#* it doesn't even have to end up being shippy man i just
phantasmaw · 2 years
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The way I so desperately need a Gi.deon the Ninth dynamic with either (or both) of these two right now--
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watatsumiis · 2 years
today i am thinking about... being kept company by favs while in a low spoons/introverted kind of mode..
(Just some general hcs and such, g/n reader, referred to as 'you'! not explicitly shippy)
Characters: Ayato, Capitano, Childe, Dottore, Pantalone, Pierro, Thoma, Zhongli
Ayato would be more than happy to keep you company - he probably quite likes having someone else nearby that isn't a retainer or something while he's doing his paperwork - I'd imagine he struggles a bit with social burnout on occasion too with how often he has to take charge of conversations, and thus sometimes he will request some 'chill time', especially once he's realised that you both benefit from it. He's often left to his own devices when he's doing his paperwork (apart from Thoma coming up to bring him snacks and drinks) so his study is kind of a safe haven away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world (and even when it's not, Ayato would definitely find you somewhere quiet to sit if you need it <3)
Honestly almost any time with Capitano would be some kind of 'quiet time', I headcanon him to be a very quiet individual, a man who lets his actions do all of the talking. It's actually more of a struggle to get him to engage in a normal conversation (especially if it isn't to do with a subject he's interested in), so hangouts with him often end up with silently watching a movie together or engaging in some form of parallel play (he likes to read -- though I can also see him engaging in some low-key, quiet exercises like tai chi, maybe yoga). I may be projecting here (which I think I'm allowed to because we know next to nothing about him and ive latched onto him like a remora fish), but i imagine that he actually struggles a lot with speaking aloud and socialising and will occasionally go non-verbal when he's had a particularly long or overwhelming day, so sitting quietly doing your own things works great for him.
I'm sorry but Childe can NOT stay still for long enough for either party to benefit from some sit-down quiet time, he's a high-key sensory seeker and is never quiet, he needs to be in the centre of attention or doing at least 3 things at once or he'll explode - he fidgets and wanders and asks annoying/insensitive questions like "hey are you done being quiet now?" he can be really draining to be around but if you tell him you're having a bad day or something he can be super sweet, bringing you treats and gifts and letting you snuggle up to him!
Chill time with Dottore is... unnerving, to say the least. After a mini questionnaire about your day and what led up to you feeling like this, he finally lets up and allows you to sit with him as he goes about whatever business, but eventually you find that he keeps glancing up at you with increasing frequency, his head tilted to the side as he just... observes you.
Pantalone probably chuckles and teases a bit, something along the lines of "oh, you couldn't even go a whole day without me? How sweet." He's another one who doesn't fully understand why someone might want what is essentially 'alone time' in tandem with another person, but he's fine with it as long as you aren't in the way or being distracting, though I feel like he could be kind of strict about it, especially when he's highly stressed, it feels more like being in detention than anything else.
Pierro probably enjoys it (but would never admit it), he probably won't even acknowledge someone walking into the room unless they speak to him directly, so it's really easy just to walk in and sit on a chair near him and just enjoy his presence (though he totally has that old man throat clear/sneeze). Bonus points if you bring him a coffee - he'll tell anyone who walks in looking for you that you're working on something for him and should be left alone.
Thoma is in a similar situation to Childe but he actually knows how to regulate himself well enough to not disturb or bother you - if he has some kind of quiet chore to sit down and do (like folding laundry, sewing or knitting) then he's more than set to keep you company for a while - he'll also offer to make you food and drinks, just like he does when you're sad or upset. I think he struggles to differentiate between upset/just needing some quiet time, but he really does mean well!
I think Zhongli would kind of struggle with the idea at first, it's kind of a non-traditional way of hanging out that he's not used to, he's such a talkative person and will just infodump about the first things that come to his mind because he likes to share things with you, but once he's warmed up to the idea he's more than happy to just sit in the same room while he works on some paperwork for the funeral parlor or reads, only occasionally breaking the silence to tell you something he's deemed to be very interesting or important.
Please don't copy or steal my work! Reblogs are always super appreciated though :D If there's a character not included here (or just someone you want me to elaborate more on), I'm more than happy to put something together, just send me an ask!
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gayvecchio · 2 months
Chinatown is such a great F/V episode. Obviously, there is some romantic subtext between Ray and Fraser from the pilot and a good bit in every episode after, but this one just leans so heavily into it, it almost becomes text.
The episode starts with Ray just wanting to take Fraser out on a nice date (to a restaurant he likely knows doesn't allow animals, because having Dief around is like bringing along another person, and this is supposed to be a DATE damn it! Of course, he doesn’t want a third wheel/chaperone tagging along!). He wants to impress Fraser with his local insider knowlege and ordering prowess, but everything is out, and of course, Fraser is too impressive himself to be easily impressed, and outdoes Ray by ordering in Chinese. Then just as their nice meal arrives, someone gets kidnapped, and Fraser’s off jumping out a window, ruining poor Ray's plans for the evening.
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"Oh no, Benny, not the window! I don't think they have doors in Canada."
Then comes the first in the wonderful (and not at all subtle) running gag of Fraser and Ray in the closet together.
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(Just what, Fraser? What were you two doing in the closet?) "I'm sitting in a dark closet with a Mountie being licked by a deaf wolf . . . That was the wolf, wasn't it? " (I love that Ray entertained the thought that Fraser might be the one licking him, not Dief.)
When the case takes a bad turn, Fraser feels responsible. Ray tries to assauge him, but it doesn't work. He pleads with Welsh to let him have the case, so that he and Fraser can continue to work on it and make it right. Because he knows that the only way to relieve Fraser's guilt is if he is able to save Mr. Lee's son. Making Fraser feel better has been a priority to Ray since the beginning.
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A small, rare moment here of Fraser making sure that Ray is okay before he takes off after a suspect. If Ray had said no, would Fraser have let the guy go and stayed? Would he have put Ray's well-being above 'getting his man' for once? Interesting to ponder.
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Elaine’s reaction in the episode almost does more to imply that something is going on between Fraser and Ray than anything else. After finding them in the closet, she later sounds jealous with Ray on the phone “you two having trouble squeezing into a booth?”
At the end of the episode, Elaine is eating ice cream and venting to Dief about being an idiot and feeling foolish regarding her crush on Fraser. It reads like she found out the guy she likes has been in a relationship (with another man) the whole time. She feels dejected and foolish because she realized she’d been barking up the wrong tree. The only other interaction Elaine has with Fraser is over the phone when he 'thanks her kindly' for her help. He doesn't treat her any differently in this episode than he has previously. There’s really no reason for Elaine to suddenly feel any more hopeless about the possibility of something happening with Fraser other than her now believing he's already taken.
Ray and Fraser’s final scene in the episode consists of them watching fireworks together (seriously, what’s more romantic than that?) then promenading down the sidewalk as they discuss going to out to dinner again—getting a do-over for the initial ruined date.
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It’s just such a great shippy episode, and arguably the one where Fraser and Ray Define the Relationship in a sense and become official.
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gffa · 1 year
Ok so I came here for Star Wars and I’m happily enjoying the DC stuff despite knowing nothing about it. I’m asking without looking it up in case this ends up being amusingly wrong - Connor Kent is… Superman’s son/clone? And Tim Drake Im pretty confident is Robin #3? And they seem to be widely shipped together? Or is it more of a rare pair crack ship? If it’s popular, what made it so popular? Do they have a lot of issues where they tag team and flirt? How would you describe their dynamic?
