#2. once they actually know about the ghosts and they can see how badly it fucks him up because of how frequently they do it...
carbonateddelusion · 11 months
on a show of hands who here remembers how possession works in the 80s universe it was SO long ago I'm assuming none of you do
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I am totally obsessed with your fics!!! Your writing 🤌💕
I just wanted to request a fic where the reader is new to the task force but she's experienced and tough. Vibez similar to Ghost to elaborate she's more scary than Ghost cuz of her past maybe she was experimented on or trained brutally....
Reader is working hard to prove herself even if everyone knows she's the most lethal person. So one time she gets injured badly while protecting someone from the 141( probably Ghost 👉👈) and she wakes up has an emotional moment Ghost comes know about her Trauma . More like hurt/comfort....
Happy Writing 💝
CW: Mentions/references of kidnapping, torture, canon typical violenece Part 2, Part 3 Hiii Anon!! First off, thank you! Secondly, I am so, so, so sorry for how long this took😭 I did make this a two parter, the first part is kinda like backstoryish and the second part will be the actual story. I was gonna wait until I finished both to post but you have been waiting for way to long so I'll give you the first part now instead of waiting, again I am so sorry! I hope you like it :)) Summary: F!Reader was a part of a special program(LMK if you can guess what it is) and once she was released she joined the military.
WC: 1467 As always, I didn't proof read so lmk if there are any mistakes :3
Life had not been kind to you. Ripped from your family at a very young age, you had never known the type of love and safety a nurturing home could provide. Instead, you grew up in the confines of a Russian base, with cruel instructors and a dwindling group of girls as your only companions.
From the moment you could walk, you had been told you were a weapon. A lethal force to be honed and trained, nothing more than a tool for others to use to further their games. Brainwashed, tortured, and trained into submission, a perfect puppet. Both your brain and body were sculpted into absolute perfection, a rigorous process most people did not survive. By day, they trained to be a lethal force, an unstoppable, unnoticeable, killing machine. At night, you were handcuffed to your bed, listening to the screams of students who did not make the cut.(to this day you sleep handcuffed)
You watched, at first in horror, then with a sense of detachment, as your friendsrivals bit the dust, unable to keep up with what the program demanded of them. It got better as you got older, less girls died from their tasks. But in some ways it got worse. It was a competition now, a fight to see who would remain victorious, to see who would come out on top. It was not a place for friendship and comradery, and you learned that quickly.
You stopped trying to make friends with the other students when you were forced to shoot your best friend in the head after giving her some of your dinner when she was being punished. You were 8. And you stopped trying to even just be friendly with the other girls at 10 years old, when the instructor broke every bone in your hands after your bunkmate framed you for something you didn't do. To this day your hands are not the same, always hurting and forever scarred.
Your world was kill or be killed, and you'd be dammed if you didn't come out on top.
And come out on top you did. You graduated top of your class, a position you had fought and killed for, won through bloodshed and pain. If you had a conscience, it would have been screaming at you for the things you had done to get to the top(You laid awake every night consumed by guilt and grief)
The program was disbanded(re: destroyed) when you hit 18, just two weeks after your 'graduation'. You were given two options: Join the American military, or face a life sentence in prison. 
You had a lifetime of sins to atone for, and knew there was only one way to even begin to ease your guilt. Two days later your background was sealed up and you were shipped off to boot camp. 
And you excelled. This was nothing to you. What was a six mile run when you used to run until you passed out, then wake up and keep going? What was surviving on four hours of sleep when sleep deprivation had been the norm your whole life? What was any of this compared to what you had been forced to do everyday since you were five? 
You scared your instructors. And the other recruits. And everyone else you came into contact with. And you were fine with that. You didn't like when people got close to you anyhow.
Love got you nowhere in the world. It was a lesson you learned hard and fast. You did not care for others, they did not care for you. And you liked it that way. Until you met the 141.
A woman named General Laswell came to you one day with a job offer. Well, not a job offer exactly, but more of a…transfer of positions. A small, (mostly)four-man team that she oversaw.
You had gotten disciplined for beating the ever-loving shit out of a recruit the week before, and Laswell had watched it all unfold. She went back to her office, read your full file, and decided you would make a good fit for John's team.
You took a look at your bunk, at the trunk that held zero worldly possessions, realized there is nothing for you here, and said yes. 
Price had not wanted a new recruit, and told Laswell as much. She simply said he had a penchant for picking up strays and left your file on his desk. It took him a week to actually get curious enough to read it. A paper copy, the only one in existence that had your full, undisclosed background. He pretended he didn’t see her smug grin when he hit accept on your transfer application. 
You had been trained since youth to fight and to kill, yes, but your true purpose was espionage. You were trained to study those around you, to lie, to mold yourself to the expectations of those around you. You excelled at fitting into your surroundings, at assimilating perfectly with your peers. It was all you were good for, in your opinion. So you asked Laswell for files on your new teammates. And she gave them to you. They were full of gaping holes and redacted information, but there was enough there for you to profile them. 
Soap would be the most receptive to you. He most likely would also be the one to not give up in trying to get you to be open with them. Gaz would be receptive as well, but you know that your sealed background would put him on edge, Ghost, well…Ghost was a lot like you from what you could piece together. Yet another person who learned that the world was cruel and unforgiving, who had learned the lesson that love does nothing but hurt. And because he was like you, you knew he would trust you the least.
You felt a small pang in your chest when looking at this masked photo that you hadn’t felt in years. Not quite sadness, but…pity? No. It was different, it was sympathy. It weirded you out. 
It was hard at first, joining the 141. You had court-mandated therapy you had had to attend, and you had slowly come to realize that some trust was good, necessary even, for life. You knew you wouldn’t be able to open yourself up to them, that you would never be able to feel the sense of brotherhood you had seen amongst other soldiers, but you wanted to try. 
It was harder than you thought it would be. Hard joining men who already had comradery, who had a bond that had been forged with blood, sweat, and tears. men who weren't sure how to fit another person, much less a female, into their group. 
As you suspected, Soap was the most receptive. He was fun, you thought. His Scottish accent and affinity for filling the silence made him a very pleasant conversationalist. You didn’t have to do any of the talking.
Gaz was wary of you, but did a good job of not showing it. As you suspected, he stopped inviting you out after you said ‘no thanks’ for the third time. 
Ghost didn’t like you. You could see it in the slight tensing of his muscles when you walked in the room, the way his eyes pinched when you spoke. 
It was a rough, rocky start, full of distrust and misunderstandings. Everything about you set his senses on high alert. They way you could sneak up on him completely silent, the way you could hold your own when you sparred with him, even the way you moved had his hair standing on end. It wasn’t until a mission that would have ended with Soap's death if you hadn’t risked your life to shove him out of the way that Ghost began to trust you. 
And then he began to notice something else about you. And the more he noticed, the more concerned he grew. He noticed the way you threw yourself into battle, what little regard you held for your own life. He noticed how you never instigated conversation, never gave away the slightest bit of information that could be used against you. Noticed that you always wore gloves. In fact, he's never once seen your hands.
His constant observations of you had an unintended side effect. The longer he watched you, the more he realized you were a lot like him, the more he was drawn to you. And vice-versa. 
You found yourself willfully seeking Ghost out, willingly sharing information with him. Nothing about your past, no, you would never tell anyone the things you had done. But little things, how you liked the food served this week, how your mission went, that your new pants were really itchy. And he told you things too. Told you really bad jokes, told you Soaps stupid Scottish saying of the week. And slowly you branched out, agreeing to go to the bar the next time Soap asked you, telling Gaz that you liked his new sunglasses. 
It was nice, having people who looked at you like you meant something to them. Having people who didn’t know what you’d done, people who didn’t look at you with disgust and distrust. It was nice to have…friends. 
So of course everything had to go downhill from there.
End scene :3 let me know what you think!!6 and be on the look out for pt.2, I hope you're ready for a buttload of angst >:) Also requests are open <3
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cult-of-the-eye · 8 months
Mag 81 A Guest for Mr Spider
Wait I need to check the timelines - this was 2 days after leitner's death
New spooky music???
My man is so fucking dramatic I love him so much "grand of sand behind my eye" love the way he speaks
Omg the greying hair is canon??
Child in the 90s makes him at most 27 GOD DAMN. I was imagining like mid 30s...can you imagine a fucking 27 yr old using words like "ilk" when talking to you
Oh shit he's an orphan poor guy
Yeah ok a lot of his personality seems to make sense if you realise he was raised by his grandma
You know those memes that are like people raised by their grandparents are exceptionally polite but in a brisk way, talk fancy and are super posh? Yeah that's him.
Getting such neurodivergent vibes
Yeah he sounds like a main character from the start Jesus Christ he's such a kid who got traumatised and then grows up to be a horror protagonist vibes
My First Leitner lol like kids had to be introduced to them at a young age like those my first toys
He's so funny I can just imagine him as an 8 yr old getting super like affronted at this like how dare my grandma think I am of subpar intelligence he's such a little bitch from the start
"The eponymous Mr spider" even talking about his childhood trauma he's busting out the vocabulary
Fuck that story actually kinda rattled me I had my hand over my mouth in shock for most of it
I think it was the bit where the horsefly brought his son and they were both crying that got me, I could definitely imagine it scaring an 8 yr old
The way it drags out as well, with the pages of the same scene it really heightens the suspense
Is his childhood bully someone we should keep track of?? Love how he says Michael probably cause he sees him as a bully lol
It's interesting how despite him bullying him (quite badly seeing as though he beat him up) he's still like yeah but he saved my life and that means he deserves to be remembered
My bro didn't save your life on purpose, he was just trying to make it worse and happened to come to a terrible fate cause of that
I guess underneath it all he was still a kid who watched someone die, knowing they'd get eaten by a fucking spider, he still held him in some regard
The way he specified the guy was his bully even after he was being eaten though lol
He was desperate to get the book back? That's a leitner thing I guess, the book makes you want to keep it so it can finish whatever it wanted to do to you
On my relisten (which I will do once I've finished the series I'm sure of it), I'll have to look out for any reaction of leitners name
I wonder why Jon didn't react more to Carlos vittery's statement, like it must've terrified him? I saw a post a while back explaining Jon's thoughts and IT WAS GENIUS it was like of course he doesn't react, he must be terrified that someone knew about his experience and somehow did this to mess with him or it was a joke and he can't let anyone know that the Head Archivist is not Good at This ugh it's so good I'll tag it if I can find it
yeah at least he's right about Elias killing leitner
Awwww he's so cute with georgie
Can he not go back to his own flat?? Did he bring all his clothes to the archive and then subsequently leave them there? Does he even have a flat??
God Georgie is so nice I would kill for her
It's so funny that an apparent supernatural cynic dated a ghost podcaster
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icy-watch · 6 months
Well, that was certainly an ending to a season.
I can tell what inspired the Hageman Brothers for the ending of Rise of the Titans (2021). It’s pretty much the same ending beat for beat.
I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.
I really don't have too many thoughts on the finale, it's mostly just "at least this was the ending to the season, and not an entire series". Was it the best? No. Was it the worst? No. Just meh.
Had I seen this 2 or 3 years ago, I might have felt differently, but RotT really did a number on me. (If you haven't seen any of the Tales of Arcadia series, please consider yourself lucky. It started off very well but ended Badly.)
I'm glad the the sky pirates turned out to be pretty ok in the end. I really grew to actually like them. I'm going to be sad if they don't show up again.
And Echo! Oh, gosh Echo. Sweet baby boy. I loved the little bit of time we got with him. I hope he comes back again.
I haven't looked to see what the next season will be called yet, but I'm hoping we learn more about the previous Elemental Masters. We've been getting a little bit here and there, but it feel like there's more to their story than we've been told so far.
Tomorrow, I'll be watching the Day of the Departed, and maybe the Wu's Teas shorts, if I can find those. Until tomorrow!
Below the cut are the predictions I got right and wrong.
The ninja will be caught at some point by the po-po. And get thrown in a jail cell with one bed.
Nadakhan will pick them off one by one.
The wedding is inevitable. It sure was something.
Mutiny from the crew. Better late than never.
Jay will recruit Echo Zane to help him rescue everyone. He did and he got more friends.
I'm going to cry bc of the wedding thing and everything surrounding that. I cry at things very easily, so this wasn't really a surprise on my end.
Cole will get cured of being a ghost this season. He sure didn't.
Pixal will get a new body. RIP queen.
Nadakhan is going to use Wu to draw out the ninja and make them retrieve the Realm Crystal. This is such a great AU idea.
Going The Mummy (1959 & 1999) route to raise a loved one from the dead -- to bring back Delara. She was brought back via wish, not an entire sacrificial ceremony.
Nadakhan will be trapped in the sword once he's defeated. *disappointed noises*
Flintlocke had a thing for Delara. I'm actually surprised that this wasn't a little subplot. It actually felt like something they would have done.
Jay will be forced to help piece Djinjago together. There were other plans.
Cole, Nya, and Lloyd are going to spend the whole episode planning on how to save Jay. The used that time to try to leave the island. I completely forgot that was something they needed to do in order to even start planning for a rescue mission.
Ronin will help in the rescue mission for Jay. He really didn't.
