#50k in a month. it's about 1.7k a day
its-stupidhours · 7 months
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here we go!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH
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dakimomoe · 7 months
A little update for ya’ll !
I’m probably going to fail NaNoWriMo this year. Aside from getting swamped with work—my dumb of ass keep forgetting it’s 1.7k smth words per day, not 1k words.
Still, I got decent amount of words done since the early demo—which was about 8k words. It's now around 25k words and still going! ( ᐛ )و
My progress this month was probably 50% writing, the rest expanding the world and outlining the story,,, but that's okay since I have a better idea now how the 1st chapter is gonna go
I still wanna reach that 50k or finish the first chapter all together, but either way an update will still come somewhere in December
If I seem inactive—don't worry! I probably got busy with work or I'm just focusing on the IF.
Till the next update, thanks for stopping by!
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cheyla-v · 2 years
December Goals
I don’t think I made a separate post about this but I officially survived NaNo! And made the 50k!
General Goals
HPFC Gift Exchange Drabble/Ficlet 
Comfort Zone Fest fic 
10-15k of writing 
Maybe claim prompts for Remus Lupin Fest and RonDraco Fest
Catch up on my to-read and to-watch list 
Survive the holidays (and remember to actually buy presents this year 😅)
OSS Fic Tracker (*** = Actively worked on last month)
Soul’s Scream - Chapter 26 is at 1k***
Burning Day - Chapter 8 is up to 1.7k***
Death’s Favored Ones - 15,319 words***
Torn, Broken, Transformed - 14,460 words***
New Bonds - 2,712 words***
The Thing with Siblings - 2,308 words***
Pillars around the Flame - 930 words
Ripple Effects - 7,188 words***
Package Deals - 5,525 words***
Breaking Point - 2,548 words***
Meet Me Halfway - 4,120 words***
Halfway to You - 3,782 words***
Disrupted Bonds - Plotting stages
Idan and Minh’s background story - 1,702 words
New to the List
Strange Magics - 5,108 words***
The Blackest Thorns - Plotting stages
Zekoi (one-shot) - 3,098 words***
Riven outtake (one-shot) - 929 words***
Sweaters (holiday one-shot) - 2,195 words***
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em-dashes · 3 years
2021 Nanowrimo Plans
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Hello hello! I am here with a very vague post. Yes, I am participating in some form of Nanowrimo. No, I can’t say what the project is yet.
In a few sporadic posts over the last few months, I’ve been talking about a new novella wip I have. I wrote about 2/3 of it and stopped writing just before the second act climax because I needed to think about how the plot should progress.
Now that I have some ideas, here’s what I’m doing for Nano:
> I am NOT going for the 50k goal, or even tracking my word count on the Nano website. I’m far too busy to be writing 1.7k per day, and seeing the stat count makes me go AHHHHH
> Instead, my goal is just one simple thing: finish the first draft. That’s it. Going by the word count so far, I’m probably about 5k to the end of the story. (My first draft writing is sparse and simple.)
> Why did I wait until Nano to do this? It just feels like a good time, I guess. Also I just want to participate in something hehe.
After the draft is done, I’ll make an intro post! Keep an eye out 👀
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nohshinwoos · 5 years
mel’s nanowrimo prompts 2019
for national novel writing month (nanowrimo) this year i wanna try and do something different than i did last year. instead of focusing on one long story, i wanna challenge myself to write several short stories from prompts as i’ve never done prompts before. (to find out more about what nanowrimo is follow this link!)
however, to pull this off i’d like some help. i need some prompts to write and i’d really appreciate some help coming up with them! 
my goal is to write one prompt every day in november, each being at least 1.6-1.7k long because that’s the least amount of words per day you need to write to “win” nanowrimo is 1 667 words per day - the goal is 50k words in a month. this may vary, though, depending on the prompt, my creativity and how much time i have.
some general info before submitting any prompts
i don’t really have any triggers so anything goes - fluff, smut, etc.
if you wanna submit more than one prompt that’s totally fine too, there’s no limit so fire away!
you can choose to leave your tumblr url and ao3 username in the form, which means i will tag you if i post your prompt, but if you wanna remain anonymous that’s cool too.
this may be obvious but prompts need to be dan & phil themed as that’s the only pairing i’m currently writing.
