chrishamae · 1 year
well atleast Chuuya is alive 😌❤️
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stitchwraith-stingers · 7 months
thinking about pamela afton in my fnaf rewrite .. im so sorry girlie
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vintagexherry · 9 months
5 ways to say "I love you" without words.
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Serial Killer!Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//Multiple Scenarios, Both reader and Miguel are unhinged, heavy Gore, blood, murder, torture, expirements, possessive themes, graphic depictions of wounds, Fluff, Suggestive themes
A/N: This is a collection of scenarios of you and Miguel's married life, heed the warnings
[Way #1: Gift Giving]
You exhaled a breath of relief once you enter your house, removing your shoes and replacing it with house slippers.
You sigh as you set down your bag and groceries on top of the kitchen counter.
Today's work wasn't that busy but the amount of meetings made you tired. Atleast that pesky co worker wasn't there to harass you to date him.
You look up to the clock seeing it's perfectly time for dinner and a few minutes till your husband comes back from his work. You can't wait to eat and sleep at the arms of your husband.
Gabriella was still at her friend's house, having a sleepover. You chuckled at the memory of her painting his dad's nails. You wonder if she's doing that with her other friends right now.
"Y/N? Are you home?" Miguel called from upstairs.
"You're home early today?" You watch as Miguel comes downstairs to greet you with a kiss while you hung up your coat.
"Yeah, leaked gas occured, and all of us got dismissed early today. How's yours?" Miguel asks as he unloads the ingredients of today's dinner to the counter.
"Well, wasn't that busy aside from meetings." You kissed his cheek as a thank you while you put on your apron.
Miguel smiled as he went back to the living room, wanting to check the news while he waits for dinner.
You nodded and headed to the fridge, but as you opened the fridge, you froze.
There sat a decapitated head of that one pesky co-worker you always told Miguel about, his head was inside a jar full of unknown liquid, his eyes wide open, almost making his eyeballs pop out and his jaw slacked open wide as if he was killed before he could even screamed.
"Miguel!" You called from the kitchen and Miguel arrives a second later.
"Si, Mi amor?"
"You shouldn't have~" You cooed
Miguel smirked at your reaction.
"Surprise" He went closer to you, kissing you on the forehead.
"No wonder my day at work is brighter than usual." You kissed him back on the lips.
"Cualquier cosa por ti mi amor" (Anything for you my love) Miguel smiled.
He's glad that you enjoyed the gift he got for you.
[Way #2: Acts of Service]
Miguel was at work today while it's your day off today.
Not wanting to feel bored, you decided to clean the house since dust started to gather.
You changed the bedsheets in yours and Miguel's room, dusted the bookshelves, arranged the items of Miguel's home office table, and finally sanitized the kitchen counter.
All of these chores don't compare on what you're about to clean next. All of these chores didn't even made you drop a sweat.
But you know what will.
You prepared your mop, your cleaning chemicals, your mask, and elbow length gloves so you don't inhale or touch unnecessary bacteria.
You bring all these items downstairs until you reach your basement.
You hummed a tune while you opened the basement lights.
On the bed, you saw was a naked woman near your age. Her ankles and wrist were strapped by leather belts into a metallic bed table. Her body is covered in cuts, some dried and caked with blood, while others look like it's been stitched.
The basement got renovated to look like a hospital room, complete with a medical bed, cabinets of surgical equipment, a table by the side, and a bookshelf full of thick medical related books.
An IV was plugged into her arm, keeping her alive, while a monitor next to her shows her heartbeats.
She seemed to be awakened by the harsh bright light and her panicked wide eyes landed to your form.
"Pl-please, I do-I don't know... Who you are but please, help!" Her voice wheezed out, and you could just hear the dryness of her throat.
You ignored her pleas as you headed straight to the table next to the bed, arranged with medical tools like scapels, a kidney tray, and some forceps, but what caught your attention was a cup of empty Starbucks coffee.
You sigh. How many times have you told your husband that there's a trash can for a reason? For a medical type of expirements he's running he doesn't seem to know how to keep a station clean.
You grabbed the coffee cup and swayed it to the face of the lady.
"I swear! He never listened to me when I told him to throw his trashes properly. Husbands amiright?"
You chuckled at the end while you threw the cup away.
The woman seemed to be taken aback by your carefree attitude to the whole situation, talking as if it's just another Friday afternoon.
"Ple-please!" She tried begging again.
"You gott-a to he-help me!"
"'fraid can't do that hun, that's what you get for not teaching your child any manners."
You held yourself back from slapping her.
Miguel took the opportunity to kidnap her at the dead of night, when both of you found out during yesterday afternoon that Gabriella got reportedly bullied by some kid during soccer practice.
He left the kid sleeping on his bed, unaware that his mother was here bleeding out. He also tried to find the father, but found out they were divorced and the dad is living in another state and could only take his child during holidays due to custody reasons.
You and Miguel only met the dad a few times, but he seemed to be a better role model than the mom, so maybe taking her out of the picture will be better for the child.
You turn your back from the woman and decide to clean the floor, which you could see a few dried droppings of blood.
You started to hum again while you pour chemical solutions on the bucket and dipped your mop into it.
"Ple-please I-Im sorry!"
You still ignored her, continuing your moping duty.
Your thoughts start to drift off to what lunch you could make before Gabriella returns from school.
While you drag your mop on the floor, your eyes land on the wall of the basement where you can see framed pictures of your family, and so is a few drawings of Gabi.
Your heart always melts at the sight. How could you get so lucky with a man like that?
"I beg you ple-"
You groaned, getting tired of her incessant whining.
"Look, sweetie, my husband always tells me not to touch with his work, but you're making me break that rule." You said as you turned to face her.
She whimpered, You wonder if she could feel the pain of her wounds, but knowing Miguel, he probably didn't give her anesthetics.
Her hands started wiggling around the straps around her wrists.
"I suggest you stop doing that, Im not a doctor, but you might reopen some of those wounds." You suggested as you put back the mop on the bucket and turned to the wall so you could wipe the framed pictures.
While you back is turned, you didn't notice the straps on her wrist loosened. You didn't notice her sudden silence. You didn't notice her taking the scapel from the table. And you didn't notice her quiet steps towards you.
"You bitch!-" She shouted, and that gave you enough to turn around in surprise and move out of the way, but the scapel still grazed your cheek, leaving a bleeding cut on its way.
You wince from the sudden sharp pain on your face, but there's more important things to worry about, like a naked bleeding wounded lady coming at you with wobbly yet swift steps with a scapel.
You immediately stepped back and grabbed the forceps off the table.
"Fuck you! and your daugh-"
She didn't get to finish that sentence since you drove the sharp end of the forceps to her left eye.
Blood sprayed on you while she screamed loudly from her throat while stumbling back, holding her eye that's still has the forceps dangling from.
You quickly gathered your bearings and ran up to the lady, pulling out the forceps out of her, making more blood spray onto the floor and onto you.
"Don't you dare talk about my daughter!" You angrily spat. The nerve of this woman.
Both you and that woman started to go at each other's throat.
You dodge the upcoming scapel that was aimed at your neck and she dodged the forceps too.
You gotta admit, for a heavily wounded woman this bitch got spirit.
"Fuck you!" the woman swung the scapel, cutting a tear from your dress. Dammit Miguel just brought this one for you.
While she moved desperately to kill you, her stitched wounds reopened one by one. Her movements started to become wobbly due to blood loss, but that didn't deter her from leaving another cut to your exposed forearm.
You swinged your forceps to her other neck.
This time you were successful.
You seemed to hit a vein since blood sprayed everywhere, some to your face up to your body.
Her screams sounded bloody while she started to choke on her blood, and her legs started to move backwards, making her trip on her own foot.
She fell backwards, and that seemed to deal with her enough. Her body started swimming with her own blood, and her one eye showed no light.
You started to breathe heavily, the smell of blood with chemicals made your head foggy, so as the event that transpired.
The straps on her wrists seemed to be loosened, and you hated yourself for not noticing it sooner, but right now, anger is still coursing through you. The fact that she tried to talk bad about Gabriella seemed to make you move automatically to her dead body.
dropping the forceps, you kneeled and took the scapel next to her and started stabbing her chest even more. Anger did nothing but blind you that you didn't notice Miguel coming down.
"....amor! I heard screaming what happe-"
You froze.
You turned around and immediately stood up, dropping the scapel. You somehow forgot the words of Miguel about touching the expirements.
You looked at Miguel, who froze at the sight of the bloody scene, the while porcelein walls were covered with speckles of blood and the floor wasn't any better.
But his attention was mostly on you, covered with blood all around, especially the new dress he got for you. Your arm and cheek seemed to have cuts but weren't that deep.
Miguel's gaze made you nervous. This is the first time you have broken a rule. You felt nervous about what's to come. It grew more as he started approaching you.
"Mi-Mi-Miguel, Im-im so sorry, I know what you told m-me but-"
Your words were cut off when a pair of strong lips covered yours in a passionate deep kiss.
Your eyes widened at the action, taken a back, but his lips continued to lick and bite yours, the taste blood seemed to spur him on, and you felt something twitch between his legs.
He finally let go of your lips, his eyes looked at you with nothing but admiration, your name fell from hips in whispers, as if calling you like a mantra.
"Oh mi amor, mi amor....You...I...I love you." He breathed out while he smiled down upon you, his hands caressed your face lovingly, and you melt from his touch, relieved that he isn't mad.
Miguel froze at the sight of you since this was the first time he ever saw you covered in blood, he usually does the dirty work but seeing you all bloodied up with a corpse behind you just seems to do something to him.
"How... Did I ever get so lucky to marry you, huh?" His eyes seemed to be still in daze.
You were about to say something but was cut off when you yelp, seeing that he carried you over his shoulder, heading straight back up the stairs and to your bedroom.
Safe to say, that you had to clean both basement and bedroom all over again.
[Way #3: Quality time]
You and Miguel have been busy with work and "other things" (depends on you how you interpret that.)
So when the weekend came, it was finally time to enjoy each other, especially with Gabriella.
Miguel couldn't wait to pick her up from school to finally bond more without distractions from work.
During the drive, Gabriella excitedly talked about her biology class.
"Oh?, and what did you learn?"
"The anatomy of human beings! Our teacher said we have this upcoming contest, and the best project gets to have their work displayed."
