#Aaron just shrugs and keep playing his game
Andrew learning how Nicky drugged Neil: **takes a stick**
Nicky: Hey, hey, put that down. I apologized. Neil and I are cool, right bro?? Please, Neil tell him we are fine.
Neil: We are fine, Drew. Really.
Andrew: Oh, I'm not gonna hurt you.
Nicky: **sighs** Thanks. I'm happy with leaving it in the past once again.
Nicky: W-W-Why didn't you stop??
Andrew: You didn't let me finish. Nicky, cuz, light of my life. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna bash your brains, I am gonna bash them right the fuck in.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 months
Hotch x reader - a criminals obsession
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Can you do prompt 76 (from the second prompt list) with Hotch x bau!reader? - Anon💜
76: “How do you get away with all this?” “The key is not to get caught.”
Walking through the hallway of the BAU, you smirked a little at one of the guards that were escorting you, a tight hold of his gun.
“Come on, you don’t have to be so tense.”
“Shut up.” He snapped.
You smirked a little more, turning your attention to the hallway you were walking down, eyes scanning over every single inch of it.
You weren’t going to be able to run out of a federal building and you knew that, but you also knew they wouldn’t shoot you, the guns were just for show.
You were checking out all possible exits you would be able to take, even if you couldn’t get out the building you would still be able to give them a run for their money if you really wanted to.
You were escorted to an interrogation room where your cuffs were secured to the table, the ones around your feet to the ground, and the two guards stood t the back of the room.
You leant back in your chair, tilting your head back so you could look at the ceiling and keep a watch on the two guards to see what they were doing.
You knew when the door was opened, and when a file was placed down.
“You’re a hard person to find (Y/N).”
You smirked a little more, turning your head towards the voice.
“Aaron Hotchner, it’s about time we meet considering the fact we’ve spoke an awful lot.”
He sat down opposite you.
“You managed to evade us for a long time, yet you willingly handed yourself in, requesting to speak to me and only me, why?”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Maybe I was bored.”
“I don’t think so, what’s the real reason?”
You gestured with your head towards one of the guards.
“He’s got my phone, take it and get that tech if yours to unlock it, there’s a message or two on there that I think would be intriguing to you.”
Hotch held his hand out as the guard handed your phone over, and he gestured to you.
“Or you could tell me the pin so I could unlock it and make this all a lot easier.”
You hummed a little bit, giving a small shrug.
“You already know one of them.”
“Strauss offered you a position within the BAU, I’m aware, and I don’t agree with it.”
“You don’t think we’d make a good team?”
“You’re a wanted criminal in almost every single state for a long list of reasons.”
You grinned at him.
“Impressive isn’t it?”
Hotch tapped your file.
“How do you get away with all this?”
You winked at him.
“The key is not to get caught.”
“We’re not going to play this game your way, we’re going to play by my rules, which means you’re going to tell me everything you know about our unsub, including the calls you had with him, then you’re going to sit in a cell and wait while I decide what to do with you. If I decide I don’t want you on my team you’ll be sentenced to life without patrol for everything you’ve done.”
You hummed a little, leaning back in your chair, swinging it on two legs as you thought.
After a minute, you slammed the chair back down, placed your hands on the table as you stood up, leaning over it.
The guards trained their guns on you.
You laughed wildly as you realised Hotch hadn’t moved a single muscle, he didn’t even flinch at your movement.
Slowly you sat back down.
“No. We’re not playing my game by your rules Aaron, we’re playing them by mine. I get to join you little band of crime fighters, I give you what you want once I’m sure that I’m not going to be thrown in jail after this.”
“Not happening (Y/N).”
“Then I guess we’re in a stalemate, right? Is that the right term? Maybe I should ask Reid to come in here, I’m sure it’s easy enough to get into his head, maybe he’s watching right now and I can do it through that mirror, or maybe Garcia, I reckon I could get into her head a lot faster.”
“That’s enough.” He warned.
You smirked at him.
He knew what you were doing of course, you were trying to get into his head as well, the easiest way for you to do that was through his team.
You knew that he valued his team and would want to protect them from you and your manipulation tactics, you were good at that.
Hotch stood up, picking up your file and phone.
“I’m going through your phone so whatever is on there I’ll find, which means I don’t actually need your help.”
“Oh you think the messages from your unsub are on there? That’s cute.”
Hotch stopped by the door.
“They’re not on that phone silly, and don’t bother trying to track another to my name because it’s untraceable, and it’s not registered to me.”
He turned around.
“There’s lives at stake and you want to turn it into a game?” He snapped.
“I couldn’t really care less to be honest, do you think I’d have that long list of charges if I did? I may have never directly hurt another person Aaron but I don’t care what happens to people. There’s nothing in it for me if I did.”
Hotch left the room, joining the others in the conference room where there was a live feed from your interrogation room.
He set your file and phone down on the table.
“You think it’s true?” Rossi asked.
“Yes, they have an obsession with me, I was the first one to ever get close enough to catching them.”
He sighed, crossing his arms.
“They’re also not going to willingly give up information without something in return, that’s how they work.”
“So, we have to give them what they want otherwise they won’t help.” Emily muttered.
“Absolutely not.” Hotch replied.
He knew what your game was, you get what you want, they get what they want and you’d go on the run again.
You learn quick, which means you would’ve already thought of ways to cover your traces from them, he could see how smug you were.
You had everything thought out carefully, you would have played every move in your head over and over until you found the right ones.
Everything you did was calculated to tip the balance in your favour.
And what he didn’t know was that he was actually playing straight into your hands, you had already planned out every possible scenario when you handed yourself in.
You were counting down the minutes until he returned to tell you he was going to have you sent to trail, and that’s exactly what you wanted to happen.
He knew you didn’t care what you had to do, or who you had to put in harms way to get what you wanted, because you loved the game of cat and mouse you had been playing.
You tilted your head back, looking towards one of the guards.
“I think it’s time up. Don’t you?”
The other guard spun around, a loud shot echoing the room, and you stood up, dropping the cuffs that had been unlocked when you were first sat down.
The guard opened the door, and you turned to the camera, giving a small salute as you followed your helper down the hallways as alarms blasted through the building.
At the stairwell, you were handed another phone and you turned to Hotch who was aiming his gun at you.
“Me or your unsub, pick wisely now.”
You tossed the phone, slamming the door shut behind you as you ran down the stairs with a wild laugh.
Oh you really did love the chase
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thewulf · 9 months
The Last Time || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - Hotch x reader fic based on the last time by taylor swift and gary lightbody
A/N: I just love a good angst to comfort. Thanks so much for the request anon! I had a good time writing this :) Let me know your thoughts!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 2.6k+
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“Hey A.” You grinned leaning up on your tip toes to kiss your husband on the cheek. You noticed the small breath he let out before putting on a façade, a smile on his face.
“Hi sweetheart.” He pulled you in without much thought. Smelling the top of your head you instinctually melted into him. You knew how hard his job was. The horror of the cases he saw on a daily basis. Choosing which serial killers, he and his team went after and which ones they had to ignore, for now. You knew how he felt like he played God with people’s lives. How heavy those decisions weighed on him.
When you pulled away you studied his face. He looked utterly exhausted. When was the last time he’d taken even a day away from the office? You knew it usually didn’t lead to anything good, so you’d shut up about it, “How was your day babe? Jack aced his math test, took him out for some ice cream.”
He scrunched his eyebrows together, “He had a math test?”
You nodded hiding the disappointment of his increasing absence over the last few months. The BAU seemingly taking over his entire life, “Pre-algebra. He’s been studying all week.” You didn’t want to make him feel worse, but you didn’t want to lie either. Jack had been studying. Vying for his father’s attention which seemed to be entirely elsewhere.
A curt nod. One you were sure was reserved usually for the team, “Thanks for letting me know.”
You sighed, tired of his absence, “Yeah, sure.” Breaking from his embrace you walked over to the fridge not having a plan in mind but not really wanting to be around him.
“You’re mad.” He stated sitting down at the barstool underneath the kitchen island.
Closing the refrigerator door, you looked at him with your eyebrows raised, “You’re good at your job Aaron.” Placing an emphasis on the word job you crossed your arms over your chest careful to keep your voice down. You’d just gotten Rosie, your toddler, down for sleep and God forbid Jack here a nasty spat between his parents.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He stood from the barstool making his way toward your slowly.
You shrugged, not really wanting to pick a fight right now. He was home now, you wanted his time not an argument when he was home, “You’re a profiler, figure it out. I’m tired A. Can we just watch a show and order some takeout?” You tried to change the conversation away from the looming fight and into a calmer one.
His eyebrows scrunched together further. Something was wrong. You were acting weird. When was the last time he’d even talked to his you, his wife he adored more than the world? Sure, he knew he’d gotten caught up at work over the last few months, but he might not have realized just how severely he’d been absent from your lives.
“We’ll talk about this in the morning. But for now, that sounds perfect honey.” He smiled letting you lead the way.
But of course, his fucking work phone had to ring. You shuddered hearing the infamous, “This is Hotchner.” After two damn rings. It was like his body was on autopilot.
You sat down on the couch praying that he wouldn’t be leaving. You didn’t even get a night anymore?
“That was Strauss. Emergency case in New York…” He trailed off seeing your distant gaze. One that wasn’t even sad. Wasn’t anything, neutral. Terrifyingly neutral.
Blinking a few times, you looked back up to him, “Do you have to go?” It was a long shot, but one, nonetheless.
He nodded, “I’m sorry honey… I should be back soon.” Even he cringed hearing how indecisive that was.
“When’s soon? Jack has that soccer game on Sunday. You promised you’d be there. This was your weekend off.” You knew how badly you were hurting him, but you just couldn’t find it in you to really give a damn any further. Jack had begged his dad to be there. He’d made the seventh-grade soccer team and wanted his dad at the first game. The odds were slipping away rapidly.
He sighed looking away, “I’ll try honey. Really, I will. But I can’t make any promises, you know that that.”
You gave him a dry laugh, tired. So tired of him choosing the job over you guys. Did you even matter anymore?
“Be sure to make it home, case solved or not Aaron. It’s not that fucking hard.” You rarely cussed in front of him knowing it set a bad tone for the kids, but they weren’t here, and you were at your wits end. He wasn’t listening to you. So, you had to pull out the big boy words. Words that caught his attention.
He cocked his head to the side in surprise. He was looking at you curiously, profiling you surely, “Now sweetheart, you know that
You squinted your eyes feeling the frustration bubble up on over, “Don’t patronize me right now Aaron. We’re tired of you never fucking being here.”
He frowned taking a step forward, “Just let me get through this case and we can talk about it. Yeah?” He tried reasoning. But you weren’t having it, not anymore.
You shook your head, “What happens when Strauss calls again Aaron? Are you going to keep picking her over your wife and fucking kids? Does your daughter even know what her dad even looks like anymore? I don’t think she does.” You spit out with venom in your voice knowing that was an extremely low blow
“Y/N.” He bit back before stopping himself, “You know this is important…”
You cut him off, “More important than me? Rosie? Jack?” You knew a tear had slipped down your cheek, how dramatic.
“Honey, I have to go.”
You couldn’t believe he was going, running, “This is the last time Aaron. I swear to God if you walk through that door…”
He cut you off this time, “I have to. We’ll talk when I’m back.”
You watched in horror as he grabbed that damn bag and walked out the door murmuring a soft ‘I love you’ before vanishing. You had to do something to get his attention because this wasn’t doing it anymore. You texted your mom, asking her to take the kids for the weekend as you needed to go see Allie, your best friend who lived a few hours downstate. She’d agreed no questions asked. Then you were off. You’d dropped the two kids off the next morning at your parents place before hightailing it down to Allie’s.
When you got there she helped you craft a message to your husband. She and her husband had gone through a similar rough patch not that long ago and you could use her help. So why not use it?
‘Hey, A. Kids, are at my mom’s. I’m at Allie’s for the next few days. I’ll be back in time for Jack’s game on Sunday. Need some time away to think about things.’
You’d sent out before waiting for a response. But Allie wouldn’t let you wallow. She took you out making you leave that damn phone at home. You knew you’d be getting chewed out for that later, something about how unsafe that decision could be.
When you’d gotten back to Allie’s home tipsier than you’d care to admit you went straight for your phone. 13 missed calls and five texts. You cringed before opening your phone and reading the string he sent.
‘Please answer the phone.’
‘Why are you at Allie’s? Please just answer the phone.’
‘I’m on my way home. Please call me back, are you alright?’
‘Dammit, please Y/N. You can’t do this to me. I messed up alright. Please just call me. Or text me. Something. I love you.’
‘I love you.’
You shook your head letting a few tears fall freely reading through them. You’d begged him to stay, and he left. Now that you wanted space he was coming to talk? You felt your hands shaking thinking of something to say back to him, your husband. You felt so detached from him, why were you so nervous?
‘I’m fine. Just went out and the phone died. Please don’t come. I need space. Please.’
You wanted to set your phone down, but he replied almost instantly.
‘I’m almost there.’
He wasn’t giving you an option.
‘How? I’m downstate. Go back with your team. They need you or something.’
You were picking a fight and you knew it. You were tipsy and tired and pissed off at your absent husband. The love was always there it was just laying low right now. A caged animal crying to be let out.
‘Flew into another airport. I’ll be there in five.’
You groaned deciding to call him instead. You didn’t want to see him. Afraid you might say something you may regret. You’d gotten exactly what you wanted, his attention. You’d never done something so drastic. But then again, you never had to do anything so drastic before.
Before he could speak when he answered you started talking, “Please don’t come Aaron. I just want to be with my best friend right now.” You knew how little your voice sounded. So distant from the person you always were.
A still silence and his driving vehicle is all you could here before he responded, “I shouldn’t have left. I’m sorry. Please Y/N. We can talk. I need to talk to you. I can’t lose you.” He spit out. You knew that was a big fear of his, after what happened to Haley. Jack now only realized what happened to his biological mom who loved him more than life itself. You couldn’t fathom carrying that around with you.
You had to give in. That soft voice let you know he was actually going through it, “You could never lose me Aaron. I just needed advice and some comfort. My mom didn’t have a problem watching the kids, you know it’s a treat for her.”
“I know.” Aaron sighed as he pulled into the driveway right next to your car. He knew exactly where she lived, he’d visited a fair share of times with you, “I’m here honey.”
You felt your heart rate quicken, “I’ll be right out.” You called out to Allie letting her know what the hell was happening. The one thing you loved and hated about the man. He was relentless. Wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Walking out a few steps far enough away from the house so that Allie and her husband couldn’t here you watched as Aaron spotted you and made his way right towards you. Gently, he placed his calloused hands on your shoulders pulling you into himself tightly. He brushed the back of your head with his hand while he held your body tightly into his.
