#“you always wanted more but all she ever wanted was you” when he knows batshit about catra’s and adora’s relationship
guys, i think i figured it out. horde prime is a representation of all the c//a shippers who look for subtext to prove that c//a is real, when there’s literally no subtext.
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mrsparrasblog · 1 month
Tf141 x Introducing your Boyfriend after they fucked up.
So I was thinking about a reader who kinda fell in love with her whole squad. You didn't want to.
At first, you fell in love with Johnny, the obvious choice. He was always flirting with you, calling you all these cute Scottish pet names like "hen" and "bonnie", and taking you on dates.
It was perfect until your feelings grew for the stoic, fatherly captain. He was mature, so much more mature than Johnny. He fixed your half-house when you were on leave, always checking if you were safe and making sure you drank enough. It was the perfect combination between Johnny's golden retriever behavior and his strong personality. It was okay in your books to fall in love with two men. It wasn't the first time it happened to someone, right?
You thought you were crazy when the scary lieutenant found his way into your overcrowded heart. He was like a guard dog for you, protecting you from all the creeps on base. And how couldn't you fall in love after he protected you from two men at the bar? Many men said, "I'd burn the world down for you", but the fact about Simon was he really would.
You thought you finally lost it when you were cuddling with your best friend Kyle again, like always. He grew up to be your safe space after a while. You never thought there would be more than platonic love. He was your platonic soulmate until you were pinned under him, getting fucked, with slow thrusts while he repeated over and over again how he loved you since day one. Yes, you're in a fucked up situation.
How could you approach this? After overthinking for straight months, you finally managed to tell them. "You can't love us all, that's batshit crazy," they mumbled, and god, it broke your heart as much as theirs. They never thought about a poly relationship before, but they all loved you and none of them wanted to give up their spot in your heart.
it took you several months to get over this embarrassment. The feelings never left, but you found a new boyfriend who was completely different from all of them. That was good, right? After a while, they got you to introduce your boyfriend to them after a deployment in an overpriced bar your lawyer boyfriend picked in Canary Wharf - The first mistake in their books. Of course, John fit in there with his neat whiskey but come on, this wasn't the place for you guys.
Johnny was the nicest of all of them; he at least had the courtesy to greet your boyfriend and be nice to him. You just didn't realize how he pulled as many jokes as possible, making you laugh for hours, how James couldn't. He was just nice, nothing to worry about, James, you said to him all over again.
Simon took his hand and almost broke it while shaking it, his 6'4" frame towering against your 5'6" boyfriend. He always had a grip on James, whispering in his ears, "And how is a twig like you able to protect my girl?"
By accident, your tires were slashed. "No, James, why should John have done this?" you rolled your eyes. Even worse, your boyfriend didn't know how to change a tire, so you stood there in the rain changing that damn tire while James stood under the umbrella until John came up, "Lovely, go sit in the car, I'll change it." He pulled his sleeves up, flexing his muscular arms while he fixed your problems like always. He was your husband after all, at least in his books.
Kyle hit it off when he walked towards James and whispered in his ear, "I bet you don't satisfy her, does she still taste sweeter than cinnamon there? Does she still get the whole bed soaked in squirt? Does she beg for you?" You didn't believe James when he told you Kyle said that, your Kyle, your best friend? The nicest man on earth ever.
"You're paranoid, James. I think it's better if we call it off," he accused all of your friends of things they never would even do. How could you be with someone so jealous?
"Mhm, broke up with James," you said.
"Was too boring for you, Bonnie",
"was too short for you and couldn't even throw a proper punch",
"couldn't fix a damn tire",
"you deserve someone better, not some jealous loser, what do you even want from a lawyer?"
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gojossocks · 7 months
Gossips and Convenience Stores
Pairing: Gojo x reader
Summary: just some jjk first years gossiping lmao. Implied that Geto didn’t turn batshit crazy and killed a lot of people.
a/n: this is probably an epilogue to a series I’ve been wanting to write for a while. lmk if you guys liked it ! <33
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“I wonder when Gojo-sensei will ask Y/N-sensei out.” Nobara asks, before taking a bite of her onigiri.
Nobara, Yuuji, and Megumi were all sitting together in an empty parking lot outside a convenience store, something that has become a routine after a tiring mission.
It’s midnight. Most of the diners are closed and the only store open was the 7/11, just a few blocks away from Jujutsu High.
“It’s kinda annoying,” She continued. “Every time I see that damned teacher around her, he gets more annoying. That’s a given since he’s more annoying than when he’s with Geto-sensei. If that’s his way of flirting then I don’t think he could ever pull her.”
Megumi snorts at Nobara’s keen observation. “I’m surprised you noticed that.”
She rolls her eyes before glaring at Megumi, “How could I not? Even our principal notices it. Hell, even Yuuji knows it. Right?!” She turned to look at Yuuji, who shrugged mindlessly while eating his noodles.
“I don’t know, he does talk about her all the time. Whenever I ask what’s their history or whatever, he says they were long time friends.”
Megumi snorted at the statement, earning a look from his classmates.
“What’s that look you got, Fushiguro?” Nobara accuses him. He replies with a hum.
Nobara sighs before clicking her tongue. “Anyway, I know you know a lot about those two because Maki-san told me you basically grew up with having them around. Besides, he always asks you to bring pizza for Y/N-sensei. I think it was an unrequited thing, don’t you think? I mean she’s way out of his league if you ask me.” She says confidently.
Megumi knew that this was bound to happen but he never thought that he would have to explain the situation this early. He really hates it when people gossip about his life— and that extends to Y/N. He met Satoru and Y/N when he was 6 years old. Most of his childhood, he and Tsumiki stayed with the Gojos.
“They used to be together.” Megumi mumbles, looking down at his shoes. He then looks up at his friends when the both of them yell ‘HUH?!’ in unison. He couldn’t blame them though. Satoru and Y/N’s acting skills as if they were never together in the first place really fooled a lot of people, especially the people who don’t know anything about them.
“Yeah,” He says, trying to act as nonchalant as possible. Megumi takes a sip from his pepsi, in hopes to escape Nobara and Yuji’s interested gaze. “They’re marrie— could you both shut up for a bit?” He grumbles in annoyance.
Nobara scooches closer to Megumi. “Oh my god, tell me everything.”
He rolled his eyes but continued anyway. “They were in an arranged marriage as far as I know. They were together for 8 years. I think they’ve known each other for much longer, though.”
“Oh he definitely fumbled the bag.”
Yuji stares at him with his mouth agape. His eyes suddenly widened as he dramatically gasped, “Is that why you accidentally called Y/N sensei ‘mom’ ?!”
Megumi feels blood rising from his cheeks. He quickly looks down at his shoes once more to prevent Nobara and Yuji from seeing him embarrassed. Both of them started giggling.
“So that means you call Gojo-sensei ‘daddy’ huh?” Nobara smirked at the onyx haired boy. Megumi chokes on his drink before muttering a ‘shut up, I don’t.’
“So why did they break up?” Yuuji asks.
“I’m not really sure. They try to keep us out of their problems. Y/N just packed up one day and that was it. We kept in touch but she made me promise not to tell Gojo anything. Anyway, that’s it, stop questioning me.”
Nobara points a finger accusingly at the empty parking lot, “I bet he has commitment issues. Yeah, just by looking at him, he’s definitely the type to have one.”
“They have been together, for 8 years.” Megumi deadpans.
“Damn, adults are complicated.” Yuuji whines. “They’d look great together though.”
“He still fumbled! I bet my new perfume on that. To be honest, I don’t really see Y/N sensei with him. He seems chaotic enough as he is.”
“That’s a little harsh.”
“Well, she tolerates us,” Yuji adds, “Besides I don’t think Gojo-sensei will ask her out. Earlier, I saw Y/N-sensei on a date. I just forgot to tell you guys.”
Even Megumi doesn’t know that.
“What?!” Nobara exclaims, standing up. “C’mon, it’s 2 am. I need to get my beauty rest. I’ll get the Y/N and Gojo lore this week. I can’t wait to interview Geto-sensei!”
“That’s invading their privacy.” Megumi sighs.
Nobara and Yuuji kept asking Megumi questions, theorizing and pestering each other. The three of them talked (read: argue) on the way home, too engrossed in the mystery of Gojo and Y/N’s relationship.
Meanwhile they fail to notice their teacher casually leaning on the wall beside the convenience store, chuckling at his students’ curiosity.
Gojo shakes his head before heading off to god knows where.
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gojo u naughty boi why are u out at 2 am wanna read more?
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queenofspades6 · 1 year
The Monster you wanted me to be - Kaz Brekker x reader
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REQUEST: “i’ve been thinking of like a fic where reader is like not innocent but doesn’t like killing people and kaz tells her she needs to grow up or something so after some time she ends up being like super badass and just like batshit crazy and comes back from a mission just drenched in blood and kaz like reflects on what he’s created because he liked her but didn’t mean to turn her into this and they have a conversation.”
Warnings: Violence. Murder. Rape. Blood. Touch aversion.
Author’s Note: I loved the idea! Thank you for the request! I hope you liked it! It was so fun to write it! I may have added to much violence, and background for reader, I hope you don’t mind! Enjoy!!!
Kaz Brekker was the one who saved you. Usually, you didn’t tell people how you first meet Kaz Brekker, because who would believe you? When it happened, you were a young girl with no family left, no home, and no money. So when a man named Pekka Rollins found you begging for food in the street, and promised you a marvelous and wealthy future you couldn’t say no. You were not naive, but you had nothing left. It was going with Pekka Rollins or dying in the streets. What you didn’t know was that Rollins wanted you to be his prize, the beautiful girl he would sell for the highest bid. At the time you didn’t know...
Pekka Rollins brought you most of the time when he had to meet with investors, promising you to these men if they made a deal.
You didn’t know until that one evening Pekka had told you to dress well and show some skin. You had purposely worn a red gown with cleavage, firmly believing that Pekka wanted you to look beautiful to help him make a deal. And it did. You thought at least Pekka would respect you, but he didn’t.
You learned the hard truth after a promising deal, when he told you to go home with a huge, bearded man that had stared at you all night with desire. He told you to please the man, to be gentle if that was what the man wanted, that if he was to slap you, you would be still and accept it. You had frowned, and grimaced, telling him you wouldn’t do it, but he grinned at you.
“You will. You owe me money now, you can’t go. And if you ever do, I’ll find you, and you’ll regret saying me no.” He whispered into your ear.
A single tear had run down your cheek, he had licked it with his tongue, making you want to vomit.
“Don’t cry sweetheart, it will make him push harder, you don’t want that, don’t you?”He muttered, caressing your cheek.
You didn’t cry.
This night would always remain in your memory. It was probably the worse night you ever had. The man had beaten you until you were bleeding and had pushed into you without warning.
It hurt, you remembered. You hoped to fall unconscious, but your body betrayed you. You had screamed once while he pushed harder into your core, and then you stayed silent, and remained still. It was hopeless to scream, the man was loving it even more. He wanted you to cry, but you couldn’t let him win, so you repeated these words in your head until he was finished: ‘I can survive everything’. ‘I can survive everything’ ‘I can survive everything’ ‘I can survive every-‘
After this dreadful night, Pekka had asked you to sleep with other men to conclude deals. The times you said no, you were almost beaten to death.
The day when you met Kaz Brekker had been one of these days when you had said ‘no’. Pekka punched you until you vomited blood. Your upper lip needed stitches, and your side was bleeding.
You needed a drink after being beaten so badly, and while going to the nearest tavern, you noticed three armed men trying to steal the jewelry of an old woman. Even if you still tasted blood in your mouth, you ran towards the attackers, and fought them until they ran for their lives. You didn’t kill them, you couldn’t.
