#‘do not be weird on this blog on any capacity or i will put you on blast’
goodfellowe · 2 years
Could you draw hat Kid and bow kid making out
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no i don’t think so
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fordtato · 3 months
Gffan has done the following:
-Letting people comment transphobic stuff on his Server
-associating with a reddit mod whos known to be transphobic
-openly showing weird distaste for the Dipper being Trans headcanon (didn't he also say: "I hate the Dipper Trans Theory" to us once?)
He also believes there’s only 2 genders
Hello. So. I do not normally respond to anonymous discourse like this in my inbox as a rule (especially given this site's proclivity for seeing anon callouts weaponized against trans people and women and people of color), but I felt it was important to do this in this case, since I am publicly working on a project with ThatGFFan.
I have known GFFan for over a year now now (in an exclusively online capacity), and in that time, he has not only never misgendered me (a nonbinary trans person, someone outside the "2 genders" framework) but has also actively corrected people who have misgendered me. I have witnessed him speak against transphobia in the fandom and against transphobic content creators. The idea that he "believes there are only 2 genders" is inaccurate by every account I have of him.
As for other accusations in this ask, such as him "associating with a reddit mod who is known to be transphobic" I don't have any evidence for this presented to me, and even if I did, association in a public online space is not the same thing as sharing transphobic sentiment. There is room in any online space for a conversation about the optics of this kind of engagement, but if I had to apologize for every person I've ever engaged with civilly who I later learned was problematic in some way, I'd be here all day, and that would be an unproductive use of my time, and would not undo any harm done by that person.
Lastly, I hope ThatGFFan will not mind me saying this, but he is a young person (younger than you think, I assure you). If he has engaged with unsavory people in the past, or has indicated any kind of transphobic sentiment (neither of which I have any evidence of) it is my belief that we need to allow people to grow, especially when I have actively witnessed that growth firsthand. And in that case, I do think (and maybe I'm putting my faith in the wrong person here, so I hope this doesn't bite me one day), that he has made an active effort to learn how to do better, even if he makes mistakes in that process.
What you have done, anon, is entered my inbox with accusations against a person of color, half of which have no evidence behind them, and the other half that I personally know to be demonstrably false. Nobody who is a victim of this transphobia has come forward, at least that I saw, and if they did, that would be up to ThatGFFan to respond to - not me, a trans person unrelated and far-removed from whatever incident you are talking about (an incident that likely occurred when ThatGFFan was a minor, in any case).
I don't have a big platform. I am a small creator (much smaller than ThatGFFan), and a trans Palestinian person. Why am I being called upon to answer for a cis person's (alleged) missteps as they grow into an adult? Why am I being called upon to publicly shame and renounce a person who has shown me kindness and allyship? Is it so I can prove my dedication to the fight against transphobia? My entire blog, my entire body of work, my entire existence, has been an active fight against transphobia.
I mean, by God, all I can do is hope I'm doing the right thing here, but I vouch for him. Or I at least vouch that he is trying.
(p.s. I hope this goes without saying, but someone disliking a specific queer headcannon does not indicate one's political beliefs, and this is not going to be an accusation that I really engage with, because it sets a bad precedent. This is not a moral wrongdoing. This is an opinion you are suspicious of.)
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creature-wizard · 5 months
I don’t know how to stop looking at other people as competition, it’s how I was raised. Even with my friends (or former friends, considering they don’t talk to me now), I’m constantly trying to one up them and the ones I’m not trying to one up, my brain has already deemed that I’m “above them” (clearly I’m not or else I wouldn’t be here). My mom repeatedly told me since I was a little kid that the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to me is to be the one clapping for my “friends” while they receive awards and achievements instead of it being me receiving those awards. It’s literally ingrained in me and my cousins, we don’t even like each other because we hate that one is more successful than the other.
Holy shit anon, that's an awful thing to have put in you as a kid, and I'm so sorry that your relationships were sabotaged this way. This was not a normal way to be brought up, and you deserved so, so much better.
What I have found to be effective is to challenge these beliefs and essentially crowd them out with other, beneficial beliefs. Curate an online experience that helps you with this.
As you probably know by now, I have the capacity to be pretty impatient and mean, and one of my Weird Tricks is to channel that onto my inner demons. Like oh, this fucker has the gall to hold me back? Fuck him, I'm gonna kick his ass. This isn't to say that I'm hard on myself or tell myself cruel things; it just means that I take a proactive role in dealing with what's messing me up.
Since this is childhood indoctrination we're talking about, it's going to take awhile. And like any psychological healing journey, your recovery won't be linear; you'll make progress and then you'll have bad days where you slip back for awhile. The bad days don't mean that progress isn't happening; they're just part of the healing journey.
Searching up "how to challenge negative core beliefs" on DuckDuckGo, I can find a number of resources, including this page with a worksheet. I can also find the article How to Spot and Challenge Your Negative Core Beliefs, According to a Therapist, which might also be useful. You can also search up "how to challenge negative core beliefs" for yourself and find more help.
And again, I recommend my post "I'm in a bad place and need to get out, what can I do?" It's got a list of resources, tips, and blogs you can follow. Hopefully at some point you can get an actual therapist, maybe even get on medication of some kind, if that's a thing you're open to. But if you can't do that - at least, not anytime soon - you can at least do the other things I've suggested.
And above all, be patient and kind to yourself. You can do this. It'll take time and work, but you can do this.
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pass1onepr1ncess · 5 months
Went on a whole rant about DioPucci on Twitter so guess what my next post is about. Yeah, it's DioPucci. I hesitate to call this one an analysis just like I wouldn't really call the DiaDop one an analysis considering it's just me venting my frustrations about people being weird/difficult in the Jojo community but I will be talking about the "relationship" between Dio and Pucci and how I strongly disagree with shipping them. If you ship DioPucci, I'm not gonna go out of my way to harass you but I will unkindly ask you to please leave my blog and block me because you make me wildly uncomfortable.
First off, let's talk about that age gap, shall we? Putting Dio's 100 years of immortality aside, he was 21 when he used the stone mask in Phantom Blood and became a vampire, effectively solidifying his immortal age in his early 20's. Yes, he lived for 100 years after that, but that just makes him even older. In the flashbacks we see of Enrico Pucci meeting Dio, he was 15. Fif-fucking-teen. And then later on in the flashbacks of them talking as 'friends,' Pucci is still only around 17 and then Dio dies. At no point in the brief period when they knew each other was Pucci an adult. Would you be comfortable with a 15-17 year old in a relationship with (at MINIMUM) a 21 year old? I sure fucking hope not.
And keep in mind, this is ONLY if we're talking about the age gap and not, oh I don't know, the implication that Pucci was groomed by Dio for the Heaven Plan. And when I say this I beg of you to keep in mind that grooming doesn't inherently involve the end goal of romantic involvement. Grooming is any kind of manipulation at a young age to shape a vulnerable person's mental state into something that benefits the groomer- whether that be sexual involvement (which is what most people think of when grooming is brought up), romantic involvement (Another common assumption), personal satisfaction or pride (I hate to use this example just after she was released, but Gypsy-Rose is a good example of this, having been groomed by her mother into being helpless so that her mother could continue to take care of her just like her own mother did.), or other goals. Dio would fall into the latter category.
