#// (who btw just killed him! literally shot him in the face!)
lace4forest · 2 days
The Legend of Zelda Forgotten Songs
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We've recently been drawing on Stream, so we ended up making a Legend of Zelda AU. (I'll post the stream vods on my channel later)
Basically Din and Farore decide to mess with Nayru, and shuffled the Triforce pieces.
Anyway! Zelda, the Hero of Songs, needs to search for the Forgotten Songs lost to Hyrule, to bring light back to the Kingdom. She teams up with Link the bard and the two travel together. The Scholar King Ganondorf of the Gorudo is trying to take over the Kingdom of Hyrule and bring silence and darkness to keep the Kingdom under his control.
The Nicknames Zelda - Song (Songs) Link - Lute Ganondorf - Cacophony
Rabbit hole time!
Zelda is the Hero of Songs. She has the Hero's Spirit, and was given the Triforce of Courage!
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Zelda is a menace to society. Yes. She fights in this dress, and she is GOOD AT IT. Her "Roll" is a little jump and spin. She also is a very physical character, she doesn't use a lot of magic Items, and don't let her looking frail fool you, she is very strong. (Yes Zelda has the Master Sword)
Link has been nicknamed Lute. He isn't fully Hylian, he is only half! The other half is Siren! He is a Bard. He also has the Triforce of Power! (Think of Zelda 2 btw) So the Northern Palace? Everyone remember that place? Yeah, Link's house is on the beach north of there, he has a cute little beach house, and also has an under water one (Because Siren/mer fun stuff)
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Now Link here is a little Uncanny, right? Well, literally EVERYONE in town think's that. That's why he lives out by himself on the beach. He does go into town and play music for money, and he's really good! (Because Siren) and people ALWAYS PAY HIM- (Because SIREN) He doesn't do anything bad tbh. Lastly, Link uses the magic Items here, he is also holding onto the Interments and sheet music they get from the Dungeons! (Looking for the Forgotten Songs of old to save Hyrule)
Now, Link and Zelda are besties, Zelda was traveling past his house, and she just wanted to see who lived there, met Link, liked his weird vibes (Literally all her guards were like NOOOOO SIREN BOY- But Zelda doesn't know) Also, Zelda gave Link Anxiety. (Zelda "No Fear" Hero of Songs traveling with the Siren Bard Link the Lute player)
OH! One last thing, Zelda doesn't know Link is half Siren. She just knows he has funky vibes and she likes the funky vibes. Someone (Villager) will be like "That is a Monster" and Zelda will be like "THAT IS MY BEST FRIEND" (Holds Link's face) "NOW SAY SORRY TO HIM" Villager - "....sorry" Zelda doesn't care.
(another link thing, sorry, that hair? that short hair? Yeah, No. That's an under cut, he has long hair, its just brained and stuffed into the hat)
LASTLY we have Ganondorf! He is cousins with Zelda, and he holds the Triforce of Wisdom! Ganondorf want's to take Hyrule, and he knows he is right behind Zelda for the throne, so all he needs to do is Kill Zelda! (He tried to just hire a guy to shoot her with a cross bow, the guy shot, Zelda cause the arrow, AND THREW IT BACK- NO BOW- and Killed that man.) Ganondorf had to think a little outside the box. His list of Priorities goes 1) Kill Zelda, 2) Kill Link and 3) Take over Hyrule.
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Now, Ganondorf here is SMART. (Nicknamed Cacophony) Ganondorf and Zelda are Cousins, and they are pretty close. Their relationship is VERY complicated. Like - Someone talking crap about Zelda in front of Ganondorf "HOW DARE YOU SAY THOSE THINGS!" Person - "That is your Mortal Enemy!" Ganon - "THAT IS MY COUSIN!" (Zelda does the same thing)
Link and Ganondorf also have a complex relationship, they have an emotional support group for talking about the crazy things Zelda did and the two just need a moment to reassure they are normal and it's just Zelda being weird.
Also Ganondorf is a magic user in this AU. He tries to outsmart his opponents when need be. And in this game he is fighting Zelda and Link, who share a single braincell. (I love those two so much oh my gosh XD)
The Dungeon's in the game would be actually kinda hard, relying on your ability to remember things and a LOT of Puzzles. The beginning you can just switch between Link and Zelda to figure stuff out, one being in another room and yelling the answers to the other type of thing. But as the game goes on (After Dungeon 3) Link will become unable to get into the Dungeon without Zelda finding the Interment inside and summoning him inside. (There will also be a Dungeon where you do mainly play as Link in, it's the water temple.)
Now, Dungeon's 1 through 6 you can get Link inside to help, but less and less. By Dungeon 7 Link is unable to be summoned inside. Again, you would need the Dungeon Item to summon Link, BUT Ganondorf is SMART. He figured this out, and went and TOOK THE ITEMS OUT- They are now in other Dungeons (You may find 2 Items inside one dungeon) You might need to return to a Dungeon for a Door you were unable to unlock with a new Item/song/sheet music.
But During Dungeon 7, when Zelda leaves she can tell a fight happened, the area is destroyed, and Link is nowhere to be seen. Ganondorf and his men ambushed Link, and Kidnapped him. (Along with all your stuff.) Zelda heads to Dungeon 8, learning that Link is somewhere inside.
(Our reasoning on why Link get's Kidnapped- "WELL ZELDA GETS KIDNAPPED ALL THE TIME! IT'S LINK'S TURN!")
Now Dungeon 8. Ganondorf is Smart. Zelda and Link Share a SINGLE Braincell. Each room is one of three things. 1) A previous Mini Boss (Link Dungeon 8(?) in Link's Awakening) 2) A Puzzle to get a key or something (Normal Dungeon stuff) OR 3) A Puzzle from a previous Dungeon, but the hint isn't in the Dungeon and Link isn't here to yell the answers for you.
So you will have to do one of three things for those rooms, Look up a guide online, Have a good memory and know what to do, Or go back to the Dungeon it was in, and write it down.
But if you leave you'll have to restart/run through the Dungeon again! AND THIS ONE DOESN'T HAVE A MAP- HAHAHA-
We wanted to create the hardest/funnest Dungeon. (Ganondorf is SMART, HE WANT'S ZELDA DEAD.)
Also, Ganondorf convinces the King to send Gaurds after Zelda and Link. (Kinda like Lttp, but instead of "YOU KIDNAPPED THE PRINCESS" It's more like "Zelda Please, You Need To Come Home!" and Zelda is like "GANONDORF IS EVIL" "No HE ISN'T!" "HIS VIBES ARE RANK!")
I might draw some short comics of them later tbh! (I think it's fun to make stories with everyone on stream, it was good, 10/10 will draw on stream again XD)
If you have any questions, just ask.
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demonsfate · 1 year
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the thing about pacifistic characters is that they don't see the good in people - they see the POTENTIAL in people. they see their potential to be good. that's why they don't kill - because they believe these people can grow, and possibly become better. however, most (good) pacifistic characters are still willing to give a bad guy a well deserving beat down. and truth is? most of the audience enjoys watching the bad guy get their comeuppance. like it's always VERY satisfying to watch the bad guy get beaten around a little. why? because the bad guy has hurt somebody, or even many people. the good guy giving them a beat down is giving them a small taste of their own medicine. but what separates the good guy from the bad guy is that he doesn't kill the bad guy. most of us want the satisfaction of the bad guy losing. ESPECIALLY if the bad guy is an abuser of any kind.
that's why i hate this scene. even if they likely didn't intend it to be, it feels like it's chastising the audience for finding enjoyment of watching bad people get hurt in any way.
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as i said in the previous post, this scene comes off as... preachy and pretentious. i'm sorry! but you can ABSOLUTELY take pleasure in the suffering of others - ESPECIALLY your abuser. there is NOTHING WRONG with smiling that your bully / abuser / whatever was "defeated" and will likely not mistreat you again. there's nothing wrong with being happy that your abuser was hurt. and AGAIN! i wouldn't have mind if this was just jun's opinion alone, and it gets challenged by other characters (no, heihachi doesn't count) but the WHOLE SHOW treats it as if this is the ABSOLUTE RIGHT THING and something you shouldn't debate. the whole show being filled with this just comes off as annoying, and removes any satisfaction you, the viewer, would've gotten from watching the fights.
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gglitch1dd · 6 months
I don’t know if your still open to the Angry Dilf series (I ate those up btw *chiefs kiss*)
But it would be very interesting to read a one-shot where Reader and Bakugo or Kirishima (or Both) react to finding out their precious daughter has a boyfriend/sneaky link.
Bc I see these two as major over-protective girl dads who will punch a sucker, especially if they find out this guys has been in any intimate/sexual relationship with their daughter.
Just an idea! Love your work, stay motivated 💗💕💗💕💖💞
[This was such a nice idea!! Thank you for bringing it to me, love! I wanted to write for Eijiro for this because he loves his girls SOO Much. I hope you like it!]
An Early Grave
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Warning: Some gross talking by a douche bag, mentions of blood, punching, violence.
Eijiro stood in the kitchen, trying his breathing exercises as he tried not to absolutely burst an artery. You had told him to behave and to act nicely, however, Eijiro did not play nicely when it came to one of his girls. He couldn’t. They were his girls, his babies and he would do anything to protect them. And right now, one of his baby girls were sitting on the couch, giggling at something some stupid boy was saying.
Honestly, he couldn’t be that funny.
Eijiro thought he was going to peel his skin off at the sound. He loved the sound of his girls laughing,
But for some stupid guy?
He groaned as he tried his best not to absolutely kick that guy out of his house. You chuckled drawing his attention. You had your arms wrapped around you as you looked at your large husband. He looked absolutely gut wrenched almost as if he was seconds away from being sent to an early grave.
“Mom,” Your daughter had spoken anxiously when she had confided in you in wanting to bring the boy she was talking to home. You were honestly shocked she was talking to you, because Satomi always talked to her father. They had always been close so you never really minded but you knew she was nervous about this. “You know how Daddy is. I’m going to send him to an early grave.” She had slumped forward, putting her head in her hands.
You chuckled. “Your father is going to be upset regardless, Satomi. You know how he feels about you dating in high school.” You reminded him about the talk that her father gave every daughter the moment they were old enough to view boys as anything more than being infested with cooties. “Just be easy with him and it will all be fine.”
Well it wasn’t so fine, because your husband looked like he was about to go dig a hole in the backyard and either bury himself or the boy who currently had his arm around your daughter.
“He literally can’t be that funny, Y/N.” Eijiro gestured with an angry whisper over to you. “I mean, what type of man is he!? He doesn’t even greet me properly. Who the hell does he think he is, calling me just Kirishima?” He asked with furrowed eyebrows, a deep frown on his face. Your tall beast of a husband was clearly ready to kill over this. “I swear to God Y/N I’m going to-”
“Daddy!” Immediately you watched your husband force a smile to his face as he face where your daughter had just entered. She was dressed in a pretty sundress that made her look absolutely beautiful. Satomi had always been on the chubby side but it suited her exponentially as she had a broad smile on her beautiful face, her cheeks pushing up as she looked to the two of you. Her dyed red hair fell down her back. “We’re going to be heading out soon to the park, I’m just going to fetch my jacket and shoes.” She notified the both of you.
Eijiro kept his smile on his face as he tilted his head to the side, swallowing back the pain that sat inside him. You giggled quietly. “Okay princess.”
She looked down at her outfit and held the skirt of her dress. “Do I look nice?” She asked a bit self-consciously. “I don’t want to look much, you know?”
You moved to put a hand on her shoulder with a tender smile. “You look beautiful, honey.” You assured her, putting a hand to her cheek. She blushed as her smile grew.
Your husband nodded as he moved over to the two of you. “You really do princess.” He praised as he replaced your hands with his own as he held her chubby cheeks in his large hands. He actually held a genuine smile on his face as his ruby eyes stared down at hers. “You look wonderful.” He placed a kiss to her forehead making her release a happy excited squeal.
“Okay! Okay, let me go!” She waved before moving out of the kitchen, moving to go to the stairs.
The moment she was gone, you watched your husband nearly collapse at your side, moving to wrap himself around you. You chuckled as you moved a hand to rub around your husband’s back comfortingly. “Aww, Eijiro, calm down. It’s okay big guy.” He let out a grumble, his face buried in your neck. It was almost comedic at how such a big man like your husband, former prohero and loving father with enough love and warm arms to hold the sky from falling on anyone, could feel so small. “This was coming eventually.” You reminded him.
“Don’t remind me.” He groaned as he lifted his head to rest on your head instead. A small pout on his face. “At least Reika doesn’t increase my blood pressure like this.”
You chuckled as he mentioned your eldest daughter who was much too busy being a sidekick and training to be a Prohero to want to date (she was actually so much like her himbo father, she never noticed people hitting on her). You patted Eijiro’s side as you picked up your youngest daughter from her baby share, moving to grab a bottle from where it was being heated. She had already basically sucked your breasts dry but she was still hungry. All your past babies were always so hungry that you weren’t even surprised  and always ready for such situations.
Surprisingly, entering the room was the said boy who had been in your sitting room. Daiki had his hands in his pockets as he entered the kitchen. “Hey, Mrs Kirishima, could I have some water?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
“Of course.”  You smiled before looking to your husband with a sweet smile. “Eijiro.”  
Your husband looks as if you had just slapped him in the face. He motioned to you as if asking you ‘Do I have to?’ You gave him a pointed look motioning to the babbling baby you had in your arms and the milk bottle in the other. He bit back any comment as he stood up to fetch a glass for Daiki, grumbling to himself.
You looked back to Daiki as if nothing had happened. “So, Daiki, how did you and Satomi meet?” You asked him.
He turned to look at you. “I’m in the other management class at UA so we had a project together in second year and have been talking ever since.” He nodded his head.
“Oh that’s cute.” You smiled as you moved to put the nipple of the bottle to your babygirl’s mouth. You turned to your husband who had aggressively put down the glass in front of Daiki before going back to sit down on one of the island stools. “Isn’t that cute, Eijiro?” Your husband just grumbled as he glared at Daiki. You rolled your eyes. “So Daiki, what made you choose the management course?”
