#[[ growing up in Zaun is hard for everyone ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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Memories of my childhood
Bold all that apply to your muse. Repost, don't reblog ! TW: contains mentions of abuse / neglect / death / trauma
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scraped knees, silent tears in a locked room,  slamming doors,  pervasive loneliness,  a dog barking, rain on a metal roof,  flinching at movement,  the creak of an old house,  forced laughter,  wandering in the dark woods,  wondering how you made it through,  sudden loss,  trying to make sense of the noise,  hiding what you love to protect it,  trying to explain but your words falter,  invaded privacy,  confusion at the pain,  running barefoot in the grass,  wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing,  realizing you aren’t a priority,   grass stains on white clothing,  trying to earn love you will never have,  being threatened over the smallest mistake,  secrets you are warned not to share,  the feeling of never being good enough,  the hope things might someday get better,  grief that aches in your bones,  childish dares and pranks,  the sense that your body isn’t yours,  shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry,  sledding down a frozen hill,  absentmindedly following snakes through the grass,  punching a tree until your knuckles bleed,  tears over every dead creature you find,  searching out small places you can hide… just in case,  climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you,  the feeling of something tainted under your skin,  a curious child told to stop asking,  floral dresses,  body tensing at approaching footsteps,  anger with nowhere to go,  brief escapes from the chaos,  the purr of a contented cat,  taking the blame to keep the peace,  being told you’re too sensitive,  the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
tagged by: @vastayan--vigilante [[ thank you!! ]] tagging: Steal it from me !
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ransprang · 6 months
thank you anon for your ko-fi request <3
if anyone wants a match up like this here is our link!
Ekko SFW Match Up
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How you meet: You were a Zaunite, growing up with the underprivileged children on the street. In your neighborhood, Ekko was somewhat of a legend (who was also in a league some might say), and everyone looked up to him, you included. He was integral to keeping people’s spirits up and your community’s way of life. You tried to be involved in improving Zaun, handing out food to the poor etc. but it broke your heart whenever the Firelights decided to launch attacks on the Piltover police. Afterall, they were people too, so you always kept your distance from that part of the gang’s activities. Until one day you accidentally walked into one of their attacks. You tried to hide but in the chaos you glimpsed an attack headed right for Ekko which would have been fatal. You knew you had to save him, he was a symbol of hope for your family and friends.You had to do it for them. Before you knew it you were pushing him out of the way. You got hurt in the process and Ekko was touched by your actions and felt responsible enough to take special interest in you as you recovered, which eventually led to you both developing feelings for each other.
He finds your innocence and positivity refreshing especially in the darkness of Zaun. Your innocence is a source of inspiration for him, reminding him of the purity that is worth protecting in the world. This especially helps when he’s making hard decisions as a Firelight. 
Ekko is a savior at heart, a hero to his people. He would save tiny cats on the street, including Heimerdinger and bring them back to you.
You can totally introduce Ekko to crocheting and he’d start tinkering with different materials. He’d experiment and make strange gadgets. If you’re down for it he’d teach you a bit of his futuristic engineering too. He may even make you some gadgets that’ll spruce up your crocheting.    
Ekko is more on the quiet side enveloped in his thoughts. If he has something to say he won’t hold back at all. But overall he doesn’t mind if there are silences between you both. 
He’d enjoy reading futuristic and sci-fi related books with you if you’re into that. You both can have a mini book club of sorts and discuss how the books are. 
Intrigued by his hoverboarding, you decide to try it out nervously, but don’t worry! Ekko will hold your hands and be patient about teaching you how to ride that thang. He’ll chuckle a bit if you mess up, so it’s fun for him too. Once you get the hang of it Ekko will take you to pretty spots and you both can read there. 
You sometimes have to scold Ekko while tending to his bruises about all of the violence and harmful situations he gets himself into. He doesn’t mind getting lectured by you really, he kind of likes seeing you get all worked up for a guy like him. He’ll reassure you everytime that he’ll come back alive to you.
During fights Ekko will take extra care of you and would never scream or say anything hurtful as even the thought of you flinching or crying will hurt him so bad and he cannot bear it. He feels guilty even imagining this.
Ekko is such a big boi bossman and leader of his gang, so no one really teases him but you do and you have all the power to do so. In front of you he pouts and blushes at your sarcastic jokes.
your yarn,
admins sar, san & sav
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momosbrainrots · 1 year
Heyo! Can I request a jinx x reader who is like one of those people who r really cold to ppl they don't know, tall with tattoos, piercings and jinx is kinda mesmerized by them and is like tryna get close to them and eventually they warm up to her and like kinda get protective of her? Like reader has an arm over her shoulder, on her waist, hugging her from behind all the time and is usually just a very affectionate person and jinx is all proud bc she made the cold person they were into a affectionate person but just for her?
I know I should(n't)
Jinx X cold !gn reader who's tall w tattoos and piercing
A/N: hihi pretty anon! Ugh love this kind of people. A meanie who in reality is a softie!? And only for her fav person!? Aw cute!! Here u have and again sorry for the wait! Love ya <33 (and yes i promise, my mind is thinking thought again so ill try to stay bc i have so many drafts aaa)
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In Zaun you don't need to do a laborious search to run across threatening people, they're all over the underground city. After all, this is how one can survive or be respected around here.
Jinx was not far behind. She might look harmless but oh she was a menace. With all those bright colors, pink, blue, going around with those chunky boots and armed to the calf. Everyone knew it was better not to cross her path.
But hey! No need for that. You were lucky enough that you caught her shiny eye.
It all started as a funny game of hers.
She saw you a couple of times while she was wandering around the streets, searching for new pieces, or when she was on top of a building looking at the street beneath her. But still, it was when she saw you that one time at the Last drop that allowed her to check you out.
Tall. A bunch of piercings on your ears and all around your meanie face. Oh! And she could get a glimpse of a few parts covered in ink. You were a tough looking individual!
Of course, she knew people like you, she works with Sevika, a buff angry woman. But you had something that caught her eye.
And she made it ur problem.
Eventually, you found yourself expecting her by your side. But how could you not when she appeared out of nowhere to pester you until she was gone for no good.
At first, you tried to push her away. Giving her the cold shoulder didn't work and when you cuss her out she wouldn't bulge. Only for her to return a few days after like whatever you said meant nothing. And that pissed you off, why couldn't she just go away and leave you alone?
It took you one day in which Jinx did not go to your hunt that you noticed how jinx never seemed to be accompanied. Anyone you ask would be shocked to hear her name, either because of her reputation or because she's Silco's kid.
She was alone. And so were you.
As time passed you found yourself unable to not grow fond of her. But how could you not? It was like you needed to be there to protect her from all harm. It's not like she couldn't herself but you wanted to be there for her.
Anytime you looked down at her you swear you could feel her eyes all over you, locking eyes with you. And you couldn't help to notice how sparkly they looked. As if you were the finest of prices, the tastiest of desserts. You couldn't get a hold of why? What was that she saw?
Listening to her talk about whatever she had on her mind after a hard day started to feel good, and comfortable. You drank all of her rants and after some time you start throwing in a few comments here and there, comforting words and affirmations to let her know you were listening.
Although he also loved to ask you questions about yourself. If she could touch your piercings if they hurt if you'd let her give you one, why were you so fucking tall?!?
You tried to answer her but at first, it was a bit overwhelming. Despite this, to your luck or not sometimes you didn't need to because she would do it for you or wouldn't expect any and move on. She learned to not push too hard if she felt you were getting uncomfortable.
Oh, but when you noticed she was down... Good luck if it was someone's fault, you were immediately on your way to deal with it. You couldn't stand seeing her bright self turn blue, it made your heart ache. That may be the reasoning behind why you felt the desire to aid her, protect her, and keep her in a little candy box inside your pocket.
When you two finally got to the point of no returning the one who ended up getting surprised was Jinx. Who were you again??
So that meanie she met at the bar that night is the most cuddly and warm and caring human ever? So... Physical touch was your love language? And so was one of hers.
It started slow and steady at first. Holding hands, Jinx loves to hold your hands. A quick hug here and soft short touches there. Most of them were started by her but as you grow confident enough to let your hand linger, let your body just act...
Leaning into each other was a thing now.
You always have an arm over her shoulder or on her waist because it just felt right. It was where they belonged. And out on the streets worked as a warning to others, but overly you just wanted to be as close as you could.
Hugs from behind are your thing. And the size difference makes it look so fucking adorable. If it's not Jinx's surprise hugs, it's yours to her while she works on her trinkets. Like two puzzle pieces that are meant to fit flawlessly together. Head to head, soft, hard, easy breathing against each other, soft temple, neck kisses always exchanged.