We know that in the Heaven Ascencsion Plan, Dio already had pretty much all the other pieces he needed. He had the 14 phrases (They were the lyrics to a lullaby his late mother used to sing to him), he had EASY access to the souls of 36 sinners what with his vampiric and stand abilities combined- not to mention the effective cult of devoted followers at his feet, though they were all picked off by the Crusaders in Part 3- of course he had his own stand so that one's a no-brainer. But the one thing he didn't have was a "trusted friend who is devoid of all earthly desires." Everyone Dio had surrounded himself with were sinners that craved some of kind mortal prize. Sex, money, love, power, etc. And Dio knew that he himself was no exception. His entire goal in all of his appearances throughout both Phantom Blood and Stardust Crusaders- AND in the Heaven Ascension Plan- was that he wanted power.
Do I think there was some capacity where Dio cared about Pucci? I think it's possible. But, I think that Dio would have had the exact same relationship with literally anyone else who fit the description for the Heaven Plan if he and Pucci never met. Pucci was a tool, no different than the 14 phrases written down in his diary. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Dio had been visiting churches specifically looking for priests and the like so he could find someone with "no earthly desires." Pucci just so happened to be the one that found him (tripped over him) and fit the bill.
Dio manipulated Pucci into becoming a "trusted friend" so that he could move forward with the Heaven Ascension Plan, and the only reason he gave Pucci his bone was both a failsafe and he believed that he might be able to be revived if he died. I don't think it was ever in his plan to let Pucci be the one to attain Heaven, I think that was just his last resort backup plan.
Am I saying that Dio sexually groomed Pucci? No, I'm not saying that at all. I mean, it's possible, but I don't think there's enough proof of that other than the fact that the two can be seen in a bed together and Dio has less clothes on than usual. But also it's the same amount of clothes he has on in the final moments of his battle with Jotaro. It's just his sleevless turtleneck without that gold jacket he normally wears, or he's shirtless. I'm not saying it's not true because I very well could be wrong and I haven't watched Stone Ocean in a hot bit, but also looking at Dio's character pre-Stone Ocean he didn't have any reason to sexually groom Pucci. If he wanted sex, he had a whole slew of minions in Egypt that I'm sure were more than willing to get his rocks off. Also, if he had sexually groomed Pucci, wouldn't that be entirely counterproductive to the whole "void of earthly desires" thing?
Also the only time we ever see him assault anyone in that way is that stolen first kiss with Erina in Part 1 but keep in mind that that was solely to piss off Jonathan and not because he actually wanted to kiss her. Also Jonathan, Erina and him were all the same age then. Dio is a villain, but given his character it just doesn't seem likely that he would have any motivation to coerce Pucci into a sexual relationship. And he's not above hurting kids as we saw with Kakyoin and his flesh bud and also the entire Dio v Jotaro fight, but that was with mind-control and physical altercation. And while we definitely see him where it's absolutely implied he's having mad vampire sex off-screen, it's always with adults. While Dio is a villain, I see no reason why he would sexually prey on a kid- especially one who, might I remind you, is supposed to be completely pure and rid of mortal desires such as sex.
I've been mainly focusing on Dio because he's obviously the one in power in this both from an age standpoint since he's a 100-year-old adult and Pucci is a 17-year-old at BEST, but also in terms of power since Dio was the one who gave Pucci his stand with the arrow and they talked about how Dio's stand is one of the strongest in the world (no pun intended). Pucci is at every disadvantage, so it would'nt make sense to victim blame him or accuse him of being the abuser here. In fact, I want to talk about his victimhood.
Not only was Pucci younger and weaker than Dio when they were first met, but they also just so happened to meet at a very crucial moment in Enrico's life. About a year after Dio and Pucci first met is when Enrico finds out about the truth that he and Wes/Weather are twins. This, of course as we see in canon, leads to some extremely unfortunate and stressful events that leaves Pucci without his beloved younger sister and sadled with the guilt that he was the one to blame for everything that happened. It's unclear if Enrico ever told Dio about all of this, but regardless he would've been in a fragile state, and that's when most groomers will swoop in and take advantage of that fragility and vulnerability and shape your mind and emotions to be favorable for them. I don't know if it's ever confirmed that Pucci told Dio about Perla and Wes, but nonetheless Dio would have noticed that Pucci wasn't in a stable state of mind.
This is likely where he put the idea into Pucci's head that Heaven could make things better than what he was experiencing; That if everyone already knew what would happen before it does, they could prevent it and avoid conflict and pain. In the ending of Stone Ocean, we see that this exactly why Pucci went through with the Heaven Plan even without Dio, because Dio gave him his own personalized reason to attain Heaven for Dio after he was gone.
Is Pucci innocent in general? Absolutely not, the whole thing with Weather and Perla was his own fault (and the woman who swapped Weather at the hospital) and at the very least in that respect, he's guilty. He could've handled that literally any other way but for some reason he got the fucking KKK involved and resorted to violence at first notice. Not to mention everything he does to the prisoners in Green Dolphin Street, including Jolyne and crew. But at least in this case, Pucci is very much a victim of grooming and manipulation. Did Pucci care about Dio? Absolutely. He holds Dio with a fondness, and there's no denying it. Whether that fondness is platonic or otherwise is not my decision to say since it's never explicitly confirmed, but he does/did trust and care for Dio and considered him a friend. But regardless of how he felt about Dio, Dio still groomed him and would've groomed literally anyone else had Pucci not been the one Dio found first. He wasn't hand-picked, he was simply whoever Dio first laid eyes on. And if Pucci didn't respond to the Heaven Plan the way he wanted him to, I'm sure Dio probably would've just killed Pucci and went looking for a replacement.
If you like DioPucci, like I said before I'm not gonna go out of my way to spend unnecessary time and effort and energy into harassing you but I will ask you to keep that shit far away from me. If you disagree with the points I've made, that's fine but again, I don't wanna see it anywhere near me or my blog. I'm not tagging this as DioPucci either. I'm not gonna invade that tag just for a rant on how I don't like them. But those are my thoughts.
