#<- in case people have the tag blocked
this1contradiction · 1 year
Tierlist of Meltdown players
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not the comments on this reddit post calling it the rare punz w 💀
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safelycapricious · 9 months
Needle-watch poll
So, I got some vaccinations the other day, and the pharmacy tech seemed unnerved that I opted to watch him insert the needle. And he is not the first to comment on it. I'm willing to accept I'm an outlier and shouldn't be counted, I'm just curious how much of an outlier.
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petricorah · 1 year
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zuko alone pt 2
lovingly inspired by this [ids in alt]
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tei-to-tei · 6 months
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December 3 - Morning Cartoons
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Where 32 trafficblr ships will be going against each other to find out who comes out on top, so vote for your favourites!!!
The 32 ships chosen for this bracket are the current ships with most fics on 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series fandom on ao3
All of the ships were arranged randomly for the bracket
Every round of polls will last a week
Finally and most importantly, be kind to each other. This is just a silly tournament
Tags for easy navigation:
The actual match polls -> Polls
The propaganda made by people with hopes to sway your votes! You can support your ships with your own propaganda by sending this blog an ask with the link to the propaganda post you want to be reblogged! -> Tournament Propaganda
Fun stats about the polls for those who enjoy them! -> Tournament Stats
The tournament is over and our winner is GemPearl!!!
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wingedcatgirl · 5 months
so this post is going around and it's total misinfo because he actually did "do this for" all those. they-very-much-did.jpg
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credit to @stirdrawsandreblaws for calling out the lies and @keastaroni for putting the links together but i'm reposting rather than reblogging because they added it as a reblog and i do not want to interact with the op of that post (a quick glance at their blog suggests that they're kind of an asshole)
It is a very easy google search, 100% Roe v Wade (abortion access) - July 2022 Student loan debt - August 2022 Canceled 5 Billion dollars in student loan debt Jan 19th, 2024 COVID - Ten within first two days Covid Vaccination required for Federal Workers Promoting Covid safety in Domestic and international travel Climate issues - First day of his presidency Executive order to revitalize our commitment to environmental justice for all BLM - also first day of his presidency Executive order on advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities School Shootings - March 2023 Hawaii - August 2023 Remember to be cautious of what you see online, it's election year. Do your research and stay informed. Continue voicing for the causes that matter to you, let your representatives know what you want from them. Vote!! Resources for demanding cease-fire in Gaza
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thinking about how Icarus checked to make sure they had two pickaxes when they were flying over to coop after Jamie and Easton asked them to. thinking about it.
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lulu2992 · 4 months
As someone who’s played the entire BioShock series, “Oh?!”
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systemtermz · 2 months
Reblog if other systems would consider you a freak (or you guys freaks, whichever your system prefers) and if you’re comfortable say why.
We’ll go first: there are so many reasons but we assume the big one is that we are slightly rude, have very little emotions, and openly express our boundaries. Yes people have actually called us freaks for this. Once got an ask we didn’t post telling us that we, specifically, gave systems a bad reputation because we ‘claimed not to have emotions’ (aka we have alexithymia and autism)
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chubs-deuce · 2 months
I want you to know that Dawn has become canon in my mind and I would die for her. I love every single illustration you post!! Your art style is so fun and expressive and really stands out from the crowd in the best way possible.
I'm ngl that is one of the most flattering things anyone's ever said about my art Q_Q
Thank you so much!!! I'm ngl while I genuinely like my own art, I do sometimes have moments of insecurity where I feel like maybe the way I stylize these characters is getting a bit out of hand or looks odd, so this was a really nice reminder that in reality, others don't even see it that way qwq
thank you so much for this ask, it genuinely made my day!! <3<3<3
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the-lonelybarricade · 10 months
I don't care what ships you support, but I will never block or unfollow anyone faster than seeing shipping warriors stirring the pot for no reason
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cabozers · 1 year
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These are my least favorite enemy to fight in the game. Cute fellas though
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natjennie · 5 months
thought about that little swallow and flinch back havers does in redding weddy and i almost threwy up btw 👍
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kurokoros · 2 years
not to keep complaining about season four, but literally why does eddie munson exist as a character? this isn’t about joseph quinn. this isn’t about the character being overhyped. this isn’t about shipping. eddie has zero substance that couldn’t have been copy/pasted to a different characters plotline, namely: steve, jonathan, and will.
high school boy that’s seen as a freak or outsider by his peers? jonathan byers was already established as being this character for two entire seasons.
high school boy is ostracized after being seemingly involved in the murder of one of his classmates, wherein he was the last one to see her alive? also jonathan. the duffers so easily could have given him his own plot in S2 where the hollands believe he’s involved in barb’s disappearance/death because he was literally the last one to see her alive. you mean to tell me that between steve, tommy h and carol NONE of them told the cops that jonathan byers was creeping around that night? bullshit. in the original pilot draft callahan even outright calls jonathan a suspect because of the punk/metal/rock/whatever poster he has hanging up on his wall.
dustin has an older male friend? steve. commit to killing a fan favorite instead of inventing a new character to provide a budget version of the same concept.
male character whose character arc is “not running away”? they literally did this with steve in S1 but with more impact, no cheap death, and more subtlety. tommy h literally screams at steve to “run away, just like you always do” and steve almost does exactly that at the end of S1, but comes back to save nancy and jonathan, completing that brief arc.
male character has ties to music to be relevant to the “music saves people” theme of the season? jonathan and will are both right fucking there. their thing in S1 was music.
steve gets another guy his age to bond with and they slowly realize they were wrong about their previous judgements of each other? jonathan. fucking. byers. this would have been full circle after jonathan expressing his dislike of steve while monster hunting with nancy in S1.
implied shitty dad? jonathan and steve???
literally why does eddie exist? what function does he provide that other characters couldn’t do, or haven’t already done in the past? duffers stop bloating your cast with unnecessary characters challenge when
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chipsncookies · 11 months
idk I was kinda thinking of trying the new pokemon anime but seeing u get so creepily obssessed with the explores these past weeks has kind of killed my interest in watching it tbh. I was hoping that after working urself into a frenzy every single week because you thought a side character villian would show up ud get a clue about how weird this was making u but I guess not. But yea I saw how creepy people got about the first anime, not doing that again, no thanks lmao
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Swablu in a tank
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They hat too big for they got damn head
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