You've got a solid handle on it so far! You're right that Conner Kent (his Kryptonian name being Kon-El) is a clone made up of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor's DNA, grown in a lab that he was eventually rescued from, which caused a lot of awkward, weird feelings for Clark at the time and so he doesn't really consider him a son, but they don't necessarily have a word for what they are, other than that they're family. Originally, Kon's powers weren't really the same as Superman's, he had tactile telekinesis, but over the course of a lot of years, he started developing the more traditional powerset, flight, superstrength, heat vision, etc. He's also gone through a lot of stuff over the years, as all superheroes do, but Kon's had it kind of rough, including dying and eventually being brought back. Tim is indeed Robin #3, though, for awhile he was fired as Robin and became Red Robin instead (while Damian was Robin, but IIRC Damian's not currently Robin?), but I believe he's currently picked up the mantle again and is just Robin. Primarily, Tim and Kon's dynamic happened in pre-Nu52 comics (the big DC reboot), but MAN were they A Thing. Not officially, Tim hadn't come out as bi yet back then (and no official content for Kon as anything other than straight), but their dynamic was super shippy in their Young Justice and Teen Titans comics and almost everyone I know was like, "Yeah, technically they were dating other people, but we all know they're each other's real love interest.", being semi-tongue-in-cheek, but also semi-serious. To the point, when Kon died (you can call him Kon or Conner, they're kind of interchangeable), even when the others had moved on, Tim was straight up trying to re-clone him, despite that it wouldn't be his Kon, he just couldn't not have Kon in the world. So, it's basically your typical Super/Bat style ship, which has a lot of They're The Best Of Friends moments in canon and aren't entirely Normal about each other, but it gets taken up a notch because most of their canon ships aren't nearly as popular or as enduring as their relationship with each other. If I'm missing anything or mislead anon, feel free to jump in, it's been awhile since I read anything with them, though, now I'm eyeing those Teen Titans and YJ trades my library has....
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nightshadehoney · 6 months
I never watched James Somerton's shitty Killing Stalking video because I was trying to be good to myself and avoid something that I knew would make me very angry. In fact, I never watched any of his stuff because the fact that he made a video like that was enough to discount any thing he ever had to say (also I heard about the Celluloid Closet plagiarism).
But man, is the James Somerton discourse bringing a lot of Killing Stalking-related feelings back up for me. Because I'm mad; I'm still so mad. There are a suprising amount of people on social media who are saying they never watched any of his stuff except for the Killing Stalking video. I'm annoyed not just to find out that the vid had that sort of reach and influence, but also because Somerton's unmasking hasn't seemed to make people reasses the validity of the kind of thing he was saying. People are just now being like "hmm I think this guy might have Issues With Women" but that doesn't warrant any reflection on what exactly the motivation is of people who complain about women enjoying a niche webcomic? Because I don't actually believe you're concerned about the influence of some obscure piece of media when you advertise its existence to your large audience many of whom had not heard of it and would never have heard of it but for your transparent outrage porn video. It's rage bait and the target was women that are perceived as straight. A big channel has publicized the fact that they excised a section that endorsed the opinions in this video from their own because they became aware of Somerton's plagiarism and dishonesty (presumably; if it was actually because they recognized his views were coming from a sexist place I would welcome a clarification). And you know, I don't think that's a good look actually. That you needed to be told he was a bad person and couldn't idependently put together that the misogynist man was saying misogynist things.
The comic ended years ago and the fandom has gone mostly quiet, but to this day people are still the peddling the"fujoshi/stupid teenage girls who don't know what's good for them are shipping these characters because they are too braindead to realize it's not a romance; it's a horror, two things I believe are mutually exclusive. I am smarter than all of these cringe degenerates" bullshit. It's in the comments of the hbomberguy video even; one comment was such a gross misrepresentation of the series that my friend needed to talk me down from getting into a pointless youtube comments argument (bless him) because these people are officially making me lose my marbles.
This narrative is full of shit, it's demonstrably not fucking true. You can go on the artist's twitter right now and its full of her retweeting shippy fanart of that pairing readers were apparently never intended to ship.
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(I don't think Koogi knows or cares about James Somerton; she just reblogs the works of fans who tag her. This made me laugh though).
Now this is all speculation because he died decades before social media existed, but I think if Nabokov was alive today his twitter would not be full of Humbert Humbert x Dolores Haze fanart. And yet, I have unironically seen people compare shipping Sangwoo and Bum in Killing Stalking with the misreading of Lolita as a precocious sexual temptress more than once.
And this isn't me saying that Killing Stalking is the disgusting"pro-sexualized abuse" comic that tumblr purity police used to characterize it as either. One of these days I'm going to go truly bonkers and end up banging pots and pans on the street corner, yelling at random innocent passerbys about how stories about romantic and sexual relationships are not required to be Hallmark movies. You can make art about the negative, dark, and troubling parts of these feelings and relationships without creating a pat morality tale. You don't need to approach media analysis like your 7th grade teacher has assigned you an essay on explaining what a novel's "message" is.
Nobody, not the author and not the fans, genuinely thinks that Sangwoo and Bum have a healthy or aspirational relationship. This hypothetical person that does not understand the relationship is toxic doesn't exist. Because girls and women, even the ones having cringey fandom fun on tiktok or whatever, are not so stupid and naive that they are unware that breaking someone's legs and locking them in a muder basement is bad. The type of concern troll rhetoric Somerton employed in his video is directed near exclusively at women interested in men and there's a reason for this. Women are not responsible for abuse that men do to them; nobody is responsible for their partner abusing them. If I never saw people spit this bullshit again it would be too soon.
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Garou's "Crush"
I wanted to make this little meta as soon as I read Chapter 170. Long story short, I couldn't at the time, but I can now and apparently there's some discourse going on? IDK. There's a reason I generally avoid Twitter  ̄へ ̄
Anyways, here's my two cents about that time Murata tried to "no-homo" Garou and, in my opinion, ended up backfiring wonderfully. Keep in mind, this is coming from an asexual, so my understanding about sexuality and romantic attraction may be skewed.
So, let's digest this panel:
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In it, Bang makes the valiant attempt to bond over what he thinks is a safe subject matter. Garou's a young man, right? And what do all teenage boys have in common? Their raging hormones and crushes, obviously. Only, Garou doesn't seem all to keen to discuss this particular topic. Blabbing about the rotten morality of so-called "heroes" to some random stranger? A-okay. Admitting he has a crush to his father figure? Atrocious.
In fact, look at the facial expressions Garou's making:
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Dude is looking like he's gay straight up not having a good time. He looked shocked and anxious and uncomfortable (just look at that sweat). And, yeah, the phrase "if you twist my arm" can, and frequently is, taken to be more sarcastic than genuine, Garou isn't really someone known for masking his feelings all that well. His facial expressions are vast and he always shows his genuine feelings, whether they're shock or fury or fear. (good compilation of Garou's many expressions compiled by someone more talented than me: https://the-nysh.tumblr.com/post/185831833031/garous-so-cute-and-more-like-his-age-when-his)
But he does give in and provide a name. And, honestly, his answer made everything clear to me. Like how Saitama knew Garou wasn't "Absolute Evil" despite all his bluster, I knew Garou wasn't Straight™ with this one answer.
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Garou names a character. Not a real person, but a character from a show he, most likely, watched as a kid. This is like back in school when any gay kid in the closet would go "I'm not gay, I totally love Britney Spears", or maybe "No, yeah, I totally love boys, I've got a Jack Sparrow poster up in my room". You know the drill. Celebrities are a safe "crush" because they are unattainable, and you will never have to actually act on such a declaration. Fictional characters, by virtue of being -you know- NOT REAL offer even more separation. (And the reason I bring up the fictional character angle, is because Garou remembers her character from the show before her name, suggesting that he has more of an attachment to the character than the actress).
So now he's done it. He's declared a crush. He's answered the question. He's safe. Now what?
Subject Change.
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The very first chance he gets, Garou shifts the topic immediately to something else. And look at that. The cockiness is back. The sweat is gone. I daresay, he looks ecstatic to be talking about literally anything other than a girl he supposedly likes.
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Just look at his smile (ಥ ◡ ಥ)
And if that weren't enough. We are told exactly why Garou picked this character, this actress, of all the others at his disposal.
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Okay. So, first off, that's sad. Like, major oofs here for Garou and his Mommy issues. Secondly, you mean to tell me that Garou likes this woman because she seems kind? Really? That's the main reason? Because, not to get too shippy on what is supposed to be a semi-serious sexuality analysis.........BUT, do you know who else is really kind? Someone who gives off major "familial" vibes? (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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Hmmmm, I wonder if there's someone Garou's met who he's seen to be very kind and protective over his ward.