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jasperthehatchet · 7 months
🦎 My name is Hatchet! I'm an adult human who uses any/all pronouns
🌞 I'm an anarchist, passionate about disability rights, inclusivity, queer trans nonbinary and intersex rights, indigenous rights, environmentalism, prison abolition and restorative justice, and all those wonderful things <3 as well as fighting against racism, antisemitism, police brutality, fascism, capitalism, colonialism and oppression/bigotry of all kinds
*** Tags with resources and donation links include: #palestine, #sudan, #armenia, #congo ***
🌵 Hobbies: sewing, mending, upcycling, painting, embroidery, bookbinding, dream-journaling, thrifting, cooking, jewelry making, basket weaving, and various other punk crafts as well <3 basically I was put on this earth to Make Stuff. I'm also a collector of shinies and trinkets like dice, coins, shells, rocks, crystals, rings, keys, thimbles, bells, etc. Any shiny trinket you can think of I probably collect it
Hobbies I'm looking into starting: paper making, paint/ink making, stone/wood carving, leather working, terrarium building, gardening and lino printing/stamp making :)
🌻 I am very active on Pinterest for art inspiration, if you'd like you can follow me here (or search @juno_monsoon)
1. I block empty blogs
2. Minors: I have no authority over you but please beware. This is not really an NSFW blog but I do reblog stuff about sex/kink positivity
3. You can dm me or send me asks whenever, i encourage you to reach out if you want to talk about hobbies, politics (in good faith), crafting, art, music, fandoms, or whatever! Just don't be a jackass
4. I don't respond to being tagged in chain posts
5. DO NOT repost ANY of my art or creations please and thank you
6. I tag critical role spoilers with #critical role, #critical role spoilers, #cr spoilers and #critrole spoilers
7. Spam liking/reblogging is perfectly fine I don't mind it at all. Go nuts
8. Things I've made/mended are tagged with #hatchet mends things and #hatchet makes stuff
- you are a terf, swerf, radfem, transmed/truscum, "gender critical" or exclusionary in any capacity whatsoever
- you're "anti men" or into that "i hate men" nonsense. It's not cute, its annoying and shitty. No anti-masculinity nonsense here
- you're antisemetic. If you're weird towards/about Jewish people in any way you will be swiftly blocked. I mean it. You need to be okay with hearing about leftist antisemitism and how deep it runs in leftist/pro-palestine circles if you're gonna follow me
- if you're islamophobic, weird towards/about indigenous people/cultures, or or even just racist/xenophobic in general, that will not be tolerated and you will be blocked immediately
- if you're (loudly and annoyingly) anti-porn, anti-kink or anti-fetish in any capacity. It's okay if you're personally uncomfortable with those things for any reason obviously just don't make it other people's problem
- you're against: xenogenders, multigenders, aro/aspec people, mspec people, mspec lesbians/gays, intersex people, non binary lesbians, he/him lesbians, she/her gays, amab transmascs, afab transfems, or any identities or labels that "don't make sense" or are "contradictory". Queerness cannot be sorted into any boxes and labels don't matter so if you're gatekeepy or gross about identities you don't understand then this blog isn't for you
- you're fatphobic. If you're in any way fatphobic or infantilizing towards/about fat people? Blocked. Don't be weird about people's bodies.
- you're not normal towards/about deformed or disabled people. If I see any kind of ableism or weirdness about any disability or disorder? Blocked. Don't be weird about people's bodies.
- if you're a blog that promotes or romanticizes dangerous things like eating disorders, self harm or anything like that you will be blocked immediately AND reported.
- I hate reblog bait and guilt tripping posts. I don't care what they're about, if I see that on your blog or my dash I'll block you because I think those posts are annoying as hell. Also of you think suicide baiting and telling people to kill themselves for ANY reason is okay, get blocked. No exceptions to this.
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sam-keeper · 1 year
for an awful lot of reasons, the notion of the "Paperclip Optimizer" has a lot of purchase right now. it's the precursor to what eventually might be "grey goo" or per the Culture novels a "hegemonizing swarm", a dumb system designed to do nothing but expand its capacity to convert everything into a reflection of its initial programming, i.e., turn all the matter in the universe into paperclips.
there was even a web game about it!
this article I wrote a couple years ago is about that game. I think it's worth reposting now cause people keep talking about the paperclip optimizer as a parable about dangerous dumb systems. and that's true, that's what the game is about! the game is very much a deliberate allegory meant to explain why you should support "friendly AI" grifters!
what this article proposes is: maybe you shouldn't do that, actually, because behind every "rogue AI" is actually some capitalist somewhere making a decision to make All The Money, damn the consequences. this is an article about playing Universal Paperclips radically wrong--both radically wrong mechanically, and radically wrong emotionally. what I think falls out when you shake the game that way is a lot of unstated assumptions about shit that's acceptable for human beings to inflict on each other but somehow monstrous when a machine is doing it.
like, I get that we're all attempting to be more materialist in our analysis and that's good, but sometimes it feels like we're sliding into a kind of Lovecraftian understanding of the corporation, like it's just this incomprehensible machine working for itself. but at every stage there's people making decisions and they COULD be held accountable! and also, there's a designer of this game making decisions about where to put content emphasis, in order to put a finger on the scales of the parable. you don't HAVE to inflict mind control drones on humanity in the game any more than people HAVE to use deceptive advertising practices.
and by the same token like, it's actually perfectly reasonable for someone who isn't in STEM to look at a search engine spitting out wrong results and say hey, this search engine is bad! you can say "ah but technically machine learning is not intended to output correct results, you've made a Category Error" all you want; a human being sold this to other human beings as an intelligent search engine, and that sale was based on a whole series of lies. the technical explanation can be helpful, but it's not the point. the point is that a human attempted to harm other human beings with technology, something we've been doing roughly since the opening sequence of 2001 A Space Odyssey.
anyway there's a lot of weird maybe kinda heterodox perspectives in this article that I still haven't really seen anywhere else but that still really guide a lot of my thinking about this tech. read it if it sounds interesting I guess!
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 Favorite Complex Characters in BL
This post sparked by @solitaryandwandering ‘s question here. 
Essentially they wanted to know some of my favorite fully realized (deep) characters rather than one dimensional archetypes. This is a challenge in BL. Especially for fans like me who are often attracted to characters with the least screen time, because we can make them whatever we want with our imaginations.
But this is about portrayal of complex, thoughtful, well rounded characters. The least artificial, tropey, and archetypal. I started this blog to track the later, not the former. Because the former is all too often in the gritty, sad, dark, heavily queer narratives. But I will take up the challenge and confine myself to picking leads only.
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1. Nosue
Actually the first character who came to mind when asked this question. I have talked about Old Fashion Cupcake at length and I ADORE Togawa, but Nosue is a much more complicated character. He is outgoing, popular, and a blatant flirt, but closed off and lonely. He knows he is in trouble, and he knows he did it to himself, but can’t figure out how to get out of his life state or malaise. He is profoundly self aware and instinctively empathic, while being entirely unable to understand how anyone actually feels about him. He can see his own flaws but not anyone else’s. He has capacity to love but doesn't trust himself to do so, and cannot recognize affection when it surrounds him. This character could only be at this point in his life journey, no younger character or actor could ever have carried off this role with all its contrasts and nuance. He is the opposite of one dimensional. He’s almost 4th dimensional, where he occupies time and space on this plane of existence is an integral part of his identity.
