#[Whether it's a one-time thing or something thats been building up; the sooner you take care of it the sooner you can feel respected]
thatoneskullgrunt · 8 months
how do you set boundaries for people venting in your inbox? normally i'm happy to listen and help, but sometimes i just don't have the energy, you know? but i feel bad ignoring people.
(p.s. if you can tell who i am then no you can't)
//also just a heads-up for anyone Else who can tell who this is because it is Very Obvious if you know me, the only source of this is because skully did the boundary thing and i figured it'd be a good question //i am in no way actually being troubled OOC (or even IC) by anyone at present so no need to adjust anything in interactions. pre-emptive anxiety easing done
What i try to do is outright state "hey, not right now" as soon as i can. It's tough sometimes but the more you do it the easier it becomes. The hard part is not letting your guilt consume you- just because it feels mean or wrong to set a boundary because it might hurt the other person, doesnt mean it IS mean or wrong. Setting healthy boundaries is imperative to a healthy relationship, so it's best to rip the bandaid off as soon as you can rather than suppressing your own needs.
Keep in mind that im just some dude and not a mental health professional by any means, but ive been practicing and keeping healthy relationships and building my mental health back up for a while now, so im happy to try and help where i can.
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somnambulants · 3 years
i love your writing!! could you maybe do something with exes to lovers with nat?
word count: 3.9K notes: thanks for the request! i’m glad you like my writing! i also may...have started thinking about writing a second part because im super attached to this fic. let me know if thats something you guys would be interested in!
“Barton, you’re such a –“
Your world stops turning at the sound of that voice, everything else becoming static. It doesn’t matter that you’re standing in a room full of people that you’re supposed to be impressing.
It’s been over ten years since you’d last heard that voice.
Vaguely, you know that Captain America is speaking to you but the only thing you can pay attention to is her.
You turn slowly, and the second you lay eyes on her you know for sure.
It’s definitely her.
You see it the second she spots you too.
In all the time you’d known her, she’d always been so much more proficient at hiding things than you but you still see the way her eyes widen as she takes you in and the way her face shifts into something that resembles shock before she manages to mask it.
You startle a little, having now somehow completely forgotten that Captain America was next to you and that you were in the middle of a tour of your new workplace the second you’d landed eyes on her.
Oh god.Your new workplace.
Your new workplace that was also clearly her workplace.
As she approaches, you futilely look for every possible way you can escape. “This is Y/N. Fury’s informant while Agent Emery is on reconnaissance. Y/N this is Natasha Romanoff.”
Natasha? Romanoff? Absurdly, you have the sudden urge to laugh.
She really couldn’t have come up with a better name after fleeing the country all those years ago? It’s a surprise to you that you hadn’t heard about her sooner with that alias.
Pushing that thought away and hoping that your face shows the professionalism you’re trying to convey, you straighten your spine and clear your throat. “Nice to meet you.”
Captain America’s eyes flick between the both of you. Maybe you’re not doing as good a job as you’d thought.
Natalia-Natasha takes the hand you extend to her and shakes it. “Likewise,” she says, and you hate the way your body still reacts to her voice all these years later; hate the way her touch still makes you feel.
Even more so, you hate that you don’t know what it is you’re feeling more of as you look into her eyes: fury or heartbreak.
She makes a flimsy –well flimsy to you – excuse and leaves the conversation after that. You watch her walk away, clenching the hand she’d touched into a fist as you resist the urge to put it through the wall next to you.
Somehow you think you’d have a hard time explaining it to the man still standing next to you, who is now watching you with a thoughtfully puzzled but not suspicious expression.
Not yet, anyway.
Your dreams that night are fitful and full of her. The first time you’d met, you’d been nothing more than children.
There are no children in red room though. Only fighters and a fighter, she definitely was.
You? Not so much. You’d never been designed to last more than a day in that place and you wouldn’t have, if not for her.
Natalia throws you back against the mat, again and then again and again. Each time you stand up with more difficulty until eventually, she throws you down so hard your vision blurs for a second.
You never had a chance against her, something you knew before you even stepped foot into the room and you know they must have known that too when they set you up against the most experienced fighter here.
It’s abundantly clear you’ve been set up to fail.
The next time she hits you, your legs give out beneath you and you can’t bring yourself to get up this time, even though you know what’s going to happen to you if you don’t.
You know how this works.
Bracing yourself for impact, you close your eyes and wait. It’s pathetic. You know.
The final blow never comes. When you finally crack open an eye, you find Natalia, arms crossed, just gazing down at you.
It might have been your imagination but her eyes don’t seem quite as hard as they had been before.
She extends a hand after a second of her just watching you and you watching her. A little part of you is convinced it’s a trick; that the second you take her hand, you’re going to fail whatever test this is.
Still, against your better judgement you take her hand and, rather than the macabre images playing out in your mind, instead she actually helps you stand, surprisingly gentle as she does so.
She gives you a second to reorient yourself and then her whole demeanour changes, turning cold and stiff as she crouches down back into a fighting position.
“Try again.”
Just as abruptly, you’re thrown into another and another. Quick flashes of the past that still haunt you.
Natalia taking you on your first mission.
Natalia holding your hand as you cried over the body of the first man you’d killed.
Natalia lying beside you on your mattress, running her hands through your hair gently when your nightmares became so bad you’d go days without sleeping.
Years and years of training. Years of bruises and broken bones. Mission after mission. Somehow, it’s all maybe not-quite worth it but it almost is – almost – because of her.
When you kiss her for the first time, you think that might be the first time either of you has had any control over what you do with your bodies. 
You can't remember a time where you'd had something you'd ever wanted and you wanted her so badly.
You can’t get enough of it. Or her.
And then, one day, you wake up and she’s just... gone. 
The next morning, feeling irritable and exhausted from your disturbed sleep, you walk into the avengers training room and find the one person you’d been hoping wouldn’t be there.
Of course, your mind spitefully whispers because of course it wasn’t enough for the universe to thrust her back into your life but it had to throw her in your face too.
When you enter, she has her back to you but you know she knows you’re there by the way her back stiffens slightly.
You watch as she stands up straighter at the words you throw at her back, unable to help yourself: “What is this? Babysitting duty? I think we’re passed that, aren’t we?”
She turns to you. “I usually come here early,” is all she says. She doesn’t respond to the bite in your voice.
You make a non-committal sound and then just decide to ignore her, stomping past her to make your way to the far corner of the room. You work by yourself in peace for about ten minutes before you hear the sound of footsteps and all of a sudden she’s in front of you.
“I need a partner,” she says. 
You have the urge to laugh in her face, before it strikes you how cathartic it would be to punch her right now, no matter how childish it might be, so you stand, letting the weight you’d been holding drop back to the floor with a loud thud, and follow her across the room.
You both crouch down in anticipation and you take a second to really look at her.
Her expression is unreadable. The pang you feel when you realise that surprises you.
There had been a time when you’d known her like the back of your hand and now she's nothing more than a stranger standing in front of you.
It hurts a lot more than you’d thought it would.
This continues for weeks. You don’t know why you let it happen but you do. You get up early; you go to the gym; you spar with her and then you fulfil the duties you’d been hired to do.
It’s almost easy to slip back into that headspace of your whole life revolving around her. Because it does. All you do is think about her when you’re not around her.
Over those weeks, you still barely speak a word to her because at least if you don’t speak, you have some kind of power.
To your surprise, she lets you ignore her, lets you pretend you don’t hear her whenever she speaks and you resent her a little more for that. You’d rather she hated you as much as you want to hate her.
It would make it all so much easier.
Eventually, though, you break.
You’re not strong enough to ignore your desire to know everything; to know how she’d ended up here. And why she’d clearly cared enough to stick around and try and save the entire world when you, a single person, hadn’t even been worth enough for her to stay.
“Why,” you pant, mid spar one morning. She’s kicking your ass, as usual. “Why here? Why the avengers?”
You’d sworn to yourself you’d never ask her this question but the yearning to know has been burning inside you since you’d walked into this building over a month ago now.
Equally as breathless, Natasha drops the careful façade she’d had up and looks at you with those eyes; the ones that could have made you do anything at one point in time. You’re not convinced they still couldn’t. “I wanted to do better… be better than what we were…. Isn’t that why you’re here, too?”
That answer hurts you more than any of the hits she’s landed on you this morning. And there’s been a lot. She’s still the superior fighter, even if she had left so long before you.
God, those words hurt to hear. Especially to have you lumped in with the clearly bad part of her life, whether it was her intention or not.
Maybe that’s why you say what you say next. Maybe there’s a little part of you wishes this whole situation would hurt her as much as it hurts you.
“How… uncharacteristic of you,” you ignore the last part of her sentence because honestly: you don’t know why you’re here. You feel like you’ve been lost and drifting your whole life and the only thing that had ever made sense to you was her.
You know your bitterness has bled into your voice with your words but you don’t make any effort to mask it. And if you can hear it, she definitely can too.
In the blink of an eye, she stops sparring with you, straightening up quicker than even you can catch. You let out a breathless huff of air as she grabs the front of your shirt pulling it so you’re forced forward until you’re almost nose to nose with her.
You hate that for a split second, before you can control yourself, you lean in slightly. As much as your mind can’t stand her, your body has no such feelings and it still wants her. You know you have no hope of hiding it from her so you don’t even bother.
“You don’t know me,” she says. The words come out of her mouth fiercely but the look in her eyes is soft, beseeching, like she wants you to hear her. “I'm not that person anymore.”
Like it matters.
It’s like you’re suspended in time for a second, and all you can think of as you look into her eyes is of the woman you knew.
You hate that you still miss her.
There’s a flicker of something in her eyes that you want to believe mirrors the torrent of emotions currently taking over you – the sadness, the anger, the grief – but you know better than to have hope when it comes to her.
You know all too well how it ends. And you’ve had enough of false hope.
Typically, in a fight, you know Natasha would come out on top – has every time -- but she’s never had your anger directed at her the way it is now and she isn’t expecting the way you’re practically vibrating with it as you shove her away, so hard that she stumbles backwards, only just managing to stay on her feet.
“Clearly,” you spit at her as you straighten up, and start walking towards the exit.
You know she’s still just standing there in the same spot. You can feel her eyes on you.“Yeah, run away,” she mutters under her breath.
It’s the first time she’s shown you the attitude you’d been giving her for weeks and her reaction is justified, you can admit it, but you don’t care.
You spin around, fury overtaking you as you advance on her until you’re pinning her against the wall behind her. “Sorry,” you hiss, glaring into her eyes. “I forgot you’re the only one who can do that.”
“That was different.”
You laugh. It’s not a nice one. It sounds like an injured animal trying to claw it’s way out of your throat. 
“Why? Because it was you doing it? Excuse me for not being —“
All of a sudden, she’s kissing you. Or you’re kissing her.
Either way, you’re kissing and you don’t know how exactly it happened but you know that you can’t get enough of her; can’t get her close enough even though there’s no longer even an inch of space between you.
She flips your positions, tugging you closer, and you’re abruptly bathed in cool air as she rips your shirt off you, shoving you against the wall.
Your heart picks up rapidly as she kneels in front of you, easing the rest of your clothes off in one fluid moment.
“I hate you. So much,” you tell her as you step out of your pants and it’s not convincing even to you. Still, you repeat it again and again as she kisses down your body – so tenderly and gently that your voice starts to wobble.
You hate it. You hate her.
She looks up at you from in between your legs, now on her knees. It’s such a vulnerable position that you find you can’t look at her and you have to close your eyes. Natasha digs her nails into your thighs as she forces them apart.
“Look at me,” she demands. Her grip tightens until you obey; you know you’re going have crescent shaped bruises tomorrow. Her gaze is soft and tender and just all consuming. You know there’s no coming back from it. You’d never had a chance, even back when you didn’t mind not having one. “Don’t look away.”
You don’t, not even when she finally, finally, touches you and your head falls back against the wall. 
You hold her gaze the entire time knowing how incredibly stupid this is and not caring at all about how much you’ll regret it later when you’re thinking straight.
And regret it, you do.
You stop working out early. You walk the other way in the halls if you see her. You know people are catching on that something is going on between the both of you; have caught multiple avengers giving you quizzical looks whenever you’re in the same room and it makes you feel even worse than before.
You channel all that regret into something more meaningful and commit to doing a damn good job at what you were actually here for. And you do. You can admit you do a fantastic job.
Every time you hand a report in or come back from a mission, you swear see a glimmer of approval in Fury’s eyes. Something you’d heard was notoriously hard to come by.
You must have done something really shitty in a past life though because after weeks of throwing yourself into your temporary duties, you walk into your temporarily office and are immediately flagged down by Fury, who debriefs you on the details of a mission he’s sending you on.
You’re thrilled for about three seconds until you see the name of the person you’re going with.
Agent Natasha Romanoff.
Fury is looking at you with a scrutinising expression when you look up from the file. Every time he looks at you it’s like he can see inside your soul. “Is that a problem?”
You grit your teeth and force yourself to smile. “Of course not, sir.”
It is a problem. A big problem, in fact.
You don’t speak to her on the flight there. Even though it’s only the two of you confined in the aircraft. You don’t even so much let yourself look at her. You can feel her looking at you multiple times, though, even though she’s piloting and should only be looking at the course in front of you.
There are no words exchanged between you all day beyond the times you absolutely have to speak. 
At least not until you reach the tiny hotel room you’d been given.
The second the door closes behind you both, she turns to you and opens her mouth and maybe it’s cowardly but you cut her off before she even start speaking.
“I’m going to have a shower,” you say and flee the room with your entire carry-on, worried that if you pause to sift through your things, she’ll keep talking.
Still in the same spot, the look on Natasha’s face when you emerge from the bathroom is full of clear exhaustion. You hate the way it makes you feel. Empty. Sad. It’s exhausting for you trying to convince yourself you hate her.
“I’m sorry I left,” she says and you freeze. “I wanted to come back. Find you. I just didn’t know - i didn’t know if you even wanted me to.”
You’ve wanted to hear those words for so long. Now you have you don’t know what to do. “Why did you leave?”
She hesitates. The look in her eyes tells you you’re not going to get a full answer. That as open as she’s trying to be, you still don’t get to know why she abandoned you. “It’s a long story.”
The evasion stings. “An apology means nothing if you won’t tell me why.”
It’s an unfair thing to say. You know that but you don’t really feel like being fair right now.
You chance a look up when she doesn’t respond and find her looking down at the floor. It makes you wonder what — or who — she must still be protecting by not telling you. 
It becomes apparent that she’s not going to say anything else after the silence between you drags on long enough that the tension in the air becomes almost unbearable.
You don’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing the tears in your eyes so you flick the light off and turn the lamp on your shared nightstand off, throwing the both of you into immediate darkness. It’s definitely too early to be sleeping but you don’t care.
Eventually, after laying there rigidly for what feels like hours and listening to the sounds of Natasha tossing and turning in the other bed, you finally fall asleep and are immediately thrown into dream after dream that quickly turn into fitful nightmares.
Nightmares that may be more aptly called memories. After one particularly bad one that thrusts you back into consciousness, you bolt upwards, still half asleep. 
You only narrowly manage to avoid bumping straight into Natasha, who’s hovering above you, because of her hand on your shoulder holding you in place.
You flinch away from her instinctively and she backs up to give you a little space.
The only sound in the room is your heavy and desperate gasping for air. Natasha, now perched on the very edge of the bed, bites her lip, looking at you as if she knows exactly what you’d been dreaming about.
She probably does. It doesn’t take a genius to guess.
“Are you –"
“I’m fine,” you say flatly. You stare up at the ceiling, absently counting the tiles as you try to slow your breathing.
You’re hyperventilating, you know it, you just can’t get yourself to stop. You’re also sweating, it’s disgusting. You can feel how all of your clothes are stuck to you. Your hair flattened to your neck.
If you hadn’t been dealing with this for so long, you’re pretty sure that you’d think you were having a heart attack instead of a panic attack.
But you have. Been dealing with it. It’s just something you’ve come to expect now. You just never thought she’d be here to witness it.
All of a sudden, as you’re still trying to calm your breathing, the bed dips below you.
Your eyes fly open in shock to find Natasha sliding onto the mattress beside you, still on top of the covers.
Gingerly, she rests her head on the pillow next to your head and fixes her gaze on the ceiling.
It’s slight but her hand brushes against your own a few minutes later.
You suck in a breath between your teeth, but despite yourself, you let her move closer, until she’s so close you’re almost touching, and you can hear her quiet breathing.
Against your better judgement, you let your eyes slip closed again. Seeming to understand you’re not going to push her away, Natasha shifts closer, until you’re both shoulder to shoulder, the way she used to lay next to you when you had bad dreams when you were kids.
She grabs your hand, and slowly, hesitantly, she moves it to her chest where you can feel her heart thrumming rapidly under your fingertips. Surprisingly, it still works; you breathe in and out, in out in out, in time with her heartbeat.
You must at some point fall asleep because all of a sudden you can hear birds chirping outside the window and the sounds of people outside in the street.
When you open your eyes, you expect to find the spot next to you empty and the covers unruffled, as if she’d never been there at all but to your shock she’s still there beside you, awake and on top of the covers.
The circles under her eyes make you think she must not have slept at all.
You slide out of the bed and head towards the bathroom without saying a word, where you turn the shower on and just sit under the spray for what must be at least an hour, letting the water run over you and trying not to think.
This time when you return, she’s gone.
The rest of the mission goes smoothly. If nothing else, you both work well together as a team. You can still read her movements like a book, and she knows to anticipate what you’re doing before you even know yourself.
The days go fine. The nights not so much. You don’t speak about it but every night you’re woken up by the same dreams and every night you wake up to find her kneeling beside you.
If you were stronger willed, you would’ve shoved her away the first time, but you can’t bring yourself to. Maybe it’s a little selfish but you can’t find it in yourself to care. 
The last night of the mission is when you finally break, though. Something shifts in the air when you wake yourself up gasping and meet her eyes. The same eyes that had been blank and lifeless in your dream. 
You know she feels the shift as well by the way she’s looking at you, cautiously hopeful.
You don’t say anything though and neither does she. You just lay there, side by side, and watch each other carefully for what could be seconds, or it could be hours.
Her eyes are begging wordlessly: Truce?
Despite yourself, as you gaze back at her, you find yourself giving in. For tonight at least.
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versacherries · 2 years
my lil piece of advice to your other posttt about comparing yourself is the sooner you free yourself from societal standards the easier and happier your life will be 💕 and you can take your time and do this at any age even though its hard, creating colorful, positive, spiritual, heavenly and earthly beautiful thoughts visually and with kind words is a step in being more transformative or giving yourself more of a clarity i’d say a realization that you have always been amazing and that their is no comparison between any of our beings and then you gain that peace and self love, self care and self respect in really cherishing your endearing self 🫧 you’ll realize you as well as your life is beautiful and we are all unique beings who are doing things different and we all look different and its only because of society that we look down on our beauty 🫶
beauty that is passed down from your culture, your beautiful ancestors who had beautiful souls and spirits and watch over you like angels and that you were crafted and molded by god, don’t let anyone make you feel bad about your look or your genes!! 🪐 all beings are freakin majestic and they match your stunning soul that is made out of the same thing stars are ☁️ idk if our bodies follow us for eternity but ik your soul is eternal and thats what matters, a beautiful and creative soul because that is infinite 💫 even some of the people you look up to you’ll find that they spent most of their lives trying to accomplish there dreams and they made it! Like that girl who made that amazing hit song “middle of the night” !! ⭐️
some people do get things handed to them faster or more naturally but that doesn’t take away from the magic you had to produce to make it to where you are at each step and their is no such thing as taking too “long” thats just society norms that make you think ‘you need this at 18, you need to start doing this at 21, oh all my friends are doing that already’ what anybody else is doing has no reflection of you 🫵 some people dont find a passion or success in their passions until old age we can pick up new things at any age, learn how to play the piano at 17 and then try to learn a new language at 19 and thats life and everything we do is meaningful thats the beauty of life 💜
there is no time on what we do, and we all wish there was something that we knew when we were younger but really the time on that doesn’t matter either because were all self taught, were all learning and we all teach ourselves something or are taught it by someone else later whether this is through experience or etc their is no time limit on when we learn something their is no comparison, you might wish to teach your future kids everything they need to know or at least what you wanted to know but the reality is their also gonna grow up thinking i wish someone told me this growing up or i wish i knew this when i was younger or had found this sooner but just based on their own experiences and life moments that theyll make for themselves and interest and passion and thats okay 💖💘 we all just need to remember that we are all growing all the time and thats how life is their is no age where we are supposed to know something ❤️‍🩹
Lastly, dont doubt yourself! confidence is key even if its fake even if you have no money like maddy perez from euphoria said like 90% of life is confidence and no one knows if its real or not ☺️ with confidence you can do anything, nobody is a dreamer or imaginative in my opinion because our thoughts on aspirations etc on anything everything we create in our mind are based off who we are and our greatness and it is the first step in building, remember step outside yourself and you will see your greatness like your own guardian angels do 🌱🤍 and we will achieve it just go out and continue doing something about it and going for it, keep hustlin this time without doubts or comparison and trust me gyal you will get shit done!🫰
always shut down that negative voice in your head that holds you back and makes you get in the way of yourself, it will go away once your free, if you listen to every voice in your head, that comparison, that self doubt, your gonna go crazy lol 🍀 you can admire others but don’t think you are any less they are somebody else and what their doing has no value on what your doing even if you look up to where they are at do not belittle yourself and your journey because your journey is beautiful and one to be admired as well, appreciate your own growth and relish in it, honor it freakin adore it 🌻 what other people look like or what they look like they are doing should mean nothing if you are praising and worshipping yourself! ☄️ even some of the most accomplished people cant feel fulfilled and completed in all the goals they achieved that you deem as success 🫐 some of these kids are handed their dreams or what you view to be the kind of “beauty” you want looks-wise and yet its not all its cracked out to be for them 🍉 remember you are prosperous and nobody compares to your wonderful self and life even with its ups and downs🪁💙
anyways i hope some of this can resonate with you in regards to ur other post or maybe something you can come back to as something to take with you as a pick me up or a reminder and can help you, its long and i made alot of spiritual and religious points but i hope thats good and that you like this lil message and advice ♡
omg i just saw this! thank you so much for you kinds words, i totally agree with what you said, I'll def save this message and re-read it again when I'm feeling down. thank you so much for taking the time to write such a beautiful post <3
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zaptap · 3 years
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ive made a few of these bingo sheets and theyre fun so i decided to make one not just for e3 but also JUST for splatoon 3 (not just for e3 but for like the whole lifetime of the game). also heres my updated list of characters id like to see in smash, ordered generally by which id like more and/or think are the most realistic
since min min got in i took out helix, and since i couldnt decide whether to add in waluigi or madeline i added another row (realistically i dont think any indies are getting in but i threw some in anyway). also i was like “oh yeah maybe theyd put in a gen viii pokemon” so i threw in hatterene since thats one of my favorites.
also as for waluigi (and shovel knight for that matter) i think it would be nice to see an assist trophy get in just to break that rule. also i remember being super surprised he wasnt in brawl (back then i thought he and wario were equally important) and even though that was based on a wrong impression ive still felt like he should be in there ever since
notes about the bingos under the cut
really is about time for those n64 games, especially now that mario is dead so theyre free to release sm64 on it. game boy games would be nice sometime too
would also make sense to include banjo-kazooie in that, nintendos had a good relationship with microsoft lately and the total absence of anything banjo-kazooie on the switch is odd since it’s a dlc character (every other one has a game on switch they can use for cross-marketing, even if joker’s took a while) and i think the best explanation for that would be that theyre holding off for the nso n64 app (this is easiest from a technical standpoint because all they have to do is make a deal to use the roms)
when are they putting octolings in mk8d
xenoblade chronicles x is one of the only wii u games left that they could port (aside from ones that wouldnt make much sense like splatoon and ssb4) so i guess that might as well happen sometime. also monolith soft might be doing something else besides helping with splatoon 3
im not ready for metroid prime 4 (im over halfway through mp2 and therefore the trilogy as a whole) but it’s been a while, they might show it and it could even come out this year
hal apparently recently hinted at a new kirby game or something
the upgraded switch is obviously going to be called the Nintendo Switch ͥ  since they already did the ds lite so theyre clearly naming everything in the family after the ds family, theres absolutely no flaw in this logic. idk if theyre showing it, but unlike 2019 they didnt say they werent showing new hardware (just that they were showing software, which could be taken as denying rumors, but they sometimes specify when certain things arent being shown)
metroid prime trilogy also might come this year. would make sense to release it before mp4 since not everyone is going to buy a wii u to get it (and at this point that doesnt get nintendo any money since they stopped making them)
where is detective pikachu 2. i hope it has the blue pikachu from that first tease they gave us in like 2014 (2013? that was a loooong time ago idk)
they said this was MOSTLY 2021 so i am absolutely getting my hopes up for splatoon 2
the two sinnoh games could likely be there
would be super cool if oddity came to switch. and almost as ironic as megalovania getting into smash
we havent seen the botw sequel for a couple years so we’re kind of due for an update on that
it’s ace attorney’s 20th anniversary this year so maybe theyre doing something. theyre already porting those games though so idk. maybe he’s getting in smash
whats with that watermelon mario render
i held off on watching a playthrough for ndrv3 on the off chance it came to switch and i could play a dangan ronpa game for real for once but it’s now been 4 years and we just passed the 10th anniversary of the series (albeit during a pandemic when i wouldnt expect them to have done anything) so it would be cool to see the series come to switch. i think if it still doesnt after this though i’ll just watch the playthrough, 4 years is long enough. amazed ive avoided spoilers this long, i still know next to nothing about the game
im about done with acnh but im still waiting on those splatoon items. and i ran out of storage in february so i need more of that too
nintendo did stuff for zelda’s 30th anniversary so i doubt theyre forgetting the 35th. maybe wwhd/tphd ports, idk
been a couple years since fire emblem, intelligent systems is probably up to something besides planning yet another paper mario spinoff
miyamoto forgot pikmin 4 in the oven 6 years ago and it got burnt to a crisp and thats why it hasnt come out yet because he had to start over
and splatoon
the inklings scared daft punk into quitting so now that theres no competition in the robot musician scene they should have a daft punk style group
i waited and waited and neither of my top two splatoon stages (flounder and d’alfonsino) came back in splatoon 2 so i hope just because splatoon 3 isnt in inkopolis doesnt mean they still wont return
would be sick as hell if there was a real hide and seek mode instead of just sticking to your own rules in private battles. havent played that since 2015 but it was super fun
show us the effects of the chaos world
i wanted mc craig to have a song in octo expansion and they didnt deliver. heres another chance
splatnet 3 baby
cant wait for nogami to do a funny 3 pose
abxy came back for splatoon 2.... am i gonna be that lucky again...?
salmon run doesnt make sense if youre friends with a smallfry but they could either change the story context (you just fight “evil” salmonids?) or replace it with an equally fun co-op mode
amiibo!!! i think i said this before but they should label them by weapons if these cephalopods dont have genders, would make more sense (the gendered ones had different weapons anyway)
returning characters!!!! would like to see everyone have a role of some kind
maybe #GearForAll wasnt successful in getting the emperor/spy/mecha gear, but perhaps theyll at least consider not making that stuff exclusive this time around
squid girl gear should be back. and they should call it a dress instead of a tunic because its a dress. and theres no gender now anyway
as ive said before... TRIPLIES!! you hold one in each hand and another in your mouth. and you can spin around like the tasmanian devil
remove splatfest tee annoyances: you should have a prompt at the end of a splatfest to pay to scrub your tee (to make sure you get the chunks) also it should be on a neutral brand so you dont end up with an overabundance of ink resistance up (or whatever else)
better online and cloud saves would certainly justify having a second splatoon game on the same console, as much as im loving that it exists
hopefully theres a global testfire again
sooner or later the workers will rise up and kill mr grizz
remember in splatoon 1 where if you had squid beatz (via the amiibo) you could “play” it in the lobby and change the music? then you were stuck listening to only bubble bath in splatoon 2? why did they take that option away they should bring it back
looking at those apartment buildings in the trailer i think it would be cool if you had your own room and could decorate it
an octavio redemption arc would be fun to see. in the manga he stole the zapfish because the octarians had an energy crisis, and in the end they worked out a deal to share the electricity
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caffeinated-cryptid · 4 years
bishop to castle; check.
3.8k words | AO3 link | tags/warnings: suicidal behaviour, risk of falling from a height, talking someone down from a ledge, hurt/comfort, platonic roceit, positive ending.
“After weeks of moping post-POF, Janus goes into the imagination to find Roman. They end up having a much more intense conversation than he could have ever planned for.”
Janus hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Roman since their last argument. It was fine, probably, he justified to himself, despite how Patton had returned from their talk with pursed lips and worriedly furrowed eyebrows. He likely just needed time to process everything that had happened, and Janus wasn’t going to push that. 
(His reluctance to address the issue had nothing to do with the fact that he dreaded another confrontation. Totally not.)
After all, forcing his presence on Roman now could potentially only make things worse. So instead he would just have to wait for him to come around first-- to calm down enough to be willing to hear him out without resorting to name-calling.
Janus was plenty busy anyway, what with his new position in Thomas’ life. More than smoothing over one less-than-steller relationship with a side (which Janus was collecting like pokemon cards recently, it seemed), he elected to focus on ensuring Thomas held true to his promises of self-care, which meant working with Patton more often.
That wasn’t so terrible, at least it wasn’t as bad as the him from a year ago would have expected; the side was trying harder to welcome his contributions which he appreciated. Though inadvertantly through this new partnership, he found himself being dragged into more casual hang-outs, where they would do nothing but...chat. Sharing daily anecdotes and worries and secrets about themselves. It was strangely open and the sort of thing Janus had to adjust to, but with this new friendship he had found himself in, he did his best not to ruin it.
“I’m getting worried.” Patton admitted one day, setting down the tv remote after a finished screening of some Air Bud spinoff. How Janus had been wrangled into watching that ceaseless dog series was beyond him. “I think the others might be starting to come around to you, but Roman...”
Patton didn’t need to finish his sentence, because Janus already knew what he meant. With Virgil and Logan, he’d been making an effort to try to prove his worth as a member of the team (whether or not that was working was yet to be seen, despite Patton's generous assertions that it would all work out eventually), but he hadn’t even gotten the chance do to that with the creative side. As much as he had first assumed that time and space would do the trick, it seemed like that wasn’t the case after all.
 “I suppose a confrontation is inevitable.” He grimaced, knowing that this had been put off for long enough.
“Would you do that?” Patton asked suddenly, looking to him with relief. It made Janus realize that it sounded like he had signed up to go talk to Roman himself.
“Uh...” Janus tensed, his previous concerns surfacing again. “I don’t think I would be the best suited to have this conversation-”
“Oh- Pleeease? You two need to talk most of all! Besides, when I went, he wouldn’t even...” Patton trailed off, biting his lip with a pout. “...Could you try, at least? Maybe you could get through to him.”
“...Alright. I’ll go before lunch.” Janus agreed begrudgingly, rewarded by Patton’s grateful smile. Stupid puppy face. That would have to stop working eventually.
That was how Janus found himself in the lawless lands of The Imagination.
It had filled him with dread, knocking on the red and gold door and recieving no response. Even more so when he risked intruding anyway and seeing the wrecked state of the room, and then noticing the entrance to The Imagination wide open.
Unsurprisingly, that was where he found the side in question. More surprising was when he did, finding him sitting on the edge of the tallest turret of his castle, like he had decided to overlook his kingdom in the most dangerous way possible. Janus wasn’t so naive to assume that was all it was though.
Roman probably saw him approach as he ran the rest of the way to the castle, and that pushed him to go faster, dashing through the lonely walls of the old building until he was climbing up those spiralling stairs all the way to the top. When he finally made it, he stood there doubled over and completely out of breath as he adjusted to the high altitude winds that bit at his cheeks. He used the seconds he took to catch his bearings to figure out what to do-- his eyes never once leaving Roman’s back, who luckily hadn’t moved at all during his frantic dash. Perhaps his insticts had been wrong and there was nothing dangerous going on here. Every part of him screamed to stay and stop whatever this was though-- so he did.
“Roman.” He ended up saying once his breath had evened out, and nothing more. There was too much going on in his head to break whatever balance they currently had; too much to ask, too much to say, to explain, to defend, to try to understand.
Said side turned his head slightly to make eye-contact; not facing him, yet it was acknowledgement at least. “Deceit.” He said after a beat. His voice was cold, but not angry, and for some reason Janus would have prefered it if Roman were upset with him. Anything but this odd indifference that made him feel guilty for not summoning up the courage to check in sooner.
“Janus.” Janus corrected in an invitation to use his name. He intended it as a sign of goodwill, but Roman’s face twitched and he looked away again, this time his focus on the ground directly below.
“I came to talk.” Janus said in an attempt at a distraction. He was disheartened when Roman made no move to acknowledge him again, so he continued despite his uneasiness. "Would you please come down?”
“What? Scared, Deceit? I'm not doing anything. I'm not going to either, so you can go back to whoever sent you and tell them I’m fine.” Roman scoffed and the string of lies felt bitter in the fridgid air, enveloping him like an unwanted hug. If possible, Janus’ heart begun racing even quicker.
He wanted to protest and say that he had come of his own volition, but Janus knew that lying right now wouldn’t do either of them any good. “In that case, would you do it for my peace of mind?” He tried instead, and it earned him a wry smile, sent from over Roman’s shoulder.
