ascriptical · 7 months
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Soft!König to Dom!König….?
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ascriptical · 1 year
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Batman (Detective Comics) - Icons
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ascriptical · 1 year
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jason’s prison adventures part 4
his older brother snitched on him
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ascriptical · 1 year
I am in my angst today so I'm going to drop a few of ansty Batfam headcannons.
- Bruce till this day do that father thing of open the door of his kids room to see if they're sleeping and then closing (even when they're just visiting).
- The first time he did that to Tim, Tim pretended to be asleep and then he just started sobbing because Jack used to do the same thing too, and his mother before him.
- Dick, when he moved out of the manor, still would use the Batcomputer to do research from time to time. Everytime he slept on from tiredness he would woke up with Batman's cape on his shoulders.
- No one knows Bruce has a good singing voice other than Dick and Jason because he would sing to their sleep, sometimes, when they had nightmares.
- He stopped singing when Jason died. The only person who was able to hear him sing again was Damian. He pretended to be asleep, because if he opened his eyes he would noticed how much he misses his mother.
- Jason singed to Damian sleep once at the league. None of them remember that.
- Damian tries constantly to assure himself that he could take down every member of his family if he needed to. Deep down he knows he can't.
- Bruce spent weeks trying to master how to cut someone's hair ( with Alfred's help ) so he could give Dick a haircut, because Dick said to him that his mother used to cut his hair.
- Bruce taught every single one of his sons how to shave their beard.
- Bruce had a mental breakdown once because he was starting to forget his mother's face.
- Cass overanalyze everyone's body language to see if they're healthy and happy. She tries to stop herself sometimes because more often the answer is no.
- Sometimes Tim flinches when Jason moves to fast near him. They never talked about that out loud.
- Sometimes Damian's hand tremble when he grabs his sword, he can still feel the blade.
- In one of Dick's worst fights with Redhood the moment he got home he threw up. His brother's eyes used to be blue like his and not green.
- There was a time where Jason was so happy that Bruce's blue eyes were the same shade of his.
- Bruce's hands still tremble when he sees his children on the battlefield.
- Bruce has a habit of messing with his children's hair, every single one of them picked the same habit after him.
- When Dick moved out to the Titans Bruce couldn't sleep for weeks.
- Jason avoids to change clothes in front of his brothers because of the face Dick made when he saw his autopsy scars for the first time.
- One time Jason had a panic attack and misdialed Tim's number, Tim stayed on the line until Jason managed to sleep.
- There's times where Bruce says the word Robin and all of them look at him.
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ascriptical · 1 year
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Batman changed his Robin fast.
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Like farther, like son. Damian changed his Batman fast too
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ascriptical · 1 year
This... is the most quintessentially Bruce as well as Superbat fucking interaction ever and it's just SO FUNNY.
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"There will be secrets actually, we're just gonna be better at pretending we don't have any. But do not fear, Clark. It shall all be under control because you see... I have a plan."
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ascriptical · 1 year
an undercover mission
Dick: “B, give us a signal and let us know everything’s alright.”
Bruce: “…Green Lantern is my favorite Justice League member.”
Dick, turning to Clark: “Oh my god. Get him out of there now.”
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ascriptical · 1 year
“This reminds me of playtime back home,” Diana’s smile is pearly and smudged with blood, and Bruce struggles not to stare.
He won’t point out that she just ripped an alien apart with her bare hands and way too little effort.
He wants to. Anyone would have words faced with gods, but he doesn’t trust his conversation skills.
���Boy, you’re a chatty one,” Green Lantern is positively insufferable.
He’s whip-smart, dangerously brave, selfless and tactical when needs be, but insufferable all the same, “ Also, cool boomerang.”
Defensive, Bruce grips the gadget a little closer to his hip, “It’s a batarang.” And it was my son’s idea. Of course it’s impressive. 
The brunette snorts, Diana chuckling alongside him, both entirely too bright for the gore on their clothes, “Oh yeah, that sounds so much better. But you obviously know how to handle it, I’ll tell you that much,”
inwardly, Bruce frowns. Why would he design a weapon he couldn’t use? 