Moments, where you two were more intimate were not rare, those happened on slow or bad days commonly. Tracing stories that could only be told through your skin. Lingering touches that could easily ignite fireworks. Talking about how you get your tattoos, and what meaning they hold. Jinx unleashes her curiosity for your whole being and memorizes where her hand leaves goosebumps.
And let me tell you, she's so proud! She broke through your walls only to find the warmest soul, the brightest of stars. Just to her and she wouldn't want it another way.
Because that meant that she got you all to herself.
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Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
we've got mel, silco, sevika, and jinx headcanons but how about some random crew headcanons? It doesn't have to be a separate post for each one maybe just one post with three per crew-member? or four? they deserve a bit of spotlight! just little things you haven't mentioned yet where it be from other posts of the fic itself.
I do have a handful from FnF - as well as a few chapters dedicated to the crew's antics c:
cw: drug use, abuse, poverty
He's half-Shuriman, and Undercity-born.
He is the literal 'gatekeeper' of the Lanes: his tattoos are a map of the old Oshra Va' Zaun passages through the Undercity, and he knows every escape route and shortcut.
Half his income goes to his sister's son, whom he's taken under his wing in the absence of the boy's father. The kid is a real troublemaker, and Lock sometimes commiserates with Silco over the tough racket. Teens, amirite?
He's got a thing for Sevika, but she shot him down early on, so he doesn't push his luck further.
Out of everyone in the crew, he's the one Silco is most likely to have a "man-to-man" conversation with as time passes and they both grow older.
They're full-blooded Ionian, and fled to the Undercity with their parents following the Void Wars.
Ran is fluent in a number of languages, including Vastayan and Va-Nox. They also have a good eye for details.
They have an older brother with a drug habit. Not Shimmer, but prescription pills. The two of them live together - and have literal knock-down drag-out fights that result in bruises and broken furniture.
They get along best with Dustin, despite outwardly snarking at him all the time. Secretly, they find him funny af, even if their expression is :|
They are Silco's go-to for jobs requiring mental finesse and secretive leg-work. They are naturally stealthy and very good at slipping in between the cracks.
His folks were actually middle-class, but fell on hard times. Dustin was kicked out by his father as a boy, and spent his days dipping in and out of his grandmother's house.
He likes H-bombs (that's heroin and mdma for the uninitiated), and was strung out and starving on the streets when Silco found him.
He's also absolutely vicious with a blade - which is why Silco bothered to induct him into the gang in the first place.
Out of everyone in the crew, he's almost slavishly devoted to Silco. When he was being 'dried out' and suffering withdrawals, Silco would seize him by the collar and pour liters of water down his throat. Sometimes he'd talk to him afterwards. It was likely the most sustained attention Dustin ever got from a male figure.
Out of everyone in the crew, he has the best taste in music.
He also has the record for most STIs - and a reputation for knocking up the ladies, then running to Silco and going "Mister S, I need help!" D:
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
Hi! Can I make a request? Machine Herald Viktor x Female!Sentinel of Light!Reader . Reader is the commander of the Piltover base of the Sentinels of Light. The action takes place during the Ruination. Thank you very much!
Ruination HCs (Viktor)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗶 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗥𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗜𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘀 (𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗟𝗢𝗟) 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀, 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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You met him in the midst of battle
Of course, you had heard of Viktor before- he’s an extremely talented machinist after all
Though you never thought you would ever see him considering how dedicated he was to the people of Zaun
But to think you’d meet him as he shielded your body with his own while you were still in Piltover was a huge surprise considering all that had happened to him here
You thanked him profusely and took the time to ask him what he was doing up in Piltover and if the mist had reached Zaun yet
Viktor told you that there were traces of the mist already in the Zaun but he had sent his robot Blitzcrank to take care of that while he offered his support to the people of Piiltover
Part of him almost seemed bitter about the idea of returning to a place that wronged him and his people so much
But the other part of him that you could see seemed like he was pushing past all that to do what he thought was right for humanity
Again you thanked him profusely for the aid he offered and the two of you continued to fight side by side
It was a hard battle but at some point, the two of you were able to push back the attacking forces to the outskirts of the city where another one of your teams could handle it
Though it was evident that some of your enemies were rapidly retreating to the unsuspecting undercity
Without wasting any time, you offered your own support and your forces to lend Viktor and the people of Zaun a hand
Again, you and your team found yourselves in the heat of battle- now being led by Viktor
In your time together, you both grew to respect each other and learn that maybe not everyone from Piltover (and Zaun) were as bad as you both sort of believed
What started as an effort to support humanity itself ended in a now-growing friendship between two very different people…with the chance to become something more following close behind
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space-blue · 2 years
Question because I’m lowkey curious, do you believe that Vander’s issues and mistakes are largely overlooked by fans because he’s the “good guy?” And while Silco does have a lot of fans, he also has a good amount of haters in the fandom and do you think that’s “unfair” (for lack of a better term)?
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Hello Anon! What a good question, thank you for trusting me with it... although I don't think I can speak for the fandom as a whole, I can certainly tell you what rattles in my skull.
I think mostly the fandom at large is not interested in deep dive analysis, or even capable of it — which is not an insult, plenty of people enjoy shows and fandom content without ever engaging with film critical theory of any sort, or even make their own opinionated meta. Many fans are happy to just be fed theories by meta creators, or have a general perception and don't seek out contrary content.
And then, if you don't spend a lot of time decorticating Vander, Silco, Zaun, reading into the implication of single lines of dialogue later on, discussing the show with other people who might point out stuff you missed, etc. it's hard not to just be satisfied with "Vander is a genuine Good Guytm" because the show certainly is happy to let you get away thinking that.
Media at large condones a LOT of violence. Vander's use of lethal force, threat, and coasting on a killer's reputation is absolutely nothing in the eyes of some "good guy hero shit" we see being pulled by some people.
James Bond? John Wick? Fuck, look at Finn in Star Wars, who gleefully kills a ton of troopers without ever stopping to think—even after it was established they're all poor brainwashed orphans, his colleagues until very recently.
Finn has a higher on-camera body count than Vander does!
And Vander is mostly seen through his children's eyes, for whom he's become a true father figure.
On top of that, he's got those big fat centrist inertia energies about him. He's mister Status Quo. Gotta do nothing in either direction, wait until I got no choice, chose the lesser of two evils, etc.
That makes him feel very measured in a world that revolves around incredible political extremes. On a passive first watch, this may seem like the nice guy thing to do.
All this adds up.
On the other hand Silco LOOKS like a villain, talks like a villain, slow claps like an asshole, condones the killing of kids because they chose to get involved without any visible remorse...
Vander seems brighter next to Silco's shadows.
What baffles me is how people don't start doubting the narrative they're being presented when Silco has his PTSD attack when Vander clamps around his throat. It becomes pretty clear that Vander was once a monster, and his betrayal of Silco is what created, well, the "monster Silco" we meet in act I. [Alexa, play The Monster You Created]
They're both shades of grey, and one might have lightened while the other darkened. It's not even subtext. It's flat out said and shown. That's the point where I think tepid takes like "Silco had it coming" and "Vander was doing everyone a service by drowning him" are dropping the ball and being lazy with their "analysis".
I don't think it's unfair that Silco has haters. I love him for his ideals and goals, because he's a champion of the poor and destitute. He's taking the burden of committing extreme violence against an abusive government that will not yield any other way, and would kill him for it. He sacrifices his entire life to this work. But I also love him for being an asshole, and the sort of man who'll make a mountain of corpses to climb up to his goal. He's flawed and very human, defined by his trauma. He's as yummy as a poptart.
But if you're not into revolutionaries, if you think the ends never excuse the means, if you think him loving Jinx is still detrimental to her and her growing up in a shitty Zaun orphanage would still be better for her, or that #PiltoverDidNothingWrong, then yeah, Silco would have very few redeeming qualities lol
Between his extremism and his appearance, it's very easy to make his final encounter with Vander be very black and white. The show literally pulls the rug from under your feet on the Vander-Silco dichotomy minutes before the stabbing and choking! And you've projected along with the kids and seen Vander as a Good Dad for 3 episodes! Silco killing him while he's defending his one surviving child won't exactly help.
Overall I don't think fandom overlooks Vander's faults because he's painted as a good guy, but rather because fandom doesn't scratch at that paint too much. It's easier to dismiss the shades of grey, and you don't have to think about Vander much in act II or III.
Arcane as a show is also a rather depressing, despite how pretty it looks, so I can see how appealing it would be to cling to any "nice" character. They're few and far between.
I mean, there's literally not a SINGLE named and voiced character who can't be made out to be some shade of asshole, outside of like, Sky (and maybe Thieram)!