“What ever gave you the impression I care about that?” Roman shot back, standing up only to turn on his heel to step down into the crenel next to him, then back up onto the the next merlon. He continued, going up and down and slowly circling around Janus like a predator would it's prey, but somehow he didn't feel like the one being hunted here. Actually, it was more like he was trying to convince a mouse that the cheese on a trap wasn't worth it. And being a snake himself, that simile was especially ironic.
“...That’s fair. We can talk like this, then. I wanted to apologize and hopefully make amends.”
Roman’s footing twisted haphazardly and Janus all but shot forward to steady him until he was given a deadly glare that froze him in his tracks.
“Stay back! You're not fooling me again. As far as I know, you'll just try to convince me to take a swan dive right of the side of this tower. No greater depth to plummet to than that, huh?"
“I- that's the complete opposite of what I want.” Janus stressfully replied, fighting against the urge to pull Roman off of the edge and end this whole thing himself, instead holding up his hands as a sign that he wouldn’t come closer. God, where had he gone so wrong go end up in this situation? He should have convinced Patton to come with him when he had the chance-- at least he probably would have had a better idea on how to get through to Roman when he was like this. Comparitively, Janus had no clue. He didn’t have the trustworthiness or the years of friendship.
“I believe you. You've already made it so clear just how much you care.” Roman replied sarcastically. Janus felt his hackles rising.
“I’m not lying! I didn't want any of this.” Janus gestured around. “There's so much I wish I could take back, but especially whatever I did to cause this.”
“Oh, Janus.” He felt a small dose of hope when Roman finally used his name, which was quickly dashed as he huffed out a laugh. “Always thinking you have a finger in every pie. Isn't it enough for me to come to this conclusion by myself?”
He continued bitterly, practically stomping his way around the edge of the tower now. “It's not like it was hard. Even an idiotic egomaniac prince like myself can tell when he's not wanted anymore. When the dream has died.”
Janus, despite the silver tongue he may possess, struggled for words in the face of Roman’s insecurity. He had wanted the anger because he had assumed it would be easier to prove that he wasn’t as evil as Roman was so keen to accuse him of being. He just hadn’t expected this issue to be so deeply sensitive. (Though perhaps he should have picked up on that hint when he saw the other side looking ready to jump to a temporary death). “Thats not true at all, you’re incredibly important and all of us need you. Perhaps we’re operating under new rules now, but that doesn’t mean you’re not wanted.”
But it seemed that wasn’t the best thing to say. Roman stopped in his tracks, his expression unreadable as he began shaking with fury or perhaps something else. “...If I’m ‘so important’, why does it never feel that way? Why am I the only one who has to change constantly for rules that can never stay the same? Why do I have to make sacrifices and tone down my voice?”
His controlled tone got louder and more stressed. “Why are my best efforts never good enough? Why are my doubts ignored? Why is it considered fair to disparage my work? To ignore the blood, sweat, and tears I put into everything?”
Janus stared in horror as Roman kept going, yelling over anything he could have possibly wanted to say.
“Why does it take this to be be fucking noticed?!”
Both of them paused when his rant reached a screaming crescendo and fat angry tears rolled down Roman's cheeks.
"...Forgive me if I'm having a little difficulty trusting what you say right now.” He sniffed, ducking his head away to wipe his eyes. The words were distant despite the soft way they were uttered.
Once again Janus was lost for what to say as he watched Roman compose himself. There was simply too much there to unpack, too many years of built-up stress and resentment. What in the absolute hell had these sides been doing all this time? “...I do wish to take some responsibility for that, though. Your hesitancy to trust again.” That seemed like a good place to start, if any.
Roman only snorted humourlessly at his efforts though, voice tired and unenthused. “I'm sure you would. It's a lot easier to sweep aside a broken vase rather than acknowledge its cracks when they’re forming, after all. That was the lesson you taught us, right?”
Janus winced at the callback to his first appearence to Thomas. He didn’t necessarily regret that day, but having it thrown back now made it feel like something to be ashamed of; seeing his lessons interpreted in such a way. “...Is that how you see yourself? Broken?” He asked instead, squashing down his indignation.
He only got silence in return. Janus swallowed, definitely regretting his hesitance to resolve this issue now.
“Roman, even though I doubt you’d trust my words, I promise that we're not trying to simply ‘sweep this aside’. If we're going with the vase metaphor, all of us want a chance to try to glue the pieces back together. Make right on all of the ways you’ve been wronged.” When that got no response, he tentatively asked, “Have you ever heard of Kintsugi?"
“...Broken pottery fixed with gold, I'm aware. But trying to apply that right now is sloppy, even for you. People are never so beautiful after being so thoroughly broken, nor is it that easy." Slowly, Roman sat down on the edge, and even though his legs were dangling over the wrong side, Janus' heart finally felt some semblance of rest. He took a step forward.
"I disagree. Kinstugi is rarely an straight-forward process either, and yet it achieves such splendid results with just a little patience and care. Which is to say... while it may not be the easiest thing to do, there’s undeniably beauty and strenght in survival. Trying again even when it feels impossible.”
“Of course you'd think that, Mr. Kill or be killed. You have no choice in whether you get to continue forward. But I do.”
Janus paused at that, only four paces away from Roman now. The creative side startled when he peered backwards and saw him so close, and then he glared at Janus as he stood up again, this time facing him fully. His foot slid backwards until the worn-down structure crumbled under his heel, sending rocks tumbling down below. It was a warning, Janus realized as his blood frooze in his veins.
“Don’t look so shocked. I control everything here, or did you forget?” Roman smiled. It wasn’t a happy smile or even a smug one; it only looked like he was stretching his mouth unnaturally, all pretenses of putting on a convincing performance stripped away. “If I want, I could have a Pegasus fly by and save me at the right moment. Or I could expand the moat to catch me. Or..."
Roman looked frustrated for a second when he couldn't think of anything else, even more so when Janus patiently waited for him to think of another example. In the end, he gave up.
"The point is, I call the shots about what happens to me."
"But would you? Save yourself?" Janus questioned hesitantly. He knew he was treading on thin ice, so he left it there. Roman raised an eyebrow at him and he returned it, making it clear that he wanted an answer. He recieved it with a scoff.
“Of course I would. What kind of question is that?”
Janus winced. “Roman... You are aware of my ability to detect lies, yes?”
The creative side blinked in surprise and then looked at him with wide eyes, as if he hadn’t expected to be called out. Like it had been so natural to brush aside the question that he didn’t even realize his own feelings. Fortunately, Janus’ ability was too keen to be fooled by one’s own self-deception. He could see below the surface like that; pull people’s hidden truths from them and keep them for himself, like a keeper of forbidden knowledge (Though in moments like these, sometimes he wished he couldn’t. Ignorance truly is bliss).
“Should I ask again?” He pressed. “Are you really planning on saving yourself?”
This time Roman’s face screwed up in confliction and he directed his gaze to the floor of the tower. It was an awfully clinical way to ask, but it felt necessary to stop dancing around what was important-- this casual show of self-destruction.
Eventually, the other cracked with a tired huff of laughter. Sadly genuine this time.
“...It's certainly nice to think that I could.” Roman admitted as he rubbed his face, apparently not mad at being called out this time. “Finally being a hero again, even if it's only to myself.”
Janus paused in shock. Was he still misinterpreting that moment?
“That wasn't a lie.” Janus blurted out, taking even himself by surprise by the thoughtless exclamation. “Thomas still thinks of you as his hero. There’s no need to do things like this to prove it.”
Romans eyes went watery and he avoided his gaze.
“At this point I don't think it matters, when I haven’t been acting like it at all lately.” He whispered coarsely, uncharacteristically quiet compared to the wind. “Frankly, I'm surprised you're even trying to stop me."
Janus eyes softened and he took another tentative step forward, then another when Roman didn't react badly. “Why wouldn’t I? I’m not just Deceit, you know. Part of my job is to help you.”
“...Because you hate me? At this point you have more reasons to than not.” Roman explained warily, looking at him like Janus were seconds away from snapping and shoving him over the edge. It hurt to have that sort of mistrust placed on him, but at the same time Janus understood it. He had often been in that sort of situation before; doubting the safety of opening up to other people. That was just part of his job, to be doubtful and wary in order to protect the self. Yet to see it so openly on somebody else felt like a punch to the gut, even though he should have been used to that feeling of being distrusted by now.
“Do you think me so sensitive that a schoolyard insult would make you my archenemy? Or being called evil? That is...sort of what I’ve been going for.” He cracked a joke, gesturing to his outfit. When Roman kept staring at him he sighed. “Of course I don’t hate you, Roman.”
Roman shifted doubtfully. “That doesn’t mean you like me, either. Maybe it doesn’t mean much to you, but you should know how- how being called that hurt me.”
"...Yes.” It was Janus’ turn to be uncomfortable. “Perhaps at first I felt attacked and wanted to make you feel the same hurt, but I would never have said that had I known just how deeply it would have impacted you. I’m sorry for that.”
Roman’s expression turned incredulous, like he couldn’t believe Janus had apologized. “...You know, I wanted to make you upset. I wanted you gone.”
“I figured.” Janus nodded.
“And that doesn’t change anything? Even though I acted so...” Roman bit his lip. “So unheroic?”
Janus stifled a sigh. By now, he really hated that word with a passion. It had caused so many high standards, so many instances of self-sacrifice, so many misguided attempts at selflessness and perfection. Perhaps later they could talk about it all and lay out why it had done so much harm, but for now he decided not to push it, not when he felt so close to getting a breakthrough.
“Believe it or not, but I think that you've been plenty heroic already. This whole time you've been fighting for something you thought was valient and noble, and that means something, even if it was for a misguided cause.”
That took Roman off-guard. He moved his foot away from the edge subtley, and had Janus not been focused on his face, he would have considered it a small victory.
“...What’s the point of all of this, really? Is this some... some dastardly plot?” Roman questioned skeptically. He was looking even more cornered now that he was letting Janus’ words sink in.
“All I'm here for is to offer the helping hand you need, if you’ll accept it.” Janus said softly as he extended his hand up to him. “Really, my only plot right now is to get you off that ledge before you give me a heart attack. Please?”
Roman stared at him, desperately trying to find some sort of mistruth in his eyes before his gaze lowered to the outsretched hand. It felt like time slowed in the seconds he was making his decision and Janus held his breath, waiting...wating... until finally the other side nodded and took his hand.
With Janus’ help, Roman stepped down, looking confused and lost now that he was away from the edge. The expression pained Janus’ heart, so he opened his arms half expecting rejection, only to be taken back by how quickly Roman latched onto him. Janus wasted no time clinging back, so relieved that he actually suceeded that he didn't want to risk ever letting go, like this moment could be torn away at any second. It was no surprise when he felt the other’s chest jerk with held-back sobs until there was a wetness on his shoulder, and he didn't say anything about it. He didn't need to either, because Roman spoke up first.
“It didn’t mean anything. Really!” He exclaimed through messy tears. “I was only thinking about it!”
“...It's okay if it was more than that.” Janus soothed, patting his back. “It's okay to feel low and in need of help.”
That made him cry harder and Janus was relieved to see the excess of emotions finally pour out. While waiting for Roman to calm down, he had to fight for his own tears to not spill over. Inevitably, the stress of the situation finally caught up when the adrenaline wore off, and he sagged into the hug, sniffling quietly and trying not to fall over on his aching legs. He really just sprinted up multiple flights of stairs, didn’t he? Belatedly, he realized that he must have lost his hat at some point during the journey because he could feel the wind tousle his hair.
It would have been funny if it weren’t for the absolute rush of emotions he had just gone through.
The two of them stood there for what would normally be considered an awkward amount of time, except the act of simply hugging on solid ground was the biggest comfort in the world, too much to ruin the moment. They waited until they got through the worst of their tears before they dared speak again. Once again, Roman went first.
“Sorry for laughing at you back then.” He said, voice reflecting the yelling and crying he'd been doing. It felt genuine. “I actually really like your name...the mythology suits you. Very dramatic.” 
Janus laughed wetly, finally a true statement. “Why, thank you. And I apologize for where I’ve wronged you.”
Finally, they straightened up. Roman took one look at him and summoned hankerchiefs for them both. Janus accepted it and wiped away his tears as gracefully as he could.
“Hopefully we can have a more in-depth discussion on this later, but for now Patton and I prepared lunch, if you’d be willing to have us.” Janus asked, hopes raised.
“...That sounds good.” Roman smiled.
Janus smiled back.
Together, the two of them descended down the steps of the tower, and the imagination was the slightest bit sunnier when they reached the outside.
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venomous--fics · 4 years
Summary: You're Cletus Kasady's younger sister, but you've never told anyone. Now his name is everywhere in the news and everyone wants your side of the story.
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, panic attacks, swearing
Mood music: Lover is a Day- Cuco
A/n: Aaaaye, sorry if this is a dumb idea. I just haven't seen anyone write this type of story? If someone has, anyone wanna link me a fic? Feedback is appreciated and requests are open! My queue is filled with the last batch I got, so expect those soon!
You almost dreaded leaving the apartment anymore. All you saw was his big, stupid, ugly face everywhere. Oh, he did that, oh, he did this, let's remind everyone that he's a monster in prison! Oh, but there's a plot twist; You hated it because you were, unfortunately, related to the guy. Nobody outside your adoptive parents knew. 
You didn't like talking about, you didn't even like thinking about it. You had to put up with so much shit because of that guy. You were grateful that you were young enough that nobody knows or remembers what you look like now. You even changed your last name a few times. First, you changed it to Smith when your parents adopted you, then you changed it to Brock when you got married to Eddie.
It shouldn't bother you, you're a Brock, not a Kasady. However, you couldn't help but feel like that was just your identity. Once a Kasady, always a Kasady. You felt even worse because Eddie had taken up on the Kasady story as a huge part of his new job. 
You were proud of him for finally getting back to what he loved, but sooner or later his trail would come back to you. What were you supposed to tell him? It felt like the walls were closing in on you, and that there was an anchor slowing crushing you. You had to remind yourself to just take it all in one breath at a time. This is just some fad, some story. It'll all go away.
What if it doesn't?
Your head was spinning and you closed your eyes as you sat on your bed. Everything was so quiet, and even that was alarming.
"Babe? We're home!" Eddie voice rang through the apartment.
You sucked in a breath and hopped up and out of the room, "How was work?"
You just wanted to forget about it. 
"Eh, you know." he smiled as he hung his jacket up, "Same shit."
Venom appeared, looking a bit annoyed, "Easy for you to say."
"What's got you in a sour mood, big guy?" you asked, walking over and giving Venom a small kiss before turning to Eddie and giving him a kiss as well.
Venom hesitated for a moment, mostly out of embarrassment, "Well, nothing now, but some guy called us a dick."
"That wasn't very nice of them." you replied, "How about I make some dinner? I was thinking chicken nuggets or- Uh, chicken nuggets."
Eddie looked at Venom, "That's a tough choice. I guess chicken nuggets it is." You preheated the oven, "Why don't you two go get into something a little comfier?"
"Already ahead of you," Eddie said as he walked to the bedroom. 
There was barely any noise for a couple minutes before Eddie said, "So, you know that story I'm working on?"
"Of course," you said, feeling the anxiety building back up. 
"Well, I," he paused, you assumed he was putting a shirt on, "I've reached a dead end with it."
"Yeah, I was talking to Cletus- Red- Whatever the hell they're gonna call him.. And he was asking me if he knew anything about his sister." Eddie stumbled out of the room as he pulled up his sweatpants, "I mean, everyone was talking about that, but I figured it was a bunch of bs."
"Oh." you repeated.
"so, I spent a majority of my day trying to find any information on this poor woman- And it's almost like he just fell off the grid."
"Well," you awkwardly chuckled as you got the bag of frozen nuggets out of the freezer, "I guess when a serial killer is your family, you'd want to disappear too, right?"
"I suppose," Eddie said.
Venom, meaning no harm, but just wanting to be part of the conversation, "Maybe he killed her, Eddie. People said that too. Maybe that's why we can't find her."
Out of habit, you put your hand over a scar you had on your arm as a lump form in your throat. It wasn't a nasty scar by any means, it was barely noticeably at this point. It was just a constant reminder. 
You had lied to Eddie and told you that a biker had clipped you one day when you were coming home from work, but that was far from the truth. You wish it had been an innocent accident like that. The reality of it was that, before you and Cletus were removed from your home, he had attempted to, as he put it, saw your arm off. 
Lucky for you, and being the world's biggest crybaby, again, as he would've put it, your mother had heard you screaming. Of course, she always wanted to think that Cletus would just grow out of all of this horrid stuff. You always thought if she had changed her mind, maybe she'd still be alive.
Sometimes you wished Cletus had actually killed you too, it would've been less painful than everything else you had to go through. Growing up, with Cletus always on the news for the shit he'd done, and every thing inbetween, you were slightly grateful that people would make up the rumours that you were dead. Maybe then they'd leave you alone. 
You put yourself on autopilot, taking a trip down trauma lane as you put everything into the oven and set a timer. 
Cletus wasn't always outwardly violent, but that doesn't mean he was kind. He would always pick on you, or tell you that nobody even wanted you. He'd always take your things and ruin them, whether it be lighting them on fire or just cutting them up. 
You were so young, and you tried to believe that maybe older siblings were just like that. Maybe it was normal for them to try to leave you to die in the woods, or maybe it was normal when he'd 'jokingly' push you towards oncoming traffic. You had a lot to unlearn when you got adopted. You never wanted to be around other kids, and you barely spoke, even when you had gone to therapy. Sometimes you'd get angry at nothing and beat up pillows, and no matter what, your adoptive parents also responded with love and understanding.
You never had to deal with siblings again. Your adoptive parents are the only souls, outside the social workers, who ever knew what had gone on with your birth family. you were thankful for that.
The cycle still repeats it self, however. Some days you feel fine, you don't find yourself thinking about it, but then one little thing comes barging in and ruins it all. 
You had completely lost yourself in a memory, and not a good one. You could hear your heart beating in your ear, and you must've been staring off into space.  
The basement was dimly lit, and you remember your dad said he would replace the bulb, but he always forgot. You were stuck to a chair, and you couldn't stop whimpering. 
"You're such a crybaby." 
Cletus came into view with a roll of duct tape. He fiddled with it, trying to get it undone. You shut your eyes and tried to keep quiet. Maybe if you were quiet, he'd let you go.
He finally got a piece cut and he was going to put it over your mouth, but you kept shaking your head, calling out for you mom. You were even kicking at Cletus, which just seemed to annoy him more. 
"Stop it! Stop! Go away! Go away, Cletus!" 
There was something inside Cletus that just made him hate everyone around him. He had no regard for any other form of life. He didn't even feel bad about what he had planned to do to you. In fact, he had blamed you for it, he kept telling you that if you weren't so annoying, or if you were never even born, he wouldn't have to do this.
Finally getting fed up with your struggling, he grabbed your face and put the duct tape over your mouth. This made your crying worse. You could heard footsteps from the floor above you, and you were praying that whoever was up there heard you and was coming to your rescue.
Cletus proceeded to duct tape your arm down to the arm of the chair, making extra sure that it hurt. You were no more than five years old, and you were already telling yourself that this was how you were going to die. 
"You know that old bat can't hear you, stupid." Cletus spat as he turned away to get something.
That's when you remembered where you were. You were at your grandma's house for the weekend. You two would get left here every so often, normally when your parents had errands to run. This time, mom and dad weren't coming back. You were stuck here. 
You were thinking about all the small details of her house now, to distract yourself from what was about to happen.
Mary Poppins. Your grandmother had an odd obsession with her. She had all this little figurines that she decorated her house with. You were never sure why she liked Mary Poppins so much, but you found it endearing. 
She would always hum the songs when she was baking. 
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
You could practically hear her humming along.
Thats when Cletus turned back around and you saw the shimmer of the knife he had. You tried to just think of anything else, but nothing was working now. Everything was so quiet and the only noise was the sligh thum of the old light bulb.
"If you were never born, this wouldn't be happening," he sneered at you as he pushed the knife down onto your arm, "This is your fault."
He kept talking, and you wanted to keep crying, but you found everything so stressful that you were feeling tired. You didn't even have the strength to pay any mind to the burning pain in your arm. It was almost like you'd given up. 
Then you heard her voice. It was calling out for both you and Cletus. It was getting louder, Cletus huffed and dropped the knife on the floor. 
"One noise out of you and I'll make you suffer." he cackled a little bit, "Doesn't really matter, I was going to make you suffer anyways." 
You watched hazily as Cletus made his way up the stairs. You tried to wiggle out of the duct tape restraints, but it caused too much pain, so you gave up. The voices were getting more and more muffled. Cletus was leading her away from the basement. 
You wanted to go home. You wanted to be anywhere but here. You felt more tears welling up in your poor little eyes, and you closed them tightly. Just make it go away. It'll go away.
You remember hearing a lot of noise from upstairs. It sounded like things getting broken, and then several big thuds. You closed your eyes tighter. It grew quiet again. 
You heard the basement creak open, and you heard the soft whimpers of the family pet, Fifi. You loved Fifi. She was a good dog. Cletus came down the stairs, holding the dog by the collar, and you watched as Fifi wriggled and yipped as she tried to get free. 
You were tried to scream at him, but the duct tape muffled any noise that came out of your mouth. Cletus retrieved the knife and dragged the dog back a few steps. You wanted to look away. You didn't want to watch. You were frozen in terror as Cletus held the dog down and lifted the knife.
He was grinning so sadistically. 
You felt something warm wrap around you and you jumped ten feet in the air, pushing them away and yelling, "Don't touch me! Just stay back!" 
Eddie flinched and held his hands up as he took a step back, "Sorry! Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you." 
You tried to catch your breath as you stared at him. You looked like you'd just seen a ghost. Eddie looked a little startled as he lowered his hands and slowly walked over to you, "Are you okay?"
You took another step back as you tried to calm your nerves, "Yeah, I- No- Yes, I'm.. I'm fine. Sorry for- I." 
"Why don't we go sit down for a second.. You look like you're about to pass out." What do you do? What do you say? 
"Did I cause this?" Eddie sounded a little hurt, thinking that he'd unintentionally caused you any harm, "Baby, I'm so sorry." 
"It wasn't you. I just.." you needed to just think of some excuse, "The whole Kas- Cletus thing is just.. Stressful." 
Eddie gently put a hand on your lower back and you flinched again, causing him to move it. 
"I just mean," you sighed a little, "I see it everywhere. It's- I- Nevermind." 
You were fighting with yourself. You were going to say it.
"It's alright. We don't have to talk about it anymore." He sounded so sincere, "And it'll all go away after-"
"That's just it," you wrapped your arms around yourself as you tried so hard to fight those stupid crybaby tears back, "It won't go away."
Despite your best efforts, the tears came running down your face, and Eddie went to wipe your face, but you flinched away and ran into your bedroom. You slammed the door a little too hard behind you, repeating, "It just won't go away." "Y/n," Eddie said, slightly confused as he walked over to the door. He couldn't open the door because you were sitting in front of it, and he could hear you crying. "Baby?"
He crouched down and sat down on the floor. He didn't understand what was going on, and Venom sure as hell didn't know either. They wanted to ask what was wrong, but maybe you'd tell them on your own. 
"Sorry," you said between sniffles. 
"It's okay." Eddie replied, leaning against the door, "What's going on?" You took in a few deep breaths before wiping your face, "It's a long story." Eddie, being a smartass, leaned forward a little to get a peek at the oven timer, "We have time."
You chuckled a little because you heard the door creak with his movement. Eddie chuckled too as he leaned back into his original position. Venom poked out of Eddie's arm and looked at the door for a moment before looking at Eddie, who just nodded a little. The little symbiote wrapped around Eddie's arm and got comfortable as you started talking.
"There-" you shivered a little, "Eddie, there's a good reason why nobody can find Cletus' sister."
Eddie looked at the door, intrigued. Did you know her somehow? Maybe through work? Were you helping her hide somewhere?
"And why's that?" 
"Because, I-" you wiped your eyes again, trying to not burst into tears, "I'm Y/n Kasady." 
Eddie tensed a little as he continued to stare at the door. "You're Y/n Kasady?" 
You hesitated, "Unfortunately, but I mean, legally, I'm not really a Kasady anymore...Obviously." 
Eddie looked down to the floor, taking it all in. Everything made sense now. "How come you never mentioned it?" 
"You think I wanna talk about it?" you didn't mean to come off as bitter, "I just- I hated it. I hated everything to do with that name..Nothing good comes from being a Kasady."
"Nothing good comes from bein' a Brock either." 
"Eddie." you whined.
"Sorry, sorry. I'll try to save the jokes for later." 
"I just never wanted to talk about it." you continued, "Besides, what the hell would I even tell people? You think reporters want to hear a five year old talk about the most horrendous shit?"
"You were five?" Eddie's voice sounded so hoarse. He didn't knowing anything about the elusive Kasady sibling. The fact that it was you,and you were only five made everything worse. 
You couldn't seem to stop yourself, "Cletus was a monster. He killed our grandma- He- He.. Oh god, he tortured the dog while I was duct taped to a chair. Not to mention that he tried to cut my arm off right before all of that- Yeah, that scar? It wasn't from some stupid biker."
"Jesus," Eddie sounded mortified, "I'm..Sorry." 
"To make matters worse, I almost got lost in the system because he burned down the orphanage we were both at." you paused, remembering that day, "With everyone but us inside of it." 
Venom wasn't going to say it, but he felt a little mortified. He had never met a human who was capable of those awful things. 
"They had to separate us, because they thought it would stop him from acting out. That didn't work. Cletus just-" your rant broke off into another fit of helpless sobs, "He ruins everything he touches. I know It's been decades since all of that. I haven't seen him since I was five, but I still live in constant fear-" "He can't hurt you-" 
"What if he breaks out of prison again? What then?" you sounded very panicked, "I have always been on edge. Cletus is a smart man, Eddie- It wouldn't take much to figure out where I am- Or my parents.. Or-"
"Hey, hey," Eddie said softly, "That's not gonna happen. You wanna know why?" "Why?' you croaked, slouching against the door. 
"Because we won't let it." 
You did feel safer since Eddie and venom came into your life. You also knew that they'd rather die then to let anyone hurt you. Cletus was nothing but madman, and it wouldn't take Venom very long to put an end to him. "We love you." Venom said.
You slowly turned to sit on your knees as you opened the door. You looked at Eddie and venom with a weak smile, and Eddie held out his arms, "Come here." You crawled into his arms, and Eddie held you close to him, "I'm sorry you went through that, but I promise you that nothing will ever hurt you again." 
Venom untangled himself from Eddie's arm and wrapped around yours, "We will eat whatever tried to hurt you." 
You curled up closer to him, feeling a lot better, "I know you will...Sorry for being a crybaby."
"Don't need to apologize." Eddie said sweetly, "If it makes you feel better, I can make something up for the story. Just to get it over with." 
"You'd lose your job if they found out that you lied."
Eddie shrugged, "Plenty of other jobs in the world, love." 
"It's okay," you said, "I think, maybe, I..If it's you, I can talk about it. I'm just afraid of how people will see me after. They'll probably think that I'm just like him." 
Eddie rubbed your back softly, "Nobody will think that." 
"Who cares what a bunch of losers think anyways?" Venom looked up at you with all the love he could muster, "We think you are wonderful."  
"You guys are pretty wonderful too." you replied, smiling at them. 
You gave Venom a kiss before you cupped Eddie's face and gave him one as well. Everything felt okay again, and this time you knew they'd remain that way. A startling beep rang through the apartment and you all jumped a little. You then began chuckling as Eddie helped you up. It was just the oven. 
"You okay?" Eddie asked as he watched you get the food out of the oven. He saw you differently now. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. He know understood everything he needed to know, and he knew that you were doing everything in you power to get better. He was proud of you. 
"Yeah, actually." you said, "I guess talking about it really does help.. I was just afraid that maybe," you laughed a little, "Maybe you'd want a divorce, because who wants an infamous serial killer as an in-law?" 
Eddie, seeing the opportunity to lighten the mood with a joke, said, "A what as a what now? I thought you were an only child." 
You looked at him with the softest expression, "Thanks." 
He smiled as he came over and wrapped his arms around your waist, "Don't worry about it." 
You wanted to stay like this forever. Unfortunately, the moment was ruined when Eddie went to grab a nugget right off the tray and yelped as it burned him. "They just got done." you said, trying not to laugh, "You watched me pull them out." 
He went over to the sink and ran his hand under some cold water, "Yeah, but..Why are they still so hot?" 
"Eddie," you laughed, "They just came out of a piping hot oven." 
You got a couple of plates out of the cupboard as Eddie dried his hands. You were putting them on the kitchen island as you saw him go for another nugget out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes its good that not everything changes.
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cyber-sub · 4 years
All’s Fun in the Haunted House.. until it’s not🍂
heeeeeellllloooo wonderful crepe customers! i wanted to apologize for having this out after Halloween- there’s actually gonna be a few halloween themed Pumpkin specials post Halloween due to uhhhhhhhhhhh my commitment issues what’s been going on in my life as of late but i think my posting schedule is gonna be a bit better!! so thats gr8 ANYWHOO sorry for rambling 
warnings: tw: anxiety attacks
genre: uhhh uhm angst with a happy ending !
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“FUCK!” you gasp, clawing into your own palm, the pain from your nails taking your attention off your ragged breathing. This idea was not as good as you thought it would be.
You had been extremely stressed out as of late because of those damn college exams coming up but you also wanted to enjoy what the treats of Autumn had to offer in it’s entirety: The horror film marathons, pumpkin patches, warm drinks, and haunted houses, etc. so, when you saw you had a free day in your schedule- right before Halloween no less, you proposed the idea of going to the annual UA haunted house to your boyfriend.
Katsuki shrugged his shoulders, as expected, but nevertheless agreed.
Despite his cool composure, you knew he loved Halloween, much to contrary belief. You took notice of the small smile playing on his lips as he watched you prance around the apartment singing the whole of the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. You also saw how his face slightly lit up when you guys passed the Starbucks by your place, gaze glued to the sign that promoted the drink called “pumpkin spice cold brew”. It was even painstakingly obvious how his eyes stayed on the costume section of Target a bit longer than normal while you guys shopped for toilet paper. He loved everything about it actually, but in his own unspoken way… or maybe he just really loves the fact that the holiday entails scaring children to the brink of crying. You wouldn't put it past him.
In all honesty, once Bakugo heard the suggestion come from your pretty little mouth, he couldn't wait to go. You guys had been together for a little under a year now and this was your first Halloween together. He would never admit it out loud but he couldn't wait to do all the couple-y things he had read/heard about during the season of tricks and treats. Anything to end up closer to you, physically and emotionally.
The token haunted house was a stand alone building in one of the forest training facilities. It looked just like a creepy mansion you would expect to find in horror films; one of those houses where you could just tell that something was going to go wrong.
You couldn't have been more excited, your eyes wide with fascination as you gave a little squeeze to Katsuki’s arm, trying to ignore the feeling that something was off; You pushed the notion away. You were going to enjoy this break whether you liked it or not.
At first, Bakugo didn't notice anything.
You were as cheerful as always and extremely ecstatic, bouncing around as you both waited in line to go in. It was dark out so he was less focused on people noticing the amount of blush that creeped onto his cheeks and more so on how it felt to have your chest pressed against him with those bright eyes looking up at him.
Things started getting weird not long after you entered.
You didn’t cling tighter to him like he had secretly hoped, you actually let go of him all together and seemed a bit overwhelmed- but he just figured that was due to the intricacy of the haunted house. Bakugo didn’t want to crowd you so he just watched you from a short distance.
It wasn’t until after the first scare that he finally became aware of your heavy breathing, the way your chest heaved up and down- but wouldn’t lighten up. Every little jump scare petrified you and he was becoming concerned.
You were acting odd… clutching onto yourself way tighter than you should be and way too tense for a silly haunted house. You were going to give yourself scars.
He inched over to you, not wanting to cause a fright as h e lightly cupped your balled up fist with his warm hand. His eyes grew wide at the sight of tears spilling down your face while your breathing became unhealthily heavy. He knew your adrenaline kicked in when your focus was going in and out- he had to calm you down. He stopped you mid step and brought both of you down to a crouch.
“Y/n.. you pushed yourself to go out tonight didn’t you?” He asked with clenched teeth and a tensed jaw.
You couldn’t form the words so you shook your head.
“You’re lying to me.” He sighed with displeasure before tipping your chin up.
This was not the first time Katsuki dealt with a panic attack but it was the first of yours. He didn’t know what you needed in particular but he knew that you needed to get out of that house as soon as possible and the last thing he should do is leave you alone to go look for an exit.
“Okay baby, I’m going to pick you up and we’re gonna go find an emergency exit.” He said, indirectly telling you to brace for the action of being lifted. Once in his arm, you hid your face in his shoulder and kept one hand clutched to the collar of his shirt. The shaky staggered breaths you were releasing broke his heart, the only thought in his mind was that he just needed to get you outside. He could help you outside.
Thankfully he found an emergency exit sooner rather than later and next thing you know, the cool air hit your face, crisp and in an instant.
A few steps outside and your boyfriend turned his head to you before whispering, “I’m gonna put you down now in the grass, okay?” With a slight nod, you were gently placed down. Your breathing had lulled and you quietly reached one hand up to wipe the tears that trailed down your face while the other stayed planted in the soft grass.
