#; the world tried to burn all the mercy out of me (taylor)
fidelixcorde · 6 months
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The Potters, a family portrait, circa 2015 From left to right: Lily Luna, James Sirius, Taylor Potter (nee Borelli,) Laura Minerva, Harry Potter, Rubeus Arthur, Jonas Alessio
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18 | chapter five
summary: fuck fathers in general, steve getting places un-invited while you like to cry while you drive. oh, and billy's mad.
warnings: abuse, family abuse, this was even triggering for me so look out.
listen to: Seven - Taylor Swift | If you were a Woman - Bonnie Tyler | Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood (playlist here)
word count: 2.8k
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
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“How was your day?” Emily asked as you closed the door to the house with a sigh. You glanced at her as she stared at you from the kitchen table and you smiled. 
Emily was your sister, really half-sister but it never really matter to you. She was in her last year of middle school and she was your whole world. Ever since your mother passed away, Emily became your daughter, at least that was your mother’s last wish.
“Good and how was your day, little duck?” you asked her while you messed with her hair and proceeded to the kitchen, taking all the ingredients out for dinner while she giggled. 
The rest of the week passed by quicker than you’d realize and you were happy about it. You spent most of it arranging everything in the new house, helping your little sister get everything together for school, and doing errands for your step-father. By the mercy of some higher power, your step-father hadn’t been on your ass and was in an incredibly good mood, you wondered if it had to be how everyone was brownnosing him but you tried to put no thoughts into that, you were just glad that it wasn’t your problem. 
Other than that, school had been a living hell. Apparently, nothing happened on Hawkins so you were a new attraction and were on full display. You’d auditioned for the cheerleading team and you’d been accepted which was something you were happy about and had also been having occasional lunch with Robin and her friends, who were exceptionally nice. But guys often hollered when you walked by and people still stared at you in the hallway; you were the new toy of Hawkins and everyone wanted to be your friend, take you out, or already decided they didn’t like you. That would be enough to send you over the edge but then there he was, through the whole week Billy Hargrove hadn’t removed his eyes from you. 
You’d tried to avoid him like the plague and you failed every time. 
He had been training on one side of the gym when you’d auditioned for the cheerleading team and he’d been watching you the whole time, earning stern looks from his coaches and screams from his friends; which in turn, earn you glares from other cheerleaders to the point that a girl that was auditioning too made you fall on the ground. Moreover, he always attempted to talk to you in the hallways but you ran always the other way, ignored his calls and one time even flipped him off. He also used to wait around the parking lot, parking near your bike but you were faster than him and always managed to get to school quicker or get out faster than he was. You even had him in a few classes and in your fucking favorite one, he was always burning you with his gaze.
And you hated every second of it. 
He had put a target on your back and it felt like you were paying for it.
“It was fine!” she sighed happily as she closed her books. “I made a friend, his name is Will and-” she was cut off and the air grew heavy, the hard steps made your skin crawl as you turned to the edge of the kitchen. 
“Hello, y/n,” your step-father said harshly while he glared at you. 
Craig Merril wasn’t a good person. He never had been a good person. 
“Hello, Craig.” you nodded curtly. 
You remembered when he came into your life when you were just a child. Craig had been a neighbor when your father was still alive and had snaked his way to your mother once he had passed away. You remember his twisted smiles when he took her on dates and you cried. You remembered he smelled like beer all the time and his screams. You recalled exactly the day he had made your mother cry for the first time, it was so odd for you because your father never made her cry. 
“Dinner’s late,” He replied while he placed his hands over his chest, his glare immediately startled you, he was annoyed. “The duckling here already wanted to start without you,” 
Emily seemed like she wanted to hide as she sheepishly gazed at you, almost saying that she was sorry for even suggesting such an idea. 
“Sorry, I was in an interview,” you replied as you hurried to place the salmon in the oven before taking out some vegetables from the fridge and placing them neatly on the table so you could take each one, wash them and start cutting them. 
“Got the job?” he asked and you took a shaky breath. 
“Yes, sir,” you replied. 
“Good, now that you’re settled you can buy your own food,” he replied and you nodded, but your hands turned into a fist for a second, squeezing the spinach you were washing, you believed your nails marked half-moons on your palm. “We’ve also made compromises in the church so I need you both to be there every Sunday with me,”
“If I have a shift, isn’t there any way that I can…” you began but you were quickly cut off by him, his voice rising. 
“You know the rules, y/n,” he said as he got closer and you got more annoyed. 
“Yes Craig, but…” 
“BUT!?” he screamed and you winced at his tone, Emily walked a few steps away from the scene and you took a deep breath before he repeated himself. “BUT!?” he asked one more time getting closer to you and grabbing you by your arm roughly. 
There was also another thing with Craig. 
You recalled when he gave your mom the first bruise. She had already announced her pregnancy and she believe now that she couldn’t leave him, not with one child and another on the way. See, Craig liked to be a two-faced asshole. He liked to be seen as a figure for his community and he liked the attention it got him. He pretended to be everything he wasn’t. 
He was a saint in the open and then he was a monster behind closed doors. 
He didn’t start to hit you until your mother was too sick to even realize it or defend you, but after he didn’t seem to stop. At first, you used to fight, which only left you with more bruises and busted lips than before, and with time, you just learned that you needed to avoid being seen or noticed by him.
“Let me hear you say that one more time young lady,” he screamed again and you winced at how he got closer to you, screaming right at your ear. His breath was horrible and his breath on you, on your neck, just made your skin crawl. 
You both froze at the sound of the bell on the door and all of you turned towards the door in silence. 
Craig let go of you with a grunt. “I’ll answer that,” he snarled as you breathed heavily. You turned softly to look at your arm, where he had been holding you and there was a print of his hand. You shuddered but then your eyes met with Emily’s, she was scared. She was always scared but you were thankful that something inside Craig, maybe the only small bone of decency he had in his body, never let him hit Emily. It was you how he let out steam and you were thankful that she was never harmed. So, it took everything in you to give her at least a reassuring smile before you felt your heart dropping when you heard the voice outside the door. 
“Hello, Mr. Merril,” Steve said as he leaned at the door with a tray in his hand. His always perfect hair was in his updo that you’d laugh at one day during lunch while he gave you a sweet look. “My name’s Steve Harrington, I’m your neighbor. My mom, she told me to bring you this homecoming gift,” he said with a smile while he passed a hand through his hair. 
Craig smiled immediately as he saw the large chocolate cake in Steve’s hand. 
Camara. Flash. Action, you thought, he was ready to act. 
“A great welcome gift from great neighbors,” Craig said with a jubilation proper from fucking Santa Claus as he took the chocolate from Steve’s hands. “Come in, Come in,” he insisted and gave Steve space so he could enter the house.
Steve muttered a small ‘hi’ to Emily and she replied in the same way as she sat on the kitchen table. Then, his gaze fell on you and you felt like hiding away. Yes, you’d come to know him in the last week and he was kind and sweet and incredibly funny but god, not enough for him to enter your personal hell. You always felt like your home was somehow a sacred secret - the fact that you were always unhappy there and beaten. Your chest ached a bit to even think so somberly about a place that was supposed to be your refuge and that it was when your parents were still alive but you attempted to mask your hurt in front of anyone. No one would even notice it at school, you were so good at putting walls that the only thing that they may notice would be the bruises and you learned to excuse or hid those as well. 
Now, you felt so exposed and uncomfortable with the presence of him there. 
“y/n?” Craig stated in a more stern voice and you scurried away to take the cake out of Craig’s hands to place it on the table kitchen. “And what grade are you in?” he asked Steve, whose eyes were glued to you, you could feel them, judging you and you hated it. 
“The same one as your oldest sir,” Steve muttered as he pointed at you softly but then Craig stopped him softly. 
“Oh no, she isn’t my daughter,” Craig said. 
“Step-father,” you muttered softly and Steve only nodded curtly, clearly sensing how you tensed up at the notion of Craig being related to you by blood. 
Nonetheless, Steve graciously continued the conversation. “Well yeah, we have a couple of classes together,” he explained as you decided to continue preparing the salad and try to ignore the conversation as much as you could. “She made a great impression with the teachers,” Steve continued. 
“As she must,” Craig replied with a clenched jaw and you closed your eyes softly, hoping Steve just said the right words. 
“Uhm, exactly,” Steve replied and then cleared his throat, silence overcoming the kitchen for a second and the only sound being you washing the vegetables and then cutting them up. 
Craig broke the silence. “Well, it was nice seeing you,” he said and Steve took a deep breath and nodded with a polite smile as they both walked to the door.
But then, Steve stopped for a second as he looked back at you, you raised your eyebrows for a second when Craig was still not looking your way, and then you saw the glint in his eyes. 
“Do you need anything else fella?”
“I was wondering if y/n wanted to go to a little reunion we would be having this Friday to celebrate the beginning of the school year, it’s a tradition for the Senior class,” he explained softly as he gazed back at you and narrowed your eyes at him. 
Now, both Craig and Steve were looking at you expectantly, as if after what had happened in Chicago, Craig would let you go anywhere close to a party. 
“Oh? Uhm, I…” you stumbled through your words, trying to see how to politely decline but then Craig spoke. 
“You will always be there with her?” he asked as he turned to Steve in an imposing matter, his hands to his hips and chest-puffing a bit. 
“Yes, sir,” Steve replied just as solemnly. 
Craig sighed for a second and then he looked back at you. “If you stay with young Harrington here,” he said as he nudge his head to Steve, “You can go,” he replied. 
You stopped cutting the vegetables right away, in fear that you would actually chop one finger off if you continued. You felt like you were hallucinating from the words that Craig had said. He had moved you here after the little incident that started with you at a party and now, after leaving everything behind, he actually let you go?
“Really?” you asked, your voice meek and soft.
“Sure,” Craig shrugged and you tried your best so your mouth wouldn’t turn into a smile but Emily was already smiling big and wide for you. 
“I’ll be picking you up then,” Steve answered softly with a bright smile as you bit your lip and nodded. 
“Yeah, Thank you,” you muttered. 
Steve simply gave you the last goodbye before shaking Craigs' hand while he remind him that his parents were actually really interested in knowing him and then he left just as fast as he had come in. Nonetheless, he had certainly made an impression and Craig was sure to remind it when you finally served dinner. 
“I like the boy,” Craig muttered as he filled his mouth with the salmon while you finally sat down. 
“Yeah, he’s nice,” you replied softly. 
“He really seems to like you,” Emily muttered and you felt your cheeks getting a splotchy red. 
Steve Harrington was indeed cute and even Emily at twelfth years old could tell that but the more you looked at him and got to know him, you’d come to find that he wasn’t exactly your type. 
“The little duckling is right,” Craig said and you felt like shrinking a bit on your chair as you took a bite of the dinner. “It’s time you start thinking about marriage,” he replied and you felt like throwing up. 
You never thought about marriage, you didn’t want it. After everything you’d seen in your life, you didn’t truly even want to get married or even try to find someone you liked. You’d come to the conclusion that maybe love wasn’t exactly for you, the only time you’d seen a happy relationship was when you were too young or in movies. 
But with everything that had happened in your life, with all the cruelty and pain that love brought, it seemed like your perception of the concept would be tainted forever. 
You didn’t reply to Craig, opting for simply nodding while trying to avoid your face turning sour. The rest of the night went by without any hiccups. Craig was too enthralled with the TV while you finished helping Emily with her homework before Craig went up to his room leaving you alone. Then, you helped get set up for bed before you were down in the kitchen again, cleaning everything up for tomorrow and preparing the snacks that each one would take. You didn’t finish until it was too late and you were too tired to even think about the whole ordeal that had just happened, it was until the next morning when you realized how much you were dreading running into Steve that day and having him wondering about your personal life. 
You’d never let anyone really be close enough for them to ask certain questions but now you felt as if someone had punched a wall through them. First, it had been Billy Hargrove when he’d caught you in the early morning and now there was Steve Harrington coming to your house without an invitation. You felt so exhausted by just thinking about the burden of your secrets that you woke up earlier that morning without much sleep to ride your bike before Craig woke up and there was no breakfast served, plus, you’d managed to have a good crying session in the bike. And even though all you wanted to do was curl up in bed alone and listen to as many records as you could, you simply put on a brave face and got ready for school. You opted for a dark blue short tennis skirt and a sweater in a lighter blue tone. You didn’t even bother fixing your hair or putting on anything more than mascara, you didn’t care if someone actually saw the bag under your eyes and you assumed that maybe if Chrissy caught you in the hallway she would even do your make-up herself. 
But it wasn’t Chrissy the one you ran into that early morning as you took your books out from the locker. 
It was his voice behind you and you sighed while turning around. His electric blue eyes met with yours immediately and you felt your heartbeat rise a bit.
“What was Steve Harrington doing at your house yesterday?”
author's note. i'm sorry that this chapter isn't that exciting but the end. I'm excited to see the next chapter and then CHAPTER SEVEN the girls are fighting but CHAPTER EIGHT. I can't wait for that one. I'm again, really really super thankful for your support. As I said before, I'm excited that someone actually subscribed to my ko-fi for this series and I just want to cry and thank you all for your messages and I'm just... thank you so much.
As always lmk what you thought of the chapter!
Taglist: @happypopcornprincess @hannahnikohl @thescarlettvvitch @nymphadora000 @phishyie @amethystx3 @jaziscool @vixionix @gloryekaterina @alicetweven @frogtits1 @meg11 @pillowjj @fan1237 @bucky-daddy-barnes @starloriha @make-me-imagine @piper570 @dedicated2viktor @zanmorgan @queenofshinigamis @literally-a-ferret @slutformaddyperez @milkiane @mysterygirl-14 @oli-leo-ska @tsukibaby1 @samwilsonlove @theshinyrock @belledawnidk @the-mysterious-miss-s -s @rio-mx@nobody-000 @rlvslouis @linkpk88 @daygirl26 @steveharringtonswifey09 @alwaysbeenfamous @kazbrekkersangel @ilovewomen711 @allazay101 @finelineskies @dacresgff @nymphadora000 @that-levi-kenma-kinnie @riffcrusader @useless-snail @patheticreative @emmettcullenswife @milenadixon @whiskeypowder @ponyboys-sunsets @yunho-leeknow @kaillou66 @randomeddieblog @gifcottage @storeybook @nikt-wazny-y @kneelforloki @niviiera @pumpkin-kings @anitatvd @niviiera @sadsamaritan @hyojin-2579 @angelbbygrl @makepastanotwar13 @variety-fangirl @padwansubscription @caro-amante @lemonworldblog @simpforbuckyb @mxltifxnd0m @superficialfeelings @younxii @uselesshuman
Please let me know if i’m missing anyone and if there’s something wrong with the tags but thank you so so much for reading!!
feedback is always welcomed!!
buy me a coffee or help me with my laptop? thank youu
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allegra-writes · 2 years
"Begin Again"
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Original gif by @chuck-cox
Matt Murdock x Reader
General Audiences, fluff
Warnings: None. Past Reader x Billy Russo mentioned.
I know I promised Dark!Matt x Reader first but I was listening to Taylor Swift while studying and this practically wrote itself. You guys think my world literature professors will give me extra credits for this?
Reader and Matt go on their first coffee date, and Reader can't help but notice just how different from her last relationship Matt is. Can be read as a stand alone or as the second part of "Ghosted", my angsty Billy Russo break-up fic.
"I've been spending the last eight months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn, and end
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again"
Begin Again - Taylor Swift
He was already at the coffee shop when you entered. You didn't know exactly why, maybe because you had tried to drag Billy there for weeks before finally giving up, but you had expected Matt to be late or not show up at all.
But he had, and somehow he had known it was you, if the adorable way he jumped up from his seat, big boyish smile on his face, was anything to go by. You waved at him until you realized what you were doing and put your hand down, instead stepping over to plant a shy, tentative hello kiss on his cheek, his smile growing even bigger at your sweet gesture.
"Hi, Y/N"
"Hi, Matt" It was probably the wrong move, but your curiosity got the best of you, "How did you know it was me?"
