#🌠you are the moon🚀
herbalwolves · 2 years
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Another screenshot from the BLOSC episode, "Wirewolf"!
"Ty! Are you okay?"
"It's just a scratch! I'll be fine."
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rainydetectiveglitter · 10 months
Jupiter's Blessings / Where Fortune Smiles According to Your Sign" ✨🌟
Jupiter's placement in your birth chart influences where you experience natural luck and expansion. Here's a journey through Jupiter's influence across the signs
♈ Aries: "Energetic Endeavors" 🚀🍀
♉ Taurus: "Material Abundance" 🌱💰
♊ Gemini: "Intellectual Adventures" 📚✈️
♋ Cancer: "Emotional Enrichment" 💖🏠
♌ Leo: "Creative Crescendo" 🎭🌟
♍ Virgo: "Organized Opportunities" 📊🔍
♎ Libra: "Harmonious Connections" 🤝💫
♏ Scorpio: "Deep Transformations" 💎🔮
♐ Sagittarius: "Expansive Horizons" 🌄🌠
♑ Capricorn: "Structured Success" 🏆🏢
♒ Aquarius: "Innovative Insights" 💡🌐
♓ Pisces: "Intuitive Blessings" 🌊🌈
Main Asteroids
Jupiter with Ceres: Nurturing Abundance 🌱🍀
Jupiter with Pallas Athena: Wisdom Expansion 📚💡
Jupiter with Juno: Partnership Prosperity 💑💰
Jupiter with Vesta: Devotion and Expansion 🕯️🌄
Jupiter with Hygieia: Healing Abundance 🌿🌈
Jupiter with Astraea: Justice and Blessings ⚖️🌠
Jupiter with Eris: Transformative Expansion 💥🌀
Jupiter with Sedna: Wisdom of the Depths 🌊🌟
Jupiter's influence expands further as it moves through the houses of your birth chart, bringing luck and abundance to different areas of your life:
Jupiter in 1st House: "Radiant Self" 🌟🎉
Jupiter in 2nd House: "Material Flow" 💰🛍️
Jupiter in 3rd House: "Intellectual Exploration" 📚✉️
Jupiter in 4th House: "Home Harmony" 🏠🌼
Jupiter in 5th House: "Creative Joy" 🎨🎭
Jupiter in 6th House: "Health and Growth" 🌿💪
Jupiter in 7th House: "Partnership Prosperity" 💑🤝
Jupiter in 8th House: "Transformative Abundance" 💎🔮
Jupiter in 9th House: "Expanding Horizons" ✈️🌄
Jupiter in 10th House: "Professional Triumph" 🏆🏢
Jupiter in 11th House: "Friendship Fortune" 👥🌠
Jupiter in 12th House: "Spiritual Blessings" 🌌🙏
Jupiter Conjunction: When Jupiter is conjunct (close to) another planet, its energy merges, amplifying the qualities of that planet. This can bring heightened opportunities, growth, and luck related to the specific planet's traits. For example, a Jupiter-Sun conjunction can enhance your self-confidence and attract positive experiences into your life.
Jupiter Sextile or Trine: Harmonious aspects between Jupiter and other planets indicate ease in harnessing Jupiter's blessings. These aspects encourage positive growth, expansion, and the ability to seize opportunities with relative ease. A Jupiter-Moon trine may enhance your emotional well-being and bring support from family or women.
Jupiter Square or Opposition: Challenging aspects between Jupiter and other planets may require extra effort to tap into its positive energy. These aspects can bring growth through overcoming obstacles and learning valuable lessons. A Jupiter-Mercury square might indicate a need to balance optimism with practicality in communication and decision-making.
Jupiter and Outer Planets: Aspects with outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can signify transformative and profound experiences. A Jupiter-Neptune trine could enhance your spiritual journey and creative pursuits, while a Jupiter-Pluto opposition may involve intense personal growth through confronting power dynamics.
Multiple Aspects: When Jupiter forms multiple aspects, its influence becomes multi-faceted. A Jupiter with a mix of harmonious and challenging aspects can create a balanced interplay of growth, challenges, and opportunities.
Remember, Jupiter's influence is unique to your birth chart. The aspects it forms with other planets provide a dynamic interplay that shapes your life journey. Consult an astrologer to gain deeper insights into how Jupiter's energy interacts with the rest of your chart and discover the keys to unlocking its full potential. Embrace Jupiter's blessings and navigate your path to prosperity! 🌈🔑
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joswriting · 4 months
•❅───✧❅ joswriting ❅✧
: ̗̀➛ writeblr intro
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Hello there! My name is Jo (shocker!), I am in my 20s and I write stories and poems in my free time. I used to have a writing account on here many moons ago and I really miss the community, friendship and support of talking with other writers about our projects, so I am trying to rebuild what I've lost.
