#2nd house stellium asks
ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 months
Hey Queen 💕what do you think the lesson to be learned is of a 2nd house stellium involving Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Venus in Pisces, and Uranus in Aquarius. Also bonus, my south node is 2nd house aquarius 🙄
2nd house stelliums is a focus on money matters, material status, talents you can profit off of and limited resources, so the stellium in aquarius/pisces highlights it from a space that can go unseen pisces) and through lens pass the present (uranus/aquarius).
mercury in aquarius/2nd house: keen insight on things on the behalf of your resources and things you love/add value in your life. You could have gifts in writing and can be used as a way to create money. Skills related to the hands, or something that gets you going on your feet, could be something related to technology, or even something quirky that makes you stand out.
sun in aquarius/2nd house: this is the area you shine in. the more you focus on creating wealth and a stronger income the higher you will in businesses related to your personal interests. You shine when your values are in placed and knowing what you want for yourself. with the aquarius sun in this house, you have an interesting outlook on life but in a way it reflects back to the things you have control over, which is through the material realm.
Your idealistic personality helps shape you in ways that helps you form a different connection with material security, especially since aquarians can be up in the air a lot. With the stellium it helps this placement gather some more endurance.
venus in 2nd house/pisces : your ethereal beauty shines through this house and can usually show in the voice (taurus naturally rules this house and rules the throat). Creative ability and sensuality shines through this house. Using your money on things related to what makes you feel good is a must, and helps you relax and acquaint yourself to pleasurable experiences. With a 2nd house pisces, things beyond your imagination can present itself into physical form if you allow yourself to think outside of the box in order to receive what it is you wish. This placement gives a strong approach to matters of the heart.
uranus in aquarius/2nd house: a desire to express your freedom and intellect outside of ordinary experiences. alot of 'eureka' moments here and how to sustain security in financial endeavors. Skills could be different, or could possibly challenge you to think deeper, thus leading yourself outside of the box into something totally different from the plan. Uranus in a house that yearns from practicality with its freedom loving nature makes for a pretty interesting house.
i hope this helps :)
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vampirae · 11 months
Yeas babe about the stellium post...
People always think that you're a solid person you know what to do, you're determined and have strong boundaries but in fact on the inside you feel just like a misfit who's struggling between two personalities always from one extreme to another... You always have self-dubious tendencies but at the same time you're actually know yourself better than anyone does... And like your idea is I guess really a fact that all your life feels like focused on just a specific area for me it's the 10th house... And everything both the bliss and the curse occurs in 10th house themes. So much empty houses and sincerely you be feeling like "why can't I share the same preferences and interests with others?! Why does it have to feel like I'm in a tunnel vision like all the time??". Nevertheless, I love this edginess and polarity🖤🖤🖤
My sweetheart knows everything about me 🖤🖤🖤 Yes, I always feel like I'm juggling two personas, and I'm always having an identity crisis, but I also believe that only I understand myself better than anybody else, regardless of how excellent others are at reading other individuals. Furthermore, while it is true that you should not overidentify yourself with your natal chart, the fact is that many individuals study and utilize their natal chart superficially. The idea is that many individuals do not live their houses to their full potential. The signs are very simple to understand and to relate, but houses are far more convoluted. In the sense that you are born to master the houses in which your planets reside, it is not as natural as having the characteristics of a sign. This is why empty houses aren't an issue because you already know how to navigate them, but occupied houses are challenging to use in your favor. This is why people with a stellium in a house have such internal struggles; they understand better than others that they must put in a lot of effort to master and use the themes to their advantage; if you're not willing to work through it, you'll feel like you're drowning and being overpowered by the house themes and events. This sense of isolation and lack of connection with people can be bothersome at times, but at the end of the day, I'm used to obsessively caring about only a few topics in my life, which can be exhausting at times.
About 10th house stellium:
A stellium in the 10th house frequently signifies a strong desire and purpose for professional accomplishment. Individuals that are extremely driven to attain their objectives, earn recognition, and make a big influence in their chosen industry may be highly motivated. A stellium in the 10th house indicates a natural drive for leadership roles and the urge to exercise power or influence in one's work. These people may have excellent leadership characteristics and succeed in managerial situations. The 10th house stellium indicates that the individual values their public image and reputation. They may be worried about how others see them and try hard to establish a beneficial reputation. This stellium can imply a variety of abilities and skills depending on the planets involved. Individuals with various interests or who excel in several areas may be more versatile in their professional options. A stellium in the tenth house might represent a great desire for achievement and recognition. These people are frequently extremely driven, concentrated, and eager to put in the required work to attain their objectives. While a 10th house stellium might bring tremendous prosperity, it can also bring obstacles. As their employment targets might absorb a significant amount of their time and energy, the individual may be motivated to perpetually prove themselves and may struggle with work-life balance.
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venusfun · 5 months
Solar return chart notes🌟🌾
After a long time of not being active, I have decided to surprise you with some of my notes for Solar return charts!
Please note that these are my observations and opinions, if you have any questions feel free to hit my ask box💓
🌾I have noticed that people with 12th house people have such important dreams in their year. People with this placement can even predict future events or get an instinct to their deepest minds using their dreams.
🌾2nd house can tell what big purchase a person will make this year. For instance, Venus in 2nd - jewelry, designer clothes, perfume, etc., Uranus in 2nd - phone, computer, TV, futuristic home decor, etc., Mercury in 2nd house - also phone or laptop (communication devices), books, journals, luggage, bicycles, and even cars.
🌾People with Mars in 2nd house should be careful with impulsive shopping!
🌾People with Pluto or Mars in the 5th house in the SR chart could be fans of adventurous sports that cause high adrenaline like bungee jumping, skydiving, motocross, etc.
🌾People with Earth element dominating SR charts can really love spending time outside in nature.
🌾I love seeing Venus, Sun, and Jupiter in the 6th house! It means that the person will value wellness and a healthier lifestyle.
🌾Also Venus in the 6th house could get beauty treatments daily - manicures, facials, massages, waxing, etc.
🌾Pluto in 3rd house indicates a change of schools, neighbors, study habits, or even vehicles.
🌾Uranus in the 11th house can indicate new friendships online. It can also be a sign of new friends that are rebellious or unconventional in some way.
🌾Stellium in the 5th, 10th, and 11th house gives a person bigger popularity.
🌾12th house Suns will feel distanced and isolated during the year. But it's a great sign that a person should explore their subconscious and spiritual side.
🌾Uranus in the 12th house can indicate spiritual awakening.
🌾People with Mercury in the 9th house can develop writing skills! This could be a sign that a person could be working on some book or story.
🌾Sun in 1st house gives the main character energy during the year. These people are balls of sunshines that can make everyone feel amazing.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and please let me know what placements should I cover in my next post!🌟
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vivmaek · 10 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing good! Do all aspects and placements in someone’s chart make up their appearance? I’ve heard that it does, and I’ve heard that it doesn’t. Just curious to know :)
Hi, I love this question! I can see arguments for both sides, but in my opinion I think all placements within someones chart make up appearance. I say this because our emotions and inner psychology directly affect physical appearance. And the same can be said for our physical environments. Here are some examples:
Gemini Saturn in the 12th House - Prone to getting bags under the eyes due to poor sleep. Struggles with anxiety and poor appetite.
Venus in the 2nd House - Having the resources to maintain ones appearance. Having access to high quality food, clothing, makeup, and skincare.
Neptune in the 8th House - Prone to drug usage, and is especially susceptible to the negative side effects. These types look spaced out and detached even if they have never used substances. They've probably been asked, "Are you high?" even if dead sober.
12th house stellium - Looks mysterious, even when you get to know them. No one ever truly knows a 12th house stellium. My life long friend constantly reveals details about her life that change the way I view her. And I never really know what she is up to, even when we were in each others daily lives. She travels more than any young person I know, yet remains humble and wise. 12th house stelliums are the ultimate mystiques, and this is an incredibly attractive quality.
