pyromaniac-cyndaquil · 8 months
pmd chatot for blorbo bingo? ^^
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He's a silly rabbit. I love him
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snkpolls · 3 years
SnK Episode 65 Poll Results (for Anime Only Watchers)
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The poll closed with 98 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Manga Readers’ poll, click here.
Anime only watchers, beware of spoilers if you venture over to the manga readers’ poll results.
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Although a bit muted compared to last week, the response to this episode was still overwhelmingly positive, with 96.8% of people giving it a rating of 3 and higher. MAPPA’s on a roll!
i just wanna see more!! 20 minutes is not enough. its too good
Awesome episode! Great pacing and the cgi was not too noticeable.
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Mikasa and Levi took the spotlight this week! 30.1% of viewers felt most hyped up by Mikasa’s “explosive” reintroduction to the anime, while 22.6% were stoked to see Levi take on Porco to save Eren. 18.3% were most hyped by the Survey Corps taking on the Jaw Titan and the subsequent cliffhanger.
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Just under 50% of responses seemed to indicate that they thought MAPPA was doing very well with the CGI utilized. A little over 15% stated that although it was not their favorite, they understood that it could be a lot worse. Other responses (in order) were being neutral about the CGI, not liking it, but understanding the need for its usage and folks who adamantly rejected 3D animation. 
I actually prefer CGI titans because of the way their movements looks, it looks almost slower, to me it fits very well with how the big titans are. Im not an anime guy at all so ive never seen cgi in other anime but i really like the way Mappa's CGI looks, it blends in very well. I dont like CGI people though, the shot with Jean throwing the marly soldier off the rooftop i didn't like very much.
I feel horrible saying this believe me... but I really vibed with the CGI up until this episode. I think maybe because it's the first time its been used on humans (OPM) rather then titans. I'm not massively put off though, I really apreciate the efforts this episode must have taken. TY Mappa
The episode is great no doubt, my only concern is the CG personally, as a 3D artist myself, I think I would prefer an all 2D medium like the battle at Stohess. Using 3D is fine as long as it blends seamlessly to the background, like kengan ashura, it's not perfect but bearable.
I honestly think that 2D will always 100% be better than cgi but I can understand why mappa is using cgi
It was fine in the other episodes, but in this episode, it looked overused and bit bad
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When it came down to Eren’s swan rooftop dive (“Like a fallennn angel…”), the majority seemed to be impressed, with 68% giving it a score of 4 or higher. It was not a monolithic opinion however and many seemed also rated it poorly. Do better, Eren!
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The Survey Corps has returned! Of these reappearances, viewers most enjoyed Mikasa’s (48.9%), Levi’s (31.9%) and Sasha’s (14.9%) the most. Jean and Connie got a little less love, though we’re sure people were still happy to see them!
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It would appear that the slight plurality sees Mikasa as having the best glow up out of the cast, followed by (in order) Eren, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Floch and Levi. The Old Captain doesn’t like to change up his style, we suppose. 
Eren didn't have a glow up- he had a glow down.
Mikasa can stomp on me please god
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In relation to the previous question, we still haven’t seen 3 major members of the cast. Armin, Hange and Historia. When we asked which of the three you were most looking forward to seeing next, the slight majority (52.7%) expressed their excitement for seeing Armin again, followed by 11.8% wanting to see Hange most. Some others have also expressed their desire to see Historia again. 17.2% simply could not choose and 10.8% stated that they simply didn’t care about the 3 characters.
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The Warhammer received an overwhelmingly positive response, with the majority expressing much excitement over both its design and powers. 15.6% noted that the design was a bit too creepy for their liking, but the powers were awesome. And on the flip side, 10% noted the Titan’s design was rather cool, in contrast to its rather OP ability. A select few did not enjoy either aspect. 
Would probably enjoy it more if it belonged to someone that likely is not going to be just cannon fodder
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The Survey Corps returned sporting new uniforms to much fanfare. 30.4% of respondents really enjoy the upgrade, finding the suits to be badass. 23.9% couldn’t find the words and just settled for pure hype. 20.7% enjoy the new uniforms just as much as they enjoy the classic uniforms. 12% felt it was a much needed upgrade, though 10.9% don’t care at all about the uniform change.
I like both but I prefer the old design
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The circumstances of the Survey Corps’ presence on the mainland continues to be a mystery. When we asked about whether Eren was there alone or not a few episodes ago, the majority believed that he was either there alongside the Survey Corps or was sent there by them. Overall, the feelings seem to be the same (that Eren came alongside the Survey Corps). 45.6% think that Mikasa’s words may have some other meaning and that things are way too planned out to be coincidence. 18.9% believe that Eren did go rogue, while 15.6% think that Eren didn’t necessarily go rogue, but wasn’t working with them for a while either. The remaining 20% have already been spoiled on this particular plot point.
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Now that both sides of the conflict have had their rude awakening, we asked how you guys felt about the two events comparatively. 33.7% feel that both attacks were tragic, but still feel more empathy toward the Eldians on Paradis than they do toward those who were raised on Marley. At a tie, 22.8% of respondents felt that the victims of the Liberio attack got what was coming with them, while another 22.8% felt about the same amount of sympathy for the victims on both sides. 10.9% feel this is way worse than what happened in Shiganshina and feel more sympathy for the victims in Liberio. 
I am yet to know the goals behind this attack.
Marley did this countless times so I don’t feel bad for them. I kind of feel for eldians tho bc they are brainwashed from a young age to give up their lives for a country who doesn’t give a shit about them. 
Honestly they deserve what Eren is doing to them. Excluding Falco, no one outside of Paradis has earned my sympathy, even with the additional context.
