evanescentide · 2 years
; [ tags post. part two! ]
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mncxbe · 10 months
Hii i have a request: aku dating s/o who's atsushi's sister (he's unaware of it) and then someday he sees both together and is like "the fuck are you doing with him??" and reader is like "he's my brother, honey 😃" and atsushi's like ">>HE<< IS YOUR BOYFRIEND???" anyways, chaos
Oh damn this would indeed be chaos. A little bit of context: the reader works at an antique store so she's not really involved with the Pm or the Ada. Anyway hope you enjoy♡
Blood bonds
𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: slice of life/ silly◇
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The musty, old room scent of the anitque store; tiny flakes of dust illuminated by the brilliant evening light and the endless piles of books that formed a maze inside the crammed shop were all too familiar to him. It was the nth time this month when Akutagawa came to pick you up after work, a cup of your favourite coffee in his hand.
He made his way through the bookshelves and stacks of paperbacks and leather bound tomes to the back of the shop where the cash register was and just as he took the last turn, he saw you; leaning over the wooden desk and talking with... Atsushi?
Your silvery hair caught the late autumn light, gleaming like a jewel as you tucked a stary strand behind your ear. Completely absorbed in conversation with the young man, you didn't even notice your boyfriend until he spoke up.
"Hi Y/N sorry I'm late I stopped to get you a coffee."
Your head suddenly snapped in his direction, a warm smile creeping on your lips.
"Hi there Ryu. How was your day?" you asked as you tip toed around the counter to embrace him; but before you had the chance Atsushi spoke.
"What are you doing here Akutagawa?"
The stern tone of his voice was the last drop. How dared he ask such a question? Akutagawa's brows frowned as his lips pressed into a tight line.
"What the hell are you doing here, weretiger?"
"Wait, you know each other?" you chimed in, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I shouldn't bother with the introductions then"
"What introductions are you talking about? How do you know him?" asked Akutagawa as his nails dug deeper into the calloused skin of his palm.
"Oh love Sushi is my brother"
Akutagawa's heart sank; he felt as if he were underwater, your words a jumble of muffled sounds. For a moment he stood there between you and Atsushi, completely disarmed, his gaze moving from one to another.
And then it finally clicked. The resemblace between the two of you was undeniable. You had the same eyes: your irises a hue of violet and yellow, spotted with little flakes of gold around the pupil; and almost the same lean built except you were a few centimeters shorter than him. If you weren't wearing that sharp black eyeliner, your face would be an identical replica of his.
"I- uh..." he stammered, eyes darting from one to another. "I didn't know that."
Regardless of how shocking this new discovery was he was happy that there was nothing more going on between the two of you. His tense shoulders slightly slouched, a smile creeping on his lips.
"Well love that's quite a strange coincidence." he added in a more relaxed tone.
"Love? What do you mean by love? Nee chan are you... wait are you dating him?" screamed Atsushi.
His eyes bore a shadow of betrayal as he held your gaze. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think it was important for you to know who I'm seeing." you said nonchalantly, taking a sip from your coffee.
"Like hell of course it matters. Do you even know what he's done? Who he is? You should've-"
"I should've what, Atsushi? Gave you a phone call whenever I sleep with someone? I'm old enough to take care of myself and I don't know what the two of you have to share but please, try to get along for my sake ok? At least while we're together."
The two men blushed furiously at your words: Akutagawa was shocked by the sudden mention of your love life while Atsushi was simply embarassed.
With his gaze held down he uttered an apology.
"Sorry I just... want you to be safe"
"Trust me weretiger, that's my number one priority too" added Akutagawa as he gently slid a hand around your waist to pull you closer.
The warm smile that rose to your lips when your boyfriend embraced you was enough for Atsushi to drop the matter.
"Okay then" you said in a cheerful voice. "How about we all dine somewhere? I just need a minute to close the shop. Be right back"
With that you made your way to the backroom where you kept your keys and jacket, leaving the two men behind. Both of them were equally reluctant to accept your invitation but what could they say? If it made you happy they could pretend to get along for a night.
"Hey Akutagawa. Take care of her okay?" stated the silver haired man with a concerned look on his face.
Akutagawa only nodded. "Of course I will. I wouldn't do anything to harm her."
A smile made its way to Atsushi's lips. "I really didn't take you for a romantic, Akuatagwa"
A wave of anger took over the raven haired man upon hearing his rival's remark but before he could say anything back you emerged from the room.
"Ready to go?"
You approached your boyfriend and leaned in to place a tender kiss to his lips.
"We'll go to that place you like Ryu. Remember? We went there on our first date."
"Of course love." he chuckled, barely able to hide the blush that tinted his pale face.
Before the three of you walked out of the shop and into the busy street, Akutagawa turned to Atsushi and spoke in a hushed voice.
"Don't you dare say a word about this to anyone weretiger. Or I'll hunt you down"
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lenteur · 7 months
random thoughts about strong girl nam soon, episode five (pt 2)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
We got the replica of the ahn min hyuk squealing and kicking his feet like a school girl but this time it's nam soon. I find it endearing because it's like seeing a little child falling in love for the first time. She has this genuine look of joy and excitement in her eyes.
The actress playing Ri hwa ja being so good at her job she should get paid even more. I want her to face the consequences of her actions.
Interesting how everyone in the family wants ri hwa ja to pay for her crimes but hwang geum ju is the only one defending her because she believes hwa ja was desperate for a mom. She saw it in nam soon's imposter's eyes. I wonder if it was an act or if she really wanted to have someone to rely on instead of using all means to earn money. Hwa ja does seem desperate for money. I don't remember if it was said or not but she does come from a poor (in terms of money) background so she must have hustled her whole life to get to where she is.
Also the reason she hates nam soon is because she was on the verge of earning A LOT of money and, in the blink of an eye, the money disappeared. Even though i despise her for wanting to kill an innocent woman, I do understand the struggles of not having a lot of money to live a comfortable life. If she got the money before the real nam soon reuniting with her mom, i think she would have lived her life by herself and left like that.
With that said, it doesn't mean ri hwa ja isn't a bad person because she used manipulation and lies to get to where she is. The most horrible part is her manipulating hwang geum ju by giving her the illusion she finally reunited with her daughter after 20 years of being apart. I don't know I'm very torn on her. She's a bad person, let's all agree on that. But i do believe her financial situation plays a big part on why she's behaving that way.
I've said in a previous episode how hwang geum ju seemed to be empathetic because she wanted her daughter back and i was wondering if she'll continue to have empathy for others after she found nam soon. Well, this scene gave me the answer. She's understanding. She knows not everyone is born with a lot of money and she wants to help others as much as she can. She's even extending her hand to ri hwa ja, even though the latter played with her feelings and lied to her. Hwang geum ju's motto is shown in this scene: make the world a better place.
Bread song making poses by the window = cringe but also hilarious. Gives him the image of a newbie ceo, not really knowing how to act with his new acquired wealth. I was wrong, he's just a freak and it's making as uncomfortable as hwang geum ju is right now.
Nice to see some more info on hwa ja's background. An orphan and a gang leader training orphans to do dirty job for him. She's the only woman in the group. That means she's strong and talented at what she does. But it does explain a lot of things and I can understand her better.
The grandma is hilarious in her quest to get her future boyfriend. I just can't get enough of her.
The plot thickens and someone is giving nam in the dr*g without him knowing. It's disguised as a weight loss pill. I hope he doesn't use it but shows it to nam soon or hee sik so they can move quicker on the case.
I see the dr*g gives strength to those who took it but then they d1e right away, which begs the question: what is different about ryu si o that makes him survive when all the other people who took the dr*g d1ed a few days/weeks after?
Interestingly enough nam soon's first thought when meeting the villain (she doesn't know it's him) is to ask him if he's sick. She is worried about him. She really is a good person.
She needs to talk about this to hee sik, tell him how she found someone with superhuman strength just like her.
I see the dr*g doesn't have the same effect on everyone. Some take longer to d1e. The only side effect is the excessive consumption of water. The chief of the diu team is taking a lot longer than the other victims to d1e. Maybe he'll be the one to survive until the end and a guinea pig (ie they'll experiment on him) to find an antidote?
Ooohooo the plot thickens! Nam soon is finally face to face with her impostor. But i don't think she's seen her face so i don't think she'll recognize her.
So happy to see hee sik back on the case.
The next episode seems promising.
I'll give this episode a 10/10 because it gave us a little bit of everything without revealing too much so us spectators want to tune in for the next episode.
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xbrokenreflection · 2 years
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1. when are you usually online?  
My mornings and evenings, mostly. I work on weekday afternoons, so I’m rarely active then! I’m also a night owl, so my bedtime is anywhere between 11pm and 2am depending on how much the day drained me.
2. what verses are you involved in outside of this page?
I write mostly in a semi-canon verse for Ryu, though I’m also building an AU Pokemon verse for him! (Speaking of, if this is asking what other fandom verses I write in, Pokemon is currently the main one! I have a fandomless OC as well, and Noragami muses!)
3. what is your biggest RP pet peeve?
Got a couple that go hand in hand:
1. Real time RP. As in, the passage of REAL time affects the threads and relationships, and if I disappear for a day the other muse is wondering where mine was. (This is why the vast majority of my stuff is plotted or semi-plotted.)
2. Endless domestic shippy fluff. I like ships, but I prefer a slow burn with plenty of outside drama, not... happy married life.
Other than those... I also really don’t like purple prose.
4. are you drawn to specific types of muses?
I really like characters with an internal struggle who also want to make the world better in some way. Even if they make a lot of mistakes, they’re trying.
5. are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
I don’t know if it’s hard to notice the themes I like? But I think a big one is the ripple effect: a person’s actions will leave marks on the world around them.
Sometimes, a small gesture makes a big impact.
6. what are your favorite RP trends?
I’m very glad to see more people writing relationships BEYOND romantic ships. Last time I was active, it felt like... those were the main thing people cared about, and partners that wanted to stay friends (or explore stuff like rivalries!) would get dropped super quick.
I also think the little banners people use now are super neat? I love how people find and make stuff that fits their muse!
7. what is your process for starting a new story with someone?  
Meetings are some of my favorite things to approach, actually! I try to figure out an idea that’s fun and memorable, and as unique as possible! (Naturally, there is bound to be some overlap. Especially because I adore certain tropes, lol.)
I also try communicate with my RP partners, figure out what sorts of things we both would like to explore with our characters! I think it’s important to be on the same page about the general direction threads are going.
8. how do you feel about duplicates?
I adore other Replikus, and whenever I write with them I have a lot of fun! It’s so interesting to see how people choose to develop the character, what name they have him go by, whether or not they make changes to his appearance... and of course, how similar and different they all are from Riku AND each other!
Plus, the threads themselves tend to be funny. It’s amusing how often they can actually tell it’s another replica! “Wait, you’re not HIM, you’re ME!”
9. how long have you been involved in roleplaying?
RP in general? About 14 years!
Tumblr RP and Ryu specifically? It’ll be 10 years next March!
10. is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?
There’s a lot of muses I would love to write, but I just don’t have the time or energy to have more or get involved in totally unfamiliar fandoms.
I haven’t gotten to dive into Ryu’s Pokemon Verse much yet, but I’m excited about it! Other than that, I think the only underused verse that I COULD do a lot more with is “Sleeping to Dream.” I’d love to rp out the adventure Ryu and Xion had playing the Reaper’s Game! (A lot of the active TWEWY blogs don’t seem to interact with KH blogs, though.)
TAGGED BY: stole it from @litoredeem​ TAGGING: steal it from me!
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Please, can you do ♣️, 🥔 and ■ for Bi-Han, Hanzo Hasashi and Kuai Liang?
Thank you for asking.
Weakness/soft spot headcanon: Most of Bi-Han’s empathy had been drained out of him after countless deaths by his hands. His brother could be considered a soft spot, but only in very specific circumstances when they were younger and Kuai was still learning about his place in the clan. Nowadays, whatever small weakness he had is purged, a gift of the netherrealm.
Lazy headcanon: Bi-Han cannot afford to rest, not with his position on the Lin Kuei. However, on the rare occasion he can relax without eyes on him, he retreats to his qurters and enjoys the silent peace. Then Sektor bursts in and challenges him to a match, because the snobby bastard can’t accept losing.
Bedroom/personal quarters headcanon: Bi Han’s room was very bare bones, only containing bare essentials. Uniforms, a spare mask or two, nothing special. Still, he keeps a memory hidden deep within his closet for none to see. What could it be? Only he knows.
Hanzo Hasashi:
Weakness/soft spot headcanon: Children, orphans to be specific. he cannot resist the tear filled eyes of a child where they ask him where their parents are. he also has a soft spot for stuffed bears, mainly because they remind him of Satoshi's beloved childhood toy.
Lazy headcanon: Whenever he can relax, Hanzo usually meditates. Before, he was occasionally interrupted by his wife, nowadays not so much. Somedays he goes in a walk around the fire gardens, taking in the beauty of such a place.
Bedroom/personal quarters headcanon: Before his resurrection, Hanzo’s quarters were what you would expect. Ninja gear, a framed picture of his family, a few family heirlooms, a rose, the things that give him strength to fight. Now, as the grandmaster of the shirai ryu, his quarters are more lavished, though still retaining that feel of basic necessity paired by the things that give him strength. Hung on the wall is a replica of Takeda’s skull mask, his apprentice and representation of his second chance.
Kuai Liang:
Weakness/soft spot headcanon: Kuai Liang has a soft spot for bad pubs, he makes a lot himself and it always amuses him that he can make it sound like a threat.
Lazy headcanon: As Tundra, Kuai was often more studious than Tomas. He never stopped training unless he physically couldn’t anymore, or someone told him “Stop.” Whenever he was dragged into leisure he often took one of the books from the shelves and began to read, all the while careful not to appear undisciplined. Now, as the grandmaster, one would expect his duties to come first. But, when he gets downtime, he opens a book and reads without worrying about being caught.
Bedroom/personal quarters headcanon: Kuai’s room was much like Bi Han's early on, but as he forged relationships with Smoke and the others, he started personalising it in small ways that would allow him to get away with it. When he reformed the Lin Kuei, he removed the prohibition against attachments and had several picture frames of allies, friends and his brother. They motivate him.
I hope you enjoy.
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kuai-liangst · 2 years
Lost Snow Child Chapter Nine
Summary: Emily and Kuai Liang are taken to the Infirmary. Bi-Han and Hanzo finally talk after centuries.
@michael-young-history since you want to be @ for updates. Sorry, that I forgot to update the other posts in the Queue.
Emily was going to be in so much trouble when she got her hands on her. Cole and Bi-Han were on her heels as she marched down to the infirmary. The first thing she sees is a man in strange armor and a mask similar to Bi-Han’s. 
“HANZO HASASHI,” Bi-Han growls as he makes an ice blade. “GET AWAY FROM THEM.”
The man, Hanzo Hasashi, looks at Bi-Han. “Bi-Han,” The man was calm and almost sad. “We need to speak.”
“About what?” Bi-Han growls as Allison looks around frantically to find something to attack the man with to get him away from her kids.
“When was the Lin Kuei attacked?” Hanzo gently asks as one older cryomancer as Kuai Liang pokes his head out from behind Emily.
Bi-Han growls, “You know when we were attacked, you were there.”
“Humor me,” Hanzo tells Bi-Han, who glares at him as Allison makes her way over to the kids.
Bi-Han glares at Hanzo, “You attacked us a week before we retaliated.”
Hanzo shakes his head, “I was home, helping my wife with our youngest.”
“Your youngest?” Bi-Han repeats, confused, before glancing at Cole, “That explains things. But then, what is your explanation on the dead Shirai Ryu warriors that our warriors killed when you attacked.”
Hanzo shakes his head. “There was no one missing. Also, I cannot teleport. I would not have been able to return home before you arrived with your warriors.”
Bi-Han gulps as he looks away from him, “You're lying.” He weakly says as Kuai Liang whimpers.
Allison was pissed because if what Hanzo was saying was true, then someone killed Kuai Liang and people close to Bi-Han, just so that Bi-Han killed Hanzo and his clan in retaliation. 
“Bi-Han, did...did we kill innocent people?” Kuai Liang asks softly from behind Emily.
“No,” “No,” Allison and Bi-Han say in unison.
Bi-Han pushes past Emily and gently holds his little brother’s face in his hands, “The blood is on my hands not yours. You did not kill anyone, understand?” Kuai Liang nods and a soft smile, that makes Allison’s heart skip a beat, grows on his face.
“So, what’s going to happen Hanzo? What do you want?” Bi-Han asks the ninja, Kuai Liang lets out a little gasp and before she could react he was already running in between Bi-Han.
“Don’t kill my big brother.” Kuai Liang begs and Allison doesn’t miss Hanzo flinching as he looks at the child, “Kill me if you need to, just please don’t take my big brother away from me.”
Hanzo trembles and kneels before Kuai Liang, “I do not plan to kill someone who was used to hurt me. Especially, knowing that he knew the same pain I went through.” Hanzo gently pats Kuai Liang’s head, “I assure you, I will not kill you or your brother. We will find the true mastermind behind the conflict.”
“You mentioned that you did a job to bring Kuai Liang back, Bi-Han, what was that job?” Allison asks as she gently picks Kuai Liang up and sits next to Emily and sets him in her lap.
Bi-Han looks at her, “That amulet Kano took? It's a replica, Quan Chi wanted it in exchange for Kuai Liang.”
“I know Quan Chi, he has visited the Netherrealm and has tried to recruit me in order to kill you.” Hanzo tells him, “I rejected his offer just on principle, I wanted revenge on my own terms, not his.”
Bi-Han looks at Hanzo confused, “What good would killing me do for him? I still worked for his ally, Shang Tsung at the time.”
“I could not tell you, the Necromancer serves Shinnok, only the Elder Gods know what he plans,”  Hanzo tells him.
Bi-Han growls, “So, what we have is that Quan Chi wants me dead, and someone...pretended to be you and slaughtered my friends and loved ones.” Bi-Han’s rage slowly fades to horror with every word. “...I only know one man who is able to disguise himself and benefit from your death.”
“And you worked for him for hundreds of years.” Allison finishes sadly as Bi-Han punches the wall. Cole shakes with rage and he looks like he’s about to punch the wall as well. 
“We’re going to make them pay right?” Cole growls as he paces before he suddenly stops and turns to Bi-Han. “Quan Chi brought back Kuai Liang, could we make him bring back Satoshi?”
Hanzo and Bi-Han are silent, “I-I was being selfish by bringing Kuai Liang back. Kuai Liang was at peace, and there’s no telling whether or not Satoshi will even be brought back the way he was.”
“I wanted to come back big brother, I missed you! Besides, I get to see Tomas again, and we have mister Cole, miss Allison, and Emily. And I wanna-” Kuai Liang starts to exclaim before Bi-Han shakes his head.
Bi-Han looked so tired to her, “I was a monster after you died, I didn’t care about anything or anyone. The things I have done, the people I have killed. This is the first time in centuries I have regretted a kill and it’s the family and the man who I thought killed the people I loved.”
“Why you big brother? Do you think they knew about the coup?”
Hanzo coughs, “I’m sorry, coup? I thought you were loyal to the Lin Kuei.”
“Big brother is, but the Snow Ninjas wouldn’t stop attacking and the Grandmaster wouldn’t admit that they were giving us trouble.” Kuai Liang tells them as he cuddles into Allison, “We were scared to go outside in case a Snow Ninja would be there and attack us.”
Hanzo looks at Bi-Han strangely, “I wasn’t aware that the Lin Kuei was having difficulties like that.”
