#25 nanbaka
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Inmate Number 25: Nico
Say hi to my sweet boy! I love how he came out <33
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diamonds-a-lapdog · 9 months
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💚✨️ I love Nico, he's such a cutie ✨️💚
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nameschrisco · 2 years
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hellishartblog · 2 years
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Nico! :)
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cosplayclans · 2 years
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Anime Nanbaka Niko Rock No.25 No.69 Cosplay Costume
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only-wonder · 11 months
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Entirely redesigned my Nanbaka OC so he's a self insert now lol
anyway his name is Jubilee and he's #50 (bc 25 is taken by Nico smh)
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Interesting anyways, saw your requests are open 👀
It's about y/n (male reader) who is the son from the prison director, I think her name is Momoko and he is the new cell mate from the four main ones. He got the Japanese side from his dad who he k'lled for reasons. It's at first platonic but maybe he builds up a relationship with Nico. Maybe have them go on for adventures in prison, and maybe the secret of y/n is going to revealed
Take all the time you need for writing it
THERE IT IS!! MY FAVORITE PHRASE!!! "Take all the time you need for writing it" Ily
Also, Momoko is also Japanese, so if (Y/N)'s dad is Japanese then...Yeah, (Y/N) got his Japanese side from both his parents duifgidfg
YO the way I said I don't write angst. but then type this as if it was second nature sidjfosijfdi I just really hate bad endings, and I know the angst lovers would drown me in angst prompts if I allowed them--- This ain't proof read btw
Nanbaka Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading! Tips are very appreciated!
TW: mentions of murder of parental figure (not described), hints of domestic abuse
Nico x male! reader
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"Roll call! #69!"
"You have bed hair. #25!"
"What are you laughing at? #11!"
"When will you stop using so much product? #(N)!"
"Over here."
"Good. #15!"
A moment of silence before Hajime grabbed the bars in the door window, "#15!" "I'm here, I'm here. Geez."
Another day at Nanba Prison, building 13, cell 13. Actually a rather special one, seeing Jyugo spent the whole night sleeping in the cell and had yet to open the door to sneak out. But it was also special because of another reason. Exactly one week ago #(N), (Y/N), was transferred to cell 13.
Something a certain cellmate didn't want to miss out on celebrating. Nico was pretty attached to (Y/N) starting from day one. But besides sitting together to watch anime, (Y/N) never showed any interest in doing any activities with any of his cellmates. He's been invited to their little breakouts numerous times, but he always declined. Nico actually got on his knees and begged him to come along, more often than not. Which resulted in Uno trying to convince him too, but to no avail.
Dragging him along with force wasn't an option either. (Y/N) has proven he's not to be messed with, and his cold glare alone was enough to make them back off. But by far not enough to make them dislike him. Especially Nico. One of the main reasons why he loved his new cellmate so much is BECAUSE of that. He's so mysterious, strong. And so many other exaggerated adjectives the green-haired saw in him.
"I don't need to get beaten up for no reason.", was (Y/N)'s reasoning. It actually went a tiny bit deeper. You see, he was actually the son of the warden, Momoko Hyakushiki. He already feels incredibly embarrassed to be inprisoned, in his mother's prison nontheless, but what if she also found out about him trying to break out? It didn't matter if it was for fun (which is how Uno tried to convince him to come along), attempted breakout is attempted breakout.
(Y/N) didn't want to be associated with bad people more than he already was. His heart was at the right place, and he wanted his mother to know that. That's why he tried hard to be a model inmate, doing whatever he was told by the guards, always being on time, never causing any trouble,... Yes, that was him. A good guy. A functioning member of society.
Not some ruthless murderer who felt like not wanting a father anymore. He was pushed and pushed and pushed to the brink of insanity, and while he didn't believe what he did was the right thing to do, it wasn't something he could've prevented in the moment of self defense.
Perhaps this was the reason why (Y/N) didn't want to grow close to his cellmates. Rather not be close to them incase they find out about it and then push him away.
And while Uno and Rock found his behavior kind of odd, they all decided to just leave him be. But knowing Nico, he couldn't sit still for long, and certainly didn't take 'no' for an answer.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Startled, the male let go of the mountain, which consisted of his futon, in his arms, giving Nico a sideglare, "What?" The bright smile the green-haired shot him sealed his fate.
