#(as if it wasn't obvious 😀)
caramelldansenu · 1 month
I really love your take on Lamb's follower spouse. Usually, other artists' spouses have beef with Narinder lol
So this is pretty refreshing and it balances out Lamb's relationship with Narinder. It's nice to see a follower having to soften Narinder instead.
thanks in my world everyone has beef with narinder cause it's such a huge prick with basically 0 morals except for the lamb and shams
shams actually likes narinder way more than the lamb does cause narinder always does something insane that pisses off the lamb (like murder ratau) but doesn't bother shams as much since it just didn't care about her until she started interacting with it
now she just kind of messes around with narinder which bothers it a lot while also making sure it doesn't do anything crazy
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purrpickle · 1 year
Daily reminder that I am still unapologetically in love with GAP the Series and the amazing characters it gave us.
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invisiblyvisiblejay · 3 months
ive decided that generally on principle im not even going to think abt whether im in love w girl im dating bc like. she's not even my girlfriend it doesn't matter if we're "in love" or whatever but also i just.... think it all the time and someday im gonna just fucking say it fully accidentally like she said something last night and my like. first instinct was to be like "haha yeah but i love u anyways" and i didn't say it (thank god) but it took me like. a full minute to be like oh glad i didn't go w that response 😭😭
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
Lipstick Smudges
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Includes; Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Malleus Draconia, Silver
Tags; slightly suggestive— but it's all sfw and a lot of smooches 😚
Gender Neutral Reader -> Reader does wear lipstick
Requested ! [Twst M.List] ♡
—Riddle Rosehearts
A death wish
If you wish to be berated about public appearances and whatnot, then this is is just the thing for you 😀
On the bright side, the red of the lipstick compliments his red hair and of course, the growing blush on his face
An innocent single kiss to his cheek, which quickly became less seemingly innocent in the form of a dozen pecks. Riddle lost all sense of control at the first kiss, your lips simply soft, gentle, and intoxicating. His chest was burning for oxygen, but he didn't want to pull away - not yet, just a couple more seconds, he reckoned. He was practically drowning in the overflowing feelings amongst the moment.
You pulled away, your face flushed from the heated moment, eyes half lidded as you attempted to catch your breath. Suddenly, your eyes widened, a fit of giggles following from you soon after. Riddle rosed a brow at that, his heart fluttering at the sound of your laughter. " What's so silly my rose?"
" Your face...!" You couldn't stop another chuckle from leaving you as you attempted to calm yourself. Perplexed, Riddle took a quick glance at the mirror perched at the side of his room. Low and behold, the great dorm warden of Heartslabyul— rendered a disheveled mess with flushed cheeks and... lipstick marks over his lips. If it was even possible, his face became many shades redder, placing the roses in the garden to shame.
To be honest, you couldn't tell if he was mad or simply surprised, perhaps a mixture of both knowing your boyfriend. As for the boyfriend himself, Riddle couldn't quite place a finger on what he was feeling. He should be angry, really, that if anyone witnessed him this state, it would truly be embarrassing. But it's wasn't that... bad. If anything, it just made his heart thump faster, and palms become fidgety.
But oh- if you thought you were off the hook, then you're horribly mistaken. But for now, he'll let it slide and perhaps get a couple more kisses from you.
—Azul Ashengrotto
He's already red at the thought of kissing and now having some very obvious red marking of your kissing(which wasn't really that intimate) ?! He feels like he may explode on the spot
To be honest, if you don't point it out him, he's not going to notice for a while until some poor soul garnered the courage to tell him
It was a goodbye kiss - a goodbye which left a bright red mark on the corner of his mouth. Azul was curious as to why everyone was giving him a lingering gaze, some looking away to chuckle to themselves. We're they teasing him? Did he have anything in his teeth, perhaps?
A quick glance to the mirror answered all those questions, and he was mortified. The first thing he did was seek you out and demand - no, he can't raise his voice at you- nicly question, what caused you to do something so... so scandalous! Why do this to his face? Were you trying to make him have a heart attack?
He was too dumbfounded to even wipe it off, contributing to a very amusing scene to play before your eyes; your boyfriend out of breath, face flushed terribly red and just a tiny bit of your lipstick sticking to his lips.
" Darling, look what you did to my face." He sputtered, his face flushing an embarrassed pink as he pointed to the innocent mark. You giggled slightly at his dramatic antics, earning you a dramatic gasp from his end.
" Sorry Azul, didn't mean to leave a mark."
" Everyone in the school saw, and no one considered telling me." He mumbled out dumbfounded.
"It's really not that bad." You attempted to soothe him, grabbing a tissue to wipe it off. You were surprised when he caught your wrist suddenly, the material just shy from his lips.
" Now now, I never say I didn't like it. Just be more cautious, Angelfish. Otherwise, I'll never hear the end of it from the twins."
—Jade Leech
Really it's you who gets more flustered than he does.
If anything, he looks rather unfazed by the mark. Makes matters worse by teasing you for it, chuckling lightly as you scrambled to save your dignity
"Oh Jade... I got some of my lipstick on your face, " you muttered rather sheepishly, pointing the vibrant red smudge against his mouth as you pulled away. Your lover merely rose a brow at that, for he was already fully aware that it's there! But it presented an opportunity to make a gentle tease at the situation, and given how you're becoming red, it was worth it.
"Oh?" He tilted his head, a smirk already playing on his lips as he examined myself. "Why it seems you have, my dear." He exclaimed with a faux dramatic sigh before giving off a light-hearted chuckle.
Really, Jade paid little mind to the mark - though painfully obvious in contrast to his blue hair. However, people are too afraid of him to make fun of him for it, and besides, he felt entranced by it some way. Marked by his lover in such an innocent and unintentional way? You're really pulling at his heartstrings.
He pointed to the smudge, the pigment rubbing against the corners of his mouth, then he pointed to the other side bare and lipstick-free. Before you could even reciprocate your confusion, Jade suddenly leaned forward, a puff of hot air tickling your cheek. Your gasp of surprise only acted to empathize that smirk of his whilst the pads of his gloved fingers brushed along your spine, ecliting goosebumps along the curves of your body.
" Why don't you leave a couple more, my dear? Mark me as yours, hm?" It's safe to say that you were a little late to your class, your lips noticeably a little puffy and red.
—Malleus Draconia
Malleus, who doesn't really understand why you're making a big fuss about in the first place. It's just a small little mark, it can be easily wiped off with his sleeve.
He's intrigued by it; however, it wasn't something he can place his finger on but he stared at the smudge with some form of interest in his eyes
Tbh he's too busy kissing you to even pay attention or care 😗
Honestly, Malleus hardly even noticed or felt the texture of the pigment rub against his lips as he chased you for another kiss. He was too intoxicated in the moment, his chest heaving as he pulled another searing kiss that made the tips of his fingers go numb. It's only when you suddenly pulled away, your eyes widening slightly did he consider that something might have been wrong.
" Why are you staring at me like, my treasure?" He inquired with a tilt of his head, scenarios starting to run through his brain. You shyly pointed to his face, a faint red creeping on your cheeks from mild embarrassment. He hummed as his eyes quickly danced over to the nearest mirror, and there it was; a smudge of color against his face.
It was hard to read his expression within that moment, his brows were furrowing slightly but he remained stagnant in his motion. As you started to internally panic, Malleus let out a soft chuckle, his lips spreading in a small smile as he flickers his attention back to you.
" My love, it's just a little smudge. Don't be so concerned." He lightly chastised as his hands snaked around your waist and pulled you a little closer. " I truly pay little mind toward public appearances and if it came from you, then it certainly is worthy to be on my face."
His finger reached out to trail along your bottom lip, effectively accumulating a little more pigment on his fingernail. He chuckles at the reaction it eclicts from you as he leans in, lips brushing against your own. His voice is low as hushed whisper, sending shivers down your skin.
"However, let's conern ourselves with that later. Allow me to enrapture you in some more kisses."
Literally does not care. He has no qualms with going to class with a smudged face of your lipstick. So what if they point and whisper? He really could hardly care
Really, he's too busy chasing after your lips to really concern himself over it. Why fuss over a small mark when he can kiss you breathless and maybe add a couple more of marks while he's at it?
Soft sighs were the only audible thing that registered in your brain as you felt your chest be knocked out of oxygen for the nth time. The only coherent feeling was Silver's lips on your own, swollen and blemished as he retreats for a quick intake of air before repeating the action. However, before he could lean in for another round of fervish kisses, you propped your hands on his shoulder, halting in him in place.
" Is something wrong?" He mumbled, hot breath pricking your cheek— it took all your willpower to not shudder, even as his fingers brushed along your upper arms. A couple more seconds of silence passed before you spoke; " I- I got some of my lipstick on your face." Your voice was barely audible and he had to strain his ears to hear.
He seemed to consider this for a moment, eyes flickering to the ground as he processed the words. His expression was unreable. You almost started to panic had it not been for the soothing circles he rubbed along your bare skin. Then, before you could ask, he leaned forward to press a chaste peck to your lips, followed by a:" I don't really care."
And with that, your cycle of kissing each other breathless until you're both heaving for air resumed and tenfolded with each passing second, touches becoming rough and impatient as you littered more smudges along Silver's face.
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Anon, you didn't specify which fandom, so I went with twist. I hope that was okay ✿
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n1nicou · 3 months
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Loves wound, loves cure
pairings: dallas winston x reader
summary: dallas winston is a stubborn man, causing a fight between the two of you. but when you come to him all beaten, it seems like the fight has long left his mind, his only concern being you.
a.n: sorry i haven’t posted in three months, i had mid years and school is really eating my ass right now!!! 😀😀🤩🤩 (math and science can go fuck themselves!!!) anyway eat this up yall cause lord knows when im posting a new fic 😭
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"fine! don’t want me to talk?" you shouted at dallas with an angry tone before getting up from the couch and making your way to your front door.
"where ya goin'?!" dallas said as he immediately shot up from the couch, seeing you move to the front door.
