#AND this episode ties into that later one about his dad bc of stuff i wont spoil....
thecoolertails · 1 year
how can anyone hate be cool scooby doo when s01e26 the people vs fred jones exists
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caffeiiine · 5 months
I read the tags on your Kunikida post… go ahead and explain, my liege
OKAY so probably going into detail about how kunikida can be considered passively suicidal since i have the most coherent thoughts on that aand warnings for stuff of that nature under the cut :D + length
[also small disclaimer, i have been procrastinating reading dazais entrance exam and so far have only seen the anime adaptation which apparently left a ton of stuff out so feel free to correct me on inaccurate details and/or missed examples or just downright incorrect information]
[note: idk if passive is the correct term bc i was thinking about it and hes not exactly like oh i hope this kills me yk, so whatever that term is lmk <3]
This stuff also sorta ties in with his ideals and their potential self destructive-ness. they tend to cause him to either negligently often risk his life with there being an apparent “other way”, or just outright risk his life with barely a second thought for his ideals.
so kunikida has very strong morals and that’s the core of his character. the main ideals referenced in the show being his infamous “ideal woman”, “how to make dazai ideal”, and the ideal that basically tells him to save people. [i forgot what that one is referred to as]. If we’re talking timeline wise i think one of the first examples of his ideals causing him to negligently risk his life would be in Dazais Entrance Exam, or The Azure Messenger arc if you’re an anime watcher.
First example off the top of my head in dazais entrance exam would be when him and Dazai first see the hostages, specifically the ones in the room
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after the gas came down dazai has to actually wrestle kunikida away from the room because otherwise hes gonna die. kunikida repeatedly shouts about how “people shouldn’t die like this”. This might be a bit of a tangent but later on in the episode he remarks how he “may as well ahev set the bomb off himself” when Dazai asks about Rokuzou’s dad, implying he blames himself for Rokuzou’s dad’s death. This is of itself isn’t enough for me to say “oh yeah he’s passively suicidal” so moving on to the main manga where there are several other instances of his tendencies to throw himself directly in harms way.
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[there may be examples before this i just skipped to chapter 40] and starting off strong we have the thing with Aya. This could be written up to circumstance but he had the opportunity to avoid death himself so im counting it. he’s basically hugging death. that’s all i have to say for this.
of course he ends up surviving it because of deus ex machina yosano. After the fact, Aya asks him what he would’ve done if Yosano wasn’t there. To which he replies basically he would’ve done the same thing he just did except died and basically would have been fine with the outcome as long as she didn’t die in front of him. [he would’ve been dead as well and not had to deal with the guilt] i should point out as well, he does this because of his ideals. he specifically cites his ideals around these parts usually. The not letting anybody die before his eyes is one of ideals and the most common one he uses.
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[im pulling that from the fact he had no backup plans or anything to actually stop the bomb aside from Yosano, since his words could imply he would’ve tried to save Aya. and the guy with the bombs was using the fact Kunikida holds his ideals very close to him, taht he wouldn’t have allowed Aya to die if he could’ve prevented it.]
aaand i think our last example and best example for tonight
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context for the scene: they’re in the getaway helicopter and tecchou is trying to take it down via his sword and Kunikida decides to take matters into his own hands and take down Tecchou. First off, HE DID NOT HAVE TO, CHUUYA IS RIGHT. THERE. HE LITERALLY SHOT TECCHOU WITH GRAVITY BULLETS EARLIER.
HE DID NOT HAVE TO RISK HIMSELF BUT HE DID. also additional context, in this arc and the previous arcs, he’s been faced with situation after situation where his ideals have failed him and he’s been unable to exercise them and save the people he thinks he should.
point being, he feels like complete shit! he probably is thinking like if he should do anything then, it should be he makes sure he gets his friends out of there. regardless of whether he’s dead or alive because he jumps out of the plane and full body tackles tecchou while being in direct contact with fucking chuuya.
chuuya “has to stay out of the fights and arcs half the time because he’s too good at his job” nakahara.
chuuya “just shot tecchou and did a decent job at keeping him back a few pages before” nakahara. you see my point.
oh and then he just attempts to blow the both of them up.
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he does not care for his life at all here. not one bit. also he did not need to blow the both of them up. he could’ve made a fucking stun gun or anything else that wouldn’t KILL the BOTH of them??
my whole point is he does not care for his life here and it’s gets worse the more you progress through the manga.
anyways anyways ending off, kunikida repeatedly puts his life in danger either for his ideals or neglectfully and/or without need. this has been a ramble. this man is not okay.
also kinda funny is he’s partners with dazai of all people, actively suicidal princess bungou himself. i really enjoy their differences and how similarly different they are.
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^ not actually related to anything but i almost started laughing so hard with my family in the room at this piece, junichiro looks so concerned
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haydanakin · 1 year
Can we please just fire Dave Filoni and Kathleen Kennedy now. I'm so tired of Padme and Naboo erasure. Both of them are important to Star Wars! And I hate the foreshadowing of the ST. The ST should've never happened at all. Screw JJ Abrams and Rian whatever his last name is.
ANYWAYS, the Jedi Order is reborn, and Luke is guiding the new Jedi. The New Republic has formed, and the galaxy is recovering from years of darkness from the Empire. What are sequels again? Idk. Sequels don't exist. I just see a new golden era in the galaxy.
If you're wondering, anon is responding to this post
Part I - Dave Filoni I will say Dave Filoni under the direction of George Lucas gave us amazing stuff-- Ahsoka Tano, Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse, expansion of Order 66, the Clone Wars themselves. But him on his own? Not so great.
Ahsoka's walkabout in s7 was boring, the two sisters had potential but blundered in the execution. The BadBatch arc in s7 featured super amazing Anakin, and I did like the whole 'rescue Echo' plot line, but the Bad Batch as a TV show… I have some criticisms of it.
I like the ' what happens to the Clones after the Empire forms? They've served their purpose-- are they still relevant?' story line. It would be a great one to explore with normal clones. In fact, following Cody around, a clone who did participate in Order 66 and had his mind taken over, would've been a novel experience.
Instead we get genetically enhanced clones who don't have programing chips cause they're special snowflakes and don't partake in Order 66 bc they're special. Getting to see their side of Order 66 really brought nothing-- it's the same as the Jedi. Why are the clones turning against the Jedi? No one knows! It's rinse and repeat watered down version of ROTS, and i'd much prefer watching that movie over the first two episodes of TBB.
I will also give credit-- Dave Filoni and Favereau gave me The Mandalorian. A side character who doesn't know he's the main character just trying to make his way in the larger GFFA. He's a normal guy with a job. Then new dad has to deal with his adopted kid having Wizard powers. ME Likey. It's similar to Andor in down to earth, not life and death, Jedi/Sith fate of the Galaxy type of thing. It's what normal life would've been like in GFFA.
Third season and some of second season haven't felt like that though. Din keeps meeting all these famous people that are tied of in the 'Fate of the Galaxy' --Bo Katan, Ahsoka, Boba Fett, Cad Bane, Luke fucking Skywalker-- instead of more normal people. I do appreciate the smallness of season 1-- we had Peli, and Omera, and Karga. Characters not known to the larger galaxy, but still important in their own right.
Part II- Female Characters
Star Wars has never appreciated or loved it's female characters with the exception of Princess Leia. Original Trilogy follows Luke-- male character, who with the help of an older male character, goes and finds another male character pilot to help them infiltrate a small moon space ship full of male characters.
There are exactly TWO female speaking characters in A New Hope and one gets kriffed off to 'enhance male pain'.
Now, by nature of the story, Padme Amidala get shafted before she was even ever named or created -- Luke was raised by his aunt and uncle so something must have happened to his mother. She is 'unknown mother' defined only relationship with her son and then later to her husband.
It's not until the Phantom Menace when she gets her own storyline, that is little to non effected by her relationship to Anakin. She's a queen who has someone invade her planet, and with the help of two Jedi and the Gungan People, saves the day.
Anakin helps of course, by first winning them enough credits to get off tattooine, and second by blowing up the control ship, but both situations could be solved without Anakin. He becomes the unnecessary character-- his introducution is so low-key you don't realize the story is about him until Revenge of the Sith. He's a supporting side character in both Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.
Both prequel movies that don't feature Anakin as protagonist or antagonist are hated by a large majority of SW fans, and usually because of the crime of not being perfect. Jar Jar Binks is just as annoying as C-3PO imo, but because the protagonist of TPM is Padme Amidala, the movie is hated, as opposed to ANH which features Luke.
Padme's fate was written before she even had a chance to exist, and therefore has no agency. I've seen others label her as weak, pointless, lame, because she dies of a broken heart, 'oh why didn't she live for her children' SHE DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE OKAY. George had already killed her by then, she can't live for her children when the author has decided otherwise. The nature of a prequel is it must narratively co-exist with the story already told. Padme must die or be removed from the picture so that Luke can be raised by his Aunt and Uncle. Anakin must fall to the Dark-Side so that he can be Darth Vader and do a heel-face turn at the end of ROTJ. the end has already been written. The beginning must fall in line.
Getting back on topic. Fathers are mentioned in The Mandalorian- which makes sense since it's about a Father and his Son. oh wait that's seems that's what Star Wars is about. Prequels were Anakin picking which father-figure he wanted to follow. Luke saving his Father. Din Djarin adopting a son with magic powers.
But Bo-Katan mentions her father TWICE and her sister doesn't even get a mention. Even though Bo was there at Satine's death, and the reason Bo left death watch and stood up to Maul. When Satine died, Mandalore split and fractured and any attempt of restoring mandalore just resulted in more fracturing and shattering.
In Obi-Wan Kenobi not mentioning Padme was criminal. The whole reason Anakin fell was to save her. Her daughter and son were featured prominently and her name didn't come up once besides two vague mentions.
SW needs to treat it's female characters better. Right now Leia is still the only one that's almost universally loved by the fans. Even Bo Katan has issues. By not acknowledging her past and mistakes and death watch , instead of making her a stronger character, the writers have made her weak. Making mistakes and learning from them and growing from them are what causes her to be relatable. So far, Mando S3 has been rushing her redemption process. They're having her reunite Mandalore, but she hasn't atoned or made up for her failings in the past.
It was her involvement in Death Watch that lead to her sisters death, and the writers essentially ignoring that and trying to hide it is lazy and the antithesis to character growth.
Part III - Disney's Anti- Prequel campaign.
The sequel trilogy… is problematic. While trying to emulate and give us the 'star wars' feeling again, all the films did was undermine the finale of the original trilogy.
What was Darth Vader's return to the light for if we're just going to bring back Palpatine? What was the point of Luke's rejection of the darkside and declaring himself a Jedi in the face of evil itself, if we're just going to have him become a hermit on a planet because he gave up? What was the point of the Alliance to Restore the Republic if we're just going to blow it up because it's corrupt?
The problem with trying to avoid the prequel trilogy is the sequel trilogy just became the prequel trilogy. Hear me out.
We have a corrupt Republic that is destroyed by an Empire. A Jedi student falls to the Dark Side and serves the Empire. A desert dwelling person with magical powers is told that they are the key to saving the galaxy. Am i talking about the Prequel Trilogy or the Sequel Trilogy?
The difference is the prequel trilogy was planned. From start to finish, no half baked retconning or switching directions (both original and sequel trilogies suffered from this) George Lucas had the entire prequels laid out. Their largest crime I believe is in writing/dialogue-- not the plot. It's complicated-- how does a republic turn into an empire? How does a Jedi Knight become a sith? How does the Jedi Order become extinct? Through War and Careful Planning. So while the prequels are not perfect, their world building brought much needed light and explanation to the Original Trilogy. It answered questions, but the answers were not what everyone liked.
They wanted the Republic to be conquered by an outside Empire, not for it to be one and the same. Fans wanted Anakin to be strong and heroic, and not a man who is crippled by self-doubt and his greatest failure is his greatest strength- his breath and depth of love.
The sequel trilogy should've been the struggle of not repeating the same mistakes. Of avoiding the past not repeating it. Of Luke not giving up and not becoming Obi-Wan. Of Han not becoming Qui-Gon Jinn or Ben Skywalker not becoming Darth Vader. Or Rey being her own self and not being Luke 2.0 aka finding out that her grandfather is evil just like Luke found out that his father was evil.