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2. Ae
Crazy to put a Mame character on this list but I defy you to dislike Ae from Love By Chance. He was probubly my first great love in the arena of complex characters in BL. He comes off as deceptively simple at first, and then we keep learning things about him - his demi nature contrasted to his tough defensive personality. His instant and unprecedented affection and need to care for the lost hurt extremely shy rich gay boy is both very weird and totally understandable. We know his character: sarcastic, brash, grumpy, and street smart but also loyal and casually affectionate. Pete permits Ae to showcase his best and softest nature, without any risk of hurt or damage. (Although Ae can, of course, damage Pete with his ignorance.) Watching Ae figure out himself, and what his strange sudden need to look after Pete is all about (love rather than friendship) is such a joyful ride. For all his rough exterior we know Ae will make it through his own confusion into solid affection, there is no other way his character would allow them to be. Ae is very solid in himself as a person, even if he has some shock realizing that personhood is queer. The fact that Perth acted this complex of a part when his was 16 is mind boggling. What Mame did to Ae’s character in LBC2 is unforgivable.
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3. JiWoo
To My Star 1 & 2. I didn’t like the 2nd installment, but that doesn’t mean I didn't understand it or his character’s behavior, because it was set up so well in the first. (I just didn’t enjoy the pacing or structure of season 2.) 
Korea doesn’t normally specialize in complex characters for their BL. In fact, they tend to go for the most archetypal, which is fine with me. I mean Semantic Error is top of my list and those 2 couldn’t be more basic archetypes. Okay, so why does Korea do this? Well partly because Korea doesn't have enough screen time to build backstory, and also because of their “queer bubble” perspective we never get depth of character from home life, parents, or coming out sequences.
JiWoo is the opposite. We learn (eventually) all about him but that isn’t even particularly necessary. JiWoo has walls, tall thick well-established walls, but it is very clear those walls are from being hurt by the world. Slowly we learn bits of why, but what makes JiWoo deep and complicated, is that despite his walls we can still see him falling in love. And who does he pick? The most inappropriate person for someone scared of being hurt: a capricious, outgoing, sunshine, famous actor. And a man. It’s like JiWoo’s own heart wants to give hem more reasons to build more walls. Every time JiWoo allows himself the luxury of that despite-himself-charmed sudden bright smile, our hearts break for him. Because it cost him, and will cost him, so much to be happy. Because of what he has allowed the world to do to him, and his own natural reactions to it. JiWoo doesn’t want to be loved because he is terrified of loving someone back, because he knows how much of himself he is willing to give up when he does that. And who, in all honestly, hasn’t been there?
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4. Yuzuru
Seven Days. I know, I KNOW. Look, I realize his is a character type that Japan explores often. But that doesn’t make him any less interesting or complex. Yuzuru is beautiful but also very bold, brash, blunt, uncompromising, and stubborn, and he won’t change himself for any reason. This blatant mercurial individualism in a culture that finds such behavior confusing at best and worth crushing at worst, enables Yuzuru’s classic tsundere behavior beautifully. Yuzuru shows us how deep characterization can be activated to bolster one of the genre’s most enduring archetypes, and that’s really fun to watch. Yuzuru is not just “tsundere with good reason,” (which is all we can usually hope for) he’s tsundere with INTENT. His love for Sereyo springs from his conflict with society, because for the first time someone likes him not despite his uncompromising personality, but because of it.
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5. Amber
DNA Says Love You. The ultimate complicated character who could have been profoundly miss-handled with one tiny misstep. But this performance got handed off to an actor who made the character incandescent instead. Amber is extremely scared and keeps his identity and past intentionally hidden from us and the other characters, which easily could have felt manipulative or frustrating for audiences. Instead, we feel that this is for very good reason, so much so that the twist isn’t a twist anymore. Instead of hiding and lying without fault, instead of being a wet blanket without reason, Amber hurts to lie but does it because he wants one taste of what could have been. He doesn't expect anything more. He expects to be shunned. And he is gentle and kind and sweet about it, because that is who he is as a person, even as he struggles to protect himself and his new friends from the truth. It was deft handling of questionable content, and we don’t get adroitness from Taiwan often. Because of the way Amber is portrayed the character seems more deep and complex. This is one of those where the actor brought much more to the role than the role provided, and it’s rather remarkable to watch.
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6. Thun
He’s Coming to Me. Imagine growing up as a kid who can see ghosts, but being mature enough from the start not to tell anyone about it. Then imagine falling in love with the ghost of your mother’s ex-boyfriend. Oh the drama of it all! Ohm is in peak form for this role, and his performance is outstanding. Thun is a very lovable character, brash and open, but treasuring this intense secret, while being devoted to uncovering other people’s truths. Thun is able to stand up to authority in a way that is beaten out of most men of his age and social status. His relationship to his mother, to his friends, and to his lover is varied and nuanced, and that gives him, the cheerful himbo character, so much more nuance too, because he is so clearly defined by all the tendrils and threads that anchor him to reality, vital when one lives partly stuck in the afterlife. 
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7. Shun
His the movie. Another character type that Japan loves, the introvert, and another execution where it is given reason and intent. Shun always had it in him to withdraw in order to protect himself from the world, but after Nagisa left him, he withdrew from the world entirely. His is about the world trying to reclaim him. The tiny country retirement village who adopted him while he wasn’t looking. Add to that Nagisa, and his daughter, coming back. What we watch is Shun’s quiet struggle to accept all three, despite the hurt that opening himself back up to relationships (family, fatherhood, lover) carries with it. He is a wonderfully complex character.
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8. Pete
The Kiss series and Dark Blue Kiss. Tay’s portrayal of Pete is consistent even across a conflicted timeline and some weird narrative choices. By the time DBK rolls around we know exactly who Pete is. In any other hands this kind of drawn-out tsundere seme would have been very one dimensional. But Pete is complicated for your standard himbo bisexual character. He’s conflicted about his responsibilities as a son but proud to have the support of such a kind father, frustrated about not being open but not intersted in being famous. His love is devoted, but he is a capricious person. He isn’t very academically smart but he has a high emotional IQ, he reads people well. He is quick to anger but also quick to forgive. He is fiercely loyal even to his ex-boyfriend, but also willfully obtuse. For a character who, in Thailand’s hands, should have been one note, Pete is as consuming and as sweeping as the intro music to DBK, and just like that music a bit overdramatic. But I love this drama queen clown.
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9. Mork
My Ride’s Mork is kinda like the Ae of the next generation. He’s more lively and cheerful, less of a grump, but he does represent for the lower class. Struggling with money, work, family, and romance, he falls deeply in love with a doctor even though he thinks he hasn’t anything to offer. Mork’s struggles around bisexual identity play second fiddle to the fact that Tawan is already in love with someone else and socially so far above him that Mork consigns himself to friendship. He knows how to love though, and he does it deeply and from the sidelines, as a support network and as a friend to Tawan. And he would have willingly stayed there, had Tawan had a happy relationship. It’s really great to see pining executed from start to finish, as in: Mork isn’t a “pining since childhood” trope. We see him meet and like Tawan as a friend, fall in love with him, and then have to take a back seat and wait for his love to be returned. Mork has a developed depth of character because of this, and we are never angry with him for this behavior. We know exactly why he does it, and we too are willing to wait. A Thai pulp that not only requires patience (they all do) but teaches it? That’s some great characterization.
Also, SINGLE DIMPLE. (Look, these characters may be deep, but I’m not.)