An everlasting scowl was planted on (Y/N)'s face, barely keeping up with Nico's quick step as he was dragged along by the arm. Nico didn't seem to mind, sending a lot of smiles his way, "So, what game do you want to play first?", they stopped in their tracks in the middle of the Arcade room. (Y/N) only sighed, letting his gaze wander from game to game, taking in the vibrate colors and cheery background melodies.
His fingers itched to start playing any of these, but was he ready to admit that mere minutes after he, oh so firmly, insisted on staying in the cell? Nope. But trying to leave wasn't an option either. If he played the next simple step right, he'll be playing without admitting anything.
"I dunno.", paired with a slight shrug of his shoulders. An invitation to let Nico decide. "Then let me show you my favorites!" Perfect.
...Nevermind, maybe it wasn't that perfect.
It didn't take long for (Y/N)'s pokerface to disappear without him noticing. And even though he still couldn't relax his muscles all the way and let loose completely, he found himself genuinely enjoying his time with Nico. His cheery personality was contagious, makes one wonder if that was one of his diseases.
The stories Nico started to tell were hilarious, pulling laughter out of (Y/N)'s lungs again and again. This was the first time Nico had heard the male laugh. It made him feel all warm and giddy "Haha! You seem to be having fun! That makes me happy!" It became really hard to deny Nico's observation, not that Nico would've believed him anyways. "I'm having lots of fun too! We should do this more often!"
A tempting thought, really, but it would go against the very first rule he put up for himself when he transferred. ...Was he...Was he overthinking this? Or was he starting to play it down, convincing himself it was no big deal even though it definitely is? In all honesty, (Y/N) started to feel a new emotion tugging on his heart; jealousy. He wanted to be part of those stories the green-haired talked about so fondly.
But what caused this sudden change? It wasn't like he never had the desire to befriend people and create memories together. In actuallity, it was him who swallowed it down in attempt to protect his heart. He didn't want to give in. He didn't want to let it out, but he didn't want to keep it in. What to do? What to do? What to do?
The joycon shook under his vice grip around it, visualizing the conflict that was bubbling up inside of him. This felt so wrong, but also like he needed it. Like an unbearable thirst, turning to mud water to quench it. And when Nico layed his hand upon his own and looked at him with concern in his eyes, he snapped. And cried.
It was too much.
That was many weeks ago. Many, many weeks. The sound of sirenes weren't new to (Y/N), but the thrill of being the cause of them definitely was. Who knew breaking out could be so much fun?
"(Y/N), watch out!" Just in time, (Y/N) managed to lean backwards to dodge a giant ball that was coming from a high spot on the wall. Uno took ahold of his arm before he could tip over completely and tugged him along, "You good?" The (Y/HC)-haired nodded, the shock of that close hit wearing off as he shared a grin with the blonde.
"Guys! This way!"
Uno and (Y/N) joined the other three at the end of the big room, Jyugo just opened a hidden door in the corner. They all squeezed in quickly, not without complaining about how close they were to each other, and as soon as they did, the door closed again, leaving only the boys' imagination to explain the deafening noise coming from behind it.
Letting out a big breath all at the same time, the prisoners allowed themselves to relax for a moment. "This was certainly a new approach of them.", Rock commented. "Yeah, but it was pretty dumb putting the door somewhere so predictable. They seem to have a thing for corner doors.", Jyugo added, shrugging.
That made (Y/N) tense up, "That sounds like a trap to me.", he started to sweat, mumbling on, "You know I enjoy doing this with y'all, but I really don't want my mom to find out about this..." Nico was quick to rush, as best as he could in that tight space, to the males side, "Don't worry! Hajime would never allow the warden to find out!", his cheery reassurance was accompanied by a small hug.
But before it could shake a reaction out of the male, the room began to shake instead...
Heavy, hot breath hit the cold night air, forming small clouds. (Y/EC) eyes looked around, trying to figure out where he ended up. "Oww...", a whine interrupted him, as his eyes settled on the green-haired laying next to him, face first on the ground. "You okay?", his mumble was accompanied by a growl of pain of himself. "Yeah, I'm okay. Egh-", Nico shook the dirt out of his hair, before turning to the other, "What about you?"
Watching those ruby eyes filled with concern look him over like that shook a memory awake. A memory he came to see as his favorite.
"Earth to (Y/N)! Heeeeellooooo!" "WH- Yeah! Yeah, I'm alright! Stop waving your hand infront of my face." Doing as he was told, Nico retracted his hand, giggling, "You're so cute when you're flustered!", the green-haired's giggle would've been contagious if it wasn't for the fract (Y/N)'s face felt like it was on fire. "And what do you mean by that, huh?"