Star Wars is was the first to suffer from Disney's new nostalgia machine where live action play by play of beloved animated movies are created without souls; and sequels that are just the same story retold with the next generation. 'Happily Ever After The End' no longer exists, the hope of a happy ending destroyed with the next sequel announcement. Where does it end Disney? When you've wrung the last love and enjoyment out of your original titles? When consumers no longer go to the movies to see your new Frankenstein movie? When catering Fan Service is no longer profitable?
Disney's addiction to sequels and reboots found it's first home in Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and continues in the rest of the Star Wars universe. What is Boba Fett if not a sequel to Mandalorian? What is Ahsoka if not a sequel to Rebels? What is Obi-Wan Kenobi if not a sequel to the Prequel Trilogy? What is Andor if not a prequel to Rogue one?
The Mandalorian didn't start out that way. Was it in the same universe? yes and so by nature it makes it a sequel. But there were new original characters and an original story. Now it's become a sequel and a prequel; the connecting link instead of a stand alone.
So yes anon, Padme and Satine deserve better. But you know what? We deserve better too.
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whenyoulosesmallmind · 11 months
the more i go over this drama, the more i am amazed at how theatrical it looks; as i said before, the camera work is very simple, may it be because it was 1969, may it be because it was made for tv, maybe it was even a conscious choice - but! the camera movements are so fluid in the way they follow the actors, focusing on the character's emotions and body language or distancing itself from the action to include thematics particulars from the set and give the scene more breath - im enamoured with how the kitchen scene with alyosha, ivan, smerdyakov and fyodor in the second episode is shot; first, the scene is set with a larger shot where grigory and smerdyakov are setting the table and fyodor and ivan are eating - might i add, giving ivan a cigar to smoke in this scene was chef kiss - then alyosha comes in and as the discussion progresses into more heavier themes the camera pans nervously from smerdyakov to ivan, the frame getting closer still, until it settles unto smerdyakov as he maniacally empasises his final points.
it seems like nothing, but i love this production's earnestness.
some more sparse notes:
absolutely mad props to the costume department; it's not exactly period accurate, but it's just so fitting - ivan's cunty coat he wears meeting with father zosima needs his own separate analysis post
i don't remember if this happens also in the original text - i will check - but even if in italian there's a semantic distinction between the kinds of "i love yous", "ti voglio bene" for familial/platonic love and "ti amo" for the romantic kind, for the adaptation is mantained the latter for every instance and it is making me insane and i need time to elaborate
speaking of semantic decisions, i don't know if it was more commonly used at the time, but they refer to grusha as "la grushenka" and the brothers call fyodor "babbo" instead than "papà" and it's so funny bcs putting the article before female names and referring to ones father as "babbo" are notorius quirks of the tuscanian dialect so-- the karamazovs have become tuscanians
also, "babbo" is used as a way of saying "dad" only in tuscany - and maybe other central/southern italian regions? idk i can only speak for tuscany - bcs in other dialects "babbo" is used as a synonim for "idiot/dumb". lmao
im not hundred percent sold on carla gravina as katerina, she has a bit more of a... manic? feel that i got from the katya from the book, more nervous, but we'll see, i wasn't completely sold on corrado pani as dmitrij as well initially and now im respectfully biting him, so -- though i loved her close up when she's calling dmitrij "villainous". v nice
that said, lea massari absolutely owned the hand kiss scene and i have no words to describe my emotions
another aside about corrado pani, his decision to play dmitrij just cuntily leaning on stuff and get into peoples' faces when he's talking to them was something i wasnt expecting to be so into but here i am
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literally no one's doing it like him. later in this scene he asks alyosha if he was falling asleep while he was recounting his military adventures
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 7-8
(The time brothers and vermillion warriors joking and goofing up)
Wu (tied up as a prisoner):😐
I love how ppl recognize Nya as a part of the team now
Acronix: Im posting this on instabook.
Krux: Why must you ruin every moment with your devices!!!
theyre just like my family fr
Zane: My temporal scanner was damaged during our fight with the vermillion warriors
Jay: (giggles)
Zane: I dont see what you find funny Jay 🤨
Jay: I still think ‘vermillion warriors’ is a stupid name-
Kai, I get that your dad MADE that helmet but that thing is so clunky and huge like just put it down for a second my guy 😭
Lloyd: Wait, what’ll I use to get to the museum
Misako: Well, I WAS saving this for your birthday…
(Shows a whole ass ship)
where TF are these old parents getting these goddamn military weapon rides 😭💀
Its so fucking funny bc Misako was like ‘no, i shouldnt tell you, Wu made me promise.’ And Lloyd says one sentence and suddenly shes spilling everything
I love how excited Zane looks here.
The Ninja aren’t fazed at the fact that Wus aging AT ALL 😭
Kai: Youre soooo fixated on your samurai x suit 🙄
Nya: Says the guy carrying around the snake warriors helmet 🤨
Love when they act like siblings
Tell your sister Kai she deserves to know
Kai: Do you know who this stamp belongs to?
Nya: No…
Kai: Our father.
Zane how are you NOT worried that Pixals still offline, like shouldnt you be freaking out 😭
He seemed to nonchalantly happy too
Like he was too excited being in Lloyds destinys shadow ship to be worried 💀
Does Lloyd even have a drivers license-
Kai: A blacksmith puts a mark on everything he makes. And our fathers mark is on every vermillion warriors helmet.
This is making me sad.
Wait, Kai doesn’t think his parents are alive? He thinks they USED to work for the hands of time.
Nya, girl, I love you but this IS concrete proof of your parents being traitors. Like, yes, its explained later that theyre not. But Kai IS making total sense and hes allowed to be angry about it 😭
Nya: Kai, that makes no sense!
Kai: (slamming his fists against the machinery)
(Whirs to life)
Nya: Whatd you know! Thought that only worked in cartoons haha…
Jay: All this stuff is junk! (Throwing around artifacts trying to look for a secret door)
Zane: (losing his shit by running after Jay and trying his best to keep all the museum artifacts safe)
Jay: (notices Zanes running after him)
Jay: (picks up a pot, jumps back in forth and watches Zane follow him, throws it purposefully to break it)
Zane: AAAAAA (catches it)
Jays such a little shit 💀
I love how much spotlight Nya and Kai are getting this season :)
Ohhhhh, i get it, the episode name is ‘secrets discovered’ because they all discover secrets…
I already know samurai x is pixal but I wanna know if Nya figures that out this episode
Honestly, this isnt that shocking since we, the audience, already knew half these ‘secrets’
the most exciting discovery is probably Nya and the theif behind her samurai suit
Its finally confirmed.
Pixals such a fucking character i love her sm
Pixal (modifying her voice and changing it to sound like other people to throw off Nya): Maybe im ronin… or maybe Dareth???
This scene literally registered Pixal as a favorite character of mine.
Nya: Good moves, but thats takes you being Dareth out of the question.
Pixal (changing to Misakos voice): Your right, maybe im Misako?
Nya: LIAR.
Pixal: Or maybe im Garmadon, he always did have a nasty side.
You cant tell me Pixal is not having the time of her life toying with Nya.
Zane (in the time brothers secret lab): Whats weird is that theres no computers or modern equipment…
I wonder why.
They found the secret tunnel!!! Itll be so funny if they find the hands of times secret hideout when the time brothers themselves couldnt find it one time
Kai: Theres only ONE person who can understand what Im going through…
Im genuinely curious who the hell else has an evil parent other than Lloyd and even then Garmadons not really evil.
Pixal (using Nyas voice): I cant tell you my identity! I hide it to protect the innocent, my friends and allies would be at risk if my enemies knew who I really was. You were me once YOU KNEW THIS!!!
Yeah… and when Kai learned Nya was samurai x NOTHING BAD HAPPENED.
Nya isnt gonna tell the enemies who u are, like what??????
Nya: Whoever you are, you have proven you are worthy of having my samurai x suit :).
Pixal (in nyas voice): thank you :)
Nya: but stop using my voice. Its creepy.
I fr didnt get why some people shipped Pixal and Nya until I watched this episode, they have such strong chemistry, especially in understanding each other.
Nya: Also, reds my thing, you gotta find a new color…. Skylor 😏
Pixal (using skylor voice): A girls gotta have her secrets…
Honestly, pixal is so much better than me if I were her id be laughing my ass off in front of nya, tears and everything.
I cant believe Jay and Cole just ambushed and pummeled Scales and scales junior 😭 not to mention they kept beating them even when they weren’t fighting back until Lloyd put the lights on
The ninja are probably like the corrupted police to the serpentine
Scales: And this is my son, scales junior
Jay: Ha! How long did it take you to come up with that imaginative name???
Dude 😭 srsly?????? Not even an apology for beating up a kid like cmon
Scales Jr.: Out of my way, BLUE BOY. (Shoves jay)
Jay: Why are you looking for the vermillion warriors???? Trying to JOIN THEM????
Jay just stfu lay off them pls 💀
Scales: You don’t know what your dealing with, do you? The vermillion warriors are the pure first generation progeny of the great devourer….
THANK YOU SCALES. guess that answers the question of what the vermillion warriors are
I like to think Lloyd visits the serpentine here and there since he did control them in season 1. He had to have had made a few connections with some
Jay: Sorry if i uh, jumped to conclusions junior, haha…
Jay: I kinda like that kid!
Jay: Haha! Now I KNOW I like him.
Kai: Its just so, shocking. To find our your father, someone you idolized your entire life, turns put to be evil… It makes you question everything you know and are…
Kais really going through it huh. like damn
Nya: I figured out who samurai x is!!! Its skylor!!!
Skylor: Am I now? I had no idea… does that mean I get that cool suit?
Love skylor
I am so attracted to her
Kai: Nya… Our parents are alive.
Howd you figure that one out kai 😐
Skylors so right tho, they arent their parents legacies.
Nya: Lloyd found Krux and Acronixs secret base!!!
Kai: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!
Skylor: Wait! If you guys need any hel-
Nya: To-go bags? No thanks.
Skylor: ….
Skylor: I guess good quality noodles is all im good for…
If Skylor remembered skybound she probably wouldn’t feel this way ☹️
Im so pumped I cant wait for Nya and Kai to see their parents
Lloyd: And if we execute this perfectly… we should be able to save everyone.
Yeah we have 2 more episodes I highly doubt that
Lloyd: No pressure, but all of ninjago is depending on us.
Yeah. No pressure
Damn. Wu really has some issues.
I love how we delve deeper into Wus fears and insecurities this season
It makes you realize hes just human
I also hope Wu realizes hes made a lot more mistakes than he lets on
Wus nightmare Morro: Youve made many mistakes master… many.
“You didnt have to do all this alone, we could have helped you.”
“Just ask for help.”
“You dont have to be alone.”
“You arrogance has left you alone.”
Damn, we’re really going deep into Wus character huh
Zane mission: locate cyrus borg
Jay and Coles mission: rescue the workers
Lloyds mission: save master wu
Nya and Kai’s mission: locating krux and acronix
Fuck yeah lets gooooo
Zanes acting like those guys who dont know wtf to do when their gf leaves for the weekend 😭 like bro do things yourself you dont need Pixal to do everything for you
Wooo lets go bruise team
Jay (whispering as he slips with he grappling hook): Not good not good not good not good 😰
Ohhhh i forgot that the time brothers kidnapped all the blacksmiths in ninjago
Jay: shhhh we’re here to rescue you- AGHH (gets jumped)
Karloff- Karloff. You’re choking him 😭
Cole: DAD?!?!?
Is airjitzu a thing in newer episodes?
Krux is such an idiot
I feel so had for cyrus borg 🥲 hes trying his best to sabotage them but is always getting caught
Why is borg always kidnapped by villains, give my man a break 😭
Zane sounds so hopeless :(
Why is Lloyd so aggressive 💀 his first move is always a high double kick to the gut and he's ALWAYS the first to swing
Jay. I get that you can't airjitzu karloff out but to say the whole plan it a bust is just stupid. COLE HAS SUPER STRENGTH.
