#<- yeah gollum voice that bit
wazzi2ya · 1 month
What if Overlords can selectively feel what their contracts are feeling by turning the connection "on or off"
Alastor, clueless: Hm, Husker has been really chatty lately with Angel, wonder why that is? He's never been this friendly around me.
Alastor: *Opens the link*
Alastor: *Shuts down the link, losing the radio effect AND the accent while on it* What the actual FU-
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edwardallenpoe · 7 days
Um. Prepare yourself for the s&co episode. The representation (if you can even call it that) of DID is BAD. Once I realized that the person had DID I was pretty pissed to say the least. I emailed them like 4 paragraphs on how shitty that was. I feel like a Karen but it was honestly deserved. But if you’re upset by portrayals of people with DID I’d skip this one.
i opened my inbox this right after listening to it. Thank you for the heads up tho, but it is far too late.
I honestly feel a little sick. Not gonna lie.
"we now understand more about the human condition" I lost braincells, John. I think we actually DEVOLVED. We LOST knowledge of human existence with this one, chat. And then. Also. John defending Tory's. Ya this was a really fucking bad episode. Wow. It was so avoidable. That entire thing was so avoidable.
You are definitely not a Karen for emailing them, I'm low-key tempted to email them myself but I won't. I need to process that dumpster fire for a little longer. Wow.
It's like. I specifically remember Sherlock listing off DID on his disorder list in the first fucking episode. He has DID. Did Joel and co literally look up the index for the DMS-5 then put them in their notes app or something?????? Like were they just like "yeah anything and everything but PTSD for the plot mate" just for Sheelock to have smt to say?????? It's seems so impossible to me that they have such amazing rep for both PTSD and autism and such but DID was butchered that badly. Woooow. I can't even.
I love this show but that was. So bad. I rlly hope Joel says smt soon about this because woooow . That's all I can rlly say. Just wow.
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 17th: Oct 17th: Tolkien | Ramble On - Led Zeppelin | Intelligent a/n: hospital setting, painkillers, post-canon fix-it, eddie & nancy friendship, steddie. un-betaed because I'm challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 + masterpost | tumblr masterlist
today's prompt is a lost scene from day 6's prompt, crush:
Nancy figured it out when Eddie was in the hospital, still a little loopy from painkillers and who knows what else.  You were on another planet and couldn’t stop talking about his chest hair, Eddie.
Nancy Wheeler sits in the little white chair next to Eddie Munson’s hospital bed, the rhythmic beeping of his heart monitor the only noise keeping her company. Well, that, and the sound of her own voice, softly reading The Fellowship of the Ring while Eddie dozes. 
They’ve taken turns, the older teens and a few of the kids, oscillating back and forth between Max’s room and Eddie’s room to ensure no one is left alone for too long while Wayne and Susan are at work. Hospital bills aren’t cheap and while the government will most likely reimburse them for their troubles, right now, things are tight. 
It’s Nancy’s turn in Eddie’s room tonight, picking up where Wayne’s left off in Eddie’s favorite book. Worn and well-read, the book’s loose spine allows Nancy to let it rest on her thigh as she flips through the pages: 
“But long ago he rode away, and where he dwelleth none can say; for into darkness fell his star, in Mordor where the shadows are," Nancy reads, glancing up when she sees Eddie begin to squirm. 
“Mordor,” Eddie murmurs, his voice slurring a bit from the painkillers. “You know, Led Zeppelin wrote a song with Mordor in it.” 
“Oh, did they?” She’s seen him like this a few times now, barely present but speaking in a stream of consciousness. Sometimes, it’s about Dungeons and Dragons. Sometimes, it’s about music, or books– his underappreciated intelligence shines through even the strongest of IV drugs. 
And sometimes, it’s about Steve. That one had been a surprise at first, but keeps all of his ramblings secret, unsure of what he’s telling the others. It’s best to simply indulge him, she’s learned. He never remembers anyways. 
“Mhm,” he cracks open one eye and grins before he starts to sing. “In the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair.”
Before she can respond, Eddie continues in his drug-addled haze. “In the darkest depths of Mordor, I met Steve. Sweet, sweet Steve. Steve and his chest hair. Ever notice how hairy he is?” 
Nancy shakes her head and purses her lips, bemused. “I did, yeah, I was there, remember?” 
“Nope,” Eddie says with a pop. “But I do remember that jungle he calls a chest.” 
She snorts back a laugh and tries to subtly hide it behind her hand. Eddie doesn't notice, simply stares through half-lidded eyes and falls back against the pillows. 
“But Gollum and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her-er, her-er,” he continues to sing and wax poetic. 
Eddie’s heart monitor begins to speed up. “Where is Steve, actually? Is he okay?” 
Nancy smiles, fond and knowing, and places a hand on top of his. “He’s fine, he’ll be here later.” 
Sometimes, Eddie forgets how much time has passed from that awful day in Forest Hills, that Steve’s healed up and visits three times a week. That sometimes, Steve visits outside of their established rotation, just because. She never begrudges having to remind him though. How could she when she gets to see the relief drip from his face when he hears again that Steve’s okay? 
Eddie lays back again, the measured beats of his heart monitor returning to a comfortable, predictable tempo. Nancy picks the book back up and continues to read until she sees the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath the white sheets. 
“Hey,” a familiar voice whispers from the doorway. Nancy turns to see Steve standing there, leaning against the frame. “How’s he holdin’ up?” 
“Hey,” she smiles. “He was a little out of it earlier from the medication, but he’s been asleep for a few minutes now. I’ve just been reading to him, if you wanna pick up where I left off.” 
Nancy closes the book with the ribbon inside to hold the page and stands, clearing the chair for Steve. “He’s all yours.” 
As the steel door closes behind her, she hears Steve’s voice begin reading. 
‘Is there no escape then?’ said Frodo, looking round wildly. ‘If I move I shall be seen and hunted! If I stay, I shall draw them to me!’
Strider laid his hand on his shoulder. ‘There is still hope,’ he said. ‘You are not alone.’
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paradoxcase · 12 days
Gideon the Ninth audiobook, through to the end of Chapter 31
Cytherea is described as having "biscuit-colored curls" which I kind passed over the first time I was reading. She's described elsewhere as having light brown hair; American biscuits aren't any kind of brown, if they're made right, but Muir isn't American, either. In Britain, it's my understanding that "biscuit" refers to any hard flat cookie with a stamped design, but those come in all sorts of colors. Does "biscuit" mean a secret third thing in New Zealand?
Gideon says "it's stupid for a cavalier to watch their necromancer die" which I think sort of foreshadows Gideon rejecting Harrow's instruction to survive her
Gideon asks Cytherea why she came to Canaan House in the first place, and I feel like Cytherea's answer is about when she came the first time, nearly 10,000 years ago? She talks about how the Seventh wanted her to die beautifully and she though the Emperor had her best interests more at heart than they did
She says: "If they could figure out how to stop you when you're mostly cancer and just a little bit woman, they would" about the Seventh, but that's exactly what John did to her, isn't it?
And then: "I'll probably live forever, worse luck, whatever happened to One Flesh, One End?"
Palamedes pronounces "golem" exactly like "Gollum" and that amuses me
Harrow thought the secret to Lyctorhood was a secret power source in Canaan House they were supposed to discover - I guess to the extent that the consumed cavalier's soul is a power source, she wasn't exactly wrong
Camilla: "The last thing the Warden needs is an introduction to Lady Septimus" - pretty funny in retrospect
Palamedes after Harrow removes the plug Cytherea put on the Seventh lab's keyhole: "Did you hide the last key, too?" He was right about that
Colum is described as having a "perpetually scratchy voice" which I missed the first time, but it does match up with his voice here
Mayonnaise Uncle thinks Gideon's red hair might have come from the Third, which is I guess some extra information about the distribution of phenotypes in the Empire, but the only other redheaded House character we know of is G1deon (I almost wrote "Pyrrha") (who, ironically, is not biologically related to Gideon Nav unless he was like John's cousin or something). Mercy had "pink" hair, but I don't know if that means like, strawberry blond, or like, literally dyed pink. I guess it's been 10,000 years, so things might be a bit different now
Colum: "The next time we meet, I think it's likely one of us will die." Well, it wasn't the next time they met, since they both showed up to hear Cytherea tell a very fake story about why Protesilaus was already dead just after this, but I think it's the next time they are both in the same room together than Colum dies, so, yeah
Teacher says something about a "poor child" and Gideon doesn't know who he's referring to and I don't either even on the second readthrough. I guess it's possible that he's just talking nonsense, because he's a weird construct, but he's been saying things that consistently make sense in the current context throughout the whole book, so I don't really buy that
The scene where Corona is practicing with a sword and challenging Gideon to a duel feels kind of like she's anticipating being left behind by Ianthe and is trying to lean into the idea of becoming a cavalier after this, since she can't pretend to be a necromancer without Ianthe. We know from the Fourth teens that Ianthe has been sneaking into all the locked doors and reading the theorems at this point
When Naberius comes to collect her, he says "I won't tell her". I guess he means Ianthe?
Is that really how "beatified" is pronounced? I don't think I've ever heard it spoken before. Wiktionary seems to agree that it is
If I had listened to the audiobook first, I definitely would have misheard Gideon talking about "narking" on Harrow as "knocking" and been confused
Palamedes: "All I ask is that you put some pen and flimsy in my cell so I can start my memoirs." Yeah, that's not what you wrote when you were actually confined to the River bubble for months, haha
Narration: Suddenly [Cytherea] seemed impossibly old.
