#( I returned-- 'cos TECHNICALLY I plan on coming back )
bhaalswn · 3 months
Steps in here awkwardly--- hello
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antiodote · 2 years
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she can't finish and they fight - part III
warnings: drug/alcohol abuse, mention of purging, slight mentions of sexual activity (but not really)
"fuck you, harry."
part I & II
she had slept in her car that night.
more specifically, she had parked in her gym’s parking lot and fell asleep in her car. her idea? get to the gym at 6 in the morning, run for an hour straight at an ungodly speed that might make her sick, shower and scrub her body so thoroughly that it hurt, get ready in the bathroom of said gym and arrive at work bright and early as if nothing ever happened. she even thought about getting some iced coffee on the way. you know, as a treat.
she also felt numb. so, so numb.
after she had left home - no, harry’s place - she wondered if all of it was a nightmare. some sort of hallucination that manifested itself into her brain after 6 weeks of straight malnourishment and sleep deprivation. never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that he would ever speak to her in that way or do something like that to her; question her trust like that. she asked herself if she even knew who he was or if the last four years had been a lie, but somewhere between taking an impossibly hot shower and slapping tons of concealer under her eyes in an attempt to cover her dark circles, she had decided to not think about it for as long as she possibly could. she just wouldn’t think about it, wouldn’t talk to anyone about it and she definitely, definitely, definitely wasn’t going to face him anytime soon.
and so, she arrived at work at 8:54 am, ready to get some work done and pretend that everything was as it should be. fortunately for her, it seemed to work out - for most of the day, that is.
she had greeted some co-workers, wrote down a list of to-do’s for the day, checked off those to-do’s one by one, had some coffee, ate some lettuce wraps for lunch and threw up said lettuce wraps, returned to drinking coffee and nothing but. with a few meetings here and there, some office gossip and a pile of work later, her work day was finished. she found herself wishing that she could be stuck in that loop for the rest of her life - or at least for another few hours - so she could escape the reality of things for just a tiny bit longer. things don’t seem to go to plan for her lately.
“you’re leaving early? is it christmas already?”
she turned around to find tony, one of her coworkers, looking at her with an expression that indicated humour. she wasn’t really up for humour right now, but she also didn’t want to seem any more off than she probably already did. so, she forced a chuckle and answered.
“well, technically, I’m not leaving early. I just finished my work on time and don’t really feel like staying longer today, honestly.”
“so compared to your usual hours, you’re still leaving early.”
she looked at him with a frozen smile that didn’t reach her eyes. she hated when people - no, men - repeated her exact words back to her as if she were stupid. she hated it with a passion. harry never spoke to her like that. she should tell him all about it once she gets home, she thought. 
as she realised that she couldn’t do that, she quickly turned away from tony to resume packing her bag.
“I suppose you’re right, tony. what can I do for you?”
he hoped her tone indicated her lack of interest in their conversation. she truly desired nothing more than to get out of this office and figure out her plan for the next few days.
“some of us wanted to get some drinks at this bar down the street. you know, the one that does trivia on wednesday nights? would you like to join us? you can tell your boyfriend to come!”
every single part of those sentences made her feel woozy. the idea of having drinks with her coworkers was absolutely atrocious; she couldn’t physically think of something that she would’ve liked to do less at that moment. however, the mention of him made her suddenly want something to drown out her thoughts with. she usually never resorted to alcohol, but the burn of some heavy liquor in her throat would for sure help her out, at least for now. she needed to feel something. so, without giving it much more thought, she turned around, smiled, and almost robotically replied.
“sure, I’d love to come. thanks for the invite! I’ll ask if he can make it.”
8pm arrived and y/n was piss drunk. 
when they arrived at the bar her coworkers ordered a round of different dishes for the table while she immediately went for the drinks. beer wasn’t her favourite, so vodka would suffice. one drink turned into two, two turned into four and before she realised, she found herself 7 drinks deep into her own abyssal torment. none of her coworkers seemed to notice, either because they lacked interest or she was too good at hiding her intoxication. she barely spoke at the table, anyway. 
“so, y/n! where is that lovely boyfriend of yours? we haven’t seen him since last year’s christmas party. he was fun!” one of her older coworkers, maude, chirped. 
y/n looked up from her drink, slightly disoriented at first. she kept forgetting that the outside world wasn’t aware of how her life crumbled into pieces at her feet. 
act normal. act normal. act normal.
“oh, he’s been pretty busy. you know, with his music and stuff. I’m sorry he couldn’t make it tonight.” she replied. funny how she didn’t even know where he was, right now. 
“oh, that’s a shame. make sure to bring him around again soon! he did a whole coffee run when he visited you last time. even paid for my extra pumps of hazelnut syrup, the ol’ charmer.” maude giggled. y/n forgot how older ladies seemed to adore him. then again, everyone did.
she also did.
in an attempt to seem flattered, she shook her head with a smile on her face. she couldn’t possibly have any of them suspect anything. the last thing she needed was to be the subject of infuriating office chitchat. luckily, she found it quite easy to keep up fake conversation and with that, fake emotion. she truly didn’t care for the people she worked with. a job was a job, nothing more. sure, she loved what she did, but it didn’t change the fact that her job wasn’t her life, or at least, shouldn’t be. she barely cared about her boss, but she did care about the money. a lot. 
for all she cared, she was going to keep up the lie for as long as she had to, and she was fine with that. but maybe, just maybe, it gave her an excuse to pretend that everything was still okay between her and harry. she might as well treat her workplace as an alternate reality; a parallel universe where she could still go home to her lover and had never been kicked out of her own home. a home she helped to build with all the love she possessed in her heart. 
oh, what a waste of love, she thought.
“y/n, are you still with us?” 
“huh? what?”
people laughed. her eyebrows furrowed. she glanced around. she was confused. she felt embarrassed.
“oh, darling, maybe cut back on those drinks you’ve been chugging! I mean, I know you’re a heavyweight and it’s the weekend, but you just totally spaced out on us!“ lena - a younger coworker of hers - said, giggling her way through her remark.
“oh god, sorry. it’s been a long week, you know how it is.” she tried to go along with the joke, while truthfully feeling mortified for letting her guard down. “what were you saying?”
she honestly couldn’t care less. 
“oh, we were just talking about potentially making this a regular thing! you know, to strengthen team morale and all.”
she smiled. there was no way in hell. 
“sure! sounds fun.”
they nodded in agreement, believing her made-up enthusiasm. maybe she should’ve gone to acting school with how believable her act was. or they might just not care about her, just like she doesn’t care about them. they definitely didn’t care enough to ask.
the question was: who did care about her?
her coworkers don’t seem to do so. she’d barely seen any of her friends for a long while now. she hadn’t spoken to her family in what felt like forever. 
she always thought that harry cared.
harry. oh, harry. 
harry. harry. harry.
she suddenly rose up from her seat, pulling everyone’s eyes in her direction.
“I’m gonna use the restroom.”
and gone she was. 
her heart was beating unbelievably fast. she wasn’t feeling good, at all. maybe the alcohol did take a toll on her.
without checking her surroundings, she almost bolted to the restroom. as soon as she entered, she picked one of the empty stalls and found purchase on the sticky floor, almost dramatically sliding down along the closed door. she needed to breathe. her head hung low between her bent knees, her hands clasping around her ears. with her eyes screwed shut and her hearing now impacted, she was now robbed of most of her senses, grounding her somewhat. ‘please, please, please’ was chanted in her head like a mantra; she couldn’t lose her composure like this, anything else was not as important at this moment. 
“everything okay in there? should I get someone?”
her head shot up. fuck.
her breathing must’ve been heavy or maybe the words she repeated weren’t as quiet as she thought. she wasn’t sure who was behind the door, but she wasn’t strong enough to face them.
“uh, I’m okay! thanks for asking.”
“y/n? is that you?”
wait, what? she knew that voice.
she got up to open the door and was suddenly faced with a very familiar face.
harry doesn’t remember the last time he felt so hollow. with every moment that passed, he felt more and more like he was drowning. like he was making a terrible, terrible mistake.
the last thing she had said to him before she went to pack a bag was ‘fuck you, harry.’ and truthfully, at first, he was angry. angry at how they argued, angry at her for leaving, angry at himself for not asking her to stay. it was a little later though, right after the door slammed shut behind her that he realised he couldn’t have asked her to stay when he was the one who told her to leave.
and then it dawned on him. he told her to leave. he kicked her out. in the middle of the night. in a city where he himself had been robbed at knifepoint not too long ago. 
the panic kicked in soon after.
so, he called. and called. and called.
but she never answered. 
after the 30th call, her phone went straight to voicemail. that was when harry really started freaking out. 
where did she go? was she safe? what if something happened? harry wouldn’t forgive himself if something were to have happened.
he bit and chewed on his fingers until they bled. he didn’t sleep. his mind and soul were surrounded by an image of her in danger. in pain. hurt.
though, he hurt her that night. 
he was the one who put her in that situation. he hurt her. why the fuck did he do that? why the actual fuck did he do that?
when the panic passed, the self-loathing soon followed. he didn’t understand how things were so quick to turn around when they were more than okay a mere few weeks ago. he treated her like she was disposable and he doesn’t think he will ever forgive himself for it. 
when the hatred for himself outweighed the worry he had for her, he resorted to pills to find slumber that night. the sleep was terrible, but it was better than nothing.
he woke up the next morning, finding himself on his kitchen floor. he must’ve passed out then and there. he checked the clock just above the fridge. the time was 9:15 AM. if she was okay, she must be at work. he could go there to check on her, see if her car was there. but, then again, he felt like he was the last person she wanted around her at this moment. if she was even alive, that is.
his rationality came back to him somewhere after 11 in the morning, just after his shower. she was a strong and capable woman, she was probably fine. she had to be, or he was never going to be fine again.
he went back to the kitchen to fetch himself some water for his run. if there was one thing that helped him, it was running for miles and miles and miles ahead and drowning out his surroundings with music through his headphones. as he opened the fridge he was faced with a bowl that was filled with cubes of fruit. the bowl was shaped like a lemon and had the colour to go with it. he remembers how y/n had picked it out online, gushing over how cute and fitting it is.
‘you always sing about fruit! might as well have a lemon-shaped bowl, if you ask me.’
he remembers how he had chuckled in response, pulled her in for a kiss on her temple, and replied ‘whatever you want, love.’
why do those days feel so far away now? 
he looked all around the kitchen and observed how every nook and cranny of this house had pieces of her littered all over it. the kitchen clock; a soft yellow one with slender, roman numbering on it - she chose it. the light pink cabinets - she painted them. actually, they painted them together and made sweet love on that very floor when they were finished. every piece of decoration - she had collected them whenever they had travelled. he particularly took notice of a framed picture right next to the sink. a moment captured when they made fresh pasta at his mother’s house when they were there for her birthday, two years ago. he remembered the moment so, so vividly.
‘harry, for goodness’ sake! you’re making a mess!’
she was the one who rolled out the dough by hand, since harry had previously dropped the pasta maker on the floor, resulting in its break. feeling a little useless, he wanted to do whatever he could to make her laugh. so, he did what any child would do: poured flour over them. first, her nose. then, her cheeks. shortly after, her head. and when she was sick of him, she grabbed the packet from his grasp and poured every last bit over him. her glimmering eyes looked straight at his playful ones. she bit her lips, in order to deny him the satisfaction of a laugh, and he looked just about ready to burst at the seams. 
in that moment, his sister quietly took a picture, making sure to get it back to them for one of their birthdays. when she was done, she clapped her hands to gain their attention, and suddenly they stood there like deers caught in headlights. 
then, laughter erupted. loud, hearty, full laughter. 
harry had to physically shake his head to lose the memory. when a sudden sickness overcame him, he found himself emptying the contents of his stomach right into said sink. was this kind of behaviour normal after a breakup? he didn’t know.
breakup. breakup. breakup.
the word swam around his vision, making him want to gauge his own eyes out. were they broken up, now? could she ever forgive him? then again, could he forgive her for lying to him? his mind was swarmed with all sorts of questions that he had no way of finding an answer to, at least not anytime soon. 
he needed to go on that run.
so, he did. and ever so conveniently, he ran by her workplace. low and behold, her car was there, unscathed. relief flooded him, but so did dread. because if she was at work, that meant she was fine. which also meant that she didn’t pick up his calls on purpose. she didn’t want to talk to him. 
good. maybe they shouldn’t talk for a while. whatever. 
he ran back home and didn’t leave the house for the remaining day.
jane was y/n’s lifelong friend. they went to high school together and were usually inseparable. however, with both of their schedules being as crazy as they were, they rarely saw each other these days. when jane saw the state of her in that bathroom stall, she paid for her tab and drove her home. y/n didn’t say much in that time, still in a state of sensory overload. it was only when she saw how they were approaching harry’s driveway that she spoke. 