Kaz Brekker had watched the entire time. He saw you, a frail and bloody girl defending an old woman in a street with your bare fists. With no weapon, you defeated the men, and helped the old woman go back to her house.
Kaz had followed you for hours in Ketterdam’s streets, watching your every move. That’s when he saw you stealing people’s wallets without them noticing, and that made him convinced he needed you as his crow. Since then, you had always been a Crow, a young girl who knew how to handle blades and especially firearms. There wasn’t a single day when he regretted hiring you. He paid off your debt, and promised himself to kill Pekka when he could.
For Jordie, and you.
You loved to think you were a friend of Kaz. Even if you wished you were more. He always asked if you were alright, always tried not to involve you when it was about Pekka Rollins.
He never mentioned once, to anyone that Pekka had forced you to be an escort. Nobody knew. Dirtyhands had let people think you had stolen something from Pekka, and that was why Pekka wanted his money back. Nobody questioned Kaz when it came to you, nobody dared.
He was always thoughtful with you, always considerate. Sometimes he sent you jewels, leaving a necklace on your bed with just a note with a crow drawn. You knew it was him, because you had looked for these notes in his office, and you found multiple. So he must care, right? If not, why bother with all this?
Even if you worked for Kaz for years. He never noticed that you didn’t wish to kill. You had promised yourself to try with all your might not to kill. Of course, Kaz Brekker couldn’t know. He didn’t need to know, until one day, he asked you in his office. Alone. Right now.
What had you done? Dirtyhands usually summoned all the Crows in his office, not just you.
“Kaz.” You greeted him.
He acknowledged your presence with a simple nod.
“I need you.” He declared, his tone grave.
If it was not Kaz Brekker saying this, you would have thought it romantic.
“What do you need me for?”
“There is a man I need you to kill. I’ll give you the name, the address, it must be done tonight.”
“I don’t kill.” You retorted without a second thought. You couldn’t bear taking a life and watching someone you killed die.
“You don’t kill?” Kaz repeated, a menacing tone in his voice, and his eyes piercing through you.
You tilted your head in disagreement.
“I need you to kill this man.”
“I’ll say it again, Kaz, I don’t kill.”
You saw something passing in his eyes, but you couldn’t decipher what.
“Because I can’t.” You replied.
“Oh yes, you do, Kaz started raising his voice, just grow up, you’re living in Ketterdam, Y/N, if you can’t kill, you won’t survive in the Barrel.”
Determined not to yield, you crossed your arms and shook your head.
“You are going to kill this man, Y/N, because if you don’t, you are of no use to me.”
You felt anger rushing through you, and sadness. You thought maybe Kaz had appreciated your presence, but that was a lie. Another lie from a powerful man. You were only an investment. Only one of his girls.
You didn’t answer, and quickly approached the door, ready to live.
“Y/N, don’t you dare leave this room!”
The hand still on the handle, you opened the door, and left the room, slamming the door with all your might. You almost smirked knowing the whole Crow Club would hear.
You passed through the people in the crowd of the Club. You spotted Inej, and Jesper at the counter of the bar. But you couldn’t face them tonight.
Kaz wanted you to kill someone. But how could you? You knew that if you did, you would not stop. It would become easy. So easy to take a life, to watch someone take his last breath, and smile.
How many times Pekka Rollins had taken lives without remembering the faces of the dead? And Kaz?
You pushed away the thought. Pekka and Kaz were different, but weren’t they both using you like a puppet only to serve their ends?
You wanted to scream, to go back to your room in the Crow Club and forget that this ever happened. But you couldn’t.
You looked at the small piece of crumbled paper in your hand. Kaz hadn’t noticed you had taken it from him. You looked at the name and the address written in Kaz’s handwriting before folding it and putting it in your pocket. One look at your revolvers displayed on your nightstand gave you all the answers you needed.
Kaz wanted a monster, then you’ll give him one.
“Boss. You here?” Jesper asked and entered Kaz’s office without knocking.
“What happened? I saw Y/N leaving your office in a rush.”
“It’s none of your business.”
Jesper rolled his eyes.
“What did you do this time?” The Zemeni boy asked.
“I told Y/N to kill someone, and she didn’t want to.”
“And? Why did you ask her? Nina, or Matthias could do it, why Y/N? Or I could do it. I never miss a target.” Jesper winked at Kaz, a malicious grin on his lips.
Kaz sat, and sighed, holding his cane between his hands, and looked at Jesper.
“What?” Jesper asked. ”I am looking good, I know.“
His hand still on his cane, he looked away, avoiding Jesper’s gaze.
“What if Y/N never comes back, Kaz? Did you think about that?”
Kaz groaned.
No, he didn’t think about it. He couldn’t. He didn’t bear the mere thought of never seeing you again.
And what if Pekka found you? He tried to push away the thought of this first time his eyes set on you. So frail. Bruised and bloody, but still standing triumphantly.
“She will come back.” Kaz declared, almost as a prayer.
“What if she doesn’t?” Questioned Jesper.
“Then we let her go.”
“No! She’s been part of the crew ever since you took her in. She is one of us, Kaz. Inej didn’t want to kill either and you let her stay, why not Y/N?”
He didn’t realize his breathing was heavy, and that his hold on his cane had tightened. No, she wouldn’t leave the Crows, the Crow Club and the Dregs. No, she wouldn’t leave him.
At this moment, Kaz Brekker felt lonely. Even if Jesper was there in his office, something was off.
“Leave, Jesper.” Kaz asked, almost wishing Jesper would stay without a word.
“Kaz, you can’t let Y/N leave! You care about her!”
“Leave! Now.” Dirtyhands shouted.
Jesper raised his hands and left the room.
Miserable. That’s how Kaz felt. He put his face in his hands, sighing loudly.
What if you left?
Since that day in the streets, he knew he wanted to protect you from Pekka Rollins, from Ketterdam, and himself. He had tried. He prevented you from ever being involved with Rollins or even with the Dime Lions.
Sometimes, you would enter his office late at night while people were playing Poker in the Crow Club, you would wait for him to talk. About anything. At first, he found it annoying, and hated when you did that, but now he secretly treasured these moments. He wouldn’t admit it, but you could make him smile.
The first times you came to him late in the night to talk, he stayed silent, and you were the only one to speak. Through your secret meetings, you told him about Pekka and the men that had raped you. He had mentally taken note of the names, and these men were found dead a few days later.
But now how was he supposed to forget?
A body was lying in a pool of blood.
The feeling in the air was foreboding. The bloodied knife on the desk was displayed on the kitchen counter.
A young woman was looking for a towel or a piece of fabric in the cupboards. Taking her time, she opened them one by one, and when she finally found a blue towel, she took it and wiped the bloody blade of the knife. The woman glanced at the corpse and was tempted to clean the mess.
There were sheets of paper soaked in blood placed on the ground. The woman had read them all.
The man had his mouth open almost as if before dying he had screamed.
Albert Ackers was a slaver; he separated the children from their families to sell them to the highest bidder. Maybe he had deserved it.
The woman unfolded the little note in her pocket with the name of the man, she brought the flame of the lighter near it, before letting the paper burn.
The door of Kaz Brekker’s office opened suddenly, Kaz frowned.
“It’s done.” You muttered, looking Dirtyhands in the eyes.
He nodded, grateful you finally returned home.
This was it then? His home, your home? The crows’ home? You were going to leave his office, without another word.
“Y/N, wait.”
You closed the door, leaving him in the dark again.
Kaz Brekker never regretted anything in his life. Until he asked you to kill Albert Ackers. He knew the man was the devil himself, but he should have respected you enough to let it go.
And now you ignored him all the time. Late at night, the door of his office was always ajar where it never was. Each night, the Bastard of the Barrel was waiting for you to come.
You never came.
You were only there when the Crows were waiting in his office to discuss a contract. Kaz had noticed you didn’t hesitate to kill anymore. You could be ruthless, and even cruel sometimes. Kaz Brekker hated himself for that. He had taken what he loved the most in you. He loved how compassionate you were, always willing to help even if it meant hurting yourself.
Kaz regretted deeply what he had done. Even more when he began to find every night a new jewel he offered you, displayed on his bed. How he hated himself...
He had lost Jordie, and now you. What was the point of being the King of the Barrel, and having thousands of kruge if he couldn’t have what he wanted?
“Y/N, what happened between you and Kaz?” Inej questioned you.
You were sitting at the bar of the Crow Club drinking alcohol with Inej.
“Y/N. Everyone noticed the changes in you and Kaz.”
You shook your head, avoiding the Wraith’s gaze.
“Y/N, what happened?” Inej asked, putting a hand on your arm softly.
You finally dared look at her, almost shamefully.
“He wanted me to kill someone, and I didn’t want to.”
Inej raised her eyebrows in wonder, listening to you carefully.
“I killed the man, Inej.” You confessed. “I did it for Kaz.”
“That’s why you’re ignoring him?”
You nodded.
“I am a monster, now. The monster everyone wanted me to be. I became what I despised, and the worst, Inej, is I think I like it.”
Inej approached you and caressed your arm gently.
”You are no monster.”
The Crows were reunited in Kaz’s office to steal an ancient weapon worth thousands kruge. You all discussed with the details, and when it was settled, the Crows began to leave, you were going to follow them, until you felt a soft hand on your arm.
“Y/N. Stay.”
“Why? To remind me I am just another investment. Just a puppet to take care of people? No, thank you, I am good.” You declared, almost angrily.
“That’s not true. Stay.” He muttered, praying you would listen for once. “Please.”
His hold on your arm tightened, you pushed his hand away as if it was poisoned and left the room.
Here he was. Alone at last. Again.
Kaz had given Nina, Matthias and Jesper a mission to retrieve folders from an important man in Ketterdam.
There were many disappearances these last few months, and Kaz had heard this man was probably involved. Disappearances were not good for business, Dirtyhands had to take the matter in his own hands. He needed information.
The plan was perfect: breaking into the man’s mansion which was heavily guarded, stealing the folders, and leaving. What Kaz didn’t know was that you were going too.
Nina, Matthias and Jesper had agreed to let you go with them. In case things went wrong, another person would come in handy.
You all entered through a window as silently as possible. You looked around you, and stared at the room you were in. Firearms of all length were displayed on the walls. It was a splendid weapons room exhibiting firearms with the most advanced technologies. Jesper made a little scream.
“God answered my prayer!” He whispered. “Am I dead because it’s like being in heaven.”
“Jesper, focus.” Nina reminded him while Matthias was guarding the door.
Matthias glanced at Nina, letting her know it was time to look for information.
”Go with Matthias, Nina, I am going to stay with Jesper. Be fast.” You told her.
She nodded and followed Matthias down the corridor.
You stared at Jesper, your hands in your hips, a frowning look on your face.
“What?” Jesper questioned, kissing a gun.
“Jesper, we need to go.”
“But Y/N, have you seen these guns?”
You nodded, and he sighed, feeling disappointed. Jesper kissed the firearm and caressed the soft metal. The cold metal felt good against his skin.
“Take some if you want.” You told him. “But be quick.”
He almost embraced you but was too preoccupied to gather some of the most amazing guns he had ever seen.
“We need to move.” You said, crouching and watching the hallway.
Jesper followed you when you advanced in the hallway. There were so many rooms, how were you supposed to find the good folders? Hopefully, Nina and Matthias would have more luck.
You began to look for the folders in the rooms, Jesper looking for the bookshelves, and you for the desk. Nothing.