Cytherea claims that John was against soul siphoning. So, the thalergy siphoning that was a fundamental part of Mercy's challenge, and which the Second House uses regularly on enemies, is totally fine and cool, but Mayonnaise Uncle send Colum's soul away temporarily to generate power is wrong. You know, Mayonnaise Uncle is actually a lot more sympathetic on the second readthrough
Mayonnaise Uncle also really had Cytherea's number in this scene and no one listened to him, he was the only one saying that Cytherea was suspicious and everyone else was disgusted by this, including Judith. No wonder he was so sour in Harrow's River bubble
Harrow wants to use Protesilaus' head for necromancy and everyone else is unhappy about this. But this isn't strange for the Nine Houses - the Canaan House skeletons were made from the dead just like the Ninth skeletons were, and just like the Sixth skeletons were in Dr. Sex, not to mention Ianthe's use of Babs' body. Like, if we are going to start complaining about the desecration of dead bodies now, I think that starts to call into question the entire way that the Nine Houses uses necromancy and has been using it for the past 10,000 years. I'm not sure any of the other necromancers really have that high ground
Palamedes says Cytherea only has days left to live, she definitely giggles at that
In the pool scene, Harrow says that the calculations for the deaths of the 200 children were very precise, and that the babies contributed the most thanergy. Now I'm wondering if Gideon failing to die might have messed up those careful calculations in some way? Obviously Harrow was still born a powerful necromancer, and it still worked overall, but now I'm curious
Harrow about John's blood ward: "I knew it had to open for me" because she was the descendant of Anastasia. She never questioned that there might have been some other reason it opened
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novelmonger · 5 months
So I'm a pretty big LotR fan. And I'm a pretty big fan of the movies. No, they're not perfect, but they're a really good adaptation and a truly masterful work of cinematic art. I've grown pretty familiar with the movies over the past 23 years (@_@) - and not just the movies themselves, but I also love learning all about how they were made. I've watched all the way through all the bonus material in the Extended Editions at least five times (and some of the more fun bits way more times than that XD). I've even watched all three movies with the cast commentary.
But you know what I've never done, not even at the height of my obsession when I had way more free time than I do now? I've never watched the movies with the other commentaries. It looks like there are three more commentaries, with different groups of various people on the crew, and for some reason I never got around to listening through them. I can't for the life of me think why - maybe I thought I already knew everything they'd talk about? maybe I somehow thought it would be boring??? - but today that changes!
I'm going to just jot down the main things that stick out to me that I didn't know before. I've gleaned a lot of BTS information and stories about these movies from various sources, so I'm not sure how long this will be, but I'm sure there will be some new things that jump out at me.
From the FotR writer/director commentary with Peter Jackson, Philippa Boyens, and Fran Walsh:
There was a draft of the script where they didn't have a prologue, and all the information about Sauron and the Ring and Gollum and everything was going to be in that conversation between Frodo and Gandalf @_@ Can you imagine? I mean, yeah, it would be more like the book, but At What Cost? (At the cost of several memes and short attention spans, that's what.)
Peter Jackson says he doesn't like magic or wizards in movies. Um...sir? Why the heck are you making fantasy movies then???
The location where they shot the Ford of Bruinen was a real ford that was used during the gold rush in New Zealand! Because New Zealand had a gold rush around the same time as the one in the U.S.!
Hugo Weaving actually did the voice of Isildur when he claims the Ring and says, "No." I have...questions.
Peter Jackson says the journey through Moria is the best sequence in the book, and Fran and Philippa say it's the best-written chapter. Interesting! I don't know what I would point to as the best-written chapter of FotR; I don't think I've ever thought of that (though I might say some of the best descriptions in this book are in Rivendell).
They said they might redo the Gollum scene in Moria to make him look more like he does in TTT. Uhhh...it's been 23 years, guys, where's my remaster? XD
The Frodo-Gandalf conversation in Moria (the "all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" conversation) was done with forced perspective??? I never realized that! I thought they just had Elijah sit a little lower than Ian so their eyelines would be right! They totally look like they're looking into each other's eyes, but they're not! :O
"Often in movies, that's a rare thing, to have shots in which nothing is real." - Oh, PJ, if you only knew what the state of things would be in two decades....
The scene of the Fellowship mourning Gandalf outside Moria was filmed before Ian McKellan had even arrived in New Zealand! :O So they were all mourning and reacting to the death of someone they probably weren't even sure what he looked like yet!
Sean Bean was apparently the only one of the primary actors who had any experience with a sword? Or at least he had the most experience. Viggo had to do the Weathertop fight scene on his first day, when he'd never touched a sword before @_@
In Boromir's death scene, the words sung by the chorus in the background is an Elvish translation of Faramir's line "I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." ;A;
At one point, they were going to have Frodo fighting off an Uruk-Hai before he goes into the boat??? They even shot some of the footage?! Thankfully, they realized that was completely the wrong way to go about his end to this movie; it needed to be an emotional climax, not an action scene, and Frodo's victory is over his own doubts and the Ring's influence on him, when he grasps the Ring and marches forward to continue on his Quest, alone if need be. Thank goodness they realized that before it was too late.
The shot of Boromir's boat going over the edge of the waterfall was actually footage of a barrel going over the Niagara Falls, and they just used CG to replace the barrel with the boat O.O
Fran Walsh: So Viggo's just put on Boromir's gauntlets... Me, a nerd: Vambraces, actually.
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Heyooo first lemme just say that your writting is amazing. Even your darkish prompts are kinda fluffy at the end.
I imagined my prompt in a marriage of inconvenience but it kinda goes on any if yours.
Magnus flies into a rage and destroys either the NYI or alicante itself because Clary attacks Alec because of the secret marriage. Alec ismt hurt or anything but because she dared to do it our favourite high warlock shows the shadowworld that you really shouldnt touch what is his.
Thanks in advance and im looking forward to all your writtings so i can curl up in a corner wispering my precious like Gollum
Ah thank you so much! i really appreciate that and yeah, i'll write something super DDDNE and dark and then write the end and saeth will read it and go 'awww thats cute' but... that's also @saeths. who is @alxndrlightwoods and their opinion of cute things can be a little skewed.
so i'm never really sure until i post where my stuff falls tbh
kay so this is totally random but this is actually going in 'all your cracks i'll paint gold' the deruned alec verse. because it just fit best there and also, it's a bit of a plot twist because clary doesn't care enough about the institute or alicante for her to be bothered or affected in season 1 or 2 by it being destroyed.
i hope you've been enjoying them and enjoy this, thank you for this lovely prompt
<3 lumine
Clarissa Fray is the last person Alec expected to meet on one of the rare occasions he ever leaves Magnus’ loft. The only reason he’s even where he is, is because one of Magnus’ friends is healing an acquaintance of Magnus’. Which means that when asked to go with him, Alec of course said yes.
However, he was not expecting the small redhead that charges into the hospital rune and is seething at him.  If not for the wards and magic on this floor of the hospital, Alec imagines that Fray would have caused an incident.
“You, why are you here?” She yells when she sees him and Alec reminds himself that he can’t just rip the stupid little girl’s heart out, even if she is yelling at him like she isn’t the one whose fault is everything that’s happened to him. “You’re supposed to be dead! Everyone is acting like you are. Your mom threatened me! Izzy hates me and Jace is practically a ghost! This is all your fault Alec!”
“My fault?” Alec scoffs because he’s not touching the rest of her statements and is about to argue when he realizes it’s pointless. He can’t argue with someone caught in a delusion and Clary Fray is caught in a delusion of her own grandeur and self-righteousness. “Forget it, Fray. I didn’t come here for you. You’re not even supposed to be here.” 
“Well, I didn’t come here for you either, but that doesn’t matter. You’re going to help me save my mom, Alec. The warlocks won’t listen to me without Magnus, and I heard all about it while Dot was being healed. You ran to Magnus. You’re the reason why he stopped helping me, why no one can solve the potion.”
“Actually, I stopped helping you because you disgust me, and I have better ways to waste my time.” Magnus says and Alec relaxes, watching him come out of the shadows, the gold of his eyes a deadly promise in the dark.  “In fact, watching pond scum form is a far less a waste of time than listening to you.”
Magnus binds her easily and throws her through a portal, following leisurely with his arm around Alexander’s waist, his boy pressing kisses to Magnus’ temple. 
“How does she know I’m with you?” Alexander asks him, worry in his voice and Magnus regrets trusting Dot as much as he and Cat have. Apparently, she’s not nearly as trustworthy as he thought, if she thinks sharing information about her High Warlock’s lover is acceptable.
Because Alec is no longer a shadowhunter and he certainly doesn’t have any ties to the clave, not like Clarissa now does. Yet for some reason, Dot shared something that she only ever heard because Magnus lowered his guard enough to share with Cat while he helped heal her.
It’s such a disregard for Magnus’ privacy as well as Cat’s and also, means that Magnus and she can no longer talk around Dot freely. Which is disappointing on many levels.
“A small mistake on my part, darling.” Magnus assures him, “I’ll handle it. She won’t be able to share it around anymore and if it looks like they’ve tracked us, I’ll simply move us again. The clave won’t be able to take you from me, darling. Not even if they begged or bribed me.”
They’re on a roof by a mundane college, an artistic one and while Magnus could feel pity for all the lives he’s about to ruin, it’s hardly his fault that Clarissa Fray doesn’t consider the consequences of her actions.