"You often zone out when I'm looking at you, then go all red when you snap out of it!" For a moment, (Y/N) couldn't push out any words, just sounds, blabbering. Thought Nico was the oblivious type. Or maybe...he just paid attention.
"Anyways!", (Y/N) snapped his head in a different direction, "How did we end up on this roof? And where are the others?" Nico crawled closer to the other, sitting down next to him, "I dunno! This place is full of suprises. That's why breaking out is so much fun here!"
Finally a smile reached the (Y/HC)-haired's face as well, "That's true.", his gaze wandered up into the night sky, the stars were as beautiful as ever. But he couldn't admire their beauty for long, being interrupted by a sudden weight on his shoulder. Nico laid his head on it, smiling up at the male in a somewhat soft manner, fairely new to the usual energetic boy, "I really like your smile, it's so pretty. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I see it!"
Was it happening?
Did he feel the same?
It's too much-
"(Y/N)...you know, I- I really like you! Like-like yo-"
The sudden silence was deafening to the ears, confusion was written all over Nico's face, while (Y/N) was starting to shake. Too much, too fast. He wasn't prepared! He wanted to tell him that the feeling was mutual, he really did! But he...he had yet to tell him about his secret. There was no way he'd let him in without being 100% honest.
The green-haired laid a hand on (Y/N)'s, trying to calm down the shaking, "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) knew he couldn't run away from letting it out. How will he ever learn to let loose when he keeps binding himself down? With something he had absolutely no controll over.
He wanted to be able to trust, to be able to love.
And that made him snap all over again.
Hiccuping was the only thing breaking the silence. (Y/N) was starting to regret several life decisions. Ever defending himself, ever letting Nico drag him along, ever letting go of his facade, ever letting Nico hear his laugh, ever growing close to his cellmates, ever falling for Nico...It was all too much.
His back crashed to the hard ground, arms tightly wrapped around his neck. The wet feeling on his chest confused him, heck, the whole body weight on him confused him. "Nico...?"
"You're a hero!", the green-haired's voice was muffed, and you can practically hear the tears he cried, "You're a hero!", he lifted his head to lock eyes with the male he tackled to the ground, "You did it to protect your mom and yourself! You never had the intention to just do it! It must've- must've been so tough for you! I would never think you're a monster!"
In an instance, (Y/N) reciprocated the hug, wrapping his arms tightly around Nico's torso. And they cried in each other's embrace until Nico slowly pulled them both up, letting go was not an option though, as he grips the males hands in his own, "You're so amazing...", another smile broke through his teary face, slowly coming down, "After all that's happened to you, you're still so full of joy...I didn't know your story until now, but...I knew you had it hard either way. And how you're still able to shine is what I like so much about you."
The way the green-haired blushed as he went on, made (Y/N)'s heart skip beat after beat. It's too much, but not in a bad way, for once. It's too much, but- "I really want to be with you, so...knowing you trust me so much to tell me that makes me really happy!"
"I...I like you too...", a whisper, a shaky whisper, clearly overwhelmed, but it was okay.
Nico let out a hearty laugh, tackling down (Y/N) once again. They're laughter was just music to each other's ears. And they could feel each other's hearts just banging inside their chests.
"THERE YOU ARE #25 AND #(N)!!"
"Save yourselves!"
They're in trouble, but they're okay.
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miitarashi · 1 year
Hey my beautiful peoples!
This will be fixed with the infos about the requests aNd the ✨prompt list✨ (i really love this thing lol).
First - Info.
Will write: almost everything in general.
Yandere (yep,i kinda know how to write this don't ask me how)
Slow burn
Even NSFW is on.
{Yes,i do NSFW too,but for characters with the right age. I don't really mind writing about it}
Will not write: the most insane and disgusting things. Some examples:
Proshipper things
Real psycho characters (sangwoo is a perfect example)
Nsfw about characters that are under age.
Even characters that just look like childs (the classic one that have 100000 years old with a 14 years old face) and etc
{If you request something that i don't feel comfortable,i'll abviously don't do it,but i'll make sure to leave message for you to know why your request wasn't made}
Reader type - probably any. As a genderfluid person i can write male/female or neutral reader with no problem.
Fandom that i write for (the ones who are colored is the ones that i write more about):
Fire force (benimaru my beloved)
Kimetsu no yaiba
Jujutsu kaisen
Hazbin hotel
The adventures of Tintin
Tmnt (mostly rottmnt and 2012/2016 version)
Boku no hero academia
Death note
One piece
Mob psycho 100 (Just and only fluffy)
One punch man
{Four characters is the maximum that i'll make in one request}
Now,the best part!