“Oh. That’s good, you need to hear that, Y/N.” Jesper exclaimed, a hand open in his hands.
“What? You found something.” You whispered, almost expecting he found one of the folders.
“Yes, I did! Watch that.”
You looked at the pages Jesper showed you, it was about some Saint of firearms that never missed his target.
“Jes, stop that. We are not here for that.”
“But Y/N, what if the Saint is me?”
You stared at him incredulously, wanting to laugh out loud. You tapped him in the shoulders, and Jesper being Jesper let the book fall out of his hands. It fell on the floor in a loud thumb. You hoped nobody had heard.
“What was that?” A distant voice cried.
You heard footsteps. Two people. In the hallway. You told Jesper to stay still, and when the guards opened the door, they never saw what was coming. You threw a dagger in the neck of the first one, and with grace, you were going to slit the throat of the other one, but Jesper shot.
You groaned. Now everyone knew you were here. Thank you, Jesper.
“To my defense, he tried to kill you.” Jesper declared.
“Come on, we need to find Nina and Matthias, and the folders if we have time.”
You moved without a sound, Jesper following you closely when you heard a woman screaming.
“It’s Nina!” Jesper shouted.
Both of you didn’t wait, you ran towards the sound. There were more guards waiting, and one was pulling Nina’s hair.
Without thinking, you threw yourself at the man, a knife in the hand. You stabbed the man in the neck while he kicked you in the stomach. You stabbed him again in the heart. His breathing stopped. You were covered in blood. You could feel the liquid running down your cheeks and your lips, feeling the metallic taste.
“Damn, Y/N.” Nina muttered. You ignored her, and asked:
“Do you have the folders?”
She nodded.
“We need to go fast.”
Matthias, Nina and Jesper followed you to the nearest room. You opened the window slowly. You heard male voices in the hallway. You were glad you had locked the door, but it wouldn’t last long.
You gestured to Nina to go first, and then Matthias helped you through the window. Jesper did the same, and Matthias came too. All of you began running on the roof following the same path you used to come. At least you were all safe and you had the folders.
You threw the folders all soaked with your blood on Kaz’s desk. His arms were crossed as if he had expected Matthias, Nina and Jesper to come back. He was furious you went too.
“This is what you wanted.” You exclaimed and held his gaze.
Kaz noticed how drenched in blood you were, the skin above your eyebrow open, and wounds on your arms. You did kill after all. Dirtyhands would have preferred you didn’t.
Nina said something, but you were too caught up in Kaz’s gaze to hear.
“Ugh, if you’re going to stare at each other all day, then I’ll let you to it. I am hungry.” Nina declared, already leaving.
Matthias followed her, a shy hand on her back. Jesper followed them too.
You stayed. You didn’t know why, but you remained still. Kaz stood up, and advanced towards the door. He closed it behind Jesper.
Now it was just the two of you.
You plunged your gaze in Kaz’s, almost losing yourself in his ocean-blue eyes. Even if you were angry with him, you couldn’t hate him, even if you wanted to.
He examined your face and your body for any wound, he found multiple. You were covered in blood, soaking his office with the dirt of your boots.
“You went with them.”
It was more like an understatement, than a question. Watching you wounded and bloodied made him feel bad. Terribly bad.
You nodded, a hand on your hip, waiting for him to speak.
What was it Kaz wanted to say? He had prepared what he wanted to tell you, but now no word came.
“Are you done? Because I desperately need a shower.”
“I am sorry.” He whispered eyes fixed on the ground.
“You heard me.”
A small smile was drawing on your lips. Was it real? Did Dirtyhands really apologize to you?
“Stop smiling.”
“Was it an apology I heard from the Bastard of the Barrel?” You questioned.
“I told you, Y/N, I am sorry. For everything.”
You sighed and were ready to leave.
Kaz put his hand on your arm, tightening his hold to make you stay.
“Sit on the desk.” He commanded you.
You did as you were told. With the back of your hand, you pushed the documents on the desk, and sat, feet no longer touching the ground.
Kaz had a bowl of hot water in his hands, he put it carefully on the desk with a clean towel. Your eye caught a needle and thread. You winced at the thought of the pain.
Not leaving your gaze, Kaz gently removed his black gloves. You swore you saw him shiver.
He took the clean towel and put it slowly in the bowl, and then with meticulous precision, he approached it to your face.
The towel touched your face, caressing the skin to remove the blood. You didn’t close your eyes; you were staring at Kaz the whole time. His eyes were focused on his fingers and the contact of the towel on his skin.
He tried to touch your cheek with his thumb. The touch was unbearable, but he stroked the skin nonetheless. He closed his eyes and sucked on his breath.
“You don’t have to.” You told him, noticing his invisible pain.
“I want to.”
I need to, he wanted to say.
Then he removed his hand from your face and watched your arms. You began taking off your shirt. Kaz broke your gaze, shy at the thought of seeing more skin on your body.
He washed the blood from the towel and took another one. He rubbed the excess of blood from your arms, brushing your skin and sending shivers down your spine.
“Why?” You whispered.
He plunged his eyes into yours, and you thought he looked like a little boy, not Dirtyhands.
“You’re hurt, it’s my fault.”
You desperately wanted to say ‘no’, and he needed you to say it. But you didn’t, you knew better.
“Your debts to me, to everyone in Ketterdam no longer exist. You are free.”
You nodded, not really realizing what happened.
“Free to flee wherever you want, I’ll give you money, you can even buy a house, begin over.”
No answer.
“But?” You asked.
“But you are free to stay. You’ll always have a place here. You’ll always be a Crow.”
“Am I not an investment anymore?” You questioned eyebrows raised in wonder.
“You never were.” He muttered.
“That’s not what I felt.”
“I am sorry for Albert Ackers. I knew you didn’t want to kill, I forced you to do so, and now... “
“I am the monster you created. You wanted me to kill, I kill now, isn’t that good enough for you?” You shouted, taking the bloody fabric from his hands.
“It was already enough. You were already enough, Y/N.” He whispered.
“I became what you wanted me to be, Kaz.”
“I didn’t want that, Y/N.”
“Me neither.” You replied.
“You’re already enough. Stay. Stay with the crows. Stay with me.”
“I am a monster, Kaz.”
“You are not.”
“I am. And you know what’s worst? I don’t mind it, and that scares me.”
“Do you remember the faces of the people you killed?” Kaz asked.
”Each of them. Every night.”
“No monster would remember their faces.”
You closed your eyes, and let the tears run down your cheeks.
“What am I becoming, Kaz?” You cried.
He stood still, staring at you crying, scratching his hands. He wanted to hold you but he couldn’t.
Slowly he touched your shoulder and caressed it. You welcomed the contact and took his soft hand in yours. His breathing became heavy, but his eyes were still locked with yours.
“Stay, Y/N. Stay with me in Ketterdam. We’ll try to tame our demons. Together.”
You nodded, and approached your delicate hand to his face, waiting for him to refuse. He let you touch his cheek even if it burned, and he wanted to scream, but he didn’t. You deserved the world, and for you, he needed to face his demons. Eyes in his, you approached your mouth to his ear, and whispered:
If you liked it, don’t forget to like, and comment, it motivates me to write! Thank you!
If you liked this x reader, you may love this one with Kaz Brekker:
⬇️ ⬇️
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graysmiles-world · 8 months
Steddie Faking Dating, Part 1
Eddie Munson was cuckoo bananas. Steve knew that. The entirety of Hawkins High knew that. Most of Hawkins, in general, knew that. Which makes it all the more insane that Steve did what he did.
He fell in love with him.
Trust him. Steve knows how mad, psycho, and every other word there is for “batshit crazy” there is for it. But he can’t help it! Steve’s a romantic at heart, and Eddie is the most romantic person he’s ever met. He wraps around Steve like an octopus, kissing every bit of skin in reach. He’s sung, like, at least four different songs for Steve on his electric guitar, which he didn’t even know could be romantic. 
All in all, Steve was in love. Flipped around the head and spun until you’re dizzy kind of love. Although he hadn’t said it yet, Steve imagined Eddie feeling the same. Like the stares that Steve feels whenever he turns away from Eddie are brands pressed hot against his cheek. Like every kiss, cheek grab, and cuddle, Eddie pushed his love into Steve in any way he could. Eddie was always the more physical of the two.
But they weren’t yet at the stage where an “I love you” is acceptable. With Nancy, Steve was the one who said it first, two days after their fifth-month anniversary. Nancy said it back but later was informed that she never loved him. He’s going to take it more carefully with this one. They were only a few days past four months in, and it was much too soon to be throwing around the ‘L’ word. Steve just sat - zoning off on break at his summer Scoop’s Ahoy! job. He just turned over the words in his mind until they were no longer recognizable, but the feeling was still warming his chest.
“Steve!” Robin’s harsh shout comes from the front. Steve lurched from his daydream. Suddenly, the sound of crying children and the stickiness of the table in front of him became a reality.
Steve groaned, tilting back until the chair he sat on tipped back, and he could look back at the clock. It took him a second, it being upside down, but it was definitely only 2:28 p.m.
“I’ve got two minutes left!” he shouted, letting his chair fall back on all four legs. He ignored Robin’s grumbling and threats of bodily mutilation to stare at the blank wall before him and breathe in the sickly sweet smell of melted ice cream. It was petty, sure, but Robin had done the same to him, like, three times since the summer started. And he was not one to give up 120 seconds of precious zoning out time.
“Dingus!” Robin shouted, sounding much closer than before. She banged open the door to the backroom, the knob hitting the wall and leaving a mark.
“Jesus, Buckley!” Steve jumps, looking over to her unimpressed scowl and crossed arms. 
“Break time’s over,” she tapped her wrist, despite the fact that there was no actual watch there. Steve rolled his eyes and grabbed the sailor's cap from where he threw it at the start of his break.
Robin laughed at his quiet grumbles as he passed him, patting him condescendingly on the back. She let the door swing shut, and Steve flinched at the large bang that echoed throughout the storefront. Avoiding the many kids’ and adults’ eyes, he turned back to admonish her - only to find that Robin wasn’t even there.
Steve could hear her witch’s cackle through the closed window, but it could have just been in his head, to be fair. But instead of arguing with her, which would lead to several customer complaints, he let her take her break. Steve was not in the mood to deal today.
He crammed the stupid hat on his head and turned to the storefront where a couple of giggling preteens already stood. 
After, he just amused himself by looking over to the clock (which definitely moved at like half the speed as the clock in the breakroom, he’s sure of it) and returned to work. Robin joined after her own break, and they worked in tandem. It turns out they’re an okay team when they’re not at each other’s throats, but Steve won’t say that not wanting to tempt fate in one of her many taunts. Robin seemed just as tired of scooping ice cream as he was, so she didn’t even make any snide comments as they closed up Scoops Ahoy! for the night. 
The next day went mostly the same, but Steve was much more excited.
“What’s got your panties in a bunch?” Robin asked, looking concerned at his constant smile. It wasn’t even a customer service one, but a real one. One hurt Steve’s cheeks a bit from how much he was beaming.
“Nothing, just having a friend come over tonight,” he told her - trying to seem casual. Something told him, though, that his “super casual shrug” didn’t help him. Heat crept up his neck and ears, and Steve was grateful that most of it was covered by hair.
Robin leaned forward onto the counter, setting her chin on her fists and fluttering her eyelashes daintily at him. “Oh, is this a lady-friend perhaps? One that you wooed with your ‘Steve Harrington Charm,’” she said - making bunny ears around “Steve Harrington Charm.” 
“No,” he said, shaking his head and focusing on the mint chip ice cream he was switching out with a new batch. “I told you, I’m not interested in a relationship right now.”