“I normally try to avoid mundane losses, even just their structural losses. However, even if you should decide not to be a shadowhunter, Clarissa Fray. Remember that because of your greed, this avenue will always be lost to you.”
With a flick of his power the fire alarm goes off and Clarissa is struggling and yelling against the magic keeping her quiet, eyes wide as the last lingering vestiges of the college flee and, as they all watch, Magnus lights it up. 
Several parts of the building suddenly imploded. Little clouds of smoke and bright bursts of flames, mortar and ash and debris raining down as Clarissa screams and cries.  She’s showing more emotions for the idea that the college brings than when her little friend died or when she’d been supposedly grieving the pain, she caused Alexander and Magnus rolls his eyes.
“How tragic. Who could have predicted that a gas explosion would take down the school you hoped so dearly to join.” Magnus tuts and he pulls Alexander closer, and he sighs in contentment when his boy leans back trustingly. “Perhaps, you should learn to watch where you step, little shadowhunter. Not everyone will be so kind as to light the way and the world of shadows is a very dark one.”
Magnus portals away, leaving her to watch the place burn down and without really any interest in staying.  She’ll either manage to free herself or be found by her blond shadow and Magnus doesn’t care either way, not beyond getting Alexander away.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that, Alexander.” Magnus tells him, when they’re back on their roof and Alexander is sitting on the moss, his knees tucked to his chin as he stares at the pond with waterfowl and koi that Magnus keeps.
Magnus very sneakily magics a little dish of tidbits to Alexander, and he’s given a weary but grateful smile before Alexander throws out the pieces. The koi dart over even faster than the birds, greedily gobbling as much as they can from the surface before following the sinking pieces down. The few birds that there are ignore them, coming straight to the edge, spoiled little creatures that they are.
They come right up to Alexander and snack out of his hand, ignoring Magnus with glaring orange eyes and ruffling their bloodred feathers.
“I can’t believe they all like bones so much.” Alexander murmurs, “it’s a good way of disposing of it though.”
Magnus hums in agreement, because that’s exactly why he has these variants on their roof.
"I loathe her." Alexander finally whispers, "I wanted to rip her heart out. She was talking to me just like she did when she first showed up. Ungrateful, demanding, like nothing in the world matters compared to what she wants. I just wanted to kill her. Make sure she can't cause any more damage to my life, Magnus. I can't I lose anymore."
“It's alright darling, I have you and I’ve taken care of it. Clarissa will be unable to speak of where you are or that she’s seen you. Or that you're with me. Dot has also been taken care of, as apparently, she was under the impression that she enjoyed certain privileges that she does not.”
Which simply meant that she was relying on their precious dalliance to smooth things over and hadn’t expected Magnus to actually be serious about his boy.
A misunderstanding of course, but a grave one on her part. Not, however, an unforgivable one.
As long as she keeps her mouth shut from now on.
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ian-galagher · 1 year
Thank you all for tagging me!! 🥰🧡 I'm late and I'm doing ALL OF THEM AT ONCE 😁
Starting with a picrew! I was tagged by this marvelous bunch; @creepkinginc @shinygalaxyperson @mishervellous @ardent-fox @stocious @look-i-love-u
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I just came out of some bushes and this little guy is catching a ride on my head 😁
And I was tagged by these lovely three 🥰 @shinygalaxyperson @depressedstressedlemonzest and @look-i-love-u to do this strange but fun picrew!
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I'm an acorn so squirrels will come to me 😁
Putting the rest behind a read more because this is a looong post!
Spell your name with song titles!
I was tagged by this amazing group; @lalazeewrites @gallagher-milkovich @look-i-love-u @mishervellous @stocious @creepkinginc @shinygalaxyperson @depressedstressedlemonzest @sweetbee78🥰🧡
We're Away - Elbow
I Just Can't Wait To Be King - The Lion King
Love like Rockets - Angels & Airwaves
Life after Salem - Lil Nas X
Origin of Love - Mika
Wandering Lovers - Christine and The Queens or Redcar
That was hard! 😭 TWO Ws?? TWO Ls?!
I was tagged by this huggable bunch of people; @lalazeewrites @creepkinginc @thisdivorce @shinygalaxyperson @sleepyfacetoughguy @energievie @gardenerian @stocious @y0itsbri @gallawitchxx @francesrose3
Relationship status: I'm in love with all of YOU! 🥰
Favorite color: Orange
Three favorite foods:  tomatoes 👀 cherries and french fries 🤤 (when said together it makes for such a weird combination 😅)
Top 3 tv shows: WILTY, Taskmaster, The Office, I like comedy 😁
Top 3 characters: Ian/Mickey (they count as one since they're married and all) Gollum from LOTR and King Julien from Madagascar
What I’m currently reading: not a lot 😭 I can't really read while I'm writing or I'll mix up the different worlds. I figured that once I've written Africa, I'll get to read all your lovely fics but it might take me 2 years to write it all 😭 so I'm only really reading Reckoner atm, but ONE DAY! ONE DAY!!!!
Song stuck in my head: weirdly, the soundtrack to Black Panther
Last movie watched: haven't seen much lately but I want to watch the Lion King now 😁
Last thing I googled: the French for ostriches. Autruche, apparently.
Dream trip: is anyone going to be surprised... is ANYONE not able to guess at this stage... yeah, it's a trip through Kruger. It's staying in a hotel up on a cliff overlooking a winding river reflecting a perfect sunset, while wildlife and nature are the only thing surrounding me, and there's a camera in my hand. That's it, that's the dream.
Time: hammer time 😎
Anything I really want right now: soooo much, but for now I just want all of you to be happy 🥺
I was tagged by these lovelies! 🥰 @energievie @shinygalaxyperson @creepkinginc @mishervellous @sleepyfacetoughguy @depressedstressedlemonzest
Are you named after anyone? My mom's twin sister and my grandmother
When was the last time you cried? About 3 hours ago trying to assemble some Ikea furniture. Before that, I cried because I had the marvelous idea of cutting my own hair. The left side went great but then I switched hands to do the other side aand now I have bangs. On one side of my face. It'll grow back 🥺 right? RIGHT?!
Do you have kids? When I was 15 I told everyone I never wanted to have children, and my grandmother said, just you wait, once those hormones start kicking in, you'll talk differently! I couldn't imagine ever having kids and now I'm nearing the end of my child bearing years and I'm still waiting for those hormones to kick in 🤷‍♂
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Moi?! Sarcasm?! Never! 🤪
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their voice. I can recognize anyone by their voice, but not so much their face as I tend to avoid eye contact
What’s your eye color? Blue gray ish, a bit like Mickey's 🥺
Scary movie or happy ending? Happy ending always 😁
Any special talents? Postponing doing the tag games and then doing them ALL AT ONCE IN ONE MASSIVE POST TADAAAA! 😁
Where were you born? In a hospital, which is funny because most births happen at home in my country
What are your hobbies? Writing atm 😁
Do you have any pets? 🐈😊
What sports do you play / have you you played? I've tried a lot, I even sat on a horse once, but no one told me what to do so I bounced all over the place for 30 minutes and decided to never do that again. It's been that way with most sports I'm afraid.
How tall are you? Huge, like a tree
Favorite subject in school? English because our teacher had a guitar and played us songs, after which we'd have to say what they were about and that was it, that was the lesson.
Dream job? I used to want to work in a zoo or an animal shelter, but then I learned that shelters don't pay, they only use volunteers, and working at a zoo is nothing but cleaning poop and cutting up vegetables all day long. Disappointing 😆
Tagged by the amazing, wonderful, and simply lovely @energievie @stocious and @sickness-health-all-that-shit to post a bit of the WIP I'm working on, which will of course be, from Africa 😁 (for youuu @gallavich-headcanon)
(Chapter 14) (yeah not posting this until like 18 weeks from now lol)
Ian blinked sheepishly at the tuft of black hair tickling his nose.
"You finally up?" Mickey grouched, dropping the phone he'd managed to snatch off the nightstand on the bed. "Cause I need to piss."
"Shit, were you waiting for me to wake up?" Ian's daze lifted, but not enough for him to ease the iron hold he had on Mickey, trapped as he was in a tangle of arms and legs. "Why didn't you just get up?"
"And risk wakin' you? I'd rather piss the bed."
"I'd rather you didn't."
"It's gonna happen if you don't lemme go, man."
"Oh shit!" Kicking into action, Ian removed the limbs so securely wound around the warm body lying next to him, allowing Mickey to slip from his grasp.
A smile worked its way up on his lips as he watched Mickey pad off towards the bathroom, groaning like an old man.
He couldn't imagine a more wonderful start to his day.
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bloodkeep-escape · 1 year
Happy birthday!!
Fave character from bloodkeep has gotta be Avanash. First off, idk why I but it never crossed my mind to compare him to Gollum, in my mind he was gaunt and corpse-like but like, still somewaht hot. Smt about the voice.
Also the bones bit and it breaking everyone, Brennan included, I die laughing everytime.
thank you!!
and YEAH, god, avanash was the most unexpectedly hilarious character. i'll never get over trapp's insight check and brennan's "this man is full crazy." also i agree, man is definitely hot. or like.. clearly used to be hot, but has now spent way too long in prison. you get it
i LOVE when brennan breaks at his own bits, it's my favorite thing
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damnprecious · 5 years
Duh un Duh asks: 1, 2, 3, 7, 13, 14
Thank ya ^^ 
1. What was the first race you ever played as?A gnome
2. What was the first class you ever played as?A ranger (a combo thrown together to allow my small gnome to ride on my animal companion, a crab, that was literally the backstory for the character) 
3. Have you ever been dungeon master?Nope, I’ve been the gm in another rpg but not in dnd. Could be fun to try at some point, but I think I’m gonna need some more experience and knowledge of the lore and stuff before I can do that - the rpg I dm:d in has a waaaay less complex system (the doctor who rpg) so that I actually dared to try with my limited experience
7. When was the last time you played d&d?Last autumn, can’t remember if we played in December but most definitely in November. 