1st House stellium - Their distinct personality overpowers whatever their physical appearance may be. Usually people attach traits onto others based on their physical appearance, but the reverse happens for 1st house stelliums. It is almost like they're cartoon characters, its like their personality and sense of character was developed before their physical form even came into existence. Their physical appearance suits who they are so well, I don't know how else to describe it.
Pluto in the 6th house - There are periods in which people with this placement will be overworked.
Scorpio Uranus in the 12th House - The wild card. Their subconscious state shifts drastically and changes unexpectedly, and this most definitely affects the ways in which they present themselves to the world.
Scorpio Mars in the 5th House - People with this placement are baddies. Cool af and might partake in some dangerous hobbies.
Chart ruler in the 4th House - Nostalgia frames the ways in which these people present themselves. Might have a timeless look about them.
Virgo Mercury in the 8th House - Could partake in hygienic practices that are diligent and maybe strange.
Cancer Saturn in the 5th House - Handyman vibes. Down to earth in their self expression.
Sun in the 3rd House - Seemingly youthful, the eternal student.
Strong 11th House placements - Their appearance is somehow associated with whatever group they belong to. This could be church, clubs, sports teams, humanitarian efforts. (For instance, Tom Cruise has his Jupiter in the 11th house and you can't look at him without thinking about Scientology.)
Strong 7th House placements - Tend to take on traits adapted from their relationships. They mirror people.
Uranus in the 9th House - Might end up living amongst a culture that differs from the one they grew up in. This will affect the ways in which people perceive their appearance.
Saturn Square Pluto - 😐 <- this face
Mercury Trine Pluto - 🤨 <- this face
Mars aspecting Uranus - Prone to accidents, bodily injury, scars.
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arcadia345 · 7 months
The Natal Astrology chart of Jeon-Jungkook
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‼️🔞🔞🔞 not a real astrologer just my observations :) paid readings
Born in Busan, South Korea on Monday Sept. 1st 1997 at 3:23pm
ASC: Capricorn 6°
the first thing to stand out on him appearance wise would be his hands and arms, shoulders, teeth, hair, legs and thighs, but especially his torso! With his dreamlike and eccentric presence they didn’t take him seriously Saturn influence but as time passed and he worked on his crafts and himself everyone seen him as the star he is. Capricorns are known for having to mature quicker than others because of responsibilities. As a cap rising with Uranus and Neptune in the first just like him I KNEW he was a Capricorn bc of how his nose has always been prominent throughout his life but now he’s grown up/ into his features 🥹 and also how everyone always projecting (Neptune)onto him like???? Like when did he tell you this?? Definitely the dissociation king 👑. Very easy to dream about him I feel😭 he brings out our subconscious desires. His rebellious Uranus side popped out when he came out with his piercings and tats you could tell he was tired of being projected onto but also iconic because he’s kinda like the first A-list K-pop idol (bts in general tho)to go out of social norms appearance wise. In a way they kinda broke a generational curse 🥹 I remembered how he said he got the scar on his cheek because he was fighting with his brother which correlates to his Aries Saturn (his chart ruler) in the 3rd(siblings). Style wise he gets bored quickly so he’d like to switch up his appearance often. Most of the time he’d go for comfortable but still fashionable clothing, like you may see him in a chill outfit but it’ll cost more than ur rent💀. He could like to switch it up with odd/bold/flirty colors & fits but mostly he loves his darker colors like grey and black.
2nd house: Aquarius 14°
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Lemme tell y’all right now…. This man is WIERD at heart🤣🤣 like he’s genuinely quirky lol it’s not a front like fr he’s so down to earth it’s crazy🥹 also his whole chart points to being very spiritual? esp with that 8th house stellium like he’s very into expanding his mind in any way possible so his could be heavily gifted and in pretty sure he knows this by now. He definitely ask himself “why me?”all the time like what did he do to end up so blessed/different?. He definitely would’ve had money regardless of fame as long as he stays true to himself and learns to give enough without being taken advantage of. He loves watching television/listening to music to pass the time. (Any other Neptune in 1st feel like they were raised by television??) Jupiter is all about indulging so in the 2nd house he loves all the simple pleasures, he LOVES FOOD like omg & nice clothes and smells everything that makes you feel good, he likes to collect things that’ll make you go????🤨😃 also he’s DEFINITELY CHRONICALLY ONLINE AND STALKING US BUT HE CANT HELP IT he’s just really nosey lmao😂. He’s the type of celeb to be like “I’m bored, what are my fans doing?” Like omg pookie you genuinely curious what I’m up to??? I feel so special😭 he feels his real persona can come out online better than irl? I think it’s a shyness thing.
ꪔ̤̥ Now since he grew up in the spotlight please take into consideration since bts is his 2nd family a lot of the things I discuss would include them especially 3rd and 4th house but I’ll just call them family also
3rd house: Pisces 23°
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First off we already know how dreamy and passionate he is when it comes to his communication skills, in school years he could’ve been the kid nobody noticed in class, also bullying could’ve been a issue, the type to sleep through class, also his siblings could be talented as well, he/they could have many secrets they share between each other. I’m getting that it could be hard for him to remember his upcomings sometimes because like it genuinely flew over his head💀 like yes he was there but he wasn’t there mentally sometimes lol same. Saturn in this house his siblings/ family were strict on him he could be shy when it comes to expressing his emotions like it’s hard to just pinpoint one emotion when you feel everything all at once so that could discourage him from expressing himself. Also he could’ve been lied to /left out often and didn’t even know it omg😭 now don’t get me wrong even tho a lot of things fly past his head he’s VERY MUCH self aware he just doesn’t care fr💀 also since his 3rd house ruler is in the 1st the scenario that comes to mind is like someone seeing your sibling out and public and the first thing they ask is “where’s your brother(Jk)?” Saturn can represent the father and discipline🥺 trying not to cry while type this) him and his siblings went through a lot of difficult times together but also they taught him so much he has sooo much respect for them he knows he wouldn’t be the same person today without them omg like they really raised him🥺🥺😭
4th house: Aries 26°
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Now he could’ve had an erratic home life he could’ve moved around a lot & moved far away at a young age since Venus is in the 9th. There is a lot of mars masculine energy here so he likes chaos/excitement in his home also lots of sporty/action stuff around the house I feel like when he first met bts it was like his first taste of freedom in a way. I tell ya rn there was never a dull moment where he lived lol. Him and his family were always in competition with someone they had to fight for their place. Struggle wise at times he could’ve been FIGHTING for his life lots of arguments and aggression (which makes sense since they said they didn’t really get along at first)but with the Taurus degree there was definitely struggles with money and food / stability and personal possessions which drove him to work even harder. His 4th house ruler being in the 10th is giving I grew up at work😟😔
5th house: Taurus 22°
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Firstly he’d be such a great dad 🥺 a really funny one too 😂 . His flirting style is not flirting at all😎 well kinda he’s more of gift giving person. His love language is genuinely opening up to you because he barely gets to do that fr, for Capricorns that’s a big thing. Things like showing you the most simple smallest things that means sm to him🥹🥹 to things he created. also food is big to him like the key to his heart actually, that man loves his food! be ready to be wined and dined and spoileddd. He loves traveling, dancing, music, philosophies & beautiful things so he’ll want to get your input on almost everything he wants to pick your brain lol. Also he’s really clingy that’s important to him physical touch but he really doesn’t open up much because he knows he has a lot to lose so he definitely isn’t a fling type of guy he likes to build a foundation with someone unless it’s like a one time thing out of the country where he knows he’ll probably never see you again so might as well act on his instincts. He could be into choking/restrictions, taboos, spontaneity, feet??? One of his erotic zones is his neck. Also his siblings influence his creativity heavily because he knows they know what’s best for him. What he considers as fun is eating😭😭👀 playing some games, cooking, listening to his fav music, drinking, cleaning doing laundry like he’s such a simple man that a good day for him would be staying home all day 😂
6th house: Gemini 14°