Standing beside you, Katsuki was looking out into the trees surrounding the house, his eyebrows drawn together with his jaw clenching and unclenching. You had made him mad, you just knew it.
More tears began to escape your waterline, the sniffle you made caught his attention.
Red eyes now wide and looking down at you, guilt shot through chest hard.
“Kats-suki, I’m s-sorr-ry. I jus-st wanted to go out w-ith yo-u and I rui-nned it.”
“Y/n…” He sighed and crouched down to your level, “I know you’ve been stressed. You can’t push yourself like that, stupid girl.” He cups your face and catches a falling tear with his big calloused thumb.
You close your eyes and lean into his touch.
“Okay, we’re going to go back to the apartment and spend the night watching scary movies since you can’t seem to handle dealing with jump scares in person,” He smirked, “and you can cling onto me as much as you’d like… scaredy-cat.”
His words were underlined with an inviting warmth that you greeted without delay by sniffling and letting out an airy chuckle. Katsuki ran his thumb over your cheek once more before asking how your legs felt and if you think you could walk.
Trying to use your words, you let out a shaky, “I can t-try.”
Extending his hand to follow you up, your knees wobbled and you fell into his homely hold.
Leaning into him, you both walked back to the entrance before calling a cab and heading back to your place. The whole time, you were looking at how your boyfriend glowed under the street lights, his beautiful blonde hair softly glowed an orange halo around his head. The lighting hadn’t done the trees justice as it had with your boyfriend, it only made the wilting trees look more sorrowful as a few leaves broke away from the branches.
Now curled up under the softest blanket you could find with an oversized tee and fluffy socks on, you curled closer to Katsuki as you stared at the screen in dread. Freddy Kruger walked down a dark and eerie alleyway, his arms swaying, freakishly stretched out and knives scratching the buildings he was in between. The image alone caused goosebumps to rise on your skin. Bakugo could feel the small prickles under his palm that rested on your thigh.
Pulling you close, he murmured in your ear, “Baby, don’t worry,” the chuckle that came from his chest was deep and whole. He raised a hand from under the blanket and you heard the infamous crackles before watching sparks fly from his palm, “he wouldn’t dare to hurt you. Not while I am around.”
A small giggle left you as your gaze settled on your man.
Safe. You were safe.
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zackfiar-a · 4 years
hello class! today we’re going to learn about growth and the process of healing via zack fair
when zack entered SOLDIER he had bright eyes of optimism whilst having one goal and a dream in mind: to become SOLDIER 1st class and to become a hero just like sephiroth. however the longer he stayed in SOLDIER, the more he realized that hey ..... something isnt Right here. one of those that you cant have emotions attached to missions or the ppl that ur fighting against, that its just a reliability. thats not something he agreed with because he purely focuses with his emotions, whether it could be his downfall or not. he feels immensely, whether its anger towards himself or sympathy; something so trivial as emotions will jeopardize the mission (ie a mission to go search for angeal). 
and unfortunately, being as young and impressionable as he was, it was very easy for him to be manipulated by his higher ups (because of his intense enthusiasm and wanting to please his superiors) and not be able to form opinions of his own, lest they get tested and make himself doubt his loyalty to shinra. which is why he had no problem with going to wutai and trying to overtake fort tamblin, he was told wutai is the enemy of shinra. they’re the bad guys, without ever being told the reason why. like why did shinra name wutai as their enemy? why are they going at war with them?
his perception was warped by the toxic ideals and goals that shinra and SOLDIER had, even though his guy he knew it was wrong and that he should question those of higher power than him. 
it also took too long to realize that shinra, at the face, is a company and state helps the people and protect midgar from terrorists and others that dare face against shinra. that underneath, they were making monsters with an ancient alien that landed on earth years and years ago. he doesnt know why; doesnt know anything about the ‘promised land’ theyre searching for. he doesnt know anything about their goals of creating beings from jenova, g, and s - cells. the fact of the matter is, theyre stealing away innocent people just so shinra can experiment on them (and they all worked for shinra ie SOLDIER 3rd and 2nd class when genesis took them with him; probably others than he cant imagine).
being hit with the information that genesis is degrading from the g - cells and angeal being born from the result of experimentation from gillian, the clouds started to fade away from his eyes and hes actually surprised that the ppl that know this are okay with it. like it was common knowledge, which it wasnt! he didnt know anything about this! the fact that angeal knew about this and didnt tell him, he felt hurt and betrayed. he was blindly following in his footsteps of embracing your SOLDIER honor and your dreams, that the fact he was proud and happy that he was working for shinra! meanwhile they had secret labs scattered about banora, modeoheim, and nibelheim that these experiments were going on!
at this point, zacks faith in shinra is fading and his dream is being pushed to the back burner even when he does eventually become a 1st class. no thanks! you can keep it. not like he had a chance but accept it. when hes forced to kill angeal, theres a mix of emotions: intense sadness because he looked up to angeal and admired him greatly, with his skills and such inspiring ideals; and even tho he can handle himself without angeal, he felt like he was the last pillar in SOLDIER that he had. he also felt relieved and hurt, zack doesnt forget him keeping all this information of human experimentation a secret while zack was looking with a naive lense to wanting to protect the people. relieved in the sense that angeal was probably hurting and was rapidly degrading if the grey hair and pale skin at his death was any indication.
being inherited the buster sword wasnt something he took proudly, it was a heavier weight on his shoulders the point where was sagging. he felt the least he could do was become those that ppl looked up to as well. even tho he carries a piece of angeal, he just couldnt accept what he had tried to push onto him. SOLDIER honor, there wasn’t a thing that existed at this point. trying to convince himself that SOLDIER doesnt mean monster, he couldnt kid himself that it meant monster. 
during this time, he goes to the church and accept consoling from aerith. altho he doesnt talk about what happens, or what hes experiencing / feeling which eventually becomes his downfall. as a way to make himself feel better, he visits the church, immediately feeling calmed, but however with so much weighing on his mind, promising aerith to build the wagon for her flowers becomes half-hearted. he thinks this is enough to try and hes the burden he was inherited, to push away the trauma of having to kill his mentor and watching him die, and fighting monsters, that were at some point, people---  even to the point of no longer wanting to be a part of SOLDIER. ofc this doesnt work and isnt a viable way to cope with his experiences. 
being last straw is when he fights sephiroth when he burns down nibelheim. that was someone he looked up to and trusted, he joined SOLDIER wanting to be like him. except now hes dragged cloud and tifa into this whole mess, and he feels incredibly responsible for not intervening sooner. he shouldve seen the signs that it wasnt going to end well, but he gave him the benefit of the doubt, hoping that he wouldnt be like genesis and angeal (which he was wrong). witnessing that sephiroth was kept these very important and crucial details, made him realize it doesnt matter how important or popular you are in shinras eyes; if theres any hint that someone could retaliate, they will keep it a secret until its convenient for them. this severed anything else positive he felt for shinra.
he doesnt even realize he was put in a pod for 4 years (only assuming its been a couple of weeks at most), still imaging that hes 18 when he now has to physically free himself from shinras grasp. even while hes asleep, the nightmares and visions of angeal wouldnt waver. even though he could choose to leave cloud alone in the pod with severe mako poisoning, he didnt want to. cloud was his friend, and he felt solely responsible for him to be pulled within the crossfire. cloud wanted to join SOLDIER, well this was the reality. he couldnt even fight for himself or eat; but he was alive and that was good enough for zack. zack has this pushed guilt onto his conscious, so he makes sure to bring cloud with him everywhere he went, even casually talking to him like he can actually respond back. 
he doesnt even realize the reality that he wasnt a respected member of SOLDIER, by the words of hojo, they were both fugitives and even though zack was still asleep in that pod, he was so tired; emotionally, physically, and mentally. this whole thing, he had to see through, if not for himself, then for cloud. at least get him to midgar and try to continue living a separate part shinras greedy hands. there were certain times while trying to avoid shinra and hide, that he could just end himself several times, but clouds existence was a constant reminder that they both managed to live, besides he owed cloud so much, so ridding himself off wouldnt do them nearly enough good. 
so seeing genesis again got him angry, that he couldnt even blame him for the reason this was happening. whether genesis wanted to capture hollander to help further shinra in experimentation, it wasnt going to stop what was going on underneath the surface. seeing lazard with angeals face really made him weak at the knees, physically made him sick, and feeling temporarily relieved (which he doesnt forget of the fact that angeal is dead, that this isnt actually him but lazard who absorbed his cells).
and finally beating genesis, he still felt angry with only a small semblance of sympathy. even with his soft heart, he couldnt help but feel bad for him, going thru such great lengths just because he was a failure of an experiment and wanted to live longer than what he got. this wasnt genesis’ fault, it was shinras and that just made him more frustrated. 
and while hes with cloud, riding to midgar, he once again tries to push the anger, hurt, and frustration at the back of his mind to tell cloud silly stories while he was still in SOLDIER, and what he thought about cloud upon meeting him for the first time, and that feelings of doubts that hes sorry that cloud has to travel with a monster. with coming across the shinra army, he realized this was a final stand, being physically exhausted (even w the mutated s and mako infused cells, he doesnt feel nearly as strong as he did before). even though he no longer holds up the honor of SOLDIER, he needs to protect cloud and his own honor that hes built as a person, and nothing else.
when he succeeded by the skin of his teeth, he wonders why hes still alive, why hes still breathing, even though its hard. he lost sight in one eye, but he doesnt even realize how, everything happened so fast. was he shot? was he stabbed? who knows, but taking cloud to midgar while hes sitting on deaths edge himself, he will take cloud back even if it kills him. there are people there waiting for him, unlike zack--- no one is waiting for him to come back, the people that hes looked up to has died, or see him as a traitor. perhaps, you could count his parents, but hes so ashamed to see them face to face. he feels like if he did, he would break down. his cell phone has long ago stopped working, so who knows if anyone has sent him anything during the time of his slumber. he doesnt even know that kunsel is waiting for him to come back.
during this whole time, hes held in his feelings and emotions, shouldering all this himself. he hasnt talked to anyone previously about his trauma, the nightmares that prevent him from sleeping, or his doubt. being in the sector 7 slums and being taken care of, he puts on a false face that everything is okay, but it cracks when he hit his brink. crying and screaming, yelling how none of this is fair and how he shouldve been dead. he doesnt why hes alive but hes so tired. he was fully planning to die when he faced shinras army, not even thinking how to why, if there even is a reason. even though tifa and marle kindly provided him a room to rest in, theres a momentary frenzy where there are several deeply punched in walls, even unleashing his sword in blinded frustration. 
hes never been taught that it was okay to share your feelings, and being swallowed by the toxicity of SOLDIER, he felt as if it was weak to ask for help. hes encouraged and is told several times, while being in the slums, that its okay. theres always an ear to be lend to if one needs to talk about their woes, or something that deeply troubles them. not to mention, he has a hard time accepting that so much time as passed, that so much as changed and almost so many people forgot about him. hes lost so much of his younger years by SOLDIER, the lost of mental growth by being in a god damn mako infused pod. he needs to catch up, now finding home in the sector 7 slums (altho apologizing and insisting that he fix up the room that he ruined. it gives him something to do and he fees bad for destroying that was so graciously offered from kindness).
he spends his time around avalanche and tifa, not only trying to help up from the wounds he endured, but trying to move on. find easier methods to cope and deal with the stress in healthy ways thats not dangerous self destruction to himself and those around him. hes slowly coming to the conclusion that hes not a monster that hes so insisted on, but a victim and pawn of SOLDIER and shinra. hes angry at shinra. hes upset, frustrated, aggravated, among other emotions towards the former company hes worked for.
and even though this healing process is still slow, hes becoming much more happier than has been before. he finds home in the slums, and those people that has so welcomed him, even though untrusting because of his previous affiliation with SOLDIER. he loves the people, quickly befriending the entire sector 7 slums. 
hes come a long way since coming back to midgar, from self loathing and a weak, nearly broken spirit to his back optimistic, naturally smiling self that people love to be around. he has given shinra a lot, but he wont let them take away a person he was so proudly being before he entered SOLDIER, albeit still immature with mentality that hes still 18.
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dylan-o-yumm · 5 years
Perfect Timing (Part 2)
Note: Sorry this took so damn long! I am very happy with this chapter though and I’m glad I took the extra time to edit it and work a few more scenes into it. Also I’m thinking I’m gonna do some requests before I get to writing the next chapter since I took so much time away. 
Word count: 6k
Warnings: Swearing… that’s about it. 
Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3
(Nero’s P.O.V)
Nero jogged lightly throughout the dark, abandoned train station, having left a trail of lifeless demon corpses in his wake and the smell of blood mixed with sulphur filled his nostrils. Yep, that was the stench of demons, all right. It was enough to make anyone gag, but Nero had grown used to it over the years, he remembered how you threw up the first time you smelt it. He never let you live that down, finding any chance to bring it up when eggs were being cooked and that same sulphuric stench wafted through the kitchen. It was safe to say you got turned off eggs after being introduced to the demon hunting life. 
Nero had fought more demons in the station than he thought was possible, his mind seeming distracted from the task at hand, even though, what could possibly be more important than taking down demons to get to Urizen? It was like he was being controlled, unaware of his movements and stuck in his own mind as he mindlessly swung his blade and shot his gun at countless hell spawns. He didn’t even seem to register that he was killing them quickly and easily as if he were the boot to an ant. 
Why couldn’t he focus? He usually liked to add flare and style into his combat, but he was just cutting and shooting like nothing mattered at all. However, It’s not like it mattered too much yet, he didn’t even have a scratch or cut on him, not at all in his time subconsciously pushing through the station did a demon come close enough to hurt him. However, it was bound to come back to bite him on the ass sooner or later. He would only be able to last so long before he got hit, and he just hoped to whatever god that it wasn’t going to be a deadly blow, since he couldn’t seem to keep his mind on track. 
One thing he noticed was that his mind was filled with images of you and the raven haired goth, though he couldn’t quite understand why. Maybe it was simply because he could faintly hear Griffons squawking and Shadow slicing through demon flesh, that it made him wonder how the two of you were holding up? He couldn’t quite pinpoint where you were, but you were definitely close enough that he could hear the demonic bird cursing excitedly in the distance. If he really wanted to, he could go find you and tag along, but there were too many demons to just leave them alive in the station. The threats had to be eliminated. 
It was no secret that Nero wasn’t used to being on his own, having to be more mindful of crowd control since you weren’t there to help take out the monsters along side him. Despite that however, he wasn’t having any problems with it so far, apart from not concentrating properly and feeling a little lonely since he didn’t have anyone to talk to or tell his stupid one liners to. Was that why he was so distracted? Because he was feeling lonely?  
That wouldn’t explain why was there a pit forming in his stomach, like he was going to vomit if he thought too hard about you being with the poet. Is that what this was? Was he unable to focus because he didn’t like that you were with V…? No, It must just have been because he had grown so used to having you be by his side while fighting demons over the years, not being there with him was uncomfortable and a little daunting…? And maybe he didn’t like that you left him on his own to go be with V…
Not only did you ditch him, but you went and joined Mr. Poetry? 
Was he worried about V hurting you or getting you into danger? No. However, Was V the source of his racing thoughts, and not you? Nero trusted that the poet wouldn’t somehow hurt you in any way, that much was clear otherwise he wouldn’t have let you go with him. Whether it be because Nero found you to be stronger and more capable to protect yourself or simply because V had done nothing but help out for the past month, leaving no reason for him to suddenly turn again them and betray them, there was no worry of you getting hurt. Even though Nero knew little about the mysterious man, he wasn’t given a reason not to trust him. 
Maybe if you were on your own, Nero would feel a little more comfortable, because you’d be able to focus on protecting yourself and not worry over keeping V out of harms way. If there was any reason for you being injured, it would be because you would pull a selfless stunt to save V, and Nero knew you well enough to know that. That had to be it, thats whats been eating at his mind. He knew V could be a little reckless sometimes and didn’t want you getting hurt in your efforts to save him. 
Nero nodded as he persuaded himself that, that were his obvious reason for being distracted. 
“Hey, lovebirds! Quit smoochin’ and get a move on!” Nero heard in the distance, much closer than he was hearing before. There was no doubt that that was Griffon, snapping his beak at you and V to hurry you up, but… Lovebirds? Smooching? You had casually mentioned on the last mission with Nero that you found V attractive, which made an uneasy feeling rise in the pit of Nero’s stomach for some odd reason. Were you really… making out with the poet? Spending your time locking lips when there was a demon to destroy, the end of Redgrave, if not the world, weighing on your shoulders? 
Nero frowned in thought, his heart hammering in his chest as he followed the sounds of Griffons wings flapping. Clearly you wouldn’t do such a thing at a time like this, right…? You and the goth were much closer in proximity to Nero than he had originally thought, seeming to just be up a floor where a broken escalator was blocked at the top by some debris and Qliphoth roots, maybe even some demon guck. 
Nero jogged up the unmoving stairs, boots clinking every time he landed on the grated metal, keeping his hands off of the railings since they looked like they were covered in muck, either from the demons or not. It’s a train station, plenty of people would have come through before the demons took over, hands having been god knows where before they were pressed all along the railing of the escalator. 
“You just want some attention for yourself, don’t you, Griffy?” That was your voice, teasing but soft as he heard quick footsteps, like you were moving faster than walking, possibly jogging. Griffon trilled and shook out his feathers, loud enough that Nero didn’t even have to see him to know his actions. However, when Nero reached the top of the escalator, hidden behind the roots and chucks of broken building, he peered through a small gap as he crouched down, seeing you jogging to catch up to the demonic bird. V was trailing slowly behind you, holding his cane instead of using it to walk with. He was smirking, cheeks a little flushed, but that could have been from running around and fighting demons… Or not?  
Nero looked back to you, watching as you met up with Griffon who was perched atop a somewhat clean looking ATM. Nero narrowed his eyes when he saw you reach out and scratch at the birds fluffy feathers on its chest, poking your tongue out teasingly when Griffon cooed in relaxation. Where you already so friendly with V’s pets? Only then, when he saw your tongue dart out, did Nero notice that your lips were already wet… 
People lick their lips. 
Nero closed his eyes for a moment, sighing deeply as he calmed himself down. He was grasping at straws, not usually being a very observant person, but this somehow turned him into Sherlock, noticing very small details that were almost nonexistent. Just because V was flushed, didn’t mean you kissed. Just because your lips were wet, didn’t mean you kissed. Just because griffon said you kissed… Didn’t mean you kissed? Why was this bothering him in the first place? If you liked V and V liked you, why wouldn’t he be happy for his best friend hooking up with her crush? 
Because V isn’t good enough for her. 
“We should make haste… Nero has most likely already made it out of here.” V’s voice caught Nero’s attention, especially when he heard his name. Opening his eyes and peering through the small gap, Nero watched as the poet sauntered over towards you, his hand delicately dragging along the small of your back. That small action made Nero want to rip the Qliphoth roots down and stomp over towards you to smack V upside the head. Why? He didn’t know. And what made it worse was when Nero saw you visibly shudder at his touch, he could practically see the goosebumps raising on your skin. 
“I’m sure we could have a little break…” You trailed off, possibly insinuating something. Was this you flirting? Nero frowned, wondering why you were being so weird around V when you were apparently smooching moments prior. Wouldn’t you be more straight forward and comfortable if you were already more than friends? Nero had seen you flirt with other guys before over the years, and this was nothing like it. Your tone was soft and innocent sounding, when you could very well be suggesting to stay behind for a make out session, but instead it seemed like you wanted to have some more time alone with him. 
You really liked V, didn’t you? Was this the real reason for you joining the poet and leaving Nero on his own? 
“Nero won’t mind if were a little late” Yes, I will, he thought to himself when he heard you speak. Nero figured he had heard enough, growing tired of you and V acting all weird and flirty around each other. Also the thought that he was spying on you had just crossed his mind and made him feel a little guilty, as much as he didn’t like the situation, he trusted you completely so there was no need to spy. However, If you were going to waste your time kissing up a storm with V when the demon who stole Nero’s arm was sitting on a throne, waiting all pretty to be defeated… then he wasn’t going to wait any longer, even if it meant taking on Urizen on his own. 
Nero stood up straight and instead of walking down the escalator, he pushed off the top step and jumped all the way down, landing on his feet and stumbling a little bit before steadying himself enough to jog off. He figured you wouldn’t be able to catch him watching you if he got away quick enough, and luckily he didn’t hear you question what the noise was, either because you didn’t hear him land his jump or because you just assumed it was a demon. Either way, he got away without getting caught. 
(Your P.O.V)
You and V had grown a lot closer in the short time you had been teamed up with him. When you weren’t busy fighting demons along side him, you fell into a nice, easy conversation as if you had been friends for years. The only difference was that you’d usually be telling him more about yourself, or trying to get him to open up. However, he seemed pretty adamant about keeping his mysterious aura and would give vague or poetic answers. In general though, he was an easy person to talk to and you very much enjoyed his company. You might be a little biased though, since his voice was very pleasant to listen to, and when he’d speak to you poetically, most of the time you had no idea what he meant, but he sounded so beautiful you didn’t care that you had no idea what he was saying. For all you knew, he could be insulting you. 
When in combat, you’d think with all three summons, plus you and V fighting on the battlefield, it would be a little ungraceful and clumsy, but surprisingly you managed to easily work around them and help out where you could. Even Griffon was warming up to you, joking along with you and playing games with you. Like the one where you’d keep count of how many demons each of you killed, trying to be the one with the highest number, but you ended up winning by a landslide since you learned the summons couldn’t actually kill anything, it had to be V who landed the final blow. So rules had to be changed a little. 
Even Shadow seemed to take a liking towards you too, much to your surprise. It would sit by your feet instead of V’s like an overgrown house cat, even sometimes nudging your hand as if it were asking for pats, which you happily agreed to do. It wasn’t as soft and warm as you imagined, its fur feeling like cold metal against your fingertips, though it was very smooth and satisfying to glide your hands through. Griffon was surprisingly the warm one, it was a shame his personality didn’t match. Always so teasing and mocking no matter how nice you are.
During navigating the smelly, demon filled station with V, you had asked him if his summons were more like him than he was letting on, somehow sharing the same thoughts and feelings, silently hoping that if both Shadow and Griffon liked you, then so did the poet. It was a curious thought, thinking that the three summons were not just tethered to V’s skin through the tattoo’s, but somehow occupying his mind too. When the three demons were kept away in the black ink, could they still communicate with V in his mind? 
V didn’t answer, which was no surprise to you. He sure liked to keep you guessing, like he wanted you to keep asking questions, only for him to never reveal the answer himself. Maybe he wanted you to work for it somehow? Possibly he wanted you to ask the right question instead of blindly saying what was on your mind? Or maybe he simply just didn’t want to answer your questions. Did that stop you from trying to get to know I’m better? Of course not. 
When you didn’t let down, changing the question to how he got his tattoo’s, V smirked. Once again he didn’t reply, leaving your questions unanswered, though he shared a look with Griffon who, in turn, shook out his feathers and flew on ahead, leaving you alone with the goth. Was that proof of them sharing the same thoughts? Did V tell the demonic bird to go forth while he himself stayed behind with you…? 
As soon as Griffon was out of sight, and Shadow was turned back into the ink on V’s pale skin, the poet came closer to you, nothing short of shy. You felt your breath hitch in your throat, your cheeks instantly heating up as he looked at you fondly through his long lashes, smirk still playing at his lips. You wanted to kiss that damn smirk off him since he always wore it with such confidence, it would be an honour to be the one to make him flustered. 
And just like that, the air around you changed, from once being lighthearted and friendly, to now suddenly holding a tension so heavy not even a knife could cut through it. V’s eyes on you were suffocating, drowning in the pools of his green iris’s while he slowly took step by step closer towards you. Your heart was beating erratically, nervous and excited to see what he was planing on doing. Your mind filled with hope, wishing he’d do what you wanted him to do to you.  
You took a step back, not out of fear or discomfort since the look in your eye told him to keep coming closer. For every step he took towards you, you took one back, a small smirk now playing on your lips at the thought of him chasing you. Your back braced against the wall, nowhere to go now, but you were okay with that as your eyes darted down to his plump lips that were quick to have you mesmerised. He was reciting a poem, though you couldn’t hear the soft words over your racing heart, and the almost intimidating sound of his cane tapping against the floor as he crept closer and closer.
He ended up standing so close that you could rub your nose against his if you looked up, but your eyes were focused on his slightly parted lips as he finished saying the poem you sadly missed. His hand that wasn’t holding his cane, slowly and softly came up to brush your hair out of your face, you swore you were dreaming. He was so beautiful and soft and kind, it was impossible to think a man like him even existed, but here he was, inches away from you and staring at you with curious eyes that fluttered down to your lips. 
You had known him for about a month, so this wasn’t sudden, was it? Not like that would stop you anyway, if he wanted you wholly and completely there on that mucky train station floor, you would be unable to say no. However, you knew you couldn’t waste too much time, there was still a demon king to knock off the throne to insure the safety of the world and sadly there just wasn’t much time for romance. The thought made you bite your lip, suddenly feeling a little guilty that you were here, ready to press your lips against V’s when there were high stakes at hand. 
Either way, it didn’t stop V from leaning in slowly, giving you every chance in the world to back out if you wanted to. Your breath was shaky as your hand inched forward blindly to rest atop his slender fingers holding his cane. His other hand was still caressing your cheek, slowly sliding to the back of your head to pull you in just a little closer… You could feel his warm breath fanning over your cheek and your eyes slowly closed as did his, tilting your head to the side ever so slightly and gripping his hand tighter in anticipation. You felt his bottom lip ever so gently graze against yours before Griffon just had to open his big, yapping beak. 
“Hey, lovebirds! Quit smoochin’ and get a move on!” 
So close… 
You’d be lying if you said the rest of the time spent in the station wasn’t awkward, both you and V sending each other longing glances when the other wasn’t looking, desperate to finish what Griffon so rudely interrupted. The only good thing about the bird was that he was easy to joke around with and made the awkward tension slowly dissipate, using his crude humour to distract you all from the kiss you and V almost shared. Oh, you so desperately wanted to kiss the poet. Even more so now that you had had a little taste… 
You were almost out of the train station, surprisingly having not run into Nero the entire time. You’d think that with the two to three hours you spent in the space, you’d end up running into him, but you never saw his face or heard him fighting. Hopefully he was just faster and made it out before you guys… or maybe you shouldn’t be hopefully about that, since you didn’t want him heading into the Qliphoth on his own. Maybe splitting up with him wasn’t the best idea. You hoped he was okay and staying out of harms way, you’d never forgive yourself if he was injured or trapped somewhere somehow. 
What made you feel even more worse was the fact that you only just started worrying about him. You were too caught up with V and his familiars that you… forgot about your best friend. Maybe it was because you knew, deep down, that Nero could handle almost anything on his own, that he’d be safe without you there to help him. But the fact that you didn’t see or hear him at all and only now you were worried about him, had you a little guilty. V had all his summons, why did you split up with Nero in the first place? At least if V got into trouble, Griffon could carry him to safety, but what about Nero? If he gets into trouble, he’s all alone, no one to help him. 
Nero isn’t helpless. He’s strong and stubborn and nothing will be able to take him down. You just needed to have more faith in him, not let your worries cloud your judgement. He’s a tough boy, he’ll manage, he always does… 
V seemed to notice your worries and let shadow out of the tattoo ink to come and walk along side you as a means to comfort you. Shadow’s paws patted along the steps beside you, making you smile softly and reach out to brush your fingers over it’s back gently while you hoped to whatever god that Nero was safe. Even V walked a little closer beside you, hand brushing against yours every so often which you weren’t sure was helping the awkwardness or not, but you greatly appreciated it. It definitely eased your mind a little, so you didn’t stop him. 
Suddenly being above ground, the harsh sunlight burns your eyes, having to blink rapidly to adjust to the light as you walk up the last few steps to outside. The large Qliphoth tree stares down at you intimidatingly in the distance, as if mocking you and taunting you, laughing at your attempts to make your way to it. Just the look of the demonic tree sends shivers down your spine and a odd taste to fill your mouth, which you swallow down and shake your head to rid the awful feelings it gives you. 
There are a bunch of different vehicles that litter an odd ramp, it looks like it was once just an ordinary hill or a road, but the Qliphoth roots had shifted the earth and torn off the grey bricks to show black demonic sludge underneath. The sludge had hardened to make its own odd looking road, but it definitely didn’t look pleasant to touch or look at. It lead down to what appears to be a theatre, abandoned and ruined from demons and roots. 
However your surroundings were the least of your problems at the moment, not even completely registering in your mind when you spot the familiar white hair of the young devil hunter who was cutting down the last of the pointy Qliphoth worms that were trying to stab him. Your chest instantly swells with happiness and relief, seeing him look exactly how you saw him last, maybe a little dirtier, but unscathed nonetheless, which you breathed a sigh of relief at. 
“Nero!” You shout in surprise, not hesitating to run over to him. You be mindful of Shadow so you don’t barrel into it when you rush past, your boots thunking obnoxiously in the quiet little area. Your eyes light up when Nero turns around, ignoring the fact that he looks at you with a blank expression, clearly not excited or surprised to see you there. He didn’t even say anything except ‘oof’ when you physically run into him and wrap your arms around his waist. You rest your cheek on his chest, feeling him awkwardly wrap one arm around you while he holds his sword with the other, slowly patting your back like he didn’t know what else to do. 
“I didn’t see or hear you at all down there, I got worried” You added breathlessly, squeezing him tighter before pulling away but keeping your hands on his waist absentmindedly, looking up at him with a happy smile. You notice how he isn’t smiling or making an effort to say anything, which makes you both a little nervous and worried. Nero very rarely gets like that, when he’s quiet, it usually means he’s trying not to let his anger out. 
All you get in response from him is a quiet hum, making you frown slightly. What could have possibly put him in this mood? Last time you saw him he was giving you a fist bump before the both of you had split up in the tunnel. Surely you hadn’t done something wrong, right? The last time he saw you everything was fine, the two of you were happy and joking around a little bit. Maybe something pissed him off inside the station for some reason? 
You go to ask him whats wrong, but the sound of V’s cane tapping as he walks up behind you and the obnoxious flapping of Griffons wings causes you to pull away from Nero completely, trying to meet the white haired males eyes but he seems adamant about avoiding looking at you. You look between the three males, smile now gone off your face and a concerned frown taking its place. 
V clears his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention as he stares down at the theatre, silently gesturing with his cane for us to head on down together instead of somehow splitting up once again, even though there is no way you could possibly find another rout to take from here. You wanted to pause time for a moment, just to check up on your friend, make sure he was okay. The last thing Nero needed was to feel upset or angry as he already had such a heavy weight on his shoulders with Dante being gone. You always admired how he’d somehow keep a smile on his face through tough times. 
Instead of waisting any more time talking and staring at each other, you decide it would be best to push on, being the leader and pushing past Nero and V to head down the gross looking, demonic staircase. Maybe V could talk to Nero if the devil hunter didn’t want to talk to you, and hopefully he would end up feeling better if you gave him the space to talk to the poet. The two seemed like decent friends from what you saw, and if Nero couldn’t talk to you, then maybe he’d settle for talking to another friend? 
The sound of Griffons wings flapping behind you, following you, doesn’t escape your ears. Instead of ignoring the bird, wanting to be angry at him for his little stunt back in the train station with you and V, you stick your arm out without looking back at him. The demonic bird’s talons dig into your skin when he perches himself atop your arm, but it’s not too painful for you to shake him off. There would end up being little tears on your sleeve from where he dug his claws in, but when you were a demon hunter, having shirts ripped and dirtied was the least of your problems. 
The two boys trail behind you, you expect to hear their hushed whispering as a means to not let you hear what they’re saying, letting Nero get off whatever’s on his chest. However, You don’t hear them conversing at all. All that reaches your ears is the slight rumble of Nero’s revved up Red Queen. You take one glance behind and see that Nero is walking slower than V, making an effort to not have to walk beside him. What on Earth is his problem today? You thought to yourself, frowning as you face forward. Is he mad at V or you? Surely not, neither of you did anything wrong from what you could think of. 
“Looks like lover boy’s jealous” Griffon caws in your ear, just quiet enough for only you to hear. He was looking back at the two boys and ruffles his feathers when you reach up to scratch at his chest. You look up at his odd eyes and tilt your head in confusion. 
“Why would V be jealous?” You ask, confusion lacing your voice. Jealous of what? That you hugged Nero? Got excited when you saw Nero? He knew you and the devil hunter were just friends, surely he wasn’t jealous. You chanced another glance behind you and narrowed your eyes at V, not noticing anything different in the way he was acting, though Griffon was connected to him, maybe he could feel V’s jealousy and was giving you a heads up? 
V’s eyes fluttered up and met yours, his neutral expression turning into a soft smile and warm eyes. No, he isn’t jealous… is he? What could the poet possibly be jealous about? The sound of Griffons chuckles fills your ears and you turn back to look at him before returning V’s smile. You frown at the birds over exaggerated laughter and shake your arm slightly, bringing his attention back to you. He ruffles his feathers before training his neck, lowering his head down to your ear. 
