#(i didn't detail what happened more than the fallout... however)
strwberri-milk · 5 months
I was recently reminded again of how much Diluc has hurt Kaeya and not apologized for it and that pissed me off, so I would like to request something along those lines please.
Like, Kaeya's S/O learned what happened during the ragros's fallout and they are PISSED at Diluc for it? Like, they do acknowledge that Kaeya did a not-good in revealing his origins at literally the worst possible time, but what Diluc did was way worse?! And they so badly want to punch him for it?!?! You don't have to write them punching Diluc, honestly you can take this premise in whatever direction you wish, though I do hope for not so much angst and more reverse-comfort for Kaeya.
I just want to read about someone who loves Kaeya and who is pissed at all he's gone through, especially because he has every right to be angry about it and to want an apology but he never seems to advocate for himself, and that just makes me even sadder for him and even angrier at those who hurt him and I just want to hug him and prevent the world from hurting him again AAAAAH!!!
Sorry, I hope this request is of some interest to you, no pressure if it's not, also sorry if it's too detailed ^^;
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When Kaeya told you the truth about himself you did your best to remove yourself from the situation and look at it objectively. He looked so nervous and worried that you couldn't help but pity him, telling him that you're not upset or thinking about leaving him, you just need time to process.
As soon as you're done Kaeya makes some passing comment about being glad he didn't lose you the way he did Diluc. It makes you pause as you ask him to clarify. You hear him immediately covering up for Diluc and telling you that he didn't do anything wrong. Somewhere, you understand that Kaeya's defending him because he still cares for Diluc a lot but you just wish that Diluc responded a little bit better.
You decide to ignore your anger at Dilucin favour for taking care of Kaeya. He looks almost defeated, unsure what you're thinking of saying to him. You sit with Kaeya and tell him that while you can understand why Diluc did what he did, he didn't need to hurt Kaeya. He tries to contest your statement but you simply shake your head, trying to wrap your mind around just how much Kaeya has been through.
The two of you end up spending the rest of the night with each other. You hold Kaeya in your chest, reassuring him that he's done nothing wrong and that he's carrying an impossible burden. He feels his burden lessening at your kind words, reassured that you don't hate him for something he can't help.
He doesn't tell you everything all at once. It's far too much and he tells you as much, wanting you not to feel as though he's purposefully trying to hide something from you. However, he does tell you that he wants to tell you everything and that he's done hiding his past from you. You feel grateful that he's willing to open up to you so much, telling him it's okay for him to take his time and that you're more than willing to wait patiently for him to tell you at his own pace.
You also try to help him talk to Diluc again. You know how much their strained relationship hurts him and you know they both would be much happier if they just communicated about what happened. It takes some time but Kaeya's happy with any progress being made, Diluc's slight aversion leaps ahead of outright hostility Kaeya has resigned himself to.
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maddymoreau · 3 months
I read this interesting post:
That discusses how while Victor is a lovable character he's a product designed to lure Courier Six into New Vegas. This post got my brain juices flowing so bad I made Tumblr glitch with how much I tried writing in the tags. So I had to make my own post.
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I find it EXTREMELY interesting how all the AIs Mr. House created while fun and lovable are also products.
Jane being a copy of Mr. House's favorite girl a starlet he dated before the Great War. She's designed to entertain him similarly to how the workers at Gomorrah "entertain" customers.
Jane: "Mr. House has a lot of needs, sugar. I take care of all of them, and a lady doesn't kiss and tell."
There's also an emotional aspect to the services she provides him.
If he wanted her just for sex he wouldn't have specifcally scanned her brain. He could've gotten anyone. While famous Jane wasn't even a star but a starlet. A young actress with aspirations to become a star.
While he might have liked Jane's personality which is why he picked her. Ultimately their relationship was a business transaction.
Raul: "She said they never, um... don't make me spell it out, boss. Anyway, she said all he wanted to do was scan her brain and make her dress up in different outfits."
Mr. House scanned her brain to create an artificial relationship (separate from the real Jane) designed to satisfy his needs post Great War. Mr. House had the technology to save the real Jane but chose not to.
A lot of people also seem misunderstand the reason why Mr. House doesn't have sex with Jane. It's because he physically COULDN'T.
Ignoring cut content. Mr. House was already attached to the machine keeping him alive. He's connected to an Electrode-studded command helmet on the day of the Great War.
It's how Mr. House protected New Vegas:
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Raul: "I remember there were some weird stories about him, especially near the end." NEAR THE END.
Mr. House takes Jane's personality to the EXTREME. Designing her to stoke and inflate his ego by being able to only say positive things about him. Jane is a product designed to provide Mr. House a service all while managing his snow globe collection. She doesn't even respond when the player says goodbye to her.
Then there's Mr. Vegas who was an AI created before the Great War. A charming DJ for Radio New Vegas to play music but also spread the news.
Mr. House also did to the same to the tribes by turning them into The Strip AKA a money making product.
He molds people into exactly what HE wants for his benefit.
The BIGGEST example of this was Benny! However that didn't work because Benny is human. Benny had his own ambitions and desires.
Mr House: "I have to think that he found out about the Platinum Chip and mistakenly convinced himself that he could use it to his own ends."
Mr. House even flat out admits it to the player.
Mr. House: "Benny has led the Chairmen ever since I recruited his tribe seven years ago. Until his recent misbehavior, I'd planned to make him my protege. Maybe if I'd begun grooming him sooner, none of this would've happened..."
Protege meaning a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person. He wanted to GUIDE Benny into a specific role. Which the player can even ask about.
Courier Six: "What use would you have for a protege?"
Mr. House: "To achieve my aims, I require a capable human agent to perform certain . . . tasks."
Testing them to see if they can get to New Vegas on their own.
This awesome post goes into more details about it:
Mr. House even mentions you being a more-than-suitable replacement for the role he wanted Benny in.
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ALSO during your first meeting with Mr. House this exchange can happen:
Courier: "Why the VIP treatment? I'm just a courier."
Mr. House: "Oh, don't be coy. You've been playing a high-stakes game ever since Victor dug you out of the ground. Don't be afraid to admit it."
Mr. House: "You see that you and I are of a different stripe, don't you? We don't have to dream that we're important. We are."
While Mr. House may act like he's above feelings and relationships. HE'S NOT!!!! It's why the player's karma can affect his ending SO MUCH!!!!
Another incredible post discussing it:
A lot of people think Mr. House is an idiot for picking Benny but people forget Benny's drive. Hell just rewatch the intro cutscene where he shoots Courier Six.
Mr. House being human is also WHY he picks Benny despite Swanks being far more loyal. Swanks is an unimaginative employee.