He’s very versatile he likes learning he hungers for knowledge. He keeps a strict routine but still likes to switch it up cause he gets bored easily. He was very young when he started working and also he was one of the youngest of his peers so Gemini here makes sense also as he is naturally curious he likes working with his peers/ siblings and unique personalities. He likes traveling also and trying the different types of food they have and shopping there also he obviously spoils his pets feeds them the best food keeps them well groomed, it’s in a mutable sign so I wouldn’t be surprised if he had many types of animals but he’ll want to cuddle a lot with them so idk if he’ll be keen to reptilians with such a busy career atm. He’ll also be very vocal with them they could know a lot of tricks that he taught them. He’d like to travel with them also if he has the chance to, Taurus in his 5th he loves to dress them up and pamper them, wouldn’t be surprised if he was having danceoffs against them lmao 😂
7th house: Cancer 6°
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Let me tell you something…. This is HUSBAND MATERIAL RIGHT HERE. The type to be like “I can fix them.” Cause he loves a challenge but he’d actually be able to fix them ngl😭. But first let’s get into how other people perceive him on a 1-1 basis. Now with both these planets being in the 8th it’s very evident that they’d want to jump his bones/ spiral into obsession/ an awakening after meeting him. People naturally spill their hearts out to him, definitely a trauma dumping placement. Ofc people are gonna baby him it’s like he brings out people’s maternal instincts they just wanna keep him safe🥹 but this is also how he treats everyone, with genuine love and respect❤️ also he could get shy easily like the bunny Thumper from Bambi 🥹
8th house: Leo 14°
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Okay now bare with me on this one because it’s hard to really understand stelliums if you don’t have one in ur chart, but what I’ve noticed is no matter what they seem to get put in situations that correlate with the house the stellium is in, which causes them to focus on the opposite house to balance the energy’s out. Now first off this man has some HEAVY good karma from the past life he honestly deserves every abundant thing that comes to him x2. As you know he is very keen on perfectionism and order, I refuse to believe he wasn’t some cult leader /powerful witch or something in the past life. Especially a VIRGO stellium in the 8??!!? He was/is a natural born healer 🥹🥹 no doubts about it especially with his moon at a 0° so the moon is in its pure element no matter the sign he’s here to experience those raw emotions. I’ve never met someone with their moon degree at 0 cause its hard to find but i had a manager that had a cancer Venus 0° and when I tell you she made me feel soo special 🥹🥹 like you can feel how genuine she is she loved giving gifts and making sure everyone was okay like the energy was so PURE and innocent in a way it reminds me of jungkook and his acts of service . Also which is why I get why everyone thought he was a Leo moon cause he is in sidereal Astro but I don’t get that egoistic attitude from him if anything it’s the opposite. I don’t want this section to be too long so I’ll move on to his pleasures😈 he’s into praising, teasing, creampies, being rough, nipple play, playful banter, degrading, car s*x, breast/chest, backshots, anal, heavvvy on oral and hand play the type to tie you up 😳 he could possibly be LGBTQ+ friendly if ykwim since he has prominent Aquarius and Virgo is a mutable sign known for their curiosity and versatility, and yk Virgos are obsessed with perfection and cleanness so I’m assuming he likes to get extra messy and wet during the act and he’s not finished with you till you BOTH climax he refuses to be known for bad s*x😤 he likes to make a scene/put on a show. But like I said earlier with his moon and mercury conjunct he needs a strong emotional and mental connection with you before he does anything. His 8th house is so interesting I could go on and on but no😏
9th house: Virgo 23°
Jungkook is very sharp when it comes to the 9th and 8th house since they’re very important in fulfilling his life purpose. In later years school people could’ve seen him as perfect in a way very organized and on point probably a teachers pet or honestly it could’ve been the other way around 😹 ofc half the class had some type of crush on him or was just naturally curious about him but still with that Pisces degree he lowkey didn’t care to be there in a way he probably was absent often but the teachers didn’t care cuz hello??? It’s jk.🥴 Let’s not forget his Libra Venus is in this house as well so he’s natural charming without trying esp to foreigners (9th). He has a strong connection to his past life so I’m thinking he’s like a green witch in a way? Like healing/manifesting when cooking or in nature around plants and animals, singing or just by listening to someone who needs to vent or vise versa. When he travels he needs EVERYTHING to be clean and in place to make sure him and his people are safe bc if not he’ll spiral also he could get jet lagged easily but by now he probably has a routine that helps with that. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if he got married to a foreigner, someone in his circle that he’s known for a long time. Ngl I have Libra 19° in 9th and I tend to get reallly curious when I travel ifykwim 🥴🫣 I really like to experience the people aswell as the location that I’m in to get the full experience. Also with the Pisces degree he’s more likely to do substances like 🚬 and drinking when he’s with his siblings/cousins/ traveling
Mc : Libra 26°
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His mother has a heavy Venus influence on him, I’m getting his family altogether was close-knit growing up. He’s known for his worldwide aesthetics, and basically being perfect boyfriend/husband material. Hes known to be easily loved by many, but he’ll mostly be know for the pain he’s experienced, his healing abilities, and his versatility in skills. His Chiron is in this house so most of his pain comes from the industry he’s in, authority, and his public image, with it being at a 29° his ego can hurt him the most😳 which is why I don’t understand why people would get that cocky vibe from him other than his mars. With a Scorpio mars here he’ll also be known as a big sex symbol/someone who brings strong reactions out of people. Since it’s also the ruler of his 11th house so he’ll be known for his viscous and obsessive fans especially online. He’s prone to getting many stalkers/sesangs with how heavy his 10th and 11th house is with Scorpio energy and peers see him as competition even though they see he’s not a malicious person. On the positive side tho he’ll have the ability to feel & see what goes unseen, people’s hidden motives and desires, and so will his fans!! Iykyk👀 Also mars represents passions and pleasure so he could have a thing for love at the workplace, maybe into older/mature people or power play. He could have a porn addiction, definitely into some kinky 💩 with that Aquarius degree. yall plz don’t cancel me I’m just reading his chart. 😭
11th house: Scorpio 22°
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His internet presence with have good longevity, this house has to do with our wishes, I’ve been saying I really feel like he did something in the past life to “seal the deal” fame wise because that’s what his chart is giving doesn’t necessarily mean he did something bad but there was definitely intentional manifestation there. Esp with the kill or be killed degree here you don’t have room for mistakes. Yall this man is a stalker big timmme like he stalks us reallll bad but also so does his fans 😹😹 it’s definitely a 2-way street I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a spam twitter account to watch us start army wars💀. If you have Pluto in 11th you know how hard it is NOT to stalk people online😩??? I don’t even care about the people I stalk I’m just nosey asf lmao. His Pluto is at 2° so he could get a lot of gifts from seasangs esp food and material things I’ve heard him speak on these topics also. They’ll try to expose him for having fun since Taurus is in his 5th house,ie while out at restaurants, shopping, his creative endeavors, his love life, or just when he’s at his most comfortable, and children.(Omg? The way that sesang incident with Enwoo just happened right after I typed this wth😳)He understands how crucial his privacy is for his protection so he’ll choose not to post as much. He’s the friend in the group with the silent power/ magneticistm, he prefers to befriend people who understands his deep emotions, friends that have also went through traumatic experiences, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was apart of a online community secretly so he can feel normal for once. Also he’s known as the sexy emo friend lmao with the cool tats and piercings that smokes cigarettes to look cool 😎 he also prefers to befriend people who look like this also
12th house: Sagittarius 14°
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Sag in your chart is where your blessings are & what you’re optimistic about. Also where you tend to be a little pessimistic. Sagittarius reminds me of the feeling a sugar rush/liqour gives you, while Capricorn reminds me of the come down afterwards regretting all the decisions you made and how you’ll never do it again. Like I’ve said this whole time he is spiritually gifted and he has strong connection to his past life. He has a lot of Deja vu moments, the things/hobbies he loved then he loves in this life also it brings him a lot of fulfillment. He’d prefer to be in solitude than to be around people but his Jupiter is in Aquarius so this part is a bit odd… he’s comfortable having cameras around when he’s secluded esp with friends but in public??? He hates it especially when he’s not with anyone he knows I think he has social anxiety 🥺 could’ve been overweight in the past life that’s probably where his love for food comes from, he’ll be blessed with assets abroad from his homeland. He could look really similar to what he did in the past life I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a bunny or something.