disclaimer: i will do my best to do all prompts i might get, but if the prompt for some reason doesn’t “fit me” or if i’m not comfortable writing it for whatever reason i might choose not to write it.
click here to send a prompt
the form will be open from now through november 30.
as for publishing, i’m thinking i’ll write through november and then start editing the stories. hopefully i can start publishing in december, but i’ll see as we go!
reblogs are very much appreciated so this hopefully doesn’t fail 💖
any other questions? just shoot me an ask!
thank you in advance 🥰 – mel
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annibtj · 5 years
NanoWrimo! (what is it? how does it work?) here’s a rundown on all you need to know!
nanowrimo stands for national novel writing month. this takes place every november, there’s a website where you sign up and make a profile and join a global community of writers! 
the goal of nanowrimo? to write 50,000 words on your current work in progress (WIP) 50k in one month seems like a lot. for everyone better at maths than me, you’ve probably already realised that’s writing 1.7k words a day. roughly 12.5k a week.  for those of you who love a clear goal and something of a challenge, this is the dream! it’s super exciting and super fun! BUT if this seems like a lot, don’t let the number goal get to you too much! while it is definitely doable, the 50k goal can be taken lightly. you can sign up for the month and use that in itself as motivation to just make as much progress on your WIP as possible.
nanowrimo is intended for novel writers, but of course, you can work on anything you want! a poetry collection, scripts, essays, short stories - anything is welcome! nanowrimo actually updated their website/platform and now they have options for you to officially declare something other than a novel, which is great!
the community of writers that all do nano is one of its many perks. there are official nanowrimo forums, and of course, all the official social media sties. i love watching all the nanowrimo vlogs on youtube that writers post throughout the month (i would love to vlog the experience one year!). lots of people make group chats and discord servers too! nano even has regional write-ins, so if you sign up check with your city to see if people are meeting up to write together! and if your region doesn’t have a write-in organised, you could even get around to organising that yourself if you feel up to it!
for the few asks who were worried about this aspect, the community is of course not a necessity: you don’t have to talk or share your writing with anyone you don’t want to!  nanowrimo can really be as busy or as simple as you want it to be! and they have a ‘prep’ guide for anyone who maybe wants some help getting ready for the busy writing month ahead!
i will be doing nanowrimo this year, so message me or reply to this post if you are too! and if anyone is interested in a writing discord server, or even vlogs (?) let me know about that as well. and if there’s anything you want to know more about, of course feel free to send me an ask! 
links: nanowrimo site nano prep
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kagetsukai · 5 years
so...... what's your nano project? (also I bought a notebook for mine even though emotionally I'm not ready)
Ok, first off, who is EVER ready for NaNo??? I have yet to meet a person who looks at the month of November and goes “yeah, totes ready, I have my ducks in the row, everything is planned, outlined, and ready to go”. If they exist, they aren’t human. Just saying.
As far as what I’m doing... I’m not writing one story. What I’m going to do is use NaNo as a way to finish all of the WIPs that I have sitting in my backlog, collecting dust. So, first I’m going to attack dance!fic. By the looks of it, there should be maybe another 10K of words left (if I get wordy) so that should take two weeks of intense work to finish. The story itself is pretty straight-forward and it’s a crime I haven’t finished it yet. Then I’m going to move onto either my Regency AU or the Hawke story I have going. Both are outlined and have LOTS of room to write. We’ll see. I also have a modern!Hannah suspense story that I’ve been tinkering with, but since it’s the newest, I’m not going to stress over it much.
Also, I’m not going for the 50K word goal. I’m not insane, I have a full-time job (for the time being) and there is no way in hell I can write 1.7K a day. I’m shooting for 20K which is 666 words a day (DEVIL NUMBER!).
What are YOU writing about? And you should post a picture of the notebook ^_^
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
Rio pra não chorar - Part 4
Pairing : (Chris Evans ; Chris Pratt ; Sebastian Stan ; Tom Holland ; Tom Hiddleston) ??? x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language ; grammar/spelling mistakes ; mention of the word bitch ; angst ; fluff
Word Count : 1.7k
A/N : The moment you write this and your vision is blurred because you just start crying. 