Sometimes ninjago has the stupidest plotholes
Jay: Does anyone know how to independently power a 200-foot industrial-grade carbon elevator in three minutes!!!?!?!!!!
Blacksmiths: ...
Cole: ... I was thinking ladder.
Can Kai stop keeping Nya in the dark-
Like dude just tell her your looking for your parents
God this scene is actually so good though
Kai's father: Your red like a vermillion warrior, but you are no snake...
Kai: I’m not, but you are, TRAITOR.
He must feel so heartbroken right now ☹️
Same for Ray (I think that's his dads name)
Kai: (hands light on fire)
Nya: (extinguishes it)
Idk why but that was such a sibling thing to do
It's like when your sibling is trying to do something and you slap their hand to stop them
At least Nyas being smart about this
Jay: (shakes the ladder)
(ladder collapses)
Can Wu stop almost dying from tall heights
It's safe to say they're not escaping stealthy anymore
Lloyd: Safe... Your finally sa- (has the gut kick happen to him and falls into a ditch)
Can he PLEASE catch a break
Kai's a mommas boy 🥹
Ohhhh I forgot that their parents made the time blades!!!! That's so cool
Ohhh so they kidnapped them as revenge. Got it
Love Ray explaining everything for us.
God it must have killed them to be taken from their children
This is actually so traumatic
I need a fanfic of Kai learning how to take care of his sister at such a young age asap
The thing is, little Kai doesn’t even look as old as Lloyd did in season 1. And Lloyd was like, 10.
Can you imagine this 6 year old having to learn how to cook and clean the house.
Also i cant get enough of little freckled Kai he is too precious to me
Damn. Both Zane AND lloyd failed at their missions
Zane: I sense Jay and Cole nearby!
Lloyd: You sure?
Zane: Yeah, pretty sure.
I love Jays signature nervous laugh :)
Man, EVERYONES failing their missions
Ray: If the time brothers know you're the key to the last time blade then-
Krux: We’ll force you to retrieve it? Great idea!!
Everythings going to shit
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constellaj · 3 years
Can you please talk more about your very cool valerie and cujo concept ? Because honestly that's such a big brain take. I almost always see danny having cujo as a companion but never valerie. Is she going to ride cujo into battles instead of using the hoverboard ?
in the reboot valerie has actually been fighting ghosts for a WHILE now. actually the audience finds out at the same time danny finds out-- when hes miles high in the sky going after a ghost and this RANDO comes outta nowhere. hold on i have some super rough sketches i did the other day for these bits
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the "red huntress" is, according to her, Amity Parks *ONLY* ghost-busting superhero, and amity doesn't need another one;
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at school of course danny is complaining about this rando getting on his case (he has no idea who she is) and hes rambling and yelling like "who does she think she IS??? i'm the SUPERHERO AROUND HERE" and sam just blankfacedly goes "dude, shes been superheroing for longer than you." tucker/sam pull up an article on valerie and her stunts from a while ago (altho shes of course just a "mysterious figure" and is more often than not cited as a cryptid, because at this point in the story ghosts are still largely a superstition in amity park) (to elaborate a little, my amity park isnt haunted primarily because of the fenton portal, but it just happens to be a ghost hotspot; val has been fending off ghosts for a couple years now)
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at the same time theres also parallels between val/danny regarding the superheroing thing, eg val's dad would think its a waste of her time or too dangerous, etc. the above panel isnt like a final concept but i think it would be rly neat/funny if val also had a friend or two who was the sam/tucker to her secret identity (cant have it be paulina or dash tho bc reasons)
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val brings cujo with her everywhere and he just sits in her backpack and he looks. real dumb. and causes so many problems.
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danny is never gonna figure out her secret identity btw and she’ll never figure out his i just like it more that way (well except for the big plot twist/finale-ish episode but thats besides the point)
ANYWAY backstory ive rambled long enough as is dancing around the point UHHHHHHHHHHHH
cujo is valerie’s dog. also a halfa
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(old art, no longer final)
val has had cujo since before he was a ghost he is just a very excitable lil pubby and she loves him very much
BASICALLY wulf (who is more of a typical wolf/dog and way more malicious) opened up a portal directly ON cujo a couple years ago as an attack
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(last one is old art)
but because of how danny phantom rules are, this turned cujo into a halfa instead of outright killing him. this whole Incident(TM) of course gave val an anti-ghost vendetta in 0 seconds flat and now shes got it out for every ghost in amity, wulf especially. after getting over the terror that is your puppy now being able to shapeshift into a MASSIVE GLOWING GREEN DOG, she learned how to train cujo to use his ghostly abilities to their advantage so they can protect amity park better! in ‘normal form’ cujo still looks like a completely average dog (and has more difficulty flying etc without specific commands) so its not really suspicious
valerie hand-made everything else she uses to fight ghosts, including the costume and whatever weapons she has (I still haven’t decided on a signature weapon)-- no hoverboard at all (yet. seasons progress), instead, yes, she rides Cujo into battle! with a few whistles/commands she can have him fly, turn intangible, etc, helping them stay in pursuit of anything that dares attack amity park
i really wanted to keep cujo tied with valerie bc it felt weird to me that he was only used in getting val her powers and then just. didnt come up again (i know the afterlife “moving on” bit was implied but. youd think val would at least adopt a dog later or something). and i also really wanted to cut out vlad giving val her stuff and instead give her her own agency- she is a black belt, after all. so this is the final concept, and man am i pleased w it :)
she still hates danny and they end up being like absolute rivals and she doesnt trust a ghost as far as she can throw it but it becomes more of a bickering-over-how-to-save-the-day one than her directly trying to kill him (until he fucks up, majorly, and even then danny also gets on HER nerves intentionally because, hello, he’s the GHOST EXPERT here). and of course of course the ending of the red huntress DEBUT episode is 100% them having to set aside their differences and work together to defeat Wulf and his owner
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prydon · 3 years
hiii id love to hear some thoughts about fantasy high!! (fav character or moment or anything like that) <3
thank you anon!! <3 be prepared for a ramble haha
well first of all, i have to say that i (like many people) originally came across fantasy high through that compilation video of gorgug asking if people are his dad, and i literally watched it three times and almost cried laughing at it but for some reason didn't think "maybe i should watch the series this is from" lmaoo. only decided to do that randomly like three months later bc i wanted something to listen to while i drew. and i'm very glad i did!!
my favorite character is probably fig, though fabian is a close second bc lou is just so damn funny and likeable. also (VAGUE S2 SPOILERS) ayda is my favorite npc in the series and honestly probably my favorite in any d&d series in general, tied with lup from taz. the scene with her nightmare at the end of s2 literally makes me cry every time i see it, especially the line about all the times she didn't understand something and nobody explained it to her.
another favorite moment would have to be... literally everything with the high elves and telemaine. idk why but the completely earnest mispronunciation of totally normal words is apparently exactly my sense of humor and i'm now gonna go watch that video again to earn some serotonin.
ANYWAY this reminds me i need to get back to watching more dimension 20, i've also watched season one of the unsleeping city and the first episodes of a couple of their other series and really liked them but my brain hasn't been letting me finish them.
also general psa to my followers to watch fantasy high/dimension 20, their stuff is genuinely some of the funniest and most heartstring-pulling d&d content i've ever seen. i'll go ahead and include the video that got me into it here--it does include spoilers for a minor subplot but i think it's worth it to watch and see if the show's style/humor might appeal to you, and if it does i definitely recommend giving the series a try.
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sparklyicecube · 3 years
Scorching Romance
Why you should read it: a review? Suggestion? Anyways.
Name: Scorching Romance
Status: Completed!!!
Length: 90episodes (pretty long but it’s worth it I swear)
Genre: Highschool romance
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Quick summary:
‘Cursed girl who is constantly hot meets cursed boy who is constantly cold.’
Ok so:
Despite the ‘cursed’ parts we honestly don’t have magic running rampant in this place besides the fact that our two main characters genuinely feel really hot and cold to the point that Ember (the girl and hot one) can heat stuff up and give burns with body temperature, but mostly it is set in our normal universe. The start of the whole thing is pretty slow-paced with me not really that invested, but not turned off by anything. It gets reaaally action packed eventually and I nearly cried ahahahah.
The author is genius. The characters are honestly not one-dimensional, no matter what the story tries to trick you into believing, and the best part is that they introduce sooooo many characters in but by the time the story ends, there are virtually no loose ends and you are invested in all their stories. They don’t take advantage of misunderstanding nearly as much as they could realistically actually do and it will make you squeal!
I would say the overall theme of the entire thing is forgiveness and owning up. The amount of times someone said sorry for doing something awful and I genuinely believed them, because that ‘sorry’ just held all that weight.
Ten outta ten would recommend!!!
Spoilers from this point on! (I rant about my feelings on it down here)
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I loved the dynamic between them and I love how they ended up being really truthful to each other and Aspen didn’t lie even though he thought about it :...) they’re so sweeeet
I looked at the chapter number when their curses broke the first time and was like waiiiiit. I then also wondered whether the rest would be just fluff scenes (not that I’m complaining) but the author really said “BUCKLE UP IT GONNA GET SERIOUS”
The author put so many references to little things that happened and tied everything together so nicely??? Also Trevor, idk when I started rooting for you but you were real. You and Moxie should get together. (You will never make it as a kpop idol because your bullying scandals) 
I think overall, I really liked how it all came together and ended?? They even had that Rocky dude go with someone else??
The forgiveness/repenting aspect of the entire thing was really amazing. Aspen kept saying ‘sorry’ for so much at the start and throughout, yeah he was genuine but he was also overusing it. Later on, ‘sorry’ became such a powerful word that was used in such serious cases, like when Harry’s grandma cursed Ember or when Monica burned the place down.
Can we talk about Harry???
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At the start, even though I knew that it was Aspen and Ember I was like ‘does Harry sorta like Aspen though?’ and low-key shipped it but then he said ‘he’s too good for you’ and there was the whole “I DO NOT LIKE ASPEN” when being bothered by Ember and I think that is actually really sweet. We never get the answer to why he sticks with Ember, well, at least not explicitly, but we definitely know why. 
1. He and Ember were childhood friends, he saw her deteriorate to such a serious state and is willing to stick with her because they’re friends (serious state being both her heat and her temper as he sees how she did actually attempt to be nice to people only to be backstabbed)
2. She’s been there for him when very few people have. When Aunt Monica left him Ember was right next to him, that makes them very close and also feel like they’ve been through a lot, and so are willing to stick to each other more.
Harry not having any romantic interests in Ember or Aspen just makes him so much more appealing, he teases them, is there for them, and we can see how amazing he is and without having any romantic unerlying agendas! Love fuels a lot of stuff in this manhwa but so does platonic love and I love that for him. I also don’t think Megan deserves him, because she is too immature and honestly, still hasn’t figured out love yet. (Especially with the ‘buying him ice cream was worth it’) like GURL have you SEEN his HOUSE he does not need a sugar parent. Even until the end she eats ice cream with him, which just shows she can’t open up to him and she was honestly pretty childish thoughout the whole thing. Either way I love how the author baited us several times with Harry for us all to be like ‘Could it be??’ and then ‘I knew it.”
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I love how the whole thing played out to be honest. At the start, I didn’t like Ember’s attitude, or Aspen’s attitude but they both grew so much as people and their character growth through was just so amazing! You could see so many parallel’s where Aspen stands up for himself, where Ember is more restained, it’s *chef’s kiss* amazing!
One of the best bits was when Aspen couldn’t bring himself to lie to Ember, which was what I feared. It seemed like the worst misunderstanding ever but Aspen managed to trust Ember enough and vice versa, showing how far they’ve come. The two of them are now able to banter and converse freely, which both of them trusting in their love and relationship so much! 
Aspen trusting Ember was the bit thing I think, if he couldn’t trust Ember they would keep having these issues, but Ember had grown to be more trustworthy and Aspen had grown to be stronger and have better self-confidence.
At episode 64 or smth where Ember’s curse broke and I thought ‘are they going to have another 30 chapters of just fluff?” (not that I’m complaining), and they didn’t, but the fluff they did have was so cute!!! Also when Ember collasped and hugged Aspen after ‘faking’ a relaspe *sobs* it was so cute :.)
