likesdoodling · 25 days
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The Adventures of Steve and Orphan 47-60. With probably an extra one in the middle due to the 'pandora's box' originally being just one picture. I thought it was funnier this way though, so that's how it is now. Also- caption for the last picure-
"Eventually Steve simply settled for being happy that his Master had returned. He didn't exactly see why the nice person was making Master drink so much, but it smelled vaguely like meat, so at least he wasn't eating grass. Which seemed to be a weird preference of some humans. The rescue attempt may not have worked out how they planned it to, but with Master back all was well. Steve certainly wasn't going to let him leave alone next time. He wasn't planning on letting Master out of his sight. At least not for a while yet"
The draft for this story was made after Technoblade's prison stream with dream when the topic of Steve coming to rescue them came up. So my draft didn't extend past them getting out. I was gonna do something along the lines of 'the three musketeers' for the Ranboo rescue mission, but then Technoblade died. I had potential plans for a 'Lazerknife' guy showing up, after watching some of Phil's streams, but decided against it since I didn't think I could do it justice. Anyway. This is where the story ends. Steve has his Master back, all is well. Other things may happen afterwards, but Master is invincible, so he will be fine. Just hopefully more inclined to take Steve along next time. And maybe Orphan. The kid's been getting pretty good these days. Steve is beginning to doubt if he will ever get taller, but Orphan is Steve's apprentice, so it ought to happen at some point.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 8 months
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o right so we acquired a 4th cat 👀
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asphy7 · 5 months
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We are, all of us, monsters in the making.
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simmingonthelow · 3 months
OC evolution tag
choose an oc and show the progress of the earliest to latest version of them
tagged by @salemssimblr thank you!!! 💖😊
with Shana Starks!
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i'll tag @lilypixels, @latte-trait, @liliumsims, @void-imp, @simarcana, @pralinesims, @cinamun and anyone else who sees this!!!
and me again cause I wanna do macha 😏
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deepwithintheabyss · 1 year
Ooof you heard me LOUD AND CLEAR on that post >:D I hadn't thought about Dick calling Bruce "Mr. Wayne" tho and THAT is something that needs serious exploring. A+ addition.
I don't even ship them
But I know myself enough to know that once I thought about a ship it's over so I'm just going to damn myself willingly
I feel like reversed power dynamics is something that could be explored really intersting between those two
Especially when Dick is still in the Batsuit, like he might be shorter than Bruce but he is the one taking charge and pressing him againsts walls and stuff
Dick can let out all of the pent up emotions and hungry posssesivness that comes with growing up with bruce
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
ugh. so cvs was a full seven days late with my last adderal scrip, so it’s nice to know that the girl from the ring can kill me faster than i can get a prescription filled. but seven days later they text me that it’s ready so i go to pick it up & they’re at lunch from 1:30-2:00, which is fine, a little late for lunch, but to be fair they did mention that when they texted me that in the text, i just skimmed over that part bc i have adhd & no adderal at this point. but i just loiter in hair care for 15 or so minutes, figure i should research some of these brands to see if they might be better than ogx coconut curls (which no longer contains formaldehyde!), spend too much money on chapstick, then pick up my meds. fast forward to this month i go to pick up my new prescriptions but they won’t give me my adderal bc it’s too close to when i picked up my last prescription becauuuuuse they were seven days late. so now i guess i’ll have to keep going back seven days after i pick up my other meds ad infinitum like some sort of psychiatric sisyphus. oh well at least i accidentally shoplifted some earrings 🤷🏻‍♀️
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calocreek · 6 months
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Good reasons why Scar is Earth:
Symbolized by flora and fauna
Alone in an unforgiving universe
Equal parts love and cruelty
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meme-loving-stuck · 2 years
ok how do i make a post un-rebloggable im tired of my 5-year-old animal drawings getting notes and nobody pays attention to my additions
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thelemonsgod · 3 months
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Here the art without the lighting thing
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I changed up my art style but am still going to use my old one here and there soo yeah! Team keyboards let’s goo!! Also here some others arts that I did b4 this one on top
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Here my octo with the parallel canon mask <3
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Aaaaannnnd here’s agent 4 <3 so sad they didn’t enough screen time or lore of any kind but side order was fun <3
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
first year gang with a gen z reader please
Oh la la la ! This idea will surely be fun. Especially with the fact that my previous post had went completely overboard with crack.
Warning(s) : this fic contains cursing and a lot of it, please beware and read at your own risk.
Thank you for requesting anon !
First year gang with a Chaotic Gen Z reader
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Holy shit-
reader just broke all the rules of heartslabyul.
in. front. of. riddle's. face..
Not gonna lie there, reader you're fucked up.
My boy was stupid enough but you just had to come here to absolutely destroy what was called 'peace'.
