsumiki and Suguru stifle a laugh, and Mimiko lifts her head with a pout. “But— I don’t wanna starve!”
“Oh, Mimi…” You sigh, damn near ready to punt Satoru into the sun. “That’s not going to happen, Megs is just making fun—”
“I have a coupon for a biscuit from that magazine yesterday,” Suguru says and he locks eyes with Satoru who glares straight at him. “Hey, I’m just suggesting solutions!”
Shoko, who’s sitting beside you in the vacant classroom looks up from the mission report she’s signing up for the both of you and bellows a huge laugh. It really doesn’t help Satoru’s pride at all, and he grabs the phone, clicking it off speaker and hugging it against his ear.
Suguru watches as Satoru slumps in his seat, one arm hanging over the steering wheel and another out the window. A grown man, twirling the side of his hair and pouting.
He doesn’t even think twice before snapping the photo — he ends it off to the twins’ tablet, and they exit their game to open it, giggling into their tiny fists.
“I’m not sending you money, Satoru—”
“Please! I promise I just misplaced my wallet,”
The twins pass the tablet over to Megumi who folds his lips to hide his laugh, nudging Tsumiki who leans over to giggle at the picture too.
“Pleaaasee! C’mon, I promise I’ll even set up my account like you told me to—”
Suguru sends a sneaky wink to the kids and they all burst out laughing, to which Satoru whips his head around, only to find everyone ducked down in their seats, suspiciously minding their own business.
Suguru’s even gazing out the car window, a guilty whistle leaving his lips.
“I let you two pick them up one time and—”
Satoru cranes his head out the window, his voice lowering to a whisper. “name, I’m begging you. This is a man’s pride we’re talking about here—”
“You can always use Suguru’s coupon—” You murmur.
“I’ll get a chocopie with your order.”
"I'm literally paying— hey, what do you take me for? I have some semblance of self respect—”
“Two chocopies and a twister.” He looks around before ducking his head again in a whisper, “I’ll even pay for all your meals this month— matter of fact, you can just take my card—”
“Two months, including takeout.” You grumble. “And add an egg tart, I’m sending the money to Suguru right now.”
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lilac-5ky · 11 months
Hiya! Can you do one when y/n is bratting off to toji while grocery shopping at 3am(they're alone)🤩😍
A/N: Funnily enough I was sent this while grocery shopping myself. Also, I'm aware that another writer also did a request like this recently, but who am I to say no? However, I'll raise you this: Bratty!Reader dragging Toji to the store at 3am with the goal of having fun 'cause he's been neglecting her.
Tags: public sex gone wrong, unprotected sex, implied car sex, age gap (toji 30's, reader 20's), spanking, bratty reader, soft!dom toji, light degradation, daddy kink, piv, standing sex, name calling (slut, whore), nicknames (baby,sweetheart, kid, etc.), lowkey sugar daddy vibes from toji, talk of masturbation, our man being pussy drunk, theft!?!
Word Count: 3.9k
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“Ya seriously gonna wear that?” Your boyfriend’s eyebrow quirks at the sight of you plopping down on the passenger’s seat, the sharp green eye it framed cautiously studying the naked parts of your body; dressing rather than undressing you whole.
“Already am! Why—‘s there something wrong with my clothes?” You bat your eyes sweetly.
This was all part of a bigger plan that was set in motion the second you interrupted his sleep and dragged him out of bed to rev up the car for your nightly excursion to the 24/7 grocery store. Your pink terry-cloth shorts and loose-fitting crop top that barely stretch over your thighs and belly button, respectively—those are your props for the final fact, and you, the star of the show.
“You’re wearing makeup.” Toji accuses as if that’s the root of all evil, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. His nose scrunches up. “And perfume.”
“Really?” You feign ignorance with a candied smile. “Must’ve forgotten to take it off. Oopsie.”
“Forgot…sure.” His fingers are still in your hair when he nods, his hand sliding down your neck as he leans closer.
Toji isn’t an idiot. He sees it in the way your pink tongue darts outside your lips a bit too often, wearing off the two layers of gloss you’d carefully applied while he was waiting for you to fetch your precious coupons. He notices how your thighs rub together, your little pussy silently protesting for his neglecting it all night long. And when your cheek willingly tilts into the warmth of his large palm, he knows neither radishes nor toilet paper are what’s in your mind right now.
“My baby doin’ all this for my attention?” His thumb pads across your skin, swiping below you defined eyelash line. “Acting pouty cause I didn’t take care of her needs?”
You find it hard to resist when his other hand dives between your thighs, sidetracking from your own devious plot. He sounds earnest in his efforts, his lips curling into an an apologetic smile they sear on yours. You almost moan from that.
You can’t remember the last time he’d kissed you, even when that was a few days ago, at worst. What you do remember is the reason why you’re doing all this, and you refuse to return it. You let him pointlessly swirl his tongue in your mouth, failing to meet with your folded one.
“C’mon, princess, don’t go cold on me,” he mumbles. “Told ya work was shit today.” You said that the previous day, too. “Couldn’t even keep my eyes open to see how pretty you are. So damn pretty,” he takes his chances again, only this time you have no qualms about backing away toward the window.
His frustration gathers in his grip, his fingers digging crescent moons in the fat of your thighs. He glares, and you chuckle awkwardly before the situation can get out of hand.
“That’s not it! So what if this is the eight night in a row you come home beat after midnight and we haven’t… you know, in nearly two weeks? You think I’m counting? You think I don’t know how hard you work? That I don’t appreciate all the nice things your money’s gotten us?”
You plant a quick peck on his blossoming scowl. “Because I do. I really do, it’s just today’s the last day to cash these coupons out. Don’t want me going off on my own in the middle of the night, do you?”
He keeps quiet, the sole reason he allows himself to be manipulated by such cheap tricks being that up until fifteen minutes ago he was —unbeknownst to him— drooling on your pillow. That and to strip you off your clothes later on; a reason not too dissimilar from your own.
“Let’s go. I promise we’ll be snugglin’ in bed before you realize we were gone.”
“Are those stupid coupons worth that much to ya?” Toji asks.
No, they aren’t. You couldn’t care less about these stupid coupons if you tried, but staying home means spending another night burning your eyes at your phone’s screen by the snoring corpse on the left side of the bed. And you’d tried. You’d gone through every lingerie set in your possession, dabbed a generous amount of that falsely advertised Moroccan oil across your legs and rubbed your silky-smooth cunt all over his crotch like a bitch in heat, only to be turned down with another of his hoarse groans.
You’ve been patient with him. You are grateful that as tired as he was, he chose your bed to pass out on and not some random “coworker’s”. That the flawed man you’ve fallen head over heels for put up effort into straightening up for you. But relationships don’t run on gratitude alone. You miss him. His touch, his kiss, his fuck—even the green color swallowed past his permanently shut eyelids. If a silly idea is what it takes to have your boyfriend back, then you’ll gladly sit through a ten-minute drive of resentment.
“Yes, they are.” You smile, watching his hand relocate to the gear lever.
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The clock points to 3:18 AM when Toji pulls over at the vacant parking lot that mirrors the state of the store; no one but a single employee to defend the fortress from the safety of his register. He acknowledges your presence with a nod, his head buried between the pages of the latest Shounen Jump. That’s not very professional of him, but what can you expect from someone who receives his paychecks for acting as a guard dog?
Toji grabs a cart from the stand and lazily pushes it into the first aisle, while you follow after the long-drawn gait of his sandals. You can’t help but pick on his slouch, both elbows balancing against the handlebar. His hair’s still ruffled from sleep, though it’s always kind of messy in a cute, boyish way. His shoulders seem twice as broad, prompting you to loop your arms around his slim waist and nuzzle your cheek against his back. You love how big he looks from this angle, yet not as big as he looks when he’s hunched over you with both your legs on both his shoulders—
“What’s your first coupon for?” He glances at you over his shoulder.
You sort the coupons in your hands, finding the one closest to the aisle you’re strolling.
“Soda. It’s right there,” you point out, and he takes a turn.
He parks the cart on the opposite end of the shelves while you take stock of the different cans and bottles, contemplating whether to start high or low. Your eyes fall on a six-pack bundle of grapefruit soda shoved deep into the highest shelf. You don’t love the flavor, but this will do.
You tiptoe to the shelves and stretch your arms as much as possible, your shirt lifting to reveal your bare back to him while your fingertips barely make contact with the edge of the plastic packaging. Your tits bounce as you jump up and down a few times before you graciously admit defeat.
“Toji? Would you mind getting that for me?” You ask pleadingly.
His jaw falls slack after a minute-long yawn, his eyes tracking your index finger to the bundle it points at. He cocks his head while sizing you up, a hint of a smirk twitching at his scar. He’s finally awake.
“Nah, you do it. Aren’t ya the one who preaches women’s equality and says there’s nothing men can do that women can’t?” Toji sneers. “Go on, kid. ‘m watching.”
A sigh leaves you as you turn around. “Feminism‘s got nothing to do with height.”
You throw yourself over the shelves again and hook a finger under the plastic net that binds the sodas together. The cans shimmy near the brink, and you are certain you will catch them when Toji’s hips suddenly snap against your ass. You yelp as the cans threaten to squash your head, a hand catching them with ease in mid-air while another hikes up your shirt and exposed underboob.
His hot breath tickles the shell of your ear as his lips attach to your lobe. “It’s got everything to do with you dressing like a whore, though, doesn’t it?”
You bite your lip into a straight line as you’re sandwiched between his body and the shelves, his fingers pinching your nipple harshly. You almost whimper—almost give in to him too easily when he starts grinding onto you, the press of his groin becoming more prominent with every languid sway.
“Wanna get fucked like one?” Toji doesn’t mumble so much as groan in your ear. “Promise I’ll be quick; heh, might give ya some more coupons after.”
An automated message informing you of the special discount in the baking aisle allows you to slip away from his clutches, and you’re unable to keep your giggles to yourself. His fists pang against the shelf while he curses under his breath. The sight is pathetic, but not pathetic enough for you to call things even. You want him to suffer like you did.
“On second thought, I’m trying to cut down on soda.” You declare much to his audible dismay. “Let’s check the baking aisle next. We’re out of bread.”
Toji stalks behind you, assuming his previous bored stance while pushing the cart forward with his entire body. You hear him huff every now and then, but don’t pay any mind. At least he’ll be rewarded handsomely for his patience. Yours wasn’t.