"I didn't" He joked, "I actually got up for the last five people to enter that door"
Your snort was inelegant, but his own chuckle told you he at least liked your spontaneity. You appreciated it, it was nice not having to feel self-conscious of your every move, wondering if maybe if you were a little more sophisticated, a little more pretentious, a little more like them, then maybe he would…
"It was your perfume" Matt explained, interrupting the darker turn your thoughts were taking. "Orange, strawberries and flowers, like jasmine. And something else, a woodsy undertone, patchouli, maybe cedar… no one else in the entire city smells quite like it"
There was a soft fluttering sensation in your stomach at his involuntary revelation of the amount of attention, the time he must have spent thinking about the way you smelled.
"It's called 'Luz'" You disclosed, "and they don't make it here. My mom sends me bottles of it to remind me of home"
"Light" He translated, nodding to himself as if the mystery made sense to him now, "It's fitting, you're luminous and warm, like sunshine"
His face turned beet red, horrified look in his expressive eyes and you understood he hadn't meant to say that last part out loud, but you enjoyed the compliment.
Besides, Matt Murdock was cute when he was flustered.
You took mercy on him, grabbing the back of the chair in front of you for something to do, to diffuse the tension. Matt, though, ever the gentleman, stopped you.
"Allow me, please" He requested, before pulling your chair out and helping you in once you were seated, and you felt yourself melt a little.
"I love that song"
"What a heavenly way to die" Matt motioned at the headphones hanging from your neck, "what a time to be alive… because forever is in your eyes… but forever ain't half the time I wanna spend with you…" he hummed, deep voice barely over a whisper, along to the song that you were playing on your phone.
"You have very good hearing!" You commented, impressed.
"Yes, well…" He trailed off, shrugging. You wondered if he was afraid it would kill the mood, talking about his blindness, if he was scared you would bolt if he reminded you, or if it would be rude of you to tackle the subject so soon.
Maybe you were the one scared of fucking up.
Either way, you decided to deflect.
"I didn't take you for the Troye Sivan type"
"Why not? I'll have you know I'm hip, I'm very hip"
It was a total breach of first date protocol, not even you were so socially inept to not know bringing up an ex was a huge no. But you found yourself doing it anyway.
"It's not that, it's just my ex… whatever we were, he hated bubblegum pop and YouTubers, he was more into jazz and the old big ones, you know? Ray Charles, Nat King Cole, all that stuff. He said my music taste was- that it wasn't real music"
You braced yourself, reading Matt's face for any sign of judgment or discomfort your social faux pass might have caused him.
"No offense, but he sounds like kind of a dick" he replied, without missing a beat. You let out a relieved laugh,
"Yeah, he kind of is"
Luckily, your favorite waitress -and friend- showed up then, saving you from having to expand on the Billy Russo subject. Theo didn't say anything as she took your orders, but you could see her smirk as she took Matt in, undoubtedly analyzing everything about him in those few seconds. She gave you a thumbs-up as she went back to the counter.
You'd have to ask her later if she really did like Matt or if she just liked him cuz he wasn't Billy, but for now, you decided to take it as a good sign.
"I like this place" Matt commented, casually head tilted slightly, as if he was listening to something you couldn't. You wondered if that was the case. "The atmosphere, the music, the people. I must have walked right by it a hundred times going to work, and I never even noticed its existence"
"Most people don't" You explained, "The Slat is one of Hell's Kitchen's best-kept secrets. And luckily, that's just the way the owners like it" The best part of the place was that, how tiny and cozy the small hole-in-the-wall Cafe was. It was charming and vintage in a genuine way as if an old lady had decorated the place (it had) about thirty years ago and no one else had dared or bothered to touch anything. The floors were naked worn-out brick, the sturdy furniture metallic and mismatched, and real geraniums were hanging from the discolored walls. Combined with the lo-fi hip-hop beats coming from the old speakers and the smell of roasted coffee and burnt toast, you imagined it made for an interesting sensorial experience even for someone without his sight.
But the truth was, you had an ulterior motive in your choice of venue. You didn't only like this particular coffee place, but you felt safe there, your friends worked there. And there wasn't anything remotely sexy on a coffee date. Meeting at night could, in your experience, give a guy the wrong idea. Plus, a dinner date lasted at least an hour, so if it didn't go right, there was a lot of time for awkward silence or boring conversations. Coffee was easier, cheaper, and if you wanted to bolt, you could do so after fifteen minutes or so.
Not that it was going to happen now. Matt was charming, and he was making you feel comfortable. He didn't seem entitled or overbearing at all. No, your only regret so far was that Matt had kept his dark glasses on. You had only seen him without them a handful of times, and you got the distinct impression he would never take them off at a public place if he could help it, and, as insensitive and shallow as it was, you were finding yourself wanting to gaze into the pretty hazel of his big doe eyes.
And at that very moment, as if reading your mind, he chose to take them off.
"I'm glad you invited me" Matt was talking again, so you let go of your stupid longing thoughts and focused on listening, "otherwise, I would have never found it"
"I'm happy you like it, then. I know plenty of dive bars and hidden gems I can show you if you want…"
Matt did the adorable head tilt thing again,
"Does that mean there are going to be more dates?"
You felt your face warm up again, but Theo, bless her heart, chose that moment to bring your drinks, saving you again.
"Here you go, guys, one latte for the gentleman, and one caramel macchiato for the lady. Also, one hot cinnamon roll. On the house" she punctuated with a wink, making it clear she wasn't only talking about the perfectly split in half pastry. And something about her tone must have been obviously teasing because Matt lowered his head, abashed but still smiling.
"I apologize for Theo, she's still undomesticated"
"It's ok, I'm glad to know I have your friend's seal of approval"
You hummed distractedly, still giving Theo the stink eye as Matt tore onto his half of the pastry, moaning involuntarily as the warm, gooey deliciousness melted in his mouth. It was impossible to turn your eyes away from the curve of his jaw, the way the muscles of his neck worked as he chew, from his plump pink lips as they closed around the pastry. You wanted to reach out and clean the drop of sauce on the corner of his mouth with your fingertips, wanted to feel the prickle of his stubble against your palm, wanted to taste the cinnamon off his tongue.
You wanted him.
The realization washed over you like an epiphany, a benediction. After months and months of comparing everyone you met to your not-quite-ex, and finding them lacking, now Matt was making your heart skip a beat (or two or three) by simply being himself. Kind, chivalrous, cute. Not that you hadn't noticed when men exhibited those qualities before, at least objectively you had. But none had been able to move you, to attract you quite like Matt was doing. Had you been too busy obsessing over someone who treated you like trash to really allow yourself to react to those guys? Or was Matt Murdock simply hot enough to break through your haze of apathy? Did it even matter when he was reaching for your hand on the table and setting your skin alight with the softest, most innocent of touches? Pleading with the sweetest voice to… what?
Right. You would do right to pay attention to what he was trying to say. Probably.
"... hope you don't think I'm too forward for asking for this on our first date" To be perfectly straight, you were ready to agree with anything he would have requested of you right then, those huge hazel eyes of him ought to be illegal. "But I've been wanting to do it for a while and I'm not exaggerating when I tell you I think I might die if I don't kiss you right now"
If your heart was skipping before, at that moment, it stopped altogether. Or maybe, it started working on override, taking over completely, brain willingly and cheerfully relinquishing control of your body to it. Because next thing you knew, you were leaning over the table, pressing the most delicate, gentlest of kisses on Matt's delectable lips, sparks going off under your skin from that single point of contact. It was pleasing.
It was blissful.
It wasn't anywhere near enough.
And Matt seemed to feel the same way because, in a flash, his hand was finding your face, cupping it, keeping you in place as his lips pressed against yours more insistently, moving against them, coaxing them open just barely, just enough for your breath to mingle with his, just enough for the tip of his tongue to slide between your lips and withdrawing. Just a taste. Just a tease. Just a promise of what was to come if you dared to take what he was openly offering to you.
It was enough to make your heart race, wild and erratic, like a hummingbird trying to escape the cage of your ribs.
Matt broke the kiss, as breathless as you, forehead resting against yours, fingertips still clinging to your neck, not ready to let go of you yet. You could understand though, boy did you understand, you didn't want to let go either but lunchtime was running out, and you both had to get back to the office.
Once again, Matt seemed to be reading your mind.
"I don't want this date to end just yet" He confessed, thumb tracing your lower lip. You puckered your lips, kissing the pad.
"Me neither…"
"Can I walk you back to work?" His earnest request made you giggle.
"Well, we do work at the same building, you know.I think that means we have to walk in the same general direction…"
Matt giggled too, probably because he was still a little high from the kiss more than out of amusement at your cheeky comment. Somehow, you couldn't find it in yourself to mind.
"Lucky me then, I get to spend more time with you"
Would you guys be terribly late if you pulled him in and started a make out session there and then? But no, Matt was finally leaning away, letting you go back to your own seat, as much as you regretted it.
"A lot more time, probably" You pretended to sigh, "the Jones case will keep us in the office all night…"
"We can kick Foggy and Karen out, get some dinner together, a little lame for date number two, but I can be charming enough to make up for it" Matt joked, but you liked the way it sounded.
"Will you walk me home after, Mister Murdock?"
There surprise was clear on his expressive face, but he recovered fast.
"Of course" He stumbled out, "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't?"
There was something at the back of your mind, like you could almost think of a name in reply to that. But it was just out of reach.
And whatever it was, it couldn't be more important than the man in front of you.
"Great. Then it's a date"
Oh yeah, whatever it was, it couldn't possibly be more important than Matt Murdock and his dimpled, dazzling, adorable smile…
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 10 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.3 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (09)
Next part (11) ->
A/N: This part was inspired on the song Treacherous by Taylor Swift
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
You can't believe you let Billy convince you into this. These parties were never your thing. They usually happen during the week, and on the next day, you can see the effects on those who went. Today is Saturday, but even so.
Maybe it was Billy's intense stare, or how he smiled and caressed your cheek as he asked you to go with him... Or how he said he wouldn't go without you because there would be no point.
Sighing, you look at yourself in the mirror, blushing at the memories. Your hair is styled with some waves, and they flow down your shoulders. The dress you choose is tight, perfectly hugging your body. Not too tight though, as the dresses Stacy and her friends wear. It's decent and delicate, pink and black... And you wonder if Billy will like it.
“(Y/N), Billy is here!” Your mother yells and you sigh, fixing your hair and leaving the bathroom.
Once you put the high heels on, you take your purse and go downstairs. Billy is seated on the couch, but his eyes find you immediately, and he stands up. “Hey.” You mutter, walking over a very weird Billy. He has his mouth half-open, eyes scanning your body. “Have you lost something?” Trying to keep the sassy tone, you cross your arms, heat spreading through your cheeks.
“I just never saw you on a dress before and...” He sighs, eyes meeting yours and a smirk coming to his lips. “You're stunning.”
Biting your lip, you look down, taking in the leather jacket and the red shirt underneath, which has a lot of buttons left open. “You look good too.” You mutter, running a hand through your hair. “Shall we go?”
“Sure.” Nodding, you start walking to the front door.
“(Y/N).” Your mother calls, and when you turn around, she's standing by the kitchen door frame. “Be back by ten, alright?”
Silently, you nod before waving and walking out.
The ride to the party is filled with small talk. Billy keeps stealing glances, a small smile that never leaves his lips.
Once you get there, a house you don't even know who lives in, you raise your eyebrows as you walk in. The music is loud, but the people are louder. The place is crowded, and you wouldn't want to be the one to clean this place after.
“So, what do you think?” Billy asks, mouth close to your ear.
“It's very loud!” You tell him, and someone bumps on you, making your shoulder collapse on his chest.
Billy gives someone a hard stare before looking down at you. “Wanna dance?”
“Come.” He takes your hand, guiding you to the living room, which has the furniture all moved, creating an open space. There are a lot of people here already, but they move aside for Billy. A lot of eyes lay on you, but you ignore them. “I don't even know if you can dance, pretty girl.”
“Oh, I do.” Smirking at him, you wrap your arms around his neck, and start moving.
Billy raises his eyebrows, clearly impressed as his hands encircle your waist. You're very, very close, and you can feel all of his body. Your cheeks burn, the proximity making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. The heels do make you closer to his lips, but still, he'd have to bend down to kiss you.
Kissing Billy Hargrove. You never thought you'd want to do such thing.
But here you are now, dancing with him, spinning around and colliding your back against his chest as his arms hold you close, moving to the hectic beat. And it's perfect, amazing. Not because of the party, but because of him. You want to be like this forever, in his arms.
“You? Here?” The voice, very familiar breaks through your stupor, and you come back to Earth. Steve raises an eyebrow, purposely ignoring the man holding you. “I could never convince you to come to these parties. Not even when we were dating.”
Billy gets tense behind you, arms holding you a bit tighter. “Well, that was because I never had a good reason to come. Now I do.” Shrugging your shoulders, you gesture at Billy. “Where's your girl?”
“Bathroom.” He says, looking around. “There she is. Gotta go.” He steps away, but stops suddenly, eyes focusing on Billy for the first time. “You try anything with her I–”
“Steve, go.” Cutting him off, you speak up. “I'll be alright, Billy treats me well.”
“He better do.” With one last angry stare, Steve walks away, and you breathe out, relieved.
“I'll get you something to drink,” Billy says, letting go of you. You turn around, giving him a look. “A soda. Just soda.” Smiling, he raises both hands in defeat. “I know you well, pretty girl.”
“Alright. I'll check the backyard.”
“I'll meet you there,” Billy says and you nod, starting to make your way through the people.
The backyard isn't empty, but it's not crowded as the house is. Blame it on the cold. It's freezing, and you wish you had brought a jacket. The yard is cute though. A single three and some wooden tables scattered around. There's a bench under the tree, so you sit there bracing yourself and rubbing your arms.
“Hi.” Someone says, and you find Tyler coming to join you on the bench. “You look absolutely amazing.”
“Thanks.” His tone sounds weird, and you move away from him a little.
“People didn't use to notice you, but they sure are now. And God, you're so beautiful.” He says, and you give him a confused glance. Why is he saying this? “How did you manage to stay invisible for so long?”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you shrug your shoulders. “Because I'm not the type of girl guys like you pay attention to. And now that I'm with Billy–"
“You're with Billy?” He cuts you off, eyes following a small group of people walking by. “Is it official?”
“Mmm... We're... We're hanging out.”
“There's a big difference, see...” Tyler moves closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You immediately shake his hand away, but he keeps it on the backrest of the bench. “Because if you're with Billy, your off-limits. And if you're not... Well, I can have a shot with you.” Tyler run his fingers through your shoulder, all the way to the back of your neck. So you get up, not even trying to seem polite.
“I'm not interested, Tyler.” Bracing yourself from the cold, you look down at him.
“Look, you know Billy won't keep you. Save yourself a broken heart.”
“(Y/N),” Billy calls and you thank the heavens. Turning around, you find Billy coming your way. “Tyler.” He says in a weird, plain tone.
“Here.” He hands you over the can of soda, eyebrows furrowed. “Everything alright?”
“Sure,” Tyler speaks before you can, a humorless laugh escaping his lips.
“Wasn't talking to you.” He snaps, eyes coming to look at you.
“I'm fine.” With a half-smile, you tell him, craking the can open and taking a sip.
“Mmm.” Billy mumbers, and you can read the question in his eyes. “Here.” He says at the same time he starts taking his jacket off. “You're cold.”
“I'm not, really.” You protest, but he puts the jacket around your shoulders anyway. “I mean it, B. You'll be cold.”
“I'm alright.” He assures you. “And come. Let's get out of here.” Without giving Tyler a second glance, Billy guides you away, and you don't even try to resist.
You thought he was driving you home, but instead, he took you to a snack bar, where he bought you ice cream. And here, leaning against his car in the almost empty parking lot, you're having more fun than you were back at the party. The night is a bit cold, but the sensation Billy brings out makes you warm.
“Did Tyler say anything?” He asks, putting his empty plastic ice cream cup on the hood of his car.
“No, just... He said I'm pretty, that you'll break my heart so I should give him a chance.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look down, putting your cup next to his before pushing yourself up, sitting on the hood of his Camaro. “But don't mind him. Nobody else knows what happens between us.”
