#[Ok tag rant over ^w^]
ranboo5 · 1 year
Anyway [stretches] under a cut because it got Long as usual; tl;dr at the bottom
The thing abt c!Ranboo is his motivation and his actions don’t always align and that is bc of the eternal nature of c!Ranboo as living in a society and Balancing Priorities. He is always self-compromising in its relationships w/ others; more often than not when it agrees to do smth with someone it is doing it not bc it believes in the cause but because it has priorities it needs to mitigate. (Ranboo has not believed in any of the causes put forth by Someone Else in their life the closest they get is the Syndicate and even there it’s only reassured to bc it is reassured it can share opinions)
This starts off wayyyy early with it agreeing to help grief despite not really having a personal reason to do it, and with it collaborating w/ New L’Manberg even through things like the Butcher Army. It consistently does not want to be seen as In Opposition. It works with Tmmy and Techno in large part bc it doesn’t want to come off as opposed 2 them, and bc it has personal investment (+guilt) in Tmmy. Ranboo will literally act like this
- as self preservation - out of a desire to help+spare the feelings of ppl it doesn’t trust to negotiate with - especially later, so it can try to mitigate the parties it’s collaborating w/ -- if he’s involved in the effort, he has more traction 2 attempt to mitigate anything terrible it might do (even when most of the time he doesn’t manage to do this)
This is part of why he initially joined th Syndicate and this is why he worked with Wilbur over th course of the burger arc. Some combination of this is also why he works w/ Dream, smth that is frequently overlooked in Ranboo Analysis; Ranboo volitionally[1] collaborates w/ Dream despite, obviously, having a lot of Active Dislike for Dream and what he is doing, out of a combination of a) he would not want 2 frame himself as Opposed To Dream in any interaction w/ Dream, b) he is generally sympathetic and pitying, c) ideological agreement w/ some aspects of Dream’s goals, and d) desire to mitigate/stay close to Dream. Ranboo keeps his friends close and enemies closer 2 some degree
His relationship w/ Tbbo is not an exception to this it is part of the pattern. It’s just one that has much more present, personal, and consistent stakes. Ranboo complies w/ Tbbo the same way he complies w/ the Syndicate when he’s worried they’re threatening, the same way he complies w/ NLM, the same way he complies w/ Wilbur in the burger arc, th same way he complies with Tmmy early on, the same way he complies w/ Dream offscreen. This is a Known Tactic Ranboo pursues; their project is ultimately of survival and compassion and survival and compassion are both things they have to sacrifice to keep
Tbbo is a unique priority to Ranboo almost in the same way all of the aforementioned r slightly different, unique priorities; in Tubbo’s case, Ranboo is extremely invested in keeping Tbbo safe from others and from Tbbo’s own self with a particular fervor for a very long time. I’m not rehashing the entire beeduo meta here but Ranboo does have particular interest and a particular prioritization for Tbbo for a long ass time; arguably post-NLM and thru burger arc, Tbbo is its first priority bc Ranboo loves him and has convinced itself it’s the only one who can fix him and has also mostly-correctly observed that no one has really been looking out for him. Tubbo is an urgent target in Ranboo’s projects of compassion and of survival both
When those stakes r released, tho, in the burger van conversation (the “you weren’t happy before?”) Ranboo no longer has Tbbo at the same priority level irt the project of survival especially, and, despite how guilty and upset it makes them, prioritizes their 5D chess game with Wilbur instead (ironically sacrificing a solid chunk of its project of survival). Its motives @ the end of Ho16 r commonly cited as being abt Tbbo but that’s not entirely what he says and if it was Ranboo HAS the kind of analytical presence of mind to know that it Killing Himself doesn’t help Tbbo as much as it deals with Wilbur
Ho16 is abt Ranboo winning aforesaid 5D chess game; Tbbo is only part of the stakes 4 that and Mitigating Tbbo is no longer Ranboo’s top priority w/ that. Ranboo’s final monologue is more than anything reminiscent of his earlier arguments about sides and collateral. It’s part of the larger project of compassion, and it’s about the distorted version thereof tht comes with Ranboo getting stuck in its head and its machinations, too; like Tbbo is important to Ranboo and the carelessness abt Tbbo is something unacceptable but to claim Ranboo’s motivations revolve around Tubbo specifically is reductive of his other relationships and actual larger ideological motivations 
I have a problem w/ framings of this as positive/romantic devotion that amkes Ranboo better or as devotion at all bc repeatedly it is shown it makes him Worse, and is in fact the opposite of devotion it's disingenuous by nature. Ranboo is lying. This is so essential to all of this when Ranboo acts like he is in step with you specifically he is lying you are never guaranteed to be the priority. This is him at his worst, th project of compassion at its most compromised, and it’s a state that they explicitly don’t like. Ranboo does not like compromising itself and when they do that they Get Hurt (NLM and outpost arc having the most confabulation we’ve seen in Ranboo in general, Ranboo hating himself for this, Ranboo complying w/ shit like the experiments, Ranboo in all these environments where he is playing this being Constantly Markedly Afraid)
Even throughout the time period where Tbbo is technically priority #1 Tbbo is still . Priority Number One as opposed to like a genuine devotion. Tbbo having a handle on Ranboo in this way is not devotion it is fear and it is again not a mechanism tht Ranboo Only engages for Tbbo it’s just a mechanism, that again IS BAD FOR RANBOO BOTH IRT MENTAL HEALTH AND MORALITY, that has thru circumstance become one tht Tbbo is best at unintentionally activating. Ranboo Does This When You Are His Project. And When He Had A New Project Aside From His Husband That’s What He Did To Him
Ranboo does comply with Tubbo in various activities tht he doesn’t believe in but this isn’t ? Unique to Tbbo this is just Ranboo’s general socialmeta+ what allows it to move in the world the way it does
Ranboo cares about Tubbo deeply and this is relevant to his motivations but that’s only one part of his larger motivations
It’s also honestly not great to frame this complianceas romantic or good bc it’s actively smth that Makes Them Worse in multiple senses
It takes out a ton of Ranboo’s decision making and the negative effects thereof
Anyway stream
[1] No, one dumb as fuck line from Dream Of All People in that lame ass excuse for a finale does not negate All The Things In CRanboo’s Story including working w Dream being part of this consistent pattern, Ranboo’s story being abt agency responsibility and decision in such a way tht it is completely undercut by mind ctrl plots, Ranboo’s ideological agreement w Dream on some matters, the alliumduo parallels, and everything we do know abt the enderwalk as a concept and Ranboo how he acts in and out of it
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thatoneskullgrunt · 8 months
how do you set boundaries for people venting in your inbox? normally i'm happy to listen and help, but sometimes i just don't have the energy, you know? but i feel bad ignoring people.