ꪔ̤̥ That’s it for now till next time❤️ check back for updates
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cursedbyastro · 2 years
.001 astro observations
cursedbyastro © 2022 | do not plagarize, translate, repost, and/or copy onto any other platform
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· * . ✦. hi there. I know that I have been gone for a while, but I am back now. I plan on being more consistent and also answering the asks that are in my letterbox currently so bare with me. i'll probably post every sunday but i haven't decided yet so idk. also reminder that these are not astrological facts, but insteasd astrological observations i have noticed in myself and others. please enjoy!
໑ moon in the 1st/cancer ascendant/moon-ascendant aspects or neptune in the 1st/cancer ascendant/moon-ascendant typically give doe eyes/bambi beauty. because of the innocent, watery and emotional nature of cancer & pisces, it gives this innocent, youthful, fragile, emotional, and bambi-like beauty to natives. sometimes, you can be said to look younger than your age or have a certain glow to your skin/body.
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(madonna, audrey hepburn, — moon in the 1h, marilyn monroe — neptune in the 1h)
໑ aquarius ascendant/uranus-ascendant/uranus in the 1st and/or scorpio ascendant/pluto in the 1st/pluto-ascendant aspects typically give siren eyes.. uranus and pluto influence can add coldness, mystery, and a sultry vibe that makes people want to be drawn near you and know more about you. (bonus points if you have a good mix) (kylie, scarlett – uranus | charlize theron – pluto)
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(scarlett johansson, kylie jenner — uranus 1h, charlize theron — pluto in 1h)
໑ i’ve noticed that harsh moon/mars aspects can bring random aggressive mood swings kinda like being irritated but not knowing why. it’s best that people leave you alone or that you seek solitude (whenever possible) when you feel this way to avoid hurting other people physically and emotionally.
໑ the asteroid nessus (258) conjunct mercury can show that your words cut other very deeply – and when I say deep I mean deep. (even enough to hurt or shock the most “emotionless” folk) however, this has probably come as a mechanism to combat things in your past. speaking your true feelings and maybe even seeking a therapist can help.
໑ parallels work almost exactly like a conjunction but only the positive effects mostly. some see parallels as lesser than a conjunction, but I see it to being as equal as a conjunction and contra-parallels like opposition at the same intensity.
venus parallel pluto causes the person to love extremely deeply and want the same in return. love is almost always transforming for you and you most likely don’t partake in relationships that you do not see lasting. you seem very intense, mysterious, and seductive. major sex appeal vibes. you give all or nothing energy into the things you love and are passionate about eve investigating them deeply. you try to find the beauty in most things.
໑ I’ve noticed that people with the 22nd degree doesn’t necessarily mean to be killed or kill, but it can mean success but at a cost.
for example, steve jobs has his ascendant at the 22nd degree and is known for his company Apple, hardworking nature, and technological advancements. however, the path for him to developing his company was a hard one and his recognition did not truly come until after death.
໑ looking for new ways to nurture yourself and practice self-care? look for ceres, vesta, and moon placements and/or the 12th and 2nd houses
໑ 11th house stelliums = having a lot of people around you, but nobody truly “seeing” you
໑ also side note, 11th house stelliums, a well-aspected 11th house, and/or 11th house placements have amazing manifestation powerof they just utilize them and have faith in them
໑ 3rd house ruler in the 4th most likely have an older sister/”mature” sister who help take care of them and raise them like a mother would
໑ god bless those individuals that fuck with someone with a venus-mars conjunction especially if in a water sign.
໑ scorpio 11th/pluto in the 11th are the types of people to have privacy screens on their devices or just generally keep dark screens on them. they also may be selfish with sharing their personal technology. many of your friends may think that you have something to hide, but sometimes you just like your privacy
໑ mercury/venus aspects can give some great love advice even if they have not been in an actual relationship
໑ people not being able to tell if you’re being sarcastic or serious = capricorn mercury  
໑ planets/asteroids aspect each other planets/asteroids if they are closer in degrees which determines the orb like if your venus is at 14 degrees and mars at 14 degrees in the same sign they will be conjunct at a 0-degree orb (I don’t know if this is commonly known or not lol)
໑ venus at hard aspects to ascendant can wear multiple masks to other people that they love or what to be loved by even to the point that it can cause identity crises or not truly embracing who you are out of fear of being rejected
໑ having the asteroid actor (12238) in the 3rd house/under mercury's influence can be great enough that other often use them as a means to teach acting to others, get along well with other actor's around their age, and/or amazing voice actors. (because it makes them expressive.)
໑ for people with moon/saturn and moon/pluto aspects I honestly want to give you the biggest hugs ever, you deserve and deserved more. please nurture your inner child…
໑ those with a scorpio venus/plutonian-influenced venus are the type to want their significant other's/loved ones location on. it gives them peace of mind.
໑ even if you have other aspects contradict, moon in harminous aspects to saturn can cause a person to be calm even in stressful situations and not allow their emotions to get ahold of them.
໑ having a 5th house stellium in the webb (3041) persona chart can show that you can be known on the internet for your talents, confidence, creativity, drama, childlike radiance, and/or causal romances. it could also mean that you find the internet entertaining or that you are known for your entertaining behaviors on the internet.
໑ having you sun in the 11th/aquarius in the apollo (1862) persona chart can show that when you are decisive in your apparent talent and acknowledge your independent uniqueness to the rest of the world, you can gain from these talents and inspire more people to do the same.
໑ the 5th degree is known as a "short-term fame degree". i've noticed that it can bring a kind of sexual/sensual fame related to your looks or sexual appeal that you bring to whatever planet/house it resides.
໑ even though chiron is where we are wounded and where we can heal others, when we begin to overcome the struggles of chiron, this can be the area of our greatest accomplishments as well once we overcome the insecurities of chiron.
໑ venus square neptune = cellophane by fka twigs/in my head by ariana grande
໑ the asteroid kilo (84) being prominent in the natal chart can show a love for history. the type of history depends on the sign, house placement, and aspects. for example, kilo in the 5h might like art history, or a kilo in cancer might enjoy women studies.
