#●  〈    professional overanalyser.   ——   (  out of character.  )
intentosolenne · 2 years
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i have this (wrong) mentality radicated in me that, if i don’t feel very well, i have to just hide it and keep on going like nothing is happening. but... it never did any good, and lately it’s weighting on my shoulders more than usual. i’m working hard to get this bad habit out of my way, despite how hard it can be, and this leads me to this little post.
inactivity comes partially from wanting to answer as many things as possible to put them in the queue, and partially from other interests taking temporarily over (i’m reading a lot lately, to name one, and the d.ead by d.aylight brainrot is dragging me straight back into the fog), but... partially also from a bit of bad mental health, to be fair. i’ve been feeling terribly down lately, unmotivated, still having no job is weighting on my shoulders, in therapy i remembered some things about my past that are explaining lots of my problems but are also giving me some flashbacks lately... in general, making anything that generally makes me happy is just. hard. i barely draw, barely write, want to play videogames but just can’t... at least i can read? but not much of that, either.
i’m not writing this with the intention of worrying any of you! don’t worry, it’s just... me processing a lot of things, i think. but, i wanted to give a clearer reason of why it’s taking me so long to reply to all i want to, and probably why i also keep changing the organisation of my blogs. and also, why i sometimes take so long to reply in general, to dms as well.
let me tell you though, the positive side is that i’m finding again all the funniest things around, to help me smile a little. the umpteenth hlvrai marathon can do miracles, guys.
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Episode 32 - Pupuce's Life
Finally, an episode where I won't have to say anything At All.
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To extract some value from this ep despite how it is kinda boring, I will overanalyse this room now.
Firstly, Kerubim is so orphancoded. He's so old and sleeping on a bunk bed with no lower bunk.
I like to think that, in the orphanage, Kerubim and Atcham got into bloodied battles where they scratched the shit out of each other over who gets the top bunk, and due to not being hairless Kerubim always won and bullied him into sleeping on the lower one.
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I like to think it was one of Atcham's many tragic backstories. Like that's when The Darkness truly began to grow.
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I genuinely think it's fucked that Joris, at 7 years old, is sleeping in a cat bed. But also, that's not even one tenth of the most insanely evil things about their household.
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They have so many potatos and so much bread... Heaven on earth.
Ever since I mentioned it in one of my earlier posts, I had wanted to elaborate just a bit on some other evidence for my headcanon (or, well, pretty-much-canon?) of Joris being a night owl, and this moment of Joris just blatantly oversleeping is as good time as any to bring it up:
We often see Joris awake at night, or staying up very late without any issues.
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Perhaps, it is due to Kerubim himself often staying up late, and also due to, y'know, the child neglect that was probably happening before Simone, that he developed a circadian rhythm that has him being so okie-dokie staying up late.
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I won't even point out that there's a random knife on the floor. I am fucking numb to the sheer neglect in this household by now. Kerubim could leave rat poison in Joris's bed and I would be like "oh that silly goofster!"
But I will point out that it seems that Kerubim often leaves Joris alone with Simone, and I will be real — in my heart of hearts I know that this fucker left Joris home alone since he was like four whenever he needed to do something. Or he'd be like "uhhh go across the street and sit at miss Julie's, brb" and be gone for hours. He probably left him home alone over overnight too. You can't tell me I'm wrong.
It would be out of character for him to get someone to actually babysit. Especially with how shit their home was.
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"No, little pupuce, don't go into SCP-914!!"
"Oh mon dieu, c'est un scp full of evil clonen !"
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Kerubim is insane. All these pictures of his ex, and none of his son. He really is insane.
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I think Kerubim still draws, at least in some capacity. No other reason for there to be oil paints in their home.
Though perhaps Kerubim is into the idea of his son getting poisoned by expensive-ass professional-grade paint. Maybe he's just into that.
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"ASTRUB CITY" repeated twice. + "Dofus Pets 2" (obviously.)
Also, jellyvision movie theatres are real. And so are traffic lights. Though I didn't bother screenshotting the second thing.
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Oh this one is even better than that time we found out that someone at Ankama called a person named Emilie a bad word in this kids cartoon. You'll love this.
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I'm sorry french person from 2013, but I've been translating this text with a huge grin on my face. You ARE the interesting find.
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This ad is so beautiful. Thank you, Kerubim.
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The man might pretend that he doesn't like Pupuces as a species all he wants, but his actions speak louder than his words. He's never beating the love allegations.
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They are all so bad at taking photos... Also! This confirms that at least a Single photo of Joris, as well as Simone, is on a wall somewhere in the house. Big day for regaining belief in Kerubim's normalcy.
This says "ANNIV PUPUCE", which finally made me realize, that there are three champagne glasses on the table, one in Joris's hand, as well as some weird looking food with candles in it (probably pupuce's food?).
This changes EVERYTHING. Kerubim is no longer an evil fucking cat/enemy #1 of this blog. Kerubim has been forgiven.
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positivelybeastly · 4 months
What's your take on bendis interpretation of beast?
To put it bluntly, I think it sucks.
And because it's me, we gotta overanalyse, SO HERE WE GO.
For starters, Bendis is just a very . . . limited, writer, in general. If you search his name on almost any comic book related forum that he's done an associated run for, you will invariably find a lot of people talking about some fairly massive characterisation slip, or some intense continuity fumble, or a run that started strong and ended badly.
Superman, the Guardians of the Galaxy, to say nothing of individual characters who have suffered under his pen like X-23, Jon Kent, or Wanda Maximoff - the man just isn't good at writing characters that aren't his own. This may be why his run on Alias is so strong, that's his character, she's acting within the boundaries he set, that's completely fine. But other characters?
If you want to see a more professional level takedown of especially his dialogue, have a look at this. It's a fairly damning examination of the tropes that drive his writing, but try the quiz at the end of the page and see how many of the characters you can identify by dialogue alone. You will be shocked at some of the ridiculously huge deviations from a character's established voice he's responsible for.
But we want to get specific, so let's get specific, shall we?
So, in order to establish why Bendis' characterisation of Beast is out of whack, we gotta establish what Beast was like beforehand. In the past 10 years before 2013, what's he been up to?
Well, Hank's well into his secondary mutation storyline at this point, struggling with a new, more animalistic form that comes with a strong bloodlust, one less finger, new senses, new drives, and a strong sense of body dysphoria/dysmorphia that I, personally, quite identified with. Hank's neuroses are still fairly strong on this, but he is getting better, in no small part thanks to . . .
Abigail Brand. Hank's partner (I don't like to use the term girlfriend or love interest for Abigail because they honestly feel a little beneath her), they have an intense, occasionally combative chemistry, but they love each other to the point where Abigail tells Magneto in dialogue that she wants Hank's children at some point, and Hank has a near nervous breakdown when she's temporarily killed in Si Spurrier's X-Men Legacy.
Struggles with ethical and moral quandaries related to mutantkind's survival, as well as the use of lethal force in superheroics. Between the Ghost Box laser strike, the Secret Avengers nuclear bomb, the Endangered Species experiments, and the Secret Invasion Legacy Virus bioweapon, Hank has been involved in quite a lot of ethically dubious things - by his standards, anyway. By the standards of Cyclops or Captain America, Hank literally hasn't done anything wrong, but Hank holds himself to a different moral standard. This is especially important.
A tenuous relationship with the X-Men, to the point where he's only come back to the Jean Grey School to spite Cyclops during Schism/Regenesis. Prior to this, he had left the team, and multiple members were downright hostile to him on first seeing him again afterwards.
So, we start off All-New X-Men #1, and what's up?
Hank is dying because his body has randomly started to mutate.
. . . Why?
Iunno, just is.
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The more I think about it, the less sense this really makes, because literally every other time that Hank has mutated, there has been an insanely specific reason why. He ingested MGH, he was experimented on, Infectica/Pestilence touched him, Sage jumpstarted his mutation, etc - but here, it just sort of. Happened? And this really bothers me, because Hank's mutation is really important to his character arc. His relationship to his body and his outward appearance and how he experiences the world on a tactile, emotional level is one of the building blocks of the character.
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But because feline Beast isn't drawn consistently, and people are nostalgic for 90s simian Beast, we're getting a new form just 'cause. I feel like a fairly massive rule in writing is that things never happen just because, and yet, this whole thing is happening just because.
It's also killing him. Now, this opens up a really interesting can of worms that I don't think Bendis really thought through, because this is actually a tragic, on-brand thing to happen to Hank - he hates his mutation so much, and now it's literally trying to kill him. He also fairly obviously does not trust the other X-Men to be able to help him (which is proven correct by the narrative) and is in a helpless, depressed enough state of mind that he accepts he's going to die.