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Udo and Zofia have joined the ranks of characters who tagged along with the main cast for a while only to be killed off for character development. 25.3% anticipated at least one of them to die, but not both. Another tie on this poll, 24.2% stated that they were disappointed and was hoping to see more of them, while another 24.2% didn’t care about them at all. 14.3% are happy to ditch the focus on them in favor of more familiar characters, and 8.8% feel pure and utter devastation. 
Good riddance Warrior scum
Sad but allows for Gabi’s development 
sad but okay. death is common in this anime.
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Eren and Floch were anything but BFF’s at the closing of season 3. Now Floch seems to be wholly devoted to Eren’s cause… What changed? 28.6% believe that nothing has actually changed in terms of their relationship, but that Floch simply just latched onto Eren’s fight in need of a new devil. 23.1% feel that they still aren’t friends, but are in more comfortable “ally” territory. 15.4% aren’t sure what to make of it. Smaller handfuls feel that they either grew to become friends and/or co-conspired to attack Liberio together. 22% are already spoiled on the details. 
Floch is easily persuaded...and annoying 🤷‍♀️
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Gabi moves headstrong into the fight, wanting to play her part in defending her hometown. A large chunk of anime only viewers have been spoiled on future developments for her character. But for those still in the dark - 24.4% feel that she will successfully kill a member of the Survey Corps. 21.1% aren’t sure what to expect, while 10% think she will only manage to injure someone in the Survey Corps. Smaller amounts feel she won’t be successful in any capacity or may even die herself.
Epic episode, survey corps come back, OH YEAH, but I wished they didn’t use CGI on humans and bettered the CGI on Titans.
It really makes me sad how Eren is continuing the cycle of revenge by killing innocent Marleyan civilians, but it makes sense for his character. 
Real cool ep but w h e r e a r m i n
It sucks that I like the warriors and the Corp bc both of them are victims in different way so seeing them have to go head to head sucks. They all deserve better
SO great I loved it! However, I missed Reiner, Falco, and Zeke. I hope they're okay :-) RIP Udo and Zofia :-(
I think I need more dialogue between the old crew to really settle back in with them. I kinda believe that Mappa's still trying to 'click', they obviously can't just get it right immediately. Other then that I loved the titan scenes, more than ODM scenes 😔
This was a great episode and I was literally vibrating in my seat from excitement! I think MAPPA is doing a great job with the animation and the music works really well with the action. Can’t wait for the rest of the season!
I miss wit studio
Willy seems to have his first daughter really early, he looks like 30 !
I’d say the episode as a whole is a solid 8-9/10, the cgi in some parts really ruins the moment for me
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Thanks again to everyone who participated!
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Home - Part 6
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A/N- Just a little filler chapter because i havent updated in a while 💕
Walking into the Barnes house Brooke and Allie ran straight for their Uncle Steve, both diving onto his lap clearly happy to see him.
"How are my favorite girls today?" Steve asked them with a huge smile, he really did love these girls... it was too cute.
"I had a picnic with Y/N at school, it was so much fun"
"You did huh? That sounds fun, maybe Y/N will have a picnic with me one day?"
He winked at me making me shake my head "I've already had a picnic with you Steve" i said dropping my purse and the girls school bags in the corner.
"That doesn't count though, that was a family picnic"
I could see Bucky looking at Steve in confusion then at me, i rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen.
"I'll make dinner, then i'll get out of your hair for the weekend Buck" i said over my shoulder.
"No don't worry about dinner i'll just order pizza tonight"
"Okay, well i'll be heading off then" i smiled turning to grab my purse.
"You should stay for dinner" Bucky said quickly with a hand on my arm "as a thank you for today"
"Yeah! please stay Y/N" Brooke said bouncing in her chair "we like having you eat dinner with us"
"Come on doll, what else will you be doing if you go home?"
"Probably just watch a movie and crash on the sofa after drinking too much wine" i scoffed "fine, i'll stay for pizza but then i have to go before you start getting bored of me"
"Never gonna happen" Bucky laughed "you staying too punk?" He asked turning to Steve.
"Sure, I'm not one to turn down pizza".
Dinner felt so awkward with Steve there after he asked me if i was sleeping with Bucky. Normally things were so easy and comfortable around Bucky and the girls but tonight was anything but. I felt like i had to watch what i said and how i acted and i just ended up feeling so awkward!
"You okay tonight, you've been quiet" Bucky asked taking a mouthful of his beer.
"Me? No I'm fine just tired i guess" i gave him a tight lipped smiled "actually I'm gonna head home Buck"
"Already? But its still early.... you don't have to go"
"Its probably better if i go now before i get too tired, don't wanna be driving and falling asleep now do i" i stood up and grabbed my purse from the floor in the corner of the living room and rummaged for my car keys.
"You boys have fun, i'll see you Monday" i smiled and made my way out to the car.
"Y/N wait" Bucky was suddenly following me outside, i let out a deep breath before turning to face him with a smile "yeah Buck? Whats up?"
"I just wanted to make sure your really okay? Has something happened? Did i say something to upset you....."
"What? No Buck. You haven't done anything i swear, I'm just tired. I get a little....." i waved my hand in front of me not knowing what to say "you know, when I'm tired. I'll be fine after a few hours sleep, recharge my batteries"
"Okay, you'd tell me if it was something more though right?"
"Of course"
"Well just call me if you need anything?"
"Sure, goodnight. Have a nice weekend with the girls" i smiled before climbing into my car and driving away.
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I couldn't help but over think everything, usually Y/N was so chatty and happy but tonight she'd been quiet, distant even. Nervously shifting in her chair throughout dinner, barely looking at me.... she wouldn't even make eye contact with me for christ sake!
"She okay?" Steve asked when i walked back into the house.
"She says she is, just tired apparently"
"You don't believe her?"
"No" i shook my head "its always so natural with her here usually, we get along great and chat... even after the girls are in bed we'll sit and have a coffee and just hang out..... tonight it was like she couldn't wait to get away from us" i fell down onto the sofa with a sigh "she wouldn't even look at me man.... what if I've done something to upset her?? What if she leaves us??" I say starting to panic at the thought of Y/N leaving.