“I’m so sorry sweetheart. I don’t…” he paused collecting his thoughts, “I don’t know what I was thinking, I can’t lose you.” At that he gripped you just a little tighter. Calming his nerves you squeezed him back, not nearly as aggressively but a reassurance for his racing mind you knew so well.
When you pulled away you looked up to him with teary eyes, “You stopped listening. Jack’s been all but begging you on his knees for you to pay attention. Rosie asked where you were yesterday Aaron. We miss you. We need you back. I can’t do this alone either. It feels like I have been for the last few months.” You let the tears fall and the damn burst open. You let yourself feel every pent-up emotion, every frustration as you cried.
He pulled you back into his embrace with a frown on his face, “I’m so sorry honey.” He squeezed you tightly while you let the tears flow free. It felt good to have let them out, let pent up emotions you’d been holding back go.
“Just listen.” You mumbled into his chest letting yourself have the breakdown you’d needed.
He squeezed you once more letting you know he’d heard you, loud and clear, “I will. I’m so sorry you had to do this. That I made you feel this way. I just want the promotion so bad that… that I feel like telling Strauss no will hinder it. But I’ll talk to her. I promise. For you. For Jack and Rosie.” He kissed the crown of your head feeling that overwhelming feeling of dread pool in his stomach. He’d done this. He was the reason for your tears. He’d neglected you., the kids.
“I can’t beg you anymore Aaron.” You whispered after the sobs had long since died down and the tears were slow to come, “This is the last time.”
He nodded seeing the seriousness in your eyes, the hurt you’d usually hidden so well, “I hear you.” He brushed a gentle finger over your forehead as he looked over you. He then ran his thumb beneath your eyes collecting the stray tears that were lingering on your skin, “I’m so sorry I did this to you.”
The intensity of his gaze was hard to hold. He was everything and more to you. A sweet crush turned passionate romance that led to where you were today, ten years and a kid later. You knew what you signed up for when you got married but this was on another level. Being single when you’re married is one of the loneliest things you’d gone through. Especially when you’d practically begged for his attention for weeks now. You’d given him one last shot with a Hail Mary attempt, and he’d caught it. You’d never been so unsure of decision before, always being so sure with him. Nobody was perfect, you knew that. But you needed him to see. Thank goodness he did.
When you didn’t respond but instead hugged him he let you do as you needed. Whatever comfort you needed he was willing to provide. But after five minutes of holding each other he needed to break the silence. You certainly weren’t going to.
“Let’s go home? Kids can stay at your moms. Let’s have a day to ourselves tomorrow. Sleep in, make you breakfast and do something fun. How’s that sound?” He asked you softly, continuing to rock you in his arms.
“Yeah, that sounds lovely.” You yawned feeling the late night and the emotions of the day taking its toll on you.
“Then we can pick the kids up on Sunday, take them to breakfast and go to Jack’s soccer game. That sound okay sweetheart?”
You nodded in his chest feeling the warmth spread over you. He was listening. He was going to do what he said he was going to. This was Aaron Hotchner after all, “That sounds perfect A.” You felt okay, content. It was going to be alright. Just a little rough patch is all.
He smiled down at you, “Let’s get you home then, go grab your things and tell Allie I said I’m sorry too.”
You let go of his torso looking at both cars in the driveway, “We have two cars.” You sighed not feeling up for the drive home. It was already pushing eleven o’clock.
He shrugged, “It’s a rental. I’ll have the somebody from the FBI come get it tomorrow.” He pointed to the car he’d drove in on.
You shook your head, “There are some perks to that job of yours.”
He nodded leaning down to give you a quick kiss on the lips, “That there is. Now, let’s get you home. I have some making up to do.” He shot you a wink before pushing you gently in the direction of your best friend’s house.
You turned around with a brilliant smile on your face nodding rapidly, “That you do Hotchner, that you do.” You rushed back inside careful not to let him get the last word in. It certainly was going to be alright.
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds:
Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22
Request Taglist: @fictionallifestuff
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A/N: Here’s a Carl Grimes imagine I had already finished, but didn’t post. Enjoyyyyy!
Pairing: Carl Grimes x reader
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“Carl?” I stepped into the doorway of his now, hollowed out room due to The Saviors, coming over to Alexandria, early might we add, and ransacked the place.
He didn’t hear me or chose not to hear me, as he threw darts at the board, but the majority of it was hitting the wall. So, I knocked on the already open door and just let myself in. “Carl?”
“What?” He turned and spat in my direction. When I didn’t respond, he went to the wall where his darts landed and forcefully pulled them out.
“I’m sorry, I know you aren’t mad at me for shit, I have no control over, Carl.” I have no tolerance for anyone who throws an attitude my way for some shit, I did not do.
He sighed, before backing up and continued to throat the darts. “Carl!” He stopped and stood staring at the wall. “I’m going with your Dad and Aaron to find stuff for Negan, and I want you to come.”
“He sent you up here, didn’t he?” Carl said referring to his dad.
“No, I came here on my own free will, I don’t want you here by yourself.” He scoffs and turns to look at me.
“You think, I’m not able to protect myself?”
“You know that is not what I said, nor meant. Don’t twist my words.” I replied, pointing an accusing finger his way. “Are you coming or not?”
“There is no way in hell, I’m going. That asshole can get his own shit.” He turns, throwing his darts at the target again, this time with much more aggression.
“Carl, please, just..”
“Just what, (Y/N)? Go and steal stuff from anywhere and anyone just to appease him? Hell. No. I don’t even know why you’re going!” He said storming his way over to me.
“I don’t need to explain my reasoning to you.”
“Like hell you don’t. Why are you kissing up to that prick?”
“I don’t want to lose anymore people, okay? Especially not you. I care about you, too damn much.” I exclaimed, and Carl was dead silent.
And decided to just keep going cause why not, right?
“After seeing what he did to Abraham? To Glenn? What he could’ve had your Dad do to you? I just couldn’t, alright? I can’t.” I explained.
Carl was about to put a comforting hand on my shoulder and probably pull me into a hug, but I just backed away from him. “(Y/N)..”
“So, excuse me for kissing up to him. But I’ll be damned, if I let anyone die at the hands of that jackass. If this is the only way, to keep everyone away from, whatever that man will do to any of us, then you best believe,” I stand closer to him, making sure he hears this part. “I will do what it takes to do so.” I walk backwards then out of the room and down the stairs, joining Rick and the others.
“Is he coming down?” Rick asked, and I shrug. “I don’t know and hell if I care.” I said, putting my bag into the truck. I did, in fact care about Carl, but our hands are literally tied behind our backs. We’ve been safe for as long as we can, I don’t like this nor do I like Negan either, but we can’t do shit right now. For now we gotta play his game, even if we’re playing with cheaters.
“(Y/N)!” Carl, calls from behind me, and I scoff and turn around. “What do you want, Carl-?” I asked, before feeling his lips on mine, and pair of hands on my face. I stood there, dumbfounded before my self-consciousness mentally kicked myself in the behind, telling me to ‘kiss him back before you can’t.’
And I did. I kissed him back. He puts his hands on my waist, and I around his neck playing with the hair, as the nape of his neck. But at soon as I recuperated it, it was done the next second. He rested his forehead onto my own looking at me, with his one good eye.
“I don’t want to lose you either, I care about you too, you idiot.”
“Careful, with what you say sheriff.” I said, as we share a laugh, that was short lived due to him going back to being serious. “But please, please be safe and careful out there, you hear me?”
“I heard you.” He smiles weakly, letting me go and walked backwards to the houses porch and I climb into the truck.
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vqrtualheartss · 10 months
Jamaican Y/N x Earth 42 Miles (ish)
This is writing practice but yeah, trying out sum new
You were friends since birth with Miles (42) and that's the way it is now. His mother, Rio didn't see you as "just a friend" though, she saw you as family and that granted you multiple perks such as getting to try her food, learning Spanish, having basically a second home and your favourite - Family gatherings. It had all the opportunities in one, with the addition of games ofcourse- every time a gathering was kept you were always seen playing something; Uno, Chequi Morena, Gallito , Trompo. Even though the ethnic origin was different from yours It didn't matter to you if you're familiar with the game or not, you were always open to learning by playing with the adults or even children.
There was no hard feelings if you lost, but one thing you wouldn't take disrespect in was your own territory- dominos. You weren't the only one with this mindset, being somewhat Jamaican too Aaron knew that it was more than just a game- ofcourse it was more than that.
You, him, and Miles were playing inside the house, having been sent inside because you and Aaron were slamming the game pieces with such force to shake the wooden table, not to mention the curse words being let loose. At the time you were in Miles' jacket covering the short sleeved dress you got cold in, him in a white wife beater and grey sweats', Aaron sent knowing looks to Miles, chuckling every time he covered his face with in smiling embarrassment.
All playfulness and merriment disappeared as the fate of the game rested in Miles' hands, he had two pieces in his hands- everyone else with one. Reading the game he could tell what each person needed to win ―you, a 5, a 1 for Aaron―. Narrowing our eyes down at him, we knew that he knew, keeping stern faces waiting for his next play.
"Miles play with me, I dare you" Looking at him, he raised his shirt slightly revealing a gun. Jah Jah. Retaliating to the other option he took out the domino opposite to the one he wanted to play prior to the threat. Palm up, I pointed my finger between his eyes , swinging it as I talked
"Do not push your luck with me either because I'll leave your ass right here" He sighed as Aaron laughed "She's most definitely my niece" Taking the time to think the situation through, his head buried into his hands throwing the dominos on the table. "Pause / I have no plays" Me and Aaron looked at each other, our movements in sync as we turned to look at Miles who had his face down to the table, his hands tightly wrapped around his head.
"YAH EEDIAT YUTE? /Are you an idiot? SEE THE FUCKI-" Before we could continue Rio came downstairs "Demasiado fuerte, ¿qué está pasando con ustedes dos y por qué mi hijo está llorando?" Her hands rested on her hips, voice raising louder by the second. Aaron and I looked at each other, eyebrows raising in confusion "Huh?" "Shut up, please" It was evident that we were testing her patience, pinching her nose bridge as she walked back. We shrugged, before focusing our attention to Miles that looked at us petrified "it's just a game" Looking back at each other, Aaron pointed his thumb at him "I know this nigga is not serious"
"Watch what I'll do to you tonight" (the both of you said it) Aaron eyes widened, a sly grin creeping unto his face "What are you two doing tonight?" Miles had his palm over his mouth, taking in a breath as the two of us registered what I let loose.
"Nothing". By now Miles and I had our hands at the bottom of our faces hiding the embarrassment as Aaron laughed. "Didn't know you two were sneaking like that. Glad to know my nephew has some game still"
Trying to defend ourselves Miles answered "Were not sneaking" "So what are y'all doing?" He raised an eyebrow, having received no answer he continued cackling. "Don't have any kids now" I squealed in embarrassment, Miles hiding his face in his hands, I looked up at him "Did you tell him?" "(Y/N)" "Sorry sorry, chill"
Aaron was practically dying with laughter as he got from hit seat at the table, patting Miles' back as he walked away.
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Tiebreaker - Aaron Hotchner x Reader
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Summary: Forced to sit across from your crush, I mean, your boss, you teach him how to play a solo card game. When you ask to play a two-person card game, who will come out on top?
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner (Hotch) x Reader
Word Count: 1754
Read on Wattpad here!
Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff; sassy hotch and sassy reader
Key: y/n = your name
“Mind if I take this seat?” I ask, motioning at the seat across from my boss.
“Go right ahead,” Hotch says, barely glancing up from his paperwork. I quickly take the seat in front of him, furious at the rest of the team for realizing my little crush and taking up as many seats as they could so I would be forced to sit with him. I glance towards Emily and see her wink at me before whispering something to JJ. I glare at her, feeling my cheeks heat up. Rossi and Derek have somehow managed to commandeer two seats for each of them, and Reid is sprawled out asleep on three other seats. Leaving me with the two seats in front of Hotch.
I sit quietly for a few minutes, trying to decide if I want to read or get out a deck of cards in my go bag. I quietly pull out the deck of cards after deciding that playing cards would distract me from Hotch sitting right in front of me.
I shuffle the deck a few times as quietly as possible, not wanting to draw Hotch’s attention to me. I lay out four cards, removing a six of diamonds, as there was a Queen of Diamonds pulled. With no further moves to make, I deal out four more cards, three on top of the previous cards and one in the empty space. I continue this until I have no more moves to make, and with 9 cards still left, I have lost the game. I huff, gathering the cards up and moving to shuffle them again.
“What game are you playing?” Hotch asks, his voice drawing me out of my concentrated state.
“Oh, um, Ace’s Up!”
“How do you play?” Hotch asks, setting his paperwork aside. My cheeks warm at having his attention on me, and I nervously shuffle the cards.
“It’s actually pretty simple. You deal out four cards like this,” I say, dealing the cards. “Then if you have two cards of the same suit, like the two hearts I have here, you get read of the lowest one.” I remove the three of hearts. “Then, if I have no more moves, I deal four more cards and keep going until the game is finished. Aces are the highest cards, and your goal is to only have four aces at the end of the game.”
“Seems simple enough. Can I try?” I raise your eyebrows before saying,
“Your funeral – the first time I played it took me two hours to win one game.”
“I find that hard to believe,” Hotch says as I hand over your deck to him. I shrug and watch his hands shuffle the cards, having to look away quickly after a good fifteen seconds having realized with embarrassment that I was full-on staring at his hands. I clear my throat and ask,
“Are you ever gonna deal the cards or just keep shuffling until your hands fall off?”
“Point taken,” Hotch says, shooting you a half smile, and I swear I feel my heart skip a beat. He deals the cards and starts the game. He’s so concentrated, thinking over each move thoroughly before taking cards off the stacks. After a few minutes, he says,
“Okay, this is actually harder than I thought it would be. Have you ever won this game before?”
“A lot. But I’ve been playing it for years now. It’s not that hard to win if you play it right.” I say smirking.
“You wound me.” He says, putting his hand over his heart. “The real question is, is her bark worse than her bite?”
“Do you want to find out?” I ask, staring him down. Color rises to his cheeks, and he clears his throat averting his gaze.
“You know, we could ask Reid what the probability of winning this game is.” He says with a slight smile on his face.
I watch him lose round after round, and by the fifth round, I chuckle when he furiously stacks up the cards to play again.
“I’m glad to see you find me losing amusing.”
“It’s just, you’re getting so pissed off and it’s kind of funny,” I say, a small smile on your face. I was finding it very entertaining to watch the normally very composed man slowly lose said composure through a simple card game.
“I’m going to win. And then I’m going to rub it into your face.”
“Slow down old man, threatening a subordinate? You know I could report you for that.”
