#❝ the greatest people you will ever meet ❞ [ promo ]
djparticle · 2 years
Could "Pearlina" Be Canon?
I'm not just being facetious here. When you add up the evidence, it does support it. First concert performance of "Into The Light": They share a tiny blink-and-you-miss-it kiss. (it was removed from later concerts) You can even see Marina pucker up in anticipation.
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Chaos vs. Order post-banter (EN): Pearl (to Marina): "You know I love you!" Octotune liner notes, interview w/Pearl: Q: What do you consider the greatest gift you ever received? A: The chance to meet Marina! Kid vs. Grown-Up promo art: Pearl and Marina share a look between each other that seems a bit more than platonic. Conclusion of Octo Expansion: Marina, overjoyed at having saved the world, *tackleglomps* and *nuzzles* Pearl in excitement.
Hero vs. Villain post-banter (JP): Pearl: "As long as I can see Marina smile, I know my year will be a good one!" And of course, the most compelling evidence of all: When people were shipping Flick & CJ in ACNH, Nintendo released a press release saying that they were very much NOT in a romantic relatinship. When people thought it may be possible that Shiver is non-binary, Nintendo of America issued a statement saying that she is female (and JP text in the game later confirmed it). However, people have been shipping Pearl and Marina for years, almost since Splatoon 2 was released. It's a ship that sails far and wide, not some fringe ship. There's NO WAY Nintendo can't know about it... ...yet, Nintendo has yet to issue a statement debunking this ship. Personally, I think that says it all.
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Photograph - Bucks/O'Reilly x Emery
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Part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
Summary: An old photo album is found, containing memories of Emery's early years in wrestling, reminding her of how far she's come and how lucky she is to have the people she cares about in her life.
Word Count: 2,266
Tag List: @katries @summertimefun1982 @blxxckheart @mrsmatt
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Emery laughed as she sat on the couch between Matt and Nick, a photo album open on her lap. The brothers had invited her to California for a short stay, letting her board up in a spare room to avoid paying for a hotel. There was a meet and greet the next day, and they planned on filming some for BTE while she was there.
Dana had mentioned finding an old photo album with their family ones, and upon opening it, they found pictures from 2013 to 2016. All the photos were centered around Emery and the Bucks, but some included pictures of her with Kyle, Adam, Hangman, Kenny, and numerous New Japan wrestlers.
“I was so baby face back then—” Emery groaned, laughing as they flipped a page and saw a picture of the Bucks, Kenny, and her wearing character onesies, making goofy faces to the camera.
“Sure were—I remember when you first met us—”
“Rather, ran into us,” Matt interjected as Nick rolled his eyes, correcting his brother.
“Ran into ME, more like it. But you were so embarrassed. You could barely even speak to us.”
“It seems like so long ago,” Emery laughed at the memory. Her teen years hadn’t been the greatest—and if you had asked her fifteen-year-old self where she saw herself at twenty-eight, you’d have gotten one answer.
Instead, she had traveled the world, stayed in Japan for a few years, become a professional wrestler, been adopted into several families, and made some of the best friends she could have ever wished for. If you ever asked her what her favorite point of her life was, without a doubt, she would say November 2013 to April 2014.
The short six-month span of her life, just after being signed to her first Wrestling company, when she met the boys that would become like brothers to her and would change her life forever.
Three months.
Emery had officially been a professional wrestler for three short months. Somehow, she had gotten extremely lucky, and after auditioning, Ring of Honor had extended a contract to her. All the hard work she had put in for the past four years since that fateful conversation with WWE Superstar Kofi Kingston paid off.
She had come a long way since 2009, when she was only sixteen. Therapy, building healthier eating habits, and adapting to a physical regimen. In four years, Emery had surprised all of her doctors and critics, putting on an astonishing fifty-three pounds, a good portion of it was muscle. She was healthier and happier – but now, Emery faced a new problem.
She was the new kid on the block. The unknown. All of the people around her seemed to know one another, having been in the same independent circle for years. They had friends and people they hung out with—even people they hated and wanted nothing to do with. All the while, she was alone.
The first month and a half after being signed, Emery had shown up to the building, wrestled her match or completed her promo, and left. She didn’t hang around backstage before or after, quickly getting her gear put on, doing her match, changing, and leaving. It was easier for her. In her mind, all she could think of were all the people at school that mocked her for her weight and appearance during that dark period of her life. Then, the whispers would start plaguing her head.
Thoughts of not being good enough, not being pretty enough, that nobody liked her, nobody wanted her around, that she would inevitably fail—the list went on and on.
Then, one day it all stopped. All because of one person.
Emery had just finished a match—and the fans seemed to be getting behind her baby-face naivety. Unfortunately, she lost this time, but her opponent had been Maria Kanellis. She obviously had the experience behind her and a bit more ferocity than she showed in her WWE days, so in comparison to new-blood Emery, the win would obviously go to her.
As she walked down one of the hallways in the back, shaking some feeling back into her arm from one of Maria’s armbars, Emery passed by numerous faces but paid no attention to any of them. Her plan was to change into street clothes as quickly as possible, get out of there back to her motel, and relax with a nice hot bath.
“Hey, wait up.”
She kept walking, not even stopping to consider that the guy was talking to her.
“Hey, hold up.” This time, he gently cupped his hand around her arm, grabbing her attention. Emery spun around to face whoever it was, her eyes widening when she stared into the eyes of Kyle O’Reilly.
He was one of Ring of Honor’s golden boys, having been around the circuit for about four years, at the very least. Kyle gave her a small smile as she stood there frozen to the spot, wondering what he could possibly want with her.
“Bobby and I saw your match,” Kyle told her, pointing over his shoulder at Bobby Fish, who stood about ten feet back, leaning against the wall; the older guy gave her a smirk, tipping his head politely as Kyle continued, “You done pretty good out there.”
“T-thanks…?” Emery hesitated, unable to tear her eyes away from him. Was this actually happening? Was Kyle O’Reilly actually talking to her right now? She must be dreaming.
“Your arm okay? Maria really snapped it back with one of those armbars,” Kyle inquired, looking down at the arm she was holding against her body.
“Hmm? Oh, uh… y-yeah. Good—I’m good. Fine. I—” Mentally kicking herself found sounding so stupid, Emery felt her face getting red in embarrassment and quickly turned to walk away. However, Kyle reached out and gently grabbed her shoulder, stopping her.
“Hey, woah, woah. It’s okay,” he softly said, slowly turning her back around, offering a comforting smile, “You’re new—it’s all right. Trust me, we’ve all been there before. When you don’t know anyone and don’t quite know where you fit into the puzzle. Don’t be embarrassed, okay?”
She gave him a soft nod, letting him know she heard, before he continued, “There we go. Anyway, I wanted to make you an offer. You’ve got a lot of potential; you just need to fine-tune it. I can help train you- if you’d like?”
Her eyes widened as she looked up from the floor, staring at him as her mouth gaped slightly, “R-really?”
“Hah, yeah,” Kyle nodded, smiling at her, “Like I said, the potential is there. Just need someone to help you hone it and improve upon it. I’d love to be able to help you.”
“I…. I don’t know what to say….” Emery whispered.
“Don’t worry about it,” Kyle waved it off, “Just remember me one day when you’re champion.” He sent her a wink, causing a small giggle to escape her. Maybe hanging out backstage wasn’t so bad.
Three months had passed since Kyle had extended his offer to help train her—and the effect was highly visible to anyone who had watched her matches. Emery was striking harder, moving quicker, and even pulling out some technical moves to take down her opponents.
Her in-ring behavior wasn’t the only difference, either. People started noticing her hanging around backstage a lot more—always accompanied by Kyle and, on occasion, Bobby Fish. A few times, she had even joined them at ringside for their matches, cheering them on.
Others backstage would try talking to her, but she’d shut down, still too shy and uncertain to talk to too many others. It had become a normal thing, though, and most people would just give her a wave or a smile when they saw her.
The Young Bucks were in from Japan for a surprise appearance, standing around backstage as they talked to their friend, Adam Cole. Nick was the first to notice her, his eyes locking on and not looking away for a few moments. When Matt and Adam caught him staring, his brother elbowed him with a laugh, but Nick discreetly pointed over in her direction, getting both of them to look that way.
Across the large, open room, Emery and Kyle were warming up for a mixed-gender tag match, horseplaying around while they did so. Even at a distance, the Bucks and Adam could see the huge smile on Emery’s face, her laughter echoing through the room as Kyle dodged her, wrapped his arms around her, and began to tickle her sides.
“Who is she, again?” Nick asked Adam as they continued watching, small smiles on their faces.
“Emery,” Adam told him, “She’s been around for, what, five months. Roughly. Started hanging out with Kyle about three months ago—he’s been helping with her training. You can see it, too, in her matches. She already had talent, but—the difference is night and day.”
“What do we know about her?” Matt questioned, attempting to hide a laugh as Emery launched herself at Kyle, wrapping her arms and legs around him from behind.
“Not much,” Adam frowned, “Aside from O’Reilly, she doesn’t really talk to anyone. Hell, she barely even talks to Fish.”
“Hmm…” Nick nods, watching as the two disappear out of the room. Their match was up next—and the Bucks moved to find a monitor to watch.
“You guys seem interested by her,” Adam noted as he followed his friends, “Thinking of recruiting her for Bullet Club or something?”
“Or something,” Matt smirked, eyes turning to the TV.
Fifteen minutes later, the bell rang, signaling the end of the match. The Bucks and Adam watched as the ref held up Kyle and Emery’s hands before they started showboating to the crowd, getting them riled up some more.
Nick and Matt had to admit the girl was definitely talented… but she could still use practice. Some guidance.
“We’ll catch ya around,” Matt said as he and Nick left Adam, exiting the room and walking down the hallway.
“She’s got huge potential,” Nick told his brother as they walked; Matt nodded in agreement, replying to him as they rounded a corner.
“Not quite yet ready for Bullet Club, but maybe one day…”
“Yeah—” Nick nodded before seeing Kyle and Emery walking towards them in the hall. Emery was walking backward, a small skip in her step, as Kyle playfully rolled his eyes at something she said to him. The Bucks stopped in their place, and before Kyle could warn her, Emery ran straight into Nick. Spinning around quickly, her wide brown eyes looked at the brothers.
“I—I’m so sorry—I—”
“She’s a bit excited after our match, sorry guys,” Kyle told them, placing a hand around her shoulders to comfort her. He knew that she’d be embarrassed about this for a while, but he wanted her to know it was okay.
Matt and Nick just smiled at the two of them, their eyes locking onto Emery as Matt shrugged it off.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. No harm done.”
“Yeah—we’ve taken bigger hits. We’ll be fine,” Nick joked. While she seemed to loosen up a bit, the brothers noticed she was still rigid and uncertain.
“We watched the match—good job out there.”
“Yeah. Looks like O’Reilly’s teaching you some decent things.”
“Decent?” Kyle questioned, playfully rearing back as though he was offended.
“Kyle’s been a tremendous help, I wouldn’t be as good as I am without him, definitely, he’s shown me so much in the past few months and I—” Emery rambled off quickly before Kyle nudged her gently.
“Hey, slow your roll, breath Ree.”
Emery clamped her mouth shut in embarrassment, her cheeks tinging pink as she avoided looking the Bucks in the eyes.
“You’ll get used to everything soon enough, kid,” Nick told her, a warm smile on his face. She shyly looked up, meeting his gaze, before a small smile lifted her lips.
“Everyone’s been the new kid on the block at one point in their career, don’t worry too much,” Matt added, “We uh, we don’t want to encroach on any student-teacher thing you guys got, but—if you want more help, we’re more than happy to have some training sessions with you when Nick and I are in the area.”
“Yeah. Learning the different styles of everyone will help you in the long run. You can find what works best for you, mix and match as you see fit—could even create your own style as you go,” Nick explained, “O’Reilly’s doing pretty good with the technical wrestling side. Matt and I could help you with arial.”
“Adam could help too—he’s got the more… oh, how would you describe it?” Matt asked Kyle.
“Hah, spoken like a true teammate that’s been betrayed once or twice,” Nick chuckled, “Adam’s definitely got that edge to his wrestling. A toughness to it.”
“Yeah,” Matt nodded, “If you’re interested, though, we’d love to be able to help.”
Emery looked to her right side at Kyle, unsure what to say. He shrugged, pursing his lips as he nodded.
“It’s your choice Ree; I’ll continue helping you regardless. If you want their help too, I say go for it.”
“Right… I uh…” Emery nodded, looking back at the Bucks, her eyes hopeful, “T-Thanks. I’d… I’d really appreciate it.”
Little did any of them realize how close they’d soon become and how that small interaction would shape their lives in the years to come.
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butterflieshurt-ia · 4 years
hey please follow these really amazing and cool and talented people thanks
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
May 2021 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
It’s a cray cray Friday when Vietnam gets its eng subs up before GMMTV Thailand. What alter-reality are we in? Well, the Vietnamese offerings are better right now anyway. (Oooo, feel that burn.) 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Top Secret Together Ep 2 - pulping it up in the best possible way. Sure sound and production values are pants, and in classic Thai fashion the editing in post is exacerbating (rather than fixing) pacing issues, but it’s still CUTE AF. I don’t even mind the added university storyline, because they’ve got good chemistry (and a confident gay fresher after a panicked gay hazer is an old favorite... what can I say, SOTUS was my first love). We aren’t spending too much time with any one couple, so it’s weighted a lot better than Brothers was, but also character development is slow. 
Siew Sum Noi Ep 2 - Unfortunately, it’s just too hard to find, plus no subs. I’m dropping it in the hopes it comes back on my radar some day. 
Y-Destiny Ep 8 - (Thurs) It’s rough having a ghost boyfriend, half your friends are scared, the other half think you’re crazy, and kissing shortens your lifespan. This was a cute couple even if I wasn’t wild about the surrounding story. 
Close Friend Ep 5: (Dear My Star/JimmyTommy) - about high school penpals. It had to rely entirely on voice over work as the actors only meet face to face at the end. It’s a good thing they are appealing screen presences on their own, with good vocal control. It’s hard to imagine any other BL pair carrying this kinda plot. It’s by far my favorite of the series so far, and I’m not even a big JimmyTommy fan. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 7 - no subs. Do we care? Not really. Because we have... 