“I won't break your heart. I'm scared you will break mine.” Billy says, a nervous giggle leaving his lips. “(Y/N), I...” He comes closer, his hand, on the hood, touching your leg. Then you fold a leg under yourself, your body leaning closer to him. It happens involuntary, as a need you have you didn't even know was there. “I use to act and think and feel like I was unbreakable. But you... You made me weak.” It comes out as a plead, and Billy ends the little distance between you two. His face is too close, and his blue eyes are everything you see as his hand comes to caress your cheek. “I'm completely at your mercy. I'll do anything you say”
You've never been this close to Billy. And yet, you want more. The whole world is out of focus, and even the gravity is too much. Your heart needs him, it wants him. “Put your lips close to mine...” Your voice is barely a whisper, as your mind tries to win the fight over your heart. You'd be smart to walk away, but Billy is quicksand. He pulls you in. His kindness, gentleness... His touch, his voice, his eyes... Every single thing draws you closer. “As long as they don't touch...”
“I'm in love with you,” Billy says, eyes never leaving yours. “I've been since I saw you for the first time but it only got stronger. When we're close, I want to kiss you, and touch you and look at you... And when I see you walking away all I can hear is the sound of my own voice asking you to stay.”
A smile takes over your lips. He's confessing it, he's saying it with all the words. Billy's heart is open... And he loves you. “Everyone warns me about you. They tell me not to fall for the bad boy and sometimes it scares me but... Your name has echoed through my mind and I just think you should know.” Holding on the collar of his shirt, just to make sure he'll stay close, you look at his lips. “But nothing safe is worth the drive so...”
“(Y/N)...” He says, begs, pleads.
“This path is reckless... Treacherous... But I like it.”
And it's settled. You want him. And when Billy loses control, when he kisses you, you surrender. His lips taste like ice cream at first, but soon after all you can taste is him. And it's amazing, indescribable, inebriating. You've never kissed someone like that, you never wanted to kiss someone like that, and now you know why.
You've been waiting to kiss Billy all along.
And when you have to pull away, he holds you close, forehead touching as you both catch your breathes. The silence that follows isn't uncomfortable. It's the silence of two people in love enjoying each other's company.
“So...” Billy says after a while, his thumb caressing your lower lip. “I believe we're dating now.”
The different tone makes you laugh, playfully pushing him away and jumping off the hood. “What makes you think that?”
“A good girl like you wouldn't kiss someone she's not dating.”
“I'll make an exception for you...” With a smirk, you open the passenger door. “We can go back to the party if you want.”
“No way. I'm taking you home.” Billy gestures for you to get inside, closing the door for you.
“Are you for real?” You ask as he starts the car.
“You know my mother isn't home, right? She wouldn't even know.” Putting the seat belt on, you look at Billy. He has a smile on. The kind of smile you've never seen before.
“No, I want to make things right this time.” He glances at you, and your eyes fall on his lips, making you want to kiss him again.
Blushing, you nod, looking at the road ahead. “Alright.”
On the ride home, you listen to some music. And as he speeds through the streets, you sing out loud. Some people look with an angry face, eyebrows furrowed, but it only makes you sing louder. You're happy, like you never felt before.
The song is only turned off when he stops by your house, and you step out of the car. Billy walks you to your front door, and you stop there, turning to face him.
“I had fun tonight.” You tell him, a hand on the door handle, but with no intention of going inside.
“So did I.” He mutters in a low voice, stepping closer. Despite the high heels, he's still taller, so you raise your head to look at him. The darkness hides you both from curious eyes, and it makes you brave enough to move closer, holding on to his shirt.
“You know that if I cross the door with this jacket I won't give it back anymore, right?” You whisper, a smile on your lips.
“Take it, it's yours.” He whispers back, a hand caressing your cheek. “The jacket... My heart...” And he kisses you again, slowly, allowing you to feel the warmth of his lips and mouth against the cold of the night.
But he pulls away too soon, and you sigh. “What?”
“It's past ten, pretty girl. Get inside.” He places a kiss on your forehead, reaching behind you and pushing the door open. “See you tomorrow at school.”
“Good night, B.” Smiling, you turn around and step inside, but the door remains open until his car disappears down the street.
@multific @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @theodore-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85 @taisab02 @pascal-rascal424 @aleksanderblack @gruffle1
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inthestars011 · 4 years
What it’s like falling in love with him 💓💓🥺 *check venus*
Based mostly on personal experience
Aries Venus- falling in
love with him was like always remembering the feeling of his loose red tee shirt even if you just felt the cotton warmth as it grazed your arm lightly as you walked past in the hallway. He’d stare right through you and make your body go cold, or sometimes he’d lightly smirk and you’d feel the burning of a million suns as they rolled and rolled
into the pit of your stomach without mercy. Loving him was like constant tension, an endless dark corridor. Loving him was like heartbreak that you begged for. He would say he just didn’t want you, and leave, disappearing through the trees and wistful breeze. But he would come back forceful and angry everytime he heard that your arm may be wrapped around another man, he’d ask you where you are and he couldn’t handle the thought of your fingers intertwined into other hands. Loving him made you angry and loving him set you free. You realized that the two of you were just not meant to be.
Taurus Venus- Loving him was like forgetting what it once felt like to be touch starved. Some days he’d let his fingers dance lightly on your leg, other days, he’d kiss your neck as you moaned and begged. Either way you knew you were home, you knew you were safe. There’s nowhere you’d rather lay, than under the sun and in his arms. Both sensations brought warmth and love. You’d laugh as he seemed to make your parents fall in love with him even more than you, he was so scared to lose you. He would cook for you, feed you hot soup when you were sick. sometimes, you’d disagree on things and he’d be kind of a dick. You will miss the golden summers in his eyes, the loyalty in his fingertips. You will miss the sun as it rested in the peaceful sky, the sweet honey in which you’d dip your feet in gently.
Gemini Venus- Falling in love with him was like laughing about the crude joke he made whilst being entranced with his sly smile as he wrapped his mouth around a beer bottle. You wanted him to savour you in his mouth and drink you like he did that Miller lite. He loved to make memories with you, even if memories is all that they are. A faint recall of true love, a remembrance of his smile. Butterfly’s are beautiful but are almost always gone by Sunday morning, he always brought a rude awakening without realizing. You will remember the fresh grass as it tickled your backs and not the sound of your heart as it cracked, you will remember staring at the stars and wanting to bathe in galaxies above, and while you looked up at those stars all he did was stare at you, and you’ll remember how the staring was slightly intrusive but nonetheless mischievous, innocent and cute. He was in awe. You will remember the nervous smiles, the cold bathroom tiles, the time worthwhile. You won’t remember your heart breaking.
Cancer Venus - Falling for him was like finally being cared for. You were an abandoned child left on a door step and he took you in and cradled you tight, he loved you even as you tried to fight, he loved you even when it didn’t feel quite right, he loved you through your darkness, through your stressful nights. As soon as his soft little heart decided you were family, he’d never ever leave your side and you’ll feel his wrath if you dare try. You were sick and broken and he held you, god, he was the only one who held you. He’d be moody and jealous and influence the entire mood of a room, he sometimes made you feel sad and wanting to find somewhere else to hide, crawl back up inside your mamas womb. He always made you comfortable, wrapped you up in a blanket full of love and he would show you there is warmth in not only the sun but also the moon and the stars. With him you didn’t feel unloved, no, love was always all around you and you didn’t have to search very far.
Leo Venus- A love with him was not a love that felt detached, no, you were the centre of his universe and that you were sure. He’d come home and tell you stories, some that made you laugh, some that made you cry. But they captivated you. God, he always captivated you. He was your gleaming star and you were his night, you were just perfect together, the shoe fit just right. He would get jealous, grabbing you and kissing you in front of everyone, you’d say “what the hell?” he’d chuckle and say “I wanted to claim what’s mine”. maybe that was too possessive and annoying or maybe you began to fall in love with it just as you did with his touch that gleamed and burned. people said when they heard you both giggle, the sound resembled two lovers as they intertwined, people would let out an “aww” as you two danced goofily in the living room after a few too many glasses of wine. He gave your heart exotic life under party lights and he let you win everytime at beer pong just because he wanted to please you. It took him a while to really reveal but one day he glanced at you and said “I really need you”.
Virgo Venus- falling for him was like finally being important. He worshipped you in a way that was quiet and soft. He criticized himself he never felt he was enough. He was always on his knees calling you an goddess as you sipped your fresh mint tea. You laughed and you said “I’m nothing of the sorts” he grabbed your face and told you, “ you absolutely are”. He helped you learned to love yourself and taught you so many things you never knew, theres so many things about the world and you really had no clue. He’d fix his hair and never know where to put his hands and you’d laugh and put them on your body and softly say “if you’re not sure where to put your hands; this is where I think they’ll stay”. He‘d shake with a nervous tremble and giggled with excitement. He picked the lint of your sweater and ran his fingers through your hair, he had an angelic type beauty, skin pure and fair. He would get grumpy when he was tired and sometimes it felt like he didn’t care, but he always gave his heart to you, he was always willing to share.
Libra Venus- He loved with a heart that was open and naive, a heart recklessly worn upon his sweater sleeve. He was so kind and soft he was almost unreal to you, he had hair like golden waves and a smile soft and true, he was delicious like candy, a body that was like a meal to you. And he was always read to be devoured as long as he could devour you too. There was red wine, roses on the bed, and fancy dates just for you two, the romance completely swept you away and never failed to enthral you. He was the prince and you were the princess and you giggled because you never knew that in a couple years would be living out a cheesy Taylor swift song in real life but here you were. Kissing the boy of your dreams, drinking champagne, and making love on the satin sheets. “Here we are baby, it’s just you and me.” He softly whispered in your ear, there’s no other words you’d rather hear.
Scorpio Venus- He loved you because you had a deepness about you, you had a sad soul and it struck him the right way. He never fucked with chit chat, no, he had a soul that yearned for more. He was destructively emotional, a mind that was at constant war. He wanted to change but only when he was with you, he could finally see good parts of himself, that he’d never seen before as you kissed along his scars and broken heart. He hated how much he loved you. some days he’d disappear and you wouldn’t hear from him, other days he couldn’t keep his hands off of you as he caressed along your body and wiped away your tears. He’d punch the wall and you hugged your knees, you’d scream as he crawled on the floor and cried, feeling weak. He taught you that love is something to fear. Love isn’t always clear. True love isn’t always comfortable and you felt that as his presence grew near.
Sagittarius Venus- He had eyes, full of lust honesty and fire. Two broken souls looking to move on, Bonnie and Clyde, forever on the run. Who said romance couldn’t be fun? He’d grab your bum and kiss you quick, soon the flame would burn out of the candle wick. He left you crawling for more, ugly, needy on the bathroom floor. You still recall the 3 am calls when you two felt like riding into the night and seeing where the stars take you, you touched the sky with your fingers tip, and then touched eachother and found meaning in the universe. Love can be true even when it is fleeting, a quick and passionate love can be just as defeating. Before you know it, he’s on a train, and you’re wondering why he ever went away. He’ll explain that his gods told him to go where he feels free and he can rest his head because down there he is authentic and true, and that he loves you so, but that place isn’t with you.
Capricorn Venus- He wants the poster image girl, someone sensitive and sweet to balance out his cold exterior. You were the only one who could make him feel truly warm. Before he knew it, he was in love. Perhaps it happened with a little playful nudge or a giggle in the wind. You were perfect for him, a match made in heaven, he was the wish you had been waiting for, your 11:11. He’d be quiet about it but as soon as he felt comfortable he told you about his dreams of picket white fences, lawn parties and kids learning how to play baseball in the yard. He told you he saw your face, Ivory and soft, blurry and faint in every one of those dreams. He worked till his hands hurt and you’d massage them at home, he had a serious look, stern to the bone. You’d kiss him and add the perfect softness to his life, it wasn’t long till he asked you “will you be my wife?”
Aquarius Venus- He wouldn’t dare say the word love, and he covered his ears as soon as the thought struck your mind and the word touched your tongue. Because you were only his best friend, a best friend that wore his stylish blue sweaters and he said you made them look better. You were just a best friend he couldn’t stop thinking about, a best friend that had a mouth he loved to taste, a best friend that he’s seen in only her lace. And you’d say “that doesn’t seem like a best friend to me” but all he’d do is laugh and disagree. Hed say “who’s to say what’s love and what’s lust, what is and what isn’t meant to be.” It hurt you because sometimes he was cold and almost alien like, but he was electric to the touch, he was neon lights and an addicting drug, so this so called “best friend” wasn’t someone you would give up.
Pisces Venus- once you are in love you saw him turn automatically soft, suddenly his hands melted into icecream and you couldn’t help but be addicted to how it was so sweet. He would tell you reminders of his love everyday, it was way of begging you to stay. He would tell you how sometimes you remind him of the flowers in may, or this really heart wrenching song he heard the other day. You would feel special and loved, like you two were angels or specks of stardust continuously falling. His love for you pours out like a waterfall and all you want to do is lay underneath and choke on it and let it drown you in the most hauntingly beautiful way. He is your saviour, your soft reminder of sunny days. He is what you never knew you needed when you always felt defeated, he was a wonderful sparkling surprise, he was more of a god than simply a guy.
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watcher-ofthe-sky · 4 years
“I’d like you to leave now” with erzajane bc it’s me hello
Of Veiled Everythings Behind Vague Nothings 
Read on AO3 Summary: Now that she thought about it, she wondered how sinking and heavy this word must be: carrying the weight of all the feelings which we feel. Nothing, she had said that day, when in turn she had meant everything.
A/N: @gaymirajane​ Thank you for sending the request! <3 I am sorry for getting to this only now. I was going for a 5 sentence angst but I wanted a happy ending for them. Even though it is fast-paced, I hope you will like it. *** And that's the thing about longing stares It's born from just one single glance But it dies, and it dies, and it dies A million little times Taylor Swift - illicit affairs ***
Mirajane remembered the clear blue sky on that day like the back of her hand. She remembered the brightness of the day and golden glow of the leaves as the sunlight kissed them. She remembered the quiet, soft things because that's how the world had felt like when Erza had smiled at her and all the collective memories of their past and present had rushed in front of her like comets colliding with the atmosphere and burning bright, but oh so beautifully. The thudding of her heart had silenced all the sounds around them and the only thing that mattered was its rhythm whose tempo was set by the mere smile of the woman in front of her. 
"Mirajane?" Erza had asked, waving a hand in front of her, trying to get her attention. "Shall we go?"
"Huh?" she had blinked, still in trance. Looking around at the bandits they had captured on the mission, she had finally said. "Yeah."
And then Erza had laughed. "What were you thinking?"
She had laughed and Mirajane couldn't stop hearing the echo of it. Everything felt warm suddenly and she didn't know what to do with this overwhelming wave of emotions crashing inside of her. 
"N-Nothing," she had said and swallowed thickly. "I think I am a little tired after the fight."
Erza had looked at her again with her scrutinizing gaze, a flicker of concern rippling on her face before she had nodded and fallen back in pace with her as they took the culprits to the magic council. 
And as they walked side by side, Mirajane couldn't help but notice the scarlet hair flying in the wind and soft skin cradled in the heavy armor. 
Nothing, she had said that day.  Now that she thought about it, she wondered how sinking and heavy this word must be: carrying the weight of all the feelings which we feel. 
Nothing, she had said that day, when in turn she had meant everything.
From then on, it was a spiral down the path of pain and longing. A stolen glance here, a brush of hand there-- it was as if Mirajane was trying to collect the little moments, trying to get whatever she can and slip them into these envelopes inside her heart which were opened only in the solemn trust of night. This is how darkness makes space for us--by opening her palms and letting us unfurl ourselves; bit by bit; one secret at a time.
Her heart was a riot; torn apart between this blossom of new feelings and the warning signs flashing because of the ache that was tied along with these emotions. 
Because if there was one thing that Mirajane Strauss knew, it was that Erza Scarlet won't ever look at her the way she looks at her.
It was during the return from one of the guild masters meetings where they had accompanied Master Makarov to help with the paperwork when they had met Jellal. Now that crime sorciere was an officially recognized guild, Queen Hisui had asked him to accompany his guild in all the official matters too. 
"Jellal," Erza had smiled at him; soft and serene. "How have you been?"
Mirajane had moved away to give them privacy as they talked. From the distance, she looked at them; how they fell into a familiar pattern like pieces that fit together perfectly. Suddenly, she had felt nauseous, like a knife was gutted through her and was twisting her insides. She hated herself for feeling like this. Erza, after all, could never belong to her. 
Jealousy is an ugly emotion that veils the reasoning and blinds us. It displays the intensity of our desires and how they tuck at the corners of our hearts, molding it into something darker. But that's what makes us human. What are we if stripped away from our desires and the limits that bind them? 