13. How many d&d characters have you made?I’d say one and a half. My initial idea for a character turned out to be a combo the rules didn’t allow or something, can’t remember exactly, still salty about that, and I had the character’s backstory all planned out and shit but then clearly never got to play with it bc it was against the rules and I’m calling bullshit so then I just ended up with the second option of a ranger gnome that rides a giant crab and who had a trident because I wasn’t going to let that trident go goddamnit //edited the tags a bit based on this after remembering more details about the salt
14. What is the longest d&d campaign you have ever been part of?Only pulled a three-parter last fall, the first dnd experience. Possibly would’ve been cool to continue this spring but sadly our squad is really busy and at least I can’t see myself committing to a long campaign atm at all so… I’ll have to see if there’s better time to do more in the future
*Gollum voice* ask us 
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lovely-v · 3 years
LOTR (films) Review
So I finally watched the LOTR films (20 years later). I’m super excited to review these because I read the books very recently so I feel at least a little prepared to voice some opinions. Overall I loved the films, here’s a very long (but by no means exhaustive) compilation of my thoughts, which are of course, totally subjective:
(Warning: a lot of me saying “well, actually, in the book...”)
- Casting! not much to say here, I thought the casting was great. One of my favorite actors that I didn’t think i’d have a huge opinion on was David Wenham as Faramir. I was kinda ambivalent on him when I saw pictures but i thought he did a great job. he showed his quality.
- Music. so much has been said about the films on the music front. I can’t offer too much original insight but when a bit of the Shire theme started to play as Frodo tries to make his way up Mount Doom I cried a little.
- Boromir and Aragorn. I liked the scene where they interact a little in Rivendell. I also like how Aragorn saves Boromir in the Moria battle and gives him this little nod of friendship. I think the films did a great job portraying the dynamic they have where Aragorn is clearly suspicious of Boromir’s motivations but grows to respect him to the point where he doesn’t even blame Boromir for being corrupted by the ring because he understands that, at heart, Boromir is a good person. 
- Sam and Frodo in Osgiliath. I expected to be kind of annoyed with the way this plot point played out (I knew ahead of time that it strayed from the book), but I actually liked it a lot. As I’ll say later, there’s some gripes I have with the way the films extremely play up the disagreements between Frodo and Sam, but I loved the scene where Frodo pulls the sword on Sam and then seems so defeated when he realizes what he’s done. I was pleasantly surprised by how emotional this scene made me. It’s admittedly A Lot, but it was done nicely, especially in conjunction with Sam’s “there’s good in this world” speech.
- Treatment of the ending. I almost think I should dislike the ending as it is in the movies, but my heart is soft and I like that they sugarcoated it a bit. I know the whole point of the Scouring of the Shire and Frodo’s depression conveys a lot about war and trauma and I think that is important, but after watching these things for twelve hours I just wanted Frodo & co. to be happy and I was kinda relieved that they cut the Scouring. Does that make me weak and perhaps bad at film analysis? yes. do I care? no. I was also very glad that the movies didn’t portray how depressed Sam was about losing Frodo in the end. Yes, he cries, but when he walks home to his family he seems happy and in the books that scene came off so much bleaker. I definitely liked the lighter tone.
- Arwen. (Neutral) I don’t hate her, I don’t love her. I think the story she and Aragorn have is compelling and I 100% get why the filmmakers decided to add it to give her character more depth, but it felt misplaced at times. maybe it’s just because it was the only storyline I didn’t know in depth, but the scenes with the Arwen/Aragorn flashbacks felt a bit confusing and disorienting. Don’t have anything against Arwen as a character though, I think she’s pretty alright.
- Gimli. (Complicated thoughts) I want to start off by saying I don’t dislike Gimli. I like him a lot! I just think the movies did him a bit dirty. He had some good movie-exclusive moments, but I think his character really fell into this place of being the butt of too many jokes. Would have liked to see some more serious Gimli development, especially with his relationship to Legolas. Their friendship felt too much like subtext here, whereas it’s explored far more in the books.
- Two Towers Pacing. (Didn’t really like). The pacing of TTT was...weird. maybe I’m going into this with a closed mind because of the books, but it was odd to have the movie begin with Frodo and Sam and then have them only appear for a few rapid scenes after that. I think the fact that a WHOLE LOT of what happens to Frodo and Sam in TTT is moved to RotK is what makes it feel that way? In the books, Two Towers ends with Sam discovering that Frodo isn’t dead from Shelob’s sting, and I was surprised by how long it took the movies to get to that part. However, I will give the films a little leeway because I think they needed Frodo & Sam content for RotK, since most of what happens in that book is them walking through Mordor basically starving and dying. Doesn’t make for great cinema I guess, so they had to put the whole Shelob/Cirith Ungol saga into the final film. Still, I think there’s a weird lack of Frodo and Sam’s presence in TTT.
- The go home/missing bread arc. (Full of rage abt this one) yeah. so. my criticism of this is gonna sound pretty tired because people complain and complain about this part of RotK. but I’m gonna complain some more!! I don’t think the split between Frodo and Sam does anything for the plot. I really don’t. I guess it emphasizes the fact that Sam doesn’t understand how much Frodo is projecting onto Gollum, but it’s just. unnecessary angst? They had enough angst in the Osgiliath scene! Which I actually liked! And it simply doesn’t make a lot of sense for Frodo to suspect Sam of eating the bread when Sam had already offered Frodo his own food and made it clear that he would very much starve if it meant making sure Frodo could eat. But what I hate most about this scene is not that Frodo gets mad and tells Sam to go home. No. It’s that Sam actually... thinks about doing that? he actually? goes down the staircase? emotionally this is bad because Sam clearly cared enough about Frodo to follow him this far, to nearly drown for him, so why would he leave now. Practically this is bad because 1. how would Sam get out of Mordor alone and 2. where would he go. He turns around almost immediately, yes, but what was his plan. where was he going. why.
- For Frodo! This line, and every other shoutout to Frodo. In the books, they didn’t really actively talk about/worry about Frodo (and Sam) as much as they do in the movies. I like that they talk about Frodo more in the movies! I like that they’re thinking about him! I know it was implied that they were in the books, but I really like how it’s shown here. I think it gave a more complete picture of how much they all care about him on a personal level in addition to just needing him to succeed from a pragmatic standpoint. 
- Merry and Pippin! I feel like Merry and Pippin were so well rounded in the films. I’ve heard criticism about them being turned into comic relief characters (which they always were a little bit) but it honestly didn’t feel that way to me. They had a bit of a rough start because the films didn’t make their motives for going with Frodo as deep as the books did, but I think that by TTT they were absolutely amazing characters in every scene. In RotK their respective arcs hit really well and the scene where Pippin is singing to Denethor? *chef’s kiss* poetic. beautiful. sad. idk man I just feel like I have such a newfound appreciation for Merry and Pippin.
- Parallels! people have pointed out the parallel of Frodo and Sam’s hands before (drowning scene/mount doom scene) and I love how the movie did that. Just stunning. Also! The moving of the Smeagol & Deagol scene to RotK surprised me because in the books it was like,,,at the beginning of Fellowship, but I think the placement of it in the movies really helped emphasize the similarities between Smeagol & Deagol and Frodo & Sam (and how much Frodo fears this similarity.) There were a lot of other well done parallels between storylines and a few bits of dialogue that were repeated with great timing, but I can’t remember all of them at the moment.  
Edit: here’s one I remembered! when Frodo wakes up after being rescued and sees Gandalf, he says Gandalf’s name in a very similar tone to the one he used at the very beginning of Fellowship. It was a nice little subtle connection.
- I can’t carry it for you...alright this is self-indulgent. everyone knows I love this line. I’m just so glad it made it into the movie intact. Sean Astin’s delivery was amazing. I cheered. My mom cheered. It’s a raw line and it makes me feel secret emotions...like if shrimp colors were feelings. that line makes me feel shrimp feelings. idk i’m so tired i just watched twelve hours of movies this review is decreasing in quality by the minute but i’m about done for now anyway
Various silly afterthoughts
- I would have liked to see Sam kiss Frodo’s hands at least once. This happens 50 thousand times in the books, they could have given me one scene. one little extended edition scene. Please Peter Jackson I’m dyin’ out here
- They literally made Gollum so hateable. kinda the point yes, but I was so on board with Sam’s murderous rage. I know why Gollum’s a profoundly complex character, I know why Frodo pities him, I know why murder is bad, but I too would throw hands with that creature. also he literally body shamed Sam so much what was that skdjksdjksd. Sam is lovely. let him commit a small homicide. 
- the scene where merry and pippin drink the tall boy juice (as someone once referred to it in the tags of one of my posts)... not accurate to the books (since they don’t ever drink it with the end goal of getting tall) but so accurate to life. if I found some water that made me taller than my friends? let me at it
- Frodo panicking when he falls into the spider webs. so real bestie. i felt just as panicked watching that. i am terrified of spiders and Elijah Wood did an amazing job doing exactly what i’d do in the situation. yelping a lot and falling down.