“we can’t go there.” 
jane whipped her head towards the passenger seat. “what do you mean, petal?” 
y/n stared straight ahead. “we can’t go to harry’s place. can I stay with you tonight? I’ll explain everything.”
jane looked at her for a few beats longer, worry etched deep into her features, until she turned her car around and drove to her own apartment. just over 30 minutes later, they arrived.
y/n soon realised how drunk she truly was, especially when the glare of the white lightbulbs in jane’s bathroom made her head throb and her guts churn. she ended up leaning above the toilet bowl in an attempt to empty the contents of her stomach, however, her attempt was in vain; nothing left her stomach. and yet, she felt so empty. 
she wished that she had shouted at harry, maybe even slap him across his annoyingly pretty face. she wished she had done something to stop him from doing what he did. but alas, just like nothing left her now, nothing left her then. she was always so perfectly contained. harry had even told her on multiple occasions that she needed to let loose, even if it was just a little bit. he was good at helping her with that. she always felt so unbothered and carefree in his presence. 
oh, harry. what have you done?
“god, harry. you fucking idiot.” 
the first sob of the night left her. then came the second. the third quickly followed. all of a sudden, she found herself crying in agony over her best friend’s toilet.
“y/n, you okay?? can I come in?” jane called from the other side of the door, but y/n didn’t hear. the echo of her cries within the toilet bowl was too loud for her to be aware of her surroundings. thus, a very worried-looking jane came bursting through the door. as she found y/n in literal shambles across the bathroom floor, she couldn’t help but choke up herself. she’d never seen her like this, and it truly broke her heart.
“hey, hey pretty girl, it’s alright. I’m here, good god, I’m here. let it all out.”
jane ended up cradling y/n, almost like you would calm a crying baby, and y/n didn’t realise how much she truly needed it. however, she still didn’t dare to speak. she feared that, once she recalled the events out loud, they would become reality. she wasn’t ready for that to happen, not yet. maybe not ever, but definitely not now. 
so she cried and cried and cried until there was nothing left to give. jane and her wordlessly went to bed that night, bundled up in blankets to keep out the cold. 
y/n feared she might never feel normal again, if she even knew what that was. she felt like harry completed her, and that scared her to death.
when she woke up the next day, she finally threw up. with the vodka finally out of her system and her stomach basically cleansed, she felt a lot better than she thought she would. the headache was manageable and the nausea came and went. she could survive this.
she didn’t know about the rest of her circumstances, though. 
whenever the thought of him popped into her head, she did whatever she could to distract herself. first thing in the morning? she showered after her journey to the toilet bowl. after the shower? extensive skincare. when she saw her tired expression in the mirror? left the bathroom to borrow some of jane’s clothes. eventually, she had run out of distractions in the bedroom, so she escaped to the kitchen. when she started preparing breakfast and turned up the radio just a touch, she was reminded of him, again. soon enough, she realised that everything reminded her of him, and there was nothing she could do about it. would be too easy, right?
for the first time in a while, she felt vulnerable. raw. like there was no skin over her pain and a gust of wind could make it bleed.
the realisation knocked the air out of her for just a moment, but it was enough for her to turn the stove off and sit down. she felt as if she had just run up the stairs, in fear that somebody was chasing her. she felt out of breath, disoriented and weirded out. maybe she should go to that doctor to talk about her anxiety, harry had always-
“hey, you! making some breakfast? how kind.” jane chimed, bright and chipper, ripping y/n out of her thoughts. she caught her gaze, offering a smile. “oh, I was just up early today. the eggs are probably burnt, though. just a heads up.”
jane nodded and went straight to her bag of toaster waffles and popped one of them into her mouth. a quick turn later, she faced y/n with an apologetic expression. as much as she wanted to grant y/n her bit of privacy, she needed to know what happened. before jane could open her mouth, y/n spoke. she spoke and spoke and spoke, retelling the whole thing, from the moment she felt overwhelmed at work, right up to the point where harry kicked her out. this was the second day she wasn’t at his place, refusing to refer to it as ‘home’, and everything still felt awfully unreal. jane listened and listened until she snapped. 
“hold on, what? you slept in your damn car? why didn’t you call me? y/n, that was so unsafe, dear god!” 
she was pacing up and down her lengthy kitchen, trying to wrap her head around how her best friend’s picture-perfect relationship went to shit without anybody else noticing. 
“I know, jane, I know, but I wasn’t really thinking and I didn’t want to bother anyone. the two of us have barely spoken lately, and-“
“as if that matters! y/n, you’re my best friend, okay? my ride or die. it doesn’t matter if I see you once a week or once a year, I am the person you tell these things to, okay? I’m the person you ask for help!”
y/n didn’t answer, shame clouding her senses. instead, her gaze turned downwards and she started picking her nails.
“you’re staying with me until we figure this out, okay? I don’t want to hear shit.” 
when y/n didn’t answer, jane physically forced her to look at her by nudging her hand under her chin and gently dragging it upwards. “got it, petal?” 
y/n nodded.
“wonderful! oh, and if I see harry, just know I’m gonna beat the shit out of him. lord knows he deserved it-“
“you will not, okay?”
jane looked at y/n as if she had grown a third head. confusedly, she goes: “wait, are you planning to forgive him, or something?”
y/n became frustrated. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do yet, okay? I just don’t know. I can’t face him for a bit, but I can’t tell you what’ll happen afterwards. please don’t hurt him, I know that you actually would.”
jane listened, processed, and nodded. she didn’t want to cause her any more emotional turmoil. 
“okay, dude. whatever you say. now, let’s plan this sleepover of ours!”
it’d been seven days since harry had last seen her. with every day that had passed, his emotions spiralled.
his first phase: hatred. 
he hated her. he hated her boss, her work, her mindset. he hated all of the things he could blame for their fallout, thus also hating himself. he hated himself so much that he couldn’t bare to look at himself. when he wasn’t excessively punching things in his at-home gym, he got high and broke stuff. he called her and spoke spiteful things onto her voicemail. he cried angry tears and listened to angry, devastating music. 
the music triggered the second phase: sorrow.
he cried and cried and cried, especially to sad coldplay songs or the old records that his stepfather used to collect. the crying made him tired, so he slept a lot during this phase. though, as soon as he woke up, he’d be crying again. 
when the crying stopped, the depression came.
heaviness shaped his form. his feet felt too heavy to lift,  thus his bed became his permanent residence for a bit. his mind was hazy and everything he attempted to do sucked every last bit of energy out of him, resulting in a permanent state of exhaustion. 
his empty bed triggered his longest phase: loneliness.
he missed her. so fucking much.
he missed her smell. her peaceful, sleeping state. he missed how she would always have to collect individual hairs off of their covers because her hair just shed in heaps during her slumber. he missed how she’d look up at him when the first few moments of consciousness kissed her in the morning. he missed how he could lay his head on her soft chest and listen to her steady heartbeat. he missed how she would sometimes lovingly grab him by the jaw and pull him down to kiss his forehead. he missed how she used to make him coffee in the morning and he’d eat her out on the kitchen table to say thank you. he missed her body, every mark and every freckle. he missed her voice and wished he’d recorded it at some point. he missed the way she’d hug him from every angle. he missed how she could talk to him for hours about anything. he missed making love to her.
he missed being able to love her. 
he feared that she was gone now. far, far away from his reach. he had to make peace with it, though. right?
thus he welcomed his current phase: apathy. 
he didn’t care anymore; he wasn’t going to get her back. he’d fucked up too bad, so he resorted to resenting her for her mistakes. the negative emotions that were previously directed towards him only were now evenly distributed amongst her, him, their situation and the world. he didn’t want to talk to anyone, reach out to anyone, or even acknowledge his feelings in any way. as he cleaned up his house from the shards and pieces of the the things he had destroyed, he found a weird sense of serenity in the acceptance of his downfall. all was lost now, what else could go wrong? 
then, his phone rang.
he checked. it was sarah. 
he wasn’t going to pick up, but she’d called him a few times now. he didn’t want to worry her, so he finally picked up.
a sigh of relief left her.
“goodness, harry, where were you? I’ve been trying to reach you for ages! look, some things need to be picked up for the rehearsal dinner on tuesday. could you maybe handle it? I wouldn’t ask you but mitch and I have been super busy with everything else. pleeaasee?”
harry’s brows furrowed. rehearsal dinner?
then, he remembered. the fucking wedding.
mitch and sarah had been officially married for over a year, yet they never had a proper celebration due to obvious restrictions. and honestly, he’d completely forgotten about it within the last few days. a wedding for his best friends, which she was also supposed to attend. how on earth could he make this right?
“oh! and tell y/n to call me back, please! I’ve been meaning to talk to her about the dresses for the bridesmaids, but her phone is dead or something.”
without missing a beat, harry replied. “yeah, sure. I’ll tell her. also, send me what you need picked up and I’ll get it to you.” 
if there was one thing harry and y/n had in common, it was this: they would always put other people’s needs above their own, especially if it concerned their loved ones. there was no way in hell he would make one of his best friends worry about him when her wedding was just around the corner. he’ll pretend if he had to. but he was not going to fuck this up for them.
“oh, you’re an angel! I’ll send you all the details, thank you! I have to go now but give y/n a kiss from me, please. love you! see you later! bye!”
the phone beeped until inevitable silence.
right, so he had to hope that y/n would attend the wedding. no, he had to be sure that she would be there. not only that; he had to hope that she would agree to act normal around their friends, for now. 
harry needed to find a way to reach her. he might’ve fucked up his own relationship, but he was not going to spoil his friend’s wedding. 
wonderful. what could go wrong? except for absolutely everything?
5.1k, not proofread (whoops), lowercase intended
thank you for your patience !! i know it’s been a long time coming. parts of this were kind of hard to write for me, so excuse any ill worded sentences, please <3
i hope you enjoy this one! as always, all the love xx
-ve !!
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skelitinonmyback · 10 months
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strawberries cherries: iv
pairing: kylo ren x fem!reader
synopsis: tired of your attitude, kylo finally puts you in your place
chapter warnings: SMUT 18+, p in v sex, unprotected sex, mean!kylo, degrading, hair pulling, fingering, NO AFTERCARE, angst
series masterlist
Today, unlike literally every other day, you did not want to go into work. You used to be so excited and you loved what you did, but after what was happening with Kylo you were, well, embarrassed. Sure he was teasing you and he probably wanted you as much as you wanted him. 
But what if he was being honest with his feedback? What if he’s a bad communicator and you were actually making him uncomfortable? 
You weren’t sure what to do with yourself. It was never your intention to make anyone uncomfortable. You had debated whether or not to call out, but you knew Kylo would use that as an excuse to shame you even more. Reluctantly, you got ready, moving slower than you usually do. You were technically 10 minutes behind schedule, but that was your typical schedule and today is not a typical day. 
You lazily got ready, barely bringing yourself to brush your teeth and skipping over your skincare in general. You opted out of makeup, settling on mascara and tinted lipbalm. Your outfit is all dark browns and blacks, baggy, and very modest, hoping to bring as little attention to yourself as possible. 
