I just can't let go
It's too deep inside
The tears won't come out
The words are still in hide
It's weighing heavy on me
I dream of feeling light
But I just can't let go
'Cause I'm too weak to fight
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I'm not big and I'm not little
I'm somewhere in the middle
Never fitting in
I feel big and so small
And above all
I'm better on my own
Because I always feel alone
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You left me so many times
Only cared for yourself
You have no idea
How much that hurt
Now that you're back
I don't know how to feel
I missed you so much
But the wounds have not healed
I'm incredibly mad
I just want to scream
And make you realize
My words are only lies
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Flying Carpet
I miss you
I wish you lived closer
Since I met you
I want to
Fly on a magic carpet
Travel through countries
To meet you tonight
I never thought I'd meet
Someone who understands
Who shares my thoughts and interests
And if not who'd just accept
Then I met you, the proof
That soulmates exist
Someone out there
Who's just the perfect match
I feel home with you
You help me getting through
So where's my flying carpet
That takes me to you?
I think of
The time we spend together
When you lived around the corner
We met everyday
I wish there
Were no stupid borders
Just a flying carpet
Fast and for free
Now that I know you
Someone who loves and cares
And I love and miss you
So much that it hurts
Because you're the proof
That soulmates exist
Someone out there
Who's just the perfect match
I feel home with you
You help me getting through
So where's my flying carpet
That takes me to you?
But right now I lie in my bed
Hear your voice through the phone
See your face in my head
I tell you about the flying carpet
You laugh and then admit that
A magic flying carpet
Is the perfect way to meet.
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Wir sehen jetzt nach vorne Unsere Zukunft beginnt So viel kommt auf uns zu Waren doch gestern noch Kind Und wir gehen nach vorne Nichts hält uns zurück Denn von allem was war Nehmen wir ein Stück Auf unseren neuen Weg mit
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My sister
My sister seems upset Although she smiles when someone asks Her eyes don't match her lips As she tells her next white lie She goes up to her room As soon as she comes home from school Without a word or look at me Or Mum, or Dad, as if she's dumb When I knock at her door And ask 'Can I come in?' She tells me 'In a minute' it sounds like she's in pain I ask her why she's sad And try to make her laugh She hugs me tight and whispers 'Don't worry. I'm alright.' My sister has some scars Her arms are full of cuts and burns She hides them very well I'm terrified to ask her why Mum and Dad don't know She used to tell them everything I don't understand Why she doesn't trust them anymore Now my sister's gone Mum says she's in a hospital Because she's very sick It's something called 'Mentally Ill' I hope I'll see her soon And that they fixed her head. Because I want to see her smile And never ever want to see her sad Anymore.
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I can't remember when I stopped Telling you everything Although I know I could trust you with my life Forever I didn't want you to fight my battles Didn't realize I couldn't win a war On my own All I want is you to be proud I keep quiet not to disappoint Because I make so many mistakes And I'm ashamed of what I did By trying to keep everyone around Happy I wish I could tell you But I don't want you to know I know you could help me When I don't know what to do But I want you to be proud I don't want to disappoint To protect you I will shut my mouth
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Empty Pages
I read a book with empty pages Imagening to see your words The pages blind me in the darkness I never knew how reading hurts Where's your goodbye? I'm searching on those empty pages Please tell me why You left unwritten words and phrases I'm hear waiting for your goodbye Goodbye I remember every story But yours had been my favourite one Why can't I find your story's ending? Empty pages mean you're gone Where's your goodbye? I'm searching on those empty pages Please tell me why You left unwritten words and phrases I'm still waiting for your goodbye Goodbye That's all I want to hear Goodbye You can't just disappear Oh I I'm left here with your book I have one last look On empty pages Your words and phrases Missing your goodbye Inbetween The never-written lines
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Klischees. Die Welt ist voll davon. Und auch wenn wir immer wieder unsere Offenheit betonen, packen wir jeden, dem wir neu begegnen in eine Schublade. Doch sobald wir denjenigen kennenlernen, fällt es uns immer schwerer ihn in eine Schublade zu stecken. Und so landet er in der wohl wichtigsten: Unserem Herzen. Oder im Mülleimer.
