#( i am so sorry for bringing this to the tl everyone but the ask is honestly infuriating for so many reasons. )
brxveascended · 2 years
Hey I read your ocs and they’re a little insensitive. Especially marzhe she’s appropriating Slavic snd other indigenous cultures in a really disrespectful nearly racist manner. Considering the nature of the church, it’s canon colonial behaviour, and the history of indigenous peoples it’s coming off really insensitive to use those elements in a Nabatean.
Can't believe I seriously have to answer this but wow, there's SO much to unpack here.
A) "appropriating Slavic culture". I have done my research on Marzhana, the Slavic goddess of death and winter, which is why I've named my OC, a Nabatean deity associated with winter (the Chevalier dragon was the Snow Dragon), as well as death (due to her vengeful personality), after her. Additionally, all known Nabateans are named after deities or mythological figures from various cultures across the world, including: Irish (Cichol, Indech, Macuil, Cethleann), Greek (Rhea, Seiros, Sirius, and I happen to be greek so I'd know) and Egyptian (Sothis). As such, many of my Nabatean OCs, most of which aren't present here, are named after deities and mythical figures from various cultures, including mine. Artemisia is specifically named after the goddess Artemis because she is associated with the moon and uses a bow and arrow, for example. If you have a problem with the Nabateans being based off various deities and mythical figures from across the world, please take it up with IntSys, as it is literally canon. Thanks.
B) Related to Marzhana "appropriating Slavic and other indigenous cultures", Marzhana is literally a Slavic deity, so no, it's not "other indigenous cultures". You didn't even try there.
C) "disrespectful and nearly racist manner" please do tell me why. She is not a carricature, she has research behind her and incorporates element from a real goddess into a fictional dragon which is what, as I said already, basically all Nabateans are based after. Additionally, Slavic paganism (just like Hellenic, Norse, Celtic, etc paganism) is not a closed culture.
D) "the colonial aspects of the church". Please tell me what country they colonised. Because I played the fucking game for 300 hours and they did the literal exact opposite, isolating Fodlan from the lands around them, and even that was done so the history of the relics could not spread, in order to literally prevent weapons of mass destruction being created. It's even specified various times in game that Rhea has no problem towards people from other lands, other faiths, etc (Shamir and Petra being the top two examples). And in Hopes she literally helps the people of Duscur rebuild with no strings attached so like. You wanna know some countries in-game that do practice colonialism tho? Let's see... Hmm, the Adrestian Empire, for one, considering they literally subjugated Brigid and keep its next heir as their political hostage to ensure Brigid doesn't try to earn it's freedom back. Dagda is another, since they were the instigators of an invasion on Fodlan and are also indirectly responsible for what happened to Brigid. Then you have the Kingdom of Faerghus and Sreng, both of which are essentially trying to invade each other, with the cherry on top being the Kingdom taking the Sreng leader's son as their political hostage, and expanding their lands to the North, primarily through the Gautier family. Last but not least, you have Almyra, who constantly invades Fodlan unprovoked just to expand its borders and conquer its neighbouring reasons. Hmm...
D) You do know the Nabateans ARE the original indigenous people of Fodlan, right? Sothis created a "beta version" of the humans, the Agarthans, who eventually became corrupted and sought power and dominion over everything and everyone else. Thus Sothis punished them by sending them to live underground. The current humans populating Fodlan were her second attempt at creating life to populate the land. And her own people were eventually actually fucking genocided and their hearts and bodies turned into weapons of mass destruction by the Agarthans themselves. So if you're insinuating that the race of people (well, dragons) who were genocided, actually somehow deserved it, or that the genocide was right/okay/excused, or that the survivors of that genocide are hiding themselves and part of history in order to not end up violently murdered and dissected and turned into weapons, is "colonialism", I do have some news for you about who the racist is, between the two of us. Hope that helps.
To finish this off, I know the Church of Seiros is not, in fact, perfect. No institution of power is, ever, and that's the whole damn point of the game. Rhea is trying to do good, but due to her past and trauma, she ends up fucking things over, which is why the church eventually has to be reformed by Byleth, and Rhea steps down to allow them to do so, because she realises hiding the truth and keeping her people in the dark is wrong, which is exactly what she says in her S support dialogue with Byleth in Silver Snow if you decide to romance her. And not only is Marzhana not affiliated with the church in any way, and even tries to kill Seteth and Flayn when they attempt to reason with her, so even if the Church and the Nabateans were colonialists, which they are not for all the reasons described above, she would have had no part in it, as she is literally a hermit whose arm was cut off and turned into a relic, whose people were genocided, and who just wants to live away from the world and destroys everyone who comes close to her home in the mountains because she does not wish to have the rest of her turned into a relic as well. Hope that fucking helps.
If you have more questions, I welcome you to come off anon so we can discuss it more in DMs. However, any further anon asks you sent will be deleted, as I have no intention of arguing with an (apparent) genocide apologist who hides behind the safety of the anon button, and I do not wish to bother my mutuals and friends by bringing discourse to their timelines. We are here to have fun, and if you want to create a ruckus, you are very much not welcome. Go try to be higher than thou to someone else who does not know their research, their characters, and the canon material of the fandom they're participating in.
Have a good fucking day.
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rainbowsmagicandshit · 2 months
Fanfic prompt/idea:
Mordred is Emrys (not really tho)
(Super long. TL;DR at bottom)
Someway, somehow, Arthur and his knights (Leon, Elyan, Percy, Gwaine, mordred) + Merlin meet someone while they’re away from the citadel who tells them about Emrys. Might be someone trying to kill them and boasting about the all mighty Emrys or might be a friendly, peaceful magical person who stopped for a chat or something else, choice is yours. Anyway, that night as they eat dinner around the campfire, they start talking about this Emrys. At first they’re like “that’s kooky” and laughing but then Percival speaks up quietly and a bit nervously. He says that while he’s sought sanctuary for the night or a few days in Druid camps before he became a knight, he’s heard about Emrys. Now, everyone is actually interested instead of just laughing it off.
Arthur: tell me more.
Percy: well.. the druids highly respect this man almost as if he’s a deity. I don’t know too much, and it’s been a while. I do remember that everyone knew about him no matter which Druid camp it was, even the children. It seems they tell a lot of stories about him to their young’uns.
Arthur: anything else?
Percy: sorry, sire, that’s all I remember. But if you really want to know more you could try to ask the druids.
They all became quiet and continued to eat, Merlin and Mordred relieved this conversation is over. …Until,
Arthur, remembering Mordred is a Druid: Mordred, you’re a Druid. Do anything about this?
Mordred and Merlin: *sweating bullets just wanting this dangerous topic over with* *glances at each other nervously*
Gwaine: WHA? Mordred, you’re a Druid?! You’ve been hold holdin’ out on us, mate!
Arthur realizes that Mordred’s heritage had not, in fact been a known thing, but they’ve made peace with the druids, it’ll be fine.
Mordred, nervously: oh, um, yes, I am…
The knight all take a few moments to be like “wow… never would’ve guessed” and “aren’t druids normally peaceful people? How you become a knight?”
Arthur, wanting to get things back on track: so, Mordred, do you know anything?
Mordred, nervousness increasing, knowing Merlin doesn’t want Arthur to know who he is, but not wanting to lie to his king, eyes darting between the two and all over the camp: uh…um… I… uh, I..I… I guess, yes. *Merlin’s glare intensifies*
Arthur, not noticing Merlin’s death glare at Mordred: tell me more.
Mordred, trying to figure out what to say to satisfy his king’s curiosity but not incur Emrys’ wrath (Emrys already hates him enough for some reason, he doesn’t want to make it worse): well… um, there’s… well there’s Emrys… and there’s this prophecy involving him. Most druids know of it; it’s centuries old.
Percival: oh, that’s right… Something about a magical king, right?
Mordred: the Once And Future King.
Gwaine: hold on a minute.. that sounds familiar… Ah! That’s right! I heard about it from a storyteller at a tavern once. I thought it was an odd name so it stuck. It’s a love story, right?
Mordred, nervously glancing between Merlin and Arthur (Merlin now looking at Gwaine with exasperation): um… I don’t know if that’s what it is.. but there definitely is a deep bond between Emrys and the Once And Future King.
Arthur: continue.