“My parents are in hero management.” He commented. “They work for the Hero Commission actually.”
“Really?” You asked surprised.
He nodded. “Mr and Mrs Nakamura, have you met them, Kirishima?”
You watched your husband visibly hold back himself as he gripped the marble counter. “I doubt.” He let out curt and short. You gave him a pointed look, making him sigh. “What department do they work in?”
“Then no.”
You rolled your eyes at your husband. Before looking back at Daiki who clearly could feel the tension in the room. He gulped down the water before putting back down the empty glass. He also forced a smile to his face. “Thank you, for the water.” He said. “I think I’ll go wait for Satomi outside.” He motioned outside. His phone started to vibrate. He quickly answered it, seeing it as an escape goat as he left towards the entrancehall away from the both of you.
You looked to your husband with a pointed look. He looked to you surprised. “What did I say?” He asked almost genuinely confused. You ignored him as you left to go sit down and feed your little newborn in peace.
Eijiro sighed. Was he being irrational?
But honestly, he thought he could be excused from it. To be fair, Satomi could have brought a man that was a walking saint and Eijiro would still find a problem with him if he were honest with himself. He sighed as he ran a hand through his black hair that had started to develop a few grey strands. He should apologize. He was the adult and Daiki was an eighteen year old boy. He couldn’t lie and say he was probably doing worse things at that age than Daiki is. He cursed your influence on him as he stood up and moved towards the entrance hall.
He was a man of honour and a manly one. If this was the guy that made his daughter happy, he should at least be open to him. He walked towards the door before the words he heard made him stop in his tracks.
“I mean yah, Satomi is cool I guess, but I thought you said she would be easy, man? I mean yah but she never wants to do anything other than make out.” Daiki spoke on the phone, his voice low as he stood on the walkway of the Kirishima’s residence. “Fine, fine. I’ll be patient. Besides you were right, she has too much of a nice ass to be impatient.”
Eijiro couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. Before he could even think of being angry he heard a sniff behind him. He turned around to see his daughter standing behind him. Unshed tears lining her ruby eyes as she looked absolutely heartbroken. Her hands clutched to her chest as she fought sobs from her chest as she looked down away from her father. Before Eijiro could say anything her face broke into quiet cries as she ran back to the stairs, throwing her shoes to the side as she raced up the stairs, catching your attention.
“Yah, yah. I’ve gotta go. I’ll talk to you later dude.” Daiki concluded as he finally put down his phone call. He ended the call. He turned to look back at the doorway but froze. Terror ran down his spine as he was caught still like a deer in headlights.
Eijiro stared down at him not smiling, unmoving, his pupils thin as he looked down at the boy who had dared to speak about his daughter in such a horrible and revolting way. Daiki couldn’t move. He felt like he was staring straight at a predator and that the moment he moved was the moment his fate would be decided. It was finally now that Daiki remembered that Eijiro wasn’t just some retired prohero. The large man spanned his doorway and was large enough that one of his fists could equate to Daiki’s head.
He was Red Riot. The unbreakable hero that could quite literally run through solid concrete. A trained soldier who probably killed villains and was able to smile sweetly the next day to the press.
And Daiki was his next assignment to deal with.
Daiki took a step back with a chuckle. “Sir, I-”
Before he could get a word in, Eijiro had swung a hard fist to his face. Daiki had barely been able to stumble back on the floor before, Eijiro was on top of him, his large calloused fists, beating into the boy as if he was nothing but a sack of flour.
“Eijiro, what-” You had just walked to the doorway when you froze. Blood was on your husband’s hands as he broke the kid’s nose. Your husband had nothing human in his eyes as his pupils stayed locked onto Daiki. You gasped as you moved a hand to your mouth in shock. “Eijiro!” You shouted as you ran over to him, your training quickly kicking in before he killed that poor boy. You used your quirk to quickly wrap white chains around him that stemmed from your hand. You rooted your feet into the ground as you tried pulling him off of the boy. “Eijiro! Don’t kill him! He’s a boy!” You reminded him loudly.
Your husband, paused at the sound of your voice, adrenalin pumping through his body as he looked down at the bloody faced boy. Daiki coughed as he bit back a pained groan. Eijiro let out a disgusted growl as he thrusted the boy down against the ground, standing up on his two feet. He scowled down at him. “If I ever see you or any of your shitty friends anywhere near my daughter again…” It was an open ended threat, one that Daiki didn’t need the rest to hear as he could already tell the severity of what would happen to him. He nodded his head.
Eijiro scowled before motioning for him to get up. “Get off my property before I call the police.” He stated simply as he moved back to the front door. Eijiro had grabbed a hold of you, your chains having disappeared. You were pulled back into the house, Eijiro slamming the door behind him.
“Eijiro!” He had finally let go of you as he moved to the kitchen, moving to the sink to wash his hands. “Eijiro!” He finally paused. You put a hand to your hips. “What happened?”
It took a moment before he answered you.
“Nothing that wasn’t already going to.”
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : You and Mileena are in a debate of who’s the “man” in the relationship. To be clear you are slightly a masculine woman. (Not fully just have some masculine traits). This is based on a shameless episode btw. This is a joke to poke FUN at the ridiculousness of the running gag that there has to be a “man” in the relationship. Do not take it seriously
WARNINGS : I don’t think any but maybe gender “traditional” for some??? It’s a happy ending either way so don’t cry in my comments pls. I just thought it was a funny concept
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Mileena was prepping up the palace for a ball she was having. As she did so, your Earthrealm comrades were sitting at the table eating with Kitana. You were on your phone.
Your Empress had walked up to you and showed you a pretty black ball dress. “Look, (Y/N)! This would look stunning on you!”
You took a look at it and practically gagged a little. “No thanks.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
You gave your girlfriend a look like it was obvious. “Does it look like I wear dresses, sweetheart?”
Mileena handed the dress to one of her servants before angrily turning to you. “Aren’t you a girl?”
“Are you saying all girls have to wear dresses? Not very gender inclusive of you.” You taunted at her a little and when you seen the death glare she shot at you, you immediately shut up.
Johnny Cage placed his fork down before looking at the two of you. “Which one of you is the man in the relationship anyway?” They all turned to give him a look and he shrugged as if he didn’t say anything wrong. “What? I’m asking the real questions.”
“I am.” You and Mileena both said at the same time.
You erupted with laughter. Mileena gave you a dirty look. “What? What is so funny?”
You stood up from your seat and swung your arm around her. “Mileena you are not close to being the man in the relationship.”
Mileena removed your arm around her. “Excuse you but who killed the spider last Friday? Me.”
“Spider phobia is a real thing.”
“Arachnophobia.” Raiden quickly corrected you.
Johnny intervened. “Alright I can quickly settle this. Who does the hitting in the relationship?”
Mileena quickly slapped you to prove a point. “I do.”
You felt your face and gave her a ‘what the fuck’ look. “Um…OW!”
Johnny looked to see your reaction. He nodded and went back to eating. “(Y/N), let you hit her. She’s the man.”
You laughed in Mileena’s face and Mileena gave Johnny a look. “How does that prove anything?!”
“It just does.”
Kitana shook her head. “You all are ridiculous…but if I had to pick who then Mileena.”
This time, Mileena laughed in your face and you rolled your eyes. “What criteria does she reach for you to assume that?”
“Last time I checked, Mileena is the one that always defends your honor.”
Kung Lao decided to speak. “Who does the cooking and cleaning?”
“I do.” You said.
“Yeah, Mileena’s the man.”
You scoffed. “Oh? Sue me because I like a nice and clean lifestyle with a home cooked meal while this one likes to live like we’re at the barn in Charlotte’s Webb.” You said all while pointing at Mileena.
Mileena slapped your shoulder with a gasp. “I do not! I just don’t have time to clean or cook. Unlike you I have a palace to run.”
“Right because throwing the 10,000th annual ball for the third time this week really sums up as ‘I’m busy.’”
“Oh god…they even fight like a married couple.” Kenshi said.
You turned your attention to Raiden. “Raiden. Buddy. Please help my girlfriend’s insanity and tell her the truth!”
Raiden sighed. “I do not want to be part of this ridiculous argument.” When he seen your puppy dog eyes he shook his head. “That was a very feminine thing to do, (Y/N).”
“Dammit!” You stomped your foot and Mileena laughed. Liu Kang finally joined the table. He sat down and you thought this was your one hope. “Lord Liu Kang. Be honest. Who’s the man in the relationship? Me? Or the woman that was literally formally a princess?” When he was about to say something, you cut him off. “And if you say you’re too high and mighty to have this conversation-so help the Elder Gods, I will burn this place to the ground.”
Liu Kang leaned back in his seat as if to think of it. Then he spoke. “Mileena.”
“What?” You asked shocked. “Who’s side are you on? So much for my mentor.”
“Wait a second.” Kenshi said. “Who’s on top when you guys go at it?”
“Me.” You and Mileena both say again.
You gave Mileena a look. “You being on top every third Tuesday of the month does not count.”
“We should’ve led up with that question…” Johnny trailed off. “Yeah, (Y/N) is the man. Debate over.”
Mileena gasped as if she was outraged. “You know what? I don’t even care! I just wanted you to wear the dress! Can’t you do anything I ask of you?”
She stormed off. You watch her walk off and you turned back to your friends. “So that temper tantrum solidified me being the man right?” Everyone nodded saying a ‘yeah’ “Good.”
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Mileena’s ball was happening. She sat on the throne wearing her pink dress. You hadn’t arrived. She was starting to think that you were actually mad at her.
She sighed, fiddling with her drink with the straw. That’s when she heard footsteps reach her throne. She looked up and there she saw you.
There you stood in the black ball gown that she had showed you earlier. Mileena smiled big. “(Y/N).”
“You are so lucky this is an all black dress.”
Mileena set her drink down and went to hug you. You hugged her back lovingly. She pulled back and noticed you wearing black sneakers.
“I don’t do heels.”
Mileena didn’t care though. You were wearing the dress. “That’s sweet of you, lover but if you were really uncomfortable with wearing the dress then you didn’t have to wear it.”
You shrugged a little. “It’s not a big deal. You like it so I like it. Plus, I look hot.”
“That you do.” She gave you a peck on the lips. “Let’s go dance. I’m leading.”
“Yeah, you wish.”
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TAG GING : @zhivaxo , @sinclxirx , @roseflowerbed12 , @daeneeryss , @blexel
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red-might-be-dead · 2 months
hello hi here to force strange thoughts into your brain once again, this time about jrwi (wow who could’ve guessed)
been thinking about this for a little but it’s basically what i think some campaigns would be if not podcasts, i haven’t listened to some of the older ones so i’m sorry they’re not on here :(( if you have any ideas feel free to add them btw :DD
RIPTIDE!!!!! - really long animated series
not an anime though, no matter how much grizzly wants it, it would be an animation style where the characters could have very clearly different nose, face and body shapes, really pushing my riptide nose agenda here sorry, each episode would be like 20-40 minutes long and instead of coming out in seasons there would be massive gaps in between episodes, from 2-6 months long, to leave time for writers and animators to get stuff done (massive team of animators btw, i feel like it would be pretty successful)
literally nothing else they could be, just really well made, well performing comics (i’ve already talked about this before you can stalk my talk tag if you really want to find it lmao), the comic company making them would be keeping well away from movies n shit btw
APOTHEOSIS!!! - i wasn’t really sure about this one to be honest
i had to ask my friend and she said anime which i don’t agree with but i can see it, i think maybe a short book series where each book is 150 - 300 pages and is about a different god they have to kill/a different episode, i think that works but if anyone has any better ideas please tell me :D!!
BLOOD IN THE BAYOU!!! - i hate to say it, i really do…
bitb would be a really long really good 80s horror book with strong homoerotic undertones, a satisfied fanbase and lots of active members in the community making fan comics, films, writing, theories and art ect… until well after the book came out……….. and then it would be made into the most egregious and awful live action movie you have ever seen, the most awful casting (like chris pratt as officer dudes….. throws up) and even worse sfx, oh yeah and the characters would be ruined and the story would become so butchered it wouldn’t make sense, they would do some shit like cut out becky so kian just kisses some random lady (removing both a really good and well written character and a layer of kian’s character that i think is super important) and make rolan really be an evil bug spy the whole time so rand has to kill him to save the town also add in a whole new sub plot that never existed like the rand family is secretly a long line of bug alien hunters or something fucking stupid like that and the entire fanbase would murder whoever thought re-writing the story was a good idea (ahaha can you tell ive been through something like this before ahahaha, character morals and motives being removed and whatnot ahahahhahahaha.)
THE SUCKENING!!! - live action series
it would be well made though, unlike the bitb movie it would be its own original thing, have great makeup and effects also be well casted and well shot, well written, ect ect, it would bloody and gory and not suitable for people who can’t handle showing bones and organs all over everywhere, lots of shitty rip off merch would be made though and the fandom would be 99% gay little freaks (normal suckening enjoyers) and 1% homophobic straight white men who get mad whenever they see soda and emizel having gay sex on screen or whatever fag shit that biting thing was
again feel free to add your thoughts and ideas and shit in the reblogs it would be nice to read them :DD!!
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devouringbodies · 6 months
Missing Hannibal so much hours so here's some s4 musings and contemplations (even though I don't Actually want a s4, but I do, but I don't, but I'd do, so let's just pretend)
YES to locations in Cuba/Latin America, bright, saturated colors like in the first few episodes but instead of fall it's very clearly summer for the first time ever in the show. I just love this as a contrast to the forever winter the show seems stuck in.
Along with that, maybe contrasting back to Jack and the FBI back in the states still stuck in the winter?? Another allusion to Will and Hannibal being "free" together in some regard in their warmth.
Also With This mayhaps Margot and Alana somewhere in a safe house in Norway or Iceland somewhere.
Wound care flashbacks to after the fall, Will is the one who saves Hannibal from the water, forcing him to consciously make the choice for them both to live.