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This next part will be a collection of little observations I found (there are probably still more) that I though were super cool!
1) Aunt Monica’s cigareete. We see her throw it as a little thing like a (I’m leaving/I’m outta here) thing when we first find out that she was Harry’s aunt, then we later find out that Harry’s grandma cursed Ember because of a fire from a cigarette butt from him. At that point no one realises what happened yet. Then she has an epiphany when some person from some car throws at her when it’s all dramatic (I thought that was Lucifer or someone going to burn her originally but it was just a random person) and then we find out it was all her! We even find out that the fire happened on the day of her leaving and no one realised! Anyways...
2) Hypnosis. Monica says in her little ‘angels club’ thing that they must wear sunglasses all of the time lest they hypnotise people. I read that, realised that Lucifer was from there, then went ‘wait a second...’ because Lucifer hypnotised Moxie!!! Several times!!! Cool easter egg I love
3) Remembering things. Aspen didn’t remember Monica from when he was so young, only his mom did, because Aspen was 1. Young and 2. Monica didn’t have much of an impression on him. I like it when author’s decide how much people can remember because let’s face it, even when we’re not children we don’t remember what we ate yesterday morning. Also, Ember not remembering that Monica told Harry to think of her as his mom. Same logic, Ember was young and it had waaaay more of an impact on Harry than anything. More than that, Monica left the next day and it would seem like an irrelevant detail technically.
4) Names. I love how they actually tied in names with meanings, it made it so easy to remember the names and it also made it not really weird and obvious (I’m looking at you J.K. Rowling) but integral to the story. One could predict what role they had in the story by their name. Rocky’s name particularly threw me off a bit, because I could tell it was based off the ‘Rocky mountains’ but was unsure of whether that was related to ‘cold water’ and just decided that it was, but it wasn’t as Aspen’s. Making him just ‘water’ was really nice because it gave us reason as to why Ember seemed to be helped by him but also make him just out of the picture as well.
5) The ice storage. Making the bodyguards faint and be cold too, especially wen they didn’t really coma (or at least, the second one) because we knew you had to go in involuntarily to no be in coma, very good detail.
6) Aspen still having the misunderstanding that Ember was up on that roof saving him to this day because it was never disputed. Ever.
There are totally loads more than that but I need to re-read it a few more times to spot them I suppose!
I think the only hing I want more content of in the whole thing is from Aspen’s dad. His guilt after what he heard his son and wife went through, his bonding with Aspen, him and his family, I feel like that was the only thing that was left unfinished and that I’d want to see more of. 
Finishing it off with a- how are you reading this part??? You must really like reading me ramble. Anyway, that might or might not be all from me on Scorhing Romance, I’ve been getting into manhwas lately and especially finished ones (bcs duh) so these rants might come in a bit more frequently but who knows.
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crockettmarcel · 3 years
i think the reason why Sarah and Joey’s relationship felt so forced compared to everyone else’s is that,,, it had no specific start. we saw them on the roof together (splenda scene), and then later Sarah tried to ask Joey if he wanted to have coffee with her, but we don’t know when they started seeing each other
there were no real feelings that their relationship was based on - they had one weird interaction and then suddenly a couple of episodes later they were dating?
and then to make it worse, we never saw them doing anything together. we’d occasionally see them on their way into work together, and they’d interact at med, but there was nothing domestic. we never saw them at each other’s apartments or on dates or anything like that (except for at the end of 1x08 when Sarah took Joey to Promontory Point after seeing it in his dating profile)
meanwhile, for literally every other relationship, we’ve seen some sort of domesticity
waking up together
spending time at her house and looking after Owen together
going on dates
sex in the hospital (i hate being reminded of that but we move)
Nat falling asleep on Will’s shoulder after a long shift
and ofc all the wedding stuff
looking after his son together
making plans to renovate his house
going to a party together
Tate being thoughtful enough to buy April supportive insoles for her shoes bc she’s on her feet all day
Tate being with her while she was in isolation bc of her TB
him going with her to her OB appointments
running the marathon together
moving in with each other
Nina sleeping in his Blackhawks jersey (we didn’t see it, but Nina talked to Nat about ti)
going to Molly’s together
arriving at work together
kissing under the “mistletoe” in the supply closet
their first kiss at Noah’s graduation party
April moving in with him
(I’m gonna be honest,, their relationship wasn’t great)
Ethan confiding in April about his sister
I’m pretty sure they cooked for each other
the two of them helping Emily with Vincent
planning on starting a family together <3 (we’re not gonna talk about how things ended up tho lmao)
a lot of their relationship was centred around her being sick and him looking after her tbh (I think he did love her, but she was right to feel that she was just another one of his patients)
but we got scenes of them at his place, and even though they were focused on Robin’s illness, there was still a level of domesticity there
Connor fighting for her when Dr Charles admitted her to the psych ward
Connor helping her when she was trying to cook in the middle of the night
the two of them at home after she was discharged <3
them ordering the same coffee !!
Dr Charles eventually warming up to Connor
Connor did a good job looking after her but I think she wanted more to feel like he loved her rather than he was taking care of her (I know he can do both but,, idk how to word what I wanna say lmao)
the mug scene !! cute if it wasn’t them
their little talk about Connor’s coffee machine and Ava’s fish and then going out to dinner (even though she cancelled)
this relationship is only a few levels up from reesmas tbh,, doesn’t have much going for it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Ava going to events with him (even though there was that one that ended with Connor punching his dad)
that scene in her apartment with the red robe,, you know the one
Connor bringing Ava a bottle of wine? champagne? something alcoholic after the whole HIV incident
Connor worrying about her when she donated blood to that guy during a surgery
idk if their relationship really consisted of so little or if I just can’t remember it all
anyway they had slightly more to base a relationship off than reesmas (they went through that weird flirting stage that joey and sarah never experienced) but it’s still not much
they were flirting right from day one. like the connection was there straight away
they went through a lot together and they only fell more in love <3
Maggie feeling bad for Ben because he got the all clear but she was still having chemo and she didn’t want to ruin it for him
the two of them looking after Auggie together
going to Crockett’s party together!!!
everything about that measles plot,, yes she was making mistakes but it was because she loved him (she’s still a clown for it tho)
their wedding !!! the way she was stressing about everything but Ben took over and made it perfect for her
I want what they have
their relationship was so much shorter than Sarah and Joey’s but it was written well!! I don’t know what the writers were thinking with reesmas tbh
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tonyglowheart · 3 years
Trying to semi-organize my thoughts on what exactly I am wanting out of spn fic and hm let's see. If I remember this post in the future, I may update it as I think of/on things and use this for reference so I, also, don't forget lol
Okay so, wants/likes:
Cas prominent. He is my, as I believe the kpop kids say, bias, so he is kind of non-negotiable. Sorry I am just not interested in fics where he is not prominent
Destiel not required but a good plus. Slight preference for intricate courtship rituals over ones where they figure things out ridiculously easy, unless it is established relationship. If the revelation comes too quick and easy then I get taken out of the moment :')
Optional: Angels treating Cas like their baby brother :3 Cas can be somewhat put out by it or not. Actually maybe bonus if he IS, bc they are all angels of the lord and relative by rank and experience, And Yet [whoever] just cannot help but be *points* Baby
canonverse is plus. canon divergence is okay but idk how close to canon I'm looking for, if it's too close to an episode rewrite I may not be into that either
casefics are cool. If it's got that canon-typical vaguely racist sht then pls warn me going in 😔
Found family. Family don't end in blood!!! Spn may forget this but I never will!!!
Any exploration of the whole fucky destiel thematic dichotomies, the whole free will vs destiny shit, stuff like words of prophets are written on subway walls, like.. idk, something that is intricate-rituals-gay and also makes me think of the philosophy of thehuman condition
corollary: slow burns ig?? or like mutual pining? canon typical thinking they are not worthy or that it is something they cannot have? canon typical did not realize until later but even then they have their individual canon-typical reasons for not acting on it, until they do bc it's fic so they can get together for realsies?
trope: Cas and/or Destiel being parents. I read one recently where it was like single dad Cas (to Claire and Jack) and then Dean came (back) into his life recently and I rly liked it
AUs are fine but highly subject to mood so we'll see. I did read a Star Trek-y AU I liked
I'm down for a lot of various other kinds of plot tropes and stuff, tho I want stuff that's more character and plot and less, like, pwp or fuck or die or that kinda thing
trope: curses maybe? I've found a couple curse-focused fics which were interesting
trope: Hurt/Comfort of the Cas whump kind but not necessarily have to be just Cas. But like.. u know when Uriel is beating him up and he looks all bloody and beautiful, or when he flexes his sexy angel powers and transports the Winchesters to the past but then collapses bc he overtaxed himself, or when he had that blanket on when he was suffering from the attack dog spell.... yeah,,,
trope: Anything with like the Winchesters caring about and caring for Cas. I just rly like Cas being taken care of :') pls wrap him in a blanket and pat his shoulder brusque-softly in ur emotionally repressed way Dean
bottom line my emphasis tends to be more on character and plot. I can't do plot without character, the relationships - whether ship or gen - are important to my enjoyment of a fic. I can sit thru a lot if the characters/character dynamics are good and chewy lmao like u can rly sink ur teeth into it
Bonus features:
eldritch horror angels are a bonus. Give me unfathomable trueform angels, I feel like I don't see that enough
wings* but.... caveat I like my spn wings more metaphysical than literal unless they're literal for a point, but this isn't set in stone either. I'm just... slightly tired of the physicality of the wings I guess. Like it's not the physicality that's the issue, ig, but when it's not treated as metaphysical (as well)
wouldn't mind some good endverse fics to chew on altho that might also make me sad
Cas being cute, a la crazy!Cas (who is.... so soft.... his innocence.. *clutches chest*) or like when Cas and Dean went to talk to that police guy and Cas was like you tell them it's angels and demons warring and he will tell you what he knows, or when Cas was like I'm gonna become a hunter :3, or interrogating the cat, or this is his serious face, yes
Powerful af Cas?? I miss season 4/5 Cas, when he was powerful and self-assured and wasn't "mentally deficient puppy" as Metatron meanly put it Cas. I feel like we get less of that as the seasons go on... I miss Cas being powerful and exuding energy that I'm sure is what had ppl assigning him as top energy. Like yes flex ur sexy sexy angel powers pls. There's one ep where my notes just say "ANGEL SMITE ANGEL SMITE / HEAAALING." Season 6 Cas where he is more out of touch with humanity and more brusque was also intriguing even tho he was like that bc of extenuating circumstances. But him flexing his sexy angel powers sure was sexy
Do not wants :(
Endgame human!Cas. Sorry I like short-lived Cassidy am more into feathered Cas than human!Cas. endgame human!Cas just isn't a good solution/happy ending to me, I don't think Cas needs to change to be able to live happily, and also I like to chew on the like philosophical underpinnings of an immortal/mortal pairing if that does get called into question lol
Human AU* but like asterisk bc I will take human AU if the plot is compelling and/or the characterization still manages to capture that je nais se quoi of canonverse. If they are, like, middle age dads being domestic, as an example, tho, then I can probs do that, I just like.. have limited capacity for career-based AUs for the sake of it, if that makes sense... But character/character dynamics trumps all, like I said lmao.. I've sat thru scenarios/setups that lowkey dealt me psychic damage bc of the nature of the set dressing, bc I checked it out out of morbid curiosity but the way they did the characterization ended up working for me
A/B/O - I am not seeking A/B/O at the moment
Hurt no Comfort - it would make me too sad :(
fics that treat angels like literal physical feathered beings. Idk I just like... want the whole angel thing to be treated more metaphysically. They are multidimensional wavelengths of celestial intent in holy corporate/business attire visages but they are still very much multidimensional wavelengths of celestial intent the ballpark size of our Chrysler building. If the wings are treated too literally I find I start getting bored, ironically. This is ironic bc I'm a slut for wingfic. But with spn I find that a conventional kind of wingfic/angel conception where the wings are just limbs with maybe some slight handwaved dimension-shifting stowing is.. slightly passe for my tastes. Unless it's like a forced manifestation or sth. Just like.. get the metaphysics involved, tie it to angelic grace. Something. Make is racy. But not too racy, the whole wings-as-erogenous-zones thing I'm a bit over too, xenobiology to humans would just be biology to these beings, it doesn't make sense to me to be like "oh they have a tail and it's EXTRA sensitive," like are you suggesting your arm/armpit is an extra special species-typical erogenous zone too?
deaging unless it ties to some other kinda plotty deal somehow ig? Like... I got invested in this fandom for them as they are now I'm not too interesting in unseasoned nibling vers
this maybe goes with the human aus tho that's a slight asterisk but hard line no high school aus. pls I cannot take the psychic damage that would deal to me personal
I have no conclusion even tho I feel like I need one. here's wonderwall? ig I can stumble around looking for reclists and see if anything sticks out, trawling thru tags so far has been a mixed bag
Anyway haha lol, stand-up-style-tone I mean I'm not asking for a lot amirite. Just a nebulously specific set of intricate rituals wrapped around a plot and also found family or something, like you know, just a trifling
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magnumdays · 4 years
The Episode of Lost Opportunities AKA 2x16
SO I wrote this before watching the promo, then I did and now I know most of us are just FREAKING out about next week (and I’m freaking out the most because ummm they’remakingmyfanficintoanactual EPISODE!!! How does one deal with this????)  but if you want a break from freaking out, here are some thoughts on last night’s episode!