Tears stinging her eyes, she looked away and focused on the sky, when a few droplets showered over her.
The sky wasn't clear and blue anymore.
"Here," she had heard a voice beside her. Erza stood by her side, holding an umbrella over their head. "Sorry, I had only one in my Requip space. We'll have to share."
Mirajane had sighed, trying to not let the tears drop. Another walk in silence, their shoulders bumped as they tried to fit together in the tiny space when the rain poured heavily around them.
As they headed home together, she had her wondered if Erza too had a longing tucked in her heart for Jellal. Did she too wait for him to come and silence the storm that brewed inside her core when she thought about him? Was she tired too?
A few more steps later, Mirajane had said, “Fuck it,” and yanked the umbrella from Erza’s hand closed. The Requip Mage had gawked at her. “What are you doing?”
“We are already soaked from the other side and this isn’t even helping. I would rather enjoy the rain,” she had said and spread her arms, palms open and eyes closed, as she inhaled the scent of the rain. 
Water drops slowly trickled down her cheek and she didn’t know if it was rain or her tears which had tried so hard to swallow before. But the clog in her throat was settling down and her lips almost curled into a smile as she let herself soak in the pouring rain. Maybe the water was carrying away her pain, even if for a moment.
When she had finally opened her eyes, Erza was looking at her. And there was such tenderness and fondness in her eyes that had set Mirajane's skin blaze. She had torn apart her gaze only to notice the droplets trickling down Erza's face, down to the crook of her neck and then lower still. 
Cheeks heating up, she looked away again. 
Walking through the rain, they had finally reached Staurass' house and it's only then Mirajane realized how close they were to her home before she pushed away the umbrella. 
“It seems that you couldn't wait a little longer,” Erza had laughed. 
“Yeah, yeah, I do feel silly now,” she had said, pushing down the embarrassment. 
“No,” Erza had said, “I loved seeing you like this.”
It's then that their gaze met and the Requip mage had reached out to put away a strand behind Mirajane's ear. 
She then smiled at her fondly again like she had before and it made Mirajane feel so weak because why, why, why Erza do this to her? Why does she open her heart like this and make her feel so warm? 
What was Mirajane supposed to do with all of this love in her heart? Where was she supposed to put it down? She was an ocean of love crashing and flooding all over.
And sometimes, these floods and tides only cause destruction. 
She had pulled Erza closer and threading her fingers in her scarlet locks, she had closed the gap between them, brushing her lips to hers.
In those mere moments, it had felt as if she was breathing after a long time. All the ache inside her bones ceased to exist and what was left was this longing melting into a gentle love.
Before the reality poured down over her like cold water, waking her out of her senses.
She jerked and pulled back, pushing Erza away from her who was looking at her with eyes widened in shock.
“I am sorry,” she had blurted before she could stop herself. “It was nothing.”
But it was everything.
“What?” Erza had swallowed. “What do you mean?”
I love you.
“You need to leave.”
So much.
“Erza,” she had pleased. “Go away. Please .”
And just like that, Mirajane had closed the gate and then slumped down on the ground, burying her head in her hands.
Such is the pain of love--how it can melt down the world into these soft things while in another moment, it can leave you shivering in its coldness. How it can make you soar but can too pull you down in the deepest trenches. 
As Mira cried her heart out, a small part of her wondered about the time when she had almost felt Erza kissing her back.
As unlikely as it was, Mirajane didn’t go to the guildhall for the next few days to avoid Erza. She didn’t know what to say to her which won’t break their friendship or leave an awkwardness hanging thick in the air. There was no way it was nothing, even Erza must have known that.
Maybe the only thing left was to own and tell her the truth; to assure her that maybe one day this will pass. 
Except she didn’t want it to pass.
Pushing herself out of her house, she had made her way to Fairy Hills to talk to Erza. She didn’t want the silence between them to give way to a fault. 
Before she could have reached there, she had found Erza sitting on the log in the nearby clearing. Even from the distance, Mirajane could see the pained expressions on Erza’s face.
It had made her heart clench to think that she was the reason for her pain.
Her voice was cut off by another. What Mirajane didn’t see was Jellal walking toward Erza and then sitting beside her. 
“Jellal…” Erza had whispered before breaking down into sobs. The said man shifted closer and then pulled her into an embrace, arm thrown around her protectively. In a comfort. 
Mirajane had wanted to puke. 
She wanted her gut to stop feeling sick like this as she watched the two of them sitting like that.
Something dark had crawled inside her and then suddenly it had hit her why Erza had almost kissed her back that day.
Maybe it was fucking pity that Erza had felt and she didn’t want to break her friend’s heart like that. So, she had shown mercy and gave in, possibly trying to humor her.
Because of course, there was only one person who can ever reside in Erza’s heart and that person can never be Mirajane. It was foolish to even think about it and get hopes up.
Erza couldn’t have found a worse way to reject her.
Turning back on her heel, Mira had walked away. 
She was done.
Presently, Mirajane stared out at the trees from the window of the train, tiredness weighing her down. After that day, for the first time in forever after Lisanna’s supposed ‘death’, she had taken a two-week-long mission around the southern borders of Fiore, in the hope that she would be able to gather the broken pieces of her. She wanted to go as far as possible. But it has been a week now and she was only feeling worse than before. 
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Her love for Erza was something gentle and tender. It was like a warm sun on winter sun. It was soft whispers yet at the same time, it was a feeling for being sure. It was a strong foundation on which she had slowly built herself. 
How then, such tenderness could turn into shards which sliced her heart?
The train came to a halt and she stepped down, pulling the paper from her pocket, she read the address of her client’s house.
When she finally reached the destination and stepped out of the ride, fingers were wrapped around her wrist and she was yanked into a corner.
“What the--”
In the darkness, under the pale moonlight, her eyes widened in shock as she saw Erza in front of her. Her hair was disheveled and her skin looked pale and grey and she looked so fragile.
“Erza? What are you doing here?” she asked, noticing the dark circles under the woman’s eyes.
But the Requip mage only shook her head and gritted, “Not. A. Word.”
It’s only then Mirajane noticed how infuriated the other woman was.
Finally releasing her grip, Erza too a step back and glared at her. “Do you even have the slightest idea how worried I was? You fucking disappeared. Just like that. Do you know how much I had to coax Lisanna into giving me the information about this job?”
Mirajane didn’t know what she was supposed to her. Her heart was broken and she had needed some space where Erza’s face won’t be a constant reminder of her pain. But running away hadn’t helped either. She was hurt.
“Why?” she said, voice thick and blunt, “Were you worried that I would get in some trouble and hurt myself? Were you feeling pity for me?”
Erza’s face crumpled into a mix of confusion and rage. “What are you even saying, Mira? You know I have never thought of you like that.”
And she knew. She knew that she didn’t mean the words she was spewing out, but it was also in the act of self-preservation. If she hurt Erza enough to make her go, maybe her own pain will hurt less. Seeing her in front of her only pulled apart the wounds she was trying so hard to close.
Eyes shut tight, she exhaled and said, “I’d like you to leave now.”
“No,” came the answer; strong and sure.
“I don’t need you here, Erza,” she did, “I took this mission because I wanted to be alone.”
“Mira--why are you being like this? We can talk about what happened,” Erza pleaded, sadness evident in her voice.
What was there to talk about? How was Mirajane supposed to say, “You came into my life and ruined my heart and now every soft thing in this world is a reminder of you.” 
“Go. Away.”
“Not this time!” Erza shouted and Mirajane opened her eyes to see tears rolling down Erza’s face. “I am not going away this time. I won’t let you shut me away because I need you .”
All the hardness Mira had pulled to protect herself was crumbling down. “What do you want to talk about, Erza? You couldn’t have made it clearer already that you don’t feel the same. I know you love Jellal.”
“Wh--We--I do not love Jellal, Mira,” Erza said incredulously. “I fucking kissed you back before you pushed me away!”
“Didn’t you do that because you took pity on me?” Mirajane snarled.
“What?! No! I kissed you back because I love you.”
A tear slid down Mirajane’s cheek. “What?” she whispered.
“I love you,” Erza said softly, giving her a small smile through her tears. She stepped forward and cupped Mirajane’s face. “I kissed you back because I am in love with you and have been for a long time. I just...I love you and I don’t know what else to say except that I love you. I don’t know any other word which could tell what I feel for you. You make me feel so much and I want to spend my life feeling like this. When you kissed me I was shocked because I didn’t know it is was real.”
Mirajane broke down into sobs and it felt like she would burst open because how can a human contain so much love in such a tiny body? 
“I love you too. So much, ” she cried. 
Erza chuckled and relief washed over her face. She swiped her thumb across Mira’s face to wipe away the tears and Mirajane looked down at her lips and slowly leaned. Under the glowing moon and the stars who twinkled in a knowing wink and a sly smile as if they know the secrets of the lovers of the night, they slowly kissed; soft and shy.
In that moment, Mirajane existed only in the places where Erza touched her and holding her closer till no space existed between them, she kissed her deeper, deeper, deeper, till all her nothings became everything. *** [A/N]: Lol, it's dramatic than necessary but who cares? I was trying to get out of my writer's block for the reverse bb fic because I was ending up deleting everything I was writing so I went back to do the requests which I forget are still in my inbox... Thank you for reading! *** @femslashfairies @fuckyeaherzaxmirajane
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aniallating · 5 years
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BALANCE ACT | an Eliot playlist | listen here
a mix for when u fuck up something really important and go thru hell for a chance to correct it, or, i love and would die for eliot waugh. relevant lyrics/timeline under the cut!
01 selfish / this providence ・ i've got this selfish craze, a lavish taste for a brightly lit stage / infamous and famous, they are one and the same / so we drink tonight to my impending fame ・ i've found the perfect disguise: impossible charisma, charisma ・ you might deny it, but you're tied to your desires / yeah, you're selfish / you're selfish, so drink up
02 sunshine riptide / fall out boy ・ the world tried to burn all the mercy out of me, but you know i wouldn't let it / it tried to teach me the hard way, i can't forget it ・ take all your possibilities and throw away the limits / take your ideas and throw away the gimmicks / i do the best with what i have
03 the future / san holo ft. james vincent mcmorrow (post-mosaic) ・ so call me up, we go out / realize, not what you thought / sick of luck, sick of trying / remind myself of when i was old enough to let you down ・ run my mouth right through your lungs / i think too much when i think about your future
04 you could be happy / snow patrol (the rest of S3) ・ all the things i wished i had not said are played on lips til it's madness in my head ・ you could be happy, i hope you are / you made me happier than i'd been by far / somehow everything i own smells of you ・ do the things that you always wanted to without me there to hold you back
05 hold my breath until i die / tegan and sara (mid-monster) ・ when you asked me who, i should have said 'it's you' ・ shame on me, cause i can't help falling at your feet / it makes me mad to see you leave like that / i'm so lost, running circles in my head / if i jump, will you catch me in your arms? ・ i said i'm sorry / does it bother you? why does it bother you?
06 don't take the money / bleachers (happy place) ・ somebody broke me once / love was a currency, a shimmering balance act / i think that i laughed at that ・ i pray for everything we lost, buy back the secrets / your hand forever's all i want, don't take the money ・ when you're looking at your shadow, standing on the edge of yourself, praying on the darkness / just don't take the money
07 electric indigo / the paper kites (happy place) ・ distance never made me stronger, it tore us apart / and i know i left you questions and a lonely heart / but you've been waiting long enough to let it go / i'll do you right ・ all i know is that i want you, so heavy on my mind
08 i'll be good / jaymes young (post-monster) ・ i never meant to start a fire, i never meant to make you bleed / i'll be a better man today ・ my past has tasted bitter for years now ・ i've been cold, i've been merciless, but the blood on my hands scares me to death ・ for all of the sparks that i stomped out, for all of the perfect things that i doubt
09 delicate / taylor swift (4x13 who?) ・ my reputation's never been worse, so you must like me for me / we can't make any promises, now, can we, babe? but you can make me a drink ・ is it cool that i said all that? is it too soon to do this yet? cause i know that it's delicate, isn't it? ・ do the girls back home touch you like i do? long night with your hands up in my hair, echoes of your footsteps on the stairs / stay here, honey, i don't wanna share / cause i like you
10 i like me better / lauv (post-s4 or whatever) ・ to be young and in love in new york city, to not know who i am but still know that i'm good long as you're here with me ・ i like me better when i'm with you
icb the universe gave eliot a break after s4 and now he and quentin live together and have time to relax and heal! thanks for coming to my ted talk
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emersonshq · 3 years
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A playlist:
“I never trust a narcissist, but they love me. So I play ‘em like a violin and I make it look oh so easy. ‘Cause for every lie I tell them, they tell me three. This is how the world works, now all he thinks about is me. I can feel the flames on my skin, crimson-red paint on my lips. If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothin’, I don’t regret it one bit ‘cause he had it comin’. They say I did something bad, then why’s it feel so good?” I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift
“Beg me for mercy, admit you were toxic. You poisoned me just for another dollar in your pocket. Now I am the violence, I am the sickness. Won’t accept your silence, beg me for forgiveness. We’ll never get free, lamb to the slaughter, what you gonna do with the blood in the water? The price of your greed: your son and your daughter. What you gonna do with the blood in the water? When there’s blood in the water?” Blood//Water by grandson
“They sent me away to find them a fortune, a chest filled with diamonds and gold. The house was awake with shadows and monsters, the hallways, they echoed and groaned. I sat alone in bed till the morning, I’m crying, they’re coming for me. And I tried to hold these secrets inside me, my mind’s like a deadly disease. I’m bigger than my body, I’m colder than this home, I’m meaner than my demons, I’m bigger than these bones. And all the kids cried out “please stop, you’re scaring me!” I can’t help this awful energy. Goddamn right, you should be scared of me. Who is in control?” Control by Halsey
“Girls, we do whatever it will take, ‘cause girls don’t want, we don’t want our hearts to break in two. So it’s better to be fake, can’t risk losing in love again, babe.” How To Be A Heartbreaker by Marina & the Diamonds
“One of these days a-comin’, I’m gonna take that boy’s crown. There’s a serpent in these still waters, lyin’ deep down. To that king, I will bow, at least for now. One of these days a-comin’, I’m gonna take that boy’s crown. ‘Cause I am, I am a little wicked. I am, I am. Hands red, hands red, just like you said, I am, I am a little wicked.” A Little Wicked by Valerie Broussard
“In her heart, there’s a hole. There’s a black mark on her soul, in her hands is my heart and she won’t let go ‘til it’s scarred, ha! Try to breathe, but I can’t ‘cause the air she feeds me is damned. Got a touch like a thorn, ‘cause the girl, she’s hidin’ horns. She’s got blood cold as ice and a heart made of stone. But she keeps me alive, she’s the beast in my bones. She gets everything she wants when she gets me alone, like it’s nothin’. She got two little horns and they get me a little bit.” Horns by Bryce Fox
“I don’t want your money, I don’t want your crown. See, I’ve come to burn your kingdom down. Holy water cannot help me now. See, I’ve come to burn your kingdom down. And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out. I’m gonna raise the stakes, I’m gonna smoke you out. Seven devils all around you, seven devils in my house. See, they were there when I woke up this morning and I’ll be dead before the day is done.” Seven Devils by Florence and the Machine
“I think I’ve been in Hollywood for too long, ‘cause I can feel it burnin’, feel it burnin’ slow. But I would be nothing without your love, I feel the rush and it’s amazing. Maybe I’ve been always destined to end up in this place. I don’t mean to come off selfish, but I want it all.” Prisoner by The Weeknd feat. Lana Del Rey
“She’s giving boys what they want, tries to act so nonchalant. Afraid they’ll see that she’s lost her direction. She never stays the same for long, assuming that she’ll get it wrong. Perfect only in her imperfection.” Beautiful Disaster by Jon McLaughlin
“Dirty girl, gettin’ down, dance with guys from out of town. Grab her ass, actin’ tough, mess with her, she’ll fuck you up. No one really knows if she’s drunk or if she’s stoned, but she’s comin’ back to my place tonight. She likes to shake her ass, she grinds it to the beat, she likes to pull my hair when I make her grind her teeth. I like to strip her down, she’s naughty till the end. You know what she is, no doubt about it, she’s a bad, bad girlfriend.” Bad Girlfriend by Theory of a Deadman
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imaginesga1ore · 5 years
Time May Be Wrong
Requested: Yes || No by @my-name-is-alice-ayers
Request: “Can you do a Chris Evans x reader where you’re the ex girlfriend of Tom Hiddleston and sad that he’s dating Taylor swift (despite the fact he still texts and wants you back, you’re just keen on taking a relationship break, so he’s dating her to pass time/make you jealous) but you stay with Chris during a marvel avengers press tour and he tries to cheer you up and you two end up partying and hooking up. Now you guys are friends with benefits, he knows you really love and miss Tom but Chris loves taking your mind of it every time you hook up. Maybe Tom accidentally finds out about you two and gets really hurt and mad then Chris would do that despite knowing how much he cares for you...”