You sauntered out of your apartment the same time your usual train left but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You would just take the next one and be 10 minutes late. Who gives a fuck?
When you finally got to the office you were the last person in their seat when you’re usually the first. Poe looked at you, eyes filled with concern when you stepped off the elevator. He mouthed a small “you ok?” as you walked to your seat. Not wanting to delve into all of your problems, you just nodded with a tight smile. 
Zoning out the rest of the world, you logged into your computer and hoped you could just stay there for the rest of the day and get some real work done this week. Of course the devil always had other plans for you.
The harshness of your last name coming from a deep voice coming from behind you brought you back to the reality of your place in your office. Without saying anything or looking at anyone, you sighed heavily, roughly stood up, and brushed past Ren into his open office door. You knew this was going to happen but you just could not bring yourself to care today.
Keeping your eyes on the objects around his office, not on him, you were just going to sit through getting scolded with a brave face and wait it out until you could go back to work.
“Mind explaining to me why you were ten minutes late to work?” His tone was harsh and although you weren’t looking at him you could feel the fire in his eyes burning into the skin of your cheek. “Look at me when I’m talking to you, little girl.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to hold back all retaliations and shook your head at the wall next to you, refusing to give in to him.
“Fine. Don’t look at me,” he hissed. “But I expect a fucking answer instead of this attitude.”
“Nothing,” you cried, not meaning your voice to sound as shaky as it did. His eyebrows raised, not expecting you to be emotional. “I’ll stay late and make up my work, please. May I be excused now?” Your voice dwindled down until there was barely a whisper leaving your lips by the end.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” he released as a sigh heavy enough to move mountains.
You gave him nothing in return and slid out his door to your desk, ignoring all of the leering eyes questioning you.
Kylo Ren, being surprisingly empathetic for him, could see that there was actually something wrong and decided to not toy with you for the rest of the work day. It gnawed at the back of his brain for the rest of the day, however, and his skin was itching to know what put you in such a bad mood.
He was able to go on the full day leaving you alone but his patience was slowly eroding and he couldn’t hold on much longer. He was starting to miss teasing you. The way you would get all fluster and twitch under his stare was what was motivating him to complete his first week of work. He loved the way confidence would tingle down your spine as you tried to gain dominance over him. It moved him to tease you even more than you deserved and now he was kind of sad he had to go a day without it.
He decided to stay late with you, wait for everyone to be out of the office before he got to confronting you. He waited, leaning against the doorframe of his office, watching all of his employees file into the elevator and out of the office, leaving you and him alone. He glanced around, making sure you guys were alone before disrupting your peace.
“Ok, let up, what’s wrong?” he questioned, his frustration evident in his voice.
Your shoulders tighten as if there was suddenly an intruder in your house. “Nothing.” Quick and simple.
“Yeah right,” he scoffed, not buying your obvious lie. “A complete change in character totally insuates nothing is wrong.”
“Why can’t you just believe me and leave me alone?” You swivled your desk chair to turn and face him, your eyebrows furrowed and a purse on your lips.
“Because, I refuse to work in an environment where my employees think insubordanince is a proper response to being sexually attracted to me.”
“Oh please,” it was your turn to scoff. “I am not sexually attracted to you. Not any kind of attracted to you for that matter.”
“That statement would hold more power if you could look at me, pet,” he rolled his eyes, seeing through your obvious fib.
You looked at him directly in the eyes and hardened your glare. Even though you found him attractive, obviously so, you refuse to go down without a fight. “I do not, not now, not yesterday, not ever, find you attractive in any way shape or form, sir.”
He stepped closer to your chair until the toe of his shoes were touching yours. He placed his hand on the back of your chair and tipped it back, forcing you to lean back and look at his face directly above yours. His eyes scanned the entirety of your face, making more than one stop at your lips. “Your blushing, sweetheart.”
“Oh, fu-”
He cut you off before you could finish cursing him out by pressing his lips against yours in a fit of rage. He let go of the back of your chair and brought his hands down to pinch the sides of your waist. You started standing, pushing the shair your were sitting in as far back as it could go. Not accounting for the sudden lack of stability, he pushed you back a few feet into Poe’s desk with the force of his kiss. You brought a hand behind you to brace the sudden contact to the desk. 
Finally pulling away from you for air, he looked at you with mischievous eyes. “If kissing was all it took to get you to shut the fuck up, I would’ve done it already.”
You scowled at his intsistant need to be an asshole and opened your mouth just to tell him that but he beat you to it, kissing you again. The hands on your waist drop to your hips, wrapping around to grab the whole of your ass and push your pelvice against his, his already hard cock prominent against your lower stomach.
“Feel what you do to me, pet? Finally get to put you in your place after acting like a bitch all fucking week,” he growled against your lips. He used the wave of momentum he gained from a grope of your ass to lift you up and place you on Poe’s desk. You mumbles something against his lips but he wasn’t able to hear you. “Don’t mumble, pet, speak like you mean it.”
You pulled all the way away from him and stared into his eyes with the same fire he held. “I wasn’t being a bitch, you’re just a fucking narrsisist.” 
“That right?” he smirked at you. He rolled your maxi skirt up in his hands and pushed it up until it was at your upper thigh. “So if I touch your little cunt right now, you wouldn’t be wet right?” You pouted and shook your head, knowing full well you there was a puddle in your panties.
He raised an eyebrow and slid one of the hands on your thigh up to the junction where your hip and thigh meet. You shook your head at him in stuttered movements, silently begging him not to check you on it but that only encouraged him to go further. 
His thumb rested perfectly against your throbbing whole, where your panties had dampened the most. He tisked, thumb rubbing up and down against you slowly. “What kind of whore do you have to be to get this fucking wet from your boss scolding you?”
“Not a whore,” your voice quaking more than ever from the stimulation against your cunt.
“That so?” he teased. “Go on then. Whores fuck the people in charge of them so you probably shouldn’t.” He began removing his hand from under your skirt, but you were quick to grab his forearm with both hands and bring it back towards you. He laughed at your sudden boldness, but succumbed to your needs nonetheless.
He picked his hand up to your stomach, dipping his thumb below the waistband of your panties and back to your fluttering hole. Your thighs shook at the sudden contact with his cold hand mixed with your warmth.
“Fff your hands are cold,” you whimper, grip on his arm tightening.
“Yeah?” his tone was higher like he was as turned on as you were. “Want me to stop?”
You shook your head fiercely, giving the obvious impression that you did not want him to stop anytime soon. Your desperation amused him immensely and he continued with his movements. “That’s right, ‘cause your my fucking slut, aren’t you?”
The little ‘yessir’ you moaned irritated his strong exterior that was holding his composure together. He yanked down your panties, effectively yanking his arm out of your grip. Your hands moved to his shoulders instead, your hold on them just as tight.
This time when he brought his hand to your heated center, his thumb went straight to your clit, rubbing tight circles there. Your hands bunched his shirt together and your knees lifted, naturally giving him better access as small moans left your mouth.
“Aww, that feel good?” he chuckled at you, and you nodded at him in return with a now typical yessir that made him groan at the sound. “Fuck when’s the last time you’ve been touched like this? You’re so sensitive.”
You shook your head, too embarrassed to admit the multiple years you’ve spent having to pleasure yourself so you just muttered ‘long time’ along with your moans and whimpers. 
He seemed satisified with your answer. He rotated his wrist so that he could continue his stimulation against your clit and force his pointer and middle into your tight cunt. You whined at the sudden pressure, not expecting him to stretch you out so much with just his fingers.
“So tight for such a slut,” he smiled when you tightened around his fingers from his degrading. “Bet my fingers are bigger than yours huh?”
You nodded, little tufts of air panting from your lips. “Feel so full, fuck.”
“Imagine how full you’ll feel stuffed by my cock, pet. Make you dumb fucking you, gotta be careful.”
You moaned louder at his words and soon you were tumbling towards your peak. “Fuck, I’m so close,” you whined, digging your nails into his shoulder.
“Better ask me before you go cumming. Your cum belongs to me,” he hissed, picking up his pace. You couldn’t think with all this stimulation, and you ended up ignoring him, chasing your pleasure.
“Don’t fucking ignore me,” he barked. The hand that was still on your thigh moved to pull your hair back, scaring you back. “You do as I tell you, slut.”
“Yessir,” you whined, your walls spasming, holding off your orgasm.
“Now ask.”
“Can I cum?” you whimpered, broken.
He shook his head, eyes disappointed in you. “We both know you can do better than that.”
“Please let me cum, sir, please. Fuck it feels so good I need to cum so bad. Please please fuck I’m begging you. Need to-”
“Cum for me,” he groaned and you did not need to be told twice, the dam already breaking. You moaned a series of profanities and thank you’s as your thighs shook. You could hardly register his hands leaving your body to pull down his own pants and underwear, baring his throbbing red cock to the world.
You barely caught a glimpse of it before it disappeared under your skirt and the tip rubbed up and down your sopping slit, covering himself with you. He didn’t hesitate for you, pushing himself inch by inch, eyes fluttering at the feeling of your warm cunt.
“Fuck, pet, your cunt was made to be fucked by me,” he groaned. “Should make you stay in my office all day to use however I please.”
You nodded along with him, wanton moans coming from your gaping mouth unable to come up with any words.
“Barely got into you and you’re already too dumb to talk. Come on, tell me how good you feel.”
“So g-good, oh fuck,” you moaned, your voice raising in pitch as his pace picked up while you were talking. He wanted to see how much you could break around him.
“Just good? Come on, pet, I think it’s more than good,” he groaned against the crown of your head, hanging himself over you. He was just trying to egg you on, loving the way you tried so hard to talk to him.
“Ssso fucking good, sir,” you whimpered, your thighs tightening when he brought his finger to continue its assault on your clit from before. His groans got more frequent and you understood that he was getting close by his thrusts turning sloppy.
“Think you can cum again for me, pet. Need to feel you cum around my cock,” he moaned, almost ready to spend himself.
You nodded under his chin and your arms flayled around him, not knowing where to hold on to. “Fuck, sir, i’m gon-nna cum again. Please, let me cum. Plea- oh fuck-ssse I’m so close.”
“Go ahead, let me feel it, pet. Let me feel how good you feel,” he growled, a burst of energy making him piston in and out of you faster than before. You tightened around him and in a fit of moaning you came for a second time, now on his cock.
He brought both hands to your hips and with a few more harsh thrusts he was cumming. His grip on you is bruising, definitely leaving marks for days to come. He held you down, skin flushed to skin as his cum painted white against your walls.
As if once possessed by the incident, he backed away from you, his softening cock leaving you making you hiss at the sudden emptiness. Quickly, he tugged his pants back up his thighs, tucking himself back into them and fastening them around his waist.
“You should probably leave,” he muttered, not bothering to look at you, instead turning towards his office and shutting the door behind him.
You nodded, willing the tears in your eyes away as you redressed. You gathered your stuff together and you felt disappointed in yourself. You don’t know why you gave into his antics so easily, you really shouldn’t have, he’s your boss and now has cause to fire you. 
You slumped into the elevator and your shoulder began to shake uncontrollably. That was some of the harshest sex in your life and although you did enjoy yourself, you felt empty being forced away so harshly. You weren’t sure what else you were expecting. Obviously you didn’t think he’d kiss and hug you afterwards but some assurance would be nice. Instead you're forced to care of yourself.
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wordstome · 6 months
YOUR König thoughts are some xgame shit oh em goodness “Aside from the fact he’s hung like a horse” YOU DID NOT. That’s disgusting. You should be ashamed. (I agree wholeheartedly)
But it got me thinking about König meeting a sniper!Reader? Cannot be a healthy dynamic but I’m a sucker for emotionally dysfunctional men.
Imagine you show up one day, butt unceremoniously into his life and introduce yourself in a way that drums up an uncomfortable tightness in his chest. He’s all too smitten and then your introduction has to go and end with ‘-and I’ll be joining the team as a resident sniper’. Those butterflies in his stomach turn into a weight on his heart.
