nothing0fnothing · 13 hours
Have you ever heard of a drama triangle? If you're a survivor of narcissistic abuse, you've probably been in one.
A drama triangle is a narrative that emotionally immature people, like narcissistic abusers, concoct to garner attention or get their way. Within the drama triangle, there are three roles to play, the victim, the villain and the saviour. They will try to suck you into a drama triangle by using emotive language.
"How could you do this to me? I'm so heartbroken I could die." - the fastest way to set up a narrative where you are the villain and they are your victim.
"What a horrible situation you're in, I'm going to save you." - this is when they want you to be the victim so they can play the saviour.
"You're a stupid piece of shit. My life would be better if you weren't in it" - playing the villain feels powerful, casting themselves as one while they victimise you is the easiest way to stir up drama.
React wrong and oops, you're stuck.
Wherever you can, try to stay out of the drama triangle. It fucks with your self esteem and your self perception. Just imagine how limited your life would be if you felt like a victim who needed saving all the time. Or what you'd think about yourself if you always felt like the villain. That's what this type of emotional abuse does to you long term.
Think back on all the times they've done this and find patterns. When do they usually do it? What role do they like to play? What narratives do they like to use? Once you've figured out how they do it you can spot it again in the future, and when you do, don't play into it. Grey rock, disengage, don't give them what they want and shut that shit down.
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nothing0fnothing · 2 days
narcissism/NPD recovery resources, because there’s like nothing good out there
Books and things to read:
Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations by Dr. Elinor Greenburg - Aimed at providers but apparently super great for self-help too
How Do You Develop Whole Object Relations as an Adult? by Dr. Elinor Greenburg - Tips on how to stop seeing yourself and other people as only either all-good or all-bad
10 Stages in the Treatment of Narcissistic Disorders by Dr. Elinor Greenburg - Goes through the stages of treating NPD
Rethinking Narcissism by Dr. Craig Malkin - A book about promoting healthy narcissism instead of unhealthy narcissism
Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Workbook: Treatment Strategies for Cluster B Personality Disorders by Dr. Daniel Fox - what it says on the tin. May be best done guided by a therapist
Shame in patients with narcissistic personality disorder PDF - What it says on the tin.
Narcissus and the Daffodils - an essay about NPD by someone with NPD. Probably the best description I’ve ever seen
Things to watch and listen to:
Recovery FOR the Narcissist by Dr. Eric Perry - A compassionate podcast to provide insight, support, and encouragement to anyone who exhibits narcissistic tendencies. Very in-depth
Early Morning Barking - A YouTube channel by someone with BPD and NPD about coping with and educating people on BPD and NPD. He also has a Recovery from NPD by Dr. Todd Grande - A video about this provider’s experience with helping people recover from NPD
Narcissism Self Help Therapy website - A daily program for people with NPD (may have some triggering aspects in Part 2 of the program)
NPD Safe carrd resources - More resources for NPD (I have not gone through all of these so I don’t know how good they are)
NPD Recovery Comics by The Ego System - A bunch of fantastic comics about recovering from NPD.
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nothing0fnothing · 2 days
For real though, this is why you're my gold star moot.
These people will cry and spam responses saying that "piece of shit abuser disorder™" isn't real on posts where survivors of actually horrific abuse are just looking for a community to share their experience. Then, the moment someone makes a post that threatens to hold them even a little bit accountable, all of a sudden "piece of shit abuser disorder™" is real and valid and you're an ableist trash person for not treating the people with it like uwu babies who don't know shit about how to be human beings.
The truth is the "metal disorder"(sic) the asker is referring to, that makes people act like a scumbag and not feel bad about it isn't NPD, or ASPD, or any cluster B disorder. Because it isn't real. They just really want it to be because they think pretending they have it is a pass for their shitty behaviour.
Literally no mental disorder makes you a scumbag who doesn't deserve forgiveness. The people who are like that did it all on their own.
Some people literally can't feel sorry though. They have actual METAL DISORDERS and they physically can't experience remorse.
OK and they're not entitled to forgiveness.