"Project? I can help with that."
"Thanks, Papa! And after that you and Mama have to come with me to see the winner."
Few hours has passed and Miguel and Gabriella were doing the project.
What he didn't expect was it's supposed to be clay.
After buying supplies and planning the entire thing out, Miguel didn't expect to work with clay to be harder than disecting a full-grown adult.
So he did the best thing he could think of.
Call for your help.
Now, all of you three are on the floor, moulding and sculpting organs of the human body. You mould the kidneys, Miguel moulds the heart and Gabi the lungs.
Having a husband that specializes in the human body, he made sure each organ looks the best they can be.
And both you and Gabi think it's too much. The way Miguel stares down at the model of the heart his creating, the way he moulds each aorta, and the way he mixes clay to get the right tone of red. Whatever he's making, it could pass enough to be the real thing, and you know for sure Miguel has experience with the real thing.
Time passes by, and after moulding the kidney, heart, lungs, and other organs you all need a human cutout to place and glue the clay models on.
And what better model for the cutout other than Miguel O' Hara himself.
You and Gabi giggle as Miguel spreads his body out on a flat piece of cardboard, and both of you start tracing an outline of body. After tracing and giggling in the process, Miguel took the responsibility to cut out the cardboard.
After molding more organs, tracing the model and cutting the cardboard. The three of you arranged it accordingly.
Once done, Miguel placed it upon the wall for all of you to see the final result.
"Woah...It looks real," Gabi admired the project.
"Maybe not real. We could put blood on it."
You chuckled at his words, you admired the finished product and the organs done by Miguel looked too real, making it stand out like a sore thumb.
"I'm sure it looks real enough." You mused.
But Gabi seemed to like the idea of blood on her project, you laughed.
Like father like daughter.
So with that, you took the food colouring off the kitchen shelf and gave it to Miguel, who coated the organs with as much red he could put, Gabi cheering him on the process.
The next day came by, and everyone was on school showing off their projects. Once you and Miguel arrived, Miguel puffed his chest in pride when he saw other projects don't compare to the ones you three made.
You were glad Miguel made (threatened) his job to give him a free day so he could attend. While the school staff displayed each work and judges picked the best, Gabi went off to find her friends while Miguel entertained you on criticising the other work done by others, and you can't help but be amused
"Psh, That liver isn't even big enough"
"Tsk, that one didn't even try on the brain."
"Someone get this person a proper reference. That kidney looks like it got murdered. And that's saying something from me." He whispered the last part to you, and you had to cover your mouth to hide your laugh.
Time passed by, and while Gabi sits with her friends, the parents sit at their designated chairs.
The announcer applauded everyone of their hard work (Miguel rolls his eyes) and proceeded to announce the winner.
Everyone applauded as Gabriella's name was announced first place, and you and Miguel excitedly stood up to give her the medal.
Miguel could admit he enjoyed the time he got to spend with both of his loved one.
[Way #4: Physical Touch]
Miguel is fully aware that he isn't a people person.
Miguel is fully aware his mouth spits nothing but fire to his co workers.
Miguel is fully aware his eyes aren't meant for looking for affection, always set in a permanent glare to whoever looks his way.
Miguel is fully aware that his hands aren't meant for soft caressing and touches.
Yet here he is.
His mouth sings a soft lullaby for the newborn in his arms. Something that he once heard from his mother.
His eyes looked at admiration for your hard work to bring a new life to your and Miguel's already perfect life.
His hands cradled you and his daughter in his arms, his world in just the palm of his being.
He never thought how he would get to this, never thought he could be a better man. Never thought redemption was a thing until you came.
His calloused hand, rough from his work, rough from the murders he committed. As of right now, he used to feed the baby that babbles incoherently at him.
"Si, si mija. Here you go"
In one swoop of his hands, the spoon arrives at the destination of Gabi's mouth, and she babbled happily.
He finds himself smiling, something he thought he stopped doing since forever.
That night, Miguel and you put the baby to sleep, admiring her peacful face, her nose just like his father.
You two prepare for bed, but Miguel wants more time with you. The day has been hectic with work and duty to care for the baby.
During the bath, his hands scrubbed your body gently, contrasting the way he scrubs himself off the blood of his victims.
Miguel dries the both of you off, and after some persuassion, you let him choose your clothes for the night.
That should have been it.
But Miguel is a selfish man, always wanting to get what he wants whenever he wants to.
His hands looked for his phone and automatically played a soft and sensual music.
His hands lead you to dance with him while you chuckle at his invitation. The song progresses, and Miguel leads you to spin, to dip and to sway.
The song progresses even more to a romantic tone, but both of you didn't notice when the two of you were busy touching and caressing each other's naked body.
His hands roamed around yours, his lips kissing each scar and beauty mark he could find. He found all of them,for his eyes memorise the dips and curve and every inch of skin he could caress.
He thought he would never be close to a person this much, sure there were women who warmed his bed. But that's only temporary, temporary feelings and temporary touches that would soon be replaced by another.
This felt different, intimate even. The way you held his both in both your hands after an energy draining night felt different. And his glad its permanent this time.
He has someone to wake up to, look for, touch with and to talk to.
And with Gabi in the image?
He couldn't ask for more.
[Way #5: Words of Affirmation][this has inspiration from Corpse Bride]
Large church bells, a grand cathedral, bountiful amount of guests, a three layered cake.
And don't forget the Bride and Groom.
This day was the day you felt true happiness. You felt as if the world did revolve around you, at least just for this day.
People watch in awe as you walk down the aisle, a flower girl leading you in, leaving pink colored petals on the floor.
Your dress flows behind you eloquently. Your veil hides your face, but everyone knows you're the happiest you could be.
You look forward, and you see your soon-to-be husband, standing by the altar, watching you with awe more than the guest, and his eyes speak of emotions no great poetry could describe.
Everything that transpired that day felt like a blur.
You said your vows, and he said his
The priest declared both of you husband and wife, and Miguel didn't waste time holding your veil and gently yet swiftly put it behind you and kissing your lips.
Reception came in, and it was time for you and Miguel to have you a moment by dancing together and cutting the cake.
Miguel would sometimes mingle with other guests but would mostly stay by your side and you did the same.
You both had fun dancing, eating, talking, and throwing the bouquet as you and Miguel drove off to your honeymoon place.
That was a year ago, and now both you and Miguel are placing boxes on top of boxes in your new home. Where memories could grow.
After your honeymoon phase, Miguel surprised you with his own wedding gift, a house both of you could live in, three rooms, an island type kitchen, a backyard and a basement, You couldn't ask for more.
More years passed by, and you felt yourself living the dream.
But something feels off.
You would sometimes blame it on the passing of the honeymoon phase, but it feels bigger than that.
He would come home normal.
Tired but normal.
But instead of going to the bathroom to freshen up, he would head to the basement.
At first, you brush it off, thinking he was redecorating the basement to his liking of some sort. You asked him about it, but all he said was for you not to go down due to dangerous equipment.
But now you feel like as if you're missing something. Something that tells you that your husband isn't saying something to you.
You first feared that maybe he was cheating, but after making sure, he doesn't go home late, and if he does, he would tell you, second, there's no foreign smell of perfume or a stray lipstick mark. Third, you trust him, perhaps as deep as the pacific ocean and he trusts you too.
You decided maybe he's still renovating the basement and doesn't want you to see and wanting it to be a surprise.
Headaches start to form when you think about it deeply so once again you brushed it off.
Until one night.
You and Miguel were sleeping in your bedroom.
Until you thought Miguel was sleeping.
Your body jerked away when you heard a distant scream of a woman downstairs.
It was loud and sounded desperate.
You felt scared and it increased more when you didn't see your husband next to you.
The screams would continue, and you got concerned. You put on a robe to cover yourself and head downstairs cautiously. You quickly head to the kitchen to grab a knife in case something bad happened.
You start to notice the screaming would continue down to the basement and you hesitated.
Your husband isn't with you, there's a woman screaming and he told you not to go down.
But more pressing matters made you ignore that rule and went downstairs, clutching the knife tightly.
You winced at the volume of the screams, and the more you descend, the more the screams sounded choked.
But all that attention to the sound was immediately thrown out the window when the sight in front of made you freeze.
There stood Miguel slicing and cutting a woman alive, her torso covered in so much bloof you don't know which cut it orignated from. Her eyes are bloodshot and wide, and her throat sounds choked from the screaming.
The basement seemed messy with empty boxes scattered and the walls covered in dirt, grime, and dried blood. The odour didn't help much since all you could smell was iron and rotting bodies.
He seemed to be focused on what he's doing, and you didn't realize that the woman was an ex of Miguel who started bad mouthing you when she found out you two got married.
"te mereces esto perra" (you deserve this you bitch) you hear him murmur himself over the choking woman.
Yet your focus was still straight to your husband, who seemed to not notice your presence. His face held anger you had never seen, his eyebrows turned down, and his mouth formed a deep frown.
The woman seemed to die when her screams suddenly went to a full volume to wet chokes, and then finally nothing. Yet you felt no remorse for some reason, no guilt when you realized your husband killed a person.
"Mi-Miguel?" You stammered, testing the waters.
Miguel's body jerked up as if he got electrocuted. His body turned immediately to face you, and he froze.
"Mi-mi-Vida...." He stammered, his body shaking in horror as if he was the one who found you killing someone instead of him.
"Kill me."
You paused, taking in his words. You realized his eyes were set on the knife you were grasping.
"No I-"
"I... You...Mi Vida, you weren't supposed to see this, I..."
"Mi amor if it makes you feel better, please." He shouted, and you froze, confusion set in on you when he demands for you to kill him.
You waited for him to finish.
"Listen, I-I know you're confused, but por favor...." He seemed to be holding back tears
"Don't leave me, please... You can kill me, report me to the police but please don't leave me mi amor.."
You didn't say anything, but your feet find themselves walking straight to Miguel.
Miguel's eyes seemed to beg you. He never wanted you to find this side of him, and if you did, he swore to never forgive himself. You were the best thing to ever happen to him. You accepted his perfection so as his flaws, but he fears you will never accept this. He can handle being killed by hands, thrown behind bars by your order, but you leaving him? He couldn't bring himself to accept that.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, mi vida, just please kil-"
His words were interrupted when he felt a pair of lips pressing onto him, your hands on each side of his face. Feelings and promises seemed to fill out from that kiss, and he couldn't help but melt.