(p.s. if you can tell who i am then no you can't)
//also just a heads-up for anyone Else who can tell who this is because it is Very Obvious if you know me, the only source of this is because skully did the boundary thing and i figured it'd be a good question //i am in no way actually being troubled OOC (or even IC) by anyone at present so no need to adjust anything in interactions. pre-emptive anxiety easing done
What i try to do is outright state "hey, not right now" as soon as i can. It's tough sometimes but the more you do it the easier it becomes. The hard part is not letting your guilt consume you- just because it feels mean or wrong to set a boundary because it might hurt the other person, doesnt mean it IS mean or wrong. Setting healthy boundaries is imperative to a healthy relationship, so it's best to rip the bandaid off as soon as you can rather than suppressing your own needs.
Keep in mind that im just some dude and not a mental health professional by any means, but ive been practicing and keeping healthy relationships and building my mental health back up for a while now, so im happy to try and help where i can.
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namakes · 1 year
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I have never used blender before, but I think I finally got her colors more-or-less right! She even glows a little.
(Model from Models Resource!)
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daz4i · 2 years
if i may complain for a bit about something that doesn't actually matter and can be easily avoided. god i hate fics that baby-fy chuuya
#yeah yeah i know just don't read them w/e. there's no tags to avoid these unfortunately 😐#it kinda feels like a fanon of fanon. it's so far removed from his canon self even if some core elements are there.#why write him like a 15 y/o even as an adult. and the thing is. even when he was 15 in canon he wasn't this childish. c'mon.#a lot of the most popular skk fics have him characterized like this and man I'm tired. look how they massacred my boy.#ok complaining session over. i feel like i sound kinda mean. sorry abt that.#it doesn't actually matter that much just a bit frustrating when it keeps happening when you're already a couple hundred words into a fic#edit: i lied I'm not done complaining i gotta turn this into a rant bc ppl misunderstanding my favorite character online is a crime.#childish was the wrong word for me to use ig it's more like. innocent.#girl. bestie. he has been part of criminal organizations quite literally since he remembers himself.#he is not some sweet uwu baby who's a bit of a tsundere or w/e. he's got genuine reasons to be angry yknow. he's been through shit#and he's not innocent? he's in the fucking mafia lol we literally see him kill like 20 people in 5 minutes at 15 y/o.#he's not naive either???? he may not be dazai levels of smart but he's still capable of figuring things out himself????#like he did figure out rimbaud's thing by himself. he's not stupid or slow. he wouldn't be a mafia executive otherwise.#and that's also the reason he can't be naive like... he is in constant danger after all#and idk watering down all this^ for aus is boring and turning him into practically an oc but it's even worse in canonverse#or literally any au where he suffers the same amount as he does in canon. bc then what's your excuse for watering him down.#it feels like forcing him into this very clear cut mold you see in every media when he is literally. not that.#no one in bsd is honestly that's part of its charm imo. they all subvert your expectations of their character archetypes#i think this is why it's making me so angry bc it doesn't feel like just misunderstanding the character but also the whole story. in a way.#am i going too far? perhaps. i dunno. i do feel less Dirty after letting out this frustration tho.#complaining session is now officially over okay. yes. sorry. i don't mean to offend anyone sorry if i sound mean at any point.
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I should rewatch the first season of made for love probably
#screencaps everything#i should NOT apparently look at the tag cause everyone's a byron apologist :)))))#boohoo she did to him what he was gonna do to her even though he felt BAD about it#like do you seriously think he woulda let her go#this man drove the ex that got away into a permanent state of psychosis level paranoia where she can't leave the psych ward she lives in#cause everywhere else there is phones or other technology which means he could be watching#like i didn't necessarily like the ending either but the kinda person who doesn't think twice about wiping a person's mind#to make her what he wants her to be (in love w/ him n obedient) bc he 'loves' her#doesn't just suddenly start seein others as PEOPLE he literally only felt a slight bit of remorse cause he wasn't gettin what he wanted#like it's ok that you wanna fuck him! it's ok you think you coulda fixed him! but makin hazel out as worse or anywhere near as bad#cause she did what he was gonna do to him except for survival instead of cause she thinks she owns other people#is just fucking gross#'she coulda just left!!!' & spent the rest of her life wondering if anything she experiences is real or manufactured to get her to come bac#you really expect someone to be a moral beacon of righteousness after a decade of nonstop captivity & manipulation#but the person who did that to her looks a little bit upset n has a potentially fabricated sad backstory so he deserves a second chance#she tried leaving. that's literally the startin premise of the entire show.#n how'd that go for her huh??#ok rant over#spdrvent#*did what he was gonna do to her#i can't fucking do pronouns apparently
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angellfag · 1 month
The way antis never shut up about people shipping things is the same way you guys sound always whining about antis. By the way.
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mechawolfie · 11 months
actually seen some uncanny vash art now n it's all so. uh. analog horror?? and it's so. disappointing
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waywardgothauthor · 2 years
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chemicaljacketslut · 2 years
me when i started writing this chapter painstakingly grinding out words and now am about to release a torrent of poetic and unbearable loneliness upon ye
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whoviandoodler · 2 years
‘Children can sometimes overestimate their maturity’ and ‘children can read about and understand mature topics and it’s not Evil and Abuse to let them have access to materials discussing complex sociopolitical concepts’ are thoughts that can and do co-exist.