Mordred, trying to stay focused on Arthur instead of the once again glaring warlock beside him: so the prophecy says that the Once And Future King will unite the land of Albion, return magic to the land, and bring about a golden age of peace and prosperity for all. And Emrys is foretold to help him. * internally: please let be enough to satisfy him🥺😣😖*
Elyan: so the stories are about this king and Emrys is just there to help?
Mordred, sweating: um…
Gwaine: if that’s the case shouldn’t you druids be worshiping the king instead?
Sounds of agreement around the fire.
Leon to Mordred: is there more to us than that?
Mordred, under curious and intense gazes again: uh, yes… Emrys is a very powerful, immoral warlock said to—
“IMMORTAL??!!!” Merlin squawked, surprised.
Mordred, very nervous, whispers: ….um…yes………. *telepathically: did you not know?*
Merlin, telepathically: I am not immoral.
Mordred, telepathically: it’s what the prophecies say
Merlin, telepathically: they’re wrong
Mordred, telepathically: …um,, there’s a lot who say you are.
Merlin, telepathically: No. I’m NOT. I can’t be immortal. That’s ridiculous.
Mordred, telepathically: they say you are. That’s why the call you Emrys.
Merlin and Mordred continue to glare and the knights and Arthur look on wondering when those two got close enough to communicate only looks and without talking. Arthur is not jealous. Not. At. All. That would be ridiculous.(Yes he is, he’s the only one who’s supposed to communicate with Merlin silently. How dare Mordred)
Suddenly Merlin stands up: I’m going to wash the dishes *aggressively goes around the camp and grabs everyone’s dishes, then stomps into the woods to a nearby stream*
Arthur: you were saying Mordred?
Mordred: oh, right! Yes, so Emrys is said to be the most powerful warlock to ever live. He and the Once And Future King are said to be equals and without him the Golden Age can’t happen. While the Once And Future King is the king, Emrys is said to be his advisor and teacher of sorts. He also protects the Once And Future King and supports him any way he can.
The knights and king look thoughtful taking in this information. They ask Mordred more questions, just little stuff and clarifications, and Mordred, relaxing that he’s getting through this without blowing Emrys’ identity let it slip that “the time of the prophecy is upon us” and that Arthur is said to be the Once And Future King. Whoops.
Everyone around the campfire is now totally interested in this and wanting to know if it’s true and Mordred’s like “um… yeah, that’s what everyone is saying…” and REALLY wanting this conversation to be over with before he slips up about Merlin. He’s also really glad Merlin is still washing their dishes far enough away that he can’t hear the conversation.
Of course, just as Gwaine asks “if Arthur’s this Once And Future King, the where’s this Emrys guy?” Merlin returns in time to hear it.
Merlin, glaring at Mordred: what?
Mordred, telepathically: I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! 🥺
The group fills Merlin in on what he missed while Mordred continues to apologize endlessly. The knights then go back to asking Mordred about Emrys and he tries to navigate the questions without giving anything away while also dealing with a furious Merlin in his head telling him to “FIX THIS NOW!! And don’t you tell Arthur who I am!!” The poor boy!
Mordred continues to navigate the conversation mostly emphasizing how loyal Emrys is and how he and the Once And Future King are said to have a strong bond and there’s nothing to worry about when they start to question if Emrys is a threat. Eventually someone (probably Gwaine) brings up that Emrys doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job of protecting Arthur considering how other he’s encountered by magical thing. And Mordred, who knows how busy Merlin is and how hard he’s been working to protect Arthur (and that’s just since he’s become a knight! He knows there’s so much more he doesn’t know and is in even more awe of Emrys for handling it all) sees Merlin look over at Gwaine like he’s actually concerning strangling the man, says, “he’s very busy! And, he’s just one man! He’s really trying his best!!”
Mordred doesn’t realize what he said wrong and why everyone is quietly looking at him like that until Arthur asks, “You know him?”
Mordred, who just realized that he did kinda just admit to knowing a very powerful, immoral warlock to a king and his knights that are of a kingdom where magic is punishable by death: ……………uh
Arthur, realizing why Mordred looks so terrified: Mordred I understand you are a Druid and have grown up on stories of this man. I will not punish you for knowing him. I’m sure you’ve met many sorcerers.
Mordred, letting out a big breath of relief: thank you, sire. And yes, I have met him.
Arthur, nodding: I see. And he is in Camelot?
Mordred: yes, sire. He’s been working very hard to keep you and Camelot safe.
Arthur, looking at his other knights: I’ve never heard of anyone in the kingdom by that name, any of you?
Leon: he’s likely using a fake name.
Arthur: hmm. Yes that makes sense.
Mordred, wondering if he messed up again: uh, sire? Is something wrong?
Arthur, looking back at Mordred, and trying to reassure him: I wouldn’t really say something is wrong, per say, but the fact that there is an unknown and powerful sorcerer hiding in Camelot is something I need to be aware of. Since you’ve met him, do you know who he’s hiding out as?
Mordred, glancing subtly at Merlin who’s glaring at him threatening again, realizing he really f’ed up: ……
Arthur, realizing Mordred does know who Emrys is: who is he, Mordred?
Mordred: ……
Arthur, starting to lose his patience: Mordred. Who is he? Or does your loyalty lie with him first and me, your king, second?
Mordred, startled: No! That’s not it at all, sire! I’m very loyal to you! I swear it!
Arthur: then…
Mordred, sheepishly: well… in the prophecy you two are equals, so I’ve always weighed your words and orders as equal as well. And Emrys asked me not to reveal him, so…
Arthur: ……
The knights: ……
Merlin, telepathically: you’re not done yet, keep going. The prat’s not going to leave it at that.
Arthur, trying to figure out how to word it: Mordred… you do realize that that is…. worse, right?
Mordred: ????
Arthur: there is someone who one of my knights has valued their words as equal to my own who I have never met and know next to nothing about and who is a sorcerer. I have not appointed this man and if he were to contradict one of my orders… Do see how I really need to know who this man is?
Mordred: …but he’s loyal to you…🥺
Arthur, wondering if he’s actually going to have to turn this into an official interrogation: Mordred.
Tension rises again as Arthur keeps pushing and Merlin starts yelling in his head again and Mordred just Doesn’t Know What To Do. Please make this stop! Until he can’t take it anymore and just blurts out, “I’M EMRYS!!”
Mordred can’t believe he just said that. Did he actually just claim to be THE Emrys? It feels sacrilegious. He peeks over at Merlin, but the man seems just as shocked as the rest of them at this development and raises an eyebrow in question.
Mordred, telepathically: …sorry? I didn’t know what to say…
Merlin, telepathically: ..no, im not mad at that. I am a bit curious about where you’ll go with this though…
Arthur: you’re Emrys?
Mordred, with Merlin’s permission to continue: yes. I’m Emrys.
Gwaine, whistles: damn mate, you’ve really been holding out on us!
Everyone looks at Mordred in a new light, trying to reconcile what they already knew about him with this new information.
Arthur: so you have magic then?
Mordred, nervously: yes.
More silence.
Gwaine, very interested and not at all wary: lots of it too being the most powerful and thought of as a deity.
Mordred, who is quite powerful, but not on Emrys’ level, obviously: yeah, I suppose.
After a bit more of an awkward and tense conversation of stilted sentences, and some debate about magic, Mordred and Merlin finally relax at the fact they’re both keeping their heads and the true identity of Emrys is secret. It was pretty much decided that Mordred had already sworn fealty to Arthur when he became a knight and even saved the king’s life in the Northern Plains, so he was most likely still trustworthy even though he was a sorcerer. Arthur and the knights are surprisingly okay with this turn of events; they’re still tense, but no one’s drawn their sword. Gwaine even asks Mordred to do some magic, and with Arthur’s very tense go ahead, Mordred levitates a water skin for a bit much to Gwaine’s delight. Gwaine keeps asking Mordred to do more magic as they head back to the castle like make things float and light some campfires.
I was thinking that it will mostly be about the antics from this point and how it would change things for the better. Like, now Merlin needs to enlist Mordred in his secret magical adventures and work together to keep Arthur and Camelot safe. The two would make such a funny dynamic. Merlin being all huffy and suspicious but begrudgingly including him while Mordred is so happy at being able to help his idol out, a dream come true for him.