Will in turn struggling with the ramifications of having made that decision.
Hannibal in linens. Will in hideous button ups. period.
I have this vision of an opening into s4 of a brightly lit saturated scene of a needle dropping onto a record, there's breeze coming in through sheer curtains from an open window, segue into a beloved familiar cooking montage, but the tones are different, the lighting is brighter, the kitchen, accents, and utensils are markedly more Spanish in design, shots of forearms and hands wielding knives, slapping meat on cutting boards, everything we're used to, but pull back, and its Will cooking, as familiar in this kitchen as anything, as he brings two plates out and serves both him and Hannibal, the latter of the two sitting at the table ready and beaming.
This is the song the needle drops and is playing through that above scene btw.
Scenes of Will at a farmers market speaking Spanish to vendors please. For science.
Therapy scenes and talk 2.0 only this time it is more Hannibal discussing and learning to express what he wants, what he desires, and Will entertains him and uses his empathy to barrow on Hannibal's psychotherapy techniques to help Hannibal express and "cultivate" these urges he has. I.e, that he wants to go hunting again, and wants it with Will.
Will, who's using these sessions as a distraction, is actually also DESPERATELY craving this too. I'm talking Will is full blown Dexter urges to kill feels it under his skin now, but of course, doesn't want to admit this, and is doing everything in his power to distract and hold it back, maybe even hallucinating a few familiar faces about it along the way.
Sex scene that is literally just almost entirely insanely close up shots of teeth and skin and mouths, hands and flesh, so close most of the time you can't even tell what's going on, it's so abstract, so soft and slow, before it gets increasingly suddenly violent, flashes in between tender love nips suddenly cut with skin ripping and tearing, teeth rending, chewing, swallowing, the music turns dark and terrible and quickens, and finally an enormous horrific wide shot of just them in a bed and there's blood literally everywhere, blood pouring down the walls, camera at the foot of the bed as it pans down and you just see blood continue to splatter the headboard as they slip from view.
That's all I got rn, just some stuff for fun.
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hezuart · 1 year
im really glad people are finally talking about their critiques of helluva boss on youtube instead of just praising so i wanted to say thank you for being honest!! i know some people are afraid to critique the show cuz of the fanbase n that sucks :( oh btw!! what were your thoughts on Western Energy :0?
Yeah the fandom (and the critics too honestly) have all gotten really out of hand. The fandom is very very toxic.
Since I announced in my comments section that I'm probably gonna wait until the end of Helluva Boss season 2 to review the remaining episodes for it in succession, I may as well schpeel my thoughts on Western Energy. And boy howdy do I have... a lot of them ~~~
What the f_ck. WHAT did they do to my boy Striker
Striker in Harvest Moon: A secret assassin working as a farmhand who knew Stolas was going to appear conveniently in his own isolated ring of Wrath for the Harvest Moon. (where there are imps aplenty participating in the pain games; who hate the Goetia so there would be too many people to investigate for Stolas' murder so he could get off scot-free) Striker hides in a room with an angelic sniper rifle set up a street down, where he can make a quick getaway and no one will even see him. A quick, easy, clean kill.
Striker in f_cking Western Energy: CRASHES THROUGH A WINDOW OF A PUBLIC UPSTANDING CAFE WHERE OTHER GOETIA ARE DINING and starts FIRING ANGELIC BULLETS AT RANDOM; EVERYONE CAN SEE HIS FACE, THERE ARE SEVERAL WITNESSES. He even manages to capture Stolas via rope. AND THEN FUCKING DRAGS HIM VIA HORSEBACK ALL THE WAY TO THE RING OF WRATH TO TORTURE HIM BEFORE K_LLING HIM????? FUCKING EXCUSE ME? WHO IS THIS??!!! This was completely pointless. It was padding. Time wasting. In season one, Stella was pissed that Striker didn't shoot Stolas on sight. She wanted him dead and she wanted him dead NOW for cheating on her. She was ANGRY. She was out for blood.
In this episode, Striker says Stella asked him to give Stolas the "royal treatment" which goes against what she wanted in season 1. It actually goes against what she wanted at the start of this episode too! Striker literally busts into the cafe and starts firing bullets, nearly insta-killing Stolas right then and there had he not dodged. Striker tying him up and hauling him away is so illogical. It makes no sense. Stolas should have been shot dead in that alleyway. This was pathetic. At the end of the episode, there's a huge media circus for Stolas being hospitalized which is really weird because how they hell did they know? I guess Moxie and Millie called the hospital ahead of time, but I don't think the news would spread THAT fast. If anything, its ridiculous for Stolas to call Blitz and request help. Dude wtf did these two learn nothing? Stolas has gone right back to taking advantage of the situation for his fckin knight in shining armor fantasy play. and then like, after the call, Stolas is all "Oh shit, am I in danger?" LIKE HELLO? FCKING ??? YOU JSUT DODGED ANGELIC BULLETS AT THE CAFE?! YOU KNEW IT WOULD KILL YOU! BRUH?! OF COURSE YOU'RE IN DANGER YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN DANGER WHTKASFHKRDGJLlkdg Anyway, as CONSEQUENCES for Striker attacking a high-class Goetia in a public cafe with several witnesses, the news reporters should have swarmed the place. Striker's identity should have been revealed to the world as a prime suspect for the attempted murder and kidnapping of a Goetia. Stolas would be missing and Striker would be wanted. Blitz should have seen this on tv at the hospital with Loona. That would make the most sense. It would keep the drama going. The serious tone of the episode. The news station reporters wouldn't have appeared out of nowhere at the end of the episode; we would have expected them because they've been following this story all day now.
Striker getting this whole song about he's a cruel conniving almost well-known assassin with an evil lair in the mountains as though this is a folk tale song like everyone knows about him... when he was so secretive and Millie's family didn't know he was an assassin before they hired him.... and his ........... statue of himself what the actual f_ck Striker isn't Chazz. Striker is arrogant, but he's not promiscuously arrogant. He only takes pride in his farmhand work and assassin work. Not whatever the hell.... this is. This is a gross misrepresentation of his character.
Stella in season 1 was pissed Stolas cheated on her and was so angry with rage she wanted him killed immediately. In this episode, she's like teehee yeah I hired an assassin :P like its a fcking joke? Like its a silly game to her? This wasn't a game. Andre (shortening her brother's name) talks to her about inheritance and says she will get nothing if Stolas dies; which I thought he was convincing Stella to call off the assassination because otherwise it would all go to Octavia (who apparently is of legal age to inherit everything over her mother) Because of Stella and Stolas divorced, typically, its supposed to be 50/50 regardless of inheritance of the children. Andre says Stolas' duties, possessions, and his legions will all pass to Octavia. What? Stella has never been interested in the book. Octavia is the one who seems like she was taught by her father the star spells, so yeah, probably gonna inherit the book duties. Stella apparently throws parties... she's never been seen doing actual Goetia duties though. So she probably wouldn't want his duties anyway; they'd be inconvenient for this "childish spoiled brat" Viv is ... sigh, currently trying to portray of her. Stolas already gave away most of his possessions to Blitzo 25 years ago. Granted, he probably accumulated more. But still. And legions? Excuse me? Does Stolas have an army, or are you talking about imp butlers? Those guys are cheap and aplenty. and Stella has money. She even offers Striker more money to bring Stolas back alive. As for negotiations, the only way Stella could get anything out of Stolas is if she threatened Octavia or Blitz, and I don't see her actually doing that. So I don't know wtf they think was gonna happen if Striker brought Stolas back alive. He wasn't gonna budge on shit. The Goetia inc*st is disgustingly unnecessary. Especially because Stella is treated like a dumb whining child while Andre is the one comforting and coaching her like ...... he even calls her a stupid cow....and she seems uncomfortable with his advances like what the actual hell is this. Why did we need inc*st here
Loona's voice actor lost her boyfriend to cancer... (really upsetting so sorry this happened) so Loona's voice has been missing for the past two episodes (respectfully), but you know, I actually laughed really hard at Loona this episode. It's great that she's dead quiet throughout, it wouldn't have been as funny otherwise. So hey, fun simple B plot! That being said though... while this Loona gets her shot is a funny B plot, it does not belong in this episode. We go from serious torture and fight scenes to Loona and Blitz shenanigans. The tone shifts are very wrong. This B plot should have been in a different episode. Not this one. The B plot though isn't without its nonsense, though. The lady at the desk is like "I can't read or spell" and then literally a few seconds later she CAN suddenly read. Like what? What is this dialogue? Its unfunny padding, stick to a joke. What's even more frustrating to me is that the potential social commentary is a complete miss. The hospital is in sloth and the shot wait list is 5 years. Is Viv making fun of hospitals for being slow? For why appointments have to be made several months in the future? What??? Doctors aren't lazy?! They're LITERALLY OVERWHELMED WITH CLIENTS. THEY ARE BUSTING THEIR ASSES EVERY DAY WITH PEOPLE! THEY DO NOTHING BUT WORK WORK WORK!!! Hospitals belong in the greed ring!!!!????? for the sheer ridiculous amount of charges and expenses! Especially because the medicine industry is PRIVATIZED! AND HEAVILY CAPITALIZED! Huge missed opportunity on social commentary. Disappointing.
Millie and Moxie I guess go deal with Striker because they have unfinished business which you know I guess is nice but... I feel like Blitz is usually the one to save Stolas... Moxie and Millie should have had a different set up to confront Striker, because them being put in charge defeating an assassin that almost killed not only them both but also Stolas... like why would Blitz trust them? They failed last time. He seems so unconcerned.
Also Millie puts a random hat on Moxie's head at the beginning. It's apparently a point of contention. Some random fckin guy comes up to Moxie and gets mad they're wearing the "same hat". Why the hell is the hat a point of contention?! Why isn't it just a random fashion choice for the "western energy" aesthetic the episode was going for? And Moxie actually beats the hell out of this gang?! Excuse me what? He was a damsel in distress last episode!? Moxie is a twink! It's been established he can't wrestle or fight with his fists!? Since when is he suddenly a strong badass????? What is this inconsistency!?
The tiny imp mariachi band, they're actually adorable. Love their designs despite their poor story-written Striker song. Wish I could see more of those fellas!
ALso forgot to mention, Striker has a new voice actor. Bosco does a great job. I'll miss his previous voice actor, he was so good, but you know... word is, Viv completely blew her budget on hiring him. Viv can no longer, or rather, was never really able to afford Norman Reedus. Sad to see him go, but you know... Striker isn't the same Striker from season 1 anyway. All the characters have changed in season 2. So I think its nice Norman Reedus got to voice act for the good episode time period.
Striker torturing Stolas and Stolas turning it s_xual... this is a trend Viv is doing and I don't know if she even realizes it. "Characters get tortured and make it sexual to try and weird out their captor" and "Character gets sad looking at pictures full of context that slide by the screen way too fast" are some of her favorite tropes apparently. That being said though I'm lowkey concerned. Striker breaks his fcking leg and Stolas says "Blitz is rougher in bed"? Excuse me? I know maybe there's pain play or Stolas has healing abilities and pain tolerance but like???? Is Blitz?? Fucking breaking his bones and stabbing him in bed?! JFC? What is this relationship????? I've grown very concerned. Speaking of that fav trope of Viv's, when Moxie shows up and gets choked by Striker, he smiles and says "harder" like Angel Dust did in the pilot of Hazbin. Striker recoils in disgust, LETTING HIM GO? That doesn't warrant Striker letting go?! Striker has a giant b_ner statue of himself, his entire pain game competition with Blitz- them rough housing and enjoying it-, and Stolas was talking dirty the entire time he was getting tortured. I know Moxie of all people saying this is supposed to be shocking since he's not the type to say this, but like?? Striker shouldn't have been as weirded out by this ?!
Anyway oH MY
GOD I LOVED the Millie & Moxie vs Striker fight scene holy shit its SO GOOD?! Who did the choreography?! The car flip, revealing Moxie aiming directly at Striker, Striker dodging, spinning the knife then expertly throwing it into Moxie's gun... the gun shot activating the radio in the layer, "watcha thinkin' bout now?" a perfect fitting song for the western vibe and a great beat for this fight?! Striker TAPPING HIS FOOT TO THE BEAT , AND THEN CRACKING HIS NECK WITH A DEVILISH SMIRK, PREPARING AND WAITING FOR MOXIE AND MILLIE TO MAKE THE NEXT MOVE? Spinning his dual angel GUNS?! NOW THIS IS THE STRIKER I KNOW AND LOVE! HELLO THERE SIR!
And Moxie and Millie acting like the Bonnie and Clyde duo, where Millie is the close range blades expert while Moxie is the long range gun expert, both acting as offense and defense for each other, circling around Striker , taking him on together while he takes them both on at once? Since they know he's over come them individually before, but together? Man this is.... molten gold, beautiful ...and then its ruined when the song gets changed to a crappy unfitting pop song... ..... sigh, thanks, Viv ..