I feel like Bendis didn't realise what he'd done here? He's set up Hank as this isolated character (which he is) who doesn't feel like he can trust the X-Men to help him (he can't) and who is in a depressive enough place in his life that he doesn't drop his normal workload to do anything more worthwhile with what may be his final days on Earth. He just keeps trudging on, lugging around heavy equipment to the X-Jet, coming when called, telling his friends he's fine. He's given up on fixing what's wrong.
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Fellas, do we call this attempted suicide? Iunno, maybe we do?
And it's in this state of mind that Hank hears Bobby say, man, if only Scott could see himself in the past, he'd hate present Scott.
Now, I don't really accept the conceit that Hank hates Scott enough to blow open the timestream in a fit of pique. I straight up don't think it's his style, he's not been established to have the capability, Hank can occasionally be reckless but mostly with his own life, not other people's. Especially not when we have all of these exchanges to consider. But fine, Hank's in an altered state of mind, he's dying, he's panicking, he's not thinking clearly.
Bendis will promptly forget all of these facts and pretend that this is some grand plan Hank had, and no-one ever even addresses that Hank was about to die. The X-Men are all very happy he's alive again when his younger self fixes him, and no-one ever asks, so hey why didn't you mention you were dying? Which? I think? You would do?
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Abigail Brand will also be established to have broken up with Hank off panel for some reason so that Bendis can have Hank make a joke about not getting any in a while.
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Bendis has already blown out two of the four main storylines that Hank had through the 00s for basically no reason. Because he doesn't like cat Beast, and because Abigail would logically stop Hank from doing something this stupid and care that he's going off the rails, so they've got to go.
Friends, they were broken up in 2015. We still don't know why. We have never. EVER. Gotten a reason. They apparently still care enough about each other to finger empty eye sockets, but not enough to, you know. Kiss or hug or fuck or be on panel together.
In fact, I'm gonna fuck you up right now. This is from Kieron Gillen's series during Secret Wars.
"Abigail Brand's War Journal.
Today I answered two questions. Firstly, what had happened to Hank. Secondly, of Perfection, the zombies or the Wave; which I hate the most.
I was hoping Hank was still alive. I hate myself for that now. If Doom above listened to my prayer and arranged this, then it's my fault.
I should have hoped he was dead. If he was dead, the Annihilation Wave wouldn't have been able to capture him, and turn him into what tried to break through the Shield this morning.
Killing him wasn't easy, but that'd be just as true if they hadn't changed him. Who would want to kill Hank?
McCoy was a kind man. Kinder than me. Kinder than anyone.
He didn't deserve to end up like this.
I don't want to write anymore."
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Abigail Brand is not a women often inclined to sentiment. But Hank inspired it in her because he's so kind. He's soft. He's gentle. He's loving. He's tender. He's moral. He's just.
You can hear the love in Abigail's words, just as I tend to believe that you can hear the writer (my boy Kieron Gillen) loving Hank, too. There's just such a sadness and a sense of tragedy and lost opportunities here. There's a sense of someone so wonderful and so great being lost.
Where is any of that in Bendis Beast? He's just - to put it bluntly, he's an idiot. Not a goof, not a clown, no, he's an idiot (derogatory). He doesn't have any smart plans that save the day, he doesn't provide sage counsel to people who need it, he doesn't have anything constructive to add, he's just an idiot. When Scott turns up on the lawn and calls for everyone to revolution, he just.
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I'm sorry, what? Is this the same man who has absolutely no fucking shits to give when it comes to chewing out Scott Summers or not?
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Hank had no problem giving a page long monologue to past Warren about his actions and why they were necessary a page before, but the instant the target of his derision is on the lawn in front of him, he just? Growls?
Like, just admit that you don't like Beast, Bendis. Why is it that Matt Fraction, who writes a somewhat poor Beast, and Chuck fucking Austen of all people, know that even if Hank is wrong, he should still win the argument through pure rhetoric power because his most notable super power is that he's super fucking smart and he won't shut the fuck up, but you don't, Brian?
Why's Beast got nothing to say? Why isn't Beast bringing up any of the stuff that drove a wedge between them in the first place? Why isn't he bringing up X-Force? Why isn't he bringing up the multiple suicide missions Cyclops arranged for people, including his son Cable and Nighcrawler? Do you not remember those or do you just not care, like, WHAT? Even if you, the writer, do not believe that Hank is in the right, he should at least act according to character and at least try and win the argument.
But Bendis Beast is stupid, so he doesn't try.
I don't even want to talk about the Watcher issue of All-New X-Men #25, or the Uncanny X-Men #600 issue which is a lot of other characters having arcs while Hank gets his shit kicked in by a lot of people who seem to be very much tired and unhappy with him. I legitimately just don't want to cap those issues because they make me sad and I just. Don't. Like it. It doesn't feel like Beast to me.
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Hey, you wanna know what the Beast-Storm relationship was like before this issue?
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"Henry's voice does that funny little quavering thing. He's still worried."
These two know each other and care enough about each other that Ororo knows what his voice sounds like when he's concerned but doesn't want to push, but sure, she's just gonna fuckin' browbeat him like that. Okay. Sure.
I fucking hate Bendis Beast so much. Without Bendis Beast, we wouldn't have Percy Beast, and I hate that Beast even more, because Bendis at least knew enough that he could make Beast an idiot and not evil and the fandom would swallow it. He had to cop to mind control to justify it.
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But that's all it takes, isn't it? The step from, Beast is a good guy, to, Beast disagrees with Cyclops, to, Beast is an idiot, to, Beast is a race traitor, to, Beast is a Bond villain. Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the road to Percy was paved by Bendis. All it takes is an inching up, and suddenly you go from Beast being given maxed out scores for Wisdom and Conscience in a 2010 handbook, to using Wolverine's brain as a fucking sock puppet in 2023.
Oh yeah, and speaking of socket puppets, you want to know something infuriating? This future Beast, who is established here to be a puppet of Charles Xavier II? He gets murdered by Magneto off panel fairly violently because I'm fairly certain that Cullen Bunn just kinda forgot that this version of the Brotherhood is two actual bad people and a load of puppets.
What a hero. Thanks, Cullen, I really feel good about it???
And you know, it's that . . . it's that basic derision for the character, that basic ignorance of continuity, that plagues Hank so much these days. There's just so much that instantly flags as wrong if you know him, if you bother to read his stories, if you actually just read the comics instead of going by Wiki summaries. If editors did their fucking jobs.
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Mm, no, he's not a doctor. He's 17. Doesn't have a doctorate yet. And when he did have a doctorate, it was in Biophysics, not medicine. Henry McCoy was not a medical doctor at age 17. Try harder.
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The fuck you even sayin' to me, Bendis? Try harder.
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A) That's fucking creepy. B) Hank was never in love with Jean. Try harder.
Like, just.
It's the basic facts of the character, Bendis. And I can go on! I can go on and on and on and on and on but I don't want to. All I can say is?
It's just so embarrassing, watching professional comic book writers struggle to try, and fail, consistently, to write Hank McCoy. Because when he's written well, I can buy him doing morally suspect things, because the writer has established that they are trying to challenge Hank, that they are interested in poking at where he will and won't go. Because Hank will cave to peer pressure, and do what his friends think is right. Because Hank is insecure, and needy, and dependent. Because he feels like a person, with an actual psychology.
Lemme show you some things.
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Warren Ellis wrote Hank getting more blood on his hands than I can conceive of, but I never call his Hank out of character (except for the occasional ableist slur that Ellis has him drop out of nowhere) because Ellis gets why this matters to Hank. Ellis understands that Hank cares. Ellis understands that Hank does know what consequences are.
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Did you just feel the ambient intelligence in the room go up? You sure fucking did. Isn't it immediate, just how quickly you feel the difference when you go from braindead Bendis Beast to Ellis or Hickman Beast? Is there not just an immediate uptick in eloquence, in brilliance, in humanity, in soul?
The things that Ellis or Hickman had Beast do are more monstrous and awful than anything he did during the events of All-New X-Men. But because they had sympathy for the character, and because they bothered to write him as anything more than a sock puppet to oppose Cyclops, he comes across so very differently, doesn't he? One of these versions of Beast invites derision. The other invites sympathy.
Fuck Bendis.