The group ABSOLUTELY keeps Mordred’s magic and him being Emrys thing a secret at first, not sure when that’ll change but it definitely will. Gwaine probably spills about the prophecy and Arthur being the once and future king while he’s drunk in the tavern one night, but not about Mordred. The group eventually start warming up about magic and not being so wary of sorcerers since they’re now seeing Mordred using it to protect them so much. When the knights ask about what he’s done so far he tells them about Merlin’s achievements (with his permission, of course) and gets some more stories from him.
When the actual reveal comes it will be after word has already spread that Mordred is Emrys, so then Arthur and everyone will have to be like “no, that was a lie/misunderstanding, it’s actually Merlin” but people will still mistake Mordred for Emrys even years in the future. They’re never living this down.
Also there is DEFINITELY at least one scene where they go to a Druid camp and Arthur’s all like “yep, this is Mordred. Emrys” and the druids, telepathically, are like “boy, what are you doing? Mordred, you know you’re not Emrys.” And Mordred’s like “I have permission…” so the Druids subtly look at Merlin and he’s like “yeah, he’s got permission, just go with it” So, they do.
There’s also going to be scenes where Arthur is trying to get to know Mordred better because they apparently are supposed to have a super strong bond or whatever and yes, he and Mordred do have a bond, but he wouldn’t say it was any different than his bonds with his other knights and is all confused by it. And when he’s confiding in Merlin about it, he advises to not try and force it.
I know this is season 5 and Arthur and Gwen are married, BUT if you decide to go the merthur route, there can even be some prophecies about Emrys and the once and future king being soulmates and destined to be together or something. That would make Arthur even more confused/troubled because while Mordred is only a little over a decade younger than him (I headcanon that Arthur was 20-21 in 1st season and Mordred ~7-10) and age gaps that big weren’t unheard of, he just can’t look at Mordred that way. He’s too much like an innocent little puppy or something. Merlin is probably mortified because he can’t believe they have prophecies about his love life and why was he only finding out about this NOW?
Also, LANCELOT!!! Maybe there’s some way to actually bring him back from the dead. Or, there could be some scenes of him in Avalon watching this comedy unfold and talking and laughing about it with Will and Fraya and whoever else has died. And they’re all shaking their heads at the crazy situations Merlin gets himself into.
TL;DR: It’s basically crack about Merlin and Mordred working together to pass Mordred off as Emrys with a side of fix-it.
In the future I might decide to write this myself, but I’m in the middle of reading TGCF and want to finish that and a couple other things before I rewatch Merlin. It’s been a couple years since my last rewatch so things are a little fuzzy and I don’t want to completely mischaracterize someone. So, here, take it. Do with this what you want, but let me know if you write this or something, cause it would be supper fun to read.
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tenebris-lux · 9 months
(Warning: this post has a lot of gushing.)
I enjoyed the way Graham Rowan read Hennessey’s letter, and how Felix Trench screamed as Renfield; the latter was interesting to me because if I hadn’t known the context, I wouldn’t have known it was him. Screaming distorts voices, more so if one’s angry like Renfield was.
Btw, I’m not good with UK accents, so I’m curious what accent Hennessey had. Was it Yorkshire?
Oh, the hoarse way Seward begins his diary. Before he even said the line “I am too miserable,” I could tell he’d been crying or struggling not to. Then the way he grated out the next lines… OH, that grief. It’s so perfectly done, I can easily empathize with the feeling of talking through a cramping chest. Mr. Sims, how did you execute that so beautifully? Also love how he pauses and breathes slowly to center himself before continuing. I am not sorry, but I am LOVING that first paragraph.
And Van Helsing’s quiet, soothing tones to Holmwood as he brings him into the drawing room. I’ve said before that I think Van Helsing talks way too much, but it was very comforting to hear the way Alan Burgon delivered his lines. Lots of sympathy there.
In fact, every line in this entry was uttered so well. The way Seward says, “Ah, well, poor girl, there is peace for her at last,” with forced energy as he shoves his grief aside for later. He’s putting on the tough act, but we all know how emotional he is privately.
By the way, the music shifts are wonderful without being melodramatic, as Lucy shifts back and forth between herself and the vampiric state. And the way it turns chilling when Van Helsing says, “Not so; alas! not so. It is only the beginning!” The music and line deliveries work well together, like harmony.
I enjoyed Van Helsing’s monologue to Seward as he practically begged him to keep trusting him. Mr. Burgon delivered those lines with such deliberation and force, that I never realized in reading the book before that Van Helsing was desperate for Seward to keep trusting him through these strange and apparently useless and grisly next steps. I also like it because of yet another issue I have with the character of Van Helsing—he tends to overtake the spotlight, in my opinion. He talks so much and directs the flow of who talks and when whenever he’s in the room (this is just how it seems to me when I’m reading it). He’s got all the knowledge (apparently), yet holds it back until he decides everyone else needs to hear it. I have issue because, when I read it as text, it just seems too controlling. And that’s why I appreciate the way Mr. Burgon said those couple paragraphs. It showed me that there are things he can’t control and has to ask, even beg for: his friend’s trust. And Jack’s trust means a lot to him.
Er, tl;dr—good job, everybody. This episode was awesome. I loved it.
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milliemuus · 4 months
Possible future stuff (just a snippet ;) ):
Dokutaro: ‘No…no! Impossible! How is my power core destroyed?!’
Kieran: Wait, his colour’s weird, this means, maybe we have a chance now? If so, then…
Ogerpon: *angrily growls while bringing out her cudgel*
Kieran: *puts his hand, blocking Ogerpon* *with rage* No,I’ll take care of this.
*Grabs Dokutaro’s neck while the True Finale starts*
Who are you… To think that could prevail? For all the sins you’ve done, You'll fall on your face and FAIL!!!! Now then! And In The Final hour our HOPE STILL SHINES!! BLINDING THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS… IN THE FINAL… FIGHT!!
You’ll never harm anyone again Like the runt you were, You may have possessed me and and made me harm my family! But when YOU harm my friends?! You're asking for a Kieran smacking! One single KO punch, Will send you sorry runt a-packing!
*Finally, in a fit of rage, Kieran mustered up all his strength, and punched Dokutaro, sending him flying in the air. Finally the second attack is over, but it truly was a Grand Finale*
(v) PV! Pecharunt: And that’s how I got my ass handed by my Kieran.
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: *grimaced* sheesh, I hope you’re alright.
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Now you’re making me feel that I got off easy…
Azure Dive Pecharunt: *curious* Really? What happened?
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Well, let’s just say my Kieran was AN ABSOLUTE SIMP, somehow, his simping was able to shrug off my possession for a short while, but it’s really tiring, ugh, I’m SO TIRED…*internally screaming*
Azure Dive Pecharunt: ohhhh, that sounds really annoying to deal with.
(so, ANOTHER IDEA, AND A SNIPPET OF THE PECHAS. So, you said most of your stuff is inspired by BIS, so another lyrical stuff by Juno Songs (credits to him) for Kieran in the Key Change segment. Also, I changed a few things to fit the context)
(and this could be a sequel’s ending since, the final battle is sort of discussed already)
(so maybe?)
(Also, opportunity for the Pechas to interact :), also if S&S Dipplins Pecharunt confusing you, you can go to @dipplinduo and see the asks, he’s the author of the fanfic)
I LOVE THIS IDEA! I'M FINALLY GETTING TO ANSWER BUT I RLLY NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS SONG! I'VE BEEN Listening to the actual BIS soundtrack, and smth funny I've been thinkin abt is a mario-rpg style thing of Project Venus.
So, you know how in BIS the music changes depending on whether you are bowser or the brothers? Esp inside bowser? I wanna make themes based off the inside bowser themes for Kitakami, BB Academy, Area Zero, etc for PV!Kieran, since his POV is technically warped. Like when we first meet him, it's obvs gonna be normal, but it slowly but surely settles in as time goes on because I wanna say there's a side episode of him training (Like Bowser Jrs Journey was a side episode)
I'd love for everyone's Pechas to interact! I'm a bit intimidated even tho I'm mutuals with both dipplinduo (I believe) and I am definitely mutuals with tealmaskmybeloved!
However, I don't think I've heard much abt Azure Dive, but I hella love the name 👀
I wanna find out more abt them, though! I don't see them on my tl much and I get busy, but I'd love if you told me a buncha stuff, if you'd like to! You're definitely not obligated to, by any means!
