#(Seeing everyones little comments on every post is very motivating though haha)
dailynakaharachuuya · 7 months
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29. Dancers AU
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tooweirdforyou · 5 months
Will u not come back? :((((
hello, anon! hope you’re doing well and apologies for the late response. I hope you see this! ❤️
so, I guess this will be my answer and also my first post in about a year or so.. Im not gonna make any excuses or whatever, and cut straight to the point.
Bit of a long post but it will explain most things without being too personal just because it’s been a long time and part of me feels as though I lost that respect and privilege of being comfortable and being myself around you guys. Anyone and everyone who stayed or is a newcomer to my account.
It’s the new year. Here’s how I’ll answer you.
Do I wish to come back? Yes.
Have I been actively attempting to come back? Yes and no. I have been attempting to work on chapters for my Quotev books, but lots of writers block and just pure unmotivated to continue with where I am. Knowing it can be better if I were to redo it, continue with force or if I simply make a new book, (( which due to my imagination and inspiration by things I’ve come across, I keep wanting to start new books. ))
Have things drastically changed for me as I’ve been away? Yeah, kinda. I mean, things are getting a little more difficult for me, I won’t go into too much detail but it’s been really difficult for me personally the last several months. I’ve never been consistent in my feelings and almost always ended up more numb, empty and sad. And some days it would be so bad that I couldn’t be alone and had to be in a room with another person I knew. I’m really working on it but it really isn’t something that just goes away, as most of may or may not understand.
Am I still dating? Yes! I’m still very happy with the guy I’ve known and started dating last year and in fact, we’ll be hitting our two years very soon. I know this may be personal but I kinda just wanted an excuse to talk about him, haha.
Now, am I still writing? / interested in writing? Definitely. I just have huge motivation problems but I definitely still love that creative form of expressing your imagination into words and making a story. The problem is that I have all these ideas and it just sucks to have to do all this beginning stuff instead of making the reader or OC in love with the person already!! 😂 but yes. I honestly do love to write still and my boyfriend tries to encourage and supports me but it’s really my own fault.
do I still Roleplay? I remember mentioning this and then making an separate acc for this but never really interacted with it often because at the time I was busy. And now, I don’t anymore because it makes my boyfriend jealous, haha. I do miss it though :)
Do I still go on tumblr? Every once in a while, which is like every two weeks or so? Or just under two weeks or sometimes longer. It depends. But yes, I do check and I do love to read every new comment and message I get, I just don’t respond to it because I’m honestly a little scared.
Will I come back? I want to. I really do. But there’s a few factors that come into play-
- so much time has passed that I worry I no longer have like a mutual bond with you all and that it’s too late for me to come back and just pretend like everything is fine. It’s not. I’m worried it’s too late to just start writing again, I guess I’m nervous? I missed being able to be comfortable and be myself on here but I don’t know. I think my time has passed.
- not only that, I don’t quite know how to use tumblr anymore.
- I can’t stick to one fandom, just like my mood swings, my current obsession changes so often that I’m worried I won’t be able to keep up with certain works or keep everyone happy with my work.
- I don’t know if I should continue mt old works ( ones on Quotev )?
Start new ones?
Go back to scenarios and oneshots like I used to?
Refresh on tumblr and continue here again?
Move to AO3?
It’s the new year and I do want to better myself and change and I really hope that that means I can start over with myself and my writings once again.
I missed all my comments and messages and having mutuals and interacting with everyone. It makes me feel connected and honestly little less lonely when my boyfriend has his long busy hours..
But to finally answer properly. Yes, I want to come back but I honestly don’t know where to start or if I can.
I’ll be checking tumblr so if anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions or whatever you wish to tell me, I will be here. Maybe by next month I’ll have an answer of what I’ll be doing in regards to writing. Whether I take any advice from you guys or make my own decision.
im very deeply sorry for my absence. I hope this answers everyone’s thoughts.
sending lots of love. ❤️ thank you to everyone.
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pigdemonart · 2 years
Answering your questions and comments! Pt2
This is for most of the anon questions I got! 
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I actually haven’t considered that! Part of me wanted to say accents aren’t a thing in Unova, but then I remembered the infamous nugget bros...and their catchphrase “nuggetabout it!” It just makes me wish every single character in Unova was heavily accented in all variations. But to answer the question, I haven’t given it any thought at all so I can’t say! 
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I’ve answered this before I think? But my point remains the same. My art of them features them exclusively in a platonic way!  However, I don’t mind the ships, and I don’t mind people seeing it in such a way. I get comments all the time where people joke about “Elesa and her two malethings + her gf Skyla” Hell even I joke about it sometimes. But it’s all in good fun. 
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I love all this Ramses love. He IS the best and you’re both 100% correct!! 
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wags finger. this is inappropriate behavior. 
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I don’t have a discord server (don’t plan to make one) but I share a space with my partner in their vtuber server! It’s a place where we share our work, promote ourselves and others, and chat a lot about fandom stuff. If you’re interested in joining, send me a DM!
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OUghguUGHhh thank youuu.
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OKAY. I’ll be cynical for a second: From what I’ve noticed (this is a small observation, not a factoid) I think a lot of submas fans are new to Pokemon…so are maybe not used to gamefreak being huge disappointments yet. 😩 in my experience, they tend to drop lore or plot points and then ignore them for years.
I have no expectations for the sake of not getting my hopes up for nothing. ;-; though, it would be wonderful considering the themes. Even a subtle nod would make the submas tag trend on twitter without a doubt LOL
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Wuahh…thank youuu…i love drawing… LOVE !!
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EEEEE! I haven’t had the chance to draw up more big gay unovan family stuff yet, but Im glad its enjoyable to other gen 5 lovers. I do love imagining all region characters knowing each other in some way. 🥰 everyone has differing opinions on ingo and emmet but they can agree unanimously they are little weirdos.
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;-;)9 its what im here for,,,
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I have a whole comic script written for it…very emotional…verrrrryyyyy…gestures familyyyyy themed. But ah, we’ll see if I ever get to it!!! Sitting atop my pile of unfinished projects.
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AAAAAAaah I super appreciate this!!! You’re so sweet!! Thank you!!
I hope I can keep making you smile.. its a very big motivator… ;w;
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YEAAAA GOOD GOOD GOOD. THAT WAS THE INTENTION. THATS CRAZY THAT YOU CAN HEAR IT TOO LOL like obviously its near impossible to make sounds with comics, but I’m glad THAT part got to your brain HAHA!!
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Fellow burgh lover i see you, I understand you, and i respect you.
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Hahah, I haven’t really given it much thought, but I genuinely believe that three of them are some of the toughest trainers in Unova. I would say they got far enough to reach victory road. The twins’ talent speaks for themselves being battle facility bosses, but Elesa is nothing to sneeze at either. Since i like to HC them as childhood friends, it only feels fitting that Elesa was not only able to keep up with the twins, but probably bested them several times.
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Maybe some daaaayyy….i love Adaman’s design (even if wayyy to many of the charcters are wayyy to pale eeergh)
Im always thinkin to myself i need to have comic ideas in order to draw certain characters. But I forget I can just … draw them……without giving them a reason to be. SO maybe someday haha! Im glad you like the way I drew him though lol!
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It’s not so much that its canon (don’t believe much has been confirmed about them except they are clown inspired and have receding hairlines) but it’s apparent and obvious. I would dare say it’s not even debatable, but with these sort of headcanons, you have to consider that the people that feel strongly about it are more likely autistic themselves and therefore know more about the subject.
I recommend reading posts by @/1863-project! They go into detail about every detail and honestly it’s allowed me to learn a lot about how to write the characters!
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He’d eat his hat, I think.
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Any kinda ugly, kinda clashing patterns... Turtle necks, or long coats. Outfits that are different, but still kinda match.
OH eelektross jacket…..
Anything that says transman swag…lmaooo
Im not very fashion forward myself, but I try to have fun with it. And when I draw them, i have unspoken hc for when they dressed themselves or when Elesa had an opinion.
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I did draw them doin the based ball once…
But honestly, I don’t particularly think any of them is huge on sports apart from maybe getting excited by extension.
Unless of courss battling considered a sport?
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Personally. I don’t think either of them gets mad often. Frustrated, annoyed, and cranky maybe…but all the way angry?
Kind of interesting to think about. I’m unsure if I’d describe it as scary. More so intimidating because it’s so rare to witness!
I’m reminded of how passively Ingo handled Melli’s fuckery…his customer service voice fell back in time with him. It can be attributed to his politeness, but it certainly takes a great level of patience. So yeah, honestly, I think Ingo would never allow anyone to see him completely angry. Similarly for Emmet, even though he does tend to be more expressive.
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As of today, my commissions are currently closed!! But i welcome all inquiries!
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It feels nice and warm… ;-;
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Ah…………that description is so sweet…….thank you!!
Sadly i did picture that twilight scene with edward and bella JNFNDN BUT THE SENTIMENT STILL STANDS.
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Tis a very very cute thought!! She’ll adopt some of their train themed phrases..since some of them are technically puns. Heehee..
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Indeed. 🐷
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THANK YOUUU!!!! AAAAAAA!! Thank you so so much!! Sometimes i worry more about the writing than the art itself, so it means a lot!!
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vintage-brass-tc · 2 years
Coming back to this draft from March 😭. It’s been nice having a break, but I really miss being amongst the TCC on Tumblr. Now that it’s summer and I’m not seeing my TCs daily, I decided to patch this post up and briefly let y’all know everything that’s been happening, now that I actually have the time. 
Without further ado:
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Oh my gosh, hey guys!! 😭😭 I’ve been gone for a long time— I suppose I was just focusing on getting everything I had to get done finished, and since the days have been stacking, I’ve had zero motivation to post everything on here. 
After some time I realized that I should just use this blog as a quicker outlet for my several emotions and my infatuation towards M (and [mostly formerly] W), and not exactly a super specific journal of my days and moments with them. Haha. That’d make things less overwhelming on my part.
So, with that all out of the way, I’m going to catch you all up briefly on things that have been going on during my absence on this blog! ^^ I’m so happy to be back. I missed chatting with you people and reading all of your relatable posts. 
Let’s get into it!! 
What happened with W: 
During the two rehearsals I had helped out with back in January/February, W would just look at me a lot and smile at me. He was very kind to me and happy to see me there, shooting jokes my way every once and awhile. 
I ended up seeing M during the first rehearsal out of the two, though, unexpectedly. He had seen me sitting in my seat with one of W’s tubas and made a big deal about making a frazzled expression on his face— furrowed eyebrows, lopsided and confused grin, palms in the air— everything. He had mouthed to me “What are YOU doing here?!” 
I was trying to mouth back “I’m helping out”, but after a few times of him mouthing “What?” and me trying to repeat myself, he just smiled softly and shook his head, lightly gesturing to me that it was okay. I then focused back on W, who was talking to the class. 
Later on in the day, after we were dismissed for rehearsals, I had walked up to him and told him that I was just coming over to help the tubas out. He smiled and laughed a little bit, responding, “I figured that was what it was. It’s cool that you’re doing that.” Then he started walking past me to mess with something on a kid’s music stand/adjust it while continuing, “I just saw you sitting there and I thought I recognized you.” I chuckled and said, “I mean, I’d sure hope you did!!”
Then I told him and W to have a nice day, then made a few snide comments to W, who bursted out laughing, but then told me to repeat myself before reacting the same way. Hahaha. W then kindly (and dramatically) offered me some sheets of his band’s music for me to play on my own time. I laughed and thanked him. 
The next week, the same joking moments with W transpired, but after the rehearsal, while everyone was packing up, I had played one of the more difficult parts of the tubas’ on my chair. Everyone just stopped and started staring at me, including my section, and the classmates were flabbergasted. 
BHAHA, I don’t know if W heard me, but those kids would not stop teasing their tubas about it. Glad I could set an example.  — Also! Later in the year, I had helped out with the a contest that my school was hosting, as well as one of their individual performances. Every time I saw W and his band finally walk in, it was so cool. W looked great in his suit. (One of the times I told him he was looking sharp in his suit, he said in a slightly cocky tone, “I know.” And it caught me so off guard. Hahaha.) 
Anyway, back to the contest, it was his band’s turn for sight reading. He was walking over to put his bags down next to the designated space where he could place his things down, and when he saw me, he had smiled. He made a silent comment about not trusting us enough to put his stuff at our quarters, and then said that he would have to have someone that he trusts watch over his things. 
“I can do it,” I said to him casually, and he grinned a little more before nodding at me. Some time had passed, then he was ready to begin instructing his band. The way he was leading his band was so refreshing to watch. It was nice seeing him teach again after not being taught by him for a hot minute. I’m glad he’s trying to keep M’s legacy alive…at least for now. 
After his performance for the judges was done, he walked over to grab his things, and I told him that he did a good job. He thanked me, smiling, and he looked so sweet. I told him where he could exit, and then he did just that. It was nice seeing him again.
What happened with M: 
AHH!!! just thinking about everything that has happened makes me so, so happy. 
M has given me so many new opportunities to perform and help the band and it has all been so, so amazing. Some honorable mentions are performing at the full orchestra UIL concert, giving me more single tuba parts/bass parts in our music, having me attend our four-day trip out of state, letting me help out with UIL, and helping me so, so much during our band’s recent UIL performance. 
Things have been so much fun with him and he has been such an angel towards me. He always jokes around and looks at me, he’s always so soft towards me and sympathetic as well, he always gives me smiles and takes me seriously, he always gives me a chance to give my input…. He is just everything to me and he does so much to help me out. 
Even when I am having a rougher day, he never hesitates to encourage me and stay patient with me. For instance, during our UIL concert, I was super misfortunate, getting all of the bad music stands and stuff, but he always waited for me to get things settled and never talked down on me for being so frazzled. He always wanted to make sure I was ready before doing anything else. That is everything to me. 
During our sight-reading process, he kept cracking subtle jokes and talking cheerfully, which really helped me feel better. When we were walking out of the room, finally done with our performances and everything, he clapped and looked in my eyes, whispering to tell me “Good job, R.” He was doing this same thing with everyone else, but it still made me feel so seen. 
I had apologized to him about it later, but he reassured me that it was okay. He told me he really just wanted to see if I was good before having the band do anything. That man does so much for me. M is so amazing. I could not ask for anyone better than him to lead the band to greatness. ❤️ In addition to this, after UIL was all said and done, I volunteered quite a bit to host other schools’ performances and whatnot. During those moments, I had some more opportunities to talk to W, and M as well, even at one point chatting with him and my group for ten minutes or so while eating pizza (💗). I also chatted with “U” quite a bit..— I’ve mentioned him a little, but you all will hear more about him once this blog kicks back up again. ;)
Lastly, we had an end-of-the-year banquet, and it seemed like M would not stop looking my way. <33 He would always smile when he saw me looking back at him. I ended up taking some pictures with M, the two of us being in our dresses and suits and heels and dress shoes… yada yada. It was amazing. M even winked at me after telling me I could stay in the venue as long as I wanted to. 😭❤️ Lastly, along with announcing my spot as a section leader for the tubas next year, he also granted me a personal, sort of “excellence” award. It was signed and everything. He was smiling so much when I was walking over to get it, and later even told me it was “Well deserved.” after I thanked him. <333 
I don’t know how he and the other directors thought I was good enough for this award, but it means so much to me. I’m so grateful for them. 🥺<3 
And aside from the bundle of compliments and proud looks from M and U during post-year marching band rehearsals, that has been it. Now the school’s open once a week for practicing. I’m SO excited for next year, and looking forward to reading all of y’alls updates, as well as sharing my own!!! 
Stay safe, TC’ers. ❤️
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hongcherry · 2 years
Happy 1k to SBaFL! 💝 + Gift
It’s been a little over a year since I posted my first SpiderKook story, Tangled Thoughts, and now my SpideyKook universe has reached over 1k notes. Remembering the time I wrote TT brings back fond memories. I was and still am very invested in the au, so the writing for the fic came so easily. I was engulfed in the story and I just felt so happy writing it. No pressure. Just me and SpideyKook. I stayed up in the middle of the night finishing it because I couldn’t stop writing. I wish all my stories came that easily haha.