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10. Noh
Love Sick. Another very young actor handed an extremely complicated role and pulling it off with aplomb. Noh is awkward and popular, sweet and tough, kind and loving, and really profoundly unwilling to hurt. Watching him slowly fall in love with Phun, and Phun’s casual rich-kid entitled hot/cold affection, is heart wrenching. Watching Noh tackle Yuri’s demanding attentions while not wanting to cause her pain, even though he is deeply in love with someone else, hurts us, and both of them. Love Sick is a great coming of age narrative. It handles all the ramifications of queerness that a kid of that age might deal with but with in a dexterous and deeply private way. Plus Noh’s LINES. The words Captain gets to say are some of the greatest ever scripted in BL.
“It is a terrible thing not knowing where the line is between us.”
Could there be any better way of putting the conflict over moving from friends to lovers? From heterosexual to something more? The fear of not knowing if you should move towards romance when friendship is put at risk. COME ON. Noh is a remarkable character.
Honorable mention:
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My Love Mix Up. Trust Japan to take the character that any other country would have turned into evil femme fetale and make her the heroine of this narrative. She’s a spectacular character, she handles her own crush and other people’s with humor and aplomb. She is fiercely defensive of her friends, tiny but mighty. One she decides to love someone, she does it with every fiber of her being, even though she can get very shy. We don’t know a ton about her, because she is a support role, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying all the layers that are revealed about her during the course of this narrative. One of my favorite things about this show was watching her and Aoki’s friendship grow and evolve, more so even than Aoki and Ida’s romance.
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White & Black
Gun’s execution of the twins in Not Me. I doubted he could do it. He did it. Each one was complicated and different and so was their relationship. All the cheering, it was IMPRESSIVE. 
Some others I considered but did not make the list for various reasons: 
Tutor in Why R U? 
Dean in Until We Meet Again 
Pick in Puppy Honey 
Vald in Like in the Movies 
SiWon in Blueming
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I don't know how it is in the book but I find it rather insane that none of the peacekeepers died or were injured during the bombing of the arena or not many of them were taken out that there were enough conscious of them to shot facet and Velvereen and gather up all the remaining tributes before more could attempt to escape in the middle of the chaos like otto and ginnee and their mentors die from the rubble falling on them and panlo and sheaf get injured and in the movie felix and teslee get injured but the peacekeepers who all of them arguably were much closer to the bombs AND RIGHT NEXT TO IT not many were injured or died and there were enough still conscious to drag the remaining tributes I just find it insane thinking about how they managed to collect the tributes and shot the district1 kids while in the middle of all of the chaos happening around them, like I know they are trained hard and are very determined to put the tributes through hell but damm I would assume that only around 5 or 7 of them wouldn't get affected by the bombs definitely not enough to gather the remaining tributes idk it's just a small plot point that is insane to think about , have any thoughts about it?
Sorry for the weird rant 😅
Have you seen my blog? Weird rants is all I do lmao I don’t mind 😂. Please do rant to me I’ll grab a cup of coffee to wake up fully and listen.
I think there were just a stupid amount of peacekeepers. The two bombs that went off were near the entrance and in the stands, off the top of my head. That leaves a lot of room to not be in the direct blast zone. Only four people actually died in the initial bombing in the books (Ginnee, Otto, and their mentors) with the movies only changing Otto to Sabyn since her actress confirms we see her body being flung backwards (which is accurate, as it’s usually the shockwave and impact that kills people, not the fire in an explosion). Androcles (Sheaf’s mentor) survives as far as we know and Gaius (Panlo’s) dies about a week after the bombing in hospital. Panlo and Sheaf died due to being denied medical service, but survived several days, so likely they died of an infection. Hard not to get one when stuck in a zoo enclosure. In the movie all four of them make it to the actual hunger games and Felix dies instead.
What I’m trying to say is the bombing was incredibly survivable, so long as you weren’t too close to one. Rubble doesn’t fall everywhere and if you see it coming you can dodge it for the most part if you don’t freeze. Peacekeepers have likely been trained to not freeze so I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them dodged whatever chunk of ceiling was gonna crush them. Aside from that, we can see that the Capitol is kinda terrified of these children. They think they’re animals who would attack them if given the chance, so they take precautions like chaining them to tables. I wouldn’t be surprised if they went overboard with the amount of peacekeepers present when the kids aren’t chained in any capacity. In the movie we only see the ones inside the arena, but the real problem is them escaping so likely there were a lot of them outside to prevent that. Once the bombs went off maybe some of them ran inside to grab the tributes? Idk it’s very weird but I’m trying to logic this out lol. Also I feel another AU bubbling so have fun chewing on this mess of an answer while I go see if I can make it coherent and complete enough to post…
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TW: Sexualization of (fictional) minors discussion/CSA mentions
Mod: Batch post 2 to help people avoid the topic if needed.
1. Idc, people who don’t dress and photograph YOSDs like children are creepy af. If you’re dressing your YOSD in lingerie that’s weird as hell and gross.
2. "child sex sells" what the fuck is wrong with you? shut the fuck up. touch grass. see light. no the hell it does not. can you be fucking normal for five goddamn minutes? god just delete tumblr and get the fuck away from this and all other hobbies you are the worst sort of human being and i hope you get the help you desperately need because you are seeing child abuse in everything and that, i promise you, is a freakass problem to have. why are you like this???
3. did NOT want to read the vomitous take of "ch*ld s*x sells" on the doll blog today!!!
4. fandoms full of """child abuse"""
hi mod it's me again, i'm sorry in advance but this fucking topic makes me actually furious and as long as the most sheltered infants on earth continue to submit brain-dead takes on this subject, i'm going to keep showing up in your dms. CW for discussion of actual abuse, hard subjects in general, etc.
(i would put the read more here) [Mod: I hope you don't mind this format instead Anon, this confession deserves its own post but I want to shield readers from the topic if possible with the batchposting 💜]
ok but that's just it, as a fucking csa survivor, most of the "fandoms full of CSA" literally! have none of that! whatsoever! in any capacity! you shitty godforsaken little heathens call sfw romance between two fictional teenagers in a tv show incest-coded, you call grown ass-adults in animated works "child-coded" and justify that as the same as goddamn ABUSE OF REAL LIFE HUMAN BEINGS, and you doxx creators and send them death threats and clog up report lines for real life actual human victims about your fictional bullshit. you are the worst and i want you and anyone who reads this and feels offended by this description to know that you are helping no one and annoying everyone.
do you know what real victims are victimized by? not fiction. not any fiction. not inanimate objects! literally write a story about fictional children being victimized for the plot, and it will not hurt me. if it hurts you, fair! stop reading it. go outside. your Personal Discomfort is not you being abused. learn the fucking difference perhaps! it will not make me... do you have any idea how hard it is to talk about this without getting so extremely goddamn personal? do you have any idea how much it sucks to have to have this discussion over and over and over? do you realize that roughly 10 years ago everyone with a braincell agreed on this point and it's only the last decade that people have been so radicalized to think that wrongthink is real? no, of course not, because most of the people who believe that fiction and reality are 1:1 in how one affects the other have no practical experience with any of the subjects upon which they have the audacity to speak.