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ravewing · 4 months
cambrian period dashboard simulator
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petition to ban anomalocarises from the local sandbar. theyre so fucking big and it's freaking everyone out and me personally ion want a trilobite muncher looming over me when im trying to have a drink.
🪲 trillybite17 Follow
they dont call them the ABNORMAL shrimp for nothing, they're fucking weird
🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
No, you know what petition needs to be started? One to get rid of ignorant bigots like you. Have you ever SEEN an Anomalocaris ever eat, let alone ATTACK a trilobite? No, you haven't. Because they DON'T EAT TRILOBITES. Do some fucking research before you say shit like this.
⚜️ splendidmarrella Follow
fyi if you get rid of anomalocarises from public spaces then you will quite literally starve. you know those dead soft-bodied organisms yall scavenge and eat? yeah anomalocaris is the one providing those for you. as a scavenger myself i have been personally impacted by loss of food due to unfair treatment of anomalocarises that have forced them to leave the shallows that i live in and let me tell you eating detritus and nothing else is literally awful. please think twice before you post something prejudiced like this.
🩶 pleurae71 Follow
common hallucigenia + marrella W
ignore the OP, i promise most of us trilobites aren't like them- i don't even know why this is a debate. i guarantee they've never stepped outside of their little rock cave in their life
🌀 xXcorynexospikesXx Follow
LMFAOO they deactivated☠️
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🫧 cambripuns Follow
What do you call a Hurdiidae without any eyes? A Hurddae!
♟️vampeytoia Follow
actually you'd call it 'uncle maximilien' because my uncle maximilien was hatched with no eyes
💼 stanley-shrimp Follow
Valerie, you and I both know damn well that you do not have an "Uncle Maximilien," let alone one with no eyes. Stop lying on the internet and stop leaving your soft-bodied organism carcasses on my front sandbed. It smells putrid.
♟️ vampeytoia Follow
wow ok mr fun police. just go and piss on my parade like that
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👾 fiveeyedcoolguy Follow
giys i.m tripping bals rn lol. shuld not hv eaten tge 'detritus " browni e from the hallucigna.. i saw thr magic anomllcrais
🪱 pinkpikaiapage Follow
What?? Elaborate
👾 fiveeyedcoolguy Follow
He told me a prophecy
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🦐 apexshrimpy Follow
she cambrian on my period till i explosion
#anomalo talks #misc tag #is this hash tag funny or no?
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🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
thinking about dying my spikes again. what color should i get?
🍢 leancho852 Follow
Do magenta to match your skateboard!!
🎸 punkrock-halluci Follow
ohh that's actually really smart thanks🙏
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🪨 shalesifters Follow
🧽 the-odontogriphus767 Follow
yo wtf. none of these fuck the landmasses. we're all in the ocean for a REASON
🦪 biofilmer08 Follow
Hey, actually, a few other molluscs and I browse on the microbial biofilm :)
♟️ vampeytoia Follow
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🕸️ arthropodstemz Follow
reblog if u get around by undulating ur lateral lobes
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📜 g-wiwaxia Follow
Did anyone else happen to see @shalesifters poll on the landmasses (followed by the reblog of the mollusc)? I think that I was simply born in the wrong generation, that I should have been able to experience the joys of being a land-dweller. I may just have grown tired of being in the ocean every day; quite frankly I just want some sort of change or reform (especially considering the incredulous prices of jellyfish nowadays...)
#Rant #I hope you guys get the idea. I expect some (likely a copious amount of, actually) hate for this one, but regardless I thought that I'd share my thoughts here #I'd like to move to Laurentia
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📸 daily-cambrian-pics Follow
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⚜️ splendidmarrella Follow
omg thats me on the bottom in the middle! @romip51212 @kookykootenia look its us from earlier today
🫑 kookykootenia Follow
Woah whatt this is actually crazy
🍤 romip51212 Follow
yo i look rad in that.. changing my header immediately
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🦂 radiodont-radiostatic Follow
DNI if you support any of the anti-anomalocaris propaganda that's circling around. Sick and tired of the twisted lies that are being spread on here. I won't stand for the slandering of my brethren.
#static speaks #dni #will not hesitate to block and report any of you bigoted assholes
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🪼 jlyfsgh224256 Follow
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🍌 nectocarisking69420 Follow
🍌 nectocarisking69420 Follow
Yo wtf was i on last night
🍢 leancho852 Follow
You were just speaking your truth king!!
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🪸 see-you-lagerstatte Follow
thought too long about the big white orb beyond the surface and broke down crying. What to do about this?
#why is it there?????? what is it???? #please im going insane over this
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🐾 catboycanadaspis Follow
born to say "nya!" and meow. forced to consume the coarse particles found on the sediment surface
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🌊 tidal-trilobite Follow
hey has anyone else noticed that it's been harder to breathe lately or is it just me? can't afford to go to the doctor for an exam rn
🦀 clackyappendages Follow
I thought that it was just me! I might sound crazy but have there been less archaeocyathids lately??
🐚 sand-muncher-757 Follow
i've had TWO neighbors pass away from hypoxia in the past month, definitely have noticed the breathing issues too. also i havent seen an archaeocyathid in so long either. so weird😬😬
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h-c-u · 1 year
No longer a secret pt 1
Summary: You're a reporter in a secret relationship with Toto, and he gives you some great advice.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x fem!reader
W/C: 3.3k
Rating: PG, age gap
TWs: none
A/N: This is written for that one specific friend that doesn't have Tumblr, but I guess if anyone finds it by the tags, you can read it too ;) 
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | List of tags | Playlist for the series
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- It's good to see you again Lewis! - you started your maybe 30th interview of the day. Even though you loved your job, you hated days like those with a passion. Not because they were intense, but because you preferred doing longer, more in-depth interviews, where you had the opportunity to get to know the other person better and dive deeper than "How do you feel about your placement?" or "What are your plans for the race?" because you knew that a diplomatic response for those type of questions was rehearsed and repeated dozens of times. But your network wanted you to tape those little snippets because your other interviews were so popular. Sure, more than once they had to be heavily edited per the request from the person interviewed, but you honestly didn't mind, because it was still good material, that you were proud of.
