supremedream04 · 3 years
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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supremedream04 · 3 years
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supremedream04 · 3 years
I had a pretty strange dream yesterday. I thought I might get some interesting feedback from all you lovely people so I'm posting it.
You see, my dad studies astrology as a hobby and as most of you would know it is one of the occult sciences. I don't remember a lot of the dream but I remember I was asking him shit about my future (which is weird because I don't really believe in predicting the future, and I have never asked him something like this before), and I asked him when I would meet my soulmate(again, I don't know what the fuck was happening).
He said that I would meet him on a 21st. I asked him what year and he got angry or something and dismissed it. Maybe he told me about the month too but I don't remember because you forget about 90% of a dream after you wake up. It was most probably an early morning dream and it happened on August 1, 2021.
So have at it Tumblr. Tell me what you think it means, or it does not mean, let's see how weird the responses could get;)
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supremedream04 · 3 years
Tumblr Code.
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supremedream04 · 3 years
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This one really hit home. Like ddaaaammmmmnnnnnnnn!
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supremedream04 · 3 years
9 million people fucking love dogs
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supremedream04 · 3 years
Here goes nothing. I'm really in need of some good fucking luck
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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supremedream04 · 3 years
So I got this canon about Tony being worthy and I thought I should share it, see what you guys think. Okay here it goes:
In Thor, we see how Thor knows that he doesn't have his powers and that if he fought the destroyer he would sure as hell die. He REALISED that he had to sacrifice himself in order to save the people he cared about and a lot of other innocent beings on midgard. There are a lot of theories out there explaining what is the concept to be worthy enough to wield mjolnir and my theory is that it is more or less related to the REALISATION that you are going to have to die in order to save people.
Like, for example, let's talk about captain America. The super serum enhanced every good quality in him, including his courage. In age of Ultron, he is able to budge the hammer slightly and I would like to think it is because he is ready to sacrifice a lot to save people and he would even die if things get to it but he has not really REALISED it yet. We see a glimpse of this hesitation in infinity war as he goes "We don't trade lives", whereas in endgame, after 5 years of looking back at his decision he finally realised that if he did get a chance to make it right then this time he might have to do "whatever it takes". This time he REALISED that this might be the last chance to save the people and this time he might just have to DIE in order to do that.
Now finally coming to Tony, at the beginning of endgame he has everything that he could have ever wanted. Of course he didn't want to help the Avengers and put it all at risk, but he did help them "because that's what heroes do". At the final battle with Thanos when he has all the stones and looks over at Strange, he finally REALISED what he had to do. There was no other way. And in that very moment, ladies and gentlemen, the moment in which he KNEW he had to die, he was worthy.
He was worthy and you can't change my mind.
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supremedream04 · 3 years
reblog if you’re a safe place for:
hopeless romantics
non binary folks
the whole spectrum etc…
follow everyone who reblogs ;)
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supremedream04 · 3 years
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supremedream04 · 3 years
(young Tony tells Howard he got suspended:)
Tony: umm dad. . . I kinda got suspended for a week.
Howard: oh for the love of. . . . . Again??!
Tony: yeah
Howard: what the hell did you do this time??
Tony: well they had this woman come in today for an anti bullying seminar. She started saying something like 'sticks and stones might break my bones, but words will never hurt me.'
Howard: . . . And??
Tony: so I threw a dictionary at her head.
Howard: . . .
Tony: . . .
Howard: . . .
Tony: . . .
Howard: tell your mom I grounded you and don't let her find out about the new nintendo.
Tony: but I don't have a new ninten. . .
Howard: Jarvis??
Jarvis: the gaming console is being installed as we speak.
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supremedream04 · 3 years
Don't mind me, I'll just be drowning here in my tears
Rhodey searching for Tony for four months in the desert... Rhodey knowing Tony couldn’t be dead when he went through that portal... Rhodey telling his crew to just find Tony when Tony’s house was blown up.... Rhodey cursing the fact none of them can go to space because he knows Tony can’t be dusted, he can’t.... Rhodey looking at Tony when he died, and with a soft smile from Tony, he nods his head sadly, finally accepting that Tony is truly gone.... and looking away right after, in contrast to all the times he searched for Tony... Four times Rhodey knew Tony wasn’t gone and one time he knew he was.
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supremedream04 · 3 years
Am I the only one who read everyone's dialogues in their respective voice
There is a reason the Avengers have their groceries delivered each week. Tony made the mistake of taking them shopping only once and that was enough for him.
Tony: I already explained this to you, Cap--
Steve: Then explain to me again why milk is 4 dollars a gallon!
Peter, an arm full of instant ramen: Mr. Stark, they have a new shrimp flavor!
Tony: Kid, that had no nutrition at--
Natasha: Who wants bacon!
Tony: What the fu-
Bruce, trying to decide on which tea to get: I mean they're all good, but this brand is cheaper.
Tony: Billionaire, Bruce, just--
Thor: Friend, Tony! We shall feast tonight on the Pop of Tarts!
Tony: Why do you have 2 carts of popt--!?
Steve, still distressed over the milk: How do you get milk from an almond!?
Peter, distracted: Can we get cheese sticks too?
Natasha: What about pudding?
Clint: Fuck your pudding!
Peter, excited: Mr. Stark cheetos are on sale!
Bruce, still deciding on a tea: Can we afford tea cookies too? I'm sure we have a coupon somewhere.
Steve, frantic: How do you milk an almond, Tony!?
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supremedream04 · 3 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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supremedream04 · 3 years
So I was just doing my work and this scene popped up in my brain:
(At Phineas and Isabella's wedding)
Lawrence: do you, Isabella Garcia Shapiro take this man, Phineas Flynn to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Isabella: I do
Lawrence: do you, Phineas Flynn take this woman, Isabella Garcia Shapiro to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Phineas (with a shit eating grin on his face): Yes . . . Yes, I do.
[only true p&f fans will get the hidden reference]
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