listen. i am not going to go into my upbringing. i am not going to tell you what it was like to be raised in a household like mine where actual abuse was genuinely normalized. all i will say is that i was raised in a culture where this sort of abuse was normal and certain types of relationships between adults and minors were considered... sanctioned by the powers that be. are you picking up what i'm laying down? do not talk to me about your good intentions. the fucking argument that fictional content, drawings and toys and all that other inconsequential shit, that it's tantamount to a crime? buddy. bestie! amigo! compadre! that's the same logic that was used to make sure my upbringing was as sheltered and controlled as possible so that the "corrupting influences" of the outside world didn't give us the "wrong ideas". like i truly don't know how you did it but you've reinvented the toxic mindset i grew up hearing! and you are completely blind to it. boggles my fucking brain.
i just want to shake the people who say this shit with a straight face. "wow so violent op maybe you're the toxic one" yeah boy i'm toxic i've been in therapy for most of my life and will continue to be until i am dead. the fucking DRAWING CARTOON PORN IS INDOCTRINATING MINORS WRITING StORIES WHERE BAD THINGS HAPPEN IS THE SAME AS HARMING A REAL HUMAN crowd are just the same religious wrongthink crowd with a more recent birth-year and a rainbow hat. "anyone can say anything online i don't believe you" cool i don't give a shit. how do you want me to prove it, doxxing myself? you wanna see the fucking recordings anon? think before you speak. first time for everything.
i like this hobby. i enjoy my dumb little dolls and their stupid little faces, i enjoy the peace in changing their style and redoing their faceups, i enjoy being able to represent a diversity of appearances, identities, to make everyone queer and slutty because i'm making up for the lost time in my life where that was not on the table for me. i do Not fucking relish seeing the braindead anti arguments creeping into this hobby and shitting up another thing that myself and other survivors would like to enjoy in peace and quiet.
so let me tell you, from the bottom of my heart, even though no one who needs to hear it will bother to listen to the words of a survivor because it goes against your superiority complex against those nasty fiction enjoyers:
shut the fuck up.
sincerely, god, everyone, and especially survivors of CSA and other abuse against minors.
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shellxrls · 3 months
may i put my two cents in with this whole gay jj debate.
personally i dont think jj & john b would ever be gay for eachother. & its not homophobic to say that every character doesnt have to be gay. i think popes gay, jj & pope definitely have a thing, john b gives straight but ally. and jj and jb are like brothers. i think its a lil weird to say jj would take it in the ass from john b but hey whatever makes u happy after all theyre just fictional right?
everyone can have their own opinions and it’s not like i can stop or change them, and i’m fine with those opinions being different to mine as long as their not disrespectful. i get why you’d think it’s weird considering you view them as brothers, which i also respect and so i’m fine with you not being comfortable with me shipping them together.
however, i’ve never thought it was homophobic to say a character isn’t gay, i just think by saying characters being gay is ‘creepy’ or ‘gross’ it feeds into marginalising the community. no one wld call it ‘creepy’ if someone said a gay character was straight, they’d just call it incorrect. it’s ab the wording and the connotations that come with, cuz for decades the lgbtq+ community has been isolated from society under the xenophobic pretence that they are ‘different’ and hence ‘disgusting’, etc.
and i take wording very seriously as well as the way a person says it, bcuz being bisexual myself i srsly don’t want anyone with any capacity of homophobia on my blog, nor do i feel okay with any amount of homophobia in general. it doesn’t just anger me as regular hate wld, and its not something i can brush off so easily considering this is also a part of my identity, and i feel hurt and upset that we still live in a society where just by existing people feel ready to target anyone part of the lgqbtq+ community. so ofcourse my opinions are going to be stronger and less lenient, considering i take the offence almost personally.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
(1) I’ve largely erred on the side of not saying this because I don’t care to rain on anyone’s parade, but since you mentioned feeling like the friendship between Tomura and Spinner can get blown out of proportion, I can think of at least one concrete reason for why that disconnect might exist. I obviously don't blame people for taking the official translations at face value, but I feel like Spinner's line about "bonding" with Tomura over games is another example of sentiments getting
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Ahhhhhh lot of good stuff here
Putting a cut for length but also people who just don't wanna see this type of response
I feel this way about a lot of peoples' interpretations of the League and their interactions. Not just Spinner and Shigaraki, but all of them. I feel like a lot of gestures get blown way out of proportion. Shigaraki's "I just want them to be able to live how they see fit" does not equal "Their happiness is my priority, and I'm going to work to create a world where they can be happy". I'm sorry but those two are not the same thing, and I haven't seen Shigaraki act in such a way either. Those two goals may point in the same direction (they don't because he's a fucking liar to his own face and so is Toga to her own face), but that kind sentiment did not suddenly mean that he is prioritizing their happiness and wellbeing above all else. If that was the case, well, they wouldn't have formed a giant ass army to take on the world at war and risk dying (which one of them did) and Spinner wouldn't be in the situation he is in now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
I don't want to rain on people's parades either, but my opinions are pretty clear and have been for a while and people have had plenty of time to block/unfollow me as they see necessary. So at this point, I don't hold back (I try very hard to avoid being super negative though about any character in general). I used to hold back my not so popular (in the villain corner of the fandom) interpretations on the League up until recently. As we've gotten closer to the end, I've decided that I'm just gonna put my opinion out into the void even if many people--specifically in the little circle of blogs I occupy--don't like it. And many don't, and that's okay. My opinion doesn't change unless the manga gives me a reason to change it.
Spinner and Shigaraki--I have a lot of issues here, MAJORITY of it due to fandom hyping them up as more than they are. And look, I don't care when stuff is clearly fanon or headcanons. Posts that are meant to be taken that way are usually pretty clear about it. But these are whole analyses based off of this overblown bond/friendship that literally only Spinner seems to acknowledge/be so attached to.
I don't doubt Shigaraki views everyone in the League as a friend in some capacity. I don't doubt that at all. I don't doubt that he cares and genuinely wants them to live how they want. However, I would like for someone to show me where he pays the same type of special attention to Spinner that Spinner gives to him. Imo, Shigaraki treats them all pretty equally--Spinner included.
I didn't know that about the Japanese, and yet, I still felt this way. Assuming that someone who has a good understanding of Japanese can correct your statement, I'm gonna take your word for it since I can't say shit otherwise lol. But cool--yeah that particular line is used quite a bit. And I get it! It's fun especially if you ship the characters or just enjoy their interactions.
But I feel like people overlook the fact that Spinner's idolization and attachment is literally negative and is a challenge in his arc, not some cute uwu friendship that was just about video games (when would they have played video games in canon??? WHEN????).
Spinner decided to seriously devote himself to Shigaraki (which in itself is a weird not great thing to do) during MVA, because it looked as if Shigaraki had made progress and overcome a barrier and become this all powerful destructive god who can make dreams come true (dreams for someone who wants to lash out at least). But MVA was not any of that. MVA was Shigaraki doing exactly what AFO wanted him to do--get worse emotionally, spiral more mentally and become even more unstable, and hate himself to the point that he sees no point in thinking or hoping for change for the better. Perfect, all according to keikaku. And THAT is when Spinner was like "FUCK YEAH THIS GUY". I know Spin didn't know that, but come oN guys THE TIMING OF IT IS SO FORETELLING.