"Come on Buck, your over reacting pal. For one, Y/N wouldn't leave you guys she loves you. And second, what could you have possibly done?"
"Maybe it was too much at the school... but it cant be that she seemed fine at the school. It was when we got home"
"What happened at the school?" Steve asks raising his eyebrows.
"Joanne Harper is what happened at the school!" I groaned throwing my head back on the cushion "that bitch is pissed that i turned her down and is doing everything she can to make Allies school day hell"
"What did she do now?"
"Y/N heard her telling Allie she shouldn't be at a mother daughter picnic because she doesn't have a mom" i tell Steve clenching my fists at the thought of this woman being so spiteful to my baby girl.
"She did what now??" Steve was pissed!
"Yep, Y/N put her in her place though, said she'd knock Joanne on her ass"
"She really loves those girls" Steve said smiling at me "i can imagine her doing it, Joanne wants to watch her back. Y/N's like a lioness protecting her cubs" he laughed.
"I gotta admit Steve, i love having her in our lives. I love how she treats my girls, she's the closest thing to a mom they've had in a while"
"And your sure its all just about the girls?..."
"What do you mean?"
"Im just saying you seem pretty smitten Buck" i couldn't help but notice Steve looked smug as fuck!
"What you trying to get at Steve?" I asked feeling defensive all of a sudden.
"Im just saying it'd be okay if you wanted to ask Y/N out"
"W..who said i wanted to ask her out? She's our nanny for christ sakes Steve!"
My heart was racing all of a sudden.
"Buck you guys are practically together minus the sex" he scoffed "your raising kids together, she cooks you dinner every night when she only has to do the girls......"
"She's just being nice...." was he right?? Was there something more between us but we're both blind to it?
"Sure she is pal"
“still doesn't explain why she was distant though..."
"Oh fuck it, that could be my fault" Steve said dropping his face into his hands and groaning.
"Steve..... what the fuck did you do?" I asked suddenly feeling nervous.
"I said how id noticed the two of you were getting kinda close... then i kinda asked if you and her were sleeping together”
“You did what??!” i whisper yelled sitting up on the sofa to look at him “why would you do that??”
“I told her i thought you guys were good for each other and that it would be okay if something was going on....”
“Steve why would you do that?” I run my hands through my hair in frustration “now she feels weird around me!”
“Honestly i don’t think its you.... its me”
“Well you said she was fine with you at the school right?”
“Yeah” i shrugged not following what he was getting at.
“She only shut down when you got home, when you got home and i was here. Maybe she felt awkward around you because of what i said”
“She probably thought you’d be judging every little thing she did” i closed my eyes and sighed shaking my head at Steve “i need to go talk to her.....i need you to stay here with the girls”
“Maybe i should go talk to her, I’m the one that made this mess...”
“I think you’ve done enough Steve” i rolled my eyes at my oldest friend as i grabbed my jacket and car keys and headed out to my car.
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Home taglist: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lumar014
@bbmommy0902 @past-perfect-future-tense
@heathens-takeitsl0w @captainchrisstan
@ladymelissastark @93generation
@sebastianstansqueen @oceansxpurple
@Imjstaghoststory @rainbowkisses31
@superavengerpotterstar @cap-just-said-language
@booktease21 @ms-betsy-fangirl @wildest-dream-
@michelehansel @thummbelina @abbylizy
@sweetlittlegingy @lorabem
Strike throughs wont let me tag .
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lady-charinette · 4 years
Aged up marichat where chat is being a little fart and marinette puts him into his place sassily. Angst in the beginning then shifting to fluff. But chat is justified in being stupid like he's not being whiny lol just a couple's quarrel LOL (since theyre in their 20s possoble mention at them having future kids and them being blushy bc they didnt do the shame shame bc theyre waiting for marriage XD) Lyyy scar
Heh, you're welcome @ravensink ! Don't forget to drop by more amazing requests! ;) 😏😈 Also: @miraculous-elcie-fanfics since you mentioned wanting to be tagged in my ML stories :3
"Oh? The princess isn't resting in her lavish castle with a maid massaging her feet?" the teasing voice cut through the peaceful silence and Marinette hung her head, already knowing who it was.
They've been at this for a while now.
Four years, to be exact.
She didn't turn her head to look at him, but acknowledged his presence when he jumped down from her chimney to land perfectly balanced on her balcony railing next to her.
It still amazed her how, even after he'd underwent growthspurt after growthspurt during puberty, with only her head reaching the very top of his shoulders now, he still managed to perfectly balance his large frame on the thin metal railing.
Marinette smirked at his banter. "The princess was waiting for her loyal servant to finally arrive and massage her feet for her. I must say you're quite tedious, loyal servant." the smug grin on her lips made the young man chuckle, shaking his head in amusement.
A fair eyebrow rose in question, mirth shining in those green eyes of his that had captivated her more than once, not that she would ever say that out loud. "Apawlogies princess, my services have been lacking."
The young woman laughed, the smile reaching her eyes when she glanced at him briefly. "Careful kitty, I just may be on the lookout for another tomcat." She winked and Chat had to admit it did funny things to his stomach, had since they'd become good friends.
More than that.
Comfortable silence settled between them, until Chat Noir spoke again, his voice dropping a bit deeper, more serious. "Marinette."
The use of her name made her finally turn her head, the bandage on her cheek catching the cat's eye instantly. "What?"
He sighed, swinging his legs over so that they hovered over the floor of her balcony and no longer in open air. "You should've called for me sooner."
She gingerly touched his shoulder, her smile warmer than the inviting blankets in her room. "I'm fine kitty, Ladybug saved me."
He scoffed, messy blond hair falling into his eyes. "She may always save you, but there will be a time where she can't."
