#* actually not even border on it
hualianisms · 8 days
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, rebuilding homes/businesses or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents: (*emergency as Rafah is being bombarded as we speak)
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*only 2 weeks left to donate!):
Gaza Municipality's water campaign: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
guide to buy & send esims to gaza (highly needed, esim supply very low)
Crips for eSims for Gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims, don't have enough $ for an esim plan, or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), you can donate any amt to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care (urgent): Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, medical equipment, and supplies. They need funds for their current campaign to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (paypal) (gogetfunding) (gfm)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
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communistkenobi · 7 months
It’s so funny when liberals lecture communists about not knowing how anything works, that we need to grow up and face the real world etc, while publicly demonstrating that their political imagination is so deeply impoverished that they genuinely believe the only thing the leader of the most powerful country on the planet in all of human history can do is block a slightly more fascist guy from taking his place every four years
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strawberrycowtime · 26 days
doodles pt 2
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closeups under the cut
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yrknight · 2 months
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· ┈ · ┈ · 「 KNIGHTGENDER 」 ✦
Pronunciation: nite-jen-der
a gender related to knights, being a knight, or having knightly traits. This could feel like being a savior or heroic like a knight would be, as brave and courageous as a knight, wanting to be a knight, etc. An alt flag.
The original coiner is @/spirits-gender-coining
IDs are in the alt text!
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A couple of clowns sharing a couple of jokes.
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think-queer · 2 months
If you view any group of trans people as essentially "hysterical whiny women afabs who don't have any real problems and need to shut up" then please stay far far away from me
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ercticisms · 4 months
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i'm high.. but this has to make a little sense
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pollyna · 2 years
Warlock designs them because the kids deserve something nice to remember the whole experience by. It's just a patch but it has two daggers meeting in the middle with a little F/A-18E to complete the scene. Hondo offers to iron them on the jackets and ends up giving a lesson on how to iron things to a group adults. It's pretty funny and the photos Solomon takes are even better. He asks Maverick if he needs his ironed too and he smiles before saying no thank you, I have someone waiting home before leaving the base for a month. His answer isn't really an answer but Hondo has worked with him long enough to know he isn't going to get a much better explanation.
They, collectively, see him at the briefing thirty one days after, all twelve with their patch on the jacket and Maverick's is proudly occupying a spot under the one of his first squadron. He seems relaxed, his skin a little darker and a ring is decorating his left hand, on his fourth finger. The strangest things is that he's smiling and he seems free and light as the wind itself while he walks around the Naval complex. Cyclone jocks that some poor soul finally agreed to marry him and Fitz looks at Rooster for answer he doesn't have. Maverick smiles at them and doesn't answer a single question they have related to his private life but, on the other hand, he has an idea too many on what to do with them now: he talks about a permanent base and of maintaining their formations as permanent. He talks about training them for something new and a little different without going in too many details and to let them teach some of the classes for the new TOP GUN round. He talks and talks for almost an hour straight and not even Cyclone knows what to say to him or how to stop him. Hondo finds it hilarious and the ideas are actually pretty good and they can make it happen for real this time, not as for the others hundreds of projects Mav always has around his mind. At the end they have to reschedule the whole meeting because the Admirals have to study all the new projects and they have to evaluate what is possible and what is not.
Even the office seem different when the whole squad, and Hondo, arrives in front of it. It looks homier and there are so many new photos and books and things that weren't around before. There's a couch on the right side of the room and it's green with a pillow too many on it, but Maverick isn't there. Phoenix is looking at the window, the one she swears he always has closed, when she notice that someone is sitting on banch in a garden she didn't even know they had around. It's two someone's, one of them is Maverick and the other one is a tall blond man who is looking right in his eyes and smiling while he shares is lunch with the Captain. He has a golden ring on his left hand too and when he kisses Maverick their cheeks are a little red and their giggling like little girls and they seem so happy to the point that Phoenix finds herself laughing softly too. Oh, so he's back Rooster says softly and only now she realises they're all watching at the same thing. That's Mav's husband, they were a part for almost two years and before that they were the worst kept secret of the Navy. Everyone is looking back at the garden and Maverick has his husband's face between his hands and they're kissing, and kissing a little more.
A week from that moment on Mav's door and desk the new plates will announce you're in the presence of the Rare Admiral Pete Maverick Mitchell-Kazansky.