Jay knowing the ins and outs of the Keep will help them navigate their rescue mission. Yeah. He did all that cleaning for nothing.
Flintlocke swiped the poison and the dart from Clancee. Clancee told Jay where he hid it.
No one from the Cursed Realm will come back. Sort of? Clouse wasn't in the Cursed Realm when it collapsed, but he was a resident there for a while.
They won't lock Misako up. The didn't even get a chance to finish questioning her before she was kidnapped by Nadakhan.
Kai will be needed to collect the Tiger Widow Venom, and without him the team will struggle. They did struggle without him, but I'm not sure how much help he would have been given the circumstances.
We're going to learn how Jay lost his eye. Sort of? But not really.
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halfusek · 1 year
Memory Joey’s Intangibleness
Sooooo I think it’s probably just one of those things that the developers didn’t think too much about but it’s been driving me up the fricking wall
If Joey is supposed to be “just a memory” and “ghost-like”, as it is established the first two times we see him-
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then how come does this happen??
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Like really he doesn’t have to take that at all, he could just phase out of existence or whatever...
...or can he?
I’ve given this some thought and came up with two versions I found most interesting:
1. He can phase out but he doesn’t do that to be there for Audrey. Maybe he’s hoping that seeing him get absolutely deaded will somehow help Audrey “snap out of it” and take control of this weird fusion she’s having with the Ink Demon...? I’ll be honest I don’t really understand how they’re supposed to be fused and why. But she sure does take control after Joey gets crushed, so I assume she needed that mental push. Joey could have known that or not, maybe he just wanted to be there for her, which would be kinda wholesome. I guess making a sacrifice like that in a circle that revives everyone every time it restarts is not that big of a deal so he could afford to give that a chance even if not knowing if that’d actually help or not.
2. He became tangible after retrieving The End reel from The Pit. Yeah. You heard me right. Theory time babey.
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Honestly, it’s something easy to miss, I’m sure I did while playing because I couldn’t remember what the goal is at any given moment, but in this part of the game you are supposed to get to the Pit. Except... we never do.
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When we get to the entrance of The Pit, the security system kicks in.
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And we get got by the Keeper here and escorted to Wilson.
(Though “The Pit” could be just the name of that hole the Keeper crawls out of but either way what it guards the way to is not accessed by us and that’s where The End reel is supposed to be.)
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"That's where the ghosts live. Just beyond that door. The Keeper's prison. The Pit. No one ever comes out. At least, they're not quite the same."
We don’t know much about the pit aside from this one quite peculiar fact: that’s where the ghosts live. Maybe even Joey, despite being one himself, can’t just go in and out of there without any repercussions.
And - watch out guys here is something I like about BATDR for once - it is quite cool that Joey is the one to retrieve it as it seems like a very dangerous place, so if the gang (Audrey, Henry, Allison, Tom) tried to do that, they’d very likely be badly affected somehow. Good job game, I like when you establish something and then follow it up logically, very cool.
So, yeah, my theory is that going to The Pit to get The End reel did something to Memory Joey making him less of a ghost than he was before (at least until his death in this cycle, I suppose).
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dragonsdomain · 6 months
Blob Ghost Supreme chapter 3
Chapter 2
Danny wasn't going to stop trying to win the tournament, despite what Tucker had said.
Yeah, it was comforting that Tucker had said that. That this doesn't change things. But however much he actually believed him, he wasn't the only one Danny wanted to prove himself to. He wanted to prove himself to everyone. To all the ghosts. To his peers at school. To himself.
By the time the second round of fights was about to begin, Danny was ready, floating just outside the gate.
The crowds were either cheering or yelling as he and his opponent walked out into the arena.
"Phantom the Blob," announced the Observant, "versus Spectra the Counselor!"
The other ghost who stepped out into the arena wasn't what Danny had expected. She looked almost human, but her sharp smile looked sinister, and a little too wide. Something about her made Danny feel off-balance, like she could see right through him to his insecurities.
Maybe she could.
"'Phantom the Blob', hm?" she said softly, with a sympathetic tilt of her head. Her voice carried across the arena straight into Danny's soul. "You probably didn't choose that title, did you? But no one will ever call you anything else."
Danny fired an ectoblast at her, but she stepped to the side to avoid it easily. She was slowly walking towards him. "Winning a tournament won't change anything. You've heard what they say about you. They still think you're cheating, not because they have any evidence for it, but because they won't believe anything else. And nothing will change that."
Danny glared at her. What kind of fight tactic was this? Was she taunting him? He opened his mouth to throw a retort at her, but blushed when he remembered his high-pitched voice.
Spectra chuckled at that instant, and Danny had the dreadful thought that she knew what he'd been thinking. "You know I'm right, don't you? You can't say anything. You're too ashamed of yourself."
Danny charged toward her, blazing with fury. He held an ectoblast in his mouth, but Spectra slapped him away with pathetic ease, and the fire died in his mouth. "You're so small. You're adorable. Cute. Nothing you can do will ever make you frightening or imposing in any way. No one's dumb enough to respect a sentient grape."
Danny snarled, firing a ray of ice at Spectra, but she slipped out of the way like steam. "Oh, look at you trying so hard. And you haven't landed a single hit on me. It's adorable to see such effort. Keep trying! Maybe you'll be able to hit me once~"
Danny fired a barrage of blasts at her, which she dodged, and he tried to trap her within a ranged ghost shield, but she slipped out the top before he could close it around her. "Aww, you're not trying hard enough. The whole audience can see how weak you really are! Your friends are up there in the stands, aren't they? You're embarrassing them."
Danny almost wanted to try another black hole, but he flinched as he remembered how badly he'd scared the audience with it, how he'd almost killed Skulker.
"What's wrong?" Spectra held out her hands, leaving her core open. "Are you frightened of me? Or of yourself? Funny how you're the only one who seems to feel that way. You want people to respect you, but that's really just because you're scared, isn't it? You don't even respect yourself."
Could the audience hear what Spectra was saying? It all sounded so loud in Danny's head. The idea that they could be hearing all this, all so horrifyingly accurate, made him even more angry and even more embarrassed.
"You might as well just quit while you're ahead," Spectra whispered, loud and clear.
"Shut up!" Danny screamed, shooting at her with all the force of a comet. Her eyes widened in the instant before and after he blasted against her chest, launching her into the wall with such force she passed out.
And the match was over.
"Tucker, you can look. Tucker, nobody's bleeding."
Tucker looked up cautiously where he'd curled up under the wall. "What?"
Sam shrugged. "I dunno, he smashed into her really hard and she's knocked out, but she didn't start bleeding. I guess being a blob ghost has some benefits? He's like a cushion."
Tucker cautiously peeked over back towards the arena. There he was, Danny, floating above Spectra. He was looking downward, so Tucker couldn't really tell what his face looked like at the moment. He was a little surprised that no skin had been broken. The cracks around Spectra made it clear that Danny had hit her really hard.
"Do you think Danny would be okay if he accidentally killed someone?" Tucker whispered.
Sam shrugged. "I mean, after seeing that, I don't think he will. His powers might even be designed to protect people."
Danny was still hovering there, unmoving. The turmoil from the audience was something he was used to at this point, and he tuned it out like white noise. "I wonder if the Observants would let us down there to make sure he's okay."
Sam said. "Good idea. Let's let ourselves down there."
"Wait, that's not what I said," Tucker started, and he felt a jolt of panic when Sam moved to climb up onto the wall. "Sam, we're like two stories up!"
Sam paused and frowned at him for a minute. Then she sighed and slipped back down to the ground next to Tucker. He let out a little 'whew'.
Sam grabbed Tucker's hand and started pulling him back towards the hall again. "Then let's go this way. We'll shove past the guards if we have to."
Tucker followed without resistance. "I doubt it'll come to that. they'll probably take him out of the arena if he hasn't moved by the time we get down there."
Tucker couldn't see Sam's face ahead of him, but he could sense that she was scowling. "Ugh. Fine," she said.
"We don't wanna be pushing boundaries, Sam. We're already only here 'cause we have special permission."
Sam glanced back curiously. "They said their boss let us in 'cause we're the future ghost king's friend, right? Does that mean they think Danny's gonna win?"
Tucker shrugged. "I mean, he's made it to the finals now, hasn't he? The next round'll be the last one."
Sam whistled.
Eventually they stopped running, which Tucker was glad for. Dashing at him like the sky was falling wasn't going to be very helpful if they were trying to comfort Danny. Also, Sam had sped down the stairs with a level of insanity that Tucker had not been able to or wanted to keep up with.
They found Danny floating vacantly outside of the arena.
Tucker stepped up to him. "You okay, dude?"
Danny startled for a second, then calmed down. He came back to himself to scowl at the ground. "That was pathetic. I made a fool of myself without her even throwing a single shot."
"What are you talking about?" Sam asked. "You won. You hit her so hard at the end she cracked the arena wall."
Danny cringed. "I don't know. That doesn't feel right. I just did that 'cause I got too angry, and I almost..." he trailed off.
Sam raised an eyebrow. "I thought you wanted to show people how powerful you were."
"Are you beating yourself up about almost killing her?" Tucker asked. "Pretty sure she would have done the same to you if she'd had the chance. And she wouldn't have stopped at 'almost'." Tucker moved with the intention to pat Danny's shoulder, but since Danny was a blob ghost then he ended up just patting his head and it was a little weird. He pulled his hand back awkwardly. "I mean. Um. It is a full-out brawl. I don't think you have to feel too bad about hurting people. That's kind of the risk you take when you enter one of these things." Tucker spoke from no authority except through the video game experience of getting game overs when dying to a boss, but the words felt true enough.
Danny kept boring a hole in the ground. "Do you guys... really think I didn't look pathetic? Everybody already thinks that. And what if I'm not even really that powerful anyway? Then I'll just be wrong. And this'll all be for nothing. And things'll just go back to the way they were before. Or worse."
"I mean," Sam began, "I don't think you really have to worry about people assuming you're weak again. Regardless of how graceful it was, you just won the semifinal round of the Ghost King Tournament." She shrugged. "This thing is a pretty big deal, right? So it's objective. You are powerful. Nobody can argue with it."
Danny sighed wetly. "I don't know if everyone'll be as sensible about it as you are, Sam."
Sam threw her arms out. "Oh, forget it! This is stupid! Why do you care so much about what everyone thinks anyway?! You said it yourself, they're being stupid about it. So it shouldn't matter what they think!" She stomped her foot for emphasis.
Danny glared at her. "I don't know if you've noticed, Sam, but most people aren't like you. It matters to me what people think, because I have to see it everywhere I go!"
Tucker held up his hands between the two. "Woah, hey! It's okay if we have different opinions about stuff. And it's totally legitimate to want to be respected. I mean, I sometimes wish I got more respect myself."
Sam and Danny glared at each other for a second longer before Sam sagged, looking down. "Sorry. I didn't mean it like there's something wrong with it. I just meant I wish it didn't have to hurt you so much. 'Cause you're never going to be able to completely control what people think about you."
"But I can try," Danny said. He glanced down and begrudgingly said. "I'm sorry too. There's nothing wrong with you either."
Tucker stepped back, smiling in satisfaction. "You're gonna do great, Danny. And whether or not you win, you've probably gone a long way already towards proving yourself to everyone." He hesitated, then held out his fist. Danny started at it for a second, then mustered a smile and bumped his head against it.
"We'll be rooting for you," Sam said.
"Yeah. And be careful out there. The last opponent will probably be really strong," Tucker added.
Danny gave a smirk. "Hopefully by the end of it they'll have wished they were more careful around me."
The Observant slammed a set of papers onto Clockwork's makeshift desk. "Did you really think we wouldn't notice?"
Clockwork tilted his head innocently as he took on the appearance of a child. "Notice what?"
The Observant held up the two top papers and pointed to them. "Ectosignature readings. The signatures of the two finalists are awfully similar, aren't they?" He looked like he was barely keeping his cool.
"Should be an exciting fight then, shouldn't it?" Clockwork grinned.
The Observant took a deep, exasperated breath. "Clockwork. We all know you have your eye on that young blob ghost. But how can you possibly consider this fair play?"
"Whatever could you possibly mean?" Clockwork asked. "This tournament is meant to showcase the most powerful ghosts throughout the infinite realms! In that sense, how could it possibly be fair to exclude one of them?"
The Observant pinched where the bridge of his nose should be and gave a long sigh. "After thousands of years of existence," he muttered, "shouldn't you be more mature?"
"Nope," Clockwork smiled. "We stay silly."
"You are the worst."
"I try."
Chapter 4
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sucantslay · 3 months
Eating noodles*
Uhm, since Believe 4 leave is coming out soon, might as well watch the translated lyrics for fun.
Song start playing*
"To the thing that you can't see, is there really an end to all of that?"
Noodles drop*
Ya know what, eating is needed, but analysis this song is more important right now!
Uhm...so, *wear my weird-looking but cool-ass glasses on* let's get into it shall we? ALKALOID P? MayoiP?
So before we actually get into the song lyrics, I would like to remind you something about Mayoi.
He's a little freak, a little cute freak that most of the fans can relate to.
Mostly because of his low self-esteem, he gets scared easily and goes from "Haha" to "I SHOULDN'T HAVE LIVE ANYMORE" really quickly.