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Some who, thematically, represents the strong familial love Garou has never had and, apparently, craves. Someone who is closer to his age and he might be able to relate to. Someone who, canonically, he operates on a similar wavelength with?
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I dunno, just a thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways, thanks for playing "no-homo" Murata, but I'm afraid I'm still sitting tight on this Batarou train. Maybe next time ;)
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arshipweek · 1 month
AR Ship Week - Fanwork Recs in 2024
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This is the second weekly post in the lead up to Alex Rider Ship Week.  3 weeks to go!
This week we’ve got a selection of shippy fanwork recs submitted by members of the fandom.
**Please note that I haven’t listed all the details for the fics so take care to read the tags on AO3 before diving in!
Devotion by countessrivers Tender, like a fresh wound, the kind you can't help but press a finger on to relish in the pain.
Adjournment by icebluecyanide I could have read three tournaments just to get more Yalex interactions!
To The Sea by Suzie_Shooter To the sea is a bitter sweet roadmovie except it’s a beautifully written fanfic. It has drama and angst and love. It’s beautiful.
Devil in Disguise by Polarnacht Yassen catches Alex spying and has his way with a chained-up Alex, who doesn't mind very much at all. Very hot yalex smut with some great d/s vibes and also tentacles.
Excellently written tentacle porn. What more could you want?
Spare the Rod by countessrivers Some great kinky Yalex in an AU where Yassen poses as a teacher at Point Blanc. Really enjoyed it!
A different kind of sacrifice by limnal A very unique Celtic AU where Yassen is a druid and he and Alex have to consummate their arranged marriage. Very cool setting and some very hot smut.
A Winter Offering by LastlyMatt Absolutely love the vibes of this fantasy AU, where Alex is left behind in the forest as an offering to the spirit of the forest (Yassen). Some wonderful descriptions here and some lovely angst.
A fantasy AU where Alex has been chosen as a human sacrifice for Yassen, a woodland spirit. Hot and sweet with some beautiful imagery.
Contain An Inferno by Rirren A deliciously dark AU where Martin Wilby keeps Alex prisoner after Ian dies. The Yassen pov is great here, both so cold and detached and yet so captivated by Alex and yearning for something real. Really loved this one!
Yassen finds Alex, chained up and abused in Martin Wilby's bed. Yassen is a bad man, and I love every moment of it.
Sweet Amnesia by Myulalie Some great Yalex dubcon. Love Alex's determination to save his uncle despite the cost and the vivid descriptions of the surroundings. Loved it!
Exit Strategy by BoldAsBrass A really fun story where Yassen and Alex meet again on a mission and are both unimpressed by Yassen's latest employer. Yassen's pov gives the story a hilarious dry tone and I love the developing relationship dynamic between him and Alex. Really enjoyed this one!
Calming the Storm by TheOtherBlue Yassen takes care of keyed up Alex in a way only Yassen can. Hot & intense and yet there is so much undercurrent love and gentleness, perfect mix.
Falling Slowly by RavenJames "Classic" Yassen buys Alex in an auction fic with a great twist at the end and lofts of messy, conflicted feelings and a loaded past
The Catventures of Alex Rider by LastlyMatt Alex gets turned into a little kitten and Yassen adopts him, having no idea the real identity of his new pet. Fluffy and sweet, read this one a bunch of times for cozy cuteness.
Who By Brave Assent by TheOtherBlue Dub con fucking for a mission, Yassen enjoying the strange kind of intimacy it affords him, Alex losing virginity and niavety, but not having too bad a time.
Petty Crime by EnviousWriter Not many fics explore how much Yassen was messed up by Alex. This one is basically my headcanon of Yassen being unable to continue on with his normal life after Eagle Strike. The plot is fun and the interactions between Yassen and Alex are a joy.
glass and paper by greenkite (shirohyasha) Devilverse AU, Alex trying to take some measure of control over his future by getting Yassen to take his virginity, from Yassen's perspective and his insistence on studying Alex's reactions purely as an asset and being emotionally/physically unaffected not being convincing at all.
High Wire by fredbasset 24 year old Alex Rider being more of a menace than ever, even getting a chance to try his hand at a victorious villain monologue. Sharp, witty, really compelling look at Alex and Yassen ten years on, post-scorpia, still on opposite sides, but still loyal to each other, even when work tries to intervene.
The Stowaway by TheOtherBlue An excellent canon divergence where Alex becomes stuck with Yassen on the Fer de Lance after boarding it in the Eagle Strike book. It starts out reading like canon, then gradually morphs into something much darker (and very hot). I love how sinister but in-character Yassen is here.
This feels VERY in character and believable to me. Yalex and Coster and how it's intertwined and all that
Alone together by Ireliss This work about how past sexual trauma affects Yassen and Alex’s life together is beautiful, moving, quietly sad and hopeful. It’s incredibly well-written.
Falling for you in time and space by kelkblr This is such a sweet romantic series. I love the concern Yassen has for Alex, and I love the way they become each other's family through their isolation. The setting is so well researched and feels so real too.
Coma White by hjbender Yassen captures Alex in Japan. Dark, dreamlike and compelling.
Specific Performance by BurntWhisper Yassen has been instructed to kill Alex but has to decide whether to see it through or not. They both choose to make the most of their potentially-limited time together. Extremely hot with a rough, dominant Yassen. The characterisation of both Alex and Yassen is on point.
The Right Touch by Strange_Soulmates A Star Wars AU where ISB Lieutenant Yassen is trying to track down the rebel agent Alex, resulting in some very, very hot dream dubcon. Really great adaptation of canon character dynamics.
We Keep Meeting Each Other Like This by TheOtherBlue Very hot, very well written, and I love the escalation that comes with each meeting.
Salt, Smoke and Water by Too_Many_Rooks Gender flipped Yalex. So well written, very hot, and with that excellent dubcon/Yassen is kind of a bastard element.
A Friend Indeed by Too_Many_Rooks The meetings between Yassen and Alex with the time jumps between them give a great impression of time passing and Alex getting older, and changing, Yassen borderline pining, but it's still a very neat and coherent story that grows into its ending. There's sex and angst and regret and murder and Alex being a little shit. It's perfect.
A Timely Rescue by TheOtherBlue Just really hot and such a compelling meeting between Alex and Yassen. Time travel and dubcon is a great mix of tropes as well.
Her Finger On The World by countessrivers Who doesn't love Julia being a creep? Also Yassen is so precious here,,,,
Netflix And Kill by Suzie_Shooter This was literally the first Yalex fic I ever read.
Sweet Amnesia by Myulalie TV Yalex with a different first meeting. Even with Alex not knowing Yassen's identity the danger and connection between them is tangible, and the sex is dark and hot.
I Can See You by countessrivers Stalking fic that is honestly really sweet. I love Yassen's weird way of showing affection.
Hold Me Down by countessrivers Julia/Yassen/Alex vampire feed-fuck threeway. Need I say more? I will. Manipulative, seductive, mind-controling Julia, puppetting Alex and Yassen like they're toys for her pleasure, using Alex for his blood, his body, his potential, his connection to his father, and taking whatever she pleases. One of my all time favourites. Julia/Yassen/Alex
Притворство и подражание - Pretense and emulation by peeltheavocado A young Yassen and John Rider go on an assignment in a hospital. Yassen makes a snap decision to prevent their cover being blown. This is first-person Yassen POV and it’s done very well. John/Yassen
hold me tight and fear me not by thealphaaxolotl. I am an Alexmis fan first and foremost and this fic is incredible. I've read it dozens of times and it only gets better. Alex Rider/Artemis Fowl II
Explorations in Parenthood by Too_Many_Rooks Technically a series, but a very sweet and fun Ian/Yassen au. Baby Alex is simultaneously adorable and a menace. Ian/Yassen
A Series of Unexpected Events by kelkblr Really well written exploration of not just an on/off Ian/Yassen relationship, but of how Ian joins the Department and him raising Alex. Filling in the gaps implied by the shows first episode, evening bringing in one of the short stories. I regularly reread this one. Ian/Yassen
If Wishes Were Horses by fredbasset Aaaaand this was the first AR fic I ever read!
Only Once in Paris by Zombieheroine Points for characterization and originality. Also this is so me coded.