 “Wrong lover boy” He whispers in his annoyingly high toned voice. Your eyes widen. Nero? What on earth could Nero be jealous about? That might explain his mood, but there was no reason for him to feel such a thing, right? And was he jealous about something to do with you? You ask yourself a bunch of questions that end up getting interrupted by Griffons burst of laughter. Oh right, asshole bird is just messing with you, trying to make you think theres some weird… love triangle thing going on. 
Fucking asshole.
The demonic bird cranes his head back and cackles loudly, hurting your ears to the point that you shake your arm to throw him off you. His laughter doesn’t stop as he flies on ahead, wings unable to drown out his annoying cackles as he flaps his blue wings. He slowly calms down as he perches himself on a prop piece on the theatre stage, shaking out his feathers and looking back at you with mischief in his odd eyes. 
You jump up on the stage with him, and soon after V and Nero join you, standing on either side of you. The three of you take a step forward, not getting any further before a group of Angelo’s jump down and land in front of you, swords and shields at the ready for a battle. You haven’t fought them before but you had heard of Nero dealing with similar enemies back in Fortuna before you teamed up with him. It’s like they thought of themselves as angels but weren’t any less demonic than all the other enemies you had fought. 
Their heavy landing must have disrupted something within the stage, causing the entrance behind you to collapse, trapping you in an arena of sorts before the entire set began to slide down the muddy hill. The sudden shift and movement caused you to stumble on your feet, quickly grabbing your weapons as you steadied yourself. The sound of two blades being unsheathed was satisfying to your ears, holding both swords on each hand as you stared down your target. 
The fight felt like it lasted forever, and the nearing edge of the cliff made you all fight harder and faster, fearing you’d fall down to your death with the stage. You had taken down one Angelo on your own, surprised at how much stronger they were than regular demons, having to break their shields before you could land a good hit on them, Then you noticed Nero had taken out most of them already, probably used to their fighting tactics from his time in Fortuna. He seemed to be much harsher though, not bothering to taunt or mock the Angelo’s like he would normally do, you figured he had to be quite angry, taking all his rage out on the demonic angels which in the end worked out in your favour. 
The Angelo’s were all destroyed, their bodies disintegrating before your eyes. You took one glance upward and saw the edge of the cliff was closer than you thought. Before you could act, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist in a crushing grip before you were lifted up into the air, forced to watch as the stage zoomed past underneath you and over the edge of the cliff. It all happened so quick, being airborne for five-seconds, but you managed to see that V was being held up by Griffon beside you. 
You heard the bird grunting, finding V heavy since he had used so much power when fighting the Angelo’s. You couldn’t see Nero, so you assumed he had a hold of you, knowing you weren’t paying close enough attention on when to jump and he didn’t want you falling with the stage. You felt your heart in your throat and your stomach flipped, making you let out a yelp of both surprise and fear. You were sure your face was pale, the sudden movement after a particularly difficult battle had your head spinning.  
Nero landed on the ground first before slowly lowering you down on your feet, making sure you were okay to stand since you weren’t the biggest fan of heights. You stumbled a little before he steadied you by holding your shoulders, keeping you up right for a few seconds before he slowly let you go cautiously. When he realised you could stand without falling over, he lowered his hands and gave you a once over, just to double check with a concerned frown on his brow. He knew of your fear of heights and now that you were standing on the edge of a cliff, he didn’t want you fainting on him. 
“I’ve just remembered something… This town was attacked once before” V muses, snapping you out of your little daze of trying not to fall over. “I was here… I can still see it. In fact, I was playing right here.” You look towards the poet, seeing him crouched down with his hand atop a small, green bouncing horse. Did this used to be a playground? Not very safe on the edge of a cliff… The horse looked slightly burnt, its ears and mouth blackened from what you can only assume was a fire. There were no other playground equipment, either having fallen down the cliff or destroyed in some other way. 
“That was the house.” V points with his cane, to a seemingly half burnt down house that sits atop a hill in the distance.  His house? Did he used to live here? The thought of V as a child being in this place when it was seemingly destroyed almost broke your heart. You hoped it wasn’t demons who attacked but there wasn’t any other reason your mind could come up with. V stood up and stared at the house a little longer, seeming to remember what he had seen all those years back. 
“This is where we part ways… You go on ahead. I must seek the Devil Sword Sparda.” V states casually as he snaps himself out of his daze and walks around you and Nero, making a move to brush his hand along the small of your back. You shudder at the touch, like earlier in the station, wishing you could go back to that moment with the poet and not be interrupted this time. V tapped his cane as he planted himself firmly ahead of you both, facing away like he was about to head off without you. 
Just as that thought crossed your mind, Nero opened his mouth. 
“I think you should come with me” Nero bit, grabbing hold of your upper arm gently and pulling you closer towards him, preventing you from following the goth which made your eyes widen in shock. He was addressing you but his eyes were focused on V instead, almost glaring at the soft poet. You wanted him to stop looking at V like that, wondering if maybe V was the source of Nero’s foul attitude. 
Did Nero want you to be paired back up with him? Did he seriously hate going through the train station on his own? Was he somehow jealous or untrusting of V? That would make what Griffon said earlier make some sense. Nero was so… okay with you leaving him last time, why has he suddenly changed his opinion of you going along with V? You open your mouth to argue with the young devil hunter but V interrupts you. 
“I agree, you should head on with Nero. I need to see this through on my own…” His deep voice causes you to quickly look at him with a frown. Did he not want you, or like you any more? The soft smirk on his face as he turned to face you made you think he does secretly want you to go with him, but he can’t, not at the moment anyway. You knew this must have something to do with V’s childhood, something that’ll bring up a lot of memories, and you did understand that he wouldn’t want you there for that. But, he was going to the Devil Sword Sparda, and both you and he knew he wouldn’t be able to carry it on his own. You were no demon, so it would be almost impossible for you too, but you could always find ways to help him out where you could.
So, instead of lashing out and getting angry, you let your frown turn into a concerned pout.
“You sure?” You ask softly, wondering why Griffon had suddenly gone so quiet. However,
V simply smirked wider, turning his body completely to face you before he made his way over. He bought himself close to you with the click of his cane echoing his steps, planting himself in front of you. He reached a hand out to caress your cheek with his elegant fingers and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch with a blush and a soft smile. You forgot Nero was even there in the first place, witnessing a tender moment between you and the poet. 
V leans forward and you think he is going to whisper something in your ear, or maybe even kiss you like he missed out on doing earlier. But instead, his plump lips graze against your cheek, softly kissing your already tinted pink flesh. He let his lips linger for a moment, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You’re not sure how you knew, but it felt like he was promising to see you again, that he’d be safe. 
And with that, he turns away and begins walking down the dirt path, leaving you alone with a seemingly grumpy Nero. This should be fun…
Here’s part 3
Griffon ships you with Nero confirmed lol
Tags: @sakkajagga @dmcdrabbles @blueroseblaze @music-of-chaos
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
A Newsie Carol Isn’t It Nice That Once Again It’s Christmas Eve
Fandom: Newsies
Word Count: 4K
Summary: One man. Three ghosts. One more chance of redemption.
A/N: So guys! I was just in a production of A Christmas Carol, and I loved it! It was the Alan Menken musical, if you don't know it, I highly recommend listening to it! It's beautiful! (The earlier one. Not the Hallmark one). But yeah... so now thats how we ended up here. I hope to post one chapter per day, it's almost completely written, so keep your fingers crossed.Also, I know y'all really want Crutchie to be Tiny Tim... but guys... C'mon... you know me well enough to know who Tiny Tim is gonna be.Anyways!Please enjoy!
Snyder was dead, to begin with. There was no doubt about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Pulitzer had signed it.
Old Snyder was as dead as a doornail.
For seven years now it had been that way. For seven years Pulitzer had been running this business on his own.
And things were going just swimmingly. Even on Christmas Eve.
Snow was falling fast outside the doors of the large publishing company. Carolers were singing all up and down the streets, blissful and content as they held their jars and boxes meant for that of charity. People tossed them coins and spared them a few dollars.
Not the man walking out of the elevator. In fact, the very sound of the cheery harmonies made him groan as he stormed out into the open.
"Kelly!" Pulitzer shouted as he made his way down into the lobby of his building. "Hurry up, damn it."
A young man, practically a boy, came rushing around the corner behind him, so many papers still in his arms from the meeting they'd had only mere moments before. He had on a pair of worn slacks and a jacket he hadn't buttoned up over a white dress shirt and grey tie. He looked more than exhausted. "I'm comin', Mr. Pulitzer! Sorry, sir!"
The old man turned to him and the young man skid to a stop, the papers and files in his arms falling on the floor as he fell to his knees. He bit his lip as he lowered his head in embarrassment and began to fish for the papers that had scattered every which way all over the ground.
The boss only glared at the young man who was struggling to keep up with him. Everyone around them stood almost eerily still, watching the scene in a tense silence. Pulitzer shook his head and took a moment to watch his assistant scrounge up the files and a few things he hadn't seen before. "What in God's name is that?"
The young man quickly grabbed at those loose, scattered pieces of white paper with so many pencil sketches all over all of them. Some of people, some of scenery, some of random items. "Nothin', sir, 'm sorry, sir," he forced out quickly, trying to laugh it off, as if he had any dignity left after the months he'd had at this job.
The old man rolled his eyes and easily buttoned up his blazer, stepping over the boy on the ground and glaring at the rest of the large room as they gasped and immediately got back to themselves. The room was large and round and practically made of glass. It was beautiful.
And everyone was terrified to step through the doors.
Pulitzer found his gaze drawn to those windows, just at the front of his building where four happy carolers stood, ringing an annoyingly large bell in the faces of guilty Christians and Starbucks goers, knowing they'd toss a few coins into their red, metal basket.
The man's unforgivingly dark eyes didn't leave them for a good while. He fixed his blazer around his thin, tall frame and shook his head again, turning and almost falling into the young man who was finally standing from his position on the ground. Kelly, startled and a bit out of sorts, immediately took a step back, lowering his head in submission.
Joseph Pulitzer shoved past him. "Mr. Seitz!" he cried, causing the man at the front desk of his building to whirl around, even with the phone held at the crook of his neck.
"Yes, sir?" the large, red headed man asked quickly, knowing better than to keep the boss waiting.
"Get those wretched singers to move themselves before the police must get involved," he sighed, almost sounding defeated, like he felt bad for them.
He didn't. Lord knows he didn't.
The man at the phone stood stunned for a moment, letting out a small, nervous laugh, almost as if he though it was a joke. But Pulitzer didn't crack a smile. So Mr. Seitz nodded. "Right away, sir," he responded, unable to do much else.
That was all that needed to be said. Everyone knew not to question the boss. Unfortunately, not everyone had gotten the right amount of sleep the night before.
Pulitzer turned around with a nod only to be met with his clumsy assistant standing with great hesitance a few paces behind him. "But..." Kelly began, biting his lip mere moments later when he realized what he'd done. He lowered his head again, unsure of whether he was welcomed to continue or not.
But Pulitzer had already been interrupted. So he wished to see what his young, blubbering assistant was getting at. "But what, Kelly?"
Taking a small and shy glance around, the boy shrugged a bit. "It's... it's Christmas Eve..." he stated. "They're raisin' money f'r the children's hospital down the street..." he explained sadly, quietly, knowing he was way out of line, speaking to the man who'd given him a job like he was.
Scowling a bit at the information he'd been given, Pulitzer looked his assistant right in the eyes. Those green orbs were terrified of what was coming next. "Christmas is nothing more than a commercial holiday, Mr. Kelly. The sooner you learn that, the better off you'll be. Christmas is an excuse for a day off and a guilt trip that charities eat up every moment."
The young man bit his lip all over again and took a step back, looking all the more shy and terrified in that moment.
Pulitzer sighed and checked his watch, beginning to walk past the boy. "I suppose you were going to ask for tomorrow off," he practically growled, heading towards the doors where a new client would be arriving shortly.
The young man nodded tiredly. "It's... It's my kid brother, Mr. Pulitzer... he's real sick n'-"
"Give him some tea," the old man order gruffly.
But the young man shook his head in disbelief. "He's only six..." he stated, as if Pulitzer had known that. Finally coming to a stop at one of the desks in the front of the lobby, the young assistant managed to set down his pile of papers. Then he scratched the back of his neck. "Look... I'm all he's got right now, n' he needs-"
The old man whirled around right then and there, his eyes judgmental and ready to rip the kid a new one. "I do not need to know about you family or your hardship. It is not my job to take care of you or your brother or anyone else," he stated rudely, looking the young man up and down, almost in disbelief. "Christmas is by far the most incredible time of year when it comes to working, Mr. Kelly. Either you work or you go home and make no money to provide for yourself or your family. You decide which is more important," he spat.
It was only then that he noted the watery gaze in those forest green eyes. "Mr. Pulitzer... please... I'll neva' ask again..." he promised, as bravely as he could. It was still small and quiet. "He needs me right now..."
The boy was desperate, anyone and everyone could see that much. As Mr. Seitz walked past them to shoo those carolers away, he shot the young man a sorry look but did not speak up to help him.
Most everyone had the next day off. Everyone except for Mr. Pulitzer himself, and one Jack Kelly.
Though, someone else did. "Mr. Pulitzer, Jack has never missed a day! Tomorrow's Christmas Day. He deserves a break." The old man looked over at a small woman. She had fiery red hair that was tied back in a bun at the back of her head. There was a hint of an accent that slipped out with her words. Irish.
Jack smiled at her, a small, sad smile, as if to show his gratitude and tell her to just let it go. But she didn't. She walked closer to them with purpose. "Jack, no one needs to be here on Christmas Day, he's just too afraid to tell everyone he's scared to be alone, or facing the only family he has. So he's gonna come in and work and do something that we could all do on December 26th."
Pulitzer scowled when Jack's eyes widened in shock. That woman had some backbone on her. And when that boy looked towards her, she gave him a wink. So Jack hesitantly looked back up towards his boss who let out a long sigh. "Be here an hour earlier the next morning. But I suppose, if you must, take the day off," he offered between his teeth.
It didn't matter that that was said with such irritability. It still made Jack grin. "Yes! Of course! Thank you! Thank you so much!" he cried.
"Don't get too excited, Kelly. The day's still young," he sighed, turning back around.
"Yes, sir! Sorry, sir!" the young man laughed, nodding towards the woman in thanks as Pulitzer turned back to the door that was opening to bring in another client.
One that Pulitzer would no doubt drain the life out of.
But Jack was too happy to care about that poor sucker at that moment.
He was getting Christmas Day off from the meanest most irritating man in all of New York. And he was on Cloud Nine.
"Make sure Charlie reads him 'The Night Before Christmas' n' make sure he has 'The Grinch' with him, it's his favorite..." Joseph Pulitzer could easily be known as the most successful man in New York, maybe even the country. And he did not come to be so successful by letting his employees talk on the phone throughout the day. "Tell him I'll be there tomorrow... I know, but boss's got me workin' late every night n' I neva' wanna wake him. J'st... j'st tell him how much I love him, okay?"
"Kelly!" The man barked. Jack jumped at his small desk.
"I gotta go," he rushed out quickly before hanging up and shoving his old, cheap phone into his back pocket. "Sorry, Mr. Pulitzer..." he apologized sadly, giving the man his full attention.
Joseph grumbled something under his breath and walked passed the young man, into his large office. "Get me Frank on the phone, now. Clear your desk before you go and don't forget that you owe me an hour on Thursday!"
"Yes, sir!" the young man agreed, immediately doing as he was told. "And... Merry Christmas," he called softly after him.
Pulitzer turned around to glare. But he found his young assistant grinning as he got to his work. He ignored the oddly warm feeling in his chest telling him that that smile was somehow there because of him. He didn't need that.
"Oh! Mr. Pulitzer," Kelly called after a moment, just as the man had begun to turn his back on him. He turned back to see the desk phone up at the boy's ear. "There's a call waitin' f'r you already. Your daughter," he stated easily, shrugging a bit when Pulitzer gave him a questioning look. "Hannah just called ta tell me ta find you..."
"Okay, fine. If I'm not back in five minutes, come and get me and get Frank on the phone," Pulitzer sighed, shaking his head as he walked into his office, almost slamming the door behind him.
He thought maybe she'd given up this year. Maybe she'd just leave him alone.
But she was never one to give up.
So he grabbed the phone and held it to his ear. "Yes?" he practically growled out.
"Well hello to you too, Daddy," a sarcastic, feminine voice responded. While he would never admit it, he'd missed that voice. The voice of his wonderful little girl who had walked out on him so long ago.
"What is it, Katherine? I have a lot of work to do, here," he sighed, sitting down at his desk and unbuttoning his blazer. He clicked open his computer to few emails, too many festive alerts and holiday wishes.
He rolled his eyes.
A sigh came through the speaker of the phone. "Well, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to spend Christmas together? My friend Darcy and I were planning a little dinner at his father's house and... I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come?" she asked bravely. Though it sounded as if she already knew the answer to the question she was asking.
Hardly even truly listening, Pulitzer shook his head. "I really am very busy, dear. I'm not in the business of having people pick my pocket without consequence every year," he spat, hating the very idea of celebrating Christmas, having to buy gifts and pretend he cared about each and every person around him.
"We're not asking for anything but your presence, Dad. You don't have to bring anything or buy anything-"
"But your friend Darcy will pester me until I donate to his useless charity." Pulitzer argued, knowing very well how this went.
Just because he was fairly wealthy didn't mean it was his job to provide for others. He'd worked hard for his place in the world, and these people would only try to take it from him. "He's raising money for the homeless shelter, Dad. Money that you wouldn't even notice was gone if you bothered to donate," his daughter countered, sounding more and more irritated by the second.
But Pulitzer was not impressed. "The homeless shelter has nothing to do with me! If you're asking me, they'd all be better to die and decrease the surplus population!" he argued. Then he paused, knowing this wouldn't help the strained relationship he had with his little girl. The one who used to be the light of his life. But it didn't matter anymore. It was beyond saving. They were beyond saving. He heard her trying to speak.
All she managed to do was stutter for a moment, truly unsure of how to respond. Years of this. It was not how it used to be. It couldn't be. "I'm sorry," she finally said, and Pulitzer could hear the disappointment in her voice. "Goodbye, Dad."
"Goodbye, Katherine," he sighed, but she had already hung up the phone.
Vaguely, Pulitzer could feel a sort of regret. He should pick up the phone, call her back. But he didn't.
A knock on his door roused him from his thoughts and before Pulitzer even looked up, he barked at the person. "What?!" Kelly flinched a bit, moving to hide it with a small cough and a shrug.
"Frank is waiting on line one... I'm gonna head out..." he forced out a bit shakily.
Pulitzer didn't have any guilt in him in that moment. After all, who was this man to him? He didn't care about many people. Caring was messy. And Pulitzer was not a messy type of person. "Fine," was all he managed to bite out.
And Jack nodded with a grateful smile. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Pulitzer," the boy wished before rushing off, grabbing his backpack on the way out.
It was only then that Pulitzer realized how late it truly was.
But he didn't care.
He marched back over to his desk and sat down and picked up the phone. "Thank you for holding Frank..."
Because business didn't take a holiday. Not even on Christmas.
Walking home was a menace. Hell, getting out of his building was a the real challenge.
"Seitz, I told you to get these carolers out of here!" Pulitzer yelled as he made his way through the lobby. There they were, singing in perfect harmonies and getting a few coins and a couple dollars from people passing by.
The man behind the desk didn't answer. Because the man behind the desk was no longer there.
It was nine o'clock on Christmas Eve. Everyone had gone home. Everyone but him.
Grumbling under his breath, Joseph Pulitzer walked out of the large front doors, practically shoving his way through some baritones as he did so.
Someone caught his shoulder less than three feet out. He rolled his eyes. "Hello, sir! We're raising money to help the kids in the children's hospital! Anything you could give would be appreciated!" It was one of the young men. The rest of them kept singing.
Pulitzer shot them a fake, forced smile. "How about I give you all the sad truth, instead?" he forced out. The smaller man seemed taken aback by the offer, but didn't object to it. "Some of those kids are going to die. You can't save them all."
"But you can try," the stranger insisted, holding out one of the small cups full of donations.
Shaking his head in annoyance, Joseph rolled his eyes. "It has nothing to do with me," he spat before turning to go.
Only to almost run into someone else. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!" The short, plump, dark skinned woman apologized immediately. She laughed at herself, her smile bright enough to light up the night sky. Her nose and cheeks were pink from the cold, matching her coat and snug beanie. She seemed overly eccentric and much to overjoyed to be out in the freezing weather.
The old man did not share her excitement, closing instead to push past the caroler who was now standing in the way of his and the cab that was supposed to be waiting for him already.
It was late.
The young singer let out a small cry of offense when he was quite literally shoved aside. And the woman, young and so full of life, gasped at the rude treatment, just after she slipped a twenty dollar bill in with the collections. She turned to Pulitzer who only just stopped as she called after him, "Hey, have you forgotten how to smile, sir?" She sounded hurt, like somehow it was a crime against her.
He didn't care nearly as much as she seemed to. He turned to her, shrugging. "What am I supposed to be smiling about?" he inquired glancing up at the dark sky and then at the even darker world around him, despite the lights that made the stars impossible to see. "These carolers? Growing a year older and not an hour richer? Or perhaps because I have just witnessed such a kind act from such a kind samaritan." The words were spat out at her.
But she was not intimidated in the least. In fact, she stepped even closer towards him. "Life is passin' you by, my friend. You might just miss it." Then she walked right past him and straight into the cab just behind him. Before he could argue, the door was shut and she was gone.
Scowling hard and pulling his coat further around him as the wind picked up and the snow began to fall. "Of course," he muttered to himself. He shook his head and began walking, figuring he would find a cab somewhere along the way.
In Manhattan on Christmas Eve, he couldn't find a single one.
He walked down a few blocks, shivering in the cold and pulling away from everyone who tried to stop him and talk to him. He continued on angrily, regretting his decision to let his assistant leave so early. Kelly would have been useful at that moment, to call him some kind of car, to get him home somehow.
"Excuse me, sir! Can you reach that grate?"
Pulitzer groaned when he spotted the young man, reaching up for a grate at a small bodega. He was jumping, trying to pull it down with force. He could reach the thing. But he just couldn't get it to come down. He was young. In his mid twenties at most. He had pale cheeks and light brown hair, not unlike Jack's, though his was a bit thinner and he was definitely a bit taller than the other boy. "I don't have time or the care to do your work for you." Pulitzer tried to continue on, but the young stranger rushed over to him and put a hand up, trying to stop him, even as he continued to walk on.
"Please, I'll get fired!" he begged, looking more cold than Pulitzer himself, which made sense as all he wore was a button up uniform and a sweatshirt.
Still, the old man continued to walk on, hoping the kid would just give up. "Then I suggest you find a suitable job."
In a single second it got colder. The young man stopped, forcing Pulitzer to stop or else run into him. "You ought ta take the time to do some right, sir… sooner or later you'll be sorry you didn't." The bodega worker walked passed him, looking much less scared or helpless all of the sudden.
A bit more intrigued than he cared to admit, Joseph turned back to the younger man and watched him walk right on by the bodega, snapping his finger. The grate slid down with ease and the young man never turned back only to offer him a small wink. Then he walked around a corner, and he was gone.
An odd feeling crept its way into Pulitzer's chest. One he hadn't felt in a long while. One that was almost a sort of fear. But he kept walking. He kept walking towards home where he could just be warm.
It was so cold.
He hardly made it much farther before another voice was calling out to him. He growled a bit. "Got a coin ya could spare f'r a blind man, sir?"
"I have nothing for you," Pulitzer responded quickly.
But the old man was not done. His long white hair and beard were barely visible beneath the hood of the ratty old coat he wore that was a desperate attempt at keeping himself warm. What was much more visible were the pale blue eyes that pierced through the night. As Joseph tried to walk past him, a gloved hand grabbed at his arm. "I may be blind, but it looks like I can still see betta' than you can," the blind old man spat.
"Let go my arm!" Pulitzer cried, wrenching himself from the older man's grip.
"Oh, neva'mind, sir… go on, get outta here!" The blind man yelled, backing away and retreating back into the alleyway he'd come from. "Come the future, you'll rememba' me," he rasped.
Then he simply waked away, a black stick in hand to help him get around. But those words seemed to echo around in Joseph's head. Even as he turned to continue on his trek down the street.
It was freezing. He had to get home. He couldn't get caught by another person. He just wanted to go to bed.
He walked for a full hour before he could see his home. It was a large house, one many people envied from the outside. He huffed in relief when he saw it. That is when he heard another voice. "Joe…"
It was so quiet, it was almost like the wind. But Joe heard it. He gasped and whirled around, eyes widening, as no one had called him that for years. "Hello?" he called, his voice more hesitant than scared.
He was Joseph Pulitzer. He didn't get spooked.
But he was sure he was going insane.
He picked up his pace, heading straight towards his front door, only to hear the dark whisper again. "Joe..." It was louder this time.
And Joseph shook his head. "Leave me alone," he called, fishing in his pocket for the keys to his front door.
But when he finally found them, he dropped them on the ground. It was just his luck, he supposed. He sighed as he bent to to grasp them, straightening back up only to jump back in horror at the sight he saw in front of him.
A cry fell from his lips when he saw his door knocker has morphed into some kind of face. "Joseph!" it cried loudly. Strongly enough for half the city to hear. He ducked down, rushing to put his hands over his head and try to make sense of out what he'd just seen. Because he didn't understand it. He couldn't. None of it made sense.
Ghosts weren't real. But Joseph swore he'd just seen the face of someone he'd buried years ago.
"What the hell?!" he cried out, turning back to the door, ready to hit it or run away, surely one of the two.
But the face was gone like it had never even been there, and all that was there was his knocker. Pulitzer froze.
He was overly worked and overly tired. He was seeing things. Little things were getting to him. So he took a moment to gather himself, shrugging off the feeling of fright that was still coursing through his veins as he pulled himself together and forced himself to go through his front door.
He practically ran through the door and rushed up the stairs.
He wasn't scared, he was cold. And tired. And he needed sleep.
He slammed his bedroom door shut, refusing to acknowledge the emptiness of his large mansion. He didn't need that right now. He locked his bedroom door and lazily sauntered over to his chair to take his shoes off.
He failed to hear the sound of chains that followed him up the large stairs. That is, he failed to hear them, before it was too late...
A/N: As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to tell me what you liked, what you'd change or what you'd improve by leaving me a review! Love ya, friends!
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
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title: Arranged to keep her safe
pairing: Ketch x Sister!Reader
kink square filled: Accent Kink
dark square filled: Ketch
heaven & Hell square filled: the colt
ABO square filled: arranged marriage
Rating: 18+
tags: Alpha claiming omega, Presenting as both Alpha and omega, fighting, vaginal penetration (like in the last few paragraphs), flirtation, making out, blood, sibling training
word count: 9,777
Created for @spndarkbingo  @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo @spnabobingo
Kink masterlist    H&H Masterlist   Dark Masterlist   ABO Masterlist
hunting for any reason at all is something you have always wanted to do… but your brothers Sam & Dean Winchester weren’t going to let you…
they instead were gonna honor your parents wishes & raise you to be normal… this meant no hunting for you, but you knew something was up one day when your brothers arrived back at the bunker with another man.
it wasn’t Cas or anyone you knew, it was someone new… someone who looked like he was striking a deal of sorts with your brothers.
Dean came over to you while Sam stayed talking with the mysterious guest. 
Dean: “come sis, let’s go for a walk.” 
You never turned down the chance to take a walk with your older brother. Dean as always takes your arm & leads you out of the bunker, both of you walking down the same long dirt road you often walked down. 
Dean: “I’m guessing you have questions about the hush hush visitor.” 
You nodded. Very unsure if you wanted to hear your brother’s answers. 
YN: “who is he first of all?” 
Dean: “his name is Arthur Ketch.. Look sis, Sammy and I have kept you out of as much of the danger as possible. But in their wills they said if Sam and I ever had to Bayer a deal, we were to use you as a bargaining chip. Well that had happened for we have arranged for you to marry Ketch… ” 
YN (yelling): “so what I don’t even have a say… I don’t get the chance to decide my own future… Yet you & Sam get to decide my future for me… In what universe did you think I would ever be okay with this…”
 Dean was a little shocked, he had never heard you raise your voice at him like ever… That kinda hurt him, but how else was he expecting you to react after all he just dropped bomb central on you. 
Dean: “YN look I know your upset, but please understand that this is a good thing especially with the danger Sam & I are heading into… I wanted to be the one to tell you about this kiddo cause i knew that Sam could finish this deal in propriety while I somehow convinced you that this marriage is a good thing.“ 
You were pacing, you had no idea what the hell was happening, your brothers were auctioning your life, your future. 
 YN: “what could possibly be so important that you and Sam would gamble my future away?" 
 Dean: "the colt!" 
You had heard the legends of this magnificent gun that could kill pretty much anything… You even got to see it in action once… 
 Yn: "are you sure it’s the same colt that Bella took & sold?" 
 Dean: "yep cause ketch showed it to us, the second we said we would make him an offer he couldn’t possibly refuse, you were that offer… we need to get the colt back, there is danger brewing sis, for what we fear is coming you cannot be here… you cannot witness whats about to happen. do not fight us on this… you can get to know him first but your getting married to him before he has to bring you back to his home. if there had been another bargaining option we would have done so… look let me make it up to you. ill take you on your first hunt as my way of an apology…what do you feel like sis, Ghost, poltergeist or vamps?”
YN: “thats okay bro, i like the sound of going on my first hunt but i say why not all 3, are they all roughly in the same area… but where is he from?”
Dean: “ketch is british… yes yes they are, about 5-10 minutes from eachother. all along the road to come back here. but sis, if we go on this string of hunts you must understand that if you start feeling weird like your body starts converging or starts to feel really really warm all of the sudden, tell me immediately.”
You looked really confusingly at your brother, but agreed none the less. then your mind went into the thoughts of omg, me married, thats a scary thought… 
YN: “what about your honoring mom and dads wishes?”
Dean: “well im sure they will be just as proud of how much we have trained and protected you all the same. but Sam and i want to see you wed incase trouble strikes sooner than expected.”
YN: “isnt Ketch apart of the British Men of Letters?”
 Dean: “yes he is…”
YN: “didnt they try to kill you guys?”
Dean: “that was a precaution according to them… they didnt know whether we were friend or foe…”
Your eyes went wondering what the british men of letters would think of you… not that you know they would be able to do anything, i mean by the time you get back you and Ketch technically would already be married.
YN: “do you think Ketch would want to join me for a run into town? i need a few things and i figure you guys want a beer & liquor stalk..”
Dean: “does this mean you are ready to meet him?”
you nod… nervous feelings building in your stomach but you dismissed them.
Dean: “okay i know your probably nervous as hell right now but chill. Ketch would be a fool not to fall instantly for you…”
you took a few breaths as you and Dean re-entered the bunker, Dean freely goes down the stairs, you peak over the railing as Dean calls…
Dean: “we are back…”
Sam and another man who you presumed was Ketch came out of the study and the first glance you got of Ketch practically knocked you off your feet… when Dean turned around to introduce you he noticed you werent behind him, so he figured your nerves were getting the better of you…
Dean: “come on down YN, there is someone down here who is anxious to meet you…”
you nervously went back up the stairs and stood up descending the staircase, you could feel the eyes of your brothers and one longing gaze from the man who was to be your husband.
Ketch made his way to the bottom of the staircase, to recieve your hand in his own and to plant a kiss to the back of your hand.
Arthur: “YN, you are even more radiant than your brothers described. my name is Ketch, Arthur Ketch.”
YN: “My dear brother had said you were dashing, he didnt say you were moi caliente.”
this made Arthur laugh as he helped you the rest of the way down the stairs. 
your brothers were seeing the way you and Ketch were looking at eachother, you and Arthur went to sit in the study, you went on your laptop and placed orders for your hunting clothing a couple other items and then Arthur had you help pick out the engagement/wedding bands. 
with everything ordered, you turned to Dean to bat your eye lashes…
Dean: “let me guess you want to stay here kiddo?”
YN: “ill call tim and tell him to have the usual order ready and if your worried about getting girl coodies all over baby, then take my jag… i mean ill let you drive it just this once Dean… but you break it you repair it, do you hear me…”
Dean: “of course… come on Sam, your coming with me to help me carry this shit..”
neither sam nor dean said much of a goodbye after you said they could take the jag… you and arthur just laughed at how fast they ran out of there. this left you and arthur alone in the bunker. 
you eventually got up to pour you and Arthur some drinks, his gaze not leaving your body. like he was mentally undressing you or something. 
YN: “see something you like?”
Arthur: “just enjoying the delicious view that is you…”
YN: “well that is something i certainly can easily get used to hearing.”
you brought the drinks to where you guys were sitting and pulled out your phone calling tim…
Tim: “YN hows it going girl?”
YN: “exceptional as always, man my brothers are doing the town run today… they are doing my bidding for once… can u have the usual order ready? i dont know how long till they get there… they have to stop at a few places for me first…”
Tim: “of course i will have that ready. see ya round chica.”
you hung up the phone and felt Arthur’s arm around your waist… this sent your body into a hotter state… Arthur smelled this right away.
Arthur: “i love that heated scent you are giving off…”
YN: “your accent is turning me on and i am getting another heated burst…”
Arthur: “do you get these heat bursts often?”
YN: “only around the full moon. but this time seems worse…”
Arthur: “your presenting… how much do you know about the history of hunters?”