Bi-Han is silent, “We were planning on extending an alliance to the Shirai Ryu after we took over. Sektor and I figured that at the very least the Shirai Ryu were honorable enough that they would at least provide a safe place for our children and young recruits.”
“I...didn’t know you had such a high opinion of my clan,” Hanzo says quietly as Bi-Han looks away.
“The first time I saw you I was on my first mission and you were...inspiring. I wanted to be as strong and fast and graceful as you. Other encounters….well, I gained the impression that you had a sense of honor.” Bi-Han explains as he looks away from everyone, “We were a month away from actually going through with the plan. The Shirai Ryu were once part of the Lin Kuei after all.”
Cole gently shoves Bi-Han, “Well, there’s no stopping us from making an alliance with the Lin Kuei now, not that we’ll be of much help.”
“You are a strange man, Cole Young.” Bi-Han says as a smile grows on his face, “I do not care what the rest of my clan says, I am an ally of you and your family.”
Cole chuckles, “Thanks Bi-Han, why did that sound like a goodbye?”
“Because it is, I’m about to head out now to find some of the chosen. That means, Cole...Allison. It’s up to both of you to keep an eye on Kuai Liang.”
Kuai Liang whines as he squirms his way out of Allison’s arms, “You’re leaving me?”
“I’ll be back, and you’re going to be with Cole, Allison, and Emily,” Bi-Han tells him as he rubs Kuai Liang’s head. “So, behave and make sure you work on your cryomancy.”
Kuai Liang pouts and Allison starts to stand to comfort him when he perks up, “Are you going to look for Tomas? I miss him.”
“Of course, I’m going to look for Tomas. I’ll be back as soon as I find him. Ok?” Bi-Han tells Kuai Liang as the young boy nods. 
“You better come back soon big brother,” Kuai Liang says with a pout, “I miss Tomas, and I missed you.”
Bi-Han ruffles Kuai Liang’s hair. “Have I ever let you down?”
Kuai Liang looks up with a bright smile that melts Allison’s heart, “Nope, you're the bestest ever.”
Bi-Han flushes slightly and he turns to Hanzo. “Watch after them, Hasashi.”
“Of course,” Hanzo says as he walks over to Kuai Liang and Bi-Han, “I will make sure they are all alive when you return.”
Bi-Han slams his fist into his chest and Hanzo does the same. “Be as stealthful as the night.”
“And deadly as the dawn.” Hanzo finishes.
Bi-Han smiles before turning back to Cole and Allison, “Where’s my mask?”
“You have such a nice face, it’s a shame that you keep it covered so much.” Allison couldn’t help but say. She enjoys the blush she gets in response.
Bi-Han looks away from her, “Forget I asked.” He says as ice and snow start to surround him, within seconds he’s engulfed in a blizzard and then disappears before their eyes.
“Soo, Emily. Why were you snooping through my stuff?” Allison asks her daughter, who jumps at the change in conversation.
“I...was looking for a charger,” Emily quietly admits as Kuai Liang jumps back up. “I found what I thought was a kunai and wanted to show it to Kuai Liang.”
Allison blinks, “What you thought was a kunai?”
“It’s a gardening spade.” Kuai Liang, Hanzo, and Emily all say together.
Allison snorts, “Why does a gardening spade have blood on it.”
“I...had to use what I could find,” Hanzo admits, “It worked shockingly well for something I threw together.”
Kuai Liang hums as he drapes himself over Emily’s shoulder, “Are we in trouble?”
“Oh, Emily is in a lot of trouble. You are not Kuai Liang. She shouldn’t have been snooping through my stuff and she most definitely shouldn’t have been playing with a weapon.” Allison tells Kuai Liang who looks at her confused.
“I’ve been using weapons since I was five, what’s the big deal?” Kuai Liang asks. It breaks her heart and worries her.
Worry fills her heart as Hanzo sighs. “You were born into the Lin Kuei.” He announces.
“No,” Kuai Liang says with a pout, “They took us in when I was a year old. At least that’s what Bi-Han told me.”
Hanzo shakes his head, “That’s still too young, why would your parents let you use a weapon at five.”
“I don’t have parents.” Kuai Liang tells him, “Big brother told me when I was a baby there was this bad disease running through our village that killed everyone but me and Bi-Han.”
Allison’s heartaches as Kuai Liang continues, “Big brother had to steal to eat until he pickpocketed Hydro who took us to the Lin Kuei. If it wasn’t for the Lin Kuei we would have either been killed or starved.”
“Fuck,” Cole groans as he picks Kuai Liang up and holds the young boy, “I keep forgetting that you both are from ancient China.”
Hanzo sighs, “I assumed they were born into the Lin Kuei, but they are known for taking orphans from around the world.”
“Cole,” Allison gently scolds as turns back to Emily, “I’m taking your phone, and you are going to help the monks out for the next month.”
Emily nods and Kuai Liang looks at Allison sadly, “aww, no Emily.”
“What? No, once she’s done with whatever chores the monks give her you two can play.” Cole says.
Kuai Liang looks up at Cole confused, “But, you aren’t allowed to even talk to people when they’re being punished. You are already being nicer than Hydro by just having her do chores.”
“What are the punishments for disobedience?” Hanzo asks solemnly, and Allison could see the concern in the dead man’s eyes.
Kuai Liang glances at Hanzo, “Isolation, whipping, and no food are the main ones. If you try to leave you...I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Should we worry about Bi-Han? He did technically leave, right?” Allison asks worriedly. 
Kuai Liang shakes his head, “Big brother is way past the retirement age and the Grandmaster is kinda scared of him after he killed his pre-deces-sor,” Kuai Liang’s face scrunches up as he tries to sound out the word.
“....did you get punished often?” Emily asks darkly and Allison has a feeling she needs to hide the ‘gardening spade’.
Kuai Liang is silent as he hides his face in Bi-Han’s chest. “Kuai Liang?” Cole softly asks.
“Big brother would take my punishment and the elders realized the only way to punish big brother was to hurt me.” Kuai Liang says quietly.
Suddenly the temperature drops, “That’s horrible,” Emily says as she grits her teeth.
“Big brother was careful not to get in trouble often,” Kuai Liang admits quietly, “I...didn’t understand why we weren’t allowed to have friends or why we couldn’t express ourselves.”
Kuai Liang’s admission breaks her heart and makes her want to attack the Lin Kuei of old with an axe. The people who had hurt Kuai Liang and Bi-Han.
“It’s not your fault,” Cole tells Kuai Liang as he rubs Kuai Liang’s back. “It’s not your fault.”
Allison’s lip quivers as she watches Kuai Liang sob into Cole’s chest as Cole tries to comfort Kuai Liang.
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missyasf · 3 years
Game Of Hearts
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↳ Summary: Your life is in monotonous tones of grey, day in, day out. Nothing matters besides your sister, the only thing you remember is seeing fireworks before waking up to Tokyo abandoned . Soon enough you are properly introduced to the deadly Borderlands where you must fight for your life in Games to survive. When things can’t possibly get worse soon division arises and rivalries are made. No matter what though, you are constantly plagued by a blonde who, no matter how hard you try, just can’t seem to go too far without.
↳ Pairing: Chishiya/Reader
↳ Genre: Angst, smut, thriller
Word Count: 9.5k
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Trigger Warning: ⚠️ much like the manga/Netflix adaptation this will be a dark fic which includes mentions of prostitution, attempted murder, child ab*se, sexual harassment, heavy grief and attempted suic*de among other things. Additional warnings will be added for chapters when triggers are brought up. Please read with caution if these are triggers for you or just skip all together! 
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3rd Day Sojourn 
“Looks like we got a smartass here don’t we?” 
You felt torn on whether to intervene or not. Chishiya, was by no means a hero or a prince charming. You didn’t need to know him to know he was going to be the last person to save you out of good will. Not like you needed saving regardless but you couldn’t help but wonder what his motive was. 
Chishiya still had that cold smirk on his face, as if extremely amused at the furious Niragi you had held him up by the jacket, even face to face he not once had a change in expression, as if he just genuinely didn’t care about whatever Niragi felt. 
“Probably because I am smarter than you.” Chishiya lifted his chin a little a devious icy smile on his lips like he was getting a rise out of the way Niragi simmered and growled at him, his hands tightening around his jacket and you were briefly worried if Chishiya didn’t shut up that he was going to be beat into a pulp. No matter how smart he was, he couldn’t outwit his way from getting throat punched. Although...you wouldn’t deny a secret part of you would find that mildly funny. You also wanted to throat punch him on certain occasions. 
“I believe that’s enough Niragi.” Everyone paused at the sight of someone new arriving, Ryu had gotten out of the pool to stand next to you and Hiroko as he whispered, “That’s number three, Kuzuryuu. He often keeps everyone in their place when Hatter isn’t around.” 
Niragi stuck his tongue as he began to cackle, letting go of Chishiya. Breathing in relief you relaxed a little as everyone did the same. Just within a split second though you could hardly comprehend the sight of Niragi immediately decking Chishiya right across the jaw who was knocked off balance. People were already intervening as you stood there gaping. You didn’t think Niragi would actually punch him. 
You had thought Chishiya’s expression would’ve changed but much to your disbelief it was as if he was even more settled into his resolve, grabbing his jaw as a viscous smile appeared on his lips, spitting out blood as he goaded, “So you agree then? Anyone with half a brain would be able to reply instead of resort to violence.” 
Did this man really wanna die on his first day in the Beach? 
Niragi was pulled away and back to his group with steam practically pouring out of his ears, attempting to get back to Chishiya before he was yanked back by perhaps the most physically intimidating man you had ever seen, “That’s number 2, Agni, the leader of the militant sect.” Hiroko clarified to you but it fell on deaf ears as you hurried over to Chishiya, now feeling immensely bad that regardless of his intentions he was hurt for what? Gloating? Was his ego truly that big, “God are you insane!?” You cried out in a whisper kneeling down, your maternal instincts on overdrive as you grabbed his face immediately checking for any bruising. 
Chishiya almost like a cat that didn’t want to be touched pulled away from your grip unappreciative, “I don’t like annoying or stupid people.” He replied immediately, his eyes leering ungratefully, “And he was ruining a perfectly good day for me. If you think I’d care for someone like you then you’re more delusional then you look. Besides it’s just blood, it’ll go stop.” 
You rolled your eyes at him deciding to not take his words to heart though a tiny part of you wondered if he only said that due to the conversation you both had last night. Or maybe he just really didn’t care. Regardless it didn’t matter, “He had a fucking rifle!” You whispered angrily, “I get it, we aren’t best friends but I don’t wanna see you get shot you asshole.” 
“We aren’t friends at all,” Chishiya replied coolly, his eyes analytical and calculating, his gaze like ice that glared you down as if you were his new target for a reason unknown, “We aren’t even acquaintances. We’re just strangers and I’d prefer to keep it that way. I don’t need your concern or care, so stay out of my way.” 
You felt thoroughly indignant at his words as you clenched your jaw, “You know what? I doubt you’ve ever had anyone care for you and I can see why. I hope he hits you harder next time you jerk.” This man drove you utterly insane! And you couldn’t even understand why. Chishiya was so cold and for no reason…! 
Walking back to your pool chair you snatched your shorts, “Y/n…! Y/n! Are you okay!?” Nanami hurried to your side, you had forgotten all about your sister being in full range of the horror show she had just finished watching between you and Niragi. Probably too scared to try and intervene and you didn’t blame her. Had it been anyone else besides your sister in your shoes you would’ve kept to yourself as well. 
“I’m fine, I’d say you should check on Chishiya but apparently he doesn’t need anybody!” You flailed your arms before plopping down on the seat still mad, “What a…! A…! Pathetic, bitter way to live! He’s so conceited!” You curled your fists as you pulled your shorts up before buttoning them as you grabbed your sheer cover up jacket. 
Nanami frowned as she grabbed her hands, “Well…” You whipped around in anger, silently staring at her, just daring her to try and come up with some excuse for this guy. Nanami, was a soft hearted person, she never wanted to judge a book by it’s cover and always gave the benefit of the doubt. You admired that about her, but you sometimes wished she was a bit more….realistic with people, “I’m sure he’ll come around.” She decided to not pursue her original words as she offered a weak smile. 
“You can deal with that if you want, but I’m done with him. Anytime I try to be relatively nice, I just get spit in the face.” Huffing you crossed your arms, “I’m going on a walk.” And true to your words you did, you needed to be by yourself for a while to clear your head after what had all transpired just minutes ago. 
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“Originally I helped run a ranch but I wanted to see all the sights so I moved out of my pops and came here to the city!” The music was loud in here and so many people were dancing, makeshift stripper poles had been made and honestly. You understood the Beach was supposed to be an escape, but that didn’t make it a bit of a pathetic sight to see people attempting to swing around and accidentally break it. Multiple times. 
You were currently sat at the table with Akari, Hiroko and Ryu everyone having a fairly good time and the longer you talked to Hiroko the less intimidating she became, “I don’t really remember much to be honest,” Akari scratched her head as she hummed, “Just that after I finished putting groceries up I saw fireworks out of my window.”
You straightened up in curiosity, you had seen the same thing! “Yeah we all did,” You slumped at Ryu’s words as he frowned, “Nobody can remember anything after seeing them except waking up here in the Borderlands.”
“What were you guys before this…?” You asked, not wanting to linger for long on just where you were, in a city that was a replica of Tokyo with only a handful of what? A hundred people, maybe a little more? You didn’t have the mindset right now to even try and grasp what was going on or what had happened. 
“I was a lawyer,” Hiroko answered first, her expression clearly proud and you’d imagine why, this meant she was older than you! “I did quite a bit of traveling around and dabbled in attorney work for awhile...That’s what my dad wanted me to go in as,” She rolled her eyes, “But I found I’m better at building a case.” 
Somehow...you weren’t surprised, you smiled regardless wrapping your arms around yourself, the more you talked to them the more comfortable you began to feel, “One morning I was late to getting to the courthouse and this idiot ended up spilling coffee on me,” Hiroko’s words may have been harsh but she looked Ryu with the softest expression you had ever seen her wear.
Obvious fondness in her eyes, “It was by chance he did that I like to think it was by fate I ended up meeting him again except he was behind the counter at the coffeeshop I always went too.” 
Ryu’s cheeks dusted pink as he gave an awkward smile, “I worked evening shifts but got switched over to mornings, best decision I ever made! I’m currently in my last year of college for being an art curator!” 
“A cure what now?” Akari cocked her head to the side and for some reason the three of you busted out laughing at her as she parted her lips, “Hey don’t laugh! I’m being serious! Is that some kind of professional coffee maker?” 
You closed your eyes giggling as you shook your head, “What about you Y/n? What were you before all of this?” You paused for a second at Hiroko’s question as the table quieted down, suddenly your memory swiped back to the night of the fireworks. What happened at work, how you were supposed to go to class the next day. How your night ended early.
“Ah…” You rubbed the back of your neck as you sheepishly smiled, unsure of where to even begin. It wasn’t that...you were ashamed of your work you just- felt often misunderstood by people. Anytime you said you were a sex worker you either recieved wild looks and suddenly you were treated lowly or people- men in particular would begin to send you uncomfortable innuendo’s. 
 “Ah…! Y/n!” You straightened up at the muffled screech that sounded like your sister as your eyes shot around the room only to find Nanami fumbling towards you with a whine, suddenly hiding behind you as you frowned standing up, “Good! Good! I’m glad you’re here!” She chuckled nervously as your expression contorted. 
“Where is that bitch!?” 
Oh...why did this seem vaguely familiar, “What did you do?” You hissed as you turned to Nanami as she rubbed her neck sheepishly only for you to whirl back around again at the sight of a raging woman, the most notable feature her breasts nearly spilling from her loose bikini top as she pointed an accusing finger at your sister, “Why don’t you stop being a slut trying to get with MY boyfriend and take it up with me!” 
“Nanami!” You hissed as she cowered behind you, her lips tugging into a pout as she poked both her pointer fingers together with a frown. You had an obligation as a big sister to at least try to defend her before feeding her to the wolves, “Maybe you should give that energy to your boyfriend...Wasn’t he the one supposed to stay loyal?” You raised your brows as you spoke. 
You shrieked as you ducked down, a beer bottle flying above you as the girl raged on. 
“That’s Kokona, resident miss possessive.” Hiroko leaned back in her seat as she sipped her drink, obviously this wasn’t too odd of a sight as she shrugged, “You might wanna run.” 
You brows raised at her words only to see Kokona gathering three other men around as Hiroko snorted, “She’s got a whole pack of guys willing to do her bidding.” 
“Y/n…!” Nanami whined, grabbing your arm as you watched the three men approach, you looked between Nanami and them as your lips parted in a half sincere apology. 
“...Sorry Nami that's what happens when you try to sleep with someone's boyfriend!” You shoved past her as you heard her yelling at you as she split off on the other side of the room. People did nothing to effort to try and move out of your way as you shoved between them, ducking down as weaved through the crowd in hopes of attempting to lose them, you really didn’t want this to become a reputation for you and your sister. 
Diving into a booth seat you felt the stares of two men as you offered an awkward smile, “Don’t mind me, I’m just trying to not get killed…” You offered a quirked smile as you grabbed the long island tea off the table, tipping it towards them as they all bubbled out cheers as you took a long sip, your eyes carefully watching over the crowd as you spot the one guy that must’ve been sent after you. 
After all you weren’t the one that Kokona wanted to kill, it was a pretty common occurrence you had experienced except...at least the woman before wasn't psychotic enough to actually try to kill you. You supposed the Borderlands were different. Very different. 
“Hey you should totally hang with us! We got your back babe.” You looked up at the dorky grin of the man you had sat next to your lying figure, which you were trying to use the table as coverage, “No extra cost needed beside a good laugh!”
You offered a weak smile, “I’m Y/n!” You introduced, endeared at the oddly innocent smile on his face as you awkwardly shifted, “My sister tried to sleep with someone's boyfriend and I somehow got dragged into it.” 
“Kokona’s a mean one,” The guy across the table hiccuped as he lifted his glass, “I’d stay away from her if I were.” You lifted up onto your elbows as you glanced up at him, his eyes heavily dilated before you realized he had obviously been as high as a kite and drinking...No wonder they looked so out of it. 
Watching the three men rally back together you quickly pressed back against the seats as you closed your eyes, “Yeah, I can tell...Is she like this with everyone....?” You grabbed the glass once more for another sip, needing something to take the edge off of this whole day. If your sister wasn’t so horny you wouldn’t be in this position right now!
“Nah, mainly girls.” The one beside you waved a hand, “She’s pretty cool otherwise, a little ruthless though. She gloats about her speciality being hearts a lot so she thinks it makes her automatically superior since most of us are spades or clubs players.” 
Sitting up a little you tilted your head in confusion, holding the drink you now claimed as yours as you drank it once more, “Specialty? Are venues specified towards…? What? A certain type of suit?” 
“No! No! Nothing like that, specialty just means what you naturally have a knack for! All games are still random at each venue,” The guy beside you sloshed his drink, obviously semi drunk himself as he explained, “That's why Hatter sends a team of four or three where each person has a specialty in each suit- except there isn’t a lot of hearts player, because we haven’t really encountered any…” 
Jiggling your drink you looked down at the ice that was slowly melting as you hummed, “Okay that makes sense.” You nodded remembering Hatter mentioning this was well, it would only be natural that the longer you survived you’d have a preference for a suit. 
“Hey aren’t you new?” The guy across the table pointed a sluggish finger at you, “Shouldn’t you be a little more...freaked out…?” 