After a while, you paced back a bit letting go his lips, and he held himself back from grabbing you again.
"Do you... Do you remember our vows?" You asked as you grasp both of his large hands on your palm and carresed the wedding ring. The knife long forgotten on the floor.
He seemed to pause for a while. You don't seem to be scared nor hesitant to talk to him. Which is good.(?)
You chuckled.
"Well...Do you remember when I said."
"I, Y/N L/N will promise to take all weaknesess and make them your strengths, I promise to take your soul either be it perfect...."
"....or flawed." Miguel finished the sentence for you. His eyes seemed to glisten with tears. And you smiled. it seems like he remembered
Everything felt as if it's your wedding all over again. This time, it was in a basement with a dead body. But just like your wedding, both of you only focused on each other and nothing else. His eyes find yours, although a bit blurry from the tears his holding back he still looks at you, and you look at him.
"Y/N...." His eyes bore into you with a longing gaze, His hand took your hand with the ring.
He paused for a while, seeming to take in everything, and you watched him with tears already flowing down.
"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup shall never empty for I will be your wine...." He paused for a moment. He felt a tear coming down while yours started streaming slowly but surely.
".....With this candle, I will light your way to darkness...."
"With this ring... I ask you to be mine."
His hand lifted yours to kiss your ring, after, he lifted his head,awaiting your answer.
Your words are choked due to the tears flowing down, and Miguel smiled widely at you.
"I-I do.." You continue to cry happily.
Miguel didn't waste time lifting you up to his height and kissed your lips as deeply as he can, both of you closed your eyes, and tears were streaming down. Everything felt like your wedding day, except this one felt lighter, even better. A weight on his shoulder has been lifted with you.
The two of you always find different ways to say "I love you" without words.
The End
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tvgals · 1 year
Could we please get more dad eren? I’ve literally became obsessed with the one you did 🥹🥹
too much dad! eren? no such thing !
dad! eren x black! fem! reader!
ok. let’s backtrack to the birth of you and eren’s first kid. your water broke in the midst of you and eren’s sleep. 1:40 am is what the clock read once you felt the wet and somewhat gooey substance under you. once you were atleast 70% awake and realize what’s going on, you fall into a panic. “eren, eren! wake up!” you shake eren with the most force you can as a pregnant- going into labor - woman. after almost a minute of tears falling down your face and shaking legs and hands, eren groggily wakes up.
“whats wrong, baby?” “i’m going into labor! eren please get up! we need to get in the car!” you plead, trying to get yourself out of bed, groaning while sitting on the edge. “shit shit shit…okay hold on,” eren starts panicking alongside with you. he hands you your shoes while trying to find the overnight bag the two of you agreed on just a week before. “baby please! i can feel her kicking!” you sob, trying to slide on your house shoes. “i know i know, just let me find my glasses.” him and those god damn glasses. “eren!” you squeal. “okay okay.” and with that, eren takes his and yours phones and grabs your hand, guiding you to the door. you groan and whine in pain. “holy shit eren..the hospital is like…ten minutes away! i can’t do it!” you tell him, shaking and crying. “yes you can. you’re the strongest woman i’ve ever met.” eren says, hauling you up the apartment stairs and opening up the door, fleeing down the ramp.
“baby i’m not gonna make it!” you wail, making it to the car without your knowledge. “i know it hurts baby, just get in. we’ll make it, okay?” eren sighs himself, this is stressful and he’s not the one pregnant. “okay okay.” you gasp, sitting yourself down in eren’s seat, remembering to lift your feet onto the dashboard. eren runs around the car and plops into the drivers seat, pushing the key into the engine and reversing. “eren please! go 150 if you have to! i swear to god if i have birth in this god damn car you will sleep on the couch for as long as you’re alive!” you threaten, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “got it. no birth in this car!” eren affirms, speeding down the street. just around the corner from the hospital you feel your contractions getting closer, your eyes grow wide. “eren hurry up,” you plead, eyes closing at the sight of the hospital. “cmon cmon,” eren parks the car right in front and pulls the keys out, immediately hurrying to your side. “let’s go.” he practically runs you into the lobby of the hospital, you gasping and groaning in pain.
“she’s going into labor. we just need a room really fast.” eren says, seeing a nurse come around the corner with a wheelchair. he walks you over and sits you down, the nurse hurrying you to the room. eren isn’t too far behind…due to his running. “please! i can feel her coming! hurry up!” you cry, gripping the handles of the wheelchair. “it’s okay. here’s your room right here, you’ll be okay.” after getting you all situated in the hospital bed, the doctor and multiple nurses are surrounding you, your husband by your side. “just breathe in and out.” the doctor says. after three hours of pushing and grueling work and pain (and the breaking of eren’s hand) your beautiful baby girl was born. a beautiful head of curls being presented. all tests were ran and they made sure she was healthy and safe and gave her to you, a bundle of pink.
“hi baby.” you coo, tears threatening to fall. “eren she’s so pretty.” you mumble, looking up into his emerald eyes, glossy and soft. “i know i know…” you cry, wiping your tears on your shoulder. “here eren, hold her.” you smile, handing eren your daughter. “what if i don’t know how to hold her right? what if she doesn’t like me?” eren babbles. you sush him and hand him her. “now…what name are we feeling?” you ask, tilting your head out of love. “nevaeh..”
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wooyoong · 1 year
🌼 freya's recent svt reads (& recs)
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disclaimer : these are my RECENT reads, and i haven't added some of my old reads! also i have tried to add atleast one for each member to the list hehe (except jihoon he has two)
note : fic titles labelled with a * mark are series. minors please stay away, strictly. almost all fics here are 18+ !!
— also, i am @angelwoozi 😭 incase you wanted to check out my writing blog then.
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* yours, but not yours by @gyukult (fake dating au, 18+)
when a nice guy gets too overbearing, you’re stuck with the option of having a fake boyfriend.
Jeonghan's Guide to Insurance Fraud (And Falling In Love) by @starsstuddedsky (f2l, fake dating au)
your best friend offers a way for you to get your wisdom teeth removed without going into debt. the only catch? you can’t fall in love
Plush by @bitchlessdino (est relationship, 18+)
soft joshua cockwarming drabble, with love and yearning.
Love, Actually by @haet-sal (single dad, boss jun, kind of infidelity au, 18+)
You’re the wide-eyed, clueless-but-on-top secretary to Wen Junhui, and it all starts, with one new year’s kiss… well, new year’s fuck.
Mr. Wen likes you. It should have been obvious, whenever he seemed to forgive your inadequate work ethics and frequent unfailing mishaps, and how much he trusted you, no matter how many mistakes you made, how much he hated hearing about your life with your boyfriend… and what kind of boss goes shopping for their employee, privately, anyway?
i don't understand but i love you by @hvcmixtape (est relationship)
soonyoung has only been the kindest and most gentle husband. sometimes you feel like you're floating on the stars, and sometimes you feel like you've just jumped into the most romantic book.
rich girl by @blushnote (rich girl x street punk wonwoo, 18+)
wonwoo likes to call you a rich girl, and you hate it because it’s true. in fact, you hate a lot of things: your friends, your parent’s attitude, the way your life is supposed to be perfect even though you’re miserable. not much makes you happy, except for a punk boy who you can’t even be with.
You Make Me Breathe by @hwanghyunjinenthusiast (hanahaki au)
Jihoon is utterly in love with you. Too bad you're into his friend Soonyoung, and he's too much of a coward to ever tell you how he feels. He's happy to take his feelings to the grave but soon finds that his body doesn't agree with his decision.
* As a Matter of Fact by @starsstuddedsky (co-workers to lovers, fake dating au)
when you're caught in a simple lie, the best solution? dig in your heels and stick to your guns until everything inevitably goes wrong and everyone gets hurt
(Not) A Gentleman by @wonusite (est relationship, 18+)
Your boyfriend is the sweetest man alive—a perfect gentleman. However, you’re determined to show him that he doesn’t always have to be a gentleman.
Good Dad, Better Daddy by @bitchlessdino (dilf au, bestfriend's dad mingyu, 18+)
you were hesitant when your friend said you should just stay at her house for the summer, especially knowing you can barely contain yourself with her hot dad around as well as the thought of not getting caught.
at dawn by @sluttyminghao (domestic au, est relationship, 18+)
domestic sex with boyfriend minghao!
pussy sport by @duhnova (fwb au, 18+)
leave it up to boo seungkwan to almost suffocate between your thighs, eat you out till you’re crying, and to figure out a new kink of his.
You Get Me So High by @cheolhub (f2l, 18+)
smoking with your best friend (who you totally don’t have a crush on) is super fun till all you can think about is him… well, doing him, to be more specific.
promise ring by @lovelyhan (royalty au, f2l, 18+)
no one would've guessed that the daughter of the town’s royal mage has a soft spot for the clumsiest fire elemental in the entire realm. but when the crown prince suddenly asks for your hand in marriage, you're forced to consider how you feel about a certain lee jung chan a lot more seriously.
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🌼 show love to all the authors, and don't misuse their content. all rights reserved by the respective authors!
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
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Media The Artful Dodgert
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Flirty
Requested : I absolutely love your Jack Dawkins fic, I've just added your Newt fic to my library. You are an absolutely amazing writer.This is also a request for the jack Dawkins fic, as in could you write one where jack is reunited with someone who he knew back in London?? I just think it would be cute and you can do anything you want from there, anything you want haha Thank you for writing xxxx
I sighed finishing up with the ward rolling my sleeves up heading towards the stairwell, 
"Jack. Patient. Room four," Hetty said having come chasing after me, 
"What about them?"
"She's refusing to let Dr Sneed see her." 
I sighed, great last thing I need some little whiner, "Will she let me see her?"
"She says yes." 
"Alright," I sighed heading back down and quickly went to room four, "Hello Miss, Dr Dawkins, I heard you refused Dr Sneeds treatment?" I asked taking her paperwork to see what I was actually dealing with, it wasn't much just a mild head injury nothing worth keeping her in over. 
"He's a snivelling, Pompous Git" her voice said from the bed,  
I admit I chuckled a little, "Well we agree on something." 
"What was your name again?"
"Dawkins. Dr Jack Dawkins." I told her setting her paperwork back and actually looking at her, but- I had a heart attack. 