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Mr. House: "I have a certain tolerance for greed. I expect my business partners to be self-interested - but smarty so."
However he misjudged Benny and even admits it.
Mr. House: "Obviously, I miscalculated his drive for supremacy."
In the Yes Man ending we learn.
Yes Man: "I found some code snippets in one of Mr. House's databanks that will let me, um, reprogram my personality! To be a little more assertive, basically!"
Meaning while small Mr. House has programming to allow characters like Victor and Jane free will. He WON'T use it though because he wants the specific services and relationships they provide him.
In the ending with high good karma it even says: "Mr. house afforded him/her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, out of gratitude - and a quiet sense of pride for his choice in lieutenants."
Of course because of his ego (look at the obituary that appears when he dies) but GRATITUDE. Spoiling Courier Six with all the luxuries he can provide doesn't sound like a basic employee and employer relationship he likes to act like what they have is.
Mr. House: "In any case... this is an employer - employee relationship. I've given you an assignment, and the directions are clear."
If you want to take the G.E.C.K script notes into consideration they even says:
Mr. House: ''You know, I've had thousands of employees in my time. Few met my expectations, fewer still surpassed them.'' {You know, I never had much time for a family - if I did, you'd be the daughter/son I wish I'd had. Benny was almost like a son to me, but well...}
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lost-technology · 19 days
So, lads, lassies and laird's, I've been watching the Fallout TV series. I'm about halfway through it. The Fallout series are video games that I like a lot - I haven't played them all, but I'm enough of a fan that I've legit made FOOD from The Official Vault-Dweller's Cookbook gifted to me by my late nephew (I was drinking homemade Nuka-Cola yesterday). The super-fans are going to wank and whine about the lore-details, but I take it as its own entry and am enjoying it so far (even though I miss the NCR). I'm actually SURPRISED that a live-action show based on video games is as good as it is. (They usually suck, this is pretty good...) Anyway, just what does this have to do with Trigun (other than both things taking place in post-apocalyptic desert settings)? Well, there is the 200+ year old guy (ghoul) with the long shot up duster which I addressed on this blog before as "Perfect wardrobe - if anyone makes a live action Trigun, pay attention to this). Cooper isn't quite the "Vash" here, though... his morals are more... Wolfwood? Left of Wolfwood? He's actually an excellent study in broken morals as he used to be a very decent guy in his pre-war life... No... it's how main character Lucy is giving me some inspiration. Lucy is the Vault-Dweller. She comes from a sealed underground Vault that her ancestors fled into to escape the bombs. The Vaults, however, were never meant to save anyone. Lucy's Vault currently has a population-problem (everyone's getting incesty), it's connected to two other Vaults and there's a trade-thing going on, including for breeding, but there's definitely something weirder going on that the series is unfolding... And everyone in her Vault is super-idealistic. They're all peaceful people who live by peaceful ways and they have an agriculture-area (NOT AT ALL unlike the Geoplant-room / recreation room of a SEEDS ship!) that is set up to simulate Nebraska. So when Lucy goes out into the outside world in her quest to find her kidnapped father (is stuff that happens in episode 1 really a spoiler???) she's just very... trying to do things peacefully and with good morals in this... wrecked and horrible world. She cites The Golden Rule a lot. But then... she gets quickly and progressively "grittified." She has to do some awful things to survive and carry out her quest, although she actually sticks to her moral code. (So far, I've only seen her directly kill once, in self-defence, and it is arguable that the subject was in the realm of not-human-anymore and death-was-a-mercy) and she was shocked by it. And immediately after, she did a kindness to someone who betrayed her simply because she decided that she was not going to let the world change her. "I will never become you." Reminded me of Vash a bit - Born in a sealed metal spaceship with artificial environs, not unlike a Vault (save that SEEDS was actually meant to save Humanity, not experiment on it, not that...um...experiments didn't happen *tugs collar*). The SEEDS folk that we meet (Rem, Luida, Brad) seem to come from an optimistic, idealistic perspective in contrast to the survival-world of the desert planet. Instead of a world to colonise / recolonise according to a peaceful plan sold to their ancestors, it's a dog-eat-dog nasty world where murder is common. And yet, Vash sticks to his guns and keeps to ideals and doesn't let him change him for the worse by his own hard-won decision, in spite of absolutely everything. This, of course, also has me thinking of my WIP fanfic in which Rem survives and what I was doing in direction in that with her and continued survival having to face a post-Fall world and no longer being a pedestal-figure for Vash, but having to be a real person and surprising him and gaining grit (in a strictly in-character way). So, of course the story of this TV series, being what it is, is jogging my brain.
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baddieladdie · 1 month
Let's judge the Fallout series collector boxes together ( •̀ω •́ )
FIRST UP! Fallout x Bones Coffee Company
Time for a ROAST hehehe
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First impression: she's giving pre-school construction realness.
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WHAT ARE THOOOOOOSE?! Look at hose fuggly metal shits. For $60, they might as well make it with real metal clasps.
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The box interior is alright, but it feels more akin to artwork or fan art. That this collection box is more faithful to the series itself rather than to the universe the Fallout show is set in.
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The skeleton standing in the iconic Vault entrance is pretty neat looking. But the coffee bag 'Pip-Boy item' isn't doing it for me. I think it's the highly detailed logo on the coffee bag that throws me off.
From a consumer/collector perspective: This product was sold out in under 3 hours, per the Bones Coffee website. I saw the tweet yesterday announcing this release. However, the product was already sold out by the time I received the email from Bones Coffee.
Next up! AriZona x Fallout
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The variety pack sold by AriZona iced tea feels like it could be found in universe. If the box was dirted up a bit, it would fit right into the games. Essentially, I think AriZona did their research when creating a collector's box that fit in-universe themes.
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Additional note for AriZona: They have made some super cute in-universe ads for these drinks! You can tell a fuck was given.
From a consumer/collector perspective: AriZona's twitter does a pretty good job of communicating updates to their exclusive Fallout collaboration. The AriZona x Fallout variety pack pictured above is currently available on Amazon for 36 USD.
Last one! Jones' Nuka Cola
I got more invested in the Fallout Universe after graduating from college. Because of this, I absolutely missed out the NukaCola Quantum release in 2016 (related to the Fallout 4 game release)
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I am so excited to try what 'Victory' tastes like. That is certainly a more abstract flavor to cultivate. The packaging itself looks very nice as well. Notably, the bottles are labeled nice. AriZona may have had a fancy box but their cans still have some focus on the brand. The labels here are centered on the Fallout Universe first and the brand second.
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For the exclusive marketing imagery: Jones got the label RIGHT! I love how they added that staticky-old screen effect to their logo. It makes it blend right into the art.