✨ Prompt list ✨
1 - "i'm...sorry...i'm so...so sorry...". "Ok. And i'll not forgive you"
2 - "no but...why?". "...why what?". "Why are you so fucking beautiful like that?! Dayum!-"
3 - "and now...you can look!". "This is...". "Yes...our new home,our new life"
4 - "you betrayed me,that's why you lost me,are you happy now?". "...i...still love you..."
5 - "i was...i was just trying to help-". "You just make things worse! Like aways! You are useless!"
6 - "oh hi! This is my ex boyfriend!". "Didn't i say for you to stop doing this? I'm their husband"
7 - "...why you still here...why you still love me after all of this...". "Because you mean the world for me..."
8 - "you know? I wouldn't mind kissing you someday". "Then kiss me,here and now". "...oh lord-"
9 - "i aways was there for you,every time,even if all the world turned against you i would be by your side....and for what...?....to just...be used..for the one that i loved the most"
10 - "i...guess...i have a...crush on you...". "...well...this is awkward...sorry but..."
11 - "Just because you cute,it doesn't mean i'll allow you to behave like that with me!". "....you think i'm cute...?"
12 - "hey...it's ok". "I know". "No no,look,it's ok. Everything is going to be okay". "....thank you"
13 - "i said no,i don't wanna hear it!". "Please just...just hear-". "i hate you! Go away! Go away from my life!"
14 - "hey! Hey! Look at me!". "Hm? Wait- don't jump off the roof-"
15 - "is it bad if i say that i...have...a crush on you...?". "You..do?"
16 - "You failed..." "...yes...and know...you gone...forever"
17 - "look at me...look at me please...no...no no no... don't do it... d-don't you dare close your eyes!"
18 - "i knew it...i knew you would leave me someday...". "I'm not leaving you,i just said that i need to go to the bathroom!". "It's the same thing!-"
19 - "How we end up like this...?". "You didn't know me. You knew the version that i wanted you to know,but now,you see the truth..."
20 - ✓
21 - "why you keep doing it?! Why you aways messed up things so bad?!...and...why i aways forgive you..."
22 - "is that...my sweater?". "...our...from now on oUr sweater!"
23 - "wasn't i...bein enough...?...i... i-i'm sorry if a wasn't making you happy..." "No...the fault is mine..."
24 - "...what are you looking at?". "Hm? Oh, nothing. I just really love the way your eyes light up and your cheeks get slightly red when you are excited about something"
25 - "i undestand but-". "No! No you don't! You'll never know! Stop pretending you care,i know you don't!"
26 - "would you...like to go out...on a date with me...?". "Oh,yes,of course!". "Great...!..so...what i do now? I never reach this part before-"
27 - "you like me...?". "Yes!". "....why??".
28 - "i trusted you...". "And so what? You trusted because you wanted,you trusted in someone that you created on your mind. Its not my fault,but yours for your naivety"
29 - "no...no no no! Don't die! Please!". "I'm not dying you idiot-"
30 - "its hurt...isn't it?". "Yes...yes its hurt...so...so badly i....". "Shh...everything...everything will be ok...don't cut it"
{For now will be just 30,i'll probably add more later. And please, specify who's gonna say what ok? Like "2 Tintin and 1 [name]" to be more for your liking. But if you don't want to it's ok,i'll do my best to make a good thing!}
Well...guess it's the end. Just one last thing,my english is not that good because it's not my first language,i still learning so please have some patience with me 🥺
(Please be aware that i'm procrastinating bitch,so if your request take too long or i forget or i'm lazy,sorry for this 😔)
Now bye bye!
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sleepless-garden · 3 months
Nanbaka oc stuff yay !!
Aimee, she is 25 and bday is 11/20. She is a member of kazau who helps investigate situations that involve togabito and or shiki. She is the leader of the investigation unit, she additionally helps the zodiac police out sometimes. Her zodiac is Scorpio !!
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warm-blankets · 5 months
Intro post
Hi there this is my little intro post I'd love for people to read this before interacting with me!
Name/Alias: Pom (like pomegranate)
Pronouns/sexuality: She/Her, poly with a preference for girls and nb
Age: 25
A lee leaning switch
If you need me to tag anything just send me a message and it will be done promptly! Also this is not the first time I have made a tickle blog. The reasons for deactivating the first one was because too many creeps made me way to anxious so I just decided to delete it!