But yeah, I'm generally not bothered. I think we'll see a ton more takes on Vander when he shows up as a cursed furry serial killer and potentially breaks Vi's heart and whatever is left of Jinx's sanity. I'm looking forward to *that*.
There are lots of valid good takes for Vander, portraying him in varying shades of grey. I think another reason we don't see a lot of stuff outside Good Guy tm is that he's so "minor" compared to the other main characters, and not exactly involved in any popular ship. (No shade of my fellow Vanco lovers, we're still well into rarepair territory)
So yeah. Waiting on the furry army in season 2 to get started on the real hot Vander discourse ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
HAH!~ Add on to the attractive Claggor~ By Zaun standards he got all the good looking genes from his parents while the rest got squat (literally in Vi and Powders case)~ A or O he’s rocking it while the rest are just meh…~ (Exception maybe Vi but she’s still on the lean side compared to say Vander or Sevika)~
Also in Grandparents off, in an AU were it’s Jayce/Viktor/Mel how does grandpa Silco square off against grandma Ambessa?~
Yeah it's another one of those great ironies of the verse. In Zaun Claggor wins out in terms of attractiveness compared to his siblings BY FAR (and then it probably goes Mylo, Vi, Viktor then Powder). Everyone tells him he's so much like Vander in a positive way. While in Piltover it's almost the exact opposite (going attractiveness wise Powder, Vi, Viktor, Mylo then Claggor). Zaun see's Claggor as a healthy strong person that is able to work hard and provide for and protect his family. Piltover sees Claggor as a big dumb labourer. And this is probably why he grows up so chill and without A Complex like his other siblings - he didn't feel like he had to Fight for anything like they did (but was kept humble enough by proximity to Piltover).
Yeah Silco and Ambessa are not going to get along well in that verse. Because Ambessa is fairly Imperialist in her way of thinking and Silco is very Independence in his goals. And while in canon he might be tempted by the offering of "You will technically be under our Empire but we'll leave you to govern yourself and also separate you from Piltover" in the Zaun Family AU he's kind of got his long-game with Piltover going to get a well positioned independence and Noxus takeover threatens that. So Ambessa's position about how the boy's will be her daughter's in the same way as Piltover and Zaun will become Noxus' absolutely rubs him the wrong way.
The thing is Silco does probably have a bit more power in Piltover than Ambessa. And certainly if she set foot in Zaun he has more power than her. And with her he doesn't feel like he needs to hide it so does very much bring the big scary looking bodyguards to meetings with her. And does just tell her plainly that Viktor is his son and he will do anything to protect him.
Funnily enough I think Ambessa likes Silco and possibly respects him as an adversary more than she does anyone in Piltover. Because Silco knows real violence and what actually has to be done to achieve one's goals (and he isn't afraid of it). I could actually see her commenting that "had we met when we were younger I would have taken you as a lover" (with Silco responding with "had we met when we were younger I would have slit your throat in the afterglow"). She does not underestimate his threat level but also doesn't fully take it seriously just because while here Silco might be more powerful on a global scale Ambessa feels like Noxus is stronger than Piltover and Zaun combined.
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Cigarettes Out The Window
by cupcaits
Vi Lane and Caitlyn Kiramman used to be best friends growing up in high school. They were an odd pairing given that they were from two different worlds. Caitlyn was the innocent rich girl and Vi came from the wrong side of the tracks, always getting into trouble and fights. But when the two of them would stop becoming friends for reasons neither of them will ever confess, it seems as though they'll be doomed to never become friends. Fast forward eight years later and the two of them are at different points in their life. Caitlyn's one of the best ballet dancers out there. She's perfect, entirely too strict on herself and living by her mother's rules. But Caitlyn's dying to engage in some fun in the midst of her hard work, allowing her best friend, Jayce, to convince her to go out for the night to a concert. There's a new band on the scene, Zaun's Demons, quickly gaining popularity and everyone wants to hear from them. Not thinking anything of it, Caitlyn decides to go. She has no clue that the lead singer of said band happens to be none other than Vi herself. And she's grown much more hotter than from when she had seen her last. More bitter too, given that things between them had ended terribly.
Words: 1581, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends), Jinx (League of Legends), Viktor (League of Legends), Ekko (League of Legends), Vander (League of Legends), Jayce (League of Legends), Sevika (Arcane: League of Legends), Mel Medarda, Original Characters
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Useless Lesbians, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Eventual Smut, vi was a punk, cait did ballet, could i be any more obvious?, best friends to enemies to friends again and lovers, vi's in a band and is very much a fuckboy, cait is uptight and does ballet and is really good at it, Masturbation, jinx goes by powder in this one btw, vi is a little toxic and messy in this fic, toxic in a hot way i guess, Drug Use, mostly weed but cocaine too, vi's living by the sex drugs and rock n roll motto, i'll be copying song lyrics from my fave songs, but also i might make up some lyrics of my own and try to be a poet lol
from AO3 works tagged 'Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)'
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arcanesilcofan · 2 years
Part 3
It was now another day, you got up from your couch out the door heading towards the last drop.
You headed upstairs towards silcos office where you saw him and jinx talking.
[Silco] The world's growing smaller every day, Thanks to the hexgates. And now, we're cut off. The topsiders are leaving us further and further behind. What happend?
[Jinx] she already told you.
[Silco] I'm asking you.
You sat there as you watched Jinx jumped from the ceiling onto his desk which made a thud.
[Jinx] One of those firelight wackos was a girl. With pink hair.
[Silco] hmm...
Silco then turned around in his chair handing the golden syringe to jinx so she could help him. She got closer to him so she could help with his eye.
[Silco] Your sister's gone. you know that as well as I do.
[Jinx] I know. I know. Sisters, right?
[Jinx chuckled]
[Jinx] You can't live with 'em, can't stuff 'em back in the ol' babymaker.
You looked confused and scared jinx obviously didn't know how babies are made.
[Silco] today's screw-up will set us back weeks.
Jinx leaned up against silcos chair next to him.
[Jinx] I'm sorry.
[Silco] I need to know that I can rely on you.
Jinx was sort of just messing around while listening to him.
[Silco] I'm doing this for us, Jinx. All of us thr sons and daughters of Zaun deserve more that their runoff.
He the let go of her wrist as she rubbed it.
[Jinx] it won't happen again.
She held the hold syringe item up to his eye.
[Silco] I know.
It then pierced at his black molten eye, he jolted in pain as the purple liquid flowed down his eye.
You watched as you winced at the sight knowing that had to be painful.
Silco leaned forwards as he sighed.
[Silco] Sevika and y/n will clean up today's mess.
[Jinx] Sevika? That ogre couldn't clean a dust bunny with a blowtorch, y/n could probably do better than her.
[Silco] she'll suffice. You should focus on your gadgetry.
Jinx laid down on his desk with a groan causing silco to look at her.
[Silco] take some time.
[Jinx] i-i Don't need time.
Jinx stammered at her own words.
Silco looked away his back towards her.
[Silco] take it anyhow.
Jinx got up from his desk in a hurry leaving silco alone.
You pushed the door open facing silco.
[Y/n] so I'm guessing me and sevika have some cleaning to do.
Silcos eyes widened as he turned around to face you.
[Silco] I see you're finally here, are you finally willing to work now.
You stood there still clearly angry at yesterday.
[Y/n] ugh, yes I'm willing to work again.
Silco had a smirk on his face as he pulled out some paper work.
[Silco] Good, You're my top gaurd letting you leave would be a great mistake.
Silco didn't mind you're presence near him, you might have been one of his somewhat favorites the only reason for that is you sometimes gave him hard times but most of the time you corporated with him.
But anyway on to jayce and Mel now.
The council was having a little party as celebration for the day of progress the room was filled with people.
Mel raised a golden cup to an old woman before Turning around on the balcony
Elora walked up next to Mel.
[Elora] Fundraiser's going well. Your mother would be proud.
Elora looked at Mel while saying that.
[Mel] Hmm... would she?
She questioned Elora
Mel and her mom Don't have the best relationship sort of like Caitlyn and her mom except her mom didn't push her away.
[Elora] Tired of mingling? She asked Mel
[Mel] Hmm. These people have nothing new to offer me. The only one actually worth my time is him. Mel looked at a giant air craft in the sky with Jayce's face on the side.
[Elora] the golden boy. She chuckled ah, he's won piltovers heart. Oh, speak of the devil.
Mel and Elora both turned around to see Jayce, who currently has everyone's eyes on him.
Elora waved at Jayce motioning him to come over there, which he did walking towards the two on the balcony where the sun was setting.
Jayce walked up to Mel.