The amount of support I’ve been given is beyond my imagination. It’s only my second time hitting 1k, so I’m really honored. Even though Swinging By a Fine Line is not an actual fic, I still wanted to celebrate the milestone. I’m very grateful to everyone who has supported my mini-universe. I don’t think I’m one of those people who are good with their words, so I hope this gift to you all shows how thankful I am. I’ve had this idea for a 1k celebration for a while, so I wish you all enjoy! Thank you so much for reading SBaFL. 🥰✨
This post is structured differently than my others, so check under the cut for your gift! ^-^
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everywhere you go || jjk
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“Jungkook takes a vacation trip to New York.”
🗽 Pairing: spiderman!Jungkook x girlfriend!Reader(f)
🗽 Rating/Genres: PG-15; Fluffffff!, slice of life, social media au, Marvel au, SBaFL au
🗽 Warnings: Cursing, VERY light suggestive content, one pun, just JK and reader being domestic as heck… It’s really chill and light. It’s supposed to be fun to read D:
🗽 Storyline: After Sticky Fingers; Can be read as a standalone
🗽 Author’s Notes: Happy 1K to Swinging By a Fine Line!!! I've never published a social media au before >.< *nervous* Also, this banner edit was a lot more complicated than I wanted it to be lol, but I hope it was worth it. It was my first time making an edit like this. I think it looks pretty cool though… Right? 😆 How did my JK turn out? Thank you to everyone who gave me advice on it! Shoutout to all the talented editors out there!!! It’s not easy work.
my spiderkook-verse (SBaFL)  | main masterlist
part 1
part 2
part 3
©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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Special shoutout to Mel (@hoebii)​, Beezy (@hobeemin), Panda, my recurring readers (I always recognize your names!), and those who have filled out my survey. You guys give me the motivation to continue writing SBaFL and it feels so great to have you all by my side. I feel so loved. Thank you for being here for me and giving me some time out of your days.
Mel has been a beta for every SpideyKook fic I’ve offered her. She beta’d all of Warning Signs, which is a lot guys D: She’s so dedicated and I know I can count on her. Beezy also beta’d Seeing Double, Prepare for Trouble (first fic to hit 1k *sobbings*)! I dislike reading my own smut, so having her help was amazing! Thank you so much to my incredible betas! You help me enhance zest up my SBaFL universe ^-^.
Panda, who wandered into my asks one day, is now a very close friend of mine. She helps me learn more about Spider-Man/Marvel and is always available if I need information about lore or just advice for some of my Spidey works. I really enjoy our conversations and I’m so glad we met!
To my recurring readers, I adore y’all. Thank you for the comments, reblogs, and likes (and maybe some asks if you go on anon hehe). My heart always warms whenever I see your usernames pop into my notifications. It’s so comforting to have you all support me so much.
To those who have filled out my survey, thank you! I’ve gotten a lot more responses than I planned. I know it’s lengthy, so I am realllllly thankful for all the responses and feedback. I probably won’t ever close it (lawlz), so it’s still up if you wanna check it out. I do take into account what you all have told me and I want to improve in my writing and storytelling!
Overall, thank you everyone for reading SBaFL. I hope you all continue to like what I have in store for the future of this universe. Updating SBaFL will be slow for the next couple of months because I’m in my last semester of school! Finally lmao. There were some hints of what will appear in future content, but I won’t disclose exactly what (im mean i know but it’s a surprise!) I will still be (somewhat) active, so feel free to send me asks about the universe or if you wanna gush about SpideyKook together! Thank you again. 🥺😍💜
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Winning the Championship Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 夺冠之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ Released on 28 September 2021 ]
The vibrations of my phone rouse me from the tediously long document. After looking at the caller, I answer it hurriedly.
MC: Gavin? Has your mission ended?
Gavin (on the phone): Soon. I’ll be back before the weekend. I should be able to make it in time for that café event you mentioned.
I suddenly recall how I had mentioned this event to Gavin before he left for the mission last month, but...
MC: Sob sob. I can’t go this weekend. I’m producing a new show, so I’ve been busier lately.
Gavin (on the phone): Is it a difficult show?
MC: A little bit... Come to think of it, Gavin, what type of sports shows appeal to you?
Gavin (on the phone): ...appeal to me? Competitive sports with commentators.
Just as I’m hesitating on whether to tell him about the problems I’m facing, someone on the other end of the line seems to be calling for him.
MC: Go and do your thing. I’m not facing any issues.
Gavin (on the phone): Okay. Contact me anytime if needed.
Right after hanging up, Minor knocks on the door and comes in.
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Minor: Boss, I’ve made the arrangements for the collaborative filming of “Life’s Limits” with the City Sports and Culture Bureau. As per your request, I’ve selected a group of amateur racing hobbyists. The name list and materials have been sent to your e-mail.
MC: You’ve worked hard.
Minor: Boss, why don’t you take a break? Your dark circles have appeared.
MC: The company competing with us for this project is Light Media, and it’s much more experienced in producing sports shows as compared to us. We can’t let our guard down.
After more than half a month of research, I locked in my decision regarding the filming site - Hurricane Club.
This club is very well-known amongst motorcycle enthusiasts, and often organises competitions for amateurs.
This weekend, the club will be conducting a three-day training, and participants will be guided by professional coaches. There will even be a friendly race at the end.
The competition has a very novel format - it’s a three-person relay.
I intend to search for three photogenic motorists to form a small team. By following their daily experiences throughout the entire process, including their training sessions and the race, I’d produce a story about the team.
Minor: Boss, according to your request, isn’t the best choice Bro Gavin?
MC: That’s true...
During the initial planning stage, the first person I thought of was actually Gavin.
However, he doesn’t like appearing on shows, and was only willing to appear in previous shows because of me.
Moreover, he’s been away for a mission which lasted close to a month, and should get a proper rest over the weekend.
MC: In short, he... doesn’t quite fit the standard. You can leave work for now.
After sending Minor away, I re-focus on the thick stack of materials in front of me.
Before the peak hour on Friday, I head towards Hurricane Club in a rental car. While doing pre-filming checks, I answer the phone.
Minor: Boss, the three people we agreed on have set out. I’ve also found a suitable substitute. After careful selection, he’s definitely a top quality choice. I can guarantee that nothing will go wrong! You’ll get to see him once you reach the club! Boss, thanks for your hard work!
Before I have a chance to probe further, the dial tone sounds in the next second.
MC: This fellow is once again acting first before reporting afterwards... there shouldn’t be a problem, right?
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Upon reaching the club, I meet up with the three team members we had contacted earlier.
Based on background research conducted by the company, they are generally outstanding, and are very enthusiastic when it comes to racing.
One of them is a young participant called Kelly, who obtained an amateur championship title in the past.
I quickly introduce the details of the shoot to them.
MC: Bro Liu, Xiao Yu, Kelly, thank you all for participating in this shoot. Afterwards, the club will be allocating you to your coaches for guidance. Even though this team was put together at short notice, I hope everyone can have faith in each other, and motivate each other. We also prepared a substitute team member...
??: Sorry I’m late.
A familiar voice drifts from behind me, and I immediately turn around.
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Sunlight falls on every step Gavin takes towards me. The pair of eyes looking at me are bright and clear.
Gavin: I’m the substitute team member, Gavin. I’ve kept you waiting, Producer.
After the club assigns the coaches and enters the test run phase, I finally digest the “unexpected surprise” of Gavin’s sudden appearance.
I initially think of finding a chance to talk to him privately, but the coaches who arrive one after another leave me with no choice but to retract the gaze which keeps straying towards that figure.
I shake my head, forcing myself to focus on my current task. By the time all the filming angles are checked, most of the morning has already gone by.
Scanning my surroundings, I don’t see Gavin anywhere.
MC: ...where is he?
Walking along the racetrack and towards the vending machine, I decide to get a bottle of coffee to fill myself up before looking for Gavin.
Perhaps because I didn’t have breakfast, I suddenly feel dizzy after taking a few sips.
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By the time I regain my senses, I’m carried over to a long bench by a familiar force. Meeting Gavin’s evidently frantic gaze, I quickly tug the corners of my lips upwards into a smile.
MC: Gavin, I was just about to look for you. Turns out you were here.
He doesn’t speak. Lifting his hand, he wipes away the thin sheen of sweat on my forehead lightly. Then, a breeze envelops me gently, warm and comforting.
He takes the coffee in my hand smoothly, then retrieves soya milk and a sandwich from the bag in his hand.
Gavin: Eat your breakfast.
MC: ...okay, I’ll listen to Sir Gavin.
I munch on the sandwich obediently, occasionally blinking at Gavin to convey a message which says, “I feel much better, so there’s no need to worry”.
Gavin’s slightly furrowed brows finally arch subconsciously.
Gavin: I heard from Minor that you’ve been working overnight to prepare for this show.
MC: Haha, don’t listen to his nonsense. It isn’t that exaggerated...
Gavin: I also heard that I didn’t fit the standard. What standard did you set?
MC: ...
I clench my fists in secret, condemning Minor from the bottom of my heart for his “heinous act” of betraying me.
MC: I can explain! You don’t like appearing on camera, and your identity in STF is a pretty sensitive topic...
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Gavin: Mm, you’re right.
Gavin deliberately elongates his words, as though he doesn’t plan to let the matter go just like this.
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Gavin: So what’s your standard?
MC: ...we hope for the motorists to have a certain level of professional competence, to be sufficiently photogenic, and most importantly, to have an enthusiastic heart. But I really didn’t mean to say that you didn’t fit this standard!
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Gavin is finally unable to suppress the upward turn of his lips.
Gavin: Once you’re done today, sleep early tonight.
The training proceeds methodically, and filming goes very smoothly.
The roar of motors drift from the club’s racetrack, and motorcycles of every hue speed freely along the racetrack.
In the camera lens, two blue and white motorcycles seem to be speeding at the same pace, as though they’d break through the finish line at the same time.
Kelly: Have you ever participated in professional racing?
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Gavin: Nope.
Kelly: The way you cornered the motorcycle a few times - you can’t do that with ease without a few years of experience. How did you do it?
Gavin: I just drive often.
Kelly: Let’s find a chance to ride together some time.
Kelly pats him on the shoulder before continuing the training. Gavin walks over to me, twisting open a bottle of water before taking a sip.
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Gavin: Is filming going well?
MC: There’s too much footage from the training sessions. I might consider adding a special segment for interviews.
While speaking, I’m struck with an idea.
MC: Mr Gavin, why don’t you have a pre-interview with me to test out the effects?
I lift a bottle of water towards Gavin. 
MC: What made you like motorcycles?
Gavin: I don’t have a precise answer. By the time I realised it, I already liked them.
MC: In that case, are there any motorcycle-related experiences which left a deep impression on you?
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Gavin is silent for a moment. He seems to think of something, then chuckles softly.
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Gavin: The time it overturned.
MC: Overturned? When did that happen? You can tell me in secret - this will definitely not be disclosed to the public.
Gavin looks at me, and he speaks in a volume only the both of us can hear -
Gavin: [whispers] The time when I rode on a snowmobile with the girl I like.
The snow field in my memories is cold, but the breath at my ear causes the temperature of my ear to rise.
[Note] This is a reference to Snow Mountain Date
MC: [blushing] Cough, that was...
All of a sudden, a clamour from the racetrack interrupts my words. The both of us stand up, only to discover that a motorcycle has overturned on the track.
Many people are standing at the side, and some call out for the medical staff.
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Gavin: That seems to be Old Liu. Let’s go over to have a look.
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Doctor: There are soft tissue injuries to your wrist and leg. Recuperate properly over this duration, and don’t engage in any intense activities.
Bro Liu: What about the competition tomorrow...
MC: Bro Liu, just recuperate. The doctor said that once your injuries are healed, you can still ride motorcycles in the future.
Bro Liu glances at Gavin.
Bro Liu: I guess I must admit that I’m getting old. It’s time to hand the baton to the young.
After contacting Minor and telling him about what happened, Gavin and I leave the hospital.
MC: Bro Liu worked so hard over the past two days. He must have really wanted to participate in tomorrow’s competition...
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Gavin: In that case, we’ll work hard together with his effort. This is when the substitute steps in.
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It’s the night before the competition, and I’m looking through the contents of the edited shoot over the past two days in my room.
After cutting the cornering training, I modify it into a slow-motion feature, then insert a few casual interactions between the team members as embellishments.
But no matter how I edit it, the clip is unable to convey the feelings I hoped it would.
I grab my hair in frustration, unwilling to accept my defeat. I locate the original video, watching it from the start.
The sound of the doorbell interrupts my slightly muddy train of thoughts. Opening the door, I see Gavin standing outside.
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Gavin: I saw that the lights were still on in your room, so I came over to take a look. Why aren’t you sleeping?
MC: Gavin...
Hearing the gloominess in my tone, he takes my hand and pulls me over to sit down on the sofa.
Gavin: Filming didn’t go well?
Placing the notebook laptop between us, I play the recording.
MC: For this shoot, I wanted to edit it into a small unscripted story to showcase the competitiveness and fun of being a racer. As of now, the story aspect is going smoothly, and the interactions between people are interesting too. But I think it’s missing something which can grab one’s attention immediately...
Gavin looks at the screen and ponders for a moment. Then, he suddenly asks me a question.
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Gavin: Want to go for a stroll? It’s too stuffy in the room. Getting some fresh air might give you new inspiration.
Likely to conserve energy for the competition tomorrow, everyone has returned to rest very early, and the racetrack is completely empty.
Gavin leaps onto the bleachers, then reaches out to me.
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Gavin: Let’s go for a spin.
He takes my hand, guiding me onto the vehicle. Then, he puts on a helmet for me, teaching me how to grab the throttle and brakes.
MC: Gavin, are you sure this is okay?
Gavin: You can’t go onto the road, but we’re still within the venue. After filming for days, don’t you want to experience it yourself?
MC: I want to!
Gavin sits behind me, two arms securing me steadily in his arms.
Along with the familiar sound of the engine, the motorcycle moves. The speed is incredibly steady, and is just right for enjoying the pleasant evening breeze.
MC: Gavin, can we go a little faster?
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Gavin: We can. Sit tight.
A loud roar drifts to my ears, and the motorcycle flies forward like an arrow leaving a bow.
Very soon, the most difficult part of the racetrack appears, comprising of consecutive bends. During the training sessions, many motorists faced many trials at this area.
Gavin grips my hand, loosening the throttle, causing the the motorcycle to slow down.
MC: There’s no need to step on the brakes?
Gavin: No need. Engine braking is enough to reduce the speed.
While speaking, the motorcycle tilts at an unbelievable angle at a turn. Gavin controls the direction with composure, air currents at the side keeping the motorcycle steady.
The motorcycle dangerously yet steadily completes the curved track, returning onto a straight track and picking up speed once again.
Gavin: MC, can you see where the cameras are? That’s the goal. On the racetrack, that’s the only thing in a racer’s eyes.
The sound of wind at my ears seems to quieten down. The moment we charge past the finishing line, I suddenly have a feeling that a full stop has been drawn on the racetrack.
Even after the motorcycle makes its gradual halt, I’m unable to return to my senses.
Seeming to understand my silence, Gavin doesn’t speak. He simply pushes the motorcycle that I'm on patiently, walking slowly.
MC: Gavin, I know what this story is missing. Stirring the emotions of viewers requires the most important thing which can make them seethe with excitement -
Gavin: Winning the championship.
MC: That’s right. All the effort from before is meant for the final sprint towards the goal. Winning the championship is the core of a competitive spirit, and is also what the show’s theme of “limit��� is seeking after. But... Gavin, do you think we have a chance at winning the championship tomorrow?
Gavin: Yes. But while we’re improving, others are improving as well. Everyone on the racetrack will be aiming towards victory. The people you selected are very outstanding. Believe in them, and believe in yourself.
MC: Mm, everyone has already worked very hard. When it comes to winning, it’s good enough if they try their best.
Gavin parks the motorcycle properly, then carries me down from it.
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Gavin: Go back and have a good sleep. You don’t have to worry too much about the competition tomorrow.
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It’s finally time for the competition. Seeing the filled audience seats, I feel incredibly nervous.
Kelly: I didn't expect to see so many people.