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redoing my intro teehee
i'm jasper i'm 23 and my pronouns are he/him
im autistic and a faggot
professional dennis takes a mental health day defender
im a writer on the side so i have a lot of thoughts about sunny meta and i think reaching and overanalysing is cool and fun and sexy. i dont care about being "right" about my analysis either because doesnt matter im still cool and fun and sexy
radfems terfs bigots fascists etc are not welcome here and also i block liberally
i would rather minors did not follow or interact with me but i can't fully control that so i'll just say if you're a minor: i am an adult and this is not a space that will always be suitable for you. sunny is an adult show and i don't want to talk about it with people who are not adults. if i don't follow back/interact with you it's likely because you are a minor or i don't know your age (not that people have to disclose it! but i prefer being safe). i also do make nsfw posts from time to time and if i find out you are a minor and you interact with them i WILL block you.
this blog is mainly an outlet for when the sunny hyperfixation hits and will reflect that. it is not criticism free but i don't think it's always the appropriate space for sunny criticism and i think tumblr is an awful format for discourse and discussions anyway. so like just because i don't always publicly engage w the show critically doesn't mean i don't. there's also aspects of the show i don't talk about here/usually ignore bc they are triggering topics for me. that doesn't mean im not considerate of them
adding to the last bit: i know they are present in the show but please don't talk about eating disorders or csa on my posts. just because they are big parts of especially dennis' character does not mean they are not sensitive and triggering topics
i woobify dennis because it's fun lol it's a very intricate and specific dance
im a macdennis "truther" in a very casual way LOL don't ask me if i think it's going canon or not. i don't know and honestly i dont care about that. i think it's just fun to see what they get up to. i think it's fun to feed into my delusions when the show decides to make them share a bed. i dont really have any stakes or expectations for canon. i also love charden and deestress. peace and love on planet earth
i will unfollow people very liberally because my dash is for me and i will unfollow someone sometimes even if i like them as a person. i also don't care about being mutuals. so like don't think you can't interact with me because we're not mutuals but also don't take it personally if i unfollow you (but also feel free to unfollow me back)
dennis has cat ears btw glenn howerton told me this
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Ok not to overanalyse the gay pirate show but I am thinking about Stede's cabin
Firstly - for the first eight episodes, there's always natural light coming through the windows. Even if there are candles lit or lightweight curtains pulled across, the sunlight always gets through. In fact, the big main windows don't even have curtains, at least, not that I can tell
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[ID: Four photos, one of Stede lying injured in bed, two of Ed and Stede in the room, and one of Stede looking out of the window with a telescope as Lucius and Oluwande watch. End ID.]
Even in the questioning scene in ep9, all the characters are still framed against the light coming from these windows.
Which makes it significant how, in ep10 when Ed is in his blanket fort and Going Through It, the curtains are drawn for the first time. Even the ones near the bed, which let through some light anyway, are pulled down as far as they'll go (which is a contrast to how we see them when Stede is in there injured, where they're not fully closed.) We do get some light though, coming from where the heavy red curtains haven't been shut properly (which also look, in my non-professional opinion, an awful lot like a certain red dressing gown...)
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[ID: Stede's room, in the state described above. End ID]
But not to worry! After his talk with Lucius, when Ed is clearing up, the room is light again. He's feeling better about himself! Things are on the up!
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[ID: Two images. The first is of Ed in the red dressing gown. The curtains on the windows behind him have either been raised, or tied in the middle. The second is of Ed and Izzy at opposite sides of the screen, with the bed in the middle. The curtains are mostly raised there too. End ID.]
...which only serves to make it hit more when Ed hides back behind in role of Blackbeard, throwing out Stede's stuff and marooning most of the crew. This time, the heavy red curtains are shut fully and, thanks to the camera angle, we don't get any the light that would otherwise be coming through the lightweight curtains at the bed (like we did in the blanket fort scene).
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[ID: Ed sat in the room, with Jim and Fang stood watching him. The room is almost entirely in darkness. End ID.]
You could probably say lots of things about this. The darkness represents the Kraken/Blackbeard, by shutting out the light Ed's shutting out Stede, by shutting out the light Ed's shutting out everyone, but I think the best way to some up my thoughts on this is the final shot of Ed that we see. He's sat in Stede's room, crying, cracks breaking in his Blackbeard mask, framed by the light coming in from the window.
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[ID: Ed sat by the window, as described above. He looks very small. End ID.]
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a discussion of jabberwock with team interaction hcs + deeper nash analysis
for anon who asked "Can we get some headcanons for jabberwock members or like headcanons when they're together? (its okay if it was jason or nash only)" and made me realise it's about time i get these guys' personalities down
note before we start: cause i didn't know their names until i wrote this
zack is the bald one, allen is the one with a headband, nick is the other white guy apart from nash.
team hcs
nick gets bullied for being under 6ft, but not by jason
nah good old jason teases all of them for being short fucks, emphasising that they’re all 5ft tall in comparison to him
he 100% lifts things out of the others' reach and then laughs for ages after when they try get them
unfortunately though, they’re all used to this and now just ignore him. either that or nash stares at him so intensely jason actually repents and hands it back
zack’s another one with a very good glare, but he’s used it too often on jason and it’s since stopped working.
also jason gives me ‘straightens his back as much as possible when getting measured so he’ll measure in as 7ft’ vibes
oh and he thinks he could wrestle a gator and win. i’ve got no explanation for that except for the fact you can't tell me it's ooc.
allen’s very protective over his white headband - it’s his lucky item - but he’d never let anyone know that
he’s confident in his abilities like the rest of them, but there’s nothing wrong with wearing a headband just in case
(nash knows anyway)
they watch nba matches together and do not shut up once throughout the entire match - lots of jeering, booing each other if someone criticises a player they like, lots of “i could do that”, lots of “get your fucking hand out of my popcorn do you want me to punch you in the face” etc
they used to all live together, but nash has since moved out. he was sick and tired of trying to make people do chores, as the only one who kept their room clean.
yeah the others’ house looks like a heap of trash but also very much “where’s my toothbrush?” “it’s in the third coke can by the orange peel behind the sink” *silence* “yeah thanks” *a minute later* “who the fuck has been using my toothbrush”
they’re all “bro your dribbling sucks why are you on this team loser” to one another, but also very protective (aka arrogant for one another) if anyone else Dared to criticise one of their teammates
then again, what kind of person would criticise jabberwock
half of the time he spends with jabberwock, nash is a Single Mother TM trying to get a bunch of man children to behave; the other half of the time, he's just as bad as the rest of them
i talk about this a lot but i get the feeling nash is an exceptionally hard worker, but at least he gets to let his hair down around his teammates sometimes
nash is also the only person jason thought was truly ‘strong’ at first sight
and nash is also the only person who can beat jason in a fight, and also the only person who can get nash to train, and also the only person who can.. [etc. you see my point].
(n.b jason calls himself the ‘almighty me’, nash says that ‘even god can’t beat me’. point made.)
you know how jason silver’s motto is “I have never thought”
imagine him proudly stating that, before zack adds with a straight face, “yeah cause nash does it for you.”
in short, the team would fall apart without nash.
although the team’s communication and coordination is very fine tuned, nash is the guy who keeps everything in order off the court to prevent what is essentially a team of aces ('main characters', if you will) from falling apart
they hang out together a lot, but do all have other friend groups that do not overlap
team bbqs
unofficial rule not to criticise anchovies on pizza because the one time nick did, nash snapped
however pineapple on pizza is fair game, even though zack quite likes it
more than once, jason has brought a girl home and nick has stolen her attention away with effortless trick shots, funky ball manoeuvring etc
more than once nick has had to trek to nash’s place (with a black eye) at midnight to have somewhere to sleep
do you see a correlation?
oh and everyone in the team has been walked in on by nash when they were naked with some girl
nash has absolutely no shame
he apologises to the girl with a charming albeit insincere tone, and then remains standing in front of the bed/couch until his teammate does what he expected of them
usually it involves not having come to practice
allen learnt a few (emphasis on ‘few’) words of japanese before they travelled to japan and was disappointed that he never got to use them
that said, one of those words was hentai
and now a quick analysis of some panels
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a) so there's at least one player who wasn't underestimating vorpal swords. if i were to overanalyse, i'd add that nick's wearing a hoodie (possibly athletic wear) whilst nash has a 'fancy' shirt on; perhaps nick wasn't expecting them to be going to host clubs instead of chilling/training?
b) i know what you're thinking: "how can you say nash is a hard worker when he didn't want to practice for the match". i reckon he was still pretty high on the complete and utter success of their previous match, that plus being around girls, encouraged him to have a more 'jason-y' personality. (either that or fujimaki didn't want to add too much depth/realism into nash's character bc he's unequivocally the villain, right? and obviously this helps with the plot and the jabberwock bad geniuses gom good geniuses rhetoric.)
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earlier, i mentioned how nash is the only one that could keep the team together, and is thus the undeniable head of the team; here's a clear example. you can see both jason and zack have no interest in continuing - if anything, there's disgust in their faces, kinda just saying "we spat on all of japan, now we can go home". whereas nash won't allow for the slightest of possibilities that there might exist a team stronger than them, and hence agrees to the match. the key thing here is that the others do as he says without too much fuss.
another thing to note is nash's reference to harakiri. now what can we make of that, alongside his proficiency in japanese, in relation to his character? the way i see it, he's either a weeb or possibly has some japanese lineage. (you could spin that even further and say his mother was japanese, taught him the language, then abandoned him, and hence his almost excessive hatred/mockery of the japanese people.) (is that why he wanted to do another match in japan..?)