I do have an anxiety disorder so I might reply to messages late 😅
I'll mostly be writings fics and prompts here. I will take requests as long as I can write it somewhat confidently! I will refuse any requests for things/fandoms that I'm not interested in.
N$FW blog: @love-lee-sheets
Here's a small list of interests that I'd like to write about! I consume alot of media so if something isnt on here you'd like me to write about just ask! Note: All characters will be aged up! I refuse to write about minors in regards to tickling!
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Ouran Host Club
The Monogatari series
Kuroko's Basketball
Death Parade
Miss Kobayashi's Dragonmaid
Mob Psycho 100
Pretty much any visual novel in existence (except for the really cursed ones iykyk)
Neir automata
Any pokemon game
Lethal Company
Dead By Daylight
The Magnus Archives
The Sheridan Tapes
I'm also a big kpop fan and am willing to write cute things about idols. I'm a multi stan who stans pretty much everything so just ask if you're wondering if I'm into a certain group!
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ticklish-n-stuff · 11 months
Accepting requests for tickletober!
I'll be using the augtickletober list for reference so uhh yeah send me stufff
Below are the fandoms/some rules
Blue lock
Demon slayer
Genshin impact
Obey me!
Persona 5
Project sekai
I'm not accepting x reader requests
I'll accept prompts for any day EXCEPT numbuh 25
Choose only one day per request
I'm only accepting two characters per fic
I won't be writing for RuiKasa from the hit game project sekai. I will write them individually with other characters.
I can decline any request for whatever reason
If things start to go south with requests, I won't hesitate to close them again
Please specify the fandom when requesting as characters sometimes have the same name
Please give me some scenerio to work with. There's more chance I'll write it if I have a concrete idea
And please mind your manners :)
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To all my moots:
Yall should totally get into nanbaka.
It's super silly and funny, full of classic anime gags and other fun stuff.
But it also has its serious moments if that's what you're into
Meet celibate number 25: Nico
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He's an anime loving nerd who keeps escaping prison cuz he doesn't like his medication. Why does he need meds? Oh that's because he canonically has every disease ever and also is a drug addict. Also he's 16 and in a cell with another 16 year old, an 18 year old, and a 19 year old. The eldest 2 being obsessed with sex and girls.
You can see where I'm going with this, right??
Like he's the most perfectest blorbo ever and he's so happy and cute and he looks so good being abused, he already has a ton of bandages, so what's a few more?
(This totally isn't me baiting for more content cuz this fandom is so bare bones I feel like I'm the only one in it)
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vinora-nyghtshayde · 1 year
List of anime, a majority of them dubbed, I've watched over the years
1 .Hack//Legend of the Twilight
2 .Hack//Roots
3 .Hack//Sign
4 A centaur's life
5 A lull in the sea
6 A Whisker Away
7 Accel World
8 Ah! My Goddess
9 Akame Ga Kill
10 Amnesia
11 Android Kikaider the animation
12 Angel Sanctuary
13 Angels of Death
14 Armitage III
15 Arrietty
16 Assassination Classroom
17 Attack on Titan
18 Attack on Titan Junior High
19 B: The Beginning
20 Baccano
21 Banner of the stars
22 Basilisk
23 Bastard
24 Battle B-Daman
25 Beastars
26 Betterman
27 Beyblade
28 Beyond the Boundary
29 Big Fish & Begonia
30 Black Blood Brothers
31 Black Butler
32 Black Clover
33 Black Lagoon
34 Bleach
35 Blood Blockade Battlefront
36 Blood+
37 Blue Exorcist
38 Blue Seed
39 BNA: Brand New Animal
40 Boogiepop Phantom
41 Boruto
42 Bungo Stray Dogs
43 Cardcaptor Sakura
44 Carole & Tuesday
45 Case Closed
46 Casshern Sins
47 Castlevania
48 Castle in the Sky
49 Cells at work
50 Ceres, Celestial Legend
51 Charlotte
52 Cheer Boys
53 Chobits
54 Chrono Crusade
55 Code Geass: Lelouch of the rebellion
56 Code Geass: Akito the exiled
57 Code: Realize
58 Code: Breaker
59 Coppelion
60 Cowboy Bebop
61 Crest of the stars
62 Cyborg 009
63 D.Gray-Man
64 D.N.Angel
65 Dance with Devils
66 Deadman Wonderland
67 Death Note
68 Diabolik Lovers
69 Digimon
70 Dr. Stone
71 Dragon Ball Z
72 Dragon Ball GT
73 Dramatical Murder
74 Durarara
75 Erased
76 Ergo Proxy
77 Fooly Cooly
78 Fafner
79 Fairy Tail
80 Fire Force
81 Fist of the North Star