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seafoamreadings · 3 months
week of march 17th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the first half of the week is very you. maybe everything is going your way, or maybe not but you're at least positive that you're the main character. later, your ruling planet mars moves into pisces - it is a strange and passive sign for him but it means you can do magic. for real.
taurus: your ruling planet venus harmonizes beautifully with benefic jupiter in your sign this week. it is hard to ask for a better aspect, although it is quick and fleeting. make good use of it. it gives you charm, allure, and an appetite for pleasure.
gemini: it's not mercury retrograde yet, but mercury is already in the shadow of his next retrograde. his alignment this week with the lunar nodes makes this effect more powerful than usual for everyone, and profoundly so for mercurial you.
cancerians: next week involves an eclipse, the start of eclipse season. it's so profound that one as lunar as you are likely feels the buildup already. things will bubble over - start preparing now to catch the overflow and prevent trouble so you can make the most of eclipse season.
leo: this week starts off aries season. and the sun has its rulership in your sign, but its exaltation in aries, so this period is VERY favorable (and shiny! and fun!) for leos. increase the benefits by learning about something you feel passionate about.
virgo: what is coming up in the next several weeks involves your shared resources and money from sources like inheritance. avoid merging households at this time, make sure your taxes are in order, keep your debt as low as possible, and so on.
libra: this week is the equinox, in your opposite sign and house of relationships. partnerships can be looking sunny indeed. but hold on to your hat, because *next* week there is a major lunar eclipse between libra and aries that can have these same relationships in turmoil, or at least upheaval.
scorpio: were it not for your ancient affiliation with mars, you would find little in common with aries. however, when the sun is in aries it is a bit of a special time for you due to that old connection. for a little bit, your martial side may become stronger than your plutonic side. meanwhile mars for its own part heads into pisces this week, and while many flounder with this placement, you do have an affinity with that watery sign. this ingress helps you make magic.
sagittarius: a couple of quite important ingresses occur this week. but the most noticeable for you will be the start of aries season. that marks the movement of the sun into your very fun and romantic 5th house. go wild. but keep your home beautiful and clean just in case you end up doing a bit of hosting, with mars in your 4th! a party would not be out of place if the mood strikes you.
capricorn: you will not read much about ceres out there in the world, but i hope that as she traverses your sign this time around, you develop a great appreciation for her. she makes some very benevolent and nourishing sextiles this week; try to be open to the fruits they yield.
aquarius: now with the start of spring, mars follows his lover venus into the sign of the purest love itself, pisces. this is your 2nd house, and a deeply romantic set of ingresses. it's good news for your money. but more than that, it's good news for anything that you value. cherish those things.
pisces: the sun in aries always means lovely things for you financially - it's like actual gold. furthermore by the end of the week you'll be hosting in your sign not just neptune and saturn and venus but also mars. you're deeply magical, and hardly tangible to the creatures of this realm. you're on another plane, in the best way. be kind to yourself and avoid addiction, compulsion, or dishonesty, and the results will be beautiful.
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astrojulia · 10 months
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DISCLAIMER. These general free readings are made in good faith for entertainment purpose. I may have missed a he/she instead of them in the translation.
How to pick a pile
The pick a pile order is Pile 1 - Pile 2 - Pile 3. When you have different cards to choose from in pile 1,2,3… look at each of those cards. Wait until someone reminds you of a memory. Perhaps a character’s outfit resembles one of your own. It is this pile that has its message. What if they all remind me of something? Go for the one with the strongest memory, one might look like her earring but another might be the favorite candy you got from your grandma when you vacationed at her house. But what if none reminds me of something? Take a deep breath and wait a little longer, without charging yourself or creating worries. Relax, some will awaken some memory in you, I promise!
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Pile 1 - Kuromi
(Three of Wands - The Fool - The Dream - Terra - Uranus - Taurus)
Great news! You're traveling abroad! However, there's a slight catch: your future spouse is a foreigner. But don't worry; you still haven't met your future spouse (FS) since you're currently in the same place. Once you embark on your journey to explore other cultures, you'll get the chance to meet them. I say "other cultures" because it might not necessarily involve traveling to a different continent; sometimes, even within the same country (like Brazil, which is vast and has distinct regions like the North and South), you can encounter diverse cultures.
So, during this trip abroad, whether it's for work or vacation, you might cross paths with your Future Spouse.When you meet them, you will be in a moment of happiness and expansion and it will be difficult for you to have to stay in one place to maintain a relationship and this feeling will cause you distress. It will be a time of many things to be done at the same time if you want to have it all.
Some potential signs to look out for are: Sun, Ascendant, or Venus in Aquarius or Taurus; a dominant Earth influence (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo); or a strong 11th house stellium.
Safe travels, and may you find happiness and love on your journey!
Pile 2 - Pompompurin
(Four of Cups - Judgement - The Shield - Saturn - Mars - 2nd house)
You have not yet met your future spouse, and until you find that person, it requires a long journey of self-development and meditation to ponder, "Who do I really want as my partner? Am I asking for too much or too little?" Defining a path regarding the kind of people you want to involve yourself with and identifying the values you cannot compromise on is crucial. Consider this because you may encounter individuals who do not share the same values, resulting in a problematic relationship.
What are your dreams and goals, and how far are you willing to go to achieve them? Would your future spouse need to be someone who accompanies you on your journey, or would they be someone who knows how to lead their own life independently? Reflect on how complex it is to envision the type of person we desire to have in our life; taking the time to think about it is necessary.
Give some thought to the specific traits you truly seek in a life partner. As you continue your search, be aware that some possible signs of your future spouse could include: Sun, Ascendant, or Venus in Aries, Capricorn, or Aquarius; Mars aspecting Saturn; or a stellium in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house.
Keep in mind that finding the right person may take time, but it's a journey worth investing in to build a fulfilling and harmonious relationship.
Pile 3 - Sweet Piano
(The Lovers - Seven of Swords - The Windy - Libra - 6th house - 1st house)
I'm not sure if you're currently in this situation or if you might encounter it in the future, but it seems that your future spouse could be someone you have feelings for, yet they are currently in a relationship with someone else. It can be disheartening to find yourself attracted to someone who is already committed, as it may feel like they are constantly taking away your chance at love. It's frustrating to think that just when you find the right person, they are already involved with someone else.
However, it's essential to handle this situation with integrity and respect for their current relationship. I advise against attempting to make them cheat on their partner or making inappropriate advances. It's crucial to honor their commitment and not disrupt their existing relationship.
Instead, be helpful and supportive when they ask for assistance, but refrain from being overly flirtatious. Provide your help sincerely and discreetly, then focus on your own life. To make a strong connection with this person in the future, you need to work on self-improvement. This includes how you present yourself to the world, such as taking care of your appearance and pursuing personal growth and accomplishments, such as education and career development.
Potential signs of your future spouse may include: Sun, Ascendant, or Venus in Libra; a stellium in the 1st or 6th house; or having a dominant Air influence (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra).
Remember, focusing on self-improvement and respecting others' relationships will create a positive foundation for your future and potential connections. Love and relationships take time and effort, so continue working on becoming the best version of yourself.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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thatsexcpisces · 2 years
Astrology observations pt. 2
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- If a woman has her Lilith aspecting her ascendant, she’s usually likely to attract men who are older than her as she is seen as innocent and in need to be taken care of (same usually applies to cancer rising women!)
- Sagittarius sun’s are good at pretending they care about what you’re saying or talking about but the whole time they wanna leave or are spaced out thinking about something else
- DONT try to argue with a Saturn dominant or ruled person (cap/aqua) you will regret it bc not only will they try and make you feel stupid for having a different opinion but they won’t stop talking until they feel they have successfully dragged you down completely
- I’ve noticed that people who have a water mercury + an air/earth mars usually try to communicate their emotions with the most sentimental and good intentions but it comes off as cocky, detached, and as if they’re trying to one-up and disrespect the other person
- Leo placements have such a welcoming energy to them. They know how hurtful it is to be excluded and ignored so they always make sure to make their friends and others a part of the conversation and talk to them
- Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn, And Libra placements are the PURE energy of: lady in the streets, freak in the sheets
- Scorpio/Capricorn or Pluto/moon in the 2nd house have such a seductive and sexy voice
- Sagittarius & Aquarius risings have NO FILTER, they do not give a fuck about who’s feelings they’re gonna hurt as long as the truth is set in stone
- Its always those Libra mercuries who secretly stir the pot and start the drama but then sit there in silence when shit gets intense 💀
- Saturn in aspect to Pluto people:
are you okay?
