sourcesos · 2 years
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Luke recently! - 10/06/2022
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nichroous · 2 years
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rough screencap redraw
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my-everydaythoughts · 2 years
Eigentlich ist alles gut. Das Leben läuft. Mein Freund ist perfekt und liebt mich. Mein Job macht Spaß. Ich kann meine Miete zahlen.
Und doch sitze ich um fast 0Uhr auf meinem Bett und weine, weil ich nicht verstehe was mit mir los ist. Wieso die Depression mich nicht in Ruhe lassen kann. Alles lief so gut seit der Therapie. Und nicht mal ein Jahr später fühlt es sich an als hätte ich in der ganzen Zeit nichts gelernt. Ich weiß nicht was ich tun soll. Also lass ich das alles einfach über mich ergehen und versuche mir weitestgehend nichts anmerken zu lassen. Was mir in Gegenwart meiner liebsten Menschen schwer fällt und dadurch auch bei Diane oft auffällt. Aber ich versuche mich dann anders zu erklären. „Hab wenig geschlafen“ „Bin einfach noch müde“. Naja müde bin auch. Ich kann schlafen so viel ich will. Ich bin müde. Immer. Meine typischen depressionsanzeichen. Sinnloses weinen. Auch eins davon. Alles hinterfragen. Auch. Ich versuche das irgendwie hinzubekommen. Fabians Gegenwart hilft. Nur leider sehen wir uns nur am Wochenende. Und er kann auch nicht wirklich was tun. Und es ist auch nicht seine Aufgabe. Es ist meine. Aber ich hab keine Ahnung was ich tun soll.
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ellayuki · 2 years
10062022 - The Witcher
He’s humming to himself and strumming gently on the lute Yennefer has conjured for him not two days ago, so it’s really not much of a surprise that he doesn’t hear the girl approach.
“Is that the song about Geralt?” the princess asks, and if Jaskier startles and yelps, well, he blames it entirely on the girl’s training turning her into a bloody sneak like her father. 
He waits for his heart rate to settle a bit, before he answers, turning to face Ciri. “One of them, I suppose.” He shrugs. It's not like it's a secret. It's not like…
"One of them," Ciri repeats, tilting her head, something scrutinising in her big, green eyes. (And oh, how she looks like her mother, Jaskier thinks, mournfully. How proud Pavetta would have been, to see her so grown, so beautiful and strong.) "It sounds sad."
It is, is the thing, though Jaskier hates thinking about it. Hates remembering the heartbreak, the emptiness, the loneliness. "It's just a song, your highness," he says, forcing a smile he barely feels. It’s only a song…
Ciri hums, steps close enough to reach out and run the tips of her fingers along the lute's strings. "If you love him, you should tell him." She says it quietly, as if she knows that anyone walking the Keep's corridors can hear her if she were to raise her voice even a little. And she says it simply, as though it's really as easy as that. But it never has been, with him and Geralt. 
It's never easy with Geralt.
And yet.
He laughs, because this seems to be his life now, being told by Geralt's daughter (by Geralt's lover, too, but with Yennefer it's a whole different story) to confess his love for the Witcher.
As if he hasn't done just that, through song after song, for over two whole decades.
"Maybe," he says, to appease the princess if nothing else. "Maybe."
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lau-and-history · 2 years
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10062022 - I honestly had two really rough weeks, with uni not giving my life structure anymore and pms depression. But to reset things I went to the municipal library yesterday and startet reading for my conference paper! At first I wasn't very sure about the book suiting my topic, but I already found some great points which I plan on using. I also applied for another job, but it's not as perfect as the one I got the job interview invite for, haha. Today I already started writing the first draft of the initial paragraph of my paper and I finished reading The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie, because I will get the next book of the Poirot series for my birthday tomorrow 🤭
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snapthistiger · 2 years
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exercise 10062022
bike ride to the gym
8 x 10 incline sit ups
3 x 10 lat raise machine
45 minute spin class
3 x 10 seated press
3 x 10 pec machine
bike ride to the library, then home
the gym workers received Dove chocolates and mini Reeses
top left = found a tech shirt on the road / will wash it and probably donate
bottom = unusual rose
helped 2 ladies with low air in a tire on their vehicle
youngest daughter taking her bridal pictures today
@peanut-the-avenger killed a bird and left it by the back door / so nice
92F this afternoon as late summer continues / fortunately dry
salmon and pinto beans for supper
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening..
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prism-girl · 2 years
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sourcesos · 2 years
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@ashtonirwin: Nice to meet the guys from @5sos
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
🤩🤩🤩🤩 so beautiful to see honestly 🦩
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mygbrazil · 2 years
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10062022 - Yoongi via Instagram
Tendo uma experiência de K-idol 😀
Essa é uma zona popular onde vários idols (e seus dançarinos) tiram fotos 🤭
© @mygbrazil - Por favor, dê os créditos se usar!
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deedee-sims · 2 years
Hi, DeeDee! So you'e recolored the original raon m016 back in 2017 (which I love btw, thank u!), but could you also recolor this alpha edit, please? (3rd pic) antoninko tumblr com/post/686703512495767552/10062022-hair-requests
Hi! Yeah, added it to the folder :)
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atotaltaitaitale · 2 years
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Another picture from my camera roll because I currently don’t get to do much wandering around Singapore.
While the pandemic impacted all businesses in the past 2 years, the uncles with little odd jobs were proportionally a lot more affected. The few dollars they made could make a big difference to them, plus as they often say it’s also more about being active, keeping their mind sharp and feeling like they can still contribute.
Little by little we are starting to see them reappear.
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spl884 · 2 years
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Daily Visual
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pornomuzik · 1 year
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kader by me 10062022
how do i make my own hashtags
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jgdsignz · 2 years
He Has More Fire - JGDSIGNZ - Human Made Beats #Shorts in this Shorts JGDSIGNZ makes another hard instrumental banger from scratch for you! Artwork and music produced by JGDSIGNZ Pro Tip: don’t wait for practice to practice put the work in! - “JGDSIGNZ” Thursday 10062022 instrumental freestyle beats for writers, singers and rappers https://bit.ly/2Ph6WGA trusted by his art and music community. #humanmadebeats #freestyleinstrumentals by JGDSIGNZ
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exargem · 2 years
Adding Depth to an Illustration
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Value study 10062022 Did a value study today by painting this portrait. It always helps me find my footing again. It's also a great way to evaluate my understanding of color values.
I added my learnings into the timelapse video. I hope you will find it helpful or insightful.
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