MC: It’s a Sunday, and the club decided to open the venue to the public as publicity.
I take a deep breath to calm my emotions.
MC: Let’s enjoy the fun of racing to our heart’s content! Shall we do a pre-competition ceremony?
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While speaking, I stretch out my hand. Gavin cooperates, placing his palm over the back of my hand. He gives it a gentle pinch, and it feels as though an endless stream of strength is being transmitted.
It’s a sense of security belonging only to Gavin.
MC: Safety first, the competition second. Everyone, all the best!
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All the motorists have taken their places at the starting line. Based on prior suggestions by the club, I’ve arranged Kelly to take on the first battle, and Gavin will be the finale.
With the green light signalling the start of the competition, twenty motorcycles which have been waiting for action seem to sprint forward at the same time.
The sound of motor engines causes everyone’s adrenaline to spike, and the crowd becomes immersed in the competition.
I’m positioned closest to the audience seats. This is the first time I’m viewing a competition from such a close distance. Even though it’s an amateur competition, it’s sufficiently astounding.
Xiao Yu makes a few minor mistakes at the bends, causing the team to lag behind temporarily.
Carefully observing the changes on the racetrack, I don’t feel overly anxious.
Because it’d be Gavin’s turn next. With him around, I always feel exceptionally at ease.
I look at Gavin as he waits at the handover area with a helmet over his head. He seems to sense my gaze, and turns around to see my thumbs up.
In the next second, his motorcycle charges into the racetrack.
The blue and white motorcycle courses past the bends nimbly in almost “L” shape movements.
As compared to my experience last night, I can see Gavin’s cornering techniques even more clearly from the audience seats.
Although the camera is unable to capture his expression, it isn’t difficult to imagine his focused and bright eyes from underneath the helmet.
When the competition enters its final round, Gavin has already reached the second place, and there’s hardly any difference between him and the first competitor.
The audience’s emotions are stirred by this intense competition, and the sound of cheers surge forward like a tide.
I find myself being influenced as well, staring fixedly at that sprinting figure.
After the upcoming bend, the goal will not be far.
Unexpectedly, a motorcycle behind suddenly accelerates towards the bend, using its full strength to make a last effort.
However, the motorcycle tilts too much. It’s clear that the centre of gravity was not controlled properly, sending the motorist collapsing onto the track.
At this point, Gavin’s motorcycle is already over half of the bend. He controls the dip of the motorcycle, barely avoiding the fallen vehicle.
Because of this incident, some distance is pulled between himself and the motorist in first place.
On the straight road, Gavin’s motorcycle suddenly accelerates, keeping pace with the motorist in front.
In this moment, time seems to slow down. I hold my breath, feeling as though my spirit has become one with that sprinting figure.
The rustling of leaves, the flapping wings of birds, the yelling of the audience, the checkered flag waving mid-air... all of them gather into one voice-
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Announcer: The first place goes to No. 07!
On the big screen, Gavin’s name is listed impressively at the top.
At the final moment, he attained first place with a 0.06 second difference, winning the championship.
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Gavin did it!
The motorcycle comes to a gradual halt. Gavin removes his helmet, droplets of sweat reflecting bright rays of light beneath the sunlight.
The smile on his face is sparkling and dazzling, bringing with it the confidence belonging to a victor.
Such a result is both unexpected yet within my expectations.
Gavin turns around, looking squarely in my direction.
He shakes his head casually, which has gotten messy from his helmet, and says two words.
Gavin: We won.
The employees push the motorcycles back to the venue. Gavin heads over to the referee’s seat, lowers his head and says a few things before walking to me.
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The gold medal in his hand dangles slightly, reflecting a dazzling light.
Cheers from the surroundings grow brighter as he draws closer. Separated by the bleachers, he stretches out his hand towards me -
He leans over the bleachers slightly. As he draws closer, I can detect the scent belonging only to Gavin.
Gavin hangs the medal around my neck, announcing our victory.
Gavin: The champion title - we’ve got it.
My mouth opens, but I have no idea what to say. My body reacts faster than my brain. I stretch out both arms, hugging him with all the strength in my body.
Scorching warmth and the dampness of sweat from the competition linger on him.
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Gavin returns the embrace. It’s as though this hug is enough for us to understand each other’s sentiments.
Gavin: I think I heard you cheering me on.
MC: I did it so softly, but you could hear it?
Gavin: Mm, the wind told me. Everything you say - I can hear them.
MC: There’s still one thing the wind hasn’t had the time to tell you. I’ll say it myself right now.
Turning my face to the side, I bring it close to his ear.
MC: Gavin, you’ll always be the only champion in my heart.
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🏍 Call and Moments: here
🏍 Art based on this date: here
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peachyyykid · 3 years
Deceivers Ch. 1 - Deceiver
Hello everyone! I’m kinda new to tumblr (not counting the time I spent on here when I was 14/15...), and I wanted to post my fanfiction on another platform besides wattpad and ao3. 
So, this is it. This is not my first fanfiction, but the first I actually want to finish! It’s going well on ao3 and that’s really motivating, so I decided to see how it would do on tumblr. I feel like writers are appreciated here haha. 
Anyways, enjoy the first chapter and please let me know what you think of it! Do comments exist on here? idk lol. I might do requests in the future too, let’s see about that once I get the hang of this website.
Word Count: 2706
Chapter 2 - Havoc
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You slowly opened your eyes when the curtains were pulled away from the large windows in your room, shuffling in the sheets and mentally cursing your maid for waking you up. But the poor girl was just following your father's orders, so could you really blame her?
"Good morning (y/n)-sama!", she said cheerfully and gently placed a metal tray on the bed next to you. "You will meet Daku-sama today, so I was instructed to bring you a strengthening breakfast."
As usual, the breakfast looked mouth-watering. Fresh fruit, local eggs and freshly baked bread piled up on a very shiny porcelain plate.
"Thank you, Hina", you said, cutting the bread with knife and fork, although you just wanted to use your hands like normal people. But Hina, the good soul, would probably snitch on you to your parents, expressing concern about your manners and such. Especially with your upcoming and inevitable wedding in mind... which you didn't want to think about right now. There would be enough opportunities throughout the day.
While eating your breakfast as ladylike as possible, you thought about your brother. You wished he could join you when you meet your future husband, but he was far away, working his ass off. Him and you had always shared a special bond. He was almost your only playmate in your childhood, despite being five years older, and now he was your connection to the big and exciting world outside of your small island.
Defining you was easy: Not a princess, but at least the daughter of a grossly wealthy businessman of noble descent, home schooled, never out of sight and promised to another grossly wealthy son of noble descent. Basically, your whole life was planned out for you before you could even speak your first words. It all took place on the small island you were born, and it would end on another small island. The only thing outstanding about you was your knowledge about medicine, mostly self-taught because your parents were very reluctant about you concentrating on something other than whatever concerned you as a noble lady. You begged them for six months, promising that it wouldn't get in the way of your important studies and that you just needed a hobby, and when you proved them right, they agreed. Which totally did not mean that they liked it, but they didn't want to deprive you of your passion.
There was another passion though, but it was your little secret. When your brother left your little island for the first time when he was fourteen to join the marines, you wondered what else the world had to offer. Was there something your teachers and parents didn't tell you? You couldn't really fathom why your brother would leave this beautiful, tranquil place to sail the rough seas, where big monsters with scary teeth waited for travellers, or pirates lurked behind every corner. The only thing you knew about the marines is that they kept the seas safe and that they were really admirable people, who only had good intentions. So you deemed your big brother a perfect fit for them.
When he came back home for the first time, he brought you a gift: A small book about a brave marine, who saved people and fought bad guys, a hero to everyone. You browsed through the pages every night, and at some point, you took a pen and crossed out the hero's name and put your brothers' above. Tenmon, your big brother, was your hero from the start anyways.
Every time he came back, he brought new gifts and helped you hide them from your parents. He didn't just give you fictional books, but also encyclopaedias and information about geography, marines and the government, newspapers from different islands and pictures of his comrades, big cities, impressive ships and weird animals. It was like heaven. Suddenly you could know for sure that all these things existed, and you longed for new experiences more and more.
You also asked Tenmon to teach you how to fight. He was really unsure at first.
"(Y/n)... What would mother and father say? You are a lady after all..."
You protested heavily and promised that they would never notice. You also convinced him that it could only help you... probably, in case of a pirate attack. Of course he had told you about the enemy. It was scary. Just the whole concept of "pirates" was scary. Blood lusting murderers who would do anything for a treasure or to protect their honour. Leaving their friends and comrades behind to save their own skin. Raping and torturing however they pleased. Killing civilians, killing in general. Even the slightest possibility of encountering a pirate scared you to the core and it seemed like a good idea to be prepared. You never wanted to be touched by these gross lowlifes.
So your brother did indeed teach you. You tried basic rules of combat but you couldn't really practice since a bruise would have been noticed immediately. Instead, the two of you focused on daggers, knives and even swords. Over the years you really improved your swordsmanship, but knives would always be your weapon of choice. Have you ever had the chance to actually use one other than spreading butter on your bread? No. Which was a good thing, probably.
When he was gone, your parents ensured that you grew up into a fine lady. Stuck up people taught you dining etiquette, how to walk properly, how to speak to people, and all that. At least you got the chance to study medicine in your free time. But you knew that you would need to be a good wife eventually, and that was your main focus. You never questioned your parents, or the plans they had for you. The most important thing to you was to know that they loved you and you loved them. You didn't know anything else and it was just how it always was. Your parents themselves had an arranged marriage and they truly loved each other. Your aunt had an arranged marriage and her husband was wonderful. Surely you would have good luck with your husband. After all, Tenmon's stories were just that. Stories. Nothing you would ever experience. So instead, you accepted your fate and focused on what was expected from you.
"(Y/n)-sama?" Hina's voice startled you and you came back from your daydreaming.
"Please excuse me, I will go and prepare your dress in the dressing room. Would you mind being there in fifteen minutes?" You nodded and she left, closing the door behind her. You wanted to tell Hina to loosen up, to talk to you in a more relaxed way, but why bother?
With a long exaggerated sigh you fell back into the mattress. Today was the day you would meet your fiancé Deku-sama for the first time. On the pictures your parents gave you he looked like a nice man, but very average and insignificant. His face wasn't recognisable at all. Swept back, blond hair, empty grey eyes and a thin, expressionless mouth. At least he was roughly your age, not some old geezer. Your mother was so thrilled about him, she thought he was a very handsome and well-mannered young man, strong and charming and she said she couldn't wait to meet her grandchildren. Nobody had ever asked you if you even wanted children, but why would they, when it was your purpose to continue your husband's lineage.
Kinda fucked up if you think about it, you thought while your feet carried you to your bathroom to get ready. He would arrive in three hours, with his parents and probably his whole entourage. Until then, Hina had enough time to dress you up like a pretty little doll.
The banquet that your family's staff had prepared was very elaborate, with a whole roasted pig in the middle of the table. Deku-sama was the exact opposite of the food: bland. His whole aura was boring, there was no spark or spice between you two. He seemed dull and way too proper. He didn't make you laugh once, he cracked some lame jokes and you giggled behind your hand out of pure politeness. Sometimes you thought that he looked slightly annoyed, but it was gone so quickly that you classed it as imagination.
He kept boasting about how he helped his father with the business and how good he was at horse-riding. You didn't really care, it also didn't help that he showered you in compliments about your appearance. Sure, it was nice to hear, but every time you tried to talk about your determination, your successful studies or how interesting you thought medicine was, he interrupted you. You just got the feeling that he simply didn't care, and it was so hard to hold back. You tried to zone out (Tenmon told you about a marine method once that helped withstand torture by putting your mind in a special mental place) and it worked. If Tenmon was there, you would have sneaked out together instead to laugh about his shallowness.
However, your parents loved him. They didn't even notice how quiet you were the whole time and probably mistook it as being shy around such an amazing man. "So, (y/n) my dear, would you mind showing Deku-sama our garden?", your mother smiled, and you nodded. Maybe he just wanted to impress your parents and wasn't actually that bad. The chance to talk to him alone seemed worth taking, considering you'd have to spend the rest of your life with him.
Stupid (y/n). He did not stop talking about himself and you were too worn out to interfere, at this point you didn't care anymore. Just put me in shackles already but please shut up. In your head you told him to tie his tongue into a knot.
Finally, once you were out of reach for both your parents to possibly hear you, he turned to you and stopped talking. His eyes had changed to the annoyed gaze that you thought you had imagined earlier.
"So, (y/n)-chan, I presume you are untouched?"
You stared at him, slowly blinking. Where the fuck did that come from? Just a second ago he was talking about his beloved horse Peter. When you didn't reply, he furrowed his brows.
"Quit staring, it's rude and doesn't suit you. Just answer my question", he spat at you.
You started stammering, not really knowing what to say. Of course you were, you hadn't even spoken to a boy before and that weird purity concept was hammered in your head as soon as you could walk. But did he need to ask that so bluntly?
"What on e-... I mean, yes, I am untouched."
This was just so uncomfortable, you couldn't even think of a witty comeback. He showed a pleased smile and you looked back into the distance., cheeks flushed with embarrassment because you had never talked about such private things with a man.
"Let me make a few things clear, (y/n)-chan", he said rather coldly, and a gust of wind swirled the hem of your dress around your ankles. He sat down on a bench and patted the spot next to him. It was silent for a few seconds, you could only hear the wind and your rapid heartbeat. You just wanted to leave without listening to the most likely stupid stuff that he would say, but your feet betrayed you.
"There are certain rules that you must obey. One, if I speak to you, you drop everything immediately to give me your undivided attention. Two, you answer when I tell you to, and you will never raise your voice against me. Three, no stupid talk about medicine or politics. Girls can't be doctors and they are too emotional for politics. I decide about my family and my money. Four, we will have four children and one of them must be a boy. Five, we will have intercourse at least once every evening. You must please me whenever I desire. Your duty as a wife comes before anything else."
There it was. The deceiving little bastard went all the way to impress your parents to ensure that they deemed their daughter in good hands, and once it was clear that you would be his, he showed his true colours in private. You were glad that you were alone with him now, at least you knew now what your life held for you. Even if you tried, your parents wouldn't back down, and they wouldn't believe you. During the banquet it became evident that Deku-sama had wrapped them around his little finger.
So the man you were supposed to marry, who you would have to spend the rest of your life with, said shit like this. The urge to choke the living hell out of him was hard to hold back. You couldn't do anything. There was nowhere to run on this island, you couldn't sail a ship and you didn't know anyone who could help you. You could send a letter to your brother but what was he going to do? Ask his admiral to make a detour to pick you up? That surely wouldn't work and your parents would still retrieve you. They couldn't lose their face in front of your father's business partner. Your only option was to at least try to speak up. Just show him a little piece of your mind.
You stood up and relaxed your fists that you had clenched accidentally during his speech. "Deku-sama... With all due respect, have you lost your mind?"
He gasped dramatically and stared at you with angry eyes. "(Y/n)-chan! You- You cannot speak to me like this!"
You interrupted him with a sigh.
"For the sake of my parents I will be a pawn in your little plan, but I will cut my own throat if you forbid me to speak of my own accord. And please you? Don't expect if you can't give back. So either you call off the wedding tonight or you accept the fact that you can't control me entirely. This is an arranged marriage, not a slave contract. Decide if you want a wife or a puppet. Goodnight."
He looked at you dumbfounded, and you turned on your heels, leaving him on the bench as raindrops began to fall from the sky. When you came back in you faked a bad stomach ache and excused yourself into your room, politely saying goodbye to Deku-sama's parents.
While you stared at your ceiling calming yourself down by listening to the rain, you prayed to the gods that he didn't want a foul-mouthed wife with a little bit of independence left, but your parents later informed you full of joy that Deku-sama couldn't await the ceremony. An arranged marriage never really sat right with you, but this was the fucking cherry on top. You decided to make a calendar to see how long he managed you without resorting to different measures.
A few days later you received a letter from your brother in which he congratulated you on your official engagement. You knew that he wanted to say so much more, but your parents wouldn't have appreciated that. And so, another week passed, and the day of your wedding was right around the corner. Your brother couldn't make it before then and would meet you on Deku-sama's estate, which made you sad. You wished you could have had some alone time with him to tell him about your worries. He was the only one who would understand. Not even Hina believed you, "such a fine man wouldn't say such horrible things", she had said before comforting you, telling you that it was normal to be nervous.