: ̗̀➛ about me
very interaction friendly. we're all just people on here (also please tag me in games forever)
science fiction! science fiction is my everything. it's whatever. I'm normal about it
themes I write about a lot include: death anxiety, internalized bigotry, general dissatisfaction and the complex and confusing nature of existence
scifi flavour wise i like doing weird time or multiverse stuff
I'm also queer (lesbian, aromantic, whatever), if that matters. This comes up a lot in my writing be it explicit or not.
I write in German and English
: ̗̀➛ my wips/projects
⸻ On the end of everything 🌠
An "essay" on how the multiverse died, those who noticed, and how they learned to live with their fates
[reblog tag] [posts tag] [wip intro]
⸻ Poetry 🗒️
I don't post my poetry on tumblr, instead I self host it here. I love writing poems I get such a kick out of it!
My favourite poem of mine atm is this one: Lines Out Of Context
⸻ Starship Lovelace 🚀
The Starship Lovelace is an Earth vessel far from home. The human crew mysteriously disappeared decades ago - now a small group of aliens has claimed the ship.
[posts + reblog tag]
A collection of half-assed short trips, I'm trying to build my own kind of space ship show here. It mostly serves as a way for me to keep writing and get ideas out of my head without much drafting or anything. I've got a pretty good vague plot for it in my head and I'm trying to do it justice with my newer, more thought out chapters. You can see all entries: here.
The stories are hosted on the space story collection pubnix/website Cosmic.Voyage, which i just know some of you would get a kick out of.
: ̗̀➛ inspiration
on the comedy side: the two Dirk Gently books, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the Red Dwarf novels and Doctor Who and the Krikkitmen in particular (British people are grim, I like it)
on the more serious side: Frankenstein (my favourite book everr), many Doctor Who hiatus novels but especially Dead Romance by Lawrence Miles, the works of H.G. Wells (love that guys scifi that just completely misses the mark but was properly scientifically researched for its own time) and, to an extent, Der Tod und andere Höhepunkte meines Lebens by Sebastian Niedlich, which is a book I remember liking a lot as a young-ish teen
generally I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who and Star Trek
I sometimes reblog posts about media i really like on here too so for more check out the tag: good media
So. The first thing I’d better do is invent my audience. I'll pretend there are thousands of you out there, and I'll pretend you're all just like me; young, smart, pretty, and sarcastic (NB I’m probably being ironic here, although I’m not really sure any more). Just so we’ve got some common ground, I'll pretend you were born sometime in the late 1940s… No, sod that. I'll pretend you were born on 15 August 1948. All of you.
Well, why not? If you’re going to invent an audience, why not invent one in your own image?
-- Dead Romance, First Notebook
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jameswebb-discoveries · 6 months
Discovery Alert! New Picture of Uranus released by James Webb Telescope on Dec 18, 2023 - James Webb Telescope's Close-Up on Uranus' Dynamic Atmosphere. Read more here
Discovery Alert! New Picture of Uranus released by James Webb Telescope on Dec 18, 2023 - James Webb Telescope's Close-Up on Uranus' Dynamic Atmosphere. Read more here
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🌌 Exploring Uranus: A Celestial Odyssey with Webb's Lens 🚀
Dive into the cosmos with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope as it turns its gaze toward the enigmatic ice giant, Uranus! 🪐✨ The recent image captures this distant planet in unprecedented detail, unveiling rings, moons, and atmospheric features in a mesmerizing display.
📸 Capturing Clarity: Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) brings Uranus to life, revealing the seasonal north polar cap, dim inner and outer rings, and the elusive Zeta ring – the faintest and closest to the planet.
🌈 Moons in Motion: Spot 9 of Uranus' 27 moons in this celestial dance, each orbiting within the 98-degree tilt of the planet. 🌙
🔍 Intricate Details: With a rotation of just 17 hours, Uranus poses a challenge for observatories like Webb. Multiple exposures create a composite image, allowing us to witness storms and atmospheric features in this dynamic system.
🔭 Beyond Our Solar System: Uranus, a unique gem in our solar system, provides insights into the mysteries of exoplanets. Webb's discoveries contribute to our understanding of similar celestial bodies discovered beyond our cosmic neighborhood.
🌠 Join the Cosmic Conversation: Webb's lens takes us on a journey of discovery, unraveling the secrets of Uranus and the broader universe. What celestial wonders do you hope Webb will unveil next? ✨
📎 Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI
#Uranus #JamesWebbTelescope #SpaceExploration #CosmicDiscovery #WebbInAction #NASA #TumblrPost 🚀🔭
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xenosandneos · 2 years
Loved your cat themed xenos/neos!! Could you do alien cat and space cat themed xenos/neos? Tysm!
