remakethestars · 4 days
Reblog if you're shorter than 5'8.
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remakethestars · 3 months
A Genie offers you one wish, and you modestly wish to have a very productive 2017. The genie misunderstands, and for the rest of your life, every 20:17 you become impossibly productive for just 60 seconds.
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remakethestars · 3 months
The Joker isn’t insane, he just really fucking sucks.
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remakethestars · 4 months
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Billy telling them his identity when he hits 18 🙏
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remakethestars · 4 months
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We just need you to be brave.
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remakethestars · 4 months
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A lot of people see AOS Kirk as a cocky, promiscuous, jerk. And that’s because that’s exactly what he wants you to see. Jim is the definition of fake it til you make it. Using his charm to reel people in while still keeping them at arms length so it won’t hurt if they screw him over. The real Jim shows through when he’s scared.
His best friend is leaving him. He can’t blame him, it’s Jim’s own fault that he’s in this situation. But that doesn’t take away the sting of being left behind. It’s nothing new. Alone, again. After watching his mother leave so many times, and then his brother too. So he plasters on a smile and wishes McCoy the best.
Then he finally has his crew. His family. The thing he’s searched so hard for. When they’re threatened, he doesn’t even have to think about it. He gives himself up willingly. Anything to protect them. But he isn’t enough. All he can say is, “I’m sorry”. Sorry he couldn’t be his father. Sorry he couldn’t save them.
When he’s backed against the wall, he is terrified but knows that he has to do whatever he can. If anyone is going to be put into harms way, it’s going to be him. The ship can spare him. And the only reason he feels he can leave is because he trusts Spock to take care of the ship. “The Enterprise and her crew need someone in that chair that knows what he’s doing… That’s not me.” It can’t be him. Not after he failed. His pleading did nothing. His father’s shoes are hard to fill but that doesn’t stop him from trying his damnedest to do just that. Even if it gets him killed. As long as his crew are safe… well hell, isn’t that all that matters?
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remakethestars · 4 months
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remakethestars · 4 months
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“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
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remakethestars · 4 months
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you’re not alone anymore
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remakethestars · 4 months
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this is how it always ends. (insp.)
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remakethestars · 4 months
Canon is a piñata. I beat it with a stick and eat whatever falls out.
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remakethestars · 5 months
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CHRIS EVANS as STEVE ROGERS Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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remakethestars · 5 months
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CHRIS EVANS as STEVE ROGERS Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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remakethestars · 5 months
Man, Hogwarts really is wild
In GOF, they get the Unforgivable Curses lesson with "Moody" -- can y'all imagine if your teacher came in one morning with a small animal and tortured it and killed it in front of a bunch of fourteen-year-olds? And then, while some kids are clearly upset, everyone else is like, "Woah, that's so cool. What a great lesson!"
According to the wiki, they learn to make the erumpent potion in fifth year -- can you imagine taking chemistry class as a fifteen-year-old, and the teacher walks in like, "Wassup, you insufferable brats, today we're gonna learn to make napalm!" Like, that's a great thing to teach a bunch of fifteen-year-old boys how to do?? This could definitely only end well 🫠
Sixth year? Amortentia. Can you imagine your chemistry teacher coming in and teaching a bunch of sixteen-year-old boys how to make fuckin' rohypnol???? Like, who tf thought this was a good idea??? I'd drop out and switch schools immediately; why tf do they need to know that??!!! I no longer feel safe here
And then they teach your how to make poisons!!! 😃
Also sixth year: elixir to induce euphoria -- your chem teacher teaches the entire class how to roll a joint, ig?
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remakethestars · 6 months
Have you seen this very long post on why Stark was completely right in CW? I understand you enjoy picking these types of metas apart
Wow, I hadn't seen it and it's uh... well, it's really something. 🤦‍♀️ That's a long-ass post and this is a long-ass answer, so more after the cut.
Posts like this one really prove that the Accords propaganda worked on a lot of fans, the word "safety" is uttered a few times in there as if those documents had any intention of keeping people "safe" from the Avengers or the enhanced. At this point I wonder, do these fans consider the enhanced as "people" at all?
It is quite scary that some are so quick to give up on freedom in order to gain in security, especially when these exact words are something Zola says in TWS. That guy was Hydra, folks.
Then, all that talk about Stark feeling guilty and blaming himself for everything... I do believe there might be some truth to that but that's just the thing, feeling guilty is free. If the result of all his actions is him going back to his luxury home and never having to pay for all his mistakes while those around him have to either go on the run as fugitives or serve time in jail or have to spend months in house arrest... what can I say, I'm gonna have a problem with that.
He felt responsible for that American kid's death, yes. What about Pietro though? What about the other Sokovians? There's a young woman in the team who lost her brother and her home that day... did he ever care about that?
