yeah right..? fuck off, I'm done with this shit
A Warning about Grayson Luna..
So…. Regarding a certain.. Someone I used to be friends with…. I know this is like my goddamn second post on this stupid blog, but ‘eyy don’t blame me, I don’t like using socials all that much, all things considered, BUT, I’ll say it right here.. Grayson Luna is a fucking dipshit Why? You may ask.. Well.. his family tree has a history of kind of sort of… sending out assassins to rid out ANY competition to The Luna Household. Like my parents were. This of course led to the deaths of our mother and father. From what I can tell, Grayson wants to play ignorant of his own extremely problematic history of his family line. I think I mentioned it to him TWO TIMES. He put on a decent act, pretending as if he was totally unaware of this, even accused me of lying. Ever since that, I gave up on trying to talk about how sketchy the Lunas really are.
At some points he tends to outright ignore what others say about his family line and their controversial history and shit, The Luna’s have always been manipulating fucking something and stealing from others, caused a mine of many workers of ours to fucking die too, and I tried to chat about Grayson about about this, and that just because he doesn’t really acknowledge the wrong doings of certain family members and his ancestors and just sort of being complacent… Especially with one incident one of the Luna family members did to someone in my family that I will not go over…
With all of this said, I want to make it clear that I believe Grayson himself or at least someone in his family was involved in the disappearance of Jakob Salohcin. So stop seeking sympathy from strangers by trying to manipulate them like your family is infamous for. That is it for this post, be warned and wary of Grayson Luna..
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So.. why was I gone..?
Just wanna say, I am sorry I disappeared so suddenly many things in life got in the way, but yeah, I'll try to be active a little more I am bored, yes I did reply to like one post from some rando but whatever
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Oh yeah Grayson? how about fuck off and actually try HARDER on finding Jakob you ass, I am done with this shit
A Warning about Grayson Luna..
So…. Regarding a certain.. Someone I used to be friends with…. I know this is like my goddamn second post on this stupid blog, but ‘eyy don’t blame me, I don’t like using socials all that much, all things considered, BUT, I’ll say it right here.. Grayson Luna is a fucking dipshit Why? You may ask.. Well.. his family tree has a history of kind of sort of… sending out assassins to rid out ANY competition to The Luna Household. Like my parents were. This of course led to the deaths of our mother and father. From what I can tell, Grayson wants to play ignorant of his own extremely problematic history of his family line. I think I mentioned it to him TWO TIMES. He put on a decent act, pretending as if he was totally unaware of this, even accused me of lying. Ever since that, I gave up on trying to talk about how sketchy the Lunas really are.
At some points he tends to outright ignore what others say about his family line and their controversial history and shit, The Luna’s have always been manipulating fucking something and stealing from others, caused a mine of many workers of ours to fucking die too, and I tried to chat about Grayson about about this, and that just because he doesn’t really acknowledge the wrong doings of certain family members and his ancestors and just sort of being complacent… Especially with one incident one of the Luna family members did to someone in my family that I will not go over…
With all of this said, I want to make it clear that I believe Grayson himself or at least someone in his family was involved in the disappearance of Jakob Salohcin. So stop seeking sympathy from strangers by trying to manipulate them like your family is infamous for. That is it for this post, be warned and wary of Grayson Luna..
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the silly fennec
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A Warning about Grayson Luna..
So…. Regarding a certain.. Someone I used to be friends with…. I know this is like my goddamn second post on this stupid blog, but ‘eyy don’t blame me, I don’t like using socials all that much, all things considered, BUT, I’ll say it right here.. Grayson Luna is a fucking dipshit Why? You may ask.. Well.. his family tree has a history of kind of sort of… sending out assassins to rid out ANY competition to The Luna Household. Like my parents were. This of course led to the deaths of our mother and father. From what I can tell, Grayson wants to play ignorant of his own extremely problematic history of his family line. I think I mentioned it to him TWO TIMES. He put on a decent act, pretending as if he was totally unaware of this, even accused me of lying. Ever since that, I gave up on trying to talk about how sketchy the Lunas really are.
At some points he tends to outright ignore what others say about his family line and their controversial history and shit, The Luna’s have always been manipulating fucking something and stealing from others, caused a mine of many workers of ours to fucking die too, and I tried to chat about Grayson about about this, and that just because he doesn’t really acknowledge the wrong doings of certain family members and his ancestors and just sort of being complacent… Especially with one incident one of the Luna family members did to someone in my family that I will not go over…
With all of this said, I want to make it clear that I believe Grayson himself or at least someone in his family was involved in the disappearance of Jakob Salohcin. So stop seeking sympathy from strangers by trying to manipulate them like your family is infamous for. That is it for this post, be warned and wary of Grayson Luna..
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So a First Post I guess..?
Welp, this is my first time using a blog honestly, but yeah My Name is Blaze Sole, I’m just well, blogging really here, so, so far my day has been... quite fine really nothing really new or different and or weird, though I may have a sense of vague daja vu or something like this already happening before? I don’t know, but welcome to my blog and I hope you all like it here, I also sort of recently made a spacehey but... haven’t posted on it yet... so yeah that’s all https://spacehey.com/profile?id=1797187
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