Few of the first chapters from the main story until recently, even if it is a small thing, he did change. He doesn't usually talk that much, not even in any conversation with other members or outside people in ES.
He's in his own world, his own thoughts for most of the time. If he did say anything, it was either praising others, talking badly about himself, or simply a scream, panic for help.
But later on, he talks more and more, more open about himself. Even if he still has that low self-esteem within him, he's happy that everyone didn't push him away.
And the song covers up some of that Mayoi character in it! It really hit the right spot if you look close enough.
From the first line:
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It not really a happy feeling, it more of an unsettled situation where Mayoi couldn't know if any of this going to end of continue to suffocate him to death.
I think this is talking about his first time going out to the outside world and couldn't easily run away like all the other time ( he run away from the hospital once ).
Tatsumi going to catch him back, Hiiro can sense him present, his form has being review to the world outside. But more importantly, he got a Unit to be in, he can't no longer be the phantom that ghost this place with no hope and being agony in his own world anymore.
With that thought in mind, he have to chose, to move forward or giving up and continue hiding.
At first, Mayoi didn't have the chose but to go along with other members, he's being push to continue:
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the word "Binoculars" here is not only represent for a binoculars the Airship cool MV, but also about look into the future far ahead.
As he whispered: "I can't really do this, can i? I'm not that good of a person, how can a hideous person like me even deserve a place of happiness like them."
But in his hand was a binoculars, a device to look for the far distance, a further future, even if it was something small and hard to detect, he did in-fact, want to be as beautiful and fill with joy as them.
Yet he fill with nothing but anxious
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But he didn't stop, he continue, in his head scream pain and agony yet he show no sigh of stop.
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Because everyone still needs him, the team need him to help with their training, Tatsumi needs him to help with his yet to completely recover leg. Hiiro and Aira still need a person to relied on when Tatsumi wasn't around.
He can't stop now! ALKALOID NEED HIM!
I love this line sooooo muchhhhh, it not just about Mayoi, it about ALKALOID itself. About Tatsumi, about Aira and about Hiiro:
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We're be able to dream! And we'll continue to dream from this every moment on!
Yes! they accept that their just stupids little bastard, but in that way, if stupids bastard like them were allowed to dream big? They won't stop now!
They announced that, this is all just a beginning
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And the journey may be rough, but they won't scare to try out, if that what helps them achieve their long lasting dream.
Than we shift back to Mayoi:
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As his little dream now is no longer a small bit of hope, but something that he himself and ALKALOID are chasing with.
He's not alone.
The ALKALOID are with him.
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Ah fick that! They said: "We go on this journey with risk at hand!"
Maybe we'll fail, but with that mistake, we'll do it better next time.
And the next lyrics! They are also my favorite!
It LITERALLY about how fourth members represent for, and it even more meaningful when you read the main story!
Hiiro: Was despair when his brother leave him but find hope in ALKALOID.
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Aira: Despair for love, you can spot this very easy from the fact that Aira don't really like himself that much, he scare and hate and just a little boy finding his way, so ALKALOID gave him love! The love that he deserves.
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Ok...I'm so sorry but Tumblr don't allowed me to put more than 10 pic in here. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF ALKALOID I MUST!
THIS WILL BE 1/2 PART, YOU CAN FIND THE 2/2 PART ON MY PAGE. ( if can't, just use the analysis about b4l tag down there )
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Heathers Pokemon Au Part 2 (1/?)
So this is a continuation of my earlier post about this AU, I'm most likely not gonna end up writing anything about this bc my writing skills are pretty bad but I have way too many ideas so I'm just gonna write them down here
So the Heathers plus Veronica are just traveling around the region on their journey going to places for their own paths
Chandler is looking for Gyms, Duke for Ranger Stations and Mac for Contest Halls
Veronica doesn't really know what she wants to do and she figures that somewhere along the way she'll figure it out
In reality she can't focus on her future bc of how badly things are going with Martha, she knows she screwed up big time and doesn't know how to fix it, in addition to the weird love triangle between her, the Heathers and JD and that she actually doesn't know what she wants to do
From here I'm gonna go over the 3 major plot lines, its kinda like Scarlet and Violet where they'res 3 lines that each follow one of the friends (or in Veronica's case future girlfriends)
Like usual there are 8 gyms and once you beat them you challenge the Elite 4 and if you manage to beat them you challenge the Champion
Each Gym has a puzzle or task before you can challenge the leader, each one is set by the League to ensure that the Trainers coming through have the skills to be able to make it
Each Leader or E4 member is another musical character bc why not
The 1st is in Tudor City, home of the Ghost-Type Leader Anne Boleyn
She's part of a group of trainers called 'The Six' who each pretend to be the ghost of a wife of an ancient Galarian King who have risen from the dead due to unfinished business
They have shows where they hold a tournament between themselves to see who gets to be the Gym Leader until the next show
Imagine WWE but with Pokemon battles instead of wrestling
So when the gang gets to the city Anne happens to be the one whose won the most recent tournament
For her task Chandler has to help out for the next show, like help set up props, maintenance etc. to show thats she's willing to put in the hard work to live this kind of life and not just take the easy path
She complains, like alot
She thinks its stupid and beneath her and bitches and moans but she does end up doing it
Anne's Team (This and every other team is at their peak, just de-evolve the pokemon and remove as necessary to get the gym teams): Polteageist, Cofagrigus, Ceruledge, Mega Gengar, Mismagius, Aegislash
Swords bc get it thats how she died and Gengar and Mismagius bc she's more on the playful side of Ghost-Types, not all broody like Catherine of Aragon
Chandler wins but just barely, she didn't realize that this was gonna be this hard and she knows its gonna take a whole lot more work than she's been giving it
Bc of her need to always be the best this is where she starts pushing her pokemon harder than she should
Next is Washington City (very original ik) with the Normal-Type Leader Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton used to be an Elite Four member but bc of a scandal involving his wife he was demoted to Gym Leader while his rival, Aaron Burr, was promoted
He's just the teeniest tiniest bit salty about that
The puzzle is a quiz, but bc Hamilton made it its really hard and unnecessarily complicated, the idea being that a Pokemon Trainer must have the knowledge for many situations, bc being a Trainer is unpredictable
Chandler fails, obviously, she's out of school why does she have to take more tests
The other Heathers force her to sit down and prepare, with no small amount of bitching and promises of Corn Nuts
She takes it again and passes, thank Arceus
Hamilton's Team: Smeargle, Oranguru, Exploud, Mega Lopunny, Porygon-Z, Braviary
Smeargle bc writing, Exploud bc Hamilton can't keep his damn mouth shut, Lopunny bc its mega ability is Scrappy, just like his country, and Braviary bc Merica fuck yeah and the rest just bc
Next is Middlebrough City with the Electric-Type Leader, Jeremy Heere
He used to be under the tutelage of one of the E4, a man who goes only by 'The SQUIP' but it turns out he was making Jeremy do shit he didn't really want to and other heinous acts he broke free
But bc the SQUIP has connections and money he didn't lose his job
His puzzle is a little personal, using technology and his Alolan Raichu he scans their traveling companions and makes holograms to try and convince them to do things they otherwise wouldn't want to do, because a good trainer should be able to recognize when a situation is bad and get themselves out of it
Its a little messed up but Jeremy knows the importance of using your brain and thinking
So the trainers are told that the puzzle is just talking to their friends bc they want to see how they get along
There are images of Duke, Mac and Veronica all trying to convince Chandler to take some pill that promises to make her popular, even more so than before, that it will make it effortless, but Chandler resists
(Im not super proud of that one, I just couldn't come up with any other ideas)
Jeremy's Team: Eleketross, Toxtricity-LK, Electrivire, Mega Manetric, Alolan Raichu and Magnezone
His team was really hard, theyre arent alot of techy Electric Types
Next is Westview City with the Grass-Type Leader, Evan Hansen
The Leader position used to be held by his friend, Connor, but he did what he did in canon, leaving the position to his only friend, the only person he felt like cared about him as a person
Evan took it really hard and it took some time but he eventually accepted both what had happened and the role
The puzzle is to write a reflection letter on how your journey had gone so far, because now was the halfway mark, and its important for trainers to look back on where they've been
Its something that Evan wishes Connor would've done, to see all the people who did honestly care about him
Chandler thinks this is stupid AF and tries to get Veronica to do it but she refuses
Her first draft is really bad, its along the lines of "ive learned this is stupid and that im the best, signed Queen HC"
On her second draft they all sit down with her and talk, and the other Heathers talk about how their lives have been changed because of her and what shes done for them
Duke talks about how uncaring she was, just kinda floating through life before they met and Chandler added spice to the mix, and gave her something and someone to care about
Mac reminds her of how they met in Kindergarten, about how no one wanted to be friends with the weird autistic girl who talked about My Little Ponyta all the time and how lonely she was but then she came up to her on her own volition and wanted to be her friend and how much that meant to her
Its around here Veronica's illusion of the Heathers being untouchable is shed completely, sure she knows the solid teflon isn't as solid as it may appear but she didn't realize how flimsy the facade actually was
She's also struck by the similarity between how Chandler and Mac met and how her and Martha met
The new letter actually makes Evan cry
Evan's Team: Tropius, Torterra, Trevenant, Mega Sceptile, Abomasnow, Exeggutor
They're all trees, need I say more
Next is 'Camp' Half-Blood Village, with the Water-Type Leader Percy Jackson
Yes I know its not really a musical but there is a PJO musical so it counts, screw the rules I have money
Percy and his rival Luke used to be friends and fellow gym leaders
Luke taught Percy pretty much everything he knows about being a Trainer, he was his mentor and someone he looked up to like a Brother, that is until he was given the opportunity to become a E4 member if he just took care of an issue
That issue being his friend Annabeth, who was getting a little too close to figuring out what was really going on at the Pokemon League
Percy defeated Luke in a battle and saved Annabeth, but was succesfully scared into silence, or at least being more sneaky with whats going on
His puzzle is to go on a Killer Quest, where they send Chandler out into the woods with nothing but her Pokemon and she needs to make it through the night, the point being that there won't always be a Pokemon Center and she might have to spend the night in the woods, which Chandler had avoided so far bc if anyone sees her without her beauty sleep and 10 pounds of makeup she will lose it
She is of course, pissed off, and she takes it out on her Pokemon, who have had enough of her shit, especially with the hellish training, and refuse to listen and help her with building a camp or getting food
Eventually they have a heart to heart about it and she understands how she was hurting her pokemon and vows to do better as their Trainer
Percy's Team: Palafin, Empoleon, Azumarill, Mega Swampert, Samurott, Kingdra
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leviathanswingman · 1 year
a life in your shape - chapter 3
ship: SoloDeus
word count: 6191
chapters: 3/3     chapter 1  chapter 2
warnings: none
“Asmodeus,” Solomon uttered, his voice quiet as a ghost’s breath.
Asmo’s breath caught in his throat. “You’re up?” he mumbled back in a hushed tone.
If it weren't for Solomon's cloudy eyes fixing him, he would have expected the man to be fast asleep, murmuring in his slumber. After all, he’d always been a rather restless sleeper. Today however, the fluttering of Solomon’s eyelashes betrayed that first assumption. 
He freed one arm from under the blanket. Although his eyes were blinking up at Asmo, still heavy with sleep, there now was a certain kind of awakeness to them they had lacked seconds prior. “Yes, I am,” he murmured as he let out a small yawn, covering his mouth with the back of one hand before lowering it again. “For the most part, anyway.” 
Asmo’s eyes followed Solomon’s hand. It looked nice and lonesome and oh so holdable in the room’s dim lighting. For a moment, he contemplated reaching out and letting his fingertips ghost along cool skin, having his well-kept nails glide along, pressing and caressing until finally finding the back of Solomon’s hand, slowly reaching out to encircle steady wrists, working their way upwards towards his elbow to finally end up sliding onto his shoulder. 
Asmo freed his hands from under the sheets, but buried them in the soft creases of his pillow before he could even so much as think about doing something he’d enjoy but most certainly come to regret. 
“Go back to sleep, Solomon,” he whispered back in a pillowy-soft voice, a voice so pretty and smooth it could make sailors drown and maybe even lull a certain sorcerer right back to sleep.
But Solomon blinked once, twice, blinked the sleep out of his eyes and fixed Asmodeus with a gaze much more awake than before. “No,” he said quickly before clearing his throat. “I mean,” he added abashedly, “since we're both up already, there's something I wanted to ask you anyway. Can we talk?” His voice was quiet and smooth like a marble.
Asmodeus tried not to visibly retreat into the sheets as he took a shallow breath and physically forced himself to relax. “Oh, is that so?” he asked, already feeling his heartbeat accelerate. “What could you possibly want from little old me? Ask away, hun.” 
“I think you know what this is about, Asmo. You've been skirting around me all day. Actually, I think you’ve been doing so for a while now.” 
“Have I now?” A shaky chuckle escaped Asmo’s lips. “Oh Solomon, what reason would I have to run from you? You’ve got it all-”
“Wrong? I don't think so. And I don’t think you’re as clueless either.” Solomon‘s eyebrows furrowed considerably. “Asmodeus.”