Anyway back to epic fight scene... Striker shooting, back flipping away from Millie's axe... Moxie coming in for a kick and then Millie coming in to block the gun shot with her axe, protecting Moxie omygod I love this... Moxie immediately going in for the shot.... HOO THIS IS SOME GOOD SHIT
Striker's guns get cut so he grabs his lasso and slams a rock into Millie, SEPARATING the two, an excellent tactic... Striker uses his lasso and twangs off the bendy axe handle to get up onto higher ground to get the advantage- GRABBING MILLIE'S AXE WITH HIS FRICKEN TAIL??? aND HURLING IT AT HER HOLY SHIT GIRL ALMOST DIES Ey! She's not invincible, thank goodness??? Its refreshing seeing her and moxie a little bit more on par this episode. Both having weaknesses and strengths instead of Moxie always being the weak damsel in distress and Millie being the ridiculous OP wife Anyway Millie almost dies and its a wild shot, her OWN AXE almost cuts her head from her body like WOW! AND then sTRIKER AND THEN STRIEKR RRRR He snaps his fingers, sighs and tutts with disappointment, but still SMILES like a "damn it, missed... I'll get her next time" LIKE ??? THAT'S SO GOOD ?? SO IN CHARACTER? SO CHARMING? SO CHARISMATIC? I don't know why but I laughed SO HARD at Moxie screaming "YOU COWBOY PIECE OF SHIT!" It was so funny in Richard's voice, so funny and weirdly personal over cowboys lol , loved that
Striker's..... stupid ugly statue falls on him, but it's shown he's escaped.
and then Stolas is brought to the hospital; and then Moxie and Millie inform Blitz that Stolas got hurt
and the dumbest line of the episode: "He can get hurt?" YES??????????? Yes he can??? You know he can get hurt? HELLO? Why did you stop Striker???!!! Moxie knew Striker had an angelic weapon and Blitz must have been suspicious of Striker and followed him, found him ready to kill Stolas?! Even offered a deal??? A partnership to kill Stolas?! MOXIE LITERALLY STOLE STRIKER'S FCKING ANGELIC RIFLE. WHERE THE FCK DID THAT GO? DID IT BLIP OUT OF EXISTENCE? OF COURSE STOLAS CAN GET HURT SDKGJDFLKJGLDFKJLGJ BRUH
WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW This is like such a shocking moment to Blitz its so dumb of course he cant get hurt i swear to - sIGH
and then we have more nonsense. You know how everyone was complaining about Blitz and Stolas in the Seeing Star episode? Acting like nothing happened between them at Ozzies? Like they didnt have this weird break-up reality check? Guess what. It's "addressed". Off-screen. Via text messages. And double guess what? The text messages are empty. They say absolutely nothing.
Stolas is like "Hey I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you last night" Blitz: "Whatever" Stolas: *Long paragraph about how he noticed Blitz was upset* "Asmodeous can be very invasive in humor, but I thought it was pretty funny myself" NO HE FUCKING DIDNT? STOLAS WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE??? Is this like a weird lie to cover up his discomfort or something stupid like ???? bruh??? "I enjoy being the subject of jest, you can come over and make fun of me"
Blitz: "sure" ????????????????? What is this????? They arent talking at all! It's just Stolas rambling worrisome nonsense and Blitz being emotionally stunted and not talking back! and then in seeing stars the texts are like "thanks for helping with Via! We don't have to bang. you can keep the book if you want. Or we can just hang out!" and blitz is like "whatever im busy" Blitz types "get better soon :(" to Stolas and Stolas is like "thank you, come visit me!" and Blitz doesn't respond.
Rose petals are slowly falling off in the background, as Stolas waits for a reply that never comes. He finally sets down his phone. I think this is supposed to be like weirdly symbolic, a "he loves me, he loves me not" and when all the petals are gone and Stolas puts down his phone, probably finally giving up his crush on Blitz realizing Blitz doesn't like him back and will probably give Blitz those crystals to get his book back. Blitz and Stolas' relationship has turned so sour and weird in season 2. It's such an unhealthy relationship. Like it wasn't great in season 1 either but season 2 the context makes it far worse. Blitz has been using this guy for decades and its just being romanticized.
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Also tho..... Stolas is surrounded by get-well bouquets? Who sent these to him???? He has no friends! The Goetias think he's pathetic... the imps and lower class hate his ass..... like ... did weird rabid fans send them??? Where did these come from!! Anyway, if Stolas doesn't rant to the media that his own wife tried to have him killed, exposing the domestic drama going on in his home, I'm gonna throw a fit. This is his perfect opportunity to finalize his divorce. Sure, he could risk putting his "cheating" with Blitz into the spot light but like... people already know about that so ??? All the more proof to stack against Stella? That she's out for revenge? This is a scoop! Hell would be eating out of the palm of his hand! There's also weird compositing in this episode. Why are these scenes composited??????? These aren't dramatic serious scenes! This is the silly B plot!
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Also the Striker statue falling... is just a flat png skdgjlfkgj whats going on with the budget of this episode
This ep was ridiculous. But Moxie and Millie vs Striker genuinely had me smiling and excited. I miss when this show actually had me interested....
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totaldrama-showdowns · 4 months
Submissions for the Non-Human Showdown! Including ones that are invalid!
Fang (x2)
“He's Fang ❤”
Cody Jr (x2)
“Cody Jr! No! Not Aunty Heather!”
Mr Coconut (x2)
“The og. Should have won every season /serious”
vince the alligator (x2)
“The lore… so immaculate”
the don box (x2)
“bzzz i have a stupid fucking clue for you. ah fuck the interns put me in a lame outfit again”
“what id don on about he's slaying in that shirt”
wt pineapple (x2)
Irene the fish (x2)
“shes so beautiful i’d kiss her too”
“The final remaining member of Team Victory after DJs elimination, Irene went on to win the million and the hearts of many.”
the chrarry baby (x2)
“Goo goo gaa gaa”
“ive got my eye on u chris mclean”
Princess Beth Doll
“I WANT TO BUY ONE SO BAD IRL!!!!! Also, this too is yuri”
Old Jester from reboot S2ep9
“I love when Damien hugged him! That's scene is soooo cute. Also I love fluffy animal!”
Bobo :)
“SEASON 2 SPOILERS Bobo is the name of the bear that had the Raj mask in season 2 episode 12 :) idk I just think he’s silly”
DJ’s bunny
the Chris-shaped cake that Julia's group made
“I wanna eat that thang”
Dramarama Cody
“He's an alien”
Theodore (MK's stuffed unicorn)
(the arts and crafts) Shed (from season 1)
“shed sweep”
that evil little seal from wt
“sooo little and evil. who can hate him”
caleb rock
“possibly the best version of him out there”
the skull duncan carved for courtney
“you cant deny how iconic it was”
eva’s mp3 player
“the most important character in td history”
heather’s various hairstyles
“possibly the most diverse and versatile entity in td historu”
pahkitew island
“The best one”
ryan seacrests car
“very fast”
chef's car (total dramarama and gen 4)
“MY CAR!!!!!”
alien clone cody
“AAAAAAA*explodes into green goo*”
chris's wig
heather's wig
total drama yum yuk happy go time candy fish tails
“You ate it!”
trents five finger shirt
princess courtney CD
“all the greatest hits!”
owens butt
anne maria’s hair style
“Ey im walkin here”
bridgettes surfboard
the fake antlers from the paintball ep
manitobas fedora
beary <3
“it’s LITERALLY beary”
ripper’s world record breaking fart
“he did it”
the portrait of cody as blue boy in wt
“funny looking”
sierra’s pizza box-cum-laptop*
“she uses the internet AND eats witj it. shes a genius”
*Mod Note: this refers to cum meaning: combined with; also used as (used to describe things with a dual nature or function).
waynes accent
“Eh we play hockey eh”
mal ventriloquist doll
“aaah im evil mal doll”
alejandro puppet
“we do a little trolling”
Chef 2.0
“He made him from a cashew”
Mt. Kīlauea
“She has the mercy to have her lava not hot enough to kill Alejandro, Ezekiel, and that random intern like... Everyone say "thank you" or somethin idk. Do you think she feels bad that Alejandro ended up in a robot suit because”
Immunity idol s4-5
“They ruined it's design in the reboot boooooooo”
MK's infernape
“Listen, she's a gamer and she's based. She would totally pick chimchar in bdsp. She probably hates people who tells her to "play platinum" because that was a game made for old people.
Try and exclude this submission, I dare you. There's nothing that says I can't submit theoretical non-humans. There's a non-zero chance that MK has an Infernape and I know it's been raised to have some awesome sneaky move. If you exclude this, I bet you'd allow "Mike's Torterra" because only a grass type fan would be a fire type and MK hater!!
Julia would keep her piplup unevolved and beat her console into tiny bits when she gets to Cynthia btw”
the drone of shame
“[picks up victim and flies away] wheeee”
that giant bowl of rice they fall into in japan
“mm giant bowl of rice”
noah’s dog
“his epic dog”
celine dion cardboard cutout
“love fucking wins #duncney”
the face huggers from Area 51
“rip tyler”
ezekiel MISSING milk carton
“Sad! He died.”
the eagle chris shot and killed
“someone arrest this man. again”
the confessional
“it’s always there for you”
geoff’s splinter
the bread from codys pants
“man i need to rewatch island. i fucking love the pants bread”
That ice cream snowman from SMS
“the one from raptear specifically. let's go lesbians”
that pizza chase threw the challenge for
“clearly he should be with it rather than emma. chemma? chipper? chazee? nope never fucking heard of them”
Momma's Spice
“*sprinkles it on op's head* mmmm tasty”
The Gilded Chris award
WT barf bags
“give a real f to those guys. never appeared after episode 7.”
the toxic marshmallow of loserdom
“killer of staci's hair”
The lavatory confessional
“bitch is iconic. 6/8 is a passing mark!!!”
Courtney's PDA
“why wouldnt they call it a phone idk but its so camp”
The Cassowaries
“Male cassowaries are responsible for raising the young. We love an involved father.”
Fire-breathing winged mountain goats
“You could make an Undertale reference with this (also they're really cool)”
Giant Beetle
“Dott shippers will like this one”
Mutated Maggots
“They're pretty cute!”
Six-Legged Rats
scott bird
“what a beautiful bird”
Chef's car
“It may play a role in mkulia canon”
that rainbow porridge in episode 8 of the reboot
“aw hell naw chris cookin up the gay porridge”
The cassowary that fell in love with Zee
“We love an iconic single mother looking for love”
The rat in the cargo hold that appears on screen for 0.5 seconds during Ezekiel's solo in "Come Fly With Us"
“That rat really carried the whole song. Iconic. Astounding. Never before seen talent. Lady Gaga is shaking in her Demonias.”
The Erymanthian Boar
“It wrecked Duncan's shit in Greece.”
The dock of shame
“So many teens walked on her, i think she deserves some recognizion”
gwen's blender necklace
Zoey's hamster (Miss Puffycheeks)
“It's cute and can punch a cat, need I say more?”
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dr-goatman · 7 months
gods, will graham and hannibal are so codependent
hannibal saw that will wasnt on time for his appointment, so he looked visibly sad and hurt, a rarity. he locked his hands together to keep from calling him, and likely to try and soothe worry. he looked a tad confused why he was feeling these things AND THEN HE DROVE A FUCKING HOUR JUST TO SEE WILL, AT THE FUCKING FBI WHATEVER ITS CALLED hannibal needs will. he may not like that he needs will at first, but that doesnt change the fact that he does.
will graham went to fucking europe to find hannibal and discover his past. on the way he broke into hannibals childhood home, got held at gunpoint by chiyoh, hannibals kinda-sister [i love her btw], kissed her, got thrown off a train by her, then walked lord knows how long, INJURED, to civilization, and then continued on to search for hannibal, finding him, then eventually getting almost killed by him [again]. BUT it was particularly brutal this time, he literally like was getting a bonesaw taken to his fucking skull, he was gonna get his brain eaten
anyways, yet he returned to america with hannibal, then hannibal turned himself in after a bit just cuz will said he didnt wanna know where he was, what he was doing, etc. 3 yrs, will doesnt visit him in his 'jail' cell, [he lives in a glass cage thing in a mansion, wouldnt rlly call that a jail cell], after that 3 yrs, shit goes down w dolarhyde [love him btw] and will needs hannibal, desperately. u can tell hes been thinking of him this entire time yet wont even admit it to himself.
eventually shit goes down AGAIN and hannibal and will run away together, knowing damn well dolarhyde is after them. hannibal stand in between the window and will KNOWING dolarhyde is outside, just so he would take the shot, not will. they eventually fall off a cliff in each others arms, but according to the writers or someone, apparently they aint dead, which is shown in the last scene where bedelia is missing one of her legs, shes holding a fork in self defense and there are 2 other places set at the table, her leg as a main dish, she is being fed herself, which is just like what hannibal did to that one dude, starting with the leg[s]
except now will graham is along for the ride
[this is all ignoring SO much, such as hannibal always being will's first call when he needs help, and will being hannibals 'fascination' [see: obsession] so much so that since even before we meet bedelia, [who at the time was hannibal's therapist] she knows will graham by name and has been spoken to about him.
to the point that she KNOWS he is hannibals obsession.
bedelia LITERALLY compared will to bluebeards last wife, and said shed prefer to had been the last. shes mildly jealous but so is will, and thats ok!]
[i love bedelia, btw, shes so awesome]
also as the series progresses we see hannibal, the extremely put together and posh man, become slowly more and more undone and relaxed
at the same time, it takes will, the extremely messy, frazzled and almost careless man, and it makes him more put together, he dresses nicer, looks more cleaned up and put together
he doesnt shake like an abused puppy, he is more snippy [see: bitchy]
and hes not sweating all the fucking time im so srs, there are so many shots of him just drenched in sweat and its honestly funny, its insane how much he sweats
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ellascreams · 1 month
I’m a poet and I’m bored, I’m going to over analyze the lyrics of the I Expect You To Die 2 opening credits. Spoilers. (Note, I couldn’t actually find the official lyrics anywhere, so the placement of the line breaks are sort of just me guessing. It shouldn’t affect my analysis much but it might annoy some people.)
From the spotlight I can see you Play your cards right, Kill your stage fright, This could be you Murder pun! Huge fan of the ABAAB rhyme scheme btw. I think this could definitely be a reference to how Zoraxis immediately knows that you’re involved, you get noticed in Stage Fright, which is when Juniper is literally in the spotlight. Juniper is also the one who first figures out you’re the agent from the Death Engine.
To me the most notable thing is that it immediately established the fact that the entire world is focused on Juniper, but he’s the only one focused on you, even more than the other Zoraxis agents are. It also foreshadows Phoenix’s rise to fame. Juniper is a celebrity, the whole world is focused on him, but if you play your cards right and stop his evil scheme he falls out of the public’s view while you suddenly become famous for saving everyone.