Your things were already packed two days before you would board the ship to your new life. Everything would end on this day. Joking around with Tenmon, him teaching you tricks with the dagger, your medicine studies, and relaxed dinners with your parents. You wondered if Deku-sama would allow you to visit your parents and your old home.
Just in case, you decided to take one last walk on the island to the nearby forest and the coast. From the path to the forest, you couldn't see the ship with a blood stained, black jolly roger that steered towards the beach at full speed.
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I Lived
I finished it! So this is really all I had planned for this particular au, though I might include a bonus chapter or oneshot or whatever, depending on how you guys feel about this. It’s not really my favorite, and I’m realizing that a lot of my fics have a lot of holes in them but whatever, it’s good practice still haha. Anyway, this is the sequel to “I Died,” which should actually be probably the last story I posted on here. It’s been a very long time since I posted anything fic-wise, and for that I apologize! This guy’s a little longer to make up for that!
In other news, my life has finally got to a point where it’s calmed down and I have real time to be writing, so now all I need to push through is my motivation issues, which I can make no promises for, but I do promise I’m working hard to overcome it and make this more of a daily habit so that we can have more fanfics! Anyway, hope you enjoy the story!
So. Apparently sharing it now was not okay. What was he supposed to do when even Pidge was crying? Seriously, it had been so easy to cheer her up when they were in space, but no matter what he tried to say to convince her he was fine, she just kept tearing up again.
And sure, Lance had known that his friends cared, that they genuinely liked him and probably wouldn’t be happy if he died, but he really thought that had been more because. He was necessary.
He was a paladin, even if it did seem a little too much like he was a spare. Even spares were useful! Voltron was able to continue even after Keith left to find answers about his past, and Lance was half the reason that was possible! So obviously, he was useful.
But with that logic, the way that they all seemed upset and devastated so long after the fact didn’t make sense. And Lance appreciated it, he did. But it also… Just didn’t matter anymore. Obviously he’s fine, and he’s living life. And yet….
“Why didn’t Allura say anything?” Keith demanded again. Although it was probably the fourth or fifth time he had done so, Shiro just gave the same response.
“Keith, we don’t know how it affected her, too, maybe she was too shocked to say anything. From the sounds of it, that could’ve been her. It’s fair to assume she didn’t know how to handle it.”
“Or maybe she forgot,” Hunk muttered mutinously. Keith nodded quickly in agreement. Lance gaped.
“Who the hell are you and what happened to Hunk?” he asked. Hunk glared back, and it was so unexpected that Lance nearly flinched back before remembering this was his oldest friend. They may not have seen much of each other in the last year, but there was still no one that Lance trusted more.
“Lance, none of that is okay. You were really struggling, and the fact that Allura knew about even a portion of that and didn’t say anything to the rest of us…”
“It’s irresponsible. Even if she couldn’t personally handle it, she should’ve told us so we could’ve stepped up in her place. Instead, she left you alone to suffer. That’s not how a leader should behave.” Shiro glanced at Keith, and ran his knuckles against the back of Lance’s neck. Lance startled at the action, but before he could speak up, he felt Keith’s hands settle on his shoulders, kneading and massaging at the muscles there. He couldn’t tell if it was a tactic to show support, or if it was meant to relax him, but truthfully? Keith’s and Shiro’s hands were warm and it felt like it had been ages since Lance had been touched so deliberately. So even though he wanted to speak up and ask what they were doing or why, he instead felt himself melt further in his chair, brain turning to mush at the warmth soaking through his jacket.
Keith spoke up before Lance could fight the fuzzy feelings invading his brain. “Did Allura ever bring it up to you again? While you were… dating?”
Lance ignored the hesitation, far too used to it (and he tried to ignore the pang in his chest at the disbelief that always colored questions or comments on their relationship). “Ummm… We didn’t really… get a chance to?”
Keith’s hands stopped froze. “What?”
“I mean, it just never came up.”
“You almost died, and it never came up while you were together?”
“Hey! We were busy, we were all distracted back then…”
Hunk spoke up, “Didn’t we literally play Coran’s game like. Not even a week later?”
“Wait, you guys had time to play board games but Allura couldn’t talk to Lance about his death?” Even Shiro looked guilty at that, which just wasn’t fair!
“Come on, Keith, they didn’t know!”
“And you!” Lance tried not to shiver when those fierce, fiery eyes were focused on him. “Why didn’t you say something about it?”
“I thought they knew,” even as he said it Lance knew it was feeble and weak. Ugh and now Pidge and Hunk were tearing up again.
“And what, you assumed we just didn’t care?”
“We were busy! I told you that already, we were already distracted!”
“Pidge and I were playing with robots!” Hunk roared. Lance had been half standing by that point, but as soon as Hunk stood he found himself all but slamming himself back into his seat. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen his friend look so imposing. Honestly, it was probably never. It was really hard to get Hunk this heated. “And there is nothing that should be more important than my friends, than my family. And I thought that’s what we were out there.” He glared at everyone, as if daring them to contradict him. Predictably, no one did.
“Okay, but that doesn’t answer why Allura never said anything, what happened there? What did you guys do when you were together?”
Lance shifted uncomfortably, moving as if to stand again, but Keith’s hands grew firm again, continuing to hold him in place.
When the silence stretched on, Shiro finally murmured a quiet, “Lance.”
“She was hung up on Lotor. I think.”
No one said anything for a minute. “You think?” Pidge finally ventured.
“I mean, she was distracted with the war and everything else that was going on, the magic, Haggar, all of it. But I know that she was spending lots of time with him planning missions and everything.”
“She was ignoring you,” Hunk realized.
“No, she wasn’t!” Lance protested immediately. “Lotor just had better ideas and strategies, so she didn’t really… want my help.”
Hunk looked like he wanted to continue that argument, but Keith spoke first.
“Okay, but like, what about when you guys had down time? What did you do to relax and just spend time together? Outside of battle planning?”
Lance wracked his brain, but couldn’t think of anything other than Monsters and Manna that might count, but did it count? It was in a group setting… “You’re one to talk, Mullet, did you ever willingly leave the training rooms?” His voice broke, and Lance winced.
Rather than rise to the bait, Keith simply moved to stroking against the nape of Lance’s neck. Shiro’s hands felt a little tight around the base of his skull, but rather than being uncomfortable, Lance found it comforting. They were still there. They weren’t ignoring the situation. As painful as it was, it was nice to have all of this in the open. Lance relented.
“We played that game with everyone. Coran and Shiro and everyone.”
Another pause and then, “Lance…”
“That’s it, okay? I can’t remember anything else we did, except for maybe dinner with my family. We talked a bit when it was the two of us, but… It never seemed like I had all of her attention. There was never a chance to talk about what happened.”
“Lance,” Keith started, but he was interrupted. Lance’s phone was ringing again, and this time Lance was ready to take it. He shrugged off the hands that had been holding him steady, and stood so quickly his chair toppled. He moved a short distance away, ignoring how his friends’ concerned eyes followed.
 Shiro and Keith were heartbroken. How could they have known that their friend had been suffering so much for so long? Especially this friend? They had had such hopes for this reunion, had spent hours across weeks discussing how they might invite Lance to travel with them, how they would reveal their feelings for him. Instead, they find that not only are they not even worthy of his attention (what kind of friends or lovers wouldn’t notice something like that???), but that their plans were now going to take a lot more work to prove successful.
Because they weren’t going to give up. If anything else, this proved to them that Lance needed someone who could and would take the time for them, who would work to make him happy and make him feel loved and wanted.
And if their small talk about Lance’s death and relationship with Allura hadn’t proved that to them, then this phone call would.
Keith couldn’t keep himself from glaring over in Lance’s direction. Shiro’s hand had snuck into his own. Every time Keith snarled or growled at the conversation he could overhear, Shiro’s hand would squeeze just that little bit tighter. It was a nice sentiment, but Keith was done. He tugged Shiro over to the other end of the table, leaving Pidge and Hunk to fall into their own conversation.
“He’s not happy here, Shiro.”
Shiro gave Keith a disappointed look. “You can’t decide that for him, Keith.”
Keith growled, “I’m not, okay? He’s on the phone with his sister or mom or something and from the sounds of it, Lance has really been missing space and the missions and us.”
At that, Shiro perked up. “He’s been missing us? Really?”
Keith blushed. “Well, he’s been missing the team at least. And we’re on the team, so…”
Shiro chuckled, but Keith could see that the back of his neck was flushed, too. “Not exactly what I meant or what we wanted, but all right. So you think he would say yes if we asked?”
Keith thought for a minute, which Shiro appreciated. This was too important to ruin by rushing it.
“I think there’s a very good choice he will.”
 After the phone call ended, it took Lance a few minutes to regain control of himself. He hadn’t realized his whole family had been so aware of the fact that Lance had debated asking to go to space again. He’d been going back and forth on the whole thing for a while, because yes he missed his friends and the adventures, but really, would his friends even need him? What help would he be, what could he offer them? Nothing, plus he felt it was wrong of him to spend all of the war missing Earth and his family, but then ditch them just because now he missed space. He’d thought that maybe he would use this dinner to gauge if he could still fit with the team, but now he wasn’t sure where he stood with them. Were they mad that he had (inadvertently) kept secrets from them? Were they going to be worried that he would be a liability? Or would they love to have him back because they’d missed him? Well, probably not the last one, but maybe…
Lance sighed and used his sleeve to carefully wipe away the tears from his face, hoping desperately that his eyes weren’t so puffy that everyone would know he had been crying. But when he turned to rejoin his friends, he could tell that they knew anyway. The sympathy and concern in their eyes made his own water again. He gave them a wobbly smile.
Lance rubbed his mouth, then tried to subtly swipe at his eyes again, “Yeah?”
“I know that we… we failed you. And honestly, I’m not sure that I could forgive that in your place, but we were wondering…” Keith faltered, looking to Shiro for help. Pidge and Hunk watched on in curiosity.
“Would you come with us this time?” Shiro asked smoothly.
Lance stared. “What?” he felt numb. Before he could even formulate another thought, Hunk gasped in excitement.
“Yes, Lance you should totally come out with them! Pidge and I are going out again, too, and we were going to meet them on one of the planets the Blade is working with right now, it would be so fun to have everyone together again and --!” Hunk broke off with a yelp. Pidge must’ve kicked Hunk to get him to stop rambling. Hunk glared at her halfheartedly.
No way in hell was one of his real life heroes actually asking him to come with them on a space mission. Sure, he’d completed several missions by now, but this wasn’t even just a personal hero! It was one of his crushes! And his other crush was asking the same thing? In what universe would something like that happen to Lance? Was this just because it was a group thing? In that case, he should say no, shouldn’t he? He’d spent all of the war being a 7th wheel, was he really now considering putting himself in that position again? Before his thoughts could spiral anymore, Shiro took his hand, settling himself in the chair next to his own.
“We’ve missed you, very much. And even though we don’t really travel in a group much anymore, Keith and I would love to have you come with us.”
“But… why?”
“Why not?” Keith asked.
“Well, what would you want me to do? I can’t do the tech stuff, or the engineering stuff, and Keith plays such a big role as is…”
Shiro shook his head. “We just want you, Lance. We’ve missed you. You make missions more fun, you always forced us to take breaks, you always knew when we needed a laugh or when we needed to talk, and you made sure you were there to help us with that. We don’t need you to do or be anything more than who you are. And if you really feel like you want to do more, we would love to have your help in planning the missions. You’ve always been good at strategizing, even if most of us weren’t able to see or acknowledge that at the time.”
Lance hesitated still, “What about Allura? Shouldn’t you be asking her about this first?”
Keith snarled, but when Lance jerked at the sound, his voice softened. “Let us worry about that. She’s actually been trying to plan her maternity leave for her baby, so she was going to be taking a step back, and she hadn’t decided on how long yet. Besides, Shiro is the captain of Atlas, not Allura.”
Shiro nodded, eyes warm.
And even though this was something Lance had been dreaming of, he still wasn’t sure that he was ready for it. It felt daunting, almost like… Almost like driving a mecha lion through a wormhole with a group of people he barely knew. It felt like a beginning, an adventure.
And who was Lance to turn down adventure?
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villa-kulla · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Tagged by @fontainebleau22, thanks for the tag, sorry for the delay!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
26 at the moment.
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
722 309. I’d have thought it would be more considering how long some of mine seem to get, although looking at other people’s answers to this meme, I guess 26 isn’t really a huge number!
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
My first fic ever was a little Lord of the Rings experiment for an exchange thing. But my first proper dip into writing for a fandom would have been Breaking Bad, where I wrote for a couple of years before it felt like my ideas had run their course. Then there was a Kingsman fic, and then Mag7 where - similarly to BrBa - wrote feverishly for a couple years until it felt like the well had been plumbed. Oh yeah and then jumped into the Marvel fandom to drop one Marvel fic before immediately jumping back out lol.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
So the Marvel fic has officially just become my most kudoed fic, which is kind of hilarious considering it was a SUEZ! CANAL! FIC! But in my opinion, a good one lol. So yeah, it would be 1. The SamBucky Suez Canal fic, 2. The Kingsman soccer AU, 3. Desert Sand, 4. Chisolm’s 7, and 5. Blue Devils. That last one surprises me, but I guess it was an early one for the fandom, so I think it became an automatic read.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not
I do! It’s possible I’ve missed some here and there, but generally I try to get them all.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t think any of them! While my fics definitely include angst, ideally it’s still in a fun way, or at minimum, bittersweet? I don’t generally want the last taste in a reader’s mouth to be angst. ALTHOUGH. I really really wanted to include an epilogue to the selkie fic that’s kind of angsty. Basically the story would end, but then many years later we’d see an old man get off a bus on the coastal road, carrying a suitcase. He’d be wearing a suit, clearly back from many years travelling. He’d walk to the coast, back over a hill where there’d once been a little fishing cottage, long since torn down. He’d walk down to the beach and into a little cove where he’d kneel by the water he knew better than anyone. Opening the suitcase he’d take out a box which he’d then empty into the ocean, ashes spreading across the water. He’d take out a folded bundle of cloth and wrap it around his shoulders. Then he’d dive into the water, disappearing into the waves, leaving nothing but an empty suitcase behind him, and a folded pile of clothes.
I loved that ending but I’m still not 100% sure if it was keeping in tone with the actual ending, so I left it out. Maybe one day I’ll go and add it as en extra chapter snippet.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t know if I’d call them ‘crossovers’ exactly, although I did stick Goody and Billy into a Some Like it Hot ‘jazz band on a train’ situation, and I also did a Breaking Bad one that used some elements of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Those feel more like ‘AUs’ though. I like situational crossovers, but I’ve never been super into fics where characters from different fandoms actually interact.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully not. The most off-putting comment I’ve gotten was someone who - despite being very complimentary - decided to make a full-on laundry list all the anachronisms in a chapter lmao, like what. Stuff like "interesting that this character used this expression when XYZ would only been invented 10 years later!” etc. I’m positive they didn’t realize how it came off, but still, that was kind of hilarious in its.....obliviousness lol. It was special.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do. And I guess I’ve done the full spectrum of ‘fade to black’ to ‘describe every bead of sweat in pearlescent detail’. It really depends on what the fic calls for! I’ve done some I’m quite proud of tbh, but there are others I’d like to go back and have another stab at, just because they felt kinda cookie-cutter.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
There’ve been a couple! I can’t remember which ones specially, but I had some people asking to translate some Breaking Bad ones, and I think a Mag7 one too. I remember someone messaging to ask permission like “We love your fics in Russia!” and that was a very sweet and wild thing to hear.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I wrote one with @yoporkchopsandwiches! Our Victorian opium dens Breaking Bad AU lol. I was just thinking of that recently actually and remembering how fun it was to read what the other wrote! We plotted out most of it together, and then took turns writing chapters or scenes. But of course while writing you come up with other details or ideas, so we’d then present the new chapter to the other with all the new bits added. And it was so fun to read what the other came up with like ‘omg no way didn’t see that coming/good idea!’ and then picking up their idea from there. In that sense it was almost like improv but for writers.