Nitiman Ep 3 - currently my favorite out of Thailand. It’s the university Thai BL i’ve been waiting for since... when was the last good one? My Engineer? Yowza. Anyway we got: head on my shoulder, baby is a floppy drunk (but still wants to be in control), proximity alert, boyfriend’s closet, seme gets seriously jelly, and a cute twist on feeding him. There’s something fun and complex about Jin’s character. He’s not a panicked bi. He knows exactly what’s going on, he just hasn’t decided if he wants Bb or not. He clearly enjoys being looked after, the compliments, and the attention, but he’s not sure if he’s going to like what happens if he gives in. I like that twist on the usual tsundere uke archetype a lot, cautious rather than willfully obtuse or freaked out. We can see Jin realizing in stages: I like this person, I like that they like me, I like the romantic attentiveness. But in the background is... do I actually want to f*k him? It’s a dynamic we don’t often see on BL. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 10 fin - the most ridiculous show using BLs worst tropes in a sort of weird smoothie of bitter greens and too ripe banana. The ending was the sappiest cheesiest thing ever, like cheese syrup tapped from the cheese tree. So of course I loved it, but I’m pretty sure I giggled through all the bits meant to be profound. Because, in the end, to tolerate this show at all, you just can’t take ANY of it seriously. RECOMMENDED (with some SERIOUS reservations and trigger warnings.) Full review here. 
Be Loved in House: I Do (Taiwan) Ep 1-2 - I don’t mind a damaged seme character but this one is a bit weird for me. Like creepy Cheese in the Trap level weird. On the bright side, the story has given our tsundere uke good motivation for his angst and great existing friendships, loyalty, and likability. Plus I’m invested in the cafe owner/innocent puppy side dishes. So if it’s only the seme character I’m not jiving with, and he’s the most established actor, it should all turn out fine. I believe in you, Taiwanese BL. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 6 fin - speaking of belief. This such a good show but they gave us a cliffhanger ending. Now we must hope against hope for season two. That’s never guaranteed with Taiwan tho. So, I’m docking a few points and saying, RECOMMENDED so long as you realize it’s a cliffhanger. 
Love is Science? (Taiwan) Ep 1-9 (BL subplot) - this is a good het romance, but the fact that the BL subplot is a beautifully acted disaster bi + confident gay means you’re hearing about it whether you want to or not. Plus they just added in some GL! Come on! I gotta support Taiwan normalizing queer to this extent. They are fighting the good fight and if I also have to watch a career lady and her much younger softest straight boi get it on, too? Twist my arm with that service sub subtext. Go on Taiwan, TWIST IT. It’s on Viki. Join the revolution.   * Incidentally if you actually like the D/s het dynamic of this show, I highly recommend Japanese Kimi wa Petto - career woman keeps a hot young dancer boy as a pet. Oh yes, an actual pet, that IS the pitch. Never doubt Japan when kink is on the line. It’s also on Viki. Go get your kink on, thank me later. (If it helps: That was not a request.)  
Most Peaceful Place 2 (Vietnam) Ep 2 (AKA 5) - love triangles aren’t my thing, but if you’re gonna do it short form, by all means bring in the lead’s other BL pairing so the chemistry is on point. Now I've no idea who I want him to end up with. Can’t they just be in a poly triad? 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 7 - I’m still enjoying it a lot. It’s still unabashedly queer and the tension is ramping up. We now have secret identity, blackmail, femme fatale, faen fatale, and incoming seme confrontation. Best of all, the series is still airing, which makes it longer than any other Vietnamese BL I’ve seen (aside from Tein Bromance - which is just too weird to count). 
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Gossip - Thai BL 
No one is entirely sure what Studio Wabi Sabi’s Seven Project/7Project will entail. 
It might be like Close Friend (1 episode per couple, no linking), 
or Y-Destiny (2 episodes per couple, loosely linked), 
or The En of Love (4 episodes per couple, linked but independent consecutive stories). 
They’re giving the couple’s arcs separate titles. So each one would be what? Seven Project: Once Upon a Time or the like? We’re in Taiwanese title territory people and NO ONE WANTS TO GO THERE. Anygay... 
Once Upon a Time is the BounPrem (og UWMA) anchor story, and seems to be the most dramatic and likely saddest. These two can handle most of what’s thrown at them at this juncture, so it should be good. 
Vs Love is a BoomPeak (og Make it Right) university vehicle. Since I thought Boom was done with our nonsense, I couldn’t be more thrilled and surprised this pair is doing another show together. I don’t think either of them are the greatest actors but I find Peak very endearing and Boom charismatic on screen, so I’ll watch. 
Would You be My Love is the hotly anticipated SantaEarth launch. They’re a (cultivated) IRL ship and Earth is an established BL actor. They have great chemistry and high energy so this could be lots of fun. 
We are also getting a GL from this series from established BL actresses Samantha and Pineare. Nothing teased yet on that, but I’m looking forward to this installment the most. Also curious to see how the ladies handle the branding and promo side, not to mention the culture. (Thailand variety shows gonna force *girls* to play the Pepero game?) 
Secret Crush on You upcoming Thai BL with no release date, co-produced by and featuring (but NOT staring) Saint and directed by Cheewin (sigh) with all fresh faces. (Previously known as Stalker the series.) It looks like pure pulp and I’m not wild about the plot but could be better than expected as it’s adapted from a novel. Cheewin is an okay director when he has an actual story to follow. 
Don’t Say No the series. Coming from the producers of TharnType this is the JaFirst vehicle many have been waiting for. Friends to lovers + a good boy/bad boy pairing on a sports romance foundation. It’s basketball so they tapped Meen as well (he’s semi-pro). The bad news? You get one guess as to who is writing the darn thing? Yep it’s MAME. So, ya know, expect some slam dunk kidnapping, a light dribbling of rape, and me turning into a basketcase. AKA... 
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Will I have to live blog this series in order to survive it? That seems to be the only way I can. So probably. Which means the bad sports puns will continue. Look, if I’m suffering, SO ARE YOU! 
Rumors of a new YinWar vehicle The Best Story (mini series) coming in July. Also rumors that their previously announced Love Mechanics (full length series) has either been delayed, is facing money issues, or is moving studios, or all three. 
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Breaking News 
DELAYED (I’m talking these three off the watch list until we get new airing dates) 
Love Area’s release was pushed out but it got a trailer. 
Golden Blood was supposed to drop Weds but comments in MDL report that it is delayed due to C19.  
Love’s Outlet (Taiwan) is supposed to have started a 50 episode run (only 3-5 min each, what utter nonsense). Sadly, this delay is due to a surge in cases in Taiwan which was doing so well, but also doesn’t have many inoculations. 
Bad Buddy has started workshopping at GMMTV actual. 
Kang Insoo’s BTS for Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding is SO FLIPPING CUTE. You have to watch it. Trust me, I don’t rec behind the scenes stuff often. 
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Next Week Looks Like This: 
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
part 4 feels like an attempt to cater both the dudebros and the girlies and it fell short on both sides. As soon as he got out of the bacta a minute in I’m like, okay I can relax now (because there’s not going to be flashbacks).
I like Obi-wan is dressing, and fighting more like a Jedi now. But I have a feeling that’s not going to be enough for dudebros looking for The General, despite how cool that lights out scene is.
In general I am just not really into its look with the prop lightsabers being actual glowsticks now. They are thicker and not pointy-ended, most importantly you can’t hit as hard as you could like with steel. The slashes feel raw - and practical, but you can see some of his showiness (and confidence) returning with the twirls. They might not be the greatest fight you’ve ever seen, but they are fitting for where Obi-wan is now, and I do appreciate that.
I become nervous again when they take Leia to to the torture room and when Obi-wan discovers the Jedi tomb. But my logic was long gone before he even got into the base.
Still indifferent towards Reva but I’m more accepting with the revelation she really is a madwoman. I salute that she is very committed to her ruthlessness, despite it takes 2/3 of the series to be revealed. Her acting is not as bad as people say for sure, it’s just the script doesn’t require her to do much but an angry or impassive face? I’ll continue to say the script is against Moses’ flavour assigning her a hot-headed debut. This trope for new characters is a guarantee eyebrow-raise for most, particularly in this impatient fandom. It’s also kind of annoying that promo materials and even the blocking of the first episode props her up to ‘main character’ status that you know she can’t die even if Vader threatens her. It circles back to Star Wars being a ‘destined’ story. How do you make the process interesting if everyone alreday know how it’s going to end? The Inquitsitor infighting made me curious last time, if only they would develop #4 and #5 more to make it seem like a fair game. The other thing is assigning Reva a lower number would clear up her motivation to move up instantly? Or they could’ve all been fighting to fill Trilla’s role and leave the Grand Inquisitor unshakable? And with both of them out of the picture, if Reva being #3 is not next in line, then what’s the point of the number system? Do you even have a chain of command?
And Vader’s decision to let Reva live. I don’t have a problem with it save for his line, ‘I underestimated you’. Would’ve been better if he just say ‘You earned another day’ instead of, you know, turning a 180 as if it was some genius move to plant a tracker. It was a fatal mistake just two seconds ago, and by no means is Reva’s words a guaratee they will re-capture Kenobi. Even if you factor in Vader could tell she’s not lying, it rather underplays Vader’s threat to have him sounds like he respects a subordinate or admitted that he was wrong.
Every episode I judge it by ‘Does it have enough Obi-wan (vs. other characters /media)?’ So far it’s quite well-proportioned. There isn’t much thought process or reflection shown on Ewan tonight, so I suppose we are supposed to fill that in with how much meeting Vader (and perhaps meeting the Path) last time changed/reaffrimed him? It feels like, something really important happened and thaey brush it aside. But maybe it’s just episode 4 being the middle episode and they will cover it on the journey home next week. 
I predicted ‘finding Leia’ would be the big plot for the series. Can’t say I’m not a little concerned when I thought that might stray towards action-oriented and too large-scale. So far their interactions paid off, but you do wonder if a lower-stake villain could give these two, who we really came to watch a show for, even more focus. If you’re working on a Mando S1 rehash, might make it a cameo-filled road trip not unlike TBB S1 I suppose. (When they say Florrum I’m begging for Hondo Ohnaka cameo)
I would say ep 4 pales in comparision with the three that came before. It also borderline doesn’t have a cameo. There’s no correlation between the two. But I was suddenly begging for one, either a Hondo mention or since last time in the safehouse, an Ashla. I don’t know. I obtained enjoyment from the show, I am not unwilling to forgo logic to do that. It is enough pleasing to the eye. Honestly don’t care about any comments besides for Obi-wan, Anakin and Leia.
In the end, I hope we get more Hayden out of it. Feels like the chess pieces are pretty much set now and I don’t know how much more ‘surprises’ we can get with the two episodes left. The Grand Inquisitor will come back, Reva will die either because of him or Vader, Bail and Leia reunited and Ben looks over Luke forlornly as twin suns rise, fanfare. I was really hoping it to surpass by next to none expectation even though it was a long shot, by so far it has been... a ‘Pass’ show, like a B/B+, at best. so I don’t dislike it, but definitely not what I expect it to be.
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neocatharsis · 3 years
NCT Dream Is All Grown Up and Ready to Show What They Can Do
On a warm, late summer evening of 2016 in Seoul, South Korea, seven boys hoverboarded right into the most defining experience of their youth. Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung, then aged 17 to 14 years old, were making their debut as NCT Dream — a subunit focused on the youngest forces of SM Entertainment’s mega-group NCT. Their first title track, “Chewing Gum,” was as bubbly as its name, with choreography that required nimble maneuvers on the two-wheeled vehicle.
Fast forward nearly five years, and the Dreamies — as they are commonly known — are ready to cross another major threshold in their lives. Their highly-anticipated, 1.7 million-seller first studio album, Hot Sauce, is out today (May 10).
A few days before that, the members huddled together for a conversation with Teen Vogue via Zoom. Clad in black hoodies, face masks, and a few bucket hats, the initial impression is a striking contrast to the vivid atmosphere of their bright, cartoonish teasers for this promo cycle. Rather, this is NCT Dream in the blue hour, right at that moment of transition between the haze of preparations and the awakened reality of their most prominent comeback so far.
“We haven’t even started the actual promotions yet, but just from receiving this much love and support from our fans, we feel very touched, very, very inspired and supported,” says leader and eldest member Mark. Today, he’s wearing a pair of round glasses that complement his laidback, chill nature, while his expressive hands ruffle through his ocean blue hair, settling across his chest in an embrace. “We’re just focusing on how we can return the love that we received from them through our music.”
To say NCT Dream have grown — in all competencies — is not only obvious, but a meager understatement. Through their four EPs, the hoverboards became cardboard cars, then bikes, then motorcycles. Voices deepened, limbs grew longer, jawlines became sharper. And with all that, a number of accolades and records followed. Hot Sauce is currently the best-selling album among all releases from SM Entertainment. And out of all four current NCT units, the Dreamies were the first to receive a music show win, for 2017’s single “My First and Last,” and the first no. 1 on Korea’s largest music chart, Melon, with 2020’s “Ridin.” They received numerous prizes in Korean award shows, collaborated with English singer HRVY, released a single with American boy band Prettymuch, and also became global ambassadors of the World Scout Foundation in 2019 (an experience that culminated in viral mosh pits during the 24th World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia).
“When we debuted as teens, a lot of our music was very bright and cheerful, and that went with our age,” says the lavender-haired Jisung, who is the youngest of the group at 19. Although they are still the same endearing rascals off stage — the most chaotic footvolley game ever comes to mind — they have now “transitioned through all these phases, and with each of them we were able to show a higher level of maturity,” he adds.
In that way, Hot Sauce is their most seasoned effort yet. “We wanted to show NCT Dream’s charms through this ‘hot sauce’ vibe,” says the suave Jaemin, whose attentive eyes remain locked on the screen for most of the interview. “We have a showcase coming up where we plan to show a lot of our b-side tracks for the fans, so we’re very excited for that.” According to Haechan, the resident ray-of-sunshine of the group and owner of one of the most unique vocal colors of K-pop, they prepared a long time for this moment, and want to “show off that spicy side.”