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So even though 2x16 was perfectly enjoyable, I’m going to have to officially re-name it “The Episode of Lost Opportunities” because there were so many plots and just tid-bits they could have done great things with.
So yeah not really a review today, instead I’m going to (in true Jenny Nicholson fashion) make a numbered list of things I think they should have added /done something with, in no particular order.
Miss nr. 1. Not having Higgy tease Magnum back with British pet names. I’m honestly devastated by this. Like what would a little sarcastic “come on luv” or a “Dearie, come here” from Juliet have cost them? The closest we got was Babe take our selfie.
Nr. 2. Not having Mr. Dorky Helpful But Cute guy ask Higgy out. I really thought this was where it was going with him being all “it’s just our second date, we met online” and yeah even though he looked about 12, it would have fit the episode. 
Plus they could have had Magnum standing to the side gesturing like “go for it” and her either saying yes or no and later her and Magnum having a little chat about it. The Yes with him being all “I convinced you to do it” proud and also mildly jealous. The No, with her being all “he’s a suspect” or “he went on a love bus tour!” or “I’m not ready, bc of the dead fiance, remember him?”
Nr. 3. Which takes us neatly to - drowned guy should be bringing up some feelings for Juliet as I’m fairly certain back in Day of The Viper they mention something about how Richard washed up on the shores of something-something (I mean obvs he was shot before but I’d still imagine some associations there).
Also her own almost drowning in 1x19 (even if this episode’s dude wasn’t drowned, it did seem so at first and he was still in the water). I just feel maybe there could have been some feelings here that our favorite duo actually talked about. Just a nice little call back to either one of those would have been great. One line! Is that too much to ask for?
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Nr. 4 on the list of missed opportunities is for me going to be Theresa (Teresa?). TC’s old flame. And this is a big one! 
I honestly would have loved it if they went with this - as in have him not be so damned noble and let the childhood sweetheart go. Like, why not have them actually try to make a go at it?
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Maybe she could have been there with just her boyfriend rather than husband to make it less of a thing and then maybe give it an episode or two and have them talk over the internet before she comes back and they get back together! Because why can’t anyone have a girlfriend? Like why do all of the guys need to be such lone wolves? 
I mean, I get it, because they are a family/brothers, but having even just one more minor female recurring would be interesting and would add dimension to the gang and characters!
Now this is like one of those random side plots that don’t really do much because in the end nothing has changed. Other than us learning a little more about TC, which is nice, but it doesn't seem like it will actually impact future episodes and didn’t really connect a whole lot with the episode. TC is just off getting closure to a relationship we never knew he needed closure for. Which means we’re not super invested.
I feel like this is a bit of a problem with the show in general. We get really nice and moving and character developing stuff for characters we haven’t been shown to need, as with Kumu last week and now TC. Rick and his dying “dad” Ice-Pick and even Shammie with his lying army buddy. Even Gordon and his son. Jin and his sisters and that’s why he steals.
These things could all have had 100 times more impact if they’d established these problems/ relationships earlier. Like if we had learned Kumu's husband had cheated on her and had a child with another woman (or maybe that Kumu is a bit sad she never had kids on her own) sometime before - over the past 30 episodes, wouldn’t last week’s episode, where she finally reaches out to the husband’s kid, would have been so much more emotionally satisfying? 
Same if Theresa had been mentioned as TC’s great love and maybe him being sad some episodes ago (or even back in 1x19 when his dad doesn't come to visit - that could have been about him seeing a post about her getting married and him being upset about it and connecting with Rick about that.) 
Like I get that maybe sometimes they just throw random things in there but at the same time why do they need to do that? Want to do that? Isn’t there someone keeping track of the big picture? Giving characters long running story arcs over a season or even multiple ones should be someone’s job. 
If it’s not, I volunteer! 
Seriously Lenkov I’m currently unemployed and totally up for it, just give me a call! I already know we think the same... (Marriage of Inconvenience). 
Nr. 5 Not having Gordon comment something on the fact that he’s been called to a murder scene on a Island Love tour bus site by his favorite PI duo. Like yeah they’d have told him why they were there but he still should have teased them about it! Like “What were you two doing here anyways? Something going on?” and both of them giving a horrified “NO!”.
Nr. 6 when the guy says “is he crazy?” after Magnum jumped into the waterfall pool thing, not having Higgy be all “Yes, he is”, then jumping in after him, was a huge miss. That would have been so funny and shown how much alike they are (even if Higgy will always be the sane one...)
Nr. 7. Not having Magnum and Higgins try to pretend to be together when the bus driver catches them. I mean come on! At least some more hand holding! Snuggling? I’m not saying to just kiss already okay maybe I am saying that.
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Nr. 8. Not one real Miggy moment in this episode? I mean lots of bickering and maybe for a moment with her being all “well done” when he tells the cheating a-hole he’s an idiot for having an affair. And if the camera had stayed on him for a few seconds more when they’re toasting at the end we know we’d have gotten a Mangum looks had Higgy soft heart eyes moment. But we didn’t. But other than that, not really much feel-y moments even if we got plenty of cute stuff.
Nr. 9.  Sandy and how they find out Sandy is the killer! Like what? She cut the bus’s fuel line  which makes no sense, she’d wouldn’t want to trap herself right?  Sandy if you’d just not cut the fuel line and stayed with the group, you’d have been taken back to civilization and no one would have figured you out! Or you should have left right away on car/4-wheeler you must have prepared for escape, not stayed around! You could have left down long before the cops got there or the autopsy revealed anything. Same for why does she give her knife to her date? Why not just throw the knife away? She’s in the jungle, big chance it will be found. Not.
And why kill someone in the middle of nowhere, making yourself one of the, like, 8 suspects? Like come on girl, for a hit woman you’re not that clever. Also if you had a gun, why strangle a guy 2x your size? That’s not a smart plan either. Just get a silencer and shoot the guy when he’s on his morning jog back in the city or something! I feel like the only reason they had her be the baddie was so Magnum/ Higgins could say “Shot through the heart” // “How is that for poetic” all dramatically after Gordon took her down.
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Problem nr. 10. Tied in with this I just think Sandy as the killer should have not happened. 
In fact, I think having the sweet loving wife as the killer would have been wonderful. 
It would have been a much better twist! Dead guy could have been poisoned (traditional how wive’s kill their husbands… just saying) and then he fell off the cliff. They could surely have found some weird clue to that, like maybe his throat is all swollen and stuff to make them think foul play and then when they’re moving the body towards the end, Magnum realizes it’s poison.
But Higgy stayed back with the ‘grieving’ asthmatic widow and oh no! Must rush back to save my one true love platonic partner. 
We could have had some sort emotional moment where the Wife got Higgy with a knife at her throat and is all “He was supposed to be my best friend, my partner, my everything and he did X” and Magnum being all “Well that woman you’re holding a knife to is my (best) friend, my partner and she didn’t do anything so please put the knife down!” Or something. 
I mean I know that sounds like I’m off in Miggy fanfiction land but honestly I think they could have made it work (this is hilarious when re-reading after watching next weeks trailer). She could have teased him about the best friend bit but then she could have been all soft, “Thomas. Thank you. I’m glad you're my friend.” And the episode could have ended with how love just never seems to end well for anyone which would have been way more on theme for the vibes in this episode (and frankly whole show because no one gets to have a romantic relationship for more than, like, 3 episodes).
Nr. 11. Higgins hair. Not putting it in the fluffy “Blood In the Water” style was a big miss because that hair made her look so freaking adorable. Just saying. I mean both my babies are always adorable I just love the poofy fluff hair from that ep!
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Anyways, those were my 11 missed opportunities for episode sixteen!
My fave bits were Magnum and Higgins fake couple thing at the start. Magnum being all like “While we’re up here we might as well take a selfie!” and then when talking to the old couple his, *I’m just gonna keep my hand here, on your waist! I’m real smooth* move. 
I enjoyed the fast action pack-ed-ness of the whole ep and the pretty Hawaii scenery we got. The more I watch Magnum PI the more I want to visit Hawaii (one day when there is no Corona, I’m much richer and 20h airplane rides are suddenly comfortable, I will!) and just enjoying all the amazing natural beauty and stuff.
The Rick and TC’s interactions were also highlights, I loved the whole “just pretend to walk by”. Like so middle-school yet so relatable because who hasn’t done that when we’re like, is that Lisa from second grade? And just we walked down the cat food aisle perusing cat food (when we most def. don’t have a cat), just to check if it is indeed Lisa.
Also this made me crack up so hard.
Magnum: Muffin? 
Higgy: Could you please not refer to me as a breakfast pastry.
That’s just so on point for Higgy I can’t even!
You guys agree with my missed opportunities? Or have any of your own for this or any other episodes?
(And who is desperately searching for a time machine to steal so it can be next week - right this minute!! LIKE!!! I’m still freaking out from the trailer.)
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asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E1
Okay, instead of making like massive reblogs of thoughts as I have them for the episodes, I’m gonna just make a massive bullet point list that I’ll add to throughout the episode, so you get One post per episode instead of “Like all nine million of them.”
I put Read-More’s because I care.
Thoughts (of which I have far too many):
I’m in the first ten seconds of the fuckin episode. Why the fuck is Braeden electrocuting Isaac? Like, look, I wanna like Braeden. I have issues with her entire moral system, but I still wanna like her cus’ she saves Isaac. But...how am I supposed to do that when the literal first thing she does is electrocute my boy??? He’s knocked out, not DEAD (not that that’s how shocking someone’s heart even Works) and it’s not like she needs to trigger the healing process. He’s already got Gaping slash wounds on his chest. He’s hurt enough. ALSO. “Be quiet”?? R U Serious? You’re electrocuting him. YOU try being quiet with fucking jumper cables on your chest.
The CGI...is so bad. Oh my god. What the absolute fuck. it looks like Sharkboy & Lavagirl. And why aren’t Ethan & Aiden’s claws doing anything to the bike?
I AM CONFUSION. If the twins don’t have to take their pants off to do the Transformers shit, why do they have to take off their shirts? Can...can I just skip that? Make the big bad werewolf wear an ugly hybrid of two of their stupid ass sweaters? Or do Ethan and Aiden really just like being shirtless that much? (I wouldn’t put it past them)
What is with Braeden and the electricity?
The writing in this show, what the fuck? “I thought I told you to hold on” EXCUSE ME, ma’am. He literally just passed out. His bad I guess.
Guess who has to add the anti-scott tag to this now? Anyway, I hate that Allison’s bit in the intro is her kissing Scott and then drawing the bow. Like, they’re broken up. They don’t get together in this season. Why are they kissing in the intro? That had to have Totally pissed off Scallison fans.