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men who show their love instead of saying it out loud but their love is so heavy you can practically hear it anyways>>>>>>>>>
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space-writes · 3 months
Happy WBW! 🦙 - What are the large animals like in your world?
happy WBW! what a wonderful excuse to talk about wyverns!
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Assumed to be ‘descended’ from dragons, wyverns range from the size of a pony to a little larger than an elephant. There are regional variants, but all of them have two powerful hind legs, wings with very mobile foreclaws, some kind of stinger, and the ability to smell/sense magic.
Like dragons—well, like Sirsassa, since she’s the only one still around that most people know about—they need to consume meat and magic to survive. Without magic, they’ll be weak and tired constantly, though they won’t starve to death. Feeding them can be as simple as making sure they drink magic-infused water regularly, or as involved as providing a steady stream of enchanted items (you can also feed them magic users, but that’s generally frowned upon). The stronger the magic they consume, the more powerful they are.
Their ability to sense magic means they’re often drawn to large concentrations of it, which can be a problem when they’re wild—fending them off from places of magical study requires a whole system of infrastructure. Out in the Wilds themselves, clusters of wyverns are sometimes used as a way to try and locate lost/forgotten artefacts—if there’s a huge amount of wyverns in a location, there must be a magical food source nearby.
Osevian (northern area of Valloroth, very cold and snowy, leading up into even arctic areas) wyverns are smaller, and usually white, blue, or grey. Wyverns in the Wilds are typically green, brown, or tan coloured, and much more aggressive than any other. Morandae (which is largely forest and jungle) has wyverns with camouflage style colouration that can shift patterns, and the alythiri elves there have domesticated some. In northern Mohaade (which is the main part I’ve developed) they’re russet brown/tan, and are more ambush desert predators. They have powerful venom stingers, but much smaller wings, and they live in little burrows!
Voi’xindiirin (draconic empire) wyverns are black, large and powerful, and have the most domesticated breeds. The Voi’xindiiri military breed very large ones, with oversized venom glands and large stingers, and there’s also a sort of ‘wyvern fancier’ scene among the wealthy elite, with smaller breeds bred to be delicate, and to have more unique appearance and a calmer temperment.
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Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @reininginthefirewriting @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph @sam-glade @viscerawrites (ask to be +/-)
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
sou !! hello !! this is also random and specific but i saw the datekou headcanon post and i was wondering. might you have any inarizaki road trip hcs?
i didn't until you asked me so LET'S GO
oh god you thought dateko was bad??? they were only stuck in the car for thirty minutes at MOST
(or something idk i haven't quite mapped out their geography yet but miyagi is a coastal prefecture and sendai isn't like SUPER far inland, so i'm just making assumptions out here)
but anyways. kurosu is driving obviously as much as he moans and groans about it
shoutout to the coaches btw they are CARRYING these headcanons
realistically i guess they'd road trip to another school for a training camp or like idk. maybe hot springs for some r&r bc inarizaki def has the budget for it but in my heart they road trip to suna's hometown during one of the breaks so suna can see his family <333
i guess it also kind of depends on WHERE in hyogo and aichi they are but we could get a solid 4-5 hours of driving if it was from, say, asago to tahara
kita makes a list of all the snacks everyone wants and rounds up aran, oomimi, and akagi to help him raid the market/convenience store like the old hunter-gatherer days
they end up with two massive tote bags of drinks, chips, cookies, and other miscellaneous snacks and one cooler for things like puddings and cakes and whatnot
oomimi sits shotgun because kurosu needed someone to help with directions and everyone else was on "make sure the miyas don't kill each other before we get there" duty
they all thought that kita was brilliant for making atsumu sit in the back and osamu up front because even tho they're separated the twins will NOT stop bickering and trying to throw random pieces of trash at each other. poor riseki gets caught in the crossfire the most often
they all converged to make one giant road trip playlist so you've got the weirdest mix of pop rock/bubblegum/k-pop/city pop, lofi, indie soft rock, show tunes and soundtracks, and more
(i named those genres with certain charas in mind so like. have fun figuring that out!)
nobody's willing to take a nap in fear of what the twins might do to each other when they're not looking
they play really stupid games like the alphabet-chain game and i spy and even try for a few rounds of truth or dare because, hey, there's nothing like being stuck in a car with your fellow teenagers for four hours to set the mood for emotionally vulnerable bonding time, right?