"we’ll talk when i feel like talkin'!" you said as you looked back at dallas with your eyebrows furrowed together. your was blood boiling with anger, but you couldn't ignore the hint of sadness deep inside your chest.
fights between you and dallas weren’t uncommon. when you did fight, it would always be over something stupid that would end with the both of you making up. dallas never said sorry, not with his pride and ego he did, but he found other ways to apologize to you. more subtle, but obvious enough for you to pick up on. however, tonight was a different story. you and dallas had been going on and on about something he had done.
you and dallas had been at the dingo all night, which was fun for the first few hours until some broad thought it was a good idea to try and sweet talk dallas, which you obviously did not enjoy. dallas, in his end, didn’t seem to mind the lousy and annoying flirtatious comments the girl made. not that he condoned to the girl's advances or try to flirt back with her, but the occasional smirk would appear on his face which only encouraged the girl to continue.
you watched as the scene unfolded, your eyebrows furrowed together when you noticed that dallas wasn't rejecting her advances. you knew dallas liked to have his fun, tease and bother girls, but not initiating anything as you were his first real girlfriend, which was strange for him. so when you both came back to your place, after ignoring him the whole rest of the night and finally blowing up on him after he profusely kept asking you why you were acting like this, he didn’t really understand why you were so upset. to dallas, it was just harmless fun, he wouldn’t do anything with her.
so there you two were, arguing back and forth for a while before dallas’s anger got a hold of him and he yelled at you to shut up.
and this is exactly the way you found yourself in this situation, walking out of your house as you just weren't able to deal with dallas right now. as much as dallas protested, you ignored his words, your mind filled with anger and disappointment.
dallas laid down on the flimsy couch of the curtis home, a cigarette between his fingers. he tried his best to be mad at you, wondering what your damn problem was, but in the end, he couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit guilty.
the image of your angry but sad and upset face plaged dallas's mind, making him wonder if maybe he was too harsh with you. however, dallas's deep thinking was suddenly stopped when he heard the door of the curtis house slam open. dallas sat up from the couch and turned his head to the front door, expecting to see johnny coming to find refuge from his own house or a guy from the gang.
there you were, your lip busted open, your nose bleeding. open cuts and gashes trailed down from your forehead to your jaw. you were shaking violently as tears rolled down your cheeks, the saltiness burning your open wounds and broken sobs leaving your bleeding lips. with your blurry vision, you were able to see dallas, who you hadn’t expected to see at the curtis house.
dallas wasn’t sure who came up to whom first. whether you rushed to dallas first or he rushed to you first, it didn’t really matter, as dallas was now right in front of you, looking down at you with concern.
“jesus christ, the hell happened to you, y/n?!” dallas asked with an impatient and angry tone. despite his angry demeanor, dallas’s fingers reached to gently cup your chin.
you were in too much shock to even utter a single word. you looked up at dallas, eyes full of fear, as tears ran down you cheeks. you opened your mouth to try and speak, but all that came out were a few broken sobs and his name.
“d-dally…” you croaked out in a shaky voice. dallas felt his heart break at your pained voice. he soon understood that he wasn’t going to get anything out of you unless you calmed down first. dallas gently picked you up in his arms before placing you down on the flimsy leather couch. your hand tightly gripped his forearm, tears still running down your bruised and cut cheeks.
dallas thought that if he made one wrong move, you would shatter like glass. his rough and calloused hand gently cupped your cheek, looking right down at you.
"'s alright, dally's here... relax, sweet girl, i got you..." dallas whispered in a soft and gentle tone, such a gentle tone. the kind of tone he had never ever used on a single soul, not even on you before this. the kind of tone he wouldn't be caught dead using on anyone, anyone but you right now. he simply kept rubbing your cheek with his thumb, hoping that it would calm you down, as he didn't really know how to comfort someone in this situation. to be fair, dallas never really comforted many people in his life, so he tried to keep his approach gentle, not wanting to overwhelm you.
with the help of dallas's soft rubs on your cheek and gentle words, your adrenaline slowly started to dissipate. now, you could really feel all the pain from each and every bruise, gash and cut that was inflicted on you. your breaths slowed down and you slowly became more conscious of your surroundings.
"tell me what happened, sweet girl." dallas got straight to the point as soon as he noticed that you were more aware of everything now. he was itching to know who or what decided it was a good idea to hurt his girl like this.
it took you a few moments to collect your thoughts before you spoke up in a shaky tone. "i-i was walkin outside after our fight and-and this white mustang started tailing me..." dallas felt his stomach drop at your words. he didn’t need to hear the rest to get a clear thought in his head of what had happened, but he let you talk.
“i tried running or-or sum’ but they caught up to me… and i…” you tried to keep talking, but you felt as if a thorn bush was stuck in your throat, anything else other than sobs being unable to leave your mouth.
“shh, easy, y/n… ‘s alright… did they hurt you, sweet girl?” dallas asked. he already knew the answer, but he thought that maybe it would be easier if he helped you say it. you nodded your head yes before looking down at your lap, tears dripping down onto your jeans.
"fuckin' socs..." dallas felt his blood boil as you confirmed his suspicions. his fists clenched, knuckles turning white and nails digging into his palms as a strong feeling of rage took over his mind. he would kill whoever touched you, his girl, which he had made pretty clear to everyone.
but he held back, his only priority right now being you. he would deal with the unfortunate socs who thought it was a good idea to hurt you, later.
“i-im sorry, if i hadn’t been such a stubborn idiot, if i had just shut my trap like you said, none of this woulda happened…” you spoke up in your quiet and broken voice as you kept staring down at your lap. dallas immediately stopped you, tilting your head up so his eyes met yours. the guilt hit dallas like a truck. harder than ever now that were blaming yourself and excusing his behavior.
“that don’t matter anymore. it ain’t your fault, doll” the last thing on dallas’s mind was the fight you two had earlier and he didn’t want you thinking about it, nor did he want you blaming yourself for something someone else did to you. his rough fingers kept stroking your damp cheeks, feeling your whole body shake underneath his gentle touch.
"dal-dal, i'm so scared..." you croaked out as your grip on his forearm tightened. you were still in a lot of shock and pain, your body violently shaking.
dallas couldn't handle it anymore. he pulled you into his arms, bracing you with a gentle hug, afraid that if he held you any tighter, you would collapse. you tensed up in his arms, surprised at his actions, but you soon melted into his touch and buried your head into the side of his neck.
"shhh... you're safe, those fuckin' idiots are gone... s’alright sweet girl.." dallas tried to say in the most gentle tone possible, but you heard his anger slip through his comforting words.
nonetheless, you were shocked.
dallas winston, the dallas winston had you wrapped up in his arms, in a hold so so gentle as he shushed you softly. the words he said were comforting, sweet. something no single soul, not even yourself, had ever heard from this tuff, mean, violent greaser. the man who couldn't love anything, no one, was afraid to break you as he held you so delicately. slowly but surely, you felt your fear disappear. a sense of safety washed over you as he held you.
you knew you would be okay.
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whateversawesome · 5 months
Chapter 94: Detective Twilight
This was a fun chapter! Detective Conan fans are probably happy with it, right? And we still learned a few things along the way.
Well, we know the kind of dad Twilight is (the kind who yields as soon as he sees his kid cry 😆)...
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And we also know what kind of mom is Yor: A mama bear! Honestly, Anya couldn't be in safer hands.
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By the way, let me say that Twilight and Yor looked gorgeous throughout the whole chapter, especially in this panel 💕
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We got the classic fanfiction "there's only one room left at the hotel" trope 😀
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For a second, I thought we were getting the "there's only one bed" trope! But then this happened...
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Even though they didn't end up sharing the bed, this was still my favorite panel in the chapter. Why?
First of all, it's very obvious now that Yor has feelings for her husband. She didn't say something like: "I've never shared a room with a man." She was very specific and got all flustered about sharing a room with Loid.
However, what I liked the most about that panel was Twilight's attitude. Look at his face. It's basically this one 😏 But the point of this panel is that it's only the two of them and his words and facial expression say one thing: "I know you."
That's the kind of stuff that makes him a good husband. He pays attention to his wife, what she likes and the things that make her uncomfortable. In that panel, he lightly teases her, but he's also being considerate of her without making a big deal out of it.
Also, I know everyone wants Twilight and Yor to share a bed (me too!!) but I think when it finally happens the waiting will pay off.
Hear me out:
It will probably happen right after they both realize they have feelings for each other but before they confess (for maximum tension😆). Can you imagine the amount of longing? Knowing that the person they're in love with is right there within reach, next to them, sharing a bed, side by side trying not to touch but wanting to touch so badly and both Twilight and Yor dying to kiss (and do other stuff) Come on, you can't beat that!
My advice: patience. It's going to happen at the perfect time in the relationship and in the story. Plus, it has to be a very forced situation AND there has to be no other way (no couch either!).
In the meantime, let's see how Twilight not only blindly trusted Yor, even though, as a spy, he should trust no one and he had reasons to suspect her (because she wasn't in the room AND she's an actual assassin). Even Yor wasn't sure it wasn't her 😂(Probably?)
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On top of everything he was incredibly protective of his wife. He didn't even let that man come near her, let alone touch her. YES! That's what we like to see, Twilight 😊
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Bonus: Did you notice that as soon as they found the first victim, Twilight's first thought was to protect his daughter? Nice dad instinct, Mr. Spy-dad 😏
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stgosupremacy · 6 months
HI SO TODAY WE R GONNA ANALYSE EVERY OFFICIAL SATOGOU POSTER (ok i couldnt get my hands on them all but)🥰
heres the thing no one asked for
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there's hearts. 💯❤
honestly pretty chill but THERES HEARTS-
ok so theres not much else going on here but this is rlly cute of a poster lmao of the boys all cosy and cute <33 and ash drinking this cool soda lol
pikachu looks so cute omggggg
(@skyecrystal pointed out this was released on valentines day hehe) 😏
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MORE HEARTS MWAHAHAHHAHAHA ok but like all their pokemon are clearly routing for them (esp lucario look at him)
ALSO random but i love how it's gohs pokemon looking directy at the present in gohs hand lol like theyre just waiting for him to fess up....AND GOH DEFO GAVE THAT PRESENT TO ASH AFTER THE SHOOT 💖😊😊
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ehhhhh 4 gays 1 picture, keep scrollinggg....
(theyre all literally like 2 inches apart bahhaa)
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love how ash is just totally sweetly oblivious and just smiling...