YN: “my brothers have mostly kept me out of that loop… why what do you mean i’m presenting.?.”
Arthur: “YN just try to cool down… you need to keep your temp at a decent temperature like keep calm dont let your emotions go out of control.”
YN: “why whats happening to me?”
Arthur: “just do what i say… lets distract you… wanna show me this fabulous garage you guys have?”
you get up but a hand reaching for yours startles you slightly but feels normal as you both walk to the garage… you open the door and walk inside. you walk around and lean against the impala as Arthur looks around. 
Arthur: “and all these belong to you and your brothers.?.”
YN: “yep… its a family business find beaten down cars get them, sell them or keep them… spare cars… in hunting its needed or so my brothers say.”
Arthur: “you look sexy leaning against the impala like that…”
Arthur had removed his blazer and now stood in front of you… 
Arthur: “i saw that look back at the computer. do you want to talk about it?”
YN: “i saw the look on your face with those totals. i would understand if you want to yell at me… but know its gonna go a long way…”
Arthur in that moment answered the only way that he deemed logical… pressing himself against you as he held your waist planting a kiss to your lips… this was unexpected, this was also your first kiss… 
YN: “i think this conversation is better left for somewhere a little more comfortable…”
Arthur: “i dont know im pretty comfy right here…”
you had no complaints the next hour and a half were spent making out while having you sit on the hood of the impala… your heat bursts became more frequent as time passed. 
Arthur: “are you alright love? your burning up…”
YN: “make it stop… make the burning stop…”
Arthur: “your brothers are gonna walk in at any minute… but i can do this…”
Arthur in that moment pulls back from you and removes his shirt, the cooling sensation of his skin against yours made your heat bursts slow drastically.
Arthur: “im an alpha as such i have a right to wait till you present fully to claim you… to make my mark on you, to claim you as my own. your brothers are alphas as well, they have been massively protective of you, but thats their nature. thats how this works. your scent is all over the place i cant tell what you are presenting as but if your heat is this bad i would think maybe an alpha…”
you and arthur went back to making out, the sound of tires approaching on the dirt road, the purr of the sweet engine, you knew that was your jag, thats when it happened. 
you pulled back as Arthur backed away you turned to look at yourself in the mirror of the impala. you then let out a earth shattering scream, as your brothers pulled up into the garage upon the sight of you screaming. they got out of the jag and went to Arthur…
Dean: “whats happening?”
Arthur: “she’s presenting… did you guys not tell her about any of this?”
Dean: “no we didnt per to our parent’s wishes.”
Arthur: “well i couldnt tell from her scent what she is, but i guess we are about to find out…”
at that moment you let out a roar, it shook the entire compound. Dean, Sam and Arthur were all ready incase your instincts decided to turn you animal…
thats when you turned to look at everyone, your eyes flashed immediately from gold to red to kind of a blood gold. the words you heard after that went something like this…
Sam: “thats impossible…”
Dean: “arthur you need to be ready buddy, i dont know how she is entirely gonna be right now…”
Arthur: “she is the first hunter ever to present as both Alpha and Omega… lets see what i can do…”
Arthur took everything that could possibly scare you out of his pockets and off his person, then he made his slow approach to you…
Arthur: “YN, take it easy babe… lets try something.. nod if you can hear me and recognize who i am..”
you nod watching his blurry figure coming closer.
Arthur: “babe, nod if i can approach you fully…”
you nod again kind of un tensing at the soft touch of his hands on your forearms. Arthur came round behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. he then brushed your hair away from your neck and shoulder. 
the next thing you hear is a growl from behind you, your eyes went wide at hearing this… it was like your entire body was no longer responding for its own, but instead to Arthur and his movements.
Arthur let out a loud shattering roar before sinking his fangs into your shoulder… this made you let out a moaning roar.. your brothers eyes went wide as they watched Arthur claim you… 
blood was dripping down your back and front, as well as down Arthurs chest. with each drop that hit the ground this made your brothers growl lowly… but nothing compared to how you would be feeling after this little session. 
After 5 minutes Arthur removed his fangs from you, he then spun you round to face him… the familiarity of his features was almost like a ray of sunshine. suddenly your eye sight became un blurred, it was also the fact that now you were seeing clearly that your eyes first saw the blood.
YN: “whose blood is that, ugh why do i feel weird, what happened…”
Arthur: “what do you remember?”
YN: “nothing, will someone explain while i go get towels so Arthur and i can get cleaned up…”
your brothers made sure the jag was in the garage and that the outside door to the garage was closed, before following to continue explaining to you what you couldnt remember.
Dean: “we got home to find you screaming into the impala side mirror, when we asked Arthur about it he said you were presenting and that he didnt know what you would be presenting as. then we saw your eyes… they will be that blood gold for a while, but the bloodlust and the other alphaic traits were subsided when Arthur claimed you thats why there was so much blood. look YN we are so sorry we didnt tell you about any of this but we are the best hunters around for a reason. our senses are heightened thats why hunting comes so easy to us. thats why its gonna be easy for you as well.. in fact i declare a family hunting trip. Ketch that includes you, your apart of this family now. so every gear up and do what you need to do, we leave at sunset… the poltergeist in the asylum is the first stop.”
You smiled at the thought of getting to hunt. This was what you had been training for. This is what you we’re waiting for. Your mind then turned to the thought of all the blood, you zoned out you could feel the blood calling to you. 
It wasn’t till you heard your name being called in 3 different vocal tones that you snapped out of it. 
YN: "sorry guys I must have zoned out… It was weird I could hear the blood calling to me, it wanted me to drain the source. I am unsure if I like how this is going. But if everyone here is willing to show me the ropes before we leave for this hunt and how to control the bloodlust then I’ll still go on this hunt as long as everyone feels like i can control my bloodlust and abilities perfectly.”
Arthur: “dont worry babe once we get cleaned up, we will all go over to the training center and we will teach you everything you need to know.”
you finish wiping off all the blood and then you walk to your room, going inside you close your door then taking off your bloody clothes you threw them in the laundry… 
you then picked up your phone and called Dean… 
Dean: “whats wrong sis?”
YN: “can you bring me my stuff from the jag so i can pack…”
your brother, your brother sure he was a giant pain in the ass, but he was the only person you trusted to bring you the stuff and not hesitate to walk in… he has seen you worse…
Dean however walks in several moments later as your at your mirror desk half robed looking at the bite mark…
YN: “will it ever go away?”
Dean: “it will just look like you got in a fight with something and won… honestly are you okay?”
YN: “honestly, i’m not sure… i mean physically except for the pain of having been bitten im fine but mentally there is something in there and its fighting me… Dean im scared, i dont want to hurt anyone. i would rather die than hurt anyone…”
Dean: “hey, theres no need for that kind of talk… look Ketch no matter how much of an ass he is, he loves you alot… he loved you enough to claim you… thats a huge deal… something Sam and i never could achieve… but your probably the most badass out of all of us, your half alpha and half omega… that makes you the strongest… now throw on your normal workout clothes and come along sis Arthur and Sam are waiting in the training center. now that you have presented we wont go easy on you..”
you turned to fully look at your brother… 
YN: “you mean you and Sam were going easy on me… does that mean when i beat you, you werent using your full strength…”
Dean: “now now sis, i knew you would react this way just take it easy…”
YN: “take it EASY… i feel like a fool… here i thought i was so strong to beat both of my brothers… geez Dean how much were you holding back…”
Dean: “i was only using 30% of my strength… over the years i gradually increased it… start soft work our way up, with each level passed we increased how much we were exerting… but now that you have presented we dont have to hold back anymore… we are gonna use our full 100% strength and its gonna be 10x harder to take us all down… we all have something to teach you: we talked it over Arthur will teach you how to control your anger, so when in public your eyes are normal color… Sam will work on your agility how to use your speed 10x the normal rate you would go… i will teach you how to tone up your strength so you dont hurt anyone normal when hugging them or shaking their hands. then we will all fight you in a fighters circle type thing. it is one of those mass exercises that are especially helpful in these types of situations…”
You finished getting into your workout gear, and glared at your brother, flashing your eyes quickly from gold to red letting off a low growl.
YN: “your gonna pay for taking it easy on me all these years… both you and sam are gonna be eating training mat…”
Those words made Dean cringe, hearing them come out of your mouth made them worse than necessary… you stalked your way out of your room, down the hallway, going left at the fork and then entering the room, you removed your sandals and charged at Sam whose back was facing you… you then pulled a natasha romanov… 
You wrapped your ankles round his neck and flipped him to the ground… 
YN: “thats for taking things easy on me bro… oh yeah Dean told me about that, lets just say im not happy about…”
Sam: “well i can tell that your not happy, but why flip me to the ground and how the hell did i not see this coming…”
YN: “what was it you told me… never turn your back on your opponant…”
You were aware at that moment of your other brother entering the room… Dean decided to try to pull that same move on you, you instead jumped and pinned him to the ground…
YN: “told you that both you and Sam would be eating training mat…”
Arthur let out a whistle that caught your attention, you got up off the ground and went over to him… his touch soothing you…  as both your brothers got up off the ground.
Arthur: “boys i dont think our lessons are gonna get through until we see what else she can do… cause that was some impressive skill that my girl just pulled off…”
Dean: “oh screw you Ketch… fine little sister thinks she is so tough, fine i challenge YN, my lesson might get taught right now it might not… Sam get off the floor, YN when your ready…”
You kissed Arthur before stepping foot on the floor… this was the kind of thing that always got you excited, this was what you now had been waiting for since presenting… a chance to show your brothers whose the more superior Winchester Sibling.
You took a stance in front of your brother who now was waiting for you to make the first move…
YN: “you think you can beat me bro… lets see im gonna give you a simple task do not hold back… use every ounce of strength you got… once i have taken you down, either Sam or Arthur are allowed to step into the ring to give me their lesson… of course you know bro that just because your my brother doesnt mean ill hold back even an ounce of strength…”
Dean: "are you gonna stand there running your mouth or are you gonna fight?" 
YN: "both…”
You and Dean now circling let off low growls… but you stepped to the left to circle the other way, and just dodged Dean lunging at you… he quickly recovered and you jumped high landing on his back…
YN: “had enough yet bro?”
Dean: “of course not…”
Dean flipped over and landed himself on top of you, letting out a roar of disapproval you bunched your knees beneath his body and lodged yourself free sending Dean flying across the room once more…
You half flipped yourself off the ground…
YN: “had enough yet bro?”
Dean: “whats a matter sis? You getting tired yet?”
YN: “not a prayer but i dont want to hurt you… so if you surrender now ill consider making you a few personal sized pies for the trip…”
Dean’s eyes went wide at the mention of pie… but non the less he attempted to lunge at you again… there was something inside you that brought your body into a flat state making Dean fly right over your body and straight into the stack of mats. 
Both Arthur and Sam watched as you now stood victorious…
Sam: “well i can just verbally give you your lesson sis… i have no desire to end up like Dean…”
Arthur: “come along babe ill help you make dinner as well as some food for the trip. While i give you my lesson in emotional anger control…”
You first helped your brother off the ground and you gave him a hug…
YN: “sorry D… dont know what came over me…”
Dean: “thats okay, happens to everyone… just dont ever give into the blind rage that you displayed on the floor… that kind of rage is what causes murder…  now you guys go make dinner i am gonna go take a hot shower and cool off my enflamed muscles…”
Sam gave you and Arthur a nod to go on your way as he helped make sure Dean got to his room on his own…
Sam: “geez Dean neither of us acted like that when we first presented did we?”
Dean shook his head…
Dean: “nope but i bet i know someone who will… we need to talk to Cas… see if he knows anything about female Alpha/Omega’s ill talk to him… it will be easier if i do the talking since i’m the one who said lets just not tell her and i didnt listen to you when you said we should…”
Sam: “dont blame yourself Dean… you couldnt have forseen any of this.. Now lets go together to talk to cas… lets go find out how to stop this from getting worse for our baby sister…”
Dean: “i still want to take my shower first… we will go after… i mean after dinner while YN and Arthur are being cute and stuff we will say that Cas wants to meet to talk about the impending doom…”
Sam: “you know she wont like it if we lie to her…”
Dean: “i know but Sammy what other choice do we have… we cant let her hunt like this…”
Sam knew Dean was right, so he left his brother so Dean could get his muscles healing… but he still felt bad for how they hid this from their sister… sure it was the right thing to do but when you turned 16 or became a teenager they could possibly have prepared you for this but not all of whats happened is their fault…
Dean texts cas and says to meet outside the bunker in 30 minutes its important… and to text when arrived… Cas responds with okay… 
Dean all through his time in his room, he kept running the fight through his head… those attacks you pulled were not normal.. Your fighting skills had never been like that… 
Meanwhile in the kitchen you and Arthur were pealing and cutting potatos…
Arthur: “how do you feel love?”
YN: “bout normal, whatever that means… i just cant believe i let Dean talk me into training i knew i would hurt someone… i dont know what came over me… it was like posession or something… but im just glad that through all that your vocals kept me from killing… is that my omega side responding to you my alpha?”
Arthur: “yes it is but that alpha side of yours needs to be put under control… otherwise its gonna be rough road ahead… you mentioned that it felt like posessson… how so love?”
You put the pealed potato on the cutting board in front of Arthur and sighed…
YN: “it was like i lost control of my body, like the actions were not my own… i didnt even recognize my own voice. Babe it was an awful feeling but i cant shake the fact that it didnt feel like me… it was like i lost myself…”
Arthur: “when did you start feeling this way?”
YN: “shortly after you claimed me… it was like a heatwave it just hit me and shortly after Dean hit the mats was when i snapped out of it… “
Arthur: “lets check the lore and see what we can find out but im gonna say that your not going on a hunt till you get this under control… we cant risk anything happening to you in the field… plus it will give us some alone time…”
Arthur winked at you, he had that seductive look in his eyes again… you smiled and went back to making sure you didnt peel your fingers instead of the potatoes… Arthur was definately getting used to your scent…
From the first time Arthur spoke you were used to his accent infact you were turned on by it… meanwhile Dean and Sam were making sure that neither you nor Arthur were looking as they snuck out of the bunker to meet with Cas… 
Dean: “thank you for coming Cas…”
Cas: “of course but what happened? You both seem worried.”
Dean: "its YN she presented as both an alpha and an omega… She is having problems gaining control. We are extremely worried… It Was the fact that Ketch bit her he claimed her… LikeLike the proof is right beside the impala… But her emotions she is spiraling. Cas what do you know about this?”
Cas: “her emotional spiral is apart of her alpha side arguing with her omega side, neither side will be at peace till she obeys the laws of the universe that were written out by God himself long before YN existed… she and ketch have to be properly married in the eyes of the holy hosts and consummate their union. Kind of like a royalty thing. This is their destiny, pre arranged by God himself. It cannot be denied. This is her bodies way of saying this needs to happen sooner rather than later." 
Dean:  "so wait your saying that we have to witness them getting married then their consummation…”
Both Sam and Dean were appauled by this thought but were happy at the idea of getting you back to normal… 
The 3 gentlemen went inside the bunker and into the study where they found you and Arthur looking through the lore… 
Dean: “hey sprout can I talk to you for a second.?”
YN:  “of course like privately?" 
Dean nods so you kiss Arthur on the cheek… You follow your brother to his room, where as soon as you enter he shuts the door… you turned around and looked very confusingly at your brother.
YN: “whats wrong D? Your not angry about what happened in training are you? Cause it felt like i was possessed when i was fighting you… like i wasnt in control of my own body..”
Dean: “cas knows how to save you… how you can regain control of your mind, body and emotions.”
YN: “thats great but how do we do that?”
Dean: “well like Sam and Cas are probably explaining to Arthur right now, and i gather that talk may not be going as well as this one… but here it goes… in order for you to be yourself again, you and Arthur have to get married, then consummate the marriage like in royal days where the dignitaries and important people have to witness the consummation… like ASAP…”
Your eyes went wide, but Dean went over to his closet and then pulled out a clothing bag… he lays the clothing bag on his bed and backs up a bit…
Dean: “go ahead sis, take a look… i got it for you as soon as we made this deal with Ketch… i knew you would need it eventually so i was waiting for the right moment to give it to you.”
You opened the bag to reveal a silver column styled one shoulder sequin lace cocktail dress. The side with the shoulder was the one that clearly showed your mark… your eyes went wide, a shocked small shrill of joy fell from your lips, tears of happiness fell from your eyes. You looked at your big brother who was tearing up himself then cleared his throat so he could speak again.
Dean: “YN, every year before now Sammy and i watched you grow into this beautiful young woman… but we know that not telling you about the family gene pool was stupid. But this marriage between you and Arthur was apparently decided by God himself. Which is a load of shit cause it just is, as well as the thought that you are gonna be a married woman… its just so hard… i wish mom and Dad were here to see this, to see the kind of woman you have become… to see you get married. You know they would have gone over board big white wedding type thing… but right now Sam has probably convinced Arthur to call Lady Bevell and request that they be present via skype for this ocassion. Cas is gonna decorate, make this place look more like a castle type setting… suitable for the events… Sam is gonna help Arthur cope with everything… just as im helping you… i know this is alot to process but i promise you, this new journey ahead of you will allow the winchester name and legacy to carry on through you and Arthur. I hope you can understand that once you and Arthur get married you guys arent leaving right away… Arthur wants you to have as much time as you need to adjust to being married before you guys go back to Britain…”
You instantly go over and embrace your brother, he returns your embrace and the moment lasts a few moments then is released…
YN: “thank you… without you and Sam protecting me i dont know what would have happened. I am just glad that i got the 2 best hunters in all of america as my brothers.”
Thats when you heard a knock at the bedroom door… you looked at your brother who then smirked.
YN: “whats going on? Whose at the door?”
Dean: “just go open the door… trust me YN this is needed… let me just grab my monkey suit… or at least the dress shirt…”
You went to the door and opened it to get tackled in a familiar female embrace…
Jo: “getting married huh? And you didnt invite me… good thing mom and i were in the area… we rushed right over here… we also saw bobby in the living room… and rufus and ash has already broken into your fireball whiskey there Dean… he wanted me to tell you that he challenges you to the fireball challenge.”
Dean: “he needs to be careful who he is messing with… ill leave you ladies to get ready… ill shoot a text when its time. Ill also send over your mom to help with anything… and to bring you gals some alcohol.”
Dean takes the shirt that he was gonna wear and leaves out his door closing it behind him… that was when Jo came over to sit on the bed beside you… 
Jo: “i know that look want to tell me why your suddenly getting married…”
YN: “to cut a long story short, my brothers found the colt that was stolen from them years ago, and have obeyed mom and dads wishes by trading me for the colt. They said something about needing the colt for the evil thats coming or that they think is coming or something like that… the guy that im set to marry, his name is Arthur Ketch, he is british, he is muscular hot and an alpha who claimed by alpha/omega ass yea i presented as both and it shocked everyone. It caused me to beat up Dean pretty badly in training earlier. I guess Dean and Sam went to Cas for answers now i have to marry Arthur as soon as possible and have it like a royalty thing where the important people witness the consummation between the wedded couple, cause apparently thats what God had put in the book of Destiny for me and Arthur… Cause thats apparently the only way to take the edge off of what my body is arguing over my alpha side and my omega side are arguing. They are fighting which explains alot now that i think about it.. But one thing isnt clear i dont know what to do… i am not even sure im ready for any of this… its like Dean and Sam arent telling me something and things will end up going wrong. Jo im scared…”
Jo hugs you from the side and fears you are gonna spiral if something happens to Sam and Dean… 
Jo: “this about it this way girl… your brothers love you very much and right now they are just making sure your future is secure and right now its pretty clear that if what you are telling me is true then we need at least 1 drink to help you through all of this.. By the way do you have any lingere…”
You texted Sam to send the bags from the jag with Ellen… Sam replyed with Ellen has already gotten those and is on her way. You and Jo just lay back and stare at the ceiling not daring to believe that there are forces who have control over the destinies of everyone because he wrote them in some sort of imaginary book… 
Jo: “i would be grateful that they at least found you someone hot to marry, i mean all the ones mom has sent my way were fat and ugly.. I couldnt believe they were alphas… i want to marry someone who understands me for me…”
YN: “you know Dean is in love with you right girl… that he has been for a few years now…”
Jo: “i know, he fell in love with me the day he and i danced to REO speedwagon in the roadhouse after hours. I turned him down, i was scared… i didnt want to ruin the friendship we kinda have. I would have told him that day in the roadhouse if mom wasnt picky about who i end up with…”
YN: “Jo as your best friend im gonna say this, i would tell him the truth or just you know kiss him… make him want to claim you… if what he says is true, im achieving what my brothers never could, but you can make this a reality for Dean… just take the risk… dont let your mom no matter how wonderful she is dictate your life. Take charge, we make our own futures…”
You and Jo hugged it out and then went back to admiring your dress… Jo then opened her bag and pulled out the accessories…
Jo: “Dean called me a week ago and warned me to have a few wedding accessories ready for you… he had a feeling that you and Arthur would be married before the end of the month so now lets wait for my mo…”
Before Jo could finish speaking, there was a rap at the door. Jo went and opened it and in came Ellen… 
Ellen: “oh honey you’ve grown so much since we last saw you… but now your getting married oh honey, he seems like a very nice man, but i take it from the rush and the hush hush of the wedding that it is a long and crazy story and a really good explanation behind this…”
YN: “it is a really interesting conversation… ill explain later or you can grill Dean for it… but it would mean alot to me Ellen if you and Jo would help me get ready… to look fabulous for the day my life gets back on track.” 
Both the ladies in that room with you nodded they sat you down in the chair and had you start going through the bags deciding what kind of lingere to wear with the dress, and what to do with your hair and your nails and it was just a blast… then came time for the dress.. This was the moment you, Jo and Ellen had all been waiting for, with your hair and nails done you felt the fabric slide over your skin, the low moan that left your lips was your thought of Arthur and how he felt against you.
Til this second you hadnt looked in the mirror for the nervous feeling that was gripping you tight was far to great. It wasnt till Ellen and Jo stood you in front of the closet mirror with your eyes closed that the nervous feeling kinda subsided.. It went away faster when they revealed to you your reflection in the mirror. 
You put your hands over your mouth for 2 seconds before moving them down your body… then letting out a low squeal of joy, you spun round in the dress. Ellen and Jo snapping photos from every angle… 
Jo: “that dress is sexy girl!!!”
Ellen: “YN, that dress is hella purty… your brother has good taste…”
YN: “yes it appears he does.. But i dont understand how the hell could he afford this… ive seen this particular dress, it was like super expensive… how did he afford this…”
Ellen: “your brother went and entered a blackjack tourney while on a hunt… Sam was investigating while Dean was cleaning house.. He used a luck charm he got from a psychic named Pamela Barnes. He said that it was the most he had ever won… but he said that he wanted to put the money away for something for you… something of a peace offering for putting your life and training through hell and back.”
Your eyes went wide, you knew your brother was a gambling shark but to hear that Dean changed his direction while on a hunting trip, just to make enough money to ensure your own happiness. 
You were unsure of how to respond… You were now helping Jo do her hair and do her dress up as you girls had done for ages on many numerous occasions. 
YN: "my brother strayed from a hunt, just to make money to secure my happiness… Why would he do that? Hunting is more important than my happiness.”
Dean who had been standing in the door way, stepped into the room and spoke. 
Dean: “cause you are the most important thing in my life. Being your big brother I wanted to make ensure that your future would be secure even after Sam and I were gone. We could not let you have the Winchester curse of swindling and card scams and and and… I know your still skeptical on marrying Arthur, but right now I can tell you this, the way that it looks out there and then way you look sis, this day is your day. Today is your inheritance. Today is your beginning to do and accomplish what Sam and I have never been able to… I know we were tough on you, but that was out way of protecting you. Anyway I’m here to escort you down the aisle sis. They are ready when you are…”
YN: “Jo Ellen can you guys give me a few moments alone with my brother?" 
Both ellen and Jo left the room, this left you and Dean alone. 
Dean: "you look exquisite in that dress sis! I knew I made the right choice.”
YN: “I hope someone else sees it that way. I know you are happy for me, but someone in the universe set this, my destiny in motion many a year ago.. Dean I don’t blame you or Sam for hiding the truth, I just wish I would have known about what was gonna happen to me. I love you bro, both you and Sam are the most important things to me. I’m so glad you guys are here to be with me on my wedding day. But bro be honest with me now, what danger is so important that you guys made this deal for the colt.”
Dean: “There is a darkness that is descending upon the world. It’s so bad that we figure having the colt not knowing what we are up against is a good idea. We also figure we can teach you how to hunt like a Winchester and secure your future before we get caught up in this war… This marriage is both your safe haven and your security. Both yours and Arthur’s names are the emergency fail safes on the lease for the impala and the storage container, Bobby’s yard!/house, the roadhouse and of course the bunker. Should me and Sam no longer be around to do anything concerning any of those places or it’s people we had you guys put down. There are also forms for you both to sign regarding the Winchester wills mine and Sam’s if this battle with the darkness goes south all we have is yours and Arthur’s.”
Sam walks in a few moments later and let’s off a whistle… 
Sam: “my God sis you look amazing!”
Dean:  “doesn’t she just look purty! Is everyone ready?" 
Sam nods… 
Sam:  "yes and everyone is waiting on YN… TheyThey sent me back to find out what’s happening?" 
Dean looks at you and you turn away so your brothers don’t see you cry… But they didn’t leave, instead they came up behind you and hugged you… This moment was when you just let the tears fall… both your brothers had you in a group hug, you felt so blessed to have brothers that cared enough to protect you like this. 
YN: "thank you for being the best big brothers I could ever have asked for." 
Both Sam and Dean sniffle but when you guys broke the hug Sam went back to the door and smiled. 
Sam: "see you out there shortly…" 
You straightened out and turned to your brother who was holding his arm toward you. 
Dean: "ready to do this step sis?" 
YN: "so long as you don’t let me fall bro…" 
Dean: "you won’t fall not so long as I’m holding onto you." 
You stook his arm as Dean sent a message to start the music, through the hall you could hear the start of So Close by John McLaughlin… Then you rounded the corner with Dean just as the crowd turned to see you. 
The one set of eyes you locked yours into was Arthurs your only saving grace was those blue eyes making your body feel weak, but making you feel like you wanted to jump him right then right there. 
The only thing you were focusing on right then were his eyes, Dean was making sure you didn’t fall, he knew your eyes were locked to Arthur’s but he also was the one thing keeping you from falling.. 
Reaching the end of the aisle Dean stood there beside you with Sam on the other side of you. 
The ceremony then went something like this: 
Castiel: "friends and honored guests both in person and on the internet, welcome to the wedding of YN Winchester and Arthur Ketch, who gives this woman to be with this man." 
Dean and Sam: "we do.." 
Castiel: "will one of you place her hand in his and say repeat after me.." 
Dean allowed Sam to do this part since Dean brought you down the aisle… Sam took your left hand and placed it in Arthurs… Castiel got ready to speak again… 
Castiel: "do you promise Swearing in good faith to release this young woman into the care of this man whose heart now captivates the heart of your dear sister here? Do you also swear not to take for granted the life you and Dean gave your sister to live even if you were concealing the truth from her.? You may now say your vow on behalf of you and your brother. " 
Sam: "YN, we concealed the truth from you as per to our parents wishes, but we made the decision to not tell you the truth when you technically came of age again. Cause you were so happy just training with us and helping us do research. We didn’t want to burden you with the hunters curse information and make you worry. So on profession of our good faith and trust, do so release our sister YN into her marriage to Arthur Ketch. We also swear not to take the life we let her lead for granted cause in the end of it we were just protecting her for the sake of our parents will. We love you so much biscuit, we hope you can be happy enough to allow the Winchester legacy to continue ever more through you.”
To hear your brother say those words made you start to cry as Sam placed a kiss to your cheek, he then backed away and left you with Arthur at the alter. Castiel continued. 
Castiel: “very well… marriage in the eyes of God and the hosts is how the love we give is the love we receive. Marriage is how what we are here to celebrate today… The bond that unites the souls of YN and Arthur is the same bond that unites an alpha with their omega… No manner of being is powerful enough to break that bond, Not even God himself. Now before we exchange rings and vows does anyone object to this union?”
No one spoke up so Cas continued… 
Castiel: “it’s time for the rings and the vows. When your ready Arthur you can place the ring on YNs left hand and say the vows you have for her.”
Arthur takes the ring places it on your finger and begins to speak. 
Arthur:  “my beautiful YN, my angel, my beauty to my beast. I love how much you have meant to me these last few hours. I know that learning the truth has not been easy for you, but knowing your now my claimed Omega had put my life back on track. Now i feel whole, for the first time in my life i have clarity and now i have a bright bright future. I love you so much my love. You are my new guiding star which i promise to love, cherish, honor, protect and care for for the rest of my natural life… i promise to uphold the basic deeds and to share the responsibilities of a husband. Neither of us ever have to walk the life of a hunter alone again.”
You felt the cool band on your finger and picked up his and did the same thing he just did to you.
YN: “Arthur, for years i was subjected to the protection of my brothers brought on by my parents wish left in their will. I now know my own strength has been within me this entire time. My sheer force of will was shown when i was training earlier it was like i had another person inside of me fighting to get out. But you brought me back from the edge of disaster, you brought me out of the dark. For that I will ever more be grateful. From hence forth I swear to protect, love, cherish, honor, respect, and care for you for the rest of our lives. I hope one day in the future when we have a family of our own, we will not make the mistake of hiding this from our kids. That we will tell them the truth no matter the consequences. I love you Arthur, always and forever!”
Castiel continued speaking for it was now time to sign the papers and do the heavenly blessing. 
Castiel: “now it’s time for our couple to come over here to sign the marriage papers for both Britain and USA. Legalities are a pain in the ass. Please wait patiently while they sign these documents.”
Both you and Arthur went to the table off to the side to sign the papers, after a total of 15 signatures on 6 different documents, you both took place once more in front of Cas in front of the crowd.
Castiel: “now as an Angel of the Lord, i am honored to bestow the heavenly blessing on these two…”
At that moment the room kinda darkened as Cas began to speak again.
Castiel: “By the powers of Heaven and its hosts i honorably bestow to thee the blessings written for thee in the book of knowing, that by the book all things are written so they shall be… this couple in the book of heaven has the following to be bestowed to them this day: Fertility, wisdom, strength, faith and many more. The will of the almighty who wrote the book is that you both live the life you have together and never let anything stand between you. On that note, it is my esteemed honor to introduce to you for the first time Mr and Mrs Arthur and YN Ketch. Arthur you may now kiss your bride.”
The entire room was exploding with applause. You giggled as Arthur pulled you square to his chest and kissed you passionately. Camera lights snapped and cheering errupted. The kiss lasted for a few moments. 
Then came the first dance… you of course had danced before but not like this… not at something celebrating you, of course dancing now with Arthur, your husband (geez that was gonna take some getting used to), making out a bit on the dancefloor. Was the highlight of your evening. 
Then the time for you and Arthur to give a speech was up… after the speeches that Sam, Dean, and Jo gave you and Arthur couldnt possibly do any worse.
Arthur: “thank you all so much for supporting us. I know i havent known all of you for that long but now having married one person who is most important to many of you im sure we will become good friends in no time at all.”
YN: “i have a couple of thank yous to give out… the first one is to Castiel, thanks Cas for directing the ceremony and for the decoration this is really spectacular. The next thank you goes to my best friend Jo, you are like my sister thank you for helping me get ready for this eventful evening which is why i have to also tie this thank you in with the one i have for Dean… would the both of you just make a move already… i have heard both ends of your love story for both sides… Bro would you do me a favor and kiss her already… i know this is my day but that doesnt mean you cant take 5 seconds and tell Jo how you really feel about her… plus i want to see you happy Bro… oh and Dean thank you for everything from introducing us earlier this day to getting me a dress ahead of time and all the other details in there… im sorry for being such a pain in the ass little sister. I hope you find some happiness with Jo… honestly you guys deserve to be happy with eachother. And finally to my husband, Arthur what i said in my vows, I remembered what happened in the garage it honestly terrified me… i cant believe i almost hurt you… but you claiming me brought me out of the dark and back to the light. I cant begin to imagine what that must have been like for you. And i know you and i have growing to do as a couple, i look forward to the day when we can look back on the events of this day from our meeting till now and see the journey of a thousand miles in one simple day. So thank you for being my kryptonite…”
Arthur: “on top of those thank yous i would also like to thank Sam and Dean for helping to raise such a feisty young woman, i am honored to call you two brother.”
Castiel steps up again and a kind of silent ish bell chimes.
Castiel: “its time for the consummation… those who were told ahead of time to witness this please follow us now but those that were not please enjoy the festivites as they do continue. The bar is fully stocked please enjoy your time.”
Arthur and You went followed by 10 other people to your room. Where it now looked like that of what would be in a palace. Arthur of course carried you over the threshhold and gently set you back on your feet as the crowd poured in watching as the following took place:
Arthur helping to undo your dress
You helping Arthur out of his shirt and unbuckling his pants, watching as he pushed them off.
Arthur then laying you down on the bed, diving himself between your legs his eyes locked to your own. His hard cock positioned at the entrance to your pussy.
Arthur: “just focus on me… no one else here matters right now. Its you and me right now. This is about us… ill go slow…”
YN: “i trust you…”
Arthur kissed you passionately as he thrust his hard cock into your pussy at the same time. 