Show off might be the best word choice indeed, as NCT Dream has dabbled with fire plenty of times before in their discography. Think of the rubbery, sticky synths of 2018’s “Drippin’” and its lyrics about a soaking wet love, or the dangerous atmosphere in 2019’s “119,” where they call themselves “twisted” and say “I like it like that.” In Hot Sauce, what was once un condimento is now a full course meal.
The album stimulates the eyes through the psychedelic TV ad-meets-taquería of the “Hot Sauce” music video, the nostalgic ‘90s photography of the teasers, the zany illustrations of the album packaging. For the ears, a 10-track collection of scorching pop with Latin and Afrobeat-inspired sounds (“Hot Sauce,” “Rocket”) and trap and hip hop — “Diggity”, “Countdown (3, 2, 1)”, “ANL” — but also soothing balms like the soft rock of “Dive Into You” and the crystalline vocals of “Rainbow,” a track co-written by Mark, Jeno, Jaemin, and Jisung, where they express “words we want to tell our fans,” according to Shanghai-born star Chenle.
That is because the Dreamies have a special reverence for Dreamzens, their fans. If it wasn’t for their support, the group’s fate could look much different now. Although it might seem counterintuitive in hindsight, the original concept for NCT Dream was to be a rotational unit. Members would “graduate” once they reached 20 years old in Korea (19 internationally), and younger, fresher faces would be added to the ensemble. It can be said that NCT Dream embodied the core concept of NCT as a whole: they held the promise of youth, its shifting nature, and the willingness to dream. But to come of age on screen and experience such foundational moments of life together begets a lingering bond — a transformation that can’t be nullified so easily.
In December 2018, Mark was the first to leave — and the last.
Dreamzens knew how special the original lineup (dubbed 7DREAM until today) was, and stood by his return and the establishment of a fixed unit. In 2020, they rejoiced as SM Entertainment finally decided to scrap the graduation concept altogether and announce Mark’s return. Hot Sauce is their first comeback since this news. “When I heard that I was coming back, I realized how big of an opportunity this could be,” says Mark. “And not only that, but to be able to be part of our first full-length album, I felt like I was lucking [out]. It all comes with the timing and everything, so, from all angles, I felt like the world helped out on this, and that our fans helped out a lot too.”
The members are thankful for his return, too. “I like the members the most!” exclaims Chenle when asked about his favorite part of the comeback. At one point in the conversation, Haechan grabs Mark’s hand and dramatically declares, in English: “Mark, you are very special. NCT Dream means Mark.” He looks at the screen to make sure this moment is being registered. Flustered, Mark quickly pulls away and laughs it off as Jisung chimes in. “All the members have their own uniqueness, their own specialties, that’s the charm of NCT Dream.”
Soft-spoken Renjun, whose half-platinum, half-black locks are hidden underneath a beige cap, explains that he and his bandmates didn’t think much about the impending graduation when they debuted. “Especially because it was the [original] system for NCT groups, we just accepted that fact,” Renjun says. “But now that NCT Dream is fixed, there’s a lot of enthusiasm to come up with new concepts and ideas, and we’re very excited to show them.”
Jeno, whose sweet-eyed smile contrasts with his commanding rap and dance skills, says that they went through a lot of lessons and experiences since debut, but that the greatest one was “learning what we’re able to do and show in our stages, and through that, finding ways to connect with our fans and make sure they enjoy it.” After all, as Chenle adds, NCT Dream means “being able to dream the same dreams with our members and our fans.”
For now, they are ready to bask in the flavorful glory of this era, and all the outcomes it will bring. “One of our goals when we debuted was to bring happiness and healing to people’s lives, and we do feel like we were able to achieve that,” says Renjun.
“Our fans witnessed it all from the start. We grew together, so now it’s time to show what it is like with NCT Dream being adults,” adds Mark. “We can be a perfect example of what growth and development look like.”
© Teen Vogue
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burningflametm · 5 years
Tag Drop 4!
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Mun Stuff!
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tbartss · 3 years
i’m pretty sure that anne with an e was canceled but I desperately want to watch it bc anne of green gables was my comfort series as a kid. is it worth the pain of it never being completed? also will voltron cause me to suffer as much as people say it will?
Yooo those are like two completely different questions that consequently have entirely different answers, but let’s start with anne with an e:
First of all, it’s literally the best series I have ever watched and I don’t say that lightly. Like it’s up there with avatar the last air bender if you’ve watched that one, if not better. It was unfortunately cancelled because of “lack of views” which I don’t buy for a second, but it ultimately felt like a full circle. Like it felt like a good ending even if it wasn’t the intended one which says a lot because Moira Walley-Beckett (the director/creator) didn’t actually know it was being cancelled when she shot/wrote the last episode. So I would say definitely because it feels like a natural end and also it’s probably the greatest written television show I have ever watched. That said, I haven’t read the books so I can’t say if it’s a great adaptation, but it definitely IS a great show regardless. 11/10 would recommend.
As for Voltron... well. I kinda wanted to do the go-to “it will ruin your life doNT watch it” joke but nah let’s open our hearts for this one. The short answer is no probably not.
The long answer is, speaking of myself personally, the only reason it hurt so much when I saw the ending is not only because I was there from the beginning, but also for what it represented. For me, voltron was the show me and my friends would watch throughout all of my IB years, from 2016-2018. Every time a new season would come out it would be our excuse to kind of meet up at my house and binge it all in one day, and it’s still some of my fondest memories I have. When the last season came out I had just finished my first semester at uni, so it kind of felt like the end of an era.
Simultaneously, it was also the same time tumblr rolled out its porn ban which resulted in the majority of users leaving the website. And idk if you’ve been here before December 2018 but it was the hub of fandom, like the very core. Especially the voltron fandom was HUGE, like almost every creator I had followed before voltron came out drew for voltron and it was so full of life. Tumblr as it is now is basically a Sahara compared to then.
Not to mention that when I followed voltron through the years, although I didn’t really talk to others, I was still kind of in the fandom. Like I followed interviews, promo videos, promo posters, SDCC teasers etc that all promoted for something that just wasn’t going to happen. I think that’s also one of the reasons why people say it will hurt you, is because they remember all the bait and the promo that turned out to be lies. Not to mention the fandom back then was also toxic as hell but that’s the consequence of a big fandom. So I think as a person from the outside looking in, knowing how it ends and what to expect no, it probably won’t hurt you as much.
So yea, you can watch voltron if you want to, but I mean, I personally wouldn’t recommend it, not because of anything else but the sole fact that it just isn’t written well at all, the plot isn’t coherent, the characters don’t really have depth and/or experience character development that makes sense, so just based off of that I would give it a 3/10.
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Shigaraki x Todoroki!Reader; The Mask
Enjoy the series!<3 one two three four five six seven
Warnings: Extreme abuse, blood, murder, mental issues, cursing
You’ll never forget when your entire life changed for the better. The day you found your purpose, your meaning, your new family.
It all started Friday night, your least favorite night. Your father Endeavor came home early to rest every Friday to check up on your training. Over the week you were required to train 10 hours a day, eat exactly 1700 calories, and to have straight 100′s as grades. Of course, it was almost impossible to maintain such a lifestyle as a 17-year-old, but again, your father was not only the cruelest man alive, but also the 1# hero Endeavor. We’re you almost old enough to leave him? Yes, but at the same time, he would never let you do so. He owned you.
That’s when he first burned your hip.
Your siblings were Natsuo who was 25, Fuyumi who was 27, Shoto who was 20, and lastly your missing brother Touya. Sweet… sweet Touya. Over the years of having children, your father had tried to build the perfect child but had always failed. Fuyumi had been weak, Natsuo had been too kind to hurt a soul, and Shoto was too rebellious against your father. You would be too, but Endeavor had done everything to keep you “right”. 
You were allowed no socializing on the any day except Sunday, you were kept on a tight schedule of modeling, tutoring, interviews, studying, and training, and your father watched you like a hawk.
With you being the last child, he could not mess up with you. You would be the next All Might if it was the last thing he did. He hit you more than any of his children, tortured you more than the rest, and yelled at you more than any of them. And all of your siblings knew that, crying themselves to the sleep at the thought of your bruised and burnt up torso. 
Your father could never touch your face, you did modeling after all. Nobody could know the awful mental issues you had, or the trauma that had scarred you for life. To the public, he wanted you to be the perfect child. Beautiful… brilliant… and powerful. 
God were you ever so powerful.
You took after your brother Shoto, possessing the power to control fire and ice. You could catch things on fire or ice them when you touched things, and once you did, you could control it with your mind. If you tapped the floor with your bare feet, you could start a fire and decide where it went and what it did. You could make it chase someone, make it form a heart, and eventually… kill someone. 
With the power to control it’s movement, you could control the temperature of it as well. You could catch someone on fire and then make it reach over 500 degrees in an instant.
Endeavor loved it, seeing you impress even his fellow pro heroes. Your control over it was amazing, and you were beyond the best they had ever seen. You were a model too, and goodness were you pretty. You had short white hair that went to your shoulders, piercing blue eyes, and beautiful skin. You had been born with red streaks in your hair, but had bleached them out of anger when your father had hit you for not wanting to train. 
You only wanted to have the hair of your mother.
He had knocked the wind out of you with a hard punch to the gut and then burnt your side hip to a crisp when kicked you. “Stand up Shiro. Prove yourself.” He yelled as you used the staircase to pull yourself to your feet, almost falling over in pain. It hurt so much to stand. “Good, now feel the consequences.” As he said that, he pushed you down on your hip, watching as you screamed in pain.
That was the day you ran out of the house, and into the nearby alley, ducking behind a dumpster to breathe. Immediately, you began to switch to a different mindset. You didn’t have DID, but you weren’t normal. One moment, you were crying, and the next you were angry. The next moment, your thoughts would jumble together and you would crave revenge in the form of violence. You had terrible anger issues and a taste of violence, taking after your old man. 
Sure, you were the sweetest thing, but sometimes… you could be cruel, evil, and a demon to be around. But only when you were alone in your thoughts would you allow yourself such cravings as shooting a gun at a bulls-eye in self-defense training, or “accidentally” tripping one of your friends down the stairs.
At those moments, you felt no pity, no love, and definitely no shame in your actions. And outside of those episodes as you called it, you tried your best to ignore it. You weren’t going to stop yourself, because the more you held back, the more destruction you would cause. 
And you didn’t want that, because outside of those episodes, you were sweet, innocent, even fragile. You hated seeing wounded animals, hated seeing your friend get a paper cut, and you never understood your friend’s dirty jokes. You knew what sex was, but why would you want it? 
You had never even felt romantic feelings for someone.
So there you were… sitting behind a dumpster, crying. Pathetic. “Heyyy. Pretty lady. What are you doing out here? Need some help?” A college-aged man started walking towards you, two of his friends following behind. The smell of smoke and alcohol radiating off of them. 
“No, leave me alone.” You insisted, hugging your knees and barely even paying attention as you tried to contain your thoughts about your father, and the searing pain in your hip. It burned like crazy. “But why, you’re pretty and crying. We’re bored and here to help.” 
They kept walking as you looked up at them, shocked and a little scared as they were very close now. “Don’t come any closer! I’m warning you!” You stood up, even though they had you backed up against the dumpster and wall. “Aww, don’t be scared. Now let’s see what’s under that pretty dress of yo-”
In that moment, you sent a spear of ice through the man’s heart, blood splattering all over you in the moment. “W-what?! Hiromi?! Man, this bitch is bat-shit crazy!” As the guys were about to run, you did what your instincts told you. You sent ice spearing through their torsos too, sending them both to the ground. Slowly you walked over to them, rain starting to fall on your head. “I warned you, didn’t I?” You asked, stepping on one of them as they pleaded for you not to kill them. 
“I’m not killing you. I’m just… letting you out of your misery.” Before the rain could start, you set them all on fire. Hearing their blood-curdling screams, you smiled. How nice. They’d be dead before the rain could pick up. Walking down the alleyway, you listened to their screaming of pure music to your ears. You loved every bit of it.
In that moment, your entire life changed. You began your journey on your way to your true passion. You were able to get yourself a custom mask from a shady store in the down-country, and started your new life. Whenever you got bored or your father pissed you off, you would slip on the mask, pull up your hair into your hoodie, and kill. 
Your mask was amazing too. It was a bright red gas mask, which hid your entire face except for one of your blazing blue eyes. It was amazing, watching your victims stare at your one eye as you killed them. They were looking into the same eye as the pro hero Endeavor, your father, and that made you smile. The man who made your life hell had made the latest and greatest new villain in town.
“Again? God, when I get my hands on you I’m going to make you pay!” Endeavor yelled at the tv in his office, sitting at his desk with his feet held high. You were sitting in the chair against the wall near him, sketching in your book. Your father had brought you to work to meet your future teachers, since there was a villain on the loose and he didn’t want you at UA, one of the main targets. Little did he know she was right next to him. 
“What are you talking about Dad?” You asked, looking up from your book. Unlike your siblings, your father made you call him that, since none of his children had ever called him anything near it. He had said it showed that you saw him as a father figure, respected him, loved him, saw him as a caregiver, and gave you an innocent appeal that contradicted your powerful and aggressive quirk. The word had lost any meaning to it.
“Shiro, this villain will be your competitor when you become a pro hero. Look at them. Sources say they’re known for burning their victims bodies so we cannot find fingerprints, or anything. We don’t have a face to go with it, or even a picture of them in general. The only thing is that they believe it may be a female based on the laugh heard, and that they wear a bright red gas mask to hide their identity. It’s brilliant!”
“This bitch has killed over 75 people, and has burnt over 2 million in property damage. This is next level stuff for one person. If we can’t take them down, you will have to.” Endeavor sat back in his chair, returning to his computer. That was about the amount of conversation you would have with him on the weekly.
That was, until you heard an explosion outside, and yelling. Running to the window and standing on your tip toes, you looked out to see the League of Villains on the streets, all running around. Blue flames circled the streets, and you wanted to go join. You had your hoodie and mask in your back pack, and you wanted to get in on the fun, get some promo on the news. The very thought of people seeing your one blue eye was exciting, and sent shivers down your spine. 
“Dad, let’s go o-” You were dragged from the window and thrown to the ground. “Get under the desk Shiro! Don’t be an idiot!” He yelled, not caring that you had hurt your ankle in that moment. With hesitation, you walked behind the desk, bringing your bag with you. “Good, now don’t move. Remember, you don’t get to fight professional villains until you’re a pro yourself.” Endeavor explained, picking up a few things to bring with him downstairs. 