- It's good to see you too, Y/n, good to see you too. - he gave you a huge smile. Lewis was very easy to interview, especially after the longer interview you had with him last year, after which you occasionally talked and exchanged small birthday gifts... He was always trying to steer from obvious questions, because he was just so tired of them, and you happily obliged.
- Congratulations on placing so well in the qualis, but I have something else to ask you. Before the race, we were talking about your dogs, Roscoe and Coco. - he smiled again.
- We did, those little rascals... - he laughed quietly, suspecting where your next question might head.
- If they were to race against the others drivers’ pets, where do you think they'd land? - the question was definitely unusual, but you could just tell that he loved it, especially when he started listing all the dogs, cats, and even a few birds, considering all their advantages and disadvantages, with you making a comment from time to time. Technically those segments you did were supposed to be around 2 minutes per driver, but you didn't want to stop the conversation that flew so naturally, especially when you were building on his arguments or completely disagreeing with them. You suspected that this one will go to the network's YouTube channel as a special, and based on how much Lewis enjoyed his rant and theories, you suspected that it might do even better than the main interviews from today. And it was obviously the first time he was asked that, so people, especially the younger generation, might be interested and start to comment with their own predictions, which meant engagement.
At first, you didn't even notice that the wind picked up and gave you goosebumps, because you were so deeply invested in the conversation. Only when suddenly a wall of rain hit both of you, you swore in your head, regretting your choice of dress for today. Fortunately, it didn't become see-through, but it did nothing to keep you warm in the rain, and Lewis didn't even realize that something was wrong. He was still in his driver's suit... And honestly, you didn't want to interrupt the interview just because of a tiny bit of water. Ok, a bit more than a "tiny" amount, but still, it's not like you were going to melt, so you continued the conversation with a pleasant smile on your face, but you couldn't help the shiver that came over you after two minutes of being completely soaked.
In the corner of your eye, you saw someone getting close to both of you, but you didn't look straight at them, because you were in the middle of asking a question. Only when the person stepped in front of the camera, you turned your head and froze for a second, when you saw Toto Wolff with a spare jacket and an umbrella. You continued asking the question while he gently put the Mercedes-branded jacket over your shoulders, and gave a giant umbrella to Lewis to hold over the two of you since your hand was already busy holding the microphone. Without saying anything he left the frame and walked away, leaving you to continue the interview.
You couldn't help but smile for the rest of the conversation, which could, fortunately, be understood as you genuinely enjoying Hamilton's company, when in fact you were grinning from ear to ear, because that cheeky bastard gave you his jacket, and now you were completely surrounded by his scent, which tuned out the smell of burned rubber and hot metal, even though it was much more subtle.
You spent around 10 more minutes conducting the interview until there was a natural end to your conversation. You congratulated him again on doing so well and wished him good luck for the main race.
- Where do you pull those questions from, Y/n...? - Lewis laughed after the camera stopped rolling. - I always feel like we've been talking for less than a minute, and then I look at the clock... - you joined him in laughter, finally able to put your arms through the sleeves of a jacket that was way too big for you. At the same time, you turned the mic off and took a quick look at the camera screen.
- Yeah, we have over 20 minutes of footage, you're super easy to talk to, and I wish everyone was as open as you. - you gave him a smile. - But at least you made the last interview of the day actually enjoyable, so thank you for that. - he laughed, still holding the umbrella over you, while you were quickly packing your part of the gear. Your camerawoman was doing her job as quickly as you, and only after about 3 minutes you were both packed, with all gear protected from the rain. - I have a ride back, see you tomorrow. - you lied smoothly, but she didn't question you, so you both just waved each other goodbye, and she left the track.
- Thank you for that... - you pointed at the umbrella Hamilton was holding. - But I think I should return it to the rightful owner. Do you know where I might find him this late? - the question slipped easily from your tongue, even though you knew very well where Toto was because he was always there after any type of race. Although it wasn't something a regular reporter would know, so you felt obligated to ask, not to rouse any suspicion.
- Sure, he's still in the pit going through all the raw data from today... - you nodded, acknowledging what he said.
- Even after everyone left...? - you faked your disbelief.
- Yeah, he's like that during the season, nothing else matters. I mean, he's always like that, laser-focused... But he should really get a life. - Lewis chuckled as if he was in on a joke you didn’t know of, but you just smiled politely.
- That sounds... admirable. The dedication. - you clarified.
- True, true... I can walk with you if you want.
- Oh, that's not necessary. I'm sure Roscoe and Coco miss you. - you both laughed, and he passed you the umbrella.
- Yeah... Well... Can't wait for our next interview.
- Lewis Hamilton, are you offering me an exclusive? - you joked, and he laughed again.
- Maybe, maybe... Have your people contact my people and we might set something up. - this time you laughed, while he was walking away. - Take care, Y/n! - he waved you goodbye and started walking in the direction of the exit, while you headed toward the pit, from where most of the people were heading away. Few of them recognized you and gave you a small nod or a polite greeting, but when you finally got to the Mercedes station, you could count people in sight on one hand. You saw Toto from quite far away, but he was completely focused on the two monitors in front of him.
Since there was nowhere to knock, you just crossed the threshold and folded the umbrella. You got closer to him, and he finally realized you were there. You noticed him glancing behind you, making sure there was no one in sight, and when you were near him, he pulled you closer by the sides of his own jacket and gave you a short but sweet kiss; even sitting down, he was a bit taller than you. Admittingly, you wore flats today, and the chair was high, but still...
- Mein Schatzi decided to visit me, how lovely... - you couldn't help but smile, and even though you wanted nothing more than to get closer to him, you took a step back, and leaned on the side of his desk, so from far away it looked like you were just talking.
- I was actually hoping to catch a ride with you... - he raised his eyebrow
- Did you change your mind, love...? - he asked, and you sighed heavily.