You could feel the darkness melting into a corner, you felt comfortable, you felt normal… that feeling was the feeling of you coming into the powers of both your Alpha and Omega sides blending. 
Twas the next morning that you both woke up to a knock at the door. Covering up you both stayed in bed cuddling…
Arthur: “enter.”
Dean enters the room and clears his throat…
Dean: “Sam and i were gonna go on those hunts later if you guys are interested in joining. Believe me when i say that these hunts are gonna be amazing. Cas already took on the ghost… which is fine… that leave the fun stuff for us 4 to deal with. What do you guys say?”
Arthur looked down at you and you looked up at him, then both of you back at your brothers.
Arthur: “sounds like a family hunting trip… hows about it babe? Ready to hunt!”
YN: “saving people, hunting things, it truly is the family business… when do we leave?”
Arthur reaches beside the bed and into his bag pulling out a box and tossing it to Dean. Dean opens it and brings it over to show you… The Colt.
Arthur: “as promised Brother here is the colt back now in your possession.”
~thats all folks~
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legion1993 · 5 years
Arranged to Keep Her Safe
Tumblr media
title: Arranged to keep her safe
pairing: Ketch x Sister!Reader
kink square filled: Accent Kink
dark square filled: Ketch
heaven & Hell square filled: the colt
ABO square filled: arranged marriage
Rating: 18+
tags: Alpha claiming omega, Presenting as both Alpha and omega, fighting, vaginal penetration (like in the last few paragraphs), flirtation, making out, blood, sibling training
word count: 9,777
Created for @spndarkbingo  @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo @spnabobingo
Kink masterlist    H&H Masterlist   Dark Masterlist   ABO Masterlist
hunting for any reason at all is something you have always wanted to do… but your brothers Sam & Dean Winchester weren’t going to let you…
they instead were gonna honor your parents wishes & raise you to be normal… this meant no hunting for you, but you knew something was up one day when your brothers arrived back at the bunker with another man.
it wasn’t Cas or anyone you knew, it was someone new… someone who looked like he was striking a deal of sorts with your brothers.
Dean came over to you while Sam stayed talking with the mysterious guest. 
Dean: “come sis, let’s go for a walk.” 
You never turned down the chance to take a walk with your older brother. Dean as always takes your arm & leads you out of the bunker, both of you walking down the same long dirt road you often walked down. 
Dean: “I’m guessing you have questions about the hush hush visitor.” 
You nodded. Very unsure if you wanted to hear your brother’s answers. 
YN: “who is he first of all?” 
Dean: “his name is Arthur Ketch.. Look sis, Sammy and I have kept you out of as much of the danger as possible. But in their wills they said if Sam and I ever had to Bayer a deal, we were to use you as a bargaining chip. Well that had happened for we have arranged for you to marry Ketch… ” 
YN (yelling): “so what I don’t even have a say… I don’t get the chance to decide my own future… Yet you & Sam get to decide my future for me… In what universe did you think I would ever be okay with this…”
 Dean was a little shocked, he had never heard you raise your voice at him like ever… That kinda hurt him, but how else was he expecting you to react after all he just dropped bomb central on you. 
Dean: “YN look I know your upset, but please understand that this is a good thing especially with the danger Sam & I are heading into… I wanted to be the one to tell you about this kiddo cause i knew that Sam could finish this deal in propriety while I somehow convinced you that this marriage is a good thing.“ 
You were pacing, you had no idea what the hell was happening, your brothers were auctioning your life, your future. 
 YN: "what could possibly be so important that you and Sam would gamble my future away?" 
 Dean: "the colt!" 
You had heard the legends of this magnificent gun that could kill pretty much anything… You even got to see it in action once… 
 Yn: "are you sure it’s the same colt that Bella took & sold?" 
 Dean: "yep cause ketch showed it to us, the second we said we would make him an offer he couldn’t possibly refuse, you were that offer… we need to get the colt back, there is danger brewing sis, for what we fear is coming you cannot be here… you cannot witness whats about to happen. do not fight us on this… you can get to know him first but your getting married to him before he has to bring you back to his home. if there had been another bargaining option we would have done so… look let me make it up to you. ill take you on your first hunt as my way of an apology…what do you feel like sis, Ghost, poltergeist or vamps?”
YN: “thats okay bro, i like the sound of going on my first hunt but i say why not all 3, are they all roughly in the same area… but where is he from?”
Dean: “ketch is british… yes yes they are, about 5-10 minutes from eachother. all along the road to come back here. but sis, if we go on this string of hunts you must understand that if you start feeling weird like your body starts converging or starts to feel really really warm all of the sudden, tell me immediately.”
You looked really confusingly at your brother, but agreed none the less. then your mind went into the thoughts of omg, me married, thats a scary thought… 
YN: “what about your honoring mom and dads wishes?”
Dean: “well im sure they will be just as proud of how much we have trained and protected you all the same. but Sam and i want to see you wed incase trouble strikes sooner than expected.”
YN: “isnt Ketch apart of the British Men of Letters?”
 Dean: “yes he is…”
YN: “didnt they try to kill you guys?”
Dean: “that was a precaution according to them… they didnt know whether we were friend or foe…”
Your eyes went wondering what the british men of letters would think of you… not that you know they would be able to do anything, i mean by the time you get back you and Ketch technically would already be married.
YN: “do you think Ketch would want to join me for a run into town? i need a few things and i figure you guys want a beer & liquor stalk..”
Dean: “does this mean you are ready to meet him?”
you nod… nervous feelings building in your stomach but you dismissed them.
Dean: “okay i know your probably nervous as hell right now but chill. Ketch would be a fool not to fall instantly for you…”
you took a few breaths as you and Dean re-entered the bunker, Dean freely goes down the stairs, you peak over the railing as Dean calls…
Dean: “we are back…”
Sam and another man who you presumed was Ketch came out of the study and the first glance you got of Ketch practically knocked you off your feet… when Dean turned around to introduce you he noticed you werent behind him, so he figured your nerves were getting the better of you…
Dean: “come on down YN, there is someone down here who is anxious to meet you…”
you nervously went back up the stairs and stood up descending the staircase, you could feel the eyes of your brothers and one longing gaze from the man who was to be your husband.
Ketch made his way to the bottom of the staircase, to recieve your hand in his own and to plant a kiss to the back of your hand.
Arthur: “YN, you are even more radiant than your brothers described. my name is Ketch, Arthur Ketch.”
YN: “My dear brother had said you were dashing, he didnt say you were moi caliente.”
this made Arthur laugh as he helped you the rest of the way down the stairs. 
your brothers were seeing the way you and Ketch were looking at eachother, you and Arthur went to sit in the study, you went on your laptop and placed orders for your hunting clothing a couple other items and then Arthur had you help pick out the engagement/wedding bands. 
with everything ordered, you turned to Dean to bat your eye lashes…
Dean: “let me guess you want to stay here kiddo?”
YN: “ill call tim and tell him to have the usual order ready and if your worried about getting girl coodies all over baby, then take my jag… i mean ill let you drive it just this once Dean… but you break it you repair it, do you hear me…”
Dean: “of course… come on Sam, your coming with me to help me carry this shit..”
neither sam nor dean said much of a goodbye after you said they could take the jag… you and arthur just laughed at how fast they ran out of there. this left you and arthur alone in the bunker. 
you eventually got up to pour you and Arthur some drinks, his gaze not leaving your body. like he was mentally undressing you or something. 
YN: “see something you like?”
Arthur: “just enjoying the delicious view that is you…”
YN: “well that is something i certainly can easily get used to hearing.”
you brought the drinks to where you guys were sitting and pulled out your phone calling tim…
Tim: “YN hows it going girl?”
YN: “exceptional as always, man my brothers are doing the town run today… they are doing my bidding for once… can u have the usual order ready? i dont know how long till they get there… they have to stop at a few places for me first…”
Tim: “of course i will have that ready. see ya round chica.”
you hung up the phone and felt Arthur’s arm around your waist… this sent your body into a hotter state… Arthur smelled this right away.
Arthur: “i love that heated scent you are giving off…”
YN: “your accent is turning me on and i am getting another heated burst…”
Arthur: “do you get these heat bursts often?”
YN: “only around the full moon. but this time seems worse…”
Arthur: “your presenting… how much do you know about the history of hunters?”
YN: “my brothers have mostly kept me out of that loop… why what do you mean i’m presenting.?.”
Arthur: “YN just try to cool down… you need to keep your temp at a decent temperature like keep calm dont let your emotions go out of control.”
YN: “why whats happening to me?”
Arthur: “just do what i say… lets distract you… wanna show me this fabulous garage you guys have?”
you get up but a hand reaching for yours startles you slightly but feels normal as you both walk to the garage… you open the door and walk inside. you walk around and lean against the impala as Arthur looks around. 
Arthur: “and all these belong to you and your brothers.?.”
YN: “yep… its a family business find beaten down cars get them, sell them or keep them… spare cars… in hunting its needed or so my brothers say.”
Arthur: “you look sexy leaning against the impala like that…”
Arthur had removed his blazer and now stood in front of you… 
Arthur: “i saw that look back at the computer. do you want to talk about it?”
YN: “i saw the look on your face with those totals. i would understand if you want to yell at me… but know its gonna go a long way…”
Arthur in that moment answered the only way that he deemed logical… pressing himself against you as he held your waist planting a kiss to your lips… this was unexpected, this was also your first kiss… 
YN: “i think this conversation is better left for somewhere a little more comfortable…”
Arthur: “i dont know im pretty comfy right here…”
you had no complaints the next hour and a half were spent making out while having you sit on the hood of the impala… your heat bursts became more frequent as time passed. 
Arthur: “are you alright love? your burning up…”
YN: “make it stop… make the burning stop…”
Arthur: “your brothers are gonna walk in at any minute… but i can do this…”
Arthur in that moment pulls back from you and removes his shirt, the cooling sensation of his skin against yours made your heat bursts slow drastically.
Arthur: “im an alpha as such i have a right to wait till you present fully to claim you… to make my mark on you, to claim you as my own. your brothers are alphas as well, they have been massively protective of you, but thats their nature. thats how this works. your scent is all over the place i cant tell what you are presenting as but if your heat is this bad i would think maybe an alpha…”
you and arthur went back to making out, the sound of tires approaching on the dirt road, the purr of the sweet engine, you knew that was your jag, thats when it happened. 
you pulled back as Arthur backed away you turned to look at yourself in the mirror of the impala. you then let out a earth shattering scream, as your brothers pulled up into the garage upon the sight of you screaming. they got out of the jag and went to Arthur…
Dean: “whats happening?”
Arthur: “she’s presenting… did you guys not tell her about any of this?”
Dean: “no we didnt per to our parent’s wishes.”
Arthur: “well i couldnt tell from her scent what she is, but i guess we are about to find out…”
at that moment you let out a roar, it shook the entire compound. Dean, Sam and Arthur were all ready incase your instincts decided to turn you animal…
thats when you turned to look at everyone, your eyes flashed immediately from gold to red to kind of a blood gold. the words you heard after that went something like this…
Sam: “thats impossible…”
Dean: “arthur you need to be ready buddy, i dont know how she is entirely gonna be right now…”
Arthur: “she is the first hunter ever to present as both Alpha and Omega… lets see what i can do…”
Arthur took everything that could possibly scare you out of his pockets and off his person, then he made his slow approach to you…
Arthur: “YN, take it easy babe… lets try something.. nod if you can hear me and recognize who i am..”
you nod watching his blurry figure coming closer.
Arthur: “babe, nod if i can approach you fully…”
you nod again kind of un tensing at the soft touch of his hands on your forearms. Arthur came round behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. he then brushed your hair away from your neck and shoulder. 
the next thing you hear is a growl from behind you, your eyes went wide at hearing this… it was like your entire body was no longer responding for its own, but instead to Arthur and his movements.
Arthur let out a loud shattering roar before sinking his fangs into your shoulder… this made you let out a moaning roar.. your brothers eyes went wide as they watched Arthur claim you… 
blood was dripping down your back and front, as well as down Arthurs chest. with each drop that hit the ground this made your brothers growl lowly… but nothing compared to how you would be feeling after this little session. 
After 5 minutes Arthur removed his fangs from you, he then spun you round to face him… the familiarity of his features was almost like a ray of sunshine. suddenly your eye sight became un blurred, it was also the fact that now you were seeing clearly that your eyes first saw the blood.
YN: “whose blood is that, ugh why do i feel weird, what happened…”
Arthur: “what do you remember?”
YN: “nothing, will someone explain while i go get towels so Arthur and i can get cleaned up…”
your brothers made sure the jag was in the garage and that the outside door to the garage was closed, before following to continue explaining to you what you couldnt remember.
Dean: “we got home to find you screaming into the impala side mirror, when we asked Arthur about it he said you were presenting and that he didnt know what you would be presenting as. then we saw your eyes… they will be that blood gold for a while, but the bloodlust and the other alphaic traits were subsided when Arthur claimed you thats why there was so much blood. look YN we are so sorry we didnt tell you about any of this but we are the best hunters around for a reason. our senses are heightened thats why hunting comes so easy to us. thats why its gonna be easy for you as well.. in fact i declare a family hunting trip. Ketch that includes you, your apart of this family now. so every gear up and do what you need to do, we leave at sunset… the poltergeist in the asylum is the first stop.”
You smiled at the thought of getting to hunt. This was what you had been training for. This is what you we’re waiting for. Your mind then turned to the thought of all the blood, you zoned out you could feel the blood calling to you. 
It wasn’t till you heard your name being called in 3 different vocal tones that you snapped out of it. 
YN: "sorry guys I must have zoned out… It was weird I could hear the blood calling to me, it wanted me to drain the source. I am unsure if I like how this is going. But if everyone here is willing to show me the ropes before we leave for this hunt and how to control the bloodlust then I’ll still go on this hunt as long as everyone feels like i can control my bloodlust and abilities perfectly.”
Arthur: “dont worry babe once we get cleaned up, we will all go over to the training center and we will teach you everything you need to know.”
you finish wiping off all the blood and then you walk to your room, going inside you close your door then taking off your bloody clothes you threw them in the laundry… 
you then picked up your phone and called Dean… 
Dean: “whats wrong sis?”
YN: “can you bring me my stuff from the jag so i can pack…”
your brother, your brother sure he was a giant pain in the ass, but he was the only person you trusted to bring you the stuff and not hesitate to walk in… he has seen you worse…
Dean however walks in several moments later as your at your mirror desk half robed looking at the bite mark…
YN: “will it ever go away?”
Dean: “it will just look like you got in a fight with something and won… honestly are you okay?”
YN: “honestly, i’m not sure… i mean physically except for the pain of having been bitten im fine but mentally there is something in there and its fighting me… Dean im scared, i dont want to hurt anyone. i would rather die than hurt anyone…”
Dean: “hey, theres no need for that kind of talk… look Ketch no matter how much of an ass he is, he loves you alot… he loved you enough to claim you… thats a huge deal… something Sam and i never could achieve… but your probably the most badass out of all of us, your half alpha and half omega… that makes you the strongest… now throw on your normal workout clothes and come along sis Arthur and Sam are waiting in the training center. now that you have presented we wont go easy on you..”
you turned to fully look at your brother… 
YN: “you mean you and Sam were going easy on me… does that mean when i beat you, you werent using your full strength…”
Dean: “now now sis, i knew you would react this way just take it easy…”
YN: “take it EASY… i feel like a fool… here i thought i was so strong to beat both of my brothers… geez Dean how much were you holding back…”
Dean: “i was only using 30% of my strength… over the years i gradually increased it… start soft work our way up, with each level passed we increased how much we were exerting… but now that you have presented we dont have to hold back anymore… we are gonna use our full 100% strength and its gonna be 10x harder to take us all down… we all have something to teach you: we talked it over Arthur will teach you how to control your anger, so when in public your eyes are normal color… Sam will work on your agility how to use your speed 10x the normal rate you would go… i will teach you how to tone up your strength so you dont hurt anyone normal when hugging them or shaking their hands. then we will all fight you in a fighters circle type thing. it is one of those mass exercises that are especially helpful in these types of situations…”
You finished getting into your workout gear, and glared at your brother, flashing your eyes quickly from gold to red letting off a low growl.
YN: “your gonna pay for taking it easy on me all these years… both you and sam are gonna be eating training mat…”
Those words made Dean cringe, hearing them come out of your mouth made them worse than necessary… you stalked your way out of your room, down the hallway, going left at the fork and then entering the room, you removed your sandals and charged at Sam whose back was facing you… you then pulled a natasha romanov… 
You wrapped your ankles round his neck and flipped him to the ground… 
YN: “thats for taking things easy on me bro… oh yeah Dean told me about that, lets just say im not happy about…”
Sam: “well i can tell that your not happy, but why flip me to the ground and how the hell did i not see this coming…”
YN: “what was it you told me… never turn your back on your opponant…”
You were aware at that moment of your other brother entering the room… Dean decided to try to pull that same move on you, you instead jumped and pinned him to the ground…
YN: “told you that both you and Sam would be eating training mat…”
Arthur let out a whistle that caught your attention, you got up off the ground and went over to him… his touch soothing you…  as both your brothers got up off the ground.
Arthur: “boys i dont think our lessons are gonna get through until we see what else she can do… cause that was some impressive skill that my girl just pulled off…”
Dean: “oh screw you Ketch… fine little sister thinks she is so tough, fine i challenge YN, my lesson might get taught right now it might not… Sam get off the floor, YN when your ready…”
You kissed Arthur before stepping foot on the floor… this was the kind of thing that always got you excited, this was what you now had been waiting for since presenting… a chance to show your brothers whose the more superior Winchester Sibling.
You took a stance in front of your brother who now was waiting for you to make the first move…
YN: “you think you can beat me bro… lets see im gonna give you a simple task do not hold back… use every ounce of strength you got… once i have taken you down, either Sam or Arthur are allowed to step into the ring to give me their lesson… of course you know bro that just because your my brother doesnt mean ill hold back even an ounce of strength…”
Dean: "are you gonna stand there running your mouth or are you gonna fight?" 
YN: "both…”
You and Dean now circling let off low growls… but you stepped to the left to circle the other way, and just dodged Dean lunging at you… he quickly recovered and you jumped high landing on his back…
YN: “had enough yet bro?”
Dean: “of course not…”
Dean flipped over and landed himself on top of you, letting out a roar of disapproval you bunched your knees beneath his body and lodged yourself free sending Dean flying across the room once more…
You half flipped yourself off the ground…
YN: “had enough yet bro?”
Dean: “whats a matter sis? You getting tired yet?”
YN: “not a prayer but i dont want to hurt you… so if you surrender now ill consider making you a few personal sized pies for the trip…”
Dean’s eyes went wide at the mention of pie… but non the less he attempted to lunge at you again… there was something inside you that brought your body into a flat state making Dean fly right over your body and straight into the stack of mats. 
Both Arthur and Sam watched as you now stood victorious…
Sam: “well i can just verbally give you your lesson sis… i have no desire to end up like Dean…”
Arthur: “come along babe ill help you make dinner as well as some food for the trip. While i give you my lesson in emotional anger control...”
You first helped your brother off the ground and you gave him a hug…
YN: “sorry D… dont know what came over me…”
Dean: “thats okay, happens to everyone… just dont ever give into the blind rage that you displayed on the floor… that kind of rage is what causes murder…  now you guys go make dinner i am gonna go take a hot shower and cool off my enflamed muscles…”
Sam gave you and Arthur a nod to go on your way as he helped make sure Dean got to his room on his own…
Sam: “geez Dean neither of us acted like that when we first presented did we?”
Dean shook his head…
Dean: “nope but i bet i know someone who will… we need to talk to Cas… see if he knows anything about female Alpha/Omega’s ill talk to him… it will be easier if i do the talking since i’m the one who said lets just not tell her and i didnt listen to you when you said we should…”
Sam: “dont blame yourself Dean… you couldnt have forseen any of this.. Now lets go together to talk to cas… lets go find out how to stop this from getting worse for our baby sister…”
Dean: “i still want to take my shower first... we will go after… i mean after dinner while YN and Arthur are being cute and stuff we will say that Cas wants to meet to talk about the impending doom…”
Sam: “you know she wont like it if we lie to her…”
Dean: “i know but Sammy what other choice do we have… we cant let her hunt like this…”
Sam knew Dean was right, so he left his brother so Dean could get his muscles healing… but he still felt bad for how they hid this from their sister… sure it was the right thing to do but when you turned 16 or became a teenager they could possibly have prepared you for this but not all of whats happened is their fault…
Dean texts cas and says to meet outside the bunker in 30 minutes its important… and to text when arrived… Cas responds with okay… 
Dean all through his time in his room, he kept running the fight through his head… those attacks you pulled were not normal.. Your fighting skills had never been like that… 
Meanwhile in the kitchen you and Arthur were pealing and cutting potatos…
Arthur: “how do you feel love?”
YN: “bout normal, whatever that means… i just cant believe i let Dean talk me into training i knew i would hurt someone… i dont know what came over me… it was like posession or something… but im just glad that through all that your vocals kept me from killing… is that my omega side responding to you my alpha?”
Arthur: “yes it is but that alpha side of yours needs to be put under control… otherwise its gonna be rough road ahead… you mentioned that it felt like posessson… how so love?”
You put the pealed potato on the cutting board in front of Arthur and sighed…
YN: “it was like i lost control of my body, like the actions were not my own… i didnt even recognize my own voice. Babe it was an awful feeling but i cant shake the fact that it didnt feel like me… it was like i lost myself…”
Arthur: “when did you start feeling this way?”
YN: “shortly after you claimed me… it was like a heatwave it just hit me and shortly after Dean hit the mats was when i snapped out of it... “
Arthur: “lets check the lore and see what we can find out but im gonna say that your not going on a hunt till you get this under control… we cant risk anything happening to you in the field… plus it will give us some alone time…”
Arthur winked at you, he had that seductive look in his eyes again… you smiled and went back to making sure you didnt peel your fingers instead of the potatoes… Arthur was definately getting used to your scent…
From the first time Arthur spoke you were used to his accent infact you were turned on by it… meanwhile Dean and Sam were making sure that neither you nor Arthur were looking as they snuck out of the bunker to meet with Cas… 
Dean: “thank you for coming Cas…”
Cas: “of course but what happened? You both seem worried.”
Dean: "its YN she presented as both an alpha and an omega… She is having problems gaining control. We are extremely worried… It Was the fact that Ketch bit her he claimed her… LikeLike the proof is right beside the impala… But her emotions she is spiraling. Cas what do you know about this?"
Cas: "her emotional spiral is apart of her alpha side arguing with her omega side, neither side will be at peace till she obeys the laws of the universe that were written out by God himself long before YN existed… she and ketch have to be properly married in the eyes of the holy hosts and consummate their union. Kind of like a royalty thing. This is their destiny, pre arranged by God himself. It cannot be denied. This is her bodies way of saying this needs to happen sooner rather than later." 
Dean:  "so wait your saying that we have to witness them getting married then their consummation…"
Both Sam and Dean were appauled by this thought but were happy at the idea of getting you back to normal… 
The 3 gentlemen went inside the bunker and into the study where they found you and Arthur looking through the lore… 
Dean: "hey sprout can I talk to you for a second.?"
YN:  "of course like privately?" 
Dean nods so you kiss Arthur on the cheek… You follow your brother to his room, where as soon as you enter he shuts the door… you turned around and looked very confusingly at your brother.
YN: “whats wrong D? Your not angry about what happened in training are you? Cause it felt like i was possessed when i was fighting you… like i wasnt in control of my own body..”
Dean: “cas knows how to save you… how you can regain control of your mind, body and emotions.”
YN: “thats great but how do we do that?”
Dean: “well like Sam and Cas are probably explaining to Arthur right now, and i gather that talk may not be going as well as this one… but here it goes… in order for you to be yourself again, you and Arthur have to get married, then consummate the marriage like in royal days where the dignitaries and important people have to witness the consummation… like ASAP…”
Your eyes went wide, but Dean went over to his closet and then pulled out a clothing bag… he lays the clothing bag on his bed and backs up a bit…
Dean: “go ahead sis, take a look… i got it for you as soon as we made this deal with Ketch… i knew you would need it eventually so i was waiting for the right moment to give it to you.”
You opened the bag to reveal a silver column styled one shoulder sequin lace cocktail dress. The side with the shoulder was the one that clearly showed your mark… your eyes went wide, a shocked small shrill of joy fell from your lips, tears of happiness fell from your eyes. You looked at your big brother who was tearing up himself then cleared his throat so he could speak again.
Dean: “YN, every year before now Sammy and i watched you grow into this beautiful young woman… but we know that not telling you about the family gene pool was stupid. But this marriage between you and Arthur was apparently decided by God himself. Which is a load of shit cause it just is, as well as the thought that you are gonna be a married woman… its just so hard… i wish mom and Dad were here to see this, to see the kind of woman you have become… to see you get married. You know they would have gone over board big white wedding type thing… but right now Sam has probably convinced Arthur to call Lady Bevell and request that they be present via skype for this ocassion. Cas is gonna decorate, make this place look more like a castle type setting… suitable for the events… Sam is gonna help Arthur cope with everything… just as im helping you… i know this is alot to process but i promise you, this new journey ahead of you will allow the winchester name and legacy to carry on through you and Arthur. I hope you can understand that once you and Arthur get married you guys arent leaving right away… Arthur wants you to have as much time as you need to adjust to being married before you guys go back to Britain...”
You instantly go over and embrace your brother, he returns your embrace and the moment lasts a few moments then is released…
YN: “thank you… without you and Sam protecting me i dont know what would have happened. I am just glad that i got the 2 best hunters in all of america as my brothers.”
Thats when you heard a knock at the bedroom door… you looked at your brother who then smirked.
YN: “whats going on? Whose at the door?”
Dean: “just go open the door… trust me YN this is needed… let me just grab my monkey suit… or at least the dress shirt…”
You went to the door and opened it to get tackled in a familiar female embrace…
Jo: “getting married huh? And you didnt invite me… good thing mom and i were in the area… we rushed right over here… we also saw bobby in the living room… and rufus and ash has already broken into your fireball whiskey there Dean… he wanted me to tell you that he challenges you to the fireball challenge.”
Dean: “he needs to be careful who he is messing with… ill leave you ladies to get ready… ill shoot a text when its time. Ill also send over your mom to help with anything… and to bring you gals some alcohol.”
Dean takes the shirt that he was gonna wear and leaves out his door closing it behind him… that was when Jo came over to sit on the bed beside you… 
Jo: “i know that look want to tell me why your suddenly getting married…”
YN: “to cut a long story short, my brothers found the colt that was stolen from them years ago, and have obeyed mom and dads wishes by trading me for the colt. They said something about needing the colt for the evil thats coming or that they think is coming or something like that… the guy that im set to marry, his name is Arthur Ketch, he is british, he is muscular hot and an alpha who claimed by alpha/omega ass yea i presented as both and it shocked everyone. It caused me to beat up Dean pretty badly in training earlier. I guess Dean and Sam went to Cas for answers now i have to marry Arthur as soon as possible and have it like a royalty thing where the important people witness the consummation between the wedded couple, cause apparently thats what God had put in the book of Destiny for me and Arthur… Cause thats apparently the only way to take the edge off of what my body is arguing over my alpha side and my omega side are arguing. They are fighting which explains alot now that i think about it.. But one thing isnt clear i dont know what to do… i am not even sure im ready for any of this… its like Dean and Sam arent telling me something and things will end up going wrong. Jo im scared…”
Jo hugs you from the side and fears you are gonna spiral if something happens to Sam and Dean… 
Jo: “this about it this way girl… your brothers love you very much and right now they are just making sure your future is secure and right now its pretty clear that if what you are telling me is true then we need at least 1 drink to help you through all of this.. By the way do you have any lingere…”
You texted Sam to send the bags from the jag with Ellen… Sam replyed with Ellen has already gotten those and is on her way. You and Jo just lay back and stare at the ceiling not daring to believe that there are forces who have control over the destinies of everyone because he wrote them in some sort of imaginary book… 
Jo: “i would be grateful that they at least found you someone hot to marry, i mean all the ones mom has sent my way were fat and ugly.. I couldnt believe they were alphas… i want to marry someone who understands me for me…”
YN: “you know Dean is in love with you right girl… that he has been for a few years now…”
Jo: “i know, he fell in love with me the day he and i danced to REO speedwagon in the roadhouse after hours. I turned him down, i was scared… i didnt want to ruin the friendship we kinda have. I would have told him that day in the roadhouse if mom wasnt picky about who i end up with…”
YN: “Jo as your best friend im gonna say this, i would tell him the truth or just you know kiss him… make him want to claim you… if what he says is true, im achieving what my brothers never could, but you can make this a reality for Dean… just take the risk… dont let your mom no matter how wonderful she is dictate your life. Take charge, we make our own futures…”
You and Jo hugged it out and then went back to admiring your dress… Jo then opened her bag and pulled out the accessories…
Jo: “Dean called me a week ago and warned me to have a few wedding accessories ready for you… he had a feeling that you and Arthur would be married before the end of the month so now lets wait for my mo…”
Before Jo could finish speaking, there was a rap at the door. Jo went and opened it and in came Ellen… 
Ellen: “oh honey you’ve grown so much since we last saw you… but now your getting married oh honey, he seems like a very nice man, but i take it from the rush and the hush hush of the wedding that it is a long and crazy story and a really good explanation behind this…”
YN: “it is a really interesting conversation… ill explain later or you can grill Dean for it… but it would mean alot to me Ellen if you and Jo would help me get ready… to look fabulous for the day my life gets back on track.” 
Both the ladies in that room with you nodded they sat you down in the chair and had you start going through the bags deciding what kind of lingere to wear with the dress, and what to do with your hair and your nails and it was just a blast… then came time for the dress.. This was the moment you, Jo and Ellen had all been waiting for, with your hair and nails done you felt the fabric slide over your skin, the low moan that left your lips was your thought of Arthur and how he felt against you.
Til this second you hadnt looked in the mirror for the nervous feeling that was gripping you tight was far to great. It wasnt till Ellen and Jo stood you in front of the closet mirror with your eyes closed that the nervous feeling kinda subsided.. It went away faster when they revealed to you your reflection in the mirror. 
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You put your hands over your mouth for 2 seconds before moving them down your body… then letting out a low squeal of joy, you spun round in the dress. Ellen and Jo snapping photos from every angle… 
Jo: “that dress is sexy girl!!!”
Ellen: “YN, that dress is hella purty… your brother has good taste…”
YN: “yes it appears he does.. But i dont understand how the hell could he afford this… ive seen this particular dress, it was like super expensive… how did he afford this…”
Ellen: “your brother went and entered a blackjack tourney while on a hunt… Sam was investigating while Dean was cleaning house.. He used a luck charm he got from a psychic named Pamela Barnes. He said that it was the most he had ever won… but he said that he wanted to put the money away for something for you… something of a peace offering for putting your life and training through hell and back.”
Your eyes went wide, you knew your brother was a gambling shark but to hear that Dean changed his direction while on a hunting trip, just to make enough money to ensure your own happiness. 
You were unsure of how to respond… You were now helping Jo do her hair and do her dress up as you girls had done for ages on many numerous occasions. 
YN: "my brother strayed from a hunt, just to make money to secure my happiness… Why would he do that? Hunting is more important than my happiness."
Dean who had been standing in the door way, stepped into the room and spoke. 
Dean: "cause you are the most important thing in my life. Being your big brother I wanted to make ensure that your future would be secure even after Sam and I were gone. We could not let you have the Winchester curse of swindling and card scams and and and… I know your still skeptical on marrying Arthur, but right now I can tell you this, the way that it looks out there and then way you look sis, this day is your day. Today is your inheritance. Today is your beginning to do and accomplish what Sam and I have never been able to… I know we were tough on you, but that was out way of protecting you. Anyway I'm here to escort you down the aisle sis. They are ready when you are…"
YN: "Jo Ellen can you guys give me a few moments alone with my brother?" 
Both ellen and Jo left the room, this left you and Dean alone. 
Dean: "you look exquisite in that dress sis! I knew I made the right choice."
YN: "I hope someone else sees it that way. I know you are happy for me, but someone in the universe set this, my destiny in motion many a year ago.. Dean I don't blame you or Sam for hiding the truth, I just wish I would have known about what was gonna happen to me. I love you bro, both you and Sam are the most important things to me. I'm so glad you guys are here to be with me on my wedding day. But bro be honest with me now, what danger is so important that you guys made this deal for the colt."
Dean: "There is a darkness that is descending upon the world. It's so bad that we figure having the colt not knowing what we are up against is a good idea. We also figure we can teach you how to hunt like a Winchester and secure your future before we get caught up in this war… This marriage is both your safe haven and your security. Both yours and Arthur's names are the emergency fail safes on the lease for the impala and the storage container, Bobby's yard!/house, the roadhouse and of course the bunker. Should me and Sam no longer be around to do anything concerning any of those places or it's people we had you guys put down. There are also forms for you both to sign regarding the Winchester wills mine and Sam's if this battle with the darkness goes south all we have is yours and Arthur's."
Sam walks in a few moments later and let's off a whistle… 
Sam: "my God sis you look amazing!"
Dean:  "doesn't she just look purty! Is everyone ready?" 
Sam nods… 
Sam:  "yes and everyone is waiting on YN… TheyThey sent me back to find out what's happening?" 