[Jayce] Could I borrow you for a minute? He asked Mel who looked a bit surprised.
She followed behind jayce leaving Elora alone on the balcony.
Jayce and Mel were now in the library.
[Mel] To what do I owe the pleasure?
[Jayce] it's Heimerdinger.
Mel scoffs as the two walked around the room.
[Mel] when is it not?
[Jayce] we've shown him our research. He thinks we need more time.
Mel leaned up against the table.
[Mel] it's progress day. Representatives from all over the world. Have come to see what new wonders the city of progress has to offer. If there's a tome to present a new creation, it is now.
Jayce sighs knowing Mel is right about this.
[Jayce] great. Jayce sounded a bit annoyed with the whole ordeal.
While Mel leans against the table chuckling.
[Mel] Heimerdinger is a great scientist. But he's old. He only ever sees the past. Piltover needs a leader who looks forward. Someone like you.
[Jayce] you really believe that? He questioned Mel
[Mel] hextech has the potential to change everything. She turned around pointing to the smaller version of Piltover.
[Mel] the world is ready. And I've already spoken to several potential investors.
[Jayce] investors? He asked confused by what Mel meant.
[Mel] of course. Chuckles everyone wants hextech for themselves. It's your speech. Give the people a glimpse of the future.
After that conversation Mel left the room leaving jayce there.
Now let's see what jinx is up to!
Jinx was busy throwing her grenades off of the edge of her lair or room whatever it is. Jinx held onto the grenade she had already pulled the clip off.
[Jinx] it wasn't her.
She dropped the little bird like grenade on the floor as she panicked.
[Jinx] it wasn't! She then kicked the grenade off the edge as it had just exploded.
[Jinx] I know. Just... just some wannabe street trash. I got confused, that's all. Now, he thinks I'm weak. "Sevika will clean it up." Sevika's a regular Johnny-on-the-spot. I'm not weak!
The voices chatterd in her head as she got a sick idea
[Jinx] and I'm gonna show him. Oh, I'm gonna show him. You'll see.
The crowd was cheering as they waited for Jayce speech, Viktor sat there waiting for jayce.
[Viktor] where were you? They were asking if I could do the address.
[Jayce] you should come up with me. We're partners.
[Viktor] No, no. Not in front of all of them... you... have your speech prepared?
All Viktor heard from jayce was uh-huh as he watched him walk away.
[Mrs. Kiramman] An inspiration to piltover's future and that of all humanity. Please join me in welcoming to the stage... Jayce Talis.
Jayce turned around to Viktor.
[Jayce] guess it's time.
Jayce took a sip from his cup before going out on stage.
The crowd cheerd as jayce stepped out onto the stage.
While that was happening, Caitlyn was out on duty doing her normal patrol
[Jayce] uh good evening. I know many of you probably didn't expect to see me here today. And believe me, I'm just as shocked as you are.
The crowd applaud as he said those words.
Jayce sat him clip board down reading it on the stand infront of him.
[Jayce] My family and I are simple people. In our factory, we made hammers. They were probably used to cut the stones you're standing on right now.
As Jayce said those words he saw how proud his mother looked in the crowd of people.
[Jayce] No one in my life expected very much of me. And that is precisely what makes this moment so extraordinary. A few years ago, the hexgates opened their ports to the world and made piltover prosper beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
The crowd of people stood up and began to cheer for him.
[Jayce] But... we're not done yet.
In the back Viktor was about to pull the lever waiting for jayce to motion him to.
[Jayce] this year, we've created something new for you. Something that... um...
Viktor waiting patiencetly for the signal.
[Jayce] that we will share with you...when the time is right.
Everyone in the crowd was muttering and talking.
[Jayce] things that will put an end to your hardships. Whether you're the scion of our high houses, or an honest laborer from the underground. We vow to keep pressing forward, for we are the city of progress. And our future is bright.
The crowd cheers happily as fireworks went off in the back outside.
Meanwhile with Caitlyn and the other enforcer.
[Duty captain] that it, then? I thought that talis boy was kind of genius. Last year, didn't he launch a blimp halfway across the continent?
[Caitlyn] Airship, actually. An airship has a rigid metal hull. It's not a blimp.
[Duty captain] it's a balloon, ain't it?
Another enforcer said sure as hell looks that way.
[Duty captain] Pardon us, if we aren't quite so refined as you, milady.
[Female enforcer] what are you even doing here, kiramman? Don't you have a cocktail party to attend?
All the other enforcers laughed at her joke while Caitlyn didn't mind that much, she then turned her head and saw fire.
[Caitlyn] Fire. Fire!
This caused all the other enforcers who were on duty to act fast, at the scene.
[enforcer 2] what's happening?
[Caitlyn] get the fire brigade!
Caitlyn ran to get the fire extinguisher.
The other enforcers heard a voice inside the fire.
[Baby voice] help. In here, please. Help me.
The enforcers ran inside without a second to think while Caitlyn took care of the fire.
[Baby voice] help. It's so hot, please. I'm trapped.
More enforcers ran to help Caitlyn put out the fire.
[Baby voice] I'm a helpless little girl, and I've set the building on fire.
The voice changed into jinxs voice.
[Altered voice] by accident. Totally by accident.
As Caitlyn finished putting the fire out she saw jinxs calling and dropped the fire extinguisher
[Caitlyn] get out. Now!
[Altered voice] also, I brought this dynamite. Goodbye.
An explosion happend possibly killing the enforcers inside the place, while Caitlyn got flinged back.
Caitlyn struggled to get up but she caught a blurry glimpse of jinx heading inside a building before passing out.
[Viktor] the gemstone is gone. Along with some of our research papers.
Jinx stole the gemstone by causing an explosion as a distraction so she could steal the stone without getting caught.
[Marcus] The situation is still developing. No one in the undercity has claimed responsibility yet.
[Heimerdinger] how did it come to this?
[Hoskel] Hmm. For too long has the underground been left unchecked.
[Shoola] we've lost touch. They may not be your preferred constituents, but they're still our people.
[Mrs. Kiramman] the undercity cannot be controlled. Not by us.
[Salo] so where does that leave us?
Bolbok was muttering something.
[Bolbok] Mr. Talis could rhe trenchers build a weapon with the stolen crystal?
[Hoskel] Shimmer, body replacements... we've seen their ingenuity over the years, of course, they can.
Jayce stood up from hid seat.
[Jayce] if the right person got a hold of it, it's possible they could utilize its energy.
[Mrs. Kiramman] we need to address this immediately.
Viktor was about to get up before jayce stopped him.
[Jayce] I agree. It was my responsibility to safeguard this technology and I failed. My mistake cost people their lives. I have come before you to recommend that we suspended all hextech operations until the situation is resolved. Including out laboratories, the refinery and the hexgates.
[Hoskel] have you lost your mind?!
[Shoola] the hexgates must remain open. Piltover's status as a global shipping lane depends on it. Thousands would lose their income.
[Jayce] But shouldn't the safety of piltover be our first priority?
[Heimerdinger] you would sacrifice your life's work?
[Hoskel] without the hexgates, my goods cannot reach foreign markets till winter. Am I to tell the noxians their next shipment of wine will be vinegar?
[Mel] councilors. It appears we are at an impasse. If we shut down the hexgates, the city will suffer. But if we do nothing, we leave ourselves Vulnerable to malefactors. More lives may be lost. Perhaps the time has come to explore a more radical solution.
[Mrs. Kiramman] what are you suggesting?
There was a bit of silence before Mel answered.
[Mel] Mr. Talis has demonstrated his commitment to our safety. He's willing to sacrifice his own enterprise. And it seems ro me only Mr. Talis had the knowledge necessary to secure the hexgates. I propose that a new chair be brought forth. And that house tails be elevated to this August body.
[Jayce] what?
[Mel] as a councilor, he will have fhe resources necessary to protect all out investments.
[Shoola] councilor Medarda, this is highly irregular. The council has held seven seats for generations.
[Bolbok] does the boy have any experience?
[Mel] only that of a scientist like Heimerdinger.
Heimerdinger looked down as he sighed.
[Heimerdinger] I believe councilor medarda is right. Hextech security should be administered by a scientist. I second the motion.
[Mel] well then shall we vote?
Meanwhile with jinx!
Jinx was listening to some music while she did her work.
[Silco] Jinx!
She couldn't hear silco.
[Silco] Jinx!
Again she couldn't hear him since the music was too loud.
[Silco] Jinx!
Silco slammed his fist down on the table stopping the music.
[Jinx] that's me!
[Silco] half a dozen enforcers, dead. Enforcers. Dead.
Jinx watched with a smile on her face.
[Jinx] yeah...