If all the world’s a stage, let’s set it on fire So you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar
Moving on to a simple couplet, AA rhyme scheme. The imagery of the first line is absolutely sick and I love it. There’s the obvious meaning in this line of Juniper’s evil plans, emphasized by the music video’s visuals of the nukes. Digging a little deeper, I think it’s interesting that Juniper really does seem to think of the world as a stage. He thinks of himself as the star and Phoenix as an extra, he thinks of his plans as scripts, his lies as roles, it’s his real egotistical view of the world around him and it’s what Zor exploits to get him to do what they want.
From the background You can hear me Highest billing, Makes a killing, They revere me
Switching to more of a ABCCB now but I don’t mind. Another murder pun! I honestly love those. Paralleling the first verse, once again calling attention to the fact that you’re hiding in the background while Juniper hides in plain sight, this also parallels Juniper noticing you. He’s paying attention to you more than anyone else is, and you see him for who he truly is more than anyone else does. You’re both aware of each other and you both know each other.
That beautiful mask you wear is all I desire So you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar
Great imagery once again. One thing they put a lot of emphasis on in this game (or at least the song and trailers) is the fact that spies are inherently liars or at the very least disguised. As he’ll mention more in some later lines, Juniper wants to defeat you, partially by getting past those disguises and lies. They’re your main defense. Once they’re gone he’ll have a better shot at winning.
He mostly just wants to destroy your disguises, but the video does show him stealing a mask, I think that’s because he can also use them to an extent. With the mimic mask, people’s faces become his masks. He uses the Handler’s voice to trick you. He could maybe use your voice and face to trick someone else. At the very least, something or someone in the Agency would probably be useful to him.
Face to face to face again
Because you’re both two faced. Probably my favorite line, it’s just such fun wordplay.
And through the camera lenses we ascend
This line could be taken a few different ways I think? First of all, it’s just cool imagery again. Secondly, it could be taken as breaking through lies. By breaking the camera lens, which would also be breaking through the fourth wall, you’re breaking through the unreality that is trapping you. As I mentioned earlier, Juniper really views the world as just another stage, so this could also definitely represent breaking through his plans and lies.
The final thing I noticed is the use of the word “ascend.” English as a language tends to view being placed higher, or at the top, as good while being placed lower, at the bottom, is bad. There’s a whole bunch of phrases related to it. It’s one of those little quirks of language. My point is that “ascending,” getting higher, can be seen as some sort of victory or success. This is somewhat emphasized by the music itself, with the instruments from the success score playing, and the actual success score itself being played a bit later.
I also think it’s worth quickly mentioning that these different meaning aren’t mutually exclusive. A line can mean several different things at once, that’s part of the beauty of poetry and language.
You’re a minor part I’m the major star Ha! The credits are more than just the end
Once again with him thinking of the world as a stage, thinking he’s the star, the most important person in the whole world, while you’re just an extra. As he says “the end” the success theme plays, which is just a neat detail, and it could be connected to the “ascend” line as I mentioned earlier. I also think it’s important that it plays while he’s talking about credits and endings, since that theme plays at the end of successful missions.
I might be overthinking it here but I also think this whole verse has some parallels to his monologue. You properly meet face to face for kind of the first time actually, you break through his film set, then there’s the obvious one of him calling himself the star and saying you’re just an extra, and then he calls the peace summit your final scenes but they’re just the beginning of Zor’s rule.
Cause the truth is I despise you I will tear apart All these works of art That disguise you
Love this verse. The voice actor is absolutely great by the way. When he says “I despise you” it really sounds like he means it. Juniper really does despise you too. That’s one of the things that makes him such a fun villain to me, he truly hates you, possibly even more than Zor and Prism hate you, because they at least respect you as a skilled adversary. Juniper doesn’t. He thinks you’re pathetic but you somehow keep messing up his plans anyway. To him, you’re like a pesky fly that won’t stop buzzing around his head and tripping him up.
This is also furthering the themes of the second chorus. Being a spy as you are, you’re protected mostly by disguises. He wants to destroy those disguises. He wants to tear apart the things that protect you. And this is once again described using masks because the mask imagery really is so central to Juniper’s character.
I’m making the final cut, it’s down to the wire So you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar And I’ll be the liar And I’ll be the liar And I’ll be the liar!
Another potential parallel to safe and sound, I think he quite literally tries to make “the final cut” once you burn down the set. I think now’s the best time to talk about the repeating phrase, the game’s namesake, “you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar.” I especially like the fact that the final verse puts extra emphasis on the liar part, because that’s ultimately the game’s main theme, lies and breaking through them.
From what I can tell, even the puzzle solving in this game has a lot more emphasis on seeing through lies and people actively trying to trip you up then the others. Like Jet Set, where you have to actively ignore almost everything Juniper tells you to avoid the death traps, or the notes the Fabricator left telling you to just “enjoy the show” in Stage Fright, you even have to distrust your Handler in Safe and Sound.
One very important thing for this theme is the parallels between Phoenix and John Juniper. They’re both liars hiding behind various disguises. That’s again represented by the gameplay, you go undercover fairly often. The big difference is just that Phoenix hides in the shadows and Juniper hides in the spotlight.
This theme and parallel is also super noticeable in the last level, Rising Phoenix. In order to stop Juniper, Phoenix has to reveal themself to the world. In the end, all the lies and disguises are gone from the EOD and Zoraxis, but for the EOD it’s mostly a good thing, and it’s very bad for Zoraxis. This is also when Phoenix sort of takes Juniper’s fame. And there’s another layer to the lies with Zor’s betrayal.
Wow ok so I went off on a tangent there. I just wanted to fully explain myself because it seems like a lot of people don’t understand the title. I think the repetition and connection of the spy and the liar helps showcase those parallels. The way it’s used makes it almost sounds like a common phrase, but it’s not, and that makes you stop to think what makes spies and liars related to each other. How are they similar? How are they different?
I like how in the song Juniper specifically says “you’ll be the spy and I’ll be the liar.” It reminds me of agreeing on roles before acting out an improv scene together or something similar. It once again highlights Juniper’s view of the world. In the title, and in most of the song and game, it acts like spy and liar are what you both truly are. What’s left when you take away all the lies. But with Juniper telling you that these are the roles you’ll be playing, it adds another layer of doubt and disguise. Are you really just the spy and the liar? Maybe. But maybe it’s just another act.
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boag · 4 days
Lol so I wanted to research to make a proper argument & now I'm actually convinced pitbulls should be banned so hear me out because I <3 dogs & if I'm missing something I want to know. From what I just read, pitbulls were bred by humans to be fighting dogs so they have genetic instincts that make them attack very aggressively & be unfazed by their own pain (they literally won't stop attacking even after being tazed & in some cases shot like wtf😭) - in comparison Rottweilers were bred to protect & are super intelligent so they can be trained very well & won't randomly attack despite their potential to be aggressive. It doesn't look like pitbulls can actually be trained cuz they're the only breed that consistently mauls their own owners (even the ones who by all accounts were great owners) & they don't bark/act aggressive to give any kind of warning sign before they attack - dog breeds that attack out of fear or to defend themselves give warning signs to scare off the perceived threat. pitbulls account for 66% of fatal dog attacks which is wildddd (Rottweilers come in 2nd @ 10% which is such a LARGEE margin that it can't be a coincidence) & no other breed constantly shows good behavior before randomly snapping then literally shredding a kid's faces off. Idk what do you think about this? (<3 u btw)
My main concern with the idea of banning pitbulls is just…. What would that even entail? Are they just all supposed to be euthanized? The US is already full of pitbulls, often mistreated or left in cages almost their entire lives before being killed in shelters. I would just greatly prefer to see a future where we have a better solution than to kill all of these animals, especially when many are raised well by owners who understand the risks and do the best they can and they never do attack, or if they do their owner’s are prepared to handle it. Pitbulls have always been very popular pets in all the areas I’ve lived so I’ve seen them be aggressive but I’ve also seen a ton of them be gentle and sweet and live full happy lives without hurting anyone. The idea of eradicating them has never sat right with me.
There must be something else we can do to protect people without outlawing an entire breed of dogs. I’ve also seen beagles attack unprompted, including a beloved family pet who had to be put down after she mauled my cousin’s face when she was a toddler and a neighbor’s pet who jumped up onto a trampoline with us and mauled my mom leaving her gushing blood and covered in bruises. Should beagles be outlawed? This is all coming from someone who had a traumatic experience when I was 15 where my best friend’s pitbull mix locked his jaw around my hand and tore it almost in half, but we weren’t careful. We were drunk and messing with him and there were warning signs he showed for a couple minutes beforehand like growling and acting scared but my friend was being goofy and dumb and kept mimicking his growl and playing with him which is what caused him to attack me. And the craziest thing is that he showed remorse for over a year. Every time I saw him after he kept his distance and bowed his head to me and even cried and I’m not friends with that girl anymore for other reasons but I have friends who are and as far as I know she still has him and he never attacked anyone again…. They are such intelligent beautiful creatures and I don’t think they’re unsaveable. I think people need to know the risks of having one and be prepared.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
my strong opinion of the day apropos of nothing just putting it out there is that people who don’t think Zuko & Azula could ever completely reconcile are super wrong both within the context that this is a story & there’s a narrative & within the context that IRL family is a wild thing & you absolutely can get through some crazy shit. Like…. This isn’t the real world? It’s a fantasy story & ultimately it is about the power of love & friendship & forgiveness. If the Gaang can fully forgive Zuko & become good friends with him in the context of the story after he terrorized them - hired an ASSASSIN to kill them - etc - I’m pretty sure Zuko & Azula could talk out their shit once Ozai is absent & work it out?? Why on earth not?? That’s a hypothetical question, I’ve heard all the arguments why not. I just disagree. Anyway haven’t y’all ever had a serious issue with a family member that was resolved? c’mon family is complicated.
the fire siblings actually get along pretty well when they’re not military enemies? they just need to see each other’s perspectives which isn’t really a crazy concept at all, they could totally do that. Zuko learns to question everything he’s grown up being taught. it’s completely realistic for him to understand his sister a little better.
And like, the show is SUPER clear about what the story is about it’s literally spelled out for us in no uncertain terms in ‘The Avatar & the Firelord’???
“Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. [Cut to an aerial shot of the hardened lava wave.] Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance. [Shot cuts to a close-up of Aang's face.] And I also think it was about friendships.”
btw this isn’t a post about how the show is so bad & biased against Azula I totally believe if there was another season she would’ve been redeemed, there just wasn’t time. this is just a post about how I fully believe Azula could yes COMPLETELY reconcile with her brother & yes, become good friends with the Gaang. Like there’s just really no good reason why not in my personal opinion
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lookingforcactus · 6 months
Live action Yu Yu Hakusho liveblog (ep 2)
Okay listen. Whoever wrote and whoever is voicing the little kid Yusuke saves has never heard an actual six year old talk in their lives
Also forgot to say last ep but liked the move to age yusuke up a bit. Also Botan's digital file of Yusuke talking back at her is hilarious
Botan's voice (Eng dub) isn't quiiiite as expressive as would hit the mark for me compared to the anime but whatever she's adorable I forgive her
Also forgot to say last ep "Maybe it's better you're dead" BOTAN STOP ASDLKFJADS I love her your honor
Fights and vfx on Goki are actually kind of shockingly good, esp given how much I Did Not like him in the anime
VERY annoying and unfortunately typical that the darkest-skinned guy we've seen so far is. very specifically. the demon that eats children and that the anime makes uh iirc a lot more directly than I ever wanted to watch into a Certain Allegory
Interested that Reikai doesn't seem to know who Kurama actually is. Was that the case in the anime/manga?? I feel like no, they knew who he used to be from the initial briefing on the thieves but idk season 1 wasn't exactly my favorite to go back and rewatch literally ever
My favorite was 2 and 4. If you even care. lol
Kurama standing there during the fight like a creeper go
Actually fight with Goki is very epic. Again super creative and impressively believable way for Yusuke to survive and fight back against a guy with WAYYYY superior strength
Also wow is Yusuke underqualified for these fights rn lol. I mean we knew that but he's lucky he pulled that one out in the end. And esp lucky that Kurama won't want to fight, obv
Her wig is sadly Not as impressive as Botan's, and I'm not a fan of what looks like her contacts. Did they make her eyes green??? Bc her eyes being red is kind of narratively. you know. Relevant
Wait is that guy helping Yukina Hiei???!!! Human-form Hiei??!!!
Wait no of course not Hiei would've just killed everyone and gotten her out
(Listen we don't have any good shots of his face yet okay. That little sister line made me think!)
Interesting new jagan origin + (presumably?) moving up Yukina as Hiei's motivation. Makes sense given how everything about Hiei's first manga/anime appearance was ignored afterward lol when he was too popular to kill off
I hope they got rid of his original plan/motivation, anyway. I hated the mind control arc thing with him esp on Keiko. Dickhead
Well. Eyehead. Technically. But yknow
Pfft Kurama 100% staging that entire encounter and stalking ep meaning Yusuke thinks he's being sooo sneaky
Kurama's outfit is really pretty actually btw. I like it better than his anime outfit by a lot. The pink always clashed with his hair sooo bad
Also the pink in the preview images made me think/hope he was a girl (who actually got to fight in a shounen anime!!!!) and you have no idea how disappointed I was when I realized that wasn't true
Pfft Kurama using his demon powers to?? Pull a quickchange?? Amazing
His hair continues to not work nearly as well as in the anime but that was a lost battle from the beginning let's be real. At least it's better than Hiei's
(Which is so actively bad what was that shadow with his hair in the knife scene what)
Shiori benefits a lot from being played by like. an actually human person who also is older and has visibly aged. Gives her Character, makes her less of Just An Archetype
Momma's boy Kurama excellent as always. Meanwhile Yusuke's just flat out not replying to a single thing Shiori is literally saying to him lol
Wait does the quickchange imply that Kurama only uses that outfit on demon business. Bc in the show it's just his (ugly) school uniform but here it's clearly not. I really desperately want that to be his On Demon Business outfit in this show lol
Also makes the fact that he had Yusuke stalk him in that outfit funnier. then. boom. quickchange. Mom can't see the Demon Business Outfit
Hmm something about Kurama and his delivery isn't rly landing for me here. But to be fair he is being super Performative and Deliberate about all of this so that may be on purpose
I hope it's on purpose. Bc Kurama's great and I'd REALLY like to buy him/his lines as a character in this
He does successfully pull off "casually menacing" (you know, without murdering someone first) much more easily than his anime counterpart tho so that's cool
Meanwhile, Yusuke's face. Great face-acting there. Also great face
The scrapes on Yusuke's face really are v aesthetically arranged lol. but still look legit enough. I'm a fan
Okay I'm buying Kurama now. Excellent
"I've been deceiving that woman for many years" genuinely love that he put it that way. He's come to care about her so much but he's not trying to make himself sound better or lying to himself about the situation
It is killing me that he used the phrase "fertilized egg" in this explanation. It's killing me. It's also raising Fucking Questions. (But does at least give an explanation for how Kurama didn't like. Kill the original Shuichi's soul when he took the body.)