Dean looks at you and you turn away so your brothers don't see you cry… But they didn't leave, instead they came up behind you and hugged you… This moment was when you just let the tears fall… both your brothers had you in a group hug, you felt so blessed to have brothers that cared enough to protect you like this. 
YN: "thank you for being the best big brothers I could ever have asked for." 
Both Sam and Dean sniffle but when you guys broke the hug Sam went back to the door and smiled. 
Sam: "see you out there shortly…" 
You straightened out and turned to your brother who was holding his arm toward you. 
Dean: "ready to do this step sis?" 
YN: "so long as you don't let me fall bro…" 
Dean: "you won't fall not so long as I'm holding onto you." 
You stook his arm as Dean sent a message to start the music, through the hall you could hear the start of So Close by John McLaughlin… Then you rounded the corner with Dean just as the crowd turned to see you. 
The one set of eyes you locked yours into was Arthurs your only saving grace was those blue eyes making your body feel weak, but making you feel like you wanted to jump him right then right there. 
The only thing you were focusing on right then were his eyes, Dean was making sure you didn't fall, he knew your eyes were locked to Arthur's but he also was the one thing keeping you from falling.. 
Reaching the end of the aisle Dean stood there beside you with Sam on the other side of you. 
The ceremony then went something like this: 
Castiel: "friends and honored guests both in person and on the internet, welcome to the wedding of YN Winchester and Arthur Ketch, who gives this woman to be with this man." 
Dean and Sam: "we do.." 
Castiel: "will one of you place her hand in his and say repeat after me.." 
Dean allowed Sam to do this part since Dean brought you down the aisle… Sam took your left hand and placed it in Arthurs… Castiel got ready to speak again… 
Castiel: "do you promise Swearing in good faith to release this young woman into the care of this man whose heart now captivates the heart of your dear sister here? Do you also swear not to take for granted the life you and Dean gave your sister to live even if you were concealing the truth from her.? You may now say your vow on behalf of you and your brother. " 
Sam: "YN, we concealed the truth from you as per to our parents wishes, but we made the decision to not tell you the truth when you technically came of age again. Cause you were so happy just training with us and helping us do research. We didn't want to burden you with the hunters curse information and make you worry. So on profession of our good faith and trust, do so release our sister YN into her marriage to Arthur Ketch. We also swear not to take the life we let her lead for granted cause in the end of it we were just protecting her for the sake of our parents will. We love you so much biscuit, we hope you can be happy enough to allow the Winchester legacy to continue ever more through you."
To hear your brother say those words made you start to cry as Sam placed a kiss to your cheek, he then backed away and left you with Arthur at the alter. Castiel continued. 
Castiel: "very well… marriage in the eyes of God and the hosts is how the love we give is the love we receive. Marriage is how what we are here to celebrate today… The bond that unites the souls of YN and Arthur is the same bond that unites an alpha with their omega… No manner of being is powerful enough to break that bond, Not even God himself. Now before we exchange rings and vows does anyone object to this union?"
No one spoke up so Cas continued… 
Castiel: "it's time for the rings and the vows. When your ready Arthur you can place the ring on YNs left hand and say the vows you have for her."
Arthur takes the ring places it on your finger and begins to speak. 
Arthur:  "my beautiful YN, my angel, my beauty to my beast. I love how much you have meant to me these last few hours. I know that learning the truth has not been easy for you, but knowing your now my claimed Omega had put my life back on track. Now i feel whole, for the first time in my life i have clarity and now i have a bright bright future. I love you so much my love. You are my new guiding star which i promise to love, cherish, honor, protect and care for for the rest of my natural life… i promise to uphold the basic deeds and to share the responsibilities of a husband. Neither of us ever have to walk the life of a hunter alone again.”
You felt the cool band on your finger and picked up his and did the same thing he just did to you.
YN: “Arthur, for years i was subjected to the protection of my brothers brought on by my parents wish left in their will. I now know my own strength has been within me this entire time. My sheer force of will was shown when i was training earlier it was like i had another person inside of me fighting to get out. But you brought me back from the edge of disaster, you brought me out of the dark. For that I will ever more be grateful. From hence forth I swear to protect, love, cherish, honor, respect, and care for you for the rest of our lives. I hope one day in the future when we have a family of our own, we will not make the mistake of hiding this from our kids. That we will tell them the truth no matter the consequences. I love you Arthur, always and forever!"
Castiel continued speaking for it was now time to sign the papers and do the heavenly blessing. 
Castiel: "now it's time for our couple to come over here to sign the marriage papers for both Britain and USA. Legalities are a pain in the ass. Please wait patiently while they sign these documents."
Both you and Arthur went to the table off to the side to sign the papers, after a total of 15 signatures on 6 different documents, you both took place once more in front of Cas in front of the crowd.
Castiel: “now as an Angel of the Lord, i am honored to bestow the heavenly blessing on these two…”
At that moment the room kinda darkened as Cas began to speak again.
Castiel: “By the powers of Heaven and its hosts i honorably bestow to thee the blessings written for thee in the book of knowing, that by the book all things are written so they shall be… this couple in the book of heaven has the following to be bestowed to them this day: Fertility, wisdom, strength, faith and many more. The will of the almighty who wrote the book is that you both live the life you have together and never let anything stand between you. On that note, it is my esteemed honor to introduce to you for the first time Mr and Mrs Arthur and YN Ketch. Arthur you may now kiss your bride.”
The entire room was exploding with applause. You giggled as Arthur pulled you square to his chest and kissed you passionately. Camera lights snapped and cheering errupted. The kiss lasted for a few moments. 
Then came the first dance… you of course had danced before but not like this… not at something celebrating you, of course dancing now with Arthur, your husband (geez that was gonna take some getting used to), making out a bit on the dancefloor. Was the highlight of your evening. 
Then the time for you and Arthur to give a speech was up… after the speeches that Sam, Dean, and Jo gave you and Arthur couldnt possibly do any worse.
Arthur: “thank you all so much for supporting us. I know i havent known all of you for that long but now having married one person who is most important to many of you im sure we will become good friends in no time at all.”
YN: “i have a couple of thank yous to give out… the first one is to Castiel, thanks Cas for directing the ceremony and for the decoration this is really spectacular. The next thank you goes to my best friend Jo, you are like my sister thank you for helping me get ready for this eventful evening which is why i have to also tie this thank you in with the one i have for Dean… would the both of you just make a move already… i have heard both ends of your love story for both sides… Bro would you do me a favor and kiss her already… i know this is my day but that doesnt mean you cant take 5 seconds and tell Jo how you really feel about her… plus i want to see you happy Bro… oh and Dean thank you for everything from introducing us earlier this day to getting me a dress ahead of time and all the other details in there… im sorry for being such a pain in the ass little sister. I hope you find some happiness with Jo… honestly you guys deserve to be happy with eachother. And finally to my husband, Arthur what i said in my vows, I remembered what happened in the garage it honestly terrified me… i cant believe i almost hurt you… but you claiming me brought me out of the dark and back to the light. I cant begin to imagine what that must have been like for you. And i know you and i have growing to do as a couple, i look forward to the day when we can look back on the events of this day from our meeting till now and see the journey of a thousand miles in one simple day. So thank you for being my kryptonite…”
Arthur: “on top of those thank yous i would also like to thank Sam and Dean for helping to raise such a feisty young woman, i am honored to call you two brother.”
Castiel steps up again and a kind of silent ish bell chimes.
Castiel: “its time for the consummation… those who were told ahead of time to witness this please follow us now but those that were not please enjoy the festivites as they do continue. The bar is fully stocked please enjoy your time.”
Arthur and You went followed by 10 other people to your room. Where it now looked like that of what would be in a palace. Arthur of course carried you over the threshhold and gently set you back on your feet as the crowd poured in watching as the following took place:
Arthur helping to undo your dress
You helping Arthur out of his shirt and unbuckling his pants, watching as he pushed them off.
Arthur then laying you down on the bed, diving himself between your legs his eyes locked to your own. His hard cock positioned at the entrance to your pussy.
Arthur: “just focus on me… no one else here matters right now. Its you and me right now. This is about us… ill go slow…”
YN: “i trust you…”
Arthur kissed you passionately as he thrust his hard cock into your pussy at the same time. 
You could feel the darkness melting into a corner, you felt comfortable, you felt normal… that feeling was the feeling of you coming into the powers of both your Alpha and Omega sides blending. 
Twas the next morning that you both woke up to a knock at the door. Covering up you both stayed in bed cuddling…
Arthur: “enter.”
Dean enters the room and clears his throat…
Dean: “Sam and i were gonna go on those hunts later if you guys are interested in joining. Believe me when i say that these hunts are gonna be amazing. Cas already took on the ghost… which is fine… that leave the fun stuff for us 4 to deal with. What do you guys say?”
Arthur looked down at you and you looked up at him, then both of you back at your brothers.
Arthur: “sounds like a family hunting trip… hows about it babe? Ready to hunt!”
YN: “saving people, hunting things, it truly is the family business… when do we leave?”
Arthur reaches beside the bed and into his bag pulling out a box and tossing it to Dean. Dean opens it and brings it over to show you… The Colt.
Arthur: “as promised Brother here is the colt back now in your possession.”
~thats all folks~
17 notes · View notes
So I’m finally getting around to writing out a bunch of info about my Sander Sides au so I hope youre all ready--(its like 1 am im so sorry for any spelling mistakes and missed tags)
So its 1 am on a work night and I cant sleep and I’ve had lots of ideas and canon things for this au bouncing around my head for days and now TONIGHTS THE NIGHT ITS HAPPENING IM DELIVERING YOU ALL THE DETAILS AND EVERYTHING I CAN THINK OF AND TYPE 
Also please feel free to ask about this! I know I got a few new followers from all my recent sander sides art and also thanks to @sugarglider9603 reblogging some art I made of their au I got the biggest flood of exposure and attention on my art ive ever had and I have so much to thank them for, for all recent exposure ive gotten the past couple days( theyre so sweet and lovely and easy to talk to sugar deserves all the love--) and its given me a huge surge of motivation and confidence to post this. And please, my inbox is always open to talk about my aus or my art! Ask questions, send requests, send headcanons or ideas, send fluff angst im open to anything and I try to do all requests sent to me(sooner or later)
Oh oh! and please id you catch any and all the little inspirations or anything let me know
And finally this au is a LAMP au with Remile and Demus on the side
Ahem ahem anyway onto the au!!!
More under the cut so I dont flood your screen too bad!
Ok so! 
This Au was originally inspired by @residentanchor‘s amazing fanfic A Lesson in Practicality and also a little bit by @prettyinaccurate‘s fanged virgil au( I’ll get more into that further down) 
So it takes place in a (currently) unnamed bigger city I based off San Francisco and Sacramento( because I live in Cali and those are the two major cities ive really visited ya know?) The boys are all in various stages of their twenties when they move into a four bedroom apartment together: Patton Foster is the oldest of the roomies at 27, then Logan Masters at 26, Roman Prince at 24, and finally Virgil Collins at 22. They move in together because it all works out for them really, the apartment is in a good distance to all their current jobs, whether by bus or even in Pat’s case in walking distance and with all four of them it was well affordable and was pretty nice. I mean hey it even came with a little communal balcony ( since theyre on third floor of the building) 
Things are understandably a little rocky at first , i mean isnt it always though?
Virgil has alot of anxiety and so he tends not to talk really at all at the beginning unless he ABSOLUTELY had to, mostly communicating in noncomittal noises and soft grumbles, and he was fresh out of collage and barely two years into his job and out on his own for the first time and he wasnt really ready for it either like christ too many people
Patton was bright bubbly and caring. This wasnt his first rodeo with roomies, I mean cmon, hes been sharing a room with his older brother Damian(deceit) on and off almost all his freakin life, nor was it his first time living on his own with strangers(hes lived in two different parts of two when he was job hopping before he settled down in his current part time job)
Roman was extroverted loud and exciteable, he too was used to sharing his living space( he had TWO siblings after all) and before he had moved into the apartment he had tried living on his own and with other roommates while he attended collage, but those just didnt work out well ( he ended up staying with his older brother Remy in his studio apartment across the city while he finished out that semester and searched for a job to keep an income.
Logan was serious minded stern toned and confident, he had a minor degree in teaching that he was slowly repursueing and had been out on his own for awhile before he had moved in. And though cold at first he soon found his group of housemates...enjoyable.
Its about a month into them living together that they learn exactly why despite slowly getting close and getting to know each other Virgil still kept a wide distance: He had entirely sharp teeth.
“ I dunno....I was born with them..theyve always been a sharp pain in my ass...” - virgil, about his teeth
Of course just having sharp teeth wasnt bad enough oh no. You see a few years back when he was about 18 he was young and dumb and made horrifically stupid and reckless decisions under peer pressure and ended up doing something that not only pointedly (haha oh god im not funny) chipped his front teeth but it fucked up his teeth pretty majorly, he went from having a normal overbite to almost having a goddamn underbite and crooked all his teeth, and the only way to fix it( because somehow miraculous for all the damage done it turned out to be mostly reversable aside from the chipping) was getting braces to realign his teeth. So he’s had pretty purple braces over his fangs since he was 18 and they werent expected to come off until he was AT LEAST 25 and he was insecure about them. ( he got mocked for them through his two and a half years of junior collage)
Once the gang finds out they are understanding and helpful and dont make a big deal about it( though virgil gains a significant amount of more vampire related nicknames from roman)
Once they get close and comfortable around each other the apartment is pretty warm and lively! 
Virgil works at the art store as an assistant manager and head stocker( a bit of a dream come true since he was an art student)
Roman works as a part time waiter at a family resturant as well as working at a nearby theater( he was of course a lovely theater major) 
Patton worked at a nearby cafe and bakery as a bit of everything! He helped wait tables, serve behind the counter, and helped in the back in the kitchen( the owners were family friends and he’d been working there almost four to five years at that point, boi knows how to do everything) 
Logan worked at a big name bookstore, and also provided tutoring sessions for highschool students on the side by commision
More FACTS~~
Family ages for the big families go as follows:
Fosters: Damian(28), Patton(27)
Prince: Remy(26), Roman(24, older twin by 10 minutes), Remus(24, younger twin)
Emile is 27 and is a licensed therapist and works as a counselor for young adults that volunteers at the nearby library to ready to children
Remy works as a coffee barista in Emile’s building
Remus does alot of odd jobs, kinda working as an independent for hire and gets a surprising steady flow of work and pay. Hes still a trash man though, but hes a successful trash man( partly thanks to Damian calling in favors with connections)
Damian works at a law firm slowly moving into the position of prosecutor
Virgil doesnt really get along with his family and at some point Emile offers to take virgil in as his adopted brother, with Damian assuring him if he wanted concrete legal papers to start changing his last name, cutting ties with his family, anything needed for it he’d see to it that they’d be providing(something our boi really appreciates)
Remy visits Emile on his breaks since hes literally just...two hallways down and vice versa
Damian and Remus live together in the next, slightly smaller city over because Damian’s work transferred him to a different office in order for him to keep moving up in the ranks so to speak. 
Hes also good at what he does.
Family nights happen whenever they can
Patton got to teach them how to cook alot of complicatied dishes from scratch, a bonding time he adores
Roman got Virgil an Espeon hoodie after they all start dating and virgil loves it and wears it alot around the house because its a thicker hoodie and warm( though he tries to ignore the big ears and the obnovious tail
Virgil also loves visiting Roman’s work on what Ro likes to refer to as “ hellish days” AKA kids day which means goofy kid friendly theme days. His favorite was probably alice in wonderland day when Roman was Tweedle Dee
Roman played J.D at the local theater and likes to hum some of the his songs to switch up the Disney
The balcony is covered in houseplants and and a corner of old blankets and pillows to sit and chill on
Once a month Logan and Patton have what is affectionately referred to as the Cat Discourse
After any particularly rough days at work Patton tends to massage Logan’s shoulders and back to make sure Lo doesnt get any really bad stress knots
in return when Logan sees Patton’s head a hard day he makes Patton’s favorite drink and pulls him into a hug and let the older man fall asleep in his arms while they watch movies
Pat and roman sense each other’s bad days and order in some cliche diner food and hole up in pattons room with Pattons computer and relax the shittiness away with comedy specials and movies 
Likewise Virgil has a knack of picking up Roman’s bad days and always grabs a couple glasses and a bottle kinda cheap wine and they end up curling up together on Romans bed marathoning Disney movies on Virgil’s laptop 
and when Virgil closes himself off more than normal Logan manages to lure him out of his room and they end up sitting out on the balcony quietly talking and stargazing
so loving and fond and soft with each other
you hurt one of them you gonna get BEAT by the others. 
Speaking of getting beat, never EVER mess with Roman or Remus in Remy’s proximity
Remy Andrew Prince can and WILL fuck you right up if you hurt his little brothers. He’s protective.
and where Remy will rearrange your face Damian will ruin you mentally and legally if you so much as mistreat a single freckle on his little brother’s face, despite knowing that Patton is fully capable of taking care of himself. 
Everyone protects Virgil, dont mess with or hurt virgil or you have the pack coming for ya throat
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats all I have for right now! Of course more will be added but now its almost three in the morning and I have work at 1:30pm and im sleepy finally! But I hope you guys like this! And please, feel free to talk to me about it, my inbox is always open!!
Taglist: @phantommoonpeople @sweetsweetemo @loganberrysanders
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inyournightmares97 · 5 years
My Youth (Chapter 6)
Broken and miserable, Park Jinyoung returns to his hometown to learn that no matter how hard he falls, there are still people who think he’s a hero.
Warnings: Mentions of suicide/depression, death, angst, slow build, maybe some language.(Please don’t ask when I’ll update. Wait until the series is finished to read if you’re impatient.)
Word Count: 5.7k+
(Can’t put links to the other parts here, please check my Masterlist/the reblog for the Prologue and Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
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“-Mom, I’m busy,” Jinyoung muttered into the phone. He had been sitting in a crucial meeting with the Finance Director of GOT Tech and representatives of the Financial Regulatory Board. Receiving approval for his company to go public was one of the most critical and risky steps in Jinyoung’s career.
His mother, however, had been calling him constantly for the last twenty minutes.
Mrs. Park sounded upset. “I’m sorry, Jinyoung, dear. I just needed to reach you-”
“Mom, I’m in an extremely important meeting right now. Do you know how it looks when the Managing Director of GOT Group keeps getting calls from his mother during business meetings? What do you want from me?” Jinyoung demanded in a frustrated whisper, running his fingers through his hair. He tried not to let his agitation show on his face; the other high-profile attendees of the meeting could still see him through the glass wall of the conference room.
“Jinyoung, there’s been a terrible tragedy in town,” his mother began nervously. “I don’t… I don’t know how to tell you this, but i suppose there’s no easy way to talk about a death.  Remember I told you that I’ve been going to the hospital every day to meet-”
Jinyoung felt a burst of irritation. The clock was ticking. The Board members were waiting for him impatiently and he could see the disapproval on their faces. “Mom, did you call me to tell me that someone died?”
“Well… yes, but-”
“Mom, I have been preparing for this presentation for months. The future of my company depends on this meeting. This is absolutely the worst time you could have chosen to tell me something like this,” Jinyoung muttered through gritted teeth. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. “Please don’t mess up my focus right now. We can talk about this later. Do you need anything from me urgently?”
Mrs. Park hesitated. “You always seem to be busy these days. I just thought… if we could maybe help out with the funeral expenses or the hospital bills…”
Jinyoung closed his eyes. “Mom, you can just call my secretary for that. She’ll send you whatever amount you need. Send them flowers from me or something, okay? I have to go now.”
“Take care, Jinyoung, dear-”
“Bye, Mom.”
Jinyoung hung up and sighed, pressing his fingers to his temple. His personal secretary had followed him out of the room and was watching him nervously. He hadn’t even asked his mother who it was that had passed away. Was it somebody he knew? Maybe it was best that he didn’t think about it too much for now.
“Take my Mom’s call and ask her who died, send them money for the funeral and all those formalities,” Jinyoung told his secretary shortly. She nodded and made a note of it on her phone quickly while Jinyoung cleared his mind.
Focus. The presentation. The numbers.  
Jinyoung took a deep, calming breath and plastered a rehearsed smile on his face before he turned to enter the conference room once more.
“I’m so sorry to keep you gentlemen waiting,” Jinyoung greeted all the well-dressed men with a bright smile. “I hope you can forgive me. Mothers seem to have a knack for calling at the most inconvenient times, don’t they?”
The men chuckled politely. “That’s perfectly fine, Mr. Park.”
“May I begin the presentation?”
“Please, do.”
Jinyoung believed that to achieve something great, you needed to make certain sacrifices.
He had always known that the path he was embarking upon was not an easy one. Establishing your own business meant that you didn't get off work at 5 pm sharp, you couldn’t spend your weekends at a countryside cabin or getting drinks with your friends. You needed to keep working until things got done. You needed to compete in the market. You needed to be strong enough to pick up after your losses and clever enough to make friends in the right places. People were depending on you.
Jinyoung hadn’t merely chosen a career, he had chosen a life.
A very lonely life.
Whenever his mother would call him and try to have a casual chat, Jinyoung would find himself irritated. Who cared whether Mrs. Lee from the grocery store was giving a discount on strawberry bread? What did it matter if Mr. Cha had been trying to sell his little farmland? There was important work to be done. Jinyoung needed to talk to the advertising agents to make sure his products were being launched properly, he needed to negotiate discounts with suppliers to ensure he could meet the planned pricing goals. There were employees relying on him. There were investors who had trusted him with their money. There were quarterly goals that had to be met.
Every second of Jinyoung’s time was precious. Why couldn’t everyone understand that? Why couldn’t his mother stop thinking that her tiny little world in this tiny little town was everything, and understand the importance of what her son was doing?
There are a limited number of hours every man has at his disposal. We each make a conscious choice regarding how to spend each one.
It was only now, standing in front of your mother’s grave, that Jinyoung came a terrifying realization.
He had made the wrong choices.
“It was heart failure,” Mrs. Park whispered.
Jinyoung’s hands clutched the cup of tea firmly. It was hot and uncomfortable, but not more than the sick feeling in his stomach. Every word his mother spoke made him feel more pathetic.
What had he been doing all those months while your mother was in hospital and when she’d died? Preparing for his company to go public? Sitting in meetings and sucking up to corporate officials? Only to be fired and thrown out of the company. Only to have missed the death of somebody who had trusted him and cared for him.
“But she couldn’t have been that old…” Jinyoung muttered.
Mrs. Park shook her head softly. “She’d always had a weak heart, Jinyoung. Her health was fragile and after her husband passed away she had no choice but to work to support her daughter. All those long hours and late nights for years… they took their toll in the end. She had her first stroke three years ago. She was in hospital for a few weeks and then she had the second one; the one that took her life.”
Jinyoung closed his eyes, remembering your mother in his mind’s eye.
“She always looked tired. And worried.”
“She was.” Mrs. Park reached out and placed a hand over her son’s nervously. “I’m sorry, Jinyoung. I should have told you about it sooner. But you were always so busy in Seoul, always doing important things. It never seemed like the right time to tell you about something so devastating. It’s my fault.”
Jinyoung let out a small scoff. “Don’t take the blame on yourself. That doesn’t help me.”
Mrs. Park looked upset. “Jinyoung-”
She was interrupted by a loud knocking at the front door. Jinyoung closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to his temple while he listened to his father go to the door and yell at the person on the other side. The reporters had already found his home address. They had started arriving one-by-one since this morning. Each of them desperately wanted an interview with Park Jinyoung, the man who had lost his empire overnight. They wanted to know what he had to say about his dismissal from his own company.
Mr. Park re-entered the living room and sighed. “They’re getting more persistent. I think I should call the local police before they start trying to shove their way into our house.”
Jinyoung nodded and stood up. “I’ll go down to the police station myself and ask them to send someone to deal with this harrassment. Mom, you’ve told everyone we know to deny any reporters who request them for an interview, right?”
“Yes, but is it really a good idea for you to be going outside now-”
“I think I’ll lose my mind if I stay indoors,” Jinyoung muttered. He grabbed the black hoodie that was slung over the back of the sofa and glanced at his parents. They were both looking at him with wide, worried eyes.
Jinyoung felt a sudden wave of guilt wash over him; why should they have to deal with so much because of his mistakes? Why was he always the one taking and yet never giving?
“I’m sorry,” he apologized softly. “I’ll try and be back for dinner.”
Jinyoung’s legs carried him naturally towards the elementary school.
Perhaps it was a subconscious urge to see you, even though he had no idea what he would say if you really appeared before him. Anything Jinyoung could have said to help should have been said three years ago. Words like I’m sorry seemed like an insensitive joke at this point; too little and far too late.
Jinyoung sat silently on the bench by the schoolyard with his face covered by his dark hoodie, and wondered how his life had brought him to this point.
Left with nothing with shame.
By the time Jinyoung looked up, there was already a tiny figure running straight towards him at full speed. He flinched and braced himself for the impact; only to have the small boy stop centimetres away from him and throw his arms around him happily. Jinyoung stiffened.
“Ahjussi, you are Park Jinyoung!” Ki-woo cried delightedly. The boy was beaming. Jinyoung noticed for the first time that one of his front teeth was missing, but it was still one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen. “Miss told me yesterday! Why did you lie and say you weren't? I can’t believe the King of the Playground walked me home after school and I didn’t even know!”
Jinyoung couldn’t resist a small smile. The sight of the little boy bouncing on his feet warmed him for a moment and he patted Ki-woo on the head. “If somebody asked Clark Kent if he was Superman, he wouldn’t say yes, now would he?”
Ki-woo’s eyes widened in understanding. “Wow. That’s so true! You’re so cool!”
“You’ll have to keep my secret.”
“Of course I will! Ahjussi, can you tell me how you did it? How did you manage to climb the oak tree?” Ki-woo demanded, grabbing Jinyoung’s arm and tugging on it eagerly. “You have to tell me, you just have to! Were you really tall?”
Jinyoung blinked. “Tall? Not particularly…”
“Then how? How did you do it?”
Jinyoung opened his mouth to respond but he was cut off by a loud yell. He had been so preoccupied with Ki-woo that he hadn’t noticed the much larger man that was making his way across the school yard. Jackson Wang had a huge smile on his face and without greeting, he threw his arms around Jinyoung in a fierce hug.
“Park Jinyoung! Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence!” Jackson cried happily. He pulled back and noticed the blank look on Jinyoung’s face. With a frown, he pointed to himself eagerly. “Remember me? Jackson! Jackson Wang! You used to pass me all the answers in History class!”
Jinyoung swallowed. “Uh…”
“Mr. Wang, you’re friends with Park Jinyoung?” Ki-woo asked, his mouth gaping open.
Jackson blinked and looked down at the boy sheepishly. “Ah, Ki-woo. I didn’t see you down there. Didn’t your teacher tell you to wait inside until someone came to pick you up? Go back indoors now.”
Ki-woo pouted. “But-”
“Nope. Back inside. Now.”
Jackson waited until Ki-woo began to slouch back towards the school building and then turned back to Jinyoung. “Man, you’re pretty much the celebrity around these parts now, eh? We had a couple of reporters come by the school this morning, asking for anyone who used to know you. You have nothing to worry about! I scared them off. These babies aren’t here for nothing,” Jackson beamed and flexed his bare bicep.
Jinyoung didn’t really know how to respond. “Nice.”
Jackson narrowed his eyes. “You do remember me, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course-”
“We should get drinks sometime and catch up now that you’re back in town! Man, I really owe you. You did me a solid one that Christmas before you left, remember? I’ll buy you a couple of beers at the pub. What’s your phone number?” Jackson demanded.
“I don’t really have a phone right now…”
“Don’t have a phone?” Jackson looked confused. “Weird but okay. I guess I can always ask Miss First Grade to get in touch with you. I can’t believe she didn’t tell me you were back in town!” he cried, slapping Jinyoung’s arm playfully. “Hold on… you’re here to see her, aren’t you?”
Jinyoung cleared his throat. “Not exactly…”
Jackson chuckled knowingly. “No worries, man. I’ve got your back. I need to go inside and take care of the kids now, so I’ll tell her to come out and meet you here, yeah? Let me know if any more of those reporters come around. I’ll take handle them for you!”
Jinyoung forced a smile. “Thanks-”
“No problem, man. It’s what friends are for. We’ll catch up soon!”
Jinyoung watched Jackson half-run back to the school building, letting out a sigh of relief. Each person he came across in this town seemed to remember something about him and the one who possessed the most dangerous knowledge was Jackson Wang. In addition to having been the resident supplier of inappropriate magazines and the one who’d convinced Jinyoung to try his first cigarette behind the park back in high school, Jackson simply knew a little too much about everybody.
Jinyoung sat down on the bench and took a deep breath. He just realized that Jackson had said he would send you out to meet him. Why hadn’t he told him not to? He wasn’t prepared to face you. Idiot.
It was a few minutes before you emerged from the school building and walked towards Jinyoung. There was a pleasant smile on your face as you approached, and it made Jinyoung’s stomach turn. How could you smile at him like that? How could you be so calm about everything?
“Jinyoung,” you greeted him, confused. “Should you be roaming around out here? There are reporters buzzing all around town.”
Jinyoung cleared his throat. “Uh. Yeah, I know. Jackson said he drove them away...”
You rolled your eyes. “That idiot Jackson Wang? He was fully prepared to seize his five minutes of fame by telling them how you used to help him cheat in History class. I had to step in and force him to deny the request for an interview,” you muttered. Jinyoung’s eyes widened and you gave him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. I sent a message to the principal of the middle school and the high school. Nobody’s going to give any interviews about you.”
Jinyoung felt small.
“Thanks,” he muttered.
“Did they find your house?”
“Yeah. They’ve been knocking the door all day. It’s really starting to bother Mom and Dad.”
Your expression was sympathetic. “Should I call the police?”
“Don’t worry. I was going to go down to the station myself and ask them to send someone to get rid of the reporters,” Jinyoung reassured you. He felt his heartbeat thump wildly as he looked at your gently smiling face. Should he say it? Should he talk about the elephant in the room? Even though he hadn’t prepared what to say?
“About… about last night…”
You blinked. “Yeah?”
He sighed. “About your mother. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I know that’s no excuse, but I should have been there and-”
You cut him off with a forced smile. “Jinyoung. It’s okay. It’s not like you could have done anything for her even if you were here, you’re not a doctor. Everyone did the best they could.”
Jinyoung swallowed. “I might not have been able to help her. But… I should have been there for you.”
The smile dropped from your face. What could you say? Jinyoung’s eyes were filled with shame but it wasn’t the right time for him to be offering condolences. That time had long passed.
But you still remembered his words from last night as he’d hugged you. I don’t feel as alone when I’m here. Jinyoung had been through so much. How could you say anything to such a broken man except for it’s okay? How could you offer him anything but comfort when he had nobody but you?
How could you not be the bigger person when he was suffering?
“It’s fine, Jinyoung,” you promised him softly. “You don’t need to worry about it.”
“How can I not-”
“Seriously. Please. It’s in the past and nobody was to blame. It happened around the time your company was going public, so I can only imagine how chaotic your life and work must have been back then. I don’t resent you.”
Jinyoung looked up at you in disbelief. “How can you not?”
“I just… don’t. It’s fine.”
“Do you really mean that? Do you really mean that?” he demanded.
“I do,” you insisted firmly. You glanced at your watch and sighed. “Wow, it’s getting late. We have a PTA fundraiser at school tonight so I need to start setting up. Oh! Did you bring my bicycle by any chance?” you asked him hopefully.
Jinyoung shook his head. “Uh, no. The reporters were in front of my house so I slipped out through the back…”
“Can you drop it by the school later? I’m going to staying back pretty late because I have to wrap up after the event is over. It might even take till midnight and the buses stop running at 9 so I need a way to get home. It’s not too much trouble, is it?”
“No, that’s fine. I’ll drop it off here later.”
You gave him a small smile as you turned to go back indoors. “Bye, Jinyoung.”
The PTA fundraiser left you drained of energy.
You would much rather have dealt with a hundred kids at once than with a handful of parents. At least kids could be made to see reason, they could be convinced with a little bit of logic (however flawed). Adults, on the other hand, believed that they knew best and that things had to be done exactly the way they wanted. Adults were unreasonable. Adults liked to throw around their authority.
You had never wanted to get into bed so badly.
You stayed back late to clean up after the fundraiser was over. It wasn’t required of you, but it was something that you somehow ended up volunteering to do. All the other teachers had families to go home to and kids to take care of. You only had an empty apartment.
Asking them to stay back instead of you felt selfish.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and trudged out into the parking lot to see that the bicycle racks were empty. Shit. Had Jinyoung forgotten to leave the bicycle behind for you? Where was he?
You pulled out your cell phone and then sighed. Damn Park Jinyoung. He didn’t even have a stupid phone. It was far past the time that Mr. and Mrs. Park would have gone to bed and you didn't want to wake them by calling them. But your apartment was too far to walk and you would have to pass by the pub; you had no interest in meeting the town’s drunkards alone in those narrow alleys  at midnight.
You sighed and dialled another number.
“Jackson, hey. I’m so sorry, I know you just left a little while ago, but…”
It was 1am when you heard a loud banging on your front door.
You had just finished taking a shower and were getting ready to slip into bed when the noise began. Your heartbeat racing, you grabbed hold of a kitchen knife quickly and then slowly approached your door.