Marinette sighed, knowing those words were very true, especially since she was Ladybug.
Not that her partner would know anything about it.
"Maybe...maybe there will be a time where I can't..." the solemn expression on his face and in his voice made her blood boil and Marinette leaned forward.
"Huh? Princess, wha- MEOWCH!" Chat Noir sprung back quickly, back slamming against the side of the wall as he cowered away from the lethal substance. "Hey! Cut it out! I thought we talked about this little lady!"
He hissed at the offending object held securely in her hand, a disapproving glare on her face. "Don't you 'lady' me, kitty! And I thought we said you would stop trying to protect me all the time! I'm a big girl Chat, I can protect myself!"
The woman with the hell spawned spray bottle in her hands crossed her arms and the feline hero deemed it safe enough to come closer when the deadly bottle wasn't directed at his general direction anymore.
"You can't protect yourself against akumas!" Chat Noir straightened to his full height, now a whole head taller than the angry dark-haired woman.
Marinette growled in frustration. "I did and I will! Ladybug and you may have super suits but I have enough brains to think my way out of a situation." the proud smile on her lips was there for a second, until her secret partner was on her again.
Chat Noir growled, a far more guttural and feline-esque sound than what Marinette made. "Don't be stupid! What if you get into a situation where brains can't help you?! What if you're trapped somewhere, kidnapped by an akuma or not even on land and far away? What then? Still think your creative mind can save you?"
Not willing to back down, no matter how pity their argument seemed, Marinette stood her ground. She knew Chat Noir had now way of knowing she was Ladybug, so technically she had the brains and the super suit. "I will think of something!"
Now it was his turn to cross his arms, much bigger than hers, from all the years of fighting against akumas and criminals and he leveled her with a deadpan look. "Evillustrator?"
Marinette gaped, surprised that was the first thing that sprung to his mind. "You were with me! Nathaniel was harmless! We'd been kids Chat Noir!"
He frowned. "Glaciator?"
She coughed, looking away. "Kids! Err...I was on a roof and distracted by all the candles you set up!"
His expression softened at the memory, but quickly hardened with his next inquiry. "Ignoblia?"
Marinette jaw dropped and she pointed an accusing finger at her friend. "Hey! She was a bit..too quick and...she was a superhero- villain!"
"Exactly! Proves my point purrfectly!" He smirked at the look of despair on her face, until Marinette turned her back to him and huffed.
"I see kitty is having a hissy fit!"
He didn't want to, but the jab still got him. That little minx. "How can I not when you constantly dive headfirst into danger?! Do you think I dont check every alley and every corner if I dont know you're home when an akuma strikes? I can't believe you can't see reason!" he ran his claws through his messy hair, messing it up even further.
The designer stomped her foot. "I can't believe you can't see reason Chat! Why do you even check every alley? I'll find shelter somewhere!" she rolled her eyes, irritation seeping from her every pore.
The brief pause that followed made Marinette turn her head and when she looked back at the suspiciously quiet cat, her eyes flew open.
His face was set into a deep scowl, protective rage shining brightly in the green eyes and when he took a large step towards her, Marinette nearly stumbled from his imposing presence. His voice was heavy with emotion but didn't lose its bite from before. "I just want you to be safe!"
She stared up at him, her hands raised and just shy of touching him directly, bluebell eyes blinking slowly.
Chat Noir's face was still set in that intense glare, chest heaving from his outburst, until a hand settled gently on his cheek.
He blinked, all traces of anger gone and he instinctively leaned into her touch. "M-Marinette?"
His face looked so vulnerable, so open, green eyes glistening with emotions when her name left his lips in a whisper.
"I promise..." she took a breath, but smiled warmly up at him, the hand on his cheek caressing him softly. "...to try not to get into trouble as often. And I'll have you on speed dial, okay?"
The man sighed heavily, but nuzzled her hand, blond hair still falling slightly into his eyes. "You better not furget princess."
The teasing glint was back in his eyes and Marinette gently flicked his nose. "I won't you worrisome cat."
He shook his head, smiling down at her like a lovesick fool. "Kittens...."
Marinette rose an eyebrow curiously, giggling in amusement while she gently petted his cheek like a cat. "What?"
"Our kittens will be adorable with your looks princess..." the words leaving his lips were dreamy and mumbled, the same soft look in his eyes.
Then, as if awakening from his trance, Chat Noir sprung away from the blushing woman. "N-No, w-wait! It's not- I didn't- I mean I did, but- NO WAIT!"
He covered his mouth with his hand, face an alarming scarlet, tail haphazardly moving on the floor, and Marinette swore if she'd taken a second glance, she'd seen for sure his tail was formed into a heart.
Marinette's entire face was a tomato red, her mind racing with mental images.
Of Chat Noir
And her.
And their children.
Dressed in little black cat ears and wearing ladybug themed masks.
"Eep!" the undignified sound made Chat Noir jump and it took Marinette a split second to realize it hadn't been her that made that sound but him.
Chat Noir covered his face, before he desperately tried to talk over his rapidly pounding heart. "W-Wait, it's not what it sounds like! I was- I was talking about kittens, from- from the streets and- and! Um, adopting them!" he looked everywhere but at her but Marinette couldnt bring herself to look away from him, transformed into a blushing, stuttering mess.
"Y-Yes! Pff-preciously! I-I mean precisely! Kittens! From the streets! To uh, to adopt! Not like a family or anything or uh - just uh, individually! As-as friends! Platonic! Completely platonic! I mean, of course, if you want- not I'm not forcing you, never, I mean you're my princess and lady, I could never force you, no way! No, I-"
A finger suddenly planted itself on his lips and Chat Noir's eyes flew wide open at the action, pupils zeroing in on Marinette.
A very red faced Marinette, who had a determined look on her face, stared up at him just as she stared down their enemies when in her super suit as Ladybug. "I...I think kittens would....would be fine."