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just a quick point. "thanks to him" - jason isn't so superior as to think that he could win this match effortlessly without nash's support. links pretty nicely with my earlier idea about how nash is the only person jason has always considered 100% strong.
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yet another point about how nash is the strongest of the team in pretty much every way you can think of. you know how scary/powerful you have to be to shut jason up (after he's getting real pissed from being prevented from scoring?)
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i personally think this is a pretty important panel, though i've never seen anyone mention it before. did nash grow up training in a professional basketball training situation, as opposed to growing up playing streetball like i suspect the others did? well, to answer that question, imma bring in another panel.
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here we see visible rage on nick, zack and jason's faces - they can't accept their loss, which is fair enough. but i'd argue that nash's face seems to depict sadness more than it does anger like to rest of them, look at how downturned his mouth is - and he's looking away from the 'camera', as if hiding his shame.
when you combine that with what he says here, i have no doubt that this is someone who has experienced some proper lows in basketball - as would be expected from someone who's played 'properly'. he's possibly not even a prodigy like the rest of them - compare jason's motto with his. "i have never thought" versus "do not suppose opportunity will knock twice at your door".
there's various lines of thinking you could design with this - he might have been trained by alex (hence, himuro having heard of jabberwock, though he should have known of a team as popular of jabberwock regardless), he might have grown up with professional basketballer parents etc. but here's my own little theory:
nash received serious basketball training from early on - maybe because his parents were living vicariously through him, or maybe he always loved the sport and wanted to be no1. so there he was training away, but, as he grew older, it started getting all a bit too much.
he didn't want to dedicate his entire life to basketball. after all, his hobby is water sports and his speciality is boxing; that's a lot of different things to be keeping up with, whereas the pipeline for promising athletes demands people focus solely on basketball. as a result, nash become bitter: stopped attending practice regularly, got in trouble for trash talk of increasing severity, etc.
result was he was kicked out of the program.
only when he was no longer playing basketball again, did he realise how much he missed it. and hence he got into streetball, where he was tremendously successful as someone with so much training, 'elite skills', and the overly confident attitude to boot.
then, one fateful day, he met jason and the rest is history.
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tales-and-thoughts · 3 years
How to develop romance in your story?
Original: Shipping: 14 Ways To Develop Romance In Your Story by Katharine Grubb on 10 Minute Novelists
A well-developed romance can make the difference between a good story and an excellent story. This is especially true for writing fanfiction which deals with romantic tropes more often than not. We want our readers to be invested in the main characters and want to root for them before the fictional soon-to-be-couple even roots for themselves.
Keep reading for 14 tips and suggestions on how to develop a romance that keeps your readers interested.
1. Put them together. It's simple: The characters have to be in each other's company to fall in love. The settings can vary from a professional environment to a relaxed date, but they need to spend time together to get to know each other.
2. Go slowly. Love at first sight may be a common trope, but it's not very realistic. What is realistic though is an emotional response to each other. It doesn't have to be a positive one (at first) but that first spark can ignite more during the story.
3. Show that they like being together. Maybe they can't even explain what it is, but they are drawn towards each other and even when they tease each other, they still like to have each other around.
4. Make them need each other for practical things. People, fictional or not, like to feel needed. If person A has a problem, person B will most likely jump to the rescue and offer their help. Be creative! There is nothing wrong with the handsome handyman helping with the house that needs fixing, but there are many many other options out there that can serve as a practical dependency.
5. Demonstrate how confused they are. Falling in love is not easy. Show the readers the struggle of your characters: the sleepless nights, the differences between what they say and what they do, or the deep rooted conflict between heart and reason.
6. Give them an environment. Your characters can't talk to each other about their feelings so naturally they will need someone else for that. A friend, a sister, a coworker. These supporting characters may give warnings, remind the characters of something important or manipulate the circumstances. Make sure to show their motivations as well so they won't appear flat.
7. Create a pursuit. If one character is more interested in the other that may result in a pursuit. Person A will try to get the attention and affection of person B and you, the writer, will have to put as many obstacles in their way as possible. Let them make mistakes that tease the reader so the question of when they will finally end up together keeps them turning the pages.
8. Give them a clarifying moment. This is the moment you've been building up to. The classic "Speak now or stay silent forever". Make sure to show what is at stake: Maybe an ex-partner shows up or person A is about to move far away. One of them has to make a dramatic move followed by the long awaited acknowledgement that they indeed love each other. And leading to the ultimate decision on "what now?".
9. Keep their actions consistent. Or: know your characters. A free-spirited person will probably not overanalyse the other person's actions while an introverted person will most likely hesitate and overthink a lot before making a move.
10. Make them want to “rescue” each other. It's the classic and old fashioned way of chivalry, but give it a modern twist and readers and characters alike will fall for it. Think about innovative ways one can save each others day. Maybe person A gives person B a ride when it's dark and raining or person B lends person A a phone charger so they can call their sick mum.
11. Make them want each others opinion. It is a way to show respect to value the other person's opinion. Asking for an opinion can help one character to make a decision but it can also just be a point of view of person A that person B deeply admires.
12. Make them both want to improve for the other one. This surfaces especially when one person has high standards in something. Person B will notice, that person A's opinion on them suddenly matters. And should it happen that someone else is superior that may evoke an emotional response without person B even realising what they are doing or feeling.
13. Make them willing to be uncomfortable for each others sake. One of the classic signs of true love, often expressed in a very dramatic sacrifice. But it's also the little things. Maybe person A endures this boring tv show person B likes, or person B brings the other one's favourite takeaway even though they are not fond of it. Bonus points, if you have supporting characters noticing these sublte sacrifices.
14. Consider making them both cowards. The fear of rejection is a very real one and very close to heart for a lot of readers. If your characters are afraid of dealing with the relationship, afraid to commit or afraid to fail, readers will identify with them and eventually start cheering for them, wanting them to get their Happy End.
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If you’re a Loki Stan then you would like Ragnarok bc TW hates Loki
You’re missing a whole adverb there, but I’m going to presume you mean I wouldn’t like Ragnarok? Okay let’s go with that then.
Taika does not hate Loki.
I ‘understand‘ the ‘reason’ why Chris Hemsworth would hate/be spiteful toward Tom Hiddleston bc Tom Hiddleston is more popular then him and is basically, just a better actor. (I don’t believe Hemsworth hates Hiddleston. This jealousy just seems so unrealistic and petty of him. But idk)
Taika, on the other hand, loves Loki. (Look, TW is many things, okay. He’s funny, clever, and a good director. He isn’t, however, good at being professional or serious. And that’s not all together a bad thing, but he tends to get what I like to call ‘overwhelmed‘ and says dumb things that make it seem like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But he does, I know he does. Because I do the same thing when I‘m trying to explain things; I say dumb things instead. It doesn‘t mean those things were meant to come out that way.
You guys overanalyse everything he says, and come up with conclusions like that he doesn’t think it’s important to put emotional parts in films or that he hates Loki, or rich people. (He never said that, and he doesn’t think that. Watch Hunt of The Wilderpeople, it balances out emotion and humor really well, I loved it. And he doesn‘t hate Loki, or hate rich people. That’s just how he comes across. People aren’t perfect.)
On the other hand, I think he likes Hiddleston and Loki quite a lot.
As quoted by Hiddleston himself;
“Taika and I went out for a bowl of pasta before Ragnarok and he said ‘I’m gonna change quite a lot, but I’m not gonna change you.’ And I took that as a huge compliment. I’ve always felt a responsability to both honor the respect in which the character is held but also to try and progress it on.”
Does it sound like he hates Loki? No, it does not.
Also, some rather lovely photo proof:
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Thankyou for the ask miny-cookie!!! Here’s Taika wearing Loki’s helmet to show how much he loves him:
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perfecticnx · 3 years
A very overdue rant about Violetta that no one cares about 2/?
I am once again back with overanalysing a children's show that isn't really relevant anymore because I recently rewatched it as an older person.
Before I move onto my s2 comments, I just want to discuss other things I've noticed from s1. I am still in awe how the foreshadowing of Leon being Violetta's endgame went completely over my head as a kid. Like the scene where she's writing in her diary and says something along the lines of "Who will be my prince?" and then she gets a text message from Leon! This obvious indication that I completely missed. And let's be honest, with Violetta's glowup in s2, Tomas wouldn't have looked visually compatible with her. The visuals from s1 are so bad but I remind myself that it was 2012 and a different time. Thank god they got Vilu out of those old lady clothes. Despite this, there is a sort of charm with the s1 aesthetic as it's where it all began so I can't bring myself to wholeheartedly hate on it.