“I don’t want to be a hero.” You mumbled, rocking back and fourth as you held your legs. “What did you say to me?” He screamed angrily as you looked up, not knowing that he heard you. “N-no! Dad! I didn’t- I didn’t mean to say that. I just- eck!” You screamed as his hand came to hit your face, leaving a large bruise. 
“Don’t you dare bitch! You don’t get to say what you want and don’t want! I wanted a son, but look at what I got! Now you’re going to fucking listen!” His hand came to punch the other side of your face, knocking your head into the desk. 
“Fuck, if I had a belt I would whip you senseless.” He murmured as you started crying. “I-I’m sorry… just stop…” You cried, trying to hide your face between your knees. “Oh I’m not letting you get off this easy! Your brother said the same thing, and I’m not making the same mistake again!” 
As you tried to hide, he grabbed a box-cutter off his desk and sent it into your hip. “Now don’t you try to leave this room.” He mumbled, walking out without hesitation, leaving you to bleed on his floor. 
The cut was deep, and you were loosing blood fast.
Only being able to listen to the outside, you could hear the commotion calm down within minutes before your old man walked in. “Get up. Your future UA teachers will be here in five minutes. Put your jacket around your waist.” He threw it at you as you picked yourself up. “Don’t speak unless you’re told to. Got it?” He asked as you slowly nodded, trying to pull yourself together and wipe the tear marks away before two men stepped through the door. 
One had black hair and a man bun, and the other had long blonde hair that he kept down. You recognized them immediately. Radio sensation, UA teacher and pro hero Present Mic with his husband Eraserhead, who was a UA teacher and a low key pro hero as well. 
“Ahh, Shiro! We’ve heard so much about you! Hello!” Present Mic came to shake my head as you shook his, still shaking as Aizawa looked at my bruise. “Ahh, I… fell.” You hesitated, laughing as the two smiled nervously. These two worked with kids… so could they sense your fear. Could they help you?
“Um, let’s sit. Of course you were recommended, but I’d love to see your quirk in more action.” Aizawa motioned to your father’s couch as you all began to walk over there. But in the moment, your jacket fell off your waist, showing your crisped and bloody t-shirt from your father earlier. You could see the burn mark of a hand print even. “Oh my god! Shiro dear!” Present Mic got up to help you before you pushed him away gently. “I fell earlier! If you’ll excuse me I’ll just be a minute!” You rushed out of the room, leaving the jacket on the floor as you grabbed your backpack and sprinted out. You had to get out of the there, to take a break from your father. 
You didn’t care if it ruined your shots at UA or gave you a bad reputation with your teachers early on. You refused to sit there and bleed while they talked about your future. 
As you were waiting for the bathroom, you looked outside to see the League of Villains within the forest. Without thinking, you ran outside and into the forest after them. You didn’t know why, but it felt like destiny was calling you. That was, until you saw Best Jeanist sneaking up on one of the members. 
He had black pointy hair and wore a cloak-like jacket that was also black. Very emo. Slipping on your mask and hoodie before anyone could spot you, you snuck up behind him. Just as Best Jeanist was about to attack and spit cloth strings around Dabi, you tapped your foot, sending ice to Best Jeanist to freeze him like an ice cube. 
“Look out!” You screamed as he turned around to see the frozen pro. “Huh.” He whispered to himself, before turning to face you. With a clear view of you, he could see the red gas mask and knew that you were the one who the news networks had been talking about non-stop. The lonesome villain with a fantastic kill list. But… then he looked closer. He saw how on your hip was burnt to a crisp from someone’s hand, the bruise on your one eye, your bright white hair, and… the bright blue eye. After adding everything together, he realized something. 
“Shiro.” He whispered in shock, before you feel to your knees due to dizziness.
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terreisa · 3 years
Love Down the Line: Epilogue
The last thing Indie musician Emma Swan needs is a gigantic wrench thrown in the workings of her biggest tour to date weeks before its launch.  When her backing guitarist that caused the problem says she has the perfect solution Emma is skeptical but left with little choice but to accept.  Unfortunately she isn’t really prepared for said solution to be former Rock Star and leading man of Emma’s teenage fantasies, Killian Jones.  With no other options and a month of performing across the country ahead of her Emma just hopes she doesn’t come to regret letting Killian onto her stage and into her life.
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, AO3
Los Angeles, Three Years Later
“You know, the last time I was here they only gave me those itty bitty bottles of water.”
Killian laughed to himself but kept his eyes trained to his phone.  He knew if he looked up the love of his life would be scowling at the unnecessarily large bottles of expensive water lined up along the counter of the green room they were waiting in.  Emma Swan was prone to many wonderful things but graciously giving up on a grudge was not one of them.
“The last time you were here you hadn’t won five Grammys in one fell swoop.  When I was doing the first interviews with Realm of Jewels we were lucky to get cups of tap water.  We thought a slice of lemon was the height of luxury.”
“Yeah, well that was what?  Three hundred years ago?” She teased, moving across the room to flop down beside him on the couch with a huff, “They should at least have a water cooler or something.  Reusable bottles are the way of the future.”
“First you complain about the water they’re providing and now you’re complaining about the one their not?  Can they do nothing to please you?”
He looked over at her with a raised brow and she gave him a smirk.
“They fired Walsh so that’s a step in the right direction.”
“Thank bloody fuck,” he growled, turning back to his phone with a scowl.
Emma had eventually told him the full extent of what had happened the day of her interview with Walsh Hoakley.  Not only had the wanker reported gossip as though it were truth, which caused the brief falling out between him and Emma that had made them both miserable, but the berk had hit on her not ten minutes after.  When she finally had told him, only a few days after they had reconciled, it had taken an hour for him to calm down and at least a week for her to convince him not to fight her battles for her.  The news of Hoakley’s firing less than a year later had been celebrated with a sparkling cider toast.
“So-” Emma peered over his shoulder and he felt some of his tension melt away, “What’s got you paying more attention to your phone than the expensive goodies they’re trying to get on our good side with?”
With a snort he tilted his phone towards her, “Just going over the contract one last time.”
“We have a fancy lawyer for that don’t we?” She asked crossing her arms as she sat back, “And Ruby wouldn’t try to scam you.  I mean, look what’s happened since she decided to become my manager instead of staying in my backing band.”
“Well, aside from those five Grammys I mentioned-”
“What?!” Emma’s brows shot up and her mouth dropped open in clearly feigned shock, “I won five Grammys?  I had no idea!”
“Hush, love, you deserved them and I’m honored to brag on your behalf,” he chided though he gave her a wink, “Although, I don’t rightly think we can give Ruby the credit for that.”
She scoffed and burrowed further into the couch, “If she hadn’t forced me to let you audition then we wouldn’t have met.  Then we wouldn’t have had our grand romance that in turn inspired In the Middlemist and I wouldn’t have won those Grammys.”
“I believe that we would have met eventually, love.  If not through our careers then we would have certainly been invited to Ruby’s wedding where I would have been immediately smitten with the blonde in the crimson bridesmaid dress,” he said lowly, pleased to see her cheeks flush.
“And I probably would have freaked out even more meeting you for the first time there than at the studio.  You know how much I like seeing you in a suit-” she said huskily, leaning up to press a soft kiss under his jaw.  Then she sat back and smiled wide, “Even then Ruby would still be the reason we met.  That’s why I dedicated it to her and not you.”
“Is that why?  I thought it was because you were still upset with me over the tiny misunderstanding over your choice in vehicle.”
He gave her a knowing look and she glared right back at him.  When he raised his brow in challenge she rolled her eyes at him.
“Fine, that was part of it,” she conceded, “But I did mention you in every acceptance speech.”
“Which was wonderful aside from the camera they kept shoving in my face to capture my every proud tear in HD,” he grumbled, remembering the repeated messages from Will that were just the GIF of him crying after Emma had said she loved him onstage holding her third award of the night.  He blew out a breath, “As I was saying: aside from all that I will admit that your career has flourished under Ruby’s care.  She has become quite the adversary of Regina, stealing her best clients away.”
“Regina’s over it now,” she dismissed with a wave of her hand, “Ever since you reintroduced her to Robin in a non-business setting and then moved to that corner office things have been great.”
Just as he was about to make a somewhat lewd comment as to exactly why both those things would put Regina in a good mood there was a knock on the door.  It was opened a moment later by the intern that had initially led them there.
“They’re ready for you, if you’d like to follow me.”
He let Emma proceed him as he stowed his phone in his pocket.  She was right, of course, Ruby wouldn’t dream of sneaking in last minute changes to the contract making her his new manager.  If anything she would have been fine with a verbal agreement and the promise of making her the godmother of whatever child he and Emma might have.  Unfortunately all of their fancy, and expensive, lawyers required things in writing and in triplicate.
The intern led them to a broadcasting studio that looked like every other one he’d ever been interviewed in.  One glaring difference, however, was the radio host who squealed when she saw them and practically skipped towards them with open arms.
“Finally, you guys!  I’ve been waiting all week for this!”
Emma laughed and accepted the hug easily, “Us too, Tink.  Killian’s had it marked in all of our calendars the second Ruby booked it.”
Tink pulled back from Emma and gave him a wide smile, “I’d heard she finally got you to make it official.  There’s no stopping her now.”
“As though there was a chance before,” he chuckled. “Lovely to see you again, TInk.”
“If you guys lived here I’d see you more,” she chided gently before stepping forward to wrap her arms around him, “Everyone’s still on for dinner tomorrow, right?”
“Of course, Will wouldn’t let us hear the end of it if we didn’t,” he scoffed, giving her a light squeeze before letting go.
“Great!  I still can’t believe he ditched Emma to be in your band,” She said with a laugh, grinning broadly at Emma’s frown.  Something over his shoulder caught her eye and she nodded before focusing back on them, “Alright, my producer’s about to throw a fit if we waste any more time.  Go ahead and get settled while I do my thing.”
As he and Emma moved to the seats awaiting them Tink bounced over to her chair and donned her headphones.  With a bit of awe and intimidation he watched Tink easily slip into performance mode, softening her accent and dialing up her enthusiasm as she introduced herself and the start of her broadcast block.  She hadn’t been a DJ for long but he could clearly see she had found her calling.  When she teased their interview she gave them an overexaggerated wink that had him stifling a laugh.
After two songs and a small promo of Enchanted’s other stations Tink gave them a thumbs up as her producer let them know that their mics were live.
“That was the latest from The Killers and I don’t know about you but I’m more than ready for their new album to be released.  I’m Tink and this is Rock Alt, home to all the alternative rock hits here on Enchanted XM.  Today is a very exciting day because in the studio with me, right this very moment, are two people that you should be very familiar with: five time Grammy winner and indie darling Emma Swan and two time Grammy winner and alt rock god Killian Jones.  Once upon a time I toured with Emma as part of her backing band and on one of those more memorable tours Killian decided to join us.  Welcome, welcome!”
“I can truthfully say we’re excited to be here,” Emma chimed in brightly, her grin wide and happy.
“Yes, thanks for having us, love,” Killian said warmly. “Though I feel it’s only right to mention that those two Grammys were won with Realm of Jewels.”
“Aw, it’s only a matter of time before they’ll be joined by plenty of others, especially with this new album-” Tink waggled her eyebrows and he had a feeling she wasn’t going to go easy on them just because she was their friend. “There’s no question that you two are more than just friendly collaborators, with a couple of writing credits on each other’s albums and a duet on Killian’s acoustic cover album of Realm of Jewels’ greatest hits.  We’ve also seen the red carpet photos and Instagram glimpses of your romance.”
He looked over at Emma and received an eye roll in return.  When they’d first truly started dating they’d kept it hidden from anyone that wasn’t close friends or family.  They had both felt that they wanted to start their relationship without the hounding from the press and scrutiny from the gossip mongers.  It wasn’t until nearly a year and a half later, when Emma had clearly been his date to American Music Awards, that they’d gone public.  Even then they had both agreed that they’d keep their personal lives as private as possible and continued to do so.  Including the fact that they’d been married for two years.
“But now you’ve released a surprise album as a duo,” Tink continued, “going by the name Charles & Leia, which also happens to be the title of the album.  It’s amazing by the way and if any of you out there haven’t listened to it yet I suggest you do so, but only after this interview is over, of course.  So, how did this come about and why Charles & Leia?”
Emma gave him a shrug and a nod and he leaned closer to his mic, “As you mentioned earlier we’ve been playing together for some time now.  After that tour I was a part of we were both starting on our next albums and would often work through arrangements or fine tune lyrics, using the other as a sounding board.  This has, as evidenced, continued through the years until one day we thought we might try our hands at creating a whole album together.”
“We didn’t want it to be an album of my songs featuring him or vice versa though,” Emma chimed in. “Then it would have just been the same thing we’d already been doing which would have been fun but kinda boring at the same time.  We wanted to challenge ourselves to create something new together from the beginning.  Luckily our label was open to the idea and let us run with it.”
“And the name?” Tink prodded.
“A bit of an inside joke, really,” he said with a chuckle, reaching over to clasp Emma’s hand in his, “Whenever we made reservations or had to give a name for whatever reason I used Charles and Emma used Leia.  I don’t even remember why-”
Emma snorted, “When he made the reservations for our first date and they asked for a name he panicked.  We’d been watching The Crown and he blurted out the name Charles.  At least he didn’t completely lose his shit and say Elizabeth.”
Emma’s eyes widened at the curse and clapped her hands over her mouth.  Tink waved her hand in dismissal.  Not a moment later the producer let them know through their headphones that cursing was fine but to keep it to a minimum if possible.
“Anyway,” Emma said evenly, though her cheeks were pink, “When it was my turn to make reservations I kept it going.  Princess Leia was my hero when I was a kid.  Still is actually.”
“As she is for us all,” Killian jumped in, “Of course we no longer use those as our aliases but when we were trying to decide how we wanted to present ourselves for this album this seemed appropriate.”
“We also figured it would give people the chance to listen to the songs without already having an idea of what they thought it should sound like because they knew it was us,” Emma explained, “I mean, it’s not like we’re trying to deceive anyone or anything but a lot of times people don’t try something out because they think they know exactly what it’s going to be.  I know I’m totally guilty of it sometimes.”