You offered a weak smile as you glanced away, “Oftentimes in traumatic situations hysteria doesn’t always hit first, it’s likely that my psyche is still in shock and hasn’t fully processed what I’ve seen the past day…” The guy across the table squinted his eyes as he nodded with his lips parted as if in awe at your words, “It’s a mental thing,” You waved at your head, “To try and keep the psychological state of my mind in one piece.” 
You wouldn’t deny, there was a certain part of you that felt numb to everything and a smaller part of yourself wondered how you could intake all this information without going hysterical. But...the way you saw it was if this was your reality now, there was nothing you could do to change it. It was better you just got as much information as you could and try your best to adapt if you were going to live on. 
Glancing out over the crowd you noticed the men had disappeared once again as you offered both the guys a smile, “Thanks for letting me stay! But I’d better get going.” You gave a small nod, getting up as you held the glass, looking down at it as you frowned...You really hoped this wasn’t laced with anything or else it was going to be a very long night. 
Pushing through the crowd you couldn’t find Nanami anywhere but you did spot the girl you had sent three guys after you both like a fucking dog. Squeezing the glass you took a long drink as you approached her, “Kokona,” You called out with a smile as you waved, her eyes sharp as she immediately glared you down, “Listen…” You approached her with an easy smile, “I’m not here to make enemies, my sister is young and she probably didn’t realize it was your boyfriend…But like I said, you don’t really want a guy like that around…”
“Listen here you walmart knock off barbie,” Kokona pointed a sharp nail at you making your lips part a little in surprise at just how aggressive she was, “I don’t give a fuck. I don’t have the time or patience, here of all places. I’m sure you understand right?” She offered a gritty smile, “So tell that bitchy little sister of yours to stay out of my sight if she doesn’t want her hair ripped out.” 
Pressing your tongue to your cheek you looked away for a second before down at your drink...Well, she asked for it. 
You without a second thought held the drink up before splashing it all over her, “Say what you want about me I don’t give a fuck,” You stepped closer to her as you offered a gritty smile of your own, “But don’t ever say anything about my sister. I’m sure I’ll see you later.” You waved a hand as you turned around, walking back to the table where Akari, Ryu and Hiroko looked like they were all preparing to duck for cover at the show Kokona had put on for them unknowingly.
Setting the glass down at the table you collapsed in your chair as you whined, “Why are women so unfriendly here!?” 
Hiroko snorted as she shrugged, obviously not bugged like you were about it, “In this world it’s either kill or be killed, a lot of people don’t have time for niceties anymore. You’ll get used to it. Besides, Kokona is just a bitch to everyone. Don’t take it so personal.” She shrugged, “While you and Nanami were getting chased down we were talking…” 
You frowned as you looked up at all three of them as Akari smacked the table, “We should all go out for a game tonight! I know! I know, counterproductive especially with our visa’s stocked for the next few days but I think it’d be fun!” 
“Fun!?” The three of them paused as you sat up in your seat, looking at them all like they were insane because they obviously had to be, “Fun!?” You repeated again with even more emphasis, “Guys…! You- you could die!” 
“We could die just trying to breath here,” Hiroko scoffed as she shrugged, nonpulsed at your reaction as she picked her nails, ‘Besides you don’t have to go, I get it. We were all like this when we were new too. But I figured we’d make a good team logically. My speciality is diamond, Ryu’s is clubs and we just found out Akari is spades. And we have you, our wild card to figure out what you’re good at. It’s unlikely we’d die. By statistics at least.” 
You rubbed your neck, feeling a little more at ease with Hiroko’s rationality as you mumbled, “Well what about Nanami…?” Your eyes washed over the crowd, finally spotting your sister against the wall sipping something trying to act like there weren't three guys after her. 
“I doubt you’d want her to go?” Hiroko raised her brows, “Besides she still has three days left on her visa, she’ll be fine. Again, I’m not gonna pressure you into going, if all you’re gonna do is panic you probably will get lynched.” 
Her words made you puff your chest a little as you looked back to Nanami before back to the table, well...if they all had a strong suit then why not? “Alright, I’m in!” Who knows when you’d get the opportunity again to get more days on your visa in a considerably safe group. 
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“I get it you’re like a walking model but seriously?” Hiroko leaned against the bathroom wall as she sighed picking at her nails, “You weren’t even in a full bikini.” 
“This has nothing to do with vanity and everything to do with comfort!” You called back, pulling up the loose sweatpants, “I’m not going to possibly go into a game that makes me run while wearing swimwear, I don’t hate myself that much!” You pulled the loose t-shirt over your head before pulling out the maroon jacket as you walked out, stuffing your swim attire in the bag. You had been at the venue for the past five minutes now, having not crossed the threshold but you still have time before it closed. 
“How many people have showed up?” You asked as you stood next to Hiroko who dropped her hand as she looked at you rolling her eyes as she sighed, standing up as you both walked to where Akari and Ryu were discussing the possibilities of what the game would be tonight. 
“Eh, like four? Maybe? I think that guy you know is in there.” Hiroko shrugged casually, “Looks like a good setup for a spades game, they typically have a bigger group number.” 
“What?” Your brows furrowed, what guy? Your mind drew a blank briefly as Ryu stretched out with a nod.
“Well if we’re all ready to go then let's head inside it’s almost six.” Ryu nodded once more as everyone followed behind him, you tossed your bag against the wall, it’s not like you had to be worried about anyone stealing in this climate. Your heartbeat picked up as you crossed the threshold. 
Noticing indeed four other people here before your lips parted and your face screwed into irritation, “Really!?” You muttered under your breath, immediately turning away from the familiar white hood as you stubbornly crossed your arms, “Hiroko why didn’t you say it was him!?” You hissed a whisper to her. 
Hiroko looked between you and Chishiya who was on his phone, earbuds in and ignoring the outside world before she tried to hold a laugh, “Did you two fuck or something?” You immediately flailed at her words making both her and Akari start laughing at both your misery and anger as you glared at her in unappreciation. 
“You think i’d fuck someone like him!?” You hissed out, “No, he's a total jerk! I…! Why can’t I go anywhere without him showing up!” You groaned as you crossed your arms, “Whatever, maybe he’ll get his guts ripped out tonight.” 
“Ouch, that’s a little harsh.” Ryu frowned, innocent as ever as he held his hands together, before offering a cute smile, “I’m sure he’ll come around, we’re all a part of the beach after all.” You sourly crossed your arms as you looked at the clock, striking six just in time for you to get tonight started with whatever death trap awaited.” 
Somehow, you doubt Chishiya held any loyalty to any of you at all just because you all slept in the same hotel…
The TV on the wall lit up as everyone's attention turned to it, obviously nobody was new here tonight as no one spoke to each other.
Difficulty: 3♡ 
“A heart's game?” Ryu mumbled, his brows furrowed as he looked between you all as you gave a little shrug, your face twisted in concern as you wrapped your arms around yourself, “Well at least it’s a low difficulty! I’m sure it won’t be too hard to solve!” 
“The game you will be participating in is Blind Man's Bluff. Everyone will be required to wear a blindfold for one minute where the tagger will pass their tag off,” The screen depicted a faceless man passing quite literally a name tag off to one sitting down “Tags pertain to who is a player and who is the tagger. You will have twenty minutes to complete the game. It’s a Game ‘Clear’ if the tagger is discovered before the end of the last round, it’s a Game Over for the players if the tagger remains undiscovered.” 
After each tagging sequence players will remain seated to take off their blindfold and find out if they have been selected as the tagger.
Blindfolds must be worn and kept on for the whole minute during the tagging sequence or it’s a Game Over.
Violence against other players is strictly prohibited and will result in a Game Over.
Players must remain seated for the whole time period of the tagging sequence or it’s a Game Over.
Game Clear conditions: If the players find out who the tagger is before the time runs out or it’s a Game Over for all players.
Tension had risen in the air a little as you felt your throat become dry, everyone immediately looked at each other somewhat suspiciously as the doors opened to the school gym, it was dark and empty outside of eleven chairs lined in a circle, all backs facing each other. 
“It could be worse.” Hiroko whispered to you as everyone grabbed a blindfold off the table that stood off in the distance, “As long as we just keep passing the tagger off to someone else we should be fine.” 
“Unless one of us gets picked by the end?” You quirked a brow as you rubbed the back of your neck, chances of that happening was one in ten but still, “I don’t like those odds Hiroko.” 
Hiroko only snorted as you both walked up, grabbing a blindfold as your eyes darted to the tags that laid out. Your brows furrowed at the stuffed bear with a blindfold on, his name tag ‘Rikku’ that took up his whole stomach, grabbing a tag as you turned back to face Hiroko.
“All we have to do is get a confession out of the tagger, it can’t be that hard.” Hiroko shrugged as she grabbed her blindfold as you puffed a breath of air, you hadn’t known her for long and despite knowing she was a lawyer before all of this...it was just still hard to imagine unless she was pressuring. Not exactly your method of going about stuff like this. 
Walking to a chair towards the left side of the room you sat down, crossing your legs as you looked up at the two clocks, one at twenty minutes that began ticking away and another holding at one minute. 
Looking towards your left your gaze immediately snapped back forward as your lips curled a little at the insufferable sight of blonde hair who made no effort to try and speak to you. 
Was he just sitting here purposely to annoy you? Because if you got tagger you would most definitely put it on him next. 
“The one minute for the tagging sequence getting ready to begin, blindfolds on.” 
Putting on your blindfold you tied it in a loose knot as you relaxed back into your chair, not being the tagger was perhaps the boring part of this game, the whole minute passed by and you briefly felt something press against your blindfold before it left. 
“Blinds off. Ten second cool down starts now.” Taking off your blindfold you flipped it over only to find the tag player stuck on it, attached magnetically as you pulled it off, proceeding to wait the ten seconds before the scoreboard went off and everyone stood up. 
“Maybe we should start easy and just show who has a name tag?” Ryu coughed a little as he scuffed his shoe against the ground, rubbing his neck as he frowned, everyone, as if it was possible, became all the more tense. 
You looked around at all the blindfolds that were being held, “I don’t think that will work, we've most likely all been provided a nametag, the only odd man out is the one with tagger. But they’ve most likely hidden it. All we can do is just take a guess of who it could be.” 
Nobody spoke for a moment making Hiroko heave a sigh as she cracked her neck, “Alright I’ll do it, I’m used to this in court. What about you!” She suddenly pointed to a shorter girl who had been fiddling with her skirt, suddenly jumping at the accusation. 
“What!? I’m- I’m not the tagger!” She squeaked out, nervousness suddenly on her expression and many of the wolves of the group were definitely preying on her right now as Hiroko puffed a breath crossing her arms. 
“Then why do you look so nervous?” She raised an accusing brow, making you shift in your spot, crossing your arms, you couldn’t agree with Hiroko’s approach to this that was just stoking fire to an already stressful atmosphere where everyone was quickly beginning to pin the blame on each other. 
You could only stand there and watch as everyone began to argue as you pinched the bridge of your nose, “We’re never gonna get anything solved if we go about it like this.” You muttered to yourself as you sighed.
“If you’re that confident in doing better then you should assert yourself more.” 
You turned to Chishiya who was also standing not quite close enough for you to say he was next to you, but close enough. Your eyes squinted into a glare as you spoke, “Right and how do I know you’re not the tagger?” 
“Because I would’ve tagged you next if I was.” Chishiya shrugged casually making you clench your fists as you let out a noise of irritation, you hated that…! Annoying smirk of his! Despite not knowing him for long you could get the idea he obviously got off on annoying you and it only fueled your irritation that much more. 
“The feelings are mutual, stranger.” You hissed as you crossed your arms, “And I’ll have you know I am not going to insert myself into...that!” You waved your hand at the sight of two of the men now shouting at each other, the taller one immediately grabbing the other by the shirt, “Because at that point you’ll just be accused with any sort of logic.” 
You puffed a breath as you wrapped your jacket around yourself, “And besides, this chaos is a great scapegoat for the real tagger to just sit back and watch everyone pick each other off-” You paused as you turned to Chishiya as you silently berated yourself, why were you even rambling to this guy!? He was a total jerk and you were not about to let go of this morning where you were only trying to help, “Why are you even talking to me? Didn’t you want us to...what? Stay strangers?” 
“I’m...not talking to you?” He raised his brows, his lips quirking into an infuriating half smile as if he had a point making your lips pucker together and your jaw clench in effort to try and keep your obvious anger to a minimum, “It’s not my fault you won’t shut up.” He had the audacity to shrug. 
You couldn’t help but stomp your foot as you glared at him, “You know what!? I get the feeling if you didn’t care you would’ve gone and sulked in the corner the whole game. In fact, I bet you like listening to me ramble. After all the whole day and a half I’ve known you that's all you do other than instigate unnecessary fights!” 
Chishiya’s gaze narrowed a little and you watched his body coil a little away from you at your words, “In what world would you think I care to listen to you?” His lips twitched into cruel smirk as he spoke, “Besides your irrational anger and blabbering, you don’t have an ounce of sense or logic in your body. You're probably best suited for hearts because all you do is spill emotion.” 
“That is not what hearts are about!” You retaliated as you threw your hands even more frustrated, “Why are you so defensive the moment I say anything in relation to you possibly not being some emotionless humanoid!? I get it,” You flailed your arms as you spoke louder, “I was a total dick for comparing you to a sociopath! Okay? I can admit that, and usually I can understand where people are coming from but- but you!? I genuinely don’t get you! At all! One moment you wanna pretend like everything's cool between us and then the next you wanna act like a total asshole! And that’s not cool!” 
Chishiya had looked away from you heaving a loud sigh making you stomp your foot again, here you were exerting all of your emotion into him and he really…! 
Your fists curling only to realize just how silent it was...you turned to look at the crowd of people who all had stopped fighting and...Oh...you felt your face become hot as you wrapped your arms around yourself in embarrassment...Were you really that loud…
“If you and your boyfriend are done arguing we have more important things to solve!” A man pointed a finger at you with a hiss making you curl away, your ears burning at his words as you snapped back, “He is not my boyfriend! Besides you aren’t getting anything done just yelling at each other,” You turned away from Chishiya now unable to even look him in the eyes at the moment, “The real question is who has been silent up until now? The tagger would obviously sit back and watch because why would they insert themselves when you’re doing a great job at killing time.” 
“The one minute for the tagging sequence getting ready to begin, blindfolds on.” 
Clenching your jaw you sat in your chair as everyone proceeded to do the same, it was now silent as you put on your blindfold, now angry and not even at the game. You wasted your whole time, not even arguing with Chishiya which somehow made you feel even more angry. 
It was like talking to a wall.
Crossing your legs you curled up against yourself, mad just...Why were you even mad? You shouldn’t be letting someone like this get under your skin. You briefly wondered why it bothered you so much. Come to think of it, you supposed it was for the exact reason you said. 
Chishiya, puzzled you to no end and you had never experienced that with someone, ever. You couldn’t figure out what he was thinking nor find an understanding as to why he was so back and forth with you. Maybe it was your misinterpretation? But...You shook your head a little despite your gaze darkened from the blindfold, it wasn’t that. 
It was obvious, for whatever reason, he was holding himself back, From what? You didn’t know, but for now…
“Blinds off. Ten second cool down starts now.” 
Pulling off your blindfold you looked at it, the same tag remaining of Player on it. You needed to focus on finding out who the tagger was, really this was like a game of hot potato, chances of the tagger getting killed was just as high as all the players dying, and who would want to take that chance? 
Maybe some, you stood up after the scoreboard went off and the original clock resumed as you turned around facing everyone to judge their reactions, Hiroko and Ryu were the same and so was Akari to your knowledge. Your eyes briefly flickered to Chishiya who had remained seated, his hands in his pockets, he also...You doubted yourself briefly, you couldn’t rule him out. 
“Who here wasn’t talking last round?” You asked, looking around at everyone, who obviously everyone immediately began speaking much to your frustration, you couldn’t expect someone to answer honestly which only meant...Puffing a breath, “Alright, how about this, let’s all trace a conversation with one person we talked too last round.” 
...You’d just have to manipulate the tagger into confessing
First you’d need to trace who was absolutely not the tagger and narrow it from there, “I’ll go first as an example since everyone seemed to hear last round,” You looked away briefly, a somewhat awkward smile on your lips, “I was talking to Chishiya about why he’s such an asshole. You don’t need his confirmation given everyone saw it, but typically you’d need someone to vouch for you in order to confirm you were talking. Now to those that didn’t talk, it doesn’t make them guilty, just more suspect.” 
“Me and Ryu were talking to each other about who the possible tagger was.” Hiroko spoke up, pulling a hand around Ryu’s waist who looked a little flush as he nodded, semi shy as you nodded yourself. That answer wasn’t too surprising. 
“Well I was talkin’ to this fine gentleman here about how I wasn’t the tagger.” Akari waved a hand to the guy beside her, who still leered but nodded in confirmation which cleared the both of them. You had hoped...this would keep civil, but as everyone went around, there was bound to be some who just genuinely didn’t remember because they were arguing with everyone, and those who were lying…
Which meant by this deduction things were narrowed down, for most people the chance of being found out you were the tagger is too stressful to be worth possibly being the only one to live in the end, thus handing it off, which meant there was...what? One in third chance each round the tagger was someone new? There were a few people you had to suspect that could have held the tagger without giving it up. 
The guy towards the middle who was very strangely calm during all of this with very empty looking eyes, and then there was the other man more towards you left who had been calmly de-escalating the situation but you didn’t miss the undertones of manipulation. It was one in third chance they could be holding it. Which meant you’d need to make sure they weren’t.
Walking over you stood more near Hiroko and Ryu as you watched two guys begin arguing again, “Every time I think we’ve made progress, it always ends up getting disturbed.” 
“Well that is the way of the world.” You kept a straight expression at the man who offered a smile that looked so unnatural to his empty eyes, you couldn’t help but feel a bit creeped out at how...insanely calm he was. You could get a sense of tension from at least Chishiya, granted it was most likely from you. 
“I’m Y/n,” You introduced, “Sense we should all be working together I figured it’d be best we at least learn each other's names.” You offered a sweet smile as you wrapped your jacket around yourself in effort to try and look unsuspecting. 
“I see how much anger you have inside you know? It’s quite obvious, from the way you lash out at others when you don’t get the response you want to the way you feel entitled to everyone's feelings, that’s not good for your health you know?” Your lips parted a little at his words, not even offended because...while he was right in some ways...he was very wrong in others, “But I understand your nature is tedious and complex, for all we not the same way?” Okay...this guy was definitely a psychopath, “I’m Sunato Banda, pleased to meet you.” He offered another smile. 
Empty eyes, disturbingly calm demeanor, even with your lives on the line he wasn’t disturbed at all, it wasn’t that he didn’t care. He just wasn’t affected, at all, like this could be a walk in the park for him. 
Psychopath, definitely. 
You’d need to be careful if tagger got in his possession otherwise he’d lie straight through his teeth and he’d never blink twice about it and you and everyone else would be unsuspecting about it.
“Well, us humans are very complex,” You nodded offering yet another smile making effort to look almost starstruck at his very poor deduction skills, again, somewhat correct, otherwise wrong. Afterall, how could someone who feels no remorse, truly understand the complexity of human nature? “Do you by any chance know who the tagger would be?” 
You’d need to make yourself look weak, pliable, if you were to get any use out of this guy, all he knew was how to do was take advantage of people, obviously, Banda offered a sly smile as he looked out over the room, his eyes washing over everyone, “Him,” He pointed a finger, “He keeps adjusting his coat as if he has something placed in there that’s uncomfortable.” 