Like, aside from the fact there is no mental disorder that makes people do bad things then not feel bad about it, why the fuck would it be on the people wronged to forgive someone who couldn't care less if they did?
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nothing0fnothing · 3 days
Some people literally can't feel sorry though. They have actual METAL DISORDERS and they physically can't experience remorse.
OK and they're not entitled to forgiveness.
Like, aside from the fact there is no mental disorder that makes people do bad things then not feel bad about it, why the fuck would it be on the people wronged to forgive someone who couldn't care less if they did?
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nothing0fnothing · 4 days
Did anyone else with abusive parents believe that the abuse was actually super good for them?
Like I can't have been the only smug ten year old thinking "oh yeah I'm actually gonna be the most well adjusted grown up because my parents are teaching me about the real world ™ early"
Then I got to adulthood and realised that silent walking and never speaking up for myself aren't really valuable skills outside of the home I grew up in, and actually I have a lot of trauma that's like, impeding my ability to function in regular life.
That realisation that oh no, actually having a harder life when I was twelve because my parents were abusive and controlling literally did diddly jack to prepare me for the rest of my life as a taxpaying adult, hit like a truck.
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nothing0fnothing · 5 days
I want to tell a story about financial abuse and how I experienced it at different points in my life while being abused by narcissistic unfit parents and later my abusive ex partner.
This instance happened when I was 20 years old and freshly graduated from university.
I was living with my mum in the short term while I worked and waiting for my graduate course to begin. I only agreed to stay with her because she had told me she was in active therapy and she promised me living with her would be different this time.
It lasted for less than two weeks before we were back to her rage outs and her vile comments. But I'd just moved all my stuff in and it was only 3 months so I decided to stick it out.
One of her promises when I first agreed to move in was that she didn't expect me to pay rent. It's a massive faux pas in our culture to expect your adult children to pay rent to live with you and its not like my mother was hurting for money, so I believed her.
Four weeks before I was set to leave I lost my job. It wasn't a big deal. I had enough savings to get me to uni and a little extra for the short term.
My mum started to ask when I planned on getting another job. I told her probably after I enrolled in my course since I would only be in the city a few weeks now. She didn't like that. She told me that she had changed her mind, and now rent was expected in return for me living with her, and if I didn't have a job by end of week she'd evict me.
Obviously this was a fucking nightmare. Nobody was willing to hire somebody for 3 weeks and the jobs that would were scammy and predatory as fuck. My mum took my savings as "back rent" and made clear that the rent was not enough, I needed to be in 40 weekly hours of employment to live in her house.
Then, after days of constant abuse and horrible-ness she came to me with a new ultimatum. She had just joined a MLM scam and needed a downline. I could agree to be her downline or I could move out tomorrow.
I spent the last of my savings on the cheapest "starter kit" she offered and the next part of the job was to reach out to everyone on my Facebook friends list to offer them product. It was embarrassing and demeaning. It felt like I was begging people for money.
Over the last weeks I lived with my mum my routine was to be up into the early morning on facebook watching "inspirational" livestreams that the company broadcast from the other side of the world. I'd then sleep till no later than my mother's alarm to "network" (ie, sit on Facebook joining community groups) eat lunch, run errands then log back into Facebook to advertise the product to strangers until the companies started it's livestream at midnight my time. Where I'd take notes for my mother who'd gone to bed.
According to my mum I made £700 of sales that week. I never saw a penny of it. I was exhausted and I felt horrid about the whole situation, but it's not like I had a minute free to process my feelings. I was even expected to cancel my own therapy sessions while this was happening.
Three days before I was set to leave, my mum had a massive blow up at me and my sister. I'd "done something wrong" on the marketing side, caused Facebook to freeze our accounts.
It started at 7am. My mum screaming at my sister and slamming doors woke me up. Then the sound of her stomping down the corridor, punching the walls on her way down. Then she was in my room calling me a cunt and a bitch and stupid and god knows what else. I sat up and looked at her sleepily, but I could tell all she wanted was for me to be terrified like I was as a little girl, and I wasn't going to give it to her.
"You've stopped all the work" she raged at me "we can't work now we can't sell and it's all your fault."