“First of all, don’t call me old man, and second, I think Strauss would understand.” I grant him a genuine laugh at that remark, and he smiles at me/
It takes him a good forty minutes, but he does when his first round. He rubs it in when he does win, and I let him gloat for a good thirty seconds before asking,
“Do you want to play War? It’s a two-person game.”
“I’ve played it before. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen anyone win that game.”
“Well, Mister “I just won Ace’s Up”, would you like to see if you can win this game?”
“Fine, fine.” He says with a chuckle, and shuffles the cards, dealing them out. The game starts off slow, with both of us having half the deck. I won the first war, and Hotch glowered in his seat.
“Look, it’s not my fault that I pulled an ace,” I say.
“I think you’re cheating; you’ve rigged the deck or something.” He mutters.
“Listen, if I was cheating, you would know it. Subtlety is not my strong suit.”
The game continues, and I’m down to ten cards when Morgan comes over.
“It looks like you’re going to lose, Y/N,” Morgan said with a chuckle.
“Oh, Morgan, that reminds me I have something for you.” Morgan and Hotch exchange a confused look as you dig around in your bag, before pulling out your hand and flashing a middle finger at Morgan. He just laughs and says,
“Hey guys, we’ve got a sore loser over here!” Derek hollers, the rest of the plane laughing. Hotch is laughing too.
“Come on, Y/N. Just accept defeat.” Hotch says a smile on his face.
“Never. I’ll only call it a tie.”
“Seriously? I have most of the cards and you want to call a tie?” I glare at him, now in a sour mood because I’m very close to losing. He studies your face, then concedes, “Fine, we’ll call it a tie. But I expect a rematch the next time we fly.”
He sticks out his hand and I shake it, telling him that he has a deal, and promising that I’ll definitely win next time.
Every game of war we play ends in a tie. Sometimes I’m about to win, sometimes he’s about to win. Still, they always end in a tie. On our way home from a grueling case in Montana, Hotch is thinking very hard and says,
“I have an idea.”
“What if we made this game interesting?” I perk up at that.
“What do you mean?”
“If I win, I can ask you for one thing, and if you win, you can ask me for one thing.”
“That’s very vague.” I pause. “But I’m intrigued, so I’ll take you up on your offer.”
I deal the cards this time, making sure to shuffle them really well. It feels like there’s something actually at stake here, and I really want to win. I don’t know what I would ask him for, but it would be nice to have something to hold over his head.
The game starts off slow, like any other game, but it quickly turns in his favor. I’m losing. Badly. Everyone is invested now. Reid is in the chair next to me, but not saying anything. Emily and JJ are pretending to read but they haven’t flipped a page in the last fifteen minutes.
“Okay, what are you going to ask me for?”
“Oh, so now you think I’m going to win! Where’s my little tiebreaker, hmm?”
“Pardon my language, but I’m going to fucking win.”
“Oh, you and your six cards are going to win? We’ll see about that.” He smirks.
We lay our next cards down. I play a Six, he plays a Queen. I’m down to five cards.
A three and a five. He wins again. Four cards now.
A queen, and an ace. Fuck. He wins again. I have three cards and no aces left.
“The chances of you coming back from this are very slim, Y/N, they’re-“
“Reid, please shut up I don’t want to hear the odds.” You say behind gritted teeth.
A nine and queen. Two cards left.
“Are you sure you don’t want to call it a tie?” I ask, desperately.
“Nope. Not a chance.” Hotch says. We play our next cards.
A two and a king.
“Oh, come on, that’s not fucking fair!” Hotch just smiles. I have one card.
A three and a four. He wins the game.
I cross my arms in frustration, brooding, pissed that I lost the game. I almost forgot about the bet.
“What are you going to ask me for?” I ask.
“A date.” He says simply. My brain short circuits.
“I- uh, huh, what, wait a minute, are you?”
“Asking you on a date? Yes, I thought that was obvious.” The air is so still in the cabin, everyone holding their breath. He’s looking at me, eyebrows raised.
“Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.” I hear everyone let out a sigh of relief and Emily cheers.
“Fucking finally! I’m so tired of watching you two eye-fuck each other over a card game.” Emily says.
“EMILY!” We both shout at the same time. I give him a small smile, and ask,
“Has this been your plan all along? Devise some way to ask me out on a date?”
“Well, I would have done it normally but you’re kind of oblivious. I notice you staring at me, but you don’t seem to notice me staring at you.”
“You stare at me?”
“All the time.”
“Three different deputies have asked if you guys are together.” Rossi pipes up from a couple of chairs away.
“And no one told me?” I ask incredulously.
“Y/N, he’s right, you’re kind of oblivious,” JJ says kindly. “But we still love you.”
“Yeah, especially Hotch!” Derek says, Hotch shoots him a look. “Sorry, sorry, too soon.”
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misfit0789 · 1 month
The Game | Emily Prentiss
I'm awoken by water being splashed on my face. I cough trying to get a grip on my surroundings. I look and see Hotch and Will sitting next to me both seemingly unconscious. I look ahead and see a man in a mask looking in my direction.
"Hello dear, we seem to have a mutual friend, Emily Prentiss?" he says, walking to Hotch and splashing him too. I widen my eyes in surprise. "Oh my mistake, Emily Y/l/n,"he says I can hear the smirk in his voice as he splashes Will. Both men are looking around trying to register what is happening. "Tell me is she still good in bed" He asks leaning closer to me. I lunge at him struggling against the ropes I'm bound to a chair with. I try to fight it but he just sits there laughing at my struggle.
"What do you want?" I seethe through clenched teeth. I can see Aaron and Will struggling against their restraints as well as they realize what is going on. 
"I only want to play a little game. The prize... your wives" I stare at him wide eyed. 
"What have you done with them?!?" Hotch screams.
"Nothing for you to worry about. You complete the game you get them back. Simple,"he states pacing in front of us as he talks. I glare at him trying to figure him out. 
He's obviously male, mid to late 30s he seems to sporadic to be working alone so there must be a partner with the girls. But why us? Why is he targeting Will, Hotch and I, or why is he targeting JJ, Haley and Emily? What is this guys motive?
"What is this game?" Will asks, trying to undo his binds. I continue trying to get free myself. No one kidnaps me and my wife and will live to see another day.
"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you. One phone call and your wives are dead." So I was right he is working with someone else. "As for the game you must escape the room in one piece. If all three of you live that's great! But it won't happen. Good luck." He laughs tossing a knife on the ground and walking out of the door. It slams shut behind him. I immediately lunge for the knife to rid me of my restraints. 
"Y/n, what are we going to do? This room is solid concrete and that door is the only way out. Besides one of us has to die!!" Will states, I sigh as I rub my wrists from where the rope was before taking the knife and cutting Will and Aaron free.
"I don't know, there has to be a clue here somewhere. I'm not letting any of us die. That asshole has another thing coming if he thinks we are going to kill each other." I stand in the center of the room in front of the chairs to try and get a good look around. It's a small dark room, the only light coming from a dim bulb hanging by the door. Walls are full concrete like Will said, but I notice a crack in the corner by the door. I walk over and use the knife to pull back some of the concrete. Inside I find a key. "Uhh guys, over here." I call. Will and Aaron come to my side and see the key.
"Great!...What's it for?" Will asks, I shrug and look around again trying to find anything out of the ordinary. I notice slight discoloration underneath the chairs. 
"Guys help me move the chairs," they immediately move and help me move them to the side. Under the chairs lies a wooden door with a key hole to one similar to the one I found.
"Welp, that was easy," Aaron says.
"Too easy," I mutter. I look closely and through the dim light I see wiring around the keyhole. "It's rigged" I say, they look at me confused, "There's wires around the key hole. Why else would you put wires around a key hole if not to rig it to blow?" I ask, they nod and sit back. I keep looking at the spot trying to figure a way around it. I use the knife to slowly pull the surrounding boards away from the door. "Amateur," I say, before going and cutting the wires to disarm the bomb. Will and Aaron look at me like I'm crazy. "What?"
"How did you do that without us blowing up? I just thought you worked with Garcia in the cave?" Aaron asks still shocked. I put the key in and turn it opening the door revealing another key.
"I may have an IQ higher than Reid?" They, again, look at me shocked. "What? I don't have to share everything about me?" I say moving towards the door noticing the key matches. I insert the key and slowly open the door. The knife in my hand ready for if the asshole tries to attack.
"Does Emily know?" Will asks, I turn and look at him like he's dumb causing him to take a step back.
"I've been married to her since before she even started at the BAU, what do you think?" I question.
"Good point," we turn and make our way out of the room. To our left is a hallway and to the right is another concrete wall. "Left it is," Will mutters. We stick close together and slowly move through the hall following the long hallway to the end. 
"Left or right?" I whisper to the boys. They shrug but I hear a scream from the right. We look at each other before moving faster to the right. We get to a door that is closed with light peeking out from underneath. I put my ear to the door and listen.
"You will never see them again, that room is rigged to blow they will never make it out alive. You ladies are ours...forever." I hear a voice say. This one is different from the man from before. I look at Will and Aaron. 
"The girls are in there. There is at least two of these guys, how do you wanna play this?" I question.
"Easy you keep the knife and Will and I will go in and distract them. You sneak around and get the girls and get them out fast." I nod and step back allowing Aaron and Will to get to the door. 
We all look at each other and nod. Aaron slams the door open causing everyone in the room to jump and look towards the door.
The girls are tied to chairs with  one man holding a gun to them and another in front of them both men looking shocked to see them there.
"Nice try on the bomb guys but it didn't work," Will says smirking, as the unknown men stare at them in shock. I slowly make my way into the room and hug the wall to get to the girls. The band who was holding the gun to them now aiming at Will and Aaron. 
Once behind the girls I quickly make my way yo Emily and cut her ropes, before moving to JJ then Haley.
"Hey jackass, next time don't make your bomb so obvious." I call moving to stand in front of the girls the knife hidden behind my back. JJ and Emily move to cover Haley. 
"B-But h-how?" The one with the gun stutters.
"You really should work on your bomb making skills, a 12 year old with the internet could have done better than you," I say taking a step towards them, Will and Aaron doing the same. We slowly back them into a corner. 
"You idiot, you said you knew how to make a bomb!!" The one without the gun screams toward the other. 
"I do! I learned in jail, my cellmate said his recipe was foolproof." 
"Try again," Aaron makes quick work of disarming the men and he and Will keep watch on the men, while I use their cell to call Garcia and get us out of here.
Once everything settled we all go towards the SUV that Garcia sent for us. 
"So Emily, when were you going to tell us that Y/n is smarter than Reid?" Will asks, JJ under his arm holding him close. Haley and JJ looking at me with curiosity while I shake my head and tighten my hold around Emily's waist.
"Never, she may be smart, but she's more than that. I didn't feel the need to say it because she has so many more qualities than just her brain." She states. I smile and lean down pressing a kiss to her forehead, she smiles back at me and presses a kiss to my cheek. We pile into the SUV and begin our way back to the BAU, knowing Garcia will go crazy if she doesn't see we are okay for herself.
"I love you forever," I mutter against Emily's forehead as we sit in the back of the SUV. She lifts her head off my shoulder and presses a kiss to my lips. 
"I love you too, forever and one."
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sequinsmile-x · 9 months
Hi. I watched bloopers and Thomas Gibsons laugh made me think what would be Ems first reaction when she hears it. Like Hotchs laughing but laughing like thaaaat she’d be sooo in love. Maybe you could write something about it :)
soo, I have had a couple of asks along these lines and I've been waiting for inspo to strike so I could hopefully do this prompt justice, and last night this came to me!
I really hope you like this <3
Emily reflects on how much she loves Aaron's laugh.
Warnings: Daddy issues if you squint. So fluffy in parts I recommend you floss afterwards
Words: 4k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
The first time Emily hears Aaron laugh she’s still relatively new to the team. 
He doesn’t quite trust her yet and she knows it, but he’s not as standoffish as he once was with her. He’s slightly more relaxed, and she can, if she looks closely enough, see a future where she would feel like a fully-fledged member of the team. She’s still convinced that he’s a complete hardass, unable to see what Haley sees in him, her few interactions with his wife making her question how got together in the first place. Her smile and sense of fun misplaced against what Emily thinks she knows about Aaron. 
When she looks back on it, she chastises herself for not looking below the surface. For not looking beyond the facade that was so clearly carefully constructed. Fun and happiness and softness buried beneath a tough exterior, only visible to those who cared to look. A scowl that was painted on over a smile that makes her stomach flutter in ways she chooses to ignore. 
It’s a late flight home, an awful case left behind them that had led to days of too much coffee and too little sleep. Despite the exhaustion that lingers in the air around them they are too wired to rest. Derek suggests poker, a pack of cards always in his bag, and they all agree to play. Aaron reminds them they can’t play for money, that the jet is federal property, and she sees an edge to his smile, a hint of the dimple carved into his cheek, that she hadn’t seen before. Spencer suggests they play for snacks as he pulls packets of pretzels out of his bag and they all agree.
She laughs as Derek gets increasingly irritated that he’s losing, his eyebrows furrowing as he loses hand after hand, his competitive side shining through. He growls as he throws down his cards and Spencer pulls the snacks towards him, a smile on his face. 
“Are you going to keep losing or shall we just give up?” Spencer asks, and Emily laughs, shaking her head as she settles back into her seat.
“Are you even old enough to gamble?” She asks, chuckling when Spencer glares at her. 
“I’m old enough,” he grumbles, “Plus, I grew up in Vegas,” he shrugs as he shuffles the deck, “Most games are just math.” 
Derek groans and buries his head in his hands, “How do I always forget you grew up in Vegas and that you have the ability to make anything sound boring?” 
Aaron laughs at the pure dejection in Derek’s voice, his head thrown back slightly, and for a moment Emily wonders how often this exact scenario had played out before she joined the team. Then his laughter washes over her, the sound completely different to what she would have expected. It’s light, almost melodic. Goofy in a way that makes her have to suppress a smile, her lips pressing firmly against each other as something deep in her gut flips, warmth spreading through her veins. 
She only realises she’s been staring when he says her name, and she clears her throat, shaking her head as if to rid herself of a spell, “Sorry, yes?” 
He frowns, his eyebrows pulling together in a familiar way, “Are you ok?”
She nods, flashing him a smile, “Yeah, I’m okay. Just tired I think.” 
He looks like he doesn’t believe her for a moment, but he simply nods in response, “It’s been a long day.” 
“Yeah,” she says, smiling at him once more before she turns her attention back to the game, “it’s been a long day.”
When she looks back she knows that’s when it started.
The first time she makes him laugh like that is after he’s been attacked by Foyet. 