She sat with her long tight curls against the headboard of the bed, a bandage for her wound around her head, her skin slightly red where she clearly had not yet gotten use to the sun here, a long violet dress been repaired and fixed a hundred times. 
I- I felt like I was in a dream, I could barely beleive my own eyes, I- I was utterly convinced I'd never see her again. 
Y/n. She was a London street girl a year or two older then me, abandoned by her family and forced to make her own way, Much as I was. She didn't run with Fagin, the boys and I. She more made her own way but still we crossed paths. We were pickpockets and petty theives breaching only death it if became nessesary. She... Was The Violet Widow. Known though out London. She'd walk the streets as a evening girl but a man who paid her never got to finish, He would be taken home, stripped, tied, and riden until she had reached her desires then she would kill him, steal his clothes, money, watch and sell what she wouldn't keep or give to us boys. She kept herself nicely I must say, and she even married a few older wealther men taking their name for a few weeks before butching them too taking all that remained and being left as a widow. She lived just down the road from us, and any clothes she thought would she'd pass along, even if she couldn't always feed herself she always tried to feed us too. 
We of course were freindly and we'd both gotten each other out of jams more times then I dare to think. 
And Admittedtly I had spent more nights then I care to remember as a bored excited teenage boy, knoitted with the sheets of her bed, and with her. But she never minded, and she never charged me, and never let any of the other boys near her. 
Last I had heard she had been arrested on her most recent husbands murder charge, but that was only a week or two before I was locked up myself. 
I had greived for her, beloived her hung for her crimes or... atleast locked away somewhere I would never see her. 
Never in my life would I have pictured her, Here in port victoria let alone, here infront of me.
I was... thrilled to see her alive! But also... suspcious. 
"Hi, Dodger." 
Immediately I shut the door, locked it tight, pulled the windows shut and the blinds drawn leaving us in complete darkness and secrecy. Standing catching my breath at the foot of her bed my hands on my waist, 
"The bloody hell are you doing here?"
"Got into a fight with a card cheat," She sighed adjusting her bandage, 
"No- I don't mean the hospital, I mean Australia!" 
"On my travels..."
"Travels?" I glared, "I'm getting pretty fucking concerned right now, first Fagin shows up like the bloody ghost of Christmas past, and now you! What Oliver bloody twist gonna show up next week!" 
"He what?" She glared,
"Fagin! Is here!"
"Yeah. showed up a few weeks back." 
"What the hell is he doing here?" 
"Got himself arrested, sent down here."
"You believe that do you?"
"What choice have I got?" I sighed, "So what are you doing down here?"
"Traveling, making my way around," She shrugged,
"And you want me to believe that do you?"
"Why would I Iie? I didn't know you were here, or Fagin, and yes I'd be pretty damn surprised Oliver Twist showed up too. It's a weird ass coincidence." She explained, 
"Alright," I sighed I did want to see her, I was happy even if I was concerned by this coincidence I couldn't be angry at her, "How's your head?" I asked sitting on her bed a moment to check her over
"Never had any complaints," She giggled 
"I'm serious."
"I thought you'd remember."
"I feel fine Jack" she smiled, "Are you alright?"
I softened a little all these little jokes reminding me that it is still y/n. "As I can be,"
"Made quite the life for yourself down here. I take it... Dodger's gone?"
"Very much so. They hang escaped convicts here so... Dodger is dead. For all intensive purposes." I told her as I got up to finish her paperwork
"Understandable," she nodded "Dr Dawkins," She playfully smiled, 
"You still just Y/n?" I smiled, 
"Ohh god no uhhhhh... Y/n, Smith, Liswick, Warden, Petrecove, uhhh I'm sure there's a Llyod in there somewhere, I loose track" She said, "But just Y/n."
I smirked a little, "Humm... Still the Violet Widow I take it?"
"I see why you became a doctor, quiet the skills of deduction." she smiled,
"Yeah well I hope you're not here planning to add Dawkins to that lineup,"
"Why? Would it be so bad for... old friends to rekindle old flames now that they're all grown up," She smirked, 
"Don't even think about it." I warn her, "The issue there is I know what you do. and I know what you'll do to me on our wedding night."
"True." She smiled "You're letting me go then?"
"Yep, just keep it clean, and stay out of trouble" I told her, 
"I uhhh Jack?"
"I only ask because it is you Jack, but do you think you could slip a girl a few coins before you send me away? just for an apple and a place to rest my head tonight," 
"You don't have anywhere to go? Or any money?"
"How'd you get here then?"
"Spent my last few coins on the boat trip here, figured I'd get a job or earn money my usual way, I haven't even all that lucky yet," 
I felt awful, nowing the girl who use to gived me soup and clothes kept me happy and better off then I ever could have been without her, now had to ask me for money just to rest her head, but... I don't get paid, meerly food and accomodation, What little I had was for me and I'd worked my ass numb at the card table to get it, But... I can't say not to her "I... I think I can."
"I'd pay you back," she said, 
"Yeah, how?"
she stopped short a moment expecting me to say no and she clearly did not actually having an answer, "How I always used to?"
"Yeah?" I smirked a little 
"mhm" she nodded moving her dress and opening her legs 
"...Deal" I smirked crawling into bed with her "I've missed you" I smirked pulling her into a kiss feeling the intensity of our time apart 
"I missed you too Jack," She smirked 
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persephone11110 · 1 year
My Own Aphrodite
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings:body image issues, self esteem issues, past self blame, issues, society sucks, sucky beauty standards, weight scale, past body shaming, pervy men, digusting school system, misogyny, curse words, tiny bit of smut, happy ending
prompt: ❛you’re beautiful, you know that? ❜credit: @nightprompts
I wrote this based on my personal experiences
reader nickname is Angel
This is a prequel to Hold Me Baby, but you don’t have to read it to understand. But u should tho— no pressure :)
You could feel eyes burning into your chest.
“Miss L/n, it hurts me that you seemed to forgotten our three fingers straps rule” Mr. Lee sounded hurt, you could see something being scribbled down on the notepad that was currently in his hands. He ripped the paper off and walked towards your desk and handed it to you—“The last thing the boys need is a big distraction, do you want to cause a disruption in our classroom?, he didn’t give you time answer—“Go to the nurses office for a cover up or go home”. He proudly walked away with a smirk on his face.
“What!” you muttered under your breathe. You quickly jumped from your chair— scared of the consequences if you refused. Mr. Lee creepily stared at your chest, you started to blush in embarrassment, is this what he meant?- your body is distracting.
“See what I mean Y/n your causing me a distraction” he gestured toward your breast.
“Please leave now”
Tears started to drip from your face. I didn’t mean too. your lips begin to wobble.
As you drag yourself through the empty halls sour thoughts seemed to paralyze your mind.
“Why couldn’t I be smaller?”
“Did Mr. Lee have a point?”
“Honey” the secretary of the school Ms. June called out to you.“Honey if Mr. Lee sent you down here for a cover up, the nurse doesn’t have anymore to give”.
More tears slipped down your face.
“I’m so sorry Honey unless you find something i’m going have to send you home”. A pinch of sadness crossed over Ms. June’s face.
You didn’t have to tell her. You could see her hand moving fast as she scribbles something down.
“I’m sorry Y/n” you looked down at the piece of paper— a permisson slip that required your signature stating that you were leaving early.
“Thank you” you whispered.
You walked away with tears pouring down your face. “Why me? , Why me?” you kept repeating to yourself. “Did I really deserve this?”
How were you supposed this explained to your parents?
I am a distraction.
- -
“Angel you looked great in that one” Bradley told you— and you were pretty sure he’s said that fifteen dresses ago. He relaxingly sat on the bench inside of the dressing room- his phone tossed to the side, even though it occasionally tinged Bradley ignored it. He assuring you that all his attention was on you.
You messed with straps, trying to lift them higher.
You we’re trying to cover up your cleavage.
Your shoulders sagged—dressing shopping had been a lose cause and too add it to it you dragged your husband Bradley alongside hoping to get a good opinion— but all he’s been offering you is five stars reviews on each and every dress you’ve tried on so far. (kind bastard). You atleast thought he give you his honesty and tell how ugly you’ve looked in all of them — telling you how disappointing it was to been soulmates with the ugliest woman alive.
“Angel whats wrong with this one?” he asked curiously— surely Bradley saw how grotesque you were?, yet his eyes and body language showed otherwise. You and him were both tired— You pulled Bradley out of bed at the ass crack of dawn to try on dresses. Now your starting to regret bringing him here— you wasted his and your time.
“N-Nothing,Nothing” you shakily start to take off the dress. You felt the dress slip down to your body onto the floor.
You sniffle, your face is getting hotter and hotter by the second.
“Y/n?” he tries.“I didn’t mean to insult you—”
Did he do something wrong?
You were gone. It seemed like you were in your own world. Subconsciously you curl into yourself- seemingly hiding your body from him.
“Angel”, he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
“I’m sorry Bradley—let just go home” you broke out your trance, you doubted you find a dress in time for the navy gala.
Weeks ago the scale showed you a number you didn’t like and now your body is reflecting it.
Your suddenly on the floor picking up the dress— there you go again getting stuck in your own world.
He could see your brain spinning fast, he hears the evil voice in the back of your head telling you how ugly you were.
Soon Bradley was on the floor with you—right now he needed to get to the bottom of this, he needed to make this right. “Angel”
“Angel—can you hear me?” he voice is sweet and gentle. He gives you minute to answer him— times like this he knows how hard it is for you to pull yourself out of so much darkness.
He shouldn’t have too see you like this. He shouldn’t even have to be in the same room as you.
“Ready” he asks you.
“Yeah” your voice was equivalent to a prey moving through predator territory. Quiet and unsteady.
“C’mon here” he gestures with his hand. “it’s okay Y/n”. Bradley reassures you after seeing the look of terror and uneasiness on your face.
Its the easiest job you’ve ever done. Your face is already in the crook of his neck. After everything that had been going on you only had one question— why is he so fucking soft? metaphorically and literally.
“Talk to me Y/n” he tells you. “Let me in”.
Bradley gently dragging his hand up down your back— he’s slowly coaxing you back to calmness.
You sigh.“I really want toBradley… but what if you don’t like what I say?”. His fingers pause for a second.