Oh the pattern on Kurama's outfit is roses!!! love it
Kurama: Sees Kuwabara following them
Kurama: ...Anyway.
The mirror of darkness looks like a fucking ipad. I can't take it seriously why does the mirror of darkness look like an ipad!!!
What's with the weird scifi aesthetics here and on the other artifacts? This is a fantasy show, fantasy aesthetics would fit better
The mirror-realm life-taking sequence is just. so much. lol it's so much once again I am unable to take it seriously!
Wait Shiori! You don't know there was magic saving you!! Don't take off your oxygen mask without a doctor's permission!!! Practice self-care!!!
Okay Kuwabara looks super different from his anime/manga self-from the front, but from the back he has the EXACT same silhouette as anime!Kuwabara, so much it's EERIE. I'm learning lots of things about what pompadours look like in real life-
hsb, ig???
HIEI HAS BLUE EYES?!!??!?!?!!!!
I mean at least they didn't only change Yukina's
But this is WEIRD
Also making the jagan not purple anymore, just an actual third eye, was the correct choice
Hmm I don't like how they translated Hiei's outfit as much as I do the others. (I like how they translated literally everyone else's outfits. This is so disappointing, esp since Hiei's aesthetics go off. There's too much white and too much detail in his outfits. Give me his cloak!!! Also changing the scarf into a turtleneck is highkey Not Working For Me
Anime!Hiei would literally never wear a turtleneck
Why is he wearing a turtleneck, he's a FIRE DEMON, it's not like he can get cold
The scarf is okay because it was clearly not primarily for keeping him warm
Give him the cloak I want the cloak!!
And he should be wearing all black underneath it! I mean I know he wears other color shirts under it in the dark tournament arc iirc. But live action won't have the control over the cloak for that lol
At least give him something all black (except the scarf or something similar) (NOT a turtleneck) with a similar silhouette to the cloak
And idk compared to the others I think his costume looks kinda cheap
OOF effects on the Toguros are NOT convincing. Oof. I admire their commitment to taking their physicalities literally but uh. They should've been less ambitious and focused more on translating the vibe. Imho
Okay! Time for episode 3!
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
two weeks late? what do you mean? ...haha.
sorry i have excuses okay? I moved houses in that time and then got sick. like i said, lateness is becoming my brand i guess
anyways this week (last week) it is time for
The Opera in the Outback Caper!!
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notes as always under the cut!
player's australian accent is hilarious
bro the writers were researching australia and they saw carmen the opera and their eyes shot out of their heads like looney toons
according to wikipedia if this episode had gone like the opera carmen would have stabbed a bitch to death and then sung about fucking somebody all night from prison. but yeah carmen would have also ended up stabbed to death in the end so....leaning towards the bad omen scale
that fifteen person orchestra is really pulling its weight damn
can you imagine being gray in this episode he has literally no idea what the fuck is going on wheeze
this is totally way later in the episode but wait a minute if the vile device fried all the soundboards how the hell did the rest of the opera keep going
its gra-YUHM
that surprised pikachu face jdsghdjhga
god fuck i hate that he flirts with her im getting it out of the way right now so i don't harp on it later but i do not like it
Gray Ham says enjoy the show and carmen walks like a penguin her ankles go WAY up
i love love love watching the progression of carmen's faith in vile go from her mostly playful, almost dismissive air in the start to realizing just how dangerous this all is and i think it starts RIGHT HERE, realizing that theyve killed crackle's memories of her and VILE
mentally i am the guy dressed as a soldier who is staring straight ahead and singing with one blank smile on his face
something about that swing and how carmen's coattails move is just mwah
carmen stays there for literally no reason how did you not see le chevre coming over to kick you in the back girl
that subliminal messaging device falling was sooo on key 🫦
so nitpicky but that opera singer is NOT opening her mouth enough literally watch any video of an opera singer their mouths are going twice that wide
the way she just plucks it from his hand is so funny
i love this fight btw. its so dynamic but its SILENT. and the entire fight is based around the need to not draw attention to themselves and disrupt the performance. very cool fight
like yeah the flips and the way they pull on each other's clothing and jump and use the bars and stuff super cool
literally the second time le chevre has done that exact same thing girly
that landing HAD to hurt SO BAD are you kidding
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also love how carmen goes in slow motion before this but the music doesnt thats hilarious
wouldnt it have been funny if as carmen the singer was singing her high note carmen the thief fell on her
love the standing ovation and curtsy for the uh. fourth song of the opera
player was in record mode because he secretly loves opera and wanted to record the live performance of his favorite habanera
HUAN HONK HUNK HONK HA HION HA HONK he does bleat like a goat
i find it very hard to believe that le chevre is so flippant about the mindwiping thing seeing as dr bellum is potentially setting him up for the exact same circumstances today in fighting carmen lmao
i love when characters on screens look at things from the perspective of the. screen
"remix" its just you dr bellum
carmen: haha quip player: oh girl u fucked up girl
love Carmen's thought process of being completely unaffected by the thing that got blasted directly in her face just because she wasn't the target
player does the most
i love doctor denim jeans she seems like such a nice enthusiastic person
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look at her shes so excited
what was carmen standing up there looking for anyway
pls player didnt even know it was gray but he knew. he was just like ffs carmen not the silver jambon
love how carmen is pinpointing his orders from vile as the problem and not. his willingness and ability to kill her
he's got good hearing wow
sparky is actually australian slang for an electrician. good to know. shocked crackle didnt name himself Sparky
love how crackles tone changes from joking to that dramatic "year of my life" speech i dont remember if they used that for flashbacks or trailers or what but its for something lol
"electrician" gray you sit at the desk and press buttons as far as we can tell dude
"yeah stranger go online and find some random guy to take you into the australian outback <3 my experience couldnt help you avoid a potentially bad situation there at all."
shes like four feet away and he's screaming lmaoo
it is just her name, honey maid
"the outback- may sound like somewhere you would take a man to shoot him but we have to save that for next season!"
mad respect for them primarily referring to it as uluru so it sticks that way and not the more colonialized name of ayers rock, which was given to it by, surprise surprise, a brit
its a miracle the car didnt break down in the outback after player told her to be careful in the harsh terrain. literally two episode ago he was like "be careful of altitude sickness!!" and then she died
god the music and animation in this episode are gorgeous though arent they?
miro is the most patient man on the planet
ivy being so fed up with him wheeze
carmen being polite and excusing herself from the conversation! never thought i'd see the day lol
i love miro he's just like what. what do you mean. who are you guys and he's right
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for sure the only tourist in the car
where did carmen get those hot little pink glasses and coats did they mug a couple workers or what
ivy and zack's sibling dynamic forever
she is for sure like five feet from that door and should not be running for as long as she is while talking to player she is a split second away from crashing into the wall
pls the rocket is so close to the facilities it would take the buildings out
anyone else love the animation when ivy's waving the id badge at mom jeans denim
zack's little salute ive never noticed that before
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yeah your new interns. the most conspicuous american twenty year olds we can find who apparently blend in with every situation, including fashion week in milan
who voices bell bottom jeans because her australian accent is sketch is it sharon. it sounds a little like bellum
IT IS SHARON ok sorry queen your australian accent is not great </3
is there a "where in space is carmen sandiego" where zack and ivy go to an alien planet because i havent watched any of the 90s show but. that feels like it would happen
was player directing her through that or did carmen just randomly learn to hack too
love the single button to launch a whole rocket its so funny
brancusi jeans: that was the day i decided the laboratory is no place for opera speakers: opera in the laboratory skinny jeans: wow this is the best thing that has ever happened to me
i wonder if that cart wheel was 3d
ivy expertly tied that woman up great job ivy. ig she learned from boston lol. interesting tho- that is how carmen tied them up, and i wonder if carmen taught them
uh oh spaghettio
again cs color theory <3 with the button going green when vile's plan starts to work
the rocket launched in less that 3 minutes! btw it will take more than 4 until we get to the final countdown. and we will cut down much of the space in between but its totally less than three ok
love the way ivy smashes through that door
wheeze the control panel at the top of the tower
zack's got the best australian accent out of all the terrible australian accents in this show. he could be on bluey
zack's cold chuckle before he tells el topo that the dingoes are mauling his boyfriend is priceless its so funny
adore the clear shock and horror in carmen's voice when she realizes what she's done. good gina moment thank you for a moment gina. oh nevermind that what have i done was sad and limp :(
le chevre said grrr. WHAT? OUGH!
"let go" yes le chevre that is something she would do while you're dangling her a thousand feet above the ground
pls my video started buffering and it just went "OUT OF MY WA-" and then the screen went black ivy killed it
love ivy shes such a girlboss
still not sure btw how top and bottom arent recognizing the boston kids its. what the third, fourth time?
that little thing le chevre does i think must be a vile taught thing, which is interesting. he hooks his arms under hers and holds her there that way. i say that because in the s2 opener episode el topo does the exact same thing to carmen
the gays are so funny i love them
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ivy comes very close to dying a horrible death this episode lol
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"i've got you."
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drops her
she did not have to slide down the rocket like that but thank god she did. hot of her. love that her hair came down and her glasses came off for maximum hotness she booked it over here you can tell
the two gays are literally just >:( >:(
shit my pants joke
everyone laugh
player is literally that friend trying to get his bff not to get back in that toxic relationship GIRL HE TRIED TO KILL YOU LIKE. A WEEK AGO HE AINT WORTH THE FRESH START BROTHERLY RELATIONSHIP
i do like gina's voice acting here though. she does sound like she's actually. feeling things
god the shots in this show are so pretty
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look at that. art
even the light changing from green to red once she decides to blow him off. yes yes yes yes the red represents safety and certainty and as soon as that green light turns not only does it physically block her from crossing over to him just like she's mentally decided not to put it puts any question of vile completely out of the question
insert that tumblr post about wanting to make eye contact with someone from across a street and then disappear behind a bus here bc i can't find it
woohoo carmen leading herself to believe that the only way she can keep people safe is to avoid them. im sure this wont come into play in any future searches for more familial figures of carmen's
i like all the human and animal remains in maelstrom's office. cool of him tbh
they wanted to say "bring me the head" so bad
anyway PAPER STAR! TRANSITION SENTENCE TO NEXT EP! i love next ep paper star is so cool. also beginnings of julethief. look, i have a transition sentence too.
next week is actually two days ago on saturday but thats okay ill hopefully get it done sometime this week, so i can be on time for being late this saturday. hope you liked this ep's notes <3
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e7 recap: tom, the one pepper menu item, gets spicy
sorry for the delayed recap this week, girlies. somehow i had a life to live and it was not very conducive to breaking down an episode where literally everyone is going through a breakup.
oh well.
we start the episode at tom and shiv's, where tom has made her breakfast after a long night of boning.
(this is an episode for the foodies, btw. did you guys notice?)
he gives shiv a scorpion as a present because she is toxic and can kill him.
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hilarious joke, tommy. hilarious.
all is not well in this household. and none of the other significant relationships seem to be doing that well either:
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this shot.... succession camera person, i see you.
i'm so happy we get to see rava, even if the writers are giving us crumbs at this point.
she tells ken to call her daughter. sophie is scared of the election and all the racist rhetoric which is spewed most prominantely by her father's news network.
ken pulls out his inner logan:
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seems like most of the kids do this episode and it is certainly not a good thing for their personal relationships....
this goes for everyone except connor, who honestly seems to be having a great time this episode.
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he's just happy his father is dead and that he is polling at 4 percent in alaska.
truly a power play by the writers to give con all the best lines in the episode. our girl is thriving!!
the tom/shiv saga continues, this time with sexting.
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can't believe they are getting some of the best classically trained theater actors in the world to write this shit.
and make faces like this:
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what time to be alive.
ATN is downsizing. greg is out for skulls.
shiv and tom host a tailgate party before the election which isn't really a tailgate party and all the finest people in the land are gathered, including a strange tv couple and a podcast god.
roman and ken are using the occasion to spread doubt about mattson and the gojo deal:
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just two failsons/CE-bros working together for the good of the republic.
also, they've invited nate to go regulatory on mattson's ass, which tom is of course totally chill about.
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it's the guest appearance nobody asked for and yet he has more screen time than gerri in this episode. the succession writers truly do not understand me.
con is offered a post as ambassador to somalia if he drops out of the race by mencken, but mogadishu isn't really his vibe.
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he came to win this episode.
gerri arrives at the party and roman is like, phew, my girlfriend isn't mad at me for firing her and my guy frank probably worked it all out with her for me, right? right???
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it's giving high school drama.
let's all take a moment to imagine gerri, three martinis down, ranting about what a little shithead roman is.
the girlies stick together<3
mattson arrives at the tailgate party after shiv tells him about the regulatory route dumb and dumber over there are planning to go down.
he arrives during a moment of silence for logan, but not to worry, this swede knows how to behave and will not put his dick in the guac.
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lukas is, of course, his normal charming self:
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my face exactly when i'm caught between my potential future boss and the guy i've been boning nonstop for the past 12 hours.
the roman/con negotiations continue. it's a no on the slos, con wants to take berlin by christmas and contemplates opening up north korea like nixon did china.
it's giving napoleon, it's giving girlboss.