Thank you and No problem!! :D
Alien/Space Cat themed Xenos, Neos, Emojis
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A gender influenced by cats and aliens and/or space (coined by @glowmint )
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A gender that feels like a cat inside of a spaceship (coined by @gargandliamcoins )
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A gender that has a deep connection to stars, cloudy night skies, space, celestial bodies, cats, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. For when you feel a connection to outer space and cats (coined by @bun-gender)
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A gender that has strong connection to anything space and/or cat related
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 A combination of aliengender and catgender
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a gender where one connects to the moon, the night, darkness, and cats
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A gender that is related to a planet that only cats live on and/or a cat shaped planet
> Cat/cat/cats/cats/Catself
> Alien/alien/aliens/aliens/alienself
> Alien/cat/aliens/cats/aliencats
> A/cat/alis/cats/alienself
> A/kit/alis/kits/alienself
> Space/space/spaces/spaces/spaceself
> Space/cat/spaces/cats/Spacecats
> Spa/cat/Space/cats/spaceself
> Mew/mew/mews/mews/mewself
> Star/star/stars/stars/starself
> Star/cat/stars/cats/starself
> Gala/gala/galaxy/galaxy/galaxys
> Gala/cat/galaxy/cats/galaxys
> 👽/🐱/��s/🐱s/👽self
> 🛸/🐈‍⬛/🛸s/🐈‍⬛s/🛸self
> 🛰️/🐈/🛰️s/🐈/🛰️self
> 🚀/🐱/🚀s/🐱s/🚀self
> 🌓/🐈‍⬛/🌓s/🐈‍⬛/🌓self
> 🌕/🐈/🌕s/🐈s/🌕self
> 🌑/🐱/🌑s/🐱s/🌑self
> 🌎/🐈‍⬛/🌎s/🐈‍⬛/🌎self
> 🪐/🐈/🪐s/🐈/🪐self
> ⭐️/🐱/⭐️s/🐱s/⭐️self
> 🌠/🐈‍⬛/🌠s/🐈‍⬛s/🌠self
> 💫/🐈/💫s/🐈/💫self
> ☄️/🐱/☄️s/🐱/☄️self
You can also replace the cat emojis with any of cat emojis
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snakebites-and-ink · 1 month
Out-of-this-world worldbuilding questions!
I’ve included what the emoji is in brackets because they don’t always show up right on different platforms. You can send in the word instead of the emoji if you need to.
🌌[Milky Way] Did you draw inspiration for your worldbuilding from anywhere in particular? If so, where? How did this affect your world?
🛰️[Satellite] What kind of technology exists in your world? Are new technologies being developed? Have any significant technologies been lost?
🌠[Shooting star] Is there magic in your world? What kind of a magic system is there/How does it work?
👽[Alien] Does your world include any fictional races or species? If so, what are they?
🚀[Rocket] How do people get around in your world? What’s the ideal way to travel? The most common way to travel?
☄️[Comet] How does your worldbuilding affect the story set in this world?
🛸[Flying saucer] How does the worldbuilding affect the characters in this world?
⭐[Star] What aspect of your worldbuilding is the most special or enjoyable to you personally?
🧑‍🚀[Astronaut] What roles can people have in your society? Are there any unique jobs you invented just for this world/story?
🌃[Night sky] What is the world history? If it shares some history with real-life earth, where did it diverge?
🪐[Ringed planet] Are there any other worlds/dimensions/etc. that can interact/intersect with the main world? If so, what are they?
🌍[Globe] What countries or societies are in your world, and what are the relations between them like?
🌕[Full moon] What’s the culture like in your world?
🌑[New moon] Is there subtext or symbolism underlying any aspect(s) of your worldbuilding? If so, what is it?
🌙[Crescent moon] What does your society look like on the surface? What’s going on beneath the surface? How big is the disparity between these?
☀️[Sun] What physical differences are there between your world/universe and real-life earth?
I made this just for fun; I honestly do not have my WIPs well-developed enough for many of these questions, so there is no need to send me one of them when reblogging/using the game yourself. (though if you want to send an ask to someone else who reblogged one of these, you are encouraged to do so!) I made these for the sake of making them, not for the sake of using them myself, lol.
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apollotarot · 10 months
♓️🌝 The Most Majestic Tarot Spread For 2023's Full Moon In Pisces
Before diving into the Full Moon in Pisces Tarot Spread, explore Molly McCord's enlightening insights in her YouTube video "Pisces Full Moon - Integrating More of Your Intuition Into Your Responsibilities¹." We've distilled key takeaways from her discourse on the upcoming August 30th, 2023, Pisces Full Moon. Discover the interplay between intuition and responsibility and the significance of this celestial event in shaping our path.