"So what do you want me to do about it?" I said.
To be honest, I didn't and still don't accept that it was my fault. I think we were just joining a mass number of Facebook groups and advertising tat in them, obviously enough people had reported me for Facebook to take action. I wasn't going to jump through hoops to apologise for what any MLM scammer will tell you is a risk of the trade.
"What can you do? You've lost your own job, you've cost me mine, you're swanning off to university this week and you've left me with all this."
"Well if there's nothing I can do there's nothing I can do." I said plainly.
She mimed smacking me then said in a snarl I know she tried her best to seem menacing "you're not too old for a beating you know."
I laughed in her face.
She'd tried to beat me 2 years before when I was 18. I defended myself and she didn't like that, she came out of it just as bruised as I did and she never tried it again. She obviously thought that me being broke and sleep deprived would change the situation in her favor. We never found out because she stormed off angry.
I spent the last two days there with my sister. We went shopping and drinking and had a good time. I told her my flat would be waiting for her when she was 18 and legally able to move out. It was a good send off, all things considering.
When I left I left behind the untouched starter pack. My mum sold it for £15 on ebay. She never apologised to me, she never admitted she was in the wrong. If the attempted beating when I was 18 put us on the path to the relationship we have now, this 3 month experience living with her cemented it. I was open to an apology for years afterwards, but she didn't think I was owed one. Eventually I just stopped expecting it to come. I'm not going to forgive someone who isn't sorry.
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nothing0fnothing · 6 days
If narcissistic abuse is abuse to support narcissistic delusion, what was your parents delusions when they abused you?
My Mother
My mums main delusions regarding how she'd justify abusing me were very "thoughtcrime" coded. She beleived that she knew what I was thinking and she wanted me to belive that she knew what I was thinking. She wanted me to feel like I didn't have any privacy even in my own thoughts. She started vocalising these delusions around the time the abuse turned physical on her part, when I was around 5 years old.
She was constantly telling me that she "knew" that I was thinking bad things about her, that she "knew" I believed her to be abusive and that she "knew" I pretended to love her on the surface but that secretly I hated her. She shared her beliefs with not just me, but other adults in her circle who were like her, that I was secretly manipulative and had intentions to sabotage her life. Obviously she didn't know shit, this was just her internal justification for why she was treating me in a way she knew no child should be treated.
My mother never shared her delusions with safe, sane adults who would question her intentions either. Only other adults with histories of abusing their children were privy to this belief system of hers.
Jane's Father.
In my time studying Psychology at college I spoke to a study candidate, Jane Doe about her experience with her parents. She told me that on match days her father would sit wordlessly at the television and work himself up into a silent rage. He'd do this until, loaded like a spring trap, one of her siblings would cross him and he'd snap, catching the unsuspecting child into a flurry of random abuse.
All it would take was a careless foot to kick the leather recliner he'd claimed for the day or an ill timed giggle to set him off and once he was off, that was it. Shouting, swearing hitting, kicking furniture. Mr Doe was like an unexploded bomb in Jane's memory of him and it was not hard to see why.
"So that was it?" I asked her when she'd finished her story. "He'd just go off at random and nobody knew why?"
"Oh we all knew why." Jane told me. "He thought we did it on purpose. That we all had no respect for him, so we would laugh and play specifically on Match Sunday just to piss him off."
It was equally relatable and ridiculous to me. A grown man perched for hours of a Sunday watching sports on the TV, quietly seething at the delusion that his kids had it out for him. Absurd.
Absurdity further confirmed when Jane told me about the big match day parties he'd host whenever the finals were on.
Jane's father would sit in his favourite leather sofa, surrounded by the other men of the family, being waited on by their wives while Jane and the other children were left unsupervised to eat sugar and fizzy pop till they were practically bouncing off the walls.
On these days the kids, hopped up on sugar and artificial food additives would scream and laugh and cry, running through the living room with abandon, too hyper to consider dad's emotions. They'd come tearing through the living room loudly, begging for sips of beer and cranking up loud toys. They'd rush in like a hurricane and out just as fast, leaving a mess of crumbs, wrappers and nerf bullets in their wake.