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mixelation · 1 year
I would love to see you rank Akatsuki by how shippable they are with Kakashi
oh my god. called out. but i will answer. CRACKS KNUCKLES
tbh this was kind of hard to write because even though i love akatsuki ships AND i love kakashi ships, there's not a lot of.... like..... easy/natural chemistry going on here??
least to most shippable
9. Zetsu - Does anyone ship Zetsu? No. Get out of here, Zetsu.
8. Pein - I think the connection here would be like. Similar Traumas (tm) and I know some people like this but I don't LMAO. That or missing-nin!Kakashi joins Akatsuki because he likes what Pein is selling philosophically, and it turns into one of those "loyal follower sets themselves apart in order for leader to notice them Romantically" which is another dynamic I know some like but I don't.
7. Kisame - Kisame is Chill For An Evil Villain and I think he'd admire Kakashi's philosophy of ninja who abandon their comrades being less than trash. He'd be annoyed but not lose his mind over some of Kakashi's more annoying traits. But, idk, this ship doesn't really have enough Spice for me.
6. Itachi - I like the fanon that Itachi and Kakashi were friendly in ANBU, and for a long time I liked the idea of them running into each other years later and reconnecting in a more shippy way. But I have rotated and rotated this and I cannot make it work in a shippy way. I've read some fics and they else seem to just not have.... a spark? a Spice? There's something missing. I just like them more with a platonic dynamic.
5. Sasori - There are some interesting parallels and contrasts and vague plot connections between these two, but oh my GOD is it hard to fit them all together in a compelling way. There's probably something in "Your father killed my parents and it fucked me up for life" vs "Yeah well, then he also killed my father and fucked me up for life" but you will have to work so hard to extract it. Sasori and Kakashi are antisocial weirdos in opposing ways and GETTING them to the point where you can do anything is so hard.
4. Kakuzu - Despite fighting each other, canon failed to produce any emotional connection at all between Kakuzu and Kakashi, which is unfair to us all. Kakuzu is ranked here because he's the first person on this list I can see getting into bed with Kakashi without the writer having to do a shit ton of work. Kakuzu fucks. Kakashi fucks. I think under the right circumstances they'd fuck each other. If I wrote it, I'd have a Catfishing AU where they're both trying to lure the other one out to collect Dat Bounty but they're doing it via the lonely hearts section of a newspaper. Anyway their public personas don't impress each other but once they switch to private letters they both realize they're both weird kinky freaks. Kakuzu WAS trying to catfish you in that he lying about his age and name and sent a fake photo, but somehow he was not lying about the tentacles.
3. Hidan - I think Kakashi and Hidan would make eye contact across a bar and then go hook up. I just think they're both like this. Maybe they run into each other again later and are like, "fuck it, why not?" It's a very straight forward relationship and both somehow miss all the ways the other one is completely unhinged. ALTERNATIVELY, Hidan thinking Kakashi's suffering and wallowing is so, so beautiful.
2. Deidara - Okay. Do you remember his "sees Itachi for the first time" face? I think Deidara would make this face at a raikiri. And as we all know, Deidara is at his cutest when screaming because someone is actively trolling him, and Kakashi loves trolling people. I don't think Deidara would be very impressed with Kakashi's dedication to a never ending mourning period, BUT I think there's room for interesting character growth on both sides here. Also I just think Kakashi should fuck him. As a little treat
I. Konan - Okay. Listen. My ideal Kakashi het ship is "weird damp man and woman who would crumple him up and wring him out like a paper towel." This is them. Kakashi literally only knows how to take care of his loved ones by going out and killing their enemies and Konan thinks this is so sweet. She doesn't NEED him to, but he does go out and kill people she hates and he's not even weird about it. Kakashi murdered more specific enemies of the Ame or Akatsuki than the Akatsuki. Very cute. Also they'd look good together. ALSO the pairing of her blank, judgmental stare and his trolly grin. Excellent vibes all around
Orochimaru (between Deidara and Konan) - They would hook up specifically for the psychic damage to everyone they know.
Obito (True Number One) - OBVIOUSLY. Rivals to friends to enemies to lovers! The mutual obsession! Bonus identity porn!
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riacte · 1 month
Part of the weirdness about m/f ships feels like this kind of performativity from insecure queer teens? At least I think so based on my own experiences. I've always been a big multishipper who likes f/f m/m m/f and any other kind of ship equally but there was awhile where I felt kinda ashamed if I liked a m/f ship "too much" bc I felt like I wasn't gay enough. Like I wasn't queer enough if I didn't ship gay ships enough. Even now (tho I've gotten better) I still feel this obligation to keep the ratios of ship fics I read "even" so I can prove I'm still a good queer. I think in my case it's probably part of my internalized biphobia (since I feel a similar obligation to make I prove I have attraction to all genders and am really bi "enough" in my actual daily life) and it's a similar feeling of stress at having to constantly police your own identity/attraction/interests.
It's unfortunate that this kind of insecurity in how queer we are seems so common in queer people especialky those of us who are young one w/out much actual dating experience (who make a large part of this fandom. This sort of "who even ships m/f lol gay ships only" I've seen others in this fandom doing feels very much like a way of coping with that insecurity, by proving you're gay enough through your ships. I'm sure there are plenty of people who simply are just not interested in m/f but I'm sure there are also others like me, trying to prove we're queer enough by carefully curating our fandom interests.
My thoughts on m/f ships is that the end of the day, shipping is just shipping. It doesn't actually necessarily say much about your sexuality or what you actually want in a relationship and certainly doesn't mean you're less queer.
(Obviously there are other factors too in the weird attitude ppl in the mcyt fandom have about m/f ships, but this is one that has affected me a lot and I've never seen anyone else talk about it so I wanted to bring it up. Idk I hope I made sense)
Thanks for the ask! It was really nice seeing this as a bi person who heavily mains m/f and sometimes feels bad for it (I also main friendships but I mained m/f reallllly hard pre 2020 aka. before this fandom).
Yeah, I feel like it could also be like "we see so much m/f in real life so we should go hard on the other options to even it out". This fandom specifically there's been problems of irl truthing in comments so I completely understand why people shy from it, but it's 2024, we're quite developed in the character vs cc divide, shipping m/f isn't the end of the world.
I do feel guilt over maining m/f (then liking f/f and m/m, in that order, yes Treebark is the exception and my first m/m that I really got into), like for a looong time I was pretty sure it was just terrible heteronormativity that I needed to kill, but now I feel like it's a mix of heteronormativity (which I fight like daily lmfao) and just. being attracted to men and women both. Because when I write m/f, I can write about being attracted to women and men all in one neat package. And it feels "equal" to me. I do tend to prefer pieces of media with an equal gender ratio, or at least the leads are (eg. Miraculous Ladybug (my ex fandom lmao), Kagerou Project (ex fandom, stares into the distance), Spy x Family, Assassination Classroom) so I can love male and female characters. When reading fics, I like reading about loving a man from a woman's pov and loving a woman from a man's pov. Even in HC with its highly uneven gender ratio, this manifests in the corner I've tucked myself into (False, Ren, Stress, Iskall, etc). Although I do also like media with mostly female characters - Love Live (another ex fandom lol), Precure, Madoka Magica, Nikkiverse - and I do read stuff, I just don't really write for them because I wanna write about girls AND guys. Shippy or not. And this leads me to main m/f a lot. That's my personal taste.
Side note: as a kid, I was frustrated by media aimed at boys which had like a whole cast of boys and one token (cardboard cutout) girl AND media aimed at girls which had a whole cast of girls and almost no boys. 9yo me in co-ed school was like "well this doesn't feel very pro gender equality, I want books with the same amount of boys AND girls :((((( oh wait. I can just write it." And.... it ended up defining what I write now? Even outside of shipping, I like m+f friendships a lot. Because I still get to write about a guy and a girl even if they don't kiss or whatever. Idk. Am I cursed with an extreme case of heteronormativity and / or internalised homophobia or am I bisexual. Maybe both. Idk.
Maybe I do have boring stupid milquetoast hetero taste whatever but I'm having a good time in my fandoms and my ships / dynamics. I like writing about my guys and girls and I'll keep on doing it. And I am queer. I am bisexual. This doesn't change.