Also worth mentioning, unlike Bones Coffee and AriZona, Jones has a whole website dedicated to their Fallout series related product (linked below). What interested me the most on their site was the comment on 'Caps 4 Gear'. I didn't see anything Fallout related yet, but that could be something exciting to look for in the future!
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From a consumer/collector perspective: The price did feel a little steep, despite considering the need for amble gentle packaging. A single 4-pack is currently being sold on the Jones website for 25 USD. It'll take some time between placing the order and receiving the product. But if you are interested, there are still pre-orders available :)
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soysaucevictim · 3 years
Week 3. I’m... struggling.
May 1
I tried to get some sleep in after the all-nighter a bit before 9AM... “got up” around 3PM. This to mean I lied down and didn’t really get any proper sleep, because mind was racing about that project.
But resting was still okay. After I got back up and updated some logs, I did today’s exercise...
First, today’s DD. 50 squats with EC. Manageable, moderately aerobic work. One of the last things I did before things went pear-shaped...
I shortly after found out I lost a family member and I saw what happened. I’m not going to describe it here, for many reasons. But I’ve been dealing with the images and emotional pain since... I probably will in some fashion, for a long time.
Last, Day 13 of BREATH. “Feel“. Yoga was emotionally uncomfortable as hell... but I brought myself to the mat accepting that I was going in feeling extremely tender in that dept. Let’s just say there were some waterworks and a very real sense of survivor’s guilt. That’s all I’m going to say there.
I tried to deal with things with chatting and discretionary venting on Twitter...
I forced myself through another all-nighter to finish that sewing project. Fought against images and waves of intense emotions to keep going. I don’t think I would’ve succeeded at sleeping through the night anyways.
May 2
I tried to sleep again round 8AM - it was more just physical rest till like 10AM. Too restless.
Touched base on what happened with a family member. They were... all of us were... are distraught.
I had a more successful attempt at sleeping for a couple hours after that. Honestly, painful. But it was mutually beneficial and necessary. Probably made the nap easier.
Shortly after, I endeavored to get some working out done.
First, today’s DD. 50 climber taps with EC. Ngl, it took a little psyching myself up to get down and do this. As expected, really started feeling the abs in the last 10-20 reps.
Second, Day 14 of BREATH. “Space“. This was less emotionally fraught - even though there were moments wrapping up that I had twangs of sorrow. It’s too soon to let everything I’m going to need to go... but I imagine, there will be in the future. Too raw and in pain to manage that yet. I did like the back arch balance stands and toe stand moments, the most.
Last, Day 13 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. Had phone on floor because it was all planks. My climbers ran at more of a jog than a sprint - but then again energy levels wasn’t up to that. The last 2 sets in particular that were the hardest.
Made dinner, did some dishes, chatted and started on that vent art of Virgil to help process things a little. I basically pulled another all-nighter.
May 3
I decided to let care team know about what happened with a local crisis unit/line, before trying to get some sleep.
I woke up proper around 3PM, I think this was modestly more restful.
After some of the usual... was both somewhat relieved and distressed when one of the family member’s friends called his phone. We were able to let his circle know what happened.
I then got to some exercise again.
First, today’s DD. 1′ elbow clicks with EC. I counted 74 reps by the end of the duration. Manageable and simple.
Second, Day 15 of BREATH. “Enter“. Despite walking into this having eaten a lot of wasabi peas - I  elected to do full planks and kept back knee raised for high lunge variations upon Adriene’s invitation to. It was nice getting into a sort of flow - gathering what we were going to do next before Adriene instructed a few times.
Last, Day 14 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. The squat hops were honestly the brutal part, today. Was tempted to not shoot for Level 3, but decided to anyways. Just glad I completed it, today.
Did some of the usual, made some dinner, and finished up that drawing.
I stayed up obscenely late, but not another all-nighter.
May 4
I woke up around 11AM.
Touched base with therapist on the phone. Made a mortuary appointment and asked family to help get me (and Dad) to that appointment later in the week.
Hit the showers, met some more family in person.
Did some of the usual before deciding to add, sort, and transfer the contents of my Anxiety Box into Virgil’s jar. I also decided to start filling the Patton jar with some things I was grateful for. I think this was helpful.
I dusted off Facebook for the first time in like years. Saw that his friends have been pouring condolences onto his page. I was pretty disconnected from his circle of friends... wound up adding many of the ones I recognized hearing about. This was a painful straddle between gratefulness and sorrow.
Had to field another call on his phone. That hurt too. I kind of wished I could unlock it.
I then got going on my workouts, pretty late...
First, today’s DD. 1′ raised leg circles with EC (supine). I counted a total of 45 reps, reversing the direction at the 30″ mark. Doable despite needing to hold head up.
Second, Day 16 of BREATH. “Discipline“. This was an extremely chill day - focusing on extending and slowing down the breaths... definitely well-timed given how tiring/harrowing today has been.
Last, Day 15 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. Just arm work, I’d say these days are amongst the easiest to get through. Again, good for energy levels.
I wound up in bed around the same time as yesterday.
May 5
I woke up around 11AM again.
I went to Seeking Safety Group again. I wanted and needed to be there. That’s all I’m going to say on that one.
Got home, almost dozing off. But spent all day and night hanging out with a local friend.
I did some dishes and made one of the Hello Fresh Meal. Creamy pesto grillng cheese ciabattas. Me and friend really enjoyed this one.
Among many things - I think sharing DWIT and the first half of “The Poisoner’s Handbook“ were some of the highlights.
We wound up talking the night away, despite it not being the best idea.
Oh well, the bed was made at that point.
May 6
So one of the first things I had to deal with was a morning dental appointment. It was a nice appointment, talked about things with discretion. I’m hoping it may get a tiny bit easier to talk about for it. (Obviously NOT oversharing to anyone and everyone.)
Grabbed some Starbucks and had to get frustrated with LogistiCare, in activating my return trip home. I was honestly getting close to collapse of exhaustion by the time it got to me. (Not going to blame anyone really... it was unfortunate for how bone tired I was.)
Got home and took a short nap, before the mortuary appointment.
I kind of didn’t want to - but after that, I was roped into seeing extended family. It  was nice but also further exhausting. But I will say that a highlight was being able to share with my great uncle a series about the Spanish Flu. He likes history stuff and learned a lot of new things about that situation - also was nice tying it in with his interest in stuff like the WW. (Also glad and was struck by all the observed parallels with, uh, what’s been happening with COVID. But I’ll leave it at that.)
Medical history and the like was a welcome distraction. Especially the fact that that great uncle was an interested party to share it to.