You halt in front of the various loaves and pastries, overjoyed to see that the overpriced organic linseed bread you constantly made excuses to not buy is 50% down. This might be a good chance to try it out. You fling it in the cart and continue your search for baked goods on the lower shelves. Jam-filled donuts. You definitely don’t need those, but it’s the only purchase you can justify, considering you have no use for the baking supplies surrounding them.
You make sure his eyes are fixed on you and bend over, exaggerating the arch of your bum. You hum softly, unsuspecting of any danger, and rock your hips while supposedly inspecting the labels. Strawberry jam, cherry jam, apricot jam, and—there it is. Your hair falls over your face as you catch his feet stepping between your own. Soon, his presence is felt rather than sensed.
Toji’s palm spreads over your cheek, his fingers long enough to squeeze a good chunk of flesh between them. “You cunning little slut,” he says in a gravelly voice. “Y’think I don’t know what you’re trynna do?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just checking the fillings; can’t read the letters while standing.” You lie through your teeth.
“Fillings, huh?” He repeats, and the word changes meaning on his tongue, gaining a lewd intonation. “Anyone can fill that sloppy cunt from this angle, sweetheart. That why you insist on doin’ groceries alone? Y’enjoy letting others see my pussy?”
You love how possessive he gets over your body. That’s another thing you’ve missed. You want him to say it again—to stake his claim over every inch of your body like he did before this hellish month began. You chose this store because you knew it would turn into a graveyard at this hour, but you honestly wouldn’t mind if it was packed with people either. You’d want to be filled by him all the same.
In a moment of weakness, you breathe out his name, and he slaps your ass so hard it reverberates across the aisles as an off-beat drum to the chirpy background music.
“Don’t ‘Toji’ me, girl. Y’know what to call me.”
“D-daddy,” you correct.
“There’s my baby,” Toji praises. “Taught her good manners, mhm?
Your cheeks assume a rosy shade. You’ve never used that name on him in public. It feels exhilarating—perhaps even more so than his fingers shoving the fabric of your shorts to the side and slipping right between your dripping folds.
He gasps. It’s a tiny sound that he thinks you missed, but it’s enough for you to gain confidence. Not many things are capable of shocking the Fushiguro Toji. His other hand joins in the action, rolling your shorts until they dig into your skin like a thong, and his suspicions are confirmed; you weren’t wearing anything underneath.
“Such a naughty girl,” Toji says, and his voice reaches deep within your pulsing core. You don’t think you can do this anymore. Correction: You don’t want to do this anymore.
His middle and ring fingers push into your hole a second time, and he slowly pumps them in and out, your clear essence coating his knuckles. Two fingers shouldn’t stretch you this good. You’re scared that in all these days, your pussy forgot the stretch of his cock.
“I oughta punish ya for acting up like a complete brat without my permission, but I’m feeling generous.” He says and you thank the gods, the universe, and whoever else is listening to your prayers for not letting you become the first woman in human history to experience blue balls.
“Tell me what ya dragged me here for, and don’t gimme any of that coupon bullcrap, or else you’ll be crawling outta here on all fours.”
Is that a promise or a threat?
His thumb finds your clit and you choke on a moan, the red jam squirting out of the donuts you grip. That’s plenty to answer his question.
“Now tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it for ya,” He rubs a full circle around the nub, the rest of his fingers plunging in so deep your knees go weak. “Got lots of options,” he reads the signs over your heads. “Canned; Deli; Snack; Dairy Aisle might be too cold for ya, hah, unless you’re into some temp play.”
His stalling makes you impatient. “Toji, I swear to God, if you don’t fuck me right here, right now I’ll fucking implode.”
The older man chuckles lowly, finding your outburst positively endearing. He fixes your shorts back in place and instead grabs your hand, forcing you to follow him through the empty aisles on a walk that seemingly lasts for hours. He finally lets go when you make it to the Candy aisle, where thousands of colorful gummy bears can bear witness to your sinful act.
Toji flashes a wolfish smile as he corners you between two walls and the door leading to the store’s storage room. He points at the ceiling, and you aren’t sure what you’re looking for until he explains, “It’s a blind spot here. Only place without a working camera.”
He cups your cheek and brings your face to his, licking his lips.
“How do you know that?”
“Great minds think alike. Wanted to bring ya here myself some day. Didn’t think your prude ass would act out first. You’re full of surprises.” His tongue enters your mouth and presses flat against your own. Your fingers lace behind his neck, and his get a firm grip on your hips. He’s much harder than before.
“Speaking of your ass,” and they slide to seize both cheeks, “mind turning ‘round for me?”
His question isn’t a request so much as an order you must obey. “Good girl.” Toji praises you and cages your chest with one arm while the other searches for the zipper in his pants. He lets them ride low around his hips and pulls his cock out of its confinement, stroking it with his fist. You hear his breath grow sharper—or maybe it’s yours. You can’t tell over the sound of your heart; the excitement the same as if it were your first time with him.
Instead of tugging your shorts off, he yanks the fabric to one side and runs his reddened tip between your puffy folds. He hasn’t even pushed it in when you tilt your head to meet his hooded green eyes. “I’ve missed you.” His stare lifts, lustful and adoring as ever. “I’ve missed you so damn much, Toji. You’re always here, but never really here—you know?”
Toji cranes his neck to kiss you, you think, but in reality all he does is swallow the moan that comes out as he drills his cock in your hole. “Missed ya more, sweetheart.” You roll your eyes. He just has to win this too.
Once he bottoms out, he takes a moment to snare his arms appropriately around your body; one holding your shoulders semi-straight and the other spanning over your tummy to grab onto your tit, bulging muscles on both. There’s not much you can do with your hands in this position. You plant them over your mouth to drown out some of your sounds before they can pour out, though most end up slipping anyway as his cock begins to bully your insides.
You were right. It’d been so long that your pussy had reverted to its previous state. It’s more than you can take. More overwhelming and much more pleasurable than you remember.
“Got no idea how much I missed you,” Toji grunts, his voice falling out of tempo while his hips rut at a steady pace. “Got no idea how many times I jerked it to your pictures in the stall. How many—times, I beat my meat to that gorgeous face and spilled my load over your pretty lips.”
Tears well up in your eyes from how fast he’s pounding you; the imagery of his balls tensing up with all that cum he’d wasted fantasizing about you making your pussy sob for him, too.
“You got me running there so often, the guys talk shit behind my back, saying pussy got me whipped. They dunno how perfect this tight little hole is—fuck, baby.” He stutters, his teeth sinking into your neck. “Gonna cum if ya keep grippin’ me like that. So fucking tight cause ya gettin’ fucked in public?”
You whine out loud as he slows down, allowing for your hips to meet his thrusts half-way. Your head is drooping forward and your hand sneaks inside your shorts to play with your clit, flicking the small bundle of nerves while his fat cock continuously brushes against your sweetest spot. You bite at your own palm to keep quiet. It’s always the way he runs his mouth that gets you going the most, clouding your inability to think straight.
“Should I just quit?” Toji asks between heavy pants. “Stay home and fuck every day like we used to?”
You nod furiously without anything of what he’s saying registering. Your legs are turned into jello and your mind into mush while his cock splits you open, and you know that if he retracts his arms you’ll collapse on the floor like a rag-doll.
“C’mon, speak up. No one’s gonna hear us, that nobody doesn’t have the guts to come check.” He rolls your stiffened nipple between his calloused fingers, a palm coming down to slap your ass. “Lemme hear that pretty voice.”
“Y-yes.” You rely on pure perseverance to keep your pitch low as you plant your palms on the wall for support. “Don’t wanna share your cock with anyone, T-Toji.”
His lips print a smile on your neck and another on your cheek. “Don’t you mean me, darling?”
You can’t find your voice to answer him, the coil in your guts continuously tensing up—promising the best climax of your goddamn life until it’s taken away by the rapid stomping of the short-stature employee.
“What are you two doing here?” The man asks, unable to fully take in the scene from the other end of the aisle.
Toji’s large frame covers both you and the point where your bodies connect, his hips still moving on their own in spite of his attention being elsewhere. You pull away half-heartedly and straighten the shorts over your body. He leaves to fix his own clothes, while he does all the talking.
“Huh, this place got no restroom?”
Toji scratches the back of his head, waiting for his zipper to be back up before turning to the man. You mentally cast a curse on the employee, wishing it follows his family down to at least three generations, while your walls still flutter over the absence of Toji’s cock, which by the way, is impossible to hide when it’s throbbing a dark stain in his pants.
To no one’s surprise, the employee doesn’t buy your boyfriend’s excuse and demands you leave before he calls the cops. Seeing as Toji’s had enough trouble with the law as is, you grab his hand and the two of you bolt outside, the linseed bread bidding you a sorrowful goodbye from the cart you abandoned.
You don’t stop running until Toji beeps the car doors open and you fall back into your seats, the first glance you share causing you both to burst into laughter. He leans in your direction and you tilt your head in his, lips stealing a quick kiss that’s soon replaced by a playful punch of his shoulder.
“I liked this grocery store!” You complain as if it’s his fault. “Won’t be able to set foot in here ever again.”
“Plenty of fish in the sea, kid.” He shrugs, twisting the key in the engine. His hand moves to the gear, but when he notices your pout persisting, he turns off the ignition.
“Couldn’t even cash out any of my coupons,” you say in a whiny tone.
“At least we got these.”
Your eyes widen as he reveals a small box of Konpeito candy, having not a single clue when and how he managed to get them. “You stole them?”
“Uh… let’s just say I wasn’t allowed to pay for them.” He answers with an innocent smile.
“Toji!” You yell as if stealing candy is any more severe than any of the multiple felonies he’s committed. It isn’t. “Gimme some.”
Toji holds the box out of reach, extending his arm over his headrest to the backseats. “Nah. You said it’s stolen goods, don’t wanna make my baby into an accomplice. You’re far too cute to have your own mugshot.”
His sweet-talking doesn’t stop you from pouncing at him again, your hands attacking each side of his head while he insists to wiggle them away from you. The second-hand vehicle tips back and forth at your attempts, and eventually honks are fired as you climb on his lap, the fight resulting in another make-out session that reaffirms all of his statements as he tears your clothes off your body and pulls his dick out.
He missed you too.
“I’ll give ya some, but… you gonna let me choose where we do our shopping next.”
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A/N: I'm happy this was my first request, had fun writing this!