Both older teens stared at each-other in petrified silence, until Marinette spoke again, the pink shade on her face growing darker. "B-But our own k-kittens...w-with Ladybug masks and cat ears...I-in a n-non-platonic way..."
Ice settled in her stomach and Marinette's mind worked into overdrive to try and come up with a believable excuse.
Maybe it had been a joke! Of course! Chat Noir was known to make jokes!
Marinette froze when she was pushed into a solid warmth, surrounded by equally solid, warm arms around her back and one cradling the back of her head tenderly.
She could feel Chat's frantic heartbeat slowly settle down the longer they were locked in their embrace and before Marinette could form a sentence, Chat already spoke.
His voice was so quiet, she strained to hear it properly. "You know princess, I think I prefer them wearing their mama's suit more, but whatever you say m'lady."
Marinette's heart skipped a beat and she buried her face against his chest, shoulders shaking from laughter.
That dork.
Of course he knew.
But she had a little secret of her own, one she won't reveal just yet.
She smiled, her own arms wrapping around him tightly.
He purred in response.
Marinette's smile widened. "Only if they wear their papa's brand from time to time."
Chat's heart picked up in speed again and Marinette laughed.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Love You’re Born to Find- Cordonian Ruby chapter 6
Pairing: Olivia x Bastien; Ruby Rys x Beau Larkin; Galen; Lovett
Word count: 2,015
Warnings: presumed heartbreak, angst, mention of dead parents, it’s another tear jerker grab those tissues.
Summary: Ruby has made her decision, she just has to loop in her brothers ... and Beau.
A/N: This takes place immediately after the end of chapter five. I know you guys are excited to get to Cordonia but it’s gonna be a few more chapters until they leave. They have to plan, do this safely, two minors are involved and they aren’t going to be leaving them behind but safety measures have to be discussed.
A/N2: A major thanks @sirbeepsalot for all your graping, prereading, editing, and telling me when to let go. I love you boo! Thank you to my snippet reader @loveellamae who screamed appropriately.
Series warnings: character death, blood, surgical procedures done by non medical personnel, may go NSFW in the future. May contain gun violence, knife violence, threats, not sure how dark this will go. By requesting to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I own Ruby, Galen, Lovett, and Beau, I’m borrowing Bastien and Olivia from PB.
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Ruby nervously chewed her thumbnail as she paced the floor. Her response had been automatic, the answer slipping past her lips with barely a thought.
She stood by her decision, though she was nervous now that she had to explain everything she’d learned to Beau. How do you tell your boyfriend you are really royalty and meant to rule a country? Her stomach twisted in knots, she didn’t want to leave him, not when she wasn’t sure if she’d ever be coming back. She thought of inviting him to go with her, would he want to go with me?
Even after five years together she questioned if he’d be willing to leave everything behind for her. Could I really ask him? Could she actually bring herself to ask him to leave behind his family and risk his life for her? Would it be kinder to say goodbye and shatter her own heart into a million pieces?
Her heart pounded in her chest, he was the only guy she’d ever dated. He was her first love, until this morning she had thought he’d be her only love. Five years, and now she was standing at a cliff trying to decide if she should free fall or dive with him by her side. Maybe it would have been better if Mama and Papa hadn’t allowed us to stay in Texas so I could be with Beau.
The thought made her throat grow tight. She loved him more than she had ever thought possible and she never wanted to think of not being with him, I might still lose him. I can’t ask this of him, can I?
“Ruby, are you really a princess?” Lovett questioned pulling Ruby from her fearful spiral.
“What Mama? I want to know.”
“Eat your apples,” Olivia slid the plate of sliced pink ladys across the table to her youngest. How he could eat those overly sweet monstrosities she’d never understand, for now she’d be thankful they could bring a moment of silence.
“I was just wondering what it means for me!” Lovett pouted as he picked up an apple slice.
“We’re waiting for Beau, and then we’ll explain. Just be patient, Little Wolf.” Bastien gently ruffled his son’s dark auburn locks, earning a grunt in response. Patience was not Lovett’s strength.
“I’m gonna go wait for him outside,” Ruby said. She felt as though she would suffocate if she waited a second longer, the walls slowly closing in with each passing moment.
“It’ll be okay Goose.”
I really wish I could believe that Papa. She rushed outside, sighing in relief as she watched Beau exit his old blue and white pickup.
“Ruby is everything okay? I thought I was coming by later.”
“I — let’s go to the kitchen and I’ll explain.”
“Wait.” He rested his hands on her shoulders, his hazel eyes imploring her sapphire blue. “Is everything okay?”
Tears welled up in her eyes. She wasn’t sure, she had no idea how he’d react to her news. Only after she told him could she truly know if she was okay or not. When did I become some lovesick girl? “I don’t know.”
He pulled her into his arms pressing a kiss to her hairline. “Whatever it is Ruby, I promise it’ll be okay. I love you and I’m not going anywhere.”
She shook in his arms at his words. Don’t say that. You don’t know. She looked up giving him a weak, unconvincing smile. “I know.” Do I? I know he loves me, but this is life changing.
Every step towards the kitchen made her heart beat faster and her throat constrict. The fear of losing him because of something she couldn’t control had gripped her so tight she couldn’t breathe. She was sure she would strangle from the worry alone before she had explained.
“Beau’s here!” Lovett exclaimed, “can we talk about Ruby being a —”
“Lovett,” Olivia shot him a stern look full of warning, “let your sister speak.”
“Ruby, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”
“That’s what I want to know!” Lovett quipped. “Ow!” He pouted as he rubbed his shin where Galen had kicked him.
“Ruby are you sick? Please talk to me.”
“It’s nothing like that.”
Beau's eyes darted around the familiar faces of Ruby’s family, desperate for some hint of what was going on. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out.”