Got home again and spent some of the night on the usual and decided that I was only up for catching up on my DDs...
First, yesterday’s DD. 40 side bridges with EC. It was questionable, given sheer level of exhaustion. But I felt like catching up on SOME of my regimen anyways..
Last, today’s DD. 40 windshield with EC. Same thoughts about previous exercise.
Updated some logs and stuff before hitting the sack. In the green zone for once, yet again. I was just so profoundly exhausted at that point.
May 7
I woke up around 11AM.
One the first things I wound up doing was fielding a lot of phone calls to get other appointment-related affairs handled.
Spent some time on the usual and sketching an art idea out that I’m not sure I’ll flesh out just yet. It’s kind of detail-intensive.
Then, I decided to catch up on my exercise regimen.
First, today’s DD. 2′ bicep extensions with EC. I counted 155 reps by the end of it. Biceps felt pretty tired after that one, at that pace. But very doable.
(After watching some YouTube and whatnot...)
Second, Day 17 of BREATH. “Explore“. Man, was this intense on my quads for my energy levels today. But I tried my best to get through it as best as possible. I think the chair poses were especially intense.
Third, Day 18 of BREATH. “Center“. This was alright. I liked the calf raise hold stuff and a lot more of the chill stuff today. Warriors were okay. Still have a ways to go to pull off Crow Pose, but that is a challenging one, for sure.
(After a lot of usual stuff...)
Fourth, Day 16 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. Intense, but I enjoyed the fact this was mostly jumping jacks. Think the twist jacks were the weirdest part. Got fairly winded by the end.
(After making/eating some dinner and watching some videos for that to settle...)
Last, Day 17 of 1′HIIT.Level 3, 1′ rest. A bit more strength-oriented leg work - what with the leg raises and lunges. Glad I didn’t have to worry too much about doing this in a semi-full stomach (butt kicks do some jostling but generally not as much as like high knees).
I spent some time watching/listening to videos and updating some logs after this.
I got to bed pretty late in the red again... but not an all-nighter.
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Heya, friends, followers, and fans!
Did you hear?
I'm having a Party!
And I'd like to invite all of you lovely people!
That's right, on July 11th, this blog is celebrating it's 1 year anniversary, as well as 500 followers. It's amazing how much can happen in a year! We're gonna get into all the details down below; but first we gotta throw in a read-more so folks don't gotta scroll pass this forever. Cool?
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What are we celebrating?
As said above, this stream is happening both to commemorate the 1 year anniversary AND 500 followers. I cannot gush enough about how fast this blog has grown. I know I worked hard but DAMN it feels good when folks embrace you in kind. In that way, I'm also celebrating some amazing people I've met along the way. People who've helped with the event, made me laugh, made me think, made me cry... people who've talked shop with me, given me tips, or asked for mine! People who made @falloutsketchysecretsanta possible, and all the people who came to participate in it.
Y'all didn't just come outta nowhere. We had a journey together, and that is most certainly worth celebrating.
More than celebrating, however, we are also starting something new.
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Friends, followers, and fans, July 11th marks the launch of @artistsoftheapocalypse . I've mentioned a few times that Sketchy Saturday is growing, and I want to facilitate that growth. In the future, Sketchy Saturday will continue as it has, but over on this blog where it can be managed by a small team of volunteers, including myself. This also means that when we have guest weeks, the event won't move! Guest artists can instead be added to the blog members as well as our Discord, have my entire collected reference folder, have the askbox and score sheet managed by mods who are familiar with the system, and the support of other artists who've done this rodeo before.
More than Sketchy Saturday, however, some new things are coming that we'll be talking about during the stream, so make sure you tune in :3
So, let's get into the next important question...
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HOW are we celebrating?
All-Day Art Livestream on July 11th, 9 AM to 5 PM, US Pacific time! On TWITCH
That's right folks, Loor is going live and they aren't doing it alone. We've got special guests along for the ride, some who will be on voice with me, [ @fallout-lou-begas , @theartofblossoming , @nukaworld-nora , @squirttheradspooder ] and some who will be riding along via the chat because they prefer not to be on voice [ @tarberrymentats , @beware-the-red-menace ] and yet others who are helping us run things on the back end, and may pop in if they so desire, but shall remain unnamed... for now :3
More than that, we're gonna be raffling off prizes! Stickers, hand-painted bottlecaps, and a FREE COMMISSION from yours truly [ 1 full body figure in a fully realized environment, with full color, shading, and finishing effects, digital copy only but you are welcome to have it printed for personal display purposes. ] in the prize pot! There will be both FREE ENTRIES everyone will be able to earn on the day of the stream, as well as EXTRA ENTRIES for donations!
And let's talk about those donations.
Originally, my intent for any donations made during the stream were for a local charity, The South Kitsap Helpline. I still want to donate to them, because they do good work, but I'm only going to earmark the first 50$ for that. After that, I'm going to split stream donations between my volunteers. What they choose to do with it is up to them, no matter what the amount turns out to be. They took time out of their lives to help me make this happen and support the project moving forward, they deserve it.
PLEASE reblog this post! :D WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
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astro-rain · 3 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter seven - “the king is dead”
delicate masterlist
word count: 1.7k
synopsis: shuri has awful news. the reader is terrified but bucky is strangely calm. the world is turned upside down, and not in a good way.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
[A/N]: this was so fun to write omg get ready it’s finally getting interesting!!! (as always, OC on my wattpad @ / typicaldaze)
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Months had gone by since that day at the lake. Countless therapy sessions had been endured, several hard questions asked, many many issues worked through. Bucky suffered through a few more anxiety attacks along the way, but they never hindered his resolve, thanks to (Y/N). They had made progress, good, solid progress. Bucky was pleased; (Y/N) was thrilled. It's hard to see change when you're the one going through it. However, to the person guiding that change, every step forward is recognized. She was proud. She was genuinely proud of him. He wasn’t “fixed,” he still had struggles, but he was a lot better off then before.
There was something peculiar, though. Their relationship was strictly professional, (Y/N) knew that. However, she couldn't help but feel as though along the sidelines of their progress, they had grown to become friends. She knew that, clinically, this was not appropriate, but there were no corporate guidelines she was working under. She was helping him. So, what would it matter if after all this was over, they were friends? What would it matter if his therapist also operated as his friend? Hell, she didn't even have an official therapist position here! Sharon just sent her to help. (Y/N) had decided she didn't care about the boundaries being crossed. Nothing ever went wrong with someone gaining a friend. It's fine.