“I’ve been listening to the album non-stop since it came out last week and you’re absolutely right, if I hadn’t already known that it was you two I wouldn’t have even been able to guess.  Now, I’ve played alongside both of you and have been a fan of each of your music since both of your beginnings and I have to say, Charles & Leia is nothing like the music you’ve released before.  What would you say were the biggest influences on how you approached the creation of this album?”
Killian took a moment to consider Tink’s question.  He immediately dismissed sharing the long convoluted answer that began with innocent questions about one another’s past that led to a months long search into the mystery of Emma’s beginnings that came up empty while he nearly spiralled out of control once more over the unhealed pain of his borderline abusive and neglectful father.  They were still working through some of those issues in therapy and even with the personal nature of the songs they’d written he didn’t feel it was necessary to elaborate on what the lyrics already implied.
“I can’t speak for Emma but for me it’s a look to the past and what influence it has on the present and the future.  Take the title track for instance, my mother was Irish so I looked to the old Celtic folk songs and the instruments used, mimicking the flow of the music before playing around with more modern sounds.  The result was entirely unique but still felt familiar, like an auditory deja vu, if you will.”
Tink was nodding furiously while Emma rolled her eyes at him, “I definitely won’t be that eloquent but yeah, we both have things in our past that sometimes takes a toll on who we are today.  Our music was already pretty personal.  I mean, I’ve written songs about growing up in foster care or when I was in jail but this was something else.  Every day when we finished recording whatever song we were working on I felt like I’d been turned inside out and then wrung out but in a good way?  It makes no sense but I’ve also never been this proud of one of my albums.”
“Well you should both be damn proud!  I may be the tad bit biased but I think this may be the best album to come out this year and we’re only halfway through,” Tink effused.
“Thank you lass,” he mumbled as he scratched behind his ear at the compliment.
He caught Emma’s eye and she gave him an indulgent smile.  She was well aware that sincere praise always tended to discomfit him, as he felt he was undeserving of it, especially when it came from someone he knew well.  It was something he was working on getting better at accepting, with her help of course.
“Since the album was a surprise release there hasn’t been any confirmation of a tour yet.  Any chance we’ll be seeing you two taking this act on the road?”
“We’re doing a kind of a mini tour on the east coast and then a couple of dates out here,” Emma explained, her eyes sparkling, “We didn’t want to get too ahead of ourselves and book a bunch of dates and then not have anyone show up.”
“I doubt that will be a problem,” Tink dismissed with a bright laugh, “From what I’ve been told nearly every show is sold out.  So if any of you listeners out there want to see Emma and Killian perform songs from this brilliant new album I’d say don’t wait to buy your tickets.  I already have mine.
“Now, I know this album is only weeks old and you both have flourishing solo careers but I have to ask: can we expect even bigger things from you two in the future?”
With a smile he had no hope of quelling he gave Emma a wink, though he was reasonably sure that it was nowhere near subtle.  It didn’t matter though, as no one had a clue what it could mean since she had only shown him the positive pregnancy test earlier that morning.  Emma gave him a beaming grin of her own and he kept his eyes on her as he spoke into his mic.
“I think you can, Tink.  In fact, I’m quite certain that this is merely the happy beginning of grand things to come.”
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pcwpolwrestling · 3 years
PCW-The Return
How did we get here?
Extreme Election Night 2020 Preview December 27, 2020 Preview of PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020 -15th Anniversary Celebration -The 2020 Year in Review -Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden
PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020-Part One December 31, 2020 –Donald Trump and Joe Biden both interview for the PCW CEO position -ARIZONA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Martha McSally (American Patriots) vs. Mark Kelly (Progressive Alliance) -SOUTH CAROLINA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Lindsey Graham (American Patriots) vs. Jaime Harrison (Progressive Alliance) -PCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Jill Berg Enterprises: P.M.C. Banks and Kirk Walstreit (American Patriots) vs. The Green World Order: GreenPete and ‘Vengeful Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee (Progressive Alliance) vs. The Deplorables: ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay and ‘Prairie Populist’ William Daniels Bryan (American Heartland Coalition)
PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020-Part Two January 4, 2021 -ALABAMA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Tommy Tuberville (American Patriots) vs. Doug Jones (Progressive Alliance) -HOUSE WAR GAMES MATCH: Progressive Alliance vs. American Patriots -MICHIGAN SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Gary Peters (Progressive Alliance) vs. John James (American Patriots) -MAIN EVENT #1/PCW WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Kathryn Randall Collins (Progressive Alliance) vs. ‘Alaskan Rogue’ Sierra Whalen (American Patriots) -MAIN EVENT #2/PCW TITLE MATCH: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels w/PCW CEO candidate Joe Biden, Aide de Camp candidate Kamala Harris (Progressive Alliance) vs. ‘Starz N. Stripes’ Kevin Scott w/PCW CEO Donald Trump, Aide de Camp Mike Pence (American Patriots) -Who will be named the new CEO of PCW?  Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
Riot Breaks Out at PCW Show January 10, 2021 -‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay, ‘Prairie Populist’ William Daniels Bryan, Charlie Blackwell, and the Vice Squad’s General DeBauchery rescue Dawn McGill and race to Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon -Colleen Crowder celebrates Joe Biden’s win and the success of the Progressive Alliance at Extreme Election Night 2020 -GEORGIA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff (Progressive Alliance) vs. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue (American Patriots) -PCW CEO Donald Trump promo -Kevin Scott interview -Kevin Daniels interview -PCW TITLE MATCH: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels (Progressive Alliance) © vs. ‘Starz N. Stripes’ Kevin Scott (American Patriots)
Replay of The End of PCW Extreme Political TV – January 10th, 2021 After rescuing Dawn McGill and driving back to Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon for the show, ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay and McGill arrive at Hack’s to find it in ruins following the riot that took place.  McGill gets a sinking stomach in her stomach and mutters ‘Oh my God.’  McAvay tells the officer Dawn McGill is the owner of PCW and the officer motions to them to park the car away from the building. After Ray parks the car, he and Dawn walk towards Hack’s they begin to see the full scope of damage.  Broken windows.  Glass all over the place.  Chairs, tables broken in the parking lot.
They reach the entrance and look inside.  Ray says they ‘trashed the place.’  Tables and chair strewn all over.  The wrestling ring destroyed.  Broken light fixtures.  Glass all over the floor.  Beer and alcohol all over the floor.  The owner of the bar meets Dawn in the foyer and explains like other small businesses thanks to COVID they were in trouble already.  He works hard.  Does the right things.  Makes the right choices.  And this happens.  McGill tries to apologize to him.  He just shakes his head and hands her a torn up contract.  McGill peers down at the remnants of the document in her hands. Then it gets worse.
Coke Brothers (David and Charles), George Moros- big money political financiers, the founder of the Alan Lincolns Project Alan Lincolns, and Big Tech’s Jack Buckenberg- CEO of Facetwitogram approach Dawn.  Moros refers to Dawn’s relatively disheveled appearance and says ‘aren’t you a sight’ to her. McGill’s face turns beet red and she tells Moros he knows damn well what happened.  His goons kidnapped and held her hostage for two months.
Moros replies all everyone saw on video was McGill running out on the show at Extreme Election Night and demands proof of the ‘kidnapping’ or else this just is another wild, baseless accusation.
Dawn goes to leap at Moros but McAvay stops her.  Moros has a sick grin on his face.  He tells her it’s over and she’s through.  The Republicans and Democrats are both on board and they’re partnering with their new best friend Jack Buckenberg for a new political wrestling show that will be headed by someone you know and love.
Out of the smoke and rubble of the interior of Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon walks the ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann- McGill and PCW’s long-time nemesis.  McAvay mutters ‘son of a bitch’ to himself.   McGill?  She says not him… anyone but him.  McMann goes up to McGill.  He smiles and tells her she’s really let herself go.  Again, McGill starts to make an aggressive move forward.  Again, McAvay pulls her back.  McMann brags that it took sixteen years but he’s finally won.  Game over.
Then Buckenberg delivers the coup de grace. He tells McGill consider PCW deplatformed.
A few minutes later…McGill, McAvay, and ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave watch Mr. McMann- backed by The Coke Brothers, George Moros, and Alan Lincolns- give an impromptu press conference attended by The Guild of Low Level Media People Trying to Make a Name for Themselves: Colleen Crowder-New York Times, Sharon Johns-CNN, Bill Smithers-Fox News, Hallie Reed-MSNBC, and Dan Miller-Washington Post.  Suave muses that the writer of the movie ‘The Running Man’ may have called the transformation of politics, society, and culture right on the money.  A dejected McGill notes the enthusiastic applause coming from the Guild of Low Level Media people to McMann’s remarks.
Dawn McGill: So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.
Dawn McGill’s House- Wednesday January 20th, 2021 Seated in her favorite comfy chair, munching on a bowl of popcorn and drinking whiskey from a glass on an adjacent table, wearing her favorite sweatshirt and blue jeans, feet propped up on the entertainment stand complete with freshly painted red toenails shining in the light from the nearby lamp, Dawn watches the newly returned Political Wrestling Universe’s Blue Brand aka…PWU Political Shakedown show- live from Washington, D.C.
What’s happening?  The official installation of Joe Biden as the new CEO of PCW.
Dawn pops a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth and reflects on what’s happened over the past three months: -the return of PCW and Extreme Election Night 2020- a night where the Progressive Alliance swept everything and took full control of the PCW Executive Committee.   -her abduction at the hands of the big money financiers of both the Progressive Alliance (George Moros) and American Patriots (The Coke Brothers), aided and abetted by Alan Lincoln’s Project, during Extreme Election Night and subsequent detention for almost two months before The Deplorables came to her rescue. -the riot that took place at Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon that destroyed the spiritual home of PCW for over 15 years which leads to the return of ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann and the end of PCW.
Sighing, she watches the star-studded, Hollywood-style production on TV and notices the heavy security on hand.  She saw troops from the Space Force dressed in white and black with white helmets to usher in the beginning of new CEO of PCW Joe Biden’s tenure, the new CEO of PCW is delivering his acceptance speech.
Biden stands behind the podium.  His wrinkled seventy-six year old face is covered in a dark shroud and his hands occasionally shoot out bolts of force lightning when he gesticulates…okay, maybe it doesn’t but still…
Joe Biden (from the television): People, supporters of Political Championship Wrestling, today we mark a transition. For years, PCW stood as the conduit for people who were fed up with the status quo, fed up with politics as usual.  But there were those within our fan base who would set us against one another for we never suspected that the greatest threat came from within.  These “supporters” conspired to create a shadow of doubt on my appointment aided and abetted by the previous PCW CEO.
Dawn stuffs another piece of popcorn into her mouth.
Joe Biden: The riot two and a half weeks ago left PCW scarred and deformed.  But I can assure you my resolve has never been stronger. The war is over.  The Trumpists been defeated, and the rebellion…… er…… I mean…… insurrection has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.  With that in mind, in order to ensure the security and continuing stability and for a safe and secure society, Political Championship Wrestling will be reorganized into the Political Wrestling Universe and PCW will cease to exist.
Another sigh.  Dawn then reaches over and takes a sip of whiskey.
Joe Biden: By bringing the political universal under our enlightened guidance, the corruption that plagued PCW in the past few years under the ownership of Dawn McGill will never take root ever again.
McGill rolls her eyes and chucks a piece of popcorn at the TV.
Biden then puts on what appears to be the same Infinity Gauntlet that Donald Trump used last year to end the Red and Blue Brand shows.
What Infinity Gauntlet you may ask?
[REPLAY: 5/2/2019-Extreme Political TV-Donald Trump (R-NY)] The CEO of Political Championship Wrestling Donald Trump explains why the Red Brand and Blue Brand went dark, shows were cancelled, and why PCW ran replays of shows from ten years ago over the past two weeks. Short and to the point, Trump states the current method of doing business with three brands wasn’t working so, he felt it was time to make a change.
Trump reaches under the podium and pulls out an Infinity Gauntlet (ie…the very same Infinity Gauntlet featured in the recent Avengers movie). He places said Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand. Trump raises his hand in the air.
Then he attaches a red stone to the gauntlet. Then he snaps his fingers and says Red Brand is no more. The press- except for most of the Fox News contingent – let out a loud cheer.
Trump then attaches a blue stone to the gauntlet and snaps his fingers and proclaims the Blue Brand. No more. The press- except for most of the Fox News contingent – groan.
Then Trump attaches a white and black stone with PCW written on it to the gauntlet. But this time he doesn’t snap his fingers. Trump announces he’d made PCW owner Dawn McGill a generous offer for PCW that sets her up for life and she accepted.
Cut back to Dawn’s living room.
Joe Biden: With this Infinity Gauntlet, with one snap of my fingers I brought back the Blue Brand show and here all of you are watching PWU’s Political Shakedown show.  Also with one snap of my fingers, I brought back the Red Brand show- PWU’s Politico War – which will return next Monday night.
Biden pauses for applause.
Joe Biden: Under our New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms.
Behind Biden, George Moros, The Coke Brothers, the CEO of Facetwitogram Jack Buckenberg, and the founder of the Alan Lincolns Project- Alan Lincolns, all approve and applaud.
The camera then focuses in on Berkeley, California professor- Professor McCarthy- and his Flock: -The Green World Order: GreenPete, ‘Extreme Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee, PeaceNick, and Peta from PETA -The Young Jerks: Zenk Cryger, James Idaho, and Anna -Code Pink, and Emily S. List
The Flock also applaud Biden’s speech and Professor McCarthy wipes a tear from his eyes while he holds up the ‘good book that spells out what’s correct and incorrect to think, say, and believe’
Next, the Hollywood Left and sports celebrities from all different walks signal their approval with applause.
Joe Biden: We will give no ground to our enemies and we will stand together against attacks from with or without. Let our enemies take heed.  Those who challenge our resolve will be crushed.
The Guild of Low Level Media People Trying to Make a Name for Themselves: Colleen Crowder-New York Times, Sharon Johns-CNN, Bill Smithers-Fox News, Hallie Reed-MSNBC, and Dan Miller-Washington Post all heartily applaud this line.
Joe Biden: And now, with this Infinity Gauntlet, I will wipe out of existence once and for all- PCW.
‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann stands and claps. Dawn closes her eyes and braces herself as Biden snaps his finger and…
The Location of Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon 2005-2021- Sunday January 31st, 2021 It’s 30 degrees outside and snowing.  The area where Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon once stood is nothing more than a snow-covered field now.  Dawn McGill and Johnny Suave are parked off the side of the road and staring out at where the former spiritual home of PCW for over fifteen years used to stand.
Sitting on the hood of the car, Dawn pours some whiskey into a pair of shot glasses.  She hands one of the shot glasses to Suave and asks him what they should drink to.  Suave gazes out into the now empty field and mutters something about good times and good memories. They clink their shot glasses together and down the shots.
She tells Suave that PCW Champion ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels signed on with The Political Wrestling Universe’s Blue Brand show- PWU’s Political Shakedown.  PCW Women’s Champion Kathryn Randall Collins has also signed with the Blue Brand.  Jill Berg Enterprises signed with PWU’s Red Brand- PWU is Politico War.  So basically, to go on means starting over.
Suave takes the whiskey bottle, tilts his head back, and downs another swig of whiskey directly from the bottle.  He puts the bottle down on the hood of the car.
Johnny Suave: Well, that’s never stopped us before.
Close in on McGill: she smiles.
Political Wrestling Universe Headquarters – Washington D.C. – February 2021 So not one year after the last time PCW Owner Dawn McGill was hauled before the Executive Committee of the Political Universe for a hearing with the express purpose of determining whether or not she would be removed as the Executive Director of Political Championship Wrestling, they did it again in the aftermath of the riot that took place on January 6th at Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon.
The hearing takes place before the Executive Committee of the Political Universe.  You can cut through the tense atmosphere with a knife.  It permeates throughout the hall.  Dead quiet inside the hearing room save the occasional sound of a chair moving along the floor, the ruffle of paper, and most notably, the sound of several photographers snapping off shots in rapid fire fashion.
Sitting at a table cutting a solitary figure with a glass of water placed next to her elbow, Executive Director Dawn McGill one more time faced the stern glare of one Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA).  Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is also there.  This time, the hearing would include Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
McGill addresses the Executive Committee and demands to know why she is there when there are so many other pressing issues that need their immediate attention.  She can’t believe for a second that there are more important matters to deal with than wasting time on a hearing over the reset of PCW once again.  Nancy Pelosi offers a sour expression in response and cuts her off.  She tells McGill she knows why she is here- the matter of the riot that took place in January l why you are here.  The matter of the riot that took place last month at one of your…- Pelosi spits out the next word with a heaping helping of distain – …shows is an important matter and one more time brings her – Pelosi accentuates the next word with a hint of sarcasm added for extra emphasis-  …leadership into question.  Pelosi tells McGill what happened at the show was unacceptable and her continued ‘pathetic attempt at leadership’ was also unacceptable.  If Pelosi had her way, she would have been removed as the owner of PCW last year.
McGill fired back that Pelosi was entitled to her opinion and she was entitled to be wrong.  In Dawn’s opinion, the problem begins right here with the proliferation of the influence of special interest groups that fund both of big factions.  She says let’s be honest and adds that she knows it’s something she knows is very hard for many of them to grasp.  That crack causes Chuck Schumer to step in and inform McGill that she will ‘refrain from making further comments like that and show this committee the respect they deserve.’
Dawn McGill: With all due respect, Mr. Schumer, I’ll show you the same respect that you show the rest of us.
Later on, Dawn’s in the middle of answering a question and accuses the committee of influencing P-SPAN to take PCW off the air.  Adam Schiff pops in and tells her PCW was not appropriate programming for a serious political channel. McGill claps back and tells Schiff the things that go on here isn’t appropriate programming for a serious political channel.  She wants to know when does the Executive Committee get directly involved in programming matters on privately owned media networks?  Schiff responds that she’s not listening and that PCW was not appropriate programming for P-SPAN.
The tone heats up even more.  McGill snaps back that it’s not for them to decide because that’s the ‘people’s job.  She says it’s obvious what happened- weight was thrown around and in the end the committee got their way. Schiff tries to defend their action and pronounces the committee has every right to oversee and regulate the product- especially after what happened at the insurrection that took place last month.  McGill shoots back not to give her that crap and Schumer again admonishes her to refrain from that kind of talk.  McGill tells Schumer she will not refrain and will persist.  Schumer tries to interrupt her but McGill persists.  She says it’s bad enough that every single aspect of American life has become politicized.  Sports has been politicized.  Entertainment has been politicized.  Science- politicized.  Education-politicized.  In her opinion, to let this slide supports the status quo where big money equals power and leaves behind middle class America.  She will not refrain.  She will persist.
Schiff bangs his gavel down and calls for order.  He slams the gavel down a second time
Adam Schiff: ORDER!  Miss McGill, that’s enough! You are OUT OF ORDER!
Dawn shoots up from her chair and tells Schiff he’s out of order.  She points at Nancy Pelosi and tells her she’s out of order! Then Mitch McConnell. She says the committee is out of order and she was done wasting my time talking to you.  McGill grabs her stuff and motions to the Les Miserables inside the hall: ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay, his wife- West Texas Adult Entertainment Legend Stacee Perry, Bert the Janitor, and a whole section of people who stand up en masse at her beckoning.
Dawn McGill: We don’t need you.  And you can all kiss my ass.
As all hell breaks loose, McGill defiantly marches out of the hearing room with the Les Miserables humming ‘Do You Hear the People Sing?’
Political Championship Wrestling PCW Arena 19th Street and Alcove Ave. Lubbock, TX
The Return McGill and Suave sit in the ring at the brand new PCW Arena built in Lubbock, Texas.  McGill thanks everyone for sticking with them and announces that thanks to the help of some people that she will not name, PCW is back and ready to go.
Suave says for the return of PCW’s Extreme Political TV there will be a Television Title match, a Tag Team Title Match, and the PCW Title match.  Who’s going to be wrestling?  Suave says you’ll just have to tune in and see.
McGill adds one last parting shot before the preview show comes to and end.
Dawn McGill: ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann and Jack Buckenberg- you can kiss my ass!”
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butterflieshurt-ia · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
all i needed was the love you g a v e, all i needed for another d a y
indie semi-selective multimuse ft. emma swan, penned by pluto
and all i ever k n e w, only y o u
indie semi-selective mutlimuse ft. neal cassidy, penned by pucca
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bluestar22x · 4 years
My Favorite SPN Fanvideos
To view after the series finale:
The older Supernatural fanvids are listed 1st – These are mostly serious, but there’s a few humorous ones thrown in along the way. I’ve been collecting these almost since I started watching (Season 2)! There are 154 videos as of 15x19. I’ll probably add more in a future reblog.
Just plug these into the Youtube search:
Here Son – A Supernatural MusicVid by JessicaRae24
Supernatural: Pain by mnallison03
sam and dean die for you [season.2] by justcallmemichelle
Save You by Cat
War – SPN Season 3 Promo Trailer by nesaharnaya
Where Do We Draw the Line by ash4897
Permanent – A Supernatural MusicVid by JessicaRae24
Supernatural On the head of a pin Music Video by videomonkey111
The Supernatural Boys – I’m Your Man by Linnhe
9 to 5 (Supernatural fanvid) by ash4897
Brother, Where Art Thou? – A Supernatural FanMade Season 5 Promo by JessicaRae24
Supernatural TV Opening (in the style of Charmed) by brionyx509
Behind Blue Eyes by Laura M
Too Far Left to Go – A Supernatural MusicVid by JessicaRae24
Channel Hopping (Supernatural fanvid) by ash4897
Hear You Me – A Supernatural MusicVid for “Abandon All Hope” by JessicaRae24
Hearts of Courage – A Supernatural MV for the S5 Ep “Abandon All Hope” by JessicaRae24
Supernatural; This Is War by DevilsTrapJunkie
Fanvid: What About Everything? (Supernatural) by emilyreich
SPN We who are about to die salute you by A Star Seeker
Everybody Loves Gabriel/Trickster/Loki by SylarDavis08
Wayward Son – A Supernatural MusicVid by JessicaRae24
Team Free Will ‘Raise Your Glass’ by sakuri69
To The Grave Supernatural [SYTYCV] by k9lover27
supernatural the apocalypse by Deductism
Ride ‘em cowboy! (Supernatural) by beyondbelieving
Where’d You Go? [SPN 6x17] by ccmrose
Dean & Lisa – Goodbye My Lover [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Upon My Liar’s Chair – Castiel by Bastardash
A World of Their Own -SPN Angel Tribute- by calceil
City of dreams Balthazar by JxSanixJ
Seven Nation Army Supernatural by mat
Castiel – Breath of Life by cybernic
Castiel A Tribute by ccmrose
Bobby Singer – The Last Goodbye (by Billy Boyd) (Video/Song Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Supernatural – Homage to the Suffering by xLibbeerty
Castiel (7x17) We.. Were Friends? By VLover92
I’m alive, I don’t wanna die SPN by AlexProdz89
team free will iridescent by Deductism
Team free will ; Losing your memory by PinkGl8er2
purgatory supernatural by MegaBel7
Supernatural SkyFall by PinkGl8er2
Team Free Will – All These Things That I’ve Done by 00shelly77
We Will Rock You (Supernatural) by ash4897
Samandriel Was Good Hallelujah – Samandriel tribute [Supernatural] by thelemalema
Radioactive//Castiel by Liisakee
Meg/Castiel – Counting Stars [AngelDove] by Angeldove
supernatural whispering by TheJessy34
Supernatural So Close by SecretlyToDream
Supernatural [Light em up] Dedications by CillisaR
team free will light ‘em up by Deductism
Supernatural Skyfall [8x23] by Awhjensen
Supernatural [8x23] – World on Fire by cybernic
Supernatural Spawn [s8] by ProdigyST69
just one yesterday supernatural by ccmrose
Kevin Tran You Lost Everything by Justine
Supernatural rule the world [9x23] by TheJessy34
Sam & Dean Winchester – Knocking on Heavens door (Raign Version) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Dean & Sam Winchester – Holding on and letting go [Road So Far] (Video/Song Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Team Free Will – Dont Worry About A Thing(Song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Crowley, Dean, Castiel, & Bobby – To the other side (Song/Video Request) (Greatest Showman) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Supernatural – Monster by DemonicLullabyMV2
supernatural ready aim fire by julygiu95
Dean Winchester –Radioactive- by xMythsMagicx
Team Free WIll – Warriors [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Dean & Sam Winchester – Heroes (Song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
SPN How Far We’ve Come by xLibbeerty
Crowley – Circus Apocalypse – Supernatural by RisenShine22
Dean, Sam & Castiel (Evil TFW) – Control (Song/Video Request) by Angeldove
i bring the fire dean winchester by sparksfly221
I Am My Own Worst Enemy Dean Winchester by Lachka
It’s Time to Begin Sam & Dean by Liisakee
Heroes (Aren’t Meant To Survive) by SecretlyToDream
Team Free Will – We Are The Chosen Ones (Callab With Angel Dove) by WeAreAll Winchesters
Supernatural: God’s Gonna Cut You Down by RisenShine22
let me be your shelter sam&dean by AlexProdz89
sam&dean they chose family [TCWC] by AlexProdz89
Sam Winchester – Hold me down (Video/Song Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Knocking On Heaven’s Door Supernatural by sassycargo
I’m So Sorry – Supernatural by angxlblade
We’ll Go Down In History – SPN Criminal AU by SPNHoffen
Supernatural Bad Moon Rising (DallasCon 2016 Winner) by DemonBlakex
Team Free Will, Angels, Demons, Witches, and Chuck – This is the End by Angeldove
Sam & Dean – Hey Brother (Song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
supernatural – family don’t end in blood by cosmichearts
sam & dean we die together by Mia Winchester
Sam and Dean Winchester – Crossfire [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Tream Free Will – Ready Aim Fire (Collab with AngelOz) (Video/Song Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
sam and dean brother by justcallmemichelle
sam winchester I’ll be good. by Mia Winchester
Castiel Not a Hero [12.10] by Soledad
Castiel – Heaven Help Me [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Castiel My family [Team Free Will] by Soledad
Supernatural Ladies Tribute – Just Like Fire (Video/Song Request) by Angeldove
dean winchester whispers by justcallmemichelle
Supernatural please stop you’re scaring me by TayMarieVideos
Supernatural Paint it black by PinkGI8er2
Supernatural Play With Fire by DemonBlakex
Supernatural Legends Are Made [COLLAB] by DemonBlakex
Team Free Will – Brother (Song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Team Free Will – Believer (Song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Castiel – Behind Blue Eyes (Song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Supernatural (Impala) – Shut Up and Drive by Shixpe
Supernatural Looking Like This by DemonBlakex
Sam And Dean Winchester – Brother let me be your shelter (Video/Song Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Team Free Will 2.0 ~ Ready Set Lets Go by LNied25
Team Free Will 2.0 ‘Cause We’re Unstoppable by KToonX
Team Free Will 2.0 – What ever it takes [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Team Free Will 2.0 – Thunder (Video/Song Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
..we’ll do that together, too. [+13x20] by justcallmemichelle
Jack Kline why do you keep hurting people? SPN by Keya
sam and jack brave by justcallmemichelle
sam & jack – pull me from the dark [+13.23] by LovedSammy
sam & jack – the way by LovedSammy
sam & jack ‘cause you are loved. by Mia Winchester
I believe in us. [+13x23] by justcallmemichelle
Jack Kline Take Me Home by Fandoms Always
Jack Kline – Gold (Imagine Dragons) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Team Free Will (2.0) – Radioactive (song/Video Request) [Angeldove] by Angeldove