Also, I'm very sure that PV!Pecha wpuld get the walloping if a lifetime for sure! Maybe not just by Kieran himself, but by Kieran's ancestor, too 😭
In fact, I think that's what I want PVs Mochi Mayhem to be about! Uncovering Pecharunt and Kieran and Carmine's ancestry with Eustace (The Mask Maker) and the sealed curse that Pecharunt has him under! Ooooghh, givin me so many ideas...
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quinnmorgendorffer · 1 year
gob x tony
Oh boy okay okay first of all thank you for asking and sorry for taking so long to reply!!!
I am not exaggerating or speaking hyperbolically when I say that Gob/Tony is truly one of the best modern, CANON gay romances ever put to film.
First off, you have Gob's whole backstory. He's the disappointment, the one who should be the one to inherit his dad's company but is too incompetent compared to his younger brother. It's, again, canon that he's kept around to commit crimes for his family, use his charm, and - this one is his own thought process - fuck people to help the business.
He's the unwanted son, the bullet in his parents' shotgun wedding, canonically his mom's least favorite child and definitely not that high on his dad's list, either. The man is desperate for love throughout the whole show, leading to him freaking out when he thinks his girlfriend doesn't appreciate his magical abilities or using his bachelor party to try to frame someone for murder just because his dad's the one planning it. He cries when he thinks his brother didn't listen to his CD! He just wants people to love and appreciate him and it never seems to work.
Then he meets Tony. And even in "Sword of Destiny", Tony is impressed by him! And Tony takes enough interest to come to his wedding illusion and seem vaguely impressed as well - and note that no one from his family came to the wedding at all except Tobias, and that was just because he got an acting gig!
And, though they both were faking at first, Tony listens to him. Tony doesn't judge him. Tony is just as ridiculous as him, is just as "same" as him, and obviously feels a need to be around him for more than the Fakeblock scam, just like how Gob obviously wants to be around him for more than just to ruin his career. After all, they're both disappointed and hurt when they think the other is straight, not just angry and mad they did this for nothing like you would think if they didn't have feelings for each other.
And Gob, the man who consistently tries to run away from his problems - including even Tony at first in the beginning of s5 - becomes someone who actually proposes that they go on the road together, that Tony runs away with him. And then when he finds out that Tony is still really alive, he's the one who tracks him down and brings him back to Newport Beach.
And Tony, someone shown to not give a damn about anybody - he surely isn't romantic with Sally and he was doing something with his brother's widow ("it's fucked up") - cares so much about Gob. He tries at first to gently let him down when he's denying his own feelings. He apologizes for "missing" their sex date. He doesn't laugh at Gob for getting his words mixed up ("branding each other's taint"), which most everyone else does to him whether he realizes it or not ("the matriarch, if you will" "sure, I will"). He even agreed to do the 2nd of July float, and I cannot believe someone as show-boat-y as Tony fucking Wonder, someone who has to be the center of attention, would do a combined magician act for just anyone. And that's not even getting into the look of pure fucking LOVE Tony gives Gob in the series finale or how he's the one to suggest "Just hands!" to him.
And, outside of the canon of the show, I've seen some people say it started as a homophobic joke and I truly do not believe that. From my knowledge, Mitch basically made Gob a magician because it was funny. And you know what's funnier than one magician? Two magicians! And since magic is still weirdly a man's world, of course a magician couple happens to be two men. Will Arnett even said the story is sweet and is about Gob finding a connection he's never had before. And since they were planting hints of Gob's sexuality for YEARS, I find it hard to believe they were trying to be homophobic in any way. (Though, tbh, I have to agree with Maeby that "Gay Gob is funny.")
Anyway, I'll stop there. But tl;dr, Blunder is a true fucking masterpiece of romance and I will take no critiques on that.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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letoscrawls · 7 months
Tw: mentions of suicide. Please scroll past this if these topics deeply affect you, and i sincerely apologize for bringing this type of content in your tl 🙏
Hello, sorry if this is all too sudden but this place has always been so helpful and welcoming to me. Let's just say a person very close to me is struggling really bad, like really really bad, and nothing seems to work for them, not therapy, not meds. They have convinced themselves their time is over and just want to leave in peace. Obviously it comes from a place of deep suffering, because life failed them so many times, and i genuinely believe everyone deserves to live their life and if a person close to you is struggling, you should always fight to help them. But i don't know what to say anymore, i've tried everything i could to make them understand life is always worth living, no matter what. They are in deep suffering and i wish they could have the patience to wait and have faith in therapy and the help from all the people around them. That's why i'm asking you if there are any helpful resources that could help me better understand this situation and be of real help. All i can find online i've tried already and i don't wanna treat this person like a child because they are not, i genuinely want to help them. I also want to clarify this person isn't in immediate danger, but they are stuck in a mentality and they convinced themselves the best thing to do is take some time to reflect and "close" everything and then quietly leave. And that's why i find it so hard to let them realize this is not right and fair for themselves, that they deserve to live and see what life has in store for them. Also, i am not alone in this, don't worry, but i feel like this person is surrounded by a lot of people who don't really understand the situation, and i would like to be and ally to them, and not another enemy. Please if you know what could be the best way to approach this situation, let me know. ❤️ I will delete this in a while bc i understand it's a sensitive topic
Edit: oh in case you might think i'm actually the person i'm talking about in the post, i promise you i'm not! And i'm doing okay rn, really, i just want to help this friend 💚
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verdantcrimson · 9 months
Shutter Chance - 2
Writer: Yuumasu
Season: Winter
TL: verdantcrimson
1 | 2
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Souma: Hasumi-dono! There you are, we have found you at last!
Keito: Kanzaki, what is it?
Souma: I heard that you are facing a predicament, is this true?
Souma: If that is truly the case, then I offer my sincere apologies. Unaware of your suffering, I made small talk with you this morning.
Souma: But fear not. For I have now arrived to assist you…♪
Keito: … Kanzaki, what are you going on about?
Kuro: Haha. That's a terrible way of explainin' things, Kanzaki.
Keito: Kiryu, you're here too… Why don't you explain what's going on instead of this excited fellow?
Kuro: Sure. We were just chattin' with Mashiro…
[Ten Minutes Ago]
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Tomoya: —So I was talking to Hasumi-senpai before the dress rehearsal earlier.
Tomoya: Even Hasumi-senpai has his own troubles, right? I was under the impression that he was kind of perfect, so it was a little surprising.
Souma: Hasumi-dono in trouble…?
Tomoya: Yeah. But I admire him for the way he tries to solve his problems independently. I wish I could be that sort of leader…
Kuro: You've got your own strengths, Mashiro. Ya don't have to be just like danna, yeah?
Kuro: Oh, Kanzaki, who're ya makin' a phone call to?
Souma: I am calling Hasumi-dono, but I hear a peculiar voice.
Kuro: What are ya talkin' about? Gimme your phone for a sec.
Kuro: …. Ah. That's the automated voice-mail. It plays when the person can't pick up their phone.
Kuro: It's kind of weird that his phone's switched off at this time of the day though? Let's check his schedule on 'Whole-Hands'.
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Kuro: So, yeah. As soon as he heard that you were at COCHI, he started runnin'.
Keito: I didn't receive any calls though? … Mm.
Keito: … Sorry, Kanzaki. It seems I left my phone switched off after the play.
Souma: No. In the end, I was able to meet with Hasumi-dono in person, so all is well.
Souma: However, I am still concerned about this 'trouble' of yours. Will you not confide in us?
Keito: It isn't anything huge. I simply haven't figured out what to do about my 'Feature Live' yet.
Souma: Then you may rely on us! Surely, if the three of us share our wisdom amongst ourselves, then a path shall be cleared for us!
Kuro: I dunno about that… It's not like he asked for our help, and it's a solo show too. Hey, Hasumi danna?
Keito: Ah, well. Kanzaki's feelings do make me happy… Hm? What's the matter, Anzu?
Keito: I could have both of them help me if I needed it?
Keito: That's right…
Keito: ……
Keito: … Kanzaki, Kiryu. Let's go on an outing together.
Keito: If I'm with you guys, I'll definitely be able to show Anzu the 'Natural' side of me she's looking for… ♪
[Some time later]
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Kuro: … Walkin' around like this brings back memories from last year. Hasumi, do ya remember?
Keito: Yes. Time passed quickly, it's been over a year since then.