Anyways watching HTTYD at a young age changed me. Hiccstrid you will always be my origin story <3
Thanks for the ask again! We don't have to prove our queerness because we are queer. Everyone has different tastes. And m/f does get a bad reputation in queer spaces because oftentimes it's done badly and ofc the enemy.... heteronormativity [evil].
Final note re sibling fanon: if you have to turn friends into siblings just to show you're not shipping, you are coming back to heteronormativity. Why can't a (straight) man and a (straight) woman be friends only. What assumptions are you making?
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royjamieprompts · 9 months
Roy/Jamie prompt: Roy takes a knock to his head and ends up with mild amnesia. Unfortunately, he thinks it's S1 and Jamie's that upstart prick he can't stand. In actuality they've been married a couple of years now. Jamie is devastated, especially when Roy utterly rejects him and wants a divorce ASAP! No one is gonna stand for that and amnesia or not, Roy gets read the riot act by several people, especially Phoebe who's not going to lose her uncle Jamie. Roy relents and actually agrees to get to know his husband. They somehow fall in love all over again. Then Roy's memory comes flooding back out of the blue and he's sick with guilt over how he's treated Jamie. Jamie is just too happy to have Roy back fully to care about how deeply he's been hurt by this whole, exhausting ordeal.
There's so much angst to this!
Though I'm going to put it out there that no one should be too hard on Roy here, since:
1. he has a traumatic brain injury and
2. even though that's not the point, since we're being shippy, if it's s1 Jamie, it's s1 Roy which means he also has to deal with not being a footballer anymore because of his shit knee all over again.
The man would be going through it. I think him immediately overreacting to being married to Jamie makes a lot of sense in this context, especially if it's, like, the first thing anyone tells him. He doesn't know how to process his emotions on a good day.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Inbox being weird again, had to repost (sorry, anon!)
What are your thoughts on IWTB? It’s now on hulu and I am like 15 minutes in to a rewatch (I’ve watched FtF a truly offensive number of times but have only seen this once, when it first came out) and am absolutely incensed already. I’m having trouble making sense of their characters, they seem so OOC to me — even with the understanding that they are (possibly both) depressed and life on the run has really jaded and hardened them. Also its so weird to me that Amanda Peet reaches out to touch Mulders cheek bc he cut himself shaving? Just bizarre behavior all around!
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It is a truly bizarre movie. I've not seen it; but I have done extensive research on it, if that makes sense. I think it can be summed up by this one Tumblr post I saw (and lost, someone help me find it!) that noted Mulder requested a helicopter for himself and Scully to, essentially, walk a few street blocks to the next location. Because CC wanted a helicopter in his movie and he was going to get it, somehow, someway.
Below is a tragically long post filled with article links for more enjoyment~.
(**Note**: Will edit this post later, brb.)
TLDR: A movie/tv series worth its salt is well-written, end of story. It doesn't matter how excellent or in-character the themes or motifs or etc. are if the characters are badly written or act out-of-turn. You cannot have a god-tier theme about fighting back the Darkness and seeking for the Truth if at every opportunity the characters themselves reject the message continually in ways that make no sense, especially when they have a history of stellar characterization and well-thought-out opinions and actions. This movie is a prime example of that.
There are numerous blogs here that have already (rightfully) griped about IWTB, so I won't go into plot nonsense or whatnot. But I DO have interviews that show how roughshod the movie making process was before it even hit theatres, so....
I first heard about IWTB's flaws peripherally through this article (that trashes the Revival, highly recommend. Written by a CC fan, too, so it's not a bash-sesh against the Creator.) It spoke endearingly-ish about IWTB, believing it to be more in-character than the Revival (yup.... unfortunately.) Then I started perusing fan opinions... and everyone pretty much agreed it was awful in most parts and shippy in others.
TBH, shippy doesn't mean squat to me. Maybe it's how I'm wired, but I was drawn to The X-Files because the romance is so unspoken with very light kisses. I 100% get Chris Carter's restraint perspective; but I also get the fans' perspective, that it's gone too far to ignore or take back. An example: the movie sets up a "gasp, really??" mystery that Scully is a doctor with a life separate from Mulder, driving over to him to try to get him involved in the FBI manhunt. It's taken back almost immediately when Mulder later springs up beside her in bed, but it's those little touches that start to confuse the message. And then throw in Scully insisting Mulder join the chase while Gillian Anderson acted her completely opposite to what she was saying and you start to see the mess unravel. Then Mulder tosses aside his loyalty to Scully-- something that is KEY to his character, having formerly left his life's work for her and even left his newborn son when she told him to-- to chase the very monsters she begged him to chase but is now begging him not to. There is no reason given other than "It's who I am", which is NOT who Mulder is: he is a man willing to sacrifice who he is and what makes him tick over and over for Scully's sake. This not only breaks his character in-movie, it nullifies all his actions and choices in the original series, stripping them of their consequences and weight.
The movie, I believe, was supposed to be about Mulder and Scully scrabbling against the Darkness while also lost in confusion: they're together but Scully feels threatened by Agent Whitney, Mulder no's the case before getting wrapped up into it, Scully supports then withdraws her support (and LEAVES??), both rely on the word of a pedophile priest (a similar alliance to Luthor Lee Boggs but creepier and less redeemable... and even Boggs wasn't redeemed), and finally Scully casts aside her doubts to get back in the saddle and save Mulder. It seems a compelling story, no? ...No.
An example of the "confusion" theme of the plot: When Mulder meets up with the other agents to discuss terms (I suppose), the camera briefly pans to random people walking past him in the hallway-- one of them is the actress who played his little sister in the OG series; and the camera makes it a point for Mulder to notice that fact... but so briefly and quickly it never made an impression on him permanently, a.k.a. a seeming callback. BUT when Scully yells at him (before? after? I dunno) about always looking for his sister, this is the scene that was supposed to back her up? In which case: dude, we all saw the Samantha Agent. She did, indeed, look like Samantha; and she had NOTHING to do with this case. The only explanation Scully had for her tasteless remark was that she thought Mulder was full-on delusional or so stubborn he was projecting his own demons onto this case. Y'know... the case he didn't want and only got more involved in to SAVE LIVES. In which case, it doesn't fit with the themes of the movie at all: Mulder was right here, Scully was wrong; but the movie stated that SCULLY was right, or at least half-right, and Mulder was at least half-wrong. It's all nonsense.
The dialogue is atrocious. Absolutely appalling. Which makes sense to an extent: CC and Spotnitz had this movie written out right after the series ended as an attempt to gain back the studio's attention. No such luck; and when FOX was finally interested to make more money, the script notes were accidentally lost; so CC and Frank blitzkrieged up a final draft in just a few weeks (very not good.) This and this article breaks down how Spotnitz (in his own words) watched CC battle FOX from the sidelines for the movie, then scramble with him to complete a draft in time for filming; and it explains (but doesn't justify) the stilted dialogue, horrendous pacing issues, and disjointed theme. To summarize:
""Frank Spotnitz: ...The pressure in television is incredible because you’ve got to keep coming up with another script, another script, another script. The movie was completely different. We started work on the story in 2003, and then got derailed for four years by deal-making and the threat of a lawsuit. Then when we returned to it in 2007, we’d lost our notes.
Lost your notes?
Frank Spotnitz: We’d put them on note cards to pitch the studio, and we couldn’t locate them. At first, we were very unhappy, but it ended up being a blessing in disguise. We remembered what the case was about, but the emotional beats, the personal beats between Mulder and Scully, we had to start from scratch, and we had changed."" 
Frank Spotnitz claims it was effortless to get back in their characters' heads; and, while that may be true, it was certainly not effortless to put them down on paper.
The messaging of the movie was so confusing that Mark Snow, the composer, didn't read all of it correctly (which is important for the person composing the score for each scene):
""Now the plot of I Want To Believe has characteristically remained a secret – I don’t suppose you can tell us anything about what we can expect from this film?