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nhl-stories · 2 months
hornylovesickmess – Nico Hischier
Summary: Marie should know better by now, knows she should leave him alone, but Nico's like a drug. One more hit can't hurt.
Author’s Note: Almost a year to the day I finally finished this album series. Phew! Also lol to me thinking I'd have the motivation to finish it in 10 weeks. Seems clear from the title but it does get steamy below.
Word Count: 2.6k
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Album Series Masterlist
And I don't wanna be the type of person who calls you up Every time I need to get off
The view from her hotel room is taunting her. It’s sunny and bright on the Hudson River, reflecting off the buildings of the New York skyline.
Most people wouldn’t be too upset about being put up in a nice hotel and having 48 hours free in close proximity to the city, but Marie had moved away for a reason.
And still part of her is stuck here, even at a 4-star hotel minutes away from Newark airport.
So, she does what she does best and gives into her baser instincts.
She’s no stranger to crafting the perfect sext, keeping it tantalizing and teasing enough while still giving her location. Like an eloquent ‘u up?’
Marie hits send before she can second guess herself.
She shouldn’t be reaching out to him, grabbing for that loose thread and pulling for her own selfish reasons. But she’s been lonely since the move and in all honestly, just plain horny.
Nico almost swallows his tongue when he opens the text.
At first glance a simple picture of the New York skyline, but at second glance the reflection of a naked woman comes into view.
It might as well be Marie’s calling card.
He regrets opening the text in the locker room.
“What the hell has you that red Neeks?” Bastian calls from his stall.
He can feel the blush getting darker.
“The last time you looked like that was because of that flight attendant,” Bratter calls out.
When he doesn’t respond balls of tape come flying his way with a chorus of groans.
“It’s not like I texted her first!”
“You never text her first,” Jack rolls his eyes.
“I’m not texting her back.”
“Block her number while you’re at it,” Bratt responds.
Nico stashes his phone away and mostly forgets about the text.
She checks her phone for about the fifth time during drinks with her friends. She knows what they’re thinking, but they’re not gonna say it.
It’s especially kind of them since Nico hasn’t responded. Even though he’s the type of guy to have read receipts on, so she knows he looked at her message.
Her phone buzzes, she pulls it out of her pocket so fast she fumbles it, dropping it on the bar. Her friend snatches it up and laughs.
“It’s a notification from Postmates, you have coupon.”
Marie feels herself flush, embarrassed to be caught like some kind of junkie waiting for their next hit.
“Jesus Christ, just go get laid! You’re unbearable when you’re wound this tight. It’s not even worth the catch up.”
“Fine, I’ll go, but only because I haven’t had sex in months. See you on my next layover.”
“Unless you’re still jonesing for that Jersey dick!”
“It’s Swiss,” Marie sticks her tongue out.
She waves down a cab, and she should give the address to her hotel, but she’s in some sort of horny fugue state. Why go back and masturbate at her hotel thinking about him when she knows his address?
Before she knows it, she’s at his door fixing her hair and trying to lean seductively against the doorframe. Maybe she’s lost her mojo during her recent dry spell.
She knocks before she loses her nerve.
Marie hears someone lumbering along around on the other side of the door. Nico finally answers the door; shirtless with a pair of gray sweats low on his hips, hair flopping about like he just woke up.
Her mouth goes dry at the familiar sight, or maybe she salivates, or somehow both at the same time. She feels so out of sync with her hormones.
But she knows she wants, scratch that, needs.
“Thought maybe the picture just didn’t do the real thing justice,” she smirks even though she kind of wants to grimace at the cheesy line.
“I was trying to let you down easy,” he’s trying to avoid eye contact.
“Well, here I am, easy and ready to be let down on your bed.”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard. She can practically see his willpower crumbling piece by piece.
“C’mon, I haven’t been with anyone else since Denver.”
She dares to reach out, running a finger from his collarbone down, down, down, until Nico grabs her wrist.
“Just–“ he yanks her into the apartment, “get in here.”
Marie is flush against his chest now, she smirks, “that’s more like it.”
“Your picture got me in trouble in locker room, the boys think you’re no good for me.”
“Do you want me to be good for you?” She roughly grabs him through his sweatpants.
“I don’t think you could be if you tried,” he ruts against her palm.
She gentles her touch in response, she wants to be good, for Nico at least.
Marie can’t make eye contact now. If she looks up all the guilt of coming here after she promised herself she’d stop will come rushing back. She doesn’t have time for that when she can feel him hardening in her hand.
So, she closes her eyes and kisses him. Lets her tongue explore his mouth. Lets Nico manhandle her towards the bedroom. A path she’s too familiar with even with her eyes closed.
She doesn’t dare open her eyes until she’s flat on her back and hears Nico rummaging in the bedside table. As he comes back up with a condom, Marie works on the too many layers of clothes she’s still wearing.
He rolls on the condom and strokes himself slowly, “Is this you being good?”
Marie spreads her thighs and bites her lip, holding back demands for him to get on with it.
He pushes her legs even farther apart and nearly drapes himself over her. One finger runs up her slit, feeling how slick she is with desperation, he sucks the finger into his mouth and Marie can’t hold on any longer.
“Please, fuck, please,” she grapples for his shoulders anything to anchor her in the moment.
He doesn’t need any more encouragement than that to push in one go.
“Jesus Christ,” Marie gasps at the sudden intrusion, familiar as it is.
He sets an agonizingly slow pace, making her feel every unbearable movement without getting her any closer to her climax.
“C’mon Nico, give it to me,” she whines and clenches around him, trying to egg him on.
But it doesn’t deter him from his mission to tease her death, maybe it’s punishment for how she’s treated him.
She tries to move her own hips for more friction and still Nico keeps with his slow and steady pace.
Marie grabs his hair and makes him look at her, “I swear to god, if you don’t start really fucking me, I’m gonna explode.”
The evil little smirk he gives her, makes her stomach swoop.
“I knew you couldn’t stay good.”
“If being bad means I’ll have an orgasm, I guess I’m the devil,” she pulls him in for a kiss that’s probably too much tongue and teeth but she doesn’t care.
Then Nico takes her by surprise, flipping her onto all fours in such a fluid movement she already feels closer to coming. And that’s before he starts railing her from behind. The slap of skin and pornographic squelching fills the silence in the room.
Marie has lost all her witty words, can barely get enough air to make noises beyond tiny gasps. Nico knows exactly where to thrust, how to grip her hips, tweak her nipples, reach between her thighs and rub her clit. It’s too much, to have your body read like a book.
She clenches around him when she’s almost over the edge and feels him release, one hand tightening so hard on her hips it might bruise.
He blankets his body over her back, kissing her shoulders while he continues to rub her clit, buried deep inside her.
Her arms give out when she finally comes, her body singing with pleasure. Nico’s weight heavy on her, but she can’t bring herself to move him, it all feels too good.
She doesn’t remember when they move apart, or if they clean up at all, or if she peed afterward, she really hopes she at least did the last one. Still, she’s in hazy bliss before she’s rudely awoken from her dream-like state by her alarm obnoxiously ringing, too loudly at that.
She has to get out of the bed to find her phone her jeans pocket.
“Shit, fuck, shit,” she swears before having to put her clothes back on.
Nico’s alarm starts going off now. He sits up to see Marie half-dressed already.
“Of course,” he sounds so disappointed.
“I have a flight to catch and I still have to get my uniform and pack my suitcase.”
“Sure,” he sighs as he starts to get out of bed himself.
She probably deserves this, scratch that she knows she deserves this, but doesn’t mean she won’t defend herself.
“It’s a 9:30 Newark to DFW, look it up” she knows her shirt is inside out but that’s how late she is as she calls an Uber.
“Thanks for last night,” she gives Nico a quick kiss and leaves before he can respond.
Of course, when the elevator opens, Jack is the one standing on the other side, with an exhausted looking boy next to him. It’s probably his brother, Marie’s brain supplies the small Devils knowledge she has.
“That fucking idiot.”
“I showed up here, the blame is on me,” Marie holds her hands up in surrender.
“But the inside shirt and messed up hair is probably on him.”
“Probably can mostly blame me for that too, I know you want to.”
The look of disgust on his face makes that very clear.
Thankfully, the elevator door opens before the torture can continue.
Marie goes back to rebuilding her resolve. She was trying to quit him cold turkey, not mess up Nico’s perfect little world again.  But she couldn’t resist one more hit of her favorite drug.
Still, the universe isn’t making it easy for her to stay sober.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!”
Marie and her coworkers all jump at the exclamation. When she turns around there’s Jack Hughes.
Nico is nowhere to be seen, so Marie is sure she can get away without making much of a scene.
“Of all the hotels in a city with multiple airports…” Jack doesn’t seem amused at her response, “I’m just as surprised as you, sorry the universe is clearly playing a sick joke on us.”
She runs off to her room before she has a chance encounter with Nico. Begs off from dinner plans with her coworkers. Masturbates in the shower in hopes of taking the edge off.
She’s wound up like a rubber band knowing Nico is so close.  For all she knows, there’s only a wall separating them right now.
And of course, she gives in, because Marie is a fiend and a rotten person. How can she resist when the world laid it out on a platter like this.
She hopes he’s stronger than her and doesn’t respond, but she texts him regardless: I have it on good authority we’re in the same hotel
Marie can barely put her phone down before she gets a response.
Yeah for someone who doesn’t want me interacting with you Jack was quick to gossip
She can hear his tone through the words, hear his husky laugh at his own joke. Her chest feels like it’s squeezing her heart. Makes her act out of character.
Wanna get dinner or drinks or something?
Marie from a few months ago would be nauseous at this kind of proposition, but her present-self feels like she owes Nico… something different.
So, she finds herself tucked into a corner booth at some restaurant Nico says he’s been to before.
And she laughs at his jokes. Brushes her hand over his. Turns a bit soppy looking into his warm brown eyes.
And she knows she made a mistake.
But still, she holds his hand as they walk back to the hotel; swaying back and forth, a little wine-drunk.
Marie walks him to the door like she’s some sort of gentleman at the end of a first date, they both know the connotations are anything but gentlemanly.
“This was nice,” she smiles up at him.
“If you were still in Jersey, we could have nights like this all the time,”
That should deflate her a bit, but she’s made it too far for it to end here with some serious conversation, so she reaches into his pocket to grab his room key and unlock the door, shoving him into the room.
She kisses him, hard and needy. She desperately wants her lips everywhere. She follows that train down his jaw.