Regardless, the two of them had thoroughly addressed the anxiety and the PTSD, and he now officially had both diagnoses. He understood himself and his brain so much better, and with (Y/N)'s help, he not only acknowledged his disorders, but accepted them. She taught him to not see them as the enemy, not something that was wrong with him. They were just a part of him, same as his brown hair or blue eyes.
Bucky was so much more open now. He was less on edge and more comfortable, especially around her. In all honesty, he was usually his most comfortable with her. He had coping skills and everything!
This was all grand and good, but (Y/N) hoped with everything in her that it wouldn't be ruined by the present disaster.
"I thought he was automatically supposed to be king?" (Y/N) asked, confused.
She was at her weekly meeting with Shuri for Bucky's treatment plan, and the young genius had just told her she couldn't make it next week due to T'Challa's coronation.
"He is," Shuri started, "but it's Wakandan tradition to open the position up to a dual. So, his rule isn't set in stone."
"Oh... What if someone... challenges him?"
"Then they will fight! However, I have no worries. T'Challa is a great warrior, and though I doubt anyone would challenge him, he would win if they did."
(Y/N) admired the faith Shuri had in her brother. She could tell their bond was strong.
"Couldn't you technically challenge him?"
Shuri revealed a kind of devilish smirk that only a sibling can muster. "Oh, I have thought about it. But I am much more useful in my lab, and T'Challa wouldn't know what to do with himself if he wasn't in charge."
(Y/N) looked back on the memory anxiously as she stared in horror at the look on Shuri's face. A wicked mix of fear, grief, and stress drained all the color from the princess' normally dark, beautiful skin. Shuri had always radiated confidence and composure; seeing this change worried (Y/N) deeply.
"The King is dead."
Her face became void of any expression and all she could process was fear. She thought she gasped but she couldn't remember breathing out again. Her brain was frozen. (Y/N) was in a foreign country that just lost its monarch. She was alone, and all the people she was relying on to protect her just had their kingdom invaded and taken over by someone with the word kill as part of their nickname. She was almost certain that this would be her end.
"Dr. (Y/L/N)?" Shuri said unsteadily. "Did you hear me?"
"Y-Yes I... What are we going to do?" her voice was weak and small. Pathetic and afraid.
Then, thoughts of Bucky crossed her mind. What would happen to him? He could fight, she supposed, but he doesn't have any weapons or gear and he'd be against an entire regime. What if they killed him? What if they tortured him? Different scenarios quickly flashed through her brain, but she could only one concrete thought.
I have to find him.
"My family and I have a plan, but we can't take you with us."
Any remaining semblance of hope dissipated from (Y/N)'s body, and she swore she could feel her veins quiver with apprehension.
Her voice felt far away.
"It is not ideal, and I'd never leave you unless I had to. But Agent Everett Ross is here. It's a long story, but as you know, he can't find out about Sergeant Barnes. He can't know that either of you are here. If we take you with us, it could compromise everything we've been working for," the nervous princess explained.
"So... what of me and Bucky?"
"Again, it's a long story, but there's a... sort of fallout shelter - I guess you could call it - that was built years and years ago when the first tribes of Wakanda were constantly at war with one another. I will give you supplies and directions, and you two must go there and remain hidden until this is all over."
Fantastic. (Y/N) would get to play Cold War nuclear fallout in Wakanda.
"How will we know?"
Shuri gave her a somber look. A look of uncertainty and immense guilt.
"I wish I could apologize enough, my partner, but I do not know. I promise I will try to contact you as soon as I get any information, but for now we must hurry. We do not have much time."
With that, Shuri took (Y/N)'s arm and quickly led her her outside. It was late afternoon and the air was beginning to cool. They ran, locked together, until they met the Queen under a large tree among the outskirts of a nearby forest. The woman looked just as shaken up as Shuri.
(Y/N) could see bags of different shapes and sizes at the base of the tree. She could only hope whatever was in there was sufficient for survival.
Shuri immediately embraced her mother, but the moment was short lived as she then bent down to gather the bags.
The Queen placed her hands gently on the sides of the psychologist’s face. "I am so sorry, child. This does not involve you in the slightest yet you are swept up in the middle of it."
Shuri handed her mother the bags and they both geared (Y/N) up with all her supplies. It was heavy. Really heavy. She realized she was carrying supplies for two. Then, there was panic.
"What about Bucky?"
"Barnes doesn't know about any of this yet. I thought it best he heard it from you," Shuri expained, "and we cannot afford anymore delays. Us or you. You must go now, tell Barnes what is happening and go. I wish I could be more help, but we simply don't have the time."
(Y/N) nodded, trying to process all the chaos. She was internalizing every bit of it. As a result, she was once again, frozen.
"Dr. (Y/L/N)!" Shrui exclaimed.
Her head shot up, snapped out of it.
"Go! You must go!"
And with that, (Y/N) took off. She had been in Wakanda long enough to know her way around the castle's surrounding land. Her speed didn't last very long as she was carrying for two, but she tried all she could to keep going as quickly as possible.
Eventually she found herself outside of Bucky's living quarters. She didn't know what to do, so she knocked.
An array of different emotions went through Bucky's face. At first he looked pleased, but then he saw the horror etched into (Y/N)'s features, and the bags she was carrying. He could tell something was wrong.
"What happened?" he asked, surprisingly calm, while immediately taking some of the bags from (Y/N). He still only had one arm but that really didn't seem to matter to him.
She was out of breath, face flushed and eyes wide.
"The King is dead," she said breathlessly. "Someone... someone killed him a-and took over."
Bucky didn't look as scared as (Y/N) felt. In fact, he looked... totally fine?  She was so out of it she wanted to curl up in a hole and allow natural death. How was the anxious man she was accustomed to so at ease? The world was flipped upside down and (Y/N) had no control. She wished there was a word stronger than fear because she couldn't even describe what she was feeling.
"Okay," Bucky said, gently taking another bag, leaving her with only one to carry, "What did Shuri say? What do we have to do?"
She shook her head, trying to regain her breath and her composure. "There's um - there's a fallout shelter thing we have to go to. Here."
She handed  him a crumpled up piece of paper that Shuri gave her. A map with directions. (Y/N) knew he would've been better at locating it than she could at that moment.
"Alright," more of the calm voice filled her ears. "Anything else?"
"There are more details, but - we don't have time," she sighed, restlessly. Her voice began to shake ever so slightly. "Bucky, I'm so sorry. We have to go now. I promise I'll tell you everything."
"Okay," he said again. He bent down slightly, looking her directly in the eyes. " (Y/N), we're fine, okay? We're good, and we're gonna be fine. I will get us there. Are you ready?"
She nodded, steeling herself.