Well the interesting part was, when I read the script the first thing I got out of it was deep, dark complexity and I spoke to Chris Carter afterwards and he said ‘what do you think?’, I said ‘man, it’s so complex and dark and mysterious’, and he said ‘and it’s a love story with religious overtones…’ Okay! He said ‘just keep that in mind’ and you know I re-read it and I got what he meant, and then seeing the movie I certainly got what he meant. Besides the Mulder and Scully relationship there are some other very very emotional, intimate if you would, moments there that do add spiritual and religious weight to it...."" 
This article does well at picking apart the claims (some ludicrous) for and against the movie But, for time's sake, let's skip to the summary of the very sloppy (and downright goofy) climax of the movie:
""The biggest shortcoming may be that the case is solved by both Mulder and Scully independently and simultaneously, and thanks to coincidences on both their behalf. Mulder’s investigative skills lead him to the villain thanks to a simple visit to a local store; stem cell research for organ transplants and for curing Christian allow the two storylines to cross, but Scully having a revelation by finding the villain’s research on the internet through a non-related search draws the odds extremely. There is little actual investigation and the case is wrapped up too quickly. All those are little things — but they pile up to too much.""
Both the actors had "notes" and "questions" (read here) about their characters when they first got the script, with Gillian Anderson admitting how hard it was to find her character (post here)--
""Gillian Anderson: I had a similar experience. This feels so weird. Summertime. I didn’t have all the running around that David had to do, but I did have my own unfortunate beginning which was starting with one of the most difficult scenes for Scully in the film where it’s later on in the script and she goes through a range of emotions in confronting Billy Connolly’s  character. I just had a really time for those first couple of days that that scene was. I had a really hard time just finding her, finding her voice. I think I must’ve gone through ten other characters in the process of trying to get to her when I had assumed that I would be able to show up on the first day and it would just be there. It wasn’t until I think day three when we got to work together, not just necessarily in a familiar environment which it really wasn’t, but in the environment of each other and the relationship and that it kind of felt natural and familiar and I felt like I’d landed this time."" --
but it was David Duchovny who was surprisingly the most honest to the press about his (measured) thoughts, as he's usually the most reticent. He always wanted to do a movie series, liking the scope and freedom it would give him with acting and scheduling; but he mentioned, once or twice, that he wished IWTB had been a bigger action film in the vein of FTF. Further, he admits to an interviewer about his thoughts and his (slight) dissatisfaction with Mulder's out-of-character element here:
""Since The X-Files: I Want to Believe may not have been the huge blockbuster that everyone was hoping for, we’d like to know: What is your own measure of success for the movie?
Duchovny: I guess it’s always the first time I see the movie. What’s my feeling when I come out? I always felt like the subject matter of this particular movie was limiting. It was dark, and it wasn’t going....
I’ve only seen it one time, and I was sitting in Chris’ editing room. I watched it on a little screen. I guess I missed the chance to see it on the big screen, and that’s too bad, but when I left that initial screening at Chris’ house, the film was pretty much almost done except for some special effects. I just felt like it was really strong and kind of a strangely moving piece of work. Still dark, and still, I thought, limited, but the way that the movie performed did not surprise me so much, and I think that if we do get a chance to do another one … what I always really liked about the show was that it had a dark vision, but at the heart of it being driven by Mulder was this real optimism or wonder or sense of belief, and then it would kind of open out. Most of the best shows that we did would open out into real wonder at the end, if only because you didn’t have an answer, which was the mystery of it, but the wonder.
Mulder’s quest, to me, is a very positive one. If we get a chance to do another one, I think because in this movie Mulder kept getting reinvigorated, Mulder was in a down place for much of this film; he wasn’t driving the way he drives, the way he drove everything before that. In a way, the nature of how we had to get back into the show, which was to take the guy out of his job, also deprived the movie of some optimism and wonder and enlightenment that occurs when you’ve got this unhinged guy trying to prove wonderful crazy things.""
And while DD defended IWTB's box office failings as having to compete against Batman, one of the previous articles I linked had the savvy to tackle that reason and debunk it:
""The defenders of IWTB will endlessly complain about the budget (but look at what a feast Darren Aronofsky did with $35 million: “The Fountain” (2006)), the fact that it’s low-key ‘intellectual’ and not blockbuster-like (so is “There Will Be Blood” (2007), $25 million, and countless other generally agreed upon masterpieces), the lousy promotion (but look at what good word of mouth can do with a movie few believed in in the beginning: “The Matrix” (1999), $65 million), the unforseen success of “The Dark Knight” as competition (hardly an argument) or trends in selfish cinema critics (as if a bad reception is the sole result of a conspiracy).
However what will remain in history is not the whys and hows but the what: the final product itself. And the truth is that if IWTB featured characters other than Mulder and Scully, this would be a not very memorable movie.""
Needless to say: the entire movie's a mess, and it's down to the roots. While beautiful visually and musically-- all the reviews and cast and crew had nothing to say against that-- the characters and the script and the plot were a horrible mishmash that highlighted its weaknesses and smashed down its strengths.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble; and sorry if this didn't do what you needed! But you did inspire me to find all the old angry IWTB discussions/posts on Tumblr (archive hopping, heheheh) and put them all in one place. So, look forward to that sometime in the future, I suppose~!
Disclaimers: I do not like canon after S8; and that's only because they get a happy ending and, even though it has garbage canon decisions, the characters were able to save most of it and forget the rest. But I will treat IWTB as its own thing devoid of my personal opinion.
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batrachised · 7 months
tagged by @professionalfangrrl for a twenty questions, fanfic author game!
1-How many works do you have on AO3?
For lm montgomery, three. For star wars, 38.
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
LMM: 14,467. Star Wars: 376,710 [i might have a problem]
3-What fandoms do you write for?
I'll leave you detective sherlocks to work that out
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I've only written 3 lm montgomery fics, and there the top kudos one is sob of fall and song of forest (fun fact: that title is a line from an E. Paulina Johnson poem, whom I discovered LM Montgomery liked after the fact)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
sweats nervously listen...listen....let me tell you something! let me tell you something! i'm a good noodle!
after being unsure when i first started writing, i used to respond to comments religiously because I thought it was nice. then, idk what happened, I think i got busy and stopped doing so right away...and then I waited even longer....and then as a result i barely ever responded to comments and now, after compiling over like the course of a year, my ao3 inboxes have a combined unresponded comments of too many comments to deal with😅
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i feel like this is the only fic i ever mention because I've written so few lmm ones, but Violets - fic about Walter's death. i did once write this sad fic that had a very fluffy lead-up, and it always makes me cackle maniacally like an evil scientist when I get comments on the beginning chapters of people being like "omg this is cute :D" and then them reaching the end and proceeding to scream at me in rage via the comments - the happy-sad switch is something I've used in my writing more than once, and I always enjoy it
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my fics are crack and thereby necessitate happy endings, no one stands out as being more happy than another
8-Do you get hate on fics?
I have like, one time? and it just made me laugh tbh, it was one my first fic and I was like I'VE MADE IT ONLINE! I HAVE HATERS! 😎
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
nope, at least not intentionally (yes it's accidentally happened before - never forget). I tend to avoid romance in general (she says, having about 8 different romantic stories) because writing it is not for me. if I do I tend to make it silly/humorous
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nope, in general I'm not a crossover person. the only fandom where i actually got really into (reading) crossovers was merlin with harry potter, eons ago, all the more funny because I was never a harry potter fan
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yup, although they did credit me. I've written about it before, but one time I had a fic stolen and put up on some website that appeared to be russia's version of ao3. Had a lot of fun translating comments on that one via google translate
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes a couple of times. one time someone asked to translate my fic and I was like sure, just send me the link when you're done! :D and they did and it was short, so I just typed it in instead of copying except I misremembered whether it was a .org or .com and typed the wrong one and accidentally ended up on a porn website that apparently had a nearly identically domain and was like WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO ME D: DID THEY PUT MY FIC HERE D: IT DOESN'T BELONG HERE D: IS THIS A SPAM LINK only to refer back ot the comment and realize my fingers had betrayed me
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope, all me and the workings of my incredibly silly mind
14-What's your all-time favourite ship?
don't have one! not a super shippy person anymore, although I used to be! sometimes I read romance fic but it's usually because I feel like reading romance, not because of the ship itself
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
idk man, I've tried abandoning wips before but my brain doesn't let me. one time i abandoned a fic and then months later, i got the answer to the issue i'd been stuck on in a dream (or at least, upon waking in the middle of the night)
16-What are your writing strengths?
not gonna answer this one because (to me) it feels like a job interview question where you have to paste on a fake smile and talk about all the ways you're great while cowering inside. i like my writing and actually rarely experience the whole reading it over and seeing where it could have been better, not because I think my work is just that amazing, but because I don't really have that fine-tuned writer/artist brain that would give me an interesting answer to this question. i do this for fun, and for free, and for me lmao
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOTTING OUT OUTLINES this one I can answer because I never do this enough and then I always end up several chapters into a fic trying to make it go somewhere that makes sense like
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18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
nope, i don't know another language well enough. i'm so paranoid that when I make up space names for my star wars fic I always google the fake word to make sure it's not a dirty/offensive word in another language 💀it's saved me before.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars, about a year and a half ago! It's been cool to see how different my writing has become in that short period of time!