...gary is just acting chill and cool as always...
and goh is....just blushing and is internally screaming we can tell ok
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and goh l i t e r a l l y getting distracted by ash- look at him !! 💖🤨 so distracted in fact that the ICING IS COMING OUT THE PIPING BAGGGGGG UGHGHGHHGH
and then chloe just being adorable ofc awh lmao
ah then we have to appreciate sobble and pikachu looking down at their trainers like 'we know what you guys are' 🥰
iLOVEEEE this one but the ones to come knock it off the bar holy heck 😤-
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they literally couldnt be any close in this BAHAHHAHA AWWHHH teyre so cute <33 and ash's arm around him 🥺 I love how are just squashed up together while iris has the spotlight but they happy ^^
wait but we have to appreciate iris tho- LOOK AT HERRRRRR 💜💜
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so uhhh...
still speaking of iris, she's so cute feeding pikachu right omg <33 💜🥺
andddddddd as much as i love and adore iris i couldn't help but notice something elseeee....it's not even that obvious idk if yall saw but
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ash is feeding him.
he is literally feeding him-
also love goh's red socks theyre slayin
BUT ANYWAY gosh i love iris OBVS but everyone was like aww iris and pikachu cute aww-
LIKE HELLO?? have you seen this over here omg. the little cherry blossoms falling on them too (i cant help but notice some are shaped like hearts but they normally are anyway 🥰)
so yeah this one was defo anipoke being bold but uh
yall know which one is last 🙂🙂🙂
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so i was like wow that is some REALLY good fanart dam-
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GOH IS FULL ON BLUSHING WITH ASH BEING PAINFULLY OBLIVIOUS AND WINKING????? AND THEN LOOK HOW FKN CLOSE THEY ARE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 🥰🥰🥰🥰 his cap is all squahed upwards bc of how close they are LMAO and ash is casually feeding himm...
no like seriously combined with the gay shit from pokemon journeys they HAVE TO BE CANON LOL 🤩
THIS WAS SO FUN 😍 considering to tag this as satogou week 2023....which wasn't even my intention anyway but...HEY LETS DO IT!
#satogouweek2023 <3
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(me considering if anyone is acc gonna read all of this 😀😀 )
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jassy-kpop · 3 months
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Gamer fun
Warnings⚠️: MDNI !!!!! NSFW!!! doggie style, biting, mentions of getting high and drinking, spitting, choking, fingering ,aggressive fucking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), spanking, degradtion and hair pulling
Summery ✏️: You and Han are gamer buddies, they get super high and faded, and they end up saying "stuff" about each other and stuff ends up getting intense 😀 (friends to lovers ig ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯).
POV: 1st point of view readers pov 😝
It's currently 12:03 on a hot summer night, it was so humid that no amount of air conditioning could help. The air felt sticky and smelled of sex, the neighbors were going at it again, but we didn't care, our top priority at the moment was getting faded and killing our enemies on Call of Duty.
Han had recently got out of the shower, so his hair was still damp, hell, there were still droplets dripping from it, but if anything, seeing how focused he was on the game made me so fucking horny .
"Han, why don't we take a small break, and drink some soju ?" I asked , without a care in the world, the week obviously affecting my , normally, clear thinking.
Han looked at me and raised an eyebrow, because he knew I wasn't much of a drinker. He just shrugged, sat down his controller and stood up, and ,of course, I followed. We went to his kitchen to search for soju, he didn't have any, but he did have vodka .
"Be careful, this stuff is strong," he said while pouring and handing me a vodka filled shot glass. I nod and then downed the alcohol, the burn it provided caused me to cough a little before putting the ,now , empty shot glass down ,only to find Han handing me a blunt he just rolled. "Do you want the first hit, Tits?"
"Of course I do, " I take the blunt from him and lit it, "also ,i thought i told you to stop calling Tits?" I took a long hit of the burning weed, while looking at him playfully.
"Can't help it when you have tits that good ,baby" he said, an obvious seduction in his tone. "I mean come on ," he scoffs, "you have the best boobs in town, and I mean hey, at least I'm not calling you 'slut' or 'whore'"
I rolled my eyes playfully and handed him the blunt for him to puff, " Jokes on you i find being called that hot, and if you keep calling me 'tits' ,I might just have to call you 'dick master' or some shit" I laughed
"At least I'd live up to the name" he smirks and I scoff.
"don't be such a dickhead, I doubt you're that good in bed. " I said sarcastically
"Don't believe me , Tits? Then I guess, I'll just have to show you. Ya up for it? I'll show you why you should call me that, baby" he said as he leaned closer to us, the smell of vodka and weed on his breath , heavily intoxicating. I couldn't help but press my thighs together, as the vodka and weed mix started to take over my mind.
"Fine, show me. Show me how 'good ' you are in bed.....but if you don't live up to your words, you have to buy me, new Call of Duty skins" I smirk, confident in my words.
"Okay, bet" Han had let out a gowl and pulled me by the arm and kissed me roughly. The wetness between my legs intensifies, and my clit started to throb with neediness, "fucking slut, I bet this is the only reason you came over tonight — all for little bit of cock? Fucking pathetic," he bends me over the island counter ,lifted my skirt and slapped my ass so hard that there was a red spot.
"Fuck!" I moaned ,I tried to bury my face into my arms but Han grabs me by the hair and lifted my head up and forced my mouth open, he spit in my mouth and it caused my pussy to gush with arousal.
"Swallow it , c'mon show me how much of a good girl you are Tits" he smirks sadistically, as i swallowed his spit before forcing my head onto the counter and ripping my panties off of my body. "Look at this sight," he coo'd " such a juicy fucking pussy, all this for me?" He licks his lips at the sight of my arousal dripping down my thighs.
" Yes, it's all for you, Han, just for you," I sighed out as he started to rub my clit, collecting my slick onto his finger and gently pushing one inside my awaiting hole.
"Such a tight pussy, baby— who knew a slut could be so tight? Lucky me" he says as he adds another finger to double my pleasure, my eyes rolled back as strained moans flew from my mouth with each curl of his fingers into my g-spot. A whine came from my throat as I inched closer to my orgasm, only for it to be ruined by him removing his fingers.
"W-why?! Please, p-please keep going, I-i was so close , Hannie!" I throw a little tantrum, as the knot in my stomach started to loosen.
"if you keep being a brat, then you won't cum at all, got it? " Han growled into my ear, and soon came the sound of clothes ruffling, and the sound of it hitting the floor.
"H-han? W-what are you —" he interrupts me by sliding inside me, fully bottoming out, his tip pressed against my cervix, "fuck!" I moaned in pleasure.
"fuuckk, even when I finger fucked you you're still so fuck'n tight" Han groans and started to gently grind his dick into, trying to get used to the vice like grip I have on him before pulling all the way out and slamming back in, gripping my neck with his hands as I let out strangled moans of pure pleasure with each hard thrust.
"H-han, fuck , you're cock— so b-big, big, oh my God!" Each thrust was so hard that the sound of his balls slapping against me filled the room, my eyes rolled back and drool started to drip from my mouth as he moves his hand from my neck back to my hair, he gripped my locks and pulled me back into him, my back arching, my lungs breathless, as his cock bullies my pussy .
"Yeah —fuck, I told you , you'd like it slut, going cock dumb on her friends dick, shit, this pussy is so good, i think i might just have to fill you up" he teases, his pace reaching an animalistic one, I tighten on him, my pussy trying to milk him for all he's got.
"Han, fuck, H-han, please, c-can't hold it back anymore, g-gotta cum ,please, please" I begged as tears of pleasure filled my eyes as the knot in my stomach grew tighter and tighter as his cock slammed into my cervix.
"Fuck, who would've thought my friend was such a a whore for cock — g-god mh— I'm gonna cum, fuck, where do you want it ,Tits?" Han asked while his cock started to twitch. His hand tightens in my hair, causing me to let out a breathless moan of pleasure.
"I-inside , fuck— please, please cum inside, I'm begging you please,* I moaned a slick drips down his cock and my thighs, "please, I-i'll be such a good girl for you" i moaned out.
Han groaned and with a few more harsh thrusts his hips stilled, "Fucking take it slut, take it all like the dirty bitch you are!" he moaned as he spills his load. The feeling of his warmth filling me caused me to cum, squeezing his cock hard, trying to milk as much of his cum as I could for my greedy pussy.
" Fuck that was amazing," Han moaned as he came down from his explosive high, "wanna go again?".
@hyunsvngs , @changbunnies & @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna I wanna know your opinion on it and if I did good ☺️
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kookslastbutton · 9 months
hii i hope ur well!! just wanna say i absolutely adore ur writing it's so addictive ahaha <33 here's a request i have, if u don't mind: so basically jin and the reader are in a relationship and jin was pretty confident with the relationship at the start, but he feels like after y/n met the other members they spend more time with each other than jin + y/n, and then one day something happens thats just the last straw for him so his jealousy is now visible + a hot make out sesh if u dont mind lmaoo
End of the Line ༓ KSJ (m)
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✑ Summary: Your relationship with Seokjin hits a bumpy path when he notices you've been spending more time with his friends than him. It's an understatement to say your boyfriend has had enough of it.
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pairing: seokjin x reader
au/genre: fluff, little bit of angst, some crack, suggestive smut, established relationship, drabble
rating: m, 18+
word count: 1,392
warnings: seokjin is jealous and a bit pompous lol, seokjin just wants oc to pay attention to him again 🥺, reference to super tuna bc I couldn't resist, also yeah some crack at first bc its Seokjin, swearing, light fighting, hot make out session as requested, ass gr*pping, manhandling, feat. jhs, myg, & kth
now playing: super tuna
a/n: This was very fun to write anon! 🤩 tysm for your kind words!! It means so much to me 💗 I really hope you like this ☺
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You and Seokjin started out as friends—always accompanying the other to weddings, karaoke nights, nature walks, and even fishing trips. It was when Seokjin caught a super tuna on one of his trips to sea that you were beyond proud of him. You didn't hesitate at all to pull out your phone and take a picture of him with his catch.
Seokjin marks it as the day he knew he couldn't just stay friends with you, so he asked you out. It wasn't every day that he'd meet someone who'd get as excited over super tuna as he did after all.
'This tuna will not be released back into the water!' he promised to himself while smiling at the camera with you behind it.
Ever since that day you and Seokjin have been going out as a couple for three months. At first, the two of you were inseparable. You went on multiple dates a week; three at least.
But that all turned upside down when he took the plunge to introduce you to his inner circle, his main guys. Now whenever he asks about your day or your whereabouts you tell him you're out with Namjoon or hanging out with Jimin.
It couldn't be more obvious that you prefer spending time with his friends over him—your boyfriend. Well, he's World Wide Handsome, so whatever this thing is will end today.