Pairing(s): Chris Evans x Reader, Tom Hiddleston x ex!Reader, Tom Hiddleston x Taylor Swift
Warnings: smut, swearing, drinking (drink responsibly)
A/N: There are a few details that I’m going to change throughout this story, but other than that, nothing’s changed. Thanks for the request and sorry it has literally taken me 7 months to write this. I’m procrastinate A LOT! Also, I’m moving to a different college so I’m busy with all that shit. 
Life on tour wasn’t too bad. We get to meet incredible fans and take pictures with them, sign things, and just have an all around great time. But not when you’re constantly around your ex-boyfriend and you always feel like you’re going to breakdown crying, crying and sobbing to the point where you can’t breath or see or feel anything, it creates this sort of struggle. But, I can’t. I can’t because I was the one who wanted some time to myself. And it just wouldn’t be fair. 
I finally arrived to my hotel room, ready to get some sleep after being up for the past 16 hours. I decided to check my Twitter before going to bed. And when it opened, that’s when shit hit the fan.
As I scrolled through my feed, I was seeing articles of Tom and his new girl pop up. And it made me feel...sad? Angry? Guilty? It made me feel like I’d lost a part of my heart and I’d never get it back. And I just couldn’t help but to open one of the articles and read. And read. And read until I felt tears swim their way to my eyes and threaten to spill. But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t allow myself.
So I threw my phone on the opposite side of the bed and grabbed one of the bottles of whiskey and went to town. I opened the bottle and chugged half of it, loving the burning feeling it left in the back of my throat. Maybe this would help me feel a little less sad, but I knew all it would is give me a major headache in the morning. 
2 hours later, there was an empty bottle of whiskey and two bottles of Bacardi on the floor, along with my body. I laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. I finally felt numb. Numb enough to forget about Tom, Taylor, everything that happened between us. And it felt...euphoric. 
I couldn’t help but smile as I got up off the floor and stumbled over to the bed and grabbed my phone, giggling as I dialed my best friends number. It rang a couple times before he picked up.
“Hello,” he said into the phone, sounding like he just woke up.
“Chris! Guess w-what,” I asked, my words a little slurred from my previous adventures.
“Y/N? What the he-it’s one in the morning. Are you drunk?” Chris asked. I could hear him moving around on the other side, presumably getting out of his bed. 
“Very. But, that’s not why I called you,” I said, turning on my back and closing my eyes. “I ca-called you because I’m finally happy!” Chris sighed. “I was reading a thingy earlier and saw that um, whatever his name is is dating the one singer. You know...the one with all the breakup songs,” I said, not being able to remember her name.
“Taylor?” He asked, shuffling around some more on his end. 
“Yeah! Her. Anyway, I decided to have some fun and now I’m talking to you. And I really like talking to you. You always listen to me and let me talk and it’s nice.” Another giggle passed my lips. “Anyway, can you come to my room? I’m bored.”
“Sure. I’ll be there shortly. Don’t do anything stupid,” he said and hung up. 
I waited until I heard a knock and subsequently fell on my ass before reaching the door and opening it. I threw myself into Chris’s arms, excited that he wasn’t lying and actually came. His arms wrapped around my waist, catching me before I could fall again “You’re here! I th-thought you weren’t coming,” I said, interrupted by a hiccup. 
He sighed and shook his head, picking me up and walking back inside my hotel room. “Why do you do this to yourself, Y/N? It’s not healthy,” Chris said, setting me down on the bed and going to grab a water bottle from the mini fridge stacked in the corner. He popped the cap off and handed it to me.
I greedily took it from him, drinking most of it to sooth the burning and itching in the back of my throat. “Because I-I’m not allowed to cry and be sad. So, I mak-make myself numb,” I said in a serious voice, even though I nearly giggled. 
Chris sat next to me, rubbing my back. “Listen, you did what you had to and that’s fine. You can cry, scream. Hell, you could punch me in the face and I wouldn’t give a shit. But bottling up your emotions and drinking to forget isn’t healthy.” It took a little while but it finally clicked in my brain. Chris was right. 
I leaned into his touch, cuddling myself into his side. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders rubbing my arms. Being in Chris’ arms felt so...comfortable, like there was a sense of home when he held me. It made me feel like the rest of the world was shut out and it was only us two. 
“Chris, why are you being so nice to me? I’m such a mess and nothing even makes sense,” I trailed off, sniffling as tears perched themselves on my waterline like a dog sitting on a windowsill, waiting for their owner to get home. 
“Because you’re my friend and this is what friends do. They help each other when they’re down in the dumps. I’m not going to let you sit here and wallow over someone who isn’t worth your time,” Chris said, kissing the top of my head. 
I looked up at him, making eye contact for what felt like the first time since he arrived. Chris moved his arm down so it was wrapped around my waist and used his other hand to push some of the fallen hair out of my face. I looked between his eyes and lips and decided to do something I might regret in the morning. 
Gently but all at once, I leaned forward and placed my lips on his, cupping his jaw. I was surprised but please when Chris kissed back, pulling me closer to him. I ran my hand through his hair, gripping the ends of it, as if saying this wasn’t enough. 
We pulled back, a little out of breath. “What was that for? Not that I mind,” Chris said as I played with the tips of his hair.
“I-I don’t know. Maybe...I just needed a distraction,” I said. He pulled me onto his lap so both of my legs were straddling his. I put my hands on his shoulders to balance myself as his hands gripped my waist. 
I could feel Chris’ hard cock straining against his shorts. I kissed him again, slowly circling my hips, rubbing myself against his cock. He groaned lowly into the kiss, moving his lips from mine over to my jaw, down my neck. Chris bit down in random spots on my neck, marking me as if I was his and only his. 
Moaning, I pulled away, seeing his eyes glazed over with lust. I moved my hands to the bottom over my shirt, pulling it over my head and throwing it on the floor. “Damn,” Chris said, moving his hands up to cup my breast. “You’re so damn beautiful.”
My breath hitched in my throat as Chris wrapped his arms around my waist again and flipped us over, so he was on top. My hands gripped the bottom of his shirt, tugging it upwards slightly. He sat back up on his legs and threw his shirt off and onto the floor. 
Chris looked down at me, lustful eyes raking their way down my body as a light blush dusted across my features. His hand loosely gripped my thighs, rubbing his thumbs on the inside of my thighs. 
He got off the bed, his hands ghosting over my legs, leaving goosebumps in their wake. A surprised gasp left my lips as I felt myself being pulled towards the edge of the bed. 
I looked up at Chris as his hands trailed back up to my panties, hooking his fingers in their waistband. His eyes searched my face for any signs of regret, only to find none. My panties hit the floor without making a sound and Chris dropped to his knees in front of me. 
A violent shiver made its way down my spine as Chris’ breath fanned over unclothed heat. “Chris, please,” my plea coming out as more of a whimper than anything else. 
Quiet moans, nearly inaudible, spill from my mouth as Chris wrapped his lips around my swollen clit. Kitten-like licks dragged more pleasured sounds from my chest. It wasn’t long before I could feel the coil tightening in my stomach. 
My hips had a mind of their own, moving relentlessly against Chris’ mouth. He wrapped one arm around my waist, effectively pinning me to the bed. Whimpers and moans bounced off the hotel walls.
“You like that, baby girl?” Chris asked, pulling away. I could see my juices dripping down his chin. I nodded, only to feel a stinging sensation on my thigh. “Words,” he said, voice more demanding than before.
“I fucking love it.” A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest, as he continued his actions from before. My head fell back against the pillows, back arching off the bed as Chris picked up the pace, not showing any mercy.
“God, you taste so good, Y/N,” Chris mumbled, mouth still busy at work. I could feel my body heating up at his words. I reached down, gripping the arm he still had around my waist, leaving crescent-shaped marks in their place. His other arm was placed on my inner thigh, keeping my legs wide open. It trailed further up my leg until I could feel his finger slowly running up and down my dripping slit, collecting my juices. 
Slowly, but surely, Chris pushed it into my wet heat, my walls fluttering around his thick finger. He wasted no time and started thrusting his finger, adding a second finger in with the mix. 
In no time, Chris had me moaning and panting, begging for some sort of release. “Fuck Chris. I’m gonna cum,” I moaned out, the coil in the pit of my stomach winding itself up more. 
He pumped his fingers faster, curling them up in a sort of ‘come here’ motion, only adding to the mind-blowing amounts of pleasure he was already giving me. It didn’t take long for my high to hit. Saying that it was amazing...understatement of the year.
It felt like I was on cloud 9 and nobody could touch me. Hot, white pleasure coursed through my veins. Chris continued his movements, lapping my cum like there was no tomorrow. My thighs stopped quivering as Chris pulled away. He looked down at me, his eyes nearly black with lust. 
The rest of the night, and well into the morning, was spent with Chris and I marking one another, scratching and biting until we were satisfied with our work. 
We would spend most nights together while we were still touring. But I didn’t want the junkets to end, I didn’t want to go back home; I didn’t not want to see Chris everyday. So, we decided to make our relationship official. 
It’s been a few months since Chris and I started dating and I’m really thankful that he came to my hotel room that night or I’d probably be trying to drown my sorrows in any kind of alcohol that I could get my hands on. Chris has helped me through the ups and downs, mostly the downs, and I finally feel happy. Truly and utterly happy. 
Chris and I had decided to go out for drinks to celebrate the massive amount of support that Avengers: Endgame was receiving. We found a place close to where we were staying and it wasn’t too loud. 
When we got there, it was a little packed but nothing we couldn’t handle. Chris found an empty booth near the back. I sat down after I asked Chris to go get our drinks. 
I was busy looking at messages and e-mails when I heard somebody slam something on the table. A little surprised, I looked up to see a completely wasted Tom Hiddleston, standing in front of me, looking surprised himself. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” His words were slurred together, but I got the gist of what he was saying. 
“I’m here with someone. He went to go get the drinks. Tom, are you ok? Do you wanna sit down,” I asked, slightly concerned as he was having trouble standing up straight.
“You’re with somebody else? I thought we were togeth... Oh never mind. You dumped me,” he laughed out, hiccups interrupting him. I looked down at my phone, trying to ignore him, only for him to slam his hands on the table, once again catching my attention. “Why’d you dump me?”
“Tom, please don't make a scene." I slid my phone back in my pocket, looking around to make sure nobody was staring.
"No. I wanna know why you thunk you could just tear my heart out a-and stomp all over it." Although his words came out a total mess, I understood what he said.
"Tom, if you wanna talk about this, can we just wait until you're more sober and in the right state of mind to talk?" I tried to deescalate the situation, but I've seemed to only worsen it.
His hands, once again, slammed against the table, and I jumped in my seat a bit, tears burning the corners of my eyes. In the three years that we had dated, I'd never seen Tom like this. He was always so kind and gentle, but I guess I unleashed the beast.
"What's going on over here?" Chris was back at the table in no time, his eyes dancing between Tom and I.
“Oh, tha-t’s great, Y/N. Just great.” Tom said, not holding back on the sarcasm. “You dumped me for...this guy? Am I a joke to you,” he scoffed, looking completely offended that I’d moved on.
“Tom, you need to go. Now. Before things get worse than they are,” Chris tried to see eye-to-eye, but Tom wasn’t having any of it. 
Tom tried to level himself up to Chris, chest puffed out, shoulders rolled back like he was going to strike like a viper. I stood up and managed to push my way in between these two, standing in front of Chris in a defensive position.
“Tom, you need to leave.” I looked him dead in the eye to let him know I wasn’t playing around. 
“Oh yeah? And what are you going to do if I don’t? Go hide and cry like you normally do? Cause that’s the only thing you’re good at.” I could feel Chris’ heart beating rapidly, pulse racing, waiting for Tom to do something. Chris tried to move forward but I stopped him, holding his hand in mine. 
“It’s fine Chris. Let’s just leave.” I said, already grabbing my jacket and purse.
Before I knew it, I was on the floor and Tom landed next to me, nose bloody and knocked out like a light. I looked up to see Chris looking at his hand, immediately regretting his decision. 
He helped me off the ground, making sure I was ok before we left. My body and mind were in a shocked sort of state. I was walking but not really sure of where we were headed. 
We made it home, Chris and I sat down on the couch as Dodger jumped up and laid his head on my lap, whining. I chuckled and pet him, watching as he calmed down. “Are you sure you’re ok, Y/N,” Chris asked for the millionth time.
“Yes, Chris. I’m fine. It’s not like I haven’t taken a few bumps in my life.” I looked over and saw those steel-blue eyes piercing into my own. Leaning over, I placed my lips on his, his lips soft to the touch. 
We soon headed up to bed, Dodger following witha new found pep in his step. I knew we’d be fine: Chris, Dodger, and I. We’ll be fine. 
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arcadianambivalence · 4 years
World on Fire, Ep 6
Summer 1940
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The bittersweet sense of hope from last episode sours in the first couple of minutes of this episode.  The Germans have arrived in Paris, an “open city” on the condition that it is not bombed.  Webster and Albert watch the arrival with dread.
In England, the characters are still relatively safe.  Harry returns home, to Robina’s relief, with Demba as a guest, to Robina’s confusion.  Demba needs a place to stay before traveling to Scotland to train with Free French, Harry explains.  Free France was the government-in-exile led by Charles DeGaulle (and is not to be confused with Vichy France, the puppet state led by Petain).
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“Well, this is going to give me something to talk about at bridge club.”
Demba, Robina, and Harry switch back and forth between conversing in English and French.  Demba compliments Robina on her French, throwing her off balance.  Harry is still suspicious of what his mother isn’t saying.  Adding to the awkward group, Lois arrives to give Jan a gift from Douglas.  By now, Robina seems more familiar with the Bennet family than her own son, though that doesn’t stop her from taking verbal jabs at everyone.
Robina’s arc is about how to unlearn prejudice, but she has a long way to go. She jokes that Demba’s training in Scotland would be miserable like Dunkirk. She calls Jan a “backwoods” boy, even though she obviously cares for him. She still believes that there can be negotiation with Hitler, that the lack of a blitzkrieg on Paris means the Germans will be kind to Britain, that there is a way to settle the conflict.  When World on Fire reaches the Blitz, there will be no more room for her illusions.
(Read More)
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The final episodes of this season subtly set up a Blitz plotline with Lois and Vernon, too.  Vernon is still watching Lois perform while giving her the biggest heart eyes.  More familiar faces are in the audience, too, like Geoff and Eddie, who walks on stage and gives Connie a big damn reunion kiss.  
The Canadian pilot, Randy, is interested in Connie, but when he sees that Connie’s heart is taken, he strikes up a friendly conversation with Lois.  He tells her that he has a brother in France (hmm..anyone we know?), and he likes to think that he can protect him as a pilot in the RAF.  Lois begins to tear up and asks Randy if he could watch over her brother Tom, who has officially been declared missing.  
Vernon walks in at the tail end of the conversation and thinks that Randy must be the man who knocked up Lois and abandoned her.  In contrast to Harry’s reaction in episode three, Vernon refrains from decking Randy, but his misguided attempt to fight for Lois’s honor is rather funny, especially to Randy. 
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 Vernon later apologizes to Lois for his behavior and confesses that his appearance at her recent show is no coincidence.  He has been following her tour because, despite how little they know each other or how ridiculous it seems, he is “absolutely besotted” with her and wanted to see her again before he goes back in the air.  Before she can respond, Vernon turns and leaves.  Lois watches him with a mix of confusion and tenderness.
The possibility of love and security may come as a relief to Douglas when he finally finds out about Vernon, especially with Tom’s fate left uncertain.  Douglas has shut himself off from the rest of the world, like the show hints he did after his wife’s death.  Also like she must have done years and years ago, Lois carries on with hope for the best and preparation for the worst.  Meanwhile, Douglas refuses to give up hope for the son who, it turns out, is still alive.  