Unveiling the Mysteries: Navigating the Pisces Full Moon of August 2023 🌕🌟
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The Dance of Moon and Sun:
As the moon takes its position at seven degrees of Pisces, it directly opposes the Sun at seven degrees of Virgo. The moon reaches its peak brilliance during the full moon, illuminating aspects of our existence hidden in the shadows. Dive deep into your astrological chart, identify the presence of seven degrees in your placements, and open yourself to the cosmic messages being delivered. 🌝🌞✉️
Pisces Moon's Whispering Intuition:
The moon's placement in Pisces infuses the atmosphere with sensitivity, intuition, and a yearning for solitude. This is a time to embrace your internal world, listen closely to your soul's whispers, and trust the feelings that arise, even when they're intangible. The Pisces moon beckons you to connect with the essence of your being and honor the importance of quiet contemplation. 🌊🤫🧘‍♀️
Virgo Sun's Analytical Gaze:
In contrast, the Sun in Virgo brings forth its practical, analytical energy. Rooted in Earth, Virgo's energy urges us to adapt, analyze, and diligently attend to our responsibilities. This energy calls for a harmonious balance between intuitive Pisces and methodical Virgo, creating a synergy that guides us toward informed decisions and grounded actions. 🌍🔍💼
Saturn's Karmic Influence:
Saturn stands at the heart of this celestial ballet, stationed at three degrees of Pisces in retrograde motion. Saturn reminds us of our energetic responsibilities, unfinished tasks, and the karmic threads that need attention. The Pisces Full Moon aligns with Saturn, bringing forgotten matters back into focus. This conjunction provides an opportunity for self-awareness, growth, and releasing what no longer serves us. ⏳🪶🌱
Facing Uncertainty and Finding Guidance:
This cosmic convergence may stir feelings of uncertainty and even vulnerability. The moon's connection with Saturn might lead us to question our path, causing feelings of isolation and powerlessness. However, remember that this discomfort is a catalyst for growth. Embrace the energy as a gentle nudge from the universe, encouraging you to trust your intuition, even when you can't see the bigger picture. 🤔💫🚀
Embracing Humility and Wisdom:
Amid the uncertainty, the Pisces Full Moon encourages humility. Acknowledge that you don't have all the answers, and that's perfectly okay. The song "Both Sides Now" by Joni Mitchell resonates with the essence of this moment, reminding us to remain open to new experiences and wisdom. Trust your soul's guidance, even amidst life's uncertainties. 🎶🌄🌠
"I've looked at love from both sides now From give and take and still somehow It's love's illusions that I recall I really don't know love Really don't know love at all."
Integration of Spiritual Wisdom:
This full moon sheds light on integrating your spiritual self into your daily reality. Let your intuition and inner wisdom become guiding lights, aiding you in navigating the complex energies swirling around. Your spiritual muscles have been developing, urging you to embrace your intuitive gifts and use them as a compass through the storms of life. 🌟🧠💡
Balancing Practicality and Spirituality:
The harmonious dance between Virgo and Pisces, practicality and spirituality, invites you to be responsible with your energy and intuitive insights. This energy is a call to action, a push to address pending matters and trust your internal compass. Consider seeking physical, tangible support for your journey as the angelic essence of Pisces embraces you. 🤝👼🌄
As the Pisces Full Moon graces the cosmos, it reminds you to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, even amidst uncertainty. Embrace the dance between the practical and the mystical, and find solace in the unknown. This celestial event encourages us to release what no longer serves us, honor our responsibilities, and navigate life with humility and spiritual strength. 🌕🌌🔮
McCord, Molly. "Pisces Full Moon - Integrating More of Your Intuition Into Your Responsibilities - 2023 Astrology." YouTube, uploaded by Molly McCord, August 20th, 2023, https://youtu.be/3ucCVMPwMEo.
🌝♓️ Full Moon in Pisces 2023 Tarot Spread
Now that we know the profound energies surrounding the upcoming Pisces Full Moon, let's delve deeper into its mysteries with a specially designed tarot spread. This spread is crafted to illuminate the hidden facets of your existence, guide you through the dance between intuition and practicality, and empower you to embrace uncertainty with humility and wisdom. Each card is vital to unlocking the insights the cosmos wishes to reveal during this celestial event.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic alignment? Shuffle your deck, lay out the cards, and let the celestial dance guide you through this transformative spread.
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Card 1: The Dance of the Moon and Sun
Question: How can I illuminate hidden aspects of my existence during this Pisces Full Moon?
Card 2: Pisces Moon's Whispering Intuition
Question: How can I best embrace my sensitivity and intuition during this moon phase?
Card 3: Virgo Sun's Analytical Gaze
Question: How can I balance practicality and intuition in my decision-making process?