- I feel like it’s never stated that Sam’s a gardener (or at least that he’s specifically Frodo’s gardener) until he tells Faramir he is. Did I miss this. Or do they really never say.  are you just meant to know. are you just meant to pick up gardener vibes from him.
This has been a very chaotic lotr movie review. Thanks for reading.
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quidfree · 2 years
Hello Im the hp anon I'm sorry my message made you uncomfortable I didnt mean to i understand your feelings about hp and being in the fandom again im sorry xoxo
I cant remember if it was you who liked lord of the rings but if it was you maybe legolas and aragon seeing each other again years after lotr. If it wasn't you dont worry about it or even if u do like lotr but don't feel like doing it its okay please continue and have a good day
hi anon dont worry abt it at all your message was very nice i just wanted to explain my position on hp stuff in general nothing to do w you :)
i do love lotr well remembered ! my high fantasy is a bit rusty so im wary of writing in tolkien voice but i will give you my general thoughts on them post canon below and hope that you vibe with it. sorry this is so late i forgot it was in my drafts 
this isnt prompt specific but i want to say i love that the movies have legolas keep jumping people who even raise an eyebrow at the shaggy unwashed dude whos apparently gondor’s promised king bc iirc canonically they are not really friends pre fellowship and at most have like met once or twice after aragorn tracks gollum to mirkwood or something. legolas is just very ride or die for people ig?? tracks with his threatening the riders of rohirrim later. we love movie characterisation. really went in on the ‘besties w a heart shaped locket of their initials’ vibe.
also the fact that aragorn and legolas are both royalty avoiding courtly duties in hilariously similar yet distinct ways. like yes they are both on a mission for the greater good so its not like theyre irresponsible leaders (and legolas’ father approved his going) but up until moria legolas is fully like ooh roadtrip with humans and dwarves and shit. fun. while aragorn is brooding immensely about the shadow of responsibility creeping closer to him daily. its just funny to me. legolas is so young in elf time.
after mordor falls i totally believe legolas and aragorn keep in close contact tho. like yes they are busy what with legolas skipping off home to report that he survived the fall of evil and also made some new friends or whatever and aragorn trying to rebuild the ruins of gondor but also i think they probably exchange heartfelt letters across middle earth and legolas visits often. esp in early years bc gotta keep track of those hobbits and their very short little lives. legolas loves inventing Elf Songs ™ off the top of his head that are just odes to his fav human. aragorn not so secretly also loves elvish poetry so he appreciates it.
also this goes for all surviving fellowship members but legolas def has a place of honour in gondor w increasingly dramatic titles & whenever he comes by aragorn will spend his nights with him walking the top walls of minas tirith talking philosophy and history and counsel. legolas is a prince too of course. sometimes they go for fun hikes bc they’re both roamers. no one else thinks it’s fun when the king and his elf bff decide to trek across countries on foot but they enjoy it. (arwen very reasonably prefers horseback and sometimes if he’s coming too they let gimli pretend he’s keeping her company when he’s sick of keeping up with their long legs.)
at certain points legolas is busy wandering for a while and the next time he’s over he has to meet aragorn and arwen’s kids. i think he’d be so obsessed w the concept. like gimli would be the best uncle easily but legolas would be like Woooowww omg little freak children i love them. aragorn look. omg it can talk. cool. he def teaches them mirkwood elvish slang and songs to balance out the rivendell influence. aragorn and arwen both find it funny but lowkey arwen sometimes gossips w him abt it because like . yeah half-human babies Are weird. even hers. at least one of their sons is reciprocally obsessed w legolas and spends his infancy viciously pulling at his hair. eowyn finds this very funny as the other token blonde often in gondor.
i refuse to go into angst so i’m not going to talk abt fellowship deaths but i think legolas stays on middle earth longer than he would have liked to help arwen cope after aragorn bc he is Equally Devastated. esp after the kids go. their last goodbye before legolas and gimli leave at the grey havens will have lasted a very long and sad time i think. very weepy on all sides. but she gets it. legolas can’t lose his last close friend to death.
in a modern human au aragorn n legolas r annoying hiking obsessives & post each other on their stories so much you’d assume they’re dating. legolas fights trolls on aragorn’s socials daily despite aragorn’s attempts to convince him he could not care less. they have matching tattoos of like, constellations on their ankles. aragorn is the only person who can memorise legolas’ ever-changing and very weird coffee orders.
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paradoxcase · 23 days
Gideon the Ninth audiobook reactions
I listened for a little over an hour, to the end of Chapter 3, and so far it's been great. It's a little odd making notes for what I think about it though - with the ebook I could visually skim over what I read before and take specific screenshots and everything, currently I've just been taking notes in a text editor and it's a little awkward. I had to look back at the pronunciation guide, which was also a little awkward, since the audiobooks are on my linux partition now and the Nook app is on Windows, so I keep having to reboot. I think I decided that for my next computer I'm not going to partition and will just run linux in VM
Anyway, for the name pronunciations:
Nonagesimus: Yeah, that pronunciation is going to bother me, but realistically I think she is going to be saying it so often that I'll just get used it it
Aiglamene: This was stressed on a syllable I didn't expect, but after consulting the pronunciation guide, that is how it was described and I was just wrong. Woe
Glaurica: Not how I pronounced the au. I note there's no instruction in the pronunciation guide about how to pronounce the au, the "phonetic" spelling also just says "au"
Palamedes: Also stressed on a syllable I didn't choose, but I knew full well that that was how the pronunciation guide said to pronounce it and was just in denial. I don't know if I'll get used to this one, we'll have to see
Character voice opinions:
I love Crux, he sounds kind of like Locked Tomb Gollum who doesn't double-mark plurals
I always headcanoned Gideon as having a low voice, probably because I have a low voice I want to see more representation for women with naturally low voices, this audiobook is not giving me that and I just have to accept it. Otherwise it's pretty good, although it's not always distinct from the narration
Aiglamene's voice is perfect
Harrow is also pretty good, but I'm curious if it will change when the main person she's interacting with is Ianthe, because right now it's very aristocratic and I feel like that would sort of overshadow Ianthe being even more aristocratic
The Glaurica voice was great
I'm not sure how I feel about Ortus's voice, but I guess I'll have to wait for the next book to reassess that first impression, since Ortus is now officially gone for the next 16 hours
Just regular stuff about the text that is hitting different a second time:
The Eighth House being described as "The Forgiving House" in the Dramatis Personae made me go "lol nope". Also it feels like a, uh, call-forward, I guess, to Mercy talking about forgiving John
The book opens in the year 10,000. I remember being Gideon and Harrow's age when we got to the year 2000, and we were all having endless arguments about whether the millennium actually began in 2000, or 2001. Why are none of the nerdy young people in this book getting really overinvested in the question of what is the actual first year of the myriad? I can see Harrow and Gideon having an incredibly violent argument about this and it would have been a great callback to some early aughts culture, which is something this book absolutely loves to do
Not really hitting different, but even after reading the whole thing I am still mystified by Gideon's apparent knowledge of Pluto's seasons
At some point it said "they chipped her". Did they put a tracking chip in Gideon, like you do with a cat?
Harrow says "I swear by my mother I have nothing on me" but Gideon was asking her to confirm that it was a fair fight, and it absolutely wasn't, haha
"My parents should have suffocated you" followed by "I'd like to see them try that now." Oof
Harrow saying "my parents have been waiting long enough" at the end of Chapter 2 hits a bit different when you already know at this point that they are dead and its their zombies that are waiting to be puppeted by Harrow. And everyone in the room knows this, she's not like pretending her parents are still alive for the benefit of some random nuns who aren't in the know
"In the Ninth everyone knew [cavaliers] were chosen for how many bones [they] could hump around" - I remember last time someone filled me in on this after Gideon's fight with Naberius and someone else said it was a spoiler, but it's actually stated quite plainly in Chapter 3
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mossy-covered-bones · 3 years
TSUS challenge Day 1
Tw:swearing, alcohol, sexual comments, food
“Hey, Virgey, you busy?”
Virgil made a noncommittal noise, not looking up from their phone.
Remus frowned, leaning closer. “Hey, skulky, can you hear me?”
“Go away, Rei, I'm busy.”
“Busy doing what, watching porn?” Remus leans over Virgil’s shoulder to look at their phone screen, only for the other to clutch the phone to their chest and push Remus away.
Remus grinned, leaning back in. “I saw words, you’re reading it? Who knew you could be nerdy and horny at the same time.”
“I wasn’t reading anything bad!” Virgil hissed, pulling their headphones off and glaring at their roommate. “What do you want?”
“J-anus is out with his partner tonight.”
“Yeah, any what about it?”
“That means we’re unsupervised, Vee.”
They shot him a nervous look. “What are you planning?”
Remus pouted. “It’s nothing bad!” He slipped into a gollum voice. “We swears it, my precious.“
“Ew, don’t do that, it’s creepy!”
He snickered, holding his hand out for the other. “I won’t do it again… if you agree to have some fun with me tonight.”
Virgil frowned up at Remus, hesitating, before putting their hand in their roommate’s and letting him pull them to their feet.
“Where did you get all this stuff?”
Remus shrugged, tossing Virgil a packet of twizzlers. “So are you in more of a vodka mood or a wine mood? Because I think Janus left some decent stuff in the back of the fridge.”
“Um… are you sure that’s a good idea?”
He waved the question away, pulling out a bottle of liquor. “C’mon, I know you don’t work tomorrow, and Dee Dee won’t be home tonight, he and his cute piece of ass are gonna be fucking tonight, I guarantee you.”