You looked at the security guard and he looked back confused at you. « It must be a mistake. I don’t know this woman », you told him. He was about to take the woman away, when she spoke, « Hello Y/N. I’m your mother. » you chuckled dryly. « This must be a joke. » You turned around your cast-mates and said « Pranking again guys? » They shook their heads and you heard her speak again, « I’m your biological mother. »
Shivers ran down your whole body and it was not in a good way. You immediately tensed. « I don’t know what this is all about but don’t ever call yourself ‘my mother’ ! », you replied sternly. Two small kids were hidden behind her leg and their eyes widened when they saw who was behind you. « Mama look Iron Man », said the small boy. « Yes I know baby », the woman replied. « Why don’t you come with me buddy », suddenly exclaimed RDJ towards the child, who looked at his mother and she nodded. The second child, a girl looked at Scarlet who called her way. Sensing the tension, the others decided to give you some privacy but not wanting to face that woman alone, you grabbed the arm of the person next to you. When you looked to whom the arm belonged you saw it was Sebastian. You gave him a pleading look and he nodded. He straightened his back and his suit made him look dangerous. The woman chuckled dryly at Sebastian’s behavior and you looked angry at her. « Who the hell are you? », you asked.
« I’m Carol and as I said I’m the one who gave birth to you. These are my children - Jess and Noah, I think it’s time for them to know their big sister », she spoke shamelessly. « I already have a brother ! », you spat. You knew that it wasn’t the children’s fault but at that particular moment it didn’t matter to you. « Anyone could come here and proclaim themselves as my ‘biological mother’. What makes you think I believe you? », you continued coldly. She smiled and provoked « Call the Williamsons and they will confirm. » You clenched your jaw and fists before taking your phone out. You clicked on the number and put it on loudspeaker. « Hello Honey how are you? », the person responded. « Hi Mom, I have to ask you something. Here’s someone named Carol insisting that she’s the one that gave birth to me. » No response. « Mom? », you said. She cleared her throat and finally spoke « Ehm..hun I think you should come home. I…we need to talk. » You gave a cold stare at Carol who was smiling triumphantly and you replied « On my way. » Before you cut the call off, your mom said « Y/N be careful don’t trust her. » and with that she ended the call.
« See told you I was… », Carol continued. « Don’t you dare finish that phrase. I don’t give a shit what you are. You’re nothing to me ! » She just smiled and responded « These are no ways to talk to your mother. » « YOU’RE NOT MY MOTHER ! », you lost your composure and after taking a deep breath you asked « What do you want? » She smiled brightly and responded joyfully « Well the Williamsons, the ones who raised you own me something. They failed in handing it to me so here I am, collecting my due. » You shook your head and chuckled dryly « I don’t know what it is but forget about it. » She laugh loudly and you just wanted to fucking slap her. « Oh that’s where you’re wrong, you gonna hand me my monthly 50.000$, otherwise I take them to court and tell them they stole you from me. »
You gasped at her request and Sebastian took your hand in his, squeezing tightly. You began marching slowly and threatening at her and said through greeted teeth « You will get shit ! If you come near me or my family ever again, I will be the one sending you to court for harassement. It’s the last time you see those so called monthly green dollar bills. » Her smile vanished and she began to turn hysterical. « I will expose them and you along. I don’t give a shit about you, never did. You were just a bank to me. You better not fucking mess with me or.. », she spat. « Or what hein? Listen to me very carefully, you are the one who doesn’t want to mess up with me. Trust me, you don’t wanna know what I’m capable of. Now if I see you again, you’re gonna regret it », you menaced her. « Are you threatening me? »
« I’m warning you ! Now get the fuck out of my face ! », you spat and gave a knowing look to the security guard, who was already taking her by the arm. « Jess, Noah », she shouted. The children ran to her but not before waving at everyone. Your heart clenched at their pureness being darkened by that awful woman. You stood there frozen for a couple of seconds, silent tears falling down your face. « Y/N? », Sebastian’s voice whispered next to you. You looked at him and completely lost it. You cried loudly and he took you in his arms, crashing you again him and hugging you tightly. You couldn’t stop. You just had met the one who abandoned you, who made you wonder for years why she left you, if she thought about you, to only discover that all those years she didn’t give a fuck and worst, made money behind your back. Overwhelmed your knees began to fail and you start slipping from Sebastian’s embrace and fell to the ground, crying. He was immediately next to you, along other actors. « Y/N we’re here with you. You’re not alone. We’re so sorry », you heard someone say but didn’t know who.