Seokjin stands in front of his full-length bedroom mirror, plain white t-shirt, and classic denim jeans. The front pieces of his hair are pushed to either side of his face to make a clean middle part. "This should get her attention." He takes his phone from his pocket and snaps a mirror selfie. "I look damn good today." He sends the photo to you right after.
Seokjin: Having a good hair day, don't you think? [sent an image]
He eagerly waits for your response which typically only takes a few short minutes. But when the time on his phone jumps ahead twenty minutes without a reply, he just knows something's up.
Jagiya 😘: it's nice ❤😊
"Unbeliveable," he scoffs. "That's all you have to say?" Seokjin nearly glares at the screen as he types out a response.
Seokjin: Where are you? I miss you and want to see you 😞
Jagiya 😘: I'm home bby. We can go out if you want??
Seokjin lights up at this. He hasn't been able to see you all week between work schedules and oh yeah...you hanging out with his friends. The last part has him scowling. He's glad you get along with his buds and all but did you have to get so close to all of them?!
Seokjin: yes, come over as soon as you can! We can see a movie or go for lunch 😀
Jagiya: okay, I'll be there in half an hour.
Mission complete. Seokjin slips his phone back into his pocket and combs his slender fingers through his hair.
"Congratulations bro, your girlfriend's yours again!" He gives himself a pat over the shoulder then heads to the living room to wait for you.
When he hears fists pounding on his door he leaps to open it with a big grin plastered on his face.
"Hey hyung!" Seokjin's grin melts when he sees Hoseok, Yoongi, and Taehyung standing in the hallway outside his apartment. You're in between all of them, touching a little too close in his opinion. Seokjin tosses you a 'what the fuck' look instantly.
"Kook, Joon, and Jimin had other plans so they couldn't make it. The rest of us are free though. What movie are we seeing?" You say, oblivious to your error.
Seokjin doesn't reply but clutches your wrist and pulls you towards him, more aggressively than he meant. He then slams the door before the others can walk in.
"Seokjin! What the hell are you doing?" You shake your wrist from out of his grasp, bewildered by his sudden temperament.
"What am I doing? I'm asking you the same thing! I said I wanted to go out with you today, not the peanut gallery!"
"Hey, fuck you man!" On the other side of the door Yoongi cusses. Seokjin pays no attention to it as he's far too concerned with you.
"I'm sorry Jinnie—" you start, realizing he wanted this is be a date. "I ran into the guys on the way over and invited them because I thought we were just hanging out. The more the merrier..."
Seokjin's eyes widen, the vein in his neck slightly protruding. His eyebrows knit together too. "Hang out? Since when do we just hang out? Are you my girlfriend or not?"
"Of course I am—"
"Then why are you bringing them everywhere you go?! This isn't a polyamorous relationship, you know? We used to go out all the time but now I have to compete with five other men plus Jungkook!"
"Jungkook's a man!" Taehyung's baritone voice pipes.
"Shut up Tae, they're fighting in there," Hoseok shushes. "I really think we should leave. I feel odd standing out here."
"I second that," Yoongi turns to head to the elevator at the end of the hall.
"Oh, oh I think they're calming down now." Taehyung has his ear flushed against the apartment door. "I don't hear anything..."
"Yeah?" Hoseok leans his ear to the door too. Yoong watches them from a few feet away, arms crossed—he will not be one to fall into the door when it opens. "You're right," Hoseok speaks again. "It's dead silent in there."
From inside the apartment, Seokjin stares at you with his hands on his hips. His eyes rake up and down your body with a mix of pissed off and turned on. You look exceptionally stunning today, he observes.
"So this is all because you're jealous that I've been hanging out with your friends?"
"Yes, I'm jealous." Seokjin's hands fly up, further expressing his annoyance. "You're always too busy giggling with Jungkook or clinging onto Namjoon's biceps than going out with me, your boyfriend!"
"You are so exaggerating it. I'm just having some fun with them. And I'm not touching Namjoon's biceps so I don't know where that came from. Unless...." you narrow your eyes at the man. "You think they want to sleep with me don't you?"
"Well, why wouldn't they want you? Have you seen yourself?"
You'd be flattered by the compliment if you weren't already fuming at the fact your boyfriend is being so unbelievably unreasonable. "I can't believe you'd say that about your own friends Seokjin!" you say.
"I've known them longer than you have, so trust me. I know what I'm talking about okay?" Seokjin takes a deep breath. "I'm happy you're all friends. I just want to see you more..."
You sigh and walk up to him, hand reaching out to soothe him. "C'mon...we're just platonic. You know I love you right? I'd never do anything like that and they wouldn't either."
"I know. But fuck, you make me so crazy," he huffs and closes the distance with you. Rough hands press on your waist as he pulls you into himself. His plump lips lean down and kiss you with full force.
You let out a muffled whine and thread your fingers through his soft, fluffy hair. "Seokjin-"
He shuts you up with his tongue that pushes into your mouth, licking every crevice he can find. He gives your ass a little squeeze too, before walking you backward and against the couch.
"Does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?" You pant when you're given a breath.
"No," he says, forcing you to sit down on the soft cushions. "I'm still mad because it seems you've forgotten who your boyfriend is around here and need reminding."
"Oh, wait—" you say when he starts climbing on top of you until you have no choice but to lay on your back. "Shouldn't we deal with them first?" You flick your eyes to the door where the guys were still patiently waiting; eavesdropping more like.
Seokjin traces his thumb on the bottom of your lip with a dangerous smirk. "Well, you're the one who brought them here, didn't you? And they came for a movie, no?"
You slap his chest at his antics. "No, absolutely not. Get off me. I'll tell them to beat it myself."
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a/n: hoping this was okay? Lmk 💗
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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padsmoony04 · 1 year
For the very obvious reason that there aren't many fanfics or stuff related to Jack, I've decided to share with you how I think he is like, so i hope you enjoy it :)
Disclaimer: sorry if there are any grammatical error, english it's not my first lenguaje. Remember most of this is made up.
Jack Champion it's like...
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First things first, he's a theater kid. He has said it in a few interviews so I'm going to a assume that he probably (most likely) also like musical theater and that goes to the other theory wich is that he likes Hamilton, and it's also most likely that he has a couple (multiple) of the songs in he's playlist.
I wish I could also said that he's a swiftie, but I big part of me says that he's not a fan, but what I do think is that he does likes a few song's, like the mainstream one, for example shake it up, you belong with me, etc, etc, etc.
He's a fan of old school rock or old school music, like the beatles, queen, Fleetwood Mac, Michael Jackson and anothers. I meanly assume this for the fact that he's favorite song it's lest groove.
A true gentleman and no one can tell me other wise, that boy was raised by he's mom and he's mom alone, so I just know that he's sweet mother teach him how to be respectful to women and to treat them as equals.
He's a little dorky, but in a cute way. I mean have you seen the interviews..? Lmao.
Jack very confident: do you know what blowing a raspberry is? 😏
Bailey laughing her ass off: that's the definition!
Jack: What?...
Bailey: That's the definition..! *still laughing*
Jamie: But I still don't know what it is! 😀
The way that I have seen how he's friendship with Trinity is, I'm going to say that he's a really gentle boy and honestly really sweet.
Also he does a lot of dad jokes or better said bad jokes. I mean, I saw a video of him when he was younger saying "do you know why the chicken cross the road?... to prove it wasn't chicken!".
He's very carismatic but I also feel that he has a shy side.
He loves to cuddle (something that he also said).
I have a theory that he's the type of boy that, when he has a crush, he does a lot of silly things to make he's crush laugh.
He didn't like scary movies until he was sixteen, but that doesn't mean he can get scared easily with some of those movies now.
My next assumption is that when he likes something he turns it in he's whole personally (and no, I'm not projecting wdym?)
He's a Scorpio, so I just know for fact that he doesn't have patience, like at all, and also he has a short temperament.
Loves dogs and cats, but I feel he's more of a cat person.
He definitely had that fase where he used to film videos for his "YouTube channel" like almost all 2000's babies did.
Cookie lover, don't ask me why I think this he just gives me the vibe.
Obviously he's a marvel fan, and he's favorite superhero it's Spiderman (and something tells me that when he got the role for spider he's brain associated the word immediately with the superhero)
He's Favorite holiday is Halloween.
He also gives me the vibe that he's a ride or die type of friend.
Definitely the one how's always joking around in he's friend's group.
When he gest nervous he laughs.
A completely softie.
Nature lover.
He said that when he gets older he would like to settle down and have a family of his own, and live close to nature in a really calm place.
He prefer small towns rather than big cities.
He gives the impression that if he gest a girlfriend/boyfriend (to not assume directly what he's attracted to) he would follow them averywhere like a little puppy.
Probably would like to post things about he's partner, but not too much to not over share with the internet.
Also a little bit clingy as well.
He also looks like he would used the pet name "baby" a lot.
He cursed almost all the time, but like unconsciously, it just comes from him naturally. And when he's not supposed to curse and can find himself to stop doing it he would cover he's mouth with both of he's hands (something that it's really cute if you picture it).
Even though he's carismatic, he would get all shy and smiley when someone gives him a compliment.
Anyways! I think that it's it! Hope you guys like and enjoy my little theories about the lovely boy Jack Champion <3.
If you have more ideas about him don't be afraid to share it, I would love to know what theories you have about him.
And again, sorry if there are any grammatical errors :)
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
Hii! I hope you're having a great day/night!
I absolutely loved your barbatos prompt for flufftober, seeing how much he works and how he doesn't seem to relax ever, I just feel the URGE to take care of him 😀😀😀
Caressing his hair until he sleeps, giving him a skin care, (Give him a mind-blowing orgasm by sucking him off on his room until he finally relax and then directing him the most loyal and lovestruck gaze he would ever receive, but that's an idea for another time 🤭🤭) doting on him in general
So, can I please ask for a (drabble, fic, imagine, anything you feel like) where MC make barb sit still and proceeds to massage his back, kneading on his knots until he relutanctly turns into mush?
Hi there, anon! I'm having a good night, I hope you are as well!
I'm so glad you liked the Barbatos Flufftober prompt! I have that exact same urge, like just sit down and let me do things for once! Ugh I love him lol.
And when I tell you that I was so close to having MC give him a massage... But I also really wanted him to soak his feet 'cause I felt like he probably stands on them all day and I don't care if he's an ancient powerful demon that has to take it's toll!