Robin snorted meanly, “Sure.”
Desperate to turn the conversation off himself and onto her: “Hey, what about you? Got any secret admirers out there?”
Steve still wasn’t looking at his coworker, but he could hear her choke at the question. It felt a little good, he won’t lie, turning it back around on her.
“I’ve got a boyfriend,” she said after a moment, tapping her fingers against the counter to the beat of the corny song constantly playing through the speakers. “Might hang out with him after work today,” she shrugged, “Don’t know yet.”
Steve nodded, grabbing the empty ice cream container and returning it to the back to be taken out with the rest of the trash at the night's end. Thankfully, that won’t be him because he was able to get out early by switching with Clark, one of the other “crewmates.” He would have to take an early morning shift next Tuesday, but Steve still thought it was worth it. Eddie was coming over that night, and even though Steve could see him earlier that week, he couldn’t help but be excited. 
When Steve got home that afternoon, he immediately stripped from his uniform and threw it in the hamper, covering it with some other dirty clothes. Heaven knows how Eddie would react if he saw that piece of clothing.
He’d probably ask Steve to wear it for sex, to be honest. And not that Steve wasn’t up for that (he was always up to sex with Eddie), but he only had one of these uniforms, and it needed to last for the entire summer.
Steve then jumped in the shower, scrubbing the stink of the nauseating scent of gone-bad ice cream and kid vomit. Children shouldn’t have a double fudge sundae after running around in the hot sun for three hours. Who knew? Not that kid’s parents, from how they whined and tried to give explanations as Steve was forced to mop it up.
Robin had way too much fun laughing at him from behind the counter, so Steve went to the bathroom when he saw Erica approaching them across the food court. 
When Eddie knocked on Steve’s door at 3:45, fifteen minutes after he said he’d show up (like Steve knew he would be), the house was perfectly set up for movie night. Steve was already dressed in his old basketball sweatpants and one of Eddie’s shirts that he left behind too many times for Steve to be willing to give it back now. 
Also, the look on Eddie’s face whenever he saw Steve wearing one of his band t-shirts was one of Steve’s favorites. This is only made better by Steve immediately shutting down any lust building him in eyes with an eye roll and a pull towards the couch.
Eddie whistled, “All setup, aren’t you sweetheart?”
Steve threw a throw pillow at the back of Eddie’s head, uncaring the squawk he let out. “Shut up.”
“Betrayed!” Eddie flailed about, falling back onto the couch, one foot on the cushion. “Hoaxed! Hoodwinked!”
Steve snorted, slapping Eddie’s socked foot aside and falling towards him - making sure to land on his outstretched hands and now Eddie’s ribs. He pressed his lips against Eddie’s before he started the dramatic monologue that Steve knew was coming.
Eddie surrounded immediately, moving to clutch his (or Eddie’s) shirt in both hands. Steve kept the kiss from becoming too dirty because he wanted to watch some movies but was content to make out for a few minutes longer. And God, did Eddie know how to make out with someone? It was wet and hot, sloppy than any other make-out he’d had with anyone else - but Steve loved it. He loved him. 
He felt that familiar bubbling in his stomach, the urge to lean back and spit it out - so instead, he pressed forward. He dug his tongue between Eddie’s lips as he liked and let him do it before. Eddie’s stubble scratched against his cheeks, and his shoulder started hurting a bit, but Steve didn’t ever want to move. 
Unfortunately, the choice was taken from him when Eddie pulled back, chuckling a bit when Steve tried to follow. “It seems my swindling worked,” he crowed quietly, pressing short but hard kisses against everything but Steve’s lips. 
Steve opened his eyes, staring right into Eddie’s endlessly dark eyes. They were crinkled, and it took everything in Steve not to melt into goo. Instead, he raised a brow. “You think you tricked me, Munson?”
Eddie guffawed a laugh, his chest bouncing underneath Steve’s. “Munson, huh? You brought me back down to last names, Harrington?”
Steve couldn’t handle being close to Eddie and not kissing anymore, so he mumbled, “You betcha, Munson,” before returning to the previously scheduled content. 
Steve could have spent the rest of his life kissing Eddie on this couch. Unfortunately for both of them, their young bodies couldn’t hold up in that position forever, and they were forced to move only a few minutes later. It was only then that Steve remembered the original purpose for Eddie coming over that night.
“Alright,” he said, pushing back from Eddie’s warmth. “I didn’t just invite you to make out.”
“You didn’t?” Eddie asked, pouting like it was terrible news. Steve just rolled his eyes (he swore, one day, they were going to get stuck like that). He kicked at Eddie’s leg that was being dragged teasingly up his own and stumbled over to the TV - unapologetically adjusting himself in his sweatpants. He ignored Eddie’s groan at the sight and busied himself with picking a movie.
“Which one do you want? Steve called back to him. 
“What do you got?” Eddie called back, too lazy to stand over and come over to see for himself.
Steve shuffled through the VHSs, cringing at the choices. They were all from when he was a kid when his parents loaded up on movies so he wouldn’t bother them. 
“Uh,” Steve started - trying to find some that wouldn’t be terrible to watch. “Superman 1 and 2, Jaws, Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory,” he listed them out, not thinking as he went from VHS to VHS.
“What the fuck, Stevie!” Eddie crackled behind him. “What’s with these movies?”
Steve felt the back of his neck go hot. “They’re all from when I was a kid, okay?”
“Wow, kid you had a shit taste.”
Steve laughed but covered it up with a cough, but not very successfully from Eddie’s crackle from behind him. “Do you want to help pick one, or are you just going to complain the whole time,” he glared mockingly at Eddie. 
When Eddie finally decided to wander over, they chose Monty Python and Holy Grail, which came with the least amount of ribbing from Eddie. 
Steve went into the kitchen to pop some popcorn and grab some beers while Eddie made a nest from the blanks and pillows. He did it whenever they were getting comfy, so Steve dragged down the softest blankets around the house. 
When Steve returned to the living room, he could see the mop of curly dark hair barely visible above the mound of blankets. Once more, that bubbly, giggly feeling rose in his chest. He felt almost bouncing as he made his way over to his boyfriend, setting down the food before moving to turn on the TV. When the opening music rang through the house, Steve jumped on the other cushion, watching as Eddie screeched at his tower of softness that fell off of him and over onto Steve’s lap. Ignoring Eddie’s protests, Steve gathered some to wrap around himself, curling up so his head rested on the couch's arm, his feet tangling with Eddie’s - who was doing the same.
Steve settled in, letting every lousy thing he carried with him flow out with every giggle Eddie tried to hide, and every time he crowed to the screen, definitely not trying to silence those. Steve dozed, letting the lights and sound of the television wash over him with the warmth of Eddie’s legs pressed against his own. He felt Eddie stroking his ankle, the chill of his rings against his sleep-warmed skin making Steve kick a bit. 
Finally, when the movie ended and the credits started to roll, Eddie rolled up to his feet. He left his hair in the crazy mess that it was, moving over to where Steve was still lying horizontal on the couch. Steve looked up at him through squinted eyes, barely able to see the curve of his lips in the dim lighting.
“Hey, let’s get you to bed,” Eddie told him, running his hands through his hair. Steve grumbled, wanting to stay in the warmth of the blankets, in Eddie’s heat. He must have told him that because Eddie’s smile faded, and a frown took his place. “Sorry, Stevie, I can’t tonight.”
Something cold rushed over him, goosebumps erupting all over his arms and the back of his neck. He pushed himself so he was sitting, dislodging Eddie’s hand. Eddie held his hand out for a second, debating where to set it, but just dropped it so it hung limply at his side. Steve smiled at him, letting his sleepy exterior hide the little tick in his heartbeat. 
“That’s okay,” he whispered, not wanting to ruin their created atmosphere. “Just get home safe, okay?” Steve leaned forward, pecking him on the cheek. 
Eddie’s expression smoothed out, the glint returning. “Of course, sweetheart.” He stood up, smacking a significant kiss against Steve’s hair with a mwah! Steve watched him stumble over to his shoes, jumping as he crammed them on his feet. He saluted Steve before falling through the door, out into the darkness and out of sight. 
Steve sat there for another minute or two or ten. He only stood up when the air conditioner kicked on, chilling the air. He thought momentarily about curling back in the blankets and falling asleep on the couch. But it looked unappetizing in the moonlight without anyone to warm it up. 
He flopped onto his bed, covers cool against his face, and he barely flipped up the blankets and got under them before the phone on his nightstand began to ring. Steve groaned, looking over to the clock. 
“Who’s calling at 1 a.m.?” he grumbled, grabbing the phone and resisting the urge to yell at whoever was on the other end. “Hello?” 
“Hey Stevie,” Eddie said, a smile apparent in his voice. Steve felt his shoulders relax; something cracked in his body smoothing at the sound of his voice. “Just wanted to let you know I got home okay.”
“Yeah,” Steve swallowed, “That’s good. Thanks.”
“And I had to say sorry about being unable to stay over,” Eddie continued. Steve fell, so he was on his back, cord stretching to lie comfortably. 
“It’s fine-” he tried to say, but Eddie interrupted.
“It’s just that Uncle Wayne needs my help in the trailer in the morning, fixing up the shower and whatnot.” 
“Oh,” Steve breathed. Whatever else that was displaced from Eddie’s disappearance was gone. “I understand.” He didn’t. He can’t remember the last time his dad asked for his help or the previous his mother wanted him home in the morning.
“Yeah, but I’ll see you soon - okay?” There was a thud and a curse. “Shit, I just slammed my elbow into the wall.”
Steve chuckled laughter loudly in such a silent room. “Of course you did.”
“Dick,” Eddie chuckled. “I’ll let you get some rest. Good night, Steve.”
“Good night, Eddie,” Steve said, and the phone went dead. Steve white-knuckled the handle, just looking up at the ceiling. He returned it on the receiver when the buzz grew too much and rolled over. Within moments, he was asleep. 
Next Part ->
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ladykailitha · 4 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 10
Hello! If you haven't seen it yet, I've got a set schedule for what story posts on what days now (as seen here) and this one as well as Icarus, Batshit Soulmates, and Never Hold Back Your Step... will still be posting just on rotation until I can finish some of my WIPs. (I may be stretching myself a bit thin having six going at the same time.)
In this chapter Steve gets a migraine dealing with his pack, Eddie and Wayne try to get a little deeper into the mystery of the town, and Robin has a big decision to make.
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
While things were getting better outside the pack, things weren’t going as well inside the pack.
Someone was riling up the older pack members to fight Steve on every decision.
“Joyce,” Steve growled warningly. “I won’t tell you again. I’m not taking Nancy as bondmate. Nor do you want me to. Not unless your son has broken up with her recently. So recently I don’t know about it.”
Joyce rolled her eyes. “Of course not. But in the history of this pack, the alpha female has always been bonded to to the alpha male. It’s tradition.”
“Which pack are we talking about?” Steve snarled. “The one where Hopper was alpha and didn’t notice two families being abused by their father because he was drunk off his ass all the time? Or are we talking about the one that threatened to rape and kill my mother for accidentally walking into compound as a mortal woman and was only saved by Wayne Munson passing by? Or the one where Clarence Harrington founded the pack back in the 1800s?”
Joyce took a step back in the face of his rage.
“Maybe it’s time to see traditions aren’t working out for the pack and to move forward,” Steve said baring his teeth.
She looked him square in the eye, daring him to make a move.
“Submit,” he snarled, using his alpha voice. “Or be banished for this lack of respect you have shown me since I became alpha.”
There had been pack members milling around when they started arguing and more had gathered.