Logic would dictate that these were the worst days to be around Mr Doe right? That if a foot clipping his couch or a laugh from the next room was enough to have him explode on a regular Sunday, surely he was likely to go nuclear with these feckless kids causing a ruckus on the day of the final?
No. Actually, Jane told me Mr Doe didn't seethe or rage at all on these days. He wouldn't shout or hit or swear or even snap once. He wouldn't sit still in scary silence, as if waiting for an excuse to go off. He'd actually light up, become Mr Personality apparently. He'd bounce the little ones on his knees and return nerf fire when given a chance to join the game. It was like night and day. Why? Because Jane's father never actually beleived that the children were intentionally trying to ruin his match day.
It was a delusion he knew only existed to justify his abuse. He knew it then and he knows it now. When he was surrounded by people who didn't have these types of abuse justifying delusions, he couldn't engage in his own. He knew it isn't how other people treat their kids and see the world. He knew that expressing the delusion to people who didn't have their own would expose his own abuse, and he knew that his kids didn't only exist to ruin every Sunday for him. He was just abusive. There's no other explanation.
My Stepfather.
My stepfathers narcissistic delusion was firmly seated in ownership of his family. He felt he "owned" me by being married to my mother and the way he expressed that ownership was in violent physical abuse.
Generally he phrased the abuse as if it was a "punishment" but it really wasn't. He abused me to correct behaviour he encouraged a week before. He chose abuse to "punish" me for things that he knew weren't in my control. He chose abuse that was exceedingly violent and would refuse to seek medical attention when I needed it as a result of his choices.
There were times he wanted to use his perceived ownership of me to humiliate and control me. So he'd use physical threats to control when I got to shower or if I could get dressed before guests came. He'd do things like tear up homework or deny acsess to school uniform to impress upon me that his random whims came above the rules of the school I attended.
Like my mum only telling trusted confidants about her delusions, my step father would never tell the people I was supposed to be degraded and humiliated in front of why I was only I'm ratty house clothes and unshowered. When school called home and asked about the lack of uniform and homework he'd never say "actually my rule comes before yours and my kid needs to know it." Because he knew it was a delusion and an internal justification for abuse, not a line of logic consistent with reality.
Remember, narcissistic abusers aren't mentally ill in any way that's relevant to their abuse right? They're aware that the delusion exists only in their head to justify the way they treat their victims. They're not experiencing delusions that shape the way they see the world around them. They know the rest of the world isn't consistent with what they tell themselves they beleive. My parents are no exception.
My parents were full mask off at home. We kids got the privilege of seeings exactly what they thought and how it affected their behaviour. We got front row seats to them convincing themselves the absolutely batshit bananas things they insisted they believed and these weren't the only ones they had over the years. It always follows the same pattern though, its delusion to justify abuse, abuse to justify delusion. Just a chicken and the egg/ snake sucking it's own dick cycle of abuse and delusion.
And now you know it too!
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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nothing0fnothing · 7 days
What men do to your body, what men think of your body, what men might think of your body.. it goes on.
Women in religion have to submit to what men think, and if there are no men to think for her, then she must imagine a man and submit to what he thinks.
Even the most chaste, most modest, most virginal, woman isn't respected in the Church. As soon as she has made herself the most covered up, frumpy, unfuckable woman in the congregation, she is told that respect lies in her femininity. No man can respect a woman he couldn't be proud of calling his, of course. Men have to want you, and it's your job to make them.
And that's the game she will play forever. Finding the balance between feminine and frumpy, covered but desirable, to be just pure enough a man could feel pride in defiling you. The type of woman the men could imagine fucking, but also owning like property so no other man could.
That's not respect. That's a sado-masochistic domination fantasy. And not the consensual kind.
The narrative of self respect, actually has nothing to do with self respect. It's actually about sacrificing yourself on the alter for the desires and benefits of a man. Not just your husband, not just your God, but every man who you worship alongside.
As a young girl in the church I was taught to "respect myself."
We were told it from every angle. Our teachers, our preachers, our parents. "As a woman you have to respect yourselves." "How can men respect you if you're not respectful of yourself?"