You finally calmed down a little and remembered that you had to leave. You stood up and whipped the best you could the remaining tears and thanked Sebastian for staying next to you during the confrontation. « Don’t worry Y/N », he replied. You thanked RDJ and the others next for distracting the kids to which they gave the same answer as Sebastian. « I need to find the directors », you mumbled to yourself. When you finally found them, you asked if you could take a day off for personal matters and they immediately agreed and gave you 3 days off. You thanked them and headed to your trailer, taking the essentials.
A few hours later
Mark was the one that came at the airport and drove you back home. The ride was silent and you had a tired blank expression on your face. When you opened the door, you saw your parents stand behind it and you ran towards them and embraced them. You started crying to which your parents joined. After what felt like an eternity, you all sat in the living room. There was a silent before you cleared your throat and began talking. « She said something about ‘her monthly 50k$’. What the was she talking about? » Your parents looked at each other before your father finally spoke, « You already knew that you were adopted, we never kept it a secret from you but there are things you don’t know. » You nodded and your mother preceded. « Me and your father were coming out of the theater when we heard a baby cry in an alley. We discovered him next to a.. next to a garbage box, in a plastic box. It was you », she cried and you couldn’t hold your tears either. « We took you with us. It was a gift from the sky. Your mother and I tried to have another child but unfortunately it was impossible, so when we saw you, we took you », said your father.
« We pretended it was your mother that gave birth and faked your birth record. A year later, a young woman presented herself in front of our house and threatened us to take you, unless we would pay her every month. We couldn’t take the risk to be exposed or we would face jail and more importantly, you were our baby girl. She framed us that night. She saw us take you home with us and when she discovered we had money, she took advantage », he finished.
« Why didn’t you tell me? », your voice cracked. « Honey it’s our responsibility not yours. We made what we had to do to keep you. » There was another silent and you whined « I’m so sorry. I’m such a burden to you. You could have had a good life and I fucked it all up. You should have left me in that box. » Your mother kneeled in front of you and your father did the same. She took your face in her hands and looked firmly in your eyes « Y/N don’t ever say that ever again. You are not and never will be a burden. You’re our DAUGHTER no matter what. There’s no amount of money worthier than you, no fucking gold, no diamond is more precious than you. » You gave a weak smile and replied « Mom you cursed », to which she smiled too.
« I already told that bitch that it was over. She will see no more money ! I want the records to be legalized. You’re my parents. I don’t give a shit if she gave birth to me. You’re the ones that were always there for me - when I started walking and at my first words, during childhood and my fucked up teenage years. You accept me the way I am. YOU ARE MY PARENTS ! » They nodded and you all shared a tight hug and Mark joined all of you. They were your family and no one would change that.
Later in the night after calling the best lawyer in town to start the legalization. He told you it wasn’t a problem since you were an adult now, Carol could do nothing against all of you. After that your parents asked you about your job and you told them that the people you worked with were amazing. « I think we should cancel the party », you said. Your parents shook their head and your mother answered « Absolutely not ! That’s out of question. » You sighed and chuckled weakly. After dinner, you excused yourself and went to bed, exhausted.
PERMANENT TAG LIST: @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @gypsystrangerkeefhawfromtexas @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @honey-kitschlokithotties @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @rikkirikki @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @raiprericnitertiodafo @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @thesilverlioness @francezka10
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menatiera · 6 years
My 2017
My fics masterlist:
According to my Ao3 statistics, I’ve written slightly more than 100K in this year! :)
Still alive - Winteriron Big Bang story - 62K The Winter Soldier escaped from Hydra, and on the run, It needs a Mechanic to maintain the very efficient weapon attached to its body. It decides the best person for the work is the world's best weapon expert: Tony Stark. Abducting him goes unexpectedly well. Then, complications come. with awesome art by araydre and neutralchaos, check them out!