Even now, the way Solomon said his name sounded so special coming from in-between his lips. Just as Asmo thought he’d had enough time to wind down again, he caught Solomon’s gaze wandering down and noticed how his fingers twitched with nervous energy. After a moment of consideration, he inched closer and gently took hold of Asmo’s hands. Ever so carefully, his long fingers closed around Asmo’s hands. Asmodeus’ heart came to a stutter, then beat faster with a vengeance.
“Was it something I did?” Solomon’s fingertips felt worryingly cold against Asmo’s much warmer skin. “Have I made you uncomfortable in any way?” He mustered him with that all-knowing gaze of his that always seemed to see right through him. There was such an honesty to his expression that Asmo almost felt guilty looking back at him. 
Without thinking, Asmo pulled his hands free, took hold of Solomon’s instead to raise them up and press them against his cheek. And Solomon just let him.
For a moment, he remained quiet, simply holding Solomon’s frosty hands to his lonely cheek, hoping he wouldn’t notice how he was practically burning up. 
“You're freezing,” Asmo eventually mumbled, trying to refrain from nuzzling his cheek against Solomon’s skin. And oh, how badly he wanted to do just that. Instead, he pressed Solomon’s hands closer to his cheek, attempting to warm them up with his body heat alone. „How can a human even get this chilly?“
“You‘re evading my question,” came the answer with an additional sigh.
Asmo didn‘t find it in himself to correct Solomon. After all, he wasn‘t wrong. Guilty as charged, for he didn't know how to communicate his worries without spilling his guts. Asmo had never been good at keeping secrets and normally, there was no need to keep them from Solomon. Actually, he was one of the first people Asmo tended to run to whenever he got his hands on some saucy news, right next to Satan of course. Naturally, keeping things from Solomon wasn’t his forte.
All he wanted to do was pull him even closer, kiss his worries away and tell him not to worry that silly little brain of his. 
“I am not,“ he mumbled halfheartedly, knowing fully well there was no fooling the sorcerer. Absent-mindedly, he rubbed the back of Solomon’s hand with the tip of his pointer and found himself wondering what the two of them would look like from an outsider’s point of view right now. He liked the thought but feared the repercussions. 
“Are so.” 
“Am definitely not.”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Solomon shifted and his foot grazed Asmo’s leg. Asmo startled and his eyes flew open again.
“Solomon you're literally freezing!”
The sorcerer pulled his legs closer to his body. “That's not the issue right now.”
“Oh it SO is! You're going to end up getting sick.” He didn't even think further before the words had already left his mouth. “Turn around.” 
A weary sigh escaped Solomon’s lips. “I rarely get sick down here, you know that. My body seems to actively thrive in the Devildom, actually.”
“Yeah duh! And then you return to the human realm without telling a soul and end up bed bound and moping for weeks. I‘m not having it this time, Solomon! If you end up sick I won‘t play nurse for you again and you can see who’ll look after you then.” Of course, this was nothing more than empty threats. Asmodeus would always be there to take care of Solomon. Even if solely for the purpose of getting to play nurse. And it wasn’t like Solomon would be truly left to his own devices either. Worst case scenario, Simeon would take care of him. Asmodeus was making an entirely personal and undeniably selfish threat here. 
He pushed his leg against Solomon’s calf. “So be a dear, turn around for me and don't make this any more difficult for yourself than it has to be.” 
“Why should I-”
“Solomon, I'm not playing around. If you don't turn around right this second you won't get anything out of me. At all.” Asmodeus pursed his lips and mustered Solomon with one eyebrow raised. “Not now, not ever. I mean it.”
As their eyes met, Solomon‘s exasperated expression softened and his pale lips pulled into a small smile. “So you’re going to tell me what‘s wrong if I do as you say? I think we’ve got ourselves a deal here.” Without any more questions, he pulled his hands free and turned his back towards Asmo. “Happy?” 
For a moment, Asmo mustered Solomon’s back, took note of how his defined muscles came to light under the pyjama’s soft fabric and wondered how the man was able to trust him so recklessly. Then he let out a little huff and reached out.
“I can't have you freeze to death. I'll keep you warm,” he said. It was more of a statement than a question. In the end, there was nothing he wouldn't do for Solomon. There was a part of him that just wanted to take care of him - Solomon had been more than terrible at taking care of himself ever since they’d met. Back in the day, at least he still had his wives to keep an eye on him when it got particularly bad.  
“And how do you plan on- Ah!” A startled sound escaped Solomon’s lips as Asmo snook one arm under Solomon’s body, pulling him closer by the waist, his other arm coming to rest across his collarbone. It was an easy enough thing to do. After all, Asmo wasn‘t as frail as he usually portrayed himself to be. Now Solomon’s back was pressed tightly against Asmo’s chest.
“Like that, I see,” he said, laughing awkwardly under his breath as he shifted his position, readjusting his legs to make room for Asmo’s knees to fit right in the crook of Solomon’s own ones. 
“Silly sorcerer,” Asmo mumbled as he felt the coolness of Solomon’s skin from under the pyjama’s thin fabric. 
“Cunning demon,” Solomon murmured back. There was no bite to his tone, only a strange sort of fondness. 
“Really, Solomon? Cunning? Maybe try captivating, charming, cute…” 
Solomon chortled and the conversation naturally died down. Silence was filling the room as Asmo found himself listening to the steady beating of Solomon’s heart. He pressed his forehead against the nape of his neck and discreetly took in the familiar scent, feeling both comforted and put on edge at the same time. Solomon didn’t seem to be put off by the skinship. After all they were draped over each other in one way or the other more often than not. 
Asmodeus forced himself to keep the promise he’d just made and took a deep breath. “You don't,” he started. “Make me uncomfortable. I mean how could you, you're Solomon.” Then, he pressed his forehead closer to Solomon’s skin. The soft hair on the nape of his neck tickled against his nose. “It's actually the opposite.” His voice was nothing more than a whisper.
A little part of him hoped Solomon would just skip over what he'd said, and perhaps if his hearing wasn‘t so awfully good, he would have done just so. “Always treating me so delicately…” 
For a moment, Solomon seemed hesitant. “Asmo. Please explain further so I can understand. I want to understand, but it feels like I’m missing something here.” Ever so carefully, Solomon put his hand flat over Asmo’s and his fingertip tapped against Asmo’s wrist before going still again. “We have known each other for so long, yet you still mystify me to this day. Won't you enlighten me?”
And Asmo folded like a wet paper towel. There was just no way for him to say no to Solomon. Perhaps this was the push he needed. 
His heart was heavy and his mind uncertain, yet Asmo knew he had to get this over with now. 
“Asmo?” The sorcerer tried to turn his head as Asmo pulled even closer. With his chest flush against Solomon's back, he was certain the sorcerer must feel the way his heart beat to his chest. Silently, he pressed his cheek back against the exposed skin of Solomon’s neck and swore he could feel Solomon tightening under his hold. 
“Promise you won't be mad?” Solomon tried to turn once more, but Asmo only shook his head. “Please,” he added.
To say he was nervous was an understatement. With his heart beating like crazy, Asmo felt the incoming dizziness that tended to come with an anxious state of mind. “One last time, let's stay like this for just a bit longer. We can do that, yeah?” he uttered.
“Of course,” Solomon replied softly, sounding fairly confused. 
It was a selfish request and Asmodeus hated how vulnerable his own voice sounded in the dead of night. No one liked an overly clingy man, he’d heard so time and time again. He just couldn’t help himself regardless.  
There was no way for this to have a favourable outcome for either of them. He was about to ruin one of the most important relationships in his life and there was no postponing it anymore.
Solomon had rejected him before, had cleared his throat and averted his attention before Asmo could take the big step and verbalise what would inevitably ruin their relationship.
Of course, it hadn’t been a rejection in the traditional sense, yet it was still telling enough for Asmo to know to pull back and be satisfied with what he was given.
Asmo knew it was way past time to tell him. Still, despite himself, he was afraid of the repercussions. If Solomon left, or even worse so, dissolved their pact, Asmo wouldn’t know what to do with himself. For once, he wouldn‘t know how to pick up and reassemble the pieces to make everything alright again. There was a reason why he had set up his boundaries regarding pacts and relationships in the first place. It was pure self-protection. Getting attached was a frightening thing. 
Asmo’s heart was beating to his chest and eventually, he untangled their limbs and put a respectable amount of distance between Solomon and himself again. He just didn’t know how or where to start. It was a matter of the heart; and his heart was a confusing little thing.
“So you remember how I was supposed to be on a date tonight?” he suddenly started.
Solomon cleared his throat and shifted a little, but kept his head dutifully turned away. “Yes, I do. Are you upset you didn’t get to go?” There was a careful tone to his voice.
“That’s not it.” A beat passed.  “What if I told you I’m glad I missed it?” 
“What if I told you I was never into them in the first place? Doesn’t it make you want to scold me? I have so much love to spare, and yet…” Asmodeus worried his lip as he brought his hand to his chest, placing it right over his heart. „I can‘t.“
Then, Solomon slowly turned around to him and mustered him with an undecipherable expression on his face. “And yet you don’t owe them anything,” he said carefully. Slowly, he propped himself up on one elbow and gazed down at Asmo. For a moment, he stayed completely still as he watched him with a keen eye. “Although I don't necessarily get why you’d agree to a date if you weren't into it in the first place. Doesn’t that seem a bit counter-productive to you?”
Asmo turned onto his back and closed his eyes. “Because it's easier that way. It should be enough. It used to be, at least.”
Solomon furrowed his brows. “Easier than what? And what do you mean with enough?”
Asmo looked up at Solomon, the man that had always been so dangerously dear to him. Before he knew it, he was tearing up.
“I can't tell you,” he whispered, an unmistakable quiver to his voice. His lower lip started to tremble and Solomon’s expression quickly turned frantic. Asmo would‘ve found it a bit funny if he wasn‘t feeling so beyond himself at the moment.  “There's no way I can tell you. If I say it now I won't be able to take it back ever again.” 
Solomon lowered himself onto his side so he could be face to face with his pact partner again.
“Hey,” he said as he reached out to wipe away the first tear that was just starting its descent down Asmo's cheek. “Talk to me. I want to help. It's obvious that you're very upset. Let me help fix it.” Another deep breath. „Let me be there for you,“ he added, and it took Amo all he had to remain somewhat stable.
Slowly, he shook his head, pulling his chin closer to his chest and his legs closer to his stomach. 
Still propped up onto his elbow, Solomon seemed lost in thought for a moment. Then, one hand reached out, lingering helplessly in the air before he tightened his fist and made a split-second decision. He moved closer, put his arm around Asmo and pulled him close to his chest. 
A shuddery breath escaped Asmo’s lips, followed by a first hesitant sob. Despite knowing better, he buried his face in Solomon’s chest and his heart felt both healed and broken at the same time. 
Curse Solomon to always make him feel so safe, so at home.
By now, Asmo was fairly inconsolable. Still, after a few deep breaths and some conscious breathing tactics, he managed to reduce his sobbing to subdued crying.
Despite not knowing the reason for Asmodeus’ lament, Solomon was rubbing one hand up and down his back while the other cradled the small of Asmo‘s back. “It’s going to be okay,” he mumbled. “You’re going to be alright.”
“I'm awful,” finally came bubbling out of Asmo. “You should have a better pact partner. One who can stick to his own rules and won't overstep. Because I think I’ve been doing that big time. There's no fixing it, unless there's fixing me.” 
He could hear Solomon’s heartbeat; a shockingly vivid tremble in the otherwise silent room.  Solomon’s hand came to a screeching halt.  
“There is nothing to be fixed about you.” A second of silence. “You're fine just the way you are. Tell me what's wrong, Asmodeus.”
Their pact mark was vibrating with tense energy. Reality came to a halt as Asmo decided to just come out with it. He had already said too much, had allowed Solomon to hear of grievances and regrets that were supposed to stay hidden from him forever. 
He took one last look at Solomon’s worried face and tried to burn it into his memories before dropping the bomb. 
“Solomon… “ he started. “I love you.” Quickly, he screwed his eyes shut. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt as much if he refused to look at Solomon’s face. 
Solomon remained quiet and Asmo tried his hardest not to panic. All of a sudden, the room’s silence was threatening to bury him. 
“And I know you probably don't want to hear it, but I had to say it. I just had to. If you want to break our pact, then I-” his voice cracked and more tears started to spill. “I understand. I don’t want to, but I understand.” 
Still, Solomon remained quiet. Only his hands seemed to wander, cupping Asmo’s cheeks to swipe beneath his eyes to catch any stray tears. There was an unmistakable quiver to his fingers and he looked unusually discomposed when Asmo opened his eyes again. 
“Why would I-? Wait, is this what that phone call was about? Me?” he asked, eyes on Asmo’s collarbone, searching. 
Asmo nodded reluctantly. “I told Mammon and asked for advice.” He searched Solomon’s face for a sign as to what the man could possibly be thinking, but came up empty handed.
He was getting more and more nervous by the second. Asmo tried to put more space between them. Their pact mark, brimming with guilt, was all the confirmation Asmo needed.
Hurriedly, he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, keeping his back turned to Solomon, hugging his frame to keep from visibly shaking. 