“Even If I don’t like it Angel, I still want to hear whats wrong— your feelings are justified, I still want to help you”. Bradley says with sternly yet softness is bleeding into his voice.
You can’t help but melt at that.
Even when you tried building your defenses higher, Bradley kept knocking them down.
“Distraction” you decided with.
“Y/n?” you could feel the gears spinning in Bradley’s head.
“I don’t want to be an distraction Bradley” you tell him again, was he purposefully not listening to you?
You could feel his face turn into a frown.
“Y/n how are you distracting?” he asked you. “Do you mean your distracting me?”.
Remember what he said— “Let me In”
“My breast their.. their so big” your voice is wobbling again like earlier. You wished you could talk without being a baby.
“Angel I’m not some teenage boy who’s gets distracted by the sight of breast” he seems hurt by the accusation.
“No” you sighed. “They cause disruption”. Your talking like it’s was true— you talked liked no ones ever told you it’s wrong.
Then it dawned on him, someone told you this when you were young. Someone hurt his wife.
And someone never told you otherwise.
The grip on you slightly gets tighter.
“Angel” Bradley shaking his in disbelief and disgust. “You are not distracting, your body doesn’t cause disruption.
“But—” you attempt to argue.
“But nothing Angel, who ever told you is full of shit and they couldn’t control themselves around a child… there is nothing wrong with you” , you pull your face from Bradley neck. He sounds so sure of himself.
He’s angry, his jaw clenched.
Guilt eating at you. And sure enough Bradley could see it.
“No, No Angel” his voice is coated with softness .
“I’m not mad at you- I’m irritated that no one ever corrected you”.
“Yeah me too, but I’m glad I have you” you throw your arms around him.
He’s hugging you back“I’m glad you found me”.
Confidence is now seeping through your veins.
“Bradley I like the last one”
Fuck Mr. Lee
“Me too Angel— it fits you like a glove and friday evening i’m going to enjoy ripping it off you”. Bradley stroking your back again.
You blushed. It’s amazing how your husband always manages to turn a sweet moment into a horny one”.
“Likewise Bradley Bradshaw—If you get off me fast enough we could have enough time for a pregame before my shift” you hum in amusement— fully knowing how feral your husband was.
He flings you up, “hurry up Angel and grab the dress”. Bradley moving around in the dressing room— he’s even cleaning and grabbing your other dresses.
He acting like a headless chicken.
Bradley starts fishing for his keys—not even giving you a chance to pay first. He practically throws his credit card into the cashier hand.
He wasn’t slowing down either.
“Come on Angel, time to go!”
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Aemond targaryen x targaryen reader: part 18
Vhagar placed Y/n onto the ground before dropping down a few feet away, Aemond climbing down as he approached his wife. Crouching down and throwing his cloak over her body and picked her up, her body limp as he carried her through the castle to the throne room. Walking in, Aemond handed her to a guard demanding him to place her in a cell far away from anyone. Instructing a servant to take her a dress down and change her out of her shredded dress. He had covered her up as only he would be seeing her body in such ways let alone the guards outside her cell or the degenerates she would be carried past. Aegon and Alicent watched as he approached, a smug look on his face at their shocked expressions.
"I see you managed to catch her brother, care to share your victory?" Aegon spoke as he lounged in his seat, his mother beside him.
"Her dragon is no longer an issue and i doubt my wife will be putting up a fight anytime soon. I plan to burn all of her family and force her to watch as i kill them." His voice held such a dark intent that Alicent was afraid her son had become unhinged. Aegon laughed loudly, wiping the tears from his eyes as he turned to Aemond.
"Ahh brother you surprise me more everyday, her cunt must be magical for you to be so obsessed with her." Aemond's hand twitched as his brother spoke crudely about his wife but simply hummed and left. His wife had taken out atleast 6 guards, he needed to teach them better as he could not risk her escaping again. 
Rhaenyra had been crushed by the news of her son being found at Storm's end, her pained scream echoing through dragonstone as she collapsed. Her daughter had been taken and now her son had been killed by the same monster, Daemon held her as she sobbed.
"I want his head Daemon, i want all of their heads." She spoke as she gripped his arm, behind the tears a fire as she looked at her husband. 
"I will slaughter the cunts who dare hurt our children." Daemon wished he had struck Aemond down the second he proposed a marriage to his daughter, he should have slaughtered all the Green's that night. His brother would have never wanted Aegon on the throne, the one claim he supported being his daughters. They had spies in kingslanding and only a day after finding out of her sons passing a letter was delivered. Daemon reading out to Rhaenyra and her council. 
"My dear Queen, your daughter is still alive although she has been banished to the cells. She stormed the throne room cutting down 6 guards before her dragon broke from the pit, taking her after she tried to kill the king. Unfortunately she was brought back by Aemond, her body unconscious and placed in the cell, it was confirmed by witnesses at Storm's end her dragon was killed." Rhaenyra sat as she heard of her daughter, Daemon felt pride flow through him at her escape. The rage quickly replacing the pride as he imagined that bastard Aemond forcing her back. Rhaenyra was comforted knowing her daughter was alive, she would take the throne back and slaughter the whole family. She would get her daughter back. 
Y/n woke on a wet and horrid mattress, her body aching from the fighting, tears coming to her eyes quickly as she let out a guttural scream and began beating her fists against the bed. Bent over, gripping the bedding as she appeared like a wild animal caught in a trap. Her body shaking from anger as she looked around, the blood from Casmir still on her legs. 
"I see you have woken up." His voice freezing her blood as she froze, refusing to respond to him, instead turning towards him. Her face stone as she stared at him, the rage in her eyes deep. How dare he speak to her, to be in her presence after his betrayal. 
"I understand you must be grieving, not that your worthless brother and weak dragon are worth your tears but i expect you to grovel for your life. I want you to cry and beg me to show you an ounce of love and affection, and you will never act out again. You are nothing without me, i am your damned world and you will treat me as such." Aemond crouched down as he spoke, her eyes following him as he held the key to the cell in his hand. 
"If you do not i will keep you here only allowing you out to watch as i destroy your mother and brothers, i will break you from the inside out until you are nothing but a body for me to fuck and breed." Y/n stared at him as he spoke, standing slowly and approaching him. Crouching in front of him, her knees touching the bars which separated him from her. Her hand coming out to caress his face, his eye closing as he basked in her affection.
"Beg me my love." He spoke softly, opening his eye to stare into hers, waiting for her to plead with him. His ego tarnished from her attack. Her eyes wide and innocent before she dug her nail into his scar, scratching across his face as he cried out. Trying to grab her before she rushed away back to her previous position. His blood under her nails as she licked them clean, staring at him to show she was not scared of his threats. Aemond cursed and hit the bar.
"You will respect me! I am your husband and you will love me as i love you! Lets see how long you can keep up this act." He shouted at her, spitting out the last words pointing at her before he left. 
All he wanted was her love, he may have killed her brother but she had manipulated him with her body. He had almost possessed her fully, had her in his grasp and his carelessness had lead to this moment. His rage not letting him see reason, demanding instead she apologise for her disrespect. His mind getting darker as he cleaned his scar, her nails leaving four bloody lines across his cheek. If she would not respect his ownership of her he would simply force her to see he owned her.
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nightylantern · 9 days
Gojo x reader; A nightmare that couldn’t hope to exist again
So I uh saw the newest leaks on jjk, and I wanted to be heavily comforted as I don’t know how to feel about it. Don’t worry this doesn’t contain the leaks, this is a what if scenario (info down below)
Here’s just some comfort as a what if, what if maybe after everything they somehow revive Gojo? I mean this Gojo right? He’s not a regular sorcerer…right? This is honestly to comfort me, don’t come at me if he’s truly truly gone.
Tw: Nightmares, fluff, Au of post canon where everything is saved and all, because I don’t know how the ending will go yet, ptsd, SPOILERS LIKE HUUUGE-
Poke poke
poke poke poke
poke poke poke po-
“ALRIGHT, I’m up I’m yawn, up, wha- OW!” His waist was still sensitive as heck, no wonder, he was slash- no, SPLIT, literally. Gojo groans as he blears out from his sleepiness due to the insistent poking, the poking who he assumes is coming from you, “listen I know you want me up but could you turn on the lamp? It would be easier to se- yelp agh…shoulda warned me, gosh my eyes… rub rub I hope it’s not to early, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep” he continues to ramble out of sleep for a bit and turns to you, or more surprisingly, your back.
Now that he thinks about it you haven’t done or said anything, minus the poking of course. “Hello…? Uh your awakened husband is here, seriously you can’t just poke me awake as I’m recovering from, well I dunno…MY BODY SPLITTING IN HALF and just remain in the edge all quiet and everything.” He tried to sound playful but you didn’t move, it was almost like you didn’t hear him, and suddenly he felt chills.
What if maybe…he was still out there, rotting in half? What if he left you behind..? What if what if what if-
He didn’t realise he reached out for you unconsciously until he felt the warmth of your skin and you turned your head slowly, not enough for him to see your face but well…enough for him to know you acknowledged his presence, he runs his fingers up and down your back “hey, uh, you okay? You woke me up and yet you seem so…distant and odd, love you know I’m here right?” He hesitated before holding your shoulder, where he felt the trembling and realised why you weren’t facing him, why you were so quiet. You turned around facing him which confirmed it, you were crying. With this knowledge he wasted no time in sitting up at the headboard despite his waist screaming otherwise and trying to situate you in his lap, which came along with your protests;
“Satorou! No I can’t…it’s still healing!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, I’m alive and it’s not like it’s gonna fall off.”
“It’s still healing, what if it gets infected due to a blood clot or something! Satorou I can’t, even if you claim it’s okay I won’t be okay…so please..”
The fear and helplessness is your voice is what got him to stop, so, rather than you sitting on his lap he had you both lie down and cuddle up to each other, making sure you were comfy while also proving he was comfortable aswell. He kept kissing your face, wherever his lips could touch as a gesture of comfort, he wanted you to feel, to know he was here, and he also wanted to know that he was here. He kept you against him while running his fingers up and down like earlier in a comforting manner, hoping to soothe you.
“…so, my scrumptious little dollop of happiness, love a-“ “Satorou don't you dare,” you interrupted with a giggle, both cringing and giggling at the super long phrase he tried to give you “haha! Just wanted to make you laugh, or atleast a it happier darling. Seeing that you giggled I had done an amazing job, right sweetheart?” He said as he kissed your cheeks, to which you giggled.