You followed his line of sight to what looked like a business man in a suit and bowler hat, he did in fact, look quite nervous, “And why not call him out?” You asked, tilting your head exaggerated as you brimmed with curiosity. 
Banda turned to face you, a bright smile on his face as he closed his eyes, “Well I personally hope he’ll tag me next, I quite enjoy seeing a large build up in bodies.” 
..Oh...oh wow…
You gave a small nod, forcing a smile as you held yourself before excusing yourself from him, well, at least it definitely wasn’t him for now. Otherwise you’d be in trouble right now. And now you had a prime suspect. Some could overthink that and argue that perhaps he was lying just to get you off his trail. But personally? There was no way it’d be him, he wouldn’t do something like that. You got the feeling Banda, was a simple man. 
You turned to find the two guys from before who were tussling suddenly growl, one throwing a punch and before he could even fully hit the guy a deep red laser broke through the ceiling, you were frozen for a half a second at the sight of it shooting through the top of his head. Everyone was quiet as they looked down at the sight of a now dead body. 
Right...that was a rule, violence was prohibited. 
“The one minute for the tagging sequence getting ready to begin, blindfolds on.” 
You scurried back to your seat, sitting down as you pulled up your blindfold, “It’s that guy wearing the dumb bowler hat.” Your head looked towards you left despite not being able to see, Chishiya’s voice was quiet as he spoke, “While you were busy wasting time, I watched the real tagger- that school girl place it in his back pocket.” 
“The tagger can do that during the round?” You whispered back perplexed at the idea, how could you have missed that? Unless...she placed it right as you approached Banda? Thus him seeing the man realize he had been tagged and now nervously adjusting himself?
“There aren't any rules stating otherwise, makes it fair game.” Chishiya replied, he immediately quieted at the sound of footsteps tapping on the floor, they were definitely on your side of the ring. Your breath hitched a little at feeling something press against your forehead. Oh shit before the sound of footsteps walked away. 
“We just need to watch for him next round.” Chishiya spoke once more as you leaned back in your seat, trying to find a reason for why you just felt what you did. 
“Blinds off. Ten second cool down starts now. Final round will be next round” 
You hurriedly took yours off as you flipped it over looking down at it, 
You quickly grabbed it off, at first trying to push it into your pocket only to realize they were fake. God you hated women’s clothing, your eyes shot to the clock that only had five seconds left, with nowhere to put it you shoved it down your bra as you collected yourself. Okay you...you could make this work. 
But now you were presented with a plethora of options. You honestly didn’t think it would be passed off to you. But now...you...you could keep it...You stood up as the scoreboard went off, but...Everyone else would die. Or...you could confess and you’d die. These options were not great. Next round was the last round, so if you gave it up...you’d be reassuring someone’s victory. 
You stood next to Chishiya as his eyes kept with the man from before with the bowler hat, “He might have gotten it passed back to him.” His eyes narrowed a little onto the guy. 
Do you find a way to discreetly tell him? Or would that also count as a confession…? It wouldn’t be a confession if you made yourself suspect. But...you couldn’t honestly trust Chishiya, not after his unstable display of distrust in you. 
“He could be,” You replied, leaning in a little as you watched him, he appeared relieved once more, he was the one freaked out about this after all...you felt a brief wave of guilt inside you at what your mind had suddenly come up with. 
With Chishiya’s suspect still on the man, all you needed to do was plant it back on him and pressure a confession out of him next round. 
You were very much going to hell after this. 
“He was the one that started accusing last round too and made someone die,” You hummed as you stuffed your hands in your pocket, “That guy also thought it was him. He’s definitely good at reading people,” You thought back to the way he tried to read you, which was somewhat accurate, but people like you and him, you couldn’t always accurately read each other. Except you weren’t insane like him, “At this point we don’t have much to lose.” 
You could see the cogs turning in Chishiya’s head as he stared menacingly at the man who looked at him and jolted a little at such an intense stare, “If I were the tagger by this point,” You were treading on very thin ice at the moment, “I’d keep it just for myself, instead passing it off. He’s gone this far without anyone really pressuring him. It’d be the smartest move by now.” 
“Then we’ll settle on him.” Chishiya replied, his gaze cold as he glared down at the man who mindlessly fixed his tie, trying to look cool despite being intimidated, clearly. He had a weak mentality, if you couldn’t break him next round, Chishiya most definitely would. 
“The one minute for the tagging sequence getting ready to begin, blindfolds on.” 
You supposed he was good for something even when you couldn’t trust him. 
Sitting down in your chair you put your blindfold on and waited a second before taking it back off, standing back up as you carefully stepped as quietly as you could, pulling the Tagger out of your bra before you walked over to the man who had just tagged you before pressing it against his blindfold, you watched his lips quiver as he let out a quiet, “Please…!” 
Your expression went cold as you turned around, glancing at the clock before you walked away and sat back down in your chair, putting your blindfold back on as you waited for the announcer once more. 
“Blinds off. Ten second cool down starts now. Final round.” 
You took the blindfold off, looking down feeling content at the Player tag as you stood up along with Chishiya who’s eyes went between you and the man before he pushed his hands back into his pockets, “If you’re all done pointing fingers and wasting time,” His gaze became a little more cool as he spoke, “Then we should go ahead and show who the real tagger is.” 
Both you and Chishiya glanced at the man who was now looking insanely nervous, sweat dripping down his neck and if this wasn’t life or death, you would’ve felt a little bad...Some parts of you still did, but it was either all of you or just him. 
“He does look pretty nervous.” Hiroko narrowed her eyes on him and from this moment forward you knew it was game over for him, quite literally. With all three of you there was no way he’d survive, crossing your arms you lifted your chin a little, “Say, weren’t you the one who got really defensive when the finger got pointed at you last round?” 
“I’m…!” He flailed a little, wiping his brow with his hand as he suddenly pointed an accusing finger at you, “It’s her you want! She’s a manipulative bitch!” You pressed your hand against your chest in fake hurt as you raised your brows, “She’s the one pitting everyone against me when she’s really the tagger. She’s going to leave you all to die.” 
The majority of eyes fled to you as you shrugged, “Why would I do that when I could just give it to you?” You gave a wickedly sweet smile as you giggled a little, “And watch it all go down. I mean, you must be agreeing now?” You raised your brows as you goaded, “About being the tagger?” 
“I…!” He struggled with his words, now glaring at you as you raised your brows once more as you shook your head, “I…! Now you’re just doing this on purpose! Trying to get into everyone's head and make everyone die! Can’t- can’t you see what she’s doing!” He cried out as he backed away from everyone. 
“I dunno’ you seem pretty guilty to me.” Akari shrugged as she poked her tongue into her cheek, not looking the least bit remorseful for the guy as she leaned her weight onto one side. 
“I get it,” You shrugged as you laughed a little, “You’re probably that kinda guy who’s never really stood up for himself, you probably got bullied as a kid and let yourself get run over by people all the time, even now, and now in desperation you attempt to hold your own and yet...” You tilted your head with a frown as you mocked, “You still can’t do anything right. I guess that goes to show, that people like you just never have a spine. If you can’t assert yourself now with your life on the line, you might as well die now. Because let’s face it, people like you only end in two ways, either spineless pathetic existence or you become the abuser out of a sick need to regain what you lost as a kid.” 
Reverse psychology, worked in the most simplistic ways. 
That seemed to get him to snap, you watched his eyes dilate and pure unfurled rage cross his expression as he shrieked, “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You know nothing about my life! You know nothing about me! And because I’m the tagger I’ll get to watch all you pathetic people die! Who’s in control now!?” 
It’s a shame he couldn’t take control of his life in any other circumstance. 
Everyone paused and even he himself paused at the realization, his eyes welled with tears that made something deep in your heart lurch, your eyes squinting a little as your expression wilted a little as the red laser broke through the roof shooting him straight through the top of his head. His body crumpling to the ground. 
‘Game Cleared’
Everyone was still for a moment before you looked down at the blindfold and then to your hands, the memory hazy yet the memory of red staining them still so clear as you felt ringing in your ears and your vision blur for a moment as you let the fabric slip through your fingers. Running a hand through your hair you wrapped your arms around your jacket as you walked past the body, briefly looking at the once timid man who obviously let others run his life.
“Sorry.” You whispered quietly as you stepped over the corpse, “Come on, let’s go. I don’t wanna stay around here.” You looked towards the other three who nodded, also looking semi apprehensive as well. 
Now that the moment was over, the cruel reality was back to remind you that you just gaslit someone into admitting their own suicide. It was hard to not feel innately disgusted with yourself despite your reasoning that you and all of your friends would’ve died if you had. Still, what you did was okay. You were supposed to help people like him, not encourage them to snap. 
If you didn’t feel conflicted before you certainly felt conflicted now, looking at the register you ignored the visa print as you grabbed the playing card off the table. 
And as if mocking, this was only a three of hearts. You couldn’t imagine what higher level games looked like with this. You’d definitely need to be careful in the future, “Y/n! Come on, let’s go!” You looked behind at Hiroko nodding towards the exit. 
“You guys go on, I’ll catch up later.” You looked down at the card again, Hiroko frowned at your figure, wanting to say something but she understood, the first few days of the Borderlands were never easy. With that, she left. Besides you needed to get changed before you headed for the beach again. 
Walking out of the exit you grabbed your bag that was, just as you anticipated, still against the wall, leaning down you opened it up as you began digging through to try and find your bathing suit top. Stuffing the card inside you furrowed your brows, why did the electricity have to go out so soon? 
“You could’ve kept the tagger and won but you didn’t. Why?” 
You paused your search at the sound of Chishiya’s voice, sounding like he was- not interrogating you but definitely investigating. You resumed once more as you shrugged, “I could’ve.” You agreed, and it did cross your mind after all, “I thought about it,” You admitted right after as you pulled out the swimsuit top, “But maybe to some degree you were right,” You stood up as you turned to face him, “I am spilling emotion constantly. And if there was a chance I could’ve saved all of us in turn for one? It didn’t seem like that big of a reach to do really…” You looked away from him as you grabbed your neck, feeling a bit sheepish, “It was by chance you had spotted him before and it was by luck that I was given tagger for the last round. I knew all you needed was just mutual confirmation in your assessment before initiating the end.” 
You sighed as you looked down at the elastic material in your hand as you frowned, “For what it’s worth, I would’ve probably done it to him regardless of whether he had been the tagger or not. It doesn’t take much to break the weakest link. That’s probably the saddest part to be honest.” 
You grabbed your backpack off the ground as you looked up at Chishiya before back towards the entrance where others slowly began to filter out, “I doubt he even realized the trap I set him up for,” You smiled wryly as you shook your head, “People are so easy to mislead, I forget sometimes, the power that can hold.” 
You turned around, intending to go change, “What were you before all of this?” You looked back at Chishiya, his gaze cool as ever and his eyes scanning over you as if in search for an answer that didn’t exist. Briefly your heart jumped in nervousness, did you dare tell the truth? 
Laughing you let out a sigh what was the use in hiding in this world? There were no laws and honestly, who could judge you? “I was a prostitute.” You looked away, feeling somewhat bashful as you awkwardly rubbed your neck, you could tell that was not what Chishiya had been expecting you to say.
 “Oh…!” Your lips parted suddenly feeling even more stupid at the realization that was not what he meant by his question, “You...You probably meant what I’m majoring in...sorry. Uh-” You gave him an apologetic smile that was more out of your sake of humiliation as assuming. Clearing your throat you turned back over your shoulder as you gave him one last look, holding up the three of hearts as you answered, “I’m a major in psychology ♡ ” 
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whateveralice-123 · 3 years
Deathnote - Mu Chapter One lxlight 18+
L lay on the cold floor.
The room was dark, but you could see dim light around him, it was visible enough for him to make out a person in the darkness. The stranger slouched in his chair and sighed heavily. A glimmer of light shined faintly revealing the man's biker style clothing: red jacket, jeans, and leather boots but his face was shrouded with darkness. L could just about see his mundane expression as he got up from the floor peering closer. The man sat on his chair with his fist brought up to his chin appearing quite tired. He shifted his head lazily to the left surprised as he had not expected someone to be right in front of him especially not L of all people.
Leaning forward he stared at the peculiar man he used to know. The disbelief clouded his judgement and like that his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. He simply could not believe what he was seeing; it had been his belief since day one that he would never see another human again. Yet here was the strange individual that he had not seen for years, 5 years in fact. He knew if it were not for their strong rivalry and his unique looks, L's face would have been forgotten completely.
"L... Are you real? " he stuttered lifting slightly from his seat as if he were seeing a mirage.
"Hello Kira-Kun," L answered avoiding his question whilst smiling. Light was puzzled and this pleased L greatly. He could not remember the last time he saw Light look this way.
"So, this is the place of nothingness," he added, looking around the desolate space. The room seemed to go on and on, clouded in complete blackness. Besides the one chair Light was sitting on as well as the side table with its vintage lamp which gave enough light to see one another it was a wasteland. L thought that though it appeared menacing in the dark with the little setup Light had it would be quite peaceful to relax and perhaps read a book. Or at least as peaceful as it could be here.
"It's pretty bland" Light stated nervously. Taking a deep breath he pointed to a replica of a chair that appeared in front of him.
L looked amazed, how was that possible, he was sure it was not there a second ago. No, he knew it was not there before.
"Please sit," Light said gesturing with his hands for the dark-haired detective to crouch in his seat, in the odd way he was known for doing.
"Kira-Kun please sit also," Light sat back down returning to his nonchalant behaviour. "Here I thought the justice driven L would end up in heaven but here you are" Light stated with a questioning look.
"Oh, don't act so sad about it am I really that bad?" L asked. "If you must know I wrote my name down before the Shinigami did, this made her efforts to kill me futile... I would also like to tell you that I did not appreciate that creepy smile Kira-Kun gave me," L exclaimed making Light roll his eyes. It had been so long since Light had seen him, yet he appreciated that the detective was still the same.
"You never change, do you? He chuckled lightly but L found it far from funny.
"You know I'm waiting, Kira-Kun," he says tapping his finger on the edge of the armrest. Light looked at him blankly
"For what?" he asked receiving a tired expression. The younger of the two sighed and took a large breath preparing himself to admit his defeat. "You were right as always I was Kira," Light answered.
"And" L moves his wrist for him to continue. Light raises an eyebrow and sighs again.
"You outsmarted me and survived... But then again you also died so we can hardly call that winning, can we? " he finishes, L opens his mouth to speak but Light shuts it as a Deathnote sits in his hand. "Hmm let's see here," Light flicks the pages to get to L's real name but before he could reach the end L grabs it. "How did you get this I destroyed it?" L asked concerned
"Oh, calm down I manifested it and it doesn't even take effect in here," Light explains.
L was well and truly stumped. He had to admit he never thought he would see Light again or anyone. L had felt miserable. The detective had had a shitty day he remembered he was counting the minute, dreading the thought of dying. He had expected that he would be briefly be alive and then dead, he would no longer exist. L believed he had seen everything in life, nothing ever confused him and he found no true excitement, no mystery could not be solved but ever since he met Light this had changed. He knew that from here on out it would only get stranger after all he was no longer in the real world anymore.
"Manifested?" he questioned squinting his eyes at the brunette, Light then placed two cups of hot tea on the table. He adds two sugars for himself and stops before asking
"It was 6 wasn't it?" he asked, L nodded astonished at the sight in front of him.
Light adds the sugar to the tea moving it toward his guest before taking a sip of his own. "I never knew how you could drink that. Isn't it all sludgy?" L became wide-eyed at Light's interest, he had never really commented on his behaviour all that much, it seemed funny that now he would question his actions.
"Would Light-Kun like to try?" Light gave the cup a pondering glance before looking back at L nodding. He takes the cup savouring the warmth with his hands.
"What happened to you calling me Kira-Kun?" Light asked.
"What? Would you prefer me to call you that?"
Light just shrugs the suggestion "Lights fine," he adds taking a sip and cringing at the so-called tea before passing it back to the amused L.
"I also favour Light to Kira, Light... was a friend to me,"
Light's cup slipped slightly from his finger making a loud clank, fortunately, it was not shattered to bits. Light was startled as he tried to steady his cup, he was looking at L as though he was speaking another language. It had been his sneaking suspicious the first time L had said that, that it was a farce, a ploy to intimidate or guilt him.
"You actually... like me? " Light asks sitting far back into his chair surprised.
"Of course, Light-Kun I liked you. Why didn't a tiny bit of you like me?" L asks amused.
"Well yes, Ryu... L... Well, I'll be honest I didn't like you one bit," He said whilst watching L's expression not change. "But thinking back now I have to admit there was something very endearing about you"
Light could remember all the moments where they would purposely annoy the living hell out of each other. It was only natural he thought, they both had such a strong character. He felt a bittersweet feeling in his stomach, he had never had such a strong interaction with anyone in his whole life. This was before he had met the infuriating detective and he remembered how he wished to squish him under his shoe. No one had ever gotten on Light nerves as much as he had. But his distaste toward L was all in the past and he knew that he deserved to be here. He didn't fault his own beliefs of killing those who deserved it but there were ever so many people caught involved that he had murdered in the process. Biting his lip, he continued to lose track of the man in front of him. This realization abruptly occurred in his mind as he awoke from his thoughts embarrassed that he was so caught up in his head. "Um, Ryuzaki... "
L looked at Light concerned before placing his finger under his chin raising his head up to face him. "It's Lawliet," L says smiling gently, knowing there was nothing to fear anymore. Light looked confused before he smiled cheekily
"Well really L? How in the hell would I have guessed that? " Light said chuckling.
"Oh, I'm sorry, would you have liked me to serve it up on a gold platter?" L says giving Light's notebook back. "Well now that you mention it," he says shielding himself before getting a playful hit on the arm. They both exchanged a smile and then L remembered the memento he had obtained.
"Oh here Light-Kun," he says removing the watch from his wrist and placing it in front of Light "Is that my …" Light starts. "Well now L, I never would have taken you as a grave robber," he says grinning.
"It's hardly stealing more like inherited," L stated. "I'm only sorry that I never repaired it," L exclaims feeling a strange sense of guilt, not only did the watch have a crack but it had also stopped ticking, simply frozen in time.
"Are you sure about that? It seems to be working just fine" Light asks. L leaned forward wide-eyed.
"Did you do that?" L asks pointing to Light receiving a cheeky expression. Light redirects his hand to the startled detective. Leaving L confused, he skimmed through the notebook "Ahh here it is L Lawliet. You wrote ... Will die quietly 23 days after Light Yagami's death." Light gave a scrawl towards L before sighing heavily. "It has only been 23 days since I died huh, feels like a billion," he says with a bored expression on his face.
"You know Kira-Kun when I think about it, I'm pretty annoyed at you. You are the reason we are stuck here in the first place. Not only that Watari is dead because of you," L states coldly. It had taken that self-absorbed expression on Light's face to remember this man was not truly his friend. How could you even consider him to be a friend for even a second, he questioned.
Light looked down again for the second time. Swallowing loudly, he scratched the back of his neck giving L an anxious look "I really don't know what to say... I fucked up I don't even know how it even got to this point." He exclaimed refusing to look at L.