Card 4: Saturn's Karmic Influence
Question: What unfinished tasks or karmic lessons should I focus on during this Pisces Full Moon?
Card 5: Facing Uncertainty and Finding Guidance
Question: How can I navigate uncertainty and vulnerability with grace and trust?
Card 6: Embracing Humility and Wisdom
Question: How can I embrace humility and trust my inner wisdom even in uncertain times?
As you lay out each card, remember that this spread is a cosmic tool guiding you through the complexities of this celestial event. Allow the tarot's wisdom to merge with your intuition, creating a bridge between the earthly and the ethereal. Your path is illuminated, and the universe's whispers are ready to be heard.
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haystarlight · 2 years
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Yes, these were all sewn by Hunter. God gave him a sewing machine and the world has not known peace since. Let me go off for a second.
Bisexual heart 💖💜💙
Gender fluid heart (this one is headcanon)
A little King and Hooty 🦉💀
A light glyph 💡
A dragon 🐉🐲
An ouroboros snake 🐍
An otter (with a dark side)
A little star ⭐
Twilight Sparkle (because of course my girl watches MLP) 🦄
Azura and Hecate 🧙🏾‍♀️❤️🧙🏻‍♀️
A sun (because she's a little sunshine) ☀️
A Dominican Republic flag (Camila) 🇩🇴
A Puerto Rico flag (Manny) 🇵🇷
Lesbian heart ❤️🧡⚪💖💖
Abomination 💜
Cat 🐱🐈
Moon & stars ⭐🌙🌟💫✨🌠🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗
Music notes 🎶🎵🎶
Pink triangle (because GAY LIBERATION)
Butterfly (Amity had butterflies on her journal) 🦋
Paintbrush 🖌️ and pencil ✏️ (Amity likes to draw)
Hecate 🧙🏻‍♀️
Pansexual heart (headcanon) 💖💛💙
A patch that says "I love you" (Huntlow brainrot) 💚
Two hearts with an H💛 and a W💚 (more huntlow brainrot)
A photo camera 📸 📷
Flowers 💐🌼🌺🌻🏵️🌸🌷
Sunglasses emoji 😎
Footballs ⚽🏈
Weights 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️
A patch that says "CAPTAIN" 💚
A skateboard 🛹
A queen bee 🐝👑
Trans heart (headcanon) 💙💖⚪💖💙
Dinosaurs 🦖🦕
Stars and planets ⭐🌟💫🌠☄️🌑🌎🌍🌏
Rocket 🚀
Astronaut 👨🏾‍🚀
Telescope 🔭
Robots 🤖
Chameleon 🦎
Non-binary heart (headcanon) 💛⚪💜🖤
Pansexual heart (headcanon) 💖💛💙
Frog and pollywog 🐸
Tortoise 🐢
Pumpkin 🎃
Apple 🍎
Amethyst 💜💎
Autumn leaf 🍁🍂
Emojis 😁😋😄
Dominican Republic flag 🇩🇴
Puerto Rico flag (Manny) 🇵🇷
Rainbow heart ❤️🌈
Red cross ⛑️
Rod of Asclepius ⚕️
Planets (Cosmic Frontier) 🌎🌑
A patch that says "#1 Mom" (Hunter Noceda agenda)
Red string (Cancer support)🧵❤️
Abomination 💜
A patch that says "#1 Dad" (Hunter Deamonne is still in my heart somewhere)
Jewels💎💎💎 👑👑👑
C.A.T.TS (hisssss) 🐱🐈
B.A.T.TS (hissssss) 🦇🦇
Emojis 😉😎
Bisexual heart 💖💜💙
A patch that says "Bad Girl Coven"
A rainstorm (Raeda brainrot) ⛈️🌩️🌧️🌦️💧⚡
B.A.T.TS (hisssssss) 🦇🦇
Little King, Owlbert and Hooty 🦉💀
Music notes 🎶🎵
Money sign 💲💲
Right arm absent
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herbalwolves · 2 years
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Screenshot edit from the BLOSC Episode, "Wirewolf"! I took my s/i OC and used her to replace Mira in this shot- Elana is a medical officer, after all! She'd take the role of bandaging up Buzz's arm!
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ethanreedbooks · 10 months
Rebel Moon Rises: A Cosmic Saga Unveiled at Gamescom!
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🌌🚀 Prepare to embark on an intergalactic journey as visionary filmmaker Zack Snyder unveils the next chapter of his epic space odyssey, Rebel Moon! Today, at the electrifying Gamescom event, the mastermind behind cinematic spectacles such as '300' and 'Justice League: The Snyder Cut' dropped a bombshell that's set to send shockwaves across the cosmos and ignite the passions of science fiction aficionados and Rebel Moon rebels alike.