“Seeing that my first job is done, we are moving to the second job!” He said as his voice toned down slightly, “and that is finding out why you were crying when I woke up, my lovely spouse here shouldn’t be crying as I was sleeping, oh do tell me if it was the snoring, wait that explains as to why you were poking me aggressively!” He said dramatically to which you chuckled “no no Satorou, I’m sorry I woke you up, I just…I had a horrible nightmare about…about you and I thought you were…let’s just say I needed you, I needed you talking to me, touching me, I mean the warmth is enough but you sleeping, considering how your body has been…I just needed to see you alive” You mumbled the last part out quieter but he caught it. He didn’t know that his sleeping was THAT bad, he was told by Shoko that he slept like a dead man, but to make his one and only think that too? It broke his heart seeing you crying because of him, because he looked dead, and while you trailed off he had a good idea as to what you might have dreamed about, sure you weren’t out there but you knew the contents of his…death. Hmm…
”Is that so darling? Hm…what to do, this is rather a pickle isn’t it? Well as much as I would love to say that everything will be okay…I can’t confirm it considering the situation is still unknown,” he murmured while stroking your hair, you tensed against him as you knew this, but didn’t want to hear it. “However, Yuji and Shoko both are on my case, they refuse to leave me alone, and are basically forcing me into temporary leave, heck maybe considering my condition they will force me to retire all together,” he said with a joking tone which made you smirk. “I don’t know what will happen, for despite my amazing capabilities I cannot tell the future, if I could I wouldn’t have been split in half now would I? Hey…no I meant is as a joke, no I’m sorry I didn’t mean to dampen the mood..” he said upon realising you were tensing, fretting over his words,”damn it…I really suck with comforting don-“ “yes,”you deadpanned.
“…haha, did you really need to call me out?” He said awkwardly, when he got no reply he just continued running his hand up and down your back, the atmosphere eventually got comforting. The night was quiet, minus the ticking of the clock, and the wind outside, it was cozy and warm, safety was guaranteed, yet your trembling had yet to cease, he was about to speak up again when you interrupted him,
“I always hated your cockiness you know?” He looked down at you, “I hated how you always assumed you would win due to your abilities, it was because of that, that you became reckless and lazy, and even when fighting against a formidable enemy you still remained confident no? How do you think I felt in regards to that?” Gojo wasn’t stupid or deaf, you would always complain about his recklessness and how he could die, to which he would always brush off, one day it even lead in a fully fledged argument between you both, which lasted for days on end until you both broke the silence, realising that it wasn’t healthy for either of you to continue with this silence since you both had issues taking care of yourselves. That’s not to say your worries ceased, nor his cockiness, but he promised to be more careful, and well…he was cut in half. “I knew you know? I knew that the jobs were dnagerous and I knew you weren’t guaranteed a happy ending or anything, especially with your cockiness and all,” happy ending? Damn you had unique phrases didn’t you.
“I hate you so much, I hate you for making me worry! I hate you for dying! I hate you for making me grieve and mourn!” You kept crying over and over and letting your resentment be known until “I hate myself for being weak, for being unable to protect you…” Gojo froze at that, while he was aware of your worries, he wasn’t aware of how it affected the image you projected onto yourself, the fact that you couldn’t help him on the field, the fact that he surpassed you miles ahead, and the fact that he basically died. He thought about it for a moment before finally speaking up:
“I won’t lie to you, I haven’t necessarily been thinking about your needs on the field, or in general despite the fact that I love you. Getting stronger, teaching my students and defeating curses were mainly on my mind. For that, I am really sorry…but that doesn’t mean I loved you any less. If anything I’m at fault for not taking you into consideration, because the last thing I want to do is break my dearest spouses heart. Now that everything has changed, if there are curses they are most likely not strong, something I could take out within minutes, seconds even…hey dont give me that look, I’m not being cocky.” He trembled under your glare..
“Okay, maybe I’m being a little cocky, but that isn’t my point. The point is, the curses are weakened drastically and if that’s not the case then they are gone for good. Regardless of the outcome we don’t have to worry about danger, for we both are capable enough to defend ourselves, you with your self defence and me with my abilities. Don’t you see what this means?” He wiped the stains off your cheeks. “Just because everything is over doesn’t mean the pain and suffering will go away immediately, heck maybe never, I know Yuji will be unstable for a while, but that isn’t all there is. I’m not young, but I’m not old either, same with you. We still have a life to lead you know?” He pulled you against his chest while smiling, a soft smile reserved for his closest ones, like you. “So let’s live with happiness moving forward. Whenever you suffer I’ll be there to support you, just as I expect you to do the same. Let us live our lives to the fullest, like a normal married couple, it is my job as your husband to make you the happiest person alive no?” He murmured softly. You listened intently while resting against his chest, and then you spoke up:
“Can you at least promise me that you will remain safe moving forward? That you will take care of yourself?” You asked, looking at him expectantly, to which he hesitated a bit, to which you spoke up once again, “you said it yourself, there are no more major threats with the curses, so you shouldn’t be out there fighting and returning home all banged up, so it’s impossible for you to be able to break said promise…unless you plan to pull something?” You eyed him suspiciously to which he spoke up quickly,” NO! I uh…I mean no, I wouldn’t dare, and your right about the curses…so yes, I promise that I won’t ever put myself in danger recklessly ever again, and that I will make sure I return to you, in one piece, not two- OW!” He winced at your smack, however you were satisfied, and with that you snuggled up to him. A comfortable silence ensued again, until you asked one last question:
“Satorou…you said we would have a future of happiness earlier…what future do you envision when thinking of that? I mean I can’t expect life to be simple for you after everything that’s occurred…” He was silent for a long time, until he replied, “honestly I don’t know, I just tend to dream about your happy face, and me being by your side, touching you, kissing you, loving you, and living a happy life with each other, heck maybe even with a child,” he smiled at the thought.
“…then let’s make it come true.” You finalised, to which he looked down raising an eyebrow. “Let’s make your dream come true, for that is now my dream as-well! A dream like that…is a thousand times better than the nightmares.” You said with sparkling eyes, the first genuine emotion of happiness you showed that night.
He smiled, but didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to, for all his words could be felt with his eyes, hands and body. He wanted nothing more then to secure that future, and so he squeezed you a bit tighter, to which you reciprocated, and just like that, both you and him dreamed.
He dreamed of you, your smiling face, your laughter, your iconic glaring face, you scolding him, and just living a happy life.
You dreamed of him, his smiling, his laughter, his face when he is trying to hide from your scolding. A happy life with a happy man, and even a glimpse of a child, a child you desired to have with him.
You both didn’t know if the world would even be safe, and knew that a “happily ever after” was near impossible for sorcerers or those within the circle, especially with someone like Gojo who had been different from the other sorcerers. However the world had changed for the better, you both knew that, so maybe, just maybe, his ending that intertwined with yours, and continues intertwining, could change too. However all you could do was dream in the meantime.
Nightmares became less common after that night.
*Credits to the amazing manga of JJK, also GOJO PLEASE COMEBACK ALIVE* *I hope you enjoyed! Mind you I’m not into JJK as a whole so I don’t understand the lore, please correct me if I do get things wrong!Also IM ALMOST DONE WITH SCHOOL AND FINALS AAAAA*
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rarepears · 2 months
You know...
People don't have to be in LOVE to marry. Who's to say his ENEMIES don't wanna torment a-jiu?
-cough- Huanhua -cough-
-COUGH COUGH COUGH- Future Bingge once he has grown up -COUGH COUGH COUGH-
Also, good to know and also kinda awkward since my nickname is a single syllable.
Anyways, who's to say Liu "middle name dumb as a box of rocks" "second middlename Honorable to an idiocy" Qingge wouldn't also go fight in the tournament since he feels responsible and quilty for forcing Shen Qinggiu into this mess?
Yue Qingyuan would join headfirst there, no doubt.
Spicing it up, wouldn't it be funny if a nameless ghost Cucumber joined because: Hey, this one might be family? Or atleast a ghost willing to talk instead of fighting?
Or a certain Huanhua head disciple, with a name that rhymes with LaoGong-cough cough cough-
(yes, that is Gongyi Xiao, and a pun on Laogong meaning husband, if my attempts at self-studies on chinese language are at all correct, no, i don't have a teacher, no, i don't have anyone helping. I won't try and write with the proper additives since i still can't make heads or tails on whether it is even Láo, Lào, Lâo with a flipped V, or Laó or something.)
If a nickname is a single character, then it's repeated twice. In fact, saying a single character twice for a name is seen as childish/cutesy and is usually used for (youngish) females. Hence Ning Yingying with the two "ying".
You bring up a good point. Plenty would be happy to get a peak lord ghost to themselves - by hook, crook, or marriage - for the cultivation secrets and goodies they could get out of it. Plus there would be the close ties to Cang Qiong (all the disciples he's taught, the sect leader, Cang Qiong secrets or just knowledge that's usually hidden away in the libraries)...
Yeah, I could see a LOT of benefits out of this. But this all hinges on the presumption that a ghost would still remember such information. I'm going to admit I don't know the Chinese ghost superstitions too well, but ghosts usually focus on their greatest resentment/obsession and the rest of their personality is kind of lost. Ghosts are not a complete reflection of what they were like alive. So, in the end, these people would be gambling to see if Shen Jiu the ghost could still remember anything outside of his obsession which might not be tied to anything cultivation related so...
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kazukazuhas · 1 year
❝ 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ❞ —- [ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 ] / 𝐩𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐳𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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⇢ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; ; the night finally swindled into the shiny lights and the music lowered but just above everything, everyone else. a warm hand held yours softly as he gazed lovestruckly, eyes soft with his love and you take your first step together as a married couple.