- It's... complicated. - you finally replied, and he lowered his hand and put it on the inside of your knee so the small point of contact between you was hidden by the desk, but it still gave you comfort.
- Oh...? - he looked at you from behind his glasses, wanting to hear more.
- I'm seriously thinking about quitting my job, and I think today was the final push I needed.
- That sounds serious... - his thumb started gently stroking your naked skin.
- It does, doesn't it... - it was more a statement than a question. - I mean... I enjoy being a reporter, meeting all those amazing people, but I feel like being this type of a reporter... - you gestured around you. - ...isn't for me. It's too quick and too repetitive. It's shallow... - you sighed again and rubbed your forehead with your fingers. - And I know neither the sport nor the drivers are shallow. They’re deep, complicated, and nuanced, and I feel like the media flattens them down and cuts it all into digestible bites. It's not something I enjoy being a part of. And even though I have over 15 people interested in an actual interview with me, the network has scheduled only two. In a month. And it's just... - you groaned instead of finishing the sentence.
- Frustrating...? - he asked, and you nodded.
- Extremely frustrating. Because even if I resigned today, I'd still have to work for them for a month, and gods know what they'll want me to do... And after that - it's not like any network is searching for a full-time interviewer or looking for someone to fill a spot in the schedule. - you sighed again, slumping your shoulders. - Sorry for dumping it all on you, especially right now. - you added a bit quieter. You didn't even plan on talking about it with him when you were walking over, but it just... spilled.
- Don't apologize, Schatzi. - he gave you a small smile. - It's your life and I'm honored that you have decided to share it with me. - he pulled you a bit closer by your thigh, and you went. - Do you just want to vent, or are you seeking advice? - he asked, finally taking off his headphones, roughing up his hair with his hand, and giving you his undivided attention. Now even from the outside, this didn't look like a regular conversation, but no one was around... You appreciated that he asked because most guys would have started spewing possible solutions without taking what you truly wanted under consideration. But in this case, you could really use some counsel...
- Advice... - you said, your tone heavy.
- I think you should quit and go independent. - he stopped for a moment, letting the words sink in. - You are the best in long format, deep interviews, you don't shy from rough topics, and you can easily steer a conversation in such a way, that the other person just feels comfortable, even with complicated questions. And you enjoy making this type of content the most, no? - he made sure, and you nodded. - So objectively, I see two paths for you. Path number one - you go to any streaming network with a proposition of your show, and if they'll be interested - you could start taping interviews, but they will most likely have to be at a certain length and there might be some censorship required. Path number two requires much more work, especially in the beginning - you go completely independent and put your interviews online. - he went quiet, allowing you to process what he said. You never thought about putting your interviews online... You would have to hire a crew, editors, and someone to take care of HR, and PR... And at first, there wouldn't be a lot of money in it, only from minor sponsors and ad revenues, since you weren't exactly fond of putting the content behind a paywall. So, did you have enough savings to actually invest in something like that? Because it would have to be at least 10 interviews to get it going, so 3-4 months of paychecks for 10-12 people. A quick calculation told you that... somehow you could. It would be rough, but with sponsors... Yeah, you might be able to pull it off.
- I see those gears turning. Did I say something right...? - he smiled, and you immediately did the same.
- You did. You said something very right... In fact... - you took your phone out of your bag - I'm quitting right now... - you wanted to unlock it, but his hand covered the screen and stopped you from doing that. You looked at him confused.
- I know you wouldn't take money from me, but is there a chance I can offer you my lawyer? - he asked, but that didn't clear things up. - You've mentioned that your network booked you only two interviews in a month, and that... doesn't seem right. I'm just saying, let him look over your contract and if there is something that would allow you to quit on the spot, he'll find it. But sending your resignation right now might complicate things... - you carefully considered his offer... You knew he was right, but you were still hesitant to accept any actual help from him because your hyper-independence convinced you that if you did, nothing else you would do in your carrier or life would be of any value, because you didn't get it on your own.
- I will meet with him... - you said eventually. - Thank you. - you added, and the smile that bloomed on his face melted something in you. You just couldn't be in a bad mood with him nearby.
- It's nothing. - you wanted to budge in, but he beat you to it. - For me. For me, it's nothing, Schatzi. Can I kiss you now...? - he asked and when you nodded, he pulled you into his lap, finally kissing you properly.
- What the...? - you heard the familiar voice behind you, and you looked in that direction horrified. You managed to keep your relationship secret without slip-ups for so long, that you honestly thought all the things you did to avoid getting caught became second nature, but evidently, you became too comfortable.
- Fuck… - the swear left your mouth before you even realized it was forming. It's not like Lewis would blab about what he saw to everyone, but your first reaction was still fear.
- So, is that like a thing with a capital T, or did it just happen because he didn't let you get soaked today...? - he asked, and you wanted nothing more than for the ground under you to open and swallow you whole. Preferably with the last five minutes of this timeline. You cautiously looked up, but Toto was giving you free hand in handling it. Personally, you knew that he wanted your relationship to go public because he wanted to show you off to the world, but he never insisted; he knew you weren't ready yet, and when it mattered - he was a very patient man.
- It's a thing with a capital T... - you finally answered on the exhale, and you could see Lewis getting nervous.
- Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, coooooool... - you honestly wanted to laugh. - It's a good thing then, that I didn't ask you on a date today. - he blurted out and as soon as the words left his mouth he was horrified. You saw that he wanted to start apologizing, but you beat him to it.
- Yeah, polyamory isn't for me, sorry... I'm more of an "all in" kinda gal. - you laughed, and the atmosphere relaxed a little.
- So how long has this been going on? - Lewis asked and you couldn't help but smile.
- Officially... Just over a year. But it took me more to actually wear her down. That sounds bad. - you couldn't blame him for sometimes not getting the message across exactly as he wanted, since he spoke fluently in six languages.
- I didn't want to start a relationship with someone this important as soon as I started doing interviews around the tracks, because I didn't want to be treated differently. And I wanted to avoid all the nasty rumors that I've slept my way to the best interviews. - you quickly jumped in to explain your situation in more detail.