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
That I’ve written? I think I’ve had the most fun with Goodnight/Billy, partly for the time period, partly for the dynamic, but mostly for the plausibility. While I really enjoyed writing BrBa, it felt more like it came from enthusiasm for the show, not the central ship lol. Don’t get me wrong, the chemistry and its potential was extremely fun to write in a fic setting, but I don’t find I actually shipped it while watching the show itself. Whereas it’s been nice with Mag7 to write for a ship that’s actually....more believable lol. 
14. What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Ugh I can’t beLIEVE I have an unfinished fic up on ao3 lol it haunts me. I was sure I was done with Goodnight/Billy, and then early quarantine last year I had a train robbers AU idea, so I posted a couple chapters. But I don’t think my heart was super in it, I was more just messing around with the idea. I don’t want to delete it, but I’m also not super motivated to finish it haha, but we’ll see what happens. But tbh I like the poem summary better than the fic itself:P
15. What are your writing strengths?
Plotting, keeping things moving, and making stories feel visual maybe? They’re almost all movies in my head anyways, so I think I have good instincts for ‘cinematic moments’.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I’m a little lazy, and also ‘end-product oriented’. In some ways it’s helpful to picture the whole fic before you write it, but sometimes it results in some scenes feeling slightly slapdash because I’m just trying to get them out to move onto the next. Like ‘everyone did everything I wanted to in this scene? Great, next.’ I could stand to ‘stop and smell the roses’ more while I write, and actually see what else I can do to improve a scene.
(also if I use a word once it sticks in my head I end up using it like 5 other times in a scene and don’t notice lol, I need to stop that)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
All for it! Depends how it’s done though. I personally find long scenes of dialogue where you have to constantly jump down to the author’s notes for the translations to be distracting. I like when it’s integrated more naturally where actual translations aren’t super important. Like in River Grit, Billy overhears this little exchange between Goodnight and his childhood nanny:
“Ah c’est vrai, mon petit Bonsoir! J’en peux pas le croire!” she cried out and laughed as she embraced Goody. Billy realized with a start that he actually recognized one of the words: ‘Bonsoir’. Goodnight. (insert brief flashback of Goody teaching him the nickname) / “Ma Serafine,” Goodnight said with a laugh. “C’est vrai que tu ne vieillis pas. Tu vas me rendre jaloux, heh?” / Billy had no idea what Goodnight was saying, but he sure as hell recognized Goodnight’s tone for flattery, and it was confirmed when the old woman laughed and smacked his arm.
What they’re actually saying is: “Oh it’s true, my little Goodnight! I can’t believe it!” / “My Serafine, it’s true you never age. You’re going to make me jealous”. But it doesn’t matter because this fic is from Billy’s POV so it’s about how he experiences the language around him, which is why I wouldn’t have included a translation for the reader. If you understand it then it’s a bonus, but the words themselves aren’t really the point! 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
That lil Lord of the Rings fic.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm for Mag7 I’ve always liked River Grit and love how it turned out. I also think Ashes feels very complete as a fic and I liked the flashback format. And while it’s not my favourite fic, in hindsight I’m impressed with the Kingsman football fic and how I had to write about 5 different soccer games and make them all feel different and exciting, and not just some variation of ‘He kicked the ball!’ I’m really pleased with how those sequences all turned out.
La fin! Not tagging anyone this time, but please feel free to do this if you see it! I love when people just take initiative to do these things without waiting for a tag (also please tag me in it if you do, ‘cause I love reading these things lol)
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luvlyrv · 4 years
Second Place (Joy x Fem!Reader)
Genre: Enemies to lovers, fluff
Summary: As a passionate swimmer, everything was going amazing for you until she came into your life. Since then things haven’t been the same and you can’t help but to feel frustrated and defeated. What will happen to this unresolved tension?
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: My first proper post, I truly hope you like it. I tried hard to make it a believable enemies to lovers dynamic and for it to be high quality. My draft ended up being 4 pages on google docs on size 11 tnr font haha. Please get back to me with any feedback you can and I apologize if there are any grammatical issues. Dedicated to my friend Kat :)
Date: 6/25/2020
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You ready yourself at the edge of the pool as you turn to look at her. Your face began to heat with anger and your chest was pounding. How could she be so perfect? She was seemingly always a step ahead of you. It felt like she took everything away from you. She took your friends, your teammates, she swam like a goddess, all while being so gorgeous and... 
Oh god? What were you thinking? You shook your head and turned away to focus on the water gently swaying in front of you. You steady your breathing and dive into the water. The familiar and welcoming cool feeling enveloped your body. It was usually in the water that you felt at peace, yet this time the only thing you could think about was her. Your only thoughts were about your recent built-up frustration. Sooner than you expected, you felt the wall of the pool and lifted yourself up. Your breathing was heavy as you looked at your coach with a stopwatch in her hand. “Good work Y/N! You managed to shave off a couple seconds on your PR. Keep working hard and you might beat Joy over there!”, you only managed to chuckle a bit in response.
That seriously pissed you off.
Ever since that girl transferred, you’ve been in second place. Knocked off the pedestal you’ve kept for so long. When you used to be the best on the team, she stomped on you. All of a sudden nearly all your ‘friends’ paid no mind to you. Instead favoring to focus on the new girl, who’s infectious smile garnered her the nickname Joy.
What hurt the most is that you understood why people were dying for her attention. While you excelled in your studies and sports, she somehow did even better. The very little free-time Sooyoung seemed to have was fought over by everyone.
Ever since then, you silently declared her as your rival.
You make your way towards the locker room when you feel a smack on your shoulder. Sooyoung passes by and you see her annoying little smile as she says, “Maybe you’ll beat me next time”.
Since the moment she walked into your life it felt like she had her eyes on you, that she was out to get you. You try to shake off your anger and continue making your way. Inside, you hear the murmurs and giggles of some of the girls joking around, as well as the praises your teammates would give Sooyoung. You ignore it and mind your own business. As practice is wrapping up and everyone says their goodbyes, your coach pulls you and Sooyoung aside. 
“Now girls, I’m sure it’s quite obvious that the both of you are the top swimmers we have on this team,” your coach begins to quietly speak to the both of you. “The other girls on the team have made their opinions of you quite clear. When the season officially starts I need you guys to help unify the team and do even better than last year,” you start grinning. You already knew where this conversation was going, having heard iterations of the same speech before. You were glad to know that your coach still viewed you highly.
“Sooyoung, the team needs you to be their captain. Y/N, you need to work to help co-captain this team into victory.”
Your smile seemed to slowly fade.
“Ah, thank you so much! I’m so honored to be in this position. You know I’ll do my best for the team.”, Sooyoung said with her iconic smile, bowing to show her appreciation. You try not to show the disappointment on your face. You thought that even though Sooyoung was a better swimmer than you, you’d still the get the position of captain. After all, you’re the one who’s been on the team longest, who’s worked with your teammates for longer than Sooyoung has. Even though in a sense the position of co-captain was the same, you couldn’t help but to feel upset with the #2 label being stuck on you. All you could do was put on a small smile as you say in a meek voice, “Thank you coach. I accept this responsibility and will work hard.”
Your coach smiled at the both of you and patted your backs. “I’m so incredibily proud of what you’ve both accomplished. Now, I’m asking that the both of you try to be friendlier with each other. I see the kinds of looks you give. Just lighten up, okay? We need strong pillars for the team this year. Maybe try practicing with each other more and learn from each other.”
Coach sends the both of you out as she get’s caught up doing her own work. You quietly walk out of the building and to the parking lot together. Even though you were walking next to a person you felt like you despised, you couldn’t help but also feel amazed. Sooyoung was certainly one of the most hardworking and talented people you’ve ever met. You snap out of those thoughts though when all of a sudden you hear her voice.
“Hey, about what coach said... “
“Let’s swim together. For practice, I guess. Coach would like that.”
You weigh the matter in your head for a few seconds. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, they say. Perhaps this was a wonderful opportunity being presented right in front of you. If you two swam together you would get to observe her technique. Maybe you could impress or intimidate her. Really, you wanted to keep tabs on her, and if she’s by your side all the time, if she’s the one you’re competing against day by day... what else would be a better motivator to improve? You sigh before talking.
Weeks pass by and you spend nearly everyday with Sooyoung. Although you originally thought that it would be a good idea, it ended up being hell on Earth. When you thought that you could motivate yourself, which was true to some extent, you ended up being more frustrated. Every time you practiced together Sooyoung couldn’t help but to make snide remarks.
“Slipping up? Ah geez, and I thought you were finally beginning to improve.”
“God, You’re like a fish out of water. Flapping your arms like that.”
“How’d you even make it this far?”
Every time she made one of her comments you would ball up your firsts and count to ten. What made it worse was that you felt horrible seeing her improve so much. It made you feel like you could never catch up.
One night when practicing late together your feelings had boiled over. Both of you were in the locker room and had just finished changing clothes. You look at her as she has that stupid smirk on her face and she begins opening her mouth. Before you could spew another hurtful comment you slam your fist next to her, a loud banging noise erupting as your hand came in contact with the metal of the locker. You’re face to face with her as your eyes begin to water.
“God! Why are you so insufferable? You’re everything I want, you know. You have absolutely everything and you have the audacity to rub it in my face. Do you know how much that hurts? Ever since you transferred here my life has been so different. You make me feel so isolated and useless, how can I ever catch up to someone like you? Tell me, how? Are you happy now?”
You knew your face was reed as wet tears streamed down your face. 
“Are you...? Now can you stop... stop saying such hurtful things to me. Please.” 
Your voice cracked during your last few sentences.
You feel like a fool as you stand there, looking at Sooyoung’s lost face. You turn around and head for the exit. “Forget it.” you say. Before you make it far you feel a soft tug on your hand and you turn back around.
Sooyoung gives you the biggest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen. As much as you hate her your heart broke when you saw the pain on what was usually a radiant and happy face. Her mouth opens up a little bit.
“I’m sorry.”
“Is that all?” you ask and begin turning around again. Once again you feel that soft tug. You felt grateful for it, because as soon as you dismissed her apology like that your heart broke again. You face her another time and let her speak.
“That was out of hand. I’m so sorry. I’ve been so rude to you... I should’ve known better. Look, Y/N, why do you think I transferred here in the first place?”
“I-I don’t know... I mean we’re known for our academics I guess.” you felt dumbfounded and startled from the strange question.
“There’s that, but there’s also you.”
“Yeah, you.” Sooyoung gives a soft smile to you. “I guess you never noticed me since we did different events at the time, but I saw you and noticed you before I ever came here. I’ve always loved swimming, but when I got to see you swim, you were on a completely different level. I saw a passion I never saw or felt before. You inspired me a lot, Y/N. To be a better person, to be a better swimmer. I saw that charming smile on your face, I saw your affect on your teammates, and I wanted to be like you.”
You stand there as the tears going down your face were appearing for a different reason. Sooyoung takes a step closer to you.
“I trained so hard. Hours and hours of swimming daily, every part of me being sore. I wanted to be here with you because I thought if I was right next to a star, I’d shine brightly too. I just wanted your attention so bad I didn’t think hard enough about how all my actions would affect you, and that’s my shortcoming.”
“Sooyoung, I-”
“What I’m trying to say is I’ve admired you for a long time.”
You don’t know how to feel. You couldn’t tell if the warm budding feeling in your chest was from surprise or something else. How could she of all people admire you? The perfect Sooyoung who brings joy to all of those around her. How could she ever view someone like you so highly? Every ounce of anger you had felt since she arrived began to melt away.
You hug her tightly and feel her arms warp around your waist in a way that fit perfectly. You softly whisper into her ear.
“I think I admire you too.”
Suddenly she pulls away from the hug and before you could react she placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
“I can give you one for every mean thing I’ve said.”
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pebblysand · 3 years
It’s me again! You gave such a thorough reply that I wanted to first say thank you and second elaborate on devastating and maybe also expound on why i love castles so much.
So honestly what i most appreciate in post-dh hp fanfics is the exploration of what happens after the war- particularly the trauma and healing process. I’ll be frank in that I’m probably projecting my own mental health issues but that’s neither here nor there.
Castles strikes me as particularly interesting and unique because it delves into Ginny’s trauma from the war as much as Harry’s. Very often in other post-dh fics we see that Ginny is the stable one, she is Harry’s anchor, they show her understanding and forgiving him without question. Which I understand and love but your fic sheds a new light on other possibilities. When I say devastating i mean the internal turmoil, the truth that recovery and healing and growth are agonizing processes. (This is me projecting again, that last three years have been A Lot). And i really appreciate that, personally and narratively. The ordeal of healing and healing alongside people you love and at the same time hurting and being hurt by those same people, and the harsh reality that none of this is linear is something that I just find so compelling in your writing.
Man that’s the most coherent I’ve been in a review in AGES - not just feral screaming. Needless to say, I am very very excited for your update and I will literally wait however long it takes, because you can’t rush genius.
Aw thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad this fic is resonating with you. This is going to be long, so buckle up under the cut.
Thanks again for what you've said, I truly appreciate it. Without blowing my own horn too much, I will say that castles does seem to "speak" in that way to a lot of people in terms of trauma and healing, which as a writer is immensely flattering. I think as authors, all we ever want to do (or at least all I've ever wanted to do) is to write things that are faithful to human emotions and human experiences (as Sally Rooney puts it, we want to write books about "people"). When we get that right that's honestly the most rewarding thing in the world.
To tell you the truth, though, I never really set out to write about that. To give you a little bit of backstory on Castles, it's a story that's been more of less brewing in my head since I was 14 years old, which is when DH came out. I remember sitting there at the end of it and even then I couldn't stop thinking about the 'what now?' question. Obviously there is the epilogue (and I will come back to that in a bit) but I always had a question mark drawn on the direct aftermath of the battle. I think most HP fans have their own little corner of obsession, right? Like, some people are obsessed with Marauders, some with Next-Gen, some with the Death Eater side of the fight. The Post-War world has always been mine.
I believe that the reason for that, as much as I hate to admit it, is that as humans, when something bad happens to us, we have a very easy way out: death. I'm obviously not trying to encourage anyone out here to kill themselves and if anyone who reads this is having thoughts along this line, please seek help, but the truth of the matter is that in the human experience, death is always a possibility. We could choose it, embrace it, and end our own suffering. Yet, like Harry at the end of DH, most of us don't. For the most part, we tend to hang onto to life. Because, truth be told, it's full and wonderful and deserves to be lived, despite the fact that, objectively speaking, it's bloody hard. And, as a writer, that's the space I want to be in. I want to understand and describe why we make that choice, every day, to get up and carry on, rather than giving up. I find that absolutely fascinating. I'm not a writer for the sensational stuff (some people do that much better than me), I want to write the quiet and the silence and the dirt and the blood that's dried and the grief and the powering through and the not giving up. To me, choosing life despite trauma is the epitome of bravery which, as a Gryffindor, is probably the character trait I value most in people.
Obviously, from a narrative perspective, this interest of mine lands itself to a post-war exploration very well. There's an old interview of JKR where she says she insisted on the epilogue being included at the end of book seven (even though she knew it was going to piss people off) because she wanted to show that they made it through. That, as I put it in Castles, 'They lived, for better or for worse.' And, in that interview, she talks more specifically about soldiers and PTSD, and says that 'getting over that kind of war, that's the hard part.' I remember watching that interview and thinking: yes, exactly. And, that's the thing about the epilogue. It's not so much about the content of it, the who-ends-up-with-who rather than the symbolism of it. It's not only about the fact that they fought in a war and won it, it's about the fact that they fought another war afterwards, a quiet one with the world they were trying to rebuild, along with rebuilding themselves, and they won that one, too. It's about showing that bravery isn't always this sparkling, flashy thing. It's also overcoming the silences and the grief and the struggles and making it to the other side.