Bucky looked at the map, then glanced up in the direction of the shelter. He took (Y/N)’s forearm firmly. She gave him a look, confirming she was ready. And off they went.
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mkstrigidae · 2 years
i'm both desperate to know the details of sansa's kidnapping, because my girl and her family deserves closure however that might look, and desperate to not know the details, because petyr doesn't deserve getting the chance to evil villain laugh over his flawless plans. the true crime part of apwh is lots of fun, but what i'm really here for is the characters. i'm much more interested in the cultural and personal fall outs that the starks experienced and how that played out as the kids' generation grew up, in sansa's relationships with lisa and petyr, and sansa's quiet rebellion (and the various degrees to which she was or was not aware of Something Being Wrong). i'd be more than ok with there being unresolved mysteries - which feels so much more realistic than every possible question being answered - as long as the character journeys are there, if that makes sense.
mostly unrelated, if you ever want to write anything that involves sansa and arya continually missing each other by inches around campus, that would break my heart. obsessed with the thought of the AU of this AU where it's arya who stumbles across sansa instead of oberyn. i'm sure that would have gone down Completely Without Issue.
Eeeeeee!!!! The details!!! Yes- I desperately need to get to the point in the story where I can just lay all of that bare. We have this societal tendency to think about figures like 'the sociopath' or 'the criminal mastermind' as these brilliant, infallible actors who do everything that they do for extremely complicated reasons, and evade the authorities effortlessly while taunting them the whole time, and like, don't get me wrong. Petyr is objectively very Good At Crimes. But when it really comes down to it, his motives for taking Sansa are a lot simpler than even I realized at first, and he has a fair amount of blind spots that prove to be his undoing- for all his plotting and planning, he couldn't stop Oberyn from seeing and recognizing Sansa. He couldn't keep Sansa from asking questions forever- he couldn't stop her from developing into her own person with her own thoughts and feelings and opinions.
There are definitely going to be aspects of this whole thing that remain a mystery even at the end- not only because we the audience don't understand them, but because Petyr isn't quite as in control of himself as he wants to be, and I don't think he entirely understands his motives for doing all of this in the first place. His relationship with Sansa is really fascinating I think, and I want to get more into that as we go on, in addition to diving headfirst into the Stark Family Fallout of the crime in the first place. Because believe me, there is a LOT there.
Each of the stark kids has kind of developed their personality around the skeleton of the kidnapping, and it left a huge mark on all of them. They're insular as hell, which we'll get into more next chapter, because of all the media attention the case got, and they grew up with a fairly small social circle (Like there's actually a very good reason why the Winterfell gang is such a close-knit group). In some ways, Sansa's world is larger than her siblings' because she wasn't constantly worried about what people's motives were for spending time around her and never had to consider how her actions would be perceived if she ended up in a newspaper/tabloid. There was so much subconscious pressure on the remaining Stark kids to fill that void that Sansa left, because it's really hard to be a kid in a family where something awful happens to one sibling and the rest of you are left to pick up those pieces and deal with the fallout. On the other hand, Sansa grew up with parental figures who didn't see her necessarily as her own person (the way Ned and Cat see their kids), and had to adapt to essentially being an extension of someone else's ego in a way that reeeeally fucks you up. They all got kind of a raw deal, honestly, and we are going to be Dealing With That for a while. I mean, unpacking Robb alone is..... hoooooo boy. (There's a bit at the end of the summer where Sansa visits Oldtown and Robb's work, and we discuss why Robb chose his field of study and it really knocks Sansa off kilter).
Also, you are making me desperately want to write this story now holy shit. God- Arya finding her first would be a fucking shitshow and a half. There would have been tears, and yelling, and general confusion, and the entire fencing team probably tries to jump Petyr or something. Honestly, I've tossed around the idea of an AU where Oberyn never stumbles on Sansa, and they find her about a decade later, I've thought about AUs where they find Sansa when she's in middle school, and I've dreamt up AUs where Sansa solves her own kidnapping after she and mya get on a true crime kick. I could write so many AUs for this story tbh. Pls submit all ideas and prompts to the suggestion box and I will try and write them when I'm not failing my way through organic chemistry.
Sorry I rambled about my feelings on the story here for like a bajillion years, but I love how your ask made me think about so many of these relationships and the character development of all of my favorites. Thank you so much for the ask and for your feedback!!!!
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jeannereames · 3 years
Hi, I'm curious about the incident with the Pages, what exactly happened with that? Was Alexander not exactly a "kid" person and the pages didn't really bond with him? It seems extreme for them to want him dead. I thought of Alexander as a people person who wanted to be liked. He seemed to care about his brother, even with his disability. Maybe that's just Renault's influence since her books portrayed Alexander as compassionate and empathetic. I think you'd provide a better take on it, thanks!
What happened with the Pages or, as Beth likes to refer to them (accurately) the King’s Youths* had nothing to do with Alexander’s feelings towards kids or even teenagers. It had to do with timē, or public honor. I’ve written before about the importance of timē in Macedonian politics, particularly with regard to Pausanias’s murder of Philip.
Before I go further, however, I want to point to an excellent article by senior Macedoniast Elizabeth D. Carney, “The Role of the Basilikoi Paides at the Macedonian Court,” in Macedonian Legacies, Howe and Reames, eds., (2008), 145-64** Beth doesn’t just write about Olympias and Macedonian Women. She frequently deals with Macedonian court politics, and that’s what this article addresses. The incident with the Pages is examined in detail, and she comes to somewhat different conclusions about the complexities of it than she did in her earlier “Regicide in Macedonia,” although the latter should be read by anyone wanting to understand why Pausanias killed Philip (see linked post above).
Much of what follows summarizes Beth’s article, but read the whole thing as she explores a number of intriguing issues surrounding the Pages. (Beth is a good writer, clear, unlike some.)
Back to timē. One of the (many) jobs of the King’s Youths involved attending the king on hunts.
Also, a critical ritual that marked the movement from boyhood to manhood in Macedonian society was a hunt wherein the boy was expected to spear a boar (very dangerous prey) without nets (to hold it). If you read Dancing with the Lion: Becoming, Alexander undergoes that very ritual in chapter 3.
Anyway, most Macedonians would have undergone this rite-of-passage in their mid/late teens, possibly early 20s. Much is made of the fact Kassandros hadn’t, even though he was in his 30s. It was seen as a lack of courage (and thus manliness: andreia).
Furthermore, there was a Persian tradition that nobody in the royal hunting party could strike at an animal until the king had. To anticipate the king was a serious affront. Persians were all about rank and status.