There’s my boy, holding up lizard tattoo designs. Pls tell me he took a pic and sent it to Jackson with the caption “It’s YOU.” Like, yes, way too soon, but man it’s fuckin funny.
This tattoo artist is a good-ass salesman. However, p-sure he’s not a good-ass artist if he had to wrap Scott’s arm up That badly. Like...they have stuff for that. Fuck, the one I got on my ankle, they used SaranWrap and Tape. Just needs to be kept out of the open air for a bit. You don’t need like eight layers of gauze. I do feel for Scott tho. That tat probably cost him like $50-75 before the tip. Oof.
Eyyy, time to be salty. Ya’ll know I love Allison, but does it get any more clear that she totally bailed on everyone after the warehouse? She went to France! She doesn’t even know what happened to Jackson after he got cured. ALSO. Lydia says “Derek taught him the werewolf 101.” Not Scott. Derek. XP
Lydia, honey, leave Allison alone. If she doesn’t want to go on the double date, go alone and make it an orgy. Fun, right? Wait, no. Don’t. You’re 16. Don’t do that!
When exactly did they “agree to give each other the summer”? She said “I’m breaking up with you.” he said “I’ll wait” and then she cried into her dad’s arms. Like...why didn’t we get to see this apparently incredibly important conversation? (maybe because it didn’t happen??)
I fucking LOVE the “I’m just gonna say hi. HEYYYYY! You know....they probably didn’t see us.”
The most horrific thing about that moment was the bad CGI.
I WANNA POINT OUT how cute it is (in a like, sad way cus’ she’s terrified) that Lydia is close enough to Stiles now that she immediately goes for his side and they like insta connect with the eye contact. Not in like a Stydia way, but like, they’re close. she trusts him and goes to him when she’s scared, even though he’s human and you’d wonder if she shouldn’t go to Scott instead, since he’s the werewolf.
SCOTT WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING THE DEAD DEER. Your ability to smell chemosignals/sense emotions has nothing to do with touching. Stop poking the dead animal.
Wait, WHY is there a full moon in that shot? The full moon isn’t for like a week! I COUNTED.
...what? Why the fuck does Braeden think Scott’s an Alpha? Why tho? Like, seriously? WHY? He’s not an Alpha yet. Nowhere near it. And if she knows bc Deaton told her (i think he was the one who hired her) then shouldn’t she know he isn’t one yet? IF SHE KNOWS that she can tell Melissa abt werewolves, WHY doesn’t she know that Scott’s Melissa’s son? Where is the LOGIC?
Scott’s morning routine is giving me Legally Blonde vibes. ~my perrrfectt dayyy, nothing standing in my wayyy~
I can’t tell. did Allison get highlights, or straight up dye her hair brown?
This sweet moment between her and her dad. Yes. Pls.
I will admit, I like getting to see each of their mornings.
Lydia...who are you fucking? Honey, you’re sixteen. Why isn’t whoever the fuck is in bed with you also getting ready for school? What.....the fuck?
Completely different Beacon Hills High School set. I really can’t blame the writers for that.
Wtf Davis? You list Erica and Boyd as being 17...since when? They’re supposed to be entering their Junior Year of high school. They would be 16 GOING ON 17. ANd what the hell do you mean Erica’s birthday is August 16th? She said in the last season that she’d “Just turned 16 a month ago” that was Spring semester. ???? Come on, guys. Seriously. Writing 101, getting to know your characters. I don’t know anyone writing a novel who doesn’t know the exact birthday of their characters. Plus, they cut 2 in. from Gage Golightly’s actual height, while adding an inch to Sinqua’s (according to google, which isn’t always reliable) Whatever. Boooooo.
Uh...that principal was threatened by the Argents. Victoria herself promised to torture him if he didn’t resign. Why does he look so surprised by the fucking sword in his office? For that matter, why is he at the school at all? He KNOWS the Argents attacked him. This should cause problems!
Honestly, Lydia, I love you. Like, go for it. Nothing wrong with not wanting to date and just wanting to have fun. My issues stem from YOU BEING 16. Yes, teenagers have sex. But this is ridiculous. Why is there so much sexualization? I knew a grand total of like....two teenagers who had sex at 16? and like one who did at 15 (which they say in canon she and Jackson were banging before her birthday). Like, it’s not nearly as common as y’all are making it out to be. Knock it off.
....so why didn’t Derek answer the phone? They literally never explain? He shows up, so...why didn’t he answer?
I’m SO InCredibly Disturbed by Jennifer having everyone’s phone numbers. HOW? In What Way is that REMOTELY appropriate? WHY did no one question it? Why didn’t STILES or LYDIA question it?
So tiny, bugs me so much. He didn’t turn his phone off. He turned his screen off...is it that hard to have him do the right one?
uhhh. Werewolves can smell other werewolves. Wanna tell me why Isaac can’t tell a werewolf just walked in the room? An ALPHA no less?
why TF are Kali’s iris’ and pupils so fucking massive?
So...what was the deal with the birds? Don’t they say later that Jennifer like summoned them? So they aren’t from the Alpha pack scaring animals? And also, how would the Alpha pack be scaring animals if they’re like, in the middle of town? They said in S1 that “wild animal sightings are up” like what 75% or something? “As though something is scaring them out” but that made sense, bc we knew Peter was running around in his full-shift (it’s a fucking full shift, it’s just fucked up) in the woods. But these Alphas aren’t, they’re integrating. So is it Jennifer that the animals are afraid of? Like, does she have sPoOkY aura or something?
More bad CGI.
WHy is no one responding to the woman stumbling around in nothing but a hospital gown?
ONCE AGAIN. Werewolves can Sense Werewolves. SCOTT you sensed Isaac in a BOYS LOCKER ROOM. DUKE IS RIGHT THERE. WHT THE FUCK?
angry smoker doctor  “Why don’t you wheel this joker out of here?” “I’m gonna go smoke” Grrr
Sir. clearly your mask wasn’t tied on appropriately. it shouldn’t just Fall Off when you touch it. there are Protocols! STOP THE SPREAD. also, someone wanna tell me why none of these alphas can keep their claws in? A lil flashy flashy red eye would’ve done the trick just fine.
Okay no, seriously what the FUCK is up with these contacts, you guys? THEY”RE MASSIVE???
Ugh, can I just *swoons* “I’m an Alpha!” slice “So am I.” That is just so fucking smooth. Woo. I feel so safe ohmygod. PLUS. Derek KNOWS Ennis. I can’t imagine how satisfying that had to be.
Uh, Derek, honey. You’re Isaac’s legal guardian. You can just Sign Him Out of the hospital. With clothes and everything. What are you doing?
Honey, what do you mean the county took it over? If they were gonna do that they’d have done it six fucking years ago. Unless you gave it to them, it’s still yours? I did the research. Like HOURS of it.
What do you MEAN there’s a magic healing herb that helps with Alpha wounds? Since when do Alpha wounds need extra healing, I thought they just took a lil longer? ALSO why is it growing INSIDE your house???? SCOTT. Isaac is fucking UNCONSCIOUS. Can your tattoo fucking WAIT A MINUTE?
I have so many questions. WHY does Braeden know who Allison is? If Lydia’s immune to magic, WHY is Braeden able to bruise her? WHY can Braeden DO magic? and WHY is Chris allowed to take Lydia out of school?
ALLISON you had Geometry LAST YEAR why are you holding a GEOMETRY BOOK??
ohhhhmygod, Derek. Derek. DEREK. Your eyes are pretty on a normal day. That little Blink and ruby reds thing? Ohmygod. I just. I wanna take a picture and just stare at it BUT. how tf does this whole red eye thing work? You can see in the dark....but now you also have x-ray vision? You know, I could believe it was thermal vision...maybe? If Scott was still healing for some reason maybe the tattoo would be brighter? Otherwise I have no idea what is going on.
BUT SCOTT”S NOT 18??? He’s Still fucking 16, or even 17, but not 18. WTF? He needs parental consent in the first place (i should’ve mentioned this in the other note abt the tattoo)
uhh...seriously? When someone breaks up with you and tells you not to talk to them anymore...why do you need a reward for doing as they asked? Like, yeah, you’re sad, I feel that. But making it a ‘reward’ sounds kinda weird. You know what makes it really easy not to text the ex that doesn’t wanna talk to you? Delete her number.
WHY THE BLOWTORCH? SOMEONE WANNA EXPLAIN? Peter’s not covered in tattoo from when he was literally burned alive, why the FUCK would a blowtorch create a black tattoo on Scott’s skin?
DEREK. HONEY. Why would Stiles be able to hold Scott still??? Scott’s a werewolf.
All this bullshit to explain away Posey’s tattoo that he got. Like, damn dude, we all like tattoos, but you have a job that needs bare arms on the regular. That was kinda rude.
Where did braeden get clothes? I forgot to ask.
uhhhh. Ephemeral might technically work in that sentence, but that’s still really awkward.
WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DESTROY HIS DOOR? YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. And WHY the instant fucking grr face? “why’d you paint the door?” uhh, leave him alone? He can do what he wants? It’s his house? Also, don’t get all fucking rude about the alpha pack. He told you it was a rival pack.
Why exactly does Scott see the symbol and INSTANTLY put together that it’s got anything to do with the Alphas or the animal attacks? Where is the logic jump there?
What exactly was the POINT of popping your claws if you were gonna kick her in the face???
UH, Melissa? Why didn’t you tell Scott that there was a whole other person with Isaac?
What is with the face touching, Duke? I’ve never known a blind person who actually wanted to rub their hands on my face to ‘find out what i look like?’
Really not a fan of all these weird jumps and camera angles with the awkward reflecting.
WOah WOah. Allison gets to PAINT her APARTMENT? Wtf kinda BULlshit is that? My landlord won’t let me do that. Rude.
I know they’re imprisoned and it sucks, but they’ve been there for four months, they had to have gotten bored. Do you think they broke into any of the security deposit boxes to see if anything was left behind?
Last thoughts: They really went for it with this episode. I have plans to change a lot of it. Hopefully I can mesh the changes with the general plotline.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 30: The One where LWJ Wishes Jin Zixun Would STFU and Die Already
Okay, so we’re still in Yiling
Non-wangxiantics stuff happens
Unimportant nonsense happens
Ooooh, jc just appeared, looking awesome in purple robes as usual
Turns out he’s helped jyl sneak away so she can show off her wedding robes to wwx!!! And we get some wonderful Yunmeng Sib time!! I LOVE MY YUNMENG SIBS SO MUCH
Wwx’s face when he sees her in her wedding robes
Jyl: i’m getting married, i wanted to show you my wedding robes!
wwx:*choked up* yeah, i heard you were getting married…(he’s looks so emotional here omg)
Jc: who told you?! 
(he says this all snappishly bc of course he does, this is jc we’re talking about)
Wwx: None of your business! *scowls*
LOL SO DEFENSIVE, WWX. what’s the matter?? You don’t want to tell your sibs about your recent date with lwj?? How you showed him your home??? hoW YOU DISCOVERED YOU WANTED TO CO-DAD CHILDREN WITH HIM????
Ah, brothers…
Jyl calms them down before they could get too into it tho bc she’s a good big sister and knows her little brothers well
Jyl: i came alone tho, so you can’t see the groom today
Wwx: *pouts* i don’t want to see the groom at all
I can’t get over the way wwx keeps looking at her. HE LOVES HIS SISTER SO MUCH. HE’S SO HAPPY FOR HER
Lol, both of them tell her how beautiful she looks and she’s all it doesn’t count when you guys say it bc you’re my little brothers and it’s my wedding so you have to be nice to me
So now we get the obligatory soup time with the yunmeng sibs
And wwx is all, “for who???”
And jc says, for my future nephew!! And he looks so damn pleased and proud when he says it. JC WANTS TO BE AN UNCLE SO BAD me too jc, me too
Wwx: hmmm, well, the next generation for the jin clan is “ru” so how about jin rulan?
Jc: jin rulan? It sounds like the lan clan. Why should a kid of the jiang clan and jin clan be called “rulan”??