Team Free Will – Rise Up (Imagine Dragons) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
team free will whatever it takes by fezzesarecool1234
Team Free Will – Supernatural The Greatest Show(original version) (Video/Song Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Supernatural – Thriller (Original Version) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Team Free Will – Natural (Song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Dean Winchester – I’m Dangerous by Tracy
Team Free Will [2.0] Crossfire [100+ Subs] by Blackshadedheart
team free will 2.0 – born ready by LovedSammy
Team Free Will – Walk Through The Fire (Zayde Wolf) (Video/Song Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Dean & Jack nobody’s perfect, right? by BlackieSwan
Jack Kline Slip Away {+14x07} Supernatural by MysticSwan
sam & jack I’ll look after you. by Mia Winchester
sam & jack – safe inside [+14.08] by LovedSammy
family. [14x08] by justcallmemichelle
Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack (Family) – Light (Song Request) by Angeldove
Team Free Will 2.0 – I’m Alive (Song/Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Jack Kline – Just Drive[AngelDove] by Angeldove
sam & jack – dust and gold [+14x09] by LovedSammy
he was too attached to you. [14x09] by justcallmemichelle
Sam & Dean Winchester – Fire Meets Fate (Song Request) by Angeldove
Jack Kline: Unsteady WINNER Supernatural Chicon 2019 by Kierstyn Torres
Jack Kline He’s Our Kid by Flannel Brothers
Evil Ladies of Supernatural – A Little Wicked (Song Request) by Angeldove
Team Free Will 2.0 – Any Other Way [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Supernatural Family by Reality Genre Studios
alright. [14x11] by justcallmemichelle
sam & dean be safe by Mia Winchester
that amulet is a symbol of the winchesters’ brotherly love. by justcallmemichelle
Sam & Dean Train Wreck by Marcela11
spn we light up the world by justcallmemichelle
spn are you happy now? By justcallmemichelle
sam winchester higher by justcallmemichelle
Team Free Will 2.0 – Let me just give up[AngelDove] by Angeldove
sam & dean let’s go home. by Mia Winchester
I believe in us. [14x12] by justcallmemichelle
sam and dean feel it in my bones [+14x12] by justcallmemichelle
sam & dean – brother [+14x12] (for 300 episodes) by LovedSammy
sam, dean, and cas heal [14x13] by justcallmemichelle
Sam & John I Never Got To Say Goodbye {+14x13} by MysticSwan
john and mary hold my girl by justcallmemichelle
it was a good one. [14x13] by justcallmemichelle
Sam, Dean, John, Mary I will find my way back. [14x13] by Nicolina French
sam winchester sucker by justcallmemichelle
Sam Winchester – Waves [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Sam Winchester I’m in need of a savior by Marcela11
Dean Winchester – Sound Of Silence [Disturbed Cover] (song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
jack kline – whatever it takes [+ 14x17] by LovedSammy
sam & nick[+lucifer] – uninvited by LovedSammy
Dean, Sam, Mary & Hunters – Toy Soldiers [Original Song Version] by Angeldove
sam & jack we’re family. by Mia Winchester
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved. [14x19] by justcallmemichelle
we don’t have a choice. [14x19] by justcallmemichelle
Sam, Jack & Castiel [+14x19] Hurricane by Marcela11
Jack Kline In the End by Marcela11
I’m holding on to your soul. [14x20] by justcallmemichelle
Supernatural Welcome to The End [+14x20] by Marcela11
welcome to the end. [14x20] by justcallmemichelle
Supernatural Welcome to the End [+14x20] by BlackieSwan
chuck man or a monster? [14x20] by justcallmemichelle
Team Free Will 2.0 – I’ve turned into a Monster (Song request) by Angeldove
Team Free Will – Ashes (song/Video Request) [AngelDove] by Angeldove
Sam & Jack Hold On by Marcela11
Team Free Will 2.0 Someone you Loved [1k subs] by Marcela11
why this story? Why supernatural? [200th video] by justcallmemichelle
spn what the hell by justcallmemichelle
Team Free Will & J2M – I’ll be there for you[AngelDove] by Angeldove
Team Free Will – I get knocked down [Welcome to the new channel!] by Angeldove
Supernatural Legends are made – Marcela11
sam and dean be here for you by justcallmemichelle
dean winchester I don’t care by justcallmemichelle
sam and cas where the shadow ends by justcallmemichelle
Team free will 2.0 take me home by Marcela11
Team Free Will 2 0 – Start a war (Video/Song Request) [Includes S15x1] by Angeldove
Sam & Dean Crossfire by PinkGl8er2
Supernatural Survivor [+15x01] by Marcela11
we got work to do. [15x01] by justcallmemichelle
Castiel & Jack I Should have save you by Marcela11
Castiel & Jack I Can’t (Heal) by Marcela11
cas and jack supercollide by justcallmemichelle
Something always goes wrong [15x03] by Marcela11
sam winchester – it has to be you. by Mia Winchester
Team Free Will 2.0 – When the party’s over by Angeldove
we both know where this ends.. [15x04] by justcallmemichelle
sam winchester It’s hard to breathe sometimes [+15x04] by Marcela11
Dean and Sam Winchester – Anchor [Skillet] by Angeldove
when you think I’ve given up, I start to fight. by justcallmemichelle
you’ll always end up here. [15x05] by justcallmemichelle
Supernatural Born for this by Marcela11
…ever want something more? [15x06] by justcallmemichelle
Sam/Eileen – The one who saves me by Angeldove
Team Free Will – Legendary [Skillet] by Angeldove
Adam & Michael we only had each other [+15x08] by Marcela11
spn bring it on home by justcallmemichelle
sam & dean gone gone gone by Marcela11
Supernatural – (WW84 trailer style) by Marcela11
sam and dean we’re gonna make it by justcallmemichelle
heroes. [15x11] by justcallmemichelle
Sam & Jack For you I’ll fight by Marcela11
sam & jack i’d start a riot [+15x11] by LovedSammy
Sam & Jack You are the reason [+15x11] by Marcela11
sam & dean I learned from my brother. by Mia Winchester
Dean, Sam and Castiel (hunters too) – Gangsta’s Paradise (Instrumental and Coolio) by Angeldove
Supernatural Lions Inside by Marcela11
Team Free Will 2.0 – Finish Line [Skillet] by Angeldove
Supernatural Battle Scars by Marcela11
sam & jack I’m gonna help you. by Mia Winchester
Jack Kline It was my fault (+15x13) by frissxedits
Jack Kline Please forgive me [+15x13] by Marcela11
his soul is back. [15x13] by justcallmemichelle
tfw 2.0 safe inside (+5k) by Marcela11
spn if we all die tomorrow by justcallmemichelle
sam and dean my home by justcallmemichelle
Supernatural Blood In the water by Marcela11
Team Free Will – Heart Of The Darkness by Angeldove
team free will 2.0 centuries by Marcela11
spn down to the second by justcallmemichelle
sam + dean + cas + jack saving grace by justcallmemichelle
supernatural white flag by Marcela11
Sam and Dean Winchester – Carry You (Song/Video Request) by Angeldove
sam and dean surround you by justcallmemichelle
Team Free Will – Wake Me Up When It’s All Over (Video/Song request) by Angeldove
Team Free Will 2.0 – We’re Unstoppable [Video/Song Request] by Angeldove
Team Free Will – Angels On My Side (Video/Song Request) by Angeldove
you hurt him, you hurt us [+15x14] by Marcela11
life gives us second chances. [15x14] by justcallmemichelle
then one day, something changed. [15x15] by justcallmemichelle
it's the only thing I have ever known that was true. [15x17] by justcallmemichelle
we don't give up on family [+15x17] by Marcela11
sam & dean || the only thing. by Mia Winchester
random spn scenes to make you laugh because the finale is 2 weeks away by justcallmemichelle
sam & dean || finally free. by Mia Winchester
Finally Free [+15x19] by Marcela11
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“Hello everyone! This is Makoto Naegi, I’m the up and coming lawyer who is also the SHSL Defence Attorney!”
“I am Sayaka Maizono! I’m the SHSL Fortune Teller! You could also say I’m Psychic~”
“Top of the mornin’ to ya! I’m Mondo Oowada the SHSL Irish Dancer!!”
“Hiiiiiii! I’m Mukuro Ikusaba the SHSL Make Up Artist!! Charmed I’m sure!!”
“I am Celestia Ludenberg, but you most likely know me by my title “Goth Loli Sama”. I am the ultimate Animator”
“And ACTION!! I’m Kazuichi Souda the SHSL Director! It’s a pleasure to meet you! And scene!”
“Why hello there~ I’m Juzo Sakakura, the greatest thespian that ever lived ;)”
“And Gonta’s name is Gonta Gokuhara! Gonta’s talent is SHSL Talent Scout!!”
“If you’re interested in hanging out with a Psychic Sidekick and Friends! Please give us a ping!! or give us a promo! you do you!!”
((people who aren’t tagged are also more than welcome to interact))
@shymaru / @rockinmusician / @ask-the-ultimate-psychoanalyst / @slimemakotonaegi / @theultimatemoralcompass / @redeemed-fashionista / @melody-rhythm-guitarist
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ngame989 · 5 years
Starco Fic Recs
Disclaimer: This list is largely curated to my own personal preferences (minimal feelings angst, minimal AUs, character development >>> plot) and has a fairly high bar for quality in characterization, etc. There will likely be many popular/beloved fics that I really don’t think highly of at all and therefore don’t make the cut. Feel free to DM me things you think I should consider adding, but I make no promises.
And of course I’d be flattered if you gave my own works a chance - stop by my About Me section for links! Thus far I’m particularly proud of the post-canon series I just started in collaboration with an awesome team, The Greatest Gift.
(Updated 9/26 - I decided to redo the list since people might appreciate seeing it in the tags again. To anyone whose own work is featured here that I haven’t personally responded to - I’m a tough critic with a lot of strong personal preferences so PLEASE do not take my gripes as condemnations of your skills - if they make the list at all, I think they’re worth a read!)
See below for the very thorough list!
Bolded titles indicate must-read.
Italicized titles indicate work is incomplete (in the case of continuous stories).
Asterisks indicate new additions from last update (3 for brand new, 1 for status update).
I’ve VERY loosely organized the categories by personal priority order this time around, but read the descriptions and decide for yourself!
Forevermore - A Starco wedding story (with a bit of Jantom as well). Simply one of the best fics I’ve read in the fandom. I have no meaningful criticism to give it, and that’s the highest praise I can possibly give something.
Monarchs of Mewni (+ Traditionally Lovingly Yours) - A series of chronologically disconnected oneshots set years after the show. The backstory is very dated given how long ago it started (Jarco was kinda serious for a few years, Tomstar v2 never happened, etc) but overall it’s lovely. Has a bit of plot, a bit of Jantom, a lot of other character interactions, and a boatload of Starco - plus a Starco kid who is a decently developed character but also doesn’t just take over and crowd out Star and Marco themselves! That alone deserves merit.
Ruined - Aftermath of a hypothetical return of Monster Arm. Angst with a happy ending (and one of the few angsty fics that gets my seal of approval), so read this extra early if that’s more your schtick than mine.
study buddies - Y’know what, fuck it, I’m putting this here. It’s a short ball of Starco fluff but it’s one of the sweetest and fluffiest fluffballs I’ve seen in a long time and it’s very emotionally immersive and y’all needa read it.
*When Two Worlds Collide - One of my favorite postcanon series thus far. I admit I’m really not big on “magic returns!” plots in postcanon (which this has), and the sections that focus on that are hit or miss for me, but overall it has some of the funnest and cutest characterization and gags I’ve seen in any SVTFOE fic, ever. Absolutely worth following (and it has a fair amount of art to go along with it!)
***Star Chef - Oneshot (two chapters, so twoshot technically?) set in the same universe as Starlight Justiciar (see below) and is just a day in the life of Star and Marco. Goes absolutely above and beyond at emotional immersion and little nuances and details to bring the world and characters to life, which elevates it to something special to me.
Light of the Sun and Stars - (Promoted to Must-Read!) One of the few heavily divergent AU fics I care for. Marco is an orphan raised by monsters, and meets Star after running away. Just finished its “first season” and I've loved the recent chapters, am very excited to see where it goes.
*Don’t You Let Me Go - Wonderfully fluffy post-Cleaved Starco, one of my favorite oneshot “epilogues”.
i want to tell you (but i don’t know how) - Post season 3 fic detailing the growth of Star and Marco’s relationship. It’s spectacular writing and shows off a lot of the true depth of Starco beyond just being cute.
Adult - NSFW warning, non-explicit (aged-up characters). It’s a story about the journey towards Star and Marco’s first step into adulthood together -  it’s not graphic and way more focused on the emotions involved, but it still is definitely more explicit than your average FFnet rated-T fic. If sexual themes ain’t your thing, I totally respect that, but this is a charming and funny piece of writing.
Lawchan’s various oneshots - There isn’t a great compilation for them right now so the best I can do is give you her tag for it and you can comb through it yourself. I like some more than others here, but they’re all very well-written - my only gripes with some of them are my own tastes in subject matter, so have fun perusing this on your own.
I Will Always Be There For You - A really pure and wholesome Starco oneshot. Very well-written.
Post-Canon Series to Follow
I figured with the show being over, and so many people starting their own series, I should include a lot of them here even if I’m personally not the biggest fan just to help gather them up so people can decide for themselves. Little bit looser on judgment here.
*Life on Earthni A to Z - Non-chronological postcanon slice of life oneshots, Starco and some Globclipsa and Jantom. Overall really good so far, one of my favorites in terms of direction.
*When Dimensions Cleave (sequel - Unforgettable Getaway) - Another postcanon series hellbent on bringing back magic queen lore, but it has some solid Starco fluff still. Credit where it’s due, the “Star constantly freaking out over what a horrible person she was” bit that I called preachy in the prior rec post gets somewhat less preachy and does end up actually going somewhere as part of character development, but I’m left scratching my head at how they all act sometimes. The good parts are certainly good, though, and in terms of quantity of lovey dovey Starco, it really can’t be beat (especially the sequel) and that’s worth something by itself. 
We’re a Miracle - Extra adorkable postcanon fluff. Lighter on the “but ACKSHUALLY MAGIC IS BACK” stuff compared to the others, but it’s there, like almost every postcanon fic in existence.
Star vs the Sands of Time - Heavy politic/lore postcanon fic, not my fav but if that’s more your thing then great. Has some casual Starco too.
Goodbye Isn’t Forever - More POV dives into Cleaved.
Fake Proposal - Some decent jokey but cute fluff
The Stars Above - Some exploration of Earthni
New World - A bit over-the-top meta, but fun fluff
The Starlight Justiciar - Four years after canon, some social change plot stuff and some decent Starco. Not the biggest fan of some of the plot stuff but check it out for yourself!