[Silco] a building blown to pieces.
Jinx chuckled as she laid her head down on the table messing with something.
[Jinx] oh, yeah.
Silco snatched the item out of her hand clearly angry at what she has done.
[Silco] Do you have any idea what you've done!
[Jinx] actually, I do.
She pulled out the gemstone showing silco it, before hanging it to him.
She stood up giggling as she pulled a lever making fireworks go off.
[Jinx] Happy progress day!
The fireworks blew up pink,blue and yellow fireworks went off.
She walked up to silco pulling him into a hug.
With jayce and Caitlyn.
Caitlyn was flipping her gun on her finger as she examined the photo. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door before it opened.
[Jayce] hey. How are you feeling?
Caitlyn stood up walking towards Jayce.
[Caitlyn] I've had a break in the case.
[Jayce] shouldn't you be resting?
Caitlyn pulled Jayce's arm towards the stool she was sitting on before perhaps.
[Caitlyn] while the trail is hot? Listen, you know how i've suspected there is a single mind behind the undercity's violence?
[Jayce] the great conspiracy.
[Caitlyn] I think whoever attacked the square is our suspect. The same symbols showed up at the botched smuggling operation at the hexgates.
[Jayce] the hexgates?
[Caitlyn] keep up. All this time, they've kept their dealings localized to the undercity. Low priority. The attack on the square changes things. They've overstepped. If I can figure out who made this, it could lead me directly to whoever's behind it all. The answer is here, staring me in the face. I can feel it.
Caitlyn took a few steps back stepping onto the red stool.
[Jayce] how do you intend on proving any of this?
[Caitlyn] if I can just work this out. Marcus will have to listen.
[Jayce] if there's one thing I've learned about the council, they need more than just theories.
[Caitlyn] since when did you concern yourself with the councils opinion?
[Jayce] since i.. became a councilor.
Caitlyn chuckled until she realized he was being serious.
[Caitlyn] you're serious, when? Why? Have they discovered how to govern with grease and a spanner?
[Jayce] ha ha. I was actually hoping you might consider joining my staff.
He handed note, she opened it up.
[Caitlyn] house "talis security" that's a ceremonial position. I'd live behind a desk.
[Jayce] you almost died, Cait. I... I just want you to be safe.
She handed him the note back.
[Caitlyn] thanks, but I already have a job.
[Jayce] No, no you don't. After the attack, your parents spoke to the sheriff. This is the best I could do.
[Caitlyn] I don't need charity, councilor yours or my parents.
[Jayce] Cait.
[Caitlyn] get out.
And just like that Jayce left leaving Caitlyn alone to her work ever though she isn't an enforcer anymore thanks to her parents.
After all of that stuff happend, silco came back to the last drop heading up the stairs where his office was.
Once he stepped inside he saw you sitting on the couch.
[Y/n] a bit busy hm?
[Silco] why are you in my office? He questioned you.
[Y/n] I just wanted to see how you're doing, but I guess I'm not wanted at the moment. You said this while you're e/c looked at his blue and molten colored eye.
Silco walked over towards his chair, flopping down in it.
[Silco] No, I need you to do something for me.
You raised an eyebrow interested on what your boss meant.
[Y/n] hm. What do you need? You said while walking towards him
Silco pulled out one of his cigars lighting it, taking a breath of it before answering you.
[Silco] a quick shoulder massage would be nice, hm?
You knew why he asked you rather than Jinx or sevika it was because you weren't rough.
Before placing your hands on his shoulder you set your battle axe down next to you, you then placed your hands on his shoulder rubbing them.
[Silco] hmm, that's it keep rubbing.
You hummed as you continued.
Silco looked up at you with half opened eyes, you chuckled a bit.
all of a sudden silcos hand was on yours motioning you to stop, you took you're hands off of his shoulders taking a step back.
[Silco] Well that was pleasing.
You smiled at his comment.
[Y/n] well I should get going now.
You grabbed your battle axe as you started to head towards the door.
[Silco] I look forward to seeing you're presence tomorrow.
Before you left the room you stood there for a bit.
[Y/n] of course, i can't leave after all.
And with that you left the room, leaving the last drop heading home for the day.
Today was interesting.
When you finally got home, you flopped down on the couch kicking your shoes off.
You got comfortable on the couch falling asleep after a while.
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gordhanx · 1 year
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I posted 3,076 times in 2022
That's 127 more posts than 2021!
16 posts created (1%)
3,060 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3 of my posts in 2022
#i do! - 1 post
#loona looks badass as hell! - 1 post
#faroe islands - 1 post
#if i had to guess - 1 post
#it would be that the weather’s always rainy - 1 post
#helluva boss - 1 post
#helluva boss spoilers - 1 post
#loona - 1 post
#octavia - 1 post
#helluvaboss loona - 1 post
Longest Tag: 43 characters
#it would be that the weather’s always rainy
My Top Posts in 2022:
Helluva Boss and/or Hazbin Hotel for the fandom ask!
Going with Helluva Boss, as I am most familiar/passionate with that one. Now:
who i will protect at all costs: Most of the main cast, but definitely Octavia. The poor girl has to deal with a crumbling family, a screeching mom and who knows what else.
who deserves better: Again, Octavia deserves SO much more than what she's got. Stolas & Blitzo too.
who was killed off too early: Not really anyone. I guess, it would've been fun to see more RoboFizz before the real one showed up.
who i used to hate but now i love: I was not a fan of Pilot & Episode 1 Stolas. Just came off as a weirdo and an asshole. Then Loo Loo Land happened, and now I just want this sad, adorkable owl to be happy dang it!
who i used to love but now i hate: I remember being interested in the Cherubs when they first show up. Now, I can't be bothered to give a single damn about 'em.
who needs to be killed off asap: Stella. Easy target sure, but the sooner she's out the better everyone will be.
who is unfairly hated: I don't know if they're hated necessarily, but I feel that a lot of people don't like Agents 1 & 2. They were fun goofballs, who made for good antagonists.
who is unfairly loved: N/A
who needs to sort out their priorities: Blitzo. Stolas too, but absolutely Blitzo. That guy is just one ball of mess and issues, I can't even begin to unpack.
who needs a hug: Will someone please give Octavia some hugs?!
who needs to get out of their current relationship: I don't know if they're still together, since the latest episode hinted they might be divorced, but Stolas & Stella need to stay FAR away from each other.
who the writers love: Given that Brandon's part of the main cast, it's little wonder that Blitzo gets the most development and character out of the cast.
who needs a better storyline:My god, have they given Millie barley any development. Really hope that picks up during Season 2.
who has an amazing redemption arc: Does Stolas' revelation in Loo Loo Land count?
who is hot af: Loona. Wolfgirl rocks the goth-etqteique HARD!
who belongs in jail: It's Hell, most of these people belong in jail.
who needs to be revived from the dead: Mrs. Mayberry deserved better.
2 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
If still up for the character ask, how about Jinx?
It is certainly still up!
OTP for them: Honestly no ships really comes to mind for Jinx honestly. I guess, I like Ekko/Jinx pretty well sometimes.
BROTP for them: Obviously there's Jinx & Silco. And while I know it's impossible now, part of me still hopes we get to see her & Vi make some kind of amends. Also, I would love to see her messing around with I.M.P.
Other ships: Maybe Jinx & Viktor could work out?
What kind of fic I’d write about them: I'd just love to see any fanfic, where Vi managed to find Powder before Silco, and the two grow up taking care of each other, while living through Zaun and taking down Silco. That, and I'd love some crossover fanfics, where she got adopted by some other people. I can see SO many fun possibilities. I can imagine Blitzo, taking her under his wing and raising her to be his adorable hell raiser and loving every second of it.
A favorite canon moment: That whole flare scene was absolutely haunting. So much emotion in just one bit. Honorable mentions include her working to her theme song, her fight with Ekko and the finale.
Color that reminds me of them: Blue! Beautiful, clean blue.
Song that reminds me of them: Well, there's obviously Get Jinxed, but I also love Gasoline by Halsey and Monster by Imagine Dragons for her.
A headcanon about them: She has a major sweet-tooth. Her favorites include pop rocks, cotton candy and anything blueberry flavored.
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: I'm a fan of reverse AUs, so I'd like to see maybe a universe where Vi ends up in Silco's hands, and Jinx tries to save her sister. This would probably be around the time she was Powder, though I wouldn't mind a time skip.