AND IT WAS. Because look now. What has turned me completely off to this dynamic is the fandom hyping it up as a pure devotion that isn't stemming from a lot of self-worth issues and negative idealization. Spinner associates Shigaraki with destruction, rage, anger, and misery. That's also what Shigaraki associates himself with, and that's exactly what AFO wants. And man, he sure got it out of both of them.
And I'd like it if people acknowledged that more for what it is, but it's just reduced down to "two gamers that AFO groomed and took advantage of". And I feel that is just super oversimplifying what actually happened. AFO didn't groom Spinner from the age of 5, he took advantage of a vulnerability he was able to pinpoint super quickly after Spinner made it painfully obvious.
I like Spinner more on his own, and I like the potential for him to face the reality that him ignoring his gut instincts in favor of that dream of destruction he associates with Shigaraki eventually led to him making things worse for Shigaraki--unintentionally. I mean he hasn't made shit hit the fan YET--but man if things aren't looking ominous as fuck right now. AFO is counting on Spinner? Oof. But the potential for drama here is exciting, and I'm ready for it.
But yeah. I agree--it's overblown imo. It has become a plot point in Shigaraki's arc in a negative way. So I feel people miss the mark when they focus on how devoted Spinner is to Shigaraki during all of this mess, because that's exactly why things look the way they do lol.
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nightwalking-fae · 7 months
About me - Tumbly version
(Most likely gonna be busy a lot) Heyya I'm the Nightwalking Fae named Morgaine that parents furbies, long and not long furbies with my partner @forestflightsart I'm 20+ years old and a traditional/digital artist, professional autism haver I make art relating to the fandoms I am in usually or draw my own ocs from time to time, it's really a gamble of which I'll do when I have the time (I also forget to put my watermark on my art often, so don't be surprised if it's random whether it has mine or not) SFW fanart is allowed if you at least warn me in some capacity that you're making it I do art requests from tumblr asks as well as just answering any questions from there so long as they're not weird (also looking for pokemon to draw so request away) (Old user is Lancel-Ibuprofen-Hates-Children if you knew me) Fandom masterlist Monster hunter, Hollow Knight, RWBY, Nier, Heaven official's blessing, Pokemon, Kirby, JP+JW, Steven Universe, Trigun, Prehistoric creatures, Furbies, Yugioh Godzilla, AOT, Minecraft, Smash bros, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Wings of Fire Other socials !! https://toyhou.se/NightwalkingFae https://www.deviantart.com/tyrantomega999 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/83322823 Discord (Ask) (Some of my recent art below)
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DNI list
Excessive nsfw blogs, vore+fetish blogs, general phobes, mspec lesbians, toxic yuri/yaoi jokesters or "enjoyers", fetishists, people who unironically like dark humor
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stinkrascal · 4 months
I think no one likes my tav :( I love that simblrs began to share other games like bg3! And the small amount that does it sticks together! They reblog each other's bg3 posts, do art for them, put cute tags to support each other, so nice to see!! I really want to be part of that, but no one seems to actually like the bg3 stuff I post🥹 do you have any advice for me?
hi anon, i'm sorry you're feeling this way :( to be honest i don't really know what could be causing ppl to overlook your posts. idk what advice i could give you bc some of my bg3 posts do really really well, and some of them get like maybe 5 notes depending on what time and what day i post 🙈 but please dm me if you like i'd love to follow u if i don't already!! i love rbing bg3 posts on my blog i'd love to rb your posts too! i want everyone to feel included in this community you know ;-; even if you don't feel like your posts get enough attention i promise that isn't an indication of you not being wanted in this community!! it just means you haven't found your audience yet, and that's totally ok. it took me many years of posting consistently on simblr before i found ppl who were interested in my silly video game screenshots and tbh i feel major imposter syndrome for even saying that like jade stfu what do u mean ppl care about your screenshots no they dont😭 so like idk. for me when i get really worked up about feeling like nobody cares about what i post i just try to like......... make a circle of a few mutuals whose opinions i really cherish and every time they interact with my posts in any capacity, liking, commenting, reblogging, etc, i consider that post a win lol. be like "oh well my circle of elite mutuals all liked this post that means this post is pretty cool isnt it!!" lol that sounds silly but it helped a lot for me, bc i was really prone to getting myself in these cycles where i felt like if my posts didnt hit a certain note count that means i suck and nobody likes my stuff and thats a sucky way to feel you know!! and like i don't really know how i can optimze your note count for you, idek how i optimize my own, at this point ive given up on that endeavor bc it just puts too much weird pressure on myself to live up to an arbitrary and unreachable standard. but i think trying 2 reframe the way you think about this situation is just as helpful, it was really helpful for me at least. obv i think tumblr is a place where our posts SHOULD be shared ie reblogging stuff!! and i always always always encourage people to reblog posts bc thats how our community grows and flourishes, thats literally how tumblr has to function to survive so DO IT!! but also with all that being said, it will be better for u in the long run if you don't put a lot of pressure on yourself to hit a certain note count to be a valid participant in this community, instead make it about the love of sharing your creations online, and being content w the fact that your creations are still cool even if it didn't hit a certain level of engagement u desired!! and you know what, when you start loving and passionately posting about your creations, ppl pick up on that excitement. they get excited too!! and then before you know it you do have a community of support! so please dont unduly stress yourself my friend. does this make any sense. idk. YOU GOT THIS ANON I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!
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words-of-wolf · 3 months
main blog of knifedog-machina here - I have a question! do you have any memories involving scent, and territory markings or prey tracking through that? I've been a bit enthralled with WolfQuest recently, and I wanna know how their visualized scent system holds up for a wolf!
Hello!! I love this question, things like this are some of my absolute favourite things to discuss!!
Gonna put a cut here because I rambled wayy more than I planned. :P
I do have memories of this, yes! It's not a simple answer though, because one problem I run into with some of my memories from other lives is that I don't always have the.. capacity to comprehend them exactly, as a human? It's a weird feeling! I can remember it but some aspects of it are just so hard to grasp.
I think to describe properly how I experience those memories will take some thinking, so I'll stick it on my blog post to-do list and aim to write something more meaningful later on!!
In short, though: I absolutely cannot overstate how central my sense of smell was in my memories of being a wolf. It was like... hm. How humans centre a lot of their understandings of the world and their place in it through our eyes? Like seeing eyes as windows to the soul and all that? Like that, but it was smell instead.
Smell wasn't just a tool, it was a really vital part of how I conceptualised the world and my place in it. I'd say even how I thought about things, and processed things internally, was very focused on smell!
As for your specific question... I've never actually got around to playing WolfQuest yet myself (it's been on my to play list since I was like 16 ahaha) but I watched a couple of videos to see what the scent mechanics in it are like!