Virgil bit their lip, then shrugged. “Sure, okay. Wine sounds good.”
Remus pulled a mostly-full bottle of red wine out of the fridge, grabbing the bag of candy he’d left on the counter.
“I’ll grab some glasses,” Virgil volunteered, opening the cabinets.
“Alright, meet me in the living room!”
Remus skipped into the other room, dumping the stuff he’d brought onto the couch and plopping himself in front of the CD player. “Are you alright with watching one of the amateur horror films the underclassmen asked me to look over?”
“Are you sure you can give any sort of good advice when you’re getting drunk?” Virgil asked, trailing into the living room.
“Yeah, I normally am when I look these over. Being drunk off my ass is the best way to watch these fuckers.”
They shrugged, dropping onto the couch. “Sure, then. You’re the film major here.”
They watched the hour-long project, shooting little comments and jokes back and forth about whether the blood splatter was realistic, or the lore was historically accurate, before it came to an end.
“It wasn’t as shitty as most first projects I’ve seen,” Remus mentioned, popping the disk out of the CD player. “You can actually tell what’s going on! Which is a fucking miracle.”
Virgil let out a small laugh. “Yeah, you’ve probably seen your fair share of shitty films, yeah? So what next?”
“Would it be cliche to say truth or dare? Because I’ve been saving up some good ideas for dates.”
“Yes, it would absolutely be cliche of you, how dare you suggest something after an entire hour of shitty horror cliches,” Virgil deadpanned, smirking at Remus and sipping at his glass. “I know better than to take one of your dares, and I am definitely not drunk enough to forget that yet. Truth.”
Remus pouted. “That’s no fun, you’re so boring. Do you think I could pull off a skirt?”
“Hell yes. Truth or dare?”
Virgil made a big show of tapping their chin and humming to themself. “I dare you… to… sneak into Jan’s room and steal some of his good dark chocolate for me.”
“Have a bobby pin I can borrow?” Remus asked, springing to his feet.
They nodded, passing him one of the Bobby pins they kept on their hoodie pocket—just in case—and Remus had the lock picked and a few pieces of chocolate tossed straight into Virgil’s face in a matter of minutes.
“It’s your turn, Virgin,” Remus sung, grinning in anticipation.
They rolled their eyes. “Truth.”
“Remember that party back in Highschool? Back when you were dating that Logan guy? You disappeared pretty fast, did you guys—“
“No, no! Dare!” Virgil screeched, cheeks burning.
“Oh, well if you insist—“
“Just give me the dare, Rei.”
Remus grinned. “How does chocolate, jalepeño, and ranch sound?”
Virgil made a gagging sound, but took another gulp of wine and strode into the kitchen. Remus trailed behind them, watching as they pulled one of the peppers, and the bottle of ranch in the door.
He watched with glee as his roommate squeezed a gold of ranch onto the pepper, swallowing before adding one of Remus’ peanut butter cups to the top.
Remus laughed as Virgil bit into it, visibly gagging. “Regretting that dare yet?”
“Oh shut it you—“ their words were cut off by another gagging noise.
“Okay, okay, but Jan is definitely the hottest one in our group, right?”
Virgil nodded solemnly, clutching at their empty glass. “You’re a solid second, though.”
Remus let out a loud laugh. “I’m sexy as hell, but nah, you’ve definitely got me beat there.”
“Shhh, your face is cute.”
“No, you.”
Virgil pouted, leaning against their roommate. “Well, I’m biased, but the whole reason I’m biased is because you’re cute.”
“Yeah, how’s that?”
They hiccuped, burying their face in Remus’ shoulder. “I only get crushes on cute guys, so you’re cute. That’s just… just facts, you know?”
Remus felt his heart jump in his chest, his face flushing. He was definitely too drunk to deal with this.
He opened his mouth, about to respond, when he heard Virgil’s soft snores, muffled against his shoulder.
That could be a problem for future him. Virgil had a good idea with the sleeping thing, Remus didn’t realize how tired he’d been until now.
He stood on unsteady feet, pulling Virgil off of the couch with him, and carried his roommate back to his bedroom.
Remus could figure out how to respond to his crush liking him back tomorrow.
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365days365movies · 3 years
March 1, 2021: The Hobbit (Review)
Is “quaint” a good word here?
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Maybe its the beautiful backgrounds, maybe it’s the stylized designs that make me think of Christmas specials, maybe it’s the faithful take on a classic story that I loved as a kid, but...I dunno. Quaint’s the first thing that comes to mind here for me, for whatever reason.
All I know is that I did enjoy this movie well-enough...even if it’s not my favorite. Don’t get me wrong, this is still a great story, and I do love the original Tolkien tale very much...but I don’t know if I can say this was my favorite adaptation or not.
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Now, it got some things right that the Jackson movies didn’t, at last as far as I’m concerned. Thorin’s pretty good in this film, Gollum is great (as always), and it accurately sums up the story in a single movie without too much omitted (I do miss Beorn, though). But here’s the thing: the things that I think Jackson’s movies did wrong outnumber what this film did right.
You know, the weird addition of Tauriel and Legolas, the added Lake Town plot with fuckin’ Alfrid, the entire Azog thing, the fucking NECROMANCER thing, Rada...well, actually, I like Radagast. He was fun.
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And that’s not to say that Jackson’s movies did nothing right. Quite the contrary! I mean, Martin Freeman is a PERFECT Bilbo Baggins, and basically everybody is perfectly cast, to be honest. And that includes what I think is the best part of the films: Smaug, as portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch. And yeah, that motion capture footage is hilarious, but it pays the fuck OFF, what can I tell ya? I mean...come on.
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Smaug in these movies is fucking AMAZING, and I genuinely love him. And...well, you know what, let’s actually get into the Review. Enough navel-gazing here. Here’s the Recap (Parts 1, 2, and 3), if you’d like to read that first! OK, let’s get this done and Reviewed!
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Cast and Acting: 7/10
Given that this is an animated film, this is an interesting category to grade. I’ll be doing so based on their vocal performances, and...eh. For a Rankin-Bass movie, the vocal performances are a little standard. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some standouts. Orson Bean plays a kind and contemplative Bilbo, and while I don’t know that I like him quite as much as Martin Freeman, I do still like his performance. John Huston is likewise good as Gandalf, although Ian McKellen is...well, Ian McKellen, even in The Hobbit films. And then...there’s Brother Theodore. And, boy oh boy, do I love his Gollum a lot! I think he’s legitimately fantastic as this version of the character, and specifically as this version of the character. Andy Serkis is still the better Gollum, I think, but I do think that Theodore handles Gollum’s last line in this film better than Serkis did. However, I can see Serkis becoming the devious little monster he eventually becomes a lot more.
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Also, Hans Conried plays Thorin, and all I could hear was Captain Hook, like, the entire time. There are actually a lot of voice actors from the time period in here, like Don Messick, Paul Frees, and Thurl Ravenscroft, and they’re all fine. There’s also Richard Boone as Smaug, and...he’s OK. Not saying he’s great, but...he’s all right. His deep booming voice does work well for the role, and some of his line deliveries are pretty goddamn solid, but...I dunno, he just doesn’t bring the same gravelly gravitas that I expect of, well, a goddamn dragon, let’s be frank here.
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Plot and Writing: 9/10
What can I say? It’s Tolkien! And they’re pretty exact with their adaptation of the original work, as adapted and written by Romeo Muller. And yeah, Muller does a good job...but he also writes this similar to how he wrote all of the other Rank Bass specials. If there’s any problem, it’s that. But even then...I don’t know if I can call that a real problem. Still, I’ll take a point off for it, even though it’s really closer to half a point. If anything, I’m upset that Beorn was completely absent. You coulda worked him in, Romeo!
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Directing and Cinematography: 7/10
This is essentially judging the storyboarding, and how shots were positioned in the artistic process. And yeah, it’s...mostly good. Unfortunately, true to form for Rankin-Bass production, it often feels just a little too stiff in places. Makes sense since Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass are the directors. Not as bad as some of their other productions, but still definitely a notable quality of the film. So, points off for that, but the rest of it is honestly fine, especially for animation of the era. What came out from Disney that year?
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Oh, damn, the Rescuers? Yeah...shit, yeah, that looked WAY better, and that wasn’t even one of Disney’s best looking film up to that point. Although, different budgets should probably be taken into account. OK, moving on.
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Production and Art Design: 8/10
I like the backgrounds in this film a LOT, lemme tell you. They were done by Minoru Nishida, who’s done a hell of a lot of animation stuff, but was also the art director for Kill Bill Vol 1! Neat! But yeah, the backgrounds are absolutely gorgeous here. How about the rest of the art design? Characters were designed by Lester Abrams, then redesigned a bit by the Topcraft guys (specifically  Tsuguyuki Kubo), giving it the very stereotypical Rankin-Bass style that the movie is known for. And does it work? I mean...kinda. The good news is that the different races of Middle Earth are pretty goddamn distinguishable from each other, and creatively designed at that. The bad news...sorry, I never did get used to Smaug, I genuinely don’t like his design in this. Like...why the dog head? By all accounts, Smaug was a stereotypical wyrm-style dragon, with the reptilian features and I. I just...I don’t get it. Sorry, but Jackson’s Smaug wins here, hands down. But that said...I do like Gollum. It’s different, yeah, but I think his design works pretty well. After all, according to Tolkien, we’re not really supposed to know what Gollum is. And I think it works pretty goddamn well!