Anything else:
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2 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
Pacifica and Dipper
big spoon/little spoon: Dipper/Pacifica
favorite non-sexual activity: Hiking
who uses all the hot water: Pacifica
most trivial thing they fight over: Can't think of anything at the moment.
who does most of the cleaning: Dipper
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Pacifica
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Dipper
who steals the blankets: Pacifica
who leaves their stuff around: Dipper
who remembers to buy the milk who remembers anniversaries: Dipper
Who cooks normally? Dipper
How often do they fight? I'd say about three times a month.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Dipper's usually outside discovering new things or catching up with his family. Pacifica's mostly window shopping.
Nicknames for each other? You know Pacifica would call him Mason, when she's REALLY angry with him. Otherwise, she'd say Dipp. Sometimes Dipper will call her Pacific.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? I mean, Pacifica is still rich.
Who steals the covers at night? Pacifica
What would they get each other for gifts? Dipper would get her a new dress or some other fancy item or clothing. While Pacifica would get him something fitting his crytptozoology interests.
Who kissed who first? Pacificia.
Who made the first move? Do you honestly think Dipper would make the first move? No! Pacifica.
Who remembers things? Dipper.
Who started the relationship? Pacifica.
Who cusses more? Pacifica.
What would they do if the other was hurt? After they make sure the other's okay and getting help? Sue the hell out of/beat up whoever was responsible.
3 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Rin Tohsaka
OTP for them: Shirou Emiya is my main go to.
BROTP for them: When he's not being a backstabbing jerk, Archer has some great chemistry with her. Other than that, Saber and Lancer are fun. Also, I'd picture Waver would make a fun mentor for her.
Other ships:  From their brief interactions during the UBW final episode, I can see her and Luviagelita having a fun rivalry/relationship going. Can't think of any crossover ships right now.
What kind of fic I’d write about them: I'd love to write a something involving her saving Sakura and trying to fix her family, after all the shit they've been through.
A favorite canon moment: The first one that comes to mind, is her effortless beating the crap out of Medea in a hand-to-hand fight. Plus, her cute date with Shirou & Saber, before Castor shows up was great.
Color that reminds me of them: Red and Black obviously.
Song that reminds me of them: At the moment One Woman Army by Porcelain Black comes to mind. Maybe also Queen by Loren Grey & Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne.
A headcanon about them: I can picture her being as being a closet bisexual.
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: It would be interesting to see an AU where she ended up in Sakura's place. Also, maybe one where she and Lancer becoming the Servant/Master pair.
Anything else:
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4 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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100 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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laniidae-passerine · 2 years
okay everyone in this show is having a terrible time but I’m not over the whole Mel watched a girl get decapitated thing? like she gets lumped in with Piltover upper class or viewed as a callous manipulator but frankly that’s some Zaun shit. that’s the kind of thing that only a child born into violence and crime typically ever witnesses but nobody seems to have any sympathy for Mel???? for all her finery and class, if you threw that girl into Zaun and made her survive by herself, of all the Piltover characters she is the most likely to survive
#AHE FUCKING WATCHED A GIRL DIE????? BRUTALLY?????#lived and breathed war as a child? felt hot blood on her skin and slept to the lullabies of screams#the daughter of a warlord who can probably weild a weapon that’s just as sharp as her tongue with ease#like I feel crazy is nobody else getting this??? Mel could be a warlord. Mel could be a murderer#if she had just tipped a little on the balance of morality she’d have dressed herself in furs and speared Silco in the chest by episode 8#yes everyone is suffering and yes a lot of the ladies went through shit and can fight#are we all forgetting that Mel was raised with the idea of death being half cruel necessity but also as a blood sport?#that to kill and conquer is simply a matter of existence and not even a choice of morals?#she could be so fucking dangerous and she chooses not to be but god. if she fell from her family graces hard enough to enter severe poverty?#she’d probably have become an ekko because she’s kindhearted and cares and loves deeply which is why I adore her Mel is <3333#but if her heart was broken enough… slaughter. brutal bloody slaughter. and zaun fucking wept#SHES SO FUCKING INSANELY OVERLOOKED TO ME LIKE??? she know how to kill. she could slaughter that council no problem I believe that I do#mel medarda#arcane#decapitated. a girl of a similar age decapitated in front of her. like a fucking warning ‘see what I do to my enemies’#and like a present ‘one day you’ll get to hold the axe’#she walked on fields that would grow such beautiful flowers next spring for the bodies of the thousands her mother massacred would feed them#Mel sweetie. see a therapist????? see a doctor???? why is everyone around her like ‘oh councillor Medarda you clever rich pretty girl’#she could take your fucking head off at a mile away. she’s a bred killer with a peacekeeper’s heart#Viktor villain arc is all very good but he’s just an antihero giving people metal legs and trying to fuck up Jayce when he turns#if Mel actually lost it… unless she loses it with Viktor (hello Arxane writers I am free to help you and also bribe you hmu)#she would raze whole swathes of Runeterra down for a laugh#but Mel would never though because her heart is kind and her soul is loving and she is an angel <3 Mel love squad she tries so hard#doing her absolute best out here and even when given every option keeps trying to choose peace. but her potential to be evil/terrifying…#why is nobody talking about this she could crush some of your favs like she’s playing bowling#the ones that are stronger she’d just do research on to mentally fuck em up in battle#Mel’s a triple threat she’s likeable she’s clever and she’s trained in combat or at least understands it deeply. my girl is an icon#how are y’all sleeping on her????? all the Mel love what a goddamn legend (oh I HOPE. put her in the game do it now)
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
Can you please write a soulmate AU for Silco? ( and Sevika if you're down, separately of course ) The kind of soulmate au is up to you! First meeting and preferrably fluff but you can break our hearts with angst as well >.>
Heck yea. I might do Sevika separately, but I wanted to do this one first. No smut, but under the read more for Soul Mate AU shenanigans.
Part 2 can be found here, IT IS NSFW
Soulmates were rare on Runeterra. Usually a sign for great destiny or a new piece of history about to unfold. They could be signs of good luck or bad luck, depending on where you were.
Piltover had a few cases of soul mates over the centuries. A sign of good fortune, for a city so small to have so many cases of it.
Zaun had never had any, which was no surprise to anyone who lived in it.. No one had been chosen, no names appeared on anyone’s wrists. There were no whispers of it. No hints. The undercity was bleak, with no future.
And it only got worse when Vander died. Shimmer began to flood the city; a purple wave of addiction. And each year it only seemed to get worse. More dead bodies, more addicts that lined the street.
Which is why you were surprised that your friends had organized a night out to the Last Drop. When you looked sour about the location, one gave you a hard look. “You haven’t been since Vander died.”
“That’s because Vander didn’t sell Shimmer next to the alcohol.” Still you went along, because they had reserved a table for the night, and you’d feel worse if they had wasted their money.
The Last Drop had a more club atmosphere now. Loud and blaring. You took a fruity cocktail, with a hard look over at the shimmer next to the bar. You watched the bartender make it carefully, and drank it even more carefully.
As the night progressed, you managed to have enough in you, that you could go up and dance in the crowd.. Swaying your arms and legs in time with the music, not really caring how you looked as everyone focused on the beat. No one cared about how anyone else danced.
You gazed up at the ceiling. Feeling the alcohol burn in you, as you nodded your head along with the song, you shifted your gaze along the room, seeing the balcony connected to the stairwell. You saw two figures, watching down into the club. One was a tall woman, wearing a red poncho. The other was a tall, slim man. When he turned his head, you could see the black eye, with the glowing red in the center.
The music suddenly didn’t matter so much, slowly leaving your head, and your body stopped. No dancing, or jumping about, the music a simple hum in your ear. A sense of calm and warmth overtook you, as you stared up at him. And you couldn’t tear your gaze away.
You could see his hands, tapping fingers against the railing. How he was beginning to grip it tighter. A slight shake of the head, and then finally, finally, his gaze turned. And it met your own.
Your wrist was on fire. You doubled over, suddenly the music came back, blasting in your ears. You screamed, the sound deafened under the bass. You shook your head, hand scrambling to your left wrist. You could feel something. Carving into your wrist. A sob wracked through you, your whole body beginning to tremble. You moved, trying to get off the dance floor. Where were your friends?
Your eyes began to stung. You could feel it, the burn only growing as your arm continued to be carved. You stumbled, and hit a wall. You leaned against it, brow now covered in sweat. You glanced down.
The last curve of the letter ‘O’ was being formed on your wrist. Like an invisible knife. There were five letters on your wrist, forming a name: Silco.
It took you a moment to realize what had happened. And then disbelief filled you. No, it couldn’t be. No one in Zaun had ever- It couldn’t be with him, could it?
When you glanced back up, you could see him standing. Trembling slightly. Gripping his wrist. Fuck.
You didn’t realize the woman wasn’t there, until she was standing in front of you. She gazed at your wrist, eyes wide and swallowed before she spoke. “Do I have to grab you, or will you follow?”