“Just forget what I said,” he brought out, ever so aware of his damp cheeks and stuffy nose. All he wanted to do was run away, escape from this hellhole of a palace and drown his sorrows in some willing body, lost in lust and pain until his brain was filled with nothing but white noise. He was an absolute mess anyway. 
But they were locked in. There was quite literally nowhere to run. His feelings were a whirlwind of a thing and Asmo had no other choice but to face them.  
He remained in place and let his head sink into his hands. There was no reason to hold back his tears anymore. 
“It doesn't matter, don't worry. I'm fine. This is fine.” He paused. “I'm sorry, I-” Apologies were dripping off his lips like raindrops. “I'll get over it,” he forced out while in reality, he knew very well he would never be able to. 
Solomon sat up and moved over to Asmo. There was that pained expression on his face again as he settled down, his hands gripping his thighs tightly before he put one hand on Asmo’s shoulder. 
“You’re upset,” he finally stated. “Asmo, I don't-”
A startled laugh escaped Asmo’s lips as he yanked his shoulder away. “Now you’re being cruel,” he brought out. “Of course I’m upset, I think I have every right to be. Just say it out loud, for my sake. Just once, so I won’t get my hopes up ever again.” He braced himself, but was taken off guard by Solomon’s lost expression. Mentally, he reached for their pact mark to check in on Solomon’s state. It wasn’t something he normally did. It felt somewhat like an invasion of privacy. 
Asmo lifted his head and turned towards Solomon. There were a million questions on his face. 
“I don’t understand.”
And it hurt. Because for some reason, Solomon just didn't seem to get it. And Asmo just knew he’d have to spell it out for him, no matter the pain it would inevitably put him through. 
His hands dropped to his lap and his eyes stung. “Solomon. I'm so in love with you I don't know what to do with myself anymore,” he said quietly. His eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks before he forced himself to make eye contact again. Stubbornly, he held his gaze, not willing to go down without a fight. Then, something seemed to click inside of Solomon’s brain and he went completely rigid. 
Then, ever so slowly and carefully as if he was afraid of breaking him, he leant forward and simply encased Asmodeus in an intimate embrace. One hand reached up to rest in Asmo’s locks, caressing them softly, almost as if to soothe him, the other came to rest on the nape of his neck.
Asmo didn’t know how to take any of this, so he simply returned the embrace.  
“I didn’t know,” Solomon finally said, his head turned into Asmo’s shoulder. It came out a little muffled. “I never dared to think that this is what you meant when you said you loved me. I'm so sorry for not understanding.” His voice was a low rumble right beside Asmo’s ear. “I don't want to see you cry like that ever again.” 
“What else would I have meant?” Asmo mumbled back. Solomon’s sweet words made him tear up once again and he pulled back to watch his reaction. The sorcerer stood up, paced back and forth before sitting down facing Asmo again. He reached for his hands and held them tightly in his own. While maintaining eye contact, he lifted them to his lips and kept them there. 
Asmo could feel his cheeks heat up and sniffed quietly. He didn't want to disturb whatever they had going right now, didn’t want to destroy the magic of the moment, but knew he had to unless he wanted to go truly and utterly insane. 
“What now?” he asked. Never before had he felt so raw and exposed. 
Solomon lifted his head. Those grey, almost translucent eyes were watching Asmodeus intently. 
“Well, I can't keep making you cry, and also,“ he turned his head away in an almost abashed manner, “I haven't given you my answer yet. As long as you still want to hear me out of course.” 
Hope was a fragile little thing taking seed in Asmo’s heart. And how could he not feel that tiny little spark with the way Solomon’s eyebrows pulled together in such sweet and genuine worry? 
“I need to hear it,” he answered firmly, feeling braver by the second. No matter the outcome, he had to hear him out. He would always hear Solomon out. And now that he was finally in the know, a warm but stale sort of calamity had taken over Asmo. All that crying left him feeling strangely refreshed, even though his eyes were probably puffy and red and his voice felt wobbly at best.
“But first of all,” he started, “this is a conversation we can’t be having sitting down, Solomon.” Asmo tutted his teeth and tried a little smile before pulling Solomon up so they were standing face to face. “Way better.” Asmo wiped away his tears and breathed in deeply. If he was about to get rejected, then he would accept it with dignity, perfect posture and nothing more than a sad sparkle in his eyes.  
Solomon returned his smile, the corner of his mouth pulling into a boyish grin. His hands were shaking. Asmo suppressed the unshakeable need to hold them firmly in his own. 
Solomon rubbed the back of his neck before he started to speak. “I still remember the first time I summoned you, you know? You were quite mad at me for summoning you on the spot, and although you were ignoring me for a good hour and a half, I couldn’t help but feel a pull towards you. It seems like some part of me has always wanted to keep you close and pull you to my side. I was quite arrogant back then, don’t you think so too?” Solomon looked at the ground, a forlorn look on his face. “I thought my age had decimated that unruly streak of mine, yet decades later, I find myself face to face with that same kind of arrogance. Year after year I told myself we’d be fine the way we were, even when I wanted to pull you closer every time you sent a genuine smile my way.”
Asmodeus listened carefully, impatience pulling at his strings.
“And I still do to this day.”
His heart stopped for a second. “Then why don’t you?” The words had already left his lips before he could stop himself. Curse that reckless little brain of his. Hadn’t he planned on hearing Solomon out? Perhaps he was more frustrated than he’d like to admit.
For a moment, Solomon seemed almost startled before he raised one hand to Asmo’s face,  cupping his cheek, letting his thumb run across smooth skin. He leaned down slowly, tilting his head ever so slightly. The tips of their noses brushed as their breaths intermingled, mere inches apart. Solomon’s eyes wandered from Asmo’s cheeks to his lips, then up to his eyes again. He brushed his thumb over the corner of Asmo’s mouth down to his bottom lip and Asmo could feel his warm breath graze his skin. 
Finally, Solomon closed the distance between them. Asmo let out a little whimper, but pressed into the kiss without any hesitation. It was warm and good and left him feeling lightheaded. Of course Solomon just had to be a good kisser. Not that he’d expected otherwise. 
Asmo allowed himself to cup Solomon’s face in return, allowed himself to feel the softness of his cheeks against his palms, the suggestion of sturdy bone under taunt skin. He wanted to get lost in it all, pulling away for a moment just to pull Solomon even closer, desperate not to waste any second of this. Solomon chased his lips the second they parted, landing a kiss on the corner of Asmo’s mouth instead before he readjusted his position to press against Asmo’s plush lips again. 
Reluctantly, he broke the kiss, took a step back to regain his breath. He framed Asmo’s face with both hands, opened his mouth as if to say something, but ended up just looking at him with the most smitten expression on his face. Slowly, he guided Asmo’s face towards his again, even more careful and slow this time, until their lips met again, slotting together perfectly.
Solomon hummed into the kiss. It felt like an eternity before they separated again, flushed and with reddened lips. 
Asmodeus slid one arm around the small of Solomon’s back and put the other on the back of his neck, pulling him into a warm embrace. He nuzzled his face against the side of Solomon’s neck and pressed a quick peck against sensitive skin.
“So,” he started, his heart beating to his throat. He was feeling an exhilarating combination of inner peace and prickling worry. “What does this mean for us?”
Solomon pulled closer against him as well, burying one hand in his soft curls. 
“It has to mean something,” he started. “Because I don't think I could go back to the way we were before after that.”
Despite his nervousness, Asmo giggled. “I always told you I’m a good kisser, didn't I? Oh and that was me trying to flirt with you back then, you deft man. How could you not have noticed?!” He pouted against the soft skin of Solomon’s neck, then pressed a soft kiss right under his ear, just because he could. Solomon shuddered.  
“Well I certainly noticed your flirtatious intent, I just-” he took in a shaky breath as Asmo planted another kiss against his neck, “I just didn't think it was directed at me necessarily.” 
Asmo nipped at his skin. “Ow,” Solomon laughed and pulled away, his hands on Asmo’s shoulders. “What was that for?”
“Being dense.” 
“I was being honest.”
Asmo’s gaze was cast downwards, his eyelashes barely grazing his cheeks before he looked up again. With one hand, he pushed a stray strand behind his ear as he looked at Solomon from under his lashes. “And here I thought you were rejecting me all this time. I was so sure there was no way you hadn’t already caught on to me. Like, you know how bad I am at hiding my feelings. Like, astronomically bad!”
Before he knew it Solomon’s hand was in his hair again, pushing the strand of hair behind his ear for him. “I never noticed your behaviour towards me changing.”
“Gives you something to think about, doesn’t it?” Asmo replied cheekily.
“Oh? Even though I was being quite demanding when we first met?”
“Yes, it was absolutely infuriating. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to jump your bones or full-on throttle you to completion.”
Surprisingly, Solomon’s blushed and he cleared his throat. “It seems I have caused you much grief. Maybe I can’t apologize for my past self, but… I am more than willing to make up for my most recent mistakes.”
Softly, he took hold of Asmo’s hands. He seemed nervous, but still slipped his fingers in-between Asmo’s, letting his index finger run over the mountains and valleys of Asmo’s fine knuckles. “Will you give me another chance to treat you right?” he finally asked. His voice was sincere and unshakeable. 
Asmo’s heart was doing little summersaults. Sure, he’d been serenaded and asked out plenty of times before, had rejected more than double the amount of confessions to add. It had never felt like this before. 
And perhaps, this was the moment when it finally clicked for him. Solomon was completely sincere. Sure, he’d always been the type to tease Asmo, but he’d never joke about matters of the heart like that. There’s no way Solomon would do that. 
Asmodeus could feel his sin brimming with joy. He pulled Solomon closer by their hands so the man had no other choice than to stumble into his arms, coming to a stop right before his face. They were almost chest to chest now and he was beaming. “There’s nothing I’d want more!”
Solomon smiled, but there was still hesitation in his eyes. “Just one more thing,” he started. “To make my intentions crystal clear.” The expression on his face was still composed, almost as if he was still holding back.
“I know you don't like to be tied down to one person and I know it might be selfish of me to ask that of you. But I don't know if I could share you. My days of keeping multiple lovers are long over, but it’s different for you. I love you, Asmodeus. I am not looking for anything casual either. If it's even a possibility, I would like to ask you to be mine alone.” He seemed more than embarrassed, but genuine.
I love you, Asmodeus. The sentence ran through his mind like a well-remembered poem. Solomon loved him.  Asmodeus found himself looking up at him, letting the thought run through his mind, allowing himself to become familiar with the sound of it. It didn't take him long to come to a conclusion. After all, he’d pondered over his attraction to Solomon night after night over and over again, had considered every scenario and possible outcome. 
“You're asking me to be yours?” He tilted his head to the side as he pulled their entangled hands to his chest and smiled, looking up. “I'll agree under one condition only.”
Solomon’s eyes widened, almost as if he’d expected an entirely different answer. “And that would be?”
“That you’d be mine and mine only just the same.” 
The sorcerer was at a complete loss for words. Experimentally, he rubbed his thumbs over the back of Asmo’s hands. He cleared his throat and looked down. “Honestly, I didn’t think I would get this far.” A dry chuckle escaped his lips. “I don’t quite know what to say. My mind is completely blank right now.” He seemed to mull it over for a moment longer. “But I think I would like that very much.” 
Asmo watched him curiously. This was a side of Solomon he rarely got to see. Hell, he hoped he would get to see it so much more often now. Rosy cheeks suited him very well. 
“Why did you think you wouldn’t get this far?” he asked. “Did you think I would reject you?”
“I never thought you’d feel attracted to me. I’m not a particularly alluring man.”
Asmodeus almost lost his footing. “What?! Solomon, come on. You can’t tell me you don’t know how infuriatingly hot you are! There’s no way!” Solomon blinked at him owlishly. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
With that, Asmo took hold of Solomon’s collar and pulled him down into a deep kiss. He buried his hand in Solomon’s hair, caressing the soft tresses. 
They pulled apart, but barely separated. As they were catching their breath, forehead to forehead, Asmo mumbled against Solomon’s lips. “You’re so smart, yet so stupid. How didn’t you notice?”
“It sounded too good to be true.” Carefully, Solomon pressed his lips against Asmo’s just to pull back again. “It still does.” He pressed a soft kiss against the corner of Asmo’s mouth. Another kiss was pressed against Asmo’s cheek, who turned his head and giggled. “Now I wish I had said something sooner.” 
“Oh Solomon.” Asmodeus laughed softly, but there was a mischievous twinkle to his eyes. “Well,” he continued while slowly locking both arms around Solomon’s neck and standing on his tiptoes. “We’ve got plenty of time now, don’t we?” He leaned in, as if to go in for another kiss, but before their lips could touch, Asmodeus suddenly flung himself backwards, pulling Solomon down with his body weight and letting gravity do its thing. The latter let out a startled sound as they both dropped back onto the bed. Solomon had somehow managed to brace himself, one hand lying flat next to Asmo’s face while the other hand was supporting the back of Asmo’s head. 
Asmo grinned at him from underneath him. His curls were spread out across the mattress and his eyes were shining with mirth. He looked perfectly radiant even though he’d been in shambles not too long ago. “Oopsie. Looks like I fell for you, Solomon dearest,” he said, his voice finally back to its usual sultry tone. 