Anyway, my full requests are closed but I can write you a short little something! In case it wasn't already painfully obvious, I love Barbatos and I love writing about MC taking care of him lol.
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GN!MC x Barbatos
Warnings: none!
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Barbatos was sitting on the edge of his bed. His uniform jacket was already folded neatly beside him, but it had been a struggle for you to get him to take it off at all.
You sat behind him now, your hands on his shoulders, methodically pressing your fingers into his stiff muscles.
Barbatos's body was tense, but you were determined to get him to relax, even if just a little bit. You concentrated on his neck and shoulders for a while, kneading carefully, working out the knots that you could feel beneath your touch.
As you did this, you felt Barbatos release some of that tension he was holding. He made a low noise in his throat, as though he was trying not to relax, as though he was trying to keep himself from showing just how tired he really was.
"I don't understand why you're so stubborn about this," you said softly, your hands pressing into him, causing his body to rock slightly against you. "You work so hard for everyone all the time. Why can't you let me do things for you every once in a while?"
Barbatos sighed and you were thrilled to see the way his body sagged a little as he did so. "Forgive me, MC," he said. His voice was low and full of something uncertain. "It is simply that a good butler never shows his fatigue."
You snorted. "Okay, first of all, you're the best butler of any butler that ever butled."
Barbatos chuckled and you were pleased to see the little blush that painted the tips of his ears.
"And second of all, you don't have to be a butler right now," you went on. "Right now, you can just be Barbatos. You can let go with me."
Barbatos was quiet. You weren't sure if he didn't know what to say or if he simply disagreed with you.
You didn't press him, only pushed your thumbs into a particularly difficult knot in his back. After a few moments, you felt the knot begin to release as you circled it carefully, working the tension out of it.
This caused Barbatos to sigh again and this time, he allowed himself to sink into you. His shoulders descended and he actually leaned into your touch, his head drooping just a little.
You leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the nape of his neck. "See? You're feeling better, right? Now you can be at your best when you get back to butlering tomorrow."
Barbatos chuckled again. "I see that you are correct in this, MC. You have my thanks."
You puffed out your chest in triumph. Perhaps now this could become a regular occurrence. You were nothing if not persistent. And hopefully Barbatos would continue to give in and allow you to care for him the way he cared for so many others.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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noyaetnox · 1 year
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- I adore Vil so get ready 😌🙏
- you were for sure the one to confess, BUT. But. It was after you've both basically started flirting like crazy, and it was painfully obvious to everyone around that two have the hots, the butterflies, the emotions for each other and you were basically dating by that point, it just wasn't official. He didn't confess because he's just that stubborn, and you, you are too 😀🫶
-> this is why no one was surprised when you've finally announced that you guys are together officially
ALSO Epel took the whole thing the hardest. He had to listen to you talk about your massive crush on HIS HOUSEWARDEN but then ALSO watch Vil look like a lovestruck fool. He really wanted to beat the two of you up 😁
- you know how some people joke, how their friends, that are dating, are like their parents? Yeah that's you and Vil. Like, at first you two didn't know about, but once Deuce accidentally called Vil mom and then Epel, and you finally had the talk, and they confessed that they do see you as kind of parental figures
-> it was sweet but why
-> Vil got very angry when you told him because that's not true??? And then you were hanging out with your first-year friends at Ramshackle and he came to tell everyone to go to sleep (he knew you'd stay awake the whole night otherwise) and almost all of your friends -tired- called him mom
- you two are the parents of everyone at NRC. It's fate. You have to live with that, but it's fun! Sometimes, at least!
- you keep your relationship private from the general public for some time. It wasn't because he wanted to hide, he simply wanted to find a good time to share something so important to him. You eventually told the world, though!
-> you got some hate for it. Actually a lot 😔
-> Vil was very mad. He really thought his fans were better than that. He really expected them to be mature and accept that he found someone he liked, genuinely, and that they would happy with him. He once voiced his anger during and interview where he talked about the relationship. Most of the hate stopped after that, and you could deal with the few hateful comments that showed up from time to time just fine! He tried his hardest to remain at your side and remind you how they're just haters and you should not take any of it to heart,,, let's be honest, though, you both needed to be there for the other. That was, of course, totally fine!
- despite all of that, I strongly believe it strengthened your relationship. Like, after that it's as unbreakable as bedrock when you play on survival without any mods or hacks. And that's something to respect!
- you often spend your free time together and have spa days. You both put on facemasks and watch a show that you both then bitch over because the character so terrible, or their acting, or the writing in general. You enjoy that 😡☝️ bitching at people brings you two closer and that's beautiful 😌
- if you used to like Neige you don't anymore. Because let's be honest, Neige <<<<<< Vil. Like, you've got this amazing boyfriend who's a total hottie and you want to fuss over Neige? Now go watch Vil's newest commercial 😡!
- dates with him are, of course, in secret. He's got crazy fans and doesn't want to force you into dealing with them, too. Sometimes, the two of you go out incognito, in funky outfits to hide your true identities. Rook loves it, because you've got this game where you go insognito into the public and Rook tries to find the two of you and then gives you a rating out of 10 how well you hid. Sometimes it works very well, sometimes not so much.
- you introduced cosplay to Vil and he likes it a lot, to pretend to be someone else for even a little, getting to wear crazy outfits with crazy make-up, please find a couple cosplay to do together 🙏
- he brings you many expensive gifts in the form of jewelry, clothes, stuffed animals you name it. He is rich, but he feels the need to give people expensive things to keep them close. He has a fear that you'd leave him if he stopped, despite you telling him that's not the case all the time. He's very hard-headed (Aries gang), so you wouldn't be able to change his mind, but you can give him gifts in return.
Don't buy him expensive gifts, give him something that comes from your heart, a silly drawing, a sticker, a mug you saw that you thought he'd like and he's in love. He prefers giving, so give him something he won't feel bad about later down the line, okay?
- all in all, it is a great relationship despite some of the bad things, lots of love and care (sometimes not in a way you would like, but it's Vil 😮‍💨)
- platonic: bro doesn't treat you as crazy, because you're only his friend. You're not part of the Pomefiore dorm, nor are you his significant other, so he has no reason to dictate your life. For the most part 🤭 it's in his nature so he can't stop himself ALL the time, but you can clearly tell it's not as intense
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- even if you're a Rook simp, I refuse to believe people aren't afraid of him. Bro is a pro stalker and pops out of nowhere all the time 😰😨😨 that's scary. Not to mention he is all of that compiled into a french man.
- anyway. Rook basically liked you from the start. You caught his attention, because you were a magicless human in their magic school, not to mention you only caused trouble and carried around a Grim. If that isn't interesting, I don't know what else is
- he started following you just like any other interest of his. You knew about his antics of stalking (from everyone, really) so you didn't think anything special of it. It made sense that he was interested in you (you would be, too, had something like happened at your school). It was only after he hadn't stopped for months that you started thinking this wasn't just another phase of his. Gathering courage, you finally went to Vil to ask him about his opinion in this matter to which Vil straight up told you Rook has a crush.
- you were SHOCKED
- Vil then went on to explain that Rook does stalk often, but yours seems to be different, and that they often converse about you, and Rook just proclaims how his heart beats louder and faster whenever he sees you, and that your beauty is simply out of this world! (Pun intended)
- surprised Rook hasn't said anything about that, you caught him stalking you, inviting him for a chat over a cup of tea, where you finally asked the question. Rook just laughed, called you a silly animal and then told you that he's in love at this point and it's not just a crush
- cue surprised Pikachu face
- you started dating after that, and Jack stopped hanging out with you. You smelled like Rook - not to mention Leona doesn't allow you to enter Savanaclaw anymore 😅
- that said 6 times out of 10, if you look behind (after feeling like somebody is watching you), Rook will be there smiling goofily at your person and his finger would've sending you hearts. The other 4 is when he's watching you fr and doesn't WANT you to notice him.
- Rook is very loud and says whatever is on his mind (I would hit him if I was Vil), which is why you sometimes have to ground him and remind him not to say something. But also, he kind of speaks in riddles? But not riddles? Like, his words don't always mean what he wants to say and it's on you to pick up on that.
- Rook is a very family based guy. Like, he loves his own and definitely dreams of having one at some point, so be prepared for that.
- Rook is very silly and you have to live with that. I believe one of your past time activities is playing dress up - Rook dresses you up and you dress up Rook and then you take a bunch of pictures that later go into his album... or more of them (he's still very creepy)
- your life became chaotic as hell ever since you got together. Like one minute you guys are resting and painting each other's nails and the next you're flying on one broom across the ocean while he shows you all the tricks he knows (you have almost lost your life several times)
- WHICH BRINGS US! Rook is not very serious most of time, talking about you loosing your life - he will just laugh it off and ignore it if nothing serious happens. On the other hand, the second something actually happens he is very serious and scolding either you, himself, or the person that hurt you while catering to you and making sure you're A-OK
- he says "I love you" and "love you" all the time. Instead of goodbye, everytime he sees you... Just every opportunity he gets and it's so sweet 😔 me when
- despite being totally in love and everyone thinking you spend all the time in the world together, you actually don't see him as often - not because you're busy or anything 😁 it's just that Rook has to do his shenanigans often
-> you just receive a frantic call about how he has to "DO THIS THING" and you don't hear from him for the rest of the day, or you get a letter is it isn't as sudden. Most of the time, though, you know exactly what he's doing because he sends you pictures - of sleeping Leona, eating Leona, walking Leona, yawning Leona, glaring at him Leona, running at him Leona, running away from him Leona, oh hey Ruggie, Leona sending him the middle finger, Neige, ... you get it
- despite all of that, you spend a lot of time with one another... surprisingly
- you got into trouble many times because of him, but it's fine you're used to it at this point 💀
- platonic: this man is basically your guardian. "Can your guardian sign this paper?" "OUI!" Rook how did you get here 😨😨😨 silly tall french man who likes you a tad bit too much and basically considers you his child
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- mutual pinning so bad
- like it was painfully obvious to everyone, even to the two of you, but you both kind of though it was just friendly flirting from the other side and that the other could never possibly return the feelings
- that said, none of you "actually" confessed. You have started flirting one day and it went from there. You know how in all those enemies to lovers fanfics, the two of them go somewhere and some stranger confuses them for a couple (very unrealistic btw, when do strangers go around calling other people couples 💀), anyway that happened to you and Epel when you were one day hanging around alone - you went to get coffee and the barista refered to him as your boyfriend and none of you said anything and have been dating since.