82 Flint the Time Detective
83 Free
84 From the new world
85 From up on Poppy Hill
86 Fruits Basket
87 Fullmetal Alchemist
88 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
89 Fushigi Yugi
90 Gad Guard
91 Gate Keepers
92 Gate Keepers 21
93 Ghost Hunt
94 Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
95 Ginga Densetsu Weed
96 Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin
97 Gravitation
98 Gungrave
99 Gunslinger Girl
100 Gurren Lagann
101 Haikyu
102 Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
103 Hakuoki
104 Hamtaro
105 Hell Girl
106 Hellsing
107 Hellsing Ultimate
108 Hetalia
109 Hitorijime My Hero
110 Howl's Moving Castle
111 Hyperdimension Neptunia
112 IGPX Immortal Grand Prix
113 Inuyasha
114 Isekai Quartet
115 Izetta: The Last Witch
116 Japan Sinks
117 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
118 K
119 K-On
120 Kamigami no Asobi
121 Kamisama Kiss
122 Karas
123 Karneval
124 Kekkaishi
125 Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple
126 Kiki's Delivery Service
127 Kill La Kill
128 Kiss him, not me
129 Kiznaiver
130 Knight's & Magic
131 Konosuba
132 Kuroko's Basketball
133 Kyo Kara Maoh
134 Laughing Under the Clouds
135 Last Exile
136 Little Nemo
137 Little Witch Academia
138 Love Stage
139 Lupin III
140 Medabots
141 Megaman
142 Megaman NT Warrior
143 Mekakucity Actors
144 Mirage of Blaze
145 Mirai
146 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
147 Mobile Fighter G Gundam
148 Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
149 Mobile Suit Gundam 00
150 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
151 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
152 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
153 Monster Rancher
154 Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
155 My Hero Academia
156 My Neighbor Totoro
157 My Love Story
158 My roommate is a cat
159 Nanbaka
160 Naruto
161 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
162 Nekopara
163 No. 6
164 Noein To your other self
165 Noragami
166 Noragami Aragoto
167 Oban Star-Racers
168 One Piece
169 One-Punch Man
170 Ouran High School Host Club
171 Outlaw Star
172 Paranoia Agent
173 Peacemaker Kurogane
174 Please Teacher
175 Please Twins
176 Pom Poko
177 Ponyo
178 Porco Rosso
179 Pretear
180 Prince of Stride Alternative
181 Princess Mononoke
182 Prison School
183 Promare
184 RaXephon
185 Re:Zero
186 R.O.D the TV
187 Ronin Warriors
188 Rosario + Vampire
189 Rurouni Kenshin
190 RWBY: Ice Queendom
191 Servamp
192 Sk♾️ The Infinity
193 Sailor Moon R
194 Sailor Moon
195 Saint Seiya
196 Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
197 Saiyuki
198 Samurai 7
199 Samurai Champloo
200 Samurai Deeper Kyo
201 Sankarea
202 Say I Love You
203 s-CRY-ed
204 Sensitive Pornograph
205 Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign
206 Serial Experiments Lain
207 Servamp
208 Shaman King
209 Shinzo
210 Shonen Maid
211 Show By Rock
212 Silent Mobius
213 Sirius the Jaeger
214 Snow White with the Red Hair
215 Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
216 Soul Eater
217 Soul Eater Not
218 Spice and Wolf
219 Spirited Away
220 Stars Align
221 Sukisho
222 Sword Art Online
223 Tactics
224 Tales of Zestiria the X
225 Tenchi Muyo
226 Tenjou Tenge
227 The Ancient Magus's Bride
228 The Boy and the Beast
229 The Cat Returns
230 The Devil is a Part-Timer
231 The Morose Mononokean
232 The Prince of Tennis
233 The Promised Neverland
234 The Rising of the Shield Hero
235 The Royal Tutor
236 The Seven Deadly Sins
237 The Vision of Escaflowne
238 The Way of the Househusband
239 The Wind Rises
240 Tiger & Bunny
241 Tokko
242 Tokyo Ghoul
243 Toradora
244 Trigun
245 Trinity Blood
246 Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
247 Uta No Prince-sama
248 Vampire Hunter D
249 Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
250 Vandread
251 Violet Evergarden
252 When Marnie Was There
253 Whisper of the Heart
254 Wise Man's Grandchild
255 Witchblade
256 Witch Hunter Robin
257 Wolf Children
258 Wolf's Rain
259 X
260 Yamada & the Seven Witches
261 Yami No Matsuei
262 Yashahime
263 Yona of the Dawn
264 Your Name
265 Your lie in April
266 Yu-Gi-Oh
267 Yu Yu Hakusho
268 Yuri!! On Ice
269 Zatch Bell
270 Zoids
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
Queue Building Event
Just in case nobody has told you today, my beautiful readers - you look gorgeous, today. You are doing amazing and I'm proud of each and every one of you for what you've gotten done today, no matter how small it may seem to you!