Why you of all people? He was rejected and reassigned. His long-term aspirations snuffed out like nothing. Meanwhile, you complain about the bruising below your clavicle? Ridiculous, stupid thing you are to be so ungrateful.
Doesn’t matter if you actually aren’t whining as much as he thinks you are. From the minute he finds out what position you’re taking, everything he says and does is vindictive and downright rude. He doesn’t do it consciously and afterwards his internal monologue is just a running cycle of ‘why did I say/do that?’ Not to mention the dent in his wall from banging his head against it lmaoo
His regret doesn’t stop the impulse to make snide comments that fray your nerves. More than they already are just by being proximal to the huge man, that is. What you were experiencing at his hand was unnervingly like how he was treated was back in school. Or going through basic training with COs screaming up at him and degrading him.
It takes you finally sitting him down, the built-up exasperation at his behaviour driving you to be a lot more imposing to him that someone of your size should’ve been, for him to sort out his feelings. After acknowledging that he really had nothing against you (besides jealousy) that initial feeling of fixation returns.
A couple months of annoyance too late, if your huff of irritation was any indicator. It’ll take him awhile to get over that built-up resentment, none of which is technically your fault, but you can figure out some kind of union fwb situation? Right?
It would make such a good slow burn sobbing and rolling but that was completely unnecessary no idea where that came from. I’m so glad my cod interest and my fanfiction writing era didn’t overlap because I would be working like a dog on full-length novels about these men omg
-Dented and Recruited anon 🫡
MY FAVORITE ANON GRACES MY INBOX AGAIN...look, it's not my fault, they literally gave him a bulge. Is it just protective equipment? Probably! But you can't tell me a 6'5"-10" man doesn't have a dick to match. Come ONNNNN
*ahem* wow. Anyway . you GET IT. you GET IT! ! ! ! angel of small death was the first König drabble I ever did, and I still plan on returning to it!!! This is exactly the sort of dynamic I wanted to put in AAAAAAAAA I'm in love!! König sabotaging his damn self...yea we gotta make this man squirm. I will write these ideas for you babe but if you ever do feel a little bit of that writing era overlap coming on I will be the first in line to read what you've got stored in that brilliant brain 👀
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worriedvision · 1 year
(Character of your choice) gets a new pet and reader petsits for them once in a while. They become closer and are practically co-parenting at this point.
Doing this with Heizou! Gender neutral reader, he gets a dog.
When Heizou told Kujou Sara he thought a dog would assist him in solving cases faster than he already did, she should have realised he was bluffing. In the moment, she thought he would get onto the mounting caseload he seemed too boring to solve.
Unfortunately, the opposite happened. He actually kept the dog healthy, not asking for any more mora for compensation with dog food, as well as the various dog items he bought.
One day, he got a particularly difficult case, one where the dog would most likely be harmed or taken by the enemy, so he asks for a dogsitter. When you show up, he feels an instant connection. He trusted you with the dog, and he liked that you didn't seem at all intimidated by the fact the dog was technically a working dog.
When he comes back home, he is pleasantly surprised that the dog was very well rested. Well, the dog was sleeping on your lap which was quite funny considering it was not a small dog. You lift up a finger, motioning for heizou to be quiet and to take a seat. He does so, and he observes how clean the place was. Sure, he wasn't messy, but you seemed to do a really good job at hoovering up the place.
"He sheds." You whisper, Heizous mouth forming an 'o' at the explanation.
The dog always ran up to you in public the moment it spotted you, Heizou trying to keep up with it and thinking there was a clue at the end of the route. You land up bumping into each other, laughing it off before having a conversation and the dog conveniently trots over to a ramen stand, a couple's offer happening to also be there.
"Looks like he's trying to tell you something." You laugh. "Well, I should get back to my housework. I'll see you later!" You call out.
Before you can walk away, however, the dog barks in protest before running over, stopping between you and Heizou.
"Is your dog trying to get us together?" You ask, finding the whole situation kind of funny. "Not that I'm complaining. As long as you're paying today."
The night he confesses, it was actually the dog outing him to you. He somehow found Heizous Diary, flipped to the page talking about how he kept thinking of holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you. He was planning on making a move himself, but he kept backing out because of nerves.
"Oh, what's this? Evidence?" You ask, Heizous eyes widening as he recognises the letter. Looking down at the dog, he can't get mad with how it's smiling and wagging it's tail.
Heizou was ecstatic when you returned his feelings, and he wished he could be a good enough liar to say he made the confession intentionally.
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asterdisaster06 · 10 months
Practical Jokes
Pairing: Soap MacTavish x F!Reader
Summary > After coming back from a mission, Soap finds you planning a prank without him and gets a little indignant about it before eventually deciding to aid you in your quest of revenge
Warnings > None that I can think of, quite fluffy
Word Count > 1.8k
read on ao3 here
It had always been you and Soap connected at the hip; like you were bound by handcuffs of mischief. Pranks were never few and far between when it came to you two, much to the chagrin of the numerous victims. Most being new recruits getting a little hazing done at their expense for the humor held in both of you. Despite knowing better, you and the Scot had managed to pull the wool over your teammates eyes a few times. The main victim being Gaz, because despite his puppy like good-nature, it didn’t deter either of you from your shenanigans.
Ghost was hard to fool, let alone distract long enough for any sort of prank to work. Any attempt either you or Soap had tried ended with him being able to see right through you. However, the few times he had ended up being fooled even a little bit lived in gloriously framed memories. 
Price was rarely ever the product of any tricks either of you had dreamed up for the week. Now, whether that’s because of an innate respect, or because the last time you tried you both got sentenced to a month of cleaning duty. Well, neither of you speak of it often. 
That being said, your partner in crime was out on a co-op mission for the week with Ghost, which meant you were left to stew in your own contrivances. The silly goose antics as Gaz affectionately coined them were not to be put on hold in your mind. You had finally come up with something that might just be crowned the best stunt pulled this year since the mac and cheese incident with Ghost. It might even rival the swan one of last year, which was actually the one that ended up with the punishment of cleaning duty. 
Of course, you really are just tooting your own horn. It really isn’t as much funny as it is just giving into the voices in your head that whispered ideas in your ear ever since a new recruit had told you about the anemometers on base. Apparently, those little “spinny things” - as Soap had called them ever since you pointed them out - were computer monitored. Which in turn led you to wonder. 
It took some prep of course, and a little digging, but you managed to find out who overlooked documented weather - among other things but this was the important part. And lo and behold, it was this one employee that had always rubbed you the wrong way. And not without any evidence behind it. It’s just that he always did things that toed the line just so it wasn’t technically offending any base rules besides causing you general unease. And you’d be damned if a few comments sent you running to Price. However, that didn’t mean you couldn’t delight yourself in making his job just a little harder than it had to be. 
That’s where your ingenious idea had come along, and the bipolar weather that was plaguing the base gave this an excellent backdrop to aid in your plan. Plan is a loose term here considering it’s mainly just been a thought you threw around with Soap as a joke. 
“Just me that thinks those things look fun to spin?”
“Lass, what things?”
“Soap, follow where I’m looking instead of acting like a civvie who just got told there’s a bomb in the building and maybe you’d see what I’m talking about.”
“That was just uncalled for, Bonnie.”
“But it got you to listen for once.”
“Aye, and I’ve got to agree with you,” he says, finally seeing what you’ve been pointing at. 
That trivial memory pushed to the forefront of your mind as you walked around the base; already done with your tasks and simply waiting for nightfall before you could enact your expert plan. 
“I dinnae almost ruin the mission!”
The heavily accented voice floated through the air, alerting you to the early returnment of your partner in crime. You hadn’t expected his return so soon, but if anything it was good news. Meaning that those two had somehow managed to expedite the mission to a swift end. A shocking event given, well, Soap and Ghost usually had conflicting ideas. Not to say that they can’t work together, but a demolitionist and stealth based phantom walking into a bar together would be a good setup for a joke. 
“Hey Bonnie!” Soap exclaims, holding his arms out excitedly.
You manage to not get completely crushed by his overly enthusiastic bear hug, surprisingly. 
“Whatever, Soap, after you get your affairs in order,” Ghost begins, shooting both of you a pointed look as he does so, “meet me in Price’s office for the debrief,” he finishes. 
“Yeah, yeah, see you later,” Soap says, waving Ghost off in favor of giving you much needed affection. “How has my little troublemaker been?” Soap chuckles, staring down at you with a smile.
“Oh y’know, fine. Doing a little bit of everything, keeping myself busy for Price,” You respond, grinning.
“Atta girl,” He says, pausing for a moment.
“Wait, I know that look,” Soap says, squinting his eyes to study you further.
“What look?”
“My god, you’re up to something aren’t you!” He gasps, placing his hand over his heart dramatically.
“I- No, of course not!” You say with equal flair and theatrics. 
“Good,” Soap says, huffing and crossing his arms indignantly. 
“If it’s so good that I’m not up to trouble. . . then why do you seem so disappointed?” You tease, sending him a questioning look. “Oh, I get it,” You start, a hint of a smile beginning to show on your face. “You’re just upset that I didn’t wait to include you.”
“Am not!” He says, a bit miffed. 
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am n-”
“Do you wanna hear my genius plan or not, Soap?” You ask, sighing good-naturedly. 
“. . . Yeah,” Soap says quietly. 
You quickly give Soap the run down on your resourceful plan as you both walk in the direction of Price’s office. You explain exactly how you’re going to get on the roof to spin the anemometers at an insane level without falling to your death. The explanation is going wonderfully until Soap cuts in.
“And how exactly are you going to avoid the cameras?” 
It gives you a slight pause, forgetting those existed for a moment. 
“Uh, that’s a very good question; perhaps that was an oversight on my end,” You smile sheepishly. 
“This is why we need each other, Bonnie!” Soap says with a toothy grin, pulling you closer to him by an arm around your shoulder. 
“Yeah, yeah,” You sigh, huffing out a laugh. “But it’s time for you to work on the debriefing before the two men in there wring your ass out and hang you up to dry,” You continue, untangling his arm away from you and pushing him in the direction of the office. 
“I’ll spend my time thinking of a way to avoid those pesky cameras, just for you sweetheart!” Soap laughs, winking. 
“I’m so honored,” You say, shaking your head with a smile tugging at your lips. 
“I’ll come find you later, Darling,” Soap says with a gentle smile.
You only smile dumbly in response, sending him off with a wave; hoping that Price and Ghost go easy on him for being late to the meeting. Wishful thinking, you knew, but one can hope. Knowing that it’ll likely take them quite a bit to go over every possible detail and section of intel, you resign yourself to your personal room - laying down on your bed to take a well needed nap. Who knew planning devious mischief would take so much out of you?
Eventually, you awoke to a grand pounding of fists against your poor door. Groaning, you rubbed your eyes and got up, much to the protests of your joints. Despite it all, you walk over to the door and open it. You’re faced with the view of a disheveled Soap with a borderline insane look in his eyes. 
“C’mon Lass, we don’t have much time,” He pants out. 
“What the fuck MacTavish,” You managed to spit out before you’re cut off by him dragging you out of your room by your wrist. 
“I looped the camera feed with some help from a rookie I bribed,” Soap says, continuing to tow you behind him effortlessly.
“Which means-” You begin with wide eyes.
“Exactly,” Soap offers you a devilish grin. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” You offer up with a chuckle. 
“Not enough,” Soap teases with a laugh. 
“Whatever, thank you nonetheless, Soap.”
“No problem. Now hoist yourself up,” he says as you two come upon the vantage spot you had mentioned in your briefing to him. 
“Sir, yes sir.”