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
always the last one published or the ones that got the least attention. i loved them <3
tagging @gogandmagog @no-where-new-hero @kehlana-wolhamonao3 @kingedmundsroyalmurder
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dangermousie · 9 months
Let's meet my favorite kdrama cursed prince - Muhyul as portrayed by Song Il Gook in The Kingdom of the Winds
Or more specifically, this very long-ass post is my attempt to convince people to watch this ridiculously underrated 2008 sageuk.
Why? Is it politics? Complicated families, cursed destinies, battles, or more hurt/comfort than you can want? Nope, none of these. I have my priorities straight and it's official. Muhyul/Yeon is one of my favorite period OTPs.
Take one Cursed Prince (who does not know he is one, and is brought up as a slave), add in one capable Enemy Princess who saves his life, add in ninjas (yes I know ninjas are Japanese but I have no idea what the Korean equivalent term is and I am too lazy to type in secret assassins every time), poisonings, intrigues, and a lot of hurt/comfort and we are set!
Once upon a time, there lived a man named Muhyul. He was only a slave but what he did not know was that he was actually a Prince who was given away by his family at birth because he was cursed to kill his whole family, people he loved, and to top it off, to destroy his country. Despite it all, he was still super-hot.
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In the enemy nation of Buyeo, there lived a Princess named Yeon, who was ladylike, kind, a skilled healer....also a deadly ninja.
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Point 1: Heal captured slaves from torture. One day they might be the Crown Prince.
Muhyul first sees Yeon after he has been horrendously tortured by Buyeo troops. He opens his eyes to see a heavenly vision quite competently stitching him up, so to speak. It is love at first sight for Muhyul. And who could blame him. He knows that with the director's troubling penchant for h/c, he will need a hottie healer around.
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Point 2: "Heal a hottie and he is yours for life"
Muhyul spends some free time drawing her portrait. Without knowing who she is or if he will see her again. If the whole slave/assassin/king thing doesn't work out, he can always make money as an artist.
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Point 3: "It's not stalking when he's hot!"
Muhyul is on an undercover mission in the enemy country but he forgets everything when he sees Yeon walking by (btw, he assumes she is just a commoner doctor). I love how he sort of stops thinking of anything else at all.
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And then he thinks of her at night...
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And lo and behond, their paths cross again when she heals a slave in the house he is staying in.
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And he introduces himself to her and she is totally mesmerized. Who can blame her, it's freaking Song Il Gook!
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And "rescues" her from evil Byueo soldiers. Only, oooops, they were sent by her family as escort and she is piiiiiiiiissed!
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"Why did she slap me, whyyyyyy?"
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Still, be happy, boy! Despite it all, she bailed you out of jail for assaulting the Royal Guards :)
Awwww, Muhyul doesn't want to leave...
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Point 4: You know what makes anything better? Torture and homicidal angst
Did I mention the part where Yeon's Dad runs an Evil Assassin camp where they experiment on slaves with poisons and torture them? You see where this is going? If you do, then you have the mindset of both the writer of this drama and myself.
Muhyul gets captured by them (after losing the only person he ever regarded as family, but that would drag us into plot and this post is about the shippy):
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And tortured for a solid year. If he ever marries Yeon, that might make for an awkward family Thanksgiving. "So, how are you, son?" "Well, I almost regained the use of my arms!"
Anyway, Yeon is visiting Daddy and sees some slave being taken out, after they have tried poisons on him. It's Muhyul, so it's Yeon to the rescue! Man, no wonder he loves her - it's self-preservation on his part!
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(this shot here is for troubling reasons)
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And then Muhyul is drafted by evil assassins (long plotty reason) with the only alternative more torture. The training is psychotic and gets Muhyul near-broken utterly but as a side benefit, makes him even more hot. If now mildly psychotic. As you can probably figure out by the end of the drama he's so hot he's a supernova
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Also, as I posted earlier, gorgeous armored men on their knees looking up at their OTP who is teaching them foreign language (because Yeon is an Evil Assassin trainer for daddy) and thinking of the fact that they are a slave and she is a Princess (which is something he found out only in the ninja camp) is pretty high on the list of my favorite things.
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Plus, Yeon takes him out for fresh air and exercise that doesn't involve being hung upside down and being ordered to off oneself. Score! She even makes him smile.
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This is hitting the cap limit for continuing in part 2 shortly...
ETA: part 2 here:
(99+) Musings of the Obsessive Kind on Tumblr
And part 3:
(99+) Musings of the Obsessive Kind on Tumblr
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aikoiya · 11 months
LoZ: TotK - Discussing Zelda Hate
I'mma level with ya'll. I've seen some really dumb takes regarding Zelda hate.
People be complaining & getting so vitriolic about how the house that Link bought last game is now being called "Zelda's house" by the Hateno residents in TotK & dude...
First off, Zelda herself never says that it's "her house," that's all the Hateno residents except in a journal in the English version. And even then, in the original Japanese, she says "the house." (And I'm convinced that the English writers only did that to prevent shipping.) So, why aim all that hate at Zelda? Besides, where do these jerks expect her to live with the castle in such a state of disrepair?
Second of all, Link & Zelda are living together. At least, that's what's implied.
For one, the fact that Zelda needed a secret room means that someone else was living in the house with her or, at the very least, was there frequently enough that she felt she needed her own space. Even in the English version, she comments that Link is "always at her side..." There's also the fact that when Symin sees Link again, his reaction is "you're back." As though Link lived there & had returned home. This plus the fact that Link seemingly gets to vote in Hateno's mayoral election implies that he's a resident of the town.
I also read somewhere that Nintendo was going to put a double bed in the Hateno House, but changed it when parents got all up in arms over it. (Though, this one is just a rumor.)
Even Zelda's va says they're in a relationship. Which, I know, that's just 1 va & thus doesn't confirm anything. But it does lend credence to the idea.
I get it, this is all just implications. But the thing is, Nintendo can really only imply relationships with the main character to begin with.
It's why Mareach still isn't a thing, but Ludaisy is somewhat canon, at least in the Mario Party games based off their team-up names. Because Luigi & Daisy aren't the focus characters & thus have more freedom.
The same can be said for Zelink.
What I don't understand is why people are so against the idea of Zelink being possibly canon. Like, Zelink being canon wouldn't stop you from being able to headcanon & ship something else!
And I can't help but think that Link has to stay single in the games so that manic shippers don't get butthurt. Which sucks!
And, honestly, even if they weren't together, you really think that Zelda would be the sort of person to just move into the man's house, take it over, & kick him out?? She's likely been raised on etiquette & manners & taking a man's house is very much not princess behavior. And, no, you shouldn't just hate her completely based on how she acted towards Link at the beginning of BotW's flashbacks. Things change. Very specifically, her views on Link changed. She's not a bitch to him anymore, so please, stop pretending that she's the same as she was then.
It's more likely that Link gave the house to her. Which, I still don't believe, but it's the more likely option when compared to Zelda just outright being a house theif.
Edit: I was recently told that Zelda refers to the house in Hateno as "her house," but then learned that this was only in the English version. In Japanese, she calls it "the house" & not "my house." And her very last line at the end of the game in both versions are along the lines of "Link, I'm home."