Omg jc sounds so offended here; chill out bro
Wwx: it’s not that bad if it’s from the lan clan all right? Lan means orchid, a gentry amongst flowers! ALSO MY SOULMATE IS FROM THE LAN CLAN SO THERE
Wwx sounded all sulky here, like RULAN IS A GREAT NAME, HOW DARE YOU
Jyl cuts in before there could be any bloodshed with, oh yeah, having you come up with the courtesy name was jc’s idea
The look jc gives her is one of utter betrayal like, why’d you have to go and tell him that? HE CAN’T KNOW I WAS BEING NICE TO HIM, GOD.
They all have much more sibling time together but since there’s no more wangxiantics we’re gonna skip over it (EVEN THO IT HURTS ME TO DO SO BC I LOVE MY YUNMENG SIBS AND I WANT TO SEE THEM HAPPY AND TOGETHER FOREVER)
We cut to the Burial Mounds where there’s a Wen family dinner going on
Wwx is all spacey bc he misses his sibs so much but manages to distract EVERYONE from it by making grand declarations and generally being an over-the-top Drama Bi.
A-Yuan time!
Wen ning saved some of jyl’s soup to give to a-yuan!
He gives a-yuan a taste of the soup and a-yuan’s all “delicious! One more spoon!”
And after wen ning gives him more, he’s like, ONE MORE SPOON!
Then we get some Sad Times in the Demon-Subdue Palace where wwx has the saddest series of flashbacks ever
the promise he made to JC (twin heroes of yunmeng!!) that he didn’t keep
and then the oath on the lantern (always stand with justice and live without regrets) which he half-keeps
and then his declaration in the rain with lwj (if i should be killed, let it be by you) which he will keep BUT WE’RE NOT GONNA THINK ABOUT THAT
Gross, now we’re in lanling, fastforwarding through that nonsense
Now we’re back at the burial mounds and get more A-YUAN TIME!!
Uh oh, a-yuan just murdered a lotus sprout
He’s all, what’s this?? And yanks the poor thing out of the mudpit it was growing in
Wwx yells at him: WHAT ARE YOU DOING
And a-yuan starts crying and wwx looks like he wants to start bawling too
Wen qing kind of tells him off 
a-yuan’s a little kid and doesn’t know better, she says
Wwx gets this defeated look about him and says it’s fine, i see that it’s not meant to be now
After a little adorable convo with wen qing, a-yuan goes to comfort wwx in his cave
A-yuan: i’m sorry i made a mistake. Wq says if you miss your sister, you should go see her
Wwx: she’s so far away...i won’t go
A-yuan: hmmm, you should become a bird and fly over there!
But wwx is still sad inside :(
Now we get a time skip! 
Wwx overhears a bunch of gossipy cultivators talking about how the jin clan is doing a one-month celebration of baby Jin Rulan!!
Wen Ning is a supportive bro so he’s all congratulations!!!
And then wwx gets all the happiness gets drained out of him when he remembers that he has no official ties to either clan so he’ll probably never get to see his nephew ever
We cut to Lanling, where i guess guests are arriving for the upcoming celebration
We don’t really care about any of these people
Unfortunately he’s talking to asshole cousin jz, fuck that guy
Lwj: since all of his seniors are invited to the first-month celebration, wei ying should also be invited as he is the baby’s senior too
Lwj says this all respectfully, gaze steadily forward and not looking directly at anyone
Jz: you want us to invite wwx even tho he’s the enemy of all four clans??
Lol, lwj glares at jz SO HARD the minute jz calls wwx the enemy; i’m surprised the asshole didn’t drop dead on the spot
Lwj: not an enemy.
Jz: not an enemy? Do you have such a shitty memory that you don’t remember what happened in qiongqi way? Do i need to remind you?
Lxc: what wangji said isn’t wrong. Wwx hasn’t caused any trouble since he took off to the burial mounds.
Jz: what, you’re taking the traitor’s side too zewu-jun?
You know, i was almost proud of lxc for finally siding with wwx and lwj
But the minute jz throws that accusation, you can see him start to pull back, WTF LXC
So now, since apparently having to deal with JZ wasn’t horrible enough, we get jgs and jgy on the scene, yuck
Jz gives them a summary of the conversation
Oh, i forgot to mention jzx has been here the whole time too but he’s basically useless bc he never shuts up his cousin
Jgy is all like, ah, hanguang-jun is being kind but perhaps inviting wwx is not the best idea ever
And jz is all well, I heard that he went to the burial mounds but no one knows why he went there!
Lwj: to visit an old friend
Jz: an old friend?! Wwx is a ruthless killer! Everyone wants him dead! Why do you have a friend like him?
Lwj: when did he kill ruthlessly? Please tell us exactly.
Jzx finally cuts in here and shuts them both up
He approaches his dad and is like, yeah okay so wwx killed some of our guys before and he’s kind of rebellious or whatever but like hanguang-jun said, he hasn’t done anything wrong for a whole year!
Then he goes on to show us that he’s completely whipped for his wife (AS HE SHOULD BE) by saying, also, since wwx has seceded from the jiang clan, jyl hasn’t been able to see him and she still misses him very much!!
Jzx: it’s a good opportunity to bring him back
His asshole cousin is all, are you crazy??
But thankfully lxc puts in his two cents!
Lxc: jzx makes a good point. If wwx intends to change and return to the right path again, it’s a good thing!
Jgs starts droning on and on about stuff i don’t give a damn about and lwj throws him the dirtiest of looks the whole time lol
But he more or less agrees to let wwx come on the condition that he turns in Plot Device 2
And jgy is like, SWEET, we can write him a letter telling him he’s invited but he must come alone (BC THAT AIN’T SKETCHY AF) and then once he’s here we can tactfully request he give me, i mean, the jin clan Plot Device 2
Lwj was looking concerned basically the minute jgy started talking but here he chimes in
Lwj: what will you do if he refuses?
Then jgy does that thing where he replies without actually answering the question
Jgy: hanguang-jun, why are you so pessimistic? Wwx is not evil or vicious! (FUCK YOU JGY, WE ALREADY KNOW HE’S NOT EVIL OR VICIOUS, NO THANKS TO YOU) i’m sure if we talk it out, he’ll be reasonable and make the right choice!
Oh, thankfully, lxc answers the question properly
Lxc: even if wwx disagrees, he can go back to the burial mounds as long as he promises not to kill any innocents
Which, wwx would definitely promise that bc he’s never killed an innocent person IN HIS LIFE
Jgy: hanguang-jun, can we bother you with the errand of writing the letter?
Jgy says that and we immediately see lxc smile at his little brother
Like, heck yeah, bro you have the chance to talk to your soulmate now! (LXC is trying to win back his greatest wingman title lol)
Ofc lwj keeps his face blank, but he bows and says yes
And that’s the last of the wangxiantics for this episode. Not a lot of them this time around, and none with shared screen time
But you know what
That’s okay
Bc this shows that they’re always on each other’s minds EVEN AFTER A WHOLE YEAR APART!!
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Hey Steph, I’ve been following the questions and your answers re: S4 and S5 and this really brings up a lot of memories as a decades long X-Files fan. I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the “life story” of the franchise but briefly I’ll mention that there were 9 original seasons, 7 of which were considered “classic” X-Files and the last two an abomination (!!) because David Duchovny LEFT and two new main characters were introduced, then there was a movie in 2009 which was considered quite bad until the revival seasons in 2016 and 2018 were so painful and offensive I literally deleted them from my memory. Having joined the Sherlock fandom quite recently I read your opinions and I feel your pain! In the original 9 seasons run Chris Carter, the show creator, DENIED for 9 years the romantic relationship between Mulder & Scully even though it was heavily implied THEY HAD A CHILD TOGETHER *smh*. In the revival seasons they were broken up and never really got back together again which is really a what the hell situation. Also, everyone laughed re the revival seasons that David and Gillian are too old to be running around chasing monsters but at the end of the day, the real problem of the revival was not the actors’ age or the fact that the world was very different, but the fact that it was written by a showrunner who was stuck in the 90s with his storylines and sensibilities, and didn’t accept the fact that things are so different these days (ahem ahem, Moffat). Honestly, watching it was like watching a bad parody. Gillian ended up washing her hands from the show due publicly on Twitter, like the queen that she is, which made me so proud of her. So on TXF we got not only 1 but 3 “revivals” over the span of 14 years, who would have thought!  I missed them so much and there were things that I wanted answers for unsolved issues like their child, their romantic relationship, their career etc. On the other hand, once I got it back, it was so horrible I deleted it. So I don’t think it’s impossible for the show to ever return due to BC and MF being busy in the next couple of years; things change, and after 2009 I never would have imagined we’ll get two additional seasons because back then Gillian and David were busy doing bigger and greater things and even tried to distance themselves franchise. The real problem is will it be any good? It won’t. I don’t think Moffat, like Chris Carter, will change and become a better writer with time. If anything, we see the opposite has happened with Dracula being quite meh in terms of popularity and reception (and his next project is what, a play starring Amanda Abbington? Not exactly high profile). I don’t think his “old world” sensibility will/has developed in terms of Johnlock. If BC and MF came to the same realization about him, I’ll appreciate them more for *not joining* him again in the future and encouraging his behavior.
So in short, if we’re to learn from past experiences, revivals or new seasons of shows with dickheads for showrunners that come after a very long hiatuses are usually a cause for much heartbreak (Veronica Mars, anyone?) and while I do miss Sherlock and John, I dread what may become of them and accept the fact that I won’t be happy with any future editions. It’s sad, but the odds are that’s exactly what will happen. I’ll be more than happy to be proven wrong though. xoxo!
(submitted by captainouterspace)
Hi Lovely!
Ahhh, the pic you attached didn’t load, so sadly I don’t know what it was to search for a similar one :(
But that said, YES!! I’m ALSO an original X-Phile, and I know that “shipping” came from this MotherShip, Sculder! :D I watched since S1-E1 first aired, and stopped after Mulder and then Scully left (I didn’t like Robert as the replacement) and I sadly just never saw the new seasons... I was waiting for them to come out on DVD and then I just.... forgot about them, LOL.
I was still young and not as internet savvy so I wasn’t super into the fandom like I am with Sherlock... I came into Internet just after Usenet was sort of trailing out and FFNet was brand new and LJ was where all the good fics were until they got bought out and purged. My first major fandom was Sonic and I was really into the Furry fandom on Side7, LOL.
So YES! I know about X-Files’ history because I OBSESSIVELY bought EVERY BOOK about it, and I read a few of the novels. I think about it fondly because my dad and I would tune in together on Sunday Nights to watch the new episodes. We loved it LOL. And yes, I thought it was great that it came back for a short little bit; as far as I understand they tied up some lose ends and stuff. I really would love to see like a 10 years later thing for a one off season or something, but Mofftiss are really protective of their property, so I doubt it will happen unless they can get something out of it *shrugs* but it’s totally okay to hope. But for a new S5 within the next couple years, yeah, I’m pretty much indifferent about it. I feel like Ben and Martin, if they could go the Johnlock route OR at least back to cases and friendship and admiration for each other, they would come back for special in a decade or so when they’re both not in such high demand anymore.
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queerfables · 3 years
Supernatural Liveblog (Episodes 1x06 - 1x08)
These notes were made while we were watching and they’re much funnier than the ones we made afterwards bc we’re real bad at remembering stuff. 
We’re all still on the incest train and I’m starting to worry that by the time Cas shows up, I’m going to be actually invested and end up shipping wincestiel. Am i allowed to make “this fandom is a curse” jokes yet or am I still too new?
Supernatural 1x06 - Skin
We open on a lady tied to a chair, a guy with a knife, and SWAT descending on the house while sexy rock music plays. N: This is.... an elaborate BDSM scene Me: I WAS JUST THINKING. N: This show walked so Hannibal could run.
Lmfao @ Dean's face when Sam says he's a cop. He lies about this all the time but when Sam does it he's suddenly all pissy? "You're a real straight shooter with your friends" Well Dean maybe if you had any friends to lie to you wouldn't be so judgey.
The camera focuses on a suspicious man, whose eyes flash white. We all ooh. P: okay, but he's not a demon, because his eyes didn't go black. Me: must be the opposite of a demon! P: An angel? N: A horse. Me, laughing: I actually know what it is from tumblr. N: Is it a horse?