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Music and Editing: 7/10
Glenn Yarbrough. I love ya. I SWEAR, I do actually like you and your main contribution to this movie, The Greatest Adventure. But if I have to hear that song ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME in this movie, I swear...because they chop up the song and use it in EVERY AVAILABLE INSTANCE with Bilbo. And I guess it’s his leitmotif, but they use that song...A LOT. And not instrumentally, I mean with the goddamn lyrics. Just...tone it down a little, OK? But OK, what about the other music, by Maury Laws? I like it! There are some songs in here that are very catchy, and I might actually get “Down, Down, to Goblin Town” on my playlist. Not that it’s all great, but it works for the setting and for the tone of the movie. And what about the editing? Eh. Visual editing is pretty good, bu7t the sound editing is...it’s 1970s animation editing. Hell, even the Rescuers sound editing wasn’t amazing, when I think about it. It’s fine, but it isn’t great most of the time.
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Y’know...I think I can gel with a 76% here.
Yeah, I know, it’s low, but that’s because this movie was...good, but OK. I’m not necessarily saying that it was better or worse than the Jackson movies, because I think they compliment each other in some weird ways. I like Thorin as a character more here, but Smaug MUCH more in the Jackson films. While there definitely don’t need to be three Jackson movies...I’ll admit that I think this one is too short, coming in at only an hour and 18 minutes. And I gotta say, I love the fact that it’s animated...but the live-action films also look fantastic, I can never fault them for how they look (except for Dain...ugh). I think they’re similar, but different, at least for me.
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But OK, here’s a question: is it just because it’s a property that I really like, and I have my own internal vision of it, which might be influenced by the live-action films? Entirely a possibility. Watch this movie yourself, make your own score! See what you think. Meanwhile, I’m going to try an experiment.
Fantasy movie, same production company, same directors, same animators, also based off of a fantasy book. And, uh...I dunno, a unicorn, maybe?
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March 2, 2021: The Last Unicorn (1982)
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
April Contest Submission #30: Break Me Off
Words: ca. 3,000 Setting: mAU Lemon: no CW: none
“Can I try yours?”
Elsa’s head snapped up from the book she was reading to look to her left. Her baby sister was looking expectantly, her small hand outstretched and waiting expectantly, fingers wiggling in a grabby motion.
“Sure,” she answered with a smile, and passed her barely started dark chocolate KitKat on to Anna. “I don’t think you’ll like it though.”
Anna ignored that statement and immediately put the candy bar in her ‘some teeth missing transition period’ mouth, and bit off a sizable chunk. She chewed for a few seconds before her chocolate-covered lips twisted in a grimace, and she threw the KitKat back in Elsa’s lap.
“Ewww,” she said once she finally swallowed the bite (she at least had the decency to not spit it out like she used to a few years ago, something Elsa could bet would drive their father nuts if she did it in the new car), then gave Elsa the dirtiest look ever. “It’s so bitter! Why are you doing this to yourself…”
The last words were said with an overly-dramatic flair as Anna put her hand up to her forehead and pretended to faint like an old-timey movie lady on an ottoman. Which would work much better if she wasn’t stopped by the seat belt.
“It’s not that bitter to me.” Elsa shrugged as she picked up the discarded KitKat and continued to eat it as if nothing ever mattered. “You just still have a baby palate,” she said around a mouthful.
Anna blew her a raspberry, and her gaze dropped to Elsa’s book. “Whatcha reading anyway?”
Elsa swallowed the KitKat. “Harry Potter.” She flipped the cover to show it to Anna, who immediately started tracing and mouthing the letters of the title. “The fifth part comes out next week, so I wanted to re-read it before then.”
“Can you read it to me?”
“Later,” she lowered her voice and glanced in the rear-view mirror at their father’s concentrated face. It wasn’t the best idea to read–and have Anna interrupt with her loud comments–while he was driving. “When we’re settled at the hotel, I’ll read some to you.”
“Hey,” Anna whispered, leaning over the wide armrest so she could reach Elsa’s ear. “You wanna try a bite of mine?”
She offered her the obnoxiously white KitKat, and Elsa immediately took it, as if its glow-in-the-dark properties could be seen by the row behind them. Without thinking much, she chomped down on the half-eaten candy bar. The overwhelming sweetness exploded in her mouth and seemed to coat her tongue with a thick, fatty film.
“You like it?” Anna whispered again, absolutely disinterested in the screen, her eyes locked square on Elsa’s face. “It’s kinda sweet, but I think I dig the white chocolate.”
Fighting through the nausea, Elsa finally managed to push the saccharine mush down her throat. “It’s absolutely disgusting,” she whispered back, then chuckled at Anna’s betrayed face. “I can see why you’d like it.”
Anna opened her mouth to say something (presumably snarky, she was hitting that age) in return, but an angry shhh came up from behind them. Elsa glanced at the people sitting in the back row and mouthed a sorry.
She turned back to the screen and tried to catch up on what she’d missed from the movie. So far The Goblet of Fire was proving to be worse than the previous parts, but she still wanted to know how they managed to work out the lake task of the Triwizard–
When Anna opened her mouth again just a few seconds later, Elsa stuck the white chocolate KitKat in it.
“Hey, tradition!” Anna screamed suddenly as Elsa unwrapped her finals-study-motivation KitKat, almost making her drop it. “Lemme try!”
Elsa blinked. This was just the dark chocolate variety, one that she was sure she’d already let Anna try at some point in her life.
“You already–” But before she could finish, Anna’s shark jaws locked around the still barely unwrapped candy bar in Elsa’s hand with a loud crunch.
She munched for a moment, a thoughtful look on her face as she was considering the flavor. It quickly gave way to a disgusted scowl.
“Ew,” she said with a fake gag. “It’s as bad as I remembered.”
So Elsa did let her try it before. She rolled her eyes and half-heartedly swatted Anna away.
With a devious snicker and a hurried good luck with the exam!, Anna skipped out of the room and left her alone to study.
Elsa shook her head and finally returned her attention to her long-awaited snack award.
For some reason, the sight of Anna’s glitter lip gloss on the dark chocolate made her stomach twist.
KitKats turned out to be the best way to go through her finals that year, and the next semester, and the next next semester, putting in the required fuel, feeling of accomplishment and the calories missing from not having time to eat proper meals.
It was also one of her little pleasures to find and test new flavors, especially those not available locally. It was Anna’s little pleasure to never say she wanted to order some for herself, and instead take bites off of Elsa’s, ‘just in case I don’t like it and don’t wanna finish!’
And over time it was one of Elsa’s little pleasures to look at the print of Anna’s lips on the chocolate and tenderly place hers on top to match the shape.
That little pleasure turned into a major curse when she realized she was daydreaming about placing her lips on Anna’s directly.
From then on, she would only buy the 4 finger breakable Kits.
“I don’t really like this one,” Anna said around a mouthful of the Ruby cocoa KitKat. “It looks super cute, but it just tastes kinda waxy.”
Elsa shrugged. “Honestly, it’s just like the regular, but pink.”
“No, it’s different.” There was no point arguing with Anna on that. While Elsa preferred to try out new flavors, Anna has always been a hardcore true fan and real connoisseur of the regular Kit, so all she could do was to believe the expert. The currently pouting, cutely irritated expert. “Do you wanna finish mine?”
Elsa’s blood froze.
The whole point of the 4 finger Kits (which she personally considered inferior as the ratio of chocolate to wafer was just not quite on par with the single stick) was to not kiss Anna by proxy. Is what she came to call it.
But Anna was holding out the pink KitKat with a darker pink lip gloss outline in her direction, looking at her expectantly.
“N-no, I’m fine,” she answered a little too quickly and in a little too nervous of a voice. “I don’t really like it either,” she lied.
Anna’s brows furrowed. “I thought you said it tastes like the regular to you.”
Elsa could feel herself sweat. Damn, the stupid act of sharing a KitKat, something they’ve done since they were little kids was making her sweat.
Probably precisely because they’ve been doing this since they were little kids. Growing up together. Being sisters. Who should not want to kiss each other, yet there Elsa was, looking away from Anna’s perfect cupid bow glossy lips like a teenager (which she was definitely not anymore, on the final stretch to obtaining her bachelor degree) in love.
Her own lower lip felt numb from biting down on it. Fuck, she was in love.
“Yeah, but you’re right,” she said, mouth dry. She was in love and she was just now realizing this because of a stupid Ruby KitKat. “It is waxy.” Stupidly good Ruby KitKat that she was going to deny herself because her sister’s lips touched it and she would burn in hell if hers did too. “Just toss it out.”
Anna’s face looked like she just told her she actually was planning to vote on Trump for the pure fun of it, but she didn’t say anything.
“Hey, I’m just about to head out– oh is that a new one?”
Elsa almost dropped the half eaten candy bar on the floor. She was not expecting Anna to come in her room any time soon, and like the true disgusting goblin she was, she decided to partake in her secret stash of imported KitKats.
Her dirty little secret stash of single stick KitKats that she couldn’t find in 4 finger format, and thus could not ever, ever let Anna know about because even if she ordered two pieces of each kind Anna would refuse to try an entire bar on her own.
‘I mean, what’s the fun in that? Half of the joy of KitKats is sharing!’
Not really seeing any way out of that, Elsa admitted defeat. “…Yes.”
“Oh, cool!” Anna bounced over excitedly to drop down on the bed next to her. “Oooh, white chocolate and peach? So fancy! Is it from Japan? It looks about the size of the Japanese ones I saw online…”
Her pure, genuine excitement only made Elsa feel even worse about hiding in her room like Gollum with his ring. Then, right as she was reaching for Elsa’s KitKat, Anna’s face and hand suddenly dropped.