You use the boost from Soap to scamper onto the ledge, using a side ladder from there in order to reach the roof where the weather devices spun like they were dancing in the wind. The breeze bit at your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. You were on a mission, albeit a personal gratification one, but a mission nonetheless. You scoured the top of the roof, scanning for any indication of what you were searching for. Upon spotting them, you trot on over. With a slightly insane grin on your lips and a flush on your cheeks you take a deep breath in. And with that, you begin to bat at the anemometers like a cat with a mouse. They began to blur with how fast they were going, with you trying to reach as many as you could. Eventually you were satisfied with your outing; content with this experience whether or not it caused any trouble for that one coworker. You clammer down from the rooftop, taking the hand Soap offered on your way down.
“Have fun up there?” Soap asked with an eyebrow cocked.
“Oh for sure, it’s like a reward.”
“I could hear you giggling all the way down here,” Soap says with a snort.
“What can I say? I’m easily entertained, and you would understand if you were up there,” You say, playfully shoving him.
“Someone had to keep watch in case someone taking a nightly stroll decided to look up and see your psychotic self, Bonnie,” He lets out a laugh, nudging you back with his shoulder as you both walk side by side back to your room. 
In the morning, you both were giggling and plotting in your own secretive corner - laughter floating through the air to everyone near and far, causing shivers to run down their spines in fear of if they’re the next victim. And if Price happens to hear a string of muddles curses and stammering about the weather reports? Well, he’s certainly going to have to have a word with the suspected culprits. Nothing a few days on cleaning duty won’t solve. Temporarily at least. 
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airasilver · 6 months
The Pacific Rim star couldn’t appear in Uprising, but he’s down for more monster-fighting action.
Pacific Rim may have garnered a cult following in the decade since its theatrical release, but the struggles of its sequel, Pacific Rim: Uprising, kept the fledgling franchise from reaching new heights.
Director Guillermo Del Toro was clearly passionate about building out his “giant robots fight giant kaiju” world, having planned a second and third Pacific Rim film just a year after the original’s unprecedented success abroad. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t to be: the director moved on to The Shape of Water and was replaced by Daredevil’s Steven DeKnight. A handful of cast members would return for Uprising, but OG star Charlie Hunnam wasn’t among them.
Hunnam played Jaeger pilot Raleigh Beckett in Del Toro’s 2013 film. He survives the events of Pacific Rim, along with co-pilot Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi), but Mako reprises their role in Uprising while Raleigh scarcely gets a mention. The actor told Collider he’d been “part of the conversation” when Del Toro was still building out the films. “I think that his vision for it included me. But by the time they circled around and decided that they were gonna make it with a different director, we had a conversation about it, but I was booked up.”
Uprising didn’t exactly ruin the franchise — the battle between Jaeger and kaiju continued in the Netflix anime Pacific Rim: The Black — but it did, at least, seem to be the end for Hunnam. “When I didn’t do the sequel, I think that probably closed that chapter for me,” the actor said in 2020. Three years later, though, there’s still a slim chance for Hunnam’s return... but only if Del Toro is also on board for a sequel.
There aren’t any current plans for a Pacific Rim 3, but if the franchise’s original steward were to come back for it, then Hunnam would return without question. “I would do anything that Guillermo was doing,” the actor told Inverse while promoting Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon. “If Guillermo invites me to do Pacific Rim 3, I’ll be there. Or anything else he wants to do.”
Del Toro is currently working on his adaptation of Frankenstein, and hasn’t expressed much interest in revisiting the Pac-Rim world. He stated he had “no plans” to return in 2021, and still has yet to catch the sequel, likening it to the idea of “watching home movies from your ex-wife.” Of course, plans are always subject to change. Pacific Rim 3 could still technically happen one day, and if it does, we at least know its leading man is already locked in.
If this pans out no one will remember PR2 and maybe they can bring Mako back somehow...
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This went way back but Idk if you have ever analyzed on book 2, I know it is not well written and I agree the whole situation was so messy and all over the place that made it so hard to sympathize for Leona's struggles 😞
But I do have 1 question, why did he hurt Ruggie, the one person who has been suporting him all this time (even if it's for his own good)? I have been thinking but the way the story was told was so confusing for me, I'm an EN player. Thanks.
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Don't bring that up 🤡 it gives me painful flashbacks/j I don't think I've technically analyzed episode 2, but I have done a rewrite for it (here!). L*ONA 😭 YOU DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT, I'M SO SORRY FOR YOU, KING OTL
Alright, so??? Ruggie's been doing whatever Leona's been telling him to do up until a certain point in the episode: when Yuu and co. reveal that Diasomnia is, in fact, totally safe and can play at full health. Leona’s plan has failed, so he gives up, saying that they’ll never have a shot in the tournament now. This upsets the rest of Savanaclaw (including Ruggie), who helped with Leona’s scheme because getting Diasomnia out of the picture would benefit their own future prospects with athletic scouts.
Ruggie then tells Leona they’ve come so far and done so much, it couldn’t have all been for nothing 🙃 so he and the other Savanaclaw kids decide they’ll drag Leona into the tournament kicking and screaming; they’ll make him play anyway because without Leona, their dorm basically has no chance. I think the intention of the narrative was to paint this as the reason why Leona tried to unalive Ruggie (he touches Ruggie’s arm and it starts to fissure/turn to sand) which… 🤡 I don’t know, that seems like kind of a silly reason to try killing someone over (though I will admit that it was kind of cool when Leona taunted Ruggie about not being able to laugh anymore because of the King's Roar drying up Ruggie's throat)???
I get that Leona is upset about being forced into something he doesn’t want to do (and he’s also dealing with the upset of his plot having been foiled), but man. Killing your right hand hyena??? In broad daylight, with your unique magic, in front of all these witnesses… Not the next look for ya, chief 😬 It felt like a lot of anger was misdirected at Ruggie (and maybe that was the point???), so the extreme reaction in spite of Ruggie’s loyalty to the cause up until that point seemed unwarranted. And why specifically Ruggie when literally all of the rest of Savanaclaw had the same sentiment as him??? Might as well commit all the way and try killing your entire dorm at that point/j
Personally, I think Leona should have lost his shit at Jack, not Ruggie 🤔 We were shown Leona getting angry at Jack and calling him a traitor right before his blow-up scene with Ruggie. Leona raging at Jack is something that was also more well “built up” to, considering that we got the night scene where Leona guilt tripped Jack into not spilling the beans after being confronted about his plans.
Imagine Leona sauntering away from that discussion confident that the little pup has tucked his tail between his legs and lost the courage to defy him, only to realize that NO, Jack actually has the balls to stick it to him and his lack of morals? 😩 And this kind of rebellion from a freshman towards his dorm leader?? Not showing respect and bowing down to the law laid down by the big boss?? By the king? Sounds like the perfect formula for unrelenting rage to me! Bonus points because this could be considered a slightly stronger parallel to how Scar emotionally manipulated Simba in the OG Lion King. Simba believed he killed his father so he runs away, but he ends up returning even though it may bring him great shame and fights his uncle to seize back his kingdom; Leona would be Scar and Jack would be Simba in this instance, with Leona shaming Jack for interfering with what is best for his dorm members’ futures, causing Jack to flee--only to later return to do what is right, even if it means fighting the "king" of Pride Rock (ie Savanaclaw) and having Leona lash out at him in anger.
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senditcolton · 2 years
Prompt #7 with PLD?
ah PLD, the man i can never let go of. this prompt might be a little cliche but do you know why cliches become cliches? because they work!
Love doesn't have to be something that we hide behind the scenes.
“I think we should tell them.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, your voice quiet but assured. “To be honest, I’m kind of surprised we managed to keep it a secret for this long.”
“Well, to be fair, we didn’t really plan for this to happen.”
“I know, Luc. I was there when it started,” you tease and your heart trills at the sound of Pierre’s laughter coming from the adjoining bathroom of the hotel suite you found yourself in.
How did you get here? Well, it was a long story.
How you came to be staying in the same hotel as the Winnipeg Jets was an easy answer. Right before the season started, you got a job as a part of the Jets the athletic training staff and soon, you found yourself as part of the travelling team, an honor that you hadn’t expected to receive in your first year. So, technically speaking, you were supposed to be in this hotel with the rest of the players and staff. However, your assigned room was actually a floor below.
That lead to the story how you came to find yourself nestled in the bed sheets behind the hotel room belonging to one Pierre-Luc Dubois.
As previously mentioned, you didn’t plan on this happening. At first, Pierre was just another co-worker. An insanely attractive co-worker who maybe sometimes flirted with you in the hallways to be sure but that was all. You certainly weren’t expecting him to become something more than that, a brief infatuation that you would get over eventually and things would return to business as usual. The rational part of your brain also told you that it was impossible for you and him to become something more. You’ll be the first to admit that you had only skimmed the employee code of conduct but you were pretty sure there was a section that said no fraternizing with the players.
And you never planned to.
Not until one night in Tampa when Victor Hedman laid a particularly messy hit on Pierre, a hit that caused his legs to tangle underneath him and had him ushered off the ice to the training room where he sat as you checked to see what the damage was. And when you and Rob confirmed that it was serious enough for Pierre to not return to the game, you stayed with him in the recovery room, icing and taping his knee to make him feel as best he could.
You could confidently say those 30 minutes or so of you and him just sitting together talking was the turning point in your relationship. And shortly after, you found yourself falling into an easy romance that you now couldn’t imagine your life without.
The two of you knew that being together wasn’t the smartest plan, that it could easily cost you your job. But you managed to keep it under wraps for almost four months and no one was the wiser.
However, you knew you had to come clean at some point. And that’s what lead to this conversation in a hotel room.
Pierre emerges from the bathroom, his pullover and sweatpants covering his frame as he walks back over to you still in bed.
“Are you sure you want to?”
“I wouldn’t say I want to. I like what we have right now, I like being in this nice little bubble of just you and me. But I think it would just make things easier, less complicated.”
“I could kiss you in hallways instead of having to wait until we were alone,” Pierre adds and you laugh at his light teasing.
“If I keep my job,” you say, trying to keep your voice light but having to voice the harsh possibility.
“Oh, right,” Luc sighs, his eyes ducking down. You reach out for his hand, taking in his palm in yours as you intertwine your fingers.
“Hey, that’s the worst-case possibility,” you rationalize, trying to dissuade your fears as much as his own. “I could also stay in my current position, or I can’t travel with you guys, or I get fired at the end of the season instead of immediately so we’d still get about another month of this. We really know until we reveal… this.”
Luc chuckles at your stuttered sentences, his hand tightening around yours.
“If it does go badly, which I hope it won’t considering the fact that this has been going on for months and I’d like to think I’ve remained professional, I’ll just be like a normal hockey partner. Like everyone else,” you laugh and Pierre smiles at you.
“You could never be like everyone else,” Pierre says with a soft smile and you can’t stop the heat from flooding your cheeks. “But I think you’re right. I think it’s time we tell everyone.”
“Maybe not everyone,” you laugh. “Maybe, let’s start with my boss. I can talk to Rob on the plane today and we’ll go from there.”
“So, I still can’t tell the boys?”
“Not yet. Depending on what Rob and the rest of my bosses say slash decide, we can talk about telling the boys.”
“That works for me,” Pierre accepts, lifting himself up off the mattress and using the hand clasped in yours to pull you up from the sheets. You can’t help the giggle that falls from your lips and you and Luc fall back into the easy intimacy that had defined your relationship. The two of you finish getting dressed, Pierre’s bag packed and the two of you are causally talking as you step out of the hotel room, so caught up in the conversation that you don’t notice Mark Scheifele stepping out of his own hotel room directly across the hall at the same time.
You notice Mark first, your words pausing and eyes widening as you watch him take the scene before him; you and Pierre stepping out of the room, one of Luc’s shirts falling from your shoulders.
“Oh my god,” he says and the pleading look that you plaster onto your face is a millisecond too slow because before you knew it, Mark’s voice was carrying down the hallway, followed shortly by the sound of other doors being opened and more hoots and hollers joining in the noise.
“This is who you’ve been seeing, Luc?”
“Yo, Lowry you owe me 20 bucks.”
“I knew it the whole time. You two weren’t being subtle at all.”