She’d made him chuckle before, a sound caught in his chest as she made a wry comment within his earshot, but she’d never made him laugh. It was a rare sound anyway, something that broke free when he couldn’t control his amusement, but even rarer lately. The strain in his eyes, the tension in his jaw, ever present from the moment he’d sent away Haley and Jack. It makes Emily ache, makes her wish she could do anything to give him even a second of relief, a flash of happiness in amongst the despair his life had fallen into. 
Ever since she’d found him in the hospital she’d felt a need to protect him, to know where he was at all times. The concern that Foyet would come back and finish the job something that kept her up at night, her eyes fixed on the ceiling in her bedroom as she counted down the minutes until it would be deemed reasonable to check in on him. It was one of the many reasons she’d volunteered to drive him to and from work when he came back, because it meant she could channel all the nervous energy she couldn’t put a name to into something that was useful. A way she could show how him much she cared.  
“What is the point of this?” JJ complains, pushing pasta dough back and forth on Dave’s countertop, “I can just buy pasta.” 
“No friends of mine are going to get away with not being able to make their own pasta,” Dave says, raising his eyebrows when Emily rolls her eyes, her pasta dough abandoned on the counter, her focus split between her glass of wine and Aaron who was standing next to her, an amused smile skirting across his face. “You given up there Bella?” 
“Yes,” she says, taking a sip of her wine as she looks at him, “I’ll make sure I think of you the next time I snap spaghetti noodles to fit them in the pot.” 
Her smile widens when Penelope and Derek chuckle, and Dave sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he leans on the counter.
“È come se fossi circondato da idioti,” he grumbles, grabbing his glass of scotch, and Emily hides her smirk behind her glass.
“It’s like you forgot you’re not the only one fluent in Italian. And that the word for idiot is idiota, even Derek could translate that one.” 
“Hey,” Derek exclaims, cutting off Dave’s reply as he looks up from his pasta dough, his eyebrows furrowed together. 
Any response she has lined up for Derek is lost, forgotten as Aaron laughs, loud and bold and beautiful, and it makes her heart skip a beat. He shakes his head as he kneads his pasta, “She’s got you there Dave.” 
Dave rolls his eyes, but Emily sees the spark in them, the way he briefly looks at her, his smile giving away that he was pleased his friend was happy for a moment, even if it was fleeting. Dave waves his hand at them all and leaves the room, heading for the wine cellar. 
“We need more wine to get through this,” he complains as he walks away, “I’m not cooking anything else for you Emily so if you don’t make your pasta you’re going hungry.” 
She scoffs and shakes her head at him before she looks back at Aaron, her teeth sinking into her lower lip when she sees he’s still smiling, his laughter still lingering in the air around them. She looks at her abandoned pasta dough and she sighs. 
She turns to look at Aaron, smiling when their eyes meet, her stomach swooping as she tries not to get lost in them, “Yes, Aaron?” 
He’d asked her to start calling him Aaron when they weren’t working, a show of friendship after she’d taken him to and from work for weeks. The shared commute slowly turning from sad, sorrow-filled silence to passionate debates about what music they should play, his smile present but shaky when she made fun of his love of The Beatles.
“You can share my pasta if you want,” he says, his voice low so only she can hear him, the others distracted by Penelope and Derek getting flour in each other’s hair, “I made extra just in case you gave up.” 
She’d never be able to explain why, but that’s what clicks everything into place for her. Pieces falling into place as she realises she was in love with him, that his offer of sharing his food, his admittance that he’d made more than he needed with her in mind, made her realise what had been in front of her for weeks, months if she was honest.
She was in love with him, and she was sure he felt the same way, but she couldn’t do anything about it.
Now wasn’t the time, she knew that. He was just about hanging on. All of his focus on getting Jack back, on making sure he caught Foyet so his son and Haley could come back from wherever they were. It wasn’t the time, but she could be his friend. 
She smiles and nods, clearing her throat to push the love back down it, letting it burn her on its way back down. 
“I’d love that.”
The first time he laughs at her is a couple of weeks into their relationship. 
He’d become her best friend and confidant since she’d returned from Paris. His awareness of her survival, of what it had taken from her, one of the many things that had bonded them together. Over time she realised she spent more of her spare time with him than she didn’t, evenings and weekends spent with him and his son, the taste of a family they gave her slowly becoming her new normal, a vague promise of what she could have when she found solid ground again. 
She’d felt them circling more than friendship for weeks before they took the final step. Longing glances lingering a little longer, both of them so in love with each other they didn’t know what to do with themselves. It all came to a head when a cop asked her out and she turned him down, not even thinking about it as she denied his request to go for dinner. Emily hadn’t thought anything of it until Aaron had shown up on her doorstep that night, his hair a mess from where he’d run his fingers through it, a tell that he was nervous.
When he asked her why she’d turned the cop down, her only answer had been to close the gap between them and kiss him, her hands on his cheeks, thumbs pressing into the dimples she’d thought about every day in Paris. When she broke the kiss, pulling back for air, he smiled at her, his hands tangling in her hair as he pulls her back in for more. 
She yawns as she walks into her kitchen, the material of his shirt, the one she’d picked up from her bedroom floor, skimming the top of her thighs as she stretches. She checks the time on her watch and sees it’s 2 a.m., groaning as her stomach rumbles again. They’d gone for dinner, Aaron’s gaze locked on her as she purposely ordered in French because she knows it riles him up, and then came back to hers, barely through the door before they were all over each other. She vaguely makes a mental note to make sure her underwear is actually inside her apartment and not in the hallway outside, and makes her way to the pantry to make a snack. 
He’d made her buy food, his arms wrapped around from behind in the aisles of the grocery store, encouraging her to actually have more than random condiments and take-out menus in her kitchen. She settles on making toast, pulling the bread out and slipping two slices into the toaster. She leans against the counter and yawns, stretching again and smiling at the pleasant soreness settling into her muscles. She knows she’ll find bruises on her skin in the morning, a temporary tattoo of his love, his desperation for her, alongside ones that were already fading. 
It was everything she’d always imagined it to be and more, his attention to detail, his concentration, clearly not something he only had at work. It felt like a lifetime ago that she’d ever questioned what Haley had seen in him, and she guesses it might as well have been. 
Emily wasn’t the same woman she used to be. Her grave may have been empty, but part of her had died. Rotten and decaying away as every day passed in Paris, her old life in tatters around her. She used to think that would be the thing that would drive her away from here, from the family she’d found. That her need to try and be who they wanted her to be, a square peg in a round hole, would make the place she’d once called home unliveable.
Then Aaron happened. His understanding and kindness the bedrock she started to rebuild her life on. He had no expectations of her beyond telling him the truth. No desperate need to make her be who she used to be, because he knew that wasn’t possible. 
He wasn’t the same person he used to be either. 
She thinks it’s why it works, why she can already see them going the distance. They understand each other on a level no one else could. 
She’s snapped out of her thoughts by the smoke alarm, and she jumps, cursing under her breath as she sees smoke rising out of the toaster. 
She releases the toast from the toaster, wincing when she lifts up the smoking slices, dropping them onto the counter when they burn her fingers. She grabs a dishtowel and waves it under the smoke detector, growling in frustration when the noise continues. 
“Em, is everything okay?” 
She looks up just as the alarm stops to see Aaron running into the room, his hair askew and pulling his boxers up, walking over to her when he’s got them on.
“Yeah,” she grumbles, throwing the dishtowel down and looking forlornly at her burnt toast, “I was hungry.” 
He looks back and forth between her, the burnt toast, and the still open loaf of bread on the counter, and he smiles, a clear attempt to smother it failing as he looks back at her. 
“You almost set your kitchen on fire making toast?” He asks incredulously, raising his eyebrow, and she answers with nothing more than crossing her arms over her chest and looking down at the ground. His response to laugh at her, a full-bellied thing that has her looking up at him as he closes the gap between them, any irritation at him fading away at the familiar sound she loves. He wraps his arms around her, his hands on her lower back.
“It’s your fault,” she complains, wrapping her arms around his neck, her fingers trailing through the short hair at the base of his head, “I was distracted thinking about you.” 
He smiles and leans down to kiss her, his lips gentle against hers at first before he deepens the kiss, his hands shifting from her lower back to grab her ass. He grasps at her thighs, hauling her up onto the counter, tasting her surprised squeal as he places her down.
“In that case,” he says, kissing her again, “I should make you something to eat,” he says, kissing her cheek, then her jawline, “Maybe something better than toast,” he pulls back to look at her, “Pancakes?”
Emily bites her lower lip as she smiles at him, pulling him closer by hooking her leg around his back, “I’d like that,” she says, stamping a kiss against his lips, sighing as she loses herself in the feeling, “Or…we could have pancakes after.”
He smiles, his hand sneaking under the shirt she was wearing, his skin scorching against hers, his lips against her neck, “After sounds perfect.”
They never do get around to making pancakes.
When she finds out he hates his laugh, she feels like she needs to defend him - even though it’s from himself. 
She’s sitting on their couch waiting for Aaron to put Jack to bed, and she is watching a video on her phone. It’s from a recent event at Jack’s school, a parent race where the kids picked one of their parents to join them in the three-legged race.
Jack had chosen her. 
It was something that still took her by surprise sometimes, the thought that she was someone's parent. That she could love someone as much as she loved Jack, and it took her aback that Jack felt the same way. That she’d stepped into that role in his life and he’d not only accepted it, but encouraged it. Seeking her out when he needed comfort, always looking for her when they were all in a room. 
As soon as Jack had asked her to join in on the race with him she’d looked at Aaron, desperate to make sure he was okay with it, and all he’d done was smile.
It was only afterwards, celebrating their victory, that she realised Aaron had filmed the race on his phone. She smiles as she watches it, her and Jack moving in tandem with their legs tied together, looks of concentration on their faces, the soundtrack to the event Aaron’s delighted laughter from behind the camera.
She hears Aaron groan from behind her and she pauses the video, turning to look at him, totally unaware when he’d made it downstairs from putting Jack to bed. She smiles as he rounds the couch to join her, his arm automatically wrapping around her shoulders as she leans into his side. 
“What’s wrong?” She asks, not missing how he grimaces when he sees what she’s watching, “I love that video.” 
“I do too,” he says, kissing her temple, “I just wish the only thing you could hear wasn’t my goofy laugh.” 
Her smile fades as she hears the derisive tone of his voice, how he scowls slightly, and she locks her phone before putting it down, turning all of her attention to him. 
“Why?” She asks curiously, linking their fingers together, smiling at the sight of her engagement ring on her finger, still blown away by it all these weeks later. 
He shrugs, “I hate my laugh,” he says, “It’s awful.” 
Her eyes go wide and she pulls back, putting some space between them so she can look at him properly, “What? Why?”
He sighs and she knows once he would have shrugged it off, he would have said it was nothing, but they were well past that. Honesty one of the cornerstones of their life together, the thing that everything rested on. He smiles tightly at her and shakes his head.
“My dad he…” he trails off and clears his throat, and not for the first time she finds herself wishing she could bring a man she’d never met back to life just so she could kill him herself, “He always said it was stupid. That no one would ever take me seriously,” he shakes his head, “I don’t know…I guess I’ve always just thought it was goofy.” 
She waits for a moment, carefully choosing her words before she sneaks even closer, all but in his lap as she places her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her, her smile soft. 
“Honey, it is kind of goofy,” she says, holding his head in place when he tries to look down, “But that’s why I love it.”
Aaron’s eyebrows knit together, “Really?”
“Really,” she confirms, smiling at him, “It was the first thing about you that I fell in love with,” she says, her smile turning into a smirk, “Well, after your rugged good looks of course,” she feels joy stir in her chest when he smiles at her, unable to fight it anymore, I actually remember the time I heard you laugh for the first time.”
“You do?”
She nods, humming as she settles in closer, her head on his shoulder, tilted up so she can look at him, and one of his hands sandwiched in between both of hers. 
“It was on the jet, we were on the way back from an awful case and we were playing poker for snacks,” she smiles as she thinks about it, “Spencer was winning and Derek-”
“Derek got competitive and annoyed he was losing,” Aaron finishes for her, tucking some hair behind her ear with his free hand, “He made a comment about forgetting Reid is from Vegas.”
“You remember?” She asks, and he nods, turning to kiss her forehead.
“I remember. It…” he trails off, his cheeks turning slightly pink as if he was embarrassed by something. 
“What?” She asks, looking at him curiously, smiling softly when he stays quiet, “You can tell me anything, you know that.”
He sighs and nods, “It was the first time I really thought about how beautiful you are,” he admits, clearing his throat, “I felt awful because I was still married to Haley, but you were smiling at something and…you just looked beautiful.” 
She wonders how he makes her fall in love with him more every day, how he finds new ways to draw her further in, and she fights a smile, her cheeks aching with it when she fails.
“I love you,” she says, knowing it doesn’t even begin to explain how she feels about him. 
“I love you too,” he replies before he leans in to kiss her, “so much.” 
They lose themselves in each other, both of them wondering how they got so lucky.
Their son laughs just like Aaron, the three-year-old a carbon copy of his father through and through, often making her wonder how she’d managed to give birth to her husband’s clone.
She remembers the first time Elliot laughed, how it had blown her away, fixing months of sleepless nights and sore breasts and tears in one moment. He was four months old at the time, the sound indistinguishable from any other baby laughing as Aaron sneezed,  the sound apparently amusing to the tiny baby, but it didn’t stop it from being the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard. Driving her to tears that she’d been susceptible to ever since he was born, Elliot joining his father and older brother on the list of people who could break down all of her defences. 
His laugh changes as he grows, turning into something new as his personality continues to emerge, and it’s a sound she tries to draw out of him at any opportunity. A level of innocence she knows she’d kill to protect 
The first time he laughs like Aaron is just a normal Tuesday, another day in the ordinary life she never thought she’d have. The life she loved beyond words. They were in the living room after dinner, Jack sitting on the floor with his younger brother, playing with him, and Emily and Aaron on the couch, snuggled together as they shared a glass of wine and watched their sons. 
She’s smiling at something her husband has said when she hears it, a smaller, higher version of Aaron’s laugh coming from their 3-year-old. She looks over and spots Jack tickling his brother, drawing the sound from Elliot. She looks back at Aaron and she knows he’s made the connection too, his eyes fixed on their little boys, love shining in his eyes, ready to spill out onto his cheeks. She places her hand on his thigh and squeezes, smiling when their eyes meet. 
“I’ve always told you he’s a mini version of you, and now he even laughs like you,” she says quietly, her smile widening when he places his hand over hers, linking their fingers together. 
“Yeah,” he replies, sounding breathless, emotions she can see written all over his face clogging his lungs, “He does.” 
She knows that for the first time, he hears the same beauty in his laugh that she always has. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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leo-gold-hotchner · 1 year
Side blow
Hi, I’ve been so busy lately. And I’m sorry to say this, but I might upload once in a while like this for now.