And, so, yeah, I suppose that leads me to write about trauma. Although that isn't the initial endeavour, it's certainly part of it. And as you pointed out yourself, that road is full of ups and downs because "living" is fucking fantastic, but it's also fucking hard. I find the phrasing you used about Ginny typically being the "stable" one in other fics particularly interesting. I'd never thought about it that way, but I see what you mean. And, the thing with Castles is: none of them (and I mean H & G but also Ron, Hermione - hell even Kingsley) are particularly stable or unstable. To me, they just are. They exist and they live and they try to put one foot in front of the next the best way they can, with very little sense of plan or strategy. They sort of make do, which to me is the only realistic way I can envision the post-war world. They're kids who've just lived through the apocalypse. It's unrealistic to me that any of them would hold all of the answers, or even come close to having their shit together.
To me, it was and is very important to show all sides of that spectrum. Although they likely all wouldn't have suffered from acute PTSD, they would certainly all have struggled with something. Not everyone deals with everything the same way, and I want to show feelings of guilt, and bravery, and confusion, and fear, and determination which are all as unique as the individuals who experience them. I also wanted to show that not everything has a clear-cut explanation for it. For example, when Ginny breaks up with Harry in chap3, she says some truly horrible things. But, what she does say is also the one percent of everything that lies under the surface. She says she breaks up with him for Reason A but it's actually Reason A. 1, A.2, B, C, D, etc. Because, truth be told, that is what happens in life. People rarely give you a neat little list of all the reasons they do something, especially if, again, they've just lived through something huge. Often, you only truly find out the real reasons for people's actions months later, and often, that's because they themselves don't even know, haven't made sense of it in their heads. So, of course, I think it's incredibly important to write all of them as going through something, because to me anything else would be deeply unrealistic.
And, truth be told, I've thought about this extensively every time I've re-read the books in the past. Throughout the years, I started countless drafts on this topic, which I often gave up and left unfinished, until now. I think what motivated me this time is honestly the pandemic. I re-read the books during the first lockdown, then set out to find The Perfect Fanfiction which would deal with all of that. I'd never been in the Potter fandom before and thought to myself: 'there's like a million fics in that fandom, someone must have written this.' And, to this day, I still sort of believe that? Like, I've had a lot of comments in the past year telling me that they like or dislike Castles because it has a unique "tone" and a unique "mood" as well as themes but I'm always like "really? someone else must have written this," haha. But, despite spending a lot of time looking, I never found it so I suppose that's when I decided to write it, haha.
And, here we are, lol.
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wellhalesbells · 4 years
as i no longer sleep (apparently), let’s do this awesome thing @yodas-yo-yo tagged me on!!  thank you!!
Rules: Tag 9 people who you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions.
i’m going with not necessarily my all-time favorite ships but the ones i’ve been reading like crazy lately
stiles and derek, as i’m sure we’re all well aware.  those’re my boys.  the dynamic they have just cannot be beat; it’s all shades of gray and built rather than plopped down without foundation.  derek, who has been betrayed and abandoned and is neglected at every turn by every other character in this universe, and stiles, who - importantly - doesn’t have pity for him but pragmatism: ‘you’re a useful dude, and so i am going to use you regardless of how everyone else would just like to write you off.’  it’s not an immediate, ‘ah, you’re perfect for each other,’ moment, it’s kind of a, ‘shit, dude, that is not a guy you should use because he’s suffered that too many times already and this is bad.’  but only through that does it become less about using derek and more about relying on each other, trusting each other’s judgments, and being the first call rather than the last.  i’m so emotionally tied to it because it’s freaking earned and no one is... pure.  stiles’ motives aren’t pure, derek’s actions aren’t pure, no one is a one-dimensional hero who can abide by a concept as infantile as good vs evil, they’re more real because of it and i’m more attached to them because of it.
okay, weirdly, lately..... clark and lex (and after i was just talking about one-dimensional good vs evil characters, lol), preferably with the smallville backstory of once being besties.  it’s just like the best of the best when it comes to tropes that do it for me.  they’re baked in and, unless it’s an au, unavoidable.  epic pining, best friends turned enemies turned lovers (or some variation thereof), a betrayed character (love when that’s lex and it’s post-belle reve), a morally gray manipulative genius who if they are depicted as not having ulterior motives is considered WILDLY out of character, a fucking canonical son made from both their dna, parallel universes in canon, not to mention there’s sex pollen in canon as well with red kryptonite in the mix.  (there’s nothing better than fics where clark is dosed so he’ll finally kill lex luthor only to fuck him practically down to his soul instead.)  i never even finished smallville and while i was always a fan of the ship, it was sort of more of a ‘ships in the night’ kind of ship, like: oh yeah, i know you *waves as you cross my dash* and nothing more.  then i read (and read and re-read and read some more) reconcilable differences and.... there is not enough fic for them out there, friends.  there just isn’t, and i’m sad.
merlin and arthur from bbc merlin.  again, i really like what’s often baked into this pairing: a scenario that comes up with some regularity is a betrayed or banished!merlin and arthur realizing too late what merlin means to him and having to go after him and prove himself.  i live for that shit, okay?  i live for the character who seemingly has everything realizing they have nothing without this other person (especially if said person is often mistreated or sidelined in canon - thank you, fix-it fanon!!!!).  i never was big into merlin fanfic UNTIL ao3 came up with the ‘exclude’ part of the search function.  i don’t want modern merlin pretty much ever and somehow that fandom is about 50% modern aus????  so i never read fic for it because it was so hard to find what i was looking for.  literally the day i saw the exclude option, i started reading merthur fanfic.  i wish there were more percival/merlin fics (i am SO FUCKING INTO size difference lately and i do noooot have a pair that i LOVE that has that, some that i casually read like jaskier/geralt but none that i can’t live without yet and i NEED IT), especially ones featuring a jealous arthur that endgames into merthur but that’s, er, a bit specific?  haha, and i have less than zero desire to write for either this fandom or the one above it sadly.
clairo - sofia, i love how hard my radio station is fangirling over clairo, she has such a nostalgia-inducing sound for me.
okay, well, i actually just finished the shows i was watching: prodigal son, which was like a less avant garde, less horny, less gay, less people-eating version of hannibal.  instead of a guy who was too unstable to qualify to be an actual fbi agent and who has a loose relationship with reality and mental health, and maybe also a darker side, and a cannibal who definitely does, both of whom badly want to bang each other, it’s a serial killer father who has a darker side and a guy who was fired from the fbi for being too unstable, who maybe has one of his own, in addition to a loose relationship with reality and mental health.  i mostly enjoyed it.  i really liked the actors, the morbid and understated humor was hilarious (seriously, some of those one liners, both the delivery by the actors and the offhandedness inherent to them were just perfection), but.... they fridged the love interest (very VERY predictably) and they’re clearly shoving together the only unattached (”normal”) vagina and penis on the show because HETERONORMATIVITY!!!!!  (i expect more of you, greg berlanti, tsk.)  i’m hoping for more edrisa in the future because she is a fucking GEM (and it’s just SO NICE to see lane on my screen again!!!!), more jessica who might have the best sense of self and humor in the whole dang show, more michael sheen (because i just love the man in anything and everything), and about that finale (even though i saw it coming WELL in advance) i’ll just say: AINSLEY, MY GIRLLLLLLLL!!!!
the other i finished was the crown, season four.  this show never really wows me tbh.  i watch it mostly for a) the performances and b) my mom and dad, who love it immensely and love to talk about it with me.  if not for them i could easily zone out for an entire episode without even realizing it, with all the quietness and sweeping landscape shots, there’s just nothing grabby in there for me.  it’s very uppercrust british, y’know?  haha.  where a comment about your lilac drapes is really a dig about how you’re bringing down the entire commonwealth, which i love to read but watching?  it doesn’t really pull me in.  the high point of this season for me was gillian anderson’s portrayal of margaret thatcher, just the way she would contort her face was amazing to me, and the episode with fagan because hey, i totally knew about that already (which never happens, lol) and i love that actor from preacher and it was just really well-written and acted.  but, overall, pretty much i spent the whole season wanting a violent and bloody and embarrassing death to befall charles, that entitled and cruel little piss-ant, while knowing it wasn’t going to happen.  it’s one of those shows i watch where i’m glad i watched it, but i won’t remember any details about it in a week’s time.
and as for what i soon will be currently watching: i’m starting the great tomorrow!
okay, tagging: @livthelion, @ohlookagaydraco, @grimmypuff, @clotpolesonly, @midnightisquiet, @urban-barbarian, @callunavulgari, @hrast-ika and @i-sveikata!!
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The gae house is my✨ dream ✨
Please make it happen 👉👈
I’ll do my best, darling! 😘
(also, sorry this reply took so long, and IS so long, but I wanted to make sure it was written ✨ just so ✨ because it means a lot to me)
Alright, so context for everyone (if you care):
Ishu and I were having a very nice (and hilarious) chat about how basically our dream is to some day create our own version of Garden Lodge; just a big house with a fuckload of cats and friends, or as she put it, “adopting strays and gays”. It’s a thought that’s lived in the back of my mind for some time, though I hadn’t made the exact connection to Freddie Mercury before, which now that I have I just love and find absolutely charming. (also, this post I created from the pictures I had sent in the convo that led to that epiphany, lmao)
Encouragingly, my parents and I were joking around and stuff over the weekend, and talking about their eventual retirement, my future, family stuff, etc etc- and my mother says, (I literally can quote word for word): 
“Oh, don’t worry, Megan will take care of us, she’s going to be a millionaire you know- she’ll buy us a nice little house, and she’ll have a nice big house, and parties all the time, I’m sure of it!” 
(her back was to me because she was standing at the stove, but I could hear her smiling the way I know she does when she’s absolutely sure of something. And when Mama’s absolutely sure of something, you can be sure it will be so. I smiled so much I thought my face would burst)
“... oh is that so?” my father replied, raising an eyebrow, “and someone to drive her places, then, since she seems so disinterested in that.” 
(it’s true, i have no motivation to get my driver’s license and it is my father’s current pet peeve with me, though the comment wasn’t meant unkindly in this case lol)
“and a personal chef, I hope, or else I’ll be sending her meals every week until I’m old and gray; she can barely heat soup in the microwave”
(this is also true, but again, everyone was in a good mood so it was meant more teasingly than genuinely scolding)
then my little brother chimed in- “... and she’s going to adopt lots of cats! she always says, lots of cats!! she’ll be a crazy cat lady!!” 
I smacked him with a magazine and we all had a laugh about that, but I decided it was about time I chime in on this whole grand plan:
“and I’ll adopt lots of people too!”
Mama gave me a slightly confused look, and I clarified, 
“..Not like children, you know- I mean, perhaps children too someday- but, well, friends and... and people and I just sort of create... we all live together and, sort of, someone does the cooking, and someone does the driving, and everyone does the thing they like and we all get along well enough-” 
“are you sure you’ll manage to get along without a fuss, too?” 
“- well I never did say without any fuss, Mama- but we all do get along, and sort of, you know, be a family... of sorts...” 
and I smiled to myself, and thought back to the conversation that you and I had had; and I was carefully watching my parents’ reaction, too- family, to them, is a word with a lot of weight and connotation to it, and I wasn’t sure how well they’d take to the idea of such an unconventional “family”.
But you know what? My father just chuckled, and shook his head a bit, which is a sort of approval; and my mother had turned from the stove and gave me a gentle, if rather wistful kind of smile, and said basically that it sounded lovely. (my exact memory for words fades out around that point because I was quite wrapped up in my own thoughts). 
So you know what? It’s a real possibility. And at any rate, it’s very encouraging when other people see in you the things that you so hope you can become. 
And besides, it makes me feel better about things I get nagged about, like not being able to cook for shit, and hating to drive, because hey, Freddie Mercury didn’t like those things either and he’s pretty fucking cool, so, you know, maybe I needn’t feel so bad about it. What I AM very good at, is making friends, so it’ll all work out I think.
It also gives me hope that maybe coming out to my parents may not go as horribly as I have feared, though I’m still far from that point.
To be clear, I don’t plan on settling down any time soon- I’ve got to get out and make those millions first of course, haha! 
but perhaps...
some day, one day... 
... we’ll come home*
* to the ✨ gae house ✨
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fansplaining · 4 years
Hello! I'm curious to know your opinion. I've been working on this long fic for months. Ever since I started writing there has been a bunch of anon's under different names telling me how to write each chapter. Saying things like "make (A) do this", "(b) needs to do that." "I expect this to happen to (C)" Etc. On one hand I'm grateful for the feedback, after all what writer isn't, but of 10 comments, 9 are like this. I'm starting to feel my writing isn't good enough for my readers.
Hello anon! Elizabeth here. Hooooo boy let me tell you, as I was reading this I went on a **journey**. When I reached “9 out of 10,” I went, “WHAT.” I have a few thoughts, and without knowing the full context (what your story is like, what fandom it’s in, etc etc) some of this might apply and some might not. But I think it’s all generally useful for fic writers and readers to think about.
This actually got pretty long, so I’ll put my thoughts under a cut.
 1) The story vs reader expectations
This is something I think about—and talk about—a lot. Here’s a bit of what I said while discussing what “OOC” actually means a few episodes back: 
Humans act irrationally, and I think that you can write a character acting irrationally well. But to me, that’s not a character acting out of character. That’s a character acting against character, irrationally... I think when we say “out of character” about characters we’re actually saying something different, which is: “Have you done the work to show why the character would respond to this situation X way or Y way?” And if he responds Z way, and you haven’t done any of the work to show why he might do that or any of the consequences if it is truly out of character the way we would say a real human acts out of character—then very often it is bad writing. It is people taking plot ideas and then imposing them over their characters without earning it.
These conversations are a huge part of our discussions about media in recent years—whether writing choices are good, whether they are earned, whether they are “in character,” whether they conform to what we expected. But the last one is where things get really murky—because there are *a lot* of readers and viewers these days who are kind of doing what I’m accusing bad writers of doing in that quote—imposing their expectations over the story without really grasping what’s been set up by the writer(s).
There are a lot of parts to this. We often pinpoint Lost as the place where the modern audience’s inclination to “solve” a show was born, and this has spread throughout viewing/reading cultures over the past two decades. The rise of “spoiler culture” is a huge factor here, too—as if knowing plot points is the only thing of value when viewing or reading a piece of entertainment. My least favorite thing in all of this is TV Tropes and the kind of rewiring of peoples’ brains to *only* look for those concepts (which are often weirdly narrow and reductive, unlike, say, the more categorical tropes of fic or the romance genre). 
Here’s an example: in 2017, Gav and I made our love of Black Sails the centerpiece of our fandom newsletter, The Rec Center, and in the process got a lot of people to watch it. And because we were the ones that inspired them, I had a fair number of people in my mentions/messaging me to give their real-time reactions as they went through the episodes.
While not every single writing choice on Black Sails is flawless, much of it is meticulously done, and so many of the plot points are carefully well-earned. But the things people were guessing would happen next in my mentions...were bonkers. Not everyone! But it was enough people (guessing different things) that I was kind of floored. I would think, If that’s what you think is going to happen next, I feel like you aren’t paying attention to the show? I should clarify that this happened with *a lot* of people, not trying to call anyone in particular out. But so many of the guesses felt like they came from expectations imposed by other media, especially stuff that’s signficantly more formulaic and tropey. 
This instinct—to predict, to vocally desire outcomes, to try and get ahead of the writers, to impose the structures of other media over the thing you’re watching—is *deep* in a lot of viewers’ and readers’ minds these days, and it comes out regardless of the quality of the writing. I think it’s not a great turn of events, to be honest—and it leads writers to make some really foolish choices in an attempt to “trick” viewers with something they never could’ve guessed. Which...generally makes for bad writing overall. 
2) Expectations within your fic
So this is the part where I falter a bit without context. Because some fic writers make it clear that they are posting as they write, and that they’re open to suggestions for plot choices. I assume you haven’t done this, or you wouldn’t be unhappy that people are trying to dictate what comes next. 
I’m curious if you are signalling that you’re...OK? with these kinds of comments by, say, writing nice replies that don’t make it clear that you know where you’re going with the story and you’ve already made choices about what happens next. There’s definitely a way to strike that balance, like a very polite evasion, something like, “Haha, thanks for the comment! I have the whole fic plotted out, so you’ll just have to wait and see!” If you start to signal that you’re in control of the plot, not the commenters, perhaps they’ll chill out a bit—because I gotta be honest, the fact that this is 90% of the comments...is wild to me. And I’m wondering if people are doing it because they see other people doing it. 