Now, finally onto s2! I have actually watched s2 mutiple times in the past and I was always impartial to Diego as Violetta's love interest. He was just another guy acting as an obstacle for Leonetta to solidify their relationship and love. But watching it recently, my god is Diego a terrible character in s2 (s3 Diego supremacy!). He comes to Vilu's house unbeknownst which is like hella creepy. He literally continues to follow/see her despite her objections. Literally sounds like I'm describing a stalker. Then he kisses her without her consent! There are so many problems with his actions that the whole plotting with Ludmila to take Vilu down thing isn't all that bad in reality. Yet he is supposed to be seen as a bad boy hottie type that we should lowkey drool over. I acknowledge that I am definitely overanalysing this but I just need to vent.
Pablo was so annoying this season. Vilu was uncomfortable with doing the kiss. Like I understand that not wanting to sing with Diego is not a good excuse to withdraw but you can't force her to kiss the guy whether it be fake or not. He was so anal about her not wanting to do the kiss. Pablo sorta threatens her and guilt trips her by saying that it's "unprofessional" (i think that's what he said - not 100% sure) even though she doesn't feel comfortable doing it. I don't think in any professional setting that a singer would be forced to perform a fake kiss if they were uncomfortable. Like the show wasn't even one where there was a story where there was a need for acting like in s1. They were just performing songs so as far as I can see, she has no obligation to have a fake kiss with Diego. All she needs to do is sing and dance. I once again acknowledge that I am definitely overanalysing this.
Also, I don't remember an exact moment right now but I remember thinking while watching s2 that Angie was just really anal all the time. She would just randomly lash out at people over little things yet is supposed to be seen as a reasonable and rational character. Same with Francesca. I definitely liked her character a lot more in s3. She too would lash out at everyone in s2 and get upset over little things.
On a more positive note, I want to show appreciation for Lara. She wasn't toxic at all and was actually a good character. There's a reason why Leon dated her but not Gery. She didn't do anything that sabotaged Leon's relationship with Violetta and the concerns she expressed to him about his closeness to Vilu was normal and reasonable. When I look at Lara's character, I often compare her to Gery because they both play the role of the girl standing in the way of Leon and Vilu's relationship in their respective seasons. Having that comparison really accentuates how good of a character Lara was.
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gettothestabbing · 2 years
I feel like a third wheel a lot nowadays.
At work, I’m still the newbie, and while most coworkers are gracious about it, one is not. The next youngest person (a man in his early thirties from the Philippines) corrects me in front of my patients whenever I have to use him as a secondary CSN, which is frequently. He will even say what he is changing, and not ‘through’ the patient, which is a big flaw in his technique and extremely rude, even if he were the primary CSN it would not be appropriate.
This person asked me out in the first few weeks of my moving here, and I said yes, then amended it to a no after I saw how his behavior towards me changed. He invaded my personal space in the hallways (obviously on purpose because we have wide halls, I’m talking standing literally right behind me), stared at me constantly, asked me endless questions while I was trying to eat (in very broken English, so that it took 3-4 sentences to communicate 1 sentence’s worth of information), always took breaks at the same time as me, and even inserted himself into professional conversations with other staff members. In short, he freaked me out, and I’ve been avoiding eye contact and conversation with him for weeks. I did try to explain that he had made me uncomfortable, but he told me “not to overthink it” and has continued most of this behavior. I’ve talked to supervisors about it, but they said that unless he disrupts care with his behavior that I should simply keep ignoring him.
The other third-wheel feeling is coming from my sister being married. She’s been with the same guy since college, her first boyfriend, and they’re very committed to each other. Each always makes the other’s comfort their first priority. It’s very sweet and commendable. But I’ve been feeling very lonely about it. Although they live across the country, I talk to my sister throughout the day, every day, and have since I left for college.
My sister sometimes teases me about my media habits, actors I like, that sort of thing. But it’s not always easy to tell when she’s kidding, especially over text, and also because I know her pretty well and I know that she genuinely doesn’t like much of the media I do. On our last few visits with each other, she and her husband showed me some of It’s Always Sunny. I like some of the episodes, but I haven’t watched it regularly because the characters seem like such unpleasant people. I don’t have a deep connection to the show; unfortunately, it reminds me of Family Guy, which I had a brief obsession with watching but which I don’t consider about 95% of good. Her husband really likes it, and we’ve bonded over South Park and similar humor before as a trio. I hoped to watch my current favorite show (Frasier) with them, as a trade-off. We never found time to watch it with her husband, although we watched 1 or 2 episodes during our girl time. My sister didn’t seem to like it at all. \
Now, my sister has seen me go through several fandoms and phases. I have these periods of hyperfixation on media, lasting from 2 weeks to over a year, and I even rotate through old fandoms on occasion. My sister is used to hearing me overanalyse and gush about a show she’s not watching, and though she complains sometimes, she usually doesn’t mind much. But now she seems to shut me down every single time. I can’t talk about what I like at all because she just counters with a suggestion that I watch the things she and her husband are watching. (This, by the way, is something my father and stepmother do whenever I visit them. It is rare that I can convince anyone to watch something I like anymore.)
Add to this the fact that I’m continually having matches expire or reject me on my dating app, that my patients cannot hold any conversations with me, that I cannot talk to coworkers for more than 5 minutes at once as my care involves me working solo with people most of the time, and the fact that I have repeatedly failed to draw any neighbors into a conversation if I pass them on the sidewalk, and I’m really feeling like my life is all about working and living alone. I can’t even be a cat lady because my living situation (cheap and nice though it is) does not allow me to have pets, so they have to live with my dad.
So her refusal to talk with me, about this show and also much in general lately, was a last-straw situation, and I poured out a bunch of frustration, anger, and loneliness in several texts at once. I feel bad dumping all my feelings on her like that. I am trying to do that in journals and not to people, but I also need to be honest with her when she’s hurting my feelings or she’ll never realize she’s doing it. She said she was just teasing me about the show, but I never thought that was teasing. It’s not what it felt or sounded like. It legitimately hurts my feelings that no one cares to hear about anything I think or like. I just want to talk about my day and a funny joke I heard, but everyone’s too busy or tired of hearing it.
I know my sister can’t keep being my main support system: she’ll start a family someday soon, and her husband needs her support more than I do. (Well, some days maybe not more, but she’ll prioritize him over me so let’s just say it that way.) I used to rely on my dad this way, but he’s not good at pretending to care when he’s tired of talking, so I realized quickly that I couldn’t do that. So I keep trying to form new relationships and make new friends. And I keep failing over and over. It’s hard to meet new people when people are afraid of strangers to a hysterical degree right now, not to mention that I’m just not very good at making friends and never have been.
My whole life just feels Sisyphean these days. Like no matter what I do or how I improve myself, nothing will ever really change around me. I’ll keep trying to date and never get past the third outing. I’ll keep trying to make friends and find myself at arm’s length or more. Sure, I can improve my skin, lose/maintain weight and fitness, keep my house clean and my food baked fresh and my mind polished. But it doesn’t seem to matter.
It doesn’t make up for the silence. I can play videos and movies at top volume every second I’m not at work, but the night is still silent and dark, and I am still alone in it.
I didn’t prioritize career over dating. I’ve been trying to find someone since I got into college (my dad forbade me to date in high school without my sister as a chaperone, and then claimed he was ‘kidding’ when I asked him why after my senior prom). I’ve become more and more friendly and outgoing since college too. Yet I had more friends in college than I do now. This is probably because (1) all of my male friends ended up asking me out at one point, which always killed the friendship despite my attempts to revive it and (2) everyone had only two places to eat on campus so you had to be friendly to sit with someone.
My dad once told me that my relationships would improve as I got older, because I would meet people better suited to me as I specialized and found my place in the workplace. That’s what happened to him, and to an extent with my sister. Consider that they both married their college boy/girlfriends. They never lived alone in their twenties but always in a dorm or with their future spouse. They never changed career paths after college, they wait to get pets until they’ve got their first house, and they never had someone try to blacklist them from their field on false pretenses (or at all >.>). And they both put their spouse’s comfort above all else, which again is admirable and likely what I would do in their place.
But in our family, this creates Dad + Stepmom, sister + bro-in-law, and then me, the spare tire on the back of the car, a fifth wheel which is only a step above third-wheeling and not a big step above it. And I’m tired of it but I can’t change it, and all I can do is keep trying to change it and try to be grateful for the present moment because things could always, always be worse.
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charged-wanderlust · 3 years
Lovestruck asks! 🎂If you could design you own MCs personality, what would they be like? 🍑If you could design you own LIs personality, what would they be like? and 🎸What’s you favourite trope for a romance? :D
🎂If you could design you own MCs personality, what would they be like?