“Who’s there?” you yelled out, voice shaking.
The voice that replied was muffled. “Jinyoung!”
Jinyoung? At this time of night?
You opened the door carefully. The first thing that hit you was the awful smell; Jinyoung stank of sweat and cheap beer. His eyes were red and his face flushed as he looked at you almost wildly.
“Are you okay?” he demanded, grabbing your shoulders to look at you properly. His hands were trembling and he seemed unaware of how loud his voice was. “Are you all right? I was looking for you everywhere!”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Wow, you’re drunk.”
Jinyoung’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry- I’m so, so, sorry-”
“How about you come inside before you bring my neighbours running over with all of your noise?” you snapped. You had little patience for drunks, and knowing that Jinyoung had been out getting drunk instead of returning your bicycle did not please you. “Where have you been?”
Jinyoung stared at you helplessly, his arms waving around as he spoke. “I-I was just going to get one drink, I swear. But it led to another and I totally forgot about your bike and I was so scared that you might have walked home because I know that path passes by the pub and it’s not safe-”
“Relax,” you told Jinyoung as you guided him gently towards your couch. “I didn't walk. I called Jackson, he drove me home.”
“Jackson? Wang? Why? Are you guys close?” he asked, plopping down heavily on the couch.
You shrugged. “He’s a good friend.”
Jinyoung paused for a moment and then hung his head quietly.
“We used to be good friends.”
You looked down at Jinyoung properly. He was a wreck. His dark hair was a tangled mess and the light blue dress shirt he was wearing was wrinkled with a beer stain on it. There were even large sweat stains under his arms; he’d probably cycled all the way here in a panic.
And he’s one of the Most Eligible Bachelors under 40. If only the magazine had seen him like this.
“We’re still friends,” you told him lightly. “Although it wouldn’t do any harm to return my bicycle when I ask for it. Do you want a glass of water?”
Jinyoung blinked at you dazedly. “Do you have beer?”
“Absolutely not. Haven’t you had enough?”
His lower lip pouted slightly as he stared down at the floor. “I’ve been drinking all evening but I haven’t reached the point where I feel good or forget about my problems yet. In fact, I keep thinking about them even more. How about a cigarette?”
“You will not smoke in my house,” you told him with a firm glare.
To your surprise, Jinyoung suddenly smiled. It was only a gentle curve of his lips but you spotted it and frowned at him with your arms folded across your chest. “Are you feeling proud of yourself right now? Do you think your behaviour is something to laugh about?” you demanded.
Jinyoung looked up at you softly. “No.”
“Then why are you-”
“Because this is the first time you’ve given me that look since I came back,” Jinyoung admitted quietly. His voice trembled. “This is the first time you got angry at me. You don’t seem to get angry at me anymore.”
You didn’t understand. “Why would you want me to be angry at you-”
“Because you have to be angry with someone before you can forgive them. You have to first admit that they hurt you or that they did something wrong, and only then can you begin to repair your relationship,” Jinyoung whispered. He looked up at you and you could see the tears brimming in his eyes. “So tell me honestly. Have you forgiven me already?”
You swallowed. “I was never mad at you to begin with-”
“You’re lying.”
You clenched your fists as your heartbeat thudded. “I’m not lying. You’re drunk. You should drink some water and you can sleep on the couch-”
Jinyoung looked up at you, his eyes bloodshot yet surprisingly clear. “You are lying. Either you’re lying or you’re not the same girl I remember.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Because the girl I knew wouldn’t have pretended to forgive a friend to spare his feelings. She would have grabbed me by the shirt, looked me in the eye, and said Park Jinyoung, you’re an absolute bastard for leaving me here when I was having a hard time. She wouldn’t have spared my feelings. She would have expected me to be there for her because that’s what friends do. They count on each other.”
You closed your eyes. How had Jinyoung seen right through you? Even after 10 years, how could he see through you like you were made of glass?
“I’m not angry,” you tried to tell him slowly, even though you weren’t sure who you were convincing anymore. “Because I never expected you to be there. You were busy and I had no expectations-”
Jinyoung scoffed. “You’re lying again.”
“I’m not-”
“You are. Friendship is when you help someone, because you trust that they would do the same for you. What you’re doing for me isn’t friendship. You don’t trust me anymore. If you have no expectations from me, then that’s charity!” Jinyoung spat out. Tears were brimming in his eyes and his voice was choked. “Is that what I am to you? Charity?”
You clenched your fists and let out a small, humourless laugh. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this.”
“Where the fuck do you get off accusing me of treating you like charity? After what you did?” you snapped.
Jinyoung stared at you blankly. “Tell me.”
Your throat closed up. You didn’t want to talk about it. You didn’t want to drag yourself back to what had been the lowest point of your life, especially not in front of Jinyoung. You didn’t know who he was to you anymore. How could you open up to him?
“I can’t,” you muttered. “I don’t want to talk about it, Jinyoung.”
“Please,” Jinyoung whispered. “Please. At least tell me I was a terrible friend for not being there. Tell me I was a terrible friend for not even knowing about your mother.”
You took a deep breath and sat down, your knees feeling weak. You had never imagined that you would have to sit next to Jinyoung and say these words to him while he was drunk. Yet, as his dark eyes pierced into yours, he looked more sober than ever.
“It was my fault she died,” you whispered, shakily. “I know how hard my Mom worked to raise me. I know how much she struggled after my Dad passed away. The doctor told me her heart attack was probably caused by stress- years of it. She was growing old but she’d never even gone for a health check-up because we couldn’t afford it.”
Jinyoung stared at you silently.
“I needed someone to say this to back then,” you admitted quietly. “I needed someone who would listen to me and who wouldn’t try to convince me that it wasn’t my fault or that I didn't do anything wrong. That’s what everyone kept doing. They kept trying to comfort me but I just wanted someone who would listen. I wanted you,” you mumbled.
Jinyoung only nodded. His hands reached out to take both of yours. He grasped them tightly.
“I knew you were busy, but I always had this hope that maybe you would come to the funeral,” you whispered. “I thought… surely, whatever I did to make you cut me off, it wasn’t so bad that you wouldn't even turn up to my mother’s funeral. But the truth was that I couldn’t grieve properly because the hospital was hounding me about the bills, I…”
You took a deep breath. You hated thinking about those moments. You had felt so helpless and alone, backed into a corner. “I don’t think it even sank in that my mother was dead until a few days later,” you mumbled. “ I spent the first day wondering how the hell I was going to pay the hospital bills instead of thinking about her. Your mother tried comforting me, she told me it would all be fine and that she would call you for help.”
Jinyoung closed his eyes; tears were clinging to his eyelashes.
“She did,” he mumbled.
You felt the walls around you come crashing down as you looked at the broken man in front of you. You remembered how badly you’d wanted to see him then, how much you’d craved his comfort. You remembered how furious you had been when you realized that Jinyoung had abandoned you.
“I thought you would call,” you mumbled. “I didn’t want to disturb you but at the same time I trusted that you wouldn’t leave me alone at a time like that.”
Jinyoung’s voice was soft. “I’m sorry.”
“It would have been better if you hadn't done anything at all,” you mumbled. “Maybe then I could have forgotten about it in the mess that I was going through. But you didn’t. I got a call from your secretary the night before the funeral.”
Jinyoung lowered his head. His hands were trembling even as they held yours and you could hear his soft sniffle. “Shit,” he muttered, his voice thick with tears. “Shit, I can’t believe-”
“I thought you’d finally called. But it wasn’t you. I had to hear some strange woman tell me over the phone that Park Jinyoung is sorry he can’t make it to the funeral but he sends his condolences,” you choked out. You smiled humorlessly. “As if I was some distance acquaintance you barely knew. You sent me your condolences through your secretary.”
“I didn’t- I didn’t know it was you…”
“And then she told me that if I would just email her a copy of the hospital and funeral bills then all the expenses would be taken care of,” you mumbled. “She said that she could send me as much as I needed, no limit. I was so embarrassed. I wanted-I wanted to tell her that you could go fuck yourself and that I didn’t want your condolences and your money. I wanted to refuse so badly, but…”
You hung your head in shame. “But I couldn’t,” you whispered. “I couldn’t say that to her because it was true. I had no other way of paying those bills. So I sent her the details and I let you pay for them. Whether you know it or not, you paid for all my mother’s hospital bills and funeral while I sat here and wondered how I had become such a worthless daughter.”
Jinyoung’s hands clasped yours so tightly that it hurt. His shoulders were shaking and you could see the sobs racking his chest. “I didn’t mean to-” he sobbed. Jinyoung’s tears landed on your clasped hands. “I didn’t mean to, I swear…”
You slowly removed your hands from his. “I have the accounts,” you muttered. “I’ve been saving up to pay you back. It might take me a few more years but-”
Jinyoung flinched. “Don’t say that.”
“It’s not open to discussion, Jinyoung.”
“Don’t say you’ll pay me back, please-”
“I will pay you back,” you said firmly. You took a deep breath. “You know why? Because I might be able to forgive you for not being there when I needed you. But I will never, never forget how cheap I felt the moment I ended that phone call. So don’t talk to me about charity; I know how it feels to be on the other end of it.”
Jinyoung closed his eyes. He felt light-headed and blank as he thought about everything you’d said. No wonder you didn’t consider him a friend. No wonder you couldn't bring yourself to be honest with him. No wonder there was something fake and forced about your every smile.
Jinyoung hadn’t just messed up.
He had destroyed something precious to him without even realizing it.
“It’s late,” you mumbled after a brief silence. “You should go to sleep. Here, just; make yourself comfortable on the couch and I’ll get you a blanket and some pillows.”
Jinyoung swallowed. “I-I can’t…”
“You’re not going anywhere at this time of night while you’re drunk,” you told him. You pushed him lightly so that he leaned back against the sofa. “Stay put. I’ll be back. I think we’ve talked enough for tonight.”
“Can you just promise me one thing?” Jinyoung asked quietly.
“What’s that?”
“Even if you don’t consider me your friend anymore, even if you’re just being nice to me because you’re that kind of a caring person… don’t give up on me completely.” Jinyoung looked up at you desperately. “Please. Tell me that I can fix things. Tell me I haven’t broken our friendship and my life beyond repair.”
You looked down at him. Lying on your couch in his crumpled dress shirt and the beer stains, Jinyoung looked pathetic. Perhaps it was because you’d finally let out all the resentment you’d been bottling up for so long. Perhaps it was because, looking into Jinyoung’s eyes now, you could see that he did care. But you suddenly didn’t feel so hollow anymore.
You didn’t feel so lonely in your pain.
“Everything can be fixed, Jinyoung,” you told him softly.
“Even us?” he mumbled.
You nodded. “Even us.”
“Even me?”
“Especially you.”
Jinyoung slowly closed his eyes and you went into the other room to get him a spare pillow and a blanket. He let you place the pillow under his head and snuggled into the soft blanket. You turned to switch off the light when you heard him mumble.
“You know something?”
“What, Jinyoung?”
“I thought that the most unbearable thing about being fired from the company was all the effort I’d put into it. I thought I couldn’t bear it because I’d done so much for it for the years,” he said slowly.
You blinked at his curled up figure under the blanket.
“But it’s not?” you asked.
Jinyoung shook his head. “It’s not how much I’ve done for the company that I can’t bear. It’s how much I sacrificed for it.”
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blacknovelist · 5 years
K A T S U K I B A K U G O, for the ask thingy please! Thank you!
i love these letter headcanons so much, my dudes
(okay so like, honesty hour it’s been a Solid While since I’ve read BNHA and I haven’t caught up yet but here’s my hot takes as requested.
I think the last I solidly caught up was about, like, the cultural festival? So if something happened later to like, contradict with these, just disregard it and don’t let me know - I’ll catch up and see for myself eventually.)
K: how do you know when you’ve upset them?
See, the thing about Bakugo is - he’s a loud sort, and it’s easy to assume (so very, very, very easy) that he is so in everything he ever does. He screams and hisses and swears and shouts at so many things, it’s his defining trait. The thing is, it’s not his volume that tells you first, if you know what to look for.
Nah, it’s in the look on his face. The way the lines of his cheek n jaw shift and his hands twitch and for a moment he ain’t just glaring and frowning at you or the world but at himself, too. When he realizes he’s upset his first instinct is always to reach inward, somehow - whether bodily or mentally or both, it depends - and study it. Examine it. Look at it. Once he’s got it pinned, then, then he’s gotta look for an outlet - a means to further that understanding if you will. And sometimes maybe also he’ll look to lash out at someone he sees as responsible for his pain, if such a person exists. It’s just, his brain works so fast - Bakugo is a prodigy in his own right, brilliant beneath all that rage - that actually noticing that moment, not passing it off as a fidget or a twitch or anything else it isn’t, is already hard enough as it is.
See like, his shouting, it’s a defense, but it’s also just who he is (be loud, they’ll notice you, attention is good). It’s that half-step pause, when he’s knocked off balance and that unsure look crosses his face as he does, thats when you know.
And then he’ll blast your ears off one way or another, and if you didn’t notice he’ll usually get louder and start cussing you out and you kind of have to notice. Unless you’ve really really upset him - then he goes a little quieter (in the way a car horn is softer than a foghorn) and obliterates you with his words. Bakugo will always know the most efficient way to shut someone down using only his words, you just gotta coax him to it. And when he’s upset, well, no one wants to keep talking to someone who’s made them upset - ending the conversation by returning the favor is just a bonus.
(Of course, I’m registering “upset” as not including or being the same as “anger”, at least at it’s core (bc he’ll progress to being angry abt it eventually), because Bakugo being angry is something we’re all quite familiar with. And of course, this is assuming someone has found the right buttons to push to even make him upset, given the fact that I also believe he just doesn’t care enough to really let what others say get to him.
If anyone’s gonna make Bakugo genuinely upset, I’d bet more money on it being himself - thinking, dreaming, wondering, questioning everything he’s done and is doing and will someday do, probably - than anyone else. But were that not the case, well. Here we are.)
A: what are/were their best subjects in school?
Bakugo is a boy of many talents - you need the best grades to get into UA, after all. I think he probably did best in English, because All Might is known to speak English phrases from time to time. (This is related to the fact that Bakugo is the English teacher in Ageswap)
He likely also is good with chemistry, given his Quirk - he’s gotta understand reactions and gases and which ones are where generally, the interactions of substances and those gasses with his Quirk and also their reactions when exposed to heat/light/etc, what things he can use to fuel explosions or put out fires caused by it, so on.
T: Where are they ticklish?
I don’t particularly imagine Bakugo as a ticklish person? Partially because he wouldn’t let anyone close enough to tickle, but mostly because he just doesn’t strike me like that (and it’s not because I’m not ticklish, because I am unfortunately extremely so). If I had to give a place, I’d say it’s probably somewhere a little strange, like the soles of his feet or the back of his neck or something.
S: How stealthy are they?
At first glance, unbelievably so. Those who know Bakugo know better, of course, but nonetheless. Despite the boisterous and angry manner Bakugo holds himself he is, again, extremely smart. He knows when to be subtle, when to quiet down and, most important in this case, when to lay low and sneak.
I don’t think I’d put him as like, top sneaker of the class, but the boy knows how to creep when he needs to. On a scale where say, Hagakure was 10/10, I’d pin him a solid 6 or 7/10 when he’s actually trying.
U: What’s their voice like?
I’ve always imagined his voice as always having a sort of… edge to it. Not a gritty-sounding emo sort of edge but like,, like he’s always chomping at the bit to end a conversation, I guess. Also, he talks a little quickly when he’s not swearing specifically at someone - not so fast that he’s incomprehensible, but more like what he’s saying is obvious and he can’t understand why you don’t see it that way either. It’s not malicious or on purpose, it’s just how he is.
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves?
Mmm. As a kid, a solid 9 or 10 - back then he was too young, just a boy with the entire damn world at his fingertips. He never had reason to believe he was anything less than the absolute best, and that’s fine.
At the start of the series I’d say he, to others, looks like he’s always on the high end of the spectrum (7-10 out of 10), and I’d say back then he probably felt it too. Middle schoolers are the absolute worst, I have no trouble believing he has that much confidence in the beginning.
By the boot camp he’s still putting off solid 7-10 vibes (I think there’s never a time he isn’t putting on that air with the world so just assume he is pls) but I think - with all the hits his self-confidence, what with how different UA is to anything else he’s ever known - he’s sitting at closer to 5’s and 6’s. After Kamino? He drops below 5 and for every moment he thinks about it (about the fight, about All Might, about the hero career that almost ended and the one that actually did) it continues to go down. The thing being, of course, that he doesn’t act it, and a part of me imagines he stays in partial denial (“I feel like this but maybe I don’t”) until about the provisional license. (Though, I don’t think he drops lower than 3)
Idk, maybe it’s just been a while and I’m overthinking it but I get the vibes that Bakugo vaguely acknowledging Izuku in that moment in the exam? It was kinda the moment it clicked in his own brain, an understanding of what Izuku has been given based on what he knows, so to speak, and how different it is from him. I think that’s when he stops denying how low he thinks he’s sunk, which leads to him wanting to get answers, which leads to the fight. Which is such a good moment, holy shit.
I think it’s after that that Bakugo starts working towards building himself back up internally. Needing to take that additional thing to get his license was a blow, but he’s nothing if not determined - he’ll make that comeback, just you wait. He’s a solid and even 6-7 by the cultural festival, and holding strong.
(Again: I haven’t caught up with canon for a very long time, so if canon seems to contradict me or if you’re looking for a look at how he is now, sorry)
B: Do they have any allergies?
Nope. Everyone hates him come allergy season because he’s always cool as a cucumber and the same as he always is.
G: How do they flirt?
man, this is so far out of my jurisdiction
here’s some true facts kids: I don’t generally judge ships and if it’s in character i’ll read almost anything
but i’m also not a shipper, at all. Given the option, I’d sooner throw my entire being into the pit that is “platonic shit” than have to deal with an excess of it.
So like, I’m not here for romance, and I tend to rely on tropes when I am, but Bakugo lands in that hotspot of “would not fulfill those romance tropes on his own of his own volition”.
I guess if I had to say, I think he’d probably extend invitations to let the person he’s interacting with learn more about him in general - hobbies n habits n shit like that. That is to say, he’d absolutely invite someone hiking or to spar or whatever in an attempt to both learn abt the person (how do they react) and to let them learn about him. He’s always struck me as being kind of private, so like, such a leap would probably mean a lot.
That’s as much as I’m getting from this one mate
O: What would it take to break them, inside and out?
We’ve already caught a good damn glimpse of this - you know that breakdown he has with Izuku, when he’s blaming himself for being the end of All Might?
Bakugo thrives on hard work and being the best (or at least, striving for it), and that leaves a number of ways for him to break, it’s just that he’s incredibly resilient as a person so it’s hard to tell.
The frustration of trying his best and still ending a situation with the worst case - a la Kamino but worse - would absolutely destroy him. Can you imagine? Working hard and powering through and doing everything in your damn power to do the right thing, to save yourself so you can save others, to be a hero, only for it to be for literally nothing in the end? The specific scenario I’ve got in mind is a little more long-term; I believe that if something big happened like that and he came out thinking it ended well enough, only for a shoe the size of the USA to drop on his head and disrupt everything he’s worked towards? Rendering nearly all their work for nothing? Revealing that he and everyone else played right into the villains’ hands, essentially making this their own faults?
Well, something would break in just any anyone.
(Alternately, a realization that everything you do is meaningless and a constant reinforcement of “you’ll never be who you want to be” would also do a pretty damn good job)
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dregstrash · 5 years
Earning the Present(s) [3/4]
Who says presents have to be given on Christmas? (me, the very late, very sorry fic writer)-- another long one folks
Part 1 || Part 2
Summary: Five years after the events of the Ice Court, the six outcasts were in the prime of their lives. They had everything they had fought and bled for: money, power, promise, home. But this holiday season, a surprisingly altruistic event has them all under the same roof, and they all may have been a little older and a little wiser, but they were still those teenagers who had done the impossible and had almost died countless of times. And when the idea of a holiday gift exchange comes up the true test of their friendship and their growth is thrown into the rink.
Wylan wasn’t sure how he could have possibly ended up here. Whether or not it was by Ghezen’s Hand or from Inej’s saints, but he was positive that it had to be some sort of cosmic intervention that had led him sitting in front of his fireplace, holding his husband’s hand, and surrounded by thieves and an ex-convict.
“That was quite the celebration, Wylan.” Inej said from her place by the window. “I think Kerch might do some good having an orphanage like that in its streets.”
“Thank you, Inej.” Wylan smiled at her. “Getting it past the Council was tough enough, but I’m just happy to give some of those kids a home.”
Jesper snorted beside him, “Yeah, now there actually might be space at The Slat.”
“How did you get those fat birds to donate to your cause anyhow?” Nina brought up. She was tucked firmly under Matthias’s arm and looked positively comfortable.
Wylan felt a slight blush at the measures he had taken to ensure the Council’s support of such an extravagant building to house the countless of orphans roaming the streets, and he tried his best not to look at Kaz as he said, “Let’s just say the right leverage was applied.”
“Oh saints,” Nina rolled her eyes then turned a lazy finger towards Kaz, “You need to stop corrupting his sweet mind.”
Kaz’s lips twitched, “Van Eck doesn’t need me to corrupt his brain. That’s why he keeps Fahey around.”
“Hey,” Jesper protested, “That’s Mr. Van Eck to you, Brekker.”
Wylan grinned and settled to drink his tea as the argument continued on. He wasn’t particularly proud of asking Ketterdam’s most notorious villain to help to threaten the Kerch Council to make this orphanage happen, but he didn’t regret it either. He would have paid for the construction of the building himself, but the land that he was eyeing for the site was owned by the city. When Wylan had brought up his request, one of his father’s oldest friends (who had held a grudge against Wylan ever since his father received his life sentence in jail) suggested that the land would be best used for other means. 
And before he knew it, Wylan’s plans of the orphanage were starting to fall apart before they had even begun. It wasn’t just the orphanage that had been upsetting him. It was how easily the Council had looked over his request and how the idea of building an estate for the very act of charity was less worthy. Echoes of his father’s voice had resounded in his head, and this startlingly new conviction settled in his chest and one thing led to another and he had found himself sitting awkwardly in front of Kaz Brekker at The Slat stumbling through the situation.
“I’m willing to pay you half of the exported sugar I have coming in this month, if you can help get this off the ground.”
Kaz hadn’t moved throughout the entire exchange. He could have been a statue as Wylan talked and his dark eyes stayed steadily on him. Even when he had finished talking he remained still.
“Does Jesper know you’re here?”
“He does, and he highly discouraged me from coming. Something about getting into bed with a demon.” Wylan had explained.
“At least being married to you finally wised him up,” Kaz murmured before he looked past Wylan and got a familiar, distant expression on his face. “That sugar shipment, it’s coming from Zemini, isn’t it?” He had finally said.
Wylan didn’t bother asking how he knew that, “Yes.”
“The ship it’s on has one of the largest cargo holds in your fleet.” He said again. Wylan nodded. “Hmm...I’ll help if I can take that ship off of your hands for the rest of the year.”
“What are you going to do with it?” Wylan asked raising his eyebrow.
“I have certain business ventures across the sea, that require speed and space.”
“And just so we’re clear, Wylan. You’re asking me to convince certain members of the merchant council to approve your plans for this orphanage? Through any means necessary?”
“Yes.” Wylan cleared his throat, “It’s a good plan and this city could deal with at least some kindness. Even if it comes through the Bastard of the Barrel himself.”
Kaz’s sharp smile caught Wylan off guard.
 “Then the deals the deal, merchling.” He held out his gloved hand and Wylan shook it firmly. “Wait a couple weeks and suggest the plan again. You’ll probably be able to start construction soon after that.”
And true to his word, Wylan went back to the council and no sooner had he finished did they approve the plans and even called it Ghezen’s work that an orphanage should be built to educate those who had nothing. Jesper had scoffed at the reasoning, but was just as excited as his husband when Wylan drew up blue prints, started to hire crew members, and then ultimately its grand opening.
Jesper had been by Wylan’s side through it all. He helped with some of the ground work, supervised when Wylan was away taking care of his mother, and calmed him when the ever-present self-doubt started to creep back in his mind. After the Ice Court job, it had seemed almost like a dream for someone like Jesper to stick around to Wylan, but there he was. Then his tall, Zemeni, thrill-addict boyfriend had really thrown him for an absolute loop when they had gone out to dinner on their backyard and he had gone down on one knee. It was all impossible, but then Wylan said yes and the impossible became possible. And with this orphanage now open, even that had become possible.
For that reason, he supposed it wasn’t that impossible to have all of the people that had survived the most dangerous heist ever to be conceived by anyone to be sitting around the fire ready to open presents.
“Okay,” Nina announced finally, “Me first. So as tradition dictates. Whoever picked first has to give the present first. If I remember correctly, Matthias picked a name. Okay, my dear Fjerdan, who’d you have?”
“Uh,” Matthias said hesitantly. He pulled out a long, rectangular box from behind him and kept his eyes on the present. “I-uh-I didn’t know what else to get you, um, Inej.” The girl in question raised her eyebrows in surprise and stood up from the window, “But, I hope you find it suitable.”
Inej walked over and opened the box slowly. Wylan watched as Inej smiled gratefully as she pulled out a beautiful double-edged knife with a white marble handle.
“It’s of Fjerdan make,” Matthias explained his face flushing, “The inscription is from-uh- Fjerdan saint and uh-”
“Thank you,” Inej interrupted and further surprised the bulky man with a hug.
Matthias smiled in relief and returned the gesture.
“Splendid, Jesper you’re next.” Nina said.
“Ah, finally,” Jesper grinned widely as he separated his hand from Wylan’s. He dug around in his pants pocket and produced two small boxes. Wylan recognized the smile that was lighting up his face and he felt his insides swirl at whatever his husband had decided to gift their friend.
“Now, dearest Nina, since you only deserve the best. I hope these will suffice.” He tossed both boxes at her and she caught them deftly, “Though, I think one of those might actually be for Helvar.”
Curious, Nina opened the first box and positively giggled as she held up a scrap of black lace lined with a blood red border. If Matthias’s face was red before, it was practically boiling now. Even Wylan felt a slight blush creep around his neck.
“Ah, Jes, you shouldn’t have.” She held out the undergarments out for everyone to see and slyly glanced at her Fjerdan, “Think of all the things we could do with this, sweet.”
Matthias looked away fast and everyone laughed at his reaction.
Still giggling Nina unwrapped Jesper’s second present and the smile that settled on her face was far more genuine and real than Wylan had ever seen on her. “Jesper Llewelyn, how did you get this?”
Nina held up a thin chain up from the box and revealed a beautiful sun charm. It glinted against the fire light warmly, and had a clear jewel in the middle. 
Jesper shrugged, “I was in Little Ravka in the other day, and I happened to befriend a very talented Fabrikator. He insists it’s the purest form of gold out there.”
“Thank you,” Nina said.
“You’re welcome,” Jesper smiled back.
Wylan couldn’t help but reach back for his hand. It was so rare to see him this comfortable with anyone else or with any other group of people. He was never comfortable with any of the men that Wylan did business with and all of Jesper’s other friends lived far too close to the gambling halls. So to see him so happy made Wylan’s heart flutter in his chest.
The night went on and with each unwrapping came a surprised shock of actually receiving a perfect gift. Inej gave Jesper finely crafted holsters for his guns. Nina gave Wylan a Grisha made flute, that Jesper insisted he played for everyone. He obliged and marveled at the artistry of the instrument and the clear and pure notes that emanated from it. Then came for Kaz to give his gift and Wylan couldn’t deny the sudden shift of mood as they all waited for Kaz to come back from wherever he went to fetch his gift.
“Alright, Helvar,” Kaz reentered the room with a hefty box under his arm, “This was hell to try to get, but try not to kill it.”
He all but shoved the box at Matthias’s lap and went back to his seat by the fire. The other boy looked curiously at the plain box curiously.
Matthias’s furrowed brow quickly rose up as whatever in the box made a loud bark. Nina peered in and her mouth dropped in an almost comical O shape.
“How-what-I-” Matthias stammered as he lifted a gray and white pup out of the container.
Wylan gaped at the small creature that was now sniffing at Matthias curiously and even dared to nibble at the giant’s thumb. It let out a small whimper before Nina instinctively stroked it behind its ears. 
“He is adorable! Look at him!” She squealed.
Kaz shrugged, “I did a favor for a Fjerdan a while back, and I had a pack delivered to me for security reasons. As it happens, I had a litter of these runts running around and I kept a couple before getting rid of the rest.”
“By ‘getting rid’ do you mean a quick trip down the canal?” Jesper said hesitantly.
“Ugh,” Nina shivered, not taking her eyes off the dog, “Please don’t answer that, Brekker, I don’t want to hear the truth or the potential lie.”
Kaz’s lip twitched, but he stayed silent.
Matthias’s bewildered blue gaze met Kaz for a moment before he stammered out a quick, “Thank you, demji.”
A bemused expression settled in Kaz’s eyes before he saluted him in acknowledgement. 
The puppy was yawning and Wylan could have laughed at the sight of such a small thing nestled in Matthias’s large hand. And if Wylan was completely honest with himself, he could have laughed at the fact that Kaz had even thought of being so considerate. That he went out of his way to think of something Matthias would actually want-- that his gift was so small, fluffy, and....wholesome. 
“What are you going to name him?” Wylan asked finally.
Matthais looked down at the animal and nuzzled his face with its snout, “I’m going to name him Trassel....after a good friend of mine.”
Nina peered into the blue and black eyes of the puppy, and cooed to it, “Hi, Trassel. Welcome to the family.”
The dog barked cheerfully at that and settled to rubbing his face against Matthias’s hand.
After a few moments all eyes turned towards Wylan who had yet to give his present.
“Ah, right,” He said, suddenly feeling nervous. He got up from his seat and went behind the curtain to retrieve the long rectangular box. His stomach fluttered with anxiety as he made his way back to the circle of his friends. It wasn’t so much the giving of the present, but knowing what the recipient might do with the gift gave him a slight pause. But as he neared Kaz, he shrugged away the discomfort. 
“Here you go, Kaz, hopefully it’ll serve as a good backup.” 
Kaz took the box hesitantly, and ripped open the box. Wylan held his breath as he delicately lifted a cane. The handle was shaped like a crow about to take flight, and its dark-wood finely engraved with jagged lines, and its tip tapered into a fine point. 
“It’s-” Wylan started to explain in the midst of Kaz’s silence, “It’s Grisha made so it shouldn’t break when there’s a substantial amount of force applied. And- if you twist the handle-”
Before Wylan finished the thought, Kaz twisted the handle and the pointed end of the cane opened up and the neutral expression Kaz had kept on his face disappeared. He smiled as he examined the turned cane and the new opening of the cane.
“You made me a gun.” There was a slight hint of a laugh in his voice. 
“Wylan, my dear,” Jesper said looking amused and concerned all at once, “Did you just give the most deadly man in the barrel a weapon that is not only as strong as his current cane, but also a gun?”
He shrugged and tried to fight the smugness working its way in his chest at Kaz’s reaction to his gift. He had his own reservations when he had come up with the plans as soon as he knew who he had gotten for this secret gift exchange. Wylan had debated about it for a full day before he had drawn up the plans and then set up a meeting with Ketterdam’s few Fabrikators. There were always going to be monsters in Ketterdam, those with longer and sharper teeth, and he supposed it wouldn’t hurt having one of those monsters as an ally and providing him with one more tooth.
“Well, Wylan,” Kaz’s grin was the widest he’s ever seen on him, “I will say, you never cease to surprise me.”
He twisted the handle restoring the cane to its proper form. 
At this Wylan did smile at Kaz. That was the closest thing to a compliment he’s given him in recent years and even if he had stopped working with the Dregs, there was still a small part of Wylan that couldn’t forget about his past. That feeling of doing a job well done or even earning a place in Kaz’s crew. 
And as the night continued on, with people playing with their presents in anyway they could, whether that be taking turns holding Trassel or making Wylan play or Nina offering to teach them some Ravkan games, Wylan couldn’t help but marvel at the warmth and radiating from the people around him. And when he noticed that Kaz had managed to slip away quietly, he decided that they needed this-- all of them. 
The crew who broke into the Ice Court, brought down a member of the Merchant Council, conned multiple countries, and fabricated their own plague, needed a chance to feel like the world wasn’t always escaping the past or fighting for their future. That for once they could sit around a fire with warm drinks in their bellies and live in the present.
Tags:  @krugerevengeinej @orangesnakesanddogs @i-hate-usernames45 @qrow-ismyspiritanimal @fangirl-ladybug @wraithpirate  @the-jennster @lagabygaby @rynli @noirmagic1 @shiyash @readmeaway @razz-dazzle-taz @queenofthebarrel @irepostthingsilike @irepostthingsilike @i-just-want-to-have-a-fun-time @smittenthing @highladyofthefoodcourt @emilily101 @sourbishop @nerd-in-a-galaxy-far-away @alexbeatthebass @writtenwordheart @icefire0722 @ladyofvroses @bbenwyatt @zxyjxy @burnin-through-the-sky @thewoofster @daniellepal @goodie-giving-gecko-gets-gatos @bree-the-sloth @universallyghostjudgecalzone @thecrownedcupcake17 @kayleed77 @kanejandkruge
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