They all gasped when Steve threatened banishment.
“Do. You. Submit?”
She gulped and lowered her head for the first time in his presence. She kept her eyes on the ground and murmured, “Yes, alpha.”
He turned to the gathered pack. “Anyone who doesn’t respect my authority as alpha is free to go, no judgment. But I will not stand for willful and flagrant disobedience just because the person is older than me. Do I make myself clear?”
The assembled all nodded, making noises of affirmation.
“Good,” he said and then waved his arm. “Now scram!”
They all fled including Joyce.
Jonathan came up to him after everyone else had gone.
“You going to question my authority, too?” Steve snapped, a migraine starting pulse behind his eyes.
The other boy shook his head. “Nah, man. I know you’re cool. It’s just hard on my mom because Hopper would still be alpha if he hadn’t been kidnapped and she doesn’t know what to do with you being alpha so young.”
Steve sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. “Yeah, it’s not normal, but we have to change if we are to survive. The world is moving fast. Faster than anything this pack has ever dealt with and if we don’t move with it, it will kill us.”
Jonathan nodded. “I’ll talk to her. See if I can’t get her to be at least not as antagonistic toward you. Because since you’ve become alpha things are really starting to change around here, for the better, too. She just needs to acknowledge that.”
Steve clapped Jonathan on the shoulder. “Thanks, man. Because you can get her to calm down...”
“Then Hop will do the same...” Jonathan continued.
“And hopefully Murray will follow after,” Steve finished. “And while that won’t miraculously fix all the packs problems...”
“It make it easier for to focus on the things that still need fixing.”
He nodded. “Right in one.”
Jonathan gave his shoulder a squeeze and then walked away.
Steve lay on his bed as Robin stroked his hair gently.
“All I’m saying is that a lot problems would be solved if you became pack,” Steve mumbled into her side.
His migraine had taken control of his body and he was in agony. No one was sure why things like headaches, period cramps, and cancer were immune to the werewolf’s ability to super heal, but it really sucked that there were.
“And a whole lot more problems that would crop up if I did,” she reminded him.
He sighed deeply. At the moment he didn’t care about the problems, only the solutions and he told her so.
Robin sighed. “I want to. But I don’t want to alienate my family if I do, you know?”
Steve struggled to sit up. Robin protested his moving but was helpless to stop the much stronger alpha.
He tucked his knees under him and took her hands gently in hers. “This decision is only one you can make. But believe me when I say you have to make it for you. Not me, not your parents or friends. Not even that pretty siren girl you like. You. What do you want to do?”
Robin hung her head. “Can I think about it?”
He squeezed her hands. “Of course you can. I can’t do anything until you’re eighteen anyway and that’s a few months away. But I want you to make a choice that’s best for you.”
She nodded. “Yeah. Okay.”
It wasn’t like Gareth straight up laughed in Eddie’s face when he asked about moon days. But it was a near thing.
“I’m a gwyllgi,” he said. He pronounced it like g-with-gee. “It’s like the English Black Dogs, only cooler. I can transform at anytime or place, but my family tends to be groundskeepers for cemeteries and graveyards.”
He shook his head. “All these years playing together in a band and you never knew I was a supe.”
Jeff scoffed. “In all fairness, he was the only human for a number of those years.”
“That’s true,” Brian agreed, “and it’s not like gwyllgi have a scent to them the way werewolves do. Cut him some slack.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side as he scented the air. “I don’t think that’s quite true.”
The three other boys stood stock still as Jeff and Brian sniffed.
Jeff looked to Eddie. “Is that the smell of freshly overturned soil?”
Brian sniffed a little longer. “A bit of death, too.”
Gareth grinned, jumping up and down. “I was wondering when you guys were going to figure it out.”
They all turned to him and cocked their heads.
“Graveyards. You smell like a graveyard!” Brian said. “That’s I was having trouble placing it. Sirens bury their dead at sea.”
Gareth shuddered. “Sirens are weird.”
“How are you friends with two vampires?” Eddie asked. “Aren’t gwyllgi supposed to protect graveyards from entities like Jeff and me?”
Gareth tilted his head to the side and Eddie was struck by how dog-like his friend was.
He shrugged. “My parents vetted all of you before I was allowed to hang out with you guys. If my parents think you guys are cool, what the fuck do I care what you eat?”
Jeff and Eddie looked at each other and huffed out a laugh.
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie said ruffling Gareth’s hair. “Will you take notes during the next moon day and find out what they are teaching kids these days? Because Steve is really worried. Crosses and werewolves have never been a thing.”
Gareth nodded solemnly. “Yeah, even my parents are worried about what that might mean for the gwyllgi. They might decide we’re werewolves and come after us next.”
Eddie winced. That was a real possibility that he really didn’t want to think of right then. But he filed the thought away to talk to Wayne and Steve about later.
“What about you, Bri?” Jeff asked. “You hear anything in your neck of the woods?”
Brian shrugged. “People don’t like being friends with sirens so we tend to be shunned when they know what we are. It’s why I didn’t tell you guys for years.”
“It’s only when you sing though, right?” Eddie asked. “The compelling people to do shit, right?”
Brian shrugged again, fiddling with the tuning pegs on his base. “All sorts of rules to, too. But they don’t care. They think just talking to me will force them to do stuff.”
Eddie frowned. He knew he was new to the supernatural world being a bitten vampire, but there was so much bullshit that he wasn’t sure he could navigate through all of it.
“Well, siren or no,” he said fiercely. “You’re our friend and if anyone gives you hell, just point them me and Jeffey’s direction.”
Brian nodded still looking at the floor. All three other boys came over and hugged him.
“Thanks, guys.”
Wayne watched as Jason and Patrick toiled in the midday sun. The work was hard and more than a little tedious, but if they were working, they didn’t have the energy to cause trouble.
Patrick was already starting to shift his beliefs just from talking to Wayne and listening to his stories about fighting for the Union in the Civil War, about this town’s heritage.
Jason, he knew was going to be a tougher nut to crack. Jason was far too used to being spoiled and given everything he wanted when he wanted it to bend to Wayne’s will easily.
But Wayne had his ways and the first thing he needed to do was earn the boy’s trust.
“Did they kick you two off the team?” he rumbled.
Both boys looked up at him and then each other. They stopped what they were doing and leaned on their shovels.
Patrick snorted disdainfully. “They probably should have, but that would have meant removing their entire starting line and Principal Higgins wasn’t about to do that.”
“I got removed from being captain, though,” Jason said bitterly. He kicked at clod of dirt viciously with his foot to show his frustration.
“Who’s the new captain?” Wayne asked gently.
“Dirk Garroway,” Patrick said, glancing over at Jason. “He’s the younger brother of a former member of the team. A lot of the team isn’t happy about it.”
“That’s because he’s afraid of his own fucking shadow,” Jason sneered.
Patrick hid his wince well from Jason, but Wayne noticed nonetheless. “He’s always playing it safe. He doesn’t take risks. Which is great if you want a middle of the road team, but not one that’s going to win championships.”
“That’s certainly true,” Wayne said warmly. “Tell me what happened in the most recent game.”
Jason sneered. “Why would you care?”
Patrick looked panicked. He didn’t want to antagonize Wayne and was always afraid that if Jason mouthed off then Patrick would get the blow back.
“I’ve seen the rise of many a sport here in this country,” Wayne said with a smile. “But basketball and baseball are my favorites.”
That brought Jason up short. He straightened his spine and looked at Wayne with interest. “So you seen all the greats?”
Gotcha! Wayne thought with a grin.
“Sure have seen quite a few of them at any rate,” Wayne said sagely. “Who are your favorites?”
Jason launched into his inspirations and what his aspirations had been before he made the stupidest mistake of his life.
Wayne looked over at Patrick and winked. The other boy blushed, but was starting to finally relax.
It would take some time, but it was now only a matter of how long before Wayne got his answers on why they thought killing the Harrington Pack alpha would solve this town’s woes.
Because Steve was right.
There was something rotten in this town just below the surface. Below what he could see.
And wasn’t that just a terrifying thought.
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @bookbinderbitch @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @tinyplanet95 @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @goosesister @she-collects-smut @irregular-child @y4r3luv
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prismatoxic · 2 months
chilchuck tierlist of babysitting fentripp, people who he absolutely knows he can count to not kill his child and people who he knows will end up doing something wrong (even if by accident)
the original post about my chilaios fankid, fentripp, for anyone who didn't see it
anyone who isn't here hasn't offered or chilchuck hasn't considered. however i can be persuaded to add more entries with compelling arguments for them
Kabru - follows the rules to the letter. will have fen fed, bathed, taught, played with, and asleep by all the exact right times. if anything diverges from the plan, it's because fen is a goblin, not because kabru did anything wrong. fen likes when kabru reads to him, he does funny voices.
Senshi - follows his own ideas of what's best, but shockingly good at it nonetheless. very careful, and considerate, and makes sure he knows where fen is at all times. fen likes him a lot and they always have a really good time together.
Meijack - doesn't want kids of her own, but is pretty good with them anyway, and she's extremely protective of her little brother. knows exactly what chilchuck expects, and also has a pretty good sense of what he'd approve of when instructions are unclear. strikes a perfect balance of making fen have so much fun that he doesn't realize no mischief is actually being caused.
Laios - tends to stray off the beaten path a little, but will always defer to his husband so he's never gonna get too wild with it. he also loves fen more than life itself and won't intentionally put him in any manner of harm's way, no matter what. maybe doesn't count as a babysitter since he's literally fen's other dad, but as far as chilchuck is concerned, anyone outside of himself is a risk if he's not also there, so.
Falin - fen is obsessed with her, and the feeling is more or less mutual. she loves him so, so much. but... she's also maybe not chilchuck's ideal as far as babysitting goes, because she's extremely susceptible to the puppy eyes. can drop down to d tier for a few weeks if fen manages to lead her on some batshit adventure, but generally speaking, chilchuck trusts her.
Yaad - similar to kabru in his ability to follow chilchuck's guidelines to a T, and fen does seem to like him, but he's not always fully prepared for what caring for a young child entails. still, he's a decent enough choice, if he's available.
Dandan - weirdly good at this. chilchuck left the guild to him for a reason--dandan's got a good head on his shoulders, something that's only become more true over time--but "babysitting" wasn't a skill chilchuck anticipated him having. he might shirk responsibility from time to time, but in a "alright, you can stay up an extra hour" way, not a neglectful way.
Marcille - fen is safe with her, and she'll do her best (and so very badly wants to be the best aunt ever), but she tends to overthink things and can get distracted easily. also, the older he gets, the angrier fen gets if she mentions magic, because he thinks elves are abusing the spirits. (she tries to default to gnome magic around him but he still side-eyes her for a while. don't worry, they bond properly when he's more self-sufficient.)
Namari - a little nervous about caring for a kid by herself, but she's actually really fond of fen. she does most things right, and chilchuck's not necessarily ideologically opposed to her teaching his son dwarfish swear words, but she's more interested in having fun than being a guardian so she's not the perfect choice.
Flertom - perfectly decent, most of the time. loves getting to care for a child (desperately wants her own someday). can get a little sidetracked playing pretend-mom, though, and doesn't always have the best ideas for what to do, which doesn't always end well.
Puckpatti - way too scatterbrained for this job, and also way too eager to goof off in whatever way fen indicates he thinks would be fun. she's alright with her sisters since they tend to override her poor decisions and keep her on track, but by herself, she's a last resort.
Izutsumi - basically an older sister to fen, but this is rarely a good thing. he loves her and they have great fun together, but leaving them alone is a recipe for disaster, and even kabru's had to step in and shut the idea down officially. "don't put me in a position where i have to explain how a cat and a toddler burned down an entire castle wing."