"At first, when the Death Note fell to the ground, I used it to kill bad people. It was something that made me feel like I was making a difference. I couldn't stand seeing these people doing such disgusting things and always getting away with it. I remember my father coming home every night looking older and older after witnessing all these horrible cases. I remember the dread on his face sometimes when he had to go in. Although he wouldn't admit it, my father is... my father was proud and wouldn't have let anyone know how he truly felt. I knew exactly what the punishments were going to be. All those cases where they were let off or got it too easy, it was sickening. I had grown tired of seeing good people suffer whilst evil people lived, waiting to be released to only continue to be cruel. It was truly disgusting. The legal system did not make it better, releasing rotten people for good behaviour when those bad people didn't have the balls to behave badly. Then there was those who faked good behaviour to get out sooner. It was truly repulsive to watch!" Kira growled, feeling all of his rage resurface.
He had spent many days trying to get rid of these feelings. God knows he had tried ever since he was little to accept the fact there were bad people. But let's face it even from the beginning before he had tested the notebook's power, he was intrigued at the idea that it could actually work. In fact, he needed it to work.
Light had been damn near perfect at everything, but he had lost his sense of joy for relishing over his own achievements. But being Kira was different. He found that he would gladly kill for himself. This was for him; this was something that meant something to him! Not to his parents or "friends". Not to those girls that would count all his achievements as reasons why Light was the perfect package for them. He had found something that was important, something that made him feel alive, that brought peace of mind. But the last shred of his humanity died when he killed L. Lind Taylor, it was then that he murdered a man he believed to be innocent. He believed it was L and he remembered the anger he felt when the man had called him "evil" the anger was too much for him to bear and that's when he had thrown away his morals completely. He had not only ruined himself, but he was responsible for killing those who didn't deserve it, he had gotten his father killed, his sister kidnapped and sent to a psychiatric hospital and this, of course, hurt his mother, the woman who had only supported him and was proud of him. The guilt that he had swallowed, starting to come up his throat and he felt it choking him.
He breathed in slowly gaining composure "But that is no excuse to harm you or Watari and I know it's not much but I'm truly sorry," Light sorrowfully said feeling his guilt rest in his stomach. L looked at him blankly he could see the emotions registering on Light's face. He practically saw the words and thoughts Light had, he knew that Light was in pain, broken and was swimming in guilt. He always wondered when Light would sink, after all he had done so much wrong. He knew he must have been in a numb state of repression, but he knew Light had never let himself feel. Since he had met him, Light appeared to always be in fight or flight mode. Everything he said and did was done for the purpose of survival, he never slipped up, he never let himself show any emotions. L could not help but relate to Light. L had been solving crimes for years and from working on cases he knew they were far from rejoiceful. It had been sickening at times and he knew that it brought him in terrible states as well as contributed to his insomnia. He could not fault Light's feelings. L felt his anger dissolve and his desire to make Light feel better grew.
"Forget it Light-Kun, it is all in the past, "L says gently. Light raised his head as if to say something but found himself apologetically smiling. "Now Light-Kun I wish to know more about manifesting. Show me how to do it, I wish for something sweet,"
"Okay I'll try and help you," he said sitting up. "Close your eyes. Now think of the thing you want. Now imagine it is with you let your senses become involved, smell it, taste it. Now believe it is here... Did you want a smartie?" L opens his eyes to see a singular sweet.
"Hmm... only one," L scowls. Before picking it up and eating it, tsking. L looked irritated, he had wanted a bowl of them, and here he was with one. It wasn't the fact that L had only managed to get one that was annoying, it was the tired feeling that came with manifesting it. Light couldn't bear seeing L scrawl, it had made him think L was behaving cute, which would certainly not do.
"Dear Lord. Stop pouting. You've made one, didn't you? You'll get better with practice, as well as rest," Light states feeling warmth grow in his cheeks.
"Kira-Kun is very testy right now, is it that he thinks of my unsuccessful attempt as a reminder of his own failure?" L says smiling, to this Light does something L never expected he would do. Light had turned to him and stuck his tongue out
"Isn't that a little immature? " L laughs.
"Perhaps," Light says throwing a smartie at L
"Now Light-Kun no throwing," Light grins evilly
"I thought you wanted smarties," he asks making a bunch rain on top of L before bursting out laughing. L sits there stunned before retrieving the sweets and eating them "That was very naughty Light-Kun," L exclaimed waging his finger in front of Light. Before drenching cold water all over Light grinning at his triumph.
"Ughh, really L really!" he says feeling cold.
"Light-Kun should wear something else before he freezes to death" Light chuckles at him "Sorry L but we're already dead can't get any deader," he says starting to remove his clothes. "Can't Light-Kun make more appear on his body instead of changing?" L asks "Why? Does me undressing make you uncomfortable?" Light asks teasingly.
"No of course not I just wish to know," he answered closing his eyes and turning slightly to the side with a blush on his face. Light smiled "I have to remove my clothes to manifest new ones" he answers.
"You know you don't have to watch me I'm not your Kira suspect anymore," Light says almost singing it. L freezes before looking away realizing what he had been doing. Ha Light thought. "All finished," he adds. Turning to L's flushed face smiling to himself. Why was he so cute when he blushes Light questioned.
"You know L even though you're a stubborn pest, I kind of like you being around," Light said surprising himself. Did I really say that? He asked himself looking back up to L noticing his expression.
The look on L's face showed he was touched. Never had anyone said anything so nice to him. From hearing other people's opinions on him he could say their opinions had been more than unsatisfactory. He recalled Naomi Misora and what she had told him a couple of months before the Kira case. He remembered asking about his double Beyond Birthday, he was only curious. Beyond was a man that looked so incredibly similar to him. His actions, his quirks, and even the way he spoke were close to identical. To this question he had gotten the most critical and heart-wrenching answer that he had ever heard.
"Creepy and pathetic... if we divided everyone in the world into those that would be better off dead and those that wouldn't there's no doubt in my mind that he'd be the former. Such a complete freak that it amazes me he hasn't killed himself," Stated Misora.
It had made L feel inadequate and useless as if he were nothing. But here stood Light gleaming at him and complimenting him. He held his gaze at Light before rising from his seat embracing him. Light was frozen, but he soon regained control of his arms and hugged L back smelling the sweet scent in L's hair. Coconut? What an intoxicating smell he thought. Smelling his hair much deeper this time he found himself wanting to play with it. L's grip slightly tightened he had never really been the hugging type but the way he felt inside he knew he had missed out all those years. All that time staying alone but at this moment he had been struck by Lights words. Why? They weren't particularly sweet words.
"You know L even though you're a stubborn pest, I actually kind of like you being around". It was then he felt Light's fingers moving up towards his neck. "Light..." he started feeling Light's soft lips kiss his forehead. It had happened so fast L had wondered whether he had imagined it. L felt the chair distort and transform into a soft couch under him. Light moved the detective back, tracing his finger softly down his cheek. L felt a shiver along his spine as his head started to cloud over. Looking into Light's eyes he could see that they were clouded with something he had never seen before.
Hope you enjoyed please let me know ❤️
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
I always thought that Yusuke’s role would work as the forger guy. Like, forging documents and all that. They sort of alluded it, with him duplicating skill cards, but they never properly made use of it...
I agree, he's the art guy, can identify certain pieces to see if they are legit and can forge them. But here’s the thing.....can it be use properly in the main story?
Not really (tbh Yusuke should’ve just been an NPC), but let’s see why I don’t think it’d work. How does Yusuke contribute to the story with his art skills? 
Solving some (painfully obvious) puzzles in Mada’s dungeon (actually not even solving, he just points out if you got it right or not after the player makes an observation)
Drawing a new logo for the PT (not needed)
(Possibly) providing how to prose up the calling card’s writing (not needed either)
Drawing the license plate when Mako’s kidnapped (not needed)
Drawing a design for the sweeper in Shido’s dungeon (waste of time)
Duplicating skill cards
Point 1 is............tbh unneeded, very much useless fluff. Points 2/3 aren’t needed for a WHOLE NEW CHARACTER to be made for, literally make it a D plot character arc of Ryu improving his art skills/design with each new target, and maybe the prose of the writing (or just have the MC be the one to choose how it sounds). A whole character devoted to that isn’t needed, we have more important things we need. 
Point 4/5 isn’t needed either but it’s because it’s just trying to justify the character. Point 4 can be achieved with a phone’s camera (which we know at least ONE person has on them due to Makoto’s calling), and 5 is literally a waste of time esp when Yusuke ends up having us fight with the sweeper anyway iirc. >.> 
Point 6 is good, but it’s like....just have him be a CoOp char not a main char???? If what his best ability is best utilized like other CoOp chars just...make him a CoOp.
So ok dragged him through the mud, now how could they actually utilize him? I.....don’t think they can. There’s no need for him to identify real works of art, esp outside Mada’s dungeon (so art expert is out of the question), and we know this via playing the game. So what about forging stuff? ......how would we go about it? What do we need to forge? The treasure? Here’s the issue, we don’t know WHAT the treasure is until it’s the day so that’s out of the question.
Maybe something in the dungeon? Ok then how will it be implemented, esp without feeling like he’s pulling it out of his ass? Only way I can think of (without it feeling like an ass pull) is him being like “ok I can make a replica, but I need time and the items”...... so then we have to leave the dungeon and wait for him to make it. Which I’m sure people who complain about the pacing will LOVE (if people can't handle having to back track a little in P4/5′s dungeons, they aren’t going to like having to leave them esp if it’s mandatory....I know cause I still bitch about how we HAVE to leave Sae’s dungeon for a day for the stupid courtroom thing >.> so stupid, it’s already public what the hell????)
*ahem* Ok so that’s not good.....how about the real world.......ok what are we forging? .......................................................................................no...really what... what would we be forging? They’d have to really write a scenario for it, but it’d also involve them doing stuff in the real world which they kinda don’t......And maybe it’d work, but you’d really have to justify it. And even then how often is it? And if it’s not often, then why not just have him be a really close CoOp char that we’d go to if we need help (kinda like Ichiko for the Kane dungeon, which tbh, it’d be cool if we got more CoOps helping the main story like that). 
At most the real world (in the main story, free time is obvie for CoOps) is used for finding targets, and.......stuff related to targets. Once we find the info we just need to go to Metaverse and we’re good. As much as I’d love to use the real world (and I have some good ideas, but none.....of it needs a forger nor a hacker, or at least not a main stay person that needs to be on the team to constantly preform those roles). 
All in all.....P5′s structure....and how OP the supernatural world can be kinda makes it.....not needed for Yusuke to be there. But if say, the structure was more like a Sly Cooper game, with multiple missions leading up to one level (each character with their own job)......then like yeah the whole team could be used. But it just feels like Atlus threw all the common heist trope chars together without actually looking at it’s setting and seeing HOW they are beneficial to it. 
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shamipking · 4 years
Patchwork Dolls- SK Fanfiction
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shaman King (Anime & Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Oyamada Manta, Asakura Yoh, Kyouyama Anna, Tao Ren, Amidamaru (Shaman King), Usui Horokeu | "Trey Racer" Horohoro, Chocolove McDonell, Asakura Hao, Opacho (Shaman King) Additional Tags: Drabble, silly fluff Summary: Manta, Yoh, and their friends explore one of the various shops for tourists set up by The Patch. The Patch are known to be strapped for money, but selling merchandise of the shamans participating seems a bit... odd, to say the least. Also On: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24977110 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13632448/1/Patch-work-Dolls
The Patch’s desperation for money was no secret. Odd sponsorships, sold out stadiums of normal people who can’t even see ghosts, PatchDonald’s. It seemed there was no lengths they wouldn’t go to.
But this. This was a surprise.
Manta held up a keychain of Shamash, the partner of Lady Jeanne of the X-Laws. He shuddered a bit at the memory of her fight against Team Nile. “This seems…. A bit in bad taste, don’t you guys think?” He placed the trinket back on the rack and took a step back to observe the full spread. He recognized several of the other items; Joco’s claws, Ren’s guandao, Horohoro’s snowboard, Harusame, Amidamaru himself… all in miniature. There was even a rainbow of small Oracle Bells, each bearing the name and Furyoku level of the shaman it belonged to. Incredible.
“Oh, I dunno Manta. These seem like they could be fun!” Yoh said, and Manta turned to see him swinging around a toy-sized version of his Spirit of the Sword Oversoul. Typical Yoh, unbothered.
“It’s stupid, but it’s harmless,” Anna chimed in, thumbing through a box of flags bearing the names of the various teams. She pulled one out bearing the name of Team Funbari Hotsprings with a gentle smirk and a gleam in her eye. “Anyway, you can’t complain about this free advertisement.”
No wonder she doesn’t mind, Manta rolled his eyes. He continued to wander around the store until his eyes locked on one particular stand, the biggest one in the shop, taking an entire wall, floor to ceiling. “Y...Yoh-kun���look… at this…” he stammered.
“What is it, Manta?” Yoh turned, and his eyes went wide. “Woah!” He ran to stand beside Manta and picked up…
A stuffed doll. Of Amidamaru. Like the other dolls on the shelf, the features were rendered in ultra-cute, chibi-like proportions. The eyes were buttons.
“Amazing! And they’re so cute! People can buy these?” Yoh was getting excited.It made Manta laugh.
“I guess they are pretty cute, Yoh-kun. But why sell anything that looks like the spirit allies? Not everyone in the audience can even SEE them.”
“It is obvious, Lord Manta,” Amidamaru said, materializing close enough to make Manta jump-- he never would get used to that would he? “They made likenesses of us spirits so everyone can know what we look like as well.”
“Really? Well I guess that makes sense--”
“Check this one out,” Yoh laughed. “Ren, it’s you!”
Ren frowned, and pushed himself off the wall by the door, where he’d been since the group had walked into the store.
“These are absolutely ridiculous,” Ren’s voice was a deadpan as he picked up a plush Bason. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more trivial. Put them down, Yoh, we should get going.”
But Yoh had disappeared from his place between Manta and Ren. With mirrored looks of surprise, they both whirled around to find Yoh already at the cash register handing Kalim money. He came back with two bags stuffed full of the dolls. “I got one of everybody! Including our spirits!”
“Yoh-kun… why? You aren’t… you aren’t planning on using these as voodoo dolls are you?” Manta poked at the bags. Yoh laughed loudly at that.
“Of course not, Manta, don’t be silly,” Yoh rummaged through the bags and pulled out one of the dolls. He held it up but it’s hands. “I don’t think voodoo is really the right term for what those types of shamans use. But anyway, these are too cute for that.”
“Wait wait wait, Yoh-kun,” Manta said, his voice shaking slightly looking at the doll in Yoh’s hands. “YOU BOUGHT ONE OF HAO?!?”
“Yeah! Why not?” Yoh’s ever-present smile was shining even now. Anna harrumphed from behind him.
“Don’t waste money on things like this again, Yoh,” Anna said, in her usual cool tone. “You can keep them, but you’ll be running 10 extra laps for each one you bought.” She breezed past him and out of the store.
Tears streamed down Yoh’s face. “Right Anna, of course,” he whimpered.
“I hope it was worth it Yoh-kun,” Manta chuckled, trailing behind Yoh as they both followed Anna out.
Ren didn’t bother hiding his disgust for the dolls. He jabbed at one of Horohoro with the tip of his spear These dolls were idiotic, and the people who bought them more so. Whoever thought of it should really be--
“Mama, mama, I want a dollie!” A tiny voice chirped. “Woooow, there’s so many! Mommy, which should I choose?” A tiny girl, smaller than Manta even, was looking up and down the wall of plushies in awe. Ren could almost see her eyes sparkling.
“Just don’t take too long, sweetie, your father is waiting for us,” a woman called distractedly as she perused another nearby display of Shaman Fight merchandise.
The girl ran along the display, looking at all the shamans and their spirit allies. She was so focused on the dolls that she ran right into Ren’s leg. She pulled away from the flowy fabric around his ankles.
“Sorry mister!” She chimed. Before Ren could respond, a look of excitement spread over her face. “I know you! You’re one of the shamans fighting! Your ghost was really, really big!” To emphasize this fact, she spread her arms as wide as they could go. So, the child could see spirits, could she? Perhaps she was related to another participant. Or maybe she was just a brat with a little second sight? Ren grumbled a little, as he looked down at the child, then back at the wall.
With a faint blush spreading across his cheeks, Ren reached out and grabbed one of the dolls of himself. He didn’t look back at the girl, but he thrust the doll into her arms.
“Since you recognize me, you should take this one,” he growled, though there was no heat in his voice. “I, Tao Ren, am going to be the Shaman King, after all. You’ll do well to remember that.”
The girl accepted the doll happily. “Okay! Thank you sir!” She turned to head back to her mother, but stopped. She glanced back at Ren, and chirruped, “Good luck, Len! I hope you do win!” With that, she scampered off, still clutching the doll he gave her. Normally Ren would get annoyed if someone said his name wrong, but he found his features softening despite himself. He almost smiled.
Until he heard snickering coming from behind him.
Turning a deep shade of crimson, Ren whirled around to find his teammates, Horohoro and Joco, failing to stifle their laughter. “What are you idiots laughing at?!” He fumed as he stalked passed them.
“Oh, nothing Lenny,” Joco breathed. “Just didn’t know you had a soft side”
“Yea, Ren, who knew you were so good with kids,” Horohoro chimed in.
“Shut up! Both of you! I was just making sure she knows who the victor is going to be!”
“Whatever you say, Ren,” Horohoro said, patting him on the shoulder. “Whatever you say.”
“Hmph,” Ren mumbled, and made to leave. The girl and her mother were on their way out, but before the door closed, she looked back. She waved at him again with a big smile. Before the door closed, he saw she’d gone back for a Bason doll as well.
This time, he did smile.
“Ka-shhh. Slash! Shing!”
“Hiya! Hup! Hah!”
“Will you two shut up?” Horohoro and Joco’s game was interrupted by a slap across the face from Anna. “Stop playing with these dolls. Yoh’s supposed to be carrying everything.” She stuffed the dolls of Horohoro, Kororo, Joco, and Mic back into Yoh’s bags. They probably didn’t add much weight, but considering he was already carrying everything else, on top of an afternoon of training, it likely didn’t help.
“Ah c’mon, Anna, no need to interrupt their fun, right?” Yoh attempted.
“No. They’re your dolls. You carry them back,” Anna’s clipped voice left little room for argument. Yoh hung his head in defeat. “Besides, they were annoying me.”
The two teams of friends rarely trained together. They were all rivals, afterall. But by now, they’d all seen each other in action enough times that there was little harm when they were all out anyway. After a morning of shopping together, they spent the afternoon together training for several hours, as well. With the sun just beginning to set, the group made their way back into town towards the dormitories they stayed in.
“The boss really wasn’t kidding about making you run those extra laps, huh chief?” Ryu drawled, looking half amused, half concerned at Yoh’s plight.
“Is she ever kidding?” Yoh whined back. A chuckle ran through the other boys. “Come on, guys, it’s not funny--woah.” Yoh stopped short as a couple young boys ran in front of him. Like Horohoro and Joco, they were making fake fighting noises as they swiped at each other. One boy took a swipe with dull claws, toy replicas of Joco’s own. The other bapped him on the head with a small piece of wood painted like Horohoro’s snowboard.
“Hey hey, these kids have good taste,” Joco cooed. They all stopped to watch the children at play. “How come you’re sticking around, Anna? This doesn’t annoy you?”
“Of course not. It’s cute when six year olds are playing. Though I suppose neither of you are much older, mentally.”
“Damn, Anna,that’s cold,” Joco whimpered.
“Well, obviously we know which of these kids is best,” Horohoro bragged, gesturing to the kid with his toy snowboard.
“What? No way, the kid with Mic’s claws would win!” Joco snapped back.