Overall, I think they look pretty good! Ideas like scent are always gonna be hard to capture in a game, especially when you've also got to keep in mind limitations of performance and stuff, plus obviously making the game feel actually fun to play.
For the tracking scent mechanic, I really like that they added scent nodes in the air that are influenced by wind! When it comes to tracking something by scent, wind has a really big impact - the way the WolfQuest devs found to make wind relevant without being really taxing on performance is really clever, and interesting!
Territorial markings would be a really difficult thing to represent properly in a game, I think. WolfQuest seems to have a solid solution for that. It's not what I'd call "realistic" exactly, though also they base their game on Yellowstone's ecosystem, which is a very competitive location for wolves. The amount of elk there makes it prime habitat, and that means there's higher wolf density, so territorial behaviours are way more defined and intense than in other places. So some of the things that feel "off" to me, I think also come as a result of that!
It's hard to really articulate my thoughts on territory and marking, I might have to come back to the topic later when I've had some time to mull it over!
Thinking about this got me thinking about how I'd go about making a scent tracking mechanic in a video game... in a fantasy world where I can ignore hardware limitations and how difficult it all would be to code. :P
I think I would format it as a different visual mode taking inspiration from infrared videos. In this camera mode, a lot of visual objects are unclear or ambiguous, particularly anything distant.
And I would use different colours to differentiate three different scent types: yellow would be "uninteresting background scent" - grass, trees, that kind of thing. The stuff you just don't pay attention to. Green would be "distracting non-prey scent" - things that might obscure what you're looking for, or maybe just catch your attention enough to distract you from what you're focused on. Then I'd probably use red as "prey scent".
Things that have a very strong "prey scent" would be bright red and show up from furthest away compared to other scents - for example, fresh deer scat.
Less strong "prey scents" would be harder to discern from further away. These would be things that either are fresh but don't smell as strongly (like the area a deer was resting recently), or older scent sources. These would probably fade to a more orange tone when you're further from them.
I also quite like the idea of older and weaker scents being harder to identify, and maybe something based on the idea of focus - an older, weaker scent would be harder to concentrate on than a fresh, strong one.
And wind would influence how strong the scents are, especially over distance! So scents you're downwind from are clearer and more visually distinct, whereas scents upwind are less so.
If I were gonna make a game based on this, I'd say the mechanics would encourage piecing together clues from scent, sound and sight. There would probably be a separate camera mode for hearing focus, and then the default mode would let you see visual cues if there are any - flattened grass, game trails, marks on trees, etc.
Hm! It's a bit of a tangent but fun to think about, hehe. ^u^
I hope this satisfies your curiosity a bit! :D
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
i just had a thought about why the internet is, for me personally, eroding my capacity to disagree with people.
i recently had a longterm mutual post a few things about how much they personally hate a character i love, and while that's cool and i support it and whatever, my instant emotional response was something i would translate as "i shouldn't have to see this."
without fully realizing it, i'm sitting there evaluating our whole association based on their totally non-rude, from-their-own-perspective opinion about one of many different interests we have in common.
i grew up in a small town (where i now live again). my schools growing up ranged from a one-room-schoolhouse with 1-3 kids per grade up to 60 kids per grade in high school. to have any friends or social interaction at all, i had to ferret out things in common with kids who hated most of what i liked (and hated most things i am, but that's another story). if someone watched the same tv show as i did, even if they hated my favorite character, i would be over the moon. i didn't stay in touch with most of those people when i moved away, but i valued those friends while i had them, and ignoring things i didn't like about people and still hanging out when we had nothing in common is a pretty useful skill to have.
but the internet is the opposite of that school. some of it is that people are essentially or literally faceless, and there are no real consequences for vanishing from their follower list, but i think there's something about how there are effectively infinite people to interact with.
on any given topic, there will be someone on the world wide web who completely agrees with me. if that person changes their mind, there will be someone else. obviously i will put in some effort to overlook differences when it comes to people who i already have personal relationships with, but the big big sea of the internet makes acquaintances replaceable.
and in the real world, most of our human interactions are acquaintances. (i'm american, so i call them "friends" as soon as i learn their last names and have one single positive interaction with them, but you know what i mean.) most friendships start as casual acquaintances, and end up that way again if you don't put effort into nurturing them.
and like, sure, i could ask this blogger "can you tag your dislike of this fictional character so i never have to see it," and that's great for tumblr, but it's kind of a weird thing that we have that ability. it's weird that i would have the desire to curate an illusion that everyone i interact with completely agrees with me on such a granular level, about anything that's emotionally important to me, because seeing evidence that they don't upsets me.
i wonder what that's doing to me on a broader level. i think i'm less willing to put effort into forging and maintaining three-dimensional friendships when they involve compromise (like, i don't like going to movies, but that's my coworker's main hobby and she invites me. and i always say thank you but no, because i don't like going to movies, but if i went, it would help build a friendship with a nice person, and we could still be friends who go to the movies whenever we stop working at the same place). i have a harder time overlooking differences of opinion than i used to and am more likely to avoid people and let friendships die rather than negotiate a way through those differences. i have less tolerance all around for awkward conversations.
and i don't always feel the immediate consequences of any of that, because in the short term, i can replace some of those in-person social interactions with the zillion people on the internet who agree with me about things like television characters, for as long as they do agree with me.
(i want to add, in case anyone for some reason takes this as public-facing advice: you should unfollow and block blogs that upset you, because literally everyone's life on here is better for it. tumblr fandom is a hobby space that hopefully is not the only center of your life, and it should be fun and non-stressful! i am in no way encouraging personal growth through reading anti tags. you should definitely not practice having challenging conversations by arguing about a stranger's opinion on their own post. especially if you reblog that person's post from me.)
it's just a new awareness for me personally about how what's normal and good on here might be affecting my personal relationships off tumblr, and how i should probably suck it up and go to the movies.
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vergess · 9 months
Hey uhhh question for ya. Do you have any advice on finding friends that talk about sex without being weird about it? I had friends like that in college, but we've lost touch and I can't seem to find others that are as open and unembarrassed. Doing some sexual exploration recently, and finding myself with nobody to share with... doesn't feel great tbh. Something tells me I'm not looking for people in the right places, I'm just not sure what those places would be and wondered if you had any ideas or advice
I don't have much advice, I-'m afraid. I've always been so aggressively open about sexuality that it's a bit self-filtering.
Though, in terms of tumblr specifically, it's very common for people to put in their porn blog headers "DMs are open; not looking for partners" and similar in their sidebars.
So, you can always try DMing those people who mention/reblog similar kinks. I've only done it twice myself, but it went well both times even if we ultimately didn't "hit it off" and become besties. I expect it would be faster if I was more of an active pursues on the hunt for friends.
And I guess you can always DM me! I love hearing about people's sex lives as long as I'm not being expected to participate. It's tons of fun!
You can also just make friends with current/former sex workers; as a rule our professional skill means we're very good at talking about sex in a nonprofessional capacity too. Not always, of course, but often! And everyone loves a friend who doesn't flinch at their work or try to scrounge for freebies.
So I guess that's some advice, though I wish I could be more helpful!
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