Elsa gulped.
“…you… you were going to eat it without me, weren’t you?”
She focused on the pattern of her carpet.
“Oh my god, Elsa! You stinker!” Anna sounded full-on betrayed, and Elsa could honestly not blame her for that. “I thought KitKats were our thing!”
Elsa blushed, for many different reasons. “I-it’s not like that,” she started explaining herself, fully aware of how pathetic she sounded. “It’s just cause you never want a full KitKat of a new flavor and I couldn’t find them in the sharing format–”
“So? I didn’t know we were suddenly only allowed to share the break-apart ones.”
Elsa sighed. Right, to Anna it didn’t make any sense, because Anna was a normal person who didn’t fantasize about kissing her sister. Or flustered about indirectly kissing her. “I-it’s just easier to portion…”
“I’m pretty good at portioning a bite, thank you very much.” She still sounded a little miffed, but she did smile towards the end– right before her eyes turned very round and glistening. “Did you eat many without me?”
Holy shit, she was looking like the pleading emoji and Elsa was at her wit’s end. “No!” she denied quickly and truthfully. “I-I bought more, but this was the first one I was going to try…”
Anna crossed her arms.
“Aaand now that you know about it I guess there’s no point hiding,” Elsa continued sheepishly. “I’ll uh– I’ll go to the kitchen and cut you off a piece.”
She stood up quickly, holding the KitKat like a relay sprinter holds the baton, clinging on for dear life with the prospect of glory and escaping the rivals, or in this case escaping her sister before she could–
“Wait.” Anna’s hand was on her wrist and Elsa almost yelped. The rivals outran her and the finish line was nowhere in sight as she fell on her knees, defeated, and only metaphorically speaking as in real life she was just standing stiff in her place. “What? Just let me take a bite, it’s easier–”
“N-no,” she interrupted quickly, trying to pry the wrist away from Anna’s surprisingly strong grip. “Cause, uh– umm, that way I can make sure to cut in the middle and give you a fair share.”
Yes, that was a splendid save.
“I just want a bite, I’m not sure if I would like a whole half.” And a gloriously crushing response from the opponent. “Just let me–”
Her peach pink lip gloss would look amazingly fitting on the white chocolate and peach KitKat. Or on Elsa’s lips. Applied with her lips. On her lips. Kissing–
“No!” She yanked her hand away. Anna’s eyebrows shot up in shock, and Elsa realized she yelled that very loudly, even though she was mostly responding to her own dirty little secret thoughts. “I mean– I don’t wanna…”
What? What was she supposed to say to get out of this? There was literally no logical reason she could not be wanting to simply share the KitKat like they used to for so many years, aside from the obvious plague that was currently rotting her mind, but she could not tell Anna that–
“…are you disgusted by me?”
She said it in such a small voice, looking up from where she was sitting on Elsa’s bed with hands folded neatly in her lap, her big teal eyes glazed with a sheet of tears and Elsa’s heart broke into a thousand shards.
“Oh god, no!” Her hands moved on their own to grab Anna and pull her into a hug, but she stopped herself on the way, now with her hands awkwardly hovering at Anna’s eye level. “Why… no, I’m so sorry you would even think that, I–”
“Then what is it, Elsa?”
Fuck. Fuckity fuck shit fuck what was she–
“Just say it,” she damn near sobbed. “Out loud.”
“Your lip gloss,” she said in a flat voice, grasping at straws to not lie, but also not tell the truths. “It stays on the KitKat when you bite it.”
Anna’s eyes went wider. “You don’t like my lip gloss?”
Why the fuck was she sounding this hurt by the idea? “No, I–”
“I thought you said it looks good…”
“It does!” She could clearly feel herself getting flustered. “I like it, and it looks very good on your li– on you. Really good.” God, was she sounding as borderline creepy to Anna as she did to herself? “B-but it leaves a– a stencil of your lips on the…”
She trailed off, not really sure how to get out of the corner she just talked herself into.
Anna gave her a puzzled look. “So you don’t like… my lips?”
“No!” Jesus why was communication so difficult and why was the room so hot and why was Anna looking at her like this? “I love them. Like! I like them. I like. Them. Your lips. Like them.”
If Anna got up and called the ambulance right now because ‘my sister is having a stroke!’ Elsa would find it completely justified.
“Ookay…” Anna said slowly, not reaching for the phone, and instead continuing to try to read Elsa’s face (but what she could potentially read was that inside Elsa’s head there was a wind-up monkey puppet playing the cymbal, and nothing much beside that.) “So what is the problem?”
Elsa mumbled in response.
“I’m sorry?”
“It feels like we’re kissing,” she said weakly, absolutely giving up on her hopes and dreams in that instance. “When I bite the KitKat.”
Anna blinked at her. “That’s it?”
Elsa nodded.
“I mean, that’s all?”
It was Elsa’s turn to wear a confused expression.
“You’ve been getting only breakable KitKats for a year just so you could share with me without feeling like this?”
Elsa nodded again, albeit cautiously. She had no idea where Anna was going with this.
“And denying yourself flavors that don’t exist in that format so that I wouldn’t feel left out?”
Nod again.
“I’m sorry.”
Record scratch. “What? No, why are you sorry?”
“Because you were feeling uncomfortable because of me?”
“No, I– I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable knowing I want to kiss you.”
Wait, no– oh no no no no holy fuck no backtrack backtrack backtrack–
Her stomach sunk. There was no way to backtrack.
Red alert, escape the room.
Anna caught her hips before she could dash for the door and spun her around to face her again, this time meeting her at eye level. She reached for Elsa’s hand–which was currently hanging limply at her side, and still holding the goddamned half-eaten KitKat–and clasped it gently in hers, then brought it up until it was between them, right in front of Elsa’s mouth.
The scent of peach and white chocolate hit her before her brain registered the development.
“Bite,” Anna said softly, but with demand. “And hold.”
Elsa’s mouth opened on its own as her sister pushed the KitKat in, and obediently she clamped her teeth down on it–just enough to break the chocolate layer, but not all the way through.
She stood there patiently with the candy bar sticking out of her mouth, watching Anna remove the remaining wrapper as if her body was not hers to steer, as if she was just a passive observer as her mind was struggling to pick the pieces of what her sister was doing without going for what she really wanted Anna to be doing in her heart of hearts.
Once the wrapper was off, Anna climbed on her tiptoes and– Elsa could swear she saw her smirk right before the free end of the KitKat disappeared in Anna’s mouth, slowly, until their lips finally touched.
Their lips touched.
She was kissing her sister.
She was kissing her sister around a fucking candy bar.
And in just a few heartbeats she heard the tell-tale, trademark KitKat crunch as Anna’s teeth broke through the wafer, and with a final brush of her glossed lips she was off, leaving behind only a chunk of white chocolate and peach mousse in Elsa’s numb, speechless mouth.
“It looks good on you too,” Anna said with her mouth still full and gaze dashing between Elsa’s lips and eyes. “Bet it would be even better without the melted chocolate.” She swallowed down her bite, and let out a satisfied hum. “Mm, I like this one. Funny how the flavors work together so well… chew, Elsa.”
She brought her hand up to Elsa’s chin and pressed on it, and Elsa mechanically picked up the chewing motion, earning a delighted smile from her sister.
Anna glanced down at her watch. “Well, I gotta go. The sea and beach won’t run away, but my friends just might if I keep them waiting any longer.” She placed a soft, sticky kiss on Elsa’s boiling hot cheek. “But I’m really looking forward to trying the other flavors you got.”
With a wink, she pushed past her and out the door, leaving Elsa to deal with the lump (of KitKat) in her throat.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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There is an instant sound of someone coming running down the stairs following the calling of her name. 
Meadow: Yo Flynn! How are you?
Before Flynn can even open his mouth, the tiny dragon familiar growls loudly as if to protest everyone's presence. 
Meadow: Still a pouty one, I see! Flynn: Oh yes, always the pouty one, even more now that you have the precious! I think I might just name him growly!
He mimics the voice of Gollum for the precious part and winks at Meadow. Which gets him one more growl from the orb for good measure and a chuckle from his aunt. 
Flynn:  Did you manage?
Meadow smiled at Flynn. She was a spellcaster like him, his father and grandmother. But she was better at practical magic and alchemy, specializing on doing trinkets and jewelry, it was her favorite hobby. Jewelry.
Meadow: Oh yes, I managed. The shards were in a very bad shape, but I was able to use the best parts. Come!
She takes Flynn to her room, where she had her Alchemy station and her craft station. She grabs a small pouch and hands it to Flynn.
Meadow: That's all I could do out of it. The shards were in very bad shape. It's not everyday someone asks me to make jewelry out of eggs.
Flynn nods, he could imagine it being tricky, but that is why he asked her. It wasn't his strong side, potions and stuff, but it did fascinate him quite a lot what she could do. Taking the small pouch, he sat in one of the chairs, letting himself rest a bit a new growl reaching his ears from the orb.
Flynn: Oh sush you, you'll get them when we come home. 
He opened the pouch and peaked inside, smiling widely at his aunt seconds later, standing back up again.
Flynn: It's perfect.. hopefully, they will understand what they can do with it tonight, I know they fly around sometimes. They're beautiful! Meadow: Of course they're perfect! You asked and the world's coolest aunt delivered! Flynn: Yeah, you hear that growly one? The aunt delivers!
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