“This argument is pointless,” Ren chided, and was the first to break away from the group and keep walking.
“SHOOKY ZAMMY!” Another young boy appeared and ran at the other two. He held a small guandao and he jabbed it repeatedly at the other two, until they both fell over. The smug look on the kid’s face rivaled Ren’s own during a fight. Another ripple of laughter rose at the expense of Team Ren.
With a growl, likely of embarrassment, Ren turned and stormed off. Both defeated, Horohoro and Joco swayed after him.
Perhaps seeing people with these toys was going to be annoying after all.
“Opacho?” Hao’s voice was light, unconcerned, as he looked for the child. “Opacho? Where have you gotten to?”
“Opacho here!” A tiny voice called from a nearby room. Opacho was so rarely far from Hao’s side, he wondered what had gotten her attention. He laughed jovially when he saw where she was.
Her face barely peeked out of a large pile of plush dolls. “Where did these come from, little one?”
“Hao-sama! Cute!” She cried, thrusting a doll of Hao out of the pile, causing the rest to tumble to the floor around them. Hao smiled serenely at Opacho, running his hands over several of the dolls.
“Yes, Opacho,” Hao agreed. He pulled up a doll from the floor, ran his thumb over the orange strip of fabric in the doll’s brown hair. “Very cute, indeed.”
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evanescentide · 2 years
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repost  &  tag  away !  
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• EYES:   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (blue-violet) • HAIR:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey | white | multi-color | other • BODY TYPE:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight | small | tall • SKIN:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other • GENDER IDENTITY:   male | female | trans | cis | nonbinary | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels • SEXUAL ORIENTATION:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels • ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• POSITIVE TRAITS:   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | loyal | intelligent | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | optimistic | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm | responsible | takes the lead
• NEGATIVE TRAITS:   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
• SPECIES:   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | other (replica) • EDUCATION:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other • LIVING SITUATION:   lives alone | lives with parent(s) or guardian(s) | lives with significant other | lives with friend(s) | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other • PARENTS/GUARDIAN:   mother | father | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other • SIBLINGS:   sister(s) | brother(s) | none | other • RELATIONSHIP STATUS:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | verse dependent
• I HAVE A(N):   developmental disorder | learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | other (verse dependent physical ailment) • I’VE BEEN:   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot • THINGS I’VE DONE:   had alcohol (verse dependent) | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital or infirmary | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | attempted to kill someone | had someone try to kill them
ADDITIONAL NOTES: • When initially created, the replicas were free of any identifying traits including sex and gender. Xion’s relationship with her own gender is complex: while she doesn’t always identify completely as a girl, she definitely does not identify as male. She shies away from labels, but she feels comfortable considering herself nonbinary and would like the term demi-girl! • She considers Ryu her brother. Ienzo is also effectively her adopted step-brother, since Even is the closest thing to a parent the replicas have.
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tagged by: [redacted] tagging: anyone who wants to do the thing!!
0 notes
leviathiane · 4 years
this is going to be a long-ass post i am so sorry to Everyone! i take a lot of notes.
So, as You specifically know (as well as all of my lovely Soggers) I take a LOT of notes. Obsessively. I write fucking everything bc i have very little memory and very much paranoia. This results in literal Piles of notes. Raw planning, on paper, on my phone– doodles of scenes im brainstorming, bulletpoints, entire SCRIPTS– it’s all there but scattered (I’ve got scenes planned in the margins of my goddamn anthropology notes and deciphering it was a NIGHTMARE) 
I won’t even upload all the photos of my writing notebook, because itd be like 50 pages of illegible nonesense. but heres a couple of planning phase pages. (may be hard to read, I dropped this notebook both into some tidepools, into a creek on campus, and accidentally leaked my waterbottle onto it in my backpack :/) 
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if you can’t tell already, yes they all look exactly like this. Some are even more illegible, because I wrote them with the notebook half under my actual class notes. Because i wrote most of them in class. During lectures. And pretending very badly that i was not doing exactly that. (pay attention in class please i got away with this bc i was filling up elective units) 
I’m also flat out MISSING a large portion of my notes bc some of it? isnt even in the damn notebook. its on a sheet of binder paper, or on the empty back of an assignment. I’ve now lost most of those notes, but the ones i do still have are just as (even more, actually) indecipherable chicken scratch: 
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Wow, how clean and tidy and easy to follow! i am in hell. 
and this doesnt mention the PAGES and PAGES of outlines that are on my laptop, and the pages of outlined scenes that are on the notes app of my phone. if i put them all, you would have entire chapter spoilers up to the very end of the story so i cant post a lot of them– and also theres just a goddamn lot of them. currently i have 16 pages of outlining. There are no spacing breaks. It is a solid 16 page block of text. Looking at it gives me a migraine. 
some assorted notes which i have dredged up from the deleted parts of the main draft google doc go all the way back to when i started Wror in June and they are Barely more readable than my handwriting on sheer account of: articulation is not my strength. These include: 
“Ch 8 plan: sabo gets trained specially, awakens his armament haki, beats ace in a bunch of spars and proves himself to be anything but vulnerable. The boys are like “we fucking recognize that technique ryu taught you before us!!” and goad ryu into finally starting them both on basic haki training, just to awaken it, since sabo already has. Also this is the chapter that ace finally confronts ryu for his devil fruit after ryu confirms that some devil fruit users can’t be hurt without haki and ace immediately catches onto that and tries to slam his pipe through ryus head. It doesn’t work, ryu catches the weapon with a haki covered hand, to avoid turning to flame with hit and ace just gets frustrated and accuses ryu of hiding his devil fruit, because he remembers what he saw in grey terminal and that now that he has seen haki he can distinguish it from what he saw and he’s sure no one could do what ryu did. He calls ryu a hypocrite for coddling them even after telling them to stop coddling sabo and ryu has to sit them down and explain that yes he does have powers and he has been hdiing it and explains his reasoning. However instead of understanding th eboys just get fired up and say they don’t wnt to be scared of fire, especially not when it means ryu isn’t taking them seriously in a spar. Ryu finally agrees to start them on desensitization training for fire trauma. Fire desensitization training happens on the beach, so that they have water nearby in case things get out of hand. At some point ace gives ryu a considering look and is just like “if you have a devil fruit that means you can’t swim either right?” and ryu is basically just like “lmao yeah” and then ace immediately attempts to drown him. Lots of murder attempts in ace’s department toget his older brother to be less of an idiot with little success lol(extra: ace tried to attack ryu earlier both to confirm that ryu has a devil fruit that would force him to use haki to hide it, and because he now knows that he CAN’T hurt ryu without haki and as thus can’t beat him and make him admit he’s awake without being good at haki.)” [chapter 8] 
“Small sabo lost his hat and goggles in the incident and while he doesn’t remember having them future sabo notices he looks uncomfortable and keeps touching his hair and head. Ace yells at him for it thinking he bandaging are bothering him and that he can’t touch them but little sabo just comments that something about it feels wrong. Luffy blurts our that he had a hat, like luffy does, But he doesn’t now ace begrudgingly mentions that they can’t get a new one in town. Future sabo doesn’t even hesitate and just plops his own hat onto his younger selves head. It clearly too big for him, and almost falls over his eyes but he grins up at future sabo and is like “wow!! Thank you! I’ll take care of it till I have one of my own” and creates a paradox like Luffys own hat. The footsteps younger sabo has yet to fill. This HAS to happen AFTER the talk where they explain that future and past sabo are both the same person, to give little sabo that pressure.” [chapter 9]
“(Right after this older sabo takes them down to the ocean so that they can play a little and desensitize themselves and immediately fucks himself over when he goes weak in the water bc he somehow fucking forgot his own devil fruit again and now even younger sabo is on his case about not letting him near the fucking ocean that little goddamn HYPOCRITE—) )” [for chapter 9]
“Ch 9 plan: they finally leave dawn island. Starts with the boys getting a haircut after training and luffy mentions how long it’s been since they’ve last needed a haircut, giving sabo and ace time to point out that it’s been 2 months now since ryu joined them, and that sabo was completely healed by now. The boys are now aware of the basics of haki, and while luffy hasnt awakened either yet ace and sabo both have a little bit of weak armament haki. (sabo won’t awaken observational haki until he gets his memories back) ryu tries to sneak off into the city to steal a boat but his brothers refuse to leave him behind and keep sneaking out after him, not wanting him to go alone and saying that since he’s been training them they’re clearly stronger and he needs to let them do this. Ryu eventually just lets it go because why the fuck not it’s a dream and they make him feel better. They get the boat out on open ocean and finally fucking sail out, cheering loudly, ryu struggling to make them all calm down but also not really trying. He’s happy as shit, and they’re all so excited and happy and sabo dips a hand into the waves and then smiles so fucking wide and tackles ryu so violently they both nearly tip into the water and it’s just very very good. “ [also for ch 9] 
** I flat out dont Have any outlining from before chapter 6, because i only started actually outling chapters after that. i tend to just sit down and Write up until i hit a plot point or writers block and then am forced to actually think it through and plan rather than letting it come naturally. thats also why the quality and editing is better in later chapters despite everything being written within the same time frame. 
besides entire chapter outlines, there are the scene specific phone notes like:
“(ADDED) Right after they leave dawn, when sabo is sure they’ve gotten enough of a head start, he calls Garp. He doesn’t say who he is, but that all of the boys are safe and happy with him and has them all talk into the phone to assure him that they’re fine. Garp is honestly just pissed off he doesn’t know who’s calling and when he asks sabo just laughs and says a disobedient brat before hanging up. “
“(ADDED) TO EXPAND ON CH 3: sabo gets offered the chance to go with dragon, and he hesitates on the offer to go through with his previous life with the family he’s made in the revolutionary again. He almost agrees, because the bought of losing them in this lifetime is near excruciating but reminds himself swiftly that it’s no place for his brothers and not what they’d really want, and he wants selfishly to be with them as long as he Can until he “inevitably” wakes up. The boys are visibly relieved by this, especially ace. (Sabo gets asked who he is by dragon, who wants to know more about the stranger with his son, but dragon has always been quicker to make connections no one guessed and he just smiled knowingly at sabo and tells him he’s sure the other will have no trouble finding them if he’s in need. Sabo in turn warns him to keep Kuma close, and to look for a slave girl named koala.)”
I have…. many of these. I have Many of Everything. 
finally, i have scene doodles. if i hit a bad writers block it usually helps me to sketch scenes or the character designs to regain my grip on what the hell is happening in the plot– Breach of Intention has character design sketches, pakcbond has MANY scene sketches, even some of my nsfw has some sketches. my wror skecthes arent Good of course, I am an art teacher for children and that means i am more often explaining the color wheel and brush techniques over drawing perfect human replicas– and i just dont really make a lot of fanart? ive never drawn sabo before but i sure have a bunch now. i wont include close ups because they genuinely suck but heres an example pic 
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So… yeah thats about everything. this is a VERY long post and yet i only included like maybe ¼ or 1/5 of all the notes i have dbskhjgfkjadns lmk if anyone wants more (or notes for my Other stories, which contain NO WHERE the same absurd amount of shit that wror does.)
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paindealt · 4 years
@kathexismania​ wrote to you:
In the serene sanctuary of the Lin Kuei Grandmaster’s quarters, there stands the replica of Kuai Liang’s physique, made in the style of terracotta armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. Of course, it diverses away from the funerary purpose, as this was meant to celebrate and appreciate their compounded love, trust and honor towards each other, also in lieu of Christmas tradition. Along with it, there is a Shirai Ryu garb, consisting of luscious golds and azure blue, bordering almost obsidian black of his hair, fully dressed on the aforementioned statue. And Hanzo stands, away from the hindsight of his lover, beneath the slanted shadows, hiding the highly visible hues of his own garb as the long fingers fiddle with the sheath of his katana, before carefully observing Kuai Liang’s reaction.
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Well, wasn’t this a peculiar sight. Why was it peculiar ? Why, Kuai wasn’t accustomed to receiving presents on Christmas other than from his students. & typically, they’d bring him smaller gifts. Obviously, the Lin Kuei didn’t make much money & only a few of his students were talented in the crafts department. But of course, Kuai appreciated every gift they’d bestow him. However... he wasn’t expecting this. Kuai never gave out strong emotions, therefore his reactions to things weren’t always big. Being someone who was raised on the erroneous ideas that EMOTIONS WERE BAD, the formidable Lin Kuei warrior still struggled with expressing his emotions properly, & allowing himself to be open.
However, one might notice that Kuai was excited, as he rushed a little swiftly toward the statue. Bare fingertips slowly caressed the cloth of the garb. & it blossomed a smile on his aged features to behold such a beautiful metaphor of their love & trust. It filled Kuai with an abundance of delight, pride & gratefulness, that he swore his heart could blow up with it. It reminded him of how wild their lives together has been, describing it as a roller coaster ride would be an understatement. If Kuai had seen these mixture of yellow & blues before, he would’ve gagged on his hatred & disgust. Yet despite the Lin Kuei & Shirai Ryu’s long hostility toward each other; here they were now... not only were they allies, but the Grandmasters were lovers, husbands, soulmates.
His gaze was fixated on the statue, appreciating all the big & tiny details. “ Thank you, Hanzo, ” he said aloud. “ Remind me to cook you a Christmas dinner later, ” also mentioned aloud for Kuai had already sensed the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster’s presence. & perhaps he wasn’t very talented in the art of culinary, but Kuai felt the extreme need to express gratitude towards his lover. & well, he may not be talented in crafts either... he was somewhat decent at pottery. A self-made tea set would be ideal, especially given the consideration that was what they ‘ enjoyed ’ upon first making peace with their respective clans. & what better method to bestow a tea set than over a Christmas dinner ?
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as if time stopped
um. it turns out that Ji Seo Yeong fic of mine (AO3) was just the first part of a short series (let’s entitle it annyeong dangsin - there you have your goodbye and your hello in one), because i realized i had to get our favorite devil in as well (@clusterstruck that’s partially on you and your tags again). thing is, while Ji Seo Yeong sort of wrote her part herself, i’m not sure i can do half as decent a job with a supernatural being like Ryu, so i don’t like this one as much (not least because it’s shorter but took me much longer). now, the whole thing obviously calls for at least one more part but i don’t think i have it in me. feel free to pick up the torch though.
as if time stopped (Ryu/Ji Seo Yeong - although, in all fairness, mostly Ryu) link to AO3
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Hope. I hate this word.
Even if the concept of time existed in hell, the seventh pit of it would be an exception.
Only the dim-witted humans with their tiny brains were naïve enough to believe in the deity’s mercy and kindness. He knew better. The deity was petty and vindictive and there was certainly no forgiveness for the likes of him.
Faces and scenes replaced one another in an endless procession, and while some of them merely amused him (Blood and viscera, he thought, Really, big guy? You should step up your game), others ripped a gurgling scream of fury and bursts of sparks out of his cracked glowing chest. A middle-aged man with a little girl in his arms… the girl’s stare blank, her skin pale, almost blue, the man’s eyes peering through his broken, half-melted sunglasses: please, bring my daughter back... A young man with a mane of copper red hair… no, an old, gray man with crinkled liver-spotted skin and knobby fingers kneeling at his feet: please, save my son, please, I’ll do anything… His own father's outstretched hand: please, son...
Here, in the infinite nothingness, it all felt like a fraction of a moment — and like an eternity. Had he left the world of mortals yesterday or a century ago? Were the people he used to know sitting to dinner or dead for many years? He couldn’t even remember their names, the pesky humans he’d been toying with while trying to prove the deity wrong.
What was that dull annoying something somewhere under the layers of ash and plasma, gnawing, twisting him from the inside?
The deity be damned, he could bear it. He could take it all for all eternity if it wasn’t for her. That woman. The deity was not playing fair again. That human woman with short blond hair. She came more often than others. He didn’t remember her name either. What did it matter anyway, to him, whose own name was barely more than a number? She would come and look at him, her big eyes shining with tears. She never spoke but he could hear her voice all the same.
Cry if you want to.
And another voice, like an echo: There's even a human who understands a monster like you.
He did not want to give the deity the satisfaction. He swallowed every howl until the very chains that bound him became too heavy, soaked with his agony. He squirmed in the void, crushed by their weight, powerless and still too proud to beg for mercy.
And then her voice said, I hope you’re doing well, you nameless being, making him howl again, now with hysterical laughter at this new torture.
And a million years later, her voice said, Hi… you. I’m looking at the stars. They make me think of you. I wonder if you’re out there somewhere.
And a second ago, her voice said, Hi, you. I wonder if you really liked steaks. Or wine? Or ramyeon? Did you really enjoy all that or was that an act too?
And her voice said, Hi, you. I'm thinking about you.
And her voice said, Hi, you. I think I miss you.
And her voice said, I’m tired.
And her voice said, I’m alright. I hope you’re alright, too.
And her voice said, I hope you’re still there somewhere.
STOP IT! he yelled finally, the pain too excruciating to go on. I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE SO STOP IT JUST MAKE IT STOP!
But the deity wouldn’t respond. The deity wouldn’t even gloat.
And he saw her again, walking slowly in a bustling crowd of other humans, and he followed her instinctively, as he had back then, almost against his will, drawn by an invisible force. Something was off. He was someone else now. He remembered the sensation — the feeling of being in a human body. What is it now, you heavenly bastard, isn’t your revenge complete yet? This body was young, full of energy, so unruly — some humans were like this when their soul was still more or less untarnished by sin and didn't want to share. It expelled him before he could touch her. He saw her wild eyes and… screamed again, rattling his chains, his one and a half wing drooping in helpless resignation.
He closed his eye. Alright, you divine asshole. Exhaustion washed over him like waves and his thoughts wandered off again before he knew it. What was that song he had sung to her?
Will I get to see you again?
Enough. Fucking enough. He stood up in a cloud of sparks and focused and he spread his arms, and the chains fell as if they were made of paper. So easy. He grinned. They really should have upgraded the security here. If he ran this place, he would have made sure no one could escape.
Her voice called him again and he froze, baffled. Surely, that was impossible now. Which could mean only one thing. It was her calling him. 
Come back to me, you.
The pain, whose name was hope, returned, redoubled, striking him down again, reducing him to a fiery lump of raw emotion. His ears filled with a cacophony of sounds and had he listened hard, he would have made out one clear voice in the jumbling mess of the noise that surrounded him.
But the 49th Ryu Who Danced Three Days After Its Birth from a Three Thousand-day Fire didn’t hear any of it. The void started folding in on itself, crumbling like a sandcastle. He gasped and he laughed, and he lifted his head and staggered back to his feet, eyes flashing triumphantly, two wings billowing in the ethereal wind.
Ji Seo Yeong. Her name was Ji Seo Yeong. And she was waiting for him.
Remember this, you holy jerk. You haven't tamed me. I will never be one of your angels again.
It was time to get back to what really mattered.
He had enjoyed being in Mo Tae Kang’s well-groomed body — the man obviously looked after it well, eating healthy, exercising, moisturizing. And he looked stunning in suits. When you lived among humans for so long, you couldn't help adopting some of their vices. Vanity wasn’t the worst of them.
Of course, she would blow a gasket. The woman had a temper of a small typhoon. But he was a devil, not her puppy. Besides, she never said anything about using replicas of people’s bodies, now did she? And if this created a bit (a lot) of confusion and inconvenience for the real Mo Tae Kang, well, even better.