Shuro - not good with kids. actively kind of scared of this one in particular. will agree if asked, but that's because he's bad at saying no, and chilchuck doesn't intend to ask. (and laios needs to stop thinking it'll work out for anyone.)
Mickbell (& Kuro) - only offered to be a nuisance, or at least that's what chilchuck assumes. kuro might be able to handle it on his own in a pinch, maybe, but there's no point trying to peel him and mickbell apart when there are so many better options.
Mithrun - with kabru? passable. by himself? absolutely the fuck not.
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graylinesspam · 11 months
My favorite Cody&Ahsoka dynamic is when Cody genuinely likes Ahsoka and fucking hates Anakin.
I love the idea of Marshall Commander Cody having to suffer through the long year of the clone wars that Anakin was still a padawan under General Kenobi. Having to deal with Anakin's insaburdinate over dramatic ass every force forsaken day.
Never able to have a single one of his meticulously coordinated plans actually get executed properly because inevitably Skywalker would fuck it up by doing what ever the hell he wants to do. And not even bother to let anyone else know when he was doing it.
And Cody is so damn relieved when he's promoted and finally out if the 212th. But he's still not quite gone because he's always freaking there. With the 501st, still getting in the way.
But when Ahsoka shows up. Not only is she actually intelligent, but she's 1000% down with conspiring to undermine her master. And after way too long dealing with Skywalker's "Tactics" Cody finally has some direct sway within the 501st. Bc he has an inside man.
Anakin walks out if a mission debrief after spewing the most batshit nonsense that Cody has ever heard in his short (but getting longer every fucking day) life. And Cody turns to Ahsoka who's already grinning at him like a lothcat about to knock a glass off the counter.
"So what are we actually doing?"
Then Cody gets to pull up his proper holodiagrams and coordinate at least her half of the mission and Ahsoka's just stoked that someone is actually taking the time to sit down and teach her actually military tactical movements. The kind that the clones have studied for years.
And anytime Anakin bitches about them not following the plan Ahsoka hits him with his own lines. "Well made plans rarely last past first contact, Master." or "I followed the plan. Up until the circumstances changed." or "We needed a more aggressive touch."
The same passive-aggressive smug bullshit Cody had to put up with during Anakin's exceedingly long year as a commander.
And by the end of the war Ahsoka has a bonkers mix of studiously acquired historical military education, and the half-outlined manic planning patterns of Anakin Skywalker. Which is why she's basically untouchable in all combat scenarios.
Because no matter how much you know about militant tactics she probably knows more. And if she doesn't she will just say fuck it and resort to some Skywalker bullshit.
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luis-block · 1 year
Can I get fem hellhound reader snuggling with the mob au members!!
I loved the last story!!
Thank you! And I did make the reader more neutral in looks and gender, but it could be for anyone/ any oc's. My ask box are also open! I would love to do more Welcome Home asks
Warnings: None
Mob Au Welcome Home Gang Cuddle HC's
Wally Darling
Once you start cuddling him, you got to wait for him to be done cuddling you. He’s very possessive when in a relationship with you but is happy to cuddle wherever you want. So you get to cuddle softly on his lap with your head on his shoulder as he lounges in the bar, ordering hits on people. Or maybe your both laying in bed, with his head on your chest as twilight comes and goes. “Your mine forever~” and “I will love you, even if you don’t love me.” Will be whispered in the night to you, whether it warms or chills your heart is up for you to decide.
Barnaby b Beagle
Even with his brash and crude personality, is still soft to the thought of cuddling you. Sharing a chair as you sit into his warm side with his arm over you, the feeling of laughs from crude jokes and cigar jokes are a common occurrence. The smell of scotch and your perfume mix when you cuddle on his shoulder as he carries you around in his one arm so you don’t need to keep up with his walking pace. An inappropriate joke usually happens before an ask to cuddle, so it can be seen as an apology to you, but you know he just is embarrassed to ask outright.
Poppy Partridge
When not healing or cooking, she’s got some time on her hands. So an after-breakfast cuddle in back bed is always her favorite after everyone goes on about their days. Helping her preen her feathers as she lays her head on your lap as you two watch T.V. is a Saturday Night ritual at this point. She worries that she is ‘boring’ to you compared to the colleagues, but her stability and constant presence is unbeatable by anyone else in the gang.
Eddie Dear
Likes to take up the couch in the living room and have his arm over you, snoring away like a freight train and holding you close. Will sometimes forget you two have cuddled earlier and will insist for more cuddles. Currently not the worst thing ever, as it makes him happier every time. Though you worry about him memory as it gets worse, you let him drape himself over you as you lay in bed all the same.
Howdy Pillar
Will be ok with or without cuddling, its just in his nature. But if you ask, he will cuddle you for a time. Four strong arms engulf you as your eyes close for a nap, you feel him relax but don’t bring up the drop in guard. When winter comes he is much more fluffy, and laying on one of his arms as he does something else give you warmth when your cold. He will relax more as time goes on, but you will always be the one to initiate.
Julie Joyful
Will come and cuddle you at the oddest times, middle of dinner and out after a hit in the middle of a park are the weirdest so far. She will have an arm around you in bed, explaining chemical reactions and how she’s going to use them for her next hits. Ya she might smell of a lab on a good day, but her back scratches are award winning.
Sally Starlet
Will go batshit for cuddles, I am not joking. At the bar, sitting in one of the lounge chairs with her legs over yours while she vividly tells a story about latest hit as she lays her head next to yours on the chair. Or laying on a bench on the park at 2 am looking at the stars, whispers of love and insane ideas of weddings are shared between you two with giggles.
Frank Frankly
Reading out loud with your head on his lap as you smile up at him always makes his heart melt. Talks of college majors and fields of study are always a favorite topic for you two in the middle of the night. It reminds him of when he wasn’t in the gang when he sees you sleep with your arms around him, it hurts and makes his heart happy at the same time. But his care for you will make his ‘plans’ involve you leaving with him.
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karmawonders · 2 years
Congrats on 800 followers!!!
Ever since I learned about SAGAU, I have been nervous to play music (idk why though??) But I listen to people like Cupcakke and Ayesha and now I'm wondering what the acolytes' reactions would be to the creator playing weird music ^^
🌸Thank you, thank you!🌸
Ahh, I do enjoy myself some good Cupcakke and Ayesha. I got both of em on my playlist, haha! I listen to some pretty out there music as well, if hyper-pop counts as weird. Who knows~ Anyway somehow this became Consort!Diluc and I apologize, my brain went running with this ask and it became.. this.
Warnings: Sexual Content. Cult and Self Aware AU. Somewhat Yandere.
Contents: This could be considered a crackpost at some points. Includes the song squidwards nose / commentary from because I bop to it, aight? . There is mention of "holy dildo." Forgive me i thought it was funny. Diluc is completely devoted to you(he wants to be your consort) and is suddenly worried about his dick size. Not beta read we die like rex-lapis.
I imagine it would be a normal day like any other in Mondstadt. The city is bustling, Flora giving people cute little flower crowns to promote her flower shop, bards singing about various topics and styles, Knights of Favonius helping people find lost cats, etc etc.
In the middle of the town square, stands your current puppets (thats what I call the"vessles" in my au) , in this case the traveller. I imagine depending on the emotional connection/friendship level you have to each of your puppets, people can sometimes hear you through them. Like a walking speaker or smth.
Since the twins don't got a friendship level, its just the equivalent of maxed out. They're crafting up some condensed resin for you, since you were AFK and they knew you were going to do so anyway. They were doing their best to ignore the loud music that they are emitting whilst doing so, Timaeus and others looking at them with wide eyes.
It isn't often your non-puppets hear obvious signs of the creator themselves, ya know! Literally everyone likes listening to you, whether it's Lofi music, rock, pop, or your voice itself!
Whenever they hear your voice from one of your more connected puppets, everyone is just filled with bubbles of happiness and excitement. Like! yay! I am directly in the High Gods presence! Sorta! Not really but its stilly exciting!
This time though, its a bit more of a "Ayo what the fuck?" sort of feeling instead of the usual.
Loudly blaring from their beings, was Cupcakke, and the iconic song "Squidward Nose".
Jean? Red faced, making sure no children are in the area, hands covering her face as she does her best, and fails, to think on who "dora the explorer" is, instead thinking about her god wanting a dick apparently as large as "squidwards nose". She has the church and the sisters notate this in a book. Might be some form of holy dildo or something, who knows.
Lisa is laughing her ass off the entire time, patting her on the back as she helps annotate notable things in the song with a few of the sisters from the Cathedral. Gotta keep their holy bible updated, afterall. She is tempted to write a new thesis for the scholars at Sumeru just for kicks and giggles about how their High God could potentially be more human than formerly assumed. She has a great new evidence, after all~ then again, the scholars at Sumeru are batshit crazy, so many not.
Venti is right at the travellers side, committing the song to his memory the best he can. Definitely getting in the way of them actually crafting the Resin, much to the twin's annoyance. He is always at whoevers side when you are playing any type of music, the music is completely new to him after all. You can bet he will be doing his best to sing the song at any late night tavern performances, even if he isn't getting all the references outside the obvious sexual stuff. Its an instant hit at Angels share, not just because Venti is singing it, but because the High God apparently likes the song as well. Also because its a great song.
Speaking of Angels Share, Diluc's face, is obviously, also as red as tomato when he hears Venti reciting the song later. He enjoys very much being a puppet, and he is definitely incredibly devoted to the High God. (aka you). He has to be devoted if he wants to fully commit himself to you, and possibly be your consort if you come down to Teyvat one day! This entire situation is completely uncouth, much to his dismay. He thinks its ruining your image before he realizes it is simply expanding it. Also, he is very upset. He is packing down there, definitely. But now he is self conscious because what if squidwards nose is better? He should honestly really kick out Venti, even is he is an Archon. Its getting in the way of his business.
Kaeya and Rosaria know about Diluc's somewhat obsessive worship and desire to be your consort, and they also know exactly why thats he is so red faced and upset and Venti's song. And because they absolutely enjoy it, they keep on giving Venti bottles of alcohol for encores of the song. And more, and more. Until Diluc has to excuse himself and leave. They are laughing the entire fuckin time. They always enjoy listening to your music whenever its playing, and they definitely agree that you should play similar songs more often. Its incredibly amusing.
Anywho's, that was fun to write! I do not know why Diluc was on the mind, but to be honest, I simp for the man highkey soooo-
Hope that was all alright for you dear Anon, and I hope you have a good day!
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Sister's boyfriend (part 2 smut) (Tate Langdon x Harmon fem reader)
Summary: after that day you met tate you became good friends but that all changes
Warnings: p in v sex, oral(m receiving), cheating.
Tags: @demxnicprxncess
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•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
After that day you had met tate everything changed in your life, your mom was now pregnant with twins locked up in a mental institution, your dad constantly having cops at the door or the batshit crazy girl he knocked up constantly appears out of thin air, violet was depressed with god knows what.
As for you well you were on your own if tate wasn't there, he comforted you when no one else had, you were thankful for that, tate was hanging out with you more since violet wouldn't even speak to him. You didn't know why neither did tate.
So you comforted him through his heartache caused by your sister, and he comforted you through yours caused by your whole family, "tate I'm sick of them they wouldn't even care if I'm dead no one will" you sobbed your legs tucked into your chest covered by your baggy jeans, tate sat next to you rubbing your back.