“Clearly you want this kind of thing too, or you wouldn’t come crawling to me anytime we’re in the same place,” his hands are bunching up the skirt of her dress.
She bites down on his neck, a little meaner than she should. But it gets him going enough to throw her onto his bed. Her underwear is gone and a finger is pushing into her before she can make any moves.
A second and third are soon to follow. The pressure from his thumb on her clit is enough to make her throw back her head and enjoy the intoxication.
His other hand cups her jaw, makes her open her eyes and look at him.
“This is all I wanted, but you had to be a brat who let me find out you moved by showing up to your empty apartment,” he stops moving his fingers, stops using any pressure.
“I apologized for that,” she whines, desperate and uncaring.
“Did you?” He crooks his fingers just so.
“I gave you a blow job,” Marie grits out.
He raises his brows while he pulls out, leaving her feeling emptier than ever before.
The realization crashes over her harder than any orgasm ever could.
She scrambles off the bed throwing on her underwear and grabbing her phone.
“I’m deleting your number.”
“I moved to a city that doesn’t even have a hockey team to stay away from you and that’s not even working.”
“You moved because of me?” The crease between his brow is like a canyon.
“You wanted more and I knew I wasn’t– I’m not in a place to give that to you, but fuck! Whatever I’m doing now– I’m just being cruel, aren’t I?”
“I’m not exactly turning you away.”
“Doesn’t mean I should keep using you,” tears she wasn’t expecting start to well up, “Nico you’re worth a lot more than a quick fuck from a flight attendant who happens to be in the same zip code as you.”
Nico just stares at her and Marie knows she has to be the bigger person here.
“You should block me on everything too, don’t give me a way to weasel my way back in.”
Once she’s dressed, she moves towards Nico, moves a strand of hair off his forehead.
She feels like she should say something meaningful, but this isn’t that kind of relationship; Marie made sure of that when she scorched the earth behind her when she left.
She kisses him one last time and hopes she’ll be able to find her next hit in someone else.
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riahlynn101 · 7 months
"A Sky Full of Stars."
This was a request for a one shot where Mike and Vanessa reveal their true feelings to each other. I didn't get all the plot points in the request, but I'll save those for a different one shot.
Thank you to the person that requested this. It was a joy to work with you, and I hope you enjoy :D!!
word count: 1,537
"How was school today?" Vanessa asks, taking her seat at the dinner table. Behind her, the setting sun casts an orangish glow on the off-white wall. It's a quarter after seven. It was a little later than 
their usual dinner time, but only because Mike and she had to work later. 
Mike at the local diner downtown. 
And Vanessa at the police station. 
Thankfully, she had the foresight to pick up a pizza before heading home. 
And isn't that such a novel concept?
A place that Vanessa looks forward to returning to every day, with people that fill her heart with joy. 
She feels….safe. 
Mike smiles at her across the table. It's not as rare a sight since the entire incident at Freddy's occurred. For a while there, Vanessa worried he was incapable of smiling. 
"Good," Abby answers, biting into her pizza. "I aid-"
"Ew, Abbs, don't talk with your mouthful," Mike lightly admonishes. "It's gross."
Swallowing, Abby sticks her tongue out. "You're grosser!"
Mike makes a face. "Nuh, uh!"
Watching the pair of siblings bicker is the highlight of her day. Their arguments are almost always silly and nonsensical, but they are the most entertaining things Vanessa has ever watched. 
"Vanessa," Abby says, "tell Mike he's grosser than me."
She looks between the siblings. To a (relatively) clean little girl, save for the pizza sauce stain on her shirt. And then to the nearly 30-year-old man, with chronically sad eyes and a penchant for sleeping. 
Neither of them are "gross" by any means, but Vanessa once watched the aforementioned nearly 30-year-old man dig through the trash can for coupons. Which she would be sympathetic to if they weren't already five months expired. 
"See," Abby gloats, sitting back in her chair. 
Mike puts a hand over his heart, leaning back. In a dramatic voice, he yells out, "Betrayal!" He touches the back of his hand to his forehead, feigning sickness. 
Both she and Abby erupt into laughter. The kind that makes your sides hurt. 
These are the moments that make this house feel like a home. 
These are the moments that make Vanessa feel like she's finally found her people. 
That night, Vanessa tucks Abby into bed. It's usually Mike's job, but he's setting up the VCR in the living room. 
"Vanessa…?" Abby asks, fiddling with a loose thread in her blanket. 
"Yeah?" She tucks a stray hair behind Abby's ear, soothing down the girl's bangs. "Something wrong?"
"No, I just…"
"Just what? You know you can talk to me. I promise, whatever it is, I won't get mad."
Abby nods. "You aren't going to leave anytime soon, right?"
"I would hope not. Unless this is your way of telling me to kick rocks?"
Abby blinks owlishly up at her. "What does kick rocks mean?" 
Again, Vanessa soothes the girl's bangs down. "Leave, get out."
"Oh," Abby murmurs. "No, I'm asking because we don't want you to leave." She furrowed her eyebrows. Such a severe expression on such a cute face should be laughable, but Vanessa listens to her as intently as she would her boss. "I think if you left, Mike would be sad again. He smiles more when you're around."
"He smiles when you're around, too," Vanessa says. And that's the truest thing she's ever said. 
Everything he does, he does for Abby. Hell, what led Mike to even take the job at Freddy's was his need to stay with his sister.
"Yeah, 'cause he loves me, too."
Vanessa flounders, trying the right words. "Yeah…uh….well, your brother doesn't love me. But we are pretty good friends, so-"
"No, he loves you." Her tone is so matter-of-factly that Vanessa finds it hard to argue. "Or, at the very least, really, really likes you."
She nods along, unable to formulate a coherent thought. 
"But that's okay with me. I like you being here." Abby's eyes start to shut, head sinking deeper into the pillow. "I think you're cool." 
Vanessa pulls the covers up. "I think you're cool, too," she murmurs. "Goodnight, Abby."
It's nine by the time Vanessa makes her way down the hallway. A glance at the clock hanging in the dining room tells her that much. 
The living room is only lit by a static-filled screen. The VCR rests in front of the TV, not hooked up. Mike is nowhere in sight. 
"Mike?" She calls. "Where did you go?" It's times like this that Vanessa really hates her father. When her anxiety starts acting up, and it feels like there's a weight on her chest. Making it hard to breathe. To think. 
She panics - just a little and quietly because Abby is sleeping. She looks behind the couch, in the 
kitchen, and even behind the TV stand. But there's no sign of Mike, which only makes her anxiety worse. 
The front door opens. Mike pops his head in. "Right- are you okay?"
Vanessa stares at him, eyes wide and hair a mess from the frantic search. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
He looks at her, and then looks at the askew couch cushions, and then back at her. 
"No reason. I wanted to show you something." Mike holds the door open.
"I thought we were gonna watch a movie."
"I promise this is better," he says.
"Better than," Vanessa eyes the cassette tape on the TV stand, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?" 
Mike shakes his head. "Nothing is better than Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but this is definitely a close second."
She laughs, joining Mike outside.
It's a warm night in the middle of July. Pleasantly warm, too. There's a slight breeze that offsets the heat. 
He takes her by the hand, fingers intertwining with hers. "Sit here," Mike says, leading her to an area in the front yard. A thin blanket has been laid out.
"You have to lay down." As if to emphasize this point, Mike lies down. He glances up at her. "C'mon, you're going to miss it."
Heaving a sigh, Vanessa lays down next to him. The yard is lumpy, and her back still hurts, even with a blanket. She hopes whatever Mike wants to show her is worth the back pain she'll be dealing with for the next month. 
"Good, now, look up."
She does so. The sky is beautiful tonight, a million tiny twinkling stars against the black void of space. It's mesmerizing. Vanessa smiles. "This…this is beautiful."
"I know," Mike says, "but that's not why I brought you out here. Keep looking."
Vanessa hums a response, focused on the night sky. Something about looking at the sky puts in perspective how small they truly are. 
Suddenly, something crosses the sky. A ball of light. Her eyes widened. "Mike?"
"Make a wish," he murmurs, interlocking his fingers with hers. 
Considering Mike doesn't seem concerned, she chooses to believe that whatever that is, it's not dangerous. Especially when a few more pass by after it. 
She closes her eyes and makes a wish. When Vanessa opens them, Mike is eyeing her intently. 
"What did you wish for?" 
Her smile turns mischievous. "I can't tell you. Wish rules and all that."
He turns his head back to look at the sky. "Right, right, otherwise it won't come true." Mike sighs dramatically. "I guess that means I can't tell you mine."
"Nope," she says, zero hesitation in her answer. 
It's silent for a solid minute. The only sounds are dogs barking in the distance and the occasional car passing by. 
Mike is the first to crack up, and Vanessa's composure crumbles shortly after that. Their laughter feels contagious, being passed back and forth until their sides and faces hurt. 
Vanessa takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. There are tears in her eyes, but for once, they're the happy kind. 
"Phew," Mike starts, breathless, "hehe…I…I haven't laughed that hard in a long time."
"Me either."
It finally hits Vanessa that they're holding hands, like…like a couple. She glances down at their 
interlocked fingers. Mike is so gentle when he holds her hand. She could yank it away without any extra force at any point, but he's still firm in his grasp. He squeezes her hand every so often. 
It makes her heart beat faster, and her face turn red. 
They look at each other. Not a single word passes between them, but they don't have to talk. 
Vanessa doesn't remember if she or Mike made the first move. All she knows is that they're staring into each other's eyes one second. And the next, they're kissing. 
His hair is surprisingly soft beneath her fingers. His lips, too, and he tastes like an after-dinner mint. 
When they pull away, his face is red, and his pupils are blown. Mike smiles at her. "I like you," he admits. "And it's okay if you don't-"
Vanessa leans in again, kissing his forehead, the tip of his nose, and finally, his lips. "I like you, too, Michael Schmidt."
"Really?" He asks, sounding genuinely surprised. 
"No, I just go around kissing everybody." 
Mike laughs. "Okay, smartass."
They continue watching the sky. Vanessa gets closer and leans her head against Mike's shoulder. Hand-in-hand, they fall asleep under a sky full of stars.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
hey hope you are good, i really like your fics, people should request you more often (: can i request joe x reader where reader (girlfriend) is sick in bed and joe does everything he can to look after her and make her feel better even if it means getting sick himself, make it so damn fluffy / smutty, whatever you want, thank you xxx
Hi lovely, thank you for your support! I think it's so good when people request things, really gets your creative flare going! Hope you're doing good too! This is lowkey so cute, yes, I will do my best to deliver. I haven't written a large amount of smut in a long time, so I hope it's okay!!