🌕🌟 What's the buzz, you ask? As we reveal the thrilling details of this sci-fi saga's evolution, brace yourselves. As you've already heard, Rebel Moon is not your average blockbuster—it's a two-part Netflix extravaganza that promises to redefine the genre. And today, Zack Snyder has graced us with the captivating titles of both chapters and a highly anticipated release date!
🔥✨ First up, mark your calendars for December 22, 2023, because that's when Part One, 'Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire,' will debut on the streaming giant. But that's just the beginning of this cosmic adventure! Part Two, 'Rebel Moon: The Scargiver,' will hit your screens on April 19, 2024, ensuring that the Rebel Moon universe continues to captivate and enthrall audiences.
🌌🌍 Set in a distant colony on the farthest reaches of the galaxy, Rebel Moon chronicles the harrowing tale of a peaceful settlement besieged by the ruthless forces of the tyrannical Regent Balisarius, portrayed by the enigmatic Fra Fee. In this darkest hour, a mysterious figure named Kora, shown by the incredible Sofia Boutella, emerges as the colony's last beacon of hope.
💫✊ Tasked with assembling a ragtag team of warriors drawn from diverse backgrounds—outsiders, insurgents, peasants, and war orphans from disparate worlds—all united by their burning desire for redemption and revenge, Kora must lead this unlikely band to make a stand against the oppressive forces of the Mother World. Amidst the looming shadow of an entire Realm, the galaxy's fate hangs in the balance, forging a new alliance of heroes and setting the stage for an epic showdown of cosmic proportions.
🌟🌠 The stellar cast of Rebel Moon reads like a who's who of Hollywood's elite, including the likes of Charlie Hunnam, Djimon Hounsou, Anthony Hopkins, Doona Bae, Ray Fisher, Stuart Martin, Cary Elwes, Corey Stoll, Michiel Huisman, Alfonso Herrera, Ed Skrein, Cleopatra Coleman, Rhian Rees, Jena Malone, E. Duffy, Charlotte Maggi, Sky Yang, and Staz Nair. With a screenplay co-crafted by Zack Snyder, Shay Hatten, and Kurt Johnstad, the stage is set for an unforgettable journey into the universe's farthest reaches.
🚀🌠 But that's not all! In a groundbreaking move, Zack Snyder has revealed that each installment of Rebel Moon will come in two versions—a family-friendly cut for all audiences and a more mature, adult-oriented version for those ready to plunge deeper into this cinematic cosmos.
🌌🌟 Rebel Moon represents Snyder's magnum opus, a labor of love gestating since his college days. Initially conceived as a Star Wars project, fate led it down a different path, and for that, we are eternally grateful. As producer Deborah Snyder explains, "We never wanted it to be [a Star Wars film]."
🪐🔮 This is more than just a movie; it's an entire universe unfolding before our eyes. Zack Snyder is crafting his own mythology; we are merely fortunate witnesses to this grand spectacle. Rebel Moon promises to be an explosive, action-packed journey filled with stunning cinematography, taking Snyder's signature style from classics like '300' and 'Sucker Punch' to uncharted territories—in the vast expanse of space!
🛸🌌 In this epic saga, Kora assembles a formidable team of fighters from diverse worlds, all united against the oppressive Imperium, portrayed by a star-studded cast including Charlie Hunnam, Djimon Hounsou, Michiel Huisman, Doona Bae, Ray Fisher, Staz Nair, and the legendary Anthony Hopkins. Expect breathtaking visuals, a riveting storyline, and a heavy dose of Snyder's unparalleled vision—all set against the backdrop of a cosmic battleground that's as thrilling as surreal.
🌌🪐 Rebel Moon is more than just a movie; it promises epic proportions. And if that's not enough to whet your appetite for this interstellar adventure, Zack Snyder also hinted at a colossal RPG set in the same universe and an exciting collaboration with mobile developer Super Evil Megacorp for a Rebel Moon game.