- Well, anyone who would think that is an idiot and clearly has never seen any of your interviews. - he complimented your skills, and even though it technically was true, you still felt weird receiving compliments.
- Thank you, Lewis. - you gave him a soft smile.
- And honestly, it's impressive that you managed to keep it under wraps for so long. - he added. - Anyway, I came back because I realized I forgot my phone, I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds alone. - he laughed, zeroing in on his cell.
- Lewis...? Could please not tell anyone? - you asked, even though you suspected you didn't need to. - I mean, beside Roscoe and Coco... - he chuckled and gave both of you a huge smile.
- Your secret is safe with us. Take care guys! - and with that, he was gone, and Toto couldn't help but laugh.
- That went... well. - you playfully slapped his chest, pretending to scold him. - Oh come on Schatzi, from everyone who could possibly walk in on us, he's the best option. - he defended his reaction, and you knew he was right. - But... - he started, and you almost immediately knew what he was going to say next. - Since you won't be around the track that much anymore... - he continued, and you chuckled.
- I know, I know... But please let's wait until my separation from the network will be officially announced, ok...? After that, you can tell the whole world what a lucky man you are. - you gently cupped his cheek and run your thumb over it.
- Then I'll better call my lawyer and set up a meeting for tomorrow morning... - he brought your hand to his lips and placed soft kisses on your palm and every fingertip.
- Does that mean, we can go...? - you asked. You knew that if you didn't, he would have most likely stayed here for at least another hour or two, but he just couldn't say no to you. You also understood that he still needed to work. - How about you'll take your laptop and do your thing while I'll cook dinner, hmmm? - you proposed a compromise. Usually, you were against working from home, but during race season this rule was suspended, because otherwise, you would only be able to see him for a couple of minutes a day, and that was definitely not enough. Plus, you knew what you signed up for - he needed someone who understood that the team was his life and that it wouldn't change for a while.
- Sounds perfect... - you finally got down from his lap, and started to take the jacket off, since it stopped raining outside. - Keep it, you need it more than I do. - he gave you a soft smile and started turning everything off. It didn't take long before you were leaving the pit, and you reached for his hand to place it on your waist. He looked down at you, but didn't say anything, just smiled... And you knew everything will be all right. 
Part 2
A/N 2: Please don't feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be much more appreciated :) Love, G.
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Handle it
February Filth Fest : Day Six
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Jeong Yunho x fem reader
"C'mon, cry for me."
smut w/a little plot, smidge of angst
not edited, dacryphilia, fighter yunho, established relationship, reader in a dress, (a)non-sexy slap, pet names (baby,yuyu&angel,honey), semi-public, manhandling, fingering, make out, praise, unprotected(👎), forehead touches(👍)
tags: @cherryxsang @k-drizzle
You storm into the locker room, uncaring of the men who give you strange stares and make your way to the familiar mop of damp hair. "Jeong Yunho!" He sits up straight as he hears your voice, closing the cap of his water bottle. "Hey, I'm talking to you, dick face!"
Other men in the room let out various 'ooh's as you push your boyfriends shoulder. He barely moves, but it's the thought that goes into it to show him how angry you are. He stands slowly and goes to take his gloves off when you slap him across the face.
"Damn!" A fellow fighter exclaims. You point at him with a death stare, silently saying: 'watch it, or you're next.'
"Honey..." Yunho starts.
"Don't 'Honey...' me! I'm about to whoop your ass! You are such an idiot, Yunho. You know that? You know you're a fucking dumba-" It's his turn to cut you off, grabbing you up by your waist and carrying you over his shoulder. He carries you, screaming, all the way to showers.
He scans the room and when he finds it empty, he locks the door and lowers you down.
You let your angry facade fall, tears quickly building up as you look up at him. "Did he hurt you? It really looked like he hurt you and I told you the next time you let someone mess you up that I oug-"
"I'm ok. I promise." He helps you sit on one of the metal benches, squatting down in-front of you, placing his chin in his hands and looking up at you. "I promise."
There's a moment of pause before you begin ranting again, tears falling quickly. "Well, are you sure? It looked like he hit you really hard, and you were coughing so hard you could barely take him down and I just want to make sure. Maybe I should make you an appointment with-"
"Honey," he uses his teeth to release the velcro on one of his gloves and shakes it off, cupping you face in the next second. "It's just a bruise."
"Let me see."
"Let me see it. It's just a bruise, right?"
He stands, letting you take his other glove off as he lifts his shirt slowly. You hold his hand gently as he whines, looking up at him in worry. "My poor Baby," you whisper.
"You can't even see it, Angel."
"You want me to kill him? I can sneak attack real well."
He lifts his shirt just above his rib cage, exposing the forming bruise over it. It's red and angry, surrounded by older bruises. Tears free fall down your face, and he wipes them away. "Yunho, you're going to get really hurt one day."
"I'm a big boy, I can handle it."
You lean forward slowly and graze your lips over his wound, making him shiver. No matter how many times you 'kiss it better', he falls head over heels all over again ever time. "Did it crack?" You ask before leaving another ghost of a kiss, hands finding purchase on his hips.
He shakes his head, hand weaving into your hair as you kiss around it. "I'm okay, Honey. Really. I promised you I would tell you if I got hurt like that again. I'm gonna keep that promise."
He doesn't know what it is. Your kisses, light as feathers? Your words, so caring and full of love? Your tears, warm as they drop into his exposed leg? His body, full of left over adrenaline?
Whatever it is- he's slowly becoming hard.
As you look up, tears full of tears and glazed over with concern, he determines that it's all of the above.
"Y'know, he got a few licks in on my face. Gonna kiss that better too?"
You tug him down and crawl over his lap, laughing lightly as you feel his bulge under his fight shorts. "How many times is this gonna happen, Baby? You can't keep fucking me in the shower room."
"Why not?" He smirks, hands roaming up and down your back. "You never seem to complain, especially when you're creaming on my cock."