So, while not a confirmation, it certainly doesn't debunk it.
The big thing is, if they didn't want there to be any shippy implications then it would've been pathetically easy to just give her a different house & be done with it.
Instead, they chose to very specifically make it known that Zelda specifically lives in the exact same house that Link canonically buys in the last game & helps build up with his own rupees & resources.
Then, they specifically, make it canon that Link got Hudson & Rhondson together & helped build Terry Town, which is specifically something you cannot do unless you purchase the Hateno House!
They also specify that Link is "always by Zelda's side." That the house has 2 place settings but only 1 bed.
Then, at Terry Town, Link is able to purchase a Dreamhouse, which is specifically advertised to be for families. And the dining table specifically has 4 place settings. Which suggests some things.
And whenever someone asks if Link has someone he loves, his reaction is one of bashfulness! Or to confirm!
They knew what they were doing. They chose to make it look this way. It was intentional.
Let's face it, they're common law married, ya'll.
Link's lowkey King of Hyrule & nobody knows it, which is hilarious!
LoZ Wild Masterlist
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hergan416 · 11 months
The "something else" is Sherlock's facial expressions when John insists on coming with him for the theft.
Sherlock does not want to involve John. I mean, he would have just started with the assumption John was coming with if he did want to involve John.
And then there is this. Like..Sherlock looks annoyed/concerned the whole time John is like "I'm coming with, it involves me, we're partners, even if we end up in the same jail cell."
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He relents...and eventually his face gets better.
And then I'm stuck trying to figure out the nuance in his facial expressions and I start getting lost.
He looks less grumpy but the line is back on his forehead here. What does that mean?
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This is concerned and has the line so maybe concerned??
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[Also that sentiment. Holy shit Sherlock.]
It's not the same as when he's being obviously sarcastic...
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Like idk where I'm really going with this. I just...idk. There is something complicated going on between Sherlock and John this chapter and I'm trying to like. Find the words to describe it.
This all is the lens for the story of what Sherlock experiences that night. He's laying the groundwork for it...John repeatedly tries to make things go back to normal...but for Sherlock they are anything but.
You can kind of see that in the roof scene too, where John realizes that Sherlock is assuming John won't be involved in his mysteries anymore once he becomes a married man.
And there's this...parallel in Sherlock's language re:John to his language re:William being the Lord of Crime in the conversation on the roof:
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I guess I'm just having such a hard time reading Shelock this chapter. He obviously has decided that sacrificing himself for John (and maybe for Liam) is important. He sends John away, letting John assume what he must while also lying about his intentions when going into the house alone... he's certainly not fully answering John's question about the misread and what that means...
[Was he lying about his intentions in the first place? Before all this happened?? Was he always planning to eliminate Milverton?]
Sorry this is so disjointed.
Anyway. Regardless of his intentions...the result is that things are NOT going back to normal, just like he assumed during the conversation on the roof. He protected John from the situation. He is going to jail alone. John can get married without worrying about the evidence against Mary. John may want to go on more adventures...but he doesn't have to worry about doing so while being married because Sherlock has effectively cut him off.
Sherlock communicated his hurt. Communicated that 221b will feel empty without John. Communicated that he has no right to keep John from his life because he likes it better this way.
Like...I do buy "friendship" in this VIZ translation even if I have read Sherlock's feelings as shippy here previously...but it doesn't really matter because there's still this betrayal. And even if Sherlock recognizes the way be was treating Mary was a test to see if she was worthy of John...like there is still this reaction of his to pull back and be like "You don't need her for respect. I respect you, I always have." And like that reaction just breaks my heart a little.
Again. Super rambly, and I don't really have a point, just a lot of feelings.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
The show definitely isn't going with the Loustat route. With the way things are going there's no way anyone would want to root for them, and I think that's probably the point.
yeah tbh like, I think part of why this experience has been so discordant for me is that I sat here like a fuckin tool just inhaling every bit of news for a year and it's like, how many times they said it was a romance, how many times RJ said the characters were important to him, how many times they said the changes they made were small things that wouldn't matter, etc. It's hard to consume the show with a blank slate when you've been given that message for a year. Even the trailers strategically used tons of giffable shippy moments that, when they finally showed up on screen, turned out to not be romantic at all LOL.
So I feel like I'd have a different perception of the show maybe if I hadn't known all that. Then again, sometimes when I watch the episode and make the creative decisions make sense, RJ comes on afterwards and ruins it by undoing the grace I was willing to give him LOL.
I could see it being a grand creative challenge to see how much they can make you hate Lestat and still have you root for them in the end but idk. If that's the show some people want to watch, I hope that's fun. LOL. Like, that's kinda how it is in the books? Lestat is awful and misbehaved and selfish and abusive and we root for him anyway. If it ain't broke don't fix it, idk man. The source was already right there.
There's two things I keep coming back to, though:
Jacob & Sam said in an interview at one point (I wanna say it was SDCC weekend but I can't recall) that even when things were hard between the characters they were informed by the idea of the reunion and it helped to be awful to each other. So I worry that everyone on the production is using that as a horizon line to work towards.
It was just continuously promoted as a romance. AND LIKE THIS IS KINDA ??? idk like was it deliberately misleading marketing? Or is it a show full of like, lazy cishet tropes that doesn't realize how toxic it's coming off? (I am still pointing towards the confrontation from Daniel's soulmates comment where it's like HOW IS THAT THE IMPRESSION YOURE GETTING FROM THIS STORY LOL) ((And not to nitpick RJ harder than deserved, but in Ep6's thing afterwards he kinda brushed it off like it was normal relationship bad decision making and not like, horrifically depraved abuse LMAO.))
This is another point that isn't exactly about what we're talking about right now but SINCE I GOTCHA HERE I also wanna say there's been this really obnoxious trend that I'm seeing in some of the newer & casual fans and I even saw in some reviews, and it's the bad habit of writing off all evildoing as ~ThEY'Re VamMPIreS~~ as a blanket excuse to ignore all bad behavior and pretend that every bad thing they do is simply them "being vampires." And a lot of "WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, IT'S A HORROR/VAMPIRE SHOW" and like !!!!!!! I gotta say those are absolutely ice cold takes.
The entire reason this book was groundbreaking was because it humanized the vampires. And a huge core of the books is analyzing good and evil and the meaning of their lives. The entire idea is "I want to be a good person even though I have to kill humans to survive" and each book has that conversation.
"THEY'RE VAMPIRES" completely misses the point, and some of the drama & violence on this show is so heavy-handed that I wonder if the team takes the THEYRE VAMPIRE approach where it's just carte blanche to act like a fucking asshole lol. And just, idk. I'm not sure it's fair to accuse the team of "missing the point" bc I'm sure they're all educated and understand the books, but it's very obvious to me that this was a way to cash in on a bunch of tacky vampire tropes for the money lol.
The entire point of the books, the reason they were groundbreaking, the reason we love them is that the vampires are still so human. They're capable of hurting others and being hurt. Their interpersonal relationships in the face of eternal loneliness are just as full of compassion and emotion as any other relationship. MAYBE EVEN MORESO BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL BIG VAMPIRE-BRAINED AND EXTRA EMOTIONAL. And I think this theme is REALLY strong with Lestat; obviously we spend the most time with his interiority but he struggles with his relationships and wanting to be loved and wanting to be good, even when he fucks up. And those fuckups are more human than they are vampire.
So idk I find the show very tonally imprecise; I worry that the extreme violence they used was perhaps a ~they're vampires~ decision and they're trying to tell us that to vampires maybe it's not such a big deal? (Hate that lol.) But at the same time, it feels really, idk, gross and uncomfortable to leave horror conventions to use such real world domestic violence tableaus to tell a vampire story. If it's supposed to be fantastical vampire drama we could've done with slightly fewer of the too-real bits, idk. MAYBE I'M SENSITIVE HAHA. But yeah it's just.
I'm sure I'd have a different opinion if I came in cold (and I've been trying to watch like YouTube reactions from new fans to see their impression! It's really interesting!) but it's difficult not to come in with expectations between all the marketing and even just having a foundation of the books.
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