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Discovered on the beach and taken to a battlefield hospital, then Paris, Tom is under Webster’s care.  But with the Germans rounding up prisoners of war, Tom’s life is not completely safe yet.  Webster has a plan: he will officially declare Tom dead while the Resistance whisks Tom across the border and into Spain.
Albert hopes he can follow the same escape route, especially when a German officer, Sieber, deliberately warns him of the Nazi policies against jazz players (and by extension, people of African descent).  That night, Albert and Webster have their first argument over their next steps.  Still optimistic, Webster thinks that Albert will be safe as a French citizen, but if things get bad, they should wait until confirmation that Tom made it across the border before sending Albert after him.
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Things get bad very quickly.  Germans enter the hospital and search for wounded soldiers (even their corpses) while Tom is still there.  Henriette quickly leads Sieber to the morgue and shows him a body that (luckily) is charred beyond recognition.  In a rush of excitement over her luck, she grabs Webster and kisses him.  His expression of supreme embarrassment quickly puts an end to the mood.  (I guess Henriette did not realize where that confetti was from in episode one).
That’s not the last we see of Sieber, unfortunately.  Webster returns home from work to find his apartment overrun with Germans, who kick him out at gunpoint. His sense of safety shattered, Webster runs to the club to look for Albert, but Germans are everywhere, and Albert is gone.  Webster tracks down Sieber in a desperate hope he will show mercy.  Sieber points Webster to the camp where Albert is being held while subtly revealing that he, too, is gay.
Webster finds Albert, who is terrified that if any attention is drawn to him, things will be much worse for him, but Webster will not give him up.  He tries to use his privilege as an American with the commander of the camp, but to no avail. We’re left questioning if Webster’s intervention has singled out Albert for deportation to somewhere worse.
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This episode really brings out the similarities between Webster and Nancy, and the risk that their actions as citizens of a neutral country can do as much harm as good.  In Nancy’s case, her attempts to smuggle out her report on the euthanasia program only raised the threat against the Rosslers, but it’s Uwe’s murder of Frau Pessler that breaks the floodgates open.  The Gestapo arrive at Uwe’s work to question him about the woman’s disappearance and at the summer home where Claudia and Hilde are staying.  
Uwe and Claudia are arrested and interrogated, first about Frau Pessler, but then their allegiance to the Reich.  The interrogator humiliates and intimidates Claudia with all of the reports neighbors and strangers have made about her past disparaging comments about the regime, ranging to minor complaints to major accusations.  Uwe is placed in a holding cell so he can hear his wife begin to break.  
Once Claudia is sufficiently confused and demoralized, the interrogator corners her into denying the validity of the Nazi doctors that diagnosed Hilde with epilepsy (thus condemning the family) or admitting that her daughter has epilepsy (also condemning the family).  She breaks.
Weighed down by the realization of what she’s done and the separation that’s sure to follow, Claudia returns to Hilde and tells her to pack.  As Hilde gets her things, Claudia burns the letters from the institute—the first and the second, just as Nancy said there would be.  
When Uwe arrives at the apartment, he finds his wife and child dead of an overdose.  Drawn by his wails, Nancy enters the apartment just as a neighbor arrives.  Uwe rounds on the neighbor, but Nancy cautions “Think of your son.” Uwe grows silent, and the two stare at each other as they realize they have effectively switched roles.
Earlier, Nancy had said she might have contacts who can help the Rossler family.  Now is the time to put those contacts to the test.  Nancy couldn’t smuggle her research out of Germany, but what about a person?  
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Uwe and Tom aren’t the only characters preparing to sneak across the border. Harry receives a letter from the War Office for a meeting with one Major Taylor, who wants him to work as a spy.  
(Hey, it’s a payoff for Stan’s spy suspicions!)  
Harry meets Taylor at the urinal.  As far as character meetings go, talking at the urinal is funny—talking in different languages to test someone out as secret agent material while still at the urinal is hilarious.  And with fifty minutes of misery and the occasional tenderness to an episode, it is a much-needed moment of relief.
Given his knowledge of languages and (in Taylor’s interpretation) ability for deceit, Harry could collect information about the situation in Poland and transmit it back to Britain.  The plan is for Harry to parachute into Poland and meet up with members of the Polish Resistance outside of Warsaw.   
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This episode in particular shows how Kasia is still on Harry’s mind.  One moving scene cuts between Kasia staring at the photograph of her family and Harry and crying and Harry gazing at the same picture.  He has also started to make more of an effort with Jan, like comforting the boy when he has nightmares about his parents.
All season, Harry has been looking for a way to actively help the Polish people, especially the Tomaszeski family.  But from his station in Northern France to his fruitless efforts with the diplomatic office, he has been left running in circles and feeling utterly useless. 
In the first episode, he wanted to get Kasia out first and come back for her family, and now it seems he has the opportunity to save her the other way around.
The road to Kasia is paved with dangers: the drop could kill him, he could be captured, he could fail to make contact with the Polish Resistance or even make it into Warsaw.  And then Kasia has changed so much.  What if once again, she refuses to leave because of her responsibility to her country and her people?  But he has changed, too.
He agrees to the mission.
Webster and Albert’s first appearance gets a few callbacks this episode, like Vernon and Lois at the airfield and Webster and Albert again at the club.  One chilling mirror occurs between Sieber and Albert when the German enters the club and stares inscrutably at the jazz band.
Geoff and Stan make a brief apperance during Lois’s performance.  They may have made it out of Dunkirk, but given that this episode takes place in 1940, they won’t be away from combat for long, unfortunately.
When Claudia burns the letters from the institute, the conflagration in the trashcan is reminiscent of the burning photographs in the opening credits.
I wonder if Harry’s codename will be Blackbird.
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 237
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Last time, Trunks rushed in to save his father from Majin Buu.   Goten wants to help too, but Piccolo tries to stop him.   It won’t do any good, Piccolo warns him, he’ll only be throwing his life away.   Piccolo thinks Gohan has already died against Majin Buu, and he doesn’t want Goten to suffer the same fate.
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Goten tells him that if Gohan were here, Piccolo wouldn’t try to stop him, and that distracts Piccolo long enough for Goten to slip free of him.   Piccolo’s really having a lousy day.
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The boys zip past Babidi on their way into the fight, one right after the other.   I guess this was what Babidi wants revenge for in later episodes.
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Bam!   Take that, you big pink creep! Trunks knocks Buu away from Vegeta, while Goten pulls him out of that coil Buu wrapped him in.
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Trunks tells him to shake it off, but it’ll take more than Taylor Swift to turn this debacle around.
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Goten thinks he’s dead or dying, but Trunks tells him to clean out his ears and listen.    Then Goten actually does it, which is hilarious.   
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Trunks tells Goten that his mother once told him that his father was the Prince of the Saiyans.   Okay, so let’s digest that for a second.    Trunks is eight.   He only knows that Vegeta is the Prince of all Saiyans because he heard about it once, and only once, from his mother.    
Does that mean something?   I think it does, but I’m not sure what.    Vegeta used to never shut up about being the Prince of All Saiyans.    Hell, he’s mentioned it several times in this arc already.   But never to Trunks.   Ever?  
Maybe that’s got something to do with Future Trunks.    Maybe Vegeta realized that his son already respected him, so he never had any need to talk himself up around the boy.  
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Anyway, he wakes up to his kid talking about how great his dad is, and that must mean something to him.
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Mostly, though, Vegeta is even more stressed out, because now he’s really cornered.    He was already losing to Majin Buu, but now Trunks and Goten’s lives are on the line too.    They came to save him, and there’s nothing he can do to protect them.
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Meanwhile, Piccolo confronts Babidi, figuring that if he can’t kill Majin Buu, he can at least take out this walking booger who released him.   
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Babidi shoots some sort of liquid metal crap at him....
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And I guess it makes Piccolo’s arms swell up really big?    Either that or this is Piccolo’s doing so he can get rid of this stuff.   I don’t really know what this is all about.  
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Whatever the deal is, Piccolo shakes it off, because Taylor Swift can get him that far, at least.   
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Desperate, Babidi tries to convince Piccolo that if he dies, there’ll be no stopping Buu, because he’s the only one who can control him.    But Piccolo’s not buying it, since Babidi seems to want to have him kill everybody anyway.   
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Hot damn, but this is satisfying.   Babidi’s such a great bad guy.  I could watch Piccolo chop him in half all day.
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Meanwhile... yeah.
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Buu doesn’t take long to recover, but he does take his sweet time returning to the fight.   So Vegeta tells Trunks to take care of his mother, and asks them to get as far away as they can.   Trunks and Goten insist on staying to help, but Vegeta belives this would be pointless.
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Then he gives Trunks a hug, for the first time ever.   Trunks doesn’t get it, and I think this is what makes this so emotional for me.
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Goten gets it.    Well, sort of.
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Vegeta gives Trunks a chop to the neck and knocks him out cold.
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Goten gets all upset and asks him why he did that, and Vegeta gives Goten a sucker punch too.  
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Piccolo steps in, and Vegeta tells him to take the boys as far away as possible.    Piccolo seems to get what’s going on here, but he still asks if Vegeta intends to die here.   
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Instead, Vegeta asks Piccolo what’ll happen to him on the other side.   I dig this scene a lot.    These two BMFs, talking eschatology while an unstoppable monster slowly marches towards them.
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It seems that Vegeta’s one hope now is that he might get to fight Goku in the afterlife, but Piccolo informs him that this just cannot happen.    Goku lived a selfless, heroic life, saving the world from terrible villains... including Vegeta and Piccolo, but let’s not split hairs here.    He was allowed to keep his body in the afterlife, but this was a great honor rarely afforded to anyone else.  
Vegeta simply cannot have the same treatment.   He’s done too many terrible things, and hurt too many innocent people.   So when he dies, his body will cease to exist, and his spirit will eventually be cleansed of its memories and he’ll be reincarnated as some other life form.    I have no idea how much of this is based on Japanese religious tradition and how much Toriyama made up. 
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Vegeta doesn’t seem terribly surprised to hear that, any more than Piccolo was surprised to see that Vegeta plans to die here.    He tells him to head out while there’s still time.  
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Buu tries to follow Piccolo, but Vegeta insists that he go through him first.
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As Piccolo leads Krillin away, he explains that Vegeta is now fighting for something besides himself.
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Maybe that’s why Vegeta asked Piccolo if he’d ever meet Goku in the afterlife.   He probably suspected that he wouldn’t, but he wanted to know for certain.   Not because he was hoping for some consolation to all of this, but because he needed to know for certain that there was absolutely no personal gain to be had from what he’s about to do.  
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Buu doesn’t understand, so Vegeta explains his strategy to him.   In order to prevent Buu from regenerating himself, Vegeta plans to blow Buu into a million pieces.    The only catch is that he’ll have to blow himself up to make that work, but... well, we’ve covered that, haven’t we?
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Does that mean something to Buu?   I find this reaction from him particularly inscrutable.  
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Then Vegeta says his final farewell to his family, and to Goku, because let’s face it, he’s sweet on Goku.  
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Then he does his best Chiaotzu impression, and blows himself up.
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Buu ruins the whole moment with tongue.
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As Piccolo and Krillin high-tail it to safety with the boys, they see the brilliant explosion, and they already know what it means.
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Krillin still calls out to Vegeta anyway.   A long time ago, Krillin wanted to gut this guy with Yajirobe’s sword, but Goku told him to have mercy, and he reluctantly granted Goku’s request.    At times, Krillin regretted that decision.   Right now, he’s getting what he thought he wanted all those years ago, but he wishes it weren’t so.  
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According to legend, the Last Super Saiyan could only maintain his status in the transformed state.    His power was extraordinary.   He had no equal in the universe.  But he was too primitive to control it.    His rage burned so intensely that it eventually consumed him, and in the end...
... he was destroyed by his own power.
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fidelixcorde · 10 months
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I love my gorl
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise; Freddie Mercury x black!child reader
Now I was skeptical at first to post this fic for the LONGEST time but after last night and Rami Malek winning his 1st Oscar, I feel like this story needs to be shared with my tumblr people. Now this is my first ever specific racial reader insert (I’m always fair when it comes to my reader inserts by also putting the abbreviations for skin color just to make it more fair for my readers) from the requester that I had this from on Wattpad who either so I want a GOOD WARNING HERE. THERE ARE RACIAL SLURS HERE BIG ONES. Only spoken TWICE but the N word is said, so if this OFFENDS YOU, you don’t have to read this. I beg of you because I don’t want to insult anyone. I AM NOT A RACIST person and anyone who is is scum of the scum.
Plus as this is my first solo Freddie Mercury oneshot, please go easy on me. People on wattpad told me I nailed his character but I hope I do the same for all of you. 
Warnings: RACISM *WHICH I DO NOT PROMOTE NEVER BE A RACIST it’s  TOTAL dick move in the words of the famous Deadpool*, violence, beatings, the use of the N word *AGAIN ONLY TWICE BUT FAIR WARNING!!* 
Taglist Queen *open*:
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It has always been my dream to go to a Queen concert. Ever since I first heard their record at a friend's house, I felt this instant connection to their music that no other musician that I've listened to before. The way they create new sounds and cross genres with each other, its unlike anything I've ever heard.
I've begged and begged my parents to one day go see them in concert one day but when you're in my family and you live in the south of New Orleans, Louisiana money is hard to come by. My daddy always says he can only afford working double sometimes triple shifts to last us enough rent for a couple months and groceries, but concert tickets are as expensive as they can get.
But then one day on my 11th birthday while my mama was working with one of her best costumers for her seamstress job, he had gotten wind that it was my birthday so he gifted me with a special surprise present. When I opened up the box to reveal an envelope, I opened it up and I was shocked to see that inside it were concert tickets to Queen coming to New Orleans tonight.
I screamed and jumped up and down with my best friend Laura who was also a Queen fan, in fact she's the friend who got me into them. At first my mama couldn't accept such a generous gift but Laura's dad wouldn't take no for an answer. In fact he told my mama that it was payback for all the house calls of seaming up dresses for Laura or doing adjustments for his suits.
So after she was done with Mr. Burn's suits, she took me home and got me dressed in my finest clothes and we waited for Mr. Burn's and Laura to come by in their new Cadillac so that we could head to the concert. I heard the horn honking and Laura crying out my name. I could barely contain my excitement when my mama said.
"Hold on (y/n) honey, now remember stay with Mr. Burns at all times, don't leave his side and do everything he tells you alright?"
"I will mama, I promise." She smiled and gave me a kiss and told me to have a good time. I could barely hear her because at that point I was in the car with Laura and the two of us were talking in high pitched tones of how excited we were to see Queen.
We arrived at the stadium and Mr. Burns gave the man our tickets and we were lead to our seats.
"Ohh I'm so excited I could just leap like a frog in the bayou! Gahh I can't believe they've finally come to New Orleans. Oh aren't they the bees knees?" Laura fangirled out.
"They are, hey Laura if you had to pick your favorite, which one would it be?" I asked her.
"Oh Roger Taylor hands down, he's the best drummer of any band. Plus he's as handsome as an angel from the Lord, how about you?"
"I would have to say.....Freddie Mercury, his voice is so.....so....raw yet tamed. Like it's almost supernatural and yet, belongs in our world." I've always admired Freddie's singing because of the way he's able to control his voice. I've heard tale that he can go 4 octaves higher than any male singer that ever did live on this Earth.
Soon the lights in the stadium dimmed until it became pitch black and the audience roared with applause like we were about to watch a football game. The stage lights flashed on and soon the first song of "We will Rock you" came on. Laura and I stomped our feet and clapped along and we sang along to the chorus and once the final part of the song came on, there standing on stage as the lights on stage shined upon them, stood the four members of Queen themselves, right before my very eyes.
The entire concert was filled with cheers, singing along to all of mine and Laura's favorite songs, and even hearing new songs that have yet to get a record release but Queen graced New Orleans with those songs. During one of their pieces, Freddie raised his mic up towards John Deacon and he cried out.
"We love you New Orleans!" At that declaration, everyone was going nuts.
By the end of the night, they gave one final bow and the concert was over. Laura and I were walking out fangirling hysterically at what we had just seen.