Aaron Hotchner X G.N. Reader (with Jack)
F/N: Your first name
D/M: Dad or Mum 
When you entered the dining room, you heard breathless cackling from your husband and Jack’s annoyed growl. You rolled your eyes as you approached your boys to see what they were up to this time.
You couldn't help but a chuckle escaping your lips as you saw Jack’s state. You tried to hide under your hand, but your body was trembling like Aaron’s.
“I’m gonna get you next time!” Jack pointed his finger at his father frustratingly.
The teenager’s face was covered in flour and egg. All white and yellow mixed together, thickly trickling down from his face to his upper torso, dipping into his blue shirt.
Meanwhile, Aaron was laughing too much, enjoying his son’s annoyance very much while celebrating his victory in the father-son prank war.
“You know, I’m okay with you guys having fun and all. But you will have to clean all the messes.” You commented as you observed that the dining table area was covered in snow-like flour.
“Of course,” Aaron grinned. “Jack will do it either before or after showering.”
“Why me?” Jack muttered as he used his arms to clean his face.
“Because you lost, son,” Aaron replied matter-of-factly.
“You will help Jack clean up,” you put your hands on your sides. Aaron looked at you perplexed. “You two made the mess. The two of you will clean it up,” you said in a no-more-discussion tone. “Together.”
Jack grinned at his dad with triumph, and Aaron scoffed in annoyance.
Leaning on the bench, you watched your husband and son keep playing a game of theirs from the kitchen. This time, they were outside, sitting under the shadow of clouds in the backyard. Your jaw dropped when a spout of water hit Jack’s face mercilessly from the ground. And again, Aaron was laughing like an idiot. The father walked back home, still snickering. Jack looked like a drowned mouse as he followed his father back with a long face.
“I don’t know why you keep doing this,” you shook your head. “And I don’t even want to know.”
Jack grumbled under his breath about ‘next time’.
“C’mon, Jack. Shower again. Lunch will be ready then.”
You opened the fridge and blinked at the decreased number of eggs. You were sure you had 5 eggs while you were making lunch. Now it only had 4 eggs. You were pretty sure you had 5, because you were thinking about going grocery shopping.
Then, CRACK.
With a deep sigh, you whirled around and looked at the backyard. Again?
Yellow yolk on Jack’s forehead and small pieces of the eggshell.
“You’re too slow, son,” Aaron grinned as he held his hand and entered the kitchen. “What?” He shrugged innocently as you stared at your husband.
“You really should stop this.”
“It’s called a father-son bonding time.”
“I’ve never heard of father-son bonding time where a father cracking an egg on his son’s face,” you said drily. Aaron gave you a pretty smile. “Just don’t go over the line, will you?”
“Of course, an FBI agent knows not to go over the line.”
Aaron disappeared from the kitchen to plot whatever prank he could think of.
“I beg to differ,” you mumbled with a snort.
You yawned as you walked up to your room. You weren’t sure if you should be tired or laugh at the prank war between Aaron and Jack. Aaron was obviously winning, keeping the score, as you had been hearing Jack’s frustrated screams every minute since the morning.
“D/M!” Jack called you from downstairs. 
You heard quick footsteps. You wondered what the boy was up to now.
Before you could comprehend what was happening, your entire body was soaked in cold water. A green basket hit your head, but in shock, your head felt no pain.
“F/N?” Your husband called worriedly, touching your shoulder tentatively.
You gritted your teeth as your body started to shiver in the cold. Anger coursed through your body as you looked at the wet floor.
“Since yesterday,” your voice lowered, “I let you two prank around the house.” Aaron and Jack gulped. “And I didn’t say anything. I thought the two of you would be responsible enough.”
“I’m sorry,” Aaron quickly said, “I thought it’d be fun including you in this. I should’ve been a responsible adult not to surprise you with this sort of prank.”
You knew Aaron Hotchner. You knew your husband. He wouldn’t DARE set a trap upstairs, especially in their room. And yet he was lying to you. You looked at your son pointedly, and he looked at you guiltily, shuffling his feet and hands together.
“It was me, D/M. I thought I’d get dad by setting a trap above the door. I’m sorry.” Jack said honestly.
“I won’t ask who did this,” you crossed your arms over your chest, “but upstairs is now prohibited from your so-called prank war, understood?”
Aaron and Jack nodded quickly, not wanting to anger you further by complaining.
“Jack take the basket away,” you pointed at the basket, “Aaron, bring out a fan. I don’t think the carpet will dry anytime soon,” you said drily.
Jack quickly ran down with the basket while Aaron stood there staring at you.
“What?” You huffed.
“Can I join the shower?”
“You’re grounded, Mr Hotchner. Lying for Jack?” Aaron smiled innocently, and you narrowed your eyes. “No,” you held your finger. “I’m still angry. Bring the fan, now.”
“But I can still kiss you, right?” Aaron asked worriedly, giving you puppy eyes.
“Bring the fan, then I’ll think about it.”
Aaron grinned and went downstairs to retrieve a fan.
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queenvidal · 2 years
No Means Yes
Negan x Reader (Rick's Daughter)
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(Not my gif - found it on pinterest. If it's urs, contact me for proper credit)
Chapter 3: Rulebreaker
Chapter Summary: One of the Saviors is corssing a line, forcing you to take actions but Negan gave you a last warning for a reason.
Wordcount: 3049
Era: Season 7 - Part 2 of the The One And Only Series -
Note: I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes or wrong spellings, English isn't my first language.
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Chapter Index:
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 (End)
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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"Hey, not on me!” You laugh with a bright smile on your face as you watch the kids playing in the snow, throwing snowballs at each other. You’re standing in the gardens, watching the kids play in the fresh snow. Winter came with full force and covered Alexandria in a white blanket. A very cold blanket. You rub your hands together, trying to get some warmth into your frozen fingertips. 
Group A and C are still on the run to Pennsylvania, leaving Aaron as Rick's substitute again and he wanted you to watch the kids, while the remaining adults would stay at the gate with the Saviors. Since the thing with Negan and Dwight, tensions are unnecessarily high and he wants you and the kids out of the line of fire.
Babysitting isn’t your favorite job, but it still would keep you away from the Saviors, so you didn’t complain, when Olivia picked you up for your shift. 
With a sigh you crouch down next to Judith, who is crawling through the sea of white, giggling as she goes. “You’re gonna get a cold that way, Peachy.” With careful hands, you lift her up and press her against your chest. She doesn’t seem to mind and keeps giggling as you clean her off.
The snow behind you scrunches under the weight of heavy boots and you look over your shoulder. Why are you not surprised Negan found you here? It’s not like you hoped you would eventually or anything of course. 
“Not playing guard today?” He asks you, his voice sounds almost teasing.
“Not now,” you tell him, smiling slightly.
The head of the Saviors comes to stop next to you. “I’ve missed you at the gate.”
Heat instantly raises to your freezing eartips, “I’m... touched?” 
Negan chuckles in response. “Good.” He takes a look at Judith and after a moment, his eyebrows suddenly frowning. Eventually, he asks, “Yours?”
“No,” you huff a laugh, when Judith rests her head on your shoulder. “She’s my sister.”
“You’re sure?” He asks, mildly confused. “Quite the age gap.”
“Yeah, I know", You chuckle, “I’m about 21 years older than her.” You slowly let go of Judith to let her continue playing. She sits down on your feet and presses her little hands into the snow. You tousle through her hair before turning your attention back at Negan. "What can I do for you?" 
The leader of the Saviors takes a step closer, so his words are only for your ears and against your instincts, you don’t mind the proximity. “Got you some from my personal beverages, interested?”
The blush intensifies quickly, painting your ears bright red and warmth slowly settles in your abdomen. But he is kidding, right? He must be. Carefully you ask, “Despite our little fallout last week?”
Negan just shrugs his shoulders. “I think you’ve learned your lesson. Now, whatcha you say, meet me in your infirmary in thirty minutes?” 
Although you are not too averse to the idea, you still hesitate. It’s been fun the one time you shared a beer with him, but you know how dangerous the game was and still is. Negan comes even closer, close enough for you to feel the warmth he is rediating. With the tip of his tongue wetting his lower lip, he says, “C’mon, I'll make it worth your while.” 
Why does the undertone suggest something more than just a beer? And why does it make the whole thing even more enticing? “Okay,” you hear yourself accepting his proposal, feeling even hotter under his gaze, “I’ll be there.” 
Geez, Y/N. What the hell are you doing?
The bright smile that is splitting his face brings knots to coil in your abdomen. “Perfect.” He takes his leave with a fake tip of his imaginary hat. “Have a good day, my ladies.”
You can’t help but snort a laugh, before turning back to Judith again. The little girl tugs on your hand, demanding your attention. She’s bubbling about building a snowman and with a faint smile on your lips you tell her “Go on, make a ball.”
The both of you start forming little snowballs. Judiths looks more like an egg as she rolls it up and down the snow. You are about to help her out, when you hear the snow behind you scrunch again.
Wondering who it could be this time, you turn around to take a look. A smile lights up your face, “Oh, hey.”
“Hey.” Daryl stops next to you, dressed in his poncho. He returns your smile but only briefly. “They’re still packing.”
You can tell he’s on edge and assume it to be a result of exhaustion. B came back only two days ago and had a hard ride back home. After a few quiet minutes, Daryl asks, “Are we sharing the guard shift later?”
“Nope.” You cross your arms in front of your chest, already awaiting an argument. “Aaron gave Elli the night shift, so I am rested for when I head out tomorrow.”
Daryl just shakes his head, he already tried to talk you out of the trip. B is too exhausted to head out this week so you quickly planned a short trip over to an once overrun district of D.C. Daryl is just worried about you, the snow made driving even more dangerous and he doesn’t want you to go alone on top of that. 
He tries again, “Y/N, your ribs-”
“Are healing." You quickly interrupt him. “I won't be gone for long, Daryl. One day at max and you know that.”
“Still.” He sighs, obviously tired and annoyed. 
“Daryl, please.” You say in a softer tone, “We’ve already butted our heads over this. My bag’s already packed and waiting for me in the truck.”
Unwilling to fight with you over your scavenging plans yet again, Daryl looks back at the street where the Saviors are still roaming around. “If it was the bag in the blue truck, then the Saviors took it.”
You roll your eyes before looking back at Daryl, already knowing who took it. Still you raise a eyebrow and ask, "Dwight?" 
“ ‘Course.” Daryl confirms. “Asshole’s enjoying himself way too much.” Daryl sighs, obviously irritated. “Should’ve killed him back then.”
“Yeah.” You agree, looking back at the playing children. 
While you are pissed beyond mesure for Dwights murder attemped, it’s not the actual reason you hate his guts. It’s because of what he did to Daryl and Denise.
When you and your friends lured the horde of walkers away from Alexandria, Dwight walked into Daryl as well, after he strangled you. That piece of shit used you against Daryl, told him he captured you and would release you only if he cooperated. In the end, when Dwight and the woman he was with took Daryls bike, he told him you’ve been dead all along, wandering around as one of ‘the dead fucks’, since he only strangled you slowly and painfully to death. The thought alone is enough to make your blood boil. Daryl never openly admitted it, but you could tell how broken he was, when he finally found you and how insanely relieved he was once you were able to stand up from the muddy ground, still breathing. 
Denise was a completely different story. The images of the arrow sticking out of her eye still haunts you to this day. You still remember how shocked you’ve been and how your hands were shaking from anger, when Dwight was mocking her death, when he dared to joke that killing her was an ‘unlucky accident’ with a twisted smile on his ugly face.
“We’ll get him,” you finally tell Daryl. “He can’t hide behind Negan forever and even if he did, I hardly care.”
Darly just shakes his head, he wouldn’t let you throw your life away just for revenge, no matter how much he wants Dwight dead himself. 
“Fucking asshole,” you add under your breath. Your eyes wander over the kids playing in the snow. After a short moment you notice one face missing. Anxiously your eyes search among the other kids until you ask, “Daryl, have you seen Enid? I swear she was here only a moment ago.”
“Haven't seen her all day.” He shrugs. “You sure she’s been here?”
“Yeah, I really just saw her.” Annoyed, you let out a sigh. “Can you look after the kids for a second? I’ll go catch her.”
You pat him on the shoulder as a thanks before making your way through the snow and towards the street. 
Luckily, you don’t have to search for the girl at all, finding her standing on the sidewalk not too far from the gardens, talking to someone. Upon recognizing the face of the man she’s talking to, you stop dead in your tracks. It’s the same guy you and Carl encountered, when the Saviors came around for the first time.
“Say please again, little girl.” David smiles at Enid, holding something in his hand.
“Please.” She whispers, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, with her shoulders slumped and her head ducked.
David keeps smiling at her, “Again.”
Your feet carry you forward in large strides, picking up speed, when that asshole reaches out for her and caresses her cheek. “Again, little girl.”
“Hey!” You yell before taking Enid's hand and dragging her behind you. You step in front of her to shield her from him. “Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size?”
“You again?” David asks, irritated by the rude interruption. “Didn’t learn anything from our last time, did you, princess?” The man chuckles lowly, “We take what we want."
A shudder of disgust creeps down your spine. The implication is enough to make you want to puke all over the place and drown the man in it. Through gritted teeth you hiss, “Touch her again and I'll slit your throat.”
David takes a step closer, trying to tower you. “You wouldn’t dare-”
“Try me, asshole.”
He does, the back of his hand strikes you with enough force to turn your head to the side. But you use the momentum to raise your own hand, balling it into a fist before coming back to hit his jaw. He stumbles back and reaches for his gun and you quickly draw one of your knives, keeping Enid close behind you.
“Hey!” A woman not far from you shouts and you recognize her as Arat. “Stop that! Lower your weapons!”
But David doesn’t move, so neither will you. If he’d pull the trigger, you’d stand no chance, you know that, but you’ll protect the girl behind you, no matter what. David keeps his pistol trained on you, when his eyes look at something behind you. Enid is almost crushing your hand, giving you a good hint of what's, or rather who is behind you. She pushes herself closer to you, the poor girl must be scared out of her mind.
David casts you a dirty smile, slowly relaxing his posture. His gun goes back to its holster but you keep your knife up. “Wrong move,” He whispers, clearly feeling smug.
You hear two pairs of feet coming to stop next to you.
“Again, Y/N? Really?” You turn your head to find Negan with Dwight a few steps behind him. Negan reaches his hand out to Dwight, who hands him Lucille. "I thought we talked about that?"
Slightly shaking from adrenaline and anger, you stand your ground, “I know what this looks like, but I think you understand that I won’t stand idly around and watch one of your men molest a girl.”
That makes Negan raise his brows and he slowly turns around towards David, who looks like he’s about to shit his pants. Eventually, Negan turns again to look behind your shoulder, “Did he hurt you?”