And turned this school INTO A FUCKING BLIZZERY
Every time you do dumb shit, his face is the definition of
"mom pick me up, I'm scared"
Please try not to tell riddle a your mom joke or this is going to be problematic- Aaaaannnnd you just did.
Why ?
Now he's hiding with you in a closet like in horror movies as riddle stomps around menacingly calling out for you like this :
Oh reader~ where are you ?
Well if you wished to die, today is the day my friend. And to be quite frank with you, getting murdered by riddle is the exact opposite of "He died peacefully in his sleep".
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I pity riddle at this point.
You two are the partners in crime of night raven college.
Dear god, the worst thing you've done by now is smash through the windows of NRC will holding grim like a fucking flamethrower and ace just throwing oil everywhere to send the school into an inferno of madness and chaos.
To make matters worse, Crowley had to rebuild the school 37 times. And none of y' all got expelled because being malleus's closest friend has advantages.
You know what I'm saying ?
ha ha...yeaaah
Well if you wished to leave something for NRC once you go back to your world, I'm sure that the one thing your leaving them is fucking trauma and piles of taxes from each and every student.
You too are basically the Elmo meme. Just standing in front of a raging fire as you summon Satan from hell.
I may be exaggerating to destruction side of ace but that's just how it's gonna be...
And you're gonna deal with it.
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"how many times did Vil scold you ?"
Enough for him to receive a pimple the next morning.
You both will be the absolute death of the famous young actor Vil Schoenheit. (for those who have no idea whatsoever about the complicity of writing down that wretched last name you got another thing coming because I HAVE TO SEARCH IT UP ON GOOGLE AND COPY PASTE IT EVERY TIME HIS NAME NEEDS TO BE MENTIONED)
Moving on you are the perfect opportunity for epel to be himself and cause chaos amongst all dorms.
I'm hesitating on yes or not praying for your safety because at this point it will cause my death.
Stop slamming into people thinking it's funny, you are causing huge hospital bills for everyone and again with the jokes-
You are literally having a battle while screaming random family members into each others face just to talk back and find a comeback. The room gets really silent once one of them says their grandpa is dead.
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I'm sorry I couldn't fit it all into one headcanon, there will be a second part so that jack and sebek are included.
I hope you enjoyed reading this !
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michelleleewise · 1 year
hi there! can i request loki wearing a green long sleeve shirt/hoodie and black sweatpants and basically just having a lazy day? thanks :)
Heeeeyyy there!!! I did my best with this.....it gets hard when you mix colors but I was very happy with these, I hope you like them!!!! 😁😁
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the-best-bard · 29 days
There's a small rustle noise and Venti could see green cat ears and a spotted tail behind said bush, yup, definitely Lei
[ Venti whistles and looks away, pretending not to see the obvious figure sticking out of the bush. ]
Oh, I sure do love this day! I will now walk towards this very not suspicious bush aaaaannnnd...
[ He shakes the bush suddenly. ]
Boo! Gotcha!
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flitsy · 5 months
Still like this dude's take on the boy. And all of the other Hazbin and Helluva songs too, like damn.
Aaaaannnnd Keith David is great and all, but fuck, I miss Husk sounding, you know. Husky. >.>
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kitsnicket · 5 months
Raved to my very strict catholic parents all week about how beautiful my church’s music is aaaaannnnd just so happened to pick the mass that has the children’s choir 🥲
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mageofseven · 1 year
Nesting with Birdie: A BarbMams Love Story
Chapter 9
Taglist: @astroseuss @zarakem @fcxyviixen @brielle043
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Later in the day, Barbatos left the room to go make his birdie more food. After everything that has happened, the butler was determined to keep his pregnant boyfriend happy and well-fed.
However, he had what he saw as an unfortunate run-in with Lucifer.
The pride demon could feel is friend staring daggers at him, but he still approached him.
"Could we please talk for moment?"
Barbatos huffed.
"I'd rather not." He said curtly before stepping around his friend.
Sadly, that wasn't the end of the interaction since the other man kept following him.
"I'd just like to talk over--"
Barb spun around, eyes pinned on the Avatar of Pride.
"You may be one of the lords of this land." He began. "You may be my master's partner. You may be my poor birdie's brother...but if you were truly my friend or truly cared for Mammon, you would not have said such words."
Aaaaannnnd that cut the pride demon deep.
Lucifer glared right back at him.
"You have no right to tell me how I feel about my brother."
Barbatos took a deep breath, trying to keep calm.
"My little bird believes in the goodness of your heart, even after all you have done." He told Lucifer. "Though I lack trust for you at this stage, I still ask that you do not disappoint him."
Lucifer's eyes softened.