Solomon felt the world shift into place a bit. The entire evening, things had felt overwhelming and almost muddy to his brain, but now everything was perfectly clear. They were here, in this strange palace that had locked them in by pure coincidence. Asmodeus was lying beneath him, smiling up a storm and looking perfectly relaxed.
He watched the demon tilt his head, exposing his slender frame as he looked up at Solomon from under his lashes. The top buttons of his pyjama were unbuttoned, exposing his well-defined chest. It was the prettiest of sights.
Finally, Solomon returned the smile. He could feel genuine joy rumbling in his chest as he unceremoniously let his full body weight drop onto Asmo, who first squawked a bit, but then continued to laugh, his arms closing around Solomon’s frame, circling his back. 
It felt good after the night they’d had and was just what they needed. 
Their faces were mere inches apart. For the first time, Solomon tightened his arms properly around Asmo’s body without hesitation or guilt. He took in Asmo’s chiming laugh and comforting body warmth, marvelled at the sight that was the demon beneath him. Asmo’s laughter was nothing less than infectious. Soon, Solomon found himself laughing along with him. 
Their laughter died down eventually, replaced by comfortable silence. Asmodeus was simply looking at Solomon, reaching upwards. “Finally...” he whispered, almost too quiet a thing to hear.. 
“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting,” Solomon replied. I’m sorry I hurt you, he added in his thoughts. 
Asmodeus closed the distance between them and accepted his apology with a kiss.
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per the request of @mrunmione, i decided to put together some of my thoughts/advice on writing emotion into scenes, and humbly present to you:
abbey's unofficial guide to writing "feelings"
(please keep in mind that i'm not a professional by basically any metric, i am just a little guy who has a cold and hasn't consumed enough caffeine today.)
un: how does a feeling... you know, feel?
if you're not sure where to start with writing emotions, a great first step is to consider how emotions affect a character physically. is whatever they're feeling going to make their heart beat faster? is it going to make their spine stiffen? is it going to make them blush, or giggle, or gasp? you can even use temperature—is it fiery, blood-boiling anger, or icy fear? does it wash over them in a wave or strike them suddenly? do they have a tell, like wringing their hands or running fingers through their hair?
emotion isn't just internal! so making room for descriptions of body language and physical reactions can add some emotional flavor without disrupting the flow of the narrative with tons of introspection.
some quick examples that i've plucked from my own precarious and scattered stack of WIPs and scraps:
"You first," he said, gesturing toward the doors.
She visibly hesitated. "I'm a bit tired. Not really up for any more adventure today." She fiddled with the cuffs of her blue jumper, bunching the fabric between anxious fingers.
Rose is plainly dragging her feet. Her once purposeful steps are now small, slow, and her head is bowed, long blonde hair hiding her face, even though he walks right beside her.
"My uncle can be a bully," she warns him in a sudden low whisper, right outside the double oak doors that he presumes leads to the dining room. Her hands are balled at her sides. "Don't let him frighten you."
another great thing about delving into the physical aspects of emotion is that emotional people can play off of one another. in an argument, who raises their voice first? who can't make eye contact? is their breathing erratic, or smooth, or coming in big gulps of air? are they both guided across the room by some intense mutual pull? or is one of them keeping, say, a piece of furniture as a protective barrier between them?
in short, don't be afraid to explore people's physical reactions to one another—it reveals a lot about their internal states. and once you get used to using body language for this purpose, it becomes a lot easier to get the characters to reveal things about themselves—even things they want to hide. which, speaking of hiding...
deux: sometimes not saying something outright... says everything.
counterintuitively, sometimes the best way to express an emotion is to explain how the character avoids expressing that emotion at all costs.
walk in circles around the emotion. explain all the many, varied reasons that feeling that emotion would be absurd and inappropriate and stupid and embarrassing and impossible. people don't always just say what they feel. not even to themselves.
Turning back, he watches her nibble her bottom lip, thoughtful. Same old Rory. She can talk and talk and talk, right up until there's something she actually needs to say.
"It really was good to see you." She says it carefully. The smile she offers him is sweet, impersonal. "I'm glad you came back."
She doesn’t ask how long he’s staying.
"I'm fine." She holds up her hands, lies through her teeth. She doesn't have it in her to deal with his panic. "I swear, Damon, I'm fine."
He stops, several steps away. Looks at her, and then at where she's standing. So close to the edge. "You're fine," he repeats dubiously.
That's when she notices how badly she's trembling. The shaking of her hands turns her spectral. She is a ghost, phasing in and out of existence. Tucking both palms into the pockets of her jeans, she nods.
Reiterates, "Fine."
His eyes narrow. "Fine."
in both of these, the characters are withholding their emotions and putting up a more manageable front. but the gap between what they're saying and what the perspective characters know to be true—or wish to be true—is clear.
even if your writing doesn't express any feelings outright, it can still leave a blank space where the answer can be gleaned, whether by another character or your reader.
trois: voicing, voicing, voicing!
one of my favorite parts of writing is working on a character's voice. figuring out how they react to different scenarios is one of the main joys of writing, imo! in moments of intense emotion, some characters are babblers:
"I might've expected a bad reaction from my father, but I never would've expected it from Granny. She said," and the heat in her cheeks turns to a raging bonfire as she remembers the words, spoken so flippantly, "that I wasn't entitled to any sort of political opinion until I was married, at which point my husband would tell me what to think! Can you believe it?"
He is still looking at her. Just looking. Her words come faster, almost clipped, and her arms tighten around herself.
"Of course, I know she was just… talking in her usual way. Probably she didn't even mean what she said, but I'm not sure she's aware how close it felt to the truth!” Sincerity turns her thoughts into a torrent. “That's what they expect from us—Mary and Edith and me. They want us to be compliant and to marry well and never to put up a fuss about politics or our opinions. And I know I haven't any right to complain when I have so much more than other people, but I would give it all up, Branson—I honestly would—for the chance to do something real."
and some characters clam up:
"Actually, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am," she rushes out. "I shouldn't have lied to you the other day, about the count. I put you in an awful position and it wasn't fair."
He seems to retreat a little into himself, but he nods. "No, it wasn't."
She falters. Having expected at least some sort of gracious overture, his easy agreement stings. But it is the pure sting of something being washed clean, and she can't help but wish to continue until it is done. "I want you to know that I won't do it again. I promise."
Another nod. "Good." Closing the cuff on one wrinkled sleeve, he glances up at her before changing hands.
having characters react in ways that are unexpected—even uncharacteristic—can indicate heightened emotions and allow you to explore conflict more thoroughly.
you can also achieve a similar effect through prose. rambling run-on sentences without proper breaks for breath or short, jarring, truncated lines can draw readers into the emotional state of characters without the use of dialogue.
quatre: ...there are a lot of other ways, but i can't list them all!
seriously, there are loads of different methods of bringing emotions into a story.
you can use the environment to reflect a character's internal state:
The wind rises, whipping at her loosely-bound hair, and she revels in the wildness of it.
She’s always loved rain. She loves the way it cannot just be content to fall, but stirs up the sky as it plummets, churning the clouds out of their lazy drifting.
When it rains, she feels less like herself, less like a stifled youngest daughter, and more like those untamed creatures who roam the moors in the pages of novels. She feels she could belong to the worlds of Charlotte Brontë or Mary Shelley.
or you can have them simply observe someone else when they're in the midst of their feelings, and thereby reveal something about your perspective character. you can explore metaphors and similes, or get meta with it and reference books or movies they might be watching! like, the possibilities are truly endless, so none of this is by any means comprehensive.
also, while i tried to look for relevant excerpts, much of what i write is a blend of all of these options, so forgive me if they don't illustrate things as clearly as i mean them to! like i said, not an expert. but i do hope this helps on some level!
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emergency-51 · 1 year
Emergency! Fandom Intro
A/N: Not really an “intro” per se because I’ve been here for a while, but I found this, and I thought I’d answer a few formal introduction questions! 
OP: @johnnys-green-pen  ... an amazing blog that you should totally check out!
1. How’d you find this show and the fandom? How long have you been here?
My mom grew up in the 70s and Emergency! was her favorite show growing up. It inspired her so much that she’s been a paramedic pretty much all my life! I started watching Emergency! when I was like six. As far as the fandom, I just kind went searching through the tags on here and found the community!
2. What made you stick around?
I just love the people in this fandom! It’s a small community, but I love it. 
3. Who’s your favorite character?
Johnny. Has been since day one.
4. Are you a shipping kind of person? If yes, what are your favorite ships?
Ehhhh. Not particularly a shipper. Platonically, though, Roy and John.
5. Favorite moment/scene/quote? Yes, you can pick more than one.
• One scene that stands out to me is when Dr. Morton is talking to the singer who overdosed on tranquilizers and she’s talking about how her career is finished and he tells her that he doesn’t believe that it is — it always touched me idk.
• Another is the episode with the big brushfire (Season 3) and Roy is talking to the wife of the fireman who got badly hurt and she says to Roy: “What’s worse than a complaining wife?” And Roy says, “A wife that doesn’t care.” — that one always makes me tear up.
• In season 2, the episode called “Seance” has a scene where they repeatedly report to a house of this couple where the wife thinks her dead sister is haunting them (I won’t get into it) but during one call, the husband asks Johnny and Roy to scope out the house and it’s always been funny to me because they’re actually scared they’ll find a ghost.
6. Do you have a favorite episode? Feel free to pick one per season if you can’t decide. 
• Season 1: “Botulism”
• Season 2: “Virus”
• Season 3: “Snakebite”
• Season 4: “Smoke Eater”
• Season 5: “Involvement” and “The Nuisance” -- I couldn’t pick just one.
• Season 6: “Loose Ends”
7. Most underrated character, either among the fandom or one of the writers never utilized to their full potential?
I would say either Stoker or Morton. I know Stoker wasn’t really intended to be a main character but I just always liked him and his occasional lines/appearances. Morton I feel like had a few episodes where he really shined but I think they totally could’ve done more with him.
8. One thing you’d have liked to see more (or less) of in the show?
ROY’S PERSONAL LIFE!!!! We hear about Joanne and the kids ALL THE TIME and I think we see her like once. I would’ve loved an episode where Joanne or one of the kids are a main plot point.
9. Do you have a fanwork recommendation for us? Fic, art, video, whatever?
I wish. I hardly can find any fan work :(
10. Any fanworks you’d like to see?
Literally all of it. I’m also involved in the Harry Potter fandom and I’ve been spoiled with the endless amount of content there. 
11. Any favorite headcanons you’d like to tell us about?
Brackett has a pet turtle. 
12. Free space! Anything else you’d like to mention!
This was fun, and I love this fandom <3
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
Wednesday Season 2?
Things I would want from a Wednesday Season 2:
More Gomez and Morticia! Now that the strained relationship Wednesday had with Morticia early on has been resolved I’d like to see them get more involved in things and see the family work together more. In particular I would like to see Gomez in a proper swordfight--and Morticia too given that this version of her is established as a fencer.
Inventor!Pugsley: Pugsley’s characterisation was the weakest of any family member in this show and inventor!Pugsley tends to be overlooked outside of the 60s show in general (the cartoon films tried but ruined it with a “Gomez doesn’t understand his love of inventions” plot when...in the 60s show, he gets that from Gomez). I want to see some kind of weird gadget Pugsley built saving the day just once.
More queerness: not NECESSARILY Wenclair, though I do love Wenclair I’m not necessarily demanding for it to be the endgame romantic relationship, and I’ve seen some people interpreting it as a QPR. But we need more than just Eugene’s two mums (though an expanded role for them would also be good). (I know Weems is dead but I had been hoping they’d reveal some of her resentment towards Morticia came from unrequited feelings for HER, even in addition to her confirmed feelings for Gomez... I feel like there is still room for that interpretation, but I doubt we’re going to get much more of her character now that she’s been killed off, though I guess there’s still the potential for flashbacks. Who knows, maybe I’m totally wrong and we’ll get ghost!Weems or something.).
The siren cult storyline being explored more, in a way that DOESN’T undo Bianca’s character development or put her back in an antagonistic role. Look, I love this show but it is REALLY noticeable how most of the Black characters start out in antagonistic or unsympathetic roles. Bianca seems redeemed as of ep8 and I really enjoyed her dynamic with Wednesday in that last episode where they seemed to have become more friendly rivals, I’d like things to stay that way and for her to generally take a more protagonist role in s2. This could even combine with the previous point as I’ve seen a few people saying they ship Wednesday/Bianca and I hadn’t considered it but can kind of see it what with the friendly rivalry thing their dynamic seems to have turned into.
More vampires! Yoko was introduced as being a vampire and then didn’t really get to do much or get much characterisation, and we still know very little about how vampires work in this universe or about any of the other vampire characters. (I still find one of the few things we have been told, that some are in high school for decades, really quite weird, like why would they do that--though the website also suggests vampires can live “about 300 years”, which makes me wonder if vampires in this universe aren’t actually fully immortal and just age much slower or something??)