- People with heavy 8th house energy or an 8th house stellium May feel that they are always going through constant changes and ups & downs in their life. Usually unexpected changes that they didn’t ask for but already have to adjust to
- Whether you like Gemini’s or not, you can’t say that they aren’t the life of the party. Ruled by mercury and as a mutable air sign, they always know what to say and how to make people laugh and have a good time
- Having an earth sign in the 4th house could probably indicate that you’ve had a parental figure (mostly mother) who made you feel forced to always overwork yourself and do the best and even please them with accomplishments
- Leo, Capricorn, Scorpio and Aries moons usually have a horrible relationship with their father
- Leo and Libra in the big 3 gives someone an amazing and trendy sense of style that others admire and may try to copy
- I feel like people overlook how fake Taurus moons (mostly underdeveloped) can act. These people are jealous and possessive so if there’s anyone that makes them feel insecure or triggers those traits of theirs, they will form an inner or secret hatred towards them. Unless you’re super close to them as a friend or in general, it’s very likely for them to talk bad about others and act nice to their face
- A lot of Aries men I’ve met are usually car guys or they’re like really into cars and having them. A lot of them also tend to be very athletic and involved in sports
- Chiron in the 4th or 11th house (or in cancer & Aquarius) indicates someone who felt left out all their life and is they are different than others and don’t fit in. Chiron in 4th/cancer is more in a family sense where maybe they felt unwelcome or like the black sheep of the family where 11th/Aquarius is more in social groups and settings where they feel different and misunderstood by peers/acquaintances
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makingspiritualityreal · 11 months
Making Spirituality Real Vedic Astrology Community Questions Masterpost
This is a Link Resource for all the Vedic Astrology Community Questions I answered throughout the years, that have collective informative value. Look for your Chart placements or potential questions on this list before asking me further.
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Return to General Masterpost Here.
Software for getting your Vedic Chart, including Divisional Charts
The Vedic Ayanamsa I use For Most Accurate Calculations
Aries Lagna
Atmakaraka influenced by Venus/Libra
Atmakaraka in 6th house
Atmakaraka and Darakaraka in Synastry
Benefic Planets in Malefic Houses
Benefits of Challenging Nakshatra Placements
Bhava Chalit vs D1
Cancer Lagna
Connections Between Ketu and Venus rules Nakshatras
D60 Chart Interpretation
Dasha Period Compatibility
Debilitated Atmakaraka
Effects of Ketu Mahadasha
Finding Dispositors in Your Vedic Chart
Fulfilling Your Atmakaraka
Getting a Tattoo Based on Your Chart
How Does Nodal Obsession Manifest?
How Ketu Detaches but gives to Others
How Ketu’s “Detachment” Works
How to Calculate a Vedic Synastry Chart?
How to Do Chart Rectification?
How to Handle Debilitated Planets?
How to Interpret D9 with D1
How to Judge the Influence of a Nakshatra Conjunction?
How to Learn Astrology?
Impact of Rahu/Ketu strong aspects on physical health
Interpreting D9/Navamsa in context of D1/Rasi/Main Chart
Interpreting Dasha Periods for D1 chart with help of D9 chart
Interpreting the Rahu/Ketu Axis of D1 chart with help of D9 chart
Is Darakaraka Important?
Jupiter in the 12th House
Karmic Relief Through D10 Chart
Ketu in the 6th House
Ketu in the 8th House
Ketu in the 8th House and Relationship Life
Krittika Lagna
Learn about Your Partnerships through your D9 Chart
Lunar Nodes in Jaimini Astrology
Magha Nakshatra
Mars Darakaraka
Mercury Ruled Nakshatras
Moon Dominant Men
Moon in Jyeshta and the Gandanta Point
Mrigashira Nakshatra
Nakshatra Dominance
Opposing Energies in D1 and D9 Charts
Planetary Dominance Archetypes
Planetary Strength in a Stellium
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Rahu and Ketu and Physical Health
Rahu in the 2nd house
Rahu in the 2nd House and Self Worth
Rahu in the 5th House
Rahu in the 6th house Dasha
Recognising Nakshatra Traits in People
Rising Modality in D10 Chart
Saturn as Karaka of D10 chart
Saturn in the 4th house in D9 Chart
Saturn Ketu Aspect in D9 Chart
Saturn in the 7th in D9 / explained again
Saturn in the 10th House
Saturn ruled Nakshatras
Sign Vs House Vargottama
Sun Conjunct Rahu
Taurus and Libra Lagna
Taurus Krittika Nakshatra Lagna
The 7th House in Synastry
The Power of Saturn ruled Nakshatras
The relationship between Mahadasha and Antardasha
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Vedic Remediation
Venus Dominant Man
Venus in Uttara Ashadha
Venus is Judgment
Venus Ketu Aspects
Venus/Libra in D10 Chart
Venus in Hasta
Venus in Mrigashira
Weak Sun in A Vedic Chart
What if two Mahadasha Lords are Conjunct?
What is Arudha Lagna?
What is Bhrigu Bindu/Destiny Point?
What is Shadbala Scoring?
Why Darakaraka is NOT your Profession
Why is Uttara Ashadha without a Consort?
Why is Venus the Natural Darakaraka
Yogas - Overrated in Vedic Astrology
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starsworldd · 1 year
Hi, are there any other placements that are good cooks?
cooking indicators in the natal chart! 🥘
- 6th house placements: 🥖
neptune, venus, and moon can be significant placements:
• neptune represents creativity
• venus representing where we find pleasure
• the moon indicating where we find emotional satisfaction
6th house is indicative of what we do to take care ourselves, not only the daily grind and keeping our tasks up, but our bodies as well. our diet is a prominent theme found in the 6th house.
- 2nd house placements: 🥦
the second house in astrology represents the resources we have to fuel ourselves. food is a fuel is it not? some prominent placements here could be…
- moon ⭐️
- venus ⭐️
- neptune ⭐️
- ruler of 2nd house in 2nd, 5th, or 6th:
• the ruler of the second house being in its own house means that 2nd house themes (resources to fuel ourselves, aka food) are especially accentuated
• 5th house represents fun, hobbies, and talents so this could indicate some sort of talent or at least fun with food depending on context
• the 2nd in 6th may be more of the dietician aspect, but it can still represent someone who likes to create good meals and likes to perfect the food they make
- venus, moon, mc/10th house, ascendant or sun in taurus and cancer (virgo also, but not as much) 🍉
• one of the things that cancer and taurus represents are comforts and resources. they just spell out food :p also i’ve noticed that these placements are big enjoyers of food and like to make and have good meals, especially taurus sun and cancer rising
• i also add virgo in there too (especially moon) because these placements usually have some sort of relationship with food i’ve noticed (especially moon) too, and they learn how to create better meals for themselves and others. virgos are also notorious to be perfectionists and cooking is a lot about perfection and precise amounts of ingredients for every recipe. just take a look at gordon ramsay’s virgo stellium!
- 4th house placements (venus, moon, mars, sun): 🥨
- 4th house represents emotional comforts, family, heritage, and where we came from so culture also plays a part into this. food is in relation to a lot of these topics are they not? and i feel like these placements would actually cook with love and intention <3
hope you enjoyed! these are my top 5 observations, and thanks for the ask <3
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accidentalslayer · 10 months
Hello there, weary traveler. 🎃
My name is Alice Hart (she/they, 35). You've come across my little pumpkin patch of a blog where I mostly autumn post, reblog things I like, and share my thoughts. It's also become a place to rediscover my passion for witchcraft again. If you like my collection of aesthetics & weird shit, don't be afraid to follow me or send me an ask!