Ruby nodded as tears streamed down her face. Please let that be true. “M—mama and Papa g-gave me this this morning.” She struggled to get the words out as she pulled the letter from her pocket.
How do I begin to explain? Do I just blurt it out? “M-maybe it w-would be b-best if y-you r-read it …”
“Okay.” Beau responded, still struggling to understand what was going on. Lovett was his normal overexcited self, Galen was calmer and more subdued watching as always. Ruby, his beautiful, strong, confident Ruby was shaking like a leaf and shedding more tears than he’d seen over their five years together.
Beau carefully took the creased paper and sat at the table, slowly unfolding it revealing an elegant script he’d never seen before. “Ruby, what is this?” He asked looking up at her.
“Read it, then I’ll explain.” Hopefully you will still be able to look at me.
“I want to see!” Lovett said, jumping from his seat.
“Lovett, sit. Give Ruby a minute. If you interrupt again you will go to your room until after she’s explained.”
“Fine …” Lovett grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.
Ruby turned away, unable to watch Beau read the words she now had memorized. She wasn’t ready to see the moment that he could no longer look at her. Please don’t hate me.
“Ruby, is —is this from your parents?”
“Yes.” She replied, back still turned to him.
“Okay, I’m more than a little confused.”
Ruby spun around, her brow knit together in confusion. “Why are you confused?”
“I’m just trying to understand how one letter from your parents could make you this upset.” Beau glanced back at the letter. “Your parents were royal, I just don't know why that made you so upset.”
Ruby swallowed as she took the seat next to him. “Mama and Papa explained to me after I read this,” she pointed to the letter that turned her world upside down. This was not how today was supposed to go. When she woke up she never would have expected that she would end up explaining to Beau that she was a queen and had to leave. “They explained that my parents died in a car accident and that Papa is the only reason I survived.”
Beau carefully took her hand into his, brushing the back of her hand with his thumb. His hazel eyes were soft as he gazed into her tearfilled blue. You’ve got this, you can tell me.
She smiled weakly, would he still be so calm and sure once she was done bringing all their plans for the future tumbling down around them? “The accident was caused by the king of a neighboring kingdom … he —he wanted an alliance with our country that involved marrying me off, my parents refused. So he killed them and took the country.” Her voice shook as she recounted the details she’d just learned that morning. “Cordonia, my country, it’s destroyed … the king has destroyed as much as he could … I’m their queen,” she held her head a little higher despite the pain threatening to pull her down. “I need to help them … I have to free them.”
Beau’s hand brushed her cheek, “alright.”
Ruby squeezed her eyes shut. “I—I don’t know if or when I’ll be back.”
Ruby’s eyes sprang open, her heart leaping in her throat as she caught a glimpse of heartbreak on Beau’s face. Can’t he see how much it’s breaking me?
“I just thought … what about our plans?”
“I —”
“Can we go back to Ruby being a queen?” Lovett asked, his fingers drumming the table excitedly.
“Okay boys. I think it’s time to give your sister some space.”
“But I want to know what’s going on!” Lovett whined.
“We’ll all talk later, I think it’s better we give Beau and Goose some space.”
Ruby gave her father a tiny smile as her brother’s exited the room. “I promise, everything will work out, Goose.” Bastien said, giving Beau a small nod as he left the room.
“RuRu, tell me what’s going on.” Beau said wiping the tears from her cheek.
Ruby cracked a half smile, “that’s not fair, you know I can’t help but laugh when you call me that!”
“That’s why I said it.” He knelt in front of her taking both her hands in his. “Talk to me.”
“I love you so much and I don’t know what’s going to happen and I can’t ask you to give up everything for me.”
“Ruby,” he looked down at their clasped hands, “this isn’t how I was planning …” He released her one hand brushing her blonde waves behind her ear. “Ruby, you are the strongest, most amazing woman I ever met. I never would have guessed the day I met you that you would have become so important to me.
You are smart, feisty, and never afraid to speak your mind.
You have taken me by surprise from the very start. You were always so confident, but with me you tried to shield it.
I’ve tried more than once to pinpoint when you claimed my heart and I honestly think it might have been that first date when I took you shooting at Nana and Pop’s.
Any other girl would have complained that shooting isn’t a date, but you just pulled back your hair and definitely beat my ass.
You never seem to be afraid, you just go into everything headfirst and so self assured.
When I think about my future, all I know for certain is that my place is by your side. I don’t care where we are, here in Texas or across the ocean saving your country from a tyrant; none of it matters as long as you are by my side.”
“Beau, I can't ask you to leave.”
“You aren’t asking. I know you, you would never ask. You would rather take a million hits yourself than allow anyone you care about feel a second of pain. You always put those you love first. I know you don’t want me to feel like I have to go, but Ruby I do.”
“Beau …”
“Ruby, as much as you can’t stand to see others in pain … I couldn’t stand not knowing what happened to you if you left. I know there are no promises, but in life there never are. I also know that when it comes to you, there isn’t a damn thing you can’t do if you put your mind to it.” He paused collecting his thoughts. “Ruby, I have never been happier than I have with you. I can’t see a life without you by my side.”
Ruby swallowed. “Beau … what are you saying?”
“Ruby, I don’t care that you are a queen, I love you for you and nothing would make me happier than being your husband.”
Ruby’s lip trembled. “Beau.”
“I’m saying … I’m asking … will you marry me?”
Ruby nodded as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks.
His hand cupped the back of her head as his lips met hers in a tender kiss. “God I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“Do me a favor RuRu, stop scaring me like that.”
“Stop calling me that ridiculous nickname!” She playfully slapped his chest.
“Nope, it’s staying for the rest of our lives.”
“Nana and your mom are gonna kill me,” she rested her head against his shoulder, “taking you away and putting you in danger.”
