sigillite ยท 2 months
help me pick what to write next pls :3
sending love to anyone that votes <333
โžธย ghost! (harry potter various x reader)
[Name] is a ghost. Well, sort of. She can interact with the world around her, she canโ€™t be seen by wizards nor witches, and she ages as time passes. For a while, she floated through life isolated and confused. But what happens when [Name] meets someone who can actually see her, a wizard by the name of Harry Potter.
โžธ real boy (saiki k x reader)
Saiki Kusuo is an enigma in [Name]โ€™s eyes. Heโ€™s so unbothered by the world around him, itโ€™s almost as if he isnโ€™t human. [Name], a cunning young girl who can practically get anything she wants out of a person, begins to find herself obsessed with the boy, wanting to see him laugh, cry, show any kind of emotion. As her obsession grows and grows, Saiki finds it harder to keep his secrets hidden, and [Name] has no plans of stopping until she gets what she wants.
โžธย compulsive gamber (bnha various x reader)
plot not set up yet -- kakegurui-inspired bnha fic. mc lives a double life as a gambler and ua student. still under construction.
โžธย fashionista (stardew valley various x reader)
After losing almost all of her money following a career-damaging lawsuit, [Name] [Lastname], known as Emory Diva in the fashion world, joins her sister in a small town called Stardew Valley.
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sigillite ยท 2 months
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music (fanfiction) writing challenge!!
use your music taste to write a fanfiction or any story in this challenge!
first open your music app of choice and make sure your playlist is on shuffle -- then the first 5 songs that pop up will determine your:
Premise -- What your story is going to be about in the first place. What is going to be the main "selling point" of the story that sets it apart from the rest.
Main character -- Your main character's personality or inner struggle.
Main conflict -- The main conflict that drives your story and becomes an obstacle for your main character.
Vibes -- Is this going to be a light-hearted story? Angsty? Romantic? Whatever matches the vibe of the song.
Ending -- How this story is going to end.
yes, this is very vague, but that is the point! this can give you some ideas of what to write while also leaving plenty of room to be creative. feel free to switch up what songs represent what or even shuffle them a couple more times!
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sigillite ยท 2 years
๐šž๐š™๐šŒ๐š˜๐š–๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š ๐š˜๐š›๐š”๐šœ...
โžธ ghost! (harry potter various x reader)
[Name] is a ghost. Well, sort of. She can interact with the world around her, she canโ€™t be seen by wizards nor witches, and she ages as time passes. For a while, she floated through life isolated and confused. But what happens when [Name] meets someone who can actually see her, a wizard by the name of Harry Potter.
โžธ real boy (saiki k x reader)
Saiki Kusuo is an enigma in [Name]โ€™s eyes. Heโ€™s so unbothered by the world around him, itโ€™s almost as if he isnโ€™t human. [Name], a cunning young girl who can practically get anything she wants out of a person, begins to find herself obsessed with the boy, wanting to see him laugh, cry, show any kind of emotion. As her obsession grows and grows, Saiki finds it harder to keep his secrets hidden, and [Name] has no plans of stopping until she gets what she wants.
โžธ compulsive gamber (bnha various x reader)
[under construction]
*grandmaster has been scrapped and replaced with compulsive gambler
โžธ fashionista (stardew valley various x reader)
After losing almost all of her money following a career-damaging lawsuit, [Name] [Lastname], known as Emory Diva in the fashion world, joins her sister in a small town called Stardew Valley.
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