❌ DNI: Transphobes, racists, MAP & MAP sympathizers, sexists, ableists, radfems, homophobes, conservatives, slutshamers, Trump-supporters, people who are okay with genocide and eugenics, fat-shamers, blank blogs, super boring porn blogs with thin conventionally pretty women that look like they could be porn stock photos, !!!ana/binge/ED/weight shaming blogs!!! Or anyone who spews hate against spirituality, witchcraft, and astrology. This includes anti-shifters!
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Some random facts about me:
🌕 Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Libra rising. Capricorn stellium. Pluto in the 1st house. Leo, North Node, and Venus in the 5th House.
🕯️Am neurodivergent ADHD insomniac with intense hyperfixations that switch around every other week and BPD traits that make life insufferable at best. I'm more of a creature in the shape of a person. I'm just tired. I want to be a pumpkin and dance under moon instead of whatever this crap is.
🍁 I collect tea cups, tea pots, and tea accessories. I also have a massive collection of tea from all around the world.
🕸️ I practice witchcraft and have done oracle readings & birthchart interpretations for people since I was sixteen. I really feel intune with the stars and the moon.
🍬 I'm a system (traumagenic).
😈 Interests include: mythology, philosophy, psychology, travel, reading, video games, art, cooking & baking, sewing, sharing headcanons & lore with friends, and having conversations with the stars.
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System Information:
[Wheels Within Wheels/The Burning Eyes System]
Body Age: 35
Collective Pronouns: It/Its
System Type/Origin: Traumagenic, formed because of a near-death experience at the age of 16.
Host & Personal Lore: Tired artist & neurospicy girl with way too many projects who gets super excited about many things. Invested in tarot cards, astrology, lucid dreaming, and spiritual exploration. Loves celebrating holidays (personal, global, and completely made-up!). Hates intense heat, eggs, poor communication styles, & season 5, 6, and 7 of Once Upon a Time. Avid traveler. Will one day be famous.
[Members of System & Information]
✨ Aestriel Iao Sabaoth ✨
Oldest & 1st member of the system. Holds the role of Protector, Gatekeeper, and Helper. Was formed as a direct response to childhood trauma. Presents as a being made of burning eyes, infinite wheels, and prismatic rainbow flame. Mostly dry, direct, emotionless. Gives amazing advice despite how much that advice hurts. Doesn't understand the messy condition of humanity. Sees the big picture. Claims to be a cosmological figure and not mortal in origin. Is very personally annoying to me, the host, who just wants to be a people. Will come out if host/my safety is threatened in some way. Or to give advice to others…although who the advice is given to and when is completely unpredictable.
🔪 The Author's Pen 🔪
Arguably as old as Aestriel; although stood in the background for quite some time until more recently. 2nd member of the system. Holds the role of Persecutor and Memory-Holder. Was formed as a direct response to hardship sustained while being homeless and emotional abuse. Presents as a being made of black ink, gnashing teeth, blood, and the sharp edge of a quill or sword. Antagonistic, manipulative, acutely socially aware, and willing to put itself before anything else. Interesting conversationalist but proceed with caution. Would rather delve into hedonism than uphold the moral stand that Aestriel or Host does. Just wants to see a reaction. Comes out more frequently than Aestriel and even upon request, although insists that upon some kind of compensation in return. Also gives advice, mostly bad. Less unpredictable, though. Claims to love humanity, is some kind of abomination formed when the first word of the first language was uttered.
Other important details: Would highly recommend that you do not talk to Pen. If it ever decides to pop out, that is. I try to keep it away from anyone else but myself.
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About this blog:
🎃 Posting a metic fuck ton of Autumn, Halloween, Horror, Spooky, Vampirecore, Cryptidcore, and Unreality aesthetics. This blog is a temple to October.
🧙‍♀️ Keeping a daily tarot journal along with a log of the spells and rituals that I've created. Paid readings are offered. Please do not ask me for tarot exchanges.
🐈‍⬛️ Sharing thoughts and feelings. I'll ramble about stuff. Sometimes, I vent. This blog is a safe space for my experiences. If you don't like it, don't follow me. I'm not gonna stop.
💀 Reblogging and liking things that make me feel seen. Or give me (and you) psychic damage. Or both!
🩸 Maybe art????
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My taglist:
#slayer says
My normal unhinged chatter about anything and everything that goes through my brain. Some might be a little vent-y and include tw warnings.
#accidental asks
My responses to any questions & asks thrown at me.
#its always october in my brain
Where all my Autumn, Horror, Vampire and Halloween aesthetics go.
#so relatable it's causing me 5+ psychic damage for every moment I stare at it
Things that are painfully relevant to me.
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eternalpisces · 2 years
Astrology Observations 🪐
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1. Cancer Midheavens are often perceived as caring, nurturing, and sweet. People are always drawn to them for this reason, especially their coworkers. I recently started working at a preschool and had one teacher tell me how she immediately wanted to be friends with me because of how kind and genuine I was, especially with the children in my classroom. It honestly made my day ❤️🥹
2. Virgo Midheavens may be known for their extremely analytical and critical skills as well as their perfectionism. They always like things to be done a certain way especially in the workplace and when this doesn’t happen, they don’t like it all and they will speak their mind on the matter. My mom has a Virgo Midheaven and in every job she has had, she’s never been the one to bite her tongue when she didn’t like something that was going on at work.
3. Cancer stelliums or those with a significant amount of Cancer placements may often be known for their sensitivity and affection. Their love language tend to be words of affirmation and physical touch, especially physical touch. They’re the people who would most likely say, “I’m a hugger.” Of course this also depends on the other aspects in their chart, sometimes there may be a more dominant planet or element going on that can affect this. I have a younger brother and sister who both have a Cancer stellium, however my brother is the one who loves to say, “I love you” and ask for hugs when it comes to us and other family members.
4. Moon in the 9th house individuals may often need to travel and experience different cultures and foods throughout their lives in order to feel happy and fulfilled. Since their moon, the planet that rules over our emotions and what we need to feel emotionally secure, is in the house of travel and higher education, they can often feel restless and discontent when they’re not able to book a trip and travel to a place they want to go. And as to the food part, because the moon is ruled by Cancer, having this placement in the 9th can also indicate a love of food from different countries. I have this placement myself and have always wanted to travel especially to the places I read about in school, like Egypt, Greece, and Italy, two of whom are known for having delicious food.
5. Libra placements especially Libra risings need to learn how to be more assertive and confident in this lifetime. Because of their people pleasing tendency and difficulty in saying, “No,” and asserting their boundaries, they end up neglecting themselves and their needs. This in return, causes a lot of internal conflict, regret, and resentment over time. As a Libra rising, I really can’t stress the importance of being assertive and getting rid of the need to people please especially as you get older and start having more responsibilities.
6. Those who have a 7th house stellium may always need someone to do things with (shopping, going to dinner, seeing a movie, etc). They love having a companion and tend to be bored and discontent when they don’t have someone to do things with on a daily basis.
7. Chiron in the 2nd house individuals often have a challenging relationship with money and may experience financial insecurity in their lives, as they may have even grown up in a family that was not well off and struggled to make ends meet. They may feel that the money they receive is gone as fast as they got it and that they never have enough money to buy the things they need/want or pay their bills. It’s like a never ending cycle that can become a pattern in their lives unless they learn how to break the cycle and stop defining their worth based on the amount of money and lifestyle they have. I actually have this placement myself and I’m still learning how to break this cycle and how to have a better relationship with money.
8. Venus-Neptune and Pisces Venus individuals are the type of people who will still deeply care about a crush or former romantic partner and cherish the memories of them (often exaggerated and sometimes imagined) even when it’s been years. You know that clip from the Regular Show that shows Mordecai reminiscing about his crush, Margaret and wishing she would be in his life again? That’s peak Venus-Neptune and Pisces Venus behavior right there.