anyways. everyone learns that gin is afraid of heights and all sorts of horror movies, akagi would like to get his ears pierced some day, kosaku got rejected in middle school in front of his entire class and has refused to fall in love since, and suna takes pictures to capture the memory of a place he does not want to forget
(sorry i'm being emo about suna missing home again i'll stop)
kurosu is sweating BUCKETS in the front seat btw. "oh my god what do i do with this information am i supposed to talk to them i'm their TEACHER i'm supposed to guide them i do NOT get paid enough for this - "
a shame, really, considering inarizaki could definitely afford to give that man a raise
it's okay they get some really funny dares like daring gin to text his crush a totally random and weird question
(and thank god atsumu has his phone tucked away in his bag)
there's not a whole lot of dares they can do in the car tbh so they get really creative like daring osamu to eat this absolutely evil concoction of mixing tiramisu pudding into a bag of spicy chips and eating the whole thing
he does. nobody knows how he survived it
and then riseki dared both osamu AND atsumu to shut up and sit down and not even so much as GLANCE each other for the rest of the trip
this was at, like, the 1.5 hour mark btw
and okay he didn't say it EXACTLY like that because riseki is a sweet respectful underclassman but that WAS the closest to snapping he's ever gotten
they do stop occasionally here and there to get out and stretch their legs, but this makes their trip even longer bc it takes like thirty minutes each time to wrangle everyone and get them back in the van
also akagi is trying out his most terrible pickup lines. or antipickup lines. either one works
akagi: "are you lactose? because i can't tolerate you ;)" aran: "PLEASE, MAKE HIM STOP"
the only reason aran feels like he isn't completely suffering is because gin is sitting next to him and gin is kind of soothing like a cute pet would be. not that aran is thinking of gin as a pet nooooo ahahaha that would be weird
meanwhile gin is wondering why aran keeps trying to feed him crackers
they finally get to suna's hometown after being on the road for SIX AND A HALF HOURS
and while everyone is happy to be outside soaking up the sun and fresh air, they're all going to miss the bonding of being stuck in a van perhaps just a little bit
it's all right, they've got the return trip to look forward to
(made 100x worse when akagi busts out a drinking game and proclaims they should play with juice boxes, but that's a story for another time)
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samarecharm · 23 days
Have no idea what the popular opinions of this game are, but im really liking how ‘simple’ the game is compared to p5. It makes sense; its an older game w less physical space to fuck around with. And it still resembles an smt game, unlike p5, which feels almost like an entirely different series. P5 is chaotic and theres too many people and stats and deadlines to worry about. I do really enjoy that i only have to worry about Tartarus (for the meantime; unsure if theres more dungeons to explore) instead of mementos AND palaces. And i really like that theres only three stats to work on. Its less stuff overall but its not underwhelming; its just less stressful for me and thats a good thing lol
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vigilskeep · 8 months
i guess i forget how small nevarra is but referring to it as once having been “yet another dot on a free marcher map” is Wild and making me rethink everything
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yrknight · 2 months
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· ┈ · ┈ · 「 KNIGHTROSE 」 ✦
Pronunciation: nite-rows
a gender under the Genderrose system in which ones gender is related to roses and knights, knights decorated with roses , being a knight and a rose, etc.
Genderrose system coined by @laylalita
IDs are in the alt text!
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noivern · 1 month
warriors contains a lot of jank but not much of it has made me as angry as leafpool's wish
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
I had a feeling I couldn’t trust this “based on your likes” post as soon as I saw “butch bulges” because I’ve learned to not trust the internet to be normal about lesbians.
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I’ve seen this so many times in lesbian tags… people adding in “cock/strap” as if they’re so similar that they’re interchangeable. As if thinking about cock isn’t something that’s going to turn a lesbian off right away.
It’s disgusting, really. To think it’s even close to acceptable to make “lesbian” posts that mention males in any capacity, but especially male genitalia. It’s so invasive and disrespectful. Lesbians can’t even engage with lesbian content online without having this stuff shoved in our faces constantly (all I did was like/reblog a post about studs and got a bunch of butch/femme stuff on my dash, including this).
(These posts also tend to use gender neutral pronouns, because heaven forbid a lesbian specifically think about women)
I just want to be left alone. Please keep your mentions of cock away from me and my homosexuality. Stop trying to shove it in my face and act like there’s anything remotely ~sapphic~ about male genitalia. Leave lesbians alone.
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