But Enid doesn’t answer, she’s shaking like a leaf, tears running down her cheeks.
“I intervened before he could.” You explain on her behalf, while putting your knife away again. Carefully, you pull Enid closer to you and whisper to her to go to the gardens to find Daryl. She nods and quickly takes off.
“I think the girl's sorry state speaks for itself, doesn’t it?” Negan asks David, when Enid is out of sight.
“I didn’t do nothing-”
But Negan isn’t having any of David's lies. He rests Lucille on his shoulder, while slowly approaching the other Savior. “We have rules, Davy,” He says in an unsettling calm voice. “And rules are meant to be followed. What do we do with people who break the rules?”
David takes a few steps back, clearly frightened by Negan. A mixture of joy and satisfaction settles in your chest at the sight of the color draining from the assholse face. A faint smile is tugging on the corners of your lips.
Since David doesn’t seem to answer Negan's question, he answers it himself. “We punish them, Davy.” And with that, Negan raises his bat to hit David across his chest with enough force to throw him to the ground, leaving him gasping for air and groaning in pain. 
“Arat!” Negan beckons his lieutenant over with a wave of his hand. “See him to the trucks. I’ll deal with him, once we're back.”
Arat does as she’s been told, picking David's sorry ass up to walk him to the gate. You wouldn’t be surprised if Negan broke at least one of the asshols ribs. He did break some of Michaels back then. Rightfully so.
“What about her?” Dwight suddenly asks, making your smile morph into a frown. “She did threaten him with a knife after all.”
What the hell, he can’t be serious right now. David aimed at you with a fucking gun. “I’ve defended myself-”
“You’ve provoked him first,” Dwight points out with a shit-eating grin on his scared face. Did that motherfucker actually see the whole scene unfold and did nothing about it? Asshole was probably just waiting for you to do something stupid so he could to tell his boss. “Maybe she'll recognize her privilege of still having them, when we confiscate her knives for the time being.”
You look at him in disbelief, your mouth ajar. Quickly, your eyes search for Negan's, hoping for him to dismiss the idea. You didn't do anything wrong .
But Negan, to your dismay, nods at Dwight, giving permission to follow through with the idea, although he looks somewhat reluctant while doing so. 
Dwight is about to touch your knife-belt, when you move out of his grasp. “NO! You already have all of our guns! I am defenseless without my knives, I can’t move out without them!”
“Good,” Negan exclaims, “Take this as an opportunity to stay put and reflect on your behavior.”
“I did nothing wrong!” You almost shout, unable to keep your anger in check. But Negan won’t give in and pins you down with a warning glare and eventually your shoulders slump in defeat.
While biting your tongue to prevent yourself from speaking, you make quick work of the clasps of the belt. The taste of iron spreads through your mouth, but you force yourself to ignore it. Without meeting Dwight's eyes, you hand your knives over to him, knowing too well you couldn’t stop yourself from ramming them into his skull if you didn’t.
“Thank you for cooperating.” He teases and it takes all your willpower to keep your eyes everywhere but him.
“Cut that shit and get the fuck moving.” Negan all but snarls at Dwight, ordering him to get to the trucks also.
With only the two of you left, you’re waiting to be dismissed as well, but Negan doesn’t speak for a long moment. It’s unnerving and when you can’t take the silence any longer,  you finally look back at him. “Can I go now?”
He considers you for a moment, before ignoring your request. “You did right by standing up against David.” You know, but you don’t say that. Instead, you keep quiet and wait for him to continue. “But the next time you witness one of my men out of line, you talk to me first.”
“Alright.” You say, crossing your arms. 
Negan rests his beloved bat on his shoulder and comes a few steps closer, “You didn’t want me to kill the fucker who hurt and almost killed you, but David didn’t wrong you but a kid. So I’m gonna ask you, would you like me to kill him for what he did and was about to do to the girl?”
You look at Negan, dumbfounded. It shouldn't be your decision to make, but you also don’t want to burden Enid with that. This shit was traumatizing enough, so you ask Negan, “Is that your usual sentence for that?”
“I wouldn’t want to live where it wasn’t.”
You consider it for a moment. Wouldn’t David die regardless of your answer? So what's the point in asking you? You can’t help but to question, “If you want him dead just kill him. Why are you asking me for permission?”
Negan leans in closer, entering your personal space. “I like the way you look at me and I would hate for it to change.”
Heat rises from your neck up to your cheeks. Are you that obvious? You keep looking at him with raised eyebrows until the silence between you two grows unbearable again. Despite your reservation, you give your answer. “Do it.”
Negan’s face splits into a smile, “Consider it done.”
After a quick glance around, making sure no one is directly in earshot, Negan’s smile vanishes again quickly and he tells you in a quite serious tone, “Sunshine, your little standoffs with my men are getting out of hand.” 
Your shoulders tense up almost immediately. What's coming now?
He drops the volume of his voice until it’s almost a whisper, “If you don’t back down I’m gonna have to keep my eyes on you and believe me doll, you don't want that.”
“And what if I did?” 
Your intrusive thoughts formed into words before you could stop yourself. The both of you look at each other in surprise.
“Huh.” Negan chuckles into your ear, causing goosebumps to rise on every inch of your skin. “Careful what you’re wishing for.”
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Chapter Index:
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 (End)
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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thornilee013 · 2 months
WIP Wednesday 10.4.2024
Hello and welcome to another week of Work-in-Progress (WIP) Wednesday, a lovely challenge started by @/kedreeva .
As always, feel free to send in multiple requests, even if it's for the same draft! But keep in mind that that's just how I operate, and that this is not part of the official WW rules/etiquette! (aka please don't assume everyone is as desperate as me)
Official rules for those who are new:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names. Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play! After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share. That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to! If you’re reading this, you’re invited! If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Prompts that I'm offering this week:
1. Silly Little Jean Moreau Fic 2. TLC 3. 101 Ways not to Say I Do 4. Needle AU (CW: posts may contain mentions of self harm, wound infections, and stalking) 5. Pride Zine (AKA, I write three new sentences on my zine pieces, then pick a random project to add three sentences to for a post! Might bring the dice back again this week, or if you're a regular I'll pick one of the ones I know you like c;)
Progress from this last week below the cut: A combined and collected selection of posts from 101!
"We should probably let people know, right?" Neil said as he fell back onto the couch after pulling his sweatpants back on. Andrew was already lounging on the couch, running his fingertips along the inside of his palm in a desperate attempt to replicate the sensation of holding a cigarette. Maybe a few years ago Neil would have allowed him a cheat day, but they had gotten rid of every last pack in the condo*.
Andrew shrugged in response, his pupils still blown wide and his lips still reddened. "Probably."
"Come on. You don't want Aaron to hear about this from Nicky. I can call him if you want, and you can call Renee."
"No," Andrew said, leaning back to fish his phone out of his pocket. "I'll call Aaron. And Renee. I don't think you'd want me to be the one to call Matt."
Neil wasn't about to disagree. He sighed and pulled out his own phone to dial Matt's number.
Nicky didn't reemerge from the guest bedroom until the next morning, or at least, that was the next time that Andrew and Neil spotted him.
Thankfully, their morning the next day had been more or less typical; Neil had gone on his morning run and Andrew had gone back to sleep after Neil's alarm had gone off. By the time Nicky finally came out of the guest room, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, Neil and Andrew were already on their second cup of coffee.
"Aaron called me at nine last night," he said while trying (and failing) to stifle a yawn. "Couldn't you two have waited to tell the others until I was awake? Damn, I need coffee. Please tell me you have some left."
Neil sipped at his own coffee while Andrew nodded his head in the direction of the pitcher they'd brewed that morning. "Knock yourself out."
"I'm glad to hear that you were at least slightly inconvenienced by your own actions," Neil added.
"Ha ha," Nicky said while making his way to the coffee machine. "I'm so glad to see that that classic Josten charm hasn't faded over the years."
Andrew shot Nicky a look that prompted him to lift up his hands in a mock surrender.
"Come on, I can't keep my sarcasm concealed before I've had a cup of coffee, you know this, Andrew."
"Then start drinking," Andrew responded.
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
Josh finally gets the courage to invite his (not yet official) girl to watch him play pick up with the boys. Josh blushing hard to defend himself when his attempts to look cool on the court only make him look ridiculous. But josh can take a joke and it’s all in good fun.
Rooftop Game - J. Giddey
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“Hey- Y/N.” Josh grinned as you two magically walked out of your doors at the same time. 
Magically. Definitely not Josh waiting to hear you walk out to bump into you. 
“Hey.” You softly smiled as you took in his appearance, “What are you up to?” You asked, “You look happy.”
His hair was curlier and fluffier than normal, his eyes looking brighter, and an adorable smile on his face. 
“Just in a good mood,” He quickly said, thoughts running through his head, “I’m actually heading up stairs to the roof, Some of the boys live in the building and we’re going to play a quick game of pick up before the game tonight,” He said as the two of them started walking down the hallway towards the stairs that were next to the elevator, “Hey, do you actually have plans?” He asked.
“Uh- no.” You blushed, “Well depends if you count a smoothie from the place around the corner, a book, and people watching plans then I have the best plans this afternoon.”
“Honestly, it sounds great.” He quickly said, showing he didn’t mean it if he has offended you, “but I was going to see if you wanted to ditch those plans and come up and watch us play? If you don't want to that’s-”
“I would love to Giddey.” You grinned as you followed him to the stairs, “Lead the way.”
“Well well well, its about time we meet the girl that Joshua won’t shut up about.” Jalen grinned as he shook Josh jokingly. 
“So he talks about me?” You grinned towards Josh as you watch his cheeks flush.
“Sure does.” Aaron said, “Like he said,” he started as he pointed towards Jalen, “Never shuts up about you.” 
“Hmm good to know.” You chuckled, hearing the door open behind you as you turned around, seeing another male and girl walk in.
“Another girl? Thank god.” the girl softly spoke as she walked over, introducing herself, “I'm Hailey and you must be Y/N,” she smiled, “and I'm assuming these idiots didn’t introduce themselves, did they?” 
“I wasn't asking you.” Hailey rolled her eyes at the younger men, before slowly introducing them as Jalen, Aaron, and Shai. 
You were ushered over to a seat beside Hailey as they got the game started. 
Josh was missing easy passes, not rebounding, and sometimes not even hitting the backboard. 
Once or twice was okay, but after a few of each one and more, the boys started heckling him over it. 
“What the hell Giddey?” Aaron shoved the youngest boy, “We can’t have you playing like that tonight, got it?” 
“Stop embarrassing me.” He whispered, “I’m trying to impress her.”
“Impress her by sucking? Got it.” Jalen grinned, “Hope it works for you buddy.”
“Hey Giddey!” You shouted at him, “How about actually putting the ball in the net?” You joked as his friends let out laughs as you joining in. 
“Looks its not as easy as it looks!”
“Should be pretty easy when you’re that close to the net.” You shrugged, “Just a thought.” 
Josh shot the ball again, completely missing.
He looked back towards you, a grin already on your face, “Okay give it to me.” He said, his accent coming out thicker than usual.
“Man, you really suck at basketball, huh?” You laughed, “Maybe I shouldn't come tonight.”
“I didn’t invite you up here for you to bully me the whole time.” He chuckled, “and what do you mean? You’re coming to the game?”
“Yeah- my boss got us tickets for tonight as a thank you.” You nonchalantly shrugged. 
Josh nodded, “Good.” he muttered as he turned around, his eyes widening at his friends as he walked towards them. His foot scuffed the ground causing him to slightly stumble, you letting out a laugh at him.
“Josh, keep it up and you’re going to need a helmet. That isn't the first time you’ve tripped today.”
“It’s just him falling for you!” Jalen barked out, a laugh escaping right after.
Josh’s face flushed for what felt like the millionth time that day.
“Look I gotta run now,” You said as you walked over to Josh, him giving you a small hug before you walked towards the stairs, “The smoothie is calling my name now and frankly, I’m starting to feel bad watching you eat shit every few minutes.” You grinned, “Like a baby deer or something,” You added, “But I will catch you tonight.” 
“See you later,” he replied, “and definitely not a baby deer! Just finding my footing.” He rolled his eyes.
“Yeah like a baby deer.” You remarked, “I’ll see you later.” You chuckled as you opened the door, quickly leaving the rooftop,. 
“Oh you’ve got it bad Giddey,” Shai clapped his back, “Playfully insulting you and you just took it? You might as well sign the marriage certificate tomorrow.”
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blvckqwz · 5 months
16. Trust
“No, you have to pick from me, then I have to pick from Carl, and then Carl picks from you.” Noah explained to an oblivious Isabelle for the thousandth time, but to no use. They had been playing some card game that Isabelle didn’t really understand while the RV took them to this safe community.
Isabelle wasn’t sure that Rick trusted Aaron yet, she wasn’t sure she did either. But they needed to try. There had to be a better future than living in fear, hungry and dirty, waiting for their probably brutal death. 
Isabelle picked a card from Noah, who was clearly too focussed on the game for his own good. If he kept being so stressed about a bunch of cards the vein on his forehead was going to explode. Maybe it was a way to distract himself from where they were going.
Noah was a strange individual, but not as unlikable as Isabelle thought he would be. He was eighteen years old like Beth, but he kept playing with her and Carl without any complaint, and Isabelle suspected that he enjoyed the games even more than they did. Most of the adults didn’t care what they were doing as long as they didn’t get themself in trouble or being a pain in the ass. But Noah seemed to genuinely enjoy their company even if he was technically an adult. 
He was cool. Isabelle understood why Beth liked him. She missed Beth a lot. If she was there she would sing like she did when Isabelle couldn’t fall asleep back in the hospital and she would be a better teacher than Noah, so Isabelle could finally understand the stupid card game she was pretending to know how to play. Beth would have liked a safe community, Isabelle thought, so she tried to keep a positive attitude towards it because Beth would want that. 
“It’s your turn.” Carl nudged her with his elbow as she furrowed her brows before choosing a card from Noah’s deck. It was a bad card, at least she thought, she couldn’t really be sure because she didn’t understand what they were supposed to do in order to win. She was starting to suspect that Noah had invented the game on the spot just so they could play something, because it was a stupid game. 
“Do you think it is true?” Isabelle asked the two boys as she took a look out the RV’s window. Somewhen they had to talk about it, they couldn’t keep ignoring the proverbial elephant in the room. 
“I dunno. My father doesn’t believe Aaron. I hope he’s wrong.” Carl shrugged. 
“It could be safe.” Noah agreed, “With all the bad luck we had it would only be fair.” 
Seemed fair to Isabelle, but unfortunately she didn’t believe in cosmical justice, and the feelings seemed to be reciprocated as just a few seconds later the RV stopped in a halt.