"I'll care y/n" tate said honestly, you shook your head in disbelief, "no you won't tate" you sobbed harder you knew about the house putting everything together when you observed everything going on, you were practically a ghost in this house.
"Yes I will look I know that I'm with, I don't know what's happening between me and violet but us y/n I know this I have strong feelings for you probably stronger than violet" tate admitted his hand never leaving your back, you were shocked to say the least, "tate we can't your with violet you love her" you said wiping the remaining tears from your eyes.
"But I think I love you more" tate said stealing your lips with his own, engulfing you in a heated makeout session,his firm grip on your waist pulling you closer, your hand on his cheek stroking your thumb along his cheekbone.
You softly moan into the kiss, Tate's body pushing you down on the mattress, "wait" you gasped for air, now realising what you were doing, "what?" Tate asked breathlessly, "we can't tate you know we can't" you said now the guilt taking over your body, with the feelings of electricity as tate kissed along your jaw.
"Why not?" Tate whispered into your eyes sending shivers down your spine, "because tate your with my sister" you sighed as he sucked on your neck your mind at war part of you was saying don't do it, that it was wrong, how could you to your sister. But that other part was screaming DO it be selfish and keep this going.
"She doesn't have to know" tate smiled pecking your lips, his hand grabbing your skin making you grow hotter, "tate just let me think about it first" You whimperd breathlessly, "Okay" tate said getting off you. You both sat awkwardly momentarily "I'm sorry" tate spoke up his eyes fixed on his shoes.
"I'm sorry tate it's not you it's violet she's my sister I couldn't do that to her even if I really wanted to" you sighed fiddling with the rips on your jeans.
"You really wanted to do it?" Tate asked, a glint of joy in his eyes, tate always thought you were far too pretty for him even if he was dating your sister, "I mean yes I did- I do It's just argh" you groaned, only for tate to kiss your lips again.
Making you melt in his touch, you saw why violet liked him, pulling away from the kiss ever so slightly, "promise you won't say anything" you whispered againt his lips, "cross my heart" he smiled pulling you back onto his lips.
This time you got on top of Tate, you hips started to grind on his clothed crotch earning a low groan from the boy under you, "fuck" he hissed desperately, his hands removing your 'oasis' t-shirt.
Leaving you in your black lace bralette, "god your so beautiful" tate groaned his hips bucking up as yours grinded against him, you began removing his sweater, discarding it on the floor, your lips marking his neck, and jaw, soft whimpers escaping his lips, you both knew this was wrong but none of you cared right now.
Tate's cold hands grabbing the flesh on your ass squeezing it leaving fingernail prints on the skin, you groaned in satisfaction before getting off tates lap, discarding the remainder of the fabric covering your body, tate watched closely with doe eyes mesmerised by you, how beautiful you were.
"Enjoying the show" you teased slipping your black lace panties down your legs, "very much so" tate gulped removing his pants along with his boxers, your body going back to straddle his, your lips attacking his neck, your hand tugging his blonde hair making tate groan in approval.
Your kisses began trailing down his collarbone, chest, stomach, till you were faced infront his throbbing erection, despite for you, "please baby" tate sighed as you took his cock in your hand, your thumb swiping the precum off the tip, and in to your mouth exiting with a pop and a low moan, tate almost came at the sight of you but tried to keep himself together.
Pumping his cock in your hand, Tate's lips letting out moans and groans of approval but he needed more, and as if you read his mind, you parted your lips sticking your cough drop coloured tongue along his shaft licking upwards, "fuck" tate groaned as you began taking him in your mouth.
His hips bucking into your mouth as you began to pick up the pace hearing praises from tate, "fuck that's it keep going baby" he whimperd feeling himself twitch inside your pretty mouth
You hallowed your cheeks more bobbing your head faster, getting tate closer to his climax, "shit fuck" he moaned ropes of cum spilling into your mouth, as you milked every drop, till there was no more.
Pulling away from him tate breathless, but still wanting more of you, you straddled him again, his hand on your waist holding you, his other hand pulling your body back down for a kiss.
Your tongues dancing with one another, as your hand held his erection lining himself up with your entrance, before slotting down on him, you both moaned into the kiss, his cock stretched you out perfectly, eagerly taking him in, you both stayed like that for a few minutes both making out.
You began to move your body on his, bouncing slowly on his cock, "you feel so good" tate groaned you let out a string of moans, tates hips meeting yours, his cold hands on your ass grabbing the skin, giving it a few smacks.
"You like that?" He smirked his hand collided with the flesh of your ass again making you moan louder, "yes" you sighed bouncing faster on his lap, you felt close to your climax you walls fluttering around tate.
"I'm close" you sighed your legs barley able to hold yourself up, tate pushed you down so you were chest to chest his hips now doing the work, "your pussy feels so good" tate groaned, that feeling of release washing over you like a tsunami, the overwhelming feeling taking over you.
"Shit" tate groaned spilling his release into you, you both laid there breathlessly you got off tate laying next to him "that was fuck" you giggled, "bad?" Tate grimaced thinking you hated it, you looked at him playfully "on the contrary" you said.
Tate pulled your body close to his, "tate?: you mumbled now released what you did, "yeah" his voice deepend with tiredness, "what if she finds out" you ask a stray tear slipping out our eye, "I don't know y/n" tate sighed.
You were remorseful of your selfish actions didn't mean you regretted it because you didn't just, wished your were his and he yours.
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gettinshiggywithit · 5 months
Hiii I'd like to say congrats on 300 followers! Since you started an event I thought I'd take part, may I request the Genderbent prompt/AU with Nikolai? Fem!reader is preferred but you can do GN if you want, have a lovely day ✨
𝔸 𝔽𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕆𝕗 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖
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Summary: Summary: your girlfriend’s hilarious but also scarily dangerous,but she loves you and that’s all you could ever ask for..right?
Pairing: Nikolai x Fem!Reader [genderbent AU]
Genre: fluff-y?
Event MasterList
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Hmm what would a relationship with Ms nikolai gogol be like? lets see!
Honestly she’s just fun,like REALLY fun
Like she can read you like a book but you can’t read her??? (she likes to keep you on your toes)
Can be the most understanding and accepting person you’ve ever met and honestly under her entire ‘fun’ personality,she’s actually really deep and can empathise with you on a lot of stuff.(but if she catches herself she might just brush it off like its nothing and go back to her usual facade)
Does she trust you? Not totally.
Would she feel hurt if you didn’t trust her? Kinda.
Why? Because while she cant guarantee that she’ll be able to tell you everything,she still loves you and the feeling that you doubt that kinda hurts.but she also knows its fair…
Sometimes she’ll get into bed after you’ve already gone to sleep and she’ll just stay there lookin down at you,gives you a little kiss on the forehead too
Gags a little when she catches herself doing that…(WHAT ARE THESE FEELINGS????NOTHING SHOULD HAVE THIS TYPE OF HOLD ON HER!)
But when she realizes you cant see it,she just decides to go ahead.it doesn’t matter as long as you cant hold her to her actions right?
Despite this,is also very outwardly affectionate with you?
Like she sees a guy,or girl?, lookin at you and she immediately kisses your hand,or,depending on the situation,she just kisses you~
Honestly? A good kisser~(ofc what else would we expect~)
Random couple-y things with her would include painting your nails and doing eachother’s  hair.
Is actually great at doin a plethora of hairstyles,like she has hairstylist-level technique and knowledge.
Girl talk is the best cos she honestly has almost no filter and has so much teaaaaa
Also is very open to like any conversation.she doesn’t let anything limit her in anyway(but hopefully she’ll let her love for you have its hold on her?)
Can be batshit when need be. have an ex who continuously bothers you? “LETS GO WRECK THEIR RIDE BABE!”
Oh and if youre ever bein harassed? She can act crazy enough for the guy/s to want to leave you two alone.you both laugh abt it later and it’s another funny story for her to tell her fedya about.
She Is honestly just a little possessive. Like the classic explanation of ‘you cant hold me down if youre mine!’ but she also cant say no to you…
If you ever end up in trouble because of her work?the entire DOA is comin to the rescue!(its actually just fedya and sigma BUT THAT’S ENOUGH!)
I think she’d try as hard as she could to keep the more unsavoury parts of her job (which is kinda most of it…) away from you. She’s not opposed to showing you,but she’d rather you didn’t have to witness those things…
Feeling sad? She’s by your side with booze,tissues,magic tricks and whatever you need. Even if its just an ear to listen,she’s there for you.because you’re always there for her,and she feels like it’s the least that she could do.
Over time,she learns that she can he totally herself with you.its still a very weird feeling,but its also just a little liberating?
But again,when she feels like she’s getting too comfortable,she basically recoils back in again.
And the fact that you’re willing to wait for her and put up with her continuously fluctuating moods and temperament really does mean a lot.
If you ever have long hair or even slights long hair, and you cut it? She’ll ask for a few strands to  braid into hers….does she hate how it feels like she’s binding herself to you? Yes.does she tell herself its her choice and she can choose to take it off or even leave you if she wants? Yes. Would she? Who knows….
The physical representation of the,  “I made a bracelet for you” “ew I don’t want it” “oh its okay you don’t have to wear it-” “no shut up im never taking it off” meme.
Ngl,Fyodor worries that sometimes she’s in too deep…but knows that she’ll ultimately do the right thing.
But what is the right thing? You ? or the DOA?
No one really knows.
But hey! Isn’t that part of the fun?!!
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Tag list(open):- @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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entername322 · 6 months
Polls for next series schedule
Yo, yo, yo, like the title said, I have a few series in mind. As you may have notice, I have a thing for yanderes, so most of the series I write will be themed around that. Most, not all. This polls will be used to help me plan the schedule for the future, that means all the series I put down here will all be written, so just pick which one you want to see first.
Minji (New Jeans): Your father has recently been married to a single mother, which means you just got a new siblings, that is Minji. A meek and shy girl who have trouble talking to people. As her new brother you want to help her out. It all started with a little tuttoring session, then slowy she got comfortable with you. The lines of family starts to blur as the two of you start to fall for each other. Less yandere, more of taboo-ish relatonship.
Momo (Twice): Momo had everything she ever wanted in her life, a loving parents, annoying yet lovable sister, a little happy family. Then they all crash and burn, literally, a car crash cause her to lose her life and got sent to an orphanage. While dealing with this trauma she found you, a fellow orphan, your cheerful and careless attitude slowly convince her everything will be okay. She lost her family, but she found you, and goddamn she won't let you be taken away. Not much yandere, more possessive and jealous type.