Starco vs the Forces of Evil - Another collab fic/art thing. Fair warning, I really am not personally a huge fan of a lot of the characterization and plot decisions here (see my notes on Sign of the Moon waaaay down below) but decide for yourself, don’t let my pickiness dictate your own preferences!
Ready For The Future - Technically a oneshot (with some Starco) but sets up some Mina plot, if you’re interested in more give it a follow/review.
Worlds Together - Some Starco and exploration of Earthni.
Epilogue -  Some Starco and exploration of Earthni.
***A Dark Horse - Has a few really nice lovey dovey Starco bits but also lots of superdrama with politics stuff. There’s a lot of fics here that I honestly just windowshop the scene I like for a quick fix of dopamine every now and then and skim at most otherwise, and this is one.
Revolution - end of canon AU where Moon is as anti-monster as Mina, dark as fuck. Only putting it here cuz some of y’all angstlords might like it.
Shorter Works/Oneshot Collections
I’ll Carry Your World - Big ole’ ball of wonderful Starco fluff with an important moment between them (written before end of show so a bit divergent).
***LoveIsTheStrongestKindOfMagic - Very short and basic fluff.
Starco Week 5 (Hugs Included) - Some of it is postcanon Earthni oneshots and others are from the Light of the Sun and Stars AU (see above). Great author, fun as hell writing style.
Fragile - Star worries about keeping her boyfriend Marco safe.
Complete - An older Star reflects on her past and present. Short and sweet.
Knighthood - Simple fluff piece on if Star and Marco got together after Storm the Castle.
Too Hot to Move - Star and Marco try to survive a heat wave on Earthni. Also funny fluff.
Marco Make-out Mayhem - Star really likes kissing Marco. Funny fluff.
Cleaved Together - NSFW warning, non-explicit (aged up) - Star and Marco’s first time. Very very overly focused on the whole purity/sacredness of first time thing, but still pretty cute.
Like Us - Really nice, sweet casual reflection on her life with Marco from a future Star’s POV.Toothpaste Kisses - Short fluff about its title.
A Friend’s Memento - Starco fluff with some reflection on the results of destroying magic
Plum Pie - Some goofy antics and hurt/comfort.
Not Losing You - A little dive into Marco’s POV at the end of Cleaved. Also adds a kiss.
We Belong Together - More speculative slightly angsty comfort/fluff.
Enough - A nice study of the emotions and thoughts during the last scenes of Cleaved, adds some depth to it.
Heartless - A bit of angst over magic going away with some sweet Starco comfort.
Together - Post-Cleaved Starco megafluff.
My Prince - Starco fluff set in a world where they were together before Cornonation.
Dancing with a Star - Starco fluff from alt S4.
Love in the Time of Pancakes - Written hours after my last update of the list, another little ditty based on the pancake promo.
Pancakes - Fluffy S4-promo-based little oneshot.
Hers - Hurt/comfort/confession-y fic, has some really nice moments and shows off a lot of how much they care about each other. Nice to see after such a drought.
Someone to Stay - Another hurt/comfort fic, nice and simple.
A Viola, a Violin, and a Butterfly’s Sword - some nonlinear oneshots about Starco. Some kinda weird directions gone in with the “plot” but it’s pretty good overall.
Falling - One of many, many fics from throughout the fandom’s history about Star and Marco getting together. Short and sweet.
forget about white horses & once upon a time - Drabble collection of various moments scattered throughout Star and Marco’s lives. Cute fluff.
The One Where I Thought I Lost You - Post-BFM fic where Marco realizes his feelings for Star earlier. Very wholesome.
christmases when you were mine - Established relationship fluff.
lightning in your veins, thunder in your heart - Post-season 3 established relationship fluff (slightly divergent, written before 3B).
once upon a december - Established relationship fluff.
Flags - Alternate rendition of the episode “Flags” with Starco.
Spells and Hot Chocolate - Wintry fluff.
5 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ - Post BFM with some events in Star and Marco’s lives.
You’re My Wish Come True - This is just indulgent Starco trash. I won’t even argue for the characterization/writing quality, this is just a straight-up guilty pleasure.
Wands and Nachos - ^
The Princess and the Safe Kid - ^
A Day in the Life of Starco - ^
A very Starco Xmas - ^
Could It Be -^
All the times Star wore Marco’s hoodie - ^
Protect Me, Squire - ^
Crushed - Star and Marco both get turned down by their respective crushes and find comfort in each other.
Stay - Cuddly fluff. There’s another Stay out there which I frankly can’t stand with will-they-won’t-they melodrama out the wazoo, so don’t get confused.
Longer Series
*The Inescapable Us - Really tropey miscommunication will-they-won’t-they type of thing. Not my fav, especially now that the show is over and finished that leg of Star and Marco’s story once and for all (I’m personally WAY less interested in things that redo something canon already did). However, where it’s at now has some really good Starco moments. Fully admitted that I hella skimmed most of it until the parts I enjoyed, but And if you’re more fine with that type of thing then you’ll probably really like it, it’s well-written otherwise.
Together We Fall - Throwback S2 AU fic where Star and Marco go to the dance together instead and Toffee makes moves earlier. Gets kinda dark but has a lot of nice Starco along the way.
Safer, Sorrier - A recent rewrite of an older fic, Better Safe Than Sorry, where Star has to leave early to become queen and Marco is alone for a few months before they reunite. A very dated premise (post season 1 ish) but quite good.
Sugar and Spice - NSFW warning, non-explicit (NOT aged-up characters). In this fic, Star and Marco have gotten together after BFM, and a spell gone wrong leads to Mewberty relapses with obvious consequences. This fic has adorable Starco moments, but what I love this for above all is the other character interactions (especially Glossaryck and Star’s parents). This is probably a controversial add-on to the list, but I stick by my decision - if the subject matter isn’t your thing, then by all means avoid it.
Beyond Dimensions - Plotfic + established Starco where some ancient sorceress has to trap Star to escape and try to take over Mewni. Maybe y'all are more into plot stuff than me but the Starco that’s there is quite good regardless.
Starfall - NSFW warning, explicit (aged-up characters). Probably the most popular one to make the cut. Star and Marco are forced apart and have to find their way back together. Very old fic, lot of dated stuff here, and the narration and plot itself can get kinda questionable sometimes, but it has a lot of good Starco and some interesting plot elements that make it, in my opinion, worth a read despite a lot of flaws. A few epilogue chapters contain rather explicit sexual content, so be wary of that (and the epilogue itself after Ep 6 kinda transitions into a nextgenverse, so maybe just skip that entirely).
The Star Butterfly Effect - The sole fic on the list that is purely plot-based, with very little actual Starco development whatsoever. I can’t even really explain it, just give it a shot and see what you think; I was rather engrossed by the plot, and that’s rare for me.
The Princess and her Knight, Return of the Empire The former fic in this series is way more character-based, while the latter is very heavy plot stuff. Pretty decent character writing with some fluff. There’s a third that I honestly can’t recommend because I completely dropped it because it was just a nonstop war story.
Experimental - REALLY heavy, dark AU where Star and Marco are tortured and corrupted. It’s pretty decent.
Blood Moon Blitz - Alt BFM fic of Marco going to fight Toffee with Star. unfortunately dropped without completing, but what’s there is pretty solid.
Read at Your Own Risk…
The Sign of the Moon, The Dance of the Stars - Starts post-3A, involves the growth of Star and Marco’s relationship as they take on foes in and out of the castle and learn more about the Blood Moon. This series is rather… melodramatic, and there were some chapters and character interactions I flat out did not enjoy reading. But some people aren’t as strict on character interpretations as I am and would love such a long plot-based Starco fic, so overall I still will at least list it and let you decide for yourself. There might be a third entry in this series now, but I dropped it before then.
Photos - I hesitate to include this one here because the “Tom is a perfect angel who must sacrifice his love for Star” thing pisses me off. But just skip all that (and ignore the random “a part of me will always love Tom” line) and it’s a really nice post-s3 confession fic.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale 3.12 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- YAS TOM AND SIERRA ❤️❤️❤️ Also Josie and Kevin are sibling excellence
- Ew Moose’s dad. “I’ll check my calendar, Sierra” that bitch is so not doing it lmaoooo
- Choni. this is the greatest scene bye. Oh right I forgot about the SAT’s bc they didn’t go.
- Veggie ❤️❤️ I hate how after all of Veronica’s attempts she’s STILL being sucked into the fucking criminal life!
- Mevin. Wow. They’re fucking going AT IT and I am actually kinda here for it? Like??? FUCK.
- “Told you they ere in here, sir.” what a fucking tattle tale bitch
- SWOSIE. OH YM GOD GTHEY’VE HAD FLINGS. HIS SMILE. I’M FUCKING— HE FUCKING LIKES HER I’M—AW SWEET PEA “I’m not built that way, maybe that makes me needy” BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH HE IS SUCH A FUCKING SOFTIE I’M SO—HE DESERVES SO MUCH I’M SO!!! UNFOLLOW ME RIGHT NOW THIS IS ALL I’M GOING TO TALK ABOUT FOR THE NEXT YEAR (Also did we just see his fucking trailer? Because I need to see more of it please and thanks. Also please tell me he has a sweet grandmother named Lily because then my fanfic will come to life and I will legit burst into tears)
- Wow Penelope is really trying to stop Cheryl from going to school huh
- MCKELLER AHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOW CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEE WE LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHHH. Ugh this ascension night and gargoyle king shit is so annoying
- CHERYL AND KEVIN FRIENDSHIP LET’S FINALLY HAVE WHAT WE DESERVE!!! Wait I thought all of the mains know about Mevin lmao this is why we need basically every episode like this. LOL Bumble is the Grindr of Riverdale. KEVIN MOOSE NOT COMING OUT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU BBY. Oh no don’t nudge him to come out don’t force him that’s so bad!
- CHERYL OFFICIALLY CALLED HERSELF A LESBIAN BITCHHHHHH AND TONI LISTENING SO CUTELY. Oh no… she basically just outed Moose is this why her and Toni fight??? /.\ I feel so bad for Moose thought they’re like backing him into a corner!!!
- JOSIE IS CRYING POOR BBY but also ARCHOSIE!!! SHE WAS GONNA ASK SP TO DRIVE HER BITCH I’M SOFT! I’m glad they’re not making him out to be an asshole though I love that for my baby Sweet Pea
- Reggie calling Veronica Ronnie ❤️❤️❤️ “Is robbing banks still a thing?” Reggie lmao ONE OF MY IDEAS SORT OF COMING TO LIFE I’M—VEGGIE BEING SO CUTE I LOVE IT
- This has nothing to do with McKeller, Penelope but okay. You’re sounding like you know something… lmao if you need Hiram you’re probably fucked. And also EW MARTY MANTLE GO SUCK A BIG FUCKING TOE
- Josie is such a cutie! And this is the first time we’ve ever seen her nervous! But I imagine what it’d be like if SP drove her like he’d be so enamored with her
- REGGIE GOT SHOT. I saw this in the promos but STILL
- So no one can hear the camera going off like??? “We know how to dominate, too” BITCH CHERYL—
- I’m sorry our queen Josie didn’t get it? Mmhm sounds fake but okay… but is this how they’re setting up for Josie’s spin off? “And I’m alone” BITCH NO YOU’RE NOT MY POOR CHILD!!! I really like how Archosie is being there for each other and we get to see emotional Josie
- Really Reggie’s dad had a dye pack? Nah this bitch is definitely doing illegal shit and the car dealership is a front. OMG IF THAT’S TRUE MY FUCKING STORY UNHOLY—PLEASE I NEED THIS RIVERDALE.
- Why did they have to make Gladys deal drugs like it would be a bit more interesting to see her be the “Good” parent
- CHERYL APOLOGIZING TO MOOSE AWWWW why is Moose suddenly so attractive??? BUT HE’S OPENING UP TO CHERYL HOW CUTE. LMAO “I’d bring new sheets, a lot of people have had sex on that cot” oh no isn’t that where Mevin gets interrupted
- You’re trusting Penelope… with cyanide antidote? Mmhm… ugh Hiram…
- So how tf does Moose’s bitch ass father find out about the bunker???
- Oh of course it’s Penelope who finds the thing. HOW FUCKING COINCIDENTAL.
- BITCH VEGGIE IS SO HOT. Charmila is making a show. And thank GOD Bughead stopped but also why is everyone deciding to fuck at the same time? That’s weird
- Bughead actually stopping to answer their phones? Unrealistic
- Poor Moose like he finally is able to be with the guy he likes (I know I’ve said it didn’t seem like he was into him but to be fair we never really saw Kevin together okay? Okay. I am repenting until Joaquin is suddenly alive and Joavin can rise again lmao) and him and Kevin are fucking dragged away by the gargoyle gang.
- AW KEVIN. omg yes BITCH!!!!
- Really… Moose’s father? Are you serious? But if he ends up dragging Moose to SOQM why the FUCK is he let go after this? MOOSE’S DAD LIKED GUYS TOO WHAT ohhh nvm that was Moose playing the younger version of his father
- JELLYBEAN!!!!!! But FP’s scared look when Gladys says they’re going to be staying awhile because he’s getting with Alice lmao Falice will totally survive in the end because him and Jug will find out why they’re really there and then he’ll realize he really loves Alice. We love Falice!
- And what I was going to say was that we’re probably going to meet the gk as the gk but think that it’ll be just another fucking rip off bc it’ll be a side character no one ever sees.
- Jughead is so happy to see his mom and realizing that when he finds out, and ultimately finds out that V knows about the drug thing, he’s going to be an unnecessary asshole to her leaves a bad taste in my mouth. At least it won’t be fueled by Betty’s dislike of her but STILL LET JERONICA BE A THING
- ARCHOSIE SINGING TOGETHER YES PLEASE! Is it bad that I lowkey want a scene where SP walks in to Archosie flirting and shit and gets all sad and meets up with Fangs
- MOOSE IS MOVING TO GLENDALE. “I’m gonna miss you Marmaduke” “I’ll miss you Kevin Keller” THE SECOND YOU MAKE MOOSE LIKABLE AND YOU FUCKING SEND HIM AWAY!!! Also why do all of Kevin’s boyfriends move away to towns nearby
- Honestly i’d be more surprised if Gladys and Jellybean weren’t coming back into Jughead and FP’s lives again just to fuck it up smh
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