“What the shit?!” Abraham cursed as he stopped driving the RV. 
“They aren’t supposed to do that, are they?” Rosita panicked next to him. 
The three teens raised their heads to look at the scene unfolding in front of them. The car in which Rick, Michonne, Glenn and Aaron were was currently driving through a huge ass horde, running over the walkers in front of them. Isabelle would have thought it was badass if she didn’t know that the car would eventually stop from all the gore collecting in the engine.
“They are so not supposed to do that.” Tara commented. 
“The hell do we do now?” Her dad asked from the seats in the back.
Abraham stayed quiet for a second, “We have to get ourselves out of here. They know what they are doing.” He finally replied.
“We can’t just leave them for themself!” Maggie protested as she got up, “What if they need help?” 
“If they need help we sure as hell ain’t going to be able to help them.” Abraham replied.
Isabelle hated to admit that he had a point. She, Noah, Carl and Judith couldn’t really do much as she hated to say so. Eugene and Gabriel couldn’t either. 
A flare lit the dark sky, coughing everyone’s attention away from the conversation. “Is it ours?” Carol asked.
“Nah.” Daryl replied, “But I bet they’re goin’ towards it.” 
So they went towards the flare even if Isabelle couldn’t help but feel a little nervous for the ones in the car. She just hoped that they would go to where the flare came from too like her dad had said. 
“Stop! That isn’t a walker!” Rosita jumped up from her seat as Abraham abruptly stopped driving. The road was dark, so Isabelle wondered whether Rosita was right or not, because in all honesty she didn’t even see if there was anything in the street, let alone recognize whether it was a walker or not. 
“She’s right, that’s a person.” Maggie agreed. 
“I can’t see shit.” Abraham said, “Are you sure.”
Rosita nodded, “We should get out and check.”
Now even Isabelle could see him, a man in the middle of the street waving his hands at them, dragging himself towards the RV despite a limp leg. He wasn’t one of them, that was for sure.
“It could be dangerous.” Carol argued. 
“Maybe it’s Aaron's friend.” Isabelle spoke up. 
Daryl nodded, “I’ll go check, keep yur guns raised in case shit hits the fan.” He decided before grabbing his crossbow and jumping out of the RV, and Rosita and Maggie followed him with their guns in their hands.
The others held in a breath as they watched the man come towards them, gesticulating like a mad man. He could really be one of Aaron’s group, because he also seemed wimpy. Then her dad raised a hand as if to let them know that it was safe, and everyone hopped out of the RV. 
Isabelle raised a brow as Carl held out his hand for her when it was her turn to jump out the RV, “M’lady.” He smirked.
“What a cavalier.” She joked as she took his hand and skipped out the car.
“What can I say? I'm the best.” 
Isabelle snorted a laugh as she punched him on the shoulder before they started walking towards the rest of the group. The man’s name was Eric apparently, and he was the one that helped Aaron with the survivors to bring to Alexandria - that was the name of the safe community. 
It was a fancy name, very sophisticated. 
Sounded cool.
“Wha’ happened to yer leg?” Daryl questioned as he pointed at Eric’s limp leg with his crossbow, “You bitten?” 
“No no…” The man quickly replied before letting out an awkward chuckle, “It’s embarrassing really… I think I broke it by tripping.” He admitted. 
“We’ll take a look.” Maggie said with a small smile.
A growl interrupted Eric from taking the woman. Walkers started to stumble towards them, probably attracted by all the noises. Isabelle drew her knife from her belt before stabbing it in a dead man’s head, the body crumbling down as she retracted her blade. Then another came, and she kicked it in the legs, breaking them before plunging its brain, killing it. 
She could see with the corner of her eyes Maggie and Tara helping the man inside a building nearby as the rest of them killed the remaining walkers. Blood splashed on her shirt as she jabbed her knife into another dead brain, and she scrunched her nose in disgust. 
“C’mon, get inside.” Her father grabbed her by the forearm before pushing her towards the building as he shot one of the walkers with his crossbow. Isabelle nodded and ran towards the rest of the group, stabbing another walker as she did so. 
“You okay?” Maggie’s worried voice met her ears as she entered the building. The girl just nodded, out of breath as she rested against one of the walls. That was just the proof that they needed a safe place, that they needed to get to Alexandria. 
“We oughta wait for the others here.” Her dad said as he shut the door behind himself. 
Eric let out a pained groan as Noah lifted the fabric around his ankle, the skins underheat red and swollen. It was definitely broken, Isabelle thought as she sat down next to Carl and Judith. 
“Why do you think they are not back yet?” Carl asked her, and Isabelle couldn’t help but notice the tingle of worry his voice held. 
“They probably just had some problems with the car, they will be here in minutes.” She tried to sound as reassuring as she could, but she wasn’t sure whether Carl believed her or not. 
So they just waited in silence, their knees bumping into each other as they waited for the rest of the group to arrive. It was probably around 5am when they finally heard the familiar rumble of the car engine in the driveway. 
Carl immediately shot up and ran outside, followed by Maggie and some others. It reminded Isabelle of when they first got out of Terminus, when she still didn’t know that her father was alive and she was sitting all alone. 
An idea popped inside Isabelle’s head as she also got up, but instead of joining the others outside, she went towards Eric, who was being aided by Noah. The man said that he and Aaron were the ones who rescued the survivors. Maybe they remember the names of the ones they meet. 
“Hey.” She greeted Noah, “I’ll help here, get some rest.”
“You sure?” The boy asked, “Do you know how to do this?” He questioned as he nodded towards Eric’s half wrapped ankle. Isabelle sadly smiled, “Beth taught me.” 
Noah wordlessy nodded before getting up, leaving his spot for the girl. 
“I’m Isabelle.” She introduced herself to the man.
“Eric.” He replied between greeted teeth.
“Can I ask you a question?” She asked as she finished wrapping the bandage tightly around his ankle. The man nodded, so she proceeded, “Do you know all the names of the survivors you meet?” 
The man nodded again, “Looking for someone?” 
The nervous knot in her stomach tightened as she whipped her sweaty hands on her jeans. “My mom.” Isabelle explained, “Her name is Mary.” She let out a shaky breath, “She’s got red hair and green eyes. Have you seen her?”  
The girl started chewing her nails as she waited for the answer. It would take a miracle, but maybe… Eric seemed to think for a second before sadly shaking his head, “I’m sorry, I haven’t.” 
No miracle for her. 
“Isabelle!” Her father called as he returned to the room, gesturing to her to come over. The girl shot Eric a last glance before getting up. She didn’t really think that her mom could be there, but it was worth a shot. Then why did it feel like she had just been told that she was dead? 
“Ya stay with Carl and the other kids. Hear me?” Her father ordered, “We don’t know if these people are dangerous.” Isabelle just nodded as she stared at the shoes.
“The hell were ya doin’ talkin’ to him anyway?” He questioned.
The girl shrugged, “I asked…” Her voice trailed off.
“Ya asked wha’?” Her father insisted.
“I asked if he had seen mom.” 
Her father’s glare turned from angry to sad, “Kiddo, yer mom is in Georgia.” He told her, “Maybe one day she’ll get ‘ere.” He said, but they both knew that it was a lie. 
“I ain’t a kid.” She just spat before going to Carl and Noah. 
Alexandria was huge. 
Isabelle sucked in a breath as she watched the RV coming closer to the gates. She could hear people’s voices from outside the walls, the sound of their laughter echoing through the silent caravan. Isabelle almost had forgotten that sound. 
“Deanna -our leader- will want to ask you all some questions. Just for precautions.” Aaron explained as the trailer stopped in front of the gates. Everyone hopped out as they reluctantly looked around. Behind them there were a bunch of abandoned buildings, while in front of them stood the walls Aaron had told them about. They were really tall, just like he said they would be. A sign was written on the front of the gates. 
“Welcome to the Alexandria Safe Zone. Mercy for the lost. Vengeance for the plunderers.”
Isabelle fidgeted with the hem of her dirty shirt as she stood next to Carl. She saw him turn around to look at one of the abandoned buildings with the corner of her eyes, but when she also turned around there was nothing there.
“What are you lookin’ at?” She whispered.
There was a ruffling sound from one of the bushes next to the driveway, and everyone raised their gun at the now fallen trash can. Isabelle held her breath as her finger lingered on the trigger, waiting for whatever was hiding in there to come out.
An opossum springed out the bush, and before anyone could do anything, her father had already shot it dead with a bolt now going from side to side of the poor animal’s stomach. The man unceremoniously picked the animal up by its tail, holding it next to his leg.
“We brought dinner.” 
Isabelle wasn’t so sure if Aaron found it funny, but she knew that she did. It was road humor, they couldn’t get it. They couldn’t understand that the opossum really could have been their dinner until a day before and that they would consider themselves lucky for having dinner. They just didn’t get it.
“It’s okay.” Aaron said more to himself than to them, “Come in guys.” 
Isabelle hesitantly followed the rest of the group inside the gates. She felt sick after spending all the night in the RV, and the nausea only worsened when she saw the people’s faces once they had entered the walls. 
There were men, women and even children. A blonde woman stood with three kids, two males and a girl, a hand on both the boy’s shoulders. The girl smiled at Isabelle. Then the older boy whispered something in her ear and the girl's expression shifted to worry. 
What a great fucking start, covered in blood and grime like a bunch of freaks while these people looked at them like they were monkies in a cage. Isabelle never liked zoos, and now she did even less, because she felt like a feral animal put on display.
A young woman with black hair was also looking at them, a boy around Isabelle’s age next to her. The woman looked bothered while the boy shamelessly grinned at them. Isabelle couldn’t tell if it was an evil grin or a friendly one. 
“Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons.” A man said to them. He looked mean, like he was enjoying bossing them around. No one moved a muscle, “Stay, you hand them over.” He insisted.
“We don't know if we want to stay.” 
“It's fine, Nicholas.” Aaron said, “Let them first talk to Deanna.” 
Rick wasn’t in the RV with them so he asked, “Who's Deanna?”
“She knows everything you wanna know about this place.” Aaron explained, “Rick, why don’t you start?”
A walker made his way towards them from outside the gates, and Isabelle’s hand flew to the gun tucked in her waistband, but before she could do anything, Rick had already ordered Sasha to shoot it, and she did. 
Isabelle could feel the nervousness in the air as all the alexandirans looked at them, with wide eyes, acting like Sasha had just performed a double backflip instead of just shooting a normal walker. 
This was going to be a hard permanence if they decided to stay, Isabelle thought as she watched the blonde kids whispering something to the other teen who was still grinning. 
* Isabelle and Carl decided to play tic tac toe on Isabelle’s cast since Aaron had said that she could go get it removed at the infirmary after the interview. The adults had already done their talk with this Deanna, so now it was just her, Carl and Judith, Noah, Gabriel and Eugene. 
Isabelle was starting to get a little pissed that they were always put in the same rank as those two wimps, but she couldn’t say anything because it would be insanely rude. Still it didn’t seem fair. Even Judith was more badass than those two. 
“I won.” Carl said as he drew a line on Isabelle’s cast. 
“You cheat.” She protested as she drew a new grid. 
“Not my fault I’m smarter than you.” He just shrugged.
“Keep saying shit like that and we’ll soon be able to play on your cast once I beat you up.” 
“Language.” Noah said from the other side of the room, but Isabelle could see the smirk on his lips. 
“Isabelle, it’s your turn.” Maggie said as she exited the room where Deanna was interviewing them, “Good luck hun.” She whispered as she gave the girl’s shoulder a light squeeze. 
Isabelle’s knees felt like jelly as she got up, all the anxiety washing over her as she took a deep breath. She wasn’t good at this type of stuff. And the fuck was an interview anyway? 
“Break a leg this time!” She heard Carl say as she entered Deanna’s office. Isabelle turned around just in time to flip him the bird before the door closed behind her. 
The room looked cozy, with huge bookshelves full of books and a nice armchair sitting in the middle of the room. 
“Hello, I’m Deanna Monroe.” A voice spoke up, making Isabelle jump in surprise. She didn’t notice the woman sitting on the other side of the room, a video camera next to her. What the shit?
“Hi.” She just murmured, “Do I have to sit?” She awkwardly gestured towards the other armchair. 
“Only if you want to.” The woman politely smiled. Isabelle decided to sit on the armchair because it looked comfy. And it was she realized as she shifted in her seat. 
“Do you mind if I record this?” The woman asked. 
“What?”  Isabelle asked. 
“Do you mind if I record our conversation?” 
Isabelle was confused by the question, so she replied the only logical thing everyone would say in such a situation like hers.
“I look bad on camera.” 
The woman laughed, “It’s only for me to keep as an archive, don’t worry.” 
Isabelle nodded, “Yeah sure, you can record this.” 
“Great.” She replied, “So, your name is Isabelle, right?”
The girl nodded again, “Isabelle Bowie Dixon m’am.” She said almost robotically. 
“You have a beautiful name.” The woman complimented, “How old are you Isabelle?” She asked.
“What day is it?” Isabelle asked. 
The woman furrowed her brows in confusion, “It’s the tenth of march.”
Isabelle smiled, “Then I’m still thirteen.”
boring ass chapter sorry
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hummingbird-of-light · 10 months
Against All Odds
Part 649
The angry red mark on his torso had darkened overnight. McCoy gently prodded at the dark purple mark as he cleaned up and dressed. Two more pain pills. He’d woken up stiff and sore. Deep breaths hurt.
Scotty kept glancing at him as they walked to breakfast. McCoy hoped his fiancé hadn’t gotten a look at how the bruise had changed. He knew Scotty was upset he hadn’t wanted help. But he couldn’t. He just couldn’t. He couldn’t fight back; that would open a whole new flood of lies.
He sighed, then winced. Put on his best royal mask. Straightened his back, squared his shoulders.
It wasn’t until Robbie asked while they ate that McCoy took a good look at Scotty. His fiancé looked exhausted. How had McCoy not noticed? His shoulders slumped. He was stupid. Too concerned with putting on an air that nothing was wrong he had forgotten how it had affected Scotty.
The panic in Scotty’s eyes the night before came back to him. It had all been about him and he had forgotten to take care of Scotty as well. What had Scotty gone through watching McCoy be hit? McCoy remembered his own fear and anger on the Romulan ship when he hadn’t been able to help Scotty.
He reached over for Scotty’s hand and gently squeezed. When Scotty looked at him he tried to give him an apologetic look.
McCoy stood outside the dining hall. Scotty had left for band practice. He could still go play that game of pool with Jim, but the thought of stretching across the table made him curl in on himself just slightly. After lunch would be better. He’d have moved around more and loosened up by then. At least he hoped.
A smile played on his lips as he thought about calling Leah. Robbie probably had him beat to it. His sister would probably be angry about the lies Jocelyn was spreading. No, he didn’t want to talk to Leah at the moment.