"I've always done my best for Mammon." Even know, Lucifer's mind flashes to the boy in the closet; that's the version of him that the oldest sees whenever he closes his eyes. "I will not pretend to be perfect, but I always do my best for him."
Barbatos pressed his lips together, staring down the demon in front of him as his thoughts raced.
In the end, he sighed.
"Mammon needs you to do better." The butler explained. "I have learnt that you are not to blame for most of his issues. However, you do aggravate them and cause my little bird to spiral."
Lucifer grimaced.
"I...take it he told you about Michael."
Barb nodded.
The pride demon sighed.
"I should have known sooner..." He shook his head. "If I had only known, I could have saved him sooner."
The butler frowned.
"According to Mammon...you came just in time." He assured. "Even after so long, he truly admires you for what you did."
"As if there's any thing to admire." Luce said bitterly. "I did what I was supposed to...yet I should have never trusted Michael to begin with. I was fooled, same as the others, and so my timing was late simply by letting it happen at all."
Silence hung between the two men before Barbatos spoke.
"You still have not moved passed that day, have you?"
Lucifer was quiet for a minute before shaking his head.
"My first failure."
That was how the man saw it. He was an archangel and caretaker of children, despite being a child himself.
Mammon saw him as this powerful, capable man back then, but the truth was very different; Lucifer was physically fifteen during that period of time, but to a child who physically only presented as six year old, that must have seen like an age of someone old and capable, especially when Lucifer was in the position he was in.
Barbatos stared as his friend, gaze firm but no longer sharp.
"You will accept my little bird's decision and will no longer try persuading him into doing away with our child."
"Of course." Luce nodded.
Barb stared at him a moment longer, taking time to sense him out. When he felt his friend's genuineness, he sighed.
"Alright, that is all I ask...my friend."
Everything about this was complicated, but letting turmoil fester was not good for anyone, least of all his birdie and their upcoming child.
Peace was better for everyone, as long as it can be maintained.
After that, Barbatos headed to the kitchen just as he originally planned to make his love some food.
Lucifer, obviously still in the mood of making amends, joined the butler with the task. Barb had no issues with this and was grateful for the help of making up for lost time so he could get the food to Mammon sooner.
In the end, both friends brought the food to the hungry man waiting in bed.
Mammon raised an eyebrow.
"...what's happenin' now?"
Surprising the younger brother, it was Lucifer carrying the tray of food.
He brought it over to his brother and sat it down on the greed demon's lap before pursing his lips.
"I...I was out of line earlier." He admitted. "Mammon...you are an adult who is perfectly capable of making decisions for your own life. This...this your body and this is your child. If your decision is to keep it then I will accept it just as I should have before. I...worry for you, but that doesn't mean I should try to control you."
Mammon's face went red.
"Uh...thanks." He muttered, not really good at this sort of thing, but loved it nonetheless. "I know you care 'bout me and that's why you do n' say what you do. Even when it hurts...I know ya care."
Yeah, peace was best for this growing family. It will be difficult and require all those involved to grow as people, but they just might be able to do it.
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byemizumikahago · 11 months
How to view reddit posts from a deleted account
Ever since MizumiKahago deleted both her reddit accounts upon being banned from the r/danganronpa subreddit, I've been struggling to find any archives and/or links of her posts/comments. My previous methods for viewing deleted/suspended accounts' histories was by using the website Unddit. However, since Reddit's API changes, the website has become basically useless for me. For a long time, I thought that there was no way to recover, and that I'd have to give up on my search forever...
that is, until I discovered a method for it. When typing into the reddit search bar on a desktop (or selecting the magnifying glass on mobile); author:Username, you can view the post/comment history of any account, even deleted/suspended ones, AND you can filter by specific subreddits.
I learnt this from this post, and with it, it has helped me find proof of which posts/comments were made by Mizumi, and which ones weren't. Now, you may be asking, how is that helpful? Well, I can give an example;
A while ago (nearly two months, wow, this blog's been alive for that long), I made this post where I linked a reddit post of someone I claimed to be Mizumi, calling komahina shippers an ableist slur. I made that claim based on memory, and memory alone. This is quite unreliable, as you cannot just take someone's word for something under the assumption that they're telling the truth. At the time, I had no tangible proof that this person was actually Mizumi, and as such, my post could be interpreted as me just claiming some random person was Mizumi, in an attempt to slander her.
BUT, now that I've discovered this method, I can test out whether or not this post actually WAS made by Mizumi. So, let's see if my hypothesis is correct;
First, I'll go to the r/wehatenagito subreddit.
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Next, I'll type into the search bar "author:MizumiKahago"
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Now, I'll scroll down a bit until I find the post, aaaaannnnd,
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There it is! My hypothesis was correct, and I can use this method to determine what posts/comments were made by Mizumi, versus which ones were made by other users.
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