Warnings: fluff from our favourite boy and smut from our favourite boy, nothing more. under 18 DNI x
Word Count: 1.7k
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I'll Look After You Joseph Quinn x Reader Short Story Request
There's always that calm before the storm. You know the night you start to feel a little bit yucky but put it down to tiredness or that you've just had a really shitty week. Then as the days go on your bones start to ache, you get the headache, sore throat, followed by the snotty nose and then chesty cough? Yeah, sick was going to be an understatement. You'd caught the god damn flu.
The majority of the night you'd had yourself propped up, sneezing and blowing your nose once every 20 minutes. You'd start to drop off and then you'd begin the vicious cycle again. Those were the worst kind of nights. Your boyfriend had since got back from a Comic Con event as was absolutely exhausted with jet lag, but he knew it wasn't your fault and refused to leave your side when you told him to go sleep in the spare bed so he could at least get a good amount.
With some form of miracle, you managed to fall asleep at some point, waking up early that morning after little to no sleep at all, you lifted yourself up and rubbed your eyes until you were seeing stars and swirls. You felt your boyfriend's hand rest upon your back as he drew little patterns around it. "You don't sound like you slept good last night, love." Joe mentioned with a low voice having just woken up himself. "No, terrible. I feel like death warmed up." Joe pulled you down into a warm embrace, you laid your head onto his chest whilst he wrapped his arm around you, and his other hand moved up to your hair, stroking his fingers through it. "Well looks like I'm going to be playing Doctor today, doesn't it?" That made you let out a slight giggle which obviously irritated your throat and made you cough. You sat back up and blew your nose for what felt the billionth time. "Ugh, how much snot does one little body part have?" Joe shook his head at you, sat up behind you, kissed the crook of your neck then snook a glance round to face you from your side. "I don't know but, my girl still looks plenty beautiful; even with tissue stuck to the end of her nose." You put your fingers to your nose to find that he was obviously letting you know what was left from blowing. Your head fell into your hands. "Wow, attractive." you earned a laugh from Joe. "Always."
Whilst you managed to get some sleep, Joe ceased the moment to get out of the apartment where he went to the shops to find you things to make you feel better. He contemplated orange juice or apple juice but got both anyway because he knew you liked them. He got you your favourite chocolate, a box of tissues and some flu medication.
Coming back in and checking on you, you were fast on - Joe snook the tissues and medication onto your bedside table. He knew it was a good time to conduct his plan further on making his one and only patient feel as good as she possibly could. He set out a tray, where he poured a glass of orange juice, put your chocolate on there. Going into the little draw full of stationary you owned, he found a little flash card notebook where he wrote a cute little message on one and made one into a coupon for you to redeem.
He walked back in the bedroom with the tray of goods as you stirred, you groggily opened your eyes to see your perfect man stood at the end of the bed holding something.
"There's tissues and meds on the side, love. And these are some treats for you." He smiled as he sat with the tray and set it down beside you. It undoubtedly made you smile with no hesitation. You sat up and lent against you pillow whilst you chuckled at the juice and chocolate. "I got you apple juice too but google said Vitamin C is better for flu." your smile grew even further.
You picked up the note folded in half and opened it.
'Hi, baby. I know you're feeling like shit, but I just want you to know that whatever you need, I'm here. I wish I could take it all away, so you didn't have to suffer. Keep fighting that nasty bug away. I love you so much Y/N. Your Joseph xxx'
You gestured for him to move the tray to his side table so you could use some energy to move. He did exactly that and you were quick to lift yourself up and wrap your arms around him. "I love you too, so, so much!" Joe returned your hug. "There's one more thing."
You released him from your mini cuddle and grabbed the second card off of the tray. 'Coupon for one free massage from the best Doctor there ever was.'
"I think I'll take that massage, right now Dr. Quinn."
Joe pulled his sleeves up ready. "Say no more, love. Onto your stomach you go."
Joe sat to the side of you for a good 20 minutes where he began to knead his knuckles into your back, he stroked up and down your spine which made you shiver, where then he massaged your shoulder blades and all the way down to the lower part of your back, rubbing around the parts you asked him too more where it felt good.
His eyes glanced further down to see that the covers were falling slightly from where your bottom half was covered before, and Joe took the golden opportunity to squeeze your bum cheek. You let out a quiet squeal when it made you jump a little. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He planted a kiss on top of each cheek and then proceeded to kiss all the way to your lower back and up your spine till he reached your shoulders. You watched him as he got up to the top and he came and laid beside you. "Hello." you sniggered at him.
"The massage includes one more thing." Oh, you got the hint straight away. Here he was, your horny boyfriend. You loved his dark side. He pushed your shoulder lightly to indicate to lay onto your back. You say nothing and you knew you wouldn't deny Joe of what he wanted to give you, just as you knew you'd always want what he had to give. Just like that he was leaning over the top of you, giving you a quick peck on the lips, moving down to your jawline. Spending a little time onto your neck where he licked and sucked on your favourite spot, he knew you well and it made your thighs clench together at the bolt of electricity that it sent flying downward.
He began to kiss lower until he stopped at your breasts, massaging your nipples with his tongue as he slowly let them harden whilst circling around them one by one. Your whimpers only egged him on.
Kissing down to your stomach, he then rested in-between your thighs and kissed the inner part of them. Your whimpers became louder and more apparent. "Joe, please." He was interrupted by your need to beg; he knew by kissing your body for a while before would get you ready for where he needed to end up. "What do you want, love?" You were putty in his hands by this point, you made an inaudible sound and he let you off this one time because you weren't in the greatest of states. "This?" He licked a stripe straight between your folds and onto your core. You reached down to move your fingers into his hair, slightly gripping and slightly pulling letting him know exactly this is what you wanted, without words.
Opening your thighs further and shoving his tongue right to your clit, he began to rub circles and flicker over it, massaging softly, barely touching it. Your moans were electrifying to him, they were a sound which sent his mind and body soaring. Joe progressively got faster, and it had got you writhing under his touch. He moved down to tongue fuck your hole and removed one of his hands from your thighs, bringing two of his fingers to press down onto your now swollen clit to rub harshly. You were almost there, your stomach starting to gain that wonderful sensation when he stopped. No not now. He lent back up to you to kiss you, hard. Rubbing his hard erection through his clothing onto your thigh he brought his hand back down to your pussy and inserted two fingers without warning. He started to finger fuck you fast, making you arch your back; you could taste yourself on him. Not being able to breathe for obvious reasons, you pushed his chest, so he stopped kissing you, but he didn't give any hints of stopping of what he was doing down below, no he added a third finger which made you cry out. You were holding on by a thread now. His fingers curved up to hit your g-spot whilst he pressed his forehead to yours looking right down into your eyes. "Cum all over my fingers, baby. Show me how good I make you feel."
You were done for, the words he spoke finished you. If there was one thing about Joe, his communication was the sexiest thing you'd ever known. You leaked all over his fingers and a loud moan fell out of your mouth followed by his name several times. He removed his fingers and tasted them. "God I'll never get tired of that." He hummed soundly whilst you looked down to see his hard dick bulging through. "Don't worry about me love, that was all about you."
You sat up and got a couple of meds from the box, popped them into your mouth and took a sip of your juice. "That was, amazing." He then laid sat up beside you, patted down to his chest and took you back into his arms. He knew you weren't going to be cured, but he knew all of this would help you to relax. He lent his free arm up to grab your chocolate from the tray, opened it and fed you a piece. "How's my beautiful patient feeling?" you sighed in contentment more than anything.
"Surprisingly, good. Thanks to my handsome Doctor, I just hope you don't get sick."
"Don't worry about me, baby." He smiled down at you.
"If you do, I'll just have to nurse you back to full health, won't I?"
"Oh, holy shit, I'm sick all of sudden." You cackled as you sniffled your full nose. If you made it half as good for him how he did for you, he'd pretend just to get the same treatment.
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lillywillow · 2 years
A Whale of a Time
Summary: While shopping with Bucky, your boyfriend picks up a new little buddy.
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 1053
 Square Filled: B3- Grocery Run
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral Reader  
 Warnings: None
 It was your turn to go shopping. Once a week, a member of the team would do the weekly trip, usually taking a partner to go with them. This is where Bucky came in handy. He would grumble about it but at the same time, he loved those little moments away from the others to be alone with you.
 Bucky held your hand as you walked into the store.
 “So… what do we get first?” he asked, making sure the brim of his cap was pulled down low.
 You pulled out your list to look it over.
 “First, we get all the non-perishable items like toilet paper and various types of soap. We may need to take several trips back to the car so we’re not having to haul it out in one go…”
 You strategized your shopping trips as seriously as you did your battle plans.
 “Yes, dear,” Bucky muttered.
 “You’re going to make a great husband,” you grinned, patting his cheek.
 Bucky tried not smile but he couldn’t stop the small one that tugged at the corners of his lips. He followed your lead as you went down the first aisle. As you checked your list, Bucky looked at the prices.
 “$3.59 for toothpaste?! Back in my day, it only cost 47 cents… and they’ve got all these different brands…” he griped.
 “That’s a good story, grandpa,” you playfully cooed, making him huff.
 “Your old man bit is so cute,” you grinned, this time making him blush.
 “Not cute,” he pouted.
 “Yes, you are. Now, don’t worry about the cost. I’ve already checked the sales here and I cut out coupons for all the stuff we need… another reason for the extra trips; so, we don’t confuse the cash register,” you explained.
 Bucky felt a little sense of pride at seeing your thoughtfulness towards something so mundane.
 As Bucky followed you around the store, a large basket caught his eye. Temporarily abandoning the cart full of toiletries he was pushing, he wandered over to the large basket full of large stuffed animals. They were all so soft and brightly coloured. There were hot pink llamas with a horn, tie-dyed sharks with shiny fins, sparkly white unicorns with rainbow hair and wings but the thing that caught his attention the most was an aquamarine narwal. It was covered in stars and had silver stitching to form the swirl around the horn. He was really quite taken by this adorable plushie. Bucky reluctantly put it back when he heard you calling.