“They’ll get over it.” He pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her hair. “They love you way too much to stay mad forever.”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Love, Fate, Destiny
Part 3- Come to Cordonia
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Riley Brooks is a waitress in a ‘Dive bar” in New York. One Saturday night, her past comes back to haunt her as some unfamiliar punters enter her bar on a bachelor party- one of them being someone who she was once close to.
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I personally think this chapter is crap- but gotta get through the crap to get to the good stuff 😁
“No, thank you. But I do have a proposition for you...”
Riley furrowed her brows at the Prince, providing a mystified expression at the question.
“What do you mean? A proposition?”
Confused at what this stranger would want, she really regretted asking that question- really she needed to put a halt to this conversation and get back to work. Liam softly smiled at the waitress, his baby blues began to sparkle more as he stared into hers. Hoping that she would agree to his plan- it would benefit everyone involved.
“So, as you’ve probably heard, I am the Crown Prince of my country. On our return, we are completing something known as a social season. It involves many noble women coming to my country and at the end of it, I will pick my Princess- the future Queen before my coronation. The women involved attend many events.......”
Riley switched off listening to Liam’s story about his social season. It didn’t interest her one bit, so she definitely needed to abruptly end this conversation now. She was unsure of what to think about Liam- sure he was handsome, but was he one of those people who were up their own arses due to their title? Unsure of what to think- she didn’t really have time to go through his fairytale life. It really would make her life look depressing.
“Liam, I hope you have a great social season -whatever you all do. But I have to get back to work. I hope you find your future Queen. See ya later.”
That will end the conversation surely, she thought. It was bad enough that she couldn’t remove Drake from her mind and now his best friend was once again sat in her bar.
“Riley, wait! Please...”
Riley turned around, Liam stood up and held her hands brushing his thumb over her knuckles. His eyes pleading with her to listen to him. Natural instinct led her to brush him away from her, but for politeness she kept a safe distance- needing to bid the man goodbye, once he coughed up his true intentions.
“Liam say what you need to say. I’m going to get sacked. I was already late.” Riley panicked as she saw her arsehole manager giving the two of them daggers. She needed this job. She couldn’t lose it no matter how much she hated it.
“I’m sorry. I want you to come to Cordonia. Be part of my social season- I know you and Drake have history. I’m not going to choose you- I already know who I am picking. I’m doing this for both you and Drake. The reasoning for you having to join my social season is because my father questions visitors who ‘outstay’ their brief visits. I hope you’ll consider. It was my fault that he left you all those years ago. I truly am sorry. I want to make amends. You will be part of Maxwell’s house- he and his brother will ‘sponsor’ you.”
“Thank you, but no thank you.” She replied abruptly. Feeling like she was committing an act of treason, would she be sent to his ‘dungeons’ like in the fairytales- for refusing the Prince?
“Excuse me?” Liam was surprised- no one had ever rejected him before. Maybe it was due to his title, or maybe this girl had balls to stand up to what she believed in.
“Liam, I have a life here. I’ve survived 7 years without Drake Walker. I’m sure I can survive with only seeing him every so often. I’m not uprooting my life. I’m sorry Prince charming. Have a safe flight home. Excuse me.”
Liam’s mouth opened agape, not knowing why she wouldn’t go with them. Bastien advised him to leave the situation, whilst deep down inside having a little silent chuckle to himself.
“Sir, don’t force it. She’s obviously a smart woman.”
“Bast, she needs to come- for Drake. You know how down he’s been. It’s the first time he’s smiled since I don’t know when? I thought I could persuade her to come. I feel like I’ve let Drake down.”
Before leaving the bar, Liam ambled towards the brunette. Never in his life had he had to fight for something so hard. His best friend who had given up everything for him had met his true love again, through fate and it was destiny that they belonged to each other. Why couldn’t she see that? Feeling defeated, he believed that he had no chance in the matter against this stubborn American. But he needed to gift her the envelope he had been keeping close to him all morning.
“Here, Lady Riley -these are flight tickets if you ever change your mind. I’m sorry if you believed that I was presumptuous in hoping you would join us. Take care.”
Liam held her hand, softly kissing it. Riley watched as he and Bastien exited the bar. Opening the brown envelope, there was in fact the flight tickets but also a note attached to an old photo of Riley and Drake.
You need him and he needs you. This photo shows how much you care about each other. I would like to get to know you more- as a friend Riley. I do believe that you two belong together.
Here are our numbers if you need to contact us........
Liam eventually arrived with Bastien at the airport 45minutes late, Maxwell immediately noticed his down heartened expression and believed he hadn’t managed to convince her.
“What time do you call this your royal highness?” Again, Drake was pissed off with the lack of the Prince’s communication. Surely at ‘Prince school’ that was one important factor that they were taught- especially if they were to run their kingdom.
“Sorry, Drake. We got held up.”
“Li, are you okay?”
“Yes. Sorry, I believe it’s back to reality now.”
Hoping that Drake would believe that he was feeling down- due to returning to the stress of being the Prince. These last few days Liam felt like he had that slight pinch of freedom- feeling like he could be his true self for once.
“Yeah, you’ll need luck with all those gorgeous women fighting over you.” Drake regretted saying this instantly. He knew Liam only wished for one lady’s attention. Mixed emotions roamed his mind regarding this woman. Would she make a good Queen? Possibly.
“Drake! You know who I’m picking. It’s pointless doing the whole thing.” Liam responded in a frustrated tone of voice. He was furious with Leo forcing this upon him due to his abdication. Too much responsibility for someone who was second in line. Liam wanted to marry for love not for political reasons. Seeing Drake and Riley together on that photo made him now believe in true love- and he was determined to get what he wanted, for him.
“Maybe. But if the Beaumont’s find a last minute suitor you may change your mind.” Drake believed that there were other options that his friend wasn’t willing to explore prior to committing to his final decision.