He felt a strange pleasant rumble roll through him. That body fit with hers perfectly — he remembered the taste of her lips, the weight of her in his arms, the firm softness of her stomach against his cheek, the sting of her tears on his neck, her hands in his hair, her shoulder blades under the palms of his hands. These were not Mo Tae Kang’s memories — oddly, he could access almost all of those, but the ones that were about her seemed to be locked in a safety deposit box and he had only one key.
Ah well. He would make his own.
He stepped out of the mirror into Mo Tae Kang’s living room, fixing his tie, as the petrified original in the identical outfit stared unblinking at his reanimated reflection. The actor’s cleaning lady would find him fully clothed and soaking wet in his bathtub a couple of hours later, dazed and without a clue how he had ended up there. A small revenge on the man who had known her first — pettiness and vindictiveness were not the deity’s exclusive domain.
So what if he had lost the bet (although he could still argue with that)? He had been long bored with it anyway. Too much time wasted on the stupid thing, too much missed. This time, he would just have fun. This time, he was truly free. This time, he had a much better reason.
This time, he would tell her his name.
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xbrokenreflection · 2 years
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repost  &  tag  away !  
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• EYES:   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (aqua) • HAIR:   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey | white | multi-color | other (slightly opalescent) • BODY TYPE:   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight | small | tall • SKIN:   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other • GENDER IDENTITY:   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels • SEXUAL ORIENTATION:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels • ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• POSITIVE TRAITS:   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | loyal | intelligent | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | optimistic | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm | responsible | takes the lead
• NEGATIVE TRAITS:   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | selfish | self-conscious | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
• SPECIES:   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | other (replica) • EDUCATION:   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other • LIVING SITUATION:   lives alone | lives with parent(s) or guardian(s) | lives with significant other | lives with friend(s) | drifter | homeless | lives with children (verse dependent) | other • PARENTS/GUARDIAN:   mother | father | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other • SIBLINGS:   sister(s) | brother(s) | none | other • RELATIONSHIP STATUS:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | verse dependent
• I HAVE A(N):   developmental disorder | learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability (infrequent migraines, moderate photophobia) | other • I’VE BEEN:   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot • THINGS I’VE DONE:   had alcohol (verse dependent) | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex (verse dependent) | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital or infirmary | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | attempted to kill someone | had someone try to kill them
ADDITIONAL NOTES: • When initially created, the replicas were free of any identifying traits including sex and gender. Ryu, however, has never identified as anything other than male. He isn’t sure he should consider himself cis, but he also does not identify as trans. • He considers Xion his sister. He grows to accept Riku as a brother-of-sorts as well... and Ienzo is effectively his adopted step-brother, since Even is the closest thing to a parent the replicas have. • Romantic feelings are... confusing. His love for Namine is very strong, but also twisted up with a lot of pain. That dulls with time, however, and he finds that he doesn’t think of Namine as much anymore after meeting Seun. (It takes him far too long to figure out WHY that is, though...)
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tagged by: [redacted] tagging: anyone who wants to do the thing!!
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youremypride · 5 years
Veil of Brothers (M)
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➤ seven brothers are being interrogated after being linked to a murder spree of a serial killer. not only are they suspects of the case, but within them lies an unforgiving secret that had started brewing an unexpected betrayal.
↳ character: bts x reader
↳ genre: smut, angst, murder! au, psychopath!  au, serial killer! au
↳ warnings: homicide, mentions and use of drugs, mentions and use of alcohol, violence, character death, explicit languages, mature description
↳ word count: 7540 words
↳ a/n: this is my first bts fanfic, i’ve been holding off on writing stories about them but i just thought why not give it a go. i’m excited to share more stories with you in the future and i can’t wait to start writing on them soon!
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“Are all of them here?” The detective, a tall middle-aged man, asked his partner, a woman in her late 20s. “Yes, sir. All five of them are in the waiting room.”
“And the victim’s lover?” She hands out a file from the bunch she was cradling. The detective grabs it, thanking her and began flipping through it.
“He’s in the interrogation room. The others will be ready when you are sir.” He nods, “Thank you, Ms. Jang.
The detective heads towards the interrogation room down the hall while his partner turns back, reaching the waiting room where the other suspects were seated. Once she was near the place, she could see all five boys through the glass window with different expressions, some bored and some worried.
She pulls open the glass door, all the boys sitting upright at the sight of her presence. She stood in the middle in front of the room, her eyes examining each and everyone of them. Two other police officers were on each side of the room, a safety precaution in case something happens.
“Evening, boys. My name’s Detective Jang. I’m sure all of you are wondering why you’re here. You’ve heard about the murder spree of the ‘little blond’ killer, haven’t you?”
The boys nodded, while one of them spoke up, “How’s that related to us? You must be fucking kidding me if you think we’re related to that cold-blooded, motherfucker.” The boy, Hoseok or known as his friends as J-Hope, snickered.
“Hoseok, language please.” The oldest, Seokjin reprimanded him. “Tsk, whatever.”
“You may or may not be related to the killer, but he recently had another victim added to his list, which makes a total of five now. You all are suspects because the recent victim is related to you.”
“And may I know, who is this person you speak of?” Namjoon wondered. Detective Jang moves to the side of the room and switch on the flat screen that was mounted on the wall.
“The victim, Mr. Jihan Kang. Further information will be release during your turn for interrogation.”
“Wait,” The boy in all black stood up, walking towards the screen. “That’s Yoongi hyung’s friend. That’s impossible. From the trend of the killer, his victims only seem to be girls. What has Jihan hyung have to do with ther killer?”
“That, we are not sure of and we’re still investigating on the matter. The clues left at the crime scene are all too similar from the previous cases. I suggest you all wait here before your turn comes up. If you need anything, Ms. Lee behind the counter outside the room will see to your needs. Watch after them, yeah?” She gestured the boys to the police officers before heading out.
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The black-haired boy was sitting alone with his hands in his laps. The air surrounding the room was cold, but it wasn’t as cold as the news that was brought upon him a few hours ago. He couldn’t believe it. He wanted to but he just couldn’t. The thought of his lover killed by the hands of a psycho had brought him so much pain and anger. He wanted to avenge him, made sure the person who had hurt his lover will feel the same as he did.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when the door on his left opened, a detective stepping in and placing a file on the table as he took a seat. “Good evening, Mr. Min. My name’s Detective Ryu. I’m in charge of the recent murder case that’s happening right now. How are you feeling, Mr. Min? I’m sorry to hear what happened to your lover.”
Yoongi remained silent, his lips to heavy to move. “I know it might be difficult for you in your current situation but we need all the help we can get from you to solve this case before the killer makes his next move. Let’s start slow, yeah? How you’d know Jihan?”
Yoongi sighed, he wasn’t always like this. Being affected with hurt and pain was way out of his character. So why was he feeling this way towards someone he only had used for his own pleasure? “I got to know him...after...after I met him at the brothel, he used to work at a couple months back. I was just looking for fun and a nice hook-up after I got dumped by this guy I like. The moment I met him, something came over me as if...as if I was possessed by him. He was everything that the previous guy I like had, almost like an exact replica of him.”
“Did you two dated after that?” Detective Ryu questioned. It was likely that they did, but in the short frame of time that they knew each other, something was off about their relationship.
“I wouldn’t call in dating, per say. It was more of a...convenient for me. After a week of knowing him, I suggested he moved in with me. I paid him out of that brothel, and boy did he cost a lot of money. Said he was a favourite and a rare one indeed. Ever since then, he’s been my personal pleasure toy. Nothing more, nothing less.” The tone he was using sounded harsh, almost cold if you could ever feel it.
“Does anyone in your family or circle of friends know about your relationship? Have you ever told them before?” Yoongi smirked, before blowing a raspberry.
“You’ve read my files detective, you know who my parents are.” He looked into the detective’s eyes, almost glaring at him. “You’re the son of Min Incorporations, leading pioneer company of construction and engineering. Say’s here you’re the only heir to the company.”
“The one and only, and being the only heir means having to produce another heir to keep the family line going. I don’t think they would like it if they found out their son was keeping a lover in his penthouse while they’re busy finding a perfect girl to call her my fiancée so that I could fuck her tight little cunt and release all my cum in her, don’t you agree Detective Ryu?”
Detective Ryu understood where Yoongi was coming from. The Mins are a powerful stronghold with a long history of notable works. They became a household name all across South Korea and even overseas. Apart from their successes, the Mins are known to be strict with almost everything. He couldn’t imagine how Yoongi could breath being under his parents’ supervision.
“The only people who know about Jihan are my group of friends, but not to the extend of our relationship. They simply know him as my roommate...who happens to be living in a penthouse with me. They’ve met him a few times whenever I bring him to their parties or crap like that.”
“I see,” Detective Ryu exclaimed. “I never thought you would be living a wild life despite your family background, not that I’m concluding anything.”
“My parents allow me to do anything I want to as long as I don’t tarnish the family’s pristine name. But there’s always bribery to the media in case things starts to leak out because of my wild lifestyle.”
“You mentioned before, about Jihan being a convenient? Can you elaborate on that please?” Yoongi taps his fingers lightly on the metal table. The sound echoed in the room, bouncing it back and forth against the wall.
“Everything about him was...convenient.” Yoongi smiles softly, staring ahead into the table as if he could burn a hole in them. “His lips, his hands, his fingers, his cock. Everything. I love every sensation he gives me when we have sex. That sweet feeling of reaching your high as you thrust in him with your cock, filling him up to the brim. But...what he didn’t know was that whenever I was with him, I was never with him.”
He continued, “Every time I kiss him, I think about another man, imagining that I was kissing him instead of Jihan. When Jihan blows me, I think of him blowing me instead. Every moment I was with Jihan, was shared with the other man I was fantasying about. Jihan never existed whenever we had sex, like I said...he was convenient.”
“And may I know who this man is and his name?” Detective Ryu waits for Yoongi to answer.
“His name is Jimin. Park Jimin.”
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Three autopsy photos were placed in front of him, showing him parts of the decease’s body. He picked the middle one up carefully, inspecting every single detail in the photo. “What is this?” He watches as the woman in front of him points her finger towards the photos.
“This are all autopsy photos of victim #3, Kwon Mina, a university student. Apparently, she works part-time at the same café as you do. Have you spoken to her before?”
“I suppose I’ve never seen her before. I might have seen her name once but never work together in the same shift. I work the morning shift since my classes are in the afternoon and I don’t have school on certain days now that I’m a senior. How did she die?”
“The same like the others did.” She pointed to the photo showing the front of Mina’s neck slit opened and another with Mina’s body wrangled up with tire marks etched into her body. “Shit. That’s fucked up.” Namjoon blurted out, brushing his hair back.
The last photo on his right caught his eye. “What about this one? What are these items?”
“The same items are repeatedly place in all five crime scenes – a bouquet of marigold, a small teddy bear and a note – left by the killer beside his victims.” She takes out another set of photos, showing him the notes that had only one word written on them. When placed together, it formed a sentence – ‘the-truth-will-be-revealed’.
“Has any of your colleagues talked about Mina keeping secrets or mentioned anything about flowers?” Detective Ryu probe him. The evidence left behind were regular but with the victims, they were irregular. None of the items had any form of link with the victims. The note left behind simply meant that the killer was acting out of revenge of something or someone.
Namjoon grew rigid when he took a closer look at the teddy bear. Right away, he noticed that the bear had the same brand logo on the bottom of his left foot, except the bear he remembered in his head was splattered in blood, clutched in the arms of a girl. It was the exact same bear. He was aware if reveal the secret his friends had kept, he would be betraying them, not to mention putting himself and his music career in deep shit.
“Namjoon, Namjoon, can you hear me?” Detective Ryu snapped him out of his thoughts. “Did something trigger you?” She studied his face and she could tell he had grown tense in a few seconds after looking at the photo.
“No, no. My colleagues never mentioned anything regarding Mina before. Sorry for zoning out, it-it’s just that the teddy bear reminded me of someone, a friend I had back then. She loved it so much, she practically brought it everywhere with her in her backpack, said it was her good luck charm.”
“Had? Did you stop being friends with her?”
“No, she died. Three years ago.”
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“So, Mr. Jung. Tell me how you and victim #4 met. Surely you don’t call being with someone a hook-up when you’ve done her multiple times by now?” Hoseok glared at the detective.
“Ji-hye works at the underground club I frequent to perform at. At the time, she recently broke up with her jerk ass ex-boyfriend when she caught him stealing money from her. So, like the gentlemen I was, I offered her one night with me to forget about him.”
“You offered her sex as the option?”
“What can I say, a sad lonely cunt is always desperate for some huge cock to swallow it all up. Got that pretty cunt dripping non-stop for weeks.” He licks his bottom lips, gesturing his thumb to swipe away his saliva remains.
“So, you perform at the club at night, and you work as a...florist in the day? The duality in you amazes me, Hoseok.” Hoseok grins, shrugging his shoulders.
“The old lady needed a part-timer. Since I major in Agriculture in Plant Science, thought being close to nature would help without tiring myself under the hot sun. And I like being with flowers, Y/N said I look good with flowers, and it brought the floristry good business ever since I started working there.
“Y/N? Is she a friend?” Hoseok cursed. He wasn’t supposed to say her name. It was forbidden to even utter her name. He felt as if he had thrown himself under a bus. “Y-yeah,” He stuttered. “She enjoyed being there and made sure to remind me to get her some marigolds for her whenever there’s some left.”
“Marigold you say? Was it her favourite?”
“Y-yes. Why do you ask?” He was panicking, did he said something he wasn’t supposed to?
“The evidence left at the crime scenes. One of them was a bouquet of marigolds. This Y/N girl, Namjoon had mentioned that she died three years ago, what was the cause of her death?” Detective Ryu was leaning in the table closely.
“I-I’m not quite sure. We don’t talk about Y/N after her death. Even Jimin left the group and we hadn’t heard from him since.”
Detective Ryu raised a brow, “Jimin? Park Jimin? You know him too?”
“U-um, y-yeah. Jimin used to be in the group until he ghosted on us. We tried reaching him through his parents but failed. We were not allowed to see him or even speak to him. It’s almost as if he was avoiding us by using his parents.”
“Do you know who his parents are?” Detective Ryu questioned.
Hoseok nodded. “Of course, he’s the son of the Commissioner General of NPA, Park Jyung-ho and attorney owner of Park & Park, Park Nae-ra.”
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“Park Jyung-ho? Senior Park Jyung-ho? Are you sure he even said that?” Ms. Jang asked her partner. He nodded, rubbing his chin between his finger and thumb. “Senior Park has a son, that I am sure of. But what I didn’t’ expect was that his son is involved with these boys before.”
“Namjoon and Hoseok mentioned there was a girl in their group and Jimin left after her death. They both also talked about the evidence somehow linking towards the girl. It probably has to be her.”
“Well, sir. What if we’re wrong? What suppose we should do? Senior Park would certainly forbid us to even interrogate his own son.” Ms. Jang suggested.
Detective Ryu puts his arm on his partner’s shoulder, “We interrogate his kid, whether he likes it or not. Oh, and Y/N. See what you can find on her, will you?” Ms. Jang nodded, “Certainly, sir.”
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“Are you fucking kidding me, you two?” Yoongi cursed quietly towards Hoseok and Namjoon. “You just had to lose your cool, didn’t you? Why the fuck would you even mention Y/N’s name?!”
“Shut up, hyung. I panicked, alright?” Hoseok folded his arms. Namjoon was rubbing his face all over with his hands. “They’ll know.” He whispered into his palms.
“They won’t alright?! Unless you both don’t say anymore things about Y/N, we’re all dead.” He directed his threat to Seokjin, Taehyung and Jungkook, who were the only ones left to be interrogated.
“What do you want us to say, Yoongi? From what I see, they’re gonna pin it all on Jimin. They’ll think Jimin’s the one doing all this to avenge Y/N. Do you think Jimin knows about it?” Seokjin exclaimed coolly. He was nervous but he masked it so that the youngest won’t get affected by him. It was bad enough he had to carry the same burden as the other members because of what happened three years ago.
“I overheard the detectives talking about getting Jimin hyung to come down to the station. What if he leaks out the secret or maybe he’s the killer?” Jungkook’s expression paled.
“If Jimin was the killer, it would affect badly on his parents.” Taehyung quipped. “Knowing Jimin, his heart is too weak to even hurt a fly, much less a human.”
“If he leaks out the secret, he’ll be fucking stupid enough to bring himself into this mess. He’s linking himself with all the murders that’s going on.” Yoongi explained. “So, you guys better not mess this up, or else we’re all going to jail.”
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“Mr. Kim, did you know Jihan well?” Seokjin shook his head. “I only knew about him when I came over to Yoongi’s one day and he was the one who answered the door. Told me he was his new roommate that was sharing the place with him which I find rather odd.”
“Odd? In what way, Mr. Kim?”
“Well, for starters. I’ve known Yoongi my whole life, and not once have I heard of him having a roommate. He doesn’t like to share his living space with anybody unless he’s throwing a party. After he and I graduated from uni, we went straight into assisting our fathers with the family business.
We hang out a couple times, called him to check up on him once a while and that’s it. My family’s business is base overseas so I travel a lot and I don’t have a lot of time to hang around with my friends. I don’t communicate much with Jihan but I had an idea of his relationship with Yoongi. We all did, Yoongi was oblivious about it.” Seokjin described, giving every information he knew of regarding the victim.
Detective Ryu pulled out a piece of paper – a test result – and slipped it towards him. Seokjin analysed the whole thing from top to bottom. It was a test result of the victim stated on the top left-hand corner. “What is this?” He raised, confused with all the numbers and percentages shown on the paper.
“That, Mr. Kim is a test result of Jihan Kang. You are tested positive for having DNA inside of the victim. Reports given by your friends said that you were out of town. Enlighten me, Mr. Kim. How is your DNA inside our victim on the same day you went overseas?” Detective Ryu implored.
Seokjin was speechless. How was he stupid enough to not see this through? He cursed himself for not using the condom he had wanted to in the first place. But then he remembered how good it was to be inside Jihan, all raw with skin touching each other. He didn’t want any of his friends to know he was secretly fucking his own best friend’s lover when he’s not around. To put it simply, he was captivated by his beauty, and the second he saw his pretty pink cock he didn’t waste my more time licking off the precum that was leaking out.
“I’m gay, isn’t that obvious? I have two dads unlike all my friends. I think I used to be straight, until I met him. I don’t think it was love, no. It was more of a...infatuation. I kept lusting over his body since that day and I needed to see him one last time before leaving the country for three months. I didn’t assume it was going to be the last time I see him.
“How did you find out he was dead?”
“Hours after I left the penthouse, Yoongi called...I could hear panic in his tone, his breathing was sharp almost as if he couldn’t breathe right. He said he found Jihan dead on the floor when he returned home from his trip.”
“Did he tell anyone else?” Detective Ryu wondered. “Only just our friends. Then, all of us were called in by the police. Can’t you imagine the look on my parents’ face? I’m surprised all our parents aren’t going into a state of chaos with the news.”
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“Has Mr. Kim Seokjin ever told you where he was before meeting you the day Mr. Kang was found dead?” Buzzing sound came around the room like static noises. Taehyung wasn’t enjoying his time. Four hours had passed since he arrived here and the boredom was getting to his head.
He scratched the back of his head, stifling a yawn with his hand, “Nope, he did look cheery that day, scary almost. He reeked of cum and sweat too, that’s for sure.”
“I see, do you know why anyone would target Mr. Kang if he was kept a secret from his parents and all of you?”
“No, not that I know of. Jihan hyung was a nice guy. He was too weak and fragile. That’s what happens when you spent a life in a brothel, they suck you dry out of your life.” Taehyung stared up the ceiling, whispering the last few of words, “He was like that too with her.”