I'm not sure why an 11 year old girl needed tips on how to make men respect her, but they felt it was important nonetheless.
So I educated myself and spoke my mind. I wanted to be respected for how clever I was. I asked questions that were thoughtful and well reasoned, I corrected elders when they were wrong and I focused on knowing as much as I could.
They didn't like that.
So I put all that aside, and instead I learned about feminism. I decided I should be respected for how firm I was. I said no loudly and clearly. I made my boundaries known and I reacted loudly when they were crossed.
They didn't mean like that either.
So instead, I put myself in therapy. I wanted to be respected for how self assured I was. I started caring for myself and putting me first. I healed from my trauma and learned how to not repeat old cycles, and everyone who I could, I brought them up with me.
They didn't like that at all.
No, apparently the type of self respect they wanted me to learn was the type where I beleived lies at face value, said nothing to those who crossed my boundaries and wallowed in depression and toxic cycles. But also like, while keeping my shoulders covered or something.
Silly me.
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nothing0fnothing · 7 days
"Actually I'm not the villain. I am the victim actually, always and perpetually. That's what narcissism is, it means I can actually never do anything wrong and am literally only capable of being a victim and if you say otherwise that's just you victimising me and that's ableist and unfair."
Literally only a pro narcissism page could see someone post "you are loveable" and take offense to it.
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This was shared by a narc abuse believer.
Meanwhile, they're the ones labeling all narcissists as inherently not lovable. They're the ones labeling narcissists as abusive by default and expecting narcissists to constantly prove otherwise.
Every accusation by a narc abuse believer is a confession.
Narcissists deserve to be loved. Narcissists should not have to constantly prove their worth. Narcissists should receive the same presumption of innocence as the average person. Narcissists should receive the same forgiveness as the average person.
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nothing0fnothing · 7 days
YES you put it so much better than I could.
I really don't see how diagnosing a 17 year old with a lifelong personality disorder is at all beneficial to anyone except the doctors providing care in a for profit healthcare system.
I'm just gonna throw this out there and most of you aren't gonna like it: if you're a teenage "diagnosed narcissist", no you're not.
You're either lying or your doctor is failing you.
So when you drop into my replies with your foul vibes and your aggressive asks crying about "my therapist says" this and "my psychologist says" that, I'm not gonna fuckin' take you seriously. You're either quoting the words of a man who is milking your parents insurance for all its worth with no consideration of your long or short term wellbeing, or you're making it up.
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nothing0fnothing · 8 days
I'm just gonna throw this out there and most of you aren't gonna like it: if you're a teenage "diagnosed narcissist", no you're not.
You're either lying or your doctor is failing you.
So when you drop into my replies with your foul vibes and your aggressive asks crying about "my therapist says" this and "my psychologist says" that, I'm not gonna fuckin' take you seriously. You're either quoting the words of a man who is milking your parents insurance for all its worth with no consideration of your long or short term wellbeing, or you're making it up.
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nothing0fnothing · 8 days
im kinda curious based on your discussion of curly hair, are you and your mom black?
No, we are both white. I have an african sister but her curls were just buzzed off when they got inconvenient for my parents. I think that's why I didn't realise my hair is curly till my late teens and why I had no knowledge of how to care for it so I just made it bad. I just didn't grow up with a curly culture around me at all.
Shout out to the black curly community though, without whom I'd still be styling my hair with conditioner today. 😭
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nothing0fnothing · 8 days
guess how i know you have never ever listened to any interview by marsha johnson (because if you did you'd know he identified as a "boy")
Okay and so does Kelly Cadigan. Literally what is your point?
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nothing0fnothing · 9 days
marsha p johnson used to grope sleeping lesbians so please don't ever use her as proof lesbians owe their rights to trans women again. i know the queer community likes to handwave away sexual harassment against ~evil dykes who need to lighten up~ but i expected better of you tbh
I'd love to see a source for that as I've looked and the only places I see corroborating that Marsha P Johnson had a history of sexually assaulting lesbians is on reddit.