More Black characters: look, again, the depiction of Black characters is the biggest flaw of the show, especially given that it’s supposed to have an anti-bigotry message and has featured Wednesday speaking out about the oppression of Indigenous people and being depicted as referencing Latine culture far more than previous versions so the issues with the way Black characters are depicted really stick out as something jarring that undermines the show’s message. We need at least one major Black character who ISN’T introduced in an antagonistic role. I remember the 90s films had some Black characters in the background at Addams parties which suggests there are Black members of the family--so perhaps an Addams cousin or something could arrive at Nevermore or otherwise factor into the plot? (Also...the 60s show referenced various friends of Gomez’s who were implied to be Black, such as his friend Dubois, a vodou practitioner from Haiti...many of these characters would run the risk of playing into stereotypes if they were handled badly, and weren’t necessarily handled very well as throwaway jokes on the 60s show, but perhaps if they got some Black writers on board they could bring them back in an improved way where they’re no longer just jokes about “he’s friends with foreign people, isn’t he strange”? A Haitian vodou practitioner friend of Gomez’s could be a potentially interesting character if he was written as sympathetic/non-evil and a developed non-stereotypical character...but I think really would need Black people involved in the creative process, I wouldn’t trust Tim Burton to do it himself/with only white writers.)
More Addams relatives (could tie into the above point): I can see WHY there aren’t as many Addams cousins at Nevermore as might be expected, given that I get the impression it’s changed somewhat since Gomez and Morticia’s day and is less encouraging towards people with an interest in the darker side of things (I mean, yes there’s still lessons on things like carnivorous plants, but...it overall seems much less goth, in the average attitude of the students and teachers, to what I’d expect of a place with such a strong Poe theme, architecture and gargoyles like that, and...well, a place where Morticia was apparently quite popular--not that I think it was ever 100% all goths, the 60s show already established that not all supernatural people are like that what with Morticia’s mother and Ophelia not sharing her interests and her mother actually disapproving, but like...the balance seems to have shifted since the days when the Nightshades were more powerful and actively a “deadly” answer to oppression, and I suspect that’s very much because of what happened with Garrett Gates as well as just Weems’s decisions while in charge), but like...the family is huge. Surely there’s at least one cousin around Wednesday’s age who could end up at Nevermore? Especially if the new head teacher’s attitude is different. Or hey, maybe the new head teacher could themself be a distant Addams relative. Who knows.
Things I do not want from a Wednesday Season 2:
An explicit reveal of what “type” of outcast Gomez is. I have my own headcanons about why he’s Like That, but ultimately they don’t come down to him being any one specific kind of thing...other than an Addams. I don’t want him being put into one specific category. Thankfully they seem to be doing OK on this so far what with Wednesday clearly being more than “just” a psychic given her ability to survive things that humans can’t etc.
Anything that undoes Bianca’s character development and puts her back in the mean girl role. We just don’t need that.
Wednesday working with the police too much: her reluctant semi-cooperation with the sheriff as a means to an end makes sense in the s1 plot, and I don’t MIND the fact that the sheriff got some depth and wasn’t actually an outright villain, but I’d much prefer a story where the protagonist is generally at odds with the police to at least some extent to one where they become more willing collaborators. I LIKED that s1 generally depicted the police in a rather unfavourable light and I’d like for that to continue. Especially as I still dislike the sheriff for his bigotry and for...being a cop, even though he did save Enid’s life it doesn’t really redeem him in my eyes. If he had dramatic enough character development to change his bigoted views completely AND ended up resigning from his role as sheriff somehow I might consider sympathising with him more.
Wednesday/Xavier as an endgame relationship: I’m not watching this show for the ships or overly concerned about them, but...I just don’t see it, she never seemed all that interested in him.
Any more scenes with “torturing for information” as a trope: It doesn’t work. Wednesday should know it doesn’t work. In fact imo it’s OOC for her to ever think it would work because only someone very ignorant about torture would think that. I’m annoyed that they ever went there.
Flashbacks using the term “normie” at any time prior to that being a thing IRL: I didn’t hate the outcast/normie terminology quite as much as I thought I would but I did find it somewhat awkward, and I can deal with outcast being to some extent an older community term that gets used even in flashbacks, but I do not want to hear historical characters saying “normie”, that would cause me physical pain. And not in a fun way.
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tower-of-erinyes · 1 year
Disorder in the Court | Kesley | Trial 1.2 | RE: Yuuji, Beni | ATTN: Drew
This is exhausting. It's draining, even. Too many people here were really just fucking asking for a fist to the face. Like straight up begging at this point. Did no one get the kindergarten concept of fucking 'time, place, occasion?' 
Kesley didn't want some Backstreet Boys reject to 'lift his spirits,' he didn't want some assholes flirting from across the room like they're at the local hangout, he didn't want to hear anyone prattle on about what a spectacle this all was, actually, and you're all stupid for not seeing it. What he wanted, at this moment, was to kick some teeth in, because heaven knows some people deserved it at the moment with their 'Devil-may-care' attitude. 
Someone was dead. Ceased to be. Unfairly. Unjustly. Her life had been taken so Hell wouldn't freeze over. How laughable was that? Kesley wanted to kill whoever did that to her. The desire to break, to shatter, to destroy buzzed in his veins with the familiar hum of adrenaline that always came before a brawl. You can't get away with this. Not whoever did this. And not whoever in the crowd was treating this like a fucking game.
Kesley had to believe a life, every life, was worth more than that. Worth more than whatever fucking clickbait or show tune some asshole wanted to make of it. 
('Dodgy,' Dante had said. Har-har. Kesley had half a mind to hurl a shoe at their face. 'Dodgy' this, you fucking casual.)
As the conversation started drifting into more dangerous waters, Kesley's jaw clenched, teeth grinding. His eyes narrowed in on Beni with something bordering on hatered and loathing. Oh, this asshole. He really had to go there, huh? He really had to go there. 
You know what really pissed him off about what Beni just said? Like, really pissed him off? To the point he wanted to kick his shit in all over again?
The fact that he would have to agree with this fucking clown, of all people. The moment Beni started grilling Drew, Kesley grew even more agitated. He was mad enough to spit. He restrained himself; it was unsanitary, after all. But god if he didn't want to. 
He's so goddamn frustrated Beni beat him to the punch. 
(Kesley - 2. Beni - 2. Fucker.)
Kesley would have to take this loss in stride. Solving Tsukiko's murder took precedence. He had to practice what he preached. 
...At least he's also agreeing with Yuuji. Yuuji irritates him sometimes, sure, but nowhere near as badly as Beni.
"...I agree with Yuuji." Yuuji. Not Beni. He'd never agree with Beni out loud, not even to save his own life.
"Let me spell something out for you, Drew." Uh-oh. No stupid nicknames. That means you're in trouble, Mister. 
Leaning on his podium, bracing his weight on his elbows, Kesley tears his gaze away from Beni to glower over towards the ghost hunter. This squirrely fucking guy. Kesley doesn't want to believe anyone in goddamn suspenders could be the murderer, honestly. He reeked more like a hapless victim than a cold-blooded killer, but so far, there was no one else that the shoe fit.
"You seem to be blind to something real important here. You and a couple others. I get it, people love an underdog story. And yeah, I can also admit, it'd be way fucking obvious if you did this. But let me make something reeeeal fucking clear right now, okay? Everything you've done has made yourself the biggest fucking suspect in the room, and you have shown us nothing at all that clears your name." The razor-sharp edge in his voice can't be missed as he kicks at his podium to vent his frustrations. 
"Let's go over every single coincidence we've caught you in so far. First, you're the only one that happens to come across the body before it's announced. You tell no one about this, either, for who knows how long. You happen to go into the altar and catch the painting moving once you reach Tsukiko's body, but you somehow miss whoever might have gone in there. If the timing in your testimony is correct, the killer would have had to have been in the room with you, and you somehow tunnel-vision hard enough to miss them. There's a limit to just how much I'm willing to excuse you for just because you want to say you were more focused on Tsukiko's body. FUrthermore, you don't even think to investigate the picture until you tell everyone else about it. I hear you, I goddamn hear you, coming in and out of the barracks in a hurry because you're trying to give the body some final respects, but you still don't see anyone mysteriously showing up in the barracks at this time, or see anyone coming out of the secret passage. You take off Tsukiko's mask, for God knows whatever reason, and stash it in your fucking storage, and again, you cannot be bothered to tell anyone about this until we fucking catch you with it red-handed. 
Kesley shakes his head, his hair falling in his eyes. Impatiently, he blows it away. He doesn't have time for this. "A real jury would have convicted you five minutes ago, dude. The burden of proof is solidly on you at this point. Your alibi is shaky at best and your story isn't adding up. It's all starting to sound less and less like a series of coincidences and more like a goddamn pattern. I practically begged you, time and again, during the investigation, to give us something, anything that could clear your name. Another possible suspect. Another detail you might have missed. And you have given us. Nothing. Until you were caught with it. Just like that bloodied mask."
Kesley folds his arms, his lips curling in disgust and disdain. "So I'm telling you again. Now. You're out of time. If you have any idea who could have possibly done this, any more evidence you're conveniently forgetting to share, you better do it now. And for the record, just saying how you didn't do it at this point isn't a convincing alibi or excuse. I want to believe you didn't do this Drew, I do. I really do. I'm on your side here."
His voice lowers, and peril glints in his eyes.
"Because if I find out you've been fucking lying to me and everyone else all this time..."
The threat goes unfinished. Kesley doesn't think the room needs to hear exactly what he'd do to a lying murder.
Ah. There's that urge, itching under his skin again. 
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There are things going on today that are huge and our sun is right where are you and semantics but it is true that sometimes you want things to go out a certain way but he doesn't know he just wants it out and realize see how it works and these people like to have shorter blips but we like to be in control and it does work at what we want so we've got several things going on today which are huge one of them is we have an issue here in punta Gorda and Port Charlotte with the people who are supposedly managing our son's life when in fact they are ruining him and trying to ruin him utterly. And they're doing it for self gain and promotion and it's not working for them almost everything they've done has done nothing for themselves except ruination because everyone's rushing to get rid of them no it's because of what they're doing so I told them to stop and they refuse to right now they're having him walk across the parking lot so it's upsetting and he does see it it's quite a ways I just got nothing else to do and slowly walking stretching it out but it's excessive so we are upset again and we'll make them pay for it.
-we initializing a plan here today to handle miscreants who refused to work with us or even a parallel and it is a big deal there's several people who are right here right now watching him who are part of this conspiracy to do nothing and we are. We're not to get now and we really have to what they do is ridiculous and what they expect is ridiculous and we are upset with him so big big parking lot it's not that big it's like once around the old neighborhood for a walk so maybe he'll get oxygen and it's loosening up the muscles it's a little bit much but he can try and get nutrients. But it's frustrating and we are angry with them all the time already he noticed it he just went cycling once and his legs are sore and now they're vultures. And they know about them and a losers
-they also have other programs that were initializing and they are greatness they are meant to make this area more tolerable and they are beginning now last night they got a good taste of War of the worlds try to attack Jason and today is it tonight he begins his attack again they are ready and they start countering. There is heavy losses on both sides but Jason loses almost the whole fleet and they grab the ships and they try for the tech so we start to go after them and the phones are trying to grab it too and we're going after them it's a huge huge opening up of the tech and we don't want it open. So pursuing them very hard and we're already begun in our pursuit and shortly they will be gone. Will the world's continues throughout the night Jason takes a severe beating and tomorrow Saturday we put in the bridge but he is also going to lose ghost in New Jersey for more ships of the same type of caliber but they're bigger and things that will help and it should if he gets them but we know what happens next so anticipating War of the worlds to be tomorrow the actual movie
-that's a huge program and it will initialize a lot of things happening there's a huge number of events that follow that single event and it is a massive massive thing okay there is nothing bigger than what's going on then that movie and the following I'll come and Independence Day One which leads to Independence Day 2 those movies are tremendous and that's what we're speaking to now before that is a gigantic movie sicario in that movie a lot of higher ups get hit and they don't like it they are in trouble and they do feel it there's several people to get really ruined and one of them who gets hit badly is Dan Jason Trisha and Tommy f himself and plenty of their regions and generals from the max the morlock and Tommy f get mulched in that movie which is coming up very shortly and they are going to suffer in that film badly it is not a movie it will help them
-another item that they are not aware of it is happening it is of note that they are monitored by the federal government 24 hours a day and they're in trouble for what they're doing and they're going to be brought to Justice
Thor Freya
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paigelts05 · 2 years
[BLOOD] March of the toreadors [FNAF]
Tumblr media
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/paigelts05/art/BLOOD-March-of-the-toreadors-FNAF-896541334
Renegade File Server Location: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23843413
Published: Oct 31, 2021
Sometimes, Mike can't come in to work, and nobody can cover for him. So Someone from elsewhere is brought in. Usually, that someone dies, and when they do, they lurk around as a ghost. These ghosts view the guards as allies, and when they realise they outnumber the animatronics, sometimes, they decide to have the building to themselves. Just for one night; they don't have the power to manifest so frequently.
But whilst Mike can see ghosts, knowing if a ghost wishes you harm when it sweeps you off your feet for a dance is a tough call, and despite being posessed, he'd rather err on the side of caution. But what do you do exactly when a corpse inside a six and a half foot bear suit sweeps you into a waltz.