 It had taken many trips back and forth to the car which you packed with Tetris-like precision between each load. You had noticed that Bucky would frequently vanish while you were looking at your list and comparing products and prices with your coupons. On your last leg of the trip to get the perishables such as ice cream and meat, you followed him. Bucky picked up the narwal giving it a longing look as he held it in his hands.
 Bucky jumped at the sound of your voice and tossed the toy back in the basket with the rest.
 You gently picked up the whale.
 “Do you want this?” you softly asked.
 “N-no… Why would I want that? I’m a grown man…” he sulked, becoming flustered.
 “James, my love. You’ve been through so much, my darling… You’re allowed to want cute things…”
 You placed the stuffed animal in his hands. Bucky looked at it thoughtfully.
 “What if the others make fun of me?” he asked sadly.
 “You send them to me and I’ll sort them out. My man is allowed to have cute, cuddly toys,” you stated, making him smile.
 “Thanks, Y/N… let’s get the rest of this trip sorted and we can go home.”
 After your long outing, you were absolutely exhausted. Between the shopping trip itself and putting the groceries away, it took all your energy. Bucky was really sweet to you and extra affectionate. He managed to sneak the narwal to his room unnoticed and circled back to help you put things away. Once you had showered, Bucky massaged all the tension out of your aching muscles and put the tv on one of your favourites. He had also made you one of your go-to comfort foods to eat while you relaxed.
 “I’m supposed to be taking care of you, you know,” you sighed as Bucky worked the knots out of your feet.
 “I know but you had a long day and got everything everyone needs while saving a heap of money… Besides… you let me have the soft toy…”
 “I’ve been meaning to ask… what drew you to that one out of all the toys in the basket?” you asked, looking over at the happy narwal sitting nearby.
 Bucky picked it up and examined it carefully.
 “Because… it reminds me of you,” he thoughtfully replied.
 “How so?”
 “It’s got those… sparkly eyes like you do… it’s the colour of that old t-shirt you wear when you want to get comfortable or when you’re doing messy jobs… I remember one night we were cuddled up together and watched that documentary on the Artic and it featured narwals… unicorns of the sea… and that time we went camping, just the two of us under a blanket of stars…”
 You found yourself in tears by the time he finished speaking.
 “I’m sorry, doll. I didn’t mean to upset you…”
 “No, darling. You didn’t upset me. I just… I can’t believe something so simple can remind you so much about our relationship,” you smiled, wiping away the tears.
 “Of course. I love you so much, Y/N.”
 “I love you too, Bucky,” you replied, kissing him softly.
 Bucky kissed back, holding you close as the narwal became squished in between the pair of you. The sweet, lovable stuffed whale that was a symbol of the love you shared.
 The next time you went shopping with Bucky, he was more open about when he wanted something that was considered childish. Nothing could be quite as special as the narwal he now loved so much.
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bobs-secret-blog · 1 year
Loved by the hashiras- part 1
The introduction and basis
A request for the lovely: @danielle-marie
Her request said:
Hello there :) please could I request a fic of the reader meeting the hashira for the first time after she is made a hashira and they all flirt with her :)
Thank you for requesting :)
The second part will be posted in a day or two!
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Ok so this is how imagine everything going. 
So, you have just begun working in the demon corp after passing the final exam. It was not a big problem for you because you had a great master training with you. He was persistent with thunder breathing. He had studied and fought with all kinds of styles, so he had teached you quite a few tricks over the years.
But you did not like thunder breathing by itself; it was boring for you with all the forms and simplicity. So, the best way to solve your problem was to make up your own breathing style.
You called it Star breathing. Overall, it had 7 forms, much like mist breathing but needed very deep calmness and concentration just like water breathing. It impressed a few of the competitors on the exam. Your breathing made your movements seem more like a dance than a fight, it was elegant and precious.
Your blade had a very light almost golden color running on the side, with a crescent moon shape running along the silver side. The handle was filled with stary themes all over.
Your uniform was light and flowy just like Muichiros, while the haori part was mostly made of a giant shape of the solar system on the lower part, in shades of blue, pink, purple and yellow! And it had super long sleeves filled with yellow stars, it was super cute. Of course, you had designed it yourself.
After about three years you finally turned 18, in those three years you had defeated a lot of demons, even bigger ones that had been terrorizing villages for a few months. You were up on the Kinoto rank, almost Kinoe.
Your somehow still alive parents were very proud of you. You loved them to the earth's core. Everyone had appreciated you, even if you were a woman. Any of the villages you had protected over the years remembered your loyalty, bravery, strength and beauty. You were the prettiest demon slayer they had ever seen. After you had defeated the demon in the villages u would get prized no matter what. Weather that be jewels, proposals from men and women, gold, onsen coupons, food.... It was pretty amazing to have such kind people surround you wherever you went.
But one day after you had come home from a mission, your father had informed you that there were two girls waiting for you inside your home.
How interesting. You thought as you saw the two people your father was talking about. One was a girl, she had white bobbed hair with mysterious purple eyes.
The other wasn’t a girl, it was a boy that had looked like a girl. Except he had pure black bobbed hair, similar to his sisters. Both wearing purple kimonos.
Only then had you remembered them both, they were present on your final exam in the forest. They haven't changed at all, you even remember their names. Kiriya and Kanata Ubuyashiki.
You had stepped up and bowed to them saying in a normal voice 
‘How can I help you, my honors?’ 
‘Our father wanted us to take you to him. He wants you to become a hashira.’ spoke Kanata.  
You looked at her completely shocked, you, a hashira? This must be some dream come true.  
‘We can start heading out right now, you won't be needing any of your belongings.’ said Kanata again.  
Well, that was a bit sudden but as naïve as you were you had just decided to go with the flow of things, not wanting to anger them or their father.
You hugged your parent's goodbye, promising them you will visit on holidays or vacations.
And with one final look back at them, you had begun walking towards your new home, carrying the twins in your arms as Kiriya lead you to his father. Kanata slept on the other side, lightly snoring. Making both you and Kiriya smile with joy.
Here you go into a new life, with a great start, full of joy and laughter, well, at least for now. 
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thehazbins · 4 months
Bold if they do | cross out of they don’t at all | leave normal for if they only do sometimes!
likes artificial watermelon  |  sleeps in what they are already wearing  |  eats their cereal with milk |  listens to music with earbuds  |  hates the summer  |  can recite past the first four digits of pi |  eats frosting out of the jar  |  doodles on their notebooks  |  can bake cookies  |  has a garden  |  has had a snowball fight  |  eats pancakes without syrup  |  prefers shorts over pants |  can name more than ten superheroes  |  has a plan for the zombie apocalypse  |  uses the same password for everything  |  can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds  | can hold their breath for a few minutes | watches anime  |  hasn’t read Harry Potter/Hates Harry Potter  |  can say ‘ I love you ‘ in more than one language  |  prefers mechanical pencils  |  thinks space is cool  |  takes personality tests more than once to make sure  |  can tie their shoelaces  |  has a purse  |  likes salads  |  likes cool colors better than warm colors  | knows how to braid hair |  reads biographies  |  can ice skate  |  knows their mbti  |  reads astrology charts  |  prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy  |  plays video games  | reads the newspaper  |  likes chocolate ice cream best  |  doesn’t [usually] cuss  |  memorizes song lyrics  |  collects coupons  |  has a preferred order at starbucks  |  likes movie theater popcorn  |  has seen a play  |  listens to music with headphones  |  owns a hoodie  |  would rather own cds than online copies  |  has written a poem  |  can shuffle cards  |  subscribes to a magazine  |  double dips when eating (his own food food) |  drinks directly out of the milk container  |  keeps a journal  |
tagged by: @copaceticjillybean
tagging: Anyone who wants to? I'm too chicken to tag anyone yet.
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hellsmayflower · 4 months
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Bold if they do | cross out of they don’t at all | leave normal for if they only do sometimes!
likes artificial watermelon  |  sleeps in what they are already wearing  |  eats their cereal with milk |  listens to music with earbuds  |  hates the summer  |  can recite past the first four digits of pi |  eats frosting out of the jar  |  doodles on their notebooks  |  can bake cookies  |  has a garden  |  has had a snowball fight  |  eats pancakes without syrup  |  prefers shorts over pants |  can name more than ten superheroes  |  has a plan for the zombie apocalypse  |  uses the same password for everything  |  can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds  | can hold their breath for a few minutes  watches anime  |  hasn’t read Harry Potter/Hates Harry Potter  |  can say ‘ I love you ‘ in more than one language  |  prefers mechanical pencils  |  thinks space is cool  |  takes personality tests more than once to make sure  |  can tie their shoelaces  |  has a purse  |  likes salads  |  likes cool colors better than warm colors  | knows how to braid hair |  reads biographies  |  can ice skate  |  knows their mbti  |  reads astrology charts  |  prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy  |  plays video games  | reads the newspaper  |  likes chocolate ice cream best  |  doesn’t [usually] cuss  |  memorizes song lyrics  |  collects coupons  |  has a preferred order at starbucks  |  likes movie theater popcorn  |  has seen a play  |  listens to music with headphones  |  owns a hoodie  |  would rather own cds than online copies  |  has written a poem  |  can shuffle cards  |  subscribes to a magazine  |  double dips when eating (his own food food) |  drinks directly out of the milk container  |  keeps a journal  |
{{ tagged by : @tunedradio }} {{ tagging : @a-hazbin-spider @angelic-stiletto-pointe @murderous-rodeo-imp666 @the-knolastname-family676 @e-m-p-error @peppy-jester @overangeled @the-delightful-temptation @strikers-saloon and others that sees this and wants to do this. }}
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copaceticjillybean · 4 months
Bold if they do | cross out of they don’t at all | leave normal for if they only do sometimes!
likes artificial watermelon  |  sleeps in what they are already wearing  |  eats their cereal with milk |  listens to music with earbuds  |  hates the summer  |  can recite past the first four digits of pi |  eats frosting out of the jar  |  doodles on their notebooks  |  can bake cookies  |  has a garden  |  has had a snowball fight  |  eats pancakes without syrup  |  prefers shorts over pants |  can name more than ten superheroes  |  has a plan for the zombie apocalypse  |  uses the same password for everything  |  can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds  | can hold their breath for a few minutes  watches anime  |  hasn’t read Harry Potter/Hates Harry Potter  |  can say ‘ I love you ‘ in more than one language  |  prefers mechanical pencils  |  thinks space is cool  |  takes personality tests more than once to make sure  |  can tie their shoelaces  |  has a purse  |  likes salads  |  likes cool colors better than warm colors  | knows how to braid hair |  reads biographies  |  can ice skate  |  knows their mbti  |  reads astrology charts  |  prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy  |  plays video games  | reads the newspaper  |  likes chocolate ice cream best  |  doesn’t [usually] cuss  |  memorizes song lyrics  |  collects coupons  |  has a preferred order at starbucks  |  likes movie theater popcorn  |  has seen a play  |  listens to music with headphones  |  owns a hoodie  |  would rather own cds than online copies  |  has written a poem  |  can shuffle cards  |  subscribes to a magazine  |  double dips when eating (his own food food) |  drinks directly out of the milk container  |  keeps a journal  |
tagged by: @tunedradio tagging: @demondads (either Pent, Luci, or both, the choice is yours!) @thehazbins (for Marion) @radioiaci
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goosewriting · 1 year
📮 You got mail!