His steps led him to the lounge. A good chat with Christine sounded fun.
But before he reached the lounge a voice called him over to an alcove.
McCoy turned and saw Aaron gesturing at him. He moved over to join him.
“You alright?”
McCoy nodded, though his stomach throbbed its disagreement.
“I’m sorry for Pete. I overheard him and the others last night outside our door. He’s my roommate. They shouldn’t have done what they did. When’s Pike going to call them in?”
McCoy frowned. “He isn’t going to.”
Aaron’s eyebrows went up. “You didn’t report them?” he asked in surprise.
“No point,” McCoy shrugged.
“I think you’re wrong.”
McCoy sighed. “Maybe. But anything I do will be twisted into more lies, or seen as me using who I am as a shield to hide behind.”
Aaron considered for a moment. “That sucks.”
“I know.”
“I’ll do what I can to try to keep them away.”
“You don’t ha—”
“You gave me a second chance Leonard. I’ll do what I can.” With that Aaron grasped McCoy’s shoulder for a moment, then was gone.
McCoy stood for a moment, then turned back for the lounge. He paused for a moment, looking around for Christine. She was at a table with Uhura. McCoy began to make his way over.
Something caught his eye. He glanced over and saw Jocelyn. The smug look in her eyes was gone in a flash as she turned to Pete next to her. McCoy sighed and tried not to wince at the movement.
“Hey Chris, Ny,” he said as he joined the two girls.
Part 650
Even though it felt like he was betraying his fiancé, Scotty knew that it was best for Leonard's own sake. At first, he had thought about asking Christine for help, but he knew that she didn't get any medical supplies anyway without Ms. Ryan's permission, so it was no use. And Leonard probably didn't want any of their friends to know. Well... he didn't want anyone to know, as a matter of fact.
The nurse had asked Scotty to come in and sit down. He felt the blush creeping to his cheeks as he thought about the story he had created to explain the injuries without telling the truth.
"How can I help you?"
The Scotsman's eyes stayed on the ground.
"Uhm... it's actually not about me, but... about Leonard."
At that, Ms. Ryan's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Oh, okay. Then why didn't you bring him along?"
Scotty's cheeks heated up even more as he blinked a few times. He was a terrible liar, but the embarrassment about that, would make his story much more believable.
"It's... it's just... we don't want anyone to know that... he's hurt."
The confusion on the nurse's face quickly turned into worry. She was probably assuming that this was about an act of violence. Well... she was right about that, but she couldn't know for real.
"And why is that, Scotty?"
The student took a deep breath, before he gave an answer to that question.
"Uhm... well... because it's... kinda embarrassing."
A small wave of realization washed over his counterpart's face, but she didn't say anything yet.
"Ye see... we... share a single bed and... sometimes... when we... uhm... ye know... show each other how much we love the other one..."
God! This was the most embarrassing story he could have thought of, but at least it was a good explanation why they didn't want anyone to know.
Ms. Ryan seemed to understand as she quickly cut him off with a wave of her hand.
"Okay, okay, Scotty. You... don't have to tell me more. I think I understand."
Scotty looked up at the nurse.
"Ye do?"
She smiled sympathetically and gave him a nod return.
"Could ye... maybe... come to our room to check on Leonard? He... doesn't want to come here."
The Scotsman knew that his fiancé was probably waiting for him already there. After all, Scotty had asked him to finish their book after his band practice.
"Sure. Why don't you head there already and I will follow soon after?" Ms. Ryan suggested and Scotty's blush turned heavier for a second.
"Of course I'll make sure that nobody sees me,” she reassured him, seeing the look on his face.
Scotty gave her a smile and got up.
"Thank ye so much, Ms. Ryan."
He was right. Leonard was already in their room, lying on the bed. Scotty could tell that his love still felt horrible. His face wasn't nearly as relaxed as the prince probably thought it to be.
"Hey, mo ghràdh."
Scotty's heart fluttered as he thought about what he was going to tell Leonard.
Leonard quickly tried to sit up, but judging by his pain spoiled face, he instantly regretted it.
Scotty was next to him in an instant. He placed his hand on Leonard's shoulder.
"Are ye okay?"
The prince gave him a nod, but his face told a different story.
"I'm fine. Listen, I'm so sorry about earlier. I didn't realize how exhausted you looked and-"
Scotty shook his head.
"No... it's... it's okay," he cut his fiancé off. But Leonard saw that something was still wrong.
"What's wrong? You look... worried."
Scotty just let out a sigh.
"I... I talked to Ms. Ryan just now," he started and he saw Leonard tense. His mouth dropped open, but he didn't say anything.
"Ye need to be checked on, Len! What if a rip is broken? What if it gets worse?"
Too many horrible thoughts filled Scotty's mind. He could tell that Leonard was upset, but he had done what was best!
"I can't believe it," Leonard breathed, shaking his head.
"I *told* you that I don't want help! And you just go and tell someone?! I thought I could trust you!"
Leonard backed away when Scotty tried to touch him and the Scotsman felt his heart break a little.
"Len... I-"
His fiancé didn't let him finish.
"What?! You're sorry?! Like your brother was sorry about starting rumors?"
Now that just wasn't fair! It was not nearly the same thing. And it hadn't been Robbie's fault either.
But before Scotty could say anything else, a knock sounded from the door.
Ms. Ryan. She was there.
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soakedinbloodandmagic · 9 months
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NAME: Dante Samuel Hawthorne.
AGE: Thirty-three years old (born August 10th, 1990).
PRONOUNS: He/him (but he’s not fussy if someone calls him something else).
SPECIES: Songwitch.
LOCATION: Nightshade Hollow, Virginia (the only place he’s ever lived, and he’s more than happy with that).
OCCUPATION: Mechanic at Nightshade Hollow’s only auto repair shop along with his brother.
FACECLAIM: Aaron Tveit.
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ABOUT: Dante was not born early enough to remember a time when his family’s house wasn’t filled with worry. He was only a year old when his older brother Addy had been revealed to be a bloodwitch, leaving his parents with the terrible knowledge that the Hawthorne family curse would not skip over their children’s generation, leaving some of his earliest memories to be of David and Maria Hawthorne huddling together at the dinner table, anxiously murmuring about things Dante couldn’t begin to comprehend yet, before his older sister had noticed him watching their parents and lured him away with the promise of playing a game.
The typical youngest child, Dante grew up slightly spoiled by his parents, who, despite all the extra energy they put into trying to keep Addy safe, did their best to give equal attention to all their children. However, Dante was their youngest, an adorable child, and the only one of his siblings who shared a witch type with one of his parents - while Addy was the new family bloodwitch, Layla a creaturewitch, and their father a powerful plantwitch, Dante and his mother were both songwitches. And because of all these things, David and Maria may have been prone to pay a little extra attention to him.
Again as with many youngest siblings, Dante was more popular in school than either of his siblings. Layla was a natural introvert, so she’d never really had anyone at school she was close with, and while Addy may have been the most traditionally popular Hawthorne sibling, as a good-looking athlete, he didn’t quite have the natural charm that made Dante Nightshade Hollow High’s resident social butterfly, someone with friends in every group and whom almost every female student (and a few of the male ones) had had a crush on at one point or another.
However, having so many people always flocking around him eventually went to Dante’s head a bit, and he began using it to his advantage. As a songwitch, the youngest Hawthorne was able to act somewhat like a siren at times, using his magic to influence people’s thoughts and get them to do what he wanted. And with so many friends and acquaintances who already liked him, were already willing to listen to him, he figured - why not take it a little further?
It started small: asking his buddy, in a voice slightly laced with a spell, to grab him a drink at a party when he could easily have done it himself, and other things like that. But eventually, the thrill of having that kind of power began to go to Dante’s head, and his spells escalated - he forced his friends’ attention away from anyone he had feelings for, “convinced” his teachers to let him redo tests when he didn’t do so well the first time (but never to give him a grade he didn’t deserve, he felt that would be going too far), and once made a star basketball player pants himself in the middle of the school hallway after the guy had made fun of one of his friends.
It took his parents until Dante’s senior year to realize what their son was doing, and once they had, they begged him to stop, reminding him that his magic was a privilege and that he couldn’t be abusing it the way he had been. But Dante had just rolled his eyes and shrugged their words off, insisting that he knew what he was doing - until a disagreement with one of his best friends and his current girlfriend at a party resulted in an accidental use of Dante’s songwitch magic and two people dead.
Dante was absolutely destroyed by what he’d done at that party, and shut himself away for a long time afterwards, refusing to go to school or use his magic for anything except the “hunting” he was required to do to keep it alive. The guilt over what he had done, despite not meaning to, ate away at him, and if it hadn’t been for his family, he might never have kept his grades up enough to graduate high school at all.
Eventually, though, Dante began to leave the house and immerse himself in Nightshade Hollow’s small-town society once again. Everyone he encountered was sympathetic about what had happened to his friend and girlfriend - of course they were, being completely unaware that it was his fault - but Dante made it very clear that he didn’t want to talk about it, and eventually people stopped bringing the incident up around him. He remained friendly and charming as always, but everyone could see that there was something else underneath Dante’s surface now, a sadness and pain that made him reluctant to really get close to anyone outside of his family.
His grades not having been good enough to go to college, Dante worked odd jobs around town until Addy proposed the idea of opening an auto repair shop together, at which point he went in on the business venture and began fixing cars with his older brother. As with his siblings and cousin, Dante was shattered once again by the deaths of his parents, but again like the rest of them, he slowly recovered from it and did his best to go back to life as normal (or at least a witch’s version of normal), having more experience with overcoming this kind of grief than his remaining family.
Nowadays, Dante is happy with his day-to-day life, working with his brother and annoying his more serious older sister and cousin (and also Addy, occasionally, when he wants to tease him about his new romantic interest), still haunted by that high school party but doing his best to enjoy life. But that last part becomes pretty hard when the very forced his parents had been worrying about since he could remember begin to force their way into Nightshade Hollow, threatening his family’s safety and fragile peace.
Thankfully, Dante isn’t afraid to use his magic anymore. And now, he is more than willing to use it to fight for the people he cares about.
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Oh, Dante. You wild, beautiful, damaged man. I really love this siren guy so much, and I hope you guys like him too!!
Tagging the slasher OC fam: @raraeavesmoriendi, @jmathesonandsiblings, @shadowworldwanderers.
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ask-whumptown · 2 years
hello guys! how’ve u been? hope you’ve been swell :] 🫶 i’ve been a bit busy but i can’t forget about you guys now can i ??
this is a bit of a more personal question so feel free to disregard, but where are y’all from ? any culture or memories from your home bases that you’d like to share? it’d be a pleasure to hear!
with all my care !!!! star 🫶
"Star!" Taeyoung waves. "Long time no see! I missed you!"
Aaron T. points at you, his smile wide and playful. "You better not forget about us."
"Things have been pretty good around here." He situates himself on the couch, sitting primly. "Busy, but good! How about you?"
"Born and bred in Seattle." Aaron T. flexes his arm, only to get thwacked upside the head by Aaron Z. "Ow!"
"Put your arms away."
He tucks his arms behind his back, and sticks his tongue out at Aaron Z. "Not many memories from Seattle that didn't involve rain, but it's a cool city! I haven't been back since the pop culture museum opened, but I'd assume it's pretty baller."
At the word "museum," Jesse looks up. "We should go next time we have a break."
He chuckles. "It's not that kind of museum, I don't think."
"No, no, I know."
"The whole 'where you're from' question is kinda loaded for me." Taeyoung rubs the back of his neck. "Not in a bad way! I just moved a lot. I was born in Incheon, but I don't have any memories of living there, and then my family moved to Busan, which is what I usually say when people ask."
He laughs. "But I was a bit of a problem child, so we moved to Florida, which in hindsight, really not the best place to bring a kid who you want to stay out of trouble, but alas."
"That's a big move," Aaron Z. remarks, "Busan to Florida."
He nods. "I never connected with Florida like I did with Busan though. It was a huge culture shock, and then bam, 4*Town! It would've been much harder if I wasn't already speaking English back in Korea, I'm so relieved my parents were ahead of the game on that."
"No kidding." Aaron T. whistles. "I can't imagine being a kid in new country, and not speaking a lick of the language."
"Me neither." Taeyoung smiles.
The two of them make googoo eyes at Aaron Z.
He shrugs. "I grew up in LA. Not the most interesting."
"I wouldn't say that," Robaire argues, "LA is not a boring city."
"It didn't feel very interesting. I don't know, there are mountains? Going to the national parks as a kid was cool, but not that cool."
"Leave it to Z. to make living in California sound boring." Taeyoung scoffs.
"You and Ro have different countries, the rest of us really aren't that interesting."
"Um." Robaire raises his hands in surrender. "Toronto and California aren't all that different. Artists and heat."
"But French," Aaron T. points out, "and Canada is just... different, you know?"
"You practically live in Canada, Seattle is as Canadian as the US gets."
"You literally played hockey."
Robaire pinches the bridge of his nose. "There's hockey in other countries."
"No but, you." He jabs his finger into Robaire's chest. "Played hockey. Robaire played hockey. The Canadian played hockey, and is trying to say that his Canadian city is just like Cali. Did you play hockey Z.?"
Robaire lets out an exasperated sigh. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"I'm just saying that you grew up different than we howdy Americans." He pretends to tip his hat. "I wouldn't downplay that, you know?"
He shrugs. "The differences are subtle, that's all. I miss collecting cool toonies."
"He keeps jars of them in his room," Jesse says, "jars."
"And where are you from, Mr. Jesse 4*Town?" Aaron T. rests his head in his hands.
"Round Rock, Texas." He smiles.
They all watch him expectantly.
"I don't know, I went to a lot of baseball games?"
"You do not strike me as a baseball guy." Taeyoung purses his lips.
"Strike." Aaron T. chuckles.
"I'm not a baseball guy, I went to art school." He laughs. "But it was something my family did, you know? T. came with us once."
"I did!" He leans past Robaire to give Jesse a high five. "He had to explain it to me like, five times."
Taeyoung pouts. "I wanna go to a ball game with Jesse."
"We'll go," he assures.
"Yay!" He cheers, and looks at you. "You saw that, right? He agreed! Hold him to it, Star."
Jesse blinks, and serves you a helpless smile.
"Heart hands!" Taeyoung chimes. "C'mon Jesse, heart hands!"
He makes the gesture without much hesitation. "Heart hands."
Taeyoung giggles, and makes his own heart hands. Aaron T. joins, making a big heart above his head.
"You all are something else." Aaron Z. crosses his arms.
"Don't hold out on us Z." Robaire gives him a sly smile.
He huffs, but makes a heart with his hands. Robaire does too.
"Thanks for asking!" Taeyoung waves.
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