It's interesting that OP mentions Steve having to go outside the law to find Bucky, but of course they don't mention he's forced to do that because the American government, the same that tried to force the team to sign the Accords, had sent the CIA to kill an innocent man on sight despite having no actual evidence of a crime. And regarding Stark offering "medical care" to Bucky in the US... why is Stark even offering that in the first place? What authority does he have to do that? He's not an Avenger anymore, he's a civilian, he had no power to suggest such a thing, he was talking out of his ass.
Also, suggesting to someone that they sign a document and only after that those papers can be modified is a scam. Anyone who has ever signed a contract knows that, it's not difficult to understand.
But there's something that I have read so many times and I still don't understand: "At this moment Steve was close to signing". No, he wasn't? He was listening to Stark trying to understand the situation, but I never saw him thinking about signing. What these stans misread is that Steve was NEVER against accountability, if anything he's the one who was completely game with that. It's Stark the one trying to direct the blame for his actions elsewhere. So of course Steve was going to listen if presented with a chance to get some accountability... the problem is he understood full well the Accords were NOT that.
Regarding Wanda, it's kind of infuriating to read that she was locked up in a luxurious facility so why is she complaining. Well, maybe because that house arrest was illegal? Because it was trumping her civil rights? Because Stark had no authority to do such a thing? Also, it's funny that OP says Stark had Vision with her because he knew she liked him -- he chose Vision because he's the most powerful one.
And I don't see how Stark could possibly protect her from the blame she might receive when she was being blamed for Lagos way before Ross showed up with the Accords. That incident is the reason she was locked up despite the fact that she saved everyone on that street. We're okay with locking up the heroes for a crime committed by the villains? I sure as hell I'm not.
Regarding Peter, OP says Stark took time to get to know him before "recruiting" him. Yeah, he took time to realize Peter was ideologically on Steve's side at which point he deliberately chose to withhold the reason why they were fighting, he lied to Peter and took him out of the country without informing his legal guardian. But hey, he was a 15-year-old kid, it's not problematic at all. "He wanted to keep him safe". You know how you keep that kid safe? At his own home and not in a fight in a German airport.
OP: "It's better to stay together as a team than go outside the law". Nope. Not at all. Not like this. Not when signing those Accords take the civil rights of a good portion of the population and half the team. What does "stay together as a team" even mean? At this point you gotta ask yourself why do the Avengers exist at all?
Then OP claims Stark "tried to avoid the fight" in the airport, which is kinda funny considering he refused to listen to Steve and he's the one who started the fight, and then this gem: "Team Cap goes against the law, ignores 117 countries, and tears the team apart."
Yeah... and why? Steve tells them about Zemo but does Stark and his team care? Nope. And at that point we all thought he was going to use those Winter Soldiers to his advantage, so yeah they were forced to go outside the law.
As an aside, all this "go outside the law" is said so many times, it's kinda weird. Are we back to the thought that if something is made law that means it's morally right? Surely we know better than that, yes?
Then, the Raft. So Stark "didn't know" they would be kept in a prison such as that but the same guy who hacked the helicarrier not two minutes after arriving in it in The Avengers doesn't have a damn second to get his ex-teammates out of the Raft? He didn't tell Steve about it either, how long were Clint, Sam, Wanda and Scott there? He cared oh so much according to OP... well, he sure as hell didn't show it.
But of course, we reach the point where OP says Steve knew it had been Bucky who killed the Starks. I think there's enough meta on this site to prove that's a lie and Steve had no way of knowing it had been Bucky, but I want to point out this scene OP includes in their post:
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They claim this is proof Steve knows, but what I see here is Steve trying to put the focus on himself and his so-called "lies" in order to take the spotlight off of Bucky and have Stark focus on him. Because they know each other and at that point maybe Steve thinks he wouldn't attack him - and he knows in which state Bucky is. He's trying to protect him, this is not an admission of guilt.
Oh and, OP claims Steve and Bucky attack Stark? Nope, he's the one who attacks first. But OP is right, Stark does return home after he almost had an innocent man killed. No consequences at all, as per freaking usual.
Look, I won't deny Stark had a lot of issues and I think IM3 did a pretty good job with that. But the thing with this guy is... he's not well. He's supposed to be a morally grey character who makes mistakes and is amazingly flawed and the only way his character can develop and evolve and improve is if everyone around him calls him out on his shit, if he pays for his actions and he understands what he has done wrong. But the MCU right post-AoU decided no one would ever do that and he would be framed forever as 100% right, so we ended up with a character who never learned a damn thing, continued making the same mistakes over and over again, had the gall to call others out while having his own actions swept under the rug and he got a heroic death scene in EG and a funeral and tributes in other movies whereas other characters, mostly Natasha, were completely put aside like they were nothing.
That kind of treatment gets him so damn close to villain territory... which is a shame because he shouldn't be there. But alas... Phases 1-3 were the Stark Cinematic Universe, unfortunately.
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remakethestars · 6 months
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Saw this on twitter IDK if this real, but if it is, then Marvel knows a lot of people hate Tony Stark.
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remakethestars · 6 months
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