OKAY OKAY WAIT I DON'T KNOW IF YOU'RE FINISHED WITH THE MIKEY BABY FIC-Y BUT I just had a random idea pop out of nowhere where Mikey gives the reader, or vice versa, a coupon for having a baby! That may sound ridiculous but I took inspiration from your idea in Mikey's section of "Taking the lead". This is just a random funny thought, you don't have to acknowledge it in anyway LMAO.
I've read and seen some of your other things that aren't turtles related and they're honestly pretty good! I don't know anything about Star Wars but the lazy morning with Fives feels almost bittersweet, mainly sweet though, bitter cause I think you mentioned one time that Fives had been ohno'd, I send my condolences o7
Also gonna get the Cassandra Cut (Bald™) tomorrow my time, hope they accept cartoon references! 👍😃👌 And I hope you're doing well and taking breaks and such! 🦆🤗🦢
Best wishes!
💌 -BVA🐰🎟️
your suggestion actually made me go :0c i was like "wow BV anon here having a Big Brain Moment",, genius! i have written a little draft to more or less know where i want to go with the fic but i'll definitely be using this, thank you so much!♥
"cause I think you mentioned one time that Fives had been ohno'd" made me laugh so hard for some reason xD but seriously thank you sm for checking out my other writings even if you're not in the sw fandom?? 🥺🥺💓
and yay for the cassandra cut™! i'm currently in deseprate need of a haircut and i'm seriously considering just shaving it all off too lmao it's too hot and i'm lazy, but i'm also broke and hair salon prices are bonkers ;;_;; but hey let me know how it goes and if they did take the cartoon refs heh
other than the heat (my room is a little oven and i hate it) i'm doing good, thank you!
i wish you all a fabulous weekend full of good vibes and excellent food<3
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b1uedcollar · 6 months
🔩     ⸻
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⸻  𝙳𝙴-𝚃𝙰𝙸𝙻𝚂.  ⸻
likes artificial watermelon  |  sleeps in what they are already wearing  |  eats their cereal with milk¹  |  listens to music with earbuds  |  hates the summer  |  can recite past the first four digits of pi  |  eats frosting out of the jar  |  doodles on their notebooks  |  can bake cookies²  |  has a garden³  |  has had a snowball fight  |  eats pancakes without syrup⁴  |  prefers shorts over pants  |  can name more than ten superheroes  |  has a plan for the zombie apocalypse  |  uses the same password for everything  |  can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds  |  watches anime  |  hasn’t read harry potter  |  can say ‘ I love you ‘ in more than one language⁵  |  prefers mechanical pencils  |  thinks space is cool  |  takes personality tests more than once to make sure  |  can’t tie their shoelaces⁶  |  has a purse  |  likes salads  |  likes cool colors better than warm colors⁷  |  knows how to braid hair  |  reads biographies⁸  |  can ice skate  |  knows their mbti  |  reads astrology charts  |  prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy  |  plays video games  |  reads the newspaper  |  likes chocolate ice cream best  |  doesn’t cuss  |  memorizes song lyrics⁹  |  collects coupons  |  has a preferred order at starbucks  |  likes movie theater popcorn  |  has seen a play  |  listens to music with headphones¹⁰  |  owns a hoodie  |  would rather own cds than online copies  |  has written a poem  |  can shuffle cards  |  subscribes to a magazine  |  double dips when eating  |  drinks directly out of the milk container  |  keeps a journal
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¹ the milk never lasts and he’s never minded cereal raw. usually buys single serving boxes, unless he’s in a corn pops mood. ² no, he cannot bake cookies. ³ nature’s a free-for-all. ⁴ light syrup or none at all. lots’a butter. ⁵ french and asl. ⁶ gets harder to bend over with age. ⁷ he wears a lot of grays and blues [ and camo! ] ⁸ reads non-fiction, if anything. ⁹ the opposite, actually, by making up his own. ¹⁰ prefers speakers but headphones will do.
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usermaha · 9 months
Jjun. Jjunie. Jjunah. YEONJUNNIEEEEE.
My bias is not Yeonjun but also my bias is always Yeonjun. Bc i KNOW you cant get better than him. Choi Yeonjun is the definition of an idol to me. He is the blue haired guy. He’s not the center but he’s the guy you cant look away from. He is the flag of txt that we wave proudly in the air.
His energy, his aura, is so strong, it pulls you in his gravity. The way he moves, the way he sings, the way he carries himself, is so undeniably, unimitably, unapologetically, YEONJUN. It’s hard to look at him and not fall in love.
I love him always, and i am grateful for it. Everytime i see him dance, i am in awe. I dont know about the theory of dance, but i want to drink up every little move with my eyes, i wanna see it over and over again. I have never seen him give less than 110% on stage. I dont know where he packs all of that energy. What are in those IcedAmes?
When i see him on stage i see the joy, the confidence of someone who was born for his craft. He showed me what true passion looks like, true confidence looks like, what being a boss looks like. I strive for those things every single day.
But more importantly, he taught me to love myself for where i am, right now. Last year, in May, I was struggling with what at point was the hardest course i encountered. I remember feeling like i wasn’t enough, no matter how much i tried, i couldnt make it in this field.
One night, i was up studying and at a break i was watching a txt video. “wow, txt members are these stars who worked really hard and made it. I dont have it in me. Im gonna wither away without doing anything memorable.”
Then, a clip came up where Yeonjun said “I know you love us but please love yourself more.” I felt like he looked directly into my soul. It was sobering. It took me out of my misery. I couldnt love myself that much back then. But i could try. Yeonjun told me to.
“Healing”, his mom’s nickname for him, is so fitting. He did more than heal my self loathing that night. He taught me a hard lesson i’d have to remind myself again and again.
I have witnessed him be a source of light, of hope, of comfort, to countless people. For so many, he is the reason to get out of bed, the strength to dream. With his existence alone. Not a lot of people can achieve that. I hope he knows how precious he is, how loved he is by all of us.
We talk about BLT, BigHit's Legendary Trainee a lot. Being at a similar place once, what crosses my mind first is how much pressure that must have cost him. How scary it was to risk losing the top spot next month. How much work he must have put to keep that title till the very end of his training period. I hope he knows he is not Choi Yeonjun because he is No.1. He is No.1 because he is Choi Yeonjun.
I want to get him a transfusion to remove all the caffeine from his veins. I want to get him coupons for all the ramyeon for his lifetime. I want to see him smile with his eyes more. I want to cup the world in my palms and hand it to him.
But most of all, I want to somehow take away all the pain, all the hurt, all the exhaustion it took to get here. I know I can't do that. But I hope the love I have for him is enough.
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viviskull · 5 months
bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies. strike what doesn’t.
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likes artificial watermelon . sleeps in what they are already wearing . eats their cereal with milk . listens to music with earbuds . hates the summer . can recite past the first four digits of pi . eats frosting out of the jar . doodles on their notebooks . can bake cookies . has a garden farm . has had a snowball fight . eats pancakes without syrup . prefers shorts over pants . can name more than ten superheroes . has a plan for the zombie apocalypse . uses the same password for everything . can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds . watches anime . hasn’t read harry potter . can say ‘ i love you ‘ in more than one language . prefers mechanical pencils . thinks space is cool . takes personality tests more than once to make sure . can’t tie their shoelaces . has a purse . likes salads . likes cool colors better than warm colors . knows how to braid hair . reads biographies . can ice skate . knows their mbti . reads astrology charts . prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy . plays video games . reads the newspaper . likes chocolate ice cream best . doesn’t cuss . memorizes song lyrics . collects coupons . has a preferred order at starbucks . likes movie theater popcorn . has seen a play . listens to music with headphones . owns a hoodie . would rather own cds than online copies . has written a poem . can shuffle cards . subscribes to a magazine . double dips when eating . drinks directly out of the milk container . keeps a journal .
Tagged by: @lambfated Tagging: FREE FOR ALL!!
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akumaverse · 11 months
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First Appearance: Out of the Spotlite #24
Dimension: Scratch Space
Allegiance: Hero
PaRappa Rappa is your typical kid living in PaRappa Town. He desires two things: becoming one of the biggest rappers ever and winning the love of Sunny Funny. During the events known as PaRappa the Rapper, he works on that first goal as he learns Karate, learns how to drive, earns money, makes a cake, and tries to impress Sunny. Eventually he manages to get a date with Sunny and on the same day gets called up on stage by MC King Kong Mushi.
For a while, PaRappa was simply hanging out with his friends. He got a job at a Video Game Store, goes to school with others, and decided to help out Katy Kat with her desires to bring Milk Can to the Big Time. He even dabbled in trying Rock and Roll. One day, he got a coupon for a hundred years worth of Noodles. After eating them for days nonstop, he got sick of eating them. So when he freaked out when Sunny offered noodles, she called him a baby. 
This kick started his desire to prove to Sunny that he’s a man. So after getting a burger, he finds out noodles are all over the place. Due to PJ’s suggestion, they go to his Dad to try to figure out what’s up. When they couldn’t, PaRappa worked out for a bit before accidentally shrinking himself. Eventually everyone grows back to normal and soon after Parappa joins the army to fight off the Noodle Terrorist wanting to make everyone eat only Noodles.
After boot camp, his first mission is to a Hair Salon that makes only Afros. After out doing Hairdresser Octopus and freeing him from the Machine’s Control, PaRappa took it back to his father to try to reverse engineer the machine to undo the Food to Noodles effect. With PaRappa stepping up to complete the game, they decide to fight noodles with sweets and the De-Noodleizer.