These sentences and more surrounded you as you felt the entire teams’ eyes on the two of you, the heat that you felt in your cheeks earlier now multiplied by a hundred. But soon the embarrassment turned into contentment as the boys came up to you, hugging you and you felt like you were being welcomed to the team once again. And somehow, having the boys know before anyone else made you feel better about the prospect of telling your bosses. Because now you had an entire team backing you; a family that you would now always be a part of regardless of what happened.
Eventually, you feel Pierre’s hands on your waist, pulling your attention from the few bodies still lingering in the hallway to him. And when you connect your eyes to his, you see a matching smile stretched across his face.
“Well, that didn’t go as planned.”
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chaerincore · 2 years
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“it’s getting kind of dark out, are you sure this is a good idea?” kai questioned beside rain whilst jihun and marley led the way to the same bakery where they first met back in 2019. it was now 2021, and the four trainees were finally preparing to debut after marley received news that morning where she learned she was the last (and final) member added to the lineup.
so now, jihun felt it was absolutely necessary to celebrate the completion of their group: marley. it was D4’s tradition as trainees to do so.
“absolutely, this is a big day for marley especially… so we need to go back to where everything started.” jihun insisted from in front of their maknae, turning around to flash him a smile — one that never failed to make his members do the same because of how achingly contagious and genuine his happiness was.
“what flavor are we getting? i say it’s marley’s pick!” rain spoke, which made the boys turn their heads towards the blonde in anticipation.
“easy, red velvet!”
“but noona, we had that the last time you brought me here… and the time before that?” kai asked, raising an eyebrow at her only to hear jihun’s laugh before responding, “it’s her favorite cupcake flavor, kai. you should’ve seen her face the one time i asked if she was getting something different!”
“nothing comes in between me and my favorite dessert.” marley commented excitedly as she pushed open the doors of the bakery, but automatically spun around to glare at jihun when he started snickering, mumbling “except for jungwoo” playfully under his breath. “jihunnie, do you want your face to be stained with red food coloring before our meeting tomorrow?” she glared, lightheartedly instigating her closest friend, who returned the same look on his face.
“mars, you’re quite literally half my height… you’d never be able to reach me, anyways!” he teased back as they entered the shop, knowing that the girl wouldn’t argue any further in public… but he knew that she’d terrorize him back at the dorms later.
the future rookies ordered the red velvet cupcake and sat in a booth to split it amongst each other, marking a celebratory moment for the four of them… but it was only the beginning, the next morning was going to be the first day of discussing their debut plans with their new team and psy.
nobody would be getting any sleep tonight.
@skzfairies @m00niesk7
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jabean-fanfiction · 11 months
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Just posted Chapter 16!
Title: A Light in the Dark
Summary: After arriving on Ahch-To in search of Luke Skywalker, Rey finds herself thrown into the past during the time of the Galactic Empire, with the heroes and villains that she had heard stories about in the Jakku desert.
Pairing: Rey/Anakin Skywalker l Darth Vader
Rating: Mature
Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Star Wars: Original Trilogy Era, Post-Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Not Canon Compliant - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, POV Third Person Limited, POV Multiple, Fusion of Star Wars Legends and Disney Canon, Force Training, Inhibitor Chips, Darth Vader Redemption, Older Man/Younger Woman, Slow Burn, Creepy Sheev Palpatine.
Read from the beginning.
Chapter 16 snippet under the cut:
Swinging the pilot’s seat around, Rey watched as everyone hurried into the cockpit of the light freighter.
Rex was acting as a crutch for a Togruta – whom Rey assumed was Ahsoka Tano – who smiled tightly at Rey as the clone trooper helped her into a seat. Obi-Wan rushed into the cockpit behind the other two, and grabbed Rey’s medkit.
“Take whatever you need,” Rey insisted as the Jedi General knelt down on the floor in front of Ahsoka’s seat and pulled the kit open.
Rey swung her seat around to face the viewport and flight controls, double-checking that the ramp was locked and sealed, before engaging the engines and pulling the freighter off of the barren surface of Malachor.
The sooner they got out of here, the better, as far as she was concerned. This place felt wrong.
“Seven-Four stuffed some extra ration bars and water capsules into the kit before I left the Devastator. I didn’t have much of an appetite for most of my trip to the Rebel base, so they should still be in there,” Rey said. “Imperial rations might not taste like much, but they’re a lot more nutritious than any of the Republic shit.” She paused for a moment to select the appropriate Hyperspace route for the return trip to the Yavin System. “That garbage is mostly just filler. I got sand in my polystarch once and I swear it made it more hearty and nutritious.”
“Come on now, Republic rations aren’t that bad,” Rex jokingly argued as he slipped into the co-pilot seat and checked over the planned route. He gave Rey the thumbs up.
“Trust me, after being around for fifty or sixty kriffing years, GAR rations had gone more than just a little stale in my time. Especially considering they spent about thirty of those years in the hot Jakku sun,” Rey quipped once the freighter jumped into Hyperspace. She frowned as she swung her seat back around once again. “Although, now that I think about it, the New Republic rations weren’t much better even if they were technically fresher.”
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laoih · 2 years
Review of "The Rings of Power": Episode 5
Part 2: Lack of coherence
It can be easily shown why The Rings of Power fails as an adaptation, and I have spoken about one of these aspects in the first part of the review.
But what is almost more disappointing is that it fails as its own story as well. If you watch it without much thought it may be entertaining, but on closer inspection the holes in this series' logic become very visible.
In this episode, the The Rings of Power moves through five different plotlines: Galadriel & Halbrand in Númenor, Isildur in Númenor, Elrond & Co. in Lindon, Arondir & Bronwyn (and Adar) in the Southlands, and the Harfoots. Unfortunately, none of these storylines receive the attention and care that they need. Even removed from Tolkien, the storylines continue to make no sense on their own.
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The show can look pretty, but unfortunately the writing is bad.
Let's start with the positive...
...because that won't take long.
The show had some nice visuals once more – like the Stranger looking up to the stars, or Elrond looking up to the stars. Generally, the evening atmosphere in Lindon was nicely set up.
Story-wise I liked in this episode was:
Exploring how and why some Men side with the Orcs, and the guilt that may come with that. So far it's only a superficial exploration because the plot to explore this lies with the people in the Southlands, while the emotional part is hinted at by Halbrand. This could be interesting if done right. It's barely used potential, and I don't really trust the show to do it any justice. But at least it's a good idea in theory.
Poppy's and Nori's song is sweet and fits: Tolkien's work is full of music, and the Hobbits are known to sing songs during walks. There is also a nice callback to the line of "not all those who wander are lost". I would enjoy the reference even more if the show was actually revering Tolkien's work and not ignore, break or twist it as they have done it in this episode, as I have pointed out in part 1 of this review.
Pharazôn gets a scene with his son that lays out his motivation a bit more.
Arondir and Theo have a scene together that was quite nice for both of their characters, and Theo finally shows his evil sword to someone. I've been waiting for this ever since he found it, and I'm glad this isn't dragged out any longer.
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A nice scene. But how did Arondir get his armour back?
Galadriel has a bit of a more honest emotional moment when she speaks with Halbrand, and in theory this could be a good moment. However, I only mention it because it is technically a good idea. In reality, a) I no longer care for Galadriel as a character in this show and so therefore the moment doesn't work, b) it is set in context of Gil-galad's dumb storyline and is therefore buildt on nonsense and c) within the scene she still tries to manipulate Halbrand and continues to be annoying. Too little, too late.
Now on to the stupid part of the show...
The Lindon plot:
Gil-galad's non-existent logic
This is directly connected to the dumb lore break that I've pointed out in the first part. I'll try to sum up the situation from his perspective as it's presented by the show:
Gil-galad noticed the blight upon the tree and takes it as an "outer manifestation of [the] inner reality" that the light of the Eldar is fading.
This was first noticed shorty before Galadriel had returned from her expedition.
Gil-galad then assumed that Galadriel's unrest and search for Sauron were the reason for this decline and so he send her away in the hope that this would stop the decay.
However, it seems that he wasn't too convinced that this would work, because right after Galadriel had left he sent Elrond to Celebrimbor, who was also aware of the issue.
We have to assume that at this point Gil-galad already suspected that the Dwarves had found mithril, and that it might help against the decline.
So his plans with Elrond have had to look like this: if Celebrimbor gives him a deadline for his tower, Elrond will reach out to the Dwarves he is friends with and then start spying on them, so that eventually Gil-galad can confirm his suspicion about the mithril.
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Amazon's Gil-galad is among the worst characters of this show.
This whole train of thought is stupid. And it wouldn't even get Gil-galad any closer to the mithril. In fact, I believe asking for it openly would be a more sensible step. There has been no sign that the Dwarves are in any way hostile or especially cruel, so would they deline to help the Elves and all of them to die even though they could have helped? Surely not. So why didn't Gil-galad ask? Noone knows.
Furthermore, when speaking with Elrond, Gil-galad argues that without the Elves, "the armies of darkness will march over the face of the earth". So if Gil-galad accepts the existance of these armies, why send Galadriel away? Why wouldn't he consider their existence to be a reason for the decline? And how are the Elves are supposed to stop these armies, if even as little as Galadriel's expedition is already suspected of causing the blight on the tree? And did Gil-galad know that there are armies of darkness out there and still declared peace? How are the Elves supposed to protect Middle-earth if they turn a blind eye to the approaching darkness?
Or does Gil-galad still believe there is no evil in Middle-earth and they can truly have peace now? Why would he then worry about the fate of Middle-earth if there is no threat? What are they supposed to fight?
Gil-galad is holding two contradicting opinions at once, and it just doesn't work and undermine this whole plotline. It simply creates artificial drama, but does not work as a story at all.
Elrond's oath
This storyline was one of the aspect I kind of liked so far, because oaths have significance in Tolkien's stories and it was nice that the show was addressing that.
Unfortunately it was only nice until they completely butchered the implementation of this topic in this episode:
First there is the forced drama about Gil-galad wanting Elrond to break his oath just to confirm that the Dwarves have mithril. It's stupid because it's unnecessary: Gil-galad already suspects that the Dwarves have found it, and Elrond simply didn't want to confirm or deny it. But even if Elrond did it wouldn't change anything – Gil-galad wouldn't be any closer to actually getting the mithril. So with the knowledge that there might be mithril in Moria he could just inform Elrond that they need it in case it exists, and based on this information Elrond can take his own actions, just as he actually did. There is no reason at all for Elrond to break his oath, and for Gil-galad to demand it is stupid.
But it gets worse because Elrond actually and casually breaks his oath, and the show isn't even aware of it. Elrond when swearing his oath said that noone but him would hear what Durin said to him, yet he gave Celebrimbor the small piece of mithril that he had, along with the information that it's mithril and where it's coming from.
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"Here, Celebrimbor. this is the ore that I'm not supposed to talk about."
And then he still wonders whether or not he should break his oath or doom his people? It's too late to ask that question because healready broke the oath when telling Celebrimbor about the mithril. And with that, the whole plotline about the oath goes down the drain.
And last but not least: this is the second time that Celebrimbor randomly brings up Elrond's father. It starts to annoy me because as before if doesn't really make any sense nor does it further Celebrimbor's character. It feels either like a setup for something later on (in which case it's a poorly written setup because if doesn't feel organic in the context of the scene) or it's some form of manipulation that Celebrimbor is doing with Elrond... in which case it's still confusing.
The Númenor plot:
Where to start...
Galadriel, as always, is the biggest issue in the Númenorean plotlines. This time, it's her repulsive attempts to manipulate and control Halbrand:
She constantly tries to tell him what to do and what to think, what his desires for his future should be an how he should find his inner peace, disregarding how she spent centuries on trying to find peace and failed. She uses him and his country as a motivation for Míriel and Pharazôn to fight against the Orcs and then tries to frame it as Halbrand using her. Once she no longer gets around with her lies and needs Halbrand actually to work with her, she apologises to him only out of calculation: she wants him to cooperate, so she tries to play nice for a little while. Her "sorry" is quickly followed by a "help me".