⇢ 𝐜𝐰𝐬 ; ;  kissing ;; fluff ;; marriage things ;; zhongli is and way younger here (around after the archon war time) ;; this takes place wayyy before the fall of the exuvia ;; use of the name "morax" ;; god/dess!reader / venti's sibling ;; slight angst at the end
⇢ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ; ;  i'm not the best for this guy (and not down for him much) but my friend likes him so i decided to grace her with him for the event like diluc. also there are some inconsistencies with the lore, i apologize. i just want the yaksha to be alive. i forget they died okay–
⇢ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ; ; @spoopy-fish-writes // @spoops-inliyue ;; @decaffeinatedcloudkryptonite // @shaantiofher ;; @sunangelstears
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it was no surprise that tonight he had finally wedded you, the only shock is that it took him so long to do so. the lights hung low and swirled like fireflies dancing in the grass at the perk of night, the smell of wine wavered on the wave with a gentle sweetness mixing in the air. it was no big event, liyue however did celebrate the occasion with bright colours lining the sky, despite the wedding itself not even in the city.
morax, though not by your side at the moment, laughed alongside his dearest friends with a boyish charm you only saw once before in the younger years of the friendship you had with him. it was pleasant seeing him so relaxed, so happy with the music lifted his smile higher than where he had flown. dancing playfully with the younger adepti alatus was fond of.
"i still don't approve of this." a blunt voice broke your trance of the scene before you, a light giggle still in his voice. "but– i'm happy that you're happy," the man you leaned on sighed with a sort of relieved tone before squeezing your hand.
"thank you, barbatos." a soft reply was all you granted him before continuing with the heart eyed staring back at your husband. your brother scoffed lightly before wrapping his arm about you, a simple side hug.
slipping away from the crowd to where you and barbatos sat watching, morax glared softly at your brother but kept a hand extended towards you. ignoring the tension between the archons, you shake of the younger god of the pair's arm off before holding your husband's hand and pulling him away.
"do not start a fight," you mumbled while smiling back to the young adepti conversing close by. morax groaned before mumbling a yes quietly, sending a glare back to the anemo archon swirling the wine in his cup.
abruptly stopping and facing him with a sincere smile and a glint of lovestruck-ness in your eye, you reach behind him to wrap your arms around his neck. your brush the short strands of light faded brown over around your arms and pressed your forehead to his shoulder. without needing to see it, you knew that he subconsciously shut down beofre he could wrap his arms around your waist and bury his own face in your hair.
the world slowed, he thought, or atleast he had his in his arms, swaying with the music played and in a trance of love and wine. he hummed softly agsint your ear and lulled you further in love with all his small actions.
"i will forever love you," you mumbled softly against the fabric of his clothes, pressing a gentle kiss to his neck with closed eyes and hummed along with him.
"as will i, my dear."
✧ — ✧ — ✧
sat still, in near shock of the news displayed for your view but hand still shaking at the realization of what you heard. the delicate teacup slipped from your fingers, meeting the ground and falling into tears of shattered despair. you stared at the young traveler and their companion with a wild fear in your heart, looking for answers.
"rex lapis– my husband is dead?"
"husband!" the companion screeched before flying around and hugging your shoulders, clearly distaunt herself by the news you heard.
you knew something was strange for the past weeks, he had no a word spoken you and disregarded all advances to your worry for him. a falling out of anger was the result of such disregard.
now you wish you tried harder.
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𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩, 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚, 𝙚𝙩𝙘. 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙧 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙡𝙚𝙙𝙜𝙚. 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚. 𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙧. 𝙠𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙝𝙖𝙨 2023
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amateursatelier · 1 year
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✦ sif / reader
❀ synopsis. meeting sif for the first time in the forest + headcannons. (angst + fluff, mention of blood, mention of choking, and a dead mother.)
❀ note. i was so upset by the lack of fanfics for sif that i decided to intervene. I pulled an all-nighter just to satisfy my need to read content about her. ( music I listened to while writing: exist for love by aurora, soft universe by aurora, and ribs by lorde.)
────── . ⸙.°
A LOVELY AZURE PAINTED the early morning sky. chirps of birds echoed in the forest, reminding all those that hear them of a new beginning. but unfortunately, it was another day you would spend mouring your mother after ragnarok.
ragnarok is a tragedy you would never forget. on that day, the potent smell of blood choked you to the point of tears, but the feeling of it on your hands was far worse as you tried to save your mother's life after a piece of debris shot through her torso. the last expression that you ever saw her make haunted your conscious, making sleep nearly impossible.
it felt like a miracle when you had willed the strength to get out of bed so early in the moring and bake fattigam, a delicious dessert that your mother made whenever she was having a particularly good day. you smiled fondly while you make it, and although it hurt, you couldn't help but to think of you and your mother would be conversing if she were still alive.
once the fattigam was done, you set it in a basket and put on marred cloak. with a deep breath and for the first time in however long, you left your cottage to venture into the forest and watch the sunrise, an ritual you commonly did with the only family had left. immediately your lungs felt refreshed by the heavenly morning air. you don't remember when, but you decided that if there was nothing you could do to bring your mother back than you could at least honor her and show gratitude by keeping her alive in the little things you two did together.
you had been walking for quite some time. you sighed in relief once you finally found a lake to rest by. kneeling down, you cupped your hands togther and gathered some water. before you could take a sip, you heard faint sounds of…sobbing.
the closer you got, the more painful the sobbing sounded, the source of it must have been hurting so deeply and it saddened you. you wondered what could've happened to them.
but strangely your curiosity was immediately satisfied once you saw who it was. although you could not see the individual's face. you knew exactly who it was from their familiar tattoos and smooth golden hair that was braided to their ankles.
lady sif, the goddess of wheat, harvest, earth, and…family. your chest began to swirl in discomfort.
before you succumbed to your greif and locked yourself away in your cottage, you had caught wind that her husband, thor, the prince of asgard, died by the hands of his own father, odin. you never could've fathom such a thing.
although you didn't know what it's like to lose a lover, you understood what it was like to lose someone who loved you deeply and vice versa. out of empathy, you secretly hoped that atleast she didn't have to see him die right in front of her as you had with your mother.
you begun to turn away to give her privacy, however, you accidentally stepped on a twig causing a sharp snap! to echo approximately ten meters. you tightly shut your eyes in frustration when you heard a sharp gasp from behind you. turning back around, you made eye contact with a teary-eyed lady sif, you immediately showed yourself and bowed your head to her.
“I..I'm sorry for the intrusion, lady sif. I mean you no disrespect, i was just simply passing by.” you kept your head down to embarrassed to make eye contact again.
you were even more embarrassed when you heard her let out an offended huff.
“than why are you still here, mortal?”
you flinched at the harshness of her tone but you knew better than to take it personally. you knew all to well how grief could affect a person, you refused to judge her.
“your right. I'll be on my way right now. forgive me, lady sif.” as you began to turn away, lady sif suddenly stopped you.
“no! wait─”
you turned back to face her and watched as she composed herself. she wiped her tears and turned fully towards you with soft smile. although you could tell it was forced, a weird warmth radiated in your chest.
“I'm sorry. that was rude of me.” she said.
you smiled softly at her and bowed again. “it's alright, lady sif. I understand.”
she frowned slightly at your words. “you understand? you think you know what I'm feeling?”
her tone held both regality as well as slight irritation.
your heart worked faster than head. “with all due respect, lady sif, although I don't know what it's like to lose a lover. I understand all too well how it feels to lose someone you cherish.”
despite not showing it on your face, you felt bashful by your own words. you don't know what could've possessed you to speak so boldly to a goddess.
“you speak of your mother, yes?” her inquiry almost caused you your neck. you looked up at her quite fast, in disbelief that she knew who you were, your eyes were now the size of dinner plates.
“you..know who i am?” you asked in a demure tone and slowly straightened your posture.
lady sif smiled sofly at you, it didn't seem as forced as before. “of course, you're the offspring of a very talented baker. she was kind woman, as well. I was very fond of the desserts she would gift me to show her graditude.”
a sad look flashes in her eyes before she closes her eyes. “I'm sorry to hear that she has passed.”
hearing lady sif speak so fondly of your mother made your eyes sting. you held back your tears as to not make lady sif uncomfortable. you composed yourself and put on your best smile.you walked a bit closer to lady sif and cleared your burning throat.
“pardon me if I'm overstepping, lady sif, but..if you would like, I was planning on watching the sunrise while eating some fattigman,” you held up your basket in front of her to show off said dessert. “would you..perhaps care to join me? my mother often said said that desserts taste better when you share them.”
she looked at you with surprise. embarrassment slowly waved over you, you sucked your lips into your mouth in regret. you internally berated yourself questioning why you, an ordinary mortal, even dared to ask why a goddess would share a dessert with you.
however before you could stutter out an apology, a charming sound tickled your ears. you looked at her only to see a most ethereal sight. a geniue smile graced her face, dilating her already goddess beauty. she looked at you with enlightenment.
“yes, i'd like that.”
you smiled at her as the warmth in your chest from before returned.
──── . ° ♡ pursuit of romance.
from then onward, sif and you had establish a friendship with each other. at first, it consisted of share memories about each other's lost loved one.
she confided in you about thor’s acholoism due to odin treating him like he was a mindless beast capable of nothing else but destruction as if he wasn't a loving husband or a even father that loved his children deeply.
in the beginning, sif rarely talked about her deceased children with you, but as your relationship grows stronger, she trusts you more and allows herself to be vulnerable with you. sometimes, she would visit you cottage and stay past dusk. under the night sky, she would tell stories of magni and modi when they were children with tears streaming down her face. in those moments you could only hold her and encourage to let it all out.
speaking of her children, the closer you got with sif, the cooler you were with thrud who was happy that her mother made a friend after her father's death. thru absolutely loves the fact that you can bake, and often makes requests whenever you visit her mother. sometimes she'll visit you to talk to you about wanting to be a valkerie and eating whatever you make.
when sif sees you being close thrud, a familiar warmth radiates in her chest and a first, she feels ashamed. she discards it as just loving to see her daughter happy but deep down, she knows what she's feeling.
sif didn't want to betray thor or strain her relationship with thrud all over again, so she tried to ignore the warmth that bloomed in chest when she around you. however, there had been moments when she slipped up such as staying at your cottage for longer than usual, hugs feeling a little tighter than before, soft lingering gazes, and even her laugh louder than usual.
at first, you interpreted it as sif trusting you more, to the point of displaying friendly affection. friends are supposed to be affection, right?
as time moved on, there was an inkling of suspension that sif’s affection wasn't as “friendly” as you thought it was. especially after she started randomly gifting you flower crowns and the most elegant daggers you've ever seen. but even so, as to not ruin a good friendship, you kept quiet.
it wasn't until during one of thrud's visits that your suspension was, in a way, confirmed.