“I’ll follow.” Your voice sounded so weak. You weren’t sure if it was from the pain, the scream, the way you were almost in tears, or a mixture of the three.
You went up the stairs, trying not to tremble as you did so. Your heart bouncing in your chest, as you neared an open door. You could feel it. The other mark. His mark, with your name on it.
He was sitting at his desk, his left hand shaking slightly as he attempted to light a cigar with it. He managed to get it, and it shook less when he took a drag. His eyes met your own. He only had to give the tall woman a look, and she left the room, door shutting behind her.
And then you were alone with him. Your wrist stung, and you saw him bite down on the cigar slightly. “Sit.” He waved a few fingers towards the couch. And you sat, holding your wrist. “I sent for some ice.”
You gave a small nod. “Thank you.” You held your wrist tightly still. It burned so badly. Your gaze turned to him, as you rubbed along the mark. You wanted to talk, but you had no idea what to say.
Neither did he, just staring at you. Then eventually dropping his gaze to his wrist, pulling back the sleeve. You could see the carving of your own name, like a burn. The skin red around it.
You both sat in silence, until one of his goons came in, dropping off two bags of ice. Once he was gone, you placed the bag of ice on the mark. You hissed when you rested it against your wrist, cooling the skin, but re-awakening the sting. You heard a rumble emerge from him, as he set the cold against his own.
You turned your gaze to the ceiling, eyes burning now. “Why does this hurt so much?”
“Because it’s fresh. New.” You hadn’t expected him to answer you, and you rolled your head to look at him. He was staring at the mark through the bag, cigar now gone in his ash tray, then snapped his gaze onto yours. Both eyes looked so intensely at you, a few hairs now sticking to his forehead. The little beads of sweat.
He stood next, the chair swiveling out behind him. He approached the couch, and you didn’t move. It felt a little better as he drew closer to you. When he reached for your hand, you hesitated. And then held yours own to him.
The second his skin touched your own, the burn soothed. You both sighed, and he moved to sit next to you, not letting go of your hand. You were both quiet for a few minutes, enjoying the less pain as you continued to hold hands.
It was Silco who broke the silence first. “I haven’t seen you here before.” He said softly, letting his thumb run over the back of your hand.
You almost laughed, but something twisted inside of you. “I hate shimmer, and I hated you for distributing it.”
His lips twitched. “Still hate me then?”
You hummed, moving a hand over. You hovered over his mark first, and when he didn’t pull it away, you set it down. And it only calmed the burn even further, even on your own mark. When you glanced down, his mark looked even less red.
You traced the mark with a single finger, feeling his hand tighten against your own as you did. “I think this means, it’d be very hard for me to actually hate you.”
He let out a small breath. You let go of his mark, and moved your hand to fix back the few hairs that had been pushed out of his face. To your surprise he raised his own free hand, not letting you move those hairs. Instead he moved to hold your hand close up to his face, to his mouth. Then he kissed your palm, his own hand running down to your wrist.
And then the burn no longer hurt. It sealed, secure and fair. Still new, but healing, growing.
You held each other's hands for the rest of the night, a little worried what may happen if you let go. Soft words shared, as you learned about the other, sometimes squeezing the others hands, feeling the way the name on your wrist flared at particularly strong emotions.
You didn’t know what destiny had in store for you, what would happen to either of you or to Zaun. But for tonight at least, it was just the two of you, safe on the couch, enjoying this new feeling.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - Ch: 10 - Rottweiler
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Raggedly, Vi says, "How can you be more with a monster leading you?"
Sevika's irate expression resolidifies into stone. "You've got serious growing up to do."
"Good deeds get nothing done. Not when Piltover's got the game rigged. Good people—or those who believe they're good, like Vander—try to keep everyone happy. But they're just scared to choose a side. Except in a war, there’s only two sides. Suffering or survival." She lifts her chin, a hard glint in her eyes. "I'm on the survivor's side. So is Silco. Vander had the strength but not the staying power. No vision for the future. No strategy for success. Silco does. He understands war. He understands what victory costs, and how to inspire others to seize it."
Vi barks an empty laugh at her. "He inspires the worst in everyone."
"Or shows them how to use their worst to achieve their best." Her smile is no smile at all—but a dragon flashing fangs. "And Zaun is free, isn't it? I walked the road with him. And he led us here."
X-posted to both FFnet and AO3
AO3 - Forward, But Never Forget/XOXO
FFnet - Forward, But Never Forget (XOXO)
Playlists, Fanarts & Meta
Summary:  Zaun is free—and must grow into its unfamiliar new dimensions. So must Silco and Jinx. A what-if that diverges midway through the events of episode 8. Found family and fluff, politics and power, smut and slice-of-life, villainy and vengeance.
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
Heyyy! If it’s not too much trouble can you do an ekko x reader? One where they are childhood friends and they’ve been together through everything including everyone dying and building the firelights, and one day ekko just confesses before a mission they’re going on together that he’s always loved her.
Thank you so much :)
A/N: I changed it to a GN reader as I don't write fem readers, hope that's okay! Also wasn't sure if you wanted hcs but I mostly get those as requests lmao- Hope you enjoy anon!
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Ekko x GN! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, about it.
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You've known Ekko for years. You couldn't even remember how you two met, but it didn't bother you. You both have seen so much shit that you couldn't blame yourself.
You were with him after the incident, and after that night you just stuck with him. Everyone you cared about was dead or missing besides Ekko, so it made sense.
You learn a lot from him, and you helped him found the Firelights. Well, he did most of it, but you did help.
It was hard, growing up in the belly of Zaun with the trauma, the pain, and the things you've seen, but he was always there for you, and in return, you were always there for him.
You didn't realize it as you grew up as you thought it was just pure respect but you grew to like him, and when you got older, you actually started to process your feelings.
It was very unspoken. You were pretty sure you were just the "Childhood best friend who didn't die" to him and that's why you never said anything.
Your relationship with Ekko is a teasing one, and you two frequently mess with each other, but you were pretty sure the other Firelights could probably tell your feelings weren't platonic.
Lucky for you, you weren't the one to finally crack.
The others weren't sure how you didn't see that Ekko returned your feelings and then some. There was a reason you were the first person he went to when he got hurt or the first person he went to when he made upgrades to his hoverboard. Ekko's not an obvious guy but to your feelings and his own?
It was before a big mission that he decided to tell you. [Y'all can use your imagination or just have it be like the mission in what, like episode 6 I think]
"Hey, before we head out, I've got something to say to you."
The last thing you expect is for him to flat-out tell you that he likes you.
Before you can even think or process you respond with a quick, "Feelings mutual Ko'."
It was one of the best sensations that you've ever felt, the feeling swelling in your chest as he gave you a grin, you were sure you were going to pass out right then and there.
Once everyone was back from the mission, you could tell word had quickly gotten its way around because you got the 'thank gods' look from everyone.
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fic-heaven · 2 years
Part 2 of the (bad) ending from my #2 Random thoughts
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When Silco went back to the Last Drop fuming and red in pure anger, Sevika warned him he was being reckless... Idiotic even. Silco's mind was so clouded in thoughts of you he couldn't retort back her too forward comment, he paced around his office, hair messy and wavey from being pushed back so many times with shaky hands, he huffed as Sevika halted him pressing a hand to his shoulder which he instantly brushed off glaring at her taller form, eyes burning in distress and heartbreak. Sevika fought a startled face, in all her time with Silco she never expected to see her boss in such state.
"I'm just saying... Maybe this was for the best. Your growing obsession with her is only going to worsen your mental health, specially after the traitor's death." She breathed out. And Silco TENSED at his ex lover's name was mentioned like they were having a casual conversation. He flinched harder this time and Sevika swore all the hostility she felt through him increased in the blink of an eye, she noticed... The tight white knuckles the kingpin hid on his side. He wanted to hit her, he WAS about to hit her but he didn't let his composure fall, he knew he deserved this but...
"If I want your FUCKING opinion i will ask for it. Step out or I'll make sure you follow that bastard's path."
So she stepped back with a respectful neutral face, getting cocky wouldn't do her any favors specially towards the eye of Zaun. Sevika swallowed her scoff at her boss' childish tantrum.
'You fell for her, left with another woman thinking your feelings would die down only to end up hurting her and losing her completely AND being betrayed by your own lover. Let (y/n) go.
Let her make her own life with a man who will surely treasure her the way she deserves, a young promising man, and a Zaunite nonetheless.'