Command me to be well - Stucky Scary Bang story - 17K Prompt: "Necromancer Steve is going to anger management because every time he gets pissed off dead people start crawling out of the ground." That's it, that's the story. A creepy tale involving zombies, therapy, and - yes, you guessed it right - love. Beware of treating death as a joke. (But hey, for a necromancer...) Artwork is by Brooklyn_bisexual.
My roommate is a monster... really?! - Stucky Scary Bang story - 8.7K "Steve makes sure his breaths are deep and even as he listens to Bucky's footsteps. He's barely made it to their dorm room when Bucky's screams started. He almost made the huge mistake of waking him up, but he stopped himself the moment he touched Bucky. He was pretty sure Bucky wouldn't appreciate teethmarks on his forehead." Sharing a room with your childhood best friend in college is great. Even if one of you is a war vet with only one arm, and the other isn't exactly run off the mill either. This should be a funny piece. Written for the Stucky Scary Bang. The wonderful Arania made a beautiful piece of art to accompany this fic.
Inktober ficlets - starkspangledwinterhawk drabbles Day 12: Instrument (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1K Day 7: Confusion (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1K Day 6: Water (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1.3K Day 5: Fallen (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.5K Day 4: Compliment (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.8K Day 3: Warmth (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.8K Day 2: Barefoot (Ao3 / tumblr) - 1.3K Day 1: Searching (Ao3 / tumblr) - 0.7K
Avenging the galaxy - Pod_together ficlet - 2.7K „All right, everyone! Assemble!” Cap called them with a shit-eating grin. „Time to continue playing!” The Avengers already had a succesful table-top RPG campaign where they saved the world as the Guardians of the Galaxy. The second game seems to be as much fun as the first. The amazing podfic is by Opalsong, who jumped into place in the last minute and made magic!
Little ficlets and drabbles: Calidoscope - gen - 1K The first Avenger and his best girl (also superhero) - Steggy shorts - 3.8K In the end we'll find our happiness (or fight for it) - Stony shorts - 1.7K
And here comes my summary of the year :) Fandom things in the beginning, personal stuff (under the cut) in the end.
I fell this hard into the Marvel fandom in the summer of 2016. I've always been a fangirl, but with other stuff earlier. I can't remember the exact thing that hooked me - I have some recollection about a Bucky CW meta, but not sure -, but one it catched my attention, there wasn't a thing in the world able to stop me. I started in hungarian, but the base is almost nonexistent, so... I've started to read english fanfics that fall. It was hard because I haven't practiced my english knowledge since high school, and I've never been particularly good in it anyway. But I've read A LOT, and I got better...
Fast forward: in the beginning of 2017, I made this tumblr blog (thanks for my helpers @saturnabouttomakelove and @cabeswaterfoxes), and in February I wrote my first english drabble. It was garbage, of course, and nothing original, and I struggled with the language so much... but from time to time I tried to write a drabble or one-shot, because I needed to be a 'maker' to feel myself part of the fandom.
I think I had a great development by now, and I hope to have it as well in the future. There are many people who helped me a lot through hard times or with problems I had, and I appreciate all of them and all of their work! I won't try to name everyone because it would be longer than this whole post, but I hope you all know who you are - thank you!!! If we talked even just a few words during this year, then my heartfelt thank you is yours as well, my introvert heart beats for you in gratitude.
The remaining stuff is the personal part, so it's under the cut for the ones interested, but skippable for everyone else.
I can't resist the opportunity to summarize my last year either, so here we go! I had a good run in mostly every sense of the word. Okay, I had my ups and downs and rough areas, sore spots and stuff, but in overall, I think I did good.
I spent 9 out of 12 months with therapy (and only not more because my therapist changed jobs so she had to quit, sadly), and I learned and achieved a lot.
I am still happy with my bf. He's my complete opposite, but he supports me all the way, happy for my successes, encouraging even in things he can't and won't understand or like. I love him dearly.