Keito: … Seems you're curious about what happened back then, Anzu? Well, you were partly involved.
Keito: It was shortly after the end of the 'Halloween Party'. You came to the Student Council Office and told me that "The interview you submitted to the magazine was returned."
Keito: They had wanted a more unexpected set of answers, so I decided to go downtown, a place I usually don't frequent, and I happened to meet with these two by chance.
Keito: The rest is as I mentioned in my interview answers. I played games at the arcade, and went shopping for stationery.
Keito: … By the way, Kanzaki. Why are you fidgeting around over there?
Souma: I have a place that I would like to go with Hasumi-dono and everyone else. But since this is related to Hasumi-dono's work…
Keito: You're holding yourself back, right? That is unnecessary, we can go wherever you want to take me.
Souma: Hasumi-dono… Then, with the encouragement from your kind words…
Souma: I would like to go to that 'Tapiohka' shop!
Kuro: Tapioca shop… Huh. I didn't know that place was still around.
Souma: Fufu. It has been a dream of mine to visit this shop with Hasumi-dono and Kiryu-dono again ♪
Souma: … Ah, right. I shall present this 'sutampu kaado' to you, Hasumi-dono!
Keito: 'Get extra tapioca pearls in your drink for free after you've accumulated 30 points' … Did you save these up all on your own?
Souma: I was able to accumulate them by visiting on my own, as well as with the aid of my schoolmates.
Souma: If it is of any help with the photos for the 'pamfureto', it would make me happy…♪
Keito: Just the normal amount of tapioca pearls is enough though…
Kuro: Well, we can’t just ignore Kanzaki’s kindness now, can we? So, I’ll be borrowin’ that stamp card.
Kuro: Clerk, we'd like four drinks with tapioca pearls please. Add extra pearls to one of 'em.
Kuro: What's wrong? Is somethin' the matter little miss? “I'm just the photographer”? Don't say that, wouldn't feel right if you were the only one without a drink.
Kuro: Here ya go Hasumi, your very special tapioca drink.
Keito: Whoa, It's heavy....
Keito: .......
Souma: Hasumi-dono, how does it taste?
Keito: ...You could hardly call this a drink. No matter how much I chew, the quantity of pearls just doesn't decrease.
Kuro: ......♪
Keito: Kiryu, don't just stare at me with that warm and fuzzy gaze. Anzu, you too, don't take pictures so happily.
Keito: … No, feel free to take pictures to your heart’s content. I just remembered Kanzaki’s diligent efforts.
Keito: “I’m sure the fans will love it,” you say? … Hmph, they had better.
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Keito: I wouldn’t show a stranger this side of me.
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leaf-kei · 5 months
Hello! Love your Time squad posts ! Canon wise: do you think Larry was in love with Tuddrussel? What about XJ5 being in love with Sheila idea ? I really love checking for canon evidences it is so fun
HI!!!! I AM SO SORRY it took me so long to answer you ;__; My bad... I wanted to wait until I could give this ask my Full attention (tbh I've had Team Fortress 2 brain worms for weeks and have been unable to focus on anything GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT).
I'm so glad you like my posts! ;w; In general, I don't think things need to be canon to be worth thinking about & exploring creatively... but buddy? Larry being in love with Tuddrussel? That is IN THE SHOW. I can't stress enough that this HAPPENS in Time Squad. I would venture to say Larry wanting a loving relationship with Tudd and Tudd not giving it to him is a reoccurring theme (along with history and slapstick comedy and. gender roles, weirdly??? tune in for THAT essay later lmao). You may have seen it already, but I compiled a bunch of my favorite TuddLarry moments in a video here! It also includes moments where Something Gay Happens On Screen no matter what characters are involved... I know it's all there for comedy, but for the most part, the gay jokes in TS don't feel like they come from a hateful place to me. Everyone gets made fun of equally in this show... it has that kind of mean-spirited early 2000s humor lol
My absolute favorite underrated TuddLarry canon moment of all time is in A Thrilla At Attila's. In Tudd's fantasy recollection of the mission, Otto and Larry look up to him as a great leader... it's VERY CUTE that Tudd's dream is to be genuinely admired by them 😭 BUT at one point, the fantasy Larry (who is inexplicably wearing a tutu) swoons over Tudd with little hearts over his head while Tudd is fighting some other guy?! THIS IS IN TUDD'S FANTASY HE WISHES THIS WOULD HAPPEN
U know what, I'm gonna take this opportunity to ramble about family commitment as a central theme of the show!!
- Otto is literally adopted by Tudd and Larry (Larry calls it adoption in Kubla Khan't), and Otto's addition to the squad forces their business-only relationship to change. Time Squad is (at least partly) about three very different characters navigating a new family dynamic formed by chance.
- They naturally fall into typical sitcom family roles: Tudd's the manchild fun dad, Larry's the homemaking strict mom, and Otto's the sweet kid who's trying to keep the peace... their personalities clash as they try to live and work and be happy together. It's significant that they're alone on the satellite they live on; with no one else from their own time period around them while they're at home, they're isolated with one another like a family unit in a suburban house. Even though they fight, they grow to love each other over time... what's that thing people say about hate and love being two sides of the same coin? I feel like Larry's love for Tudd manifests as anger a lot of the time—he gets upset whenever Tudd doesn't measure up to his ideal of a domestic partner. Is that healthy? Idk, probably not, but that's the way it is for them (at least in the two seasons that exist 👀).
- Of course, family commitments aren't always harmonious, and for these guys things are chaotic MOST of the time... but no matter what historical figures they meet or temptations they face, at the end of the day, they always come back together. They're a family, it's as simple as that. Otto doesn't need to have a logical reason to turn down George Washington's offer to adopt him in Father Figure of Our Country—no one can replace Tuddrussel, and that's it.
So tl;dr, Time Squad is about two men adopting a child and having a domestic committed relationship, and it uses that setup to tell funny stories and introduce fun conflict !?? And it's all in a cute art style AND there's HISTORY??? Cartoon Network should ABSOLUTELY bring it back and make a new season HEAR MY PLEA
—Of course, I think Tudd and Larry's relationship developing into a romantic (but still wacky) one would be a great setup for such a new season! But that's just my post-canon fantasy ;^) ... and what all my fanart and little writings are about lol
Edit: SHIT I forgot to mention XJ5!! I ADORE the idea they have a crush on Sheila, that's my headcanon too!! BUT instead of being a jerk like Tudd is to Larry, Sheila is only ever considerate and nice and professional and friendly to XJ5 🤲 And XJ5 is so awkward with social situations (a real Robot's Robot) that they have no idea how to approach these feelings or how to articulate them at all... they could use a few lessons in human behavior from Larry hmmm?
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belethlegwen · 10 months
out of curiosity, are there genres/tropes/things regarding G/t you wouldn't write (size-swap, fearplay, etc)? I'd love to drop an Ask or two for prompts, but I want to make sure I'm not crossing any boundaries
thx again!
Oh hey!! Thank you so much for the ask!! <3 I like to try and stretch my writing abilities a bit and am willing to at least TRY and take a crack at most requests I get when I post prompt lists and the like, but there are a few places I won't go. I don't do Vore of any kind, and while I'll do fearplay for an open-audience (tumblr) it will probably likely be really tame.
Overall, the things I am really uncomfortable with for the most part in terms of writing would be like, whump, extreme harm, that kind of thing. I can't stomach whump much even as a reader (no shade against those that do), I just... find it personally very very hard to get past as a reader, and writing things like whump I can only even really attempt if I know there will be good comfort coming after.
Another thing I do not fuck with is Pet-Trope or like, extreme dehumanization of a tiny. I got a lot of shit against that trope as it is personally, and have given reading some stories the ol' College Try but just had to admit that no matter what, I just can't bring myself to even critically-approach that media without it being way too much for me. I get way too mad and have a hard time separating emotions from the narrative. That is on me, and my personal boundaries are that I just do not engage with it.
I don't like hurting the little guys, but I understand that Hurt has to come if you want to do Hurt/Comfort. It just drives me up the wall when it just seems like the pain/damage is the POINT, and the comfort (if there is any) is just somehow a gateway for further dehumanization or humiliation or infantalization or anything else. I've got a lot of personal hangups about it and it squicks me real bad.