This led to a confrontation with Colonel Noodle and a Rap Battle where he convinced the former Burger Chef son to try other foods besides noodles and burgers. Turns out Sunny felt bad for calling him a Baby and went to apologize, but he was gone before she could. But despite that, she noticed PaRappa’s efforts and properly apologized. And Colonel Noodle’s own apology is for PaRappa to be the main act for their Concert.
Then PaRappa won another lifetime supply and got sick of cheese, so you can guess where that’s going. Since then, sometimes he visits the Out of the Spotlite bar, one time he competed against others for a special power, and until recently struggled to decide if he likes Sunny or Lammy more. Eventually, he proved to AkumaTh that PaRappa/Lammy can’t happen because she’s already taken. Proves even when the author intends something for you, you can overcome if you just believe.
Sprite Credit
First version by Spazz
Second version by AkumaTh
Current version by AkumaTh
Fun Facts:
I got Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal just because PaRappa was in the game.
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taran-chan · 2 years
on a Wednesday, in a cafe (chapter 21)
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Read on AO3
monday lunchbox: grilled eel rice
It’s Gilgamesh’s birthday. It’s his fucking birthday, and he’s standing in his kitchen, making breakfast for them at 6:30 am, wearing nothing but his boxer and his “Kiss The Cook” apron, with a drawing of himself in a cartoonish way that she painted on not so long ago, and looking as delicious as a feast. Thena watches him from the kitchen door, she’s wearing his oversized hoodie and her expression is mixed between frustration and amusement.
“I planned to give you a birthday present in bed, you know,” She uncrosses her arms and walks over to kiss him good morning, “I even set the alarm 30 minutes early. It’s your birthday, you shouldn’t have gotten up this early.”
“I won’t give up any chance to pamper you,” Gil murmurs against her lips, his hands sneaking under the hoodie, “What did you plan anyway?”
Thena rises up on her toes, and whatever that she’s whispering into his ears makes him groan and hide his burning face into her neck, all the while holding her tighter. She’s nearly able to feel the thumping of his heart.
“Can I still collect my gift tonight?” He asks shyly.
“It’s your last chance,” Thena chuckles, rubbing his hair and kissing his reddened ears. Her eyes land on the lunchbox on the table, next to a thermos bottle that contains hot soup.
“You start selling your eel lunchboxes today, right?”
“Yeah, we’re switching to our summer menu from today,” he nods, “I took Makkari’s advice so I’ll just prepare a dozen boxes only. You get the first one.”
“Lucky me.”
Gil began to make lunchboxes for Thena to bring to work last week, after hearing from Kingo that someone at their firm got food poisoning because of the lunch meals at their cafeteria. They went to buy lunchboxes together. Thena chose an oval wooden box, and Gil picked a white wrap cloth with golden star patterns on it. They didn’t forget to buy a new waffle maker because Thena broke his old one when she tried to make waffles and then literally set it on fire. She doesn’t have anything to complain about, really, she’s eating better than ever.
“How many tacos do you think you can get for an eel lunchbox?” She asks while munching on her French toast and raspberries.
“I’m not sure,” Gil rubs his chin, “But definitely it’ll be more expensive than our regular lunch set. And it’s also limited, therefore if Jake and Layla order too late, there won’t be any left for them.”
“I think it could be approximately a special combo in their restaurant,” Thena says, “It’s insanely good.”
She got to try the grilled eel rice once with Sprite, Makkari and Ajak on the day they tried out their summer menu, including other goodies such as Ajak’s orange and guava tea and Makkari’s fruit tart. And after their camping trip, because Steven has excellently completed his mission of watching Arishem (the red iguana even looks chubbier after spending two days at his house), Gil gave him lots of coupons for the rainbow trouts they caught. A few days later, Eternal treated Steven, as well as Marc and Jake, the other two of the triplets, a hearty lunch. Ajak learned that Marc owns a Mexican restaurant three blocks away, she called for Gil and the five of them discussed for about 10 minutes, then agreed to trade food with each other. Two medium-sized drinks equal a large nacho, one slice of cake/pie equals one burrito and a lunch set equals a quesadilla.
Since that day, they’ve been buying lunches and sometimes Sprite’s after-school snacks from Marc’s restaurant. Her final exam is coming so she uses the times when they don’t get many customers to study, and she’s been increasingly asking Thena to teach her maths and physics, to the point the older woman feels like a tutor. She even worries as the exam week is approaching, which is this week.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Gil says, clearing the table, “You two worked very hard for this. It’ll pay off.”
“You too were so worried that you didn’t let her eat eels or anything that has seaweed, because she might “slip and fell”.”
“Hey, I didn’t fail once in my school years thanks to that trick.”
Thena just rolls her eyes, pulling him closer by the straps of his apron and kissing him. Her irresistible dessert. Gil sends her to work with many more kisses, as if he wants to make sure she won’t forget her promise for tonight. It’s a long day already.
The lunchbox is still warm when she opens it at noon. On the soft rice are two big pieces of eel that were deboned, soaked in BBQ sauce and grilled, sprinkled with a thin layer of sesame seeds. On the side is some stir-fried morning glory. The sweet and rich BBQ sauce has combined with the eel meat beautifully, a dot of nutty sesame seed here and there makes her unable to stop her spoon. There’s also hot miso soup to refresh whenever she gets tired of the greasiness. The meal is so good Thena tries to eat it slowly so that it won’t end. She’s talking with Gil over the phone at the moment.
“Have you had your lunch?” She asks.
“We’re waiting for Layla to deliver our lunch,” he sounds like an excited boy, “Turns out two eel lunchboxes can be traded with their special lunch set and drinks! Can you believe that?”
“I told you this morning. It’s incredible, you underestimate yourself this time.”
She hears him laugh, “Are you having lunch as well? Don’t skip your meal, okay?”
“Not a chance. I just call to tell you that Kingo saw my lunchbox when he stopped by my office to deliver some files, then he ran out of the building, I think he’s heading to Eternal.”
“So you call to tell me to leave him a lunchbox?”
“Only because he’s doing a pretty decent job this month. Besides, he’s probably come bearing your gift. Is there any box left?”
“Just one. I’ll save it for him then.”
“Thanks, darling, I’ll try to leave early today,” she purrs.
“Looking forward to it,” he lowers his voice, “I miss you, Thena.”
“Miss you.”
When Thena steps into Eternal’s backyard that evening, she finds Gil and Makkari up to their necks in the kitchen. It looks like there are many customers at the front, they seem to be short of cakes because Gil is making something that looks like a fruit roll cake. She decides not to distract them and steps up the stairs. She used the key he gave her on their one-month anniversary to open the door. The lights are on, Arishem turns his attention to her as she enters the living room. She comes over to the tank, petting and feeding him some dry food and then moves on to the kitchen to find some lettuce for him (Gil always stores at least one or two in the fridge).
On the table is her dinner: spaghetti Napolitan and salad Caesar with a poached egg. There’s also a note from Gil, saying that if she’s back while he’s busy with his shop, she should have dinner first and to apologize, her dessert is in the fridge. She grins when she finds a square container with blueberry tiramisu inside. She washes her lunchbox and thermos bottle, both empty, knowing that Gil would be very happy and proud of himself because she finished the lunch he prepared. Then she brings her dinner and Arishem’s into the living room to eat with the animal, looking at all of the presents that their friends have stopped by and given him during the day. They are stacked on the coffee table, he’s probably too busy and doesn’t have time to put them away. He said he wanted to spend the evening with Thena so they don’t organize a birthday party, yet he still got presents. Ajak gave him a new teapot, Kingo brought a Bluray set of Godfather movies and a thank you note for the lunchbox, Sprite gave him a keychain with a grizzly bear attached, Druig sent a fancy wine bottle, Phastos and his family: a huge flower lego set, Sersi and Ikaris gave him…a set of new pots and pans to replace the ones that have black spots at the bottom that Gil can never scrub clean after their camping trip. Thena’s very happy on his behalf. Her Gilgamesh deserves the entire world for simply existing in it.
“Thena?” Gil calls out the moment he steps inside and sees her shoes. She stands up from the couch and he rushes to her, sweeping her up her feet and into his arms. He kisses her deeply, whispering his apologies for making her wait. Her arms automatically loop themselves around his shoulders and he starts carrying her toward his bedroom.
“Have you had dinner?”
“I have.”
“Good, my turn. I’ve been waiting all day,” he kicks the door shut.
Gilgamesh is lying between Thena’s legs, his head pillowed on her stomach and he exhales a satisfying breath. They’re both sated, sinking into the bed while caressing each other lazily. Gil peppers her stomach with kisses, she slips a hand into his hair and tries to sit up, but he pulls her onto his lap and keeps kissing her. She indulges him for a good while more, then covers his eyes.
“Close your eyes.”
“But I want to look at you,” he pouts.
“How am I supposed to surprise you with your gifts then?”
“You have more gifts for me?”
“Of course. You think I didn’t get you any?”
“But I thought… We just…”
Thena laughs, “My love, you deserve more than one gift from me. Now listen to me and close your eyes.”
He does as told and she climbs off his lap. She opens the wardrobe, retrieving her lavenders and forget-me-nots bouquet and back to bed, reclaiming her position in his lap. She wraps her legs around his torso and he holds her hips, already beaming, “It smells nice. Did you get me flowers?”
“You can look now,” she says.
His smile is brighter when he sees the big bouquet. He can be so delighted with the small things in life, and she loves him for it.
“I think there’s something in the middle,” she points out. He draws out a paper hidden among the lavenders. It’s an advertisement for a seaside resort that Thena printed out from their website.
“I realized we haven’t had a summer vacation to the beach so I deliberately made a reservation. Last weekend of June. Two days and one night but I can extend it if you want,” Thena blushes, “Can you save those two days for us?”
Gil is nodding repeatedly, like a puppet on a string.
“Just you and me?”
“Just you and me.”
“You spoiled me rotten.”
“Don’t be silly, I barely got the chance to,” she disagrees.
“Maybe I’ll get to put sunscreen on you,” he says, moving the bouquet out of the way so they can be pressed against one another. She feels him harden beneath her and moans against his lips.
“I’ll grill lots of seafood,” he goes on, kissing her down the mattress, “Bringing you many rounds of mojito, and making sweet, passionate love to you any time, anywhere you want.”
“Fuck, I love you so much,” she gasps. She can’t wait until the last weekend of June.
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