"Yunho!" You slap his arm with a gasp.
"Oh, c'mon," he laughs with his head back, "like that's the worst thing I've said about you on my dick."
You cut him off with your lips on his, moaning as you grind down on his lap. You lick at his lips, pulling away with a devilish smile as he opens his mouth.
His eyes still closed, he holds your forehead to his as you both breath heavily. "You trying to get back at me?"
"Maybe. Is it working?"
"Maybe." He opens his eyes and meets yours, seeing your tears slowing. "Want to fuck you so bad." He tugs the skirt of your dress up and bundles it up in one of his hands, the other dipping into your panties. "Can I?" He asks as his teases around your entrance.
"Fuck, yeah." You speak before taking his lips in fervent kiss. This time, he opens his mouth immediately. As his fingers ease into you, you take the opportunity and explore his mouth. Even if your done it a million times before: it always leaves your breathless. You lick over his teeth before pulling away, bringing his lower lip with you briefly. "C'mon, go faster, Baby. I can handle it."
"You sure?" When you nod, his finger increase their speed ten-fold. You bite into his shirt to block your moans, knowing all too well these walls are not sound proof. His fingers scissor around inside you, stretching you out deliciously. He lets your long dress fall down around your hips, using the previously occupied hand to pull your head away from his neck roughly and making you face him. He brings you impossibly close, his head against yours and your air becoming the same. "You take it so good, don't you? Feels so good?"
"Yes, Yuyu, feels so good," you whimper quietly, to his dismay. He brings his fingers together and curls them right up on your g-spot, making you cry out. He smirks as you bite down on your lip, fresh tears brewing in your eyes.
"C'mon, cry for me." You do, tears falling quickly as he asuslts your g-spot relentlessly. "Always so fucking pretty like this. So fucked out that all you can do is cry. My sensitive Angel."
"Yun-Yunho, stop." His fingers still inside of you, holding your face impossibly closer. Before he can even question you, you speak between your deep breaths. "I want you to fuck me already."
He lifts you up with one arm under your ass and the other around your head to protect it as he pushes you onto the tile wall. "So needy," he moans out as he tears your underwear away. In no time at all, he's sliding himself into you, whining into your neck as your warmth engulfs him. He stills inside of you to give you time to adjust, but you're having none of that.
"Jesus, Yunho," you pant, wrapping your legs around his hips and leaning you head into his shoulder. "Fuck me already, fuck me good and hard. I can handle it."
He doesn't take your words with a grain of salt, he starts hard and fast, licking up your tears and moaning at the salty taste. Neither of you bother to hide your moans, loud and proud of how good he's fucking you. "Goddamn," he purrs, "always like a fucking dream."
His words only make you louder, clenching around him like a vice as your orgasm hits you unexpectedly. "Yunho, Yunho, god! Fuck! Baby, please don't stop!" He doesn't, his hips keep a steady, ruthless rhythm as he kisses up every tear that slips past your waterline. "Good fucking god. Good god, Yunho!"
"That's it, Angel." He praises as his hips slow, "so good for me." He pressed his body up against your to hold you in place, hands slipping around you and holding you just under your ribs, rubbing slow circles as you descend back to Earth. "You're so beautiful," he says softly, licking up your hot, salty cheek. "So precious," he repeats with the other. Your death grip on his shoulders lowers to a soft embrace as your body shakes from after shocks.
Wordlessly, his hips pick up speed again. "Ah! Please, sensitive... Sensitive, Baby."
He coos, leaning down and kissing you before speaking with a smirk.
"I thought you could handle it?" He slams his hips into yours, holding you close. "Can't you, Angel?"
"Yes, yes, I can take it! I can take it, Yuyu," you wrap your fingers in the back of his hair to ground yourself as he sets a deep and erratic pace. "I can, Baby, don't stop!"
"Good, I'm gonna make you fucking squirt this time."
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yuyan · 11 months
The art of love pt. 2
Fluff, hurt/comfort
Kaveh x gn!reader
Tags: academic rivals to lovers, cliche confession during arguing in the rain scene don't look at me, mild cussing (not at each other), highschool au
A/n: the comfort part of this. I hope it doesn't dissapoint, I tried to do this as fast as possible so I wouldn't keep anyone waiting!
Part 1 || Master list || Requests: open
Half an hour after school and you were stuck cleaning the art room on the last day of school with Kaveh. Honestly, the only reason why it was only the two of you were cleaning the art room because the art teacher was still mad at the time you two made a huge disruption in class. It was 3 weeks ago though. Who would even hold a grudge for that long? For something they weren't even really involved in or affected by it too. At least you were almost done.
"Ok what's wrong with you?" Kaveh asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Whats wrong with me?" you asked back, the anger in your tone contrasting his.
"Yes what's wrong with you, anger is practically seeping out of you!" Kaveh said, raising his voice. "Does my prescence annoy you that much!"
"Well, apparently mine does!" you shouted, "especially when I'm trying to help you apparently!" Throwing your broom, you grabbed your bag and stormed out, slamming the door behind you.
"W-what? Huh?" Kaveh stuttered out, watching you leave.
The sweet final week that Kaveh had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity didn't have that usual sugar coat. Now it was just a bitter pile of food that Kaveh pushed aside. No one could ignore it forever though.
"They're just so frustrating and annoying and nitpicking everything I do and oh my gosh, do I hate them so much!" Kaveh ranted while Alhaithem was seriously contemplating why he walks home with Kaveh.
"Don't you like them though?" Alhaithem asked, "they gave you a note, just go talk to them."
"Whatever, Its fine!" Kaveh shouted. "It's not like I love them anyways!" Kaveh shouted, again but his shoulder shook slightly and it felt like a piece of him died when he said that. "...Plus! They're always..."
"Ah, please don't go," Kaveh whispered and took of running.
You approached the entrace of your school. The sounds of heavy rain rang through your ears, making you furrow your eyebrows and your frown etch deeper into your face. "Fuck! I can't think!" you screamed. Hot, angry tears blurred your vision and made small wet patches on your uniform. Teachers and students alike had long left due to the heavy rain and it being the last day.