Dean, after getting an I told you so moment about Sam's lying, "This whole gig isn't without it's perks," he says, and hands Dean a gun. Me: this is America, you don't need to hunt monsters and demons to get a gun P, the only American in the room: You get one at birth.
The scene where Sam figures out Dean is being impersonated by the shapeshifter is really good. But also after it finished I looked at P and N and said, "would you guys be mad at me if I said that was really gay?" N: Not even a little P: Same, babe
And then we get Sam tied up and a Dean lookalike (Deanleganger!) leaning in all close saying "He's got issues with you" like WOW.
I really enjoy seeing more of Dean's issues through the shapeshifter's eyes, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't also enjoy how sexual this tension is.
Dean waking up tied up in the same room as Sam later P: Was he just... Like... Hiding under a sheet of canvas? N: I think he was supposed to be unconscious, but like who knows Me: I think he was hiding. "Jesus Christ, guy, please don't tell my brother I'm into him."
Then P said xe were kind of into Dean in this episode and N&I agreed that both Sam and Dean were looking good this episode. P laughed at us for having the same taste, and I pointed out that it's not that surprising because we're both into xem.
Supernatural 1x07 - Hook Man
Dean doesn't want to paint the guy purple, but he'll watch over a magazine.
P: maybe he's not repressed, maybe he's just a voyeur
P thinks that being attracted to reverends' daughters is The Lesbian Experience
Dean talks about losing his mum N: "Hey, I have trauma too" Me: That's like, his one move. N: To be fair, in real life, it WORKS P, looking at me: It's how we got together. P, looking at N: Actually, it's how we got together too.
Dean looks longingly at the party and then says he's going to go dig up unmarked graves. P: That's a bisexual mood. Sorry, Dean. N: Making out with cute people and hanging out at a cemetery aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.
N argues that cemeteries are queer safe spaces because: no one else around, film nights, church-adjacent and therefore just the right level of sacrilegious
Dean is being extra bisexual in this episode, which is fun for an episode about religion and emotional repression.
Me: Hey what was this episode called? N: Man door hand hook car gun? P, looking at phone: Hook Man. Me: Seriously? P: I found it by googling "Hand hook car door supernatural"
Supernatural 1x08 - Bugs
Me: Oh I think this is the episode with the bees that didn't show up on camera and had to be CGI'd in later.
Lmfao @ Sam and Dean being mistaken for a couple. N: Oh yeah, they know what they're doing. Me: It's too early for them to be seeing what fandom is picking up and reacting to it. P: They're definitely doing this on purpose
Getting strong homophobic dad/queer son vibes from the insect kid and his dad. Sam is very soft with the kid (to the point of picking up his spider?? UGH but also aw) which I like
N finds the spiders very cute and cuddly. P and I are not so convinced.
Dean is fully in the wrong with his whole "Don't tell the kid to leave his dysfunctional family! Why are you acting like Dad did anything wrong? You yelled at him too!" schtick, and I make no excuses for it. My heart does hurt for him as well as for Sam, though. I'm pretty sure the reason he's so hurt by Sam identifying with this kid is that he did everything he could to shield Sam from their dad's abuse, and if Sam still feels this way then what was it all for? Also, their dad wasn't the only one Sam left. Like, I wanna forcibly cuddle Dean and yell "Sam was right to go! You can leave your dad too!!" but I understand why he feels this way.
I tuned out while they were explaining the reason the bugs are all attacking but I think the gist was something something ancient burial grounds? P and N were like "Seriously??"
On the bright side, at least they did not actually break the curse. N says "Hiding in an attic for five minutes with an improvised flame thrower until the sun comes up is pretty anticlimactic, but it could have been worse!"
Final comments:
The funniest thing is how there’s an episode where Sam and Dean are mistaken for a couple and it’s still not as incesty as the one where Dean gets replaced by a shapeshifter who can access his innermost thoughts.
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lovelylogans · 4 years
,,,,can I get some opinions on lorelai, specifically Lorelai's Love Interests?
*cracks knuckles*
i just answered an ask about rory’s main love interests but now i’m gonna go into lorelai’s
quick disclaimer: i have seen s1-s5, read scripts of key episodes of s6/s7. so. let’s get into it.
jason is literally trash lmao and i Dislike Him. least favorite of lorelai’s love interests. garbage man. if men have one thing it’s the Audacity.
okay first of all his whole introduction to canon was that he wanted to leave the business his dad groomed him for..... to piss off his dad. like. that’s his reasoning. that’s why he wants to go into business with richard. literally just to piss off his dad. Sir You Are Nearly Forty.
and then. and THEN. like his FIRST scene!!!! with lorelai!!!!! is when lorelai is like “hey you shouldn’t have gone behind my mom’s back and planned this business trip when she was planning a party! that’s kinda shitty of you!” and his response was to REMINISCE about their time at summer camp and he’s like “you still hold a grudge” because. BE. CAUSE. he stood up and tipped over the canoe when lorelai was fully clothed, and when lorelai pointed this out, this man. has the AUDACITY. to say. “i remember. green t-shirt, no bra. trust me, i was the hero of cabin five for the rest of the summer.”
GROSS. GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS. FUCK MEN. as if THAT isn’t gross enough he came up with the nickname “umlauts” because her nipples were showing through her shirt!!! diSGUSTIN!! men! are! nasty! and literally less than TEN one-sentence lines later he ASKS HER OUT.  
and then literally the rest of his character is basically just “business.” like. that’s it. when he takes the day off to come to stars hollow literally almost the Entire Time he’s focused on business calls and not on lorelai, his girlfriend who he came to spend time with. and then when richard, being a Shady Bitch, double-crossed him and went back into business with his dad, jason wanted to SUE HIM??? BRO???????? YOU STILL EXPECTED LORELAI TO STICK WITH YOU WHEN YOU ARE SUING HER FATHER?????????
this doesn’t even go INTO all the other stuff about hidden relationship and they’re literally dating just bc it pisses off their parents, it’s just. jason sucks. dude sucks. don’t like him. not one bit.
i have..... complicated feelings toward christopher. to steal a quote i saw from twitter when someone was like “he knows lorelai so deeply!” they said “he knows her past, it doesn’t mean he knows her.”
so, like, on one level. i think that christopher was a bad dad to rory. right. like, he isn’t a good dad. i come from a home with split up parents, so, like, i understand the complexities there, but. he wasn’t a good dad. he just wasn’t.
that episode in season one? it’s the first time he comes to stars hollow. the. first. time. in sixteen years he has never gone to see where his daughter (and friend/romantic interest) lived, which follows: he hasn’t been to any of her parent/teacher nights, he’s never gone to any of the performances she was in as a child, he’s never participated with her when it comes to town events that she’s so passionate about (being a pilgrim, all the things taylor lists when she turns down being ice cream queen, etc) he wasn’t there. he wasn’t there for all the small moments that make up being a dad. no helping with homework, no sitting with her and listening after a long day, no actual parenting—no being there when she’s sick, no disciplining her if she does something wrong, no being there to celebrate her victories. he isn’t a good dad to rory. he has his occasional moments (he starts calling her more often post that visit, but it drops off again post-sherry) but all in all? not a good dad. i would go far as to say “deadbeat dad” as the first significant financial help he offers, that we see in canon, is him paying for yale. not helping with chilton, or any other childcare costs.
that’s an important factor when it comes to evaluating him and lorelai. because, quite honestly? i think that if rory didn’t exist, christopher and lorelai would have been firmly in the realm of “we dated in high school.” maybe a former flame that gets a fling when there’s a high school reunion. but since rory exists, they’re tied together forever, and therefore those feelings keep cropping up and flourishing (esp in situations when they shouldn’t) and they’re so stuck in the past.
i think that teenage christopher and teenage lorelai are well suited. i don’t think adult christopher and adult lorelai are well suited. lorelai had to grow up very quickly when she had rory, so she got a job, settled down in stars hollow, and put in the work of being a responsible parent who provides for her child. christopher doesn’t start keeping a job until s2/s3, he’s still very much stuck in the past. his pursuit of her is almost entirely rooted in nostalgia, as is her returning interest. they keep coming back to each other because it’s comfortable, it’s what they know. but once they look past that lens of nostalgia, their compatibility kind of falls apart. christopher is still immature in general (getting angry over the character reference she writes for luke, getting drunk at emily and richard’s vow renewal and basically shoving himself in the middle of their relationship like “but THE OOOOOLD DAAAAYYYS” and that WHOLE storyline of where he turned off his phone and ignored lorelai’s calls when richard had a heart attack, do NOT get me started) and lorelai is very independent and she likes her life where it is and how it is.
so to sum up: christopher and lorelai’s relationship is almost entirely doomed to fail because they can’t remove their rose-colored glasses when it comes to their (mutually romanticized) past together, and when the glasses are knocked off, they aren’t compatible. they just aren’t. what ties them together is that nostalgia, where they’re most natural is when they’re joking and being friendly (like the old times!) and when it turns into a romantic relationship, reality is too much for that tenuous connection to handle.
OBVIOUSLY i am team luke. this is the ship i’m most dedicated to within the gilmore girls fandom. he’s there for her, they push each other to become better (lorelai keeping his father’s boat, for example, and him encouraging her throughout the opening of the dragonfly) they have that Longing and Yearning. they have amazing chemistry, they’ve been crushing on each other since SEASON! ONE! and honestly they are fantastic when they work together.
i will say that they have their issues, and it almost entirely boils down to lack of communication.
if lorelai had communicated the occasions in which she had seen chris, luke wouldn’t have been so caught off-guard at the vow renewal and cut off their relationship. if luke had communicated about april’s existence with the full honesty that he didn’t know about her existence, lorelai, as a mother, as someone whose child’s default father figure is luke, would probably take some time but ultimately understand the importance of a child. they should have communicated about the wedding being too soon, and all their other issues. that bickering that makes their flirting and crushing so great also gets in their way sometimes; it’s hard for them to have a serious conversation without lorelai deflecting or luke shutting down. honestly i think it would have been great if they’d gone to couples therapy (okay, look, almost everyone in gilmore girls needs therapy, including emily and lorelai, so i’m glad that at least that one got tackled somewhere in canon) and it would have really helped fix that main problem.
frankly, i think a lot of their problems are bc ASP and the other writers wanted “drama.” which fair, it’s a tv show, but frankly leave the drama to rory and there are other ways to manufacture drama other than breaking up your main couple: dragonfly drama, for instance, or liz and tj and jess, or dealing with rory’s dramas, or something like the emily and richard and luke drama but sustained to a point where it causes a similar family fight that might have even paralleled lorelai leaving the gilmore household for someone she loves, and seeing that relationship knit up. like i get this show was in the 2000s but honestly let the couples actually Be Together!!! let them explore those dynamics!!! the whole “break them up, put them back together, break them up, put them back together” thing is tired and it seems unrealistic. like!!!! luke says “i’m all in” to lorelai and less than like TEN episodes later he’s like “it’s too much. this relationship is too much.” LET THEM WORK THROUGH THEIR STRUGGLES AS A COUPLE AND LET THEM C O M M U N I C A T E. LET THEM!!!!!
otherwise? iconique. the Flavor. the taste. the vibes are immaculate. chef’s kiss. luke/lorelai is So Good. their chemistry is unparalleled. their support of each other unmatched. 
i can’t really remember any other love interests lmao OH SHOOT
max medina:
lol forgettable uh, i think that he and lorelai had an interesting partnership, but it clearly wouldn’t have worked out to the point of a wedding, which i feel like lorelai knew because she kept holding back on actually answering him for the proposal after the s1 finale. i think that his dynamic could have also really been utilized to play with the dynamic of lorelai re-entering her parents’ world and the different expectations that that maintains; i don’t think it should have gone so far to, like, proposal, i think it could have been maintained then max wanted to get serious and lorelai hesitates and pulls something similar to the show. anyway, interesting first love interest for lorelai, also helps ground the world of chilton, so nice little twofold purpose for max there
i will say his proposal was super cute tho the thousand yellow daisies thing was Excellent
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