- like I'm talking calling each other sweet names, little kisses, holding hands, and all of that. So you're official but also not? Idk man, I don't make the rules
- he REFUSES PDA - unless it is to annoy people ("Epel stop kissing the prefect during dorm meetings" "How could you stand between our love, Vil? 😔" "You know what? 😮‍💨 Whatever" and Vil doesn't speak to him the rest of the day) and you don't care about that much. After all, you get all the affection in private
- talking about privacy 😀 good luck getting away from the 1st year squad and Grim. If it isn't Ace and Deuce crashing at yours, it's Jack about homework or working out, or it's Sebek coming just because (he wants to hang out but is too conscious to say it, so he comes up with crazy excuses how you can get attacked and he has to protect you for WAKASAMA), or it's just Grim that does it on purpose (the rest don't realize you guys want to be alone), because no way in hell does he -Grim- accept anyone as your lover! Epel started either locking Grim out of the Ramshackle dorm or bribing him with tuna 🫡 it keeps him busy for a few
- because you get no free time together, he is often snappy and curses the world
- that's why he often invites you away from everyone
-> the moment you guys started dating you became a part of his family - his grandma has your contact information and you talk to each other all the time, and she sends you stuff (she sends a big package to Epel with the words to give half of it to you 😭) and you just love his grandma and she loves you - you actually promised her that you will marry Epel one day and she was the happiest and you were the happiest and Epel has no idea what happened (he skipped a few chapters)
- you spend every holiday with him and he isn't asking!
- he tried to teach you how to carve apples. It did not go well 😔 you simply can't carve an apple out of an apple - not to mention you then can't eat it because it's too pretty (when Epel carves it)
- Epel thinks you're crazy
- anyway
- your dates are usually not just the two of you. It's like the song: "it's finally me and you and you and me just us, and your friend Steve" except it's Ace, Deuce, Jack, Sebek, or Grim. You have to hold Epel back from beating all of them up, it's not you're doing anything crazy during you dates - not to mention they all just kinda do their own thing. That means you two can still have the date - just with some background noise!
- he isn't big on giving you anything, mostly because he forgor 💀 he might think about it for days and the he'll see you and just go "shit" because he wanted to bring you a gift he really did. You, on the other hand, give him a lot. He's just so cute and adorable (don't tell him) that you can't help but want to buy or make him stuff that will make him smile (he loves you so much and you love him so much and when you give him something he's so happy because you thought of him and just cjsbxiabbsjdjabxoba)
- yes
- all in all, the relationship is very chill, you're all feeling very safe in it, not like with many of the other NRC students 😀.
- but for real, I can't stress enough how good the relationship will be ☝️
- platonic: he treats you like one of his bros 😎🏋️🤸🤾🏃⛹️ because no way will he be friends with someone lame 🙄
The Pomefiore chapter is finally DONE! 🤝
It's a bit shorter because there's only 3 members, but it's fine. I'm done with my finals, so I've got time for maybe a month before they continue so I'll try to ouch more chapters out 🫡
Next chapter will probably be Savanaclaw, so see you there 🤸!
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denningsjawbreaker · 10 months
stupid stories
by: denningsjawbreaker
summary: Reader is sick and tired of the damn Glass of Ice Story and confronts Carol but she has other plans ...
A/N: so am I cause shit actually made me pissed off 📴😀 but hey kinda hot stuff happens at the end so wazzup .
WARNINGS ⚠️: cursing + SMUTTT
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" aren't you one snappy cookie "
what was so fucking important about this damn glass of Ice Story ?! You were so physically and emotionally upset at it. Like was Carol and Barbarian really holding onto this story ? It wasn't even goddamn funny.
You really were sick and fucking tired of it like every fucking day it's all about that story and you were just done.
You proceeded to go to the hair salon where Carol was currently having two massages at once which you were gonna ask later cause that looked hella good. You knock on the side of the wall and Carol who hummed signaled you to walk in front of her and hovering the tall woman who sincerely looked smaller compared to her actual height.
"well are you just gonna stand there looking stupid or you gonna speak ?" Carol asked with a raised brow waiting for a response as she sits up straight [dunno maybe she got a bad back ] .
You sit down on a crate and curled your lip up . Carol had to stifle in a laugh at your "toughness".
" Why do you hang onto that stupid Ice story ? Honestly it's been 30 years since that happened. Let. it. fucking Go. To be honest, it ain't funny at ALL. Don't you get a bad migraine just reusing it all day? And for what?! To up win Barbarian who TO be honest probably isn't even worth the hassle. My head is spinning throughout the 10th time of the mentioning of it. Just be like fucking Elsa and LET IT GO " you say and heavy breathes and sighs as your hair falls over your face.
She smirked a bit impressed actually and chuckles a bit leaning a bit closer.
" aren't you one snappy cookie ? " she teased a bit in a mocking tone with her head tilt starting at you a bit.
You cross your arms at Carol's attention skills as it's obvious you were SERIOUS in what you just ranted.
" Carol...I'm serious. It's terrible and it's lame. Pick a new story that's actually FUNNY. It probably wasn't even yours or Barb's " you cross your arms and lean against the wall.
Carol raised her eyebrow and stands up slowly and walks towards you. This 5'8 woman who now was towering over you got you gulping and shivering in ur fucking timbers FORREALS.
" and what makes you think that? You calling me a liar babygirl ?" She says in a smooth tone and has her hand near your head .
" i- I'm just saying bro-"
"did you just BRO ME ?"
"UHM....my condolences 😔🙏"
Carol places her hand slowly on your waist and slowly making her wait to your waistband of your pants and plays with it.
" You really wanna THREAD carefully babygirl....your actions still have consequences . Or did that pretty little mind of yours need a demonstration?" She puts her hand slowly inside of your pants circling the fabric that covers your clit.
You moan against her and lips part looking at her cause that was nOT going according to plan. Plan Y/N ? cancelled .
"holy- Fuck may-maybe just maybe we can talk- or not - lets not talk anymore..oh shit " you struggled against the fingers that are now inside of you .
Carol smug grin widens and just pulls your pants down along side with your cheap ass prison underwear. She pulls your leg up as she begins finger fucking the shit out of you watching your head go back against the wall and just struggling. Before your release, she goes on her knees and pulls ur beautiful folds over her mouth and sucks your come that flows out smoothly out your now sticky wet folds.
" fuck you taste good...never get enough of that" she mumbles as her tongue is still inside of you waiting for more come to flow out .
You on the other hand ....ur a fucking mess...like a wet hot sticky mess. You had messed up Carol's hair since you were pulling on it as she ate you out. You shudder against her tongue as more sticky wet fluids pour out resulting into you letting out a loud moan as your legs shake.
Carol smirks licking you up and helps you put your bottom wear on. She strokes your messy hair out and gives you a deep kiss only lasting a few seconds. She holds you in her arms and looks down at you with a smirk.
" Looks like I fucking turned your pathetic whining into screams. Guess you're the new glass of Ice baby " she smirks and chuckles loudly quite proud of her joke.
You narrow your eyes at the mention and roll them as you wrap your arms around her waist.
" I still hate that stupid story "
She chuckles and kisses your head .
" I know but you know that story happened to me "
" okay Caroline "
" it's Carol babe. "
" nope. It's Caroline now "
"BULLTRUE....Caroline "
Carol rolled her eyes and scoffs and massages your inner thigh.
" round two ?"
"no Caroline *
" dammit "
You chuckle and kisses her cheek.
"We will see about that later "
so....first time doing smut and posting it HELP okay this turned out longer than it should be but quite like it.
LMK if you guys want more and I'll tag you as well.
hope you enjoy
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myewten · 2 years
- a Tagalog term that describes getting absolutely shit face drunk
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Enhypen hyung line reaction to seeing you ride a mechanical bull
: alcohol, this literally just sexual tension and mentions of male masturbation, exhibitionism??
A/N : I've been itching to write this idea when I saw this vid on porn hub and here now here we are
No proofreading, I die like a man
Comment or send an ask if you have ideas and to be tagged in future parts!!
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You had just broken up with your now ex boyfriend Nicholas. You weren't really that hung up about but it did present you with very good excuse to finally live the college life that was portrayed in movies and not just the endless torture that you were experiencing.
you: are we still on for Saturday??
Rina: yeah, meet at chae's?
Gaeul: 9pm?
Chaewon: yeah and wear something slutty y/nie😛
Ryujin: wanna borrow some of my clothes?
you: can I get a please before you treat me like a common whore? I mean I'll do it but still 😀
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Saturday came faster than expected that you didn't realize you were already getting pushed into chaewon's bathroom to get dressed in a black and white lacy camisole dress that honestly looked like it belonged on a Victoria's secret mannequin. You take a look at yourself in the mirror and get stunned at how hot you looked even though the dress was out of your comfort zone. The dress accentuated all the right places and showed a lot of cleavage in addition to its short length. 'nothing a cardigan can't fix, could use a necklace though'
You walk out the bathroom and immediately hear the wolf wistles of ryujin and the flirty comments of Karina.
"You sure you ain't into girls?"
"I'll tell winter you said that to me."
"Bitches it's almost 11 and we aren't even ready yet so chop chop."
After chaewon's instructions you and the girls finished getting ready before pre-gaming with some of chaewon's mom's pink gin to fully prepare yourselves for the night that was to come.
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Heeseung was casually taking a sip of some Tanduay ice and looking around the roudy old western style club as he wasn't planning on getting drunk. Automatically getting assigned as the designated driver being the eldest and the only one out of the five roommates that actually had a car. Jay was beside and was slightly tipsy but sober enough to hold a decent conversation with strangers that he randomly talked to. Jake and sunhoon however...for lack of better words are completely trashed.
Jake was currently on the dancefloor dancing with girls he didn't even get a fuck about. They weren't you but they'll do for the moment. Sunghoon however was currently making out with a girl he met 30 minutes ago by the men's restroom which happens to be near the mechanical bull that was an attraction of the night club.
The four had decided to go out and get drunk in order to cope with the stress of finals and their mutual unrequited feelings towards you that they all accidentally found about. They had their own ways to cope that you would never look at them the way that they looked at you. The four had thought that without the presence of your boyfriend you might finally pick up the very obvious signs that they like you sexually and romantically for some.
But to their dismay, you had proudly announced your plan for the next couple months.