Now, onto business! To kind of mark me returning to writing on here and to help me build a queue, I'll be rehosting an event that had been very successful the last time I did it and that I'm hoping will be as successful this time! Like most of my events, this will be a large, multi-day thing! I have no limits on the amount of questions you can send in, the amount of characters you can ask for, etc. Unless I'm particularly inspired by an ask or it's super quick to answer, I'll be queuing up the replies! If the ask falls into one of those two though, I'll likely answer it straight away whenever I get a spare moment in my busy days!
The event will go as follows: It opens tonight. For all of tonight, until the post tomorrow night announcing the new event day, I'll be accepting requests for the first day of the event and so on and so forth! The event days will be as follows:
DAY ONE, october 23: This day is all about music! I’ll be accepting all music mix requests! This is the only time I’ll do anything for shipping - send in a ship and I’ll create a playlist around that ship. Send in a character and I’ll do the same! If you don’t want full mixes or want more of theme, check out the following musical prompts - prompt 1, prompt 2, prompt 3, and prompt 4! If requesting for a prompt, please let me know the prompt number! There’s no limit on the characters or ships requested for though if there are multiple characters/ships, the mixes will be smaller!
DAY TWO, october 24: Today is all about AU’s! I’ll be accepting headcanon requests for various AU’s! Do you want AU’s for a certain decade - Tsuna as a 90′s kid for example or Hiruma Yoichi as a pirate? Do you want AU’s for a specific profession - Reigen as a soldier during WWII, Yata as a teacher, Genos as a retail worker, Sanzo a superhero? Do you want AU’s for a specific genre - Ronin Warriors as a cop show, Nanbaka as a horror movie, Servamp as a boarding school, Bleach a paranormal mystery? If you’re having trouble coming up with AU’s yourself, feel free to use the following prompts - prompt 1, prompt 2, prompt 3, prompt 4, prompt 5, prompt 6.
DAY THREE, october 25:  The theme of the day is personalization! If you submit a description of yourself (and please be thorough, focusing on your hobbies, personality and likes/dislikes more than your appearance), I can do match-up’s (platonic or romantic), self-shipping headcanons, or complete the pairing prompt! Please be specific in your description, I cannot stress that enough, and let me know if you’re looking for a romantic match, a platonic match, the pairing prompt, or self-shipping headcanons! Also, please let me know if you wish to remain anonymous or be tagged in the reply under your username!
DAY FOUR, october 26: The theme of the day is underloved characters! Though it’s an often-used theme, it’s a good one! I’ll be accepting any types of headcanon requests, fanmix request, character aesthetic requests, gif reaction requests or similar for any character underloved by canon or fanon! This includes all prompts and memes currently posted here! My regular rules still apply though.
DAY FIVE, october 27: Today is all about polyships! Send me two-five characters and the number of one of the following prompts -  prompt one, prompt two, prompt three, prompt four, prompt five - and I will write about those characters in a poly relationship/harem with the reader!
DAY SIX, october 28: I love holidays! Doesn’t everyone? Even if it’s out of season, send any holiday themed asks - fanmixes, headcanon requests, gif reactions, special holiday themed aesthetics, etc. - for any holiday and up to three characters! I’ll also be accepting the following holiday themed prompts - prompt one, prompt two, prompt three, prompt four!
DAY SEVEN, october 29:  Let’s get smutty in here! Send me NSFW headcanon requests for a single character or a gif reaction request for up to three characters! Send me a kink and a character and I’ll give you a yay or a nay for whether they’d enjoy it or not! I’ll also accept single character requests for up to five symbols/questions per prompt out of the NSFW prompts listed here!