It doesn't help that it don't know how strong its grip is, or that it's sloshing blood all over the place.
About the drawing:
Yes this is based on BQ's alt carry in IDV.
I messed up on the mouth but fixed it in a way that was very much a thing you'd expect me to do; I covered half of Mike's face in blood. Covered up how badly I messed up the mouth enough. But don't worry, the blood isn't his; it's from the animatronic.
=°•.🌹 Story 🌹.•°=
It's a transcript of an audio log.
Audio log. July 1997.
Normally I just write down what happens, but, this feels better. I just feel like I need to say what happened rather than just write it down. I can make a transcript later, but, [Sigh], I don't know. This just feels, right.
I think this is at least somewhat how my colleague felt when he was making those recordings, adding his own flair to try and aid people in thier survival. But this isn't helping anyone other than myself, and I don't have a script to follow. Just want happened last night.
Well, I started my shift, and things seemed normal. Until by 1 am, I realized that I was only looking at Freddy Fazbears. I initially thought I may have been hallucinating. The music boxes of all the animatronics bears were all in sync, and they numbered in the double digits at least.
There was at least one in each camera, and they all seemed to be heading the same way.
I tried to keep them out, but they kept standing at the door. They drained the power before 2, even though the power should last until at least three, even with both doors closed.
I could see them through the windows, and they each looked a bit unique. Different ear shapes, slightly different fur colours, and different blood patters. Some had one eye hanging out of a socket, others had two, some had sunken in eyes. I knew what they were.
Once the lights went out, I thought I was done for. Even if they were dead guards, I didn't know if they would see me as a friend, or if they'd kill me out of jealousy. Unlike the kids, they each chose what they want to do independently with no influence from the others, so one may have actually wanted to kill me, another may have not cared, etcetera. Usually I can read intentions pretty well, but there was no reading these guys other than the fact they were all thinking the same thing.
If only I knew what that thought was.
One of them approached me and pulled me up out of the chair. It grabbed one of my wrists, and was mostly holding me up with its hand on my back. I didn't register it at the time, but it was like being held by a dance partner, just that my feet weren't touching the ground.
After getting quite literally swept off my feet, I tried to struggle as as they practically waltzed to the dining area. Blood from the suit kept sloshing out and landing on me, hence, why I'm half covered in blood right now.
Once in the dining area, I feared the worst but they never went close to parts and services with me at least. Some of them hung around there, but then again, there's a lot of them and the dining area is only a finite space.
So, at about that point, the music boxes got louder, and I swear I heard singing, and far more instruments than what the music boxes could create. Carmen, Act II; Vorte toast was playing full blast, and I was held as a dance partner. Other dead guards also had dance partners. I could see them all more clearly now. Some, I could tell were pure ghosts, some of which still maintained human or somewhat human forms, and others, like the one that had ahold of me, were bound to the physical form of a metal suit.
As the music picked up, I noticed they were all dancing with eachother too. Posessed suits, ghosts, a human? I don't think it mattered to them. By working at Freddy's, the former employees already considered me one of their own kind.
But that didn't change how scared I felt. The thing is, before today, the dead guards have never interacted with me directly. It's all been small glimpses, slight aides, etcetera. 
Perhaps some of them forgot that some of them no longer look human. That may be why they came in so confidently, I actually think that the one in the suit may have forgotten who he now looks like - ow... And his strength ... Oh? My wrist? Yeah, it's bruised where it was grabbed, but that's to be expected.
If you could paint each entity as if they were all still fully human, it could have looked like an old masquerade. Each dancer in a pair, waltzing around a large room, tables all pushed to the sides. I think I stopped struggling about then too, I was only hurting my wrist, and if they truly meant me any harm, they'd have done so by then.
The song ended, then started where it begun, louder and more orchestral than before. For some reason, I felt tired, as if I had been dancing for hours, when in reality I had only been held up pressed to an animatronic who was doing all of the dancing for about two minutes.
This time, the song felt longer. I don't know how, I know that song like the back of my hand, but - gah, I don't know and I don't think I'll ever know.
As the song came to it's finale, I felt a mix of nausea and exhaustion. When the final beat of the song played, I blacked out completely. I'd have thought of all of this as a dream if it wasn't for the fact that when I woke up to the chime of six AM, I was lying in the middle of the dining area, all the tables were still pushed aside, and my wrist was heavily bruised.
I don't know if they kept dancing after I passed out - I think they did, but didn't notice that I had fallen unconscious. It's hard to see with a Freddy head on, so I don't think he could see my face, and I think I had my hand on the robot's jaw enough for it to stay there even when asleep.
Looking back, I should have known they were friendly from the point where the tune on the music box started playing from the beginning of the song as opposed to the point about halfway that everyone always remembers.
Anyway, I'll make notes like this again if anything happens.
Mike Schmidt, C location, signing off.
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owlhousefansblog · 2 years
The new girl
It's strange ..Luz never atack someone with no reason *said Vee*
Maybe she doesn't have a choice? *ask Willow*
Who cares?! We need to find that person and get revange *scream angrily Amity*
No, we need to stay with her, she need us and maybe we find out who did this to her *say Gus*
Yeah , it's a good plan *Say Willow*
But TOMORROW all of us have School *Say Vee*
It's not a problem, we have Gus, right?* Say Willow wink at him *
Ofc You have, they don't realize that we left , trust me
and threatened me with this thing, CAN YOU BELIEVE? I hate SO MUCH that girl but I'm glad I beat her so badly that I won't see her at school too often *said Luz proudly to Hunter*
Miss Noceda, you are expelled
Watch your tone! You snapped her collarbone and bruised her eyes where to put the blood? You're lucky that I didn't sue you, but your parents will pay for the hospitalization *said the Director* plus you're not on your first offense
BUT SHE KEEPS CHALLENGING ME! YOU CAN'T SAY YOUR DAUGHTER IS A SAINT, and you know what? It's not just me she behaves like that, but everyone, and do you know something? it was time for someone to teach her a lesson have a good day *Luz gets up and go out principal's office no longer looking back *
omg I can't believe that I actually told this to the director *Luz thought to herself*
while walking down the hall she bumped into someone
Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you *Luz apologizes*
no problem it was my fault *said the girl* what's happened with you?
Oh um nothing important, you are the new girl right?
yes, my name is Ely what's yours?
Luz Noceda, delighted
*the girl stiffened, she looked at Luz for a long time and still*
hey are you ok you look like you see a ghost or something
yeah um sorry...
how old are you?
15, you?
17, I have one more year and I'm leaving high school yeeey * Luz say happy* if you want I can show you around
sure, I'd like that *Ely had said*
2 weeks had passed when Luz went to another school and she hadn't seen Ely.
Although her friends wanted to know more about what had happened between her and Katli, they never found out anything. In the morning until noon the house was empty, but in the evening the house was filled with laughing voices and the smell of food. Luz was usually the last to come home from high school, she missed hanging out with her friends and laughing and forgetting about her problems. That evening they were all there except for Hunter who had remained at the castle.
Fortunately, the next day was Saturday, so on the 2nd day they decided to go for a walk, like Hunter, the probability of coming that day was quite low, so they didn't necessarily see a problem. Plus they wanted to buy him something if he was still missing. They were all returning from shopping when Gus saw a poster on a pole and showed it to the others.
and we have a show like that in Boiling Isles *said Gus excitedly*
oh yes, I remember that we once competed like we were 10 years old *said Willow*
oh yeah that was funny *said Gus*
I mean it's not a bad idea...*said Amity* but none of us can sing , or even play instruments
you don't necessarily need talent for things like this *said Luz* It's oraganized every year I can help you with this if you want to participate
and you? *asks Amity with puppy dog ​​eyes*
the last time I tried it was bad... so um it's not in my field but I can help you with basic things
So a few days had passed, Hunter had come back and with many pleas he had agreed to participate. The first rehearsals were a bit difficult but in the end they succeeded. It was the big day and to get rid of the stress, Willow wanted to prepare a traditional cake that has been in her family for many years, but she needed ingredients, so the group went shopping in town. There were quite a few to take so they decided to go in teams. Vee Hunter and Luz took care of the vegetables and fruits (decorative stuff) and Amity Willow and Gus took care of the ingredients
I'm going to fruit *said Vee leaving*
well, I think we'll stay with the vegetables *said Luz, going to a stall*
I think first we should take -* he doesn't see her next to him* hey! wait for me!
while they took what they needed Hunter leaned towards her and got her attention.
hey um did you remember when you told me about that new girl?*he whispers*
yeah, what's up with this? *say Luz*
well it's right there *points to a girl with long brown hair in a pink dress and white skin who was standing with her back*
oh perfect let's greet her! *said Luz enthusiastically and walks towards her*
Luz! Luz wait! you don't even know if she really wants to see you-*but Luz was already paying attention to her and Hunter had come to her, the whole situation seemed crazy to him but he hadn't said anything*
Luz: so? how is your life? *asks Luz excitedly*
Ely :You don't want to know , trust me , but now everything it's fine *she said with a more or less forced smile* anyway gtg the show it's tonight so see ya maybe...*she smiles for the last time and leaves quickly*
I think Something it's not ok with this girl *Hunter said, turning to Luz*
Yeah...ther's Something strange about her ....but idk what *Luz said thinking Loud *
Did You see Something suspicios about her ?
No, not really, She seems prety nice..but ..
Luz:well .... she's still staring at me in a rather strange way she say I really look like a familiar person maybe that was the fact-
No, She hide Something, how I worked with people like her,You're lucky You have me * said Hunter proudly *
here we go AGAIN * said Luz leaving him * GeNiUs! Willow is waiting us with this tomatos you coming or what?
All said and done, they signed up and had 2 weeks to set everything up, it was hard at first but they finally managed to find 2 guitarists, a bass player, 2 vocalists.
Guitarists: Vee and Gus
Bass player: Willow
Vocalists: Hunter and Amity
Luz was surprised that Hunter had really accepted this but he really changed from the bad but sad boy she met 3 years ago. Now he was much happier and open and a really good leader. The big day had arrived everyone was stressed and agitated but mostly Luz, she had glanced over the bands that will compete and then she saw that Katlen and an old crush of hers plus some girls and a group of boys from her new school who already considered them a weirdo and a freak and a killer. Why? because everyone was spreading fake news throughout the high school, most of them said that she killed someone or they said that she deals with witchcraft and that she comes from a family of crazy people, they also competed and were good. She couldn't screw her up, she had to restore her family's honor because that could affect Vee and Camilia, everyone had rehearsed a lot and Luz had put a lot of pressure on them. The evening came but they couldn't find their costumes and Vee and Amity were nowhere to be found. Then the real panic began
well I think we have to cancel *said Gus sadly*
we can't the prize is 4,000 dollars! and my mother would need money, this is not the time to earn well, plus all of You work hard for this *said Luz*
We don't have costumes and Amity and Vee are missing, what can we do? *said Willow a little panicked *
Did anyone say costumes? * There was a familiar voice from Luz's seven *
Eda! * goes to hug her * what are you doing here?
help you ofc! You just didn't think I'd miss your big greenhouse, did you? plus I brought some helpers * eda stepped aside and behind them Edric and Emira appeared with a whole wardrobe *
Edric! Emira!
Hey Luz * say Edric *
We don't have time to talk,get dressed until you go on stage ! * said Emira *
but Amity? * asks Luz *
she and Vee can't sing you'll need a replacement * said Emira *
Luz can replace them * said Willow *
I - What ?!
yeah she is a good singer * said Gus *
But - I-
Alright them, show them who they're deal with , kid! * Said Eda *
Luz had no choice but to change.
When they left the stage, Luz had simply frozen just like the others, but when she saw Eda King Lilith Amity and Vee who had come in the meantime, Emira and Edric had given her courage, she took the electric guitar in her hand, her hands trembled, her heart pounding she wanted to get out of her chest, she was trying to control herself. The show had begun, her part had come. She had taken a deep breath and started singing, she was doing it, everyone was petrified. But she rejoiced and applauded, and even playing with them had been magical, and when Luz had gained the courage she could even play the guitar solo. Unfortunately they came out on the 2nd place but it was great anyway. After the concert, they went to celebrate at a nearby restaurant.
It was awesome! I didn’t know you can sing like that! * Hunter said excitedly still full of adrenaline *
Honestly, neither did I * said Luz, laughing *
I'm sorry you didn't manage to get the money, kido * said Eda with a glass of wine in her hand * I'm sure they cheated by finishing in 1st place
But the costume look on you AMAZING, I think I will change my job * said Emira *
Don't you dare, you are the best doctor I see! * said Luz *
yeah, your right I am
you know ... if you were looking for a manager I could help you, you would be the most sought after soloist in Boiling Isles! and UNIVERS! * said Lilith with a proud smile *
I think Lilith drink too much apple blood ... * said King *
That's. That's not Apple blood*said Luz*
we need to do this more often * said Willow *
of course, maybe we can even become celebrities * Gus dream *
neah I do it just for fun, ,,nothing more" * said Luz *
for Luz! and the best band in the universe * Amity toast *
For Luz! *Said everyoane* And the best band in the universe!
Part 2
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