GLAD YOU ASKED! im not sure if everyone who follows me is already aware, but i'm currently working on a project called No Honour Among Thieves, @nohonourvn here on tumblr and on twitter. part of my wanting to even create such a game as NHAT was the fact that i struggled so hard to see myself in most vn mcs - ones that were visibly pictured could never do it, since im genderfluid and poc with alt fashion, so asking for an mc that looked like me was a reach so far i had to stretch first, and ones that didn't show an mc visually would usually be extremely plain - since if they dont show the mc they usually do it so everyone can project onto the mc, and they try to give them no personality either for the same reason.
personally, though, i find a personality-less mc extremely boring and would rather an mc i cant project onto visually than one with the personality of a wet sock. so, with my mc for NHAT, i decided to leave them faceless so people can design them any way they want, but im working on giving them a pretty distinct personality so they fit into the world i've created better.
nhat mc, or as i like to call them, The Villain, is confident, witty, takes no shit from no one unless they have something to gain from it, a bit materialistic, a bit of a glory whore, definitely a bit of an overthinker/overanalyser, kind of a flirt sometimes, competitive, perceptive, just a liiiittle bit of a tsundere, and very, very good at acting. (i mean, they're a professional con artist, they kind of have to be.)
the good thing about the villain is that because the entire plotline is based around a con, keeping secrets, n having your own agenda, even if you can't really relate to the mc much, you can always write it off as it being part of the act, the persona the mc wears for the job and for self preservation. obviously that only goes so far, but i think it gives a bit more freedom to players on what they want their villain to be like in actuality.
🍑If you could design you own LIs personality, what would they be like?
i already have B) i basically took all my favourite things about all my favourite LI's and split them into two characters: Xanthe Wilde and Mercury Jackson. Navin and Siren, the two major side characters who may or may not become love interests depending on the success of the eventual kickstarter relaunch, came later - long after i'd developed xancury and basically came into fruition while i started writing. they were originally just random names picked (navin was from a random name generator and siren was the first name that came to my head at the time) to be the contractor/xanthe's bitter ex, and the informant. hell, originally there wasn't even an informant at first, siren was just a name navin drops so the mc can recognise him as a power player, but i went back to it to flesh her out later. navin's character just kind of created itself when i started writing the prologue.
xanthe was the first one i created - when i went "what do i want my visual novel to be about?" the first thing i came up with was "i want to do a twist on seducing the hot mafia boss." the first twist was making them nonbinary, that was a must for me, then i decided to make them the type of flirty, shameless and highkey kinda evil character i enjoy knocking down a peg. naturally, i had to layer him with enough trust issues to fill an ocean, for the sake of the ✨slow burn✨ that i love so much, and make him slutty enough so it can feel like a whirlwind at the same time. they're so fun.
mercury came up when i was trying to figure out what this mafia boss story was going to be like. ive always been a slut for enemies to lovers, and figured that even if xanthe and the villain were TECHNICALLY enemies, bc the villain has to act like they like xanthe for most of the story, it wouldnt come with the same tension as straight-up hating each other. hence, the idea of a ferocious bodyguard came in - along with all the other traits i like in LI's that i didn't put into xanthe, like being brash, aggressive, blunt and rowdy. just a tad bit apeshit.
i could describe them more, or you can read about them on the kickstarter page or even just play the demo yourself.
🎸What’s you favourite trope for a romance?
*violently bangs pots and pans together* ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!! maybe its the sexual tension. maybe its knowing that someones seen you at your utter worst and still decides to love you anyway is both romantic and something i desperately crave bc of the trauma and deeply ridden insecurity. maybe its maybelline. but god theres so many flavours of enemies/rivals to lovers and theyre all my favourite.
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intentosolenne · 2 years
the sudden and complete wish to make several multimuses, all themed, one of which centred on horror muses,,
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hecticwinter · 3 years
Hidden Hints at the Queerness of Characters - DS Jamie Winter in The Lions Of Causton
Everytime I watch the 20x04 episode ‘The Lions of Causton’, there is one scene that always gets me. I am almost 100% sure I am over analysing this, but with the complete lack of decent LGBTQ+ representation in any form of media (let alone ‘Midsomer Murders’) we are left to wonder if our favourite characters are like us, but the writers just do not want to write them like that. Overanalysing scenes where any queer characters appear usually leads us, well at least I do this, into watching the main character’s movements and facial expressions. We are desperate for queer main characters to relate to, so hoping that our favourite characters could be like us is not farfetched nor unreasonable. In the next few paragraphs, I will be talking about my insane thought process on how I think it is highly possible that Jamie Winter is, in some way, queer/part of the LGBTQ+ community.
The first scene in this particular episode that got me thinking was the scene where Barnaby and Winter were speaking to Bill Viner after Mark Adler’s body was discovered. They spoke to him about the victim and his relationship to him blah blah blah, just normal cop stuff.  But then they asked about his sports injury, and he told him he'd received threats. When they asked why he explained that he had come out, meaning he was gay. Right after he said this, there was a pause before the next scene played. But what is interesting is Winter’s facial expression. When the camera changes to a shot of Winter and Barnaby you can see that for a split second that Winter looks not surprised like you’d expect but he looks understanding and maybe a little sad.
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Barnaby looks understanding, but not in the same way. He understands that something like that usually brings on attacks and hate crimes. But Winter, he looks like he understands from a personal perspective. It looked like his face had dropped for a split second, before he just nodded and his facial expression changed completely.
Of course I may just be crazy and noticing things that aren’t there, but why did his facial expression change so quickly? Barnaby kept the same expression, acting almost indifferent to the situation which makes complete sense as he has to stay professional. If Winter could not relate, wouldn’t he have done the same? This essay of mine is weak at best, but eh it’s a fun thought. If the Midsomer Murders writers gave us queer characters that were main characters, or just characters where their identity was not used as a plot point, maybe the younger fans would not have to write stuff like this just to feel a connection to a character who is not either the murderer, the victim or used as a reason to commit crime (ie. adultery).
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sparklypoms · 4 years
Steven Universe Background Song Analysis ;)
So, i was actually listening to the instrumental version of the full theme song of SU, “We are The Crystal Gems” but then, i noticed something.
When the part in the song comes for each character to explain why they’re fighting for earth, a different tune plays behind them as they sing, and i just decided to analyse them for fun, and oh wow.
NOTE: i don’t study music nor have any professional knowledge in official music anylysis, but i did listen to the karaoke album and i thought analysing it would be fun :)
Firstly, Garnet.
“I will fight for the place where I’m free, to live together and exist as me.”
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The tune behind Garnet’s part emits a strong and aggressive beat, compiled together with loud drums and snares. This actually matches to Garnet’s personality, head strong, brave, and never backs down from a fight. Furthermore, the reason she is fighting for Earth is her desire for self-expression and freedom as a fusion, a noble cause, therefore having the appropriate background music to fuel emotions that cause the listener to become excited or determined, as of someone watching a fight scene in a movie.
Secondly, Pearl.
“I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz and everything that she believed in.”
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The first instrument I hear in Pearl’s tune is boom- piano.  Pearl’s tune is a parallel of how she holds the values of elegance and grace at a high significance. The tune itself is almost like a choreographed ballet dance, smooth, classic and very enjoyable to listen to. However, there is one more thing that I’d like to point out. The tune reminds me of roses. 
As you could probably tell from the lyric itself, at this point of the show Pearl has not yet fully found her self and her self-worth, still seeing herself as a simple gem still trying to fufill the responsibilities of Rose Quartz. Her entire life, even till that point was dedicated to the sole purpose of serving her, thus sticking to the more... traditional values of a pearl.
As such, her tune mirrors both her values and her cause. It’s smooth, choreographed, classical.
Thridly, Amethyst.
“I will fight for the world I was made in, the Earth is everything I've ever known.”
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Amethyst’s part definetly emits more of a rebellious vibe. Lots of claps, drums, and high snares. As compared to Steven and Pearl’s tune, Amethyst’s and Garnet’s sound relatively similar, with Garnet’s having less hits on the drums.
This actually creates a comparison between Amethyst and Garnet. Let’s start with their similarities.
Both are fighting for causes that they feel strongly in
Both are driven by themselves / incidents that have happened in the past that drove them to do so
Both are fighting for a cause of self-expression / self-worth (Amethyst slow arc into having better self-esteem and Garnet’s whole fusion thing)
As compared to Steven and Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst’s tunes sound more similar due to the cores of their reasons foe fighting for Earth. Both causes stem from within them, a deep fire that motivates them to keep going.
And lastly, Steven.
I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I'm grown.”
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Steven’s tune, to put it simply is the epitome of childish wonder.
PS: This is pretty early in the show, so all his trauma still hasn’t come into play yet heehee
Anyway, his tune consists of a light melody, accompanied by what I will call “sound twinkles” in the forefront. This tune honestly evokes so many happy memories, one of which is actually the little star twinkles in Steven’s eyes when he gets excited. His tune is upbeat, lighthearted and evokes hope and happiness in the listeners, just like Steven’s personality
However, another point I would like to mention is how it is relatively similar to Pearl’s tune as well. As compared to Amethyst’s and Garnet’s tunes, their tunes are much more light/classical without as much bass. I believe that this is due to their root reasons for fighting for Earth. 