I moved out from my parents and in together with my sis, which is not ideal, but way better than staying there in a place that I felt toxic. (And made me ride public transportation 3-4 hours each day. Now I have to ride only around 2-2,5 hours. Improvement.) She got two cats, which means I have them as well, and they make me so, so happy. They might not sit in people's laps or love anyone unconditionally, but they have unique and beautiful personalities and they care with us. They try to cheer me up when I'm upset (and they're in the mood for it, of course), they demand attention, they play, they... oh, and they're also beautiful :)
I met wonderful people. I joined a Marvel club, which is awesome. I still feel out of my element most of the time with them, I still don't have that 'I belong here' thing. At some parts it's rational since I don't do cosplay like the rest of them, or since they know each other longer than I. But on the other hand, it's fully irrational and I have to work harder to not only realize they accept me, but also feel myself accepted, and to not let my insecurities ruin this social thingy for me.
I participated in GISHWHES, and had a mostly fun time with it. (Again: my insecurities can fuck themselves because they try really hard to ruin things for me, but I'm battling them actively.)
I met with wonderful hungarian fangirls and -boys in an awesome fandom camp, which meant 4 days of games and fun to me. (Kudos and acknowledgement to the hard-working organizers!) It was the best 4 days of my summer.
I did Nanowrimo as an ML which means I had the opportunity to met all my wonderful wrimos either personally or online, get the honour to help them out, to organize events for them, and in return I became part of the best community I've ever seen, people who understand each other deeply and support each other even more - including me. I'm the luckiest for being part of that. (And also, I’ve written 50K in a month. Yaaay!)
But above all, first and foremost, I'm grateful for meeting my soulmate. @cpt-winniethepooh, you are a truly amazing, awesome person, sunshine in my life. I can't even say how much your friendship means to me. And also, you became my beta, my muse, my best fandom friend as well, and the fics I've written this year mostly happened because of you. I'd be so lost without you. You make me a better person and a better writer as well, you help and encourage me in every way and form, and I want you to be part of my life until we're old and grey. (So, you'll have to meet my bf, and you might as well mean this as a threat. :D) What could I say? Thank you feels not enough, but that's the most I can offer. Thank you for being amazing, for deciding you want to be amazing next to me, and for letting me see the moments when you don't feel amazing at all. (Don't worry - you still are, even during those times.) Thank you, my beloved darling.
And you, dear readers and mutuals and friends, thank you for bearing with me, for following my tumblr and reading my fics, for being awesome and enthusiastic and kind and all.
Keep going in 2018! :)
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The Last Roundup Of 2017 Year – Microsoft Office Tech
The Microsoft Tech Community has made its mark this year! This year we achieved 100,000 individuals, and alongside new item discharges, AMAs, challenges, Tech Summits and Microsoft Ignite, we’ve had an occupied and energizing year.
To praise, here’s a commencement of the main 17 item news declarations, minutes and discussions from the group in 2017. A debt of gratitude is in order for being a piece of it!
– The Microsoft Tech Community group
17. Microsoft Technical Communities
We absorbed Microsoft Technical Communities into our site in November. The Microsoft Tech Community now offers a space to give you access to content and speakers, and opportunities to promote your community events to a wider user-base.
16. Tech Academy
In October, we launched the Tech Academy, accessible from the Microsoft Tech Community navigation bar. The Tech Academy unifies Microsoft‘s learning and readiness platforms for IT Professionals and Developers into a single place. It gives you access to a centralized repository of readiness content and lets you track your progress as you complete it. It’s a great, free resource and one more reason to stop by the Tech Community!
15. Win Big in the Tech Community!
We hosted a number of sweepstakes in the tech community, most notably for Office International, a community we launched in September (you could still win in the sweepstakes ending December 31!).
14. 50K Members
In April, we reached the amazing landmark of 50,000 members! We celebrated this great landmark with a 50K Celebration Puzzle.
13. Teams/Skype at Ignite
Microsoft Ignite was full of big product announcements! One of the biggest was around Teams eventually replacing Skype for Business with a new vision for Intelligent Communications.
12. Windows AMAs
Office has had a number of successful AMAs (Ask Microsoft Anything) events in the tech community. This year, we expanded to include Windows 10 with seven AMAs, starting in May with Windows as a service. Our most popular so far was Windows 10 deployment, with over 2000 unique visitors and over 9000 page views.
11. Cloud + Enterprise AMAs
The Azure Blockchain AMA in March was our first AMA among Microsoft’s cloud and enterprise products. We followed that up with 10 additional AMAs, five of which were for Windows Server. We had an exceptionally popular one around Co-management with Microsoft Intune and System Center Configuration Manager with over 900 unique visitors and almost 7000 page views.