"Alright I'm gonna get Carl back over here so you girls just stay here alright?" Laura's dad said to us.
"Okay daddy." Said Laura. Once he left us alone Laura and I continued our fangirling out. "Oh my god do you remember when Freddie actually came onto the stage to crowd surf?"
"Oh Lord have mercy on my soul that was the best part! He always makes people even in the back row feel like they're important to the show."
"I really loved Roger's drum solo that he did."
"Oh yeah that was awesome!" We kept gushing out to each other when we heard a voice say.
"Why did you bring that here?" we turned around to see a couple of teenage boys maybe around 15-16years old, all three of them white.
"Excuse me?" asked Laura.
"You heard, in fact why are you associating with people like them?" A brown haired boy stated as he pointed to me.
"They shouldn't even be allowed to even watch concerts in our sections, why didn't she go to the top rows with all the rest of them negros?" Now that was a comment that I have heard for most of my life. Anytime when I would go out shopping with my mama, there's always either a white man or woman who says that word to both my mama and me and it always breaks my heart to be called that.
I'm smart enough to know what that means, I maybe black but I'm not stupid.
"Why shouldn't she? She's my friend and she can come to a Queen concert with me no matter who says." Laura said sticking up for me as she stood in front of me to protect me.
"Aww you hearing this fellas? Looks like we got ourselves a negro loving traitor." Said the same brunette boy. Soon he and his friends circled around us and then one of them grabbed Laura and pulled her away from me. We both screamed for each other but I was shoved harshly to the ground.
Before I could even stand up, I felt a hard kick to my stomach and soon it began. What my older brother DJ went through about a month ago when he got jumped heading home from work. I could hear Laura screaming at them to stop and from what I could see, she tried to fight back but the blonde boy holding her was too strong.
I was almost about to black out when I heard a voice say.
"What on earth is going on here!?" I managed to slowly lift my head up and I thought I was dreaming because I swear to the Lord above that I was seeing Freddie Mercury along with the rest of the band members of Queen standing just a few feet away from us.
"Nothing." One of the boys that was standing over me tried to cover up what was really happening.
"Really, cause from where we're standing it looks like you cowardly dicks are picking a fight with two young girls." Roger's voice spoke up.
"Well we uhh....."
"You little boys think you can dictate on who comes to see us? Did we ask you to beat up a poor, innocent child for our sake?" Freddie's voice spoke up in a stern, harsh tone as he walked right up toward us. "Now unless you lads want to get into even more trouble, I suggest you clear on out of here." Soon the three boys took off.
I looked up to see Freddie Mercury standing over me. He knelt down in front of me and held out his hand and he asked me.
"Can you stand dear?" I shakily reached out for his hand and I managed to grab it. Slow and steady he tried to help me up but suddenly my world went black and I found myself falling forward.
*3rd Person POV*
Quickly reacting, Freddie managed to catch (y/n) in his arms.
"Is she gonna be okay? Please she's my best friend in the whole wide world I can't bear to lose her. She's not gonna die is she?" Laura began to sob out hysterically when Freddie spoke up.
"Calm down darling, I promise we'll try to help your friend out as best we can. What's your name love?"
"Laura. Laura Burns, and my friend's name is (y/n) (l/n)."
"Okay Laura did you come here with anyone?"
"Yeah my daddy, he went to go find our driver to take us home."
"Alright, Roger why don't you and Brian help Laura find her father, Deacy you come with me and help me find a medic for (y/n)." Roger and Brian both guided Laura to find her father while Freddie took (y/n) back inside the stadium to their dressing room.
While Freddie placed (y/n) down on the couch trying to make sure her head was fully supported. He had asked John to find a medic as fast as he could and while he waited, he looked back down at (y/n) and couldn't help but feel this rage building up inside.
Now he and the band were aware of the brutal racism that goes on in America, especially down in the southern states where black people can freely be assaulted by white people and not be given the justice they deserve just because of their skin color. But it sickened him to know that in this case it was a child involved in a brutal beatdown that should never have happened, and near a Queen concert of all places.
He soon heard light moaning and when he came back to his senses, Freddie saw that (y/n) was beginning to gain consciousness.
*My POV*
I woke up to feel my head resting on a bunch of pillows and a bright light shining down from above. At first I thought I was in heaven because my mama always told me Heaven was a bright light, but I was still feeling this roaring pain in my head and pulsing feeling along my ribs, I thought heaven meant no more pain?
"Take it easy darling, you had quite a rumble outside with some heartless dicks." I looked to my right to see that sitting right before me was Freddie Mercury himself. I almost was about to pass out again but he said to me again, "Careful darling, can't risk you passing out again with the condition you're in. You might have a concussion." I looked around trying to find Laura and fearing that those boys might've taken her away I finally spoke up.
"Laura....my friend Laura is....is she—"
"She's fine darling, a little shook up but Roger and Brian are taking care of her right now, they're trying to find her father and they'll be here soon to come find you. For now I need you to do something for me, do you think you can do that?" Normally you wouldn't trust a stranger with anything but for some reason I felt like I could trust Freddie so I found myself nodding softly.
He smiled softly before reaching into a drawer and taking out a small flashlight and he explained.
"Now I'm no doctor and I have no idea what the hell is taking Deacy so long to find one, but all I'm gonna do is just shine this in your eyes, and I want you to follow my finger okay (y/n)?" I was surprised to hear Freddie Mercury say my name when I hadn't told him yet. So I nodded again and he said, "good, okay now eyes forward, straight at me." The flashlight came on and I squinted a bit and then he said, "okay now just follow my finger just with your eyes." He then slowly moved his index finger to the right and I followed it.
He moved it to the left and I followed it. Wherever his finger went my eyes followed it, then he did a crazy flick with them that was too fast for my eyes to follow. At that point he chuckled softly and said.
"I'm only messing with you darling."
"Uhh Mr. Mercury..."
"Oh darling please that makes me sound old, call me Freddie." He interrupted me.
"Sorry. Freddie, how did you know my name?"
"Your friend Laura told us before I brought you in here."
"How do you know to do the 'follow the finger movement?' if you say you're not a doctor?"
"I used to be a boxer when I was a lad. Even though I was top fighter I first started out getting a few blows to the head. Guess that medical procedure of figuring out whether one had a concussion still stuck with me even now. And lucky for you you're gonna be fine. Just a little bump on the head, but we'll have the doctor take a look at the rest of you." He explained as he turned the flashlight off and set it back inside the dresser. As I adjusted myself on the couch trying to sit up, I felt the pain intense around my ribs again and I said to myself.
"Maybe I shouldn't have come here."
"What do you mean by that love?" I looked up at him before shamefully looking down and I said.
"Maybe they were right. I shouldn't have come here, never should have even gotten an interest in music that didn't belong to my kind. Then maybe none of this would've happened. I've caused nothing but trouble tonight, now Laura will never want to be my friend again."
"You don't know that." He said. I felt the couch dip beside me and an arm wrap around my shoulder and he said to me, "Now you listen to me (y/n), okay? Queen does not belong to one particular race. We do not play for just the whites, look at me do I look like a white man to you?" I looked at him and noticed that his skin wasn't white at all but tanned. Almost as if he had been kissed by the sun.
"No." I answered softly.
"Damn right I'm not, hell I'm handsomer than any white man out there." That statement made a soft laugh pass through my lips which in turn made Freddie smile. "Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot listen to. If you want to listen to Queen, then fuck it all you raise up volume on your stereo till your house shakes and listen to our music. Because behind all the fame and fortune, we're just four misfits who don't belong together playing for other misfits. The outcasts right in the back of the room who feel like they don't belong. For we belong to them. To you. And no one can tell us otherwise."
"You really stand for that?" I asked him.
"Of course, this world's always wanting to stay by standards and rules. And rules are meant to be broken, right?" I smiled and nodded at him. "So you keep being a fan of Queen darling, and never let anyone tell you to stop. You promise?"
"I promise." He held out his hand and I immediately took it and we shook on it to seal the deal permanently.
It was then at that moment Laura and her father came in with the rest of the band members of Queen plus a medic.
"Oh (y/n)! When Laura told me about what happened I raced over here as fast as I could. You tell me what those boys looked like and I promise to make sure the police show no mercy on them."
"It's all taken care of Mr. Burns, in fact as an apology for such a traumatic experience that should never happen at a Queen concert, I've decided to fly both of your families to our next concert in Los Angeles plus be given backstage passes to talk about the concert afterwards." Freddie proclaimed.
"Ohh no we cannot accept that....." Mr. Burns started up but Freddie interrupted him and said.
"I won't take no for an answer darling. I want these girls to get the proper Queen experience both before and after the show."
"You might as well take it Mr. Burns, once he sets his mind to something he never lets it go." Said Brian. Laura pulled on her dad's arm begging him to agree to it. After her begging and pleading, Mr. Burns agreed to the tickets and boy did Laura act as happy as a jack rabbit in May. We were then given the tickets and Laura came over to me hugging me tightly which made me wince cause even now with bandages wrapped around my bruised ribs, I was still in pain.
Laura then began to rant on about how excited she was and just as boys of Queen left to continue on the road, I looked up to see Freddie turn back toward me and send me a wink before following behind the rest of the band. While I tuned out Laura's excitement, Freddie's words continued to ring in my head and I knew from then on I wasn't going to allow anyone to tell me what I can and can't do.
If I wanted to be a Queen fan, well like Freddie said, then I be a Queen fan, and no one can tell me otherwise.
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Hey! So for some reason as I sat on my bathroom floor cleaning out the stuff under the sink I got this idea to make small playlists for people instead of a follow thing or in Kahoots with it? and want to fill their new year with maybe some new music or whatever and yeah. So these are all playlists for you guys that reminded me of you or songs I just think you’d like💕 (this is also why I’ve been so annoying the last couple of days asking about what streaming services you use)(also I love stupid jokes so be prepared)
Now please enjoy my suffering:
@bisexualgorgeous : Hannah, I don’t know where to start, not gonna lie I was so intimidated by you and your talent but since we’ve become friends I’ve come to realize that you’re such an amazing genuine person with a scary amount of talent who I am overjoyed to be friends with. (Also fun fact the first edit that “made it big” for me was one that you reblogged and complimented and that still means the world to me. And thank you for taking a chance on me with daily Taylor edits)
@spendsmychange : Ellie, We’re both each other’s biggest fans. I love you so much. Your personality and talent is top notch. I’d burn at the stake for you and I hope you know how much you mean to me.
@getaway-car : Han, Throwback to when I had a stroke when you followed me cause I had looked up to you for so long and couldn’t believe you followed me. You’ve made me feel so appreciated. You’re so amazing in every way. Also, YOUR EDITS ARE SO FUCKING GOOD AHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE THEM AND YOU NUMBER ONE HAN STAN FOR LIFE
@battledemo : Han, I don’t even know what to say. You mean so much to me. And being able to rant or talk about music with someone who gets it I don’t think I’d be able to give enough thanks. You’re probably my best friend, Han. I love you and would do anything for you 💕
@ciwyw2 : Maggie, HEY REMEMBER WHEN WE MET AND NOTHJNG IN THE WORLD CAN TOP THAT. But for reals you’re unreal, you helped me with my concert anxiety, you’re so funny and nice, out conversations are the best (also I see you reblogging my old crappy edits) rep tour kc will always be my favorite concert cause of you
@diamondseaside : Tina, my New Years resolution is to make you believe I am Taylor Swift also hey did you know that I absolutely adore you in every way?
@ikywts : Raquel, Hello angel. Wow. Idk what to say. I just love you and you make my heart feel safe
@tshifty : Kristin, you are so fucking smart. Sorry, I just felt like I needed to say that. Because you are and the way you handle things is a plus. You’re also talented, funny, and just overall a great person. I’m so glad I’ve come to know you better.
@partayswiftie : Ash, I’m still bitter you walked past me multiple times at kc. (But that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you and that I don’t think you’re one of the most amazing things to ever exist cause I do. ALSO J TOLD YOU YOUD MEET TAYLOR BEECH)
@friendlyneighborhoodpegacorn : Emma, my biggest life regret is not meeting you at KC. I can only attest if to the fact that you don’t exist cause you’re peak humanity with talent beauty and humor and also Play With My Cats is on a whole other level of humanity so that’s all the evidence I need.
@lfthiswasamovie : Em, Have I screamed that I love you at you enough? Cause I do and being your secret Santa was just the best and no matter what I’m hear for you angel.
@fearlessthealbum : Emily, I still need to get you Fearless mercy sorry I forgot bb. Also, how is one person as hysterical as you?
@itsdarkandalltoquiet : Ruby, you are a very non annoying child and ily
@colorsinautumnsobright : Autumn, you’re so kind and intelligent and always trying to light up others lives I love you so much.
@teardropsonmyguitar : AMANDA, I feel like you need your own post tbh you have been so amazing and getting to know you has been a gift. FIRST BURN SLAPS SO THANKS FOR THAT. I’m really not sure what to say, but I love you have a great new year.
@lovemademecrazys : Vicki, The only thing prettier than your edits is you and your soul. You’re so amazing.
@bleachellataylor : April, I have more Bleachella memes happy new year
@millionlittleshiningstars12 : Adrian, you’re so amazing and I’m so glad we’ve grown closer
@imhereonthekitchenfloor : Catherine, PRETZEL QUEEN, I looked for pretzel songs and couldn’t find any I’m sorry (I didn’t try that hard cause I’m tired but I tried) I’m here for you forever I love you you pretzel angel
@1989deluxe : Nikita, I love you more than you love sad beautiful tragic
@nowcanwebabes : Katie, you’re an actual goddess I love you
@beginagain : Julia, okay this isn’t a note for Julia this is a note for y’all GO READ JULIAS BOOK ON WATTPAD ITS SO GOOD IM ACTUALLY IN LOVE SHES SO TALENTED AHHHHHHH
@thslove : Kathryn, A Place in This World is a good song you’re just mean
@heartsremainbreakable : Sarah, you have taught me so much I’m so grateful for people like you in the world. I love you enjoy the new year.
@ialmostdos : Sarah, I love getting to see your amazing face everyday through Snapchat and your personality is one of the best.
@swiftie-in-red : Rainey, You’re so nice and we have so many common interests I’m so glad to have met you and can’t wait to talk more about Percy Jackson
@fearlessplatiumedition : Rachel, I 👏 LOVE 👏 YOU 👏 SO MUCH YOURE AMAzing
@eyesoqen : Karli, (yours will come later) you’re such a blessing to this Earth and I’m glad I get to exist at the same time as you
@ours-ssong : Elisabeth, (yours will come later) don’t tell Ruby but your my favorite child. I love you so much and seeing you grow throughout the year in so many things has been amazing. Also y’all did you know she decorates cakes! It’s so cool! She’s really good.
@thatonedollar : Siya, (yours will come later) Talk about heaven on earth, you’re such a caring angel and you have been there for me through some of my worst moments this year I love you so much.
Okay, so happy New Year! Y’all have made this one to remember if I forgot anyone I am so sorry, I lost a few brain cells doing this but just know that I love you to infinity plus one(also for people who got joke ones -its pretty easy to tell- I’m making you an actual one lol) and for anyone who would just like a random playlist these are some of my faves.
Please ignore typos I haven’t slept since Thursday (if that) love y’all.
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thelarryficrecplace · 6 years
Happy 24th Birthday Harry
Here’s 24 of my favourite fics to celebrate:
(your heartbeat) rang true inside my bones by flimsy:
Summary: Harry goes as Louis' date for a weekend wedding. He ends up taking the role a bit too seriously
Word count: 32,945
Bigger Than Life by rippedgloves:
Summary: “Boybander Harry Styles spotted leaving West Hollywood joined hand in hand with new beau, Xander Ritz”
His heart drops in his chest as he scrolls down, ignoring the short irrelevant article and looking desperately for a picture. Sure enough, there’s pap shots of Harry and Xander, walking hand in hand, looking drunk and cheerful and together.
And that’s—that’s really not what Louis was expecting at all.
Word count: 48,886
The Sound of Your Voice From Far Away by pukeandcry:
Summary: Or, after the U.S. leg of the Take Me Home tour, Harry and Louis drive from L.A. to NYC. They figure some things out, like how to deal with the distance that's been growing between them.