Macedonians didn’t really have rules, per se, but something similar seems to have been assumed (unless the king intended somebody else to be chief hunter). In Macedonian hunts, competition was very much the name of the game, and “helping” the king wasn’t appreciated. Lysimachos found that out the hard way. That Krateros had the gall not just to save Alexander from a lion, but commemorate it in an ex-voto, is notable, although it was actually Krateros’s son who commissioned the statue group (c. 320 BCE) memorializing his father’s bravery … after both his father and Alexander were dead. By choosing that event of many in his father’s career, what do you think is the message sent? Not just his father’s ties to Megalexandros, but that Alexander wouldn’t be Alexander without Krateros. Perhaps it was his son’s way to hit back at Alexander’s own elevation of Hephaistion (his dad’s chief rival) to semi-divine status as a hero.
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Another bit of background, Alexander had been trucking around Asia for about six years by the time this occurred. He was getting reinforcements for troops, but it’s not clear he was getting other reinforcements: e.g., new Basilikoi Paides. Hatzopoulos has theorized not, or if he did, it was early in the campaign, when he sent back Koinos and Meleager along with the newlyweds to Macedonia for a “break” in the winter of 334/3, to make new little Macedonians. They returned with reinforcements. So, maybe we can shave off a year. Still, and assuming Hammond is right that boys were King’s Youths only between about 14 and 18, these “boys” were getting a bit long in the tooth, even the youngest being past the 4-year appointment.
A lot of focus is spent on the conspiracy, Kallisthenes as their stoic-ish teacher, and fluffed up speeches (written by Curitus) about freedom and tyranny… It comes off very Romanized. I won’t go into Kallisthenes, but he reminds me a bit of some US Senators (Ben Sasse): a lot of hot air about principles while kissing ass with his votes. In Kallisthenes’s case, kissing ass with his glowing, propagandic history written for the Greeks. Even his own uncle (Aristotle) thought he didn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. (Yeah…don’t think much of the guy; can you tell?)
What people have forgotten about—but Beth discusses—is the lead up to the conspiracy. What prompted it?
A hunt gone wrong prompted it. Hermolaos stepped between the king and his quarry, to spear the boar for himself. One source says he did it because he thought the king in trouble, but the other doesn’t give that as a motivation.
A-ha! Did you just say that in your head? You should have. 😊
The fallout: a furious Alexander had Hermolaos not only flogged, but also took away his horse. (Kinda like Dad taking the keys to your car.)
Now, flogging wasn’t that shocking (horrible as it sounds) in Greek and Macedonian society. “Spare the rod and spoil the child” is a saying they’d condone. Normally it was reserved for slaves and children (and women). The King’s Youths were a little old for it but…it’s the king. Curtius specifically states that the Basilikoi Paides performed jobs that were normally slaves’ duty, but being for the king, it became an honor. Plus most of these teens would age out c. 18 into another unit, probably the Hypaspists (Pezhetairoi under Philip) or the Companion Cavalry.
But—if Hatzopoulos is right—these young men may have been some years past 18, which would make a flogging especially humiliating. Even if they weren’t, and Alexander had been getting new Basilikoi Paides post-Gaugamela as well as new troops, Hermolaos was still a touchy teen punished like a “little boy” or a slave for just trying to spear his boar and be a man!
In punishing Hermolaos for insulting Alexander’s timē, Alexander, in turn, insulted his. Alexander no doubt saw it as a breach of discipline and decorum, as well as a slap at his own courage and prowess in the hunt. But to Hermolaos, it was, as Beth points out, “emasculating.”
Keep in mind: these are young men, even if late teens/early twenties. Everything’s a crisis. They’re also the sons of the top tier Macedonian elite, so very tetchy about their honor. And the Basilikoi Paides would have been an absolute stew of competition and testosterone poisoning.
I can just imagine a background to this of his mates teasing him, “When ya gonna get your boar, Hermolaos?” “You too much of a white-belly to face down a boar, Hermolaos?” Etc. Maybe he really did think, for a moment, Alexander was in danger AND this would be his chance! He could protect his king (his job as a Page) AND win his manhood! Two birds with one spear!
Except it didn’t turn out like that.
Smarting from more than the flogging, he would have complained to his friends in the unit, and griping grew legs and became a conspiracy. As Beth points out, they may even have heard fathers and uncles complaining about Alexander’s “Persianizing,” but they only complained. The boys, spurred by youth and Kallisthenes’s attempts to cover his ass-kissing with a pretense of philosophy, imagined themselves—especially Hermolaos and his lover Sostratos—as the new Harmodaios and Aristogeiton. (And yeah, I bet some clever soul pointed out the similarities between Hermolaos’s name and Harmadaios’s.)
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So what is usually seen as an event all about Alexander’s increasing Persianizing and tyranny really gives us a peek into the pressure cooker that was Elite Life at the Macedonian court. Now you understand why I keep comparing these guys to a pack of sharks.
More on the Pages, Companions, Somatophylakes at the court....
(**) The link above takes you to academia-edu where you can obtain a free download not only of that article, but the entire festschrift in honor of Gene. Tim (Howe) and I have made it free in PDF form and very cheap in paper form at Amazon. It’s basically sold at printing cost and a few pennies. All proceeds from paper copies go to the subvention fund of the Association of Ancient Historians, which provides financial assistance to grad students and junior scholars to attend annual meetings. Tim and I get nothing. (You will also help us shaft the dirty dog who bought Regina from its original owner and shafted us by printing and selling copies but giving us no royalties [like we got much anyway]. Academic karma.)
(*) While Beth’s translation of “King’s Youths” is more accurate, I decided not to use it in Dancing with the Lion because it falls awkwardly on the ear, and most people familiar with the court are already familiar with the Pages. That said, I agree with her that “pages” is misleading, causing most to envision pre-pubescent boys after the medieval fashion, whereas these guys are closer to squires.
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Now that we're in the finale, Hawks' mission really could've been the be all, end climatic conclusion to the whole series! It's at the climax/most tense game changing point of the story. If it'd just been written a bit differently, all that preparation and build-up could've gotten proper awknowledgement that made the fallout feel harsher instead of transitioning right away to Deku leaving U.A for that run around. We could've addressed important story bits about the characters instead. (1/2)
The War Arc equally had final battle vibes as much as it had "they're gonna fail" the Villain Hunt arc is more of a child taking that down time to break down, so it feels like messy pacing to us since we'd find it more natural to follow the Pros who are more engaged with the world and moving story than students and their struggles after this. I personally, would've liked the War to be more focused on D vs H, less last minute pop-ups and more League arrests and detailed, blown up broadcasts. (2/2)
Hmmm, I'm trying to think on this. I'm not really sure how to address what you wrote because I'm dumb T-T However you did make me think of how the raid arc could have gone down and how that would have affected their pacing.