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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◉ 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩. 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
◉ 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧’𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
◉ 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦
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SUN: Pisces (4th house)
MOON: Taurus (6th house)
ASC: Sagittarius (11°)
MC: Virgo (25°)
MERCURY: Virgo (10th house)
VENUS: Capricorn (2nd house)
MARS: Capricorn (2nd house)
JUPITER: Taurus (6th house) <- Chart Ruler
SATURN: Taurus (6th house)
URANUS: Aquarius (3rd house)
NEPTUNE: Aquarius (3rd house)
PLUTO: Sagittarius (1st house)
NORTH NODE: Cancer (8th house)
CHIRON: Sagittarius (1st house)
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The 12th house represents endings so the 12th house ruler in composite charts can tell how a relationship ends
》 Their 12th house sign is Scorpio making them have two 12H rulers (mars & pluto). Their Mars is in the 2nd house and their Pluto is in the 1st house
》 This can indicate things ended between them because of a huge fight and instability in the relationship. It can also mean that one of them was hurting the others self image/worth and making them not feel loved or like themselves
Their chart together makes so much sense
》 They have Mercury in the 10th house (which is also their MC Ruler). Mercury represents social media and the 10th house represents fame which is why their relationship got so much attention on social media. Also Uranus in the 3rd house because Uranus represents technology and the 3H represents social media
》 Emma said on the Call her Daddy podcast that she lost her virginity to him (she didn’t name drop him but we know who she was talking about because she said her age and described him). This makes sense because they have a 6th house stellium in this chart which is the house of innocence. Saturn is also in this stellium and Saturn represents losses
》 They have Pluto in the 1st house which indicates a very private relationship since Pluto represents secrets and the 1st house represents them as a whole (in composite) and how people perceive them
》 They have North Node in the 8th house which can indicate their purpose in meeting was that they were meant to transform each other as people a lot and help each other change in some way. Their Moon is at 0° which some astrologers believe represents your soul. 0° is a critical degree so it can mean this was a karmic relationship
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LINK to the interview where Emma said her Rising Sign
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SUB TO MY PATREON if you wanna ask 10 questions a month (I don’t answer my asks often)
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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iren-n-ire · 10 months
Astrology Observation 11
🚩 Take note that I'm not a professional astrologer, I just share what I experienced (or observed).
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Pluto transit is in my 2nd house and with Capricorn here, I can say that I'm in héll financially speaking plus add the next transit I have;
Saturn and Neptune transit in my 4th house Pieces, I wanna escape from the reality; I really wanna move out right now like I want to have my own house because I don't feel okay mentally in my family house. I want peace, I have enough chaos a 1st house pluto native and scorpio rising (Sagittarius rising in tropical)
Chiron transit in my 5th house Aries, one of the fuels why I kept crying last night and right now (add the two above and especially the reason below this bullet). Basically, ever since I was a child I really want to be an artist as a job (Taylor Swift, BLACKPINK, BTS et.al) but, I'm here stucked in a destiny of college in a psychology course. My inner child really dreams of becoming THAT person.
These two are my current placement, as a teenager, this is too much for me and I'm crying nonstop because last night my father said, I'm going to change bedrooms again which is a nightmare for me. Some of you already know that my Uranus is in 4th house Pisces and I'm sick of changing bedrooms in our house. I know this isn't a big deal but, this bedroom that I'm crying for is a place of comfort for me mentally speaking. As you can see above, those are one of the hellish placements or transits to have.
Libra in the eleventh house may indicate that their friends are pretty, flirtatious vibes or the way they talk or joke is flirtatious
My mom said I have privacy in our home (she's a cancer rising), as a sidereal scopio rising and moon with pluto in the 1st, you don't know what privacy I am talking about. Let me give you a side note, our house is the type of house you will not have privacy, especially auditory speaking and the same goes for the rooms because you need to share it with someone in the house. I also know that they are observing what I'm doing even though they don't ask it directly. (My family are majority water sun signs plus add their placements, we all know water signs are lowkey checking on you. If you have stellium, placements, or big 3 water you get what I'm sayin')
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I'm sorry, my blog today contains drama. Let's just take it as its a way for me to show you what it feels like to have that transit. I was literally struggling not to cry while typing, its annoying ┌(˵༎ຶل͟༎ຶ˵)┐
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arcadia345 · 2 years
Astrology observations
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💕Not a real astrologer just my observations💕
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TW:SA & 🔞
Mars in the 1st/8th/5th sex Appeal is *chefs kiss*
Whatever house your chart ruler is in tells what people first notice about you
2nd- neck and chin, your voice
6th your body in general could be  eye-catching
10th- teeth and hair,nose
12th- how closed off you are, they can’t put their finger on you just like Neptune 1st
Moon in the 2nd house natives live hiding there personal items 🤫 just incase
The Gemini 4ths I know have a big close knit family
Capricorn moons mature early than others all Capricorn placements do but her there’s emotional maturity that comes earlier because they have to mother/ fend for themselves
My cancer mars friend says he lovvee to hug bigger women (he’s like 5’2 btw he says it feels like hugging a mama bear😂)
Someone on Twitter said Capricorn men have the best stamina and I can CONFIRM it 😣 I knew a guy that could go over a hour before climaxing and he had a Capricorn & Virgo stellium
Kids love cancer moon men (Adam Sandler,John Cena)
The Pisces Venus men I’ve known have had drinking problems (Neptune rules liquids)
Having a scorpio moon/8th house moon or moon-Pluto aspects could indicate having a mother that is a SA survivor
As a cancer I’m tired of hearing about how we’re so nurturing and family oriented )which we are most of the time but we’re literally represented by the moon, and we’ve only seen one side of the moon😭 there’s a whole other dark side no one has seen. Cancer in the chart shows your double life/ things you keep secret about about yourself ( maybe I’ll make a post about it?)
They say we won’t see the fall of celebs till Pisces Pluto generation. But since gen z is ruled by Jupiter Pluto ( Jupiter is traditional ruler of Pisces) we’re getting a taste of it right now, our belief systems/ things that gave us comfort are crumbling right before our eyes
I think Mercury in our chart can tell us how we act when we’re 🍃 I have a Mercury Mars conjunction in the 7th and I get so loud when I’m high😭 I’m sorry in advance if I start having a whole convo with a random person
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Neptune in the angle houses and 6th are so oblivious to what’s going on around them I swear
Barbz is such a good example of how delusional fans can be when you have a Sagittarius 11th house ( nicki also has a 11th house stellium and scorpio 10th house) some of her fans actually have some common sense and hold her accountable for her mistakes but the other half are so delusional they’ll cut off their left leg if she asked them to😹
Theory🤨 your birthmark placement could tell you about the themes of your past life/this life also
Mine is in my inner thigh so Sagittarius and Scorpio themes I definitely resonate. I tell someone a piece of information that I think they should know then dip on them while they think about what I said, and it stays in the back of their head for the rest of their life lol
My brother has his on his shoulder on his back so Gemini and Leo
My other brother has his on his pelvis so Virgo and cancer
Ewww my mom just told me hers is green on her butt💀so Libra. She knows a little about her past life and she says she was royalty and came from a snobby family but she was always self conscious because she seen everyone around her lives in poverty which didn’t seem fair
Lmk if I should make a post about it
Venus shows you where your beauty lies and and what other people get jealous of (aspects can alter this)
Gemini/3rd house- beautiful hands and arms
cancer/4th house- your home or your nice chest/breast,
Libra/7th house-the people you hang with could be beautiful, your sexy booty or fashion sense
Saturn 6th house natals and their snatched waist even if they’re short they know how to make their bodies look longer (Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga)
Capricorn moons or cap degrees on the moon are usually the eldest siblings
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That’s all for now guys hope you enjoyed💓 I do readings and exchanges also :p
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