“I’m sorry, who?” Detective Jang had heard his whispered words, picking up ‘her’ from the sentence. “You mentioned, ‘her’. Are you talking about Y/N?”
He snickered, “Y/N. The forbidden goddess, dead but haunting.”
“Mr. Park Jimin was mentioned a few times with her. Can you elaborate more about their relationship?”
“They were lovers. They were in a relationship years before I even became friends with Jimin. One could only handle so much fluff from those two, their hips attached with one another everywhere. Y/N’s death broke his heart and he left Seoul to return home to Busan, he said it reminded him too much of her and needed a new scenery. No one’s heard from him since.”
“Mr. Jung informed us that you all knew who his parents were, had he told you before?”
Taehyung hummed, “He mentioned it a long time ago, at his party a few years ago. He invited just his close friends for some drinks and pot. At that time, Jimin was going through a rough patch in his relationship with Y/N. They were arguing something about their future together and said Y/N wanted a break from him.
He blurted out how he was basically rebelling against his parents, disclosing the jobs of his parents. We freaked out, knowing we’re all in deep trouble if his father ever caught us. You gotta admit, he’s got balls for a commissioner general’s son.”
Detective Jang nodded in agreement, “Did they fix their relationship after that?”
“Yeah, they did. They planned to move to New Zealand after uni to start a family on their own. He was going to propose to her u-until...until that fateful day.”
“Well, aside from that we like to ask you a few more questions today. The first two victims of the killer, we tracked down and found out you had a relationship with the both of them. Victim #1 and #2, Lee Seokjinah and Yoo Lina.”
“They were my hook-ups. Stopped doing them a long time ago. Don’t get why he would kill them when they’re no longer of use for me.”
“You were using them?” Taehyung nodded. “Yeah, I was getting bored of the sex. All they ever wanted was vanilla, afraid to try out new things. But at least one good thing came out from them.”
“And what is that, Mr. Kim?”
“I took their virginity away. Ahh, only two more to reach a hundred.”
“I understand, we’ll conclude your interview here, Mr. Kim. Thank you for your help.”
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“Have you found anything on Y/N?” Detective Ryu approach his researcher, Lim.
“We do, sir. Full name, S/N Y/N. Born XX-X-1995. Deceased on 29 Oct 2015. Cause of death, hit and run accident.” Lim read out the information on the screen.
“Hit and run? Give me full details of the case.” Lim nodded and started pressing the keys on the keypad swiftly. As the page loads, a detailed type out of the case appeared on the screen.
CASE #1095-HRA-2015
Status of Case: UNSOLVED
Name of Deceased: S/N Y/N
Date of Death: 29 October 2015
Age: 20
Cause of Death: Hit and Run accident
Deceased’s Belongings: A purse, phone, teddy bear and bouquet of marigold
Autopsy Report: Major trauma injury on the head and neck, broken ribs and arms. Both legs are crushed in the accident. Severed cuts and wounds on body. Tire marks on legs and abdomen.
Case Information: Victim was dead on scene. No evidence was found to track down the perpetrator. Payphone used to call for help had no new lead. No new evidence given. Case was dismissed.
“A cold case, and no evidence? Strange.”
“You think the boyfriend is taking revenge?
“Don’t think so, Lim. If he was the one doing this, he would have targeted the people they loved the most. All of the killer’s victims were just past relationships, acquaintances or had no link with the suspects.”
Just then, Detective Ryu stepped into the research room, “Sir, come quick. Park Jimin’s here.”
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“What the hell, Jimin’s here?” Yoongi observed a group of black suit men enclosing around Jimin, who had a woman who’s older than him standing beside him on his right.
“He brought his mother along with him. Figures, he would get the best attorney in Seoul to back his ass up.” Hoseok snickered. “They must have found something on Y/N. You think he’s gonna confess to his crime, I knew that sly motherfucker’s trying to put this on us.”
“Chill, bro. Jungkook’s the only one left. He’s the reason we could either make or break. If what you say is true, I have a feeling he knew the truth about what happened that night.” There was fear in Namjoon’s eyes. Everyone could feel the temperature of the room turning chilly over Namjoon’s words.
“The police will never know about it. They couldn’t find shit about what happened to Y/N for years. We swore an oath to protect each other. If any of this gets out, all your careers are going down the drain and let’s not talk about how we’re gonna deal with our parents about this, you got that?” Yoongi warned.
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“Mr. Jeon, are you feeling alright? Do you need some water?” Detective Jang asked. Jungkook shook his head, “No, it’s fine. I’m just feeling cold, that’s all.”
“Okay, then. Shall we begin?”
“We gathered information regarding Mr. Kang and something new has come to light in our interest.” Detective Jang informed which made Jungkook confused.
“The victims of the killer had targeted victims that you and your friends had little to no relationship with. And a new topic regarding Park Jimin and Y/N has been brought up. My colleagues and I believe that it’s related to the murders that’s been going on. So, Mr. Jeon. If my theory is right, and that somehow Mr. Park is the killer, surely, he must have a reason for it. He’s trying to avenge his girlfriend for something that happened years ago and I like to know what the reason is behind all this.”
Jungkook broke out in tears. The burden of keeping the secret for so long was affecting him mentally and physically. He didn’t care if he’s going to jail for getting himself involve in an immoral act. He knew he should have come clean years ago, but he was too afraid. He was young at the time and didn’t know what he should do. His hyungs were the one who warned him about telling the truth.
All of them were sons of respectable and reputational people. If word gets out, all their families will be tarnished and hated by the people for what their sons had done to a poor innocent girl. He was going to betray his hyungs by telling the truth.
“I-I don’t know. I want to know the reason too. Jimin hyung would never do that. Not in a million years. Whoever did that to Y/N noona years ago was horrible. Her parents committed suicide because of that. She was their only child, I would never understand the pain they had to carry knowing her killer got away. T-that...t-that asshole deserves to die and rot in hell.”
“So, you don’t know who her killer is?”
“I wish I knew. He’s a coward for hiding in the dark all these years. Y-Y/N noona deserved so much, and her life was taken away because of that coward. Y-Y/N noona deserved better.”
“I’m sorry, Jungkook. I didn’t know she meant that much to you.”
“She did, and Jimin hyung needs closure from it too.”
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“Did you tell them or not?” Yoongi took quick strides towards Jungkook, pulling him away so he was circled around his hyungs. “No, I didn’t.” His words made Yoongi smile, hiding it from the police officers that was looking at them suspiciously.
“I heard Jimin hyung’s here. Where is he?” Jungkook stretched his neck around the area in search of him.
Taehyung responded, “He’s in the interrogation room with Detective Ryu. He’ll be out soon.”
As soon as Taehyung said that, a blonde sleek male came out of the interrogation room. Everyone turned their attention on him. He wasn’t handcuffed nor was the police holding him back. He was walking towards the exit coolly.
Yoongi stormed off, quickly reaching the said male before grabbing him violently. “It was you, wasn’t it? You fucking asshole, the fuck are you parading around freely?! You’re the killer, admit it, you fucker!” Yoongi growled before swinging a punch into Jimin’s face.
The rest of the group ran towards the scene, arms locking around Yoongi’s to prevent him from doing anything more reckless. “Let me go, fucking let me go!”
“How dare you punch my son, Yoongi? Jimin’s innocent, how could you accuse him from doing such things?” Jimin’s mother help her son up, brushing away the dirt on his clothes and checking for any injuries. His face had a red blush after the contact from Yoongi’s fist.
“Calm down, Yoongi! You’re gonna get us in trouble.” Seokjin warned him. The officers quickly ushered them back to the waiting room.
“What’s all the commotion about?” Detective Ryu barged into the room, surveying the entire situation.
The police officer explained to him what had happened, how Yoongi had started a fight and accused Jimin as the killer.
“Park Jimin is not the killer.”
The boys were appalled, “He’s not? How do you explain the teddy bears and the marigolds?”
“Park Jimin was threaten by the same person. He had received a box containing the same three things, except his note was longer and contained everything that explained the killer’s motive.”
“What is it then?”
“The killer was Y/N’s stalker. Y/N didn’t tell anyone about it because he was threatening to leak out her secret. She was pregnant, but it wasn’t Jimin’s. It was his. If Jimin found out, she would lose him and she didn’t want that. The autopsy report didn’t’ mentioned anything about a baby because she had a miscarriage a few weeks before the incident. That was why Jimin and Y/N had a break from each other. She was covering it up with lies about their future together so Jimin wouldn’t suspect anything.”
Detective Jang rushed towards the side of her partner. “Sir, we got a location. We found the guy.”
“Right, boys you’re free to go. My men will take you home or you can call up your parents to pick you up.”
“The fuck are we, twelve? I’m leaving, see ya later guys.” Hoseok was out of the station and the others followed suite.
Stepping off the last step of stairs, a tone went off from Hoseok’s front pocket. He shuffled his phone out to see a message on the screen – ‘still keeping secrets, eh? ;)’
His brows were knitted together, trying to figure out who would have sent it to him. The number was unknown so that was a bust. The other boys had noticed his expression and gathered around him.
“What’s wrong, hyung?” Jungkook directed his eyes where Hoseok’s were. His eyes widen upon reading the message, “Y-you got the message too?”
The older boy shot his head at Jungkook, frowning, “Too? You mean you were sent one?”
He slipped out his phone and unlock it, showing the message he had gotten earlier – ‘jungkookie, it ain’t that bad if only you reveal the truth, hiding behind their shadows will do you no good.’
“You got one and didn’t bother to tell us?” Hoseok was furious. Jungkook reasoned that he was afraid and didn’t know what to do at the spur of the moment. Another tone went off, popping up another message after the other on Hoseok’s phone – ‘come alone, 11PM. to the place where it all happened.’
“You shouldn’t go alone, Hoseok. We should come with you just in case.” Namjoon patted his shoulder.
“I don’t think that’s the case anymore.” Yoongi pipped up, showing his phone screen towards the other boys, “We’re all invited.”
All the boys had gotten the same message from the same unknown number. Their emotions were mixed with fear, confusion and curiosity. Yoongi had an idea it had to be Jimin’s doing, and it was the only logical explanation he could come up with. “I bet you he gave that bullshit about Y/N having a stalker by pinning it on some loser, I’m telling you, he must have figured it out to be threatening us.”
“If it’s Jimin, then we’ll just have to see what he wants from us.”
Namjoon had called up his personal driver and headed to the location they were asked at. Upon reaching the said place, a cold chill shivered down their spines. All the haunting memories of that unspoken event came back rushing to them like adrenaline.
“I have a bad feeling about this.” Taehyung whispered under his breath.
“I second that.”
The poor dim lighted road was silent with no signs of anything living. The shops along the roads were dark with no one inside. It was almost a ghost town, as thick fog swirled the area. Standing in front of them was a small warehouse, old and abandoned. The area was used to hold parties and because of the location, students were free to smoke pot and use drugs freely without alerting the police.
Pushing open the big large doors, they were welcomed with darkness. There was no human presence, nothing. The only thing keeping the silence away was the sound of wind blowing against their ears once a while. The soles of their feet felt soft with every step they took, and they felt strings with objects stuck on them stringing from above blocking their path.
“What the fuck is this?!” Yoongi complained, swatting away the object that was hitting against him.
“Damn, it’s dark in here. I’m gonna find the power switch.” Jungkook suggested.
“I’m coming with you, not the best idea to split up but this place is giving me the creeps.” Seokjin and Taehyung tagged along, and the three disappeared into the darkness of the place.
“Jimin,” Yoongi shouted. “Come out, come out where ever you are.” Yoongi’s voice was laced with menace, taunting the ghostly place thinking someone would come out from the dark shadows.
“Park Jimin, come out you fucking coward. You have to do better than sending out threats if you think you can scare me.” Hoseok shouted. Minutes passed and there was no sign of Jimin or Jungkook and Seokjin. The others were starting to tense at the thought of something happening to them.
Suddenly the lights to the place turned on, giving out a warm tone to the place. It was bright enough for them to see around the area but it only covered just a small area they were standing at under the big light.
“The hell, flowers?” Hoseok pointed out to the floor, scattered flowers of marigold covered the entire area. He bends down and scooped them up, “And not just any flowers, they’re marigolds.”
“Take a look at this, does this not look fucked up to you?” Namjoon showed them what was stuck on the strings, they were polaroids, polaroids of you.
There were hundreds, thousands of them decorating the place. All of them were of you, smiling towards the camera, showing the peace sign or making funny faces. They were confused why would Jimin do such a thing, or was it his plan of making them guilty for killing an innocent soul?
Static sounds came on the PA system in the shape of a megaphone. “Greetings,” A voice spoke in the sound of a robot, as if to mask the identity of the person speaking. “Welcome back, you murderers.” The person sounded repulsive at their presence. “You all seem to live well, seeing it that you murdered a girl here. How could you even live with yourselves, hm?” The person chuckled.
“Well it’s a good thing she’s dead. Wouldn’t want to have a coward for a boyfriend now, would she?” Yoongi sneered, ridiculing towards the person behind the PA system. “Where the fuck is Seokjin hyung, Taehyung and Jungkook?!”
Another light turned on as it cast upon two bodies that was hanging near the railings, dangling in mid-air.
“Hyung! Taehyung!” Namjoon shouted. “What happened?” Both of them were all bloodied and bruised. They had blood dripping down their faces and clothes stained red. “Where’s Jungkook, hyung?!”
“I-I, I-I don’t know. We split up, Taehyung and Jungkook disappeared right when I was hit by something hard at the back.” He stuttered, panting out his words before spitting out blood from his mouth.
“Something had attacked us and I pushed Jungkook away for his safety. I couldn’t remember what happened after that. You have to help us, hyung. Jungkook may be in danger.” Taehyung pleaded.
“You can choose to save your friend on one condition or die with him and suffer the consequences.”
“What is the condition?” Yoongi stepped forward.
“If you choose to save him, all you have to confess to killing S/N Y/N.”
��And if we choose to die?”
“Your family with suffer the consequences of your failure to accept your responsibilities.”
“What do we do, hyung? Both the options have bad outcomes and not in our favour.” Hoseok protested. Yoongi smirked, “Relax, just follow my lead. He thinks he’s smart enough to outsmart us, well he’s wrong. Two can play that game.”
Yoongi turns back towards the PA system, “Fine, we pick to save Seokjin hyung. We’ll confess to murdering your precious Y/N.” Yoongi chuckled.
“What the fuck are you doing, hyung?!” He was taken hold in Namjoon’s arm, shaking him. He pushes him off, grabbing him by his collar. “Fuck, Namjoon. Don’t you see the place, the whole fucking area. Haven’t you notice anything, huh?”
Namjoon looked around, haven’t got a clue to what Yoongi was talking about. Yoongi sighed, “There’s no fucking cameras in the area, he doesn’t have evidence to use it against us. The only evidence was Seokjin hyung’s dash cam and we had it erased, remember? He has us confessing for nothing, Joonie!” He gave him a wicked smile in which the younger boy did the same in return.
“Fine, you win Jimin. I confess to killing precious Y/N. Are you happy now?” The others did the same.
“Thank you. I appreciate all of you for your cooperation. Any final words to say to me, my dear friends?”
“Yeah, fuck you Park Jimin. And fuck Y/N too.” Yoongi gives the finger and walking towards the exit where they came from.
They were only a few feet away before the entrance door automatically closed, sealing them shut inside the warehouse. Yoongi was startled, forcing the door to open as hard as he could. “What the fuck, man?! We held our end of the bargain!”
“I only told you to confess, I never said anything about letting you off, alive.” The man dragged his last word. “I would have if you weren’t so rude to me at the end. Say goodbye to your friends.”
Quick ticking sounds like an alarm clock went off above them before blowing Seokjin’s and Taehyung’s bodies into pieces, flying across everywhere and splattering it over the boys.
“WHAT THE FUCK BRO?! H-HOLY SHIT!” Hoseok cried, panicking as he wiped away the blood from his face. Namjoon had thrown up from the sight, and the smell of flesh on him wasn’t making him feel any better.
Yoongi stood frozen, stunned over what had happened right in front of his eyes. A loud chuckle came from above them. A man stood on the railing, wearing the same hoodie and shoes like one of their friends did. His face was covered with his hoodie, hiding his identity but Yoongi could tell who exactly the person was.
“TRAITOR! You fucking sly dog. You’re working with him, aren’t you?! You betrayed us?” Hoseok and Namjoon looked up, eyes shocked upon the identity of the man.
Jungkook took his hoodie off, revealing himself. “Betrayed you? How could you accuse me of such thing? It was unfortunate I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. You only looped me into your shit because I overheard your conversation and afraid, I would utter a word to Jimin hyung. The only fucking coward here is all of you.”
Yoongi growled, “Did Jimin put you up to this?”
“Well,” Jungkook started off, “Jimin hyung had known the truth before I could even tell him. He found recorded footages of that night on my computer when I forgot to turn it off right after all of you left. Jimin hyung stayed the night, remember? I explained to him the whole story. After that, he left and didn’t contact us for years.
If you’re asking whether Jimin hyung is involved in this or not, I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. But on the bright side, at least now you know you don’t have to keep this secret from him anymore, right? Goodbye, hyungs!
A timer set off and a quick swoosh flew across the room. A wicked grin plastered across Jungkook’s face as he sets his eyes upon his hyungs. Blood started trickling down the sides of their mouth and a fine thin red line had appeared on their abdomen, before their upper half of the body slid off and fell to the floor with a huge thump.
A thin wire had cut across them, slicing them in half like a piece of meat. Jungkook sighed in awe at the scene in front of him, pleased with his masterpiece. “Better start sending those footages before the police comes. How stupid of Seokjin hyung. They used his car for his accident, got rid of the footages and the car as well but never thought about who had access to his dash cam. Should’ve remembered who installed it for him in the fist place.” He chuckled before whistling a tune to finish off his plan.
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Police arrived at the scene, body bags in toll strolling the bodies of the boys out from the warehouse. They found Jungkook drugged and unconscious in the control room with another body of a man with a gun in his hand. Police had identified him as Y/N’s stalker, the one Jimin had told before.
Unknown by the police was Y/N’s stalker was just an alibi to cover up Jimin and Jungkook’s plan to kill off all their friends for hiding such secret from him all these years. Why Jungkook had chose to help Jimin instead of hiding from him like his hyungs did was unclear but nonetheless, Jimin was grateful for him as he needed the closure.
When Jungkook was interrogated by the police at the hospital, he fabricated the stories with layers of lies and emotions so much so that the police believed him as he used his doe like eyes to add a little bit of touch to it.
After the whole situation had ended and the truth was revealed, Jimin and Jungkook carried on with their lives normally as they did before everything happened. Jimin had helped cleared Jungkook’s name of any charges of involvement and offered him anything as gratitude of appreciation for what he had done for him. He occasionally offered Jungkook to tag along if he was visiting your grave to which he would accept, leaving you a fresh bouquet of marigold and placing them on your tombstone.
“Jimin hyung, has Y/N noona ever told you why she loved marigolds?” The younger boy wondered.
Jimin nodded, “She did,” he bent down to reach the same level as your tombstone, brushing his thumb against the carvings of your name. “She told me how marigolds are such pretty flowers but holds a sad meaning to it.”
“What meaning does it holds?”
“Pain and grief. She says it reminded her of people, people who show how happy they are on the outside but suffering from pain and grief on the inside. That’s why they say the happiest people hide away their pain and suffering from others with a mask, with a veil.”
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