🌠🚀 So, fellow space travelers, gear up for a journey of a lifetime. Rebel Moon is on the horizon, destined to leave an indelible mark on the galaxy of science fiction. As we await its arrival, let's raise our rebel flags high and embrace the rebellion. The countdown to December 22nd begins now! May the cosmos be with us all! 🚀🌌🌠
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OMG! 😂 Have y'all heard about the LEGEND that is YooJung?! 🏆 This guy's got more talent than an octopus 🐙 with a paintbrush! 🖌️ I mean, he sings 🎤 AND dances 🕺 like he's got happy feet! 🦶 mind blown 💥😵‍💫
Sometimes, when I'm feeling blue, I remember that YooJung loves Harry Potter ⚡️😍 He probably dreams of casting spells with a magic wand ✨🪄 Just imagine him turning a 🐀 into a teacup ☕️: If that's not pure joy, I dunno what is! 🥳
Watching YooJung apply lip balm 💄from a socially acceptable distance, 'cause I'm his biggest fan (but not in a creepy way! 😇🔍). is like witnessing the Mona Lisa being painted, but like a gazillion times better! 🎨🤩 Can we agree that he's literally the Picasso of lip balm? 👨‍🎨💋
You know what? Enough chit-chat! Let me profess my undying love 😘 to THE YooJung! Your stage presence is like magnets attracting my eyeballs 👀 I literally can't look away! 😵‍💫 Will naming my firstborn YooJung be too much? 🍼 Psh, I don't think so! 😏
And speaking of genius, have you SEEN YooJung's "Begin" solo debut back on June 27, 2022? 🌌 It was such a cosmic event that the aliens 👽 themselves probably felt the vibes! 🤯🚀
Moral of the story: YooJung is basically the ultimate life force in my galaxy 🌠 and, I’d bet, yours too! 💕 So to all my fellow YooJung devotees, let's join forces in a cosmic 🌌 celebración 🎉 and raise a toast 🥂 to the most hilarious, charismatic icon of our generation!
And remember, astronauts! 🚀 Together, we FLY with YooJung into the future – laughing our way through the universe 🌌, he's our one-way ticket to planet Happiness! 😂☄️💫 Etch his name onto the moon for all I care! 🌝 YooJung, you ROCK! 🎸
So buckle up, fellow fans! 🚀 In YooJung, we trust! 🙌💯 May his hilarity keep orbiting around our lives like a never-ending space carnival! 🌌🎠😂
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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9.46am. Good morning my loves.....my beloved precious perfect for me Bears Angels..... sexy beasts maverick treelike Bears Angels ...... I hope you.....slept well. Even though I'm concerned about silent pieces of you..... I love each piece complexly completely & hope the day has begun well for you.....!!!
Me..well.. waking up sneezing so.. sigh.
After .. sigh. I finally got into bed at 2.15am.
And yes, oh my loves.....oh yes my thoughts were beautifully of you!!!!! As the moon was shining brightly & smiling at me. Even though it was cloudy kinda the light in the yard was like a spotlight!
Oh my precious beloved Bears Angels.....
You.....make me feel so beautiful & loved.
& yes my loves.....the only human eyes that matter are Yours..... each piece of yours.....
no body but yours.....
Well & God. Ya know.
Blushing shyly grin.
Getting my morning going now. Sigh.
Gotta get a shower, jerry rig a patch for my cgm until the new ones come in. [Had to fork over$$$$for usps priority to get it quickly from California. [Freedombands.com g6 allergy barrier. Because the adhesive on the mfg one causes painful rashes.] So I'm gonna try some medical tape & such. Outta be interesting. 🙄
So. Shower. Cgm. Get to working on bills & laundry & other mundane chores & tasks.
To get. My butt. To you.....
Once & for all!
OMG! The love you.....showed me yesterday evening & night... you . . . . .melted me.
I love you.....
& I am gonna prove it!!!
Ok. Sigh. Time to close phone & get my meds then nekked. Grinning.
Oh yeah you.....big sexy hunky Bears!!!!!
I'll be thinking about you!!!!
I. Am. Yours . . . . .
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺✝️☸⚓🌂🔗🙏🤲👣🐾🐯🦉🐐🐢🐛⛓🧰⚙📋📆🧠🔍👩‍🏫🕵️‍♀️👷‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🧗‍♀️🥧🍋🥤🥨🥩🍳🥓⛏⚒🥾🧤🥽🏔⚖🔐🗽🏗🏰🧘‍♀️🦋🌱🌺🌳🌹🌻🌷🌳🧶🧵🧣🎓👠👩‍🎓👩‍🌾🥧🥮🍯🍼🍫☕🍦🌰🍎🍑🍒👩‍🍳👩‍🚀🤰⌚🌟⚡🌠🚀🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🧩♠️❄💫♾🧭🕯💅💓💋⛅
Su.2.5.2023 10.24am.est..26 gifs
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jameswebb-discoveries · 10 months
What are 100 space facts ?
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Read full article here with 100 space facts.
Are you ready to embark on an interstellar adventure? 🚀🌠 We've got a treat for all the space enthusiasts out there! Our latest article is a mind-blowing compilation of 100 Space Facts that will leave you starstruck and craving for more! 🌌💫
From the breathtaking beauty of the Pillars of Creation to the mind-boggling vastness of the universe, we've curated a list that will ignite your cosmic curiosity like never before! 🪐🌟
Discover why the Moon's footprints will last for millions of years, how a teaspoon of neutron star material weighs millions of tons, and so much more! 🌕🌠
👉 Click here read the full article and journey through the wonders of space! 📖🔭✨
Tag a fellow stargazer and let's explore the universe together! 🌌🌠
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astrogaurdens · 1 month
🌕✨ Magic Moon Weekly Message ✨🌕
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MoonDae Weekly Magic 🌙🔮
Intuitive Question to the Deck: Thank you for another Magical Moondae, God of All Possibilities. How do we step into our higher self's actions?