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Singing Strong by Amme Lee
Your words hurt Their echo haunt me In my sleep Every word Repeats itself and I can't breathe I'm overreacting That's what I hear Everyday My heart is aching I keep the thoughts I want to say I want to sing it out Sing it out loud To release the pain Inside of me I want to sing it out Sing it out loud To reveal my thoughts And finally breathe I want to sing it out I want to sing it loud I want to aing and shout It's a perk You tell them They should disappear Then you smirk 't was just a joke Not worth a tear They're overreacting That's your excuse For being mean But that's not distracting From who you are And what we've seen I want to sing it out Sing it out loud To show the world What you have done I want to sing it out Sing it out loud To stop the pain You caused for fun I want to sing it out I want to sing it loud I want to sing and Make you understand Why what you've done Was mean and bad I wrote this little song To prove you wrong 'Cause singing Makes me strong
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I'm a true optimist I know life's not a fairy tale But I'm a true optimist I don't care if my plans all fail 'Cause I know that there is love out there And there are people that will care And there's me And I'm gonna be An optimist
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The lyric is just so inspiring and it hits me everytime. I don't want to say that it's true, but it kind of is...This is from "ugly" by Nicole Dollanger and is about the feelings that victims of bullying have and what they need to hear.
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Für manche ist es nur Unterhaltung
Doch für mich ist es so viel mehr
Hätte mir damals jemand gesagt: Achtung!
Davon weg zu kommen wird ziemlich schwer
Die erste Folge ist nur der Anfang
Du guckst alles nur zum Spaß
Dir gefallen Figuren und Handlung
Doch glaub mir, es ist schlimmer als Gras!
Für manche bleibt es nur Unterhaltung
Doch für manche wird es sehr viel mehr
Gäb es doch nur einen der schreit: Achtung!
Damit aufzuhören ist viel zu schwer
Denn auf eine Folge folgt die nächste
und darauf folgt und folgt
Bis du alle Staffeln gesehen hast
Und du dich auf die nächste freust.
Die nächste kommt erst Ende Dezember?
So lange noch? Was sollst du nur tun?
Doch zum Glück gibt es da noch Tumblr
Und auch Fanfiction lassen dich nicht ruh’n!
Du merkst du bist nicht die einzige
mit einem kleinen Suchtproblem
Da gibt es viele andere
die dich nur zu gut verstehen
Und es gibt noch andere Serien
die deine Sucht stillen können
Und so sinkst du immer tiefer 
und wirst zum
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Second Choice Friend
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Schöne Zeit
Ganz kalt und leer
Soll Gegenwart
So sein?
Und Schmerzensgroß
Die Wirklichkeit
Ist da.
Und Antwortleer
Und Nichts ist mehr
wie’s war…
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Ohne Sinn
Ich atme zu schnell
Und ich denke zu viel
Und obwohl ich’s nicht will
Fehlt mir das Ziel
Ich fühl mich so dumm
Hab als letzte bemerkt
dass nichts mehr so ist
wie’s mal war
Es war so schön
Ich war so frei
Ich war ich selbst
Das ist vorbei
Ich steh allein
Das Licht ist aus
Und ich bin raus…
Meine Gedanken verdrehen
Die Worte, die fielen
Doch ich halte sie fest
Ich will nichts verlieren
Es kam viel zu schnell
Vielleicht war ich auch blind
Und hab’s nur nicht gesehen
Wie’s war
Ich hätt’ nie gedacht,
dass das passiert,
dass man den Sinn
des Lebens verliert.
Und jetzt steh’ ich ganz
ohne Sinn da,
nichts ist mehr,
wie’s war.
Wer weiß dann noch,
wer ich bin?
Wer lebt denn ein Leben
ohne Sinn?
Oder nehm’ ich den neuen Sinn
nur noch nicht war?
Schließlich ist nichts so,
wie ich es sah,
so, wie es für mich war…
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