“Ah Drake, were not sponsoring anyone. Like Liam said it’s pointless when he’s already chosen. House Beaumont is fine. Well obviously not fine. But we don’t need to sponsor anyone.”
Liam looked sadly at Maxwell, he was dopey at times but he knew that the Prince hadn’t succeeded with his plan- Liam was thankful for Max interrupting. Understanding how hard it must have been for Maxwell to admit about their personal business made Liam grateful to call Maxwell Beaumont his friend. Maxwell didn’t want to inform Bertrand Beaumont that he had possibly found an ‘option’ to restore their reputation. Bertrand had interviewed many women to sponsor for the Prince’s hand- but none lived up to his expectations. Both Liam and Maxwell agreed that they wouldn’t inform Bertrand about Riley- they would ‘spring’ it up on him so he had no chance to back out. If the older Beaumont had no clue who Riley really was and she played the game- they were sure the Duke would be impressed with Maxwell for once and finally crack a smile.
Riley spent the whole of her shift in a daze- debating what to do. She didn’t know much about Cordonia, she didn’t know what to expect with the social season. Drake had just returned into her life unexpectedly, knowing she still loved him and that he still loved her made this life changing decision hard.
On her break, she sat perched next to the bar- on her phone researching this country she had been invited to visit. Drake had always been honest in the past- saying he was born and raised in a small country in the Mediterranean but he never elaborated on his true life. Riley always dreamt of travelling there- the way Drake used to talk about it, made it sound like a fairytale, now she realised that it was in fact just that. Typing in Cordonia, the common headlines about the royal family and the social season appeared. Riley found out about Liam’s older brothers abdication , some poor woman known as ‘Countess Madeleine’ being dumped by the former ‘playboy’ prince. Just then something caught her eye- an article from seven years ago, around the similar time that Drake had disappeared from New York.
Assassination attack on the royal family update-
King Constantine, Queen Regina and Prince Liam were all targets three nights ago as Assassins attempted to bring down the Royal family. All members of the Royal family were swiftly removed from the scene and escorted to their safe house. The royal guards are still trying to track down if it is indeed linked to a previous attack that was led by the Sons of Earth.
Sir Drake Walker- Prince Liam’s childhood friend returned to Cordonia with the former crown prince Leo, to support the royal family. Sir Walkers father- Jackson Walker was the Kings royal guard before he tragically lost his life protecting the royal family.
His Father was the main royal guard? Why didn’t he tell me? Was this why he felt he had to return- to continue his father’s legacy?
Getting ready for a night out in the city with Lola, Beth and Daniel- she needed something to keep the whole situation out of her mind. Meeting her friends at the local club, her mind was distracted as she sat in the booth with Beth. Opening a new text message to text Liam and Maxwell, she kept writing a message and deleting it. Beth noticed her friend wasn’t being her usual self- she was gazing into her glass of wine- every so often swirling it. Usually Riley would be the life and soul of the party.
“Ri? What’s up? You haven’t put your phone down at all tonight.” Beth placed a comforting arm around Riley, she was concerned that about her friend.
“It’s Drake Walker.... he ... he’s been in New York.”
“Oh my gosh. What happened?” Beth never believed that she would hear that name again- her jaw was wide and agape- possibly stuck open due to shock. Years ago she felt sorry for him with the way her sister treat him like shit. When he began dating Riley his heart was fixed once more. The minute he left her friend alone, Beth contemplated berating him and murdering him. Her empathy towards him soon went out flying of the door.
“It’s a long story. But we slept together. And his friend has asked me to go over to their country. I don’t know what to do Beth?” Placing her head in her shaking hands- eyes formed dripping tears- her chin began to tremble. The strong walls she had previously built around her now broke instantly and very publicly.
“I’d say.. what the fuck are you still doing here? Go Riley!” Riley had been the best friend that anyone could have wished for. Beth understood Riley’s past, believed she deserved a bright future and accepted her just the way she was.
“You think?” Riley’s eyebrow arched up, shocked at her friends encouragement to desert her life in New York for love.
“I do. Go and get your man back!” Beth was going to insist that Riley went until she was blue in the face.
With this bit of encouragement she decided to text the men. Gulping the glass of wine in one go- she couldn’t back out now. Or Beth might actually force her on that plane herself.
[R] So what am I putting myself through if I come? I’ve done my research. It’s Riley by the way. 🙃
[M] Riley! Nice to hear from you. I’ll look after you. You’ll be part of my house. You will love it! You’ll be like our adopted sister- Team Beaumont! We will look after you.. I promise.. And what research? 🤔
[L] Have you reconsidered? As Maxwell said they will look after you. You just have to play a game. Behind closed doors you can spend time with Drake, we were planning on not telling him you were coming in case you didn’t come. The first event is a masquerade ball. Maxwell will meet you at the airport and escort you to his manor. We would be thrilled to welcome you to our country. ☺️
[R] I’m going to be safe right? It sounds like a movie with assassins. A Countess that was dumped. And Drake’s a Sir? 🤭
[M] Safe as houses right Li? And don’t call Drake, ‘Sir’ he hates it. 😆
[L] Of course. It’s all going to be over before you know it. Then you can decide where your heart lies Riley- whether it’s with Drake or in New York. Ah yes, you’ve read up on Madeleine- she’s an interesting character. My brother had a lucky escape. But don’t worry. I’ll protect you. 🥰
[R] Okay. I’ll pack when I get home. As long as you can promise that I won’t be in any danger being the ‘newbie’. And that I will be able to spend time with Drake. 👍🏼
[L] The press will hound you for being the newbie- I’m not going to lie. But with the Beaumont’s help you’ll learn how to handle them. Nothing will go wrong. We all need to work together to get through this sham social season. The sham being that I’ve already made my decision and that you are secretly with Drake. 🤫
[R] I hope so. Don’t make me regret coming! Maxwell I’ll text you flight details. See you both soon x 😘
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