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Why Halbrand is still even talking to Galadriel is a mystery.
There is one moment where they come to speak more about her, and the scene came close to her having some self-realisation, but in the end still don't get any real answer as to why she cannot stop fighting. She notes that her soldiers mutinied against her, that her "closest friend" and her king exiled her, and that apparently she has touched so much darkness that those people around her can "no longer distinguish [her] from the evil [she] was fighting". But is this realisation followed by any consequences? No, she stays on her path of touching darkness to find the light, on her path to continue fighting.
Now granted: Orcs are really out there, and since Gil-galad's plot makes no sense, the impact his plotline has on Galadriel makes no sense either. It's not wrong to oppose the "armies of darkness", but it's stupid to assume that it will bring her peace if it hasn't done that for centuries. I also resent the idea of touching darkness to find the light: according to Galadriel it's currently doing more harm than good in relation to her own people, and generally it's just a really bad advice? There are many dangers and temptations in Middle-earth that cannot be avoided, but the wise usually can be recognised because they can recognise evil when it presents themselves. At least that is what Tolkien's wise characters did: reject the One Ring because they knew it would lead them on a dark path.
According to the try-and-error motto of Amazon's Galadriel, she would have taken the One Ring when Frodo offers it to her, and indeed become a dark queen.
Maybe this character will develop in future seasons, but in this first season she is the worst kind of main character they could have gone for.
I also want to mention the fight scene for a moment: it surely was better than her other fight scenes so far, but it was completely pointless: we didn't learn anything about her character or about the other characters involved, and at best it showed us that the Númenorean army is a joke. It seemed to be in there only to once again show the audience how awesome Galadriel apprently is, but I'm not buying it. A thousands of years olf Elf against some noobs – this is not impressive.
Halbrand is now both a smith and a lord. For the smithing he got a crest for after telling Pharazôn in prison where Galadriel would go, and he is recognised as a lord because Galadriel found a king's crest that matches the mark that Halbrand carries around.
This development is barely addressed and can only be taken from a few remarks of Halbrand, Galadriel and Míriel. It's a jump in this character's story, but considering all the other flaws the episode has this is a rather minor issue.
What bothers me, however, is that everyone just takes this development without any further questions. Halbrand has denied being a king, yet Galadriel insists on it. Míriel believes Galadriel in this, but hasn't talked to Halbrand about it since Galadriel keeps interrupting. They get Halbrand's intel about the Orcs in the Southlands, and rely on it for their war planning. Nobody questions how he got out on the sea or why he didn't warn anyone about it. They don't actually know anything about him but what he tells them and what Galadriel assumes, yet they build an entire expedition on his intel.
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I still don't know what to think of this character.
Because here is the thing: Halbrand implies that he has done horrible things that he would like to forget, maybe including collaboration with Orcs. But this once again hints at the Orcs being around for quite some time now, and yet nobody has warned anyone – not the Elves in Ostirith nor the other human villages in the Southlands.
How does "evil being a thing of the past" and Halbrand's horrible past fit together? I mean, assuming that he is his own character and not Sauron? It really doesen't, and Halbrand telling Galadriel "I'm sorry. For your brother. For all of it." just once more hints at him being Sauron – or once again a red herring.
Isildur's plot is just painful to watch. I suppose they want to paint him in a very bad light, so they are succeeding in what they are doing. But they aren't good at showing what motivates him.
He wanted to get kicked out of the Sea Guard, but now he wants to join the expedition to Middle-earth because he wants to do something worthy of Númenor.
Why? This change of heart is never explained. Because his friends got angry at him? This can hardly be the case because it wouldn't fix his previous mistake, and his friends are already settled. Because he is assamed of his actions? This can't be the reason either because he still tries to cheat his way onto the list by appealing to his father and his friends, and later by hiding on the ship.
So far neither his previous reason for wanting to get kicked out of the Sea Guard is explained (wanting to find the "true west" is never explained either so it doesn't work as character motivation) nor his his change of heart now. This character remains unexplained, and it's simply not good story telling.
Eärien is the most random character in this episode: she shows up in a few places but barely does anything there and we don't really get a grip of why she is there either or how she feels about what is happening in these places. We can get the impression that she may be on the side that stands against the Elves and so is politically opposed to Elendil and Isildur, but in general her appearance in the episode is just irritating.
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Appearing in random places with nothing to do: Eärien.
Maybe they'll do more with the character later on and just try to set up the character, but it's once again done in a weird way: as a character she seems pointless, and she's not integrated well enough in the rest of the plot to work as a side character.
The Southlands plot:
Adar's ultimatum is discussed in the episode. Half of the people stay, half of the people want to join Adar, and nobody consideres leaving the area altogehter. Why?
Halbrand and the other refugees obviously left, and Arondir should have some place where the Elves were supposed to go to. Theo even asks Arondir why he isn't leaving, and the question should rather be: why aren't they all leaving? Shouldn't they at least try and leave, reporting the Orcs to other Men or Elves so that they are prepared? Why stay there and get slaughtered? And if they somehow can't but Arondir can, shouldn't he get some help? He alone won't make a difference against all the Orcs, but getting the word out about their presences could save lives. And what about the Elvish occupiers, where they all killed? How? When? Were there only the few seen in the Orc camp? How where they able to subdue the Men in the Southlands for so long? And if there's more, haven't they noticed the absence of their captured people? Shouldn't Gil-galad receive their warning right now, given how fast the message of "peace" was delivered in the first episode?
Bronwyn has an unexplained change of heart as well in this episode: first she wants to fight and resist, and calls on the others to do the same. Once Arondir shows her the sword, she is immediately ready to give up. Is this the sword already working on her, or do the writers just not care any longer?
Then there is also the question why she told her people of the ultimatum in the first place. If she had convinced them that the Orcs would kill them all and burn down the tower as they did with the burned down village, wouldn't the people be much more willing to fight and to resist?
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Why won't you just leave this place?
Arondir somehow knows the sword is a key. How? Where did he get this knowledge? And how come that the Elves knew there was a statue in this watch tower that apparently was showing Sauron, but never tore it down? Why would the Elves keep that statue there for all this time?
Adar wants Waldreg to kill Rowan becaue "only blood can bind". By the logic, half of the humans would have to kill the others, is that what we are supposed to take from this?
There is also the question why Waldreg didn't try to take the sword with him when he left the tower. He expected to see Sauron as the leader of the Orcs, and knows that the sword somehow belongs to Sauron. Why wouldn't he have tried to get the sword so that he could offer it to Sauron?
... and I'm still annoyed that Orcs are vampires in this show. And that Adar's checkbones look really fake, like a blob of papier mâché stuck on his face. Why would the cheeckbone even grow this way...
The Wilderlands plot:
The timeline of the Hobbit plotline is confusing, because this episode makes us believe that quite some time has passed: the Stranger can speak a decent amount of words now, and the way the Harfoots have traveled is quite a distance.
This doesn't match the time that seemed to have passed in Númenor and in the Southlands – there it seems like only days have passed. However, it does match with the plot in Lindon, where at least the traveling between Lindon and Eregion should take some time.
In conclusion: the timeline of this show is a mess, and unlike Tolkien the show's creators don't really bother to keep time and distance consitent in any way.
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They really came a long way on their short legs...
Nori's family apparently has caught up with the other Harfoots, but this is never really addressed. They run into each other when the wolves are around, and some people in the caravan continue to be aweful when they suggest to sabotage the cart of Nori's family. Later on Nori reports that the Harfoots see the Stranger in a more positive light now that he has defended them against the Wolves, but this all happens more or less off screen. Since this had been such a drama previously, it's really weird that it's told in passing now.
Nori touching the ice is my last complaint. Girl, what happens there is clearly magical, so you can only blame yourself if you touch the ice without need. You saw the man falling down as a meteor, if this didn't freak you out why would ice do that now? Anyone with a half-rational mind would realise that the Stranger had no evil intent in that scene.
The writing of this show is weak, often illogical and lacking in coherence. By creating such a fragile and inconsistant foundation, all following seasons will suffer even if they improve the quality of their writing.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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Meet Jail Time Records, the collective running a record label from Cameroon's toughest prison.
More specifically, Douala Central Prison, which not only houses a string of Jail Time-affiliated rappers, producers and artists, but a permanent recording studio where hundreds of demos, instrumentals and fully-fleshed out tracks have been laid down since it opened back in 2018. It’s through this studio that a number of inmates (both current and former) have been able to hone their talents, refine skills – musical and otherwise – and experience creative enrichment seldom found within the system.
The project was founded by artist, filmmaker and teacher Dione Roach after living in Cameroon between 2017 and 2018, where she worked for Italian NGO, Centro Orientamento Educativo. As part of her work, she would visit the prison and deliver creative workshops. It was during this period that she first encountered some of the talented musicians and rappers incarcerated within. Roach then obtained financial support from Centro Orientamento Educativo to build a recording studio inside the prison – the first of its kind in an African jail. The goal was to offer a necessary creative outlet and birth something that could support the social reintegration of the inmates – offering a new focus, or even a career goal. Perhaps even change the narratives surrounding prison life in the process.
In January 2019, Steve Happi, who also goes by the alias Vidou H, joined the crew. As a multi-instrumentalist, sound engineer, producer and singer, Happi is Jail Time Records’ enthusiastic in-house producer and co-founder. When he met Roach, he was an inmate of Douala Central Prison. While inside, he managed the studio, its schedule, and recorded hundreds of songs spanning genres such as hip-hop, Afrobeat, gospel and more. He elevated his own craft too, picking up music theory and technical knowledge through experimentation but also necessity.
Over the past few years, Jail Time’s output has largely consisted of music videos. However, the label is now set to release its first album. Jail Time Vol. 1 is a genre-weaving, 22-track compilation that celebrates the scope of the artists involved and their unique perspectives. It’s raw, moving and built with the kind of resilience that can only stem from an environment that’s equally, if not more, intense than the music itself. Looking to the future, Roach and Happi have big plans for Jail Time. In the meantime, though, we caught up with them to reflect on the project’s beginnings, the studio and prison reform.
Dione, how did you cross paths with Steve?
Dione: As part of my NGO work I taught painting classes to the underaged detainees. Then I moved to the courtyard with the adults. I was organising some events with hip-hop dancers [who would] come and give some workshops and do freestyles. That’s when I met some of the rappers who were inside.
Steve: I wasn’t aware that people were building a studio inside the prison. Then, a friend of mine, who was also incarcerated, connected me with Dione. He knew that outside I was doing music. He told me, “You see the white girl coming inside prison? She’s building a studio here.” I went back to my cell for 10 minutes and he came running in and said she wanted to meet me.
How have your roles in the project changed over time?
S: At the start, she left me with these guys called La Meute Des Penseurs. I come from a hip-hop background, but I was more interested in researching singers or producers. That’s how the project became a little bit more open. We worked day and night – we didn’t even look at the time. To be honest, it was really the power of God, because we didn’t even feel the pain of it. We barely slept.
D: When I returned, they’d recorded more than 100 songs.
Is it fair to say this sort of project is somewhat rare?
S: Having a recording studio inside a prison? It’s so rare! That’s why, for me, it’s God’s plan. Even the media and journalists of Cameroon are wondering, how is it possible? Interest around the project is growing. You know, Cameroon, at this moment, is very political. It’s really delicate to have people inside prison recording.
D: Also, in general, there aren’t many organised creative activities. Art is not considered that relevant; it’s not given that much space. Things are changing, there are a few more galleries opening up and trying to really interact more with communities. But mostly everything is centred around – in terms of culture – the French Institute.
What were the early workshops like?
D: Before there was a studio, there was this rap collective. We would meet every day with the idea to make an album. There were maybe 10, 15 of them and there were daily rehearsals, open mic-style. I would give them books to write their lyrics in and brought in some mentors. Steve would teach sound engineering and production to whoever was interested, too.