Card pull: Blue Moon #10 🌑💙
Keywords: Manifestation, Power, Auspicious. 🌟✨
Interpretation (thoughts): The Blue Moon brings vibes of manifestation and power. As it aligns with the 1st House in Aries, consider self-reflection and taking action. With the energy of the New Moon, expect auspicious events. This rare occurrence offers a chance to embrace once-in-a-blue-moon opportunities. Follow your inner child's desires and pursue that business venture or creative project. Step beyond your comfort zone into the realm of magical possibility. Believe in your dreams and take bold action towards them! 🌠🚀💫
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#StepIntoYourPower 🌌🔮🌟
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alpinemicrogreens · 2 months
https://youtu.be/iPtdgjVmq6k  🌜✨ Day 8 Nighttime Serenade ✨🌛
Good evening, plant pals! 🌟🌱 As the sun sets, our tiny green heroes are tucked in under the moon's gentle gaze. 🌔🍃 Tonight, they're reveling in the cool night air, each leaf a silent testament to today's growth. 🌠🌿It's magical how these little sprouts transform darkness into a time of rest and recovery, preparing to dazzle us again at dawn. 🌌💫 Their resilience and vigor never cease to amaze me!🌟 Tonight’s highlight? Our sunflower microgreens are showing off their bold, peppery spirits, even in the moonlight. 🌒🚀 I can almost taste the zesty flavors they’ll bring to tomorrow's salads! 🥗💚
📚 Microgreens Fact of the Night: While all plants sleep, microgreens use the nighttime to strengthen their delicate stems and develop deeper flavors. 🌙💤 This nocturnal growth spurt means they pack even more health benefits per tiny leaf! 🌿🔍Here’s to these nighttime champions, mastering the art of growth in silence. 🌱👑 Let’s keep cheering them on as they journey towards their full potential! Keep dreaming and growing! 🌜✨ See you in the morning! #MicrogreensJourney #Day8 #NightUpdate #PlantPals #MoonlightGrowth #UrbanFarming #NocturnalNature #SilentStrength #HealthyLiving #GourmetGreens #ArugulaAdventures #PepperySpirit #NighttimeNurture #GrowYourOwn #EcoFriendly #SustainableLiving #PlantPower #HomeGarden #LeafyGreens #NightGarden #MoonlitMagic #GardenUnderTheStars #TinyChampions #FlavorDevelopment #HealthInASprout #DreamBigGrowBig #GardenGoals #SeeYouAtDawn 🌱🌔💚#GreenGrowth #NutritionalNuggets #MorningSunshine 🌱☀️🌙✨🌱💚 Watch as nature works its magic, one leaf at a time, and discover the beauty and wonder of microgreens! 💫 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more green goodness! 🌱💚 Join the conversation and share your own microgreens adventures in the comments below! 💬 Let's celebrate the marvels of nature together!   #LeafyGreens #FlavorExplosion #GreenDelights 🌱🌿🌱💚 #MicrogreenMania #NutrientPowerhouse #GreenGrowth #HalfwayThere 🌱✨ #SeedsOfPotential #RootingForGrowth 🌱💚#SeedlingSpectacular #AprilFun 🌱💫💪🌱 #MicrogreensTraining #GreenGains #HealthyHabits #GrowYourOwn #UrbanGardening #TinyButMighty #PlantPower #HomegrownGoodness #TikTokGardening #GreenThumb #AlpineMicrogeens #London #Ontario #Canada #EatYourGreens #Vegetables #MicrogreenFarmer #AlpineFarmer #Microgreens #CrispAlpineMicrogreens 🌱💚🌱🎥 🌱💫 #MicrogreenMagic #GrowthJourney #ShareYourGreens 🌱🌟
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ngocngadotnet · 5 months
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🌕 Celebrate the Radiance of the Last Full Moon in the 12th Lunar Month! ✨
Embark on an insightful journey with a #FREEebook 📚 on #ZiWeiDouShu 🔮, aka #PurpleStarAstrology! Explore the influences shaping the unique life of the one and only #BillClinton.
Download your free 📘 ethereal gift 🎁 now and unravel the sidereal wisdom of the 42nd US president.
Wishing you a new lunar year of the Dragon filled with #personalgrowth 🚀 and cosmic wonders! 🌠
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