I have no issues personally with anyone who does Vore/Whump/Dehumanization/etc content either from a creation stand-point or an interaction/enjoying standpoint. We all get different things from our media and what upsets or harms us might be cathartic or even healing to another. I don't like it when people attack PEOPLE when it comes to trope/genre discourse, it's reductive and more harmful than good (ex: shit like saying 'everyone who likes whump is an abuser'. It's a completely untrue statement that only serves to direct harassment to undeserving people and makes it harder for them to find safe-spaces with which to healthily interact with the media they enjoy and/or analyze it critically in spaces with multiple viewpoints.)
Everyone can have genres/tropes/stories/characters/etc that they do not like, and that they adamantly hate! I know I do! I'll rant about that shit forever! I just don't want to then look at someone who DOES like it or DOES create it and make them feel like I want them hunted for sport and that everyone should agree with me that they should be hunted for sport.
SO sorry that this took such a strong ramble!! I've just had some experiences in my time here on Tumblr (and a lot of other internet places, let's be real) where you need to be clear about what's happening and what you're saying because nuance can be real hard for some people to pick up.
TL;DR - Don't ask me to be like, real-REAL mean to a li'l person in the narrative and we'll probably be gucci, haha <3 Everything else I don't mind explaining any limits with on a case-by-case basis, as well! It never hurts to ask and the worst I'll do is say no. I promise I'm not too scary about it.
Thanks again so much for the ask!
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boinurmom13 · 1 year
ok i GOTTA ask but why do you hate penny 💔💔i am genuinely curious
i ramp up my hate more than i should. like, i dont hate her as much as i do clint or lewis, but shes def my least favorite bachelorette.
ive always found her to be boring in the overused “shy girl” kind of trope, or the “tryhard nice girl” ig. in reality it just simmers down to shes stupidly boring.
like, i hate shane cuz hes an ass, but his story is the most flourished ive seen amongst the spouse choices. and hes a great character. i dont favor harvey as a spouse, but he had a dream and aspiration before becoming a doctor, and thats something to his name. abigails adventurous and overcomes her fear of going into the mines, sam matures, elliotts charming, haley matures, emilys sporadic and interesting, leahs strong willed and funny, marus sweet (still boring, but i like her cuz i too like science and strawberries), so on so forth.
its not just penny, either. like, i find sebastian to be overrated because hes also a little boring. yeah, hes good with boundaries, and yeah hes the typical emo boy everyone loves, but other than feeling free on the farm, hes kinda got no plot to him.
and im not saying every single person and character has to have this huge revelation and turning point to be a good character or be likeable. no, not at all. pennys likeable because shes kind and sebastian is likeable because hes probably really relatable to half the people who play sdv (even i relate to him to an extent). hell, elliott doesnt really have a change in character other than him publishing a novel, but hes a little dorky and has a dream hes trying to achieve. sebastian wants to move to the city, which is a dream, but its still like. a boring one, almost? even then, that puts him above penny, which as far as im concerned (ive only romanced her once, and it was to get the group ten heart scene with the bachelorettes) all she has to her name is “im sweet and good with kids.” shes a great, simple, basic character if youre looking for the “nice girl” trope, but shes still boring.
i dont HATE penny, right, like not as much as clint or lewis, but i do find her to be incredibly overrated for such a boring character. when put against the other spouses, penny just falls flat. i know thats saying a lot when harveys literally right there, but i assure you hes also one of my least favorite spouses, too. i like art of penny, and i like ramping up her personality to be more than shy and nice, where occasionally she does friendly banter with sam and his friends, or is some sort of in touch with internet culture while not pursuing it, but i just dont like canon penny. i find her really boring. shes a great spouse for someone who wants a simple person in their gameplay, but ive just never really pursued her because i find her lacking.
while i would bring up her two heart event with george, calling her ableist for moving him w/o his permission, i feel as though thatd be wrong. penny’s nice enough to change her ways, and im willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on this once. she “helps” goerge, and depending on how you answer, she apologizes to goerge. (of course, you lose friendship points with her, but a lot of people dont respond to criticism nicely. hell, i dont respond to it great either). im not saying what she did was right. no, it wasnt. but i hope penny would be mature enough to learn and change from that, which is why i feel the 2 heart event is a bit of a weak claim.
tl;dr: i acknowledge pennys great for different people, but ive found her boring for my liking.
i hope this explains it well, or at least to your liking! i tried not to sound rude, because my intent is not malicious. im sorry if it comes off that way. sorry for any typos/confusing grammar as i do not proofread. like. ever.
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yozora-bunko · 10 months
Hello everyone,
First of all, I am really sorry for the person who asked me about Kobayashi Takaji (if I remember well), I started making research about him when I got the request but as I did not know him at all it would have been difficult to translate Asagiri's few pages about him coming from nowhere.
In the end I was never able to finish as a lot of stuff piled up (family problems, health problems, the loss of a family member, work, prep for living in Japan...).
The two weeks off that I got between quitting my work and leaving for Japan were spent reading a bit and mostly packing.
I had some good reads so I thought I could share the titles with you:
- Last Memory, AYATSUJI Yukito (fr. tl)
- Coin Locker Babies, MURAKAMI Ryū (fr. tl)
- Tsubaki Stationery Store, OGAWA Ito (fr. tl)
- The Decagon House Murders, AYATSUJI Yukito (eng. tl)
- The Mill House Murders, AYATSUJI Yukito (eng. tl)
I also ended up taking a break from BSD during that time, but I finally caugh up with the series last week (S4 and 5) 🥰
So yes I am now in Japan, I did not bring any book with me and I do not have the money to buy those again so I probably will not post much as I lack both money and time but if a book or anything picks my interest I might talk about it here.
On my free time I am currently watching Made in Abyss, and also reading one of my teacher's thesis (on su*cide) . It is pretty difficult to read (especially on a stupid screen) but so very interesting!! He made a power point about himself, and suddenly a picture of Mishima, Kawabata, Dazai and Akutagawa appeared 😳 And then he asked what was the common point between these authors 👀 (this is the very short story on how I got to read his thesis—). I also got TSUJIMURA Mizuki's Lonely Castle in the Mirror (jp) but have not started reading it yet!
Wishing you a nice day/evening!
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Almost back
TL;DR: I'm back, somewhat! Inside view into my life and tickle requests are here! It's view-only, so don't worry about clicking something and messing my dashboard up :) Being more transparent with you all, explore it! And I can't say it enough, but thank you for your likes, reblogs, and interacting with my posts/fics! ❤️
I've gotten to sorting my life back together...for the most part. But better than before! I have adopted some changes to my ways/habits, so hopefully I'm able to balance school with you guys! [Disabling the YouTube app from my phone (YouTube shorts is addicting and I love/hate it, but alas, I need to focus on other things. Screentime timer ain't working), playing less Genshin (I'm still in the loop though for content), and among other things I changed]. For the two who requested, sorry you had bad timing when I went on my little hiatus. Practically a month :( Haven't forgotten about them! I'll get them out when I can :)
Hi everyone!
If you ever wanted a little inside view to how I manage my tasks for school or if I have your request in my to do list, you can visit here! I'm going to be more transparent with you all, so I can feel more accountable for myself and to just share how I do things now with you all if you ever find it useful for your own life. (Images on my dashboard are random stock photos, only for aesthetics, no other purposes.) If you want a template for the page, visit here. Thanks to Thomas Frank, the creator of the template! If you have any questions about how I use my dashboard, don't hesitate to ask! The progress bar on the projects is NOT accurate.
As summer gets closer, I'm hoping to have the time to write more. Finals week is still one week away then summer. I do have to take a summer class and my parents really want me to find a summer job to do during the meantime. Hopefully that won't affect my writing too much. I'll let you all know of course of how I am doing :)
Thank you so much for reading not just this, but everything on my blog. I see new likes on my fics and that brings me so much joy, so thank you ❤️.
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Here's some miscellaneous info that I left for the end:
-Lost my 50/50 to Mona :(
-Farmed for primos and finally got Lyney yesterday :)
-Installed a new browser called Arc and it is awesome for multitasking. Especially when I'm writing tickle fics. Great for searching lore, tickle headcanons, and other stuff on the same window as I'm writing. Picture below so you can see what I mean. Search it up if you want. Both for Windows and Mac.
Yes, there is a sneak peak into one of the requests I'm writing :)
-Switched to Notion for writing tickle fics, which is what my dashboard is on too. Better at writing than Google Docs or Microsoft Word in small spaces like shown above.