How was the project received?
S: It was pure excitement. Being in prison is really difficult because you basically live in a square; most activities you are willing to do because everything is boring. There are different kinds of people here: people who come just to pass the time, and people who are really passionate about music. There are people who have talent, but they’re not wanting to build a career. There were a couple guys who came just to hear music, vibe, give advice. It was a bit of everything, like life!
How does a typical session work?
S: At the beginning, it was a problem because there was too much pride because, say, this one is not on good terms with the other one and they meet in the studio. I was kind of babysitting them, I really was. But we made a schedule to control the situation. You have to learn who works well with others.
Like life.
S: Managing – that’s life, you know? Over time, it became more about who was willing. At first, everyone was really enthusiastic. Now, when they see the work behind it, they disappear. We have less people coming daily but we have the most passionate ones. That’s a beautiful part of the adventure.
What kind of genres crop up most frequently? Not just on the album, but in general. Is there anything that you hear more regularly?
D: There have been a lot of hip-hop artists, a lot of Afrobeats. There are less traditional artists but that’s something we want to work on; finding ways to merge electronic beats with traditional singing. And in terms of lyrics and themes, what the artists sing about is very varied. There are a lot of songs about mothers.
S: They miss their mothers too much, they are babies! [laughs]
I guess that’s like outside life, too.
S: That’s true. We have a lot of songs about mothers – even girlfriends. “We miss you, behind bars” or “Mother, I miss your good food, I just want to eat couscous, eru, plantain...”
- Jasmine Kent-Smith, “Jail Time Records is a collective and non-profit record label based out of Douala, Cameroon.” Crack Magazine. April 21, 2021.
Image is Dione Roach during a recording session / video shoot.
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flowerslut · 1 year
Hey bestie! I finished reading WitD a few days ago and I keep wondering what will happen to Skye after she leave the center. Will she live with the protectors?? There's some kind of school or "foster home" to underage vampires?? Some memeber of her family will stay with her?? I have this thought that living with the protectors could be hard since they are always travelling and doing secret work or something. You don't need to answer this if you are planning on writing about this, but if you don't, I'd really like to know
hey!! I can't answer this entirely because it would spoil content from future fics, but vampires who were turned under the age of 18 in this universe aren't fully considered minors in the same way that humans under 18 are. it's common for younger-turned vampires so sort of flock together, especially after leaving their centers, since it's just easier for them that way. so a lot of the time younger-turned vampires will opt for more communal living situations.
vampires fresh out of self-control training are assigned temporary living spaces. if they have the money they can move into any pre-approved neighborhood/house/apartment/etc but if they don't then they're simply assigned a place to live.
(ok the rest is going under a cut bc this is getting long LMFAO)
and that all depends on where they want to live, what they want to do for work/school, and what they're willing to deal with when it comes to normal, everyday things you'd consider when looking for a place to live; will they hate being in a shared living situation in a house? would they prefer a tiny one room government-subsidized apartment?
it's tricky since 100% of all vampires under the age of 18 who were turned post-nineteenth century were technically changed illegally, and most (if not all) of these circumstances were rather tragic and traumatic, as most illegal changes tend to be. because of this, (human) family often tries to step in but there are laws against vampires and humans co-habitating (there are, like always, exceptions) so if your 14 year old gets attacked on the way home from softball practice, when they're returned to society five years after both a successful change and stint in their assigned newborn center, they won't be able to come home because 'whoops there's a nonzero chance they might kill you now sorry'. sure, they'll have their completed high school education thanks to systems in place but emotional needs of the immortal aren't taken into consideration as thoroughly as the physical safety of humans.
now you can probably see why charlotte really, really wants to study law and why rosalie is both so involved, and also a huge fucking bitch to most of the human lawmakers we see her interact with (and the vampire ones, too, tbh)
looping back to skye, what I can say is that her parents have fully written her off in WitD. they mourned their daughter when she disappeared from the hospital and they mourned her with finality when they learned of her vampiric fate. what her relationship with them going forward will be you'll have to wait and see. same thing with her relationship to alice and jasper and co—you certainly haven't seen the last of skye
but skye currently is, and after her self-control training ends, will be, considered a legal 'adult' as far as vampirism is concerned. she was turned in 2015 and WitD takes place during 2019. she's already technically 19 by the time she even agrees to self-control training. even 14-year-old but really 89-year-old Elias was technically 19 when he emerged back into society. you see where the problem lies?
very excited that you have such fun questions about what comes next, and I can't wait to finally sit down and start working on the newer installments!! thanks darling!!!
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lilliana-kendra · 2 years
Hello again! I'm the co-writer (and much more) of Absitnthia, the unapologetically queer indie JRPG in development by Team Bewitched, and I think it's time to meet our leading characters!
First, let meet Sera, our POV character.
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When Josh and I were first revising drafts of the overall plot and character arcs, Sera wasn't planned to be a lot more than Freya's adopted little sister who learns to come into her own. But, after one round of revisions, it hit me that Sera is only primary character who never has any kind of romantic or sexual involvement with anyone, and I started wondering why that was. And then it hit me--Sera doesn't WANT any partners! That's right, not only is Sera learning how to be a badass warrior who can stand up to anything, she's also asexual, aromantic, and very happily unpartnered! And yes, it absolutely will come up as part of her character. Don't confuse that for being anything else, though. Sera is empathetic and wishes for only best for her friends and family in their own love lives, even hoping everyone else is enjoying their own adult fun time.
Now let's meet Freya, the protagonist who drives most of the action.
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I'll say up front that I have absolutely loved shaping and writing this character. Freya is everything I always wished to have in a lady protagonist when I was young: beautiful but classy, badass but kind, resolved to her path but woefully imperfect, and also very sapphic and canonically transgender. Part of what I've loved about writing Freya is that she's complicated, as any real person truly is. Her outlook on life and her actions in the story are heavily motivated by personal experiences, but she's never 100% correct. In fact, sometimes Freya might just be absolutely wrong in some of her decisions, no matter how wounded she may be. I truly hope to return to future Team Bewitched projects to writer her further, because I am completely in love with how she develops throughout Absinthia.
Onto Jake!
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When Josh told me in the early writing he was considering making Jake a trans man, but felt worried it would be too many trans characters in one story, I was beyond happy to give Josh a hard push into making it canon. And just like with Freya, it definitely comes up a time or two. One of the things I love about Jakes is that he really is just such a GUY. He's the living embodiment of the word impetuous, and exploring where some of that comes from has been a lot of fun. And even though parts of Absinthia's script are still under revision, it's been interesting and exciting both for me to write a same-gender romance from a man's perspective. Will Jake grow up a little and save his boyfriend some trouble in the future? We can hope.
Let's meet Thomas!
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I don't normally write characters who are more reserved and analytical, but it's fun to break that mold sometimes, and Thomas has been a lot of fun to write. While I can't say for sure yet how it will come up in dialogue, Thomas is technically pansexual (and a POC to boot!) and loves Jake more for his personality than his parts. One of the things I find endearing about Thomas is how he really is about the only person who can handle Jake's energy, and it really is so sweet. And did I mention how much I love that Thomas kicks just as much ass as everyone else, despite not being a melee oriented character? Let's just hope that Thomas' patience for Jake holds out in the long term.
Onward to Ruthea! (Character bust not done yet)
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Ruthea is such a fascinating character to me, in that she's evolved so heavily from not existing at all in early outlines, to being one of the most important characters in the story. She also provides a direct link back to Ruth and Gwen from Knight Bewitched, what we consider our flagship title. Some of the Ruthea-specific scenes are still under revision at this time, but I'm already so dearly fond of this character and I absolute cannot wait to see what happens to her by the end of Absinthia--and hopefully beyond! Just, please, Ruthea...don't break my daughter Freya's heart. (Again.)
And finally, our antagonist Lilith!
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Sometimes you want to cut loose and write a bad guy who's bad, and Lilith has definitely scratched that itch for me. Lilith is sarcastic, manipulative, emotionally abusive, and completely unconcerned with the effects her actions have on others--and she loves every moment of it. She's been such a blast to help write that, despite being in her second game now, I kind of want to have her back as the bad guy one more time in future projects. But, two is probably enough, and it's been a lot of fun to see how she's evolved from her introduction in Celestial Hearts.
And those are the leading characters from Absinthia! I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. If you like what you see and you'd like to see more, or potentially support our project, please head over to our Kickstart campaign and check out all further details there.
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lexisglitching · 6 months
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In 2021 I got really into reading books.
One of my favorite aspects of it was getting to see my stats at the end of the year. Something about seeing it all in neat little charts and graphs was really satisfying to me. In 2022 I got back into fan fiction and was annoyed at the lack of anything similar.
I set out this year to rectify that for myself.
Starting with a Notion that eventually moved over to Sheets with an attached form to fill out, I tracked each and every fic I read this year, all 168 of them. 
The above images are the results. 
(Q&A + Fic Recs under the cut)
Q&A Time - Readers Addition
While looking around to see what other fic readers included on their AO3 Unwraps I stumbled across this fun questionnaire ask box meme. I figured instead of posting and waiting for questions I’d just answer them because I really wanted to. 
You can check out the original post of questions by clicking here! 
Fic you clicked on the most times this year?
That would be Kings and Pawns by HittoSama.  Now there are some caveats to this. First, it was the fic I was reading while building my first fic tracker over on Notion. While building it and then again when building it in Sheets, I had to go copy the link a good few times. It’s also a pretty long fic and I was reading it before I was downloading to read them in Books. Between reading on different devices, as well as going back to link it on a few rec lists I made this year for friends….it racked up the hits from me! But it is a great fic, wonderfully written, and has some of the best Shikamaru characterization I’ve come across so you should all go check it out. 
First fic you clicked on this year?
Also Kings and Pawns. It was my first read of the year. 
Your most read Fandom this year?
Naruto. It’s actually the only fandom I’ve read this year. I have plans to branch out in 2024 but we’ll see how that goes. 
Your most read pairing this year? 
Kakashi Hatake / Sasuke Uchiha.  I’ve read 72 works for them this year.
Most popular fic by hits you read this year?
In Good Company by Weialala reigns supreme with over 404,000 hits. 
Your personal favorite fic you read this year?
In Good Company and its sequel Ragnarǫkr by Weialala were both standouts this year that I ended up rereading three times. 
Most recent fic you clicked on?
Technically Ragnarǫkr as I needed to fetch the spelling but not counting stuff looked up for this challenge, last clicked on fic would be The Blood-Soaked Road to Paradise by Renyanen. I’ve not read it yet but I was compiling my tbr for 2024 and it’s one I’m looking forward to checking out. 
Highest word count fic you read this year?
An unpublished story I co-wrote with my friend. It comes in at 643,478 words and is based on the concept of Itachi taking Sasuke with him to the Akatsuki. It’s my favorite thing and honestly very self indulgent and unlikely to ever see the light of day. Ten of ten recommend every fic writer to have one of these.  
Shout out an incomplete fic you read this year?
From This Earth by Embers.  I’m really looking forward to reading more of it in the future! 
Oldest fic you read this year?
I’m pretty sure nothing else I read beats In Good Company by Weialala. She began writing it over on FF.Net back in 2008. It’s sequel is currently incomplete and I await the day she returns to finish it. 🙏🏻
That more or less wraps us up here!
As a final section, as I take my leave, I want to give a small recommendation list based on my favorite fics I read this year. Many of these were mentioned above in the questions and images, some of them weren’t but still come highly recced from me. Enjoy!
The Rec List (in no particular order):
Kings and Pawns by HittoSama Sharingan Rising Series (In Good Company / Ragnarǫkr) by Weialala Wild Things by TheAdventuresOf From This Earth by Embers Eye to Eye by Embers Scarlet Ink and Paper Swords by Renyanen Mosaic Eyes by BitchBot3000 Hold Your head Up and Run by TakaGang Why Storms Are Named After People by Naava
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