For Steven, it is already plain and clear in the lyric. He’s fighting for everyone else. His friends, his family, and to fufill the expectations sit on him being the child of Rose Quartz and uh, also actually being Rose Quartz as well. Even though he too lives on Earth, we can see that he has a knack of surpressing his own feelings for others (as seen in SU: Future), we can also conclude that one of Steven’s main priorities for defending Earth isn’t really related to any inner fire he has, but rather the desire to protect those around him, and to “be everything that everybody wants him to be when he’s grown”.
For Pearl, she also isn’t fueled by any inner fire. As said clearly in the lyric, she is defending Earth for Rose. This was her legacy, her pride and joy, her most prized possesion, so of course Pearl would strive to keep it out of the clutches of other diamonds and or being destroyed. However, as the series progresses, we find that Pearl not only startes fighting for herself too, but also startes to gain self-worth and confidence and see herself as more than a servant to Rose, but that is a story for another time. 
As such, Steven and Pearl’s tune sounds familiar, along with Amethyst’s and Garnet’s not only due their causes, but for their personalities as well.
We see a rebellious side in both Garnet and Amethyst, with Ruby spearheading the more angry part of Garnet. They also (even if accidental) defied Homeworld’s laws of fusion and went into hiding. Very cool of them, ngl.
We then see a more motherly side in both Steven and Pearl, both caring deeply for their friends, willing to sacrifice for those they love, and both have a special connection to Rose.
In conclusion, everything is connected. Hopefully I’m not overanalysing this. Thank you, Steven Universe! :)
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beefyandbloody · 5 years
Overanalysing the Mox video
Ok so i've been thinking about that video and here's my two cents on it.
First of all, to everyone saying that WWE must have produced it due to its quality: no. It is well made but you don't need WWE funds for it. Impact and AEW both have production quality on this level, not to mention that Jon/Dean must have enough money to employ a small production team on his own. These days you don't even need to rent a proper film camera to get results like this, you can do it with a DSLR camera if you know what you're doing and it's much cheaper.
My guess is that Jon/Dean hired a small group of people and had some consultation with the director on what he wanted to have included in the video. I don't think he directed the video (unless he's learned how to do it but with how private he is who knows), i think he just had some points but left the execution to a professional.
As for the content of the video, the symbolism is pretty obvious: him escaping the prison (WWE), the guards - one of which has slight resemblance to Seth Rollins (dark hair, beard, certain facial features) and is also the only other person in the video showed from close and there's the dog chasing him (Roman Reigns - even the breed is the same as the dog on his titantron). This might be just due to practical reasons, but we don't see Jon/Dean fighting off anyone or the dog nipping at his heels, which maybe references how Seth and Roman wanted him to stay but eventually let him go.
As for the more subtle hints, most of it is just pure guessing - some think that when Jon/Dean breaks through the wall it could be a reference to Chris Jericho ("Break the Walls Down") possibly hinting at a future match between them, but the most talked about is the shot in which Jon/Dean walks in front of the wall and there's dice painted on it that have numbers 2 and 5, which is said to reference May the 25th, the date when AEW's Double or Nothing takes place.
I do think that there's something on that shot because in the rest of the video the focus is always on the character - whether it's a guard, dog or Jon/Dean. That shot does have Jon/Dean in it, but he's just passing through while the focus is on the background, where you have an ad promoting the Viper Room, a nightclub in West Hollywood which is a popular hangout for young actors and musicians. For once i think that the AEW theory is right, since Jon/Dean used a casino metaphor in the interview before the Shield special two weeks ago because once is a coincidence, but if it repeats it's a pattern.
Some say that even the number of tally marks in the beginning hints to Double or Nothing since there's 25 in the light and 5 in half light while the rest is slightly out of focus but at this point i think that people are reaching with those theories.
All in all, Jon Moxley has escaped WWE and is now free to do whatever the fuck he wants, which seems to include blood and barbed wire and gambling references. He might be using Twitter now but he's still cryptic and mysterious and no one but him really knows what's next but whatever it is, we wholly suport him.
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boglog · 6 years
Wholesome Questionare Tag Meme
Tagged by @80sglamcowboy Rules are: -Post the rules -Answer the questions given to you by the tagger -Write eleven questions of your own -Tag eleven people
This is long as Hell, friends and I apologise.
One inquisitive bitch has asked me:
1. Name one person (real or fictional) that you think you could 100% take on in a fight
Foaming mouth guy from Avatar. He’s got no stamina, barely any health, no skill. He’s unfocused and weak and my noodley nerd-ass could take him. (Though I am a little concerned he has rabies.)
2. What’s your favourite snack rn
Grilled cheese w veggies, mustard, and grilled tofu w a side of ketchup made by my roommate. It’s honestly the purest thing.
3. Which apocalypse do you think you’d do the best in? (i.e. Nuclear winter/ robot uprising/ Too many vampires, etc)
O man. I love apocalypse movies and I love survival horror (that one episode of the X Files where they’re trapped in a cabin, anybody?). I also genuinely love camping and I’m a bit of a medical hobbyist. I also watched an unreasonable amount of prepper videos on YouTube. That said, as mentioned above, I am a couch potato weekling. Furthermore, I don’t do well in conflict so if the world hierarchy collapses into a power vacuum where you have to Orange is the New Black-style intimidate ppl for supplies, I would melt and die quickly.
My best bet, it would seem, is an Arrival-esque alien apocalypse where the ones who have enough patience and sci fi knowledge to communicate w aliens are at the top of the food chain. And worst case scenario it’s better for my ego to die at the hands of an alien than a human.
Sci go apocalypses are just cleaner y'know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

4. Best and worst fandom you’ve been in? Or have you somehow managed to avoid fandom completely?
Worst has to be Steven Universe. I regret not just moving on after I got bored. Ah well.
(I also think celebrity/real ppl fandoms are a dead end.)
My other fandoms all have various pros and cons and it’s hard to pick a favourite.
Adventure Time has great fanart, great meta and ppl have yet to descend into Homestuck-ian chaos. That said, they’re quiet af. People also fixate way too much on the fake fanfic AU Fionna and Cake. I have yet to read a really good Bonny/Marcy fic and that is a tragedy (a few have come close tho). Bottom line for AT tho is that it’s my go to wholesome cartoonist fandom. I like that it has depth but that it’s generally very simple and fun and that the fans are mostly shut in animation adults.
AtLA/LoK fandom’s biggest pro is that it’s huge and you literally never ran out of quality content. I’ve even made a few friends via this decade old franchise. It’s also enjoyably rich and complex. One of my favourite (now inactive) blogs was one that connected world building and little background Easter eggs to real Chinese history and culture. That wAs so cool!! I defs think as a Chinese person it allowed me to connect to non-western culture in a socially acceptable way.
The downsides tho are many: it can be overwhelmingly complicated (esp as someone who knows jack shit abt Chinese history), people take it too seriously, The Great Shipping Wars, it’s so big it’s a little lonely, the show itself has so many flaws upon greater inspection you wonder why you wasted your time on anything related to it, it’s an Asian themed story created by white dudes who make fun of their fans, the best parts of the show were written by other writers but those same white guys get k the credit. Also as w any fandom related to POC culture, racism happens. Anyways most of you know this already. IMO the best thing to have happened do the fandom is korrasami. Now it’s just abt Asian lesbians ruling the world.
(Though I also thoroughly enjoy the Family Rivalry part of the fandom. There are so mNy dysfunctional families to choose from!)
Rick and Morty is technically speaking my newest fandom. It’s got a lot of obvious cons (pickle Rick sexists, Szechuan sauce racists, asfhkkh incest) but one other con is just how pedantic and overly analytical people are abt the world building. I can’t breathe wo being corrected. RM has a misleadingly complicated high sci fi aesthetic that begets the kind of overanalysing my brand of overanalytical nerdiness can’t handle. Too many alternate universes. It’s just too complicated.
However one thing I like is that conversely I can overanalyse the writing and characters’ psychology/relationships (which I LOVE) and ppl take me very seriously. (At least they used to.) it’s kinda validating to have your 3k word essay on an old man’s bedroom and what that signifies for his depression get over 1k notes.
Rm also attracts the fun, super talented animation crowd so there’s boundless fanart and memes. I never knew I would like a gravity falls crossover retirement home AU btwn Rick and Stan so much but the art is objectively gorgeous?? So ??
I really dislike the lack of attention the female characters get from fandom bc they’re all really great? Female rep is limited but both canon and fic really do their 2-3 tokens justice. Also the jerry hatred is getting old (that male aggression… Like… Calm down, Jake) but it’s a refreshing departure drom when Megg from family guy was the butt of the joke.