That's what she wanted to tell him. And like telepathy he exactly got the message just by their short interaction as he waved her out of the office. And once she was out, the second after the door clicked closed a loud roar almost animalistic came from Silco's office, the wood cracking at the thud of something heavy slamming the floor, she felt the urge to check for her boss but validated her own life over such reckless decision. More sounds came from his office, rustling and teared paper, broken wood, glasses and thumps here and there, the bodyguards from the door swallowed hard trying not to make eye contact with the now bored looking Sevika.
This was going to be a living hell until Silco's temper tantrum cooled down or at least he got what he wanted... Viktor or you. It didn't matter one or both or in which order. But Sevika was certain if she didn't step up everyone would soon deal with this bullshit and no one wanted that. Specially if it's Silco's. Him being in the top of the equation.
You didn't bat an eye as Viktor leaned closer and lower to you pressing his mouth to yours, he kissed you softly like he was savouring you, like a wine so exquisite and foreign he was afraid to miss the taste of every drop, every press of your lips. It was...
This was... Too much.
This was your first kiss with the inventor and you loved every moment of it, but something deep inside you burned, ached at this tender gesture it felt as if you were betraying yourself, or someone else...
No... No. 'i can't think about him now. How- why!? Why would I think about him? After all what happened, after all he said, all he did? No. He doesn't deserve even a second of my thoughts.'
So if you thought this why did you shove Viktor away with both hands pressing his chest?
"I knew it." His accent trembled much more accentuated like he almost forgot how to speak your language. "You... What?" You whispered, his eyes scanned your startled now paling face "You never looked at me intently, there was always something there... Behind those beautiful eyes of yours."
You stood silent.
You shake your head looking at him with teary eyes. He continued "I... I'm sorry for what happened to you, I'm sorry you got rejected... But i can't be your second plate to soothe your heart."
Was this a nightmare? First Silco and now Viktor? No... But he was right.
"I love you. You know that right?" His voice whispered to you so softly you had to clean your tears away quickly before you looked much more of a mess than you already were.
"Me too... But..." "-but not in the same way. I understand. I... Goodnight, moya lyubov'. "
He sounded so hurt you wanted to scream. You felt as the devil reincarnated when Viktor pecked your lips one more time, for the last time, and swiftly and quietly made his way out of your apartment, the soft clanking of his cane echoing through the room and the halls before leaving you completely alone with your thoughts.
And you wept. Unable to hold your tears any longer you cried, you knees failing to work as you fell to your bed clinging to the sheets as if to chase the tiniest warmth they could provide to your aching mind, to your aching heart.
You didn't know if you his name left your lips like a curse or a plea, you quietly begged someone, anyone, to take your pain away, the memories of his worried gazes when you got hurt after missions or his reassuring touches and cares every time you got sick, his soft smiles when you made a mess at the calculations or ordering his folders instead of scolding you, the way... He would slowly slide his hands through your hips to pull you closer to his chest silently begging you to embrace him after another horrid nightmare.
"Silco!..." You called for him. Even when you knew he wouldn't answer, you called for him like he was your own unreachable deity.
"You look two pathetic."
At this you jumped from your bed startled, Sevika gazed you from your window, almost comically small in comparison to her bulking body. Concerned, you quickly opened it wider and helped her in, Sevika quickly turning down your helping hand with a light squeeze on your shoulder.
"How old are you?" She spat, and you visibly flinched "p-pardon?" Now inches close to you, you stepped back confusion in your eyes.
"You two behave like two idiot teenagers... I don't give a crap, don't get me wrong, though i start giving one when the boss is inches close to my nose with a killer look wanting to choke me to death beacause of all this mess."
At this you sat down swallowing the growing lump from your throat, "I'm so sorry... I didn't want to cause more trouble... Hell that's why I moved to Piltover."
"And mess with another guy to move on from Silco? You know you are doing exactly the same he did right?" Wait if she was here...If she knew about Viktor then Silco must know too... Wait, Viktor-
"Don't worry about the lanky one, i pretty much heard the whole thing. Almost threw up, by the way. So listen carefully because I'm only going to say this once. Go back. Talk to him, fix this and stop running because if you keep this drama alive my headache will only increase."
"But... What about her? Didn't she try comforting him or did you finally see i was right?" You almost shouted at the end until Sevika interrupted you.
"She tried to kill the boss."
Your eyes widened as she explained what happened with such a bored tone you almost wanted to apologize for putting her in the middle of this, but you know what? You weren't going to apologize, you warned them. You warned ALL of them and they pushed you aside, Silco pushed you aside...
At this though you crossed your arms and pouted. Sevika seemed taken aback at this sudden change of body language but to your surprise she smiled widely. She was like a big sister to you... And just like a big sister she looked proud at you as you knew your place and didn't apologize for nonsense.
"Go back you little rascal... Before I either force you or worse!"
You smiled this time sniffling your now almost fry tears away.
You were going to make this right. Either if he wanted or not... You left your apartament along Sevika.
So I'll probably do a continuation of this one... Probably
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wanderpastme · 2 years
Broken (Viktor x Reader) Chapter 6
You wandered the streets of Piltover in a daze, Zaun was too dangerous at the moment since His cronies were now looking for you everywhere. Word had gotten around quickly and soon everyone was whispering about what had happened to the feared crime lord. There would be a struggle for power in the next few days, some would want to take over Zaun, others would be out there looking for you, hoping for brownie points.
Your bones ached and your eyes throbbed with exhaustion, but you had to keep moving, keep going for the sake of living, but there were only so many places you could walk.
Soon you were at the edge of Piltover, looking over the murky water in front of you, docked boats hitting the sides of the wooden docks creating a hollow thunk with every small wave. You could feel your knees give way from underneath you, causing you to fall hard against the stone. Tears began to form in the corners of your eyes, the stress, and exhaustion over what had happened finally crashing into you all at once. Cradling your blackened arm to your chest you stared at your reflection staring back up at you from the water the depths calling out to you like a siren's song.
Reaching out, your fingers brushed the surface of the icy water, its siren song only growing louder. You didn't ask for any of this, you didn't ask for the accident or the fallout. You had never asked for the orb or the man associated with it, you just wanted to survive, but that was too much now. Tears rippled your reflection as they fell into the water.
Taking one last deep breath you prepared to plunge yourself into the darkness.
A clatter echoed out from behind you, the sound bouncing off of the stone, interrupting your thoughts. You could hear the soft thump of someone running.
Looking behind you, you were just quick enough to see a tall man run past you at impossible speeds, a look of determination framing his already thin face as he went.
Time seemed to slow as his eyes met yours... a golden brown shining through his dark lashes. Shock flooded his eyes, causing him to lose footing and fall, coming to a clumsy stop a few feet ahead of you.
You were frozen to the spot, watching as the sickly man slowly picked himself off the ground, knees now a bloody mess.
"Viktor-?" You breathed, standing up shakily.
His eyes quickly flashed back up to you, looking at you in disbelief.
"Y/N?" he choked out, tears flooding his eyes, "I thought you were dead!"
"D-Dead? You left me!" You sputtered, trying to wipe away the onslaught of tears that began to flow.
He flinched, wincing at your words, "I know..." he whispered, "but there hasn't been a day since I haven't thought about you! After the accident... I- I-"
He stumbled forward, taking your cheek in his calloused bony hand, wiping away the tears on your cheek.
You flinched away from him slightly, refusing to look at him directly.
Regret filled his honey-colored eyes as you flinched away, he knew why, but that didn't make him regret what he had done any less.
Falling to his knees, he gripped onto your pants, head bowed to the ground.
"Viktor-!" you yelped in surprise, your entire body tensing up.
"Please-" he interrupted, "Please forgive me", he plead, his accent as thick as ever, "I was wrong, I was so so wrong! I shouldn't have left you there, I shouldn't have raised my hand in any way! I thought you died in the mining accident! I looked for you everywhere, but it was like you never existed!" he sobbed, gripping onto the loose clothing with an iron grip.
You felt all of your anger melt away, replaced with pity for the cowering man.
"Viktor..." you sighed, directing his face to look at you with your thumb, "It'll be ok... I missed you... old friend."
He jumped to his feet, enveloping you in a tight hug, sobbing into your shoulder.
You two stood like that for a long time, just enjoying each other's company, glad to be in the presence of an old friend.
Soon you broke off the hug, wiping away tears of your own.
"Viktor- your- your cane!" you stuttered, looking around for it after seeing how long he had been standing without it.
He laughed, genuine joy filling his voice, "No need! I found a way to fix everything! I'll tell you about it later, now tell me, how did you get all the way up here from the undercity?"
He held you out at arm's length looking you up and down, "You've grown so much! Look at you..." He trailed off, grabbing your forearm, "what's this?"
((A little bit of a longer chapter for y'all to enjoy! Thank you for all of the support! Love you guys!))
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