Eunbi (Izone): Fuck school, you are too cool for it. Spending your life away by skipping school, getting into fights, drinking, smoking, life doesn't seems that bright for you. From all the above, there's one thing you love more, fucking. Which is why you went to a certain site where you can find people and just hook up here and there. You never expected to find your uptight and pretentious principle there. What an opportunity of a life time, you can't just let this go to waste. Corruption and yandere, (Sub Eunbi, Best Eunbi)
Sana (Twice): A popular and widely liked Sana, an outcast loner you, the two colides as a group project forced you two to be together. Sana always like people, and more than anything, she likes to break people heart. But you, oh god, you are different. A divine punishment for all the boys she has broken before, you have her tied around your finger without noticing. Unfortunately, Sana find you to be a hidden gem, that will stays hidden from the world. Heavy stuff, violence, an absolute batshit yandere
Chaewon (Izone, Le Sserafim): Chaewon is your bestfriend, sometimes you wished you are more than that. Seeing her getting into a toxic relationship you can only watch as her heart is being broken again and again. One day you just can't hold it in, you snap, confessing your love and your disdain towards her boyfriend. Then things just fell apart, you were hurt, but accept that sometimes, life is just cruel. As you made peace with your feelings towards her and moved on with your life, Chaewon snapped, she can't take it anymore. She needs someone to ease the pain, she needs you. But you are long gone, well, for now. She will find you, and when she did the peace you've made will be broken. Angst, mental abuse, light yandere. (I know she has a group now but she will alwasy be fuckin Izone first in my heart okay)
WC- Karina & Winter (Aespa): Your travel to Korea was supposed to be a short trip, well around 6 month at most. Just a little trip with your friend while looking out for him as he starts his business here. Things happens and you might have to stay a little longer. Deciding that you won't spend your day babysiting his ass you went to find a job to fill your time. A bodyguard for SM's newest girl group. The thing is, shit hits the fan, both Karina and Winter suddenly had a crush on you. On top of that, they are dating one another. Well, your time will be filled alright. Possesive, not much dark tones here. (This is a Wild Card, I don't want to write another three way couple one after another. So deciding to not risk this by putting it on the poll with a chance of this winning first place, I will write this when I feel like it. I will put this series somewhere in between all the series above)
Anyway, I need to go AFK blyat, got some college assignment to finish up. Vote, and look forward to the series. Till then feel free to send ask, especially pictures okay, i need all the pictures or gifs from all the girls i mentioned above. See ya.
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
trauma dump some more bestie expose that failure!!!!!!!
also this is me asking if u got my other asks
REALLL again, sorry carlos girlies i really am pretty down bad for the man, u know, but he's just so red flag ridden I'm sorry girls I'm sorry
guys blink once my way literally just once if you want me to release the screenshots LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you stare into the mirror, lip gloss wand in your hand as you make one last swipe on your bottom lip. you press your lips together to incorporate the liquid together. "are you ready?" your roommate asks as she passes your room, tapping her hand against your door to get your attention. "we're going to be late for the birthday party." "yeah, let me drop them a text to let them know we're going to be late," you call out to her. you balance yourself on one leg as you extend your hand to grab your phone lying quietly in your closet. you tilt your head when you open your messaging app, an unexpected notification makes you forget your original task. carlos has seemingly sent you a text message. which is odd, because the phone call had gone sort of alright. and you have not spoken to him since. i have evaluated what you said and felt that you might have blown everything out of proportion, and it is in fact unfair to me because i feel you lack communication skills to resolve issues within a relationship. no relationship will ever last long-term for you. due to your own selfishness to run away from your own problems of vulnerability, and hurt others, unless you recover and lean towards a more secure attachment. if my assumptions are true, you're a girl with low self esteem and you tend to believe that people will always leave you and that you have abandonment issues. don't you see that your incapacity in voicing you wants/dissatisfaction are hurting yourself and your partners? i am a self assured guy and i'm sorry but i don't think i'll ever want anything romantic with you anymore. read the article i linked because i don't think you will ever be ready for a long term relationship, until you seek therapy. i will still be here as a friend if you need help. you tilt your head and press your lips together. you quickly type a response, after reading the message he has sent you. i don't have a fearful avoidant attachment style or anything, i just don't want to be in a relationship that's cute, thinking i've got low self esteem issues. if you can't handle getting dumped, that's on you. not me. if you had gotten all of this from me simply pulling away because i refuse to lead you on and hurt your from things i have yet to internally process, i don't know what to tell you. just end this here. move past this entire ordeal. lose my number, if you need to. because i don't see the need to be friends either if that's what you think of me. you giggle and walk out of your bedroom. you find your roommate sitting comfortably on the couch, waiting for you. "catch. look at what i just received while we were getting ready." your roommate catches the phone with ease, shooting you a stare of confusion before she reads what's on the screen. a squeal passes her lips. "has this guy gone batshit crazy?"
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scaly-freaks · 16 days
If you had to write a sequel after TGOWARL with amaras son as the main character, how would you go on abt it? Who would be his love interest, how would his relationship with his parents look like, would you even keep amara and aegon alive or would you do something tragic abt them, and most importantly: WOULD HE BE A HOT VAMPIRE?!
Took me an embarrassing few seconds to figure out what TGOWARL was *-*
Tbh I wouldn't write a sequel as it would basically be an OC novel so I just don't feel the point of writing that in the ASOIAF verse. Not against discussing it though.
But also hmmmm...so in Burning Jasmine, Valerion was one of the most batshit Targaryens possible. The only way he could be more batshit in this version is if he was preying on his own sister, which Jaehaerys already will grow up to do. There are plot points I can't betray currently, so the relationship with his parents can't be fully unfurled, however, he isn't Aegon's favourite by any means, I will say that. He reminds Aegon of Aemond, but he also comes off more "Uller" than Targaryen because of the black hair (which does have a white mallen streak).
Amara's parental situation..........is not as perfect as it seems, which will be explored in the next chapter, and it's kind of the reason why she herself isn't the best parent in this fic as compared to Burning Jasmine. She gets overwhelmed easily, or becomes "friends" with her kids which isn't the correct way to discipline them. Aegon on the other hand is always the disciplinarian and not a friend, but only because he wants to exert control over his children the way he knows Viserys didn't over him (he probably fears children like himself to rebel against him).
Aegon's parenting throws everything more into imbalance than Amara's though, because she at least tries to give them all love equally even when depression hits and she just wants to pretend she doesn't have kids and retreats into herself (parenting is a 24/7 job and not everyone is ready for it).
But Aegon favours Jaehaera heavily. The topic of spousification of a child is a difficult one, but it happens all the time. And I think if Amara died or just withdrew emotionally from Aegon, he would spousify Jaehaera (who will grow up to have mental health/behavioural issues of her own which can get very violent, but with her dad, she's always sweet). Theres quite a fair bit of Electra complex with Jaehaera when she's in her teenage years, so it's something that travels both ways and gets unhealthy, especially when their attachment as father-daughter starts to alienate his sons (especially Jaehaerys, who only ever had Aegon once his mother died).
Jaehaerys's obsession with Jaehaera stems from the basic element of she has everything I want, she is everything I want. She has Amara who is his pseudo-mother figure, she has Aegon who is his father, she has the love of everyone who sees her because she's the Targaryen princess who was legitimised and hatched her egg before she was even born. Half of it is Jaehaerys wanting to cut off her skin and wear it, and the other half is obviously sexual/emotional/mental (I need you to need me so I can convince myself I'm worth something - but if you don't do it the way I want, I hurt you).
Compared to his two older siblings, Valerion is relatively ignored. Which obviously mean he develops a personality all by himself, explores the world himself, learns how to regulate his emotions on his own. In that sense he's sort of like Aegon aka visiting brothels young because a friend suggested it. Hanging out with a group outside his family all the time and learning how to be a man from them (with disastrous results). He would also go for the biggest dragon over keeping the egg he was given as a babe (which would never hatch). He probably wouldn't want Vermithor for this personal belief that because the dragon hasn't seen heavy war, he's "useless." He'd want a dragon like Cannibal, simply because he enjoys the thought of the beast hunting out his siblings' mounts for sport. He's sadistic to a fault, and if he ever became king, he'd make Maegor look like a fun time in the park.
p.s. I don't understand the vampire question 😭
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jackhues · 1 year
sorry i sent in the previous request before I was done. (the one about mama’s relationship change w/ the boys).
on the flip side, each boy was mama’s baby growing up for different reasons:
Luke: the literal baby of the family (until peanut comes along). whatever Luke wanted, he got! mama definitely cried the first time luke told her he “didn’t need her anymore” or “i’m a big boy, i don’t need you” cause she has nobody to look after and she’s hurt that he doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore.
Jack: i feel like mama & Jack have the same personality and just bonded closer, but also growing up mama notice that Jack had some middle child tendencies between the 3 boys, and would take him under wings even more so he didn’t feel left out. the only time Jack wasn’t her biggest fan is when all his friends from the time they were 15/16 to present day would flirt w her, it drove him batshit crazy!
Quinn: that’s her first baby! everything she learned about being a big sister came from quinn. their relationship definitely changes the most as the grow up because they both take on the older sibling responsibilities. & at times it was like they were trying to out do one another on who was the best older sibling. I’m thinking mama is a early ‘98 baby (february or may), so they are fairly close in age.
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^ the previous ask
ooh, this is such an interesting topic! kinda got long, but i love this!
so yeah, mama's just really involved in all three of her brother's lives bcz that's just how it's always been. everyone jokes around saying peanut's mama's fourth child and her brother's are the first three. mama's been there for everything, especially because she just doesn't ever want to let her brothers down. she grew up hearing her friends talk about their older siblings and how amazing they are, and being exposed to that from an early age just had her always involving herself in her brother's lives bcz that's what was happening around her.
mama's relationship with each boy is different exactly the way you mentioned! i think the only thing is that jack is more annoyed with his friends than mama (but he still gets all embarrassed when she would walk out in front of them during that time, and would be like "dude, go away.")
mama's relationship with luke is rlly special to her bcz after quinn and jack were drafted and went to van and nj, luke was the only one left, so he got a lot of her smothering (he was babied even before they left, but it was worse once they were both gone). when luke was once leaving for a game (he was prolly 15/16) and mama kept trying to get him to eat some food, luke went, "i'm a big boy, i'll be fine." and mama just deflates bcz he's not a baby anymore, but she doesn't know how to deal with that. with quinn, mama's two years older than him (summer of '97 - bcz i wanna keep the two year age difference between each sibling), but he was the first baby she saw and everything she learnt, she learnt through the way she acted with him. they had a phase where quinn wanted to be the better older sibling (when he was around 16-17), but after a breakup, he went crying to mama and decided he'd rather be the younger sibling. with jack, mama sees his outgoing and smiley personality, and just wants to protect that. the two of them get along bcz they're always bickering, but they never ever take what the other said to heart. mama knows jack's very innocent in certain things, and she grew very protective bcz of that.
once mama's pregnant, it pretty much flips, where the boys are insanely protective of her. which is a little funny bcz luke's like 16ish and he's glaring at anyone who even looks up at mama. mama def tries to maintain the older sibling status, but it's hard when looking at a box of cereal makes her cry. during this time, mama grew to see luke as an older person, not a little baby. bcz jack and quinn are playing in the nhl for most of her pregnancy, luke's around the most. she sees him set the crib up, and buy her whatever she's craving, and she really starts to accept that he doesn't always need her, but she'll still be there for him.
after peanut's born, their dynamic changes again. jack and quinn literally just get back for the offseason, and luke's home and there's a whole baby there too. mama's adjusting to this new life, and the boys are a huge help, but at the same time, they would rather play with peanut than change her diaper, etc (not that mama makes them, they help out, but they'd rather play with the baby). mama's days and nights are taken up by peanut, who was not an easy baby. ellen, jim, and peanut's dad help out, but at the end of it, mama's breastfeeding and she's just really tired/trying to adjust. her attention has come off the boys for the first time since they were born, and ellen and jim notice the boys kinda deflating. they can talk to each other fs, but they've spent their entire lives relying on mama, but now she's got someone else who needs her more. it takes a month or two, and the boys slowly learn that peanut needs mama more than them rn. once they realize that, they pick up the slack, taking peanut out for more uncle/niece days, giving mama the day off. jack books the two of them for a spa day (mama's always complaining that he's got nice hair but never looks after it nicely), and they do their best to take the load off of mama's shoulders. with the boys helping out as well, and peanut becoming less fussy as she grows older, mama goes back to her role as oldest sibling. it's never the same as it was, with mama focusing on them and no one else, but the relationship matures on both ends. mama will always be there for them, they know that, and mama knows that the boys are old enough to survive without her having to help them make every little move.
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