Harry Potter, one of the pillars of nerd society, has both changed my life and irreconcilably annoyed me to death. (W no thanks to the racist creator herself!) One can’t underestimate how huge the hp fandom is which offers you as many reasons to love it as reasons not to. Harry Potter’s canon has complex world building that’s also charming enough not to take itself too seriously and much the same could b said of fanon. To a degree. Certain corners of the fanbase are fantastic shitposters and meme-ers and can draw you back in like a black hole. Casually enjoying Harry potter imo is where it’s at. The fanfic is probably one of the most impressively vast. Strangers at Drakesaugh, believe it or not, still updates and not only that, I still read it.
Not casually enjoying Harry potter is, um, yikes? HP and Hunger Games love to insert themselves appropriately in real life political traumas and honestly the dedication of the fandom can be overwhelming.
The HP fanart corner of deviantart circa 2010-12 and @flocc HP comics however are the best.
Meet the Robinsons, Ye Olde Fandom, still stands to this day. (Thanks in part to me ngl) As Iroh might say, they are a proud people. MTR is so bizarre and tiny it’s the only fandom I was able to read EVERY fic summary in existence (ones published on obscure sites excepted). The fandom has never ceased to surprise me for better or worse and mostly due to its age range. The original movie was intended for 8-12 yr olds and their (jaded) parents which means that now, ten years later, the fans are anywhere between 12 and 25. It has approximately 20 pieces of professional-grade fanart and fic and I am downright serious abt the quality and thoughtful complexity of this minority of fanart. Like I shit you not some of it’s almost too dark. However, tragically, one can’t talk abt obscure Disney fandoms wo also mentioning the incest ships (this is what happens when middleschoolers have to resort to cartoons to explore their sexuality in an anti sex ed world), the disorganised crossovers, and the blinding lack of imagination. Nonetheless, that a fandom of any kind could sprout from a 90 min cgi movie before the recession, based off an obscure but objectively fascinating children’s book, is still impressive. The fandoms smallness can in many wars work to everybody’s benefit: it’s a tightly knit community w little to no drama. And lots of memes (that I mostly make) to enjoy sincerely or ironically.
I’m also going to mention, very briefly, the Twin Peaks fandom, most of whom, even the die hards, are v casual when it comes to fan content (I need more fic damnit). Nonetheless it’s a decidedly cool art kid crowd for an art house show and I really enjoy befriending twin peaks watchers.
5. What’s one hot food that you prefer cold? (or, alternatively, one cold food you like hot)
Is it snobby to say I like food to be the temperature God intended?
Like I like cold pizza and salad-y pasta but I wouldn’t mind if everything were room temperature as long as the food itself was well made.
6. ya like jazz? What music do you enjoy listening to? Can you recommend any songs/ artists from that genre?
I think in some contexts I can like jazz. It’s very cosy and nostalgic, it can make you feel like a grand dame stepping out of your limo into your martini filled mansion as records pop around you and your fur carpeted living room. I also occasionally like jazz covers and alternate genres of jazz like electro swing etc.
Generally though I also think jazz is a little antiquated and a little all over the place. I lean more towards the ambiguous minimalism of mellow techno music like Jonna Lee, Grimes, Björk, early Lorde, Yasmine Hamdan, Austra, TRST, etc
I mean I don’t stick to just one genre (I imagine most ppl don’t). I like alternative (Tori Amos, Regina Spektor, Joanna Newsom) and some musicians who seem to completely exist outside of genre like iMonster and the Gorillaz. Not to mention straight up pop like broods, Ellie goulding, lady gaga and Lana del rey. (I mean technically Ldr isn’t pop but u get the ideer)
7. What binge worthy show do you like?
So many man. There are so many out there! Twin peaks, Transparent, Love, Grace and Frankie, Adventure Time, House of Cards, Bojack Horseman, Rick and Morty, Mad Men, Girls, Broad City, Black Mirror, Avatar TLA, 6Teen, Chowder, Over the Garden Wall, Flapjack, the first season of Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, etc
The list goes on. I’m a TV fiend.
8. What’s an old meme that you miss and wish would be brought back?
Always liked the Gothic [x town or whatever] meme. It was like a text post version of the cursed images meme. Currently I’m really enjoying the song from another room meme and I hope even after it gets old it’ll make a comeback.
9. Tell me your aesthetic

O man. That’s a can of worms! Okay. Deep breath.
I like futurism, of all kinds. I like strong lines and clear shapes. I like colour blocking and minimalism and glass and holographic LED neons. I like white Japanese urban tiled buildings. I like aliens and ruins and cubes and white and colour blocking and black. I like technology and aliens and Comme des Garçons and Issey Miyake. Rooms that are empty but for one light and one window and one plant. Love that.
I like the midcentury cubism and Mod and 30’s futurism. Clear and strong industrial shapes and curves and post modernist abstractionism.
I also love nature, I love most every Björk and Iamamiwhoami music video. I love the mountains and the forests and the desert and the winter tundra and most of all I love the water. A vast expanse of sky and sea w so many colours and textures. I love the 2000s and funny blob shapes and y2k’s obsession w secondary colours and shiny round things. Love pink. I am a grown adult who will never tire of pink. (Though I don’t really like when people overdo pink.) I love cursed image family photos taken with flash in a suburb. I love the grime and the sanitary aesthetic of suburbs and hospitals and brutalist office spaces. The fluorescent lights of the institution but with purple carpeting!
I love 70s mod and I love colorful 80s brutalism I like it when houses are shaped weirdly and they have carpets and polished curved wooden countertops and spacious nothingness where everything looks clean and cosy and bizarrely ugly and it all looks like an art gallery w too many plants.
I also really love maximalism and wood and detail and fur and velvet and embroidery and silk and windows and wood carvings.
I love 70s kitsch like John waters movies and Shrimps designer fake fur CDG17 where they just piled on knickknack after knickknack onto white dresses w food long trains. Toys and novelty items and lamps shaped like a woman’s leg in a fishnet stocking. (See also: most Tim burton movies, wes Anderson, Carrie fishers house)
An overwhelming mishmash of wool patterns with clean cubic 70s architecture and so many plants and windows and wallpaper and candles and cobwebs. Also really like witchy mourning jewelry and essentially every house in Harry potter. Love the unfortunately racist boho/hippie aesthetic. Any house designed by bill kirsch is a masterpiece. Woven baskets on the ceiling piles of hats and art supplies everywhere. Stuff!! Everywhere! Hidden passageways reading nooks fireplaces the Pink Palace from Coraline!
I’m a cartoonist who’s a nerd for design so I like when concepts are taken to the extreme in a humourously charming and clear-minded way. Whatever aesthetic someone chooses, they should go all out and really dedicate themselves to the highest form of that aesthetic. It has to be perfect without being sanitary of fake. It has to be alive yet beautiful, frozen in one perfect moment.
10. Favourite time of day and why?
Dusk. I think it’s a nostalgia thing. I loved the hours before bed time as well the hours before dinner when it was getting dark and the sun was reflecting freaky colours along the horizon while I ran around the grass. It’s cozy but it’s spacious and adventurous. So many things can happen at dusk!

11. You have the choice to live in any fictional universe - which one do you pick and why?
Harry Potter!!! You get the best of both worlds: magical, over-romanticised Victorian/medievalism, wish-fulfillment surrealism and wifi. It’s great. Likelihood of dying is so low, medicine is so advanced and even then ppls n°1 choice of lethal weapon (Avada Kedavra) is painless. Me and Luna could hang in her garden. I’d never have to pay for the subway again. I could live a nomadic life in a tent w infinite space. If you chose to live as a wizard amongst Muggles you’re basically god and you can cheat capitalism. Gravity is my bitch! And I’m not gna lie my dream house has always been a combination of The Burrow, the Lovegood house, and Shell Cottage.
My turn to pick your brain:
1 Favourite texture?
2 Favourite smell?
3 Favourite children’s book/children’s TV show? (I’m talking about the bizarre abstract ones for toddlers)
4 Best and worst prank you’ve ever pulled?
5 Weirdest beginning of a friendship?
6 When you’ve been in fandom for a while you start to notice you’ve a habit of staying in the same corners. What corner are you in? Are you part of the fluffy ship corner? The intense world building spec meta corner? The shitpost comic fanart corner? Etc
7 If you could invent a class that would be obligatory for all high schools across your country what would it be?
8 What’s the weirdest thing you’ve gotten at Halloween while trick or treating?
9 Weirdest family tradition of yours?
10 Describe your significant other (or your crush, or your dream partner or if you’re aromantic your fave person) through only TV references.
11 Favourite piece of dialogue in a movie?
I don’t know 11 ppl but nonetheless tagging: @that-guy-in-the-bowler-hat @skairheart @nochangenohope @eventheslightestrayofsunshine@autistic-jaredkleinman@phoenixkluke
…and YOU (if you were not mentioned above and so choose to accept this mission)
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