“Yes, your combat skills are impressive! You must do your tribe proud,”
Involuntarily, his head lowers in embarrassment. The cowl feels ten times hotter now, and he wants to snarl at Superman for tugging at the pointy ears. His smile just blinds him too much, that’s all.
Aquaman picks body matter out of his hair, beach sand blonde, sending The Flash a smirk Bruce assumes is teasing.
He can’t quite tell. They’ve known each other for 10 hours, 20 minutes, and 32 seconds, and an odd, familiar energy had settled. “At least you’re not the only nerd in class.”
The Flash is young; Bruce notes the eagerness in his footsteps, the reckless courage, the perseverance to fight for the world and against it;
More than anything, he notices pride sparking a light in his chest.
“Not a nerd!"
"Whatever, speedy,"
"This nerd saved your well-conditioned ass! But anyway, DUDE, – I mean, can we talk about the tech? Just, – I need to know how you designed that utility belt, because holy FUCK, -,”
There’s a full minute of just animated hand gestures, plentiful explanations, queries, and Bruce of course pays attention to all of it. 
The Flash, – Barry, as he accidentally revealed five minutes in, too lost in excitable rambling to notice, – stops, frowns,
“Uh, dude? I mean, obviously, the whole,” he gestures to the entirety of Bruce, “Man Bat thing, that rocks,  but isn’t it easier to just use your powers?”
Superman’s fingers snap, “I was wondering about that! Why didn’t you?”
But there’s an underlying hint that the man already suspects it; It makes Bruce’s teeth grind anxiously, looking around expectant, curious eyes, 
“I don’t have superpowers,” the truth spills in a rush, and Bruce doesn’t take it back in time. 
They share stunned looks between them, but sky-blue eyes, peppered with a ring of brown in the left one, those stay on him. He’s uncomfortable with the appreciative gleam. 
Superman smirks, “We should do this again!”
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ascriptical · 1 year
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ascriptical · 1 year
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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)  Dir. Zack Snyder 
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ascriptical · 2 years
Yea I like truth serum Bruce Wayne but what I really want is truth serum Bruce Wayne that makes him say the first thing he thinks. No filter. Meaning he’s either just roasting the hell out of himself the whole time or being genuine
Bruce: [sips his too hot coffee] “try waiting a minute you fucking moron”
Bruce: [nearly drops phone] “almost ten years of ninja training and you can’t even tell”
Bruce: [eating his breakfast]
Tim: “hey Bruce, still having side effects?”
Bruce: [looks up] “they’re only side effects if I squint, otherwises I just seem sarcastic and cynical”
Dick: [takes a selfie with Bruce] “what do you think?”
Bruce: “we look like shit”
Dick: “yea, we do look like shit” [deletes photo]
Bruce: [steps in water wearing socks] “I hate being alive, it’s not worth it anymore if this is the trial I have to face”
Alfred: “just take off your socks”
Bruce: “I’ll take you off my will”
Damian: “I wished you leave me alone”
Bruce: “and I wish I knew how to communicate with you properly”
Damian: “yea, because I’m so difficult”
Bruce: “because I love you and I want to be the father you deserve”
Jason: “I fucking hate you!”
Bruce: “same. Wanna make a club?”
Jason: “… wait can we?”
Bruce: “see Jason’s got more self control than me, because if I killed somebody then I’d just kill everybody. Equality, am I right?”
Bruce: “god, I’d wish you’d kids stop stressing me out”
Tim: “well sorry we can’t be perfect”
Bruce: “who said you aren’t perfect? I love all of you so much I feel like I can’t breath sometimes”
Clark: [wearing a new dress shirt]
Bruce: “you could get it”
Clark: “what?”
Bruce: “I said what I said”
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ascriptical · 2 years
is everyone in agreement on bruce being the bottom on superbat?
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ascriptical · 2 years
How Kakashi's mental health negatively effected his strength and why he was getting stronger and stronger throughout the story.
Have you ever wondered why Tsunade was surprised that Itachi defeated Kakashi and was so angry that she scolded him for losing?
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That's because Tsunade personally knowing Kakashi's power level as a Shinobi and that he shouldn't have lost that fight ... Then what happened?!.