Word count: 39,541
True Love's Gold by alivingfire:
Summary: Gemma starts responding to every single one of Harry’s texts—regardless of subject—with i don’t care, talk to louis. Liam lets Harry complain to him for hours on Skype, pretending he’s not doing other things while Harry whines about his problems. Niall thinks the whole thing is hilarious, texting Harry links to articles titled So, you want your man to propose? and 15 ways to get him ready for the aisle! and follows each of these up with page upon page of laughing emojis. Harry tries everything, literally everything he can think of short of grabbing Louis by tattooed forearm and yelling, “PROPOSE TO ME BEFORE I COMBUST.”
Or, it takes a village to arrange a proposal, but that doesn't mean it's going to go as planned.
Word count: 27,792
got it right such a long time ago by imsosorry:
Summary: Four months into One Direction's hiatus, Louis comes to stay with Harry after a bad breakup.
Word count: 9,699
You Drive Me Crazy ( I Just Can't Sleep) by objectlesson:
Summary: The first time Louis ends up in Harry’s bed is a total accident.
Word count: 18,507
hand over by crybaby:
Summary: ‘Twenty one things to try before 21,’ he reads aloud, voice lilting with amusement.
Word count: 60,732
Reeling Through The Fall by zarah5:
Summary: AU. They hate each other. Except for when they don’t.
Word count: 40,068
This Wicked Game by cherrystreet:
Summary: An AU in which The Bachelor is gay, Louis is a contestant, Harry is the bachelor, everyone drinks a lot of champagne, the entire world gets to watch them fall in love, and no one plays by the rules.
Word count: 70,010
You're An Asshole (But I Love You) by theboyfriendstagram:
Summary: Louis is a frat boy with a drinking problem who doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, and Harry is a psychology student who always takes care of him and might just be exactly what Louis doesn't want, but really needs.
Word count: 85,867
You Drive Me Round The Bend by TheCellarDoor:
Summary: In which Louis is a spoilt rich kid who’s always on the phone while he drives and Harry is a struggling musician making his way down the mountain. It’s just a matter of time before they crash and burn.
Word count: 77,082
Truth Be Told (I Never Was Yours) by JustForTommo:
Summary: or the one where Louis and Harry have a complicated past, Louis is getting married to someone that’s not Harry, and the universe has decided to have a laugh and make Harry the wedding planner.
Word count: 76,907
Three French Hems by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews:
Summary: In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
Word count: 20,230
Be My Little Good Luck Charm by 100percentsassy:
Summary: In which Harry is a promising amateur golfer making his debut at the PGA Championship, and Louis is a Sky Sports anchor who would really rather be commentating on footie.
Word count: 34,874
i can't breathe (without you as mine) by togetherwecouldbealright:
Summary: or, the one where Harry just had surgery and is at the mercy of anesthetics and Louis is having far too much fun video taping Harry's initial reaction to seeing him.
Word count: 2,235
All the Right Moves by cherrystreet:
Summary: This is the third game in a row that Harry has been distracted by the noisy boy in the stands, five rows back.There’s really no reason that he should feel compelled to stare into the audience as frequently as he is, but he can’t help it. This boy is a nuisance. And he’s loud. Even from basketball court with nine other players running by him, shoes squeaking on the shiny hardwood floor, and thousands of cheering college students, Harry can hear this boy nearly shrieking, his laugh more like a cackle than anything.It’s seriously obnoxious.
Word count: 32,264
one more for the stars by imsosorry:
Summary: Harry's the star quarterback and Louis is about to graduate. It's a heartbreak waiting to happen.
Word count: 16,099
Faking It by TheCellarDoor:
Summary: Harry pretends to date his best friend to escape unwanted attention from a too insistent classmate and hopes it won’t blow up in his face. Featuring embarrassing dildo accidents, awkward boners, longing, first times, late night conversations, emotional discoveries and Niall as the exasperated friend with bad advice.
Word count: 46,173
You Come Beating Like Moth's Wings by supernope:
Summary:  Harry takes the summer before uni to travel Europe and meets Louis in Barcelona, and they end up traveling together.
Word count: 81,077
your love is bright as ever (baby love me lights out) by tomorrows:
Summary: Harry's got a late night talk show, Louis' got a couple of Grammys, they're best friends who like to kiss.
Word count: 15,268
Outwit, Outplay, Outlast by dancesongsoul, lookatyourchoices:
Summary: “Tommo and Harry are gonna do it. I don’t know when, but they’re gonna do it. They’ve got the mattress, the pillows, everything’s in place, and they’re gonna do it. I really wish those two the best of luck.” –Taylor Swift, "Chapera"
Or a Survivor All-Stars AU in which Harry and Louis are just in this game to win the million dollars, but they end up with something better.
Featuring Harry's yellow swim shorts, Louis in snapbacks, and OT5 shenanigans.
Word count: 60,929
hold a hand for cover by vashtaneradas:
Summary: they’ve still got all the money in the world, all the big nights and bigger houses, all the people at their doors with singles and album deals and promises of more, they still have all of that, and they will forever. the only thing they’ve burnt through is each other.
or, two years after the band, harry and louis bump into each other for the first time.
Word count: 26,334
put the stars in our eyes by crybaby:
Summary: Louis goes to bed having ordered a nineteen year-old husband.
Louis is set to inherit the family farm after the death of his father, but after finding out that he needs to be married in order to do so, purchasing a nineteen year-old, mail-order husband named Harry Styles seems to be the easiest answer.
Word count: 53,055
got the sunshine on my shoulders by hattalove:
Summary: five years ago, harry styles left his tiny home town to make it big as a recording artist. he didn't have much regard for what he left behind - a life, a family, and a husband, who woke up one morning to find him gone.
now, harry has everything he could possibly want: he's rich, famous, and adored by everyone he meets, including his boyfriend. but when said boyfriend proposes to him, he's forced to face the uncomfortable facts of his past - and louis, who's spent the last five years returning every set of divorce papers harry sent him.
Word count: 124,165
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fangfucked-a · 5 years
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NAME: Angel Michael Graham. ALIAS: Francis Elijah Carter. NICKNAME: Frankie, Fran, Franny, asshole.
AGE: Twenty eight. BIRTHDAY: August 12th, 1990. ZODIAC: Leo. BIRTH PLACE: Charleston, South Carolina. CURRENT LOCATION: L.A, California. GENDER: Non-binary. PRONOUNS: He/him, they/them, she/her. Really does not give a shit, uses masculine pronouns because he presents very masculine and it's just easier for most people. SEXUALITY: Bisexual, biromantic. SPECIES: Vampire. POWERS: Enhanced senses ( though taste has completely shifted, blood has several different tastes depending on person, human foods taste like copper ), enhanced strength, compulsion ( mind control ), accelerated healing, limited immortality, supernatural detection to a certain degree. He can smell someone's not human or catch onto a specific scent through their blood if he's encountered their kind before, but he doesn't always know what someone is. CONS: Sunlight will cause him to burn if he's not wearing his cloaking ring though even with it on, he's sensitive to sunlight. Needs blood for survival, if he goes too long without it his body will begin to shut down; not so much to kill him but he won't be able to do anything until he gets blood. RELIGION: Christian. Raised with that faith and he still holds it very dear to him despite constantly going against what he believes in. OCCUPATION: Hitman, uses baker as a cover. LANGUAGES KNOWN: English and some Spanish. ACCENT: American. VOICE CLAIM: Dan Stevens, specifically his accent in The Ticket. FACE CLAIM: Joseph Gilgun, Dan Stevens. Just depends on who I'm in the mood to use tbh. EYE COLOR: Bright blue. HAIR COLOR: Naturally dirty blond, dyed his hair brown. It's fading so it's a bit of a mix between the two colors.. STYLE: Short, just kind of a mess. Flat and not styled. HEIGHT: 6'6". TATTOOS: Two solid black bands on his wrist, a twisted Cheshire cat that takes up most of his left leg, an arrow on his right arm, 'die with memories, not dreams' in typewriter font on his left forearm, a galaxy design on his left hand, the word FUCK on his right knuckles, a tree that takes up his back and under that tree is the name Alex in red cursive font. Never bring up the name to him. He pretty much has small random tattoos all over his body that would take me too long to list, almost anywhere you can think of has some sort of tattoo. PIERCINGS: A helix piercing on his left ear. SCARS: He has several scattered across his body from the years of constant abuse, however most are actually covered up by his tattoos. The only ones that are really noticeable anymore are one by his right eye that leads from the inner corner to the top of his cheek bone, one on his right hand that goes from his knuckles to the top of his wrist, and one going down his chest from the heart surgery he had as a child. It's mostly covered by his tree tattoo, but if you look close you can see a large scar of a cross shape on his back. CLOTHES: Surprisingly colorful. Wears a lot of skinny jeans, douchey tank tops, high tops that vary in colors. He tries to avoid wearing dark colors unless he's on a job, then he'll do whatever he can to remain unseen or unnoticed. DISTIGUISHING LOOKS: Tall figure, bright eyes, and his fangs are always out. LABEL: The dirtbag, the addict, the conard. POSITIVE TRAITS: Adaptable, fiercely loyal, loving, clever, a damn good survivor. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impulsive, obsessive, egotistical, selfish, just an asshole tbh. GOALS: Really wants to kill Alex and give her a taste of even a little bit of what he endured through their relationship. Also to keep his family strong and knit together. FEARS: Alex, abandonment, failure, grief, and spiders. HOBBIES: Music is a huge factor in his life that he's trying to get back into and learn even more. Cooking is also a big hobby of his as well as his career, he enjoys video games from time to time, and he loves anything social. He just likes meeting and speaking to people. HABITS: Smokes heavily, bounces his leg, chews on his lip even though he can't retract his fangs. FAVORITE WEATHER: He loves the cold which is why he thrived in New York during the colder seasons, but now that he lives in California, it makes him want to Die(tm) FAVORITE MUSIC: Rap and pop tend to be his most listened to, but he can listen to most things! His favorite band is Mindless Self Indulgence. FAVORITE COLOR: Blue. FAVORITE MOVIES: He's not a movie person, he doesn't really watch them ever. He does however love Boondock Saints and will watch it continuously so he tends to watch action or romance if he does watch anything. FAVORITE SPORTS: Also not a sports person. He knows a bit about baseball, but that's mostly due to his brother's involvement back in school. PHYSICAL: None. He's very healthy despite not looking like it. MENTAL: ADHD that was diagnosed at eight. BPD and OCD were diagnosed at fifteen and seventeen. PTSD is undiagnosed. He really only has a handle on his ADHD but he's actively trying to better himself nowadays and get a better grip on his other disorders. ALLERGIES: None. SLEEPING HABITS: Doesn't sleep much. He doesn't need much anyway, but he also suffers from nightmares that will keep him up for hours after and spike his paranoia. So he tries to avoid sleeping as much as possible. EXERCISE HABITS: Occasionally goes for runs because it's good for him to clear his mind, but other than that not much exercising. His body won't change and he's already supernaturally strong so he doesn't see the point. EATING HABITS: When it comes to blood, he uses his hits as his main source for meals, but he'll also eat human food to keep up appearances. SOCIAL: Practically the definition of an extrovert. BODY: Has some muscle, but still pretty lean and doesn't look exactly healthy. ADDICTIONS: Nicotine. DRUG USE: Recovering heroin addict ( going on three years clean ) so he stays away from everything at this point. ALCOHOL: Recovering alcoholic ( one year clean ) so none anymore. MOTHER: Meghan Graham. FATHER: Nathaniel Taylor ( birth father ), Jacob Graham ( adoptive father ) SIBLINGS: A twin brother named Abel and a younger sister named Celestina, though he has no idea she exists since she was born after his disappearance. PETS: A tabby named Patches and an Egyptian Mau named Gamora. PARTNER: Faolán Mackenzie. wife. CHILDREN: Nova & Sirius Mackenzie.
Francis' backstory contains heavy mentions of abuse, murder, heroin addiction, and alcoholism.
He wasn't always like this. So monstrous, so violent, so bloodthirsty. Nobody starts off as the villain of the story, sometimes they're made that way, and in Angel's case, that's exactly what happened. He starts off mild mannered, polite, a drive to do something great in the world, and an aspiration to fall in love. He witnessed the world through rose colored glasses, so when he meets what he sees as the perfect girl, it's easy to ignore the red flags about her. The snide comments, the little lies, the almost a little too possessive behavior --- he just shrugged it off because they're small compared to the good he sees in her. Alex gave him the love he desired, the attention he craved, and somehow always knew what to say to have him as putty in her hands. Never mind that she's older or that he has to keep her a secret from his family.
Eighteen and she forces him to move to New York with him. He wasn't sure why he said yes, but there was an overwhelming force that made him agree, so one night he packed up a bag and he was gone. Without a word to anyone. It's not long after the move that she begins to show her true colors, the violent tendencies, the controlling behavior ---- it was starting to scare him. His life became walking on eggshells, watching his every word and action around her, and he was starting to become numb to it all. She teaches him how to fight, claims it's because he should know self defense, but he's not sure if it's not just another excuse to hit him.
It gets worse with time. The physical violence was more often, but she had also shattered any resemblance of his self esteem. He was numb, apathetic, and living a life that revolved around her to try and save himself. He wanted to leave, call his family for help, anything ---- but he couldn't. There was that pull again, the one that made him do whatever she told him. The supposed love of his life had also become the scariest thing in it. He falls into bad habits, alcohol and drugs, anything to try and make things seem a little more bearable. If he was too numb then maybe it wouldn't hurt so much, maybe he wouldn't be so god damn scared, right? His life had become survival day in and day out, he wasn't alive anymore. She had drained him of anything he once had.
Then the dreaded day came, four days after his birthday, just like when she took him away, she decides to end his life. He comes home from the bar and immediately she slams him up against the wall. He doesn't even register what she's saying, something about how she was waiting to do this for a long time, something about a game, and something about a weapon. She forces a metallic liquid down his throat and the one thing that properly processes is the pain he feels in his abdomen. The feeling of the knife twisting in his gut and the nightmare fueled grin across her face as he realizes what's happening. He was going to die and it was really going to be at the hand of her.
That's the day Angel Graham died, but it's not the end of his story.
He wakes up in a place he doesn't recognize, his hand chained to some rusty pipe. His head's pounding, teeth throbbing, and the tears couldn't be held back. The pain was unbearable, everything was so much louder than it was before, the light on his eyes made him want to tear them out, and the sudden hunger made him want to scream. He begged for mercy, death would have been kinder than whatever the hell he was feeling now. His path may have been lost at a young age, but he never imagined he deserved any of what he was experiencing. Alex shuts him up quickly, forcing more blood down his throat and covering his mouth with tape. He thinks he might be in hell, but then she explains what's happening. She changed him into something more than human, a vampire. A fucking vampire.  It's terrifying, panic quickly sets in, but he realizes there's not much he can do but succumb to whatever she has planned.
The years leading up to his death had all been setting it up. Breaking him down to the point where he didn't know who he was without her, the dependency and loyalty to her despite her cruelness, the fighting training, it was all for her. She made him into her own sick little game. Pushing him to see how far she would go, making him into a weapon for her own amusement. The bloodshed follows quickly after his turn as she teaches him how to revel into the chaos. Any sense of his human self had begun to fade away. He was just everything she wanted him to be. A violent monster, one that would attack on command, one that would do anything to please her.
After his twenty fourth birthday, he starts to come to terms with everything. He starts to finally see past the lies and manipulation, thoughts finally fighting against her commands. This wasn't the life he wanted to lead. The compulsion she had over him was gone, he was fucking tired of it and he didn't have to sit through the abuse anymore. So he packs up one night and leaves without a word, much like he had with his own family. He&'s not done with her, but he knows that the state he was in wasn't enough to go against her. She's older and much much stronger than him. He'd have to train more, make a goal to get even.
His powers and charm get him by for a while. It's difficult at first, he's homeless but it was better than staying with his abuser. He gets a new identity to hide himself so Francis Elijah Carter is created. He's not innocent by any means, his mind still corrupted and twisted by Alex, the violence is still a part of him now, the love for chaos. He wasn't ashamed of what he had become, he reveled in it, but he would be damned if he remained a victim. He uses his skills to start killing for cash, figures a good meal and some decent cash could get him by. He even gets clean and sober after he finds himself a new family, one that treats him a hell of a lot better than the relationship he had been in for the last few years. Life's not bad, he's made it his own again, but he knows he's coming for her head as soon as he gets the chance.
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