Again, total speculation without any actual context. I think that this sort of thing is likely more common in certain fandoms and with certain age groups. Even on AO3, fandom is not a monolith—I wonder if you’ve noticed this with other longfics in your fandom. It might be worth checking out how other writers have handled it, if they’re getting flooded with comments like these. 
I posted a longish fic recently, 75K over the course of three months, and let me tell you, no offense to any of my commenters, but a few of them reminded me of those Black Sails folks: What story are you actually reading?? I politely pushed back with one who asserted a whole bunch of stuff that was not in the story at all and tried to predict what would happen based on what was frankly bad reading comprehension. With others who expressed expectations about where things would go, I went the, “Haha you’ll have to wait and see!” route.
Talking to other people who’ve posted chapter-by-chapter longfics, I know that some of the bad predictions are par for the course: being absolutely certain the trouble in a section won’t be resolved, being convinced that any hint that the ship may not stay together will come to pass, even when, what, 95% of all shippy fic has the characters staying together? There’s a sort of performativity of immediate reactions in fic commenting, “OH NO, OH NO, ARE THEY BREAKING UP?” Like, duh, not forever. But commenting as real-time reaction is clearly the way a lot of readers engage with fic. Which is fine! That’s different from dictating the plot to you. 
3) The commenters vs your story
OK, so conceptually swinging back to the first bit, while my immediate response to, “I'm starting to feel my writing isn't good enough for my readers,” is NO NO NO JUST BECAUSE AN AUDIENCE IS SAYING SOMETHING DOESN’T MEAN YOU ARE BAD AND THEY ARE CORRECT. But! I think it might be worth spending a liiiitttle bit of time with them to see what they are saying, and how you think that connects back to what you’ve written. 
When folks came at me with, “I think X will happen next in Black Sails,” I, as a person who’s watched it several times and also professionally deconstructs texts as a critic, can go through and be like, “Here’s why I think that’s a misreading of what you’ve seen so far” (though mostly I would just say things like, “Why try to predict the plot! Just enjoy it!” because I’m trying not to be a dick). Rewatching the show, I can see all the things the writers carefully laid out, and how they pay off eventually. Can I imagine alternate choices for the characters? Sure! But I can see why, with the specific context and stakes in which characters made decisions, the writers had them do what they did. If they made other choices, I’d want that similar sort of work-showing. 
Similarly, when I got the occasional comment like this on the aforementioned fic, I would take it seriously for a moment. Why are they predicting this? Is it possible I haven’t shown my work enough? As I was writing, I thought very carefully about the characters and their motivations and the way certain events shaped their choices, and how changing events would change those choices. Generally, those comments felt, well, unearned: they were more about the reader than about the actual story. 
It helped having a beta who is both smart and scary, and wouldn’t hesitate to tell me if something wasn’t working. A big issue with the “no feedback in fanfic” convo is decontextualized “feedback” from random readers is not really useful! You have people coming from all sorts of backgrounds, all levels of reading comprehension, all sorts of contexts. Everyone can give you their *reaction* to your work, of course, but without that context of critique—the thing you have with a beta/editor, or if you’re in a writing workshop or group—it’s rare that some rando can give you truly useful feedback. 
But! That brings me back to 9 out of 10. I think, with that many people weighing in, it’s worth doing a little bit of serious consideration. Just read back over the story. If you can see ways that you zigged when you were signalling that you were going to zag, then your commenters might have a point. If they’re guessing character X might do Y next, and you’ve planned to have him do Z but actually haven’t done the legwork to make Z seem like a sensible next step, then that might be a fair read. Especially when they say, “I expect X will do Y,” try to figure out to the root of that expectation. Is this about the story, or is it about them? 
Because no audience is some neutral set of readers, and fandom even less so. People might tell you to do something because they hate one character and love another. People might hate your ship and for some reason are choosing to read it anyway. People have a million different contexts they bring to reading a work and not infrequently, they are reading through sets of expectations formed by other pieces of media that have very little to do with your own. 
4) tl;dr
The ~wisdom~ of the crowd is not inherently greater than the wisdom of the writer. Many people in fandom are very thoughtful readers—probably some of the most thoughtful readers out there! But plenty...are not. And that’s fine! They’re obviously still free to comment. I’d love to say, “ignore them, write for yourself, you’re writing the story you wanna write,” but I know how frustrating this must be for you. So give them a little consideration, but not too much. And most importantly, if you have a beta, ask them their opinion of these comments—and if you don’t have a beta, get one! Because a reader you know and whose opinions you trust is so much more valuable than random anon comments, no matter the circumstances. 
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kazliin · 4 years
I'm sure you've answered similar questions so sorry ahead of time if you have answered these questions before.I re-read Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches for like the sixth time. I tend to go back and re-read some of my all time favorite FFs throughout the years and I was once again blown away by your writing so I have some questions! 1. Do you find that it's better to write everyday or just when motivation hits? 2. How many edits/revisions do you usually do? To be cont....
LOL I'm back- continuing with question 2, how do you know when you've edited a chapter or even an entire story enough? 3. How do you know when you've written too much? Everyone knows the rule of 'show not tell' but where is the line between using too much of that flower language and just getting to the point? 4. Have you worked on an original story or have you been published already?! I would love to read an OG work. :)
Last few questions haha- I wish there wasn't a word limit on these things...5. Any tips for how to not compare yourself to other writers? I have this problem in both writing and art. I do a piece and then look or read something that someone else produced and then table flip my desk because their work is significantly better and then I'm that 'this is fine' meme. 6. Have you found that writing FF has helped you? Thank you for taking the time to read these. ^_^
No worries, I love getting questions about my writing! I’ll answer them all in order so it’s easier to read.
1)      Do you find that it's better to write everyday or just when motivation hits?
For me, if I’m in the middle of a multi-chapter fic or series, I find it better to write regularly. Motivation is a fickle thing, so I found having a set writing schedule helped me put out chapters regularly. I didn’t write ever day, but I had set days/times every week that I would devote to writing. I can be pretty lazy at times so if I hadn’t forced myself to sit down and write, I never would have finished anything!
When it comes to oneshots though, I definitely only wrote when inspiration struck. Because they are much shorter and easier to write, it was much more fun for me to frantically write one in a burst of inspiration than to try and force one out when I wasn’t feeling inspired. But those strokes of inspiration aren’t a regular thing for me so I can’t rely on them for longer fics. So, for me, I write differently depending on what kind of fic I’m writing (not a very helpful answer I know!)
 2)      How many edits/revisions do you usually do? How do you know when you've edited a chapter or even an entire story enough?
I am a horrible little writing gremlin who edits something once and then tosses it out into the world for all my readers to suffer my many writing mistakes. Is it the best way to do things? Absolutely not. But I find the more I edit the more I hate things and delete huge chunks of writing and I’m never fully satisfied. So I limit how much time I spend reworking a chapter or I’d never post it. I should definitely edit my writing more but fanfiction is a hobby, not a job. I’m not going to spend hours agonizing over a fic that I was supposed to enjoy creating for the sake of editing it to perfection. So I’d say, once you get sick of reading your own writing while editing, it’s probably a sign to stop and just put the story out into the world because fic is meant to be fun, not stressful!
 3)      How do you know when you've written too much? Everyone knows the rule of 'show not tell' but where is the line between using too much of that flower language and just getting to the point?
This is a really tricky one because it depends on what kind of fic you’re writing and your own personal preference. I like writing a lot of introspection and have a bad habit of
making my chapters far too long. Some people like reading that kind of writing but some people absolutely hate it. The majority of the negative comments on my fics are about how there is too much introspection, my chapters should be more concise, and I need to learn how to edit down my work. Which is all fair critique but hey, it’s fanfic. I like to write like that and so I’m going to keep writing like that. And people who like short, punchy fics that get straight to the point are going to keep writing they way they like too. There’s no right or wrong way to write fic, just the way you like it.
When it comes to writing your own fic, whatever is best for you is usually whatever you find most natural to write. If you naturally write shorter chapters there’s no need to make yourself bored and unhappy by trying to drag them out with lots of flowery language. But if you naturally just let your words flow free and write lots of flowery descriptions, there’s no need to frustrate yourself trying to edit it down too much. I’m a firm believer in fanfic being fun. So write in the way that you enjoy. If people don’t like it, they can go read another fic. Different people have different tastes, so you have to write for yourself first and everyone else second. A fantastic chapter could be 1,000 words or it could be 30,000, as long as it’s written from the heart.
 4)      Have you worked on an original story or have you been published already?! I would love to read an OG work. :)
I unfortunately have not! I may one day but I don’t currently have any plans to
 5)      Any tips for how to not compare yourself to other writers? I have this problem in both writing and art. I do a piece and then look or read something that someone else produced and then table flip my desk because their work is significantly better and then I'm that 'this is fine' meme.
The best way I’ve ever seen someone address this situation is in this comic.
 In fandom, it’s really hard not to compare yourself to other people, especially with so many talented people producing content! But there are a few vital things to remember, the first of which being the two cakes philosophy in the comic I linked. Sure maybe someone produced something that you think is better but I guarantee the audience isn’t thinking “oh this thing isn’t as good as that thing.” They’re thinking “hell yes, more things!!” All content is good content because it’s content that keeps fandom alive.
 Also, we are all terrible judges of our own work. I guarantee if you asked the author/artist of your very favourite fanwork about their own work they’d be able to point out 100 tiny flaws you’d never seen. So when you’re looking at your own work, remember that you’re probably being overly critical of yourself and your intended audience are unlikely to notice even a fraction of the problems you see in the things you create.
 And finally, don’t be too harsh on yourself because the more you do something, the more you improve! Some writers/artists in fandom also do writing/art professionally. And even if they don’t, some have been producing fanfiction/fanart for many years, so they’ve had huge amounts of practice. So you’re doing yourself a disservice by comparing yourself to someone who might have been drawing/writing for years more than you. I guarantee if you read the first fics I wrote when I was 12/13 (thankfully purged from the internet now because god were they terrible) you would think they were a flaming pile of trash because they were. And I used to look at other writers and think I’d never get as good as them because they just seemed to write amazing things so naturally. But it takes years and years of practice and gradually you get better and better. So if you find yourself comparing yourself to someone else and getting disheartened, try to remember there was probably a time they were doing the exact same thing! And if they kept going then so can you!
 6)      Have you found that writing FF has helped you?
It definitely has! I started writing the Rivals series when I was at a very low point in my life and it was a very cathartic experience for me. And it was also such a great feeling to know people were liking and reading my work! It helped me through some tough times and even though I haven’t written in a while, I still sometimes get comments on my old fics that absolutely brighten my day! I love fanfic, both reading and writing it, and it’s been a very important part of my life for a long time
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bangtansflower · 4 years
Smitten Chapter 5
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A/N: Jiyoung is Y/N mum - she was mentioned by Chungha in the very first chapter~ This is my longest chapter yet and I honestly am surprised haha But I wanted to flesh the chapters out more! I do hope it doesn't drag on though! Give me your thoughts! Also for the purpose of the fic even though real names are different in the fic im gonna mix it up because it is fake after all! There is also a little time overlay when scenes shift so I hope I made it clear enough!~ I also may go through it again and tweak it slightly before i upload the next chapter. In the next chapter I'll be able to fill in some of what's missing~ Also comments please do give as they give me motivation and I like to know if people enjoy what I'm posting 🙏❤️
Warnings: Swearing, a lot of fighting, a massacre scene (its brief but a warning will appear so you can skip if want - 238 words), jealous Jungkook, angst, a lot of anger (everyone seems to be very angry these days).
Word Count: 4,562
Masterlist / Previous / Next (Coming soon)
Taglist: @captainsjoongs​ @xanny91​
Chungha: Y/N! We always spend it together on Saturdays though! 
You chuckled, you could practically her voice imagining the pout on her face, which made you giggle to yourself more catching the attention of your mum. “What are you giggling about?” She looked at you with a playful smile on her face. Shaking your head grinning you start typing away on your mobile “Oh nothing, just Chungha being Chungha wanting to spend today together as always” making your mum laugh. “Well you two are attached to the hip, as we always said sisters by bond not blood”, she pushed a plate towards. Mouth nearly watering you put your phone down opting to finish replying later, the cheese and bacon toastie too good to pass up. You take a bite chewing your food slowly in deep thought, your mum clears her throat catching your attention. Looking up you catch her questioning gaze, letting out a small sigh you pout slightly putting your food down on the table “Why didn’t she tell me? And worst of all how did I not notice that she was a werewolf I should have noticed straight away considering every year we would visit the guys!” Your voice gains more confidence as you speak. “And to top it off we live in a community where practically half of the people are werewolves!”  You only stop when your mum holds a hand up making you shut up. You decide to take another bite of your toastie whilst observing your mum as she looks back at you. “She will have her reasons Y/N, you don't love her any less do you?” At this you immediately shake your head - you did love her, she was your sister till the end, sensing your thoughts a soft smile graced your mother's face. “She will tell you when she is ready, and considering the community it is a surprise because me, who has grown up with werewolves, should have definitely noticed all the signs. But it is no surprise, Seoul is a great place for a werewolf community, it is out of the way and a beautiful place”. You scoffed when your mother said beautiful place “It can be beautiful at times you mean” you pointed out to your mother, a flash of Jungkooks smile and brown eyes went through your thoughts making your heart flutter. A loving smile appeared on your face, he made it beautiful, you think to yourself before you go wide eyed shaking your head pushing those thoughts out of your head. Looking up you see your mother leaning on the counter, her own toastie in her hands smirking at you, narrowing your eyes at her you make a zipping notion on your lips and go back to eating making your mother laugh out loud. A buzz of your mobile made you jump slightly reminding you that you had to reply to Chunga.
Chunga: Please come over! It is Saturday and Saturday is sister day! Besides I got invited to Jimin and Taehyung's place for a small gathering! This is a brilliant way for you to meet some new people, and I am sure that a certain person whose name begins with J and ends in K will be there~
Your heart fluttered more knowing that if you were to go today you would be able to speak more to Jungkook, the only times you could talk to him was in school, neither one of you had yet asked for the others number, both too shy to do so. Biting your lip you feel conflicted, glancing up you see your mum with an excited smile on her face, making your decision you let out a defeated smile. 
Y/N: Sorry Chungha, you know I wouldn't miss this in the world, but I am going to see the guys with my mum and she is extremely excited! If I am free later I will for sure meet up with you though!
Almost immediately you got a reply making your mother laugh as she left the room to get her coat.
Chungha: I’m going to kill Jiyoung for ripping sisters day apart! Tell her I love her though. And if you do decide to come later I’ll come pick you up! And most of all when am I going to meet these guys you always go to see?! I only have said hi to them at school and then they run away.
“Mum! Chungha said she is going to kill you but she still loves you!” You shout laughing making your way to the hallway grabbing your shoes, sitting on the little bench putting them on. Jiyoung just shrugged a smirk on her face putting her coat on “She can try and kill me but she wont have any of the steak I cook ever again”. This only made you laugh more reaching for your own coat before opening the door. “I’m excited to see all my boys again, but I wonder why they decided to move to our town?”. Your mother asked, making you shrug, “If we stay here we won’t get answers, they refused to tell me without you there”. Getting into the car you couldn't help but feel a slight sickness in your stomach, something was coming.
Growling slightly at her phone Chungha went to throw it on the couch but a hand stopped her. Glancing to her side he was Namjoon looking at her, his eyes serious. Gulping she calmed down taking a deep breath and decided to sit on the couch instead. 