Aside from the things I explained in the second half of this post, Kakashi was actually rusty, after Hiruzen got him out of Anbu and before he gets team 7, Kakashi's mental health was at it's lowest, he lost the Anbu missions which despite not being good for him and was actually making his depression worse, it's was the only thing that was keeping him busy, so now he had too much free time, he was failing all of the students he got and apparently he wasn't being sent to S or A ranked missions and according to his own statements he stopped training too
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And here in his fight with Zabuza he states that it has been so long since he had a fight like this
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And here he once again confirms that he hasn't had a fight like this since he left Anbu
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Now, remember when Kakashi was teaching team 7 to walk on trees and was explaining chakra control? Kakashi explained that the physical AND mental energies combine to form chakra.
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And this is why having a bad mental health can effect the Shinobi's overall strength greatly.
Then Kakashi gets team 7 and slowly things starts to get better gradually especially in Shippuden when he tells Naruto this
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And then he got to meet his father and forgive him and know that because of it his father too can now move on and can finally join his mother.
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And then during the war he got the chance to properly say goodbye to Rin, Obito and Minato and then later they even get Sasuke back.
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He finally gets to move on.. even the Sharingan that was a constant reminder of his pain and failures was gone. When he says "As of today Kakashi of The Sharingan is no more" it holds a much more deeper meaning than just losing the Sharingan. "Kakashi of the Sharingan" was the man who had the weight of the whole world on his shoulders, who was always burdened by his guilt, his failures and everything he lost, that sad broken man who used to be called "Kakashi of the Sharingan" is no more. The new Kakashi gets to have a new beginning with all of the friends and precious people he still has, who has filled the hole in his heart, in a new era of peace, the peace that they all fought so hard to get and now they finally have. And this is why Hokage Kakashi is much much more stronger than he ever was. The current Kakashi has a perfect mental energy combined with a perfect physical energy (especially after losing the chakra drain of the Sharingan and the great toll it used to put on his body) and he is even training and learning so many new powerful Jutsu and inventing new ones like it's stated in Kakashi Retsuden. The new Kakashi finally gets to use his full potentials without all the emotional baggage that used to hold him back 🥺❤️
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ascriptical · 3 years
When the bae talks about subs and this happens.
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ascriptical · 3 years
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A quick flyby kiss
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ascriptical · 3 years
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*chanting like a mantra* I am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics
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ascriptical · 3 years
Yea I like truth serum Bruce Wayne but what I really want is truth serum Bruce Wayne that makes him say the first thing he thinks. No filter. Meaning he’s either just roasting the hell out of himself the whole time or being genuine
Bruce: [sips his too hot coffee] “try waiting a minute you fucking moron”
Bruce: [nearly drops phone] “almost ten years of ninja training and you can’t even tell”
Bruce: [eating his breakfast]
Tim: “hey Bruce, still having side effects?”
Bruce: [looks up] “they’re only side effects if I squint, otherwises I just seem sarcastic and cynical”
Dick: [takes a selfie with Bruce] “what do you think?”
Bruce: “we look like shit”
Dick: “yea, we do look like shit” [deletes photo]
Bruce: [steps in water wearing socks] “I hate being alive, it’s not worth it anymore if this is the trial I have to face”
Alfred: “just take off your socks”
Bruce: “I’ll take you off my will”
Damian: “I wished you leave me alone”
Bruce: “and I wish I knew how to communicate with you properly”
Damian: “yea, because I’m so difficult”
Bruce: “because I love you and I want to be the father you deserve”
Jason: “I fucking hate you!”
Bruce: “same. Wanna make a club?”
Jason: “… wait can we?”
Bruce: “see Jason’s got more self control than me, because if I killed somebody then I’d just kill everybody. Equality, am I right?”
Bruce: “god, I’d wish you’d kids stop stressing me out”
Tim: “well sorry we can’t be perfect”
Bruce: “who said you aren’t perfect? I love all of you so much I feel like I can’t breath sometimes”
Clark: [wearing a new dress shirt]
Bruce: “you could get it”
Clark: “what?”
Bruce: “I said what I said”
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