“my mother definitely has a thing for you.” you almost dropped the bowl you were in the middle of mixing cake batter in.
“what makes you say that?” you asked. thrud quirks an eyebrow as if to say 'seriously?’ while using her thumb to point to all the flower crowns and daggers decorating a shelf in your living room.
after a through talk with thrud about how she would feel about you being involved with her mother and it ending on a good note. you finally decided to confront sif, and so, you made a plan with thrud.
while thrud worked on somehow getting her mother to visit where you and sif first met. you prepared a basket of fattigman and ventured off into the forest until you reached your destination. while waited for your possible future wife, you rehearsed Hoe you would confess, giving the animals of the forest a good show.
when sif finally showed, you where so worked up by your nerves, you held her hands and blurted out your affections for her right then and there. the warmth that you felt for the first time in this exact place felt even warmer.
sif was speechless by your confession. you could see so many emotions in her eyes. sif cleared her throat and averted her eyes. “what if thrud doesn─” she was swiftly interrupted. “I'm cool with it!” thrud shouted in the distance before holding her thumbs up and running off. “I suppose that answers your question.” you laughed.
a smile graces sif’s face it, but it doesn't last for long. her eyes suddenly turned glossy. “but…thor.” she whispers. at that you frown, not out of jealousy but rather understanding.
“thor will never be replaced, sif. if you're not ready for this, I understand. but, I want you to know that wanting to love and wanting be loved isn't betraying thor. it's natural. you deserve to be move onwards and be happy.” you rubbed circles on her hands to reassure her.
sif’s glossy eyes widened at your words. a few tears sliding down her face. as she thinks, you prepare yourself for rejection only to be taken by surprise when she abruptly pulls you close kisses you. her lips felt divine and the kiss was so delicate yet passionate that you knew it was engraved into you until you died.
sif slowly pulled away and looked deep into your eyes. her gaze was filled with so much affection and adoration, you had look away to fully catch your breath only to lose it again when she cups your chin and makes you look at her.
she rests her forehead against yours you both couldn't help but to laugh at the excitement you both shared, as if the warmth in both of your chests bloomed flowers between your ribcages, and just like that, a new love begins.
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────. ✰.° thank you for reading !
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I was looking for something in my notes app when I found these notes from when I was listening to the count of monte cristo audiobook on the bus, please enjoy
"6 hours into the audiobook, istg villefort is 2 steps away from being a sitcom character. First all of the bullshit with his dad, then the count passive-aggressively bullies him into comkng to his get-together in the house where he killed a baby and once hes there that fucking guy goes "yeah, its a nice house now but when I hot it, it actually had really bad vibes. almost like someone committed some kind of horrible crime here""
"2 MINUTES LATER he shows them around the house and they get to this horrible unrennovated room with these paintings of women on the wall and hes like "look at these bizarre portraits. Their haunted eyes seem to say 'I SAW IT', dont they? anyway, moving on""
"Madame Danglar went "yknow, i think there WAS a horrible crime committed here" and Madame Villefort was like "careful, my husband here is a big law-guy" and the count was like "oh yeah, that reminds me. I actually have some criminal charges I'd like to discuss with him, right here, with all you guys as witnesses" Edmont. you have the opportunity to do the funniest thing in the world rn"
"Okay, he kinda did it but not really. sad. Well, atleast we got villefort reacting to the story of how the count's workers found a baby skeleton buried in the garden by being like "well..... maybe it wasnt a crime......." and the count yelling at him "you think burying a baby alive isnt a crime???!?!??" only to then just be like "nvm lets get back to drinking tea together""
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cheesewelsom · 1 year
If i was reincarnated as Alicent ( in the show verse, which i am thankful not ) i would've been PETTY.
I don't know how Alicent just takes the fall for her childs faults, like, Rhaenyra saying that the green children are fucked up because of a their mother? Their mother who was also a child, and didn't know better? Who didn't know the world she was bringing her children in to? I love Rhaenyra, i love her, but she was so shitty. ( She was human. )
Anyways, if i was in Alicent's shoes? I would've been swinging even before the eye loss, and the fact angering her comes when her children was maimed. Not when she was made a laughing stock by her own husband, not when her father was sentenced away from court, not even when her best friend left her at the most crucial time of her life.
It takes a son to have some agency because she probably wasn't taught to put herself above others.
When Rhaenyra opens her mouth about Alicent'schildren, i would've gone. " Well, atleast they have their fathers colouring. "
I would've been the most pettiest bitch alive.
Rhaenyra : do you know where my husband is?
Alicent : well, if he isn't picky, probably with my own, given how... Queer Targaryens could be.
Throwing shit after shit after shit in their face.
Rhaenyra : how about a truce?
Alicent : that's a strong commitment.
You wouldn't see a screentime where Alicent and Rhaenyra are together, and there isn't atleast three throwaway comment's about their heritage. None.
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Love your blog, especially "There's more to her"!.
I wanted to know your perspective on the episode where Arnav and Khushi have a fight after she brings Shyam back into the house and she forgives him easily and even apologizes. I mean after everything they had been through he could have been more patient and given her the benefit of doubt but he repeated his old habits of saying hurtful things and asking her to go away. I have always kinda wanted them to show a atleast short sort of a redemption track here where Arnav tries to prove that he wouldn't go back to his old ways and would treat her better. Thoughts?
First of all Arnav was not wrong. At all. Khushi just declared that a molester, manipulator, kidnapper and scammer should be with Anjali because he’s her “husband”.
It’s a fucked up logic.
If I was Arnav I would’ve broken up with her then and there. Shyam would’ve killed Arnav. He really would have. And yet Khushi brought him back?
This scene would’ve made sense if we saw Khushi is disgusted in taking this step, that she wants to scream against the unfairness of bringing back her molester.
But no, Khushi “believes” Shyam has changed due to a miscarriage and that is disgusting. That man literally molested her! Stalked her! Manipulated her family and tried to sexually assault her MULTIPLE TIMES along with the fact he tried to murder Arnav.
I don’t think Arnav was wrong at all.
I think this is the only scene where Arnav was thoroughly justified. Khushi deserved it. If she’s being an idiot and allowing such a man to be back in the house then even God can’t help her.
I understand Khushi giving Shyam a chance and not telling Arnav the truth pre wedding because she didn’t know who and what Shyam was. I also understand Khushi being pressurized by the family to bring back in Shyam from anjali.
In fact it would have been brilliant angst if we saw anjali fall on Khushi’s feet and beg her to bring back Shyam because she knows Arnav will only listen to Khushi.
Anjali could’ve turned violent towards Khushi and Akash could’ve snapped that if Khushi could tolerate Shyam for those months the two sisters lied to his family, then just a few months more to keep anjali alive.
The raizadas are quick to other away their daughters in law so it would’ve been brilliant if Arnav DIDNT know Khushi was bullied into bringing Shyam back and that it would be classic Arnav to gloss over the disgust khushi bottled down to get back Shyam.
What would’ve been great is that Khushi should’ve been waiting to tell Arnav how the situation got worse and Arnav misunderstanding and blaming her without knowing she wasn’t directly responsible and that his family bullied her and once again she was forced into the desires of others.
Cause that’s what always happened to Khushi.
In short I don’t think he made any mistake here. My thoughts about this scene is as in the short story called “Cold Faith,”
Thank you for sending in your question and for the love for the blog 💕
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oliverxx2k · 2 years
cute little scenarios I made for yuzuyas krbk poly series (male reader) 
Morning Tribulations
bakugou: *already up for work*
yn and kirishima: *sleeping like babies*
bakugou: come on guys, your work study students are waiting for you
yn: mnghhh huh…?
bakugou: you to eijiro, get up
kirishima: …don..wanna..
yn: *jumps on kirishima* get up haha!
bakugou smiles slightly and they go on with their long day
Cooking With Love
kirishima: *horribly cracking eggs*
kirishima: aw man..I really tried on that one :(
yn: *getting flour all over their face*
yn and kirishima pout
bakugou: hey don’t pout, you guys are doing fine
he walks over to kiss yn and kirishima
bakugou: atleast it’s made with love. ——————————————————————————————————A Flamboyant Rescue
(this one is longer bare w me)
it was a normal day of patrol, you had just finished picking up a pastry from a local bakery
you and your husbands were patrolling in the same area due to it being known as a more violent neighborhood.
your sitting on top of a building when you see something going on in a near by alleyway. you decide to check it out, keeping your guard up of course you weren’t stupid.
when you made it to the alley way you were met with uncomfortable silence.
it felt like the roars of cars driving by and the sounds of children playing had stopped completely.
you despised this silence and wanted it to stop, a shuffle could be heard from behind you.
you got into a fighting stance and surveyed your surroundings, next thing you know you were bound by something you couldn’t quite see yet.
your vision began to become clear and you saw that you were tied up with rope coming out of a man’s wrist.
it wasn’t normal rope, it felt like it could chop you in half.
you were bound from your ankles, arms, and waist your mouth was covered as well.
“now hero..your gonna do what I say, or else this rope will go right through you.”
he began explaining his quirk to you.
“it’s a type of rope that can only be used with my quirk, so it basically feels like metal.”
“it’s coated with a poison that will make anyone who comes in contact with it body try hard to stay alive through any injury.”
“so you’ll die a slow, agonizing death.”
the more you struggled the tighter he made the rope around your waist.
“what I want…is keys to every hero agency in this town.”
you laughed through your rope constricting your mouth.
“hero name where are you?”
you heard from not far away
kirishima and bakugou turned the corner and saw the scene, their eyes widened as they got into a fighting stance.
bakugou: let go of him you ugly bastard!
villain: I wouldn’t step any closer, I could rip his organs in half right now if I wanted to..
you were flipped upside down and the rope around your waist started to tighten tighter than before
you grunted and yelled out in pain only for it to be muffled by the rope on your mouth
kirishima: hero name we’re coming, get your hands off him!
bakugou begins to fight the villain with his explosions while kirishima cuts you free with his hardening.
kirishima catches you before you fall while bakugou restrains the villain and tells civilians to call the police to take him into custody.
kirishima: hey yn are you okay.!
bakugou rushes over to see you
yn: I should be okay, my mngh..stomach hurts..
you were met with kisses from your fiancés and kissed back, you were taken to the hospital for a check up while sadly your fiancés had to finish their patrol
you were home by 6pm and came home to a nice dinner and affection!
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