"fuck men and their commitment issues, only good thing about them are their dicks"
You didn't explicitly say it but that statement basically translates to "I'm not yet ready for a relationship so I'll just fuck around"
That then leads us to the present where your group finally entered the infamous night club and went straight to the v.i.p area that gaeul had acces to due to her older brother being a manager here. A round of shots was passed around before ryujin pulled you to the dance floor along with Karina. You felt your body let loose and get lost in the music. You were beginning to think that you were wrong when you said that the one party scene in euphoria was unrealistic now that you were kind of in a similar situation.
You were so lost in the moment that you didn't notice that your four roommates were also in the vicinity.
'so this was her "having a sleepover at chae's".'
'you really won't leave our minds alone, huh'
'why does this chick's breath smell like garlic— WAIT IS THAT Y/N!'
'i should fuck her in that dress'
You see gaeul and chaewon make their way through the crowd towards the three of you. "Having a bit too much fun without us now are we?"
Letting out a drunk giggle, you drag them to dance. You see in your peripheral vision some people leaving the dancefloor to go to a more lit up corner of the club. You of course, get curious and check it out only to find out it was the mechanical bull that this place was famous for. You normally would've just watched the scene as various people were getting thrown off the machine but drunk you had different plans.
"HEY CHAE WASH ME RIDE THIS BISTCH!~" were you going to regret this tomorrow when you wake up not only with a hangover but also with bruises? Yes. But it looked like fun and it wasn't like you weren't used to riding stuff all the time.
This also happen to catch the attention of the four boys that have been secretly keeping an eye on you through the crowds.
Before the responsible ones can stop you, you were already lining up for your turn. You fail to realize that what you're currently wearing would surely expose your underwear due to the position that you'll be put on but whatevs is all you can say to the sliver of your sober self.
And before you know it you were being given a pink cowboy hat and guided in the little arena where the sleeping bull lays. The worker that you also deemed quite cute lifted you by your waist onto the bull, whispering a quick 'good luck, pretty' that was caught by the watchful gaze of heeseung.
You heard a certain song start to play and it was like you were possessed by the soul of Nicole Scherzinger. The bull started to move and so did your hips. You weren't just riding a bull, you were riding it. It was a scene straight out of an early 2000's music video. You felt everyone's eyes on you and for once it actually felt good. So good that you didn't realize your dress had ridden up to show your ass and white lacy underwear. The song eventually came to an end with the bull slowing down and making your friends cheer you on for a successful ride.
The four men stood there stunned at your performance, all with matching uncomfortableness in their pants. Jake didn't think of himself as a pervert but what else was he supposed to think about when his crush just did that. Sunghoon was no better either, praying to God for forgiveness because of all the thoughts that ran through his mind on what he wanted to do to you.
Jay and Heeseung however, had a different approach. They shared a glance at each other, understanding without saying anything that you were too drunk and needed to go home before you do something like that again. Of course they cared about your safety but they also couldn't stand the thought of other people looking at you the way that they did. You were too hot for your own good and that made the two immediately sober up.
You finally see the two of them when they approached your table. "𝐇𝚎𝕖! ᴊ𝒶ʸ! ᴡ𝒶𝒕𝒄ᕼ𝙪 𝘥𝗈Ⓘ︎ⁿ 𝖍ǝ🅡︎𝘦~"
You were definitely shit faced after not having drank for a long time as you can see.
"it's good that you guys are here, I was about to call for an Uber anyways."
"we can just drive you guys since I brought my car with me and I haven't drank much—"
"we won't fit in a sedan cause I'm assuming you're with the other simps, I'll take Karina and Gaeul with me and you can drop off Ryujin since her building's close to you"
You get passed off like a sack of potatoes to jay's arms by Karina which you drunkenly complain about. Ryujin was in a bit of better shape than you but was currently ranting about politics to heeseung who politely nodded along while trying to contact sunhoon and Jake to meet at the parking lot.
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When you got there with the help of the sturdy arms of Jay you see two figures waiting by the car and immediately recognize it as you favorite and least favorite roommates.
"𝘑ᗩⓀ︎ᵉᵉᵉ𝔂~" you immediately ran to the man while laughing at Sunghoon's face just because it's Sunghoon.
"Come on let's get in, you might freeze to death with what you're wearing." You all follow Heeseung's command and ryujin gets in the from seat as she was getting off first. That left the four of you to squeeze in the back seat of the civic. "Just sit on my lap so we aren't so cramped."
You mindlessly follow Sunghoon's order but sit on Jay's lap instead since he was in the middle and hand the most leg room for you. This left hoon slightly disappointed but that soon turned into irritation when he saw Jay's smug face at the corner of his eyes. However Jay's smile soon faded when you wiggled around to get comfortable on his lap and leaning back so you were flush against his chest. Okay, so you may or may not be that drunk and using this situation to test out the waters between you and your roommates but that details aren't important. Not when you feel jay's rapid heartbeat against your back and his growing erection against your barely covered ass.
This led you to not realize that you were already at Ryujin's street. "Jake switch to the front once Ryujin gets off so you guys are more comfortable back there"
It was a heroic sacrifice in the eyes of Sunghoon, a sacrifice that will finally get you off of his friend's lap and calm his jealous ego. Jake however was slightly disappointed but felt it was worth it, just for you and Jay to finally separate and not make him suffer anymore. Once Ryujin got off with Jake getting out the door and making sure she got inside her building safely, the four of you began your journey to your lovely home.
The only sound that you can hear inside of the car was the sound of the road and the car itself since everyone forgot to turn on the radio and it would be too awkward to ask for the aux when you guys are already five minutes away. You see your building and let out a light sigh of relief because you were starting to feel the adrenaline wear out of your system after your stunt with Jay.
'Another late night "shower" for me then'
You guys finally reach your flat with Jake accompanying you in case you trip despite having drank a lot himself. He still insisted to make sure you get to shower first and drank some water before he lead you to your room once you were already in your pajamas and fresh out the shower.
But you were stopped when you heard him call your name in a tone that you can't describe. You turn your body to face him and slightly tilt your head to ask why he called for you.
He suddenly got close to your face to look into your eyes but stopped when he saw the look of panic that washed through your face. He then smirked and got close to your right ear before whispering something that will definitely be in your wet dreams for the next week or so "thank you for the show, sweetheart."
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taglist: @parkhonnie @lix-freckle3 @yoswagmuffin @mxlkywxy05 @muffinminnie @enhasengene @heeyounext @arizejkt19 @nshmrys @happyasakura @wonsieur @zerasari
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filmbyjy · 2 years
JAM OUT - alternate ending? you belong to me [jake version]
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synopsis > who knew you’d break the first rule of being in a friends with benefits relationship? maybe it was lee heeseung himself that made you catch feelings. either ways, he doesn’t do feelings and you knew that. as your relationship with heeseung strains so does the band. what happens then?
masterlist | ERROR?¿
warning: suggestive uhhh b-because jake is sexy😀 he said it himself at the concert. not my words. “i try to be more sexier.” *gets embarrassed* – jake 2022
NOTE: this plot starts off after chapter 18 so if you are reading this alt ending with jake it does not follow what happens from chapter 19 onwards. (name) does not go to heeseung drunk and it never happened. just to clarify.
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the next morning, you were extremely worn out. you woke up with a pretty bad blocked nose. all the crying from last night, you felt the other side of your bed shuffle. the scent was familiar to you. it was jake.
did he sleep here last night while taking care of you?
you tried getting out of bed but jake holds you back and slowly sits up.
"stay here. i can hearing you sniffling, you're sick."
"it's just runny nose, jake." you tried getting up again but jake doesn't let you.
"stay." he sternly says. you nod. he quickly goes to grab the medicine from his bedroom. he hands you two pills and a cup of water. you swallowed the pills and drank the water. the bitter taste leaving your taste buds with every gulp you took.
"i'm sorry i wasn't there to protect you." jake admits. you turned to look at jake.
"you shouldn't feel sorry. what happened was supposed to happen. i regret ever starting that relationship with him."
"is there any way for me for me to make you forget about him?" jake asks.
"you're playing a dangerous game, jaeyun." you lowly say. jake sends you a flirtatious look.
“what if I wanna play that game, princess.”
you could tell there was a hint of lust interlacing his words. he was about to pounce on you at any moment now. he leans in experimentally and when you don’t move away. he captures your lips against his. you gripped onto his shirt while he tilts his head to deepen the kiss.
“noona- i think it’s best if we-” you have never heard jungwon scream as loud as possible. both you and jake pulled away. a string of saliva still connecting. jungwon gags.
“don’t tell me you two were about to have sex!” jungwon says.
“well she gave the option.” jake nonchalantly says. jungwon groans in disgust.
“look while i’m happy you are attempting to forget about that bitch boy, noona.“ he looks at jake. “i don’t think this is how you are supposed to help her forget about him. you are practically using her.”
jake sighs, “you’re right. i should take her out on a date…”
your eyes widened.
“date? for what?”
“isn’t it obvious, he has feelings for you. even if it’s in his own twisted sexual crazed way.” jungwon shivers. you turned to jake.
“fine, yeah I like you. heeseung was always on your mind 24/7 so I knew I had no chance with you but I still stuck close to you and always made sure you were happy. i always cleaned up after heeseung’s mess. the mess he caused, how he made you cry and how many times he fucked your brain up.”
“obviously, i know you’re not going to accept me knowing you still love heeseung. you’ve loved him for so long. i never wanted to take advantage of you and I was ecstatic when you wanted to have sex with me the first time. which was why I stuck around and took care of you after it.”
“i’m sorry i never noticed your feelings for me.” you say. jake smiles weakly.
“don’t apologise. you didn’t know, you were caught up with wanting heeseung’s attention. you didn’t notice.” jungwon raises his hand.
“uhh hyung? did you really have talk about the one time you had sex with my noona while i’m still here?”
“well no one asked you stay-” jungwon tilts his head, he was frowning. it made him look like an angry cat and he truly was one.
“WHAT DID YOU SAY??” jake’s eyes widened.
“uh, I’ll come back and we can talk about this.” jake runs out the door with jungwon running after him.
a couple months pass by, you were feeling better. you haven't spoken to heeseung since that day and he never bothered to talk to you. you were hoping he did want to talk to you, to clear everything up and become your best friend again. you hoped but with heeseung's ego...it made it nearly impossible.
"here. your favourite ice cream." jake holds a cone in front of you. you smiled up at the boy.
"thanks jakey."