Thanks for reading to the end :)
Love you all!
-Percival ❤️
0 notes
amistytown · 2 years
tbh, as much as I'm very "of course I'll be a nuisance on my own blog," I still get days where I feel as though everything is a lie and there's no point to me being online or talking about anything or my oc or trying to socialize when I'm dogshit at keeping up with people, and those times I get the strongest urge to delete my blog too. I've come close a couple times, and while sometimes I'm able to distract myself from thinking about it with stay off the site a bit, I find that... the most helpful thing for me is to remind myself that there are people who really do seem to enjoy my presence?
And while it's very easy to give in to the voices that tell you that you're annoying, unwanted, and that everyone could be lying to you about how much they like you, idk it just seems like the evidence points to no, you're not nearly as bad as you think you are. This is my thought process:
If I really were as unbearable as my mind makes me think I am, then more than half the people I'm mutuals with would've either unfollowed me or blocked me straight up already. They're not lying to me about liking me because that's just so much effort on their end when again, it really would just be easier to be rid of me. If I were unwanted, they'd have curated their feeds to where I am no longer around for them to be annoyed at. We're on Tumblr for a good time, why would anyone put themselves through the hassle of faking liking someone? This isn't Twitter lmao (and if people here are faking, well. That's on them. It's much more convenient to just block someone. What are you hate-following someone for?)
And even then, there's considering the fact that the people who do find that they don't enjoy my presence have already done something to filter me out. The people still around want me around. Perhaps it's on some level parasocial, but it's not as if we're random fans in someone's comment section having one way conversations; there's actual dialogue, a sharing of experiences on and one-to-one level. Internet friendships really are a Thing.
I think taking certain things into perspective helps as well. Simply knowing that the feeling comes and goes helps remind me that the feeling does come and it will go. And it reminds me to ask myself; if I delete my blog and cut myself off from the things I enjoy here, how much will I regret it once the feeling has passed? Would it be better for me in the long run to not have this outlet for sharing my experiences and finding others who enjoy the same things I do?
Which will sometimes bring up the question of "perhaps I should delete my blog for my better health?" and you know what? That's fair! If you really think you need to cut yourself off from it, then sure. In the end, it's still a blog and you can easily remake. (Or you can just leave it inactive and delete the app, that way if you ever change your mind, everything is still here)
I know I'm like, annoying when completely unfiltered lmao but another thing I think to myself is that there is are whole communities of people here who are fucking unbearable and whose ideals and content actively harm others, and I think they should all delete themselves off the internet but they're still here.
If TERFs, transphobes, racists, and all the like get to freely have their presence on here (and even actively intrude upon others' spaces to spread their agenda), why can't you? When you're literally just here enjoying your blorbos with your friends?
You've got every right to be here and have a good time.
But yeah. Tl;dr I kind of try to ground myself in some way by considering the external since like, I get the impulse to delete blog at least once a week yet I know it's an intrusive, unwanted thought. Hope some of this helps even just a little; I like having you around. We can be annoying together <3
That's exactly how I feel! You described everything really well, and I'm sorry you have those thoughts and feelings too. They can be difficult to deal with. Though a part of me is relieved I'm not alone lol. I think there are a lot of people who share our worries, but don't want to voice them because they're afraid to. I love reassuring and comforting others when they need it; your feelings are completely valid, and you shouldn't be ashamed of them. I know I enjoy you and your blog, and Tumblr wouldn't be the same without you!
Yeah, sometimes my mind goes to a place where it convinces me I don't matter to people or I'm a burden. I've been better at controlling those feelings, but my therapy session seemed to make me relive some of my darkest moments, and I felt very anxious and dissociated after. Maybe it's something I should mention to her, but I imagine talking about those memories becomes easier over time. I'm feeling a bit better today after getting out of the house at least. I hope you're doing well!
I really like your thought process, and I'll have to practice changing my way of thinking when I spiral. It's crazy how your own mind can pit you against yourself! I know I'd regret deleting my blog because it brings me more happiness than anything. My anxieties seem to seep into everything when I get in that frame of mind, but I need to stay positive and think things out logically. And this definitely helped and put things in perspective. I really appreciate you reaching out and being supportive! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here ♥
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cregla · 3 years
I've rewatched some of Season 1 and 2 vods and I think I need the new people on the fandom to understand that Tommy became obsessed with the Discs only when they were the only thing that he believed he could still have.
A quick explanation for who doesn't know what I am talking about (and by quick, I'm sorry, I already know it's not going to be quick).
Back in Season 1, before they even started Roleplaying, Tommy found some music discs - the two we're talking about are Mellohi (the first one, which he found by actively farming discs with Skeletons and Creepers) and Cat (which he found accidentally alongside with a spider spawner nearby his home). Tommy always cared about these discs, of course, as they were his first one on the server and CC!Tommy has said that both he and the character like Minecraft music discs.
At the time, the lore of Dream SMP is really smoky, because since they were not really roleplaying but merely playing around, everything that happened was canonized later. However, what we know as canon is that Dream stole Tommy's two discs after his involvement in Ponk, Alyssa and Sapnap's war (not one that Tommy started, even if people believe him to have done so. The fact that Tommy brought war and chaos with him when he came in the server is a wrong one, as things happened even before his arrival) and Tommy, of course, tried to take them back - leading to the first Discs war alongside Tubbo.
Of course Tommy cared about his disc. They were his, and they were wrongfully stolen. However, he easily accepted giving up Mellohi to Dream in case he lost the bow duel, if that would help gain L'Manberg independence. And after that, to win the Revolution, he proposed on his own will to give the man Cat too. He was sad about it, and angry, and promised to take them back one day, but he gave them up and he did it willingly for something he cared more about. A person that's obsessed with something would not do that.
The discs were always there in Tommy's mind, of course - but they were a "distant" objective, something he needed to take back because, again, he cared about them, and they were his, but they were not his priority. They were not his priority during the Election Arc, nor during Pogtopia. On November 16th, he actually declined the role of President to actively START seeking the discs - because he was responsible enough to know that by being the President of L'Manberg, he would have to not seek war with Dream again, as he would involve L'Manberg with him by doing so. He, however, was made Vice President (although he had said before that he didn't want to be VP exactly for this reason) and again didn't start a full war on Dream because of it. He always wanted to take the Discs back, but he wasn't obsessed with them enough to ignore everything to go after them. For him, the Discs canonically came after his friends - they came after L'Manberg, after all.
Then we go onto Exile.
I already said here and here what I think about Tommy's exile but TL;DR for those who didn't see the videos or didn't realize it: Tommy was not merely exiled, but kidnapped and abused, and manipulated to believe himself to be alone even if people would be there.
During exile, Tommy started believe to have nothing, no one there - he had lost Wilbur, he had lost Tubbo, he had lost L'Manberg and everything else. There is nothing there for him anymore - and he can no longer bear the abuses and the loneliness and everything else to the point that not only he actively become suicidal, but he would have actually killed himself once if Dream wasn't there and would have jumped to his death if he hadn't suddenly realized that Dream was abusing him.
From that point on, Tommy escapes - and he goes to Techno, and what does he have?
He lost Tubbo, he lost Wilbur, he lost L'Manberg and all his friend, and he lost Dream too - the fake friend he had and the only thing that he had was a tentative alliance with Technoblade. An alliance for what?
To retake what it was his. The only thing that, while lost, he could have obtained again. His discs, with help from Techno - and for how much I believe that Techno believed he was doing the best for Tommy, and while he didn't say so out loud (and in contrary, he denied this several time) he considered Tommy a friend and an ally in that moment, he was also... shoving him towards a really, dark path, unaware of this or not.
Because Tommy started his villain arc right there. He started torturing people, for god sake. Even Technoblade said to him that he was exaggerating! And he continued, on and on.
Until that line. The line that everyone love to quote out of context.
"The Discs were worth more than you ever were!"
But what is the context of this quote? Tommy's angry. Tommy's angry, because he feels that everyone's (besides Techno) has left him behind. Tubbo exiled him, his friends didn't visit (again, they did, but I already explained here why he felt he was alone), everyone believed him to be a villain who had destroyed the Community House and Tubbo, Tubbo was going to give his disc, his precious disc that was in his care because Tommy trusted him to keep it safe, to Dream. His abuser. And so Tommy attacks, and starts screaming at Tubbo, and in rage, he says this phrase which is absolutely not true.