Also I never said lesbians owe their rights to her. I said I'm thankful to the trans community for being long term supporters of queer rights. I said that in light of that I tackle transphobia when I see it, because trans rights are queer rights. I included a source to back up my statement and it included information about many trans people who have supported queer rights publicly through the decades.
If you expected any different of me, I'm not sorry to have disappointed you and I'm pleased to say I won't change.
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nothing0fnothing · 9 days
I have beautiful curly hair. I was born with it and I inherited it from my mum.
So how is it I grew up insanely jealous of my mums curly hair when I have the exact same hair as her? Because she never told me my hair is curly.
I spent my young years and my vulnerable teen years so insecure because my hair was frizzy, unmanageable, greasy and wouldn't hold a style. I was so embarrassed of my hair I'd fry it with flat irons and curling rods every morning trying to make it look normal. I used to wash it twice every morning, blow dry it with mousse, heat style it till I smelled burning then hairpray the shit out of it. By the end of the day it was a poofy, greasy mess again.
I'd hide it in buns and ponytails because I hated it so much and I'd beg the hairdresser to do something, anything to make it more manageable. All this while my mum luxuriated in her lush curls and told me I just had bad hair.
So, one day, when I was 17, I chopped all my hair off with kitchen scissors, and as it grew out undamaged, I noticed tiny little curls. I asked my mum what I should do to nurture them.
"Those aren't curls" she snorted. "Those are cowlicks. You gave them to yourself when you chopped all your hair off."
"I don't think they are" I said, pulling one straight and letting it bounce up like a spring.
"Curly hair is a lot of effort darling, you'd never be up to the task of taking care of it. You'll get bored and it'll look like shit like before." She said. "Stick to what you know" she said.
So I took to YouTube and looked up "how to care for curly hair" then I took my paycheck to the drugstore and I bought all the products I needed and within a few months I had this beautiful head of short little ringlets. For the first time in my life I loved my own hair.
My mum fucking hated it. She told me it looked worse than ever, she told me I was wasting my money on hair products. As it grew faster than ever, she got more and more impatient with it. She told me I was dooming myself to a life of cropped hair because my clearly inferior hair could never be long and curly like hers was. "Enjoy it while it lasts" she told me "it'll never hold a curl when it's long"
A year later and I'd perfected the routine. It was now shoulder length and beautifully bouncy, I couldn't go anywhere without a compliment and I can see why, it was gorgeous and wild and so, so worth the effort. And yet, every time she saw me she made it a point to let me know that she didn't like it. Tried to convince me I'd made a mistake to embrace my curls. All because she didn't have a hand in it. All because curly hair was her thing and she was jealous I was young and beautiful and had learned to have beautiful hair without her.
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nothing0fnothing · 9 days
what about lesbians who are not from america are we also free to be lesbians because of americans ? god bless america my pronouns are u/s/a 🦅🦅🦅💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸
The American gay rights movement had a significant effect on countries around the world by changing the way queer people were viewed en masse.
Gay Americans with lots of influence around the world started coming out and living openly. Straight Americans who supported queer rights began to speak openly about their belief that queer people should be allowed to be who they are, some of those people also had large platforms and influence around the world.
When queer people are viewed by the public positively the public treat the reclamation of our rights positively, leading to the implementation of queer rights into law.
Like I'm not even American, I've never lived in America, I've never been to America and I can tell you that.
American issues get discussed all over the world. It's not a secret that American celebrities have a lot of worldwide influence, they work in the most well known and well funded global cinema industry, people all over the world know and care what's going on there.
It might hurt your ego to admit it, but yeah, if you're a lesbian in another part of the world living freely and openly as yourself, American protesters have been a part of the movement that made it possible.
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nothing0fnothing · 9 days
Trans people have been outspoken advocates for gay people for the entirety of our shared history.
Thank you for defending trans women.
No need to thank me, it's the right thing to do.
I'm in the LGBT community and after trans people have done so much for me, giving me the opportunity to live my life openly as a lesbian with my wonderful girlfriend, they deserve my support too.
Trans rights are queer rights and queer rights are human rights. There's nothing else to it.
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