DAY EIGHT, october 30: Today’s theme is all about the supernatural and paranormal! Monsters and ghosts and witches, oh my! Fairies and elves and goblins, things that go bump in the night! Zombies and vampires, oh what a fright! Send in any paranormal or supernatural themed headcanon, fanmix, aesthetic, or gif reaction requests for up to three characters!
DAY NINE, october 31: Today is all about the character questions! Please be sure to specify the prompt number and character if using a prompt! Prompts - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven!
DAY TEN, november 1:  It’s all about Disney! Send in any requests that have to do with Disney!
DAY ELEVEN, november 2: It’s a contest between characters! Send in two to seven characters and the number for any of the following prompts and I’ll answer to the best of my ability! Prompts: one, two, three, four
DAY TWELVE, november 3: Today is all about aesthetics! Feel free to request character or group aesthetics, themed or non-themed!
DAY THIRTEEN, november 4: Today we’re ending things with a relaxing sleepover! Treat me as a character and ask me anything from any prompt! Talk to me about your day, your favourite characters, your pets! Play fuck, marry, kill! Make me pick between horrible things! Ask me about fandoms! Basically anything goes today - this is just a fun day!
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rose-trap-cafe · 11 months
Heh, it's been a long time since I made an ask blog... do people still do that?!...
I have too many f/o's, and I don't really wanna make, like, 20+ ask accounts, that's crazy!!
So if you wanna ask, here's a small list!
Dio Brando - JJBA
Josuke Higashikata -JJBA (Aged up, 25 to 30)
Bruno Bucciarati - JJBA
Sun Wukong / Monkey King - Monkie Kid
Six Eared Macaque - Monkie Kid
Red Son - Monkie Kid
Vegeta - Dragon Ball
Piccolo - Dragon Ball
Android 18 / Lazuli - Dragon Ball
Kyojuro Rengoku - Demon Slayer
Doma - Demon Slayer
Tengen Uzui - Demon Slayer
Arjuna - Fate
Astolfo - Fate
Gilgamesh - Fate
Saber Alter - Fate
Karna - Fate
Zoro - One Piece
Sanji - One Piece
Usopp - One Piece (2 year time skip)
Miguel O'hara - Spider Verse
Spider Noir / Peter Parker - Spider Verse
DeadPool - Marvel Comics
Asmodeus - Obey Me!
Beelzebub - Obey Me!
Mammon - Obey Me!
Simeon - Obey Me!
Diavolo - Obey Me!
Raphael - TMNT (any gen, aged up, 25 to 35)
Leonardo - TMNT (Rise, aged up, 25 to 35)
Donatello TMNT (Rise, aged up, 25 to 35)
Anai - Aggretsuko
Samon Goku - Nanbaka
Akiha Gongen - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Wakan Tanka - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Shuten - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Sandayu - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Macan - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Ifrit - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Horkeu Kamui - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Hecate - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Cthugha - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Claude - Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
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simplyahoe · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Prompts by The-Purity-Pen
Demon Slayer : 🗡
Twisted Wonderland : 🪄
Nanbaka : ⛓
Day 1 : 69 / Dirty Talk
Day 2 : ABO / Floor Sex
Day 3 : Anal / Glove Kink
Day 4 : Breath Play / Missonary
Day 5 : Breeding / Leather/Latex
Day 6 : Cockwarming / Morning Sex
Day 7 : Costumes / Sex Toys
Day 8 : Creampie / Voice Kink
Day 9 : Double Penetration / Stripping
Day 10 : Drunk Sex / Spanking
Day 11 : Erotic Photos / Rimming
Day 12 : Exhibitionism / Hate/Angry Sex
Day 13 : Face Sitting/Fucking / Dry Humping
Day 14 : Fisting / Love Bites/Marks
Day 15 : Group Sex / Overstimulation
Day 16 : Bath/Shower Sex / Intercural Sex
Day 17 : Licking / Pegging
Day 18 : Bondage / Lingerie
Day 19 : Boot Worship / Masturbation
Day 20 : Dirty Dancing / Mirror Sex
Day 21 : Nipple Play / Praise Kink
Day 22 : Object Insertion / Phone Sex
Day 23 : Food Play / Orgasm Denial
Day 24 : Outdoor Sex / Tender Sex
Day 25 : Pet Play / Sex Pollen
Day 26 : Sexting / Wax Play
Day 27 : Sensory Depravation / Stockings
Day 28 : Formal Wear / Strap-Ons
Day 29 : Body Worship / Table Sex
Day 30 : Public Sex / Temperature Play
Day 31 : Free Choice
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