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if you can believe it, you can achieve it, con con.
but alas, he is offered oman.
shiv asks mattson this:
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if i was mattson i would eat her out right then and there.
i'm having perfectly normal feelings about it.
nate continues to.... be there.
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luckily he doesn't stay for long. bye bye, nate. see you never!!!
con tries to sell willa on the whole oman thing:
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the pros are: no lines at the airport and you can hit people with your car. bonus: you actually DON'T have to live under ground.
this is perhaps the first time in succession history that we see a couple have a truly genuine discussion about what their next move should be - together.
sticking up for your man's delusions really works out, i guess.
oscar is great.
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he doesn't like greg. i like oscar.
ebba wants to murder everybody:
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communications people with social anxiety, unite!
greg is a try-hard and joins in on the hazing of ebba.
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i don't think i've ever liked him less.
anyway, turns out it helps the failbros, who come to ebba's rescue, smoke a cig with her, figure out lukas is basically not the coder from gothenburg he says he is, but instead some swedish elon musk type who took some tech to marked.
oh, and his numbers in india are completely wack.
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rome and ken are ecstatic!
lets run down a list of mattson's flaws so far: - fudged the numbers - sent weird items to his employee - potentially has a little drug problem? - calls things he doesn't like gay
totally inappropriate for a company like waystar, in other words.....
roman does the best gerri impression i've ever heard.
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i know j. said she thinks the impression is stupid but i had to watch that moment three times to figure out if it was actually her saying the line or not, so..... sorry j. <3
gerri is done.
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i feel unwell. someone please convince me this isn't their last ever scene together.
j. said there'd be ups and downs. WHERE ARE THE UPS?
roman is upset and takes it out on connor in his best logan impression to date:
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con is like nah, i'm good on oman and willa is like everyone hates your fascist candidate, roman.
good for them.
ken and mattson fight over who has the fakest numbers.
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mattson shits on new york like a true swede.
anyone doing the "drink every time someone fights" game this episode is dead by now.
speaking of, we get the best hbo balcony scene since the wire season 3 episode 11.
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at the risk of mixing my hbo references, this is my red wedding.
the fight goes something like this:
shiv: you are a social climber tom: you are broken, you never got your dads approval and you shouldn't have kids because you are horrible
at least now tom can get some sleep, i guess, because the bonefest is certainly over.
ken talks to frank about taking doing a reverse viking, meaning waystar buys gojo, not the other way around.
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OH MY GOD THESE KIDS. they can't even fucking pull off ONE deal before they are on to the next. c'mon.
oh and he wants the CEO position for himself. shocker.
imagine being frank in this scenario. just imagine.
tom is tired from all the sex and all the talk about him getting fired and acts exactly like me whenever i have people over:
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tired girlies need representation too.
the era of wambsgans ire is here.
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shiv is like oh fuck.
the episode ends with everyone pretty much being alone. there are no teams anymore. there are zero hugs except for one very disturbing one between mattson and ken, and i'm having a hard time remembering if i like any of these characters at all.
oh no, wait, i like connor.
it's all good. i still like connor.
41 notes · View notes
Forgive me but can you outline how nazis infiltrated PC's organization 4 times?
(👉in ref to👈) 
No problem, but it’s actually six times!
Peggy claims she's in charge of supervising all SSR operations. 
(Nothing any man says or does, or anything in the sets, script, or costume design, supports this claim- and in fact a lot of what she and other characters do appears to directly contradict it- but anyway!) 
Obviously shady saboteurs are loitering outside the Top Secret SSR lab in Brooklyn. 
She fails to clock them. 
The SSR has been infiltrated under her watch, and is sabotaged. 
(This happens in more than one universe.)
Because she/Hayley Atwell is busy channelling Marlon Brando, groping and and/or keeping the inconveniently pretty nurses away from CEvans/Steve, she is not paying attention. 
So she fails to stop the Nazi saboteur stealing serum, killing Dr. Erskine, detonating two bombs (including one on a crowded public street), and getting away (despite firing five shots at him, including when he was in the same room as her). 
For this failure, she blames... Steve?? 
All this is incompetence. 
If they had simply not said that she supervised all SSR ops, none of this would’ve been her responsibility, and thus her fault. 
In fact, if she was, eg. just a secretary, it would’ve been both brave and going above and beyond duty, for her to follow the saboteur out of the Lab with someone else’s gun! (Someone else’s, because she has not been given one of her own. Important person, how?)
But they wanted to make her a Badass. 
(By having... all of the men, including the superhuman one, somehow not be able to keep up with a woman in high-heeled shoes, for like minutes of screentime. The only way she looks good is if there's literally no one else there to make her look bad by comparison? 😬)
Instead they made her incompetent and a failure. 
2. Agent Carter (a). 
(set during the time period in which the main films and her own short tell us she had already co-founded SHIELDra, released and employed Zola. But anyway!) 
In the first instance of them stealing Bucky’s war record for her, supposedly Great Spy Peggy leads the Howlies in a non-spy commando mission somehow despite not being a soldier.
So, she is in charge = is responsible for what decisions are made.
( Disclaimer: she was NOT shown being a commando or a soldier or a spy during the war, not in the film or script for CATFA.
There were NO armed female British combat troops, and if there were in the ‘verse of AC, then she should NOT be treated as if she’s the Only Woman in all of Europe who is Special Enough to be given a gun! (This is just more Not Like Other Girls nonsense!) 
In CATFA she is explicitly shown and described in the script as doing a desk job, a job she asked for, a job she explicitly whines about having, in Allied-held locations (totally-useless locations for Allied spies to be stationed btw). She is told off and threatened with sacking for exceeding her remit and doing non-administrative things, she is told she is completely expendable, and she has an image of her face broadcast in a propaganda reel (again: not a soldier, not a spy) 
She only appears in a battle once they’re taking everyone, even old men and scientists. But anyway!)
During the AC mission, she fails to clock that scientist Johann Fennhoff, the Soviet mind-control expert, is a bad guy who is pretending to be trustworthy. 
She releases him from prison, and she alone recruits him for the SSR. 
(Not Howard Stark. Not Col. Phillips. Not the Howlies. Not the other (male) SSR Agents. Not some nebulous unnamed higher-up politician man invoking Operation Paperclip. Her, Alone.)
Fennhoff gets up to a bunch of stuff in NYC, massacres 40+ innocent people (great job, Peggy!) and another SSR agent, and his mind-control thing is eventually uncovered. 
At the end of his run, Zola is shown openly recruiting a muzzled Fennhoff, with tremendous ease, because Fennhoff is put into the same prison cell as him. 🤦‍♀️
This is implied to be the origin of the Winter Soldier mind-control program in which Zola tortured Bucky. 
So Hydra’s Winter Soldier program, Bucky’s torture, was only possible because Peggy failed to clock a bad guy and committed the catastrophic idiocy of recruiting him into the SSR. Which she is shown having the authority and impetus to do, even before she is a Director.
This also makes her indirectly responsible for the mind-control enslavement of little girls in the Red Room (which she also knew about since the 1940s, as shown in both her show and in at least one other universe in What if). Because that tech was stolen from the Winter Soldier programme while it was stored in an American SHIELDra lab (the North Institute) in Ohio in 1995.
Incompetence again! 
(And is she fired for her incompetence once again endangering her own colleagues and leading to the death of double-digits civilians and another SSR agent?
Pff! Of course not! Don't be silly, her daddy’s friends with a Senator!)
3. Agent Carter (b).
Peggy’s show also has (suddenly-giving-a-shit-about-feminism-once-she’s-being-criticised-for-things-she-actually-did) Peggy saying that her male colleagues can’t see what a great spy she is because she’s a woman... 
While she has failed to notice that a Black Widow (y’know, an actually competent female spy) has moved into her apartment building.
And she continues to fail to notice her... right up until that spy is literally kissing her full on the mouth. 🤦‍♀️
If Hydra and the Red Room are intimately connected, as Fennhoff and the Black Widow movie imply, (and this Black Widow is shown working for Fennhoff), then this is a subset of Peggy yet again being incompetent when it comes to spotting Hydra operatives right under her nose. 
And it gets worse... 
Given her later behaviour, guess what Peggy does with this Hydra spy after she has found out that she is one? 
That’s right! 
She... uncuffs her (to show off how un-afraid She is... because that’s what really matters, right? Peggy looking good?), frees her, and collaborates on missions with her, which in one instance leads directly to the only-named Jew in the entire MCU being rendered infertile via GSW (despite Peggy being impaled in the gut and just walking it off. But the lone Jew gets sterilised.) Because Peggy is knowingly walks into another villain’s trap, in pure hubris. 
Both incompetence and deliberate collaboration. 
Reveals she hired Zola in 1945 (less than six months after Steve sat in a pub, crying, saying he wanted all of Hydra dead or captured. Zola had already tried to kill Steve once at that point, had tortured members of the 107 to death, and tortured / 'killed' Bucky. But anyway!)
As a result of which, Hydra flourished throughout the 20th century. 
She also oversaw Zola being literally immortalized and turned into an AI and kept in the Camp Lehigh bunker (her preferred haunt) which had her photograph on the wall, and with her office a mere elevator ride away (as shown in EG *ach-tw*)
Was she wandering around with her eyes closed and her fingers in her ears for decades singing LALALA? 
Zola being hired was front page news, also. And he was even photographed. I know she hates paperwork, but is she too stupid to read or look at pictures?
Freeing a Nazi and then making them immortal (in multiple universes, mind you) is the precise opposite of ‘dead or captured’, like Steve and all decent people wanted. 
Old Peggy knew Zola was alive, but even when she was having lucid episodes she didn't warn Steve on any of the occasions when he came to visit her. 
When Steve voiced his completely-justified and understandable doubts about his current SHIELDra employers... she laughed at him, dismissed his doubts, said he was being ‘melodramatic’ and didn’t warn him, instead told him to move on.
'Don't think about SHIELDra being suspicious Steve! move on! it's not that deep!'
As a result of which, Zola was free to try and kill Steve personally again, for the second time, alongside Natasha and millions of other innocent people.
And she could've warned him, but didn't.
This isn't merely incompetence. She collaborates with Nazis and then endangers innocent people to cover up her own culpability.
This is directly endangering Steve and millions more. 
(Not the first time! Interrupting the Valkyrie run at a crucial moment, to make him kiss her. A Nazi spy would've done the exact same thing.)
5. What If (a). 
Zola exists as an AI in the universe Clint & Natasha are from (where Ultron won).
It is mentioned that the Camp Lehigh bunker version of him we saw in CATWS existed there (since the Soviet bunker version of him, which Nat and Clint get a hold of is, a copy of that first Zola. Further linking Zola and Fennhoff and Soviet Hydra from the live-action universe and AC.)
Which means Zola was also recruited by SHIELDra in that universe.
And if all those plot points are the same in that universe, it also means Peggy was co-founder of SHIELDra in that universe, and did the recruiting of Zola. 
(As we’ve already seen; it’s her that does that. Not Stark, or Phillips, or any other AOS, or government official. Also, if Nat exists as a Black Widow then the Red Room also exists. And if that's the same then Peggy knowing about the Red Room for decades and doing nothing about it also happened. But the sycophants running the writing think Nat would want to be her 'bestie.')
So that’s three universes in which Peggy has willingly hired and collaborated with this specific Nazi, who tortured and killed soldiers of the 107, leading directly to Zola being immortalized, (in more than one way!) as a world-threatening A.I. and other people’s lives endangered. 
(Which makes WI(b) doubly her fault). 
Again: not an accident. 
6. What If (b). 
They come up with Plot Reasons why the heroes have to collaborate with Nazi Zola (to excuse collaborating with a Nazi) to stop Ultron. 
Peggy is put in charge of the team (so, again, she’s responsible.) 
She finds out Zola is alive and an AI. 
They say she wasn't aware of that in this Captain Karter universe...
Because they time-jumped her over the period in which she, canonically, they are aware, was doing all this original heinous shit.
(‘She’s not a bad person! She didn’t do any of that evil in this universe!’ OK but she would though?? you already proved she literally would?? and she's literally working with the exact same guy she's claiming not to know about working with, in this episode?? And you also just admitted that the only reason she wouldn't do that again is if she physically could not? 'I didn't know we worked with leopards eating peoples faces!' says Woman currently working with leopard eating peoples faces, after working with leopards eating peoples faces in other universes. Dear writers, it's not giving what you think it's giving.) 
To reiterate: this is specifically done to whitewash the fact that she was not only aware but also directly responsible for Zola’s employment happening in the main MCU universe AND the universe which this-Zola comes from. 
What's fascinating about this is:
The circumstances in which she works with a Nazi -- on screen, in front of you -- are identical to the circumstances she described in her Agents of SHIELD cameo, under which she admitted she would consider working with a Nazi.
So she's following through on her own, admitted, pro-Nazi-collaborating stance.
(See below.)
So. She oversees the team working with Zola. 
And guess what happens? 
That's right! Surprise surprise! Zola immediately proves untrustworthy once he takes over Ultron's vibranium body, which Peggy helps him to do. 
(It’s Clint’s arrow, and IIRC Nat stabs it into Ultron, but they can only do so because of Peggy’s help). 
Deus ex Machina Sorcery Stuff has to happen and that entire universe sealed up just to prevent this from hurting trillions more people. 
Incompetence again! 
(Sidenote: This episode is of a piece with the recent rightwing Disney media, wherein Colonial-power characters and Nazis (not ever actually called Nazis) are either heroes or allies, but leftwing people -- especially black leftwing people -- are villains, and Nazi villains are only kept villains after they have been reconfigured as leftwing, or recast as black. 