Silently, you pulled out your umbrella and hovered it over your head before step out into the rain. Rain slightly flooded the area and each step was like stepping into a puddle. Your emotions were a mess and the rain did nothing but anger you further as your tried so desperately to sort them out. The rain could've been calming if it wasnt for your violent urge to kick and scream to your heart's content. Until you had no energy left but to cry silently in your cold, empty bed.
"Wait!" a voice called out. It felt more like a delusion though considering how drowned out by the rain it was.
It wasn't until a tall blonde boy in the same uniform as you, umbrella in hand appeared Infront of you that you registered it as not a figment of your imagination.
"I-...So what if I said that!" Kaveh started and immediately you knew you didn't have the time nor energy for this. You side-stepped him and started to walk away before he turned to you and yelled, "What does it mean to you!?" It came out a little desperate and was followed by heavy breathing.
Turning around, you said,"what does it mean to me? I helped you because I wanted to yet afterwards you ignore me even though I said I wanted to talk and then decide to rant about me to your friend when I hadn't done anything for weeks!"
"Well, what an I supposed to believe when every classmate of ours tells me and gossips about how you must hate me so much that you don't even want to argued with me anymore!"
"I left a note!"
"Your friends are notoriuous for meddling in your business! How am I supposed to know if it was truly from you!"
"And if you really cared you would've I don't know, say something along the lines of 'you don't have to promise me that, asking for help is enough' or I don't know!"
"Well, I didn't expect to fall in love with you!" you shouted. Kaveh had to stop himself from dropping his umbrella in shock. "Plus, if I didn't want to help, nothing you offered would've been enough," you mumbled.
Despite the pouring rain making it harder for the two of you to speak he heard and clinger to every word you said.
"Wait, I, did I say?" you fumbled, pink invading your cheeks as you backed away from him.
You could've turned and ran, if it wasn't for his hand. That damn hand that secured tightly around your wrist. That hand that kept you in place as he stumbled forward. That hand that pulled you in as his lips met yours. Your umbrellas had knocked against each other as he leaned forward to kiss you. His lips were soft but slightly chapped despite the humid weather, kissing you slowly, like any wrong move would hurt you.
Backing away, he saw your half lidded lips open up a bit more, your cheeks glowing a brighter red.
"I-um, we're far from perfect but I think we'd be a good couple so I'm be my lover?" Kaveh asked, sounding a little unsure but you just smiled and nodded, giggling a little at his flustered expression. "Ah! Well ok Let's meet up on the holidays, you have my number!" Kaveh shouted over the rain, running off.
You waved with your free hand, watching him run off into the distance. Touching your lips, it contorted into a soft smile. He tasted like strawberries.
A/n: I've never written a kiss scene so um getting out of my comfort zone today. 😀👍
Also I headcanon that Kaveh loves strawberries cause he just such a cute pretty boy who'd probably like strawberries ok I'm not weird ok goodbye! (^o^)/
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moltage · 11 months
also the complaint abt the johnstantine tag. I have a massive issue w a majority of constantine fans bc many forget his different universes exist (it's canon that vertigo is his "main" universe). some ppl on here spread the show canon like its gospel and it rlly annoys me LOL the show canon isn't canon in the comics at all. hardcore zatanna/John shippers r the worst especially when u tell them canonically in comics they're not together anymore and John has a bf rn (they always forget he's bisexual and not straight) I COULD RANT MORE ABT SOME OF THE TUMBLR CONSTANTINE FANS that's how pent up I am
what's canon or not is a shaky ground in the comics world since every character has so many adaptations and have different comic runs. same goes for constantine too. i don't think people should just jump at it just because it's not HELLBLAZER canon. Hellblazer is the most reliable source for his character and my favorite too but yeah, no point in arguing over what adaptation people prefer. I have seen some pretty bad takes but other than that idont rly engage in the johnstantine tag jdkshajdj i don't know what most ppl think. so if ur experience w johnzee shippers are bad im sure you have a reason for it. i personally love the ship itself. not the people who push what's "canon" on you though. being a constantine fan isn't that easy so be careful where you look or who you interact with LMAOOO
also i only judge constantine fans based on what they think of the constantine 2005 movie purely because I hate it as a johnstantine adaptation LMGFFFAOOOOOOO
anyway. feel free to rant away anon it's ok i understand the frustration
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cinna-bunnie · 9 months
personal rant ignore me (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) this is my once-a-day sad girl rant
going off my last posts tags,, i wish it was easier to make good queer friends around here (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) I'm a town girlie I can't keep up w these city folk.
also the way NO ONE is emotionally available, as hungry for friendship, or willing to hang out/talk often at all. two for two these cishet girlies would be willing to hang multiple times a week or have me over whenever but my other irl queer friends feel so distant and leave me on read for days/weeks (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) if they respond at all
i want so badly to be surrounded by queer ppl who love me n want to talk to me every day and hang out with me like every (other) week. I'm at THE greater Seattle area polycule, being bisexual, polyamorous and hot wtf where r y'all u can't all suck this bad.
it's bc i don't have a clubber's temperament 😔 but also lol it's bc i'm not from here™ so It Feels like everyone's already locked into their existing lil friend groups and idk an observation I've made is everyone's always open for more friends but not rly for getting Closer and trying to be good friends. also hard (impossible) for that to happen naturally on its own when y'all! don't! ever!! talk!! or hang even less!!
like ok I'm glad I've made some cool friends i can actually be with n have over n stuff finally, but i don't want to be surrounded by cishets 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 i need moooore friends.
i want some queer cuties to get as excited about Knowing Me as i do them but it's never rly like that and I've gone almost nine months at this point, trying So Hard to make friends and b a friendlier more open more social person All The Time, and ppl Love to have me around when I'm actually there in person but then forget about me n leave me behind/out and it sucks
where tf r all the horror junkie gamer lesbians i am shining a beacon in the sky i need y'all right fuckn now!!
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