“She left me on read...again” furrowing her eyebrows she felt upset. Normally if Jiyoung wanted to spend time with them she would tag along, not exclude one or the other. She knew she couldn’t be mad as she was hiding the fact she was a werewolf from you, but these boys were normal, why did they have to be a secret. “Is she going to see those guys again” a growl came from the door making her and Namjoon look up in shock. Slowly Chungha nodded not breaking eye contact from Jungkook, who looked a combination of angry and tired. “She’s not going alone” at this she saw the boys eyes narrow slightly, Namjoon's hand patted her shoulder encouraging her to continue. Gulping she licked her lips, quickly looking at Namjoon then back at Jungkook who had taken a few steps towards her, he was waiting. “She has gone with her mother, her mother was excited to see those guys too” she whispered looking down at her hands which rested on her knees. Jungkooks growl grew louder, snapping her head up her eyes widened at the sight of Jungkook’s golden eyes. “Her mum?” He whispered back “She is going to those strangers house with her mum? I should have claimed her before all of this.” His voice getting louder and louder with each word he spoke “If only i wasn’t such a wimp about it all then perhaps she wouldn’t be going over to those guys house doing whatever it is they are doing!” The Anger Jungkook held inside was nearly erupting, and even though it wasn’t intentionally aimed at Chungha she couldn’t help but cower grabbing Namjoons arm trying to make a barrier between herself and the angry werewolf. “Jungkook” a deep authoritative voice called out making the angry boy take a step back, his anger shutting down almost immediately, Jungkook’s eyes slowly fading back to brown looked into Namjoons eyes, whose in turn has turned golden. “It is not Chungha’s fault Jungkook. You know this better than anybody” he stated resting his hand on the top of Chungha’s head trying to calm the shaking girl down, which worked slightly. Trembling himself Jungkook dropped on his knees in front of her and let out a whimper bending his head slightly letting her know he was sorry. Tears falling down her face Chungha let go of Namjoons arm and reached out to hug Jungkook, he happily returned it knowing he was forgiven by his pack mate. Namjoon watched the two and his heart went out to the both of them, many thought that a mate was the only type of bond out there, but there was a second, the one that Chungha and Y/N have. It is a secondary bond that happens when two friends are as close as real siblings. He shook his head as he thought of Jimin and Taehyung, the only ones in the main brach pack to have this bond, the trouble those two can get into.
Whipping his head up he furrowed his eyebrows, thoughts attuning to the argument that was occuring closer and closer. All three of them looked towards the door paying attention to two voices clearly arguing with each other, eyes trained on the door an angry Yoongi barged in with a displeased Hoseok behind him. “What is the matter with you two?” Namjoon questioned walking towards the two trying to calm them both. Hoseok gave the alpha an exasperated look pointing at Yoongi “Tell him just because they moved around a lot doesn’t imply that they are hunters! Just because they have wandered to some werewolf communities doesn’t mean that they are there to slaughter our own!” at this Yoongi scoffed and gave daggers to Hoseok, “You clearly aren’t thinking right then! They obviously are not werewolves because we would have noticed straight away, and it’s weird that they have travelled from place to place not staying long!” He rebutted eyes flashing gold. Hoseok’s patience was wearing thin, flashing golden eyes back he would have thrown a punch at his fellow pack mate if it wasn’t for the alpha standing in the middle of them both. “Both of you sit. Now” Namjoon ordered glaring at them both, he really was going to need a miracle to settle everything. Sensing the two pack brothers settling down on opposite ends of the room, still shouting at each other he rubbed his head sensing a headache oncoming. Chungha and Jungkook sat next to each other on the couch, eyes flickering between the two men. Jungkook wanted to speak up knowing full well it was about Y/N but he kept his mouth shut, daring a glance at the angry alpha he saw he was trying to keep it together. He truly felt bad for him and regretted his previous actions even more. “Yoongi, I am assuming you have found something in order for this argument to happen?” Namjoon looked tiredly at Yoongi, which made the latter flinch in guilt. Quietly he replied “Yes I did, I don’t know where they originally came from, they just seemed to have appeared out of nowhere but I do know they have been to a few major werewolf communities, Daegu and Ulan just to name two.” A small growl came from Hoseok’s side of the room making Namjoon narrow his eyes at the elder, all he got was a shrug in return. Damn he really is angry Jungkook spoke to Chungha in their minds and she slightly nodded, showing she agreed eyes not leaving the scene in front of her. Sighing at Hoseok, Namjoon decided to continue “And because of this you assume that they are hunters?” Nodding Yoongi ruffled his hair “It is the only explanation that I can think off”. “It’s a shit explanation. They could be friends travelling! You don’t even know them!” Hoseok blew up growling at his close friend. “Well do you have any idea then? Because I sure as fucking hell don’t! I just find something is off about them and it is fucking pissing me off”. The two angry werewolves made eye contact teeth bared ready to shift. 
“Both of you shut the fuck up, your giving Namjoon a headache and causing more problems that needs be” both werewolves didn’t notice the eldest enter the room and cowered slightly at the anger he radiated. Glancing at each other they both nodded and silently went back to their previous spots making Namjoon sigh in relief. The alpha bowed his head slightly in thanks to the newcomer. “Now you guys have settled I want to inform you all of something we have been missing from the start”. Jungkook perked his head up at this intrigued in the new news that the eldest of the pack was going to give, Seokjin could have been pack leader, but he felt that it was best left to Namjoon, prefering to be in the shadows, the backbone of the main pack. “What did you find Jin? Will it answer all the questions we have?” Namjoon prayed that it did, he didn’t know how much longer he could take of it all. Sighing, Seokjin gave Namjoon a shake of the head “Unfortunately not. I wish it did but it doesn’t. At least it’s a start though.” Clearing his throat he made his way to a spare chair and situated himself so he was facing the pack members present. “The younger ones won’t remember this” he made a gesture towards Chungha and Jungkook, who was trying not to speak up and tell him to hurry up. “And you guys were slightly younger so you won’t remember a lot.” He tilted his head squinting “Even I don’t, I had to go ask my parents if they knew anything. They told me that when Y/N’s mother Jiyoung was pregnant, she left town to go somewhere else to have her child, and a month or two later came back with a baby Y/N. What if those people are from her mother's home town? Or city? It would make sense why they know each other.” The news made everyone go deep in thought, especially Jungkook. It did make sense, why they were so close to each other. But why was she extremely close to Mingyu, did she like him? No she wouldn’t, he was pretty sure that she was feeling the mate pull too. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Namjoon’s voice “Come on guys, let's do more digging, now that we have someplace to start.” Balling his hands to fists, Jungkook believed that they would find out sooner or later.
Jimin and Taehyung were getting bored. All they have done all day is watch the full house, watching them in the garden and trying to listen to what is going on, though it was hard with the amount of noise that was going on. Groaning Jimin sat down on a log, throwing his head back he wanted to scream. “How much longer till they go? I am bored out of mind here, I don’t mind doing this because it is Jungkook’s mate and these guys are a mystery but they could have at least come to relieve us” he moaned which made Taehyung chuckle. “Just think though we can use this to our advantage, we can make Jin make us lots of food in repayment” a smirk grew on the smaller boys face, “hmmm steak, kimchi, bibimbap and more” his stomach grumbled in agreement. The two boys carried on talking to each other half paying attention to what was going on in the house, not noticing three others watching them in return and not noticing that Jiyoung left the house without Y/N.
A warm breeze rushed through the forest and garden, a slight chill within the warmth, hinting at a cold winter to come. Seungcheol sipped his ice coffee, not really paying attention to the younger members of the pack messing around by the pool, his eyes slowly wandering over to where the two other werewolves were hidden. “They have been watching us since Y/N and Jiyoung have arrived don’t you think that it is odd?” Jisoo, or Joshua he prefered to be called, pointed out. “It is weird, but they haven’t made any move yet. It must be because we are strangers in their area” Jeonghan shrugged watching the younger ones of the pack move to pour a bucket of water over a sleeping Wonwoo. “I’m going to have to talk with their pack leader” sighed Seungcheol, “I don’t want them constantly watching us or else a fight will occur”. “Hoshi has already threatened and so has Woozi, and you know we can’t stop them” he groaned. Why did it have to be difficult, all they wanted was to be with Y/N. And Jiyoung. “Don’t worry i’ll come with you, you need me there anyway as you suck explaining why they cannot tell we are werewolves” Jeonghan pointed out the obvious, laughing as an angry Wonwoo chased Chan around the pool, the others hiding leaving him as sacrifice. Joshua laughed along with him whilst Seungcheol just shook his head. A rumble of a car meant that Seokmin and Mingyu were nearly back from dropping Jiyoung off. Minhao waltz in the garden, sunglasses on his face and watched the chaos that was unfolding, how did I end up with these idiots, he laughed to himself. “Wonwoo I think you're missing someone” Jun pointed out Seungkwan's hiding spot “Hey no fair!” the younger boy shouted pointing at Jun, gulping when he saw Wonwoo with Chan in a headlock. “Yah, Wonwoo, you know it's some fun right?” He chuckled lightly getting ready to run. Wonwoo nodded at this, threw Chan into the pool and ran after Seungkwan which made him scream and run. Minghao face palmed. 
“Is Y/N still napping?” Woozi asked taking one of the spare seats ignoring what was happening in the garden. “Yeah she is, she seems so tired recently, I don’t think she is getting enough sleep” Jeonghan furrowed his eyebrows, a look of concern over her face. “I’m sure she will be fine, it is Y/N after all” a new voice perked up. “Are they still watching us though? As I will go over there. I didn’t learn taekwondo for nothing you know? My human form is just as strong as my wolf form” Hoshi pointed out. “They are still there but they don’t really seem to be paying attention anymore” Joshua answered “And I don’t think Seunghcheol wants any confrontation” he added as an after thought knowing full well Hoshi would go over which meant that Woozi would too. Shrugging Hoshi decided to leave it “Okay then, whilst you all watch them i’m gonna go swimming. Hoshi dived into the pool and when he resurfaced he saw Seungkwan and Vernon in a headlock by Wonwoo. He was one werewolf he was glad to have on his side. He laughed as the latter threw the two boys into the pool before taking his previous napping spot.
Jungkook barged out of the room, causing the others to follow. This was the worst dream you had, he could feel your fear, the dread, the overwhelming sadness. The human part of him knew what he was doing was wrong, he could hear his pack mates trying to stop him, but the wolf in him had taken over, his mate was in pain and he needed to see her. Even if he couldn’t stop it.
Sitting up you sob, shaking you try to stand but fall. Seokmin, who had come to wake you up to let you know dinner was ready could tell something was wrong. Making eye contact with him you let burst into more tears and whimper “Seokminnie”, he was by your side in an instant. Rubbing your back he started to rock you placing kisses on your head trying to calm you down. “It’s okay, I am here, I am here and never going to leave you.” The two of you stayed like that for a while, thanking the others didn’t come into the room, even though they could tell something was wrong. “You going to tell me what is wrong?” he said quietly disturbing the silence. You sniffle and close your eyes. Taking a deep breath you start to speak, trying to hold it together. “I’ve been having dreams Seokminnie, dreams which i haven’t told anyone about before” humming to show he was listening and understanding you carry on. “There was so much blood, tons of it, usually it is just about a lone wolf, but this time all of you guys were in it. They tortured you Seok” you burst into tears again “not only you but Chan, Seungkwan, Mingyu, all of you and that brown wolf”. Closing your eyes you could see the massacre. “There were many other wolves too”
Start of the mini massacre scene - Skip the italics if you dont want to read!
You were on your knees, you couldn’t scream. In front of you the dead wolf of Seungcheol lay, his usually pristine light brown and white fur matted with blood, Chan screaming in pain as the hunters laughed stabbing him slowly with a knife, causing extreme pain and a slow death. Seokmin lay against a broken tree barely breathing, blood gushing out of his wounds, a small pale brown wolf which almost looked white in certain light lay dead, a tree trunk stabbing her ripping a giant hole in the middle of her body. It felt a lot like Chunha. Blood covered most of the surrounding area, bodies of werewolves in both forms lay around, dead or near death. A whimper came from behind you and you made eye contact with those familiar eyes of gold, gasping you crawl as best as you can to the dying wolf. Most of his bones were broken, a large wound in his side poured a continuous stream of blood, no matter how hard you tried it didn’t stop. Sobbing you cradle the dying wolf in your arms “I love you, I love you so much” you confess as a hunter came up behind you “It’s too late little one” he chuckled grabbing your hair yanking your head back as a knife neared your bare throat making the broken wolf in your arms whimper, eyes widening as he witnessed your throat being slit.
End of mini massacre scene
Seokmin wondered if these dreams were linked to the mating bond. You had no idea of the customs of the werewolf community as they tried to keep you out of it as much as they could so you wouldn’t know about the dreams. But he couldn’t help but get angry at the wolf that refused to claim you and would rather let your mind be ripped apart. If he ever met this werewolf he was gonna rip him to shreds. He carried on rocking you till you were okay enough to stand and go down for dinner, but before he did he made sure that your face was all scrubbed so you looked nice and fresh to face the others. You smile at him hip bumping him, “Thanks Seok '' you reach out and squeeze his hand which he gladly returned. “Hey that’s what i'm here for” he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the words before dragging you downstairs. 
“Y/N!” Jeonghan called as soon as he saw you come outside, he was worried for you but knew you would tell him later on, or Seokmin. Grinning you run to him and you were immediately engulfed in a warm hug. Because your face was squished in his chest you missed the serious look Seokmin gave the latter. Kissing your forehead he gave you a loving smile “You okay?” he looked at you worriedly and you pat his cheeks, “yes of course I am! Seokmin was there to cheer me up as always” causing Jeonghan to roll his eyes and a smirk to appear on Seokmins. “Come on you slow pokes we all are getting hungry here!” a grumpy Mingyu called out, causing all of you to laugh “Okay okay mr grumpy, we shan’t keep you away from your food any longer!” You ruffle his hair which made him grunt and took a seat next to him. “Where is Chan and Seungkwan?” Joshua questioned looking around for the two of the youngest, it was unusual as those two never missed dinner. Sensing something was wrong the guys all stood up and looked towards the forest, causing you to grab the nearest guys hand, which was Mingyus, for comfort. You were not used to these situations arising. Two large familiar werewolves ran into the garden with two unrecognisable wolves chasing them. The two new wolves were fairly large, rivelling the wolf forms of Seungkwan and Chan. Chan was a pure dark grey wolf, which he found boring but you found it made him look majestic. Seungkwan's wolf form you always called Boots, he was a dusty blonde wolf with dark brown around his paws which reminded you of boots. He was slightly smaller than Chan, which annoyed him to no end, but it made you giggle. The other two wolves growled teeth bared, the dark chocolate wolf bigger than the silver grey wolf which had a white tip tail. They sure did not look happy. “Jimin! Taehyung! Back off now” a voice called out causing the two new wolves to falter in their positions and whimper. Hang on, I know those names, you perked up face draining of colour when you saw Namjoon, wait Chungha? Chungha is with them? Well fuck. You thought. This was going to be a mess. Making eye contact with Chungha she gave you a smile and you immediately relaxed, somehow knowing things would be alright.
Oh how you were wrong. What you didn’t notice was that Jungkook was growling at Jeonghan both eyes turning golden as they neared each other not noticing what was going on in their surroundings. Their only focus was on each other. Jungkook had seen the loving smile the blonde haired boy had given you, he had also seen the hug and the forehead kiss. Jealousy was an understatement. And now he knew that he was a werewolf, even if he didn’t smell like one, he was gonna rip him to shreds. Without shifting Jungkook threw a punch to Jeonghan's face causing the blonde haired boy to have a nose bleed. Tutting he wiped his nose “Now that’s not nice, we’ve only just met” he said before throwing a punch back. He may not be as strong as Jungkook but he sure did have speed. “Jungkook what the fuck are you doing?!” A scream shout pulled the two boys apart from their fight, you ran towards the two boys tears streaming down your face, you somehow dodged the hands of the other boys who tried to stop you from getting in the middle of the fight. Seeing Jungkook with a bust lip made you cry even more, your heart went out for him, making eye contact with him he could see the disappointment in your eyes, but also underlying concern. “Y/N…” He went to take a step forward towards you but you broke eye contact with him and ran to Jeonghan instead, cupping his face examining his bleeding nose. Jungkooks heart shattered, did you really choose that werewolf over him? You sobbed more whilst Jeonghan tried comforting you, the others not daring to get any closer, waiting for the right moment, or an order from their respected alphas. After making sure that Jeonghan was okay you turned around and stared at Jungkook, he was taken aback by the anger in your eyes. “Jungkook. Why the fuck did you think it was okay to go and hit my brother?”
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