10. Microsoft Teams AMA and roadmap announcement
This was a big year for Microsoft Teams! Following up with their big MicrosoftIgnite announcements, Microsoft Teams hosted a popular AMA in the tech community in October with nearly 2000 unique visitors and almost 6000 page views. Teams also posted a blog about the roadmap for Skype for Business capabilities coming to Microsoft Teams with nearly 60,000 page views.
9. Azure free training resources
Posts on Azure training resources in March and Azure Essentials free training in October proved to be valuable resources to the community.
8. Follow the Tech Community Blog and Microsoft Tech Community Twitter Handle
Want to keep up with this community? We launched the Microsoft Tech Community Blog this year as a one-stop shop for the weekly roundup and other news about the community. Get all the news there as well as through the @MSTCommunity Twitter account, now with over 35,000 followers!
7. Tech Community at Microsoft Ignite
The Microsoft Tech Community was proud to host a Community Lounge space at Microsoft Ignite with swag giveaways, takeover days, executives to meet, live podcasts, food and drink and so much more. In the Tech Community, you can view every session’s slides and video, save it as a resource for the future, and connect with the speaker to ask questions long after Microsoft Ignite.
Our Microsoft Ignite session content received a total of almost 125,000 page views! Some of our top viewed sessions include:
Microsoft 365: Transform your communications with Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business (5.5K Views)
Manage SharePoint using the new Sharepoint Admin Center (2K views)
Using custom themes and designs to standardize the creation of clean, functional SharePoint sites (2.2K views)
Microsoft 365: Unlock creativity and empower teamwork in the modern workplace (2K views)
Modern authentication for Exchange Server on-premises (1.7K views)
Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth. It was great to meet so many community members and MVPs in person!
6. New Member of the Week Club Inductees!
The Member of the Week is an award we give to a community member who has gone above and beyond during the week. We don’t look at metrics, but rather give it to someone who embodies the “community spirit” i.e., is helpful or asks great questions. We offer a Member of the Week Badge for all past and present winners. Congratulations to all the new Member of the Week club members from 2017 – you are truly what makes the Microsoft Tech Community great!
5. Go Local with the Microsoft Tech Summits
The Microsoft Tech Summits are a free, two-day technical training for IT professionals and developers across the globe. The Microsoft Tech Community team traveled to Sydney, Tel Aviv, Sao Paolo and Toronto in 2017 and we’re headed back on the road to 9 more cities in 2018. You can read about each Tech Summit in our blog, and see the session content in the Microsoft Tech Summit group. We hope to see you in your city!
4. Microsoft 365 Community Launch
In August, we launched a community for Microsoft 365, continuing to build momentum around a much talked-about product.
3. 100K Users!
Only eight months after we hit our 50,000 user milestone, we surpassed 100,000 community members. To celebrate, we awarded our first 100,000 community members our 100K Milestone Badge. Thank you all for your contributions and for making the Tech Community such an amazing place to connect and learn.  
2.  SharePoint communication sites and popular blogs
The SharePoint community remains one of our largest and most active, thanks to the product team and amazing members. Mark Kashman’s SharePoint blogs regularly get thousands of views, and his post on Sharepoint communication sites was exceedingly popular with over 50,000 page views. Jeff Teper’s blog on SharePoint and OneDrive announcements at Microsoft Ignite was also very popular with nearly 20,000 page views.
1. Community Superstars and MVPs
MVPs remain community superstars and we couldn’t do it without you. As a group, they contributed 500 new topics and over 5000 replies this year! Their expertise and enthusiasm help make the community a great place to be.
Of course, they aren’t the only community superstars! Thank you to everyone who has joined, contributed, and shared content from this community.
Here are a few resources to help you get the most out of the Microsoft Tech Community in the year ahead!
Follow the Tech Community Blog for updates on the Microsoft Tech Community and for the Weekly Roundup to find out everything that’s been happening in the Microsoft Tech Community this week (published every Friday)
Suggest ideas or vote for existing ideas in the Community Ideas Exchange
Join the Microsoft Ignite community
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Orignal Source Content : http://officesetup-office.com/blog/2018/01/03/the-last-roundup-of-2017-year-microsoft-office-tech/
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