See: Nazi Cynthia Glass being given Peggy Carter’s name and future, as if she was really in Operation Paperclip, thereby implying (viz: propagandising) that Cynthia's originally-Fascistic traits are positive, and rewarding herself with superserum (like many other villains, and even another Nazi villainess who infiltrated Project Rebirth in the comics: Krieger Frau). Or villain Stormtroopers now reconfigured as black people in Star Wars. Grindelwald no longer wizard Hitler tyrant but now gay leftist revolutionary with the popular vote. BLM villain Killmonger opposing Heroic ‘Harmless’ Friendly neighbourhood CIA Agent Everett Ross, (who is only interfering in a resource-rich African country’s elections for their own good!) The now-POC socialist villain BLM Flagmashers of FATWS while our black Cap is allied with CIA Sharon, thinly-veiled-Nazi Zemo (no longer explicitly a Nazi except in every single characteristic but one. DOGWHISTLE) & Walker (who, like Peggy and Red Skull, also stole serum for himself!), while saving the lives of white government officials. The High Evolutionary with his eugenics obsession in GOTG3 now recast as a black man so that white supremacy is visually no longer linked to Nazi eugenics, etc. etc. Even though Zola is a Nazi, in this WI episode, Killmonger is implied to be equal in villainy? Alarm bells should be ringing! )
+2 Bonus Times!
7. Ant-Man.
where smirking Hydra Baddie Mitchell Carson is head of Defense at SHIELDra when she is supposed to be Director (ie. in charge of hiring). 
If you pay attention to the scene, like (almost all) Peggy scenes, the men simply ignore whatever she is saying. Therefore, what she says has absolutely no impact on the course of the conversation or the trajectory of the plot, and she could be cut from the scene entirely or replaced with a piece of furniture without anything changing. 
(This what we mean when we say she fails the Sexy Lamp Test).
A charitable interpretation is that they're trying to imply it's only obliviousness and powerlessness against men which makes Nazis keep happening on her watch. That she simply can't clock a bad guy when they're right under her nose and that she would be ignored if she objected, anyway. 
But again:
A) her own show bends over backwards to say that she does what she wants, regardless of men, 
B) she knew Zola was a Nazi before she employed him
C) she alone definitely recruited him and the Nazis by her own admission. 
(Howard and Mitchell Carson don’t seem to get along. Even more likely Mitchell was her hire.)
It’s nonsense to say she would be shocked and not happy to find out Carson is a Nazi when she has already given a job to Red Skull’s chief scientist and right hand man and he's acting just like a Nazi in front of her and she's not doing anything about it.
D) powerless pre-serum Steve clocked villains and punched their clocks, consequences be damned. ”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” But Peggy isn’t a man, so it doesn’t apply to her?  
E) Hank Pym finds out someone in his organisation is openly doing wrong, because they're Hydra, and what does he do? He confronts them, punches them, and leaves the organisation in protest.
Peggy finds out the exact same things about Carson in the same scene as Pym and yet she's happy to stay put.
Her own actions prove she wouldn't do right even if she knew wrong was happening in her organisation, under her auspices, even in the same room as her.
oh and:
F) in other universes where they bend over backwards to show that Peggy definitely is in charge... (What If s1) she still ends up working with Nazis!
It's incompetence, collusion, or cowardice, but not an accident. 
8. Agents of SHIELD.
Lying about her war-record and stealing Bucky’s again, despite her lack of any military rank, and despite CATFA movie and script clearly indicating that Peggy was in a bunker in London and only once on the frontlines (alongside old men and scientists; other non-coms)... 
She is again shown leading the Howlies, to capture SS Officer Doctor Werner Reinhardt (AKA Daniel Whitehall).
Later, Peggy interviews Reinhardt in SHIELD prison. 
So... once again: 
It was NOT Howard Stark, the science guy, doing Nazi scientist prisoner interviews.
NOT Col. Phillips, any other Agent of SHIELD, or any other government official!
It was Peggy, on her own.
This (and WI) contradict CATFA, where it was Col. Phillips who went to interview Zola. 
They’re in such a radfem rush to give Peggy all the stuff to do, stealing deeds already shown being performed by male characters, that as usual they haven’t realised what it is they’re implying:
That it was definitely she alone who is in charge of dealing with Nazi prisoners who are later given jobs. 
( Like in WhatIf episode 1, where she --- it’s hinted -- tortured Zola. Another attempt to steal from male characters to retcon her close relationship to Zola, which lasts... until the end of that season? 🙄 ) 
During her interview with Werner Reinhardt, Peggy is asked:
“So, curiosity brings her back. Have you come to make a deal?
I considered it. As you said, the skies might open up one day, your work would be valuable. But if that day comes, I know who I'd want by my side. It isn't you [...] Instead, we'll forget... forget you, forget your work. When I leave, no one else will come, no one to hear your stories, study your deadly artifacts. You'll be buried.” 
The writers think they have created a scene proving that Peggy wouldn’t work with Nazis. 
But, as usual, they fuck that up. 
A) she admits that she alone listened to a Nazi’s arguments for why he should be employed, and thought they were important enough to memorise them.
B) she admits she did consider it. 
(And we know that she’s lying when she claims she wouldn’t work with a Nazi or a villain, because by this point she already has; she already has employed Zola, and Fennhoff, and Dorothy Underwood. It's a moot point. It amounts to saying 'I wouldn't work with THAT Nazi... because I already have one.' And thinking that makes her Good.) 
C) she describes a Nazi’s torture experiments and discoveries, not as reprehensible, but as “valuable.” 
(Top of the list of ‘Things Steve Rogers Would Never Say.’) 
This is textbook ends-justify-the-means speak, which honourable Steve showed he abhors when he objected to Hydra guns and Project Insight. 
He and Peggy are not the same. 
Peggy says she wouldn’t want to fight alongside Nazis? Not if her own neck was at risk? 
D) Except ... as I said ... that’s exactly what she did do in What If; the skies did open, and she did openly fight alongside a Nazi.
This cameo has her, herself describe the exact circumstances in which she would work with a Nazi and then WhatIf shows her doing just that.
(Because the writers think the circumstances excuse that, just like the US did with Operation Paperclip).
Her other-universe selves betray her hypocrisy and lies, in both universes. 
She can make all the pretty speeches she likes, but Peggy’s actions speak louder.
( And in What If they made all the true heroes work with Nazi Zola, too, to make it seem less egregious that she did. 
(Multiple wrongs make a right?)  
Yet none of those heroes had Steve crying over his best friend, having been murdered by that same Nazi, and saying that he wanted all Nazis dead or captured... 
And, in that universe, neither did Peggy, because they also cut that scene out, to further whitewash her canon treachery and hypocrisy. 
And to imply that 
1) wanting Nazis dead or captured isn’t an intrinsic part of Steve’s character since cartoon-Steve doesn’t do it in another universe (What If...I Punched These Writers In the Face?), and 
2) working with Nazis was only wrong of her to do in the OG timeline because it would upset Steve?? 🤦‍♀️ )
What really comes across is that it is Peggy’s pride moving her to claim that she wouldn’t work with Hydra.
She thinks she isn't the sort of person to do that, even when she's literally describing circumstances in which she would...
Even though she already did do that in her own show... and the films... and the other show... multiple times... 
(Oh! And the Illuminati? Also not great! Comics Steve was kicked out for protesting them!) 
She, the actress, and the writers, have an ironclad image of Peggy as an honourable decorous person, which appears to continue untouched by the exactly-contradictory facts of her history. 
Ironically, Peggy claims that the Nazi scientist will be forgotten. 
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that her collaboration with Nazi scientists will be forgotten, by Her as it is in Disney. 
(No points for guessing why; Disney would want people to forget or get over collaborations with Nazi scientists. They were happy to associate with Leni Riefenstahl (Hitler’s ‘perfect german woman’ whom Walt gave a personal studio tour), and Wernher Von Braun, pictured alongside Zola in CATWS, the guy who drew slave labour from Buchenwald concentration camp... who was also eulogised in Iron Man 3 to handwave another Stark’s arms-trafficking past. Disney were also happy to employ openly pro-Nazi voice-actors -- such as Christian Rub, the man who voiced Geppetto in Pinocchio -- and early animators had regular fisticuffs with antisemitic colleagues.) 
The other reason that this Peggy scene with Reinhardt is so damning, and the writers clearly don’t realise: 
Both characters’ dialogue makes it absolutely 100% clear that, at this time, it is Peggy’s decision whether a Nazi will be freed and employed. 
(Meaning the decades prior, when Nazis were employed? Her decision.)
When she arrived, Reinhardt didn’t ask if someone else, some higher-up man, some government official, had come to a decision about him; only Peggy, and she never mentioned anyone else’s opinion as having an impact. 
What is true of this employed Nazi repeats the pattern of employment shown in the Agent Carter show and in other universes in What If: Peggy alone decides whether a Nazi is allowed on the team. 
So when there is a Nazi on the team, it has been okayed by her. 
And, by her own admission, after she leaves, ‘no one else will come.’
She appears to be under the impression that her word alone is definitive, when it comes to Nazis. 
Yet, incompetence strikes again.
Because Reinhardt is later released from custody (just like Zola) the same year as her retirement, and allowed to continue his work torturing and experimenting on humans, with disastrous consequences for the main characters of the AOS show. 
(So, Peggy was both incompetent to believe her word was final, and negligent not to have put in place any guarantees that this one specific Nazi could not be freed later, after she had retired.)
They again attempt to whitewash Peggy’s culpability for this by attributing this decision to Hydra Head / then-Undersecretary of the World Security Council, Alexander Pierce, not Precious Miss Miaow-Miaow, after her tenure. 
if Peggy had done what Steve wanted ( all Nazis dead or captured ) Hydra would never have re-grown. 
There would never have been a Head of Hydra. 
So no Nazi would ever have been in a position to release more Nazis. 
Pierce’s power is a direct result of Peggy's delusional hypocrisy and knowing collusion.
This is also not an accident.
9. *UPDATE* After What if season 2...
We are shown a universe where SHIELD is founded and run by some of the same people... (Hank Pym, Howard Stark, and Bucky) ...except for Peggy.
And in that universe, where Peggy is not in charge of SHIELD, there are no Nazis mentioned as being employed by SHIELD.
If her absence in SHIELD = absence of Nazis, what are we supposed to infer about her presence in SHIELD?
(No mention is made of Col. Phillips in this universe. So I think we can assume he wasn't part of SHIELD, either. But, of the three OG founders, he is the only one to specifically mention wanting to fuck up Nazis. To "personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of Hell." )
We're also shown a moment where Peggy and Howard meet the Winter Soldier (whom Peggy refers to as an "it," not a human being) and both reveal that they knew The Winter Soldier was Bucky for decades and didn't do anything about it.
Like the Ant Man cameo this reiterates:
Peggy is the common denominator in Nazis being employed in SHIELD.
If Howard knows something it's likely Peggy knows it too. In the main timeline Howard not only recognised TWS as Bucky (a man he was never shown meeting) 40+ years after Bucky is supposed to have died, when he's standing on a dark street, with long hair in his face, and while Howard was disorientated from a head wound, with blood in his eyes, and when TWS was sent without his identity-concealing mask on for the only time ever, while Howard has WS serum in his trunk that he could only have got from Bucky. AND! When he recognised Bucky, he didn't sound surprised. He knew. Ergo, Peggy knew.
mythbusted: the idea that Peggy and Stark can't have known about bad people in SHIELD because they would've done something about it if they had. Here again is the proof that Peggy wouldn't.
unlike heroic selfless Steve, Peggy is likely to ignore it if she sees "a situation pointed south". Just as likely as Howard Stark. As Peter Parker said in CACW: "when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen... they happen because of you."
Every time Peggy (says she) is in charge, and Nazis are around, they end up either on her side with her blessing, directly aided in their endeavours by her, and/or getting away with whatever they want to do, when she’s supposed to be in charge of making sure they are not doing that. And when she isn't in charge of SHIELD... there is no mention of Nazis being employed there.
A common defence of Peggy I see is that she’s ‘just’ one of three founders and that, even though they never show it, she could have objected to Zola’s employment, etc. etc. 
But this is a pedestal fallacy, because:  
A) If it isn't shown they don't get to claim it happened. That's not how writing works.
B) multiple TV shows have her unwittingly revealing that she wouldn’t object to working with Nazis because she admits she would and then does work with Nazis, as she does in the films (More on this below...) 
C) multiple TV shows also make it explicit that it’s her decision alone to employ Nazis, before other characters became involved with that decision-making.
D) she is also shown being friendly with Howard Stark (in a way which allows her to shatter a glass ceiling that would otherwise limit her power as a woman) during the period in which he is friends with Arnim Zola and has given Zola the nickname ‘Arnie’ and Zola's computer/brain is shown under her office. She cannot be friends with a known Nazi’s friend, when that Nazi is almost literally right underneath her nose, and not do anything about that, and still somehow be a good, competent person. 
E) so she’s a girlboss right up until she’s supposed to take responsibility for the things she’s responsible for?
This isn't strong feminist writing of a character, it's benign misogyny and peak white feminism.
Either she’s important and responsible, or she’s not important, and is therefore a delusional egotist for believing she is and claiming otherwise (which is at least more interesting).
In turning her into a white feminist/2nd wave feminism's self-insert Mary Sue, the center of the universe- nay, of all universes!! -What If s2 has shown that the writers at last believe she is important.
Which means she is responsible. Not a hapless helpless bimbo.
And if she were, she's a coward for not doing the right thing despite being the underdog the way Steve would (or even Hank Pym would!)
F) being institutionally powerless does not excuse collaborating with Nazis. 
Steve was powerless, and he was willing to fight Nazis despite experiencing both considerable societal pushback and physical weakness, both before and after serum. 
If Peggy is supposed to have been an anti-Nazi spy as a woman during WWII she doesn’t get to suddenly play the woman-card as an excuse for doing nothing about Nazis post-WWII. 
She can punch a US private for questioning her authority, but she can’t punch Nazis?
If a random computer nerd nobody in CATWS can refuse to launch Nazi helicarriers, even with a literal gun to his head, if a mere scientist like Hank Pym can punch a Nazi and leave the organisation in protest, there is absolutely no excuse for Peggy.
She is not exonerated of blame just because she’s female.
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