"i deserve a reward right?" it's like you could picture an animated dog ears and tail on him. just like cgi in movies. he was waiting for his praise and he was wagging his tail happily. you laughed.
"you are too adorable." he drags his chair right next to you.
he whispers, "are we going to use the collar tonight, mommy?" your heart quickens. you coughed.
"jaeyun, what are you talking about?"
"i went to the sex shop just now and bought puppy ears and a collar. i know you like it when i look like a puppy. you are so good at praises and punishing." you blushed.
"why are you talking about this in public?"
"because." he litters small kisses on your neck. "i need you, now."
"oh my god, jaeyun." you whisper yelled.
"what? is it bad, my dick is hard right now?"
"we just had sex before we left."
"yeah? and?"
"do you ever let your dick rest?"
"well, i do but at the thought of you under me and whimpering...it got me hard." you stared at the boy dumfounded.
"remind me why i decided dating you would not include sex everyday?" you questioned the boy. he shrugs before placing an arm around your shoulder.
"i don't know how you thought we wouldn't have sex everyday, you clearly know my sex drive is insane."
"can i make a sex schedule? i'm not a sex doll, jaeyun."
"fine...you we can limit the sex."
"but can we at least try the pet rolep-"
"let's just get home and do it."
"yes! thank you, my love!!" he pecks your cheek.
yup, you heard that right. you and jake were finally dating. you are still healing from heeseung but you knew you needed a distraction and that distraction came from the puppy-like boy. sure, it started off as just purely sex (which is ironic) but soon you realise how intimate jake made it feel.
you confessed and decided it was best to start a relationship. you knew how that road with jake would go if you didn't claim him. you didn't want history to repeat itself.
3 years flew by, both you and jake had moved in together. the both of you were walking layla at the park when you noticed someone familiar. someone you lost contact about 2 years ago. ever since you graduated, everyone pretty much went their own routes.
sunghoon took up figure skating again 3 years ago after you and jake announced your relationship to the boys. jay was still famous but he wasn't famous for his singing and guitar skills as much, he was building up his own clothing line and company. taehyun and huening were still studying, they continued and went to uni. the girls started up their own little shop, it was a bakery. your brother and ni-ki were still in college so they were busy. and of course, yedam...he still was a famous singer on youtube but now he has a girlfriend!
you noticed heeseung looks different now.
"(name)." "heeseung." the both of you mutter. heeseung looks over to jake.
"i'll let you two talk, it's been long overdue." jake squeezes your hand and smiles at heeseung. he walks layla over somewhere slightly further so she could run around. you smiled watching her and jake play.
"it's been 2 years since we stopped talking."
"well some sort 3 years."
"how have you been."
"i've been doing good." you say.
"i'm sorry that i didn't come up to you and talk to you about it. i was scared and i knew i was in the wrong."
"but your ego wouldn't let you." you folded your arms.
"it's not my ego. it's just-" he takes a deep breath. "i realise i had feelings for you all along and well i know i had feelings, it's just i didn't want to take that risk of our friendship."
"and so you toyed with my fucking feelings?"
"i didn't toy with your feelings. i-didn't mean to hurt you. however, i knew at that point in time you deserved someone better. someone who could treat you right." a tear escapes and falls on his cheek "someone who didn't hurt you." he painfully says.
"and so you just left?"
"i know it's wrong to just leave you like that but i know you had to heal. it was best that i avoided you at all costs so you wouldn't get hurt seeing me everywhere."
"heeseung, you disappeared."
"i dropped out and moved to america to continue studies. i came back here to see-" he pauses. "you."
"don't get me wrong, i'm not here to beg you to be my girlfriend. i just came here to apologise and wish you well since honestly i'll just continue living in america till i'm dead. i have no real purpose to live in seoul. i know you won't fully forgive me since i've hurt you a bunch but i thought i'll just apologise since it's best to do it in case i have a sudden death-"
"stop talking about dying. you're not going to die heeseung."
"well i might, living in america actually makes me probably hate life more. maybe i should move to japan...or somewhere nicer."
"i forgive you."
"are you sure? i mean...i did hurt you."
"i know but it's been 3 years. i took time to heal and now i'm happier." you looked over at jake. layla tackled him onto the ground and you could hear the boy's laughter. you smiled. heeseung smiles too.
"we've been friends for so long and yet...i could never find it at heart to hate you." you say.
"so...friends?" heeseung hesitantly holds out his hand.
you grabbed it, "friends."
"BABE! I NEED HELP HERE!!" jake yells. you laughed.
"care to help me, lee heeseung?"
"of course, my dearest best friend."
taglist[closed]: @junnniiieee07 @lhsdiary @woniesbakery @cyuuupid @qimmylol @lhsngl @beans-and-jeanes @starggukies @maybee-may @ilove-jake @taetaemylovie @thealatte @nyfwyeonjun @sakunasrealgf @diestheticu @mingyuswrld @iloveoceaneyes @viagumi @mymeloem19 @enhasengene @lalalalawon @te44sng @ahnneyong @ii4enha-jwn @allthegirlsmialoved @artstaeh @msxflower @monkeybabyzz @raimbows4u @hoteldelluna @allsunshinenosugar @kwnshi @luvrseung @oranshi @hoonslutt @captivq @ckline35
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alescendants · 1 year
My Disenchanted thoughts
I know this blog is called alescendants but Disenchanted is still Disney and it makes sense to write my opinions on it here. These are my personal opinions, everyone is entitled to have their own thoughts on this movie.
I wrote a lot so it’s all hiding under the readmore:
Finally, we know why Giselle was living with animals in the woods!
Morgan calling Giselle ‘Mom’ was so pure ngl
Seeing Giselle, Robert, Edward, and Nancy all being friends years later was so sweet, and the latter two being Sofia’s godparents? My heartt 😭😭
And finally Nancy sings! I keep repeating “For through this wand from Andalasia flows the magic of our magic world to here”, and also Love Power obviously lol
"Congratulations on the increasing size of your progeny." and "Hogwashery!" in this film vs "I don't know what ‘melodramatic’ means" in the first film. Bless you, Edward, you're academic now and I am so proud of you
“Morgan, if you want to be mad, you be mad at me. But you do not talk to your mother like that!” >>>
Robert is the blueprint for all men I swear
Morgan hating the move is all the better when you remember Robert said she’s shy and doesn’t have many friends. I feel you, Morgan, I suck at making friends too 😀🤝
I don’t get why people don’t like the music, I loved all of it! It saved the movie imo.
Maya Rudolph can SINGGGGGGGG
“Nobody ever would bother to tell a tale with Maleficent and with Cruella.” That was good honestly.
Gabriella Baldacchino is so good in this! She can really sing, good for her.
Everyone saying ‘the whole cast is back’ when Nathaniel wasn't in the movie (as well as Narissa for obvious reasons) felt very weird and wrong to me
Why was Edward barely in the movie?? His himbo energy is a big part of makes the first film so great imo, and while he did steal the three scenes he was in (yes, three), he deserved to be in the movie more. Also this is a personal issue but I hate how he’s never called ‘King Edward’, as I was hoping his Disney Wiki page would be able to be retitled to that lmao. His name is King Edward of Andalasia, put some respect on his name.
And I was hoping he’d have a scene with Morgan detailing his own experiences with wicked stepmothers. But he and Nancy were missing for the whole middle act 😭, AND James Marsden deserved to sing more!
Robert too. Why did they make him an idiot knight? He’s not endearing like Edward, he just annoyed me. And they obviously kept him out of most of the film because True Love’s Kiss would undo Giselle’s wish. It pissed me off how nobody thought of doing that lmao
“We bring love from Andalasia and offer belated birthday cheer.” That was in the trailer, they filmed a part for it. It and the rest of the lyrics are in the official Spotify song, so why was it cut out of the film? So unnecessary.
Same with the Monroeville portion of the opening song, it should’ve been kept in.
The 2D animation sucks, and why did Nancy look so different? She and Idina both don’t have blue eyes, where did that even come from?
I wanted Giselle to go back to Andalasia and for Robert to go there period. We need to fully see how he looks in 2D and how Giselle changed.
And I dislike the implication that Giselle has never returned to Andalasia and shown Robert and Morgan where she grew up. As IF she’d never say goodbye to the animals who raised her. And since Morgan always asked for stories about Andalasia, why not TAKE her there? Literally what is stopping her? It’s bad writing.
And speaking of Morgan, yes teens are angsty but it still hurt to see her fight with Giselle (their relationship in the first movie is precious).
And I’m confused about the whole wicked stepmother thing? “It’s not true what they say, I have met so many kind and wonderful stepmothers.” What happened to that?
But ignoring that, Morgan calling Giselle her stepmother in the argument hurt bad. Because she knows how Giselle (apparently) feels about stepmothers and she was obviously trying to hurt her.
Giselle could’ve done her animal call and it either doesn’t work or ravens and other animals portrayed as villains (snakes, rats like in Lady and the Tramp) show up. That’d fuck her up and it’d be cool to watch! And Morgan sang the animal call in pt 2 of Fairytale Life, she should’ve done it for real.
Malvina was disappointing. I was expecting her to be an Andalasian who Narissa banished, like Giselle. Maybe they’re related (like Ursula and Morgana) and/or she was threatened by her magical competition so she sent her away. And with a name with Malvina, it made sense to me that she’d be Andalasian. Clearly that was the intention and I don’t get why the team behind the movie would trick the audience like that bc it’s the opposite of a good plot twist. Queen Narissa had way less screen time and I prefer her way better.
Plus it’d keep Narissa relevant to the plot which was not the case and I was deeply disappointed.
I predicted that with Monroeville’s slogan literally being “Your Fairy Tale starts here!”, it’d be designed by Malvina to be a trap for Andalasians to find out how they left Andalasia and if she can take their portal back there. Like there was so much potential that went wasted.
And where the hell is Malvina’s husband? (He’s on the billboard with Malvina and Tyson at the entrance of Monroeville, so he definitely existed at one point.) If he’s dead, at least just mention it once?
Why was Morgan and Tyson’s song cut? It’d give him + their relationship much needed development and it’s a cute song.
Rosaleen and Ruby were annoying. I love YNB and Jayma but their characters aggravated me.
Sofia crying after Morgan was pushed down the well could’ve been a chance for Giselle to break away from her evil self to care for her daughter. I thought that’d happen. We all did, right?
There’s probably more but I’ll stop here lol
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