And then, Tommy stops. Tommy realizes what he has said - and he realized how's spiraling to a dark place. He says it later - "I'm worse than everyone I didn't want to be". Because this obsession is not worth it and he, himself, realize it. And so he gives up his discs - he says to Tubbo to give it to Dream.
People also love to bring Doomdsay and what Tommy was saying - except, Tommy wasn't saying at all to Techno that he cared only about the disc and that he betrayed Technoblade for that, which is way the phrase "Discs aren't people" (which, by the way, is followed by Tommy saying that they are people too, but go off and don't quote that, I guess...) is very out of context there for Technoblade - because Tommy GAVE UP his discs. He gave up them for L'Manberg and he gave up them for coming back to Tubbo. And that's what he was explaining. Him talking about the discs in that situation is for a different reason than "I want my disc back I am obsessed", but it's the one that the fandom actually got out of it.
"But Tommy wanted to take back the discs later too! He didn't gave them up, then! He was still obsessed!"
He wasn't. The fact that he still cared about sentimental objects that were rightfully his in the first place is no sign for an obsession. The fact that he decides to continue trying to get them is not an obsession - because this time, it's not his only reason. He's not alone. He has other priorities and the discs have now a new meaning.
People say "Tommy and Tubbo could have not tried to get the discs back, could have just let Dream burn them." And while that's right, what then? With the discs destroyed, what would have happened? It would have happened exactly what happened in the Season 2 Finale - in the exact, precise moment Tommy would have REALLY renounced the discs, then Dream would have found ANOTHER excuse. After all in the exact moment Tommy gave up the discs, he took Tubbo's hostage!
Do you believe Tommy to be so ignorant? He and Tubbo were going there for the Discs, sure, but they were going there mostly to end the fight once and for all. To end it. The discs were important, but they also were a narrative excuse both in canon and out of it.
And we go to the season 2 finale. In which, again, Tommy renounce the Discs for Tubbo. And sure, then he grabs them, he asks Tubbo if they could stole them while they were in the vault, but again - people are allowed to care about things, even material things. Unless it is really an obsession, there is nothing wrong with wanting to take back something personal.
Fandom likes to put everything on Tommy's shoulder and the importance of the Discs is one of these thing - except, it was Dream that used them against Tommy, and Tommy put them on the side many times, and was only obsessed with them, and I mean the REAL meaning of the word "obsession", when he was at his lowest - in the post-exile and pre-doomdsay period of thime. They were never as "cursed" of an item as the fandom wants them to be.
And, again, if Tommy had burned the Discs, it would have not solved anything. Dream would have just went on to hurt Tubbo.
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yourmypenguin · 2 years
Have you ever considered leaving the sanders sides fandom? Like I am just eating up from your hand with all the delicious art and stuff and even like.. noooon fanwork or fanwork outside of that? but I just realised there is barely any cannnnnnon? content an I- I really like you by the way-
I can’t write without falling into a tangent thingy.
I probably didn’t ask what I wanted so maybe it’ll hit me again and I’ll come back and try again, but y eah.
You ever think of it?
haaaah good question anon my friend!
i'm glad you asked that actually because i just recently fell back on my old fandom (attack on titan) and I'm drawing a lot of that lately. and I'm like huh, what about sander sides? what about the reversed sides? what about all my shits that i wrote for these little dudes that i was once so excited to talk about? i feel so guilty about not being active and then losing all my excitement due to life i can barely feel alive anymore
the answer to your question is a big yes, but i definitely haven't done that, not the way that people usually define "leaving fandoms" i think. because like i said i just fell back to my old fandom, i got into aot since middle school, dropped out a bit because the anime went on a 4 year hiatus, then fell back in everytime i feel like it, then out and in over and over again. same thing with sander sides, which i also joined since high school, but never got the ideas or guts to post the stuff i make, but at the time that i started with all this content, it was truly a rough time i was going through. Sander sides got me through that time and creating something for my brain rotting helped a lot, and now i'm doing it with aot again too.
that's just how i deal with things essentially and I'm trying my best not to give myself a hard time with that. i know that you guys are good enough to understand too, cuz this fandom is truly wholesome and amazing and everyone is so nice, but I'm just going through my little slumber and don't have as much brain rotting for this one thing like i used to. doesn't mean that i don't love thomas, don't love the sides and making content and art for all of them, and i certainly love you guys a whole lot. i still haven't left the discord servers of my sander sides people because i still adore them with my whole heart.
if i don't create canon content for something, don't worry, i just like to go off the bridge and ask what if a lot. and,,,, i would also like to thank you so much for enjoying my art! i know i haven't posted much of my original art here but i would love to be able to share with you guys my on going og comics and stuff like that, which i will probably be sharing on my Instagram @didlelydan and my other fandom contents are on twitter at @yourmypenguin as well! if you like my art and would like to see what else i can bring to the table, you can follow me there!!!
so TL;DR: I love this fandom and i have thought of leaving it but it is unlikely that i will ever do it for real, i will always be here lurking, in spirit, whatever, Thomas will always be one of my big inspirations, i still like to create content, but that comes in waves and i try not to be too hard on myself for not always active, i cant always be creative and that's ok!!
thanks for the question, anon x
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thegoldfiles · 2 years
Mobox made another "apology" in response to the video Thenutcrackerus had made (We talked about this here). Only this time, it was exclusive to Twitter, where not a lot of people know what Mobox has done.
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English translation:
I will never understand how people can take things from 2 years ago or more and classify you as if you were the same person LOL I admit that I did a lot of stupid things in the past and I had a terrible attitude and I messed up many times, I offended a lot of people and the truth anyone has +
right to forgive me or not, but well, just to say that I'm a better person than I was a long time ago, we learn from mistakes and I'm happy to say that now I respect everyone equally, I mean, man, I was a brat, and even I act like one because of my disorders ++
I remember that I even took characters from people! I was disgusting, but to tell everyone to stop doing it and leave them all to their owners, at that time I did not know that my illness was the one that acted, even now but ++
The therapy has helped me a lot, and I am happy to say that I am not the same scum I was years ago, and I am glad to announce that I will continue on the internet! bringing new cartoons and the "Open Mind" series and I just barely recovered from recent surgery
Now the truth is that I renewed my catalog and everything comes out of my own thoughts, I love you guys, thank you all!
So now he's using an excuse by blaming his mental illnesses for his actions? Ok Mobox. (He has ADHD, depression, and anxiety, he said it in the comments of this post)
That's not an excuse, stop making excuses just to get people to forgive you.
He also admitted to stealing Nathan Nightshade in this "apology", it's very vague, but since this was mentioned in Nutcracker's video, we know that's what he's talking about (We discussed it here too)
After this, the other person in Nutcracker's video, TVisDaddy (Who I'll just be calling TV here), responded to this post, holding him accountable for his actions:
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To which, Mobox responded to this in another "apology" post, and then blocked TV.:
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English translation:
Yo Man, someone just came out saying that I said x thing and that I haven't changed at all and honestly I don't even remember this person, saying that I said ":v" to something of his, it was common back then to use ":v" in all my answers, but hey,++
there are people who want to live with suspicion, lol, she said that I called her "B*tch" and that I told her about things but, honestly, I remember, well, whether it's true or a lie, I'm sorry, but I'm going to block you. I'm going to do since apparently I'm not a person you like +
so you better stop hearing from me, fair trade right?
Sorry it was *I don't remember Jajsj
Forgiveness is optional, asking for forgiveness is difficult, but I think it is a very nice characteristic of knowing that we regret our actions, and as the book says:
For if you forgive men their offences, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; “But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:14–15)
Honestly, all Mobox is literally doing is pulling excuses out of thin air, like all of the other "apologies" Mobox made. He hasn't changed at all.
Just get off the internet, Mobox. The fact that you resort to Twitter to make this "apology" shows something, since that was really the only place that you're not being held accountable for your actions unlike Facebook and Tumblr.
TL;DR: Mobox saw Thenutcrackerus's video about her experiences with him and made an "apology" post only on Twitter as a response, to which in that "apology", Mobox blamed his mental illnesses for the way he acts and acted back then. A person in Thenutcrackerus' video responded to this "apology" holding him accountable, after this Mobox responded to it by blocking TV and practically begging for forgiveness again
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