I wonder if it would have been interesting if Hawks had been asked to not participate in the raid or pretend to get captured by the heroes for being on the "villains" side as a failsafe just in case they still needed an in for the league.
Sadly the heroes had been arrogant during that raid and assumed they would win and wouldn't need one, which ultimately lead to the last arc with them having to rely on a boy slowly breaking down in order to lore out the villains (and didn't even do so successfully).
It could have been twist after twist XD I like Hawks role in the war arc during the manga but I want to imagine a painful scene where Tokoyami finds him in the mansion and Hawks has to act fast in order to hide the fact that he's not really a villain from the others.
That way, the conclusion of Hawks mission would actually happen during the final battle instead of the previous war.
Anyway, to try and get back on track, I agree with you on the last war having too many "last minute" pop ups. A couple of the reveals were fine but Hori lost the ball near the end with all he tried to cram in.
Sorry, my answer is all over the place T-T I'm not sure how to answer you.
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dontcallmecarrie · 7 years
Hello!!! It took me awhile to work up the courage to write this because you just seemed so cool and I didn't want to annoy you but I really wanted to complement you aaahhh 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 Your writing is just amazing and super duper cool and it draws me in so much and it's something I really appreciate because 9 times out of 10 I'm gonna analyze for inconsistencies or something in stories because... Not enough going on, I guess? (1/5) ~ Silac
And it’s double amazing because!!! Beautiful grammar and flow!!! I’m not getting hung up on petty stuff!!! Truly a work of art, uh. Ms? Mr??? Mx????? Friend, I guess, I can’t figure out your gender/pronouns, whoops. But yeah I really really like your writing and the way it flows! o(^▽^)o That aside- The main reason for this message was TWiFFON, I mean??? It combines some of my favorite things- Tony Stark, JARVIS, accidental world domination, protection squads, mildly scary AI’s… (2/5) ~ Silac
I can’t ask for more, really. And you address so many cool things and don’t ignore Tony’s mental conditions and how much he loves and depends on JARVIS!!!!! I’ve even daydreamed about it like!!! What will happen next!!! Are there gonna be more Peter-JARVIS interactions beyond what’s already been seen? Does Tony become Peter’s Surrogate Dad??? Does JARVIS become fond of Peter in a “Grandparent-Grandchild” sort of way????? (3/5) ~ Silac
Do they come up with “If Tony Dies We Reck the World” plans at some point, or does that happen with Rhodey and Pepper??????? (I love Peter+Avengers too much whoops) And! What about the Infinity Stones!!! Does Tony end up using any of them, if at JARVIS’ insistence (given he seems to want Tony to live longer…)? Just!!! Super cool story and everything and haha wow I really hope this isn’t annoying or weird or anything, if it is just ignore it I guess??? (4/5) ~ Silac
But yeah you’re one of my favorite writers right now so!!! Keep it up!!! Remember to take care of yourself!!! Sleep and eat and take a break if you need to, no one will be angry. I hope you’re doing well~ ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ (5/5) ~ Silac
Hi, friend! [Hope you don’t mind my grouping the ask series together, I’m still new at several aspects of Tumblr.] 
I’m really glad you like my writing, and I’m really flattered [read: this ask basically my day, and it’s been a long one, seeing it made me smile] by it! I’m female, so she/her pronouns work just fine, and I’m trying to go by Naught if possible [it’s a long story involving my pen name, wherein NotCarrie= Naught…yes I like puns, sorry about that], and currently working on the next chapter of TWiFFON whenever my computer’s not joining the robot uprising or exams at at hand [like today *headdesk*].
As for the fic itself: I have an outline for it [if you want spoilers, it’s in one of my previous posts, should be under my tag for this entire AU], but I’ve been going off-script detailing stuff I’d skimmed over [like the entire setup arc for Age of Ultron]. I’m really glad you’re liking it, and hope you still will after I’m done because I’ve been [and still will be] flying by the seat of my pants this entire time. 
When it comes to writing this fic, I’ve been having maaaybe just a little too much fun planning [accidental] world domination. Especially with the turn MCU’s gone lately; I had to look up a script of Age of Ultron [because seeing the movie once was enough for my JARVIS feels], and even this early on can’t help but wonder why Tony’s never snapped [yet]. [Then again, that’s the basis for my entire endeavor for this fic, so.]
This current arc’s focused on the movie and the subsequent fallout, and instead of a robot uprising the Avengers’ll be facing down yet another alien invasion. JARVIS has, so far, been mostly benign, but Age of Ultron’s where his sheer ruthlessness will start to show through. Nothing drastic [not yet], but still.
Peter’s very much in the background at the moment— I’m using The Amazing Spider-Man as my basis for his portion of this fic, and he won’t gather his courage to visit Gwen until later on. But don’t worry, he’ll make his appearance, and JARVIS will be reminded of another bright-eyed teenager with dark hair and an unhealthy fascination with things that go boom. 
Tony’s going to be flailing internally because his social skills are for cameras only and AbsenteeDad!Howard is his main reference for anything vaguely paternal, so he thinks that he’s in the clear by emulating his butler when it comes to dealing with anyone under the age of 25. [I’m calling the unreliable narrator card here; he thinks he’s just the kinda random and aloof teacher/mentor figure to the kid, Peter’s seeing a kind and encouraging man telling him he has potential.] However, I’m also debating as to how I can save his Uncle Ben [even if the man doesn’t have a role in my fic, I just want to see if I can do it plausibly], so. 
As for the ‘If Tony Dies’ portion— this’ll come up later [and gets touched on in the outline, I think]. Minor spoiler: JARVIS has been stepping up his game, but up until now he’s been leaving everyone else on his priority rankings mostly alone. Age of Ultron’s where the status quo shifts, and Happy makes a cameo [or, at least, that’s what he’s slated for, unless something changes]. However, overall, JARVIS would rather reveal himself to the world at large than risk Tony’s safety, so no plans per se. [I have a nebulous idea for a fic about it, but I’m trying to curb them until after this fic’s done.] However, for the most part Tony’s made it clear he wants to save the world, so they’d probably do that to respect his wishes.
And as for the Infinity Stones? Spoilers. ;)
…okay, really I have that portion sorted out, but I’m mostly sticking to MCU, and while JARVIS is looking into possible methods to extend life, his threat analysis says there’s more immediate concerns [with the biggest at the moment being HYDRA].
I just had a recent round of tests [pre-med, woo! *headdesk*], thus the lack of progress, and life’s shaping up to be hectic for a while so I want to see